bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
I freakin LOVE the Pawn AU already! I would love to read this if someone wrote it! I also LOVE your art and stories!!!
Question about the Pawn AU, are the flowers meant to represent the Reader being metaphorically blind to what’s going on around them?
That would make sense as to why the flowers fall when they find out the truth.
Adding onto that, is the other eye still covered because they are still blinded by their “uncle’s” lies?
Last thing, is the flowers covering the Reader’s eyes a “Flower Fell” reference?
HhhfhHHBFH IM GLAD U (AND THE OTHERS IN MY ASKBOX, I SEE U AND I APPRECIATE U) ARE LIKING THE PAWN AU!!!! I was worried it would be Too Much or Too Weird/Out There for ppl to like but so far everyone has been so nice and I LOVE seeing this much interest in my silly angsty-love-triangle-of-betrayal au hfhhf
To answer your questions- Yes!!! The flowers DO metaphorically represent Florist Reader being blind to the ugliness that is the underbelly of their own life: from Sun and Moon first befriending them because it was their job to, to Eclipse being both a crimeboss AND (at first) attempting to manipulate the situation for his own gain, to their dear Uncle’s whole entire,, everything, right down to the truth of what happened to their family and why their “Uncle” raised them.
When the boys’ secrets are spilled and they all have to come clean, half of the flowers wilt and fall off because they’re now seeing one half of the truth- the other flowers remain until they accept the reality of who and what their Uncle is, only falling out entirely when they confront the suppressed memories of what happened the night their family died.
(During the reveal of the boys’ secrets, all three of them tried to tell Reader about their Uncle and who he is and what he does and why they felt that they had to do what they’d done, but, seriously, WHO on EARTH would ever want to accept “hey, the man who raised you and got you gifts and loved you and who was the one and only constant in your life, who you love and look up to and feel like you owe everything to, is ACTUALLY one of the criminal industries biggest, most feared bosses in living memory” from three people who JUST ADMITTED TO LYING TO YOU FOR LIKE AT LEAST A YEAR???? Not this wet napkin of a florist apparently. It takes at least a few days for them to actually sit on the information and digest it for them to start digging for information and asking questions)
As for your last question I never actually got into flowerfell and. In all honesty forgot it existed until someone in the Space Ace discord asked the same question skdhdjdhhsdb,, so no but ur not the only one to think that, I just thought it would be a bit of neat visual symbolism hhhfbfgdhd
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naffeclipse · 1 year
In your recent chapter of CS you said “there will be two more 'episodes' after this one.”
Do you mean that there are two more parts to the ‘fever episodes’ or is CS coming to an end?
CS is coming to an end! I always planned to have ten episodes in total, although I'm not sure yet how many parts will be in each respective episode yet (Episode 9 is shaping up to be a 2 parter so far.) CS will end with episode 10 :)
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darkmedolie · 1 year
Medosnatch contest: Its voting time!!
Everyone really gave their best and that me make so so happy
You too @thereaderinsertlady 💖 (it's sad you couldn't finish in time but I'm still really happy that you participated)
Here's the participants that you can vote for :
(the top 3 winners will win a small gift)
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1 @kuromoai 2 @mcjamzoz 3 @hatgame
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4 @hplonesomeart 5 @lazysimpluna 6 @snarlesofthesewers
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naffeclipse · 1 year
I just thought of something sweet! 😎
A while back I asked you if CS!Y/N would buy a new trailer and you said eventually. What if it’s because a Cryptid tore up the trailer!
Like a big & deadly flying one just straight up rips the roof off of the trailer while Y/N and the boys are seeking cover in it.
Y/N is all “Well shoot. Guess we need a new home. Up for some trailer shopping after I murderise this butthead?”
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Question for the Sleuth Jesters finale (SPOILERS)
What went through Eclipse’s mind in his final moments? Like when he realized he shot and basically killed Sun, to when the Vigilante ripped out his “heart.”
Did he have flashbacks to when he and his brothers were together and happy? Or something to do with the Vigilante/ he time as the Mob Boss?
He's reeling from harming Sun and also desperate at this point but still determined to make Y/N understand that they are his, even now. He can't help himself, but he can steal one last kiss and let Y/N do what he knows they'll do. He'll get everything he wants: save his brother, have Y/N, and keep Y/N's love in some twisted way, because every day, Y/N will know that Sun is alive because of him, and Y/N will be loving Sun, and loving that celestial wire that keeps him going.
Eclipse doesn't lose everything even when he does go down.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Would CS!Y/N eventually buy a bigger/taller trailer so their boys won’t have to bed down all the time?
Yes, they will eventually get a new trailer, for totally normal reasons :)
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darkmedolie · 1 year
Contest poll Results :
The 3 winners for the prizes are :
1st place : @hplonesomeart , you win the heart shaped pin
2nd place : @mcjamzoz you win the small round pin
3rd place : @hatgame you win the sticker
I will dm you 3 to get your shipping adress
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💜Thank you everyone for participating 💜
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