jalattes · 1 year
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smoke break 🚬
kink belongs to mcmod
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mcmoddity · 2 years
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Tonight, on “Kari Has A Great Time”
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gobeyondmcmod · 2 years
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Making concept art for blocks I'll start working on weeks from now is my passion :)
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ask-shane · 5 months
( Hi mod:D I’m glad I made you so happy:] )
Anyway. It’s Green snow guy! Or well. The snows gone. So maybe not anymore. Did you get my gift? Anyway I have sum writing I felt like sharing bc it reminded me of you.
What keeps me going (by me:3 also don’t worry I’m doing a lot better now :D)
What keeps me going the overwhelming fear that I’ll fail and live to see the immense pain in the eyes of my friends my family. I say I want this to end. But i don’t want them to stay up wondering if they caused it. I think this is what i deserve but i still feel selfish for shutting them out. He loves me, and so does everyone else. But my mind is convinced that they can’t love me. Because if i can’t love me then how could they. Yet i know that acting on my feelings will make me confront the split between imagination and reality. Which is a point i used to remember but now everything bleeds into each other. I barely remember why I started this path. And I really don’t want to remember. But everyone has to. And I’ve tried and tried to hide away. But it only comes back after the dopamine wears off. And it leaves me here. In the pouring rain. i feel as if this is what i want. But i know it truly isn’t. I can’t actually bring myself to. Because there’s always the maybe that lives in my head. The Maybe someone will save me. Maybe it will get better, maybe I could feel as loved as i did before Maybe. Maybe it can. But it really won’t. Suffering is a part of me. I am made of suffering and yet, it’s made me loved, why? I’m not sure. Maybe one day I’ll know. And maybe one day. I’ll decide to keep going.
I wrote this near the end of the worst I’ve ever been, and reading it makes me proud that I made it. So both you and mod-y Mcmod face >:] should take a moment, eat some food, have some water and acknowledge your changing for the better, even if it doesn’t feel like or it’s a small step at a time:D
Alright enough positivity from me chicken boy.
it hurts, doesn't it? it's funny how much more bearable the pain can feel when you think you deserve it. it's twisted. all you want to do is shut out the world, shut away all the love that surrounds you when you're at the lowest of the low. sometimes it seems easier to deal with it alone… but it doesn't make it any less painful.
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all that to say, i hear you. your vulnerability and honesty is needed in this world... i'm glad you're still here.
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ghoulcountry · 11 months
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4th time doin' artfight!! drew some ponies u0u
Kit-N-Kaboodle for superkitsch
Inksplotch for mcmod
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zmgames · 3 years
Another Week Another Video! This time I played Minecraft with Chaos Mod of course.(p.s. My microphone was acting sort of weird in this video, hope it doesnt bother you too much)If you enjoyed this video, please consider SUBSCRIBING and LIKING the video
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cheapskateler · 6 years
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Hmph. Oh, I’m fine. Justifiably upset as you can see, but fine!
This magic anon has changed into a bit of a waste of time after all...At this point I just need to stop thinking about it and focus on what really matters.
All the work I have to catch up on!
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Buuuut first! I’m going to have this sandwhich right here...!
Thank you, my Assistant!
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ask-model-mccree · 6 years
No shirt? No problem. 😘
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iniquity-fr · 3 years
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shoutout to me hatching an xyx multigaze on new year’s, getting super excited and happy about it, and then still taking until may to bother gening the dang thing
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goxtmxn · 4 years
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Please look at me and my minecraft cow Moogie. I love him to pieces.
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mcmoddity · 2 years
2, 4, 6, 21 for that artist ask game :>
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
Honestly for me any way is pretty much the same? The years I did comics pushed me to constantly draw characters from various angles to keep the panels interestng, so due to that I think it doesn't matter if it's left or right.
Frontfacing is hands-down the most boring one for me, though!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Kari, but specifically in her mainverse leather armour. Which I rarely draw because it always looks so clunky in comparison to her magician's robes LMAO.
It's fine tho she can just cast Iron Skin on herself for protection when my group accidentally pisses off yet another undead dragon.
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
Over two decades of tabletop RPG sessions, if I had to take a guess! The stories I've crafted with my group inspire me to this day.
Examples being Kari existing in all her AU forms due to our (still ongoing) campaign I made her for, but also Myran & Silvia having made their start in separate campaigns and later on evolved outside of those into the creations they are today.
I have other (unknown here online) characters from even more campaigns that have been woven into one big story all these years after their original run ended, as well! Perhaps one day they'll get to peek outside of my hard drive.
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
Super painterly ones, where you can almost feel the thickness of paint and the strokes of a brush even if it's digital!
I have this mental disconnect where trying to replicate that feeling in an art program never tickles my personal fancy just right because I've always painted using my bare fingers, so not actually feeling the acrylics clumping on my skin just wigs me out.
But that just makes it so much more impressive when others can pull it off, in my eyes! Art so good it makes me wanna stroke my screen sensually. Lovingly. Tenderly. I love art. (Link to the ask meme with these questions here!)
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courtorderedcake · 5 years
Things I collect (For Goblin day! ❤ ) :
Novelty earrings, specifically dinosaur shaped
Rocks & Crystals
Bottles and Decanters
Teapots, Tea services, Tea cups, especially strange, vintage, novelty, or MCMod Vintage
Dior, Gunne sax, Valentino, Ossie Clark, & Vauthier - specifically lingerie or dresses
Funky print leggings
Funky printed dresses in traditional styles
Thank you for anyone who has ever gifted me these items, I treasure my collections 💖
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Quote #368
He was a plant, yea...a cannibal plant who ate tomatoes.
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lastdayatthebeach · 5 years
^^^click on link above for the google doc
Context: Cont from Day 13 part 3. This rp introduces Azrael, who is Alec’s angel of death OC. He brought Azrael in because I was very amused by McMod describing Audrey as a “girl being besties with the reaper” and i said out loud “somebody make a reaper so audrey can be besties with them” and then Alec was like “I mean. I have an angel of death oc 👀” and I WAS LIKE “👀” because I really needed Audrey to start receiving hints and clues and having magical/death-related pals to help solve her curse. It was also just rly fun to think of how puzzled all the reapers must be at this one girl respawning from their grasp every morning.
Summary for the doc below (spoilers):
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Truffula Tribune
~Issue #60~
Your go to biweekly fandom newsletter
It’s Going Down (We’re Yelling Timber)
-Do to an overwhelming content shortage, itofsa has started doing some incredible charity work! Sign up to make your pledge as soon as you’re able, it’s for a good cause.
-Stork-ler celebrated his one year blogaversary just recently!
-You’ve gotta be rotting my pumpkins! Candy-ler’s made a reappearance.
Mutual Weirdness -Nitw seems to be feeling a bit twitterpated, and was kind enough to share with us an excerpt from his diary. -For those wondering, (or those trying to make a deal) Lettie is still around, (and still a succubus)
A Mod Is A Person No Matter What Blog -Briar has opened commissions! McMod has as well! Go look into their listing posts!
-Make sure to look into this months fandom art meme!
Sprouting Seedlings
-She’s a man-eater and we can’t get enough of it, give a warm welcome to femme fatalette
Thinkings And Wonderings
Sorry this upload is later into the night then usual, I’m floating between a convention and leaving for vacation so my Friday dates have been a bit confusing, thanks for your patience!
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ask-model-mercy · 7 years
WBB: Modzo, McMod, Modmetra
Wed: Modzo. Someone needs to make sure he doesn't die on the side of the road somewhere.Bed: McMod. Wouldn't mind if he stopped by tonight ;)Behead: Modmetra. Nothing personal, dear. I'd love to grab a drink sometime.
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