#mcu modern day au
fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Her Valentine
Stepsister!Wanda x Male Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
Valentines Day Special
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“Are you crazy?” Your stepsister Wanda asked you but it was playful and with a slight giggle. She grabs the pillow on your couch and playfully smacks you with it.
“I don’t see the big deal,” you say with a smirk. “Mom and Dad want us to bring dates for Valentine’s Day dinner and I want to bring you”
“Detka” she moans and groans, “you really want them to know about us?”
“I have had the most amazing time of my life with you,” you caress your thumb across her cheek. “And I want the whole world to know about you and me”
Wanda giggles and collapses against your chest. “You’re serious?”
You kiss her forehead, “Wanda you’re my friend, my love, my very soul. I’m ready when you are”
“Okay” she smiles at you, “I’m ready to tell them”
It’s now Valentines Day. You picked Wanda up from her college dorm. She stands before you, dressed in a simple red blouse and cardigan.
“Wow” you whisper, “you look amazing”
Wanda blushes and eyes you up and down, “I could say the same about you, detka”
You lead her out to your car, pausing to open the door for her too. The drive to your childhood home was one full of anticipation and a little bit of dread.
“What if my papa is not happy with this?” Wanda asks you a little worried.
“We’re responsible adults now. I guess they’ll just have to be okay with it.” You shrug, “but I want his approval. Even if he wasn’t my stepdad, he’s still important to me too”
You approach your childhood home and walk arm in arm with Wanda. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest. You couldn’t tell if it was from being in her presence or the anxiety of what was to come.
Your mother was the one to answer the door, “(Y/N), Wanda! Happy Valentine’s Day my loves” she giggles before hugging the two of you. “Where’s your dates?”
You tried to answer but Wanda spoke up, “right here,” she gave you a playful jostle, “had to get Y/N’s head out of the books sometime”
Your mom gave a little roll of her eyes. Your stepfather Django was kind of shocked that you and Wanda didn’t bring any dates with you.
“I’m surprised at the two of you,” Django says, “Wanda you were telling me that you were dating someone nice.”
“I am, Papa” Wanda says with a little smile. “I know they’re the one I can’t live without”
“And what about you, Y/N?” Your mother said, “what can you tell us about your girlfriend? She didn’t bother to come”
“My girlfriend is amazing,” you sneak a little glance at Wanda. She gives you the go ahead. It was the moment of truth.
“I’ve loved her for so long. I was content before thinking all we could be was friends, close like siblings, but I know she feels the same…” you feel your resolve weaken just for a split second but then it strengthens again, “I did bring my date this year. And I know that Wanda is the only woman I will ever love”
Django’s eyes go wide. And so do your mother’s. Wanda’s hand moves across the table and clasps yours.
“Y/N is my detka,” Wanda smiles at you, “papa this was only recent. Y/N’s been there for me through everything. I love him and I don’t want anyone else.”
Django looks to you and Wanda but he says nothing. Wanda takes a deep breath.
“I love him and if that’s not alright with you, then I…I…”
“I approve,” Django smiles. “Y/N is perfect for you.”
“Really?” You look to your stepfather, he gives you a nod.
Your mother embraces Wanda, she gently says, “You’re the most amazing young woman, Wanda. Seeing you and Y/N grow together…it’s beyond words.”
Django hugs your mom and looks at you and Wanda. “Just no funny business under this roof” he gives you a wink. You try to hide a blush of embarrassment.
Wanda giggles and hugs you tight. “Of course, Papa” she answers for you.
Valentines Day. You were never really one for it. But now you look forward to it every year. A time for love. A time for joy. A time to remember the day you were able to admit to the whole world how much you were in love with Wanda Maximoff.
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Speak Now *sequel to The Kids Will Be Alright*
Chapter 8
Single dad!Bucky, Single mom!Reader, Clark Kent x Reader; Hybrid Social Media AU
Summary: Bucky and Y/n are dealing with the aftermath of Y/n’s engagement to Clark. Everyone has mixed feelings about the engagement, seeing as it is too quick, but they’re all just trying to be supportive of her and Clark, that is everyone except Natasha. Natasha and Y/n are still not talking. Sam and Natasha are also having marriage issues, Sam not agreeing with the way Natasha handled everything, while Natasha wishes he’d just be on her side. Bucky is trying his hardest to push down his feelings for Y/n, but as time continues on he can’t help but feel sadness as he sees Clark and Y/n plan their wedding. He continues to suffer in silence, while Steve watches his best friend slowly deteriorate. Y/n is out of her mind stressed, debating whether to call this whole thing off, or just elope.
Warnings: none
Word count: 2991
*taglist to this series is closed. To be added to the waitlist/permanent tag list. Info here*
“Natasha, did you want me to call dinner in?” Sam calls out to her, walking into their living room where Natasha was sitting on the couch. She was on her laptop going over her schedule for the work week ahead of her.
“Yeah, I’m down for whatever you want to eat,” she tells him, as he walks in to sit next to her.
“I’m going to order from that Indian place we like,” he sits down next to her, pulling out his phone to place the order.
“What the hell,” Natasha says, looking down at an email.
“Okay, then I won’t order Indian.”
“No, Indian is good,” she says, “I just got an email from Diana Prince.”
“Really?” He says looking over at her laptop, “Why?”
“What the hell,” she pauses, reading over the email.
“What?” Sam says, leaning over to try and read the email.
“She’s asking if I’m representing Bucky in a custody battle with [Y/N],” she tells him.
“What the hell?”
“I know,” she says confused, “Did you know he was going for full custody?”
“No,” Sam shakes his head, “I’m more confused as to why Diana Prince would be contacting you about this and not Loki or Pepper, or someone else in the family law department.”
“Babe, I’m just as confused as you are,” she says, “She mentions how my name was brought up when meeting with [Y/N]. What would [Y/N] even tell her? I’m not a family law attorney. She knows that. Why would I, a criminal defense lawyer, take on a child custody case?”
“I mean if she says [Y/N] mentioned you, you kinda have to assume why, right,” Sam says.
“Why would she even bring up what's going on between us in a meeting with her lawyer? How does that make me involved in this custody case?” Natasha says, completely dumbfounded why [Y/N] would tell Diana Prince she had any involvement in this, “Diana Prince is the last person I would ever want to know what’s going on in my fucking personal life. Especially one that now involves her new client.”
“Very bold of her to get Diana Prince on the case,” Sam says, knowing Natasha’s history with Diana.
“She clearly doesn’t want to lose custody.”
“Yeah, but that’s the part that doesn’t make sense,” Sam says, “Why would Bucky even threaten to take Daisy away? I get things between them haven’t been as great as it was pre-engagement but I just don’t see him going straight to that option. It’s very unlike him.”
“Very unlike him,” she agrees, still lost in thought over the entire situation, “That’s the last thing he would do. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt Daisy.”
“Do I just ignore it?” Natasha turns towards Sam, “Do I respond back? Do I call Bucky?”
“This is clearly a private matter between Bucky and [Y/N]. And he clearly didn’t want us to know. But,” he pauses.
“But what?” Natasha pushes.
“Thinking as a lawyer. You don’t really want to let Diana know that. Right? That you don’t know what’s going on. Because for all we know Bucky could be doing just that, and seeing as we are way too close to the situation. We ethically shouldn’t be involved as his attorney.”
“So should I call him?”
“There is one other person that comes to mind that he might’ve asked. The only person in our group who’s an actual family law attorney.”
“Do you really think Loki would do that? Plus he’s on paternity leave,” Natasha says.
“He might. If Bucky asked.”
“So do I call Loki?”
“No. Because if he didn’t then we would just be gossiping about something that you and I are clearly not supposed to know,” Sam says.
“So do I call Bucky?” She asks again.
“That’s probably the best option.” He shrugs, still unsure about this whole situation.
“Okay,” she sighs, and picks up her phone.
“Hey Nat, what’s up?” Bucky answered the phone.
“So I’m just going to be straight up with you,” she says.
“Okay, about what?” He asked, taken back by her greeting.
“So I got an email from Diana Prince, regarding a custody battle between you and [Y/N],” she tells him, “she was basically asking me if I was representing you in this custody battle.”
“Please tell me this is some sick joke,” Bucky deadpans.
“It would be a very sick joke,” Natasha tells him.
“I can’t believe she’s really doing this,” Bucky sighs. Natasha can hear the exhaustion laced in his voice, “If she only listened to me for five fucking minutes she would see that this has been completely thrown out of proportion.”
“So you’re not filing for full custody?”
“No, fuck no,” he says, “I just wanted us to meet up with a lawyer to have our agreement made legal. So we can’t fuck each other over.”
“So you don’t have a lawyer?”
“I do,” he tells her, “but not in the way she thinks I do. I asked Loki to help me draft up our agreement. Nothing would really change aside from the fact that we both need to communicate better with each other. And that she can’t do anything shady regarding Daisy. Like for instance she can’t just move Daisy away from me. That we both need to be in agreement when it comes to Daisy.”
“Honestly I just needed a legal way to protect myself as Daisy’s father,” Bucky stresses.
“Yeah well it looks like it’s going to be way more than just that,” Natasha sighs, feeling sorry for Bucky and the situation he’s currently in.
“I’m not trying to take Daisy away,” he says, “I would never do that. That would just do more harm towards Daisy. And I would never in a million years put that stress on her. She doesn’t need to be dragged into this shit show of a mess, purely because her parents have a hard time communicating.”
“That’s why I was so confused why Diana Prince would even email me regarding this,” she tells him.
“I can’t even imagine what she’s telling Diana about this whole situation,” he sighs in defeat, feeling a headache coming on, “the last person I would ever want to know what’s going on in my life.”
“That’s what I said,” Natasha says.
“Just don’t email her back,” Bucky tells her, “I’ll talk to Loki about it, and have him send her an email explaining the situation on Monday, after I talk to [Y/N] tomorrow when she drops Daisy off.”
“Okay, if you need any help don’t hesitate to ask,” Natasha tells him before they hang up.
Bucky spends the early evening scurrying around his little townhouse, getting things ready for when Daisy gets dropped off. He already had dinner ready for her on the stove.
The knock on his door takes him by surprise for a split second. He quickly goes over to open the door, expecting to see [Y/N] and Daisy. He definitely wasn’t expecting Clark to be with them also. He can’t help but to let out a light scoff.
Guess this is how it’s going to be now, he thought.
“Daddy!” Daisy exclaimed, throwing her arms around his legs.
“Hi honey,” he smiles, hugging her.
She lets go of his legs and runs off to go put her backpack in her room.
“Can we talk?” Bucky asks [Y/N], “just five minutes.”
“I don’t think that’s best,” Clark says.
“No offense but I was talking to [Y/N],” Bucky says, annoyed not bothering to look at Clark, “Please [Y/N]. It doesn’t have to go down this route. Please just let me explain everything and you’ll see this was all just a misunderstanding.”
“What route are you talking about?” She asks.
“I’m not an idiot, [Y/N]. I know you’ve got Diana Prince representing you. In whatever you think this might be.”
‘You’re the one that set that in motion the moment you told me you got an attorney to discuss our custody agreement,” she tells him, “you did that Bucky.”
“I didn’t even do anything,” he tries to keep his voice down, so Daisy can’t hear them.
“But you threatened me that you would.”
“I did no such thing.”
“Daddy, I’m hungry,” Daisy yells, as she comes skipping into the room. All the adults go silent.
“Okay, Dais,” he smiles, “go wash up and dinner is all done in the kitchen.”
“Can we watch Frozen while we eat?” She asks, eyes lighting up.
“Of course,” he smiles at her as she runs off with a squeal.
He turns back to the door,  “Please [Y/N], don’t do anything yet. Please. Just give me a moment to explain everything.”
“I’m sorry Bucky,” she shakes her head, “it’s already done.”
Bucky just stands there in shock.
“We should go,” Clark says, ushering her away from his front door, he turns back towards Bucky, “from now on I think it’s best if we just go through our attorneys. We won’t be discussing this with you any further than needed.”
Bucky stood there watching them walk away. Fighting every inch of his body telling him to punch Clark in the face. He really wanted to. But the last thing he wanted was for Daisy to see any of that drama. Plus he knows that the couple would just use it against him.
“I’m ready Daddy,” Daisy says, coming back into the room.
“Sounds good,” he closes the door, and turns to look down at her, “let's eat.”
After making sure Daisy is asleep for the night, Bucky calls Loki.
“Hey Buck,” Loki answers, “How did it go?”
“Bad,” he answers, “So bad, that I guess now we have to talk through our attorneys.”
“Really?” Loki asked surprised that this is all coming down to this.
“Apparently so,” he says, collapsing onto the couch, “Clark made sure I knew to no longer discuss this with them.”
“Who did [Y/N] get to represent her?” Loki asks.
“Diana Prince,” Bucky tells him.
“You’re kidding me?”
“Nope. Apparently [Y/N] told her she thought I got Natasha to represent me.”
“Why would she? That doesn’t even make sense.”
“None of this is making any sense anymore,” Bucky sighs.
“I’m just going to ask this one final time, are you sure you want to go through with this?” Loki asks him.
Bucky pauses for a moment. He knows he can end it all right at this moment. If he were to tell [Y/N] that he is dropping it all and just wants to keep things the way they were, she would. But he knows that it won’t change anything and things won’t be like how they were. They just simply can’t and now he has Clark to worry about.
In the end he’s doing all of this for Daisy, if he gives up it almost feels like he would be.
“Yes,” Bucky says so surely in his answer, “This is the only way now.”
“I’ll email Diana Prince, letting her know that I’m representing you, along with the agreement we have drafted up. I’ll also go ahead and set up a meeting for all of us to talk it through,” Loki explains how this is all going to go down, “have your secretary send your schedule to mine so I can pick the date that works best.”
“Okay, I will. Once again Loki, I’m very grateful that you’re doing this for me,” Bucky tells him.
“I’m sure that’ll change once you get my bill,” Loki jokes.
Bucky lets out a boisterous laugh. He hears a crying baby in the background.
“I’ve taken enough of your time. I’ll let you get back to the family.”
“Just one last thing,” Loki says before hanging up, “Be prepared for the good, the bad, and the ugly. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better. But don’t let it get the best of you. Child custody cases really know how to bring the worse out of a person. Just try not to let it affect you. You know you’re a good father. Everyone does, including [Y/N]. At the end of the day, this is all for Daisy.”
“Thanks Lok, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
“Goodnight Bucky,” Loki says.
“Goodnight,” Bucky hangs up the phone.
“Do you have those samples for the Tanner’s kitchen remodel?” [Y/N] asks Valkyrie as she walks into her office.
“Yes, I do,” Val says, digging through the items on her desk, pulling out the samples needed, “they ended up changing the cabinet colors. Again.”
“Again?” [Y/N] sighs, “this is the third time. Are they serious about keeping this color? Because I’m headed to finalize everything with the contractor.”
“Might want to give them a call before you go.”
“Will do,” she sighs, grabbing the samples.
“Is everything okay?” Val asks, noticing [Y/N]’s stressed out look.
“Things have been a bit stressful at home,” [Y/N] says.
“What’s going on? Feel like I have no idea what’s been going on with you lately,” Val says.
“Yeah, we haven’t had a girl’s night out in awhile.”
“It’s been a couple of months,” Val says, festering to the chair in front of her desk for [Y/N] to sit.
[Y/N] takes a seat and sighs.
“So what’s wrong?” Val asks.
“Bucky and I are about to get into a custody battle.”
“Wait, what?” Val says surprised by that confession.
“Yup,” she sighs, “Bucky got a lawyer a couple of weeks ago.”
“Why? I thought things were good with your agreement?”
“So did I,” [Y/N] says, “until he mentioned wanting to have a meeting with his lawyer to discuss our agreement.”
“Why would he do that?”
“He thinks I’m going to just move and take Daisy with me without considering him.”
“Are you moving?” Val asks.
“No, I don’t plan on moving,” [Y/N] shakes her head, “at least not in the next five years. Also I wouldn’t take Daisy away from him. But he seems to think otherwise. And now things are escalating way too fast.”
“Was something just not working with your agreement?”
“He wouldn’t say. He just kept saying he has to protect himself,” [Y/N] says, “I have never once threatened to take Daisy from him. I’ve never tried to use her as a pawn. Things have always been good between us.
Things have never been this bad between us. Not in all our years of friendship.”
“I mean things were bound to change,” Val says, “especially with you getting married.”
“But me getting married doesn’t mean I’m going to take Daisy from him.”
“Yeah, but maybe he needs this as reassurance.”
“But why does it need to be this extreme?”
“He is a lawyer,” Val shrugs, “Maybe you two just need to sit down and talk it over.”
“I don’t think that’ll be a very good idea at this moment,” [Y/N] sighs, “we got into a bad argument. Clark thinks we should keep it short and anything regarding this should be discussed through our lawyers.”
Valkyrie is taken back by this information. She’s surprised Clark is having any say in this situation.
“Don’t you think that just talking through your lawyers is a bit extreme?” Val asks, hoping to maybe get [Y/N] to change her mind and just talk to Bucky.
“Also don’t you think this should just be between you and Bucky?” Val says, “No offense to Clark, but do you think his involvement might be playing a part in all of Bucky’s frustration?”
“Maybe,” [Y/N] ponders over that thought, “Probably. Most likely.”
“Do you want Clark involved in all of this?” Val asks.
“He’s been very helpful with the whole situation,” [Y/N] says, “he set me up with his lawyer friend who will be representing me. He’s also going to be Daisy’s stepfather once we get married. So he’ll have some sort of say.”
“Yeah, that is true,” Val nods, “but you guys aren’t married right now. Do you think Bucky finds his involvement in all of this to be a bit…much?”
“I’m sure he would prefer Clark to stay out of it,” [Y/N] says, “I’m sure he sees it as Clark interfering on something that doesn’t involve him, and potentially making things worse.”
“Do you think Clark will make things worse?”
[Y/N] takes a moment to ponder the question. She knows Clark is just doing what he thinks is best for her, and he’s been so incredibly helpful and supportive through all of this. But even she knows Clark’s input will be more biased towards how he sees things and how it’ll affect them as a couple, future family.
She thinks back to being in the lawyer office and them discussing holidays. [Y/N] never wants to exclude Bucky in anything especially when it involves their daughter. So she never saw their holiday agreement as anything strange, it was their normal. She never saw it being an issue. That’s mostly because it was never an issue. She and Bucky grew up in New York, both their families are there, so it was always easy to include everyone in everything. With Clark not being from here, it does change things. She knew he wanted to say more on the holiday stuff, but chose against it. And she meant to bring it up to him, but she just doesn’t know how to go about it. Plus right now her only focus is Daisy and this thing with Bucky.
“[Y/N],” Valkyrie softly calls out, breaking [Y/N] from her thoughts.
“Sorry,” she whispers, “I think Clark just makes things more complicated.”
“In a good or bad way?”
“Both?” [Y/N] thinks out loud.
“I guess only time will tell where the scale will tip,” Valkyrie says, leaving [Y/N] to ponder more with her thoughts.
Speak Now taglist *the series tag list is closed, but the permanent one is still open*
@stinkysteveharrington @jupiter-gvf @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss @kmuir1 @angstysebfan @thefandomimagines @princess-momo-barnes @spid3rgwen @friendlyneighborhoodchaos @teenagedreams-bucky @capmanranger @freakassbuthunter @shadowolf993 @carmellasworld @zaphdekota @writing-for-marvel @sazc94 @aliloz-3 @goffbby @film-enthusiastt @eclipses-and-moondust @isidorareadings @mylifewithfandoms @your-not-invisible-to-me @seb13stan @jewelsrocks99 @peaches-roses-sins @mirrorballsangel @ohharrie @feel-it-on-the-way-home13 @buckystevelove @enlyume
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melhekhelmurkun · 5 months
What is the point of fanfiction if not to manipulate canon to your will like an evil little guy spinning a web of lies
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ashandkatiewrite · 1 year
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Chapter 10
FIC SYNOPSIS: Maggie Hastings meets her dream man after a flight into New York City— Bucky Barnes, a pilot who seems to be everything she’s looking for. Except that she already has a boyfriend who never has time for her. After a near-tryst with her dream pilot, Maggie runs, only to find out he later meets her best friend and they’re now crazy about each other. Among their group of best friends, between Chicago and New York, and four weddings and a funeral, Maggie and Bucky struggle to keep their fiery chemistry a secret so they don’t hurt the ones they love.
WRITTEN BY: @if-you-onlyknew & @katiekinswrites
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OFC
Rating: M (Mature) & E (Explicit)
chapter preview...
“Give her some room!” An anxious voice spoke as Maggie was set on the edge of the bed again. Everyone else in the apartment took a collective step back, but no one left. Everyone was quiet, watching. Bucky’s face loomed in front of Maggie’s as he checked her pupils again. “Was it your results?” he whispered, knowing only something like that could possibly have garnered such a reaction from her.
Chris was standing beside Natasha next to Bucky. “Mags?” Chris asked. 
“I passed,” Maggie finally said clearly. “I passed the surgical boards. I am officially a certified surgeon…” 
A broad smile broke out across Bucky’s face and not a second later, he was shoved back, away from Maggie as Natasha threw her arms around Maggie, whooping with victory. “Of course you did, Pchela!”
Being tackled in a hug by Natasha was finally the thing that snapped Maggie out of her shocked state and she couldn’t help but cry and laugh from the happiness and excitement she felt in that moment. 
Steve and Sam clapped as they smiled too. Not only was Chris staring at Bucky with a raised brow, but Frank was too. But they all knew why Bucky had stayed with Maggie for two weeks. No one else had been able to. Someone had to. And Bucky was glad he had. It had been one of the most rewarding experiences of his life. Seeing how happy Maggie had been with him, and it had been reciprocated. 
Maggie’s eyes instantly searched for Bucky, watching as he kept his focus on both Chris and Frank. She wanted so badly for him to look at her so she could thank him for helping her study for the exam, for putting up with her crazy and being by her side these last thirteen days even when she told him he didn’t have to. Maggie — even though she knew Natasha was in the room — wanted to tell Bucky she was so unconditionally in love with him and always would be. She wanted to be held by him during the greatest moment in her life — she just wanted him. 
TAGLIST: @ocappreciationtag • @julieelliewrites• @acabecca • @arrthurpendragon • @darkwolf76 • @cas-verse • @victoriapedrcttis • @seb-soph • @cjand10 • @eddysocs  • @darylandbethfanforever9 
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katiekinswrites · 1 year
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FIC SYNOPSIS: Maggie Hastings meets her dream man after a flight into New York City— Bucky Barnes, a pilot who seems to be everything she’s looking for. Except that she already has a boyfriend who never has time for her. After a near-tryst with her dream pilot, Maggie runs, only to find out he later meets her best friend and they’re now crazy about each other. Among their group of best friends, between Chicago and New York, and four weddings and a funeral, Maggie and Bucky struggle to keep their fiery chemistry a secret so they don’t hurt the ones they love.
WRITTEN BY: @if-you-onlyknew & @katiekinswrites
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OFC
Rating: M (Mature) & E (Explicit)
TAGLIST: @ocappreciationtag • @marvelocsdaily • @marveloccommunity • @fyeahsuperverseocs • @sendmylcve • @arrthurpendragon • @darkwolf76 • @cas-verse • @victoriapedrcttis • @cjand10 • @roosterbradshaws • @seb-soph • @scarletwidoww
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buckets-and-trees · 5 months
What You Want
Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: lawyer!Bucky x curvy!female assistant reader Word Count: 2.7k Summary: Your boss, powerful lawyer Bucky Barnes, insisted he needed his indispensable assistant to accompany him on his trip to Norway. He also promised he would have you home in time for Christmas, but the weather decided to strike its wrath and decimate international travel, leaving you stranded for a few more days.
Content Warnings: modern AU, slight power dynamic, periphery/secular reference to the Christmas holiday, vaginal fingering, use of "plum" as a term of endearment
Logistical Notes: Written for @sstan-hoe Vee's Holly Jolly Challenge - I was given a selection of prompts including "That noise...keep making it," reindeer, and lawyer/assistant power dynamics. Also my December entry for @buckybarnesevents Build-a-Bucky-Bingo using the FLASHBACKS prompt. Divider by @saradika.
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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You heard the door open and close behind you and then familiar footsteps approaching, but you didn’t turn to look, instead keeping your eyes on the beauty of the frozen wilderness on display before you.
“Peace offering?” Bucky spoke as he stepped up beside you at the rail of the balcony, holding one of two steaming mugs in his hands toward you.
You sighed but gave him a small smile and took the mug. “You don’t need to apologize. You’re a very powerful man, Bucky, but I’m relatively sure you don’t control the weather.”
“Not yet, but I’m trying to pull some strings,” he said with a smirk, and you smiled.
“It’s not your fault we can’t get a flight back to the States when a blizzard has taken out half the Eastern Seaboard.”
It was unlikely that even with all of James Buchanan Barnes’ considerable lawyering power and money that he would be able to get you back home before Christmas. The main international airports in New England would have to live through the record raging blizzard, dig out, and then there would be hundreds of thousands of passengers to accommodate in and out of the country. Reasonably your guess was that you wouldn’t be returning until as early as the day after Christmas at the earliest.
“I should still apologize though. I said I would have you home for Christmas.”
You took a sip of the hot coffee. “You should apologize, but you’re not.”
He smiled. “No, I’m not.”
He turned and looked out over the forest and frozen tundra with you, the snow sparkling by the moonlight. This side of the resort hotel Bucky had booked the two of you into looked out over the wilderness.
“How long are you going to stay out here?”
“Until I see a reindeer. You brought me to Norway in December. I want to see a wild reindeer.”
“Fair enough.”
After a few more minutes, Bucky spoke again. “Are you sure you don’t want to eat, though? They said our accommodations should be ready after dinner.”
It had been a bit of a feat to find any place this close to Christmas that wasn’t closed or completely booked, but Bucky had managed to find this place that although they said they didn’t have a place immediately available, they had late check outs that just needed to be cleaned and refreshed for new guests.
“It’s a very fine restaurant.”
“Alright, let’s go eat.”
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“If that will be all for the evening, I’ll be happy to escort you to your suite, Mr. Barnes,” the maître d’ said. He had been attentive all evening, but being with Bucky on this business trip you had quickly learned only the most excellent service was a common thing for him.
“Yes, thank you, I think we’re finished,” Bucky replied, looking to you, and you nodded. You both scooted your chairs back from the table and then followed the man out of the restaurant, through the hotel lobby, past the bar, past the observatory lounge and balcony you’d visited earlier, and to a pair of elevators.
Dinner had been quiet, but not an uneasy quiet by any means for the two of you. Bucky was an intimidating man, power emanating from him very naturally, but after the first few weeks as his assistant, you had gotten over your nerves. After sitting with him through many lunches, plenty of meetings, taking notes from him on cases and projects, and a fair few late nights, you had grown comfortable around him, learned that he could be easy to talk to, but didn’t strive to fill a silence for conversation’s sake, something you appreciated.
The hotel Bucky had found was an upscale, moderately sized wilderness and ski lodge. When you arrived on the fifth and top floor, there was a cozy hallway that only boasted three doors, and you were led to the one at the very end, where the man unlocked the door, stepped in to hold it open, and then handed the key to Bucky.
“If you should need anything at all, simply pick up the phone and our staff will assist you,” he said. “Have a good evening, and we hope you enjoy your stay, even though we know it was unexpected for the holiday.”
“Thank you, dinner was fantastic, and the place looks wonderful, you’ve been great, Lucas. Have a good night,” Bucky said, and pressed what you were sure was a generous tip into the man’s hand.
All your and Bucky’s things had been left neatly to one side of the entry of the suite. A quick look around revealed that there were two rooms off either side of the spacious sitting area as well as a small kitchen and bar, and on the far side full floor to ceiling windows and a balcony. You had hoped for two rooms like you’d had at the previous hotel, but two rooms in a suite would be perfectly fine, especially since the stunning view out of the sitting room’s windows wasn’t the only beauty in the place. There was a fireplace with a gorgeous mantle with a roaring fire already ablaze and a stunning Christmas tree with gorgeous trimmings in the Scandinavian style.
“It’ll do, yes?” Bucky asked, watching you take in the beauty of the tree.
You smiled warmly at him, then looked back at the tree. “Yes, it’ll do just fine.” The sitting room was spacious and rivaled your cozy studio apartment back home for size. You stepped further into the suite. “Do you want to take a look at the rooms and pick which one you want?” you asked. All the trip was on the company’s expense account, and as his assistant, although you suspected he might be a gentleman and offer you the better room, you would defer to Bucky to actually pick.
“We’ll share whichever one is better,” he said with a shrug.
You scoffed. “No, there are two rooms in this gorgeous suite, I’m sure they’re both fantastic, I don’t mind taking the one you don’t want. Might even sleep on the couch so I can stay by the tree and look out those windows all night.”
He chuckled, low, and suddenly at your back. “You misunderstand me, plum,” he said, placing his hands on the curve of your hips and pressing his chest up against your back. He leaned in to speak the next words directly in your ear. “I’m having you in my bed tonight.”
Your breath caught.
You couldn’t move, and a soft, “Mr. Barnes,” was all you could say.
“Aw, none of that, plum, you haven’t called me Mr. Barnes for months, and I won’t it happening again now.”
“We shouldn’t,” you tried to protest, but even as you said the words, a traitorous part of you didn’t put much feeling behind them.
“Shouldn’t we? You’re smart enough to know I didn’t really need to bring you on this trip with me, but I wanted to. Didn’t want to go that long without seeing you, wanted you by my side in a charming Nordic country during the height of its festive season, and you said yes, like the perfect assistant that you are. I told myself that was enough, didn’t go knocking on your door any of the nights we were at our first hotel, kept it professional despite wanting more and more of you every day we spent together away from the office.”
His hand moved from your hips to circle around your front, his left moving over your soft stomach over to the other side to rest over the front of your right hip, and his right further up your torso, his hand brushing the underside of your breast and resting firmly just below it, bringing you flush against him.
“Fate won’t let me get you home for Christmas, so why deny what it’s dangling right in front of me now?”
He pressed his lips to the sensitive spot just below your ear, and a small whimper escaped your throat.
“Let me have what I want,” he murmured, leaving a slow trail of more kisses down your neck. “I know you want it, too.”
“I – no, I don’t – I”
It was impossible to put up the words of protest when he licked the shell of your ear. You shivered in his arms instead.
“Let me ruin my perfect girl,” he pressed, slipping the hand that was at your hip into the waistband of your trousers. His hand stopped when his fingers met the lace edge of your panties. He turned you around abruptly and kissed you full on the mouth, cupping your face with both hands so you had no choice but to take the heat of his kiss, and the flame he’d been sparking started to catch more dangerously in your core.
He had somehow maneuvered you further into the sitting room so that when he suddenly broke off the kiss, you were in the middle of the space, the warm glow of the fire and the tree lights casting over you both.
Bucky stepped back, and you frowned in confusion, still breathless. He trailed a finger up the column of your throat to the tip of your chin, his blue eyes dark and hungry. “Undress,” he said.
He moved to the couch and sat, his eyes returning to you as he settled in.
“Undress,” he repeated.
That commanding tone struck another spark right to your cunt. You knew you were already growing wet for him.
You toed off your shoes one at a time, then took off your socks – those requiring you to move a little less elegantly than you wanted with his searing gaze on you. Standing aright again, your hands moved to the button of your trousers, fingers trembling since you had never stripped in front of anyone before. You weren’t a virgin, but although the partners you had been with before had been eager to have you naked, none had ever asked you to undress for them like this, like they wanted to see your full figure, not just fuck it.
Bucky spoke your name in a way that had you pause and look up at him again.
He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. “You know I pride myself on my instincts. I think we both want this, but there are two rooms here.”
You bit your lip.
He was offering the veiled choice if you wanted it.
Your mind raced with flashbacks of conversations and thoughts you’d had over the past few weeks clear back to the first few meetings with your boss.
Insisting to your mother that your boss did absolutely need you to fly with him to Norway to assist him with meetings with an international client the week before Christmas.
Your best friend insisting on a shopping trip for your fancy work trip to a foreign country “because if your hot boss isn’t going to seduce you, have a foreign fling!”
Your heart stuttering the first time your eyes met your boss’s deep blues the day you interviewed with him.
The same eyes that were riveted on you now.
On you.
You unbuttoned your trousers and lowered the zipper. You glanced down as the fell to the floor, then stepped carefully out of them. When you looked back up, you saw even more hunger in Bucky’s eyes, and it warmed your blood. Looking right into those eyes, you reached for the hem of your sweater and lifted it up and over your head, letting it drop to the floor as well.
“Mmm,” he hummed in approval. “C’m’ere,” he beckoned, sitting back on the couch again, but beckoning you into his lap as he watched your every move.
You concentrated on his eyes and on keeping your breathing steady. When you were close enough for him to reach for you, he held out his hand. You took it and let him pull you gently down to straddle your legs on either side of his.
“My perfect plum,” he murmured. His hands moved up your thighs, over your hips, up your waist, and back down.
“Your plum?” you asked, watching his face as his eyes roved over you up close.
“My perfect plum - I want to savor every delicious curve of your body,” he said before dropping a kiss to the top of your breast. Your hands went to his shoulders to steady yourself. “When I felt that lace of your underwear, I thought maybe you did want this, too.” His lips moved to the other breast where he kissed the exposed skin, then traced his tongue along the edge of the lacy cup, causing you to shiver. “There isn’t any other reason you would be wearing such pretty lingerie, is there?”
“No,” you admitted immediately.
“Just for me,” he said as he moved his hand to your mound and immediately slipped a finger beneath the fabric to stroke along your folds, making you gasp. “Good girl, already wet for me.”
You keened as his finger traced your warm hole but didn’t go in, instead taking the slick there and pressing it up over your folds. He continued tracing them up and down before moving up to find your clit, knowing he found it the second your head dropped back, and you let a, “Yes,” tumble from your lips. “More.”
His other hand skimmed up from your hip, up your side, to your neck, and then angled your head back down for another kiss. Your lips met his eagerly, mouths parting, you licked into his mouth, and he growled his approval. He moved his finger from your clit, but your whine was brief as he slipped that finger along with a second straight into your cunt, stroking in and out, over and over again. You canted your hips into his hand, and you felt the rumble of a chuckle in his chest, but he didn’t stop kissing you. Instead, he curled his fingers forward with each stroke, quickly finding the spongy spot that made you tremble and moan.
Breathless, it was you who had to break off the kiss first, but you pressed your forehead to his. “Feel good, plum?” he asked, and you registered that he sounded as earnest as you felt, his voice deep and a little breathless, too.
“Yes, sir,” you gasped.
“Mmm, sir? I like that,” he said, and rewarded you by moving his thumb to start circling your clit.
You moaned openly.
“That noise…keep making it.”
He sped up his motions just slightly, seeming to feel how your body was tensing up, building toward a powerful release.
“Ready to cum for me like a good girl?”
“Yes, sir!” your answer was more like a plea. “So close.”
Keeping up the rhythm on your clit, he applied more pressure with each thrust of his fingers up inside of you, hitting that sensitive spot on the front of your walls, and with just a few more strokes, the wave crested and rolled over you.
“That’s it, plum,” he cooed as you trembled above him, his other hand coming to smooth unhurriedly up and down your back as his fingers continued to stroke your channel, slowly extending your orgasm. “God, you’re so beautiful.”
He removed his fingers and brought them up to your mouth. You sucked them in, laving your tongue over them. “Can’t wait to see you come for me again,” he said. And too impatient for you to lick his fingers clean, he withdrew them and crashed his lips back into yours.
“Earlier tonight when I said I should apologize, and you called me right out for not doing any such thing?”
“This is why I didn’t apologize. I was in no way sorry that I had more time with you, and I’m going to use it to take you apart and put you back together all night.”
You would think about all of this later. But he emptied your head of anything but him and the pleasure between you, making more than good on his promise to take you apart until you were completely spent and ruined in his bed.
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↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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buckrecs · 1 year
2023 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 3
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masterlist | ✨- fav fics | status - completed
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. Galavano by @ichorai
Bucky x Reader
a series that follows the hero galvano through the events of the mcu!
2. Time (D)rift by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
Dark!Bucky x Reader Apocalypse AU
The end has come and gone as you keep waiting for your own.
3. Uncontrollable by @fictional-affairs
Bucky x Widow!Reader
The year is 1992. The Winter Soldier is under HYDRA’s control, and the Red Widow is under Dreykov’s control, but when they find out their organizations are working together to have them kill each other, they decide to make a deal.
4. The Lake House by @rustytricycle
Dark!Bucky x Dark!Reader
You decide to spend the summer before Freshman year of college with two of your girlfriends at one of their parents’ lake house. It turns out that Captain America and his two best friends are staying next door. Bucky thinks you might be his perfect girl. But are you too perfect?
5. turn a blind eye by @sergeantxrogers
Bucky x Reader
The Winter Soldier was cold. Brutal. Unflinching. A machine formulated to comply. Bucky Barnes was the sun warming your skin, your happy pill. Loving him was like bittersweet liquor, sickeningly sweet when you sip, harsh and burning when you swallow.
6. Rooftop Sessions by @forever-rogue
Bucky x Therapist!Reader
Y/N is a therapist that works with war veterans that ends up meeting a mysterious stranger who asks for her help.
7. it’s all fun and games, until you catch feelings by @prettyyoungtragedy
Bucky x Reader
You’re pining after Steve and Bucky is pining after Nat, what better way to distract yourself from those two perfect humans than to distract yourselves with each other?! Fuck buddies it is then.
8. oh my delightful heart by @prettyyoungtragedy
Sequel to it’s all fun and games
Bucky Barnes is the sweetest dumbest most adoring boyfriend any girl could ever ask for... 
9. Follow My Lead by @ciarawritesmarvel ✨
Bucky x Reader
You and your new friend Wanda are enjoying a day together at the Avengers Tower, her giving you a tour around the place when you both run into the infamous Bucky Barnes. Moments later, he’s introducing you to Sam as his girlfriend and placing a kiss on your temple and you’re not sure you’ve ever been so confused in your life.
10. The Maid of Mr. Barnes by @disasterofastory
Mob!Bucky x Reader
You get a job as Mr. Barnes's maid. You heard about the notorious gangster, but since you desperately need money and a place to live, you are not in a position to be picky.
11. Guiding Light by @wkemeup ✨
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get the intel and go home. Until everything goes wrong and you’re taken captive by Hydra. While you struggle to stay alive and hold your sanity, Bucky begins to lose himself to a darkness and gives into the soldier because he doesn’t know how to breathe without you. Not until he brings you home. If he even can.
12. Home | Better by @softlyspector ✨
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Bucky comes home from his second tour overseas, after a long time away from the reader.
13. Mad For You by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Nat hosts a costume masquerade. Bucky meets the Alice to his Hatter. Shenanigans ensue. 
14. Sanguis Sanguinis Mei by @captainscanadian
Vampire!Bucky x Vampire!Reader
It took Bucky Barnes two centuries with the blood of his blood to realize how much he loved her. This is their story. 
15. Another World by @sinner-as-saint
Alien!Bucky x Reader
In a futuristic world - a millennium from now, you and your team rescue and care for stranded and hurt otherworldly beings; who are held captive and kept on Earth against their wills. You save them from the bad guys who exploit them. You help them adjust to your planet’s life, and give them their freedom back. Then one day, while on a rescue mission, you come across a human-like extraterrestrial being; in a cryogenic chamber, with a missing arm. And nothing is ever the same again…
16. Picking Up The Pieces by @gogolucky13
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Bucky chooses to stay in his tumultuous relationship knowing you’ll be there to pick up the pieces, until finally you’re not.
17. Knight In Rusty Armor by @revengingbarnes ✨
Knight!Alpha!Bucky x Queen!Omega!Reader
For the sake of politics and to get rid of you, their omega daughter, the King and Queen of England marry you off to the King of France. Settling into an unfamiliar monarchy is a tedious process all by itself, but a new problem arises soon after your arrival at your new home. One of the Knights turns out to be your true mate. Your Alpha. The one you are meant to be with. But you’re mated to someone else. And that someone else is the King of France.
18. The Escaped Bride by @marvelouslytrekking
Pirate!Bucky x Reader
Being forced to marry someone was not something you wanted, but when it turns out that it is to your best friend, who you secretly loved, things weren’t so bad. Unfortunately, good things don’t seem to last and when the worst happens, you refuse to sit around and be miserable. Will you find true love again, or will your life be turned upside down?
19. Plot Twist by @winterarmyy
Mafia!Bucky x Reader
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky.
20. The Road Goes Ever On and On by @rocketrhap3000 ✨
Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
Life as a single mother of a three year old certainly has its struggles. But when a sweet stranger makes his way into you and your little boy’s life, a one of a kind connection sparks.
21. you’re my desire by @marvelouslizzie & @notafunkiller
40s!Bucky x Reader
Your best friend drags you out on a double date. You were supposed to be Steve Rogers’ date but plans change pretty quickly and you end up in Bucky Barnes’ arms.
22. Death Do Us Part by @sgtjbuccky ✨
God Of Death!Bucky x Mortal!Reader
For centuries, the God of Death had known two things about mortals. One, they were his job, his to collect when their days came to an end, and two, they were obnoxiously odd beings. Their purpose ceased to make sense to him. Never did he understand why they created a life for themselves, why they loved, why they loved other mortals when they knew that none of it would last forever. It was nothing but sheer stupidity, but that was until he met you. A mortal unlike any other. A mortal that would make him question everything. A mortal that would teach the God of Death how to live.
23. Lost In Each Other by @majestyeverlasting ✨
Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader
For Bucky, one of the best things to come home to is family. Especially after a day at work. So he's pleasantly surprised when you want to show him a new dress after dinner one night. And it just so happens that little Eden and Jamie find a way to work themselves into the equation. But it all makes for good fun and memories you will never forget.
24. Fight For Me by @littleseasiren
Bucky x Reader
After years in an abusive relationship, you finally get out. When the Avengers decide to raise awareness for your Battered Women's Home, you bump into Bucky Barnes, the hottest, most complicated man you've ever met. He thinks you're too good for him, but when your abusive ex reappears, Bucky knows he has to keep you safe - by any means necessary.
25. call me baby by @cherryrogers ✨
Biker!Bucky x Reader
Returning to Brooklyn for the summer after a year of travelling from city to city, you hadn’t expected to find your best friend, Peggy Carter, hopelessly in love with a biker, and when she decided to introduce you to the rest of his club, you hadn’t expected to fall for one either — that was until you met one with pretty eyes and a habit of calling you baby.
26. Static Verse by @theconstantsidekick ✨
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Tony Stark's sister's a fucking badass, codename—Static. Here's her story through the MCU.
27. Bygone by @borntobewondering
Bucky x Reader
You and Peter get sent back in time, and you fall in love with someone unexpected.
28. Clockwork by @aries-writingblog ✨
Bucky x Reader
Bucky has moved on. He’s found a place in the new world of the 21st Century. Found peace. But the past is always half a step behind him, waiting to snatch him backwards- like clockwork.
29. Deny the truth, set the world on fire by @lizatill
Bucky x Reader, Dark!Winter Soldier x Reader
He knew that she was having an affair...she denies, but the love marks on her body are still there. She can't tell him the truth, it will break him - the Winter Soldier is indeed inside of him, fucking her at night and Bucky doesn't remember.
30. Carnations by @viollettes
Bucky x Reader College AU
It’s a simple concept: Students can buy flowers for each other at the carnation sale. Red flowers are for love, pink flowers are for friendship, and white flowers are for expressing secret admiration. A carnation fundraiser, an iota of possibility, and a longtime secret crush on your hot best friend - what could go wrong?
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mcufan72 · 4 months
Hello everyone!
After writer's block and some changes in my life (mostly good ones), I'm finally able to write again. I can't believe that the last lines I wrote for my Loki fics were in July/August 2023. Unbelievable.
Here is my new multi-part fic!
It's a modern AU, I will use MCU characters and facts incorrectly and Loki will be as I want him to be. The Multiverse is open and I do what I want. Those who have read my other stuff know what I mean. So if you don't like it, don't read it. This story will contain morally grey stuff (or not, I don't know. What exactly is morally grey? But nothing too bad happens here or without consent. It's still a love story), fluff, angst and eventually smut…so 18+ only, please!
I also use random names/characters, they have nothing to do with the MCU, they're a product of my fantasy. They are inspired by real-life people and also the plot might be inspired by real-life experiences (not every part of the plot, please keep that in mind). So please don't steal my stuff, use your own experiences and let them inspire you. I also did some research but without a guarantee of completeness and accuracy.
Here is the first chapter of my new fic. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. 💚
Sugar and Cinnamon
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Loki x female reader / 18+
Chapter 1
Preview here
Warnings: none so far, contains fluff, angst, and smut (eventually), it's a slow-burn love story.
“I leave."
"Yeah, good. Go home and get some rest. I don't know when I'll be back. Might be late. “
“That's not what I meant.”
“Then explain.”
“I leave the company…and you!”
“It's just a phase, darling. Take a few days off and then everything will be fine again.”
“You really don't get it, do you? It's not a phase.”
“No one screws things up with me! Not even you! ...you have six months.”
3 months later
Damn! Just damn! You were late, like always. You were permanently struggling with keeping places in time and today it wasn't any different. It was pouring rain since you had left your apartment and you were nearly completely drenched from head to toe and of course, you had forgotten your umbrella. The only protection from the rain was the high collar and the hood of your coat. You hurried through the streets of Manhattan, melding into the people who crowded the sidewalks. The city's smells and noises were engulfing you, uncountable different languages and accents were hitting your ears. On every street corner was music, played by street entertainers who tried to grab some money from the people passing by. Car horns were honking, and brakes were squeaking, the sirens of ambulances or police cars drowning out any other sounds. The whole city was buzzing and glowing, a permanent noise filling ears and streets, echoing between amazing skyscrapers. But you loved it, this was your hometown and you have been living here for five years now. You wouldn't stay here forever, surely not, but for now you would stay.
On your way to your appointment this afternoon you accidentally bumped into someone because you held your head down to keep the rain away from your face. “Hey, watch it, girl!” a manly voice scolded you. You apologized with a hasty: “Sorry”, and continued your way unimpressed. Somehow you managed to cruise fluently through the masses of people and cars and reached the building you wanted to go to right in time. You passed the doorman, who gave you a friendly smile, and the security men in their black suits in the reception area, who greeted you with a short nod. They looked much too good for your liking but you couldn't deny your attraction to tall men with broad shoulders in black suits. You had a soft spot for this kind of man. The rainwater that was dripping from your coat was wetting the floor of the entrance hall and with an apologetic shoulder shrug and a heartwarming smile on your face towards the security men, you headed for the lift.
How much Loki hated the weather today. Fortunately, he had his umbrella with him so he was protected from heaven's water. The pouring rain, the crowded sidewalks and streets, the deafening noise. He was living here in New York for over twelve years now but it seemed to some things he would never get used to. He surely wouldn't stay here forever but for now, he still had to. Normally he wouldn't go out on the streets when it was raining like this. No one would go out voluntarily in such weather. But he got a call from a negotiating partner, who asked him to meet him at a café in the early afternoon to inform him about a few details. And some conversations were better made personally than by phone. The meeting wasn't a long one and his conversation partner Mr.Miller had already left but Loki was still sitting in the café, sipping on his espresso. “Damn it!”, he murmured under his breath, annoyed about what Mr. Miller had asked of him.
Mr. Miller was an extremely old-fashioned, elderly man and he told Loki for his next event, a business dinner, he would like to see him with a female companion. Every other guest would bring their significant others too, there wouldn't be just the dinner, there would also be some dancing afterwards and how sad it would be if he were there alone.
“Please, bring your significant other, too. I don't accept a no!” Mr. Miller insisted.
Loki knew exactly when it was better to not discuss a negotiation partner's wishes and so he agreed. Sometimes you have to make concessions if you want something to be successful. Now a solution had to be found. Loki didn't have any female friend he could take with him on such a date. It must be someone trustworthy, someone who could be silent as a grave, someone who could keep secrets. In the best case, someone who did it professionally. He would never ask any of his former affairs, not to talk about that his last affair was some time ago. He pulled out his mobile phone and did some research. Over the years he'd learned to appreciate his phone as a daily companion. Using apps on your mobile phone made your life easier and finding a solution for nearly every problem was easier with it as well.
Shortly after starting scrolling through several websites, he found it. The solution to his problem ‘how to attend a date with a female companion’: an escort agency. Professionally escorted by a well-educated woman, intelligent, sophisticated and with perfect manners, professionally obliged to keep silent. That was it, the ultimate solution to his problem. Of course, he had to meet the woman he wanted to book for that upcoming event, first. He had to ensure that she was the right one and if she was suitable for such an event. He had no other choice so he gave it a try. He called the agency he had chosen and described what he wanted and what was required in every detail to the polite and friendly lady he was talking to. It sounded like she was smiling on the other end of the phone and it gave him the good feeling of having made the right decision.
“Okay, Sir. I'm pretty sure I already have the right lady for you. Have you heard of the ‘Vivian's Velvet’ nightclub?”
“Yes, I did."
“Fine. Then you'll meet her there at the bar at 8 pm sharp. She'll be waiting there for you.”
“How will I recognise her? I mean…”
“She'll know who you are. Please send me a photo of you and then I can forward the image to her. Please don't get me wrong, Sir but we handle it this way because we want to guarantee our ladies a way out in case they want to refuse a meeting for whatever reason and at any time. Even if they are already at the nightclub. It's for the safety of our ladies. I hope you understand.”
“I do. It's what your ladies deserve and I respect that.”
“I'm glad to hear that, Sir. Thank you for understanding. Would you please give me your name so our lady can address you correctly?”
Loki hesitated for a second. In his business sometimes it was advantageous to use an alias and he would hold on to this tradition here.
“My name is Luke Larsson.”
“Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Larsson. If you have any questions or if the lady I've chosen for you is not for your liking, please don't hesitate and let me know. I'll look for a new lady for you then. We aim to satisfy you completely at any time. And please don't forget to send me your photo, Mr. Larsson.”
“I'll send it immediately.”
“Of course, Mr. Larsson and I wish you an enjoyable evening. Thank you for choosing and calling us. Goodbye, Sir.”
“Goodbye, Ma'am and thank you for your excellent service.”
“You're welcome” and with that, the call ended.
He did what was required of him and he sent the agency a photo of himself. To book a lady at an escort agency was an expensive matter but money was no object. He had called the best escort agency in the city and only the best was what he needed.
He paid his bill and left the café. The streets were still crowded, rain was still flooding the streets and slightly ruining his leather shoes and his slacks. On his way back home a hood-wearing person with a lowered head, drenching wet from the rain, bumped into him. Why couldn't people watch their way, he thought angrily.
“Hey, watch it, girl!“ he scolded. He wasn't sure if it was a woman, he just assumed it. He barely heard the apology of the person and he immediately regretted his harsh words. He turned around to apologize as well. But the person who ran into him had almost completely disappeared in the crowd. He could just catch a short glimpse of the shoes the person was wearing. ‘Nice colour’, he thought and disappeared into the crowd himself. In a few hours, he would meet the escort lady who probably would accompany him to his next business dinner.
With a ping, the lift's door opened on the 25th floor where the agency had its office. The word REA was written in large, finely curved golden letters on the big white, opaque glass door, right above the golden door knob. REA was the acronym for Rhea's Escort Agency and you had to ring a doorbell to get in. The interior was simple but very elegant, bright and inviting at the same time. Smooth jazz music played in the background and created a comfortable atmosphere. A large white leather couch was invitingly positioned close to the floor-to-ceiling windows, framed by exotic green plants and a coffee table. Behind the front desk sat Rhea, the owner of the agency, on the phone, talking to one of the other escorts. She beckoned you with her hand getting over to her. After you approached her desk, she opened her mouth with a soundless dismay when she saw you in your dripping wet state. You could just smile at her with a shoulder shrug. You took off your drenched coat and hung it on the coat rack. Shortly after, she ended the call and rounded her desk to hug you.
“Jeez, girl…look at you. What happened , dear? Did you take a swim and forgot your towel?”
“Kind of.” you answered and laughed.
“Sit down, lovely. You must be freezing. I'll get you a towel and a hot drink. Some Tea?”
“Yes, I'd fancy a cuppa“, you said with a sigh of relief and you were glad to drink something warm now and to dry the front part of your hair with a towel.
“Here, darling “, Rhea said when she came back from the restroom and kitchenette which were both located at the back of the office, invisible to clients.
“That's much needed now, thanks, Rhea. You're my saviour.“ you answered with a thankful smile and took a sip of your tea before you began to dry your hair. You immediately felt much better. Rhea sat down again in her chair opposite you and opened the appointment calendar on her laptop.
“I'm glad that you made it to the office, y/n. The weather is really horrible today but I needed to see you personally.”
“Did something happen? Did a client complain? “ you asked concernedly. You hoped not, you needed this job and you always gave your best.
“No no, don't worry, darling. Everything is fine and that's what I wanted to tell you. Every client you have escorted so far has been happy and satisfied. You're booked up for this week except for the weekend, as you wished. So based on your successful dating and our clients’ satisfaction, I can offer you a higher hourly rate.”
“Oh, really? Oh thank you so much, Rhea, that really means a lot to me. I need every dollar I can earn.” You meant it, it was the undeniable truth.
“I know, dear and you know you could increase your income further by being booked for the weekends as well.” Rhea reminded you.
“Yeah, I know but I need the weekends for personal matters. Those are important too, I'm sorry.”
“Don't be sorry. Your personal matters are surely important and I know it's none of my business. But please let me know whenever I can do something for you, okay?” she said softly.
“No one can help me, I'm afraid. But thank you for your kind offer, I appreciate it,” you replied, well aware regardless of how much you'd work, even if you worked 24/7 you still wouldn't earn enough money to solve your problems. But you had to try and that was what kept you going.
“Okay…so…are you spontaneous, dear?” Rhea asked you while looking for her work mobile phone on her desk.
“Ahmm…yes”, you answered hesitantly.
“Good, because I got a request 30 minutes ago and already made an appointment …and based on the requirements of our potential new client I think you perfectly fit him.”
“Okay, where will I meet him and when?”
“At 8 pm sharp at ‘Vivian's Velvet’. Walker will drive you like always. It is more a casual meeting with our client to get to know each other so please dress appropriately but not too chic. Classy will do…a black cocktail dress would be fine.”
“Yeah, no problem. How does he look like and what's his name?”
“Waaaiiit…ah now…sent you a photo “, Rhea explained and a second later your phone vibrated with an incoming message.
“He's eye candy, a jackpot, a real cherry on top, the icing on the cake…and his voice…he could read the phone book to me. But the most important thing, he sounded nice. Maybe a bit arrogant but nice.” Rhea gushed.
“A jackpot you say? Let me see…” and with these words on your lips, you opened the file. You nearly dropped your phone. Black mid-length curly hair, a beautiful blade of a nose, a chiselled jaw, prominent cheekbones and a mouth you just wanted to kiss. But the most impressive were his piercing blue eyes which seemed to look deep into your soul.
“Wow” was the only thing you were able to say.
“I told you” Rhea laughed, fully getting your reaction towards the beauty of this man. “His name is Luke Larsson. I'm sure you won't miss him.”
“Absolutely not. How could someone miss this handsome man? Luke Larsson…is he Norwegian? “
“I don't know…his accent sounded more British. So you're willing to meet him? “
“Oh yes, I'm looking forward to it. I'll be at ‘Vivian's' at 7.30 pm so I can wait for him there.” you confirmed.
“Fine, dear. He booked you for two hours. When I get the drinks bill from the bar, your hourly rate and your share of the drinks will be transferred to your bank account…as usual. Enjoy the evening, dear. And tell me how it went, okay?” Rhea asked you.
“Of course, I'll let you know.”
After this enjoyable talk, you headed back home quickly. You had less than two hours left to get prepared for the meeting with Mr. Luke Larsson.
In less than 20 minutes Walker would arrive at your apartment to drive you to ‘Vivian's Velvet ‘. Walker was your chauffeur and was responsible for driving you safely to a dating location and back home again afterwards. In case you would spend intimate hours with a client, he would wait in front of the hotel. For your safety and to drive you home after the intimate encounter. Walker was 56 years old, a rock of a man with a buzz cut and a beard. He was an imposing figure, always dressed in a formal suit. But he had a heart of gold and you always felt safe when he was around. Knowing he was always close by when you had an appointment with a man, made you feel even safer. You knew he had a soft spot for you and he would always be there for you, no matter what. Somehow you were like a daughter to him but if you were his daughter he would never allow you to work as an escort.
You were almost ready. You were wearing a simple but elegant black, midi cocktail dress with sleeves in black lace and black high heels. With your hair parted in the middle and pulled back into a sleek tight bun, which sat deep in your neck, you created an illusion of long straight hair. You grabbed your purse from the wardrobe and after a final inspection of your appearance in your large mirror, you left your apartment.
“Good evening, y/n. You look wonderful tonight “. Walker was waiting for you in front of your house and opened the door of the black limousine with tinted windows for you and you let yourself slide into the backseat of the car.
“Thank you, Walker and good evening.“ you replied with a smile on your lips.
Walker closed the door, entered the driver's seat and drove you to ‘Vivian's Velvet’. It was one of the most exclusive and most expensive nightclubs in Manhattan with a luxurious interior in black and purple.
It was close to 8 pm and you were waiting for your date. You were excited about how he would be if he really looked that good and if you would fit his expectations. You ordered a glass of champagne to calm down your nerves a little bit but it would be your only drink tonight. As always, because you must remain in control of your senses. It was a golden rule. The men you dated were supposed to drink alcohol, lots of it, not you. It brought additional money to the hourly rate of an escort. The more they drank the more you got. The only thing that brought the most additional money was having sex with them. But it wasn't a must and you weren't interested, not in the slightest. But the day might come when you had no other choice and maybe one day you would feel a carnal desire again that needed to be satisfied. But you wouldn't do it with everyone. It had to be a special man with a special aura and he must give you kind of a feeling that you were safe with him.
A few minutes later, at 8 pm sharp, you felt someone standing behind and then next to you. A hint of a delicious scent hit your nostrils and a sizzling energy filled the air, making your skin tingle.
When Loki entered the nightclub, there were already four women sitting at the bar, their backs turned towards him. Two of them were in the company of a man, two were sitting there alone so one of them was supposed to be his date, he assumed. Because he didn't know what the woman he had booked looked like, he went over to the bar and ordered a drink, the most expensive Scottish whisky the club had to offer. Next to him to his right side sat a woman on a stool, dressed in an elegant black cocktail dress and black high heels, her hair in a tight hair bun. For now, she ignored him and he wasn't sure if she was his date or not. She looked stunning as far as he could see it. He didn't want to stare at her. But he hoped she was the woman he had an appointment with. She was very lovely to look at. In the corner of his eyes, he saw her sipping at her glass of champagne.
“Good evening, Mr.Larsson. Nice to meet you,” you addressed him with a calm, velvety voice and smiled at him.
“Good evening, Miss… I'm sorry but I don't know your name yet,” he answered softly but dryly.
“How would you like to call me, Mr. Larsson?” You asked him mischievously, a smile curving your lips.
“I don't think I am in the position to give you a name.”
“You're very polite and well-mannered, aren't you?”
You had difficulties maintaining your facade. He looked extremely good in that photo but in reality, this man was beyond beautiful. Inky black hair you wanted to rake your fingers through, broad shoulders, lean muscles, slender waist and endless long legs. All of this gorgeousness was wrapped in an exquisite black suit and a crisp white shirt, the top three buttons undone. You could see a hint of his chest hair which peaked out of the V of his shirt. You felt your mouth watering. He was devastatingly sexy. Now that he was reassured that you were his date he moved a little closer to you. His smell was enchanting. An indescribable mixture of fresh cotton, sandalwood, orange blossom and something spicy you weren't able to specify.
The way he leaned against the bar, his big veiny hand with long, perfectly manicured fingers holding the whisky tumbler, his other hand in his trouser pocket, had something indecent about it. You wanted to rip his shirt open and watch the buttons scatter down to the floor. You should better stop salivating over him and begin entertaining him. That was your job and he was the client you had to convince of you because you wanted him to book your service. You had to focus on your job.
“What kind of escort service do you need from me? How can I be of help?”, you asked him kindly.
He took a sip of his whisky and you of your champagne before he gave you an answer, making eye contact with you and holding your gaze. It made you inwardly shiver.
“I need a companion who escorts me regularly to functions. I'm not interested in flirting with you. I need someone I can have an actual conversation with. Nothing annoys me more than some people and their boring talk. It also should be someone who is discreet and can keep secrets. Someone who doesn't want more afterwards,” he explained, his voice dark and raspy.
“Even if you would want more afterwards I won't give it to you. I'm an escort, not a luxury call girl. I just offer you simple accompaniment, nothing more and nothing less,” you stated kindly but firmly. Good-looking or not, you would never give him the chance to get between your legs.
“I'm well aware of that, Miss”, he replied dryly. “You're an escort lady and this is what I want and what I need. And don't worry, I don't believe in love or anything related to it!”
Loki took a sip of his whisky, his gaze still fixed on you. How pretty you were. Your big bright eyes, your cute nose and your rosy lips were just perfect. Your body was perfectly hugged by your black cocktail dress and your legs with those beautiful high heels at your feet were tempting and he suddenly thought about how good it must feel if they were wrapped around his waist. Loki quickly pushed that thought aside. He wasn't here to live out his lust with you. Also, his past was dark and blood-drenched. And you definitely deserved a better man than him. Regardless of his indecent thoughts, he liked your attitude and your behaviour. A little bit of sassiness, a lot of passion and somewhere hidden deep inside of you, vulnerability and a kind of sadness. Now that he has gotten to know you he wondered how and why you had ended up in the escort agency. You didn't seem to belong there.
“Me neither, Mr. Larsson! I'm glad we see it the same way. I've sworn off men entirely. I'm not interested in a love affair with you.”
“Well, I guess we got a deal, then.”
“Absolutely, Mr. Larsson, we got a deal”.
You smiled at him and you took another sip of your champagne. He gave you clearly and precisely all the information you needed to know so you could get an idea of the business dinner he wanted you to escort him to and you agreed with the conditions. Time flew by so quickly and before you even knew it your appointment with him was over.
“So we'll meet next week? “ Loki asked you.
“Of course, Mr Larsson. Call the agency and make the appointment. It was a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad that I could satisfy you and I'm pleased that I meet your expectations “. You smiled brightly at him. You were still captivated by his incredible aura.
“The pleasure is all mine. But there's one last thing…” You looked quizzically at him.
“I still don't know your name. What should I call you? “
“Sugar. You can call me Sugar.”
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 year
Writing Modern Steve Roger's Health Issues: A compendium
AKA How do Steve Rogers' MCU canon illnesses hold up in a modern setting?  
I am writing something that is SO NICHE and so NERDY I feel absolutely, positively deviant about it. Who knew you could have this much fun while eating a burrito and sitting in the sun on your back porch? 
OKAY! This one goes out to all of you writing modern AU's with a modern Steve Rogers. (There are literally dozens of us!). Let's go.
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So, I find it somewhat problematic when people write disabled or otherwise medically complicated characters and are wishy-washy about the diagnosis they have. In real life, everyone I know with ongoing medical issues is a fucking expert on their exact shit. A great tumblr reference for disabled characters is Cripple Characters, but I also use reddit threads to read about people’s day to day experiences with different issues in their own words. If nothing else, just decide what your character has and take ten minutes and read through a basic website article about it. 
So let's walk through what modern Steve's medical history and diagnoses might be. If you feel like I missed any details or got things wrong, happy to have comments to that end.
We'll start with the list of “ailments,” going with the MCU canon and combining the images from the museum exhibit and screen shots of Steve’s enlistment forms:
Fallen arches
Partial deafness
Scarlet Fever, Rheumatic Fever
Heart arrhythmia
High blood pressure
Palpitation or pounding in heart
Easy fatigability
Stomach ulcers
Pernicious anemia
Nervous trouble of any sort
Chronic or frequent colds
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Caveat: I am not a doctor, but I am a person who enjoys reading medical journal articles about illnesses I do and don’t have. The human body is a fascinating and terrible place to live. Talk to me about your medical complications - I will always find them interesting. I love small talk about Crohn’s disease and/or extremely graphic details about the time you had surgery because one of your wrist bones was the wrong length. 
Sucks To Your Assmar: Asthma! How has asthma changed? 
Kids who have their asthma well managed at a young age are going to have less scarring and lung damage (this is called airway remodeling). Thus a modern kid will likely have less severe asthma than a kid born in Steve’s time. Further, allergy medicines got way better from the 1990s, so kids with allergy induced asthma would have had fewer attacks. Fewer attacks as kids = less severe asthma as they age. 
I would also note that asthma is highly connected to environmental issues. If Steve grew up in a house with cigarette smoke, cockroaches, rats, or mold present, as is fairly easy to imagine, especially without dehumidifiers in a swampy Brooklyn summer, those are environmental factors that would have made his asthma much worse. 
They are also all factors that kids today certainly face, depending on how you write your modern Steve’s childhood. While people today certainly can have very severe asthma, it’s also entirely possible that modern Steve’s relationship to his asthma is pretty chill and easy to manage. (My partner has relatively severe asthma with a lot of environmental triggers; modern allergy medicine was a big game changer.)
Let’s talk about scoliosis ~~
There are a lot of variations to how scoliosis impacts people. I have very minor scoliosis and it's barely a thing in my life. I’m not trying to speak for everyone, but for what it’s worth, there are professional athletes with spinal fusion. I used Kyra Condie as my justification for writing climbing coach post-spinal fusion small Steve Rogers in one fic. My younger brother and best friend in high school both had spinal fusions. 
In reality the athletic and physical abilities of people with spinal fusion vary pretty much exactly as much as people without spinal fusion, so you have a lot of leeway for how you decide to write a character with scoliosis. I recommend reddit threads to read about people talking about how their bodies felt before and after spinal fusion, or why they decided not to have the surgery, if you want to get a sense of how it might affect your character’s day to day life.
Wait, so how tall is modern small Steve Rogers? 
You can see in this article that gains in height post scoliosis corrective surgery/spinal fusion varies, but the mean was 27 mm (1 inch) and the maximum was 66 mm (2.5 inches). 
The more severe the curve in the spine, the more height gained with surgery. 
We know Steve had scoliosis, we don’t know how severe it was (do we?). But if he was 5’4” without spinal fusion, and with all of his childhood fevers, and possible poor nutrition due to the Great Depression and untreated stomach ulcers, then it’s very reasonable that a modern Steve raised with proper nutrition and his gastrointestinal issues (see below!) properly treated and a spinal fusion could be easily 1-10 inches taller. 
I think it’s great if you want to write modern Small Steve as 5’4” - but I tend to write him as 5’7” or so. 
I think it is entirely likely that a modern Steve Rogers could end up being 6 feet tall given modern medical intervention and a healthy digestive system and adequate nutrition. As an example of how people with more or less the same genetics having different heights due to environmental factors, I know of one family of four brothers that immigrated from Italy in the 40s. Their height was 100% correlated to their age when they moved to the US/started having access to food: the oldest brother was around 5’4” and the youngest around 6 feet. The oldest was also a chain smoker and worked full time from around age 8, so you know, he was a fucking badass 5'4" Italian guy, if that's not clear.
What about fallen arches? 
Fun story, but I have fallen arches/flat feet and had a lot of foot pain as a kid, but I thought it was normal. I wear custom orthotics and/or birkenstocks and do exercises to strengthen my feet muscles and it's fine now as long as I remember to do the things I just mentioned. My dad had to have multiple surgeries on his feet, so I think it helped that they caught it earlier in me. 
Should I write modern non-serum Steve as deaf? 
Maybe! I think it’s lovely when people write characters with hearing issues. There are great blogs that cover ways to do that well (a good link, another one, and another one and I think this one on hearing aids is particularly good if you are trying to bring in subtle day to day routine differences a character that wears hearing aids may have. Another great option is, again, reddit, especially for questions around how sexual intimacy might vary in small ways that can be nice to bring in. (I am working on a fic with a seeing character whose ex is blind and also read a lot of couples first hand experience with sexual intimacy around that dynamic on reddit). 
But how likely is it that modern Steve would be deaf? 
I think that it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s hearing issues were a result of Scarlet Fever, which is a bacterial infection that can result in rheumatic fever, an inflammatory condition that develops in more severe cases of scarlet fever. 
Scarlet fever caused deafness - in fact, both Helen Keller and Thomas Edison had hearing loss due to scarlet fever infections. Further, sustained fevers of over 104 degrees can also cause hearing loss, so there is a reasonable chance that some other fever caused Steve’s hearing issues. 
Today, the kind of hearing loss caused by fevers and infections can usually be surgically repaired or never occur because we have better antibiotics and better medicines to treat fevers. However, I have a friend who has partial hearing loss and lots of other life long nervous system and fatigue issues due to complications from childhood chicken pox in the 80s (this vaccine came around in 1995).
I don’t know if it’s canon or fanfiction, but I often see Steve as having one bad ear. For what it’s worth, hearing loss in one ear is much less common than hearing loss in both ears. 
However, potential causes of hearing loss in one ear are infections that result in a high fever and some kind of head trauma, both of which are easy to imagine would have affected a Steve born in 1918, and while possible in a modern Steve, also easier to avoid. 
Heart Stuff: Heart arrhythmia, High blood pressure, Palpitation of pounding in heart, Easy fatigability
The aforementioned fevers that can cause hearing loss can also cause heart issues. I think it’s reasonably likely that Steve’s heart issues were from his fevers as a young kid, but I often write him with a congenital heart defect, because why not? 
These days, most of the time, such issues are detected at or before birth and fixed when the person is a baby, but there are plenty of heart issues that can require multiple heart surgeries at various points. Regardless, a modern Steve would most likely either have had access to corrective surgery or medication to manage these heart conditions. Which is not to say that he wouldn’t suffer mental and physical trauma from this medical complication. 
There are plenty of professional athletes you can find who have all of the above heart issues. And plenty of people with heart issues who have no interest in being professional athletes, so like, follow your bliss. 
Digestive System Stuff: Easy fatigability, Stomach ulcers, Pernicious anemia
I have easy fatigability under heart stuff too, because lots of shit can make you tired. 
My personal head canon is that Steve Rogers has celiac disease and/or lactose intolerance, it would cause all of the above. Both can also lead to poor growth - in fact falling off growth charts is one of the most common symptoms of celiac disease in children. 
While people have been aware of celiac disease since there were people, gluten wasn’t identified as the clear cause till the 50s. 
I typically write modern Steve with some kind of food allergy, and I think that addresses quite a few of his canon medical complications. 
Because so many causes of this category of symptoms are relatively easily solved with modern medical intervention/avoiding the problem, I would point folks towards Crohn’s disease if you are looking to write a modern character with medical issue that is more likely to be an ongoing source of similar medical complications today.
(Also, kids with Crohn’s are likely to have reduced height. I have a friend who has Crohn's whose 3 siblings are well over 6 feet and he is around 5'8" (so 4-6 inches aka 11+ cm shorter due to his severe childhood illness).)
Nervous trouble of any sort
Kids with medical complications and food allergies are much more likely to have anxiety. I’m so proud of all the kids making it through the day with anxiety. Luff you anxiety kids, I see you working twice as hard to be present as the non-anxious kids. Tough as hell. Give yourself a high five. I’m so damn proud of you.
Sinusitis and Frequent colds
I mean, god bless modern decongestants and allergy meds. Celiac disease and lactose intolerance can both cause sinus issues, so here is another one of Steve's ailments that can be "cured" through that diagnosis.
Other stuff
When you look at the above, you can see a lot of scenarios where modern era Steve, like many children/adults today, had multiple surgeries and serious and scary health complications as a child, but as an adult would appear as a relatively healthy able bodied person, with the possibility of even becoming a top athlete if he was so inclined.  It’s also likely that some issues like chronic fatigue etc, might linger into adulthood as relatively invisible illnesses that nonetheless affect his everyday. 
In some ways his character arc given the advances of modern medicine could mimic his arc due to the serum. 
Being medically complicated as a kid sucks. Even if you have surgeries to treat and/or learn how to live with things like Crohn’s and celiac and reduce flare ups, lingering mental health trauma can have an impact. 
Lastly and most importantly, I have a personal headcanon that young Steve Rogers of any era spent a lot of time sick in bed and staring into a mirror learning how to raise one eyebrow and perform other eyebrow gymnastics so he could more effectively sass his nurses. 
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I think it's actually reasonable for an author to say, "My modern Steve never had any fevers, and got his severe lactose intolerance diagnosed as a baby, and had good nutrition, had medications/clean environment that prevented his asthma."
So this Steve is 6 feet tall and healthy as long as he doesn't eat dairy and takes his daily zyrtec (cetirizine - it's an allergy med). The only medical issue he has from canon left is scoliosis, flat feet, and an astigmatism.
You can also choose to write a Steve with more complex medical issues, and there are lots of things that can be good and interesting and value about that. I think the main thing is to pick a diagnosis and write it realistically, hopefully this helps some with that!
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prismuffin · 2 years
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Masterlist 2
Miles Morales x male!Reader: “You knew it was going to snow, right?” Miles Morales x gn!Reader: Protection / Confession Miles Morales x gn!ninja!Reader: "You're a nin-what?" Miles Morales x male!genius!Reader: Observant Miles Morales x fem!spider-woman!Reader: Coincidence Miles Morales x mute!male!Reader: Grateful
Peter B. Parker x male!detective!Reader: Distraction
Peter Parker (any Spider-Man) x male!spider-mutant!Reader: Love and Affection
mcu!Peter Parker x black!male!witch!Reader: Best One Yet
tasm!Peter Parker x touchy!gn!Reader: Physical tasm!Peter Parker x kryptonian!male!Reader: Jealousy, Jealousy
Scott Lang x male!Reader: "Out of Milk"
Steve Rogers x male!Reader: "Mine."
Steven Grant x trans!male!reader: Long Day Steven grant x asexual(spectrum)!gn!Reader: Normal
Yelena Belova x gn! Reader: “Dont fuck it up.” Yelena Belova x ftm!Reader: "You’re looking quite masculine tonight"
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Luther Hargreeves x male!himbo!Reader: Jacked Dumbasses [Headcanons]
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
yandere!Agent 47 x gn!Reader: Patience // Garden yandere!father!Agent 47 x gn!reader: Escapade
Lucas Grey x gn!Reader: "You..."
Mission: Impossible:
dad!Ethan Hunt x son!Reader: “Talk to Me.” Ethan Hunt x agent!male!Reader: Can't Lose You Ethan Hunt x male!Reader: Someone He Could Trust
FarCry 5:
Jacob Seed x gn!Reader: “Chapstick”
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor (Rk800) x male!engineer!Reader: Overheated
Elijah Kamski Fluff/SFW Alphabet (gn!Reader)
Markus (dbh) x fem!human!Reader: A Helping Hand
Simon (dbh) x human!loving!gn!Reader: You are my sunshine Simon (dbh) x human!gn!Reader: Turning Blue
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Sal Fisher x male!reader who’s into witchcraft; Little Dark Age Sal Fisher x gn!reader; I'm Here
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Josh Sauchak Headcanons !! (gn!Reader)
Sitara Dhawan x mute!younger!sibling!reader: Simple Mistake
COD: Modern Warfare2:
Alejandro Vargas & Rodolfo Parra x trans!male!Reader: Deserving (smut included)
John Price x top!male!Reader: "PRICE?!" John Price x Simon 'Ghost' Riley (req drabble): Sleep
John "Soap" MacTavish x Sly!Flirty!Gn!Reader (headcanons)
Poly!GhostSoap x airhead!male!reader: Idiot Boyfriend
Poly!Alerudy treating male!reader like Morticia Addams
The MW2 boys reaction to you calling them pretty boy (gn!Reader)
The MW2 boys reacting to male!Reader dying on the field (alejandro, rodolfo, soap)
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Hunter Sylvester with a Stoner s/o (Headcanons)
Dc Universe:
Barry Allen with a male!forensic psychologist!Reader
Dick Grayson x jealous!male!reader
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x quiet!male!Reader: Discretion
John Constantine x black!male!Reader: Cuddle-Bug
Tim Drake (Robin) x affectionate!male!Reader: Loverboy Tim Drake x gn!crow-like!reader; Catch me if you can
Kid Flash x male!Reader: Joy Ride Kid Flash x male!Reader: Denial Kid flash and flash (seperate) with a rich!male!Reader (Kid Flash) Wally West x gn!alien!Reader: Scent
Superman x male!detective!reader: Intrigued
Young Justice Squad x fem!aroace!reader (soulmate AU); Cursed
Masterlist 2
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Nothing is more disappointing than clicking on a fic for your OTP and it turns out to have what I call OC Stand-In Syndrome, wherein Character A and Character B have had their backgrounds, personalities and motivations changed alongside plopping them in an AU setting to the point where their names are just about the only thing tying them to who they were originally.
To use an example from a fandom I am not in now but saw a lot of this in when I was, take literally any MCU ship. Stony, but Tony and Steve are in the 1950s and Tony is a shy emotionally damaged Omega uwu and Steve is just a nice guy but not the badass who canonically would fight you for more or less any injustice you committed in front of him. Were their names changed to Antonio and Stefan, you would not recognize that they were supposed to be Tony Stark and Steve Rogers at all. Or it's Stucky, but it's a modern day AU and Bucky is a banker who falls for barista Steve and neither have any personality traits in common with their original namesakes outside of being I guess nice and arguably friendly with each other, though of course in addition to their childhood friendship being erased, so has their poverty, plopping them both into comfortable middle class backgrounds often with supportive living families, making them unrecognizable as far as origins go. Clintasha but Clint is a CEO of a company and Nat is a secretary with no dark backstory and they've never met until one day their soul marks activate and they go on a series of dates where they reveal personalities, backstories, interests and desires that do not match canon Clint and Nat to the point where you don't know why these two were chosen as the named characters.
If you want to write original fiction, by all means, go for it. Write your 1950's A/B/O M/M romance with an emotionally broken, shy uwu boy and his skinny sexy chivalrous Alpha. Write that coffee shop M/M middle-class-without-the-uncertainty thing. Write your busy workaholic cutesy secretary who fate has wed to a CEO and aaaah she's so nervous aaah why is this so awkward. Those are things with audiences who will love them and were they not presented to me with the names of other characters on them, I might like them, too.
But when I go looking for A/B fic and I just find a fic with a character borrowing Character A's name and they're into a character borrowing Character B's name, my thought isn't, "Wow, what a great A/B fic!" it's "you must've accidentally used find-and-replace to put in the wrong names on your OCs".
I got out of Reylo for exactly this reason. I like Reylo. I don't like the latest Sad Girl OC with a different backstory and either much more wallflower or viciously snide personality (depending on what the author thinks is cute/cool) and Sad Boy OC who lacks the rage issues, familial issues and ongoing flaws that make Kylo interesting.
And now it's creeping into my latest fandom and I'm just so tired. Please, I just want to read fic of two characters, not two of your OCs who you haven't named yet.
They probably find their portrayal IC, but yes, this often irritates me too.
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Speak Now *sequel to The Kids Will Be Alright*
Chapter 7
Single dad!Bucky, Single mom!Reader, Clark Kent x Reader; Hybrid Social Media AU
Summary: Bucky and Y/n are dealing with the aftermath of Y/n’s engagement to Clark. Everyone has mixed feelings about the engagement, seeing as it is too quick, but they’re all just trying to be supportive of her and Clark, that is everyone except Natasha. Natasha and Y/n are still not talking. Sam and Natasha are also having marriage issues, Sam not agreeing with the way Natasha handled everything, while Natasha wishes he’d just be on her side. Bucky is trying his hardest to push down his feelings for Y/n, but as time continues on he can’t help but feel sadness as he sees Clark and Y/n plan their wedding. He continues to suffer in silence, while Steve watches his best friend slowly deteriorate. Y/n is out of her mind stressed, debating whether to call this whole thing off, or just elope.
Warnings: just pure angst.
Word Count: 2574 Masterlist
*taglist to this series is closed. To be added to the waitlist/permanent tag list. Info here*
Clark stood there holding [Y/N], while she quietly cries, after ending the phone call with Bucky.
“I can’t believe he would do this to me,” she cries.
“He won’t,” Clark tries to reassure her, “We’ll make sure he doesn’t take her away. Okay?”
“I can’t lose her, Clark.”
“And you won’t,” Clark tells her, “Not if we beat him to the punch.”
“What do you mean?” She sniffles, pulling herself slightly back to look up at Clark.
“He hasn’t filed anything yet, so all we need to do is file before he does,” Clark explains to her, “I know a few family lawyers, they’re really good. I can make a few calls.”
[Y/N] pauses. She takes a moment to think it through.
“Are you sure that’s the only thing we can do?” [Y/N] asks.
“If we don’t want to lose Daisy, yeah I think we have to.”
“Okay,” she agrees, “then let’s do it.”
“I’ll go make those calls. Do you have any idea who Bucky’s lawyer might be?”
“I’m assuming someone from work, in family law. Bucky has a lot of connections in the law world,” [Y/N] says, as she feels her anxiety rising once again.
“Okay. Do you know who he might get?”
“No,” she shakes her head.
Daisy walks into the kitchen. Clark and [Y/N] immediately stop their conversation. Daisy glances between the both adults. She notices [Y/N]’s sullen expression.
“Is everything okay Mommy?” Daisy asks, looking straight at [Y/N], who is trying to look away and wipe her tears.
“Yeah, I just smashed my finger, but I’m all good,” she turns back around and gives Daisy a tight smile, “dinner will be ready soon.”
“Okay, can you help me finish my coloring please?” She asks [Y/N].
“Clark can help you color while I finish dinner,” she tells Daisy.
“Oh, but I wanted you to help me please,” she pleaded. 
[Y/N] notices the pleading look in Daisy’s eyes. She turns to Clark, “do you mind finishing up dinner?”
“Yeah of course,” she smiles at her.
[Y/N] takes Daisy’s hand and leads her to the living room. She sat on the floor with Daisy and colored with her.
“I like when you color with me mommy,” Daisy says, smiling at her.
“Me too,” [Y/N] smiles back at her.
[Y/N] ponders over what Bucky had told her regarding Daisy. She looks over at her young daughter.
She starts to realize that she has been a bit MIA when it comes to solo quality time with Daisy. 
Then when she really starts to think about it all, she never truly asked Daisy what she thinks about the whole situation with her and Clark getting married.
Before she can ask Daisy anything, Clark walks out of the kitchen.
“Dinner’s ready,” he smiles.
“Daisy, can you go wash your hands please,” [Y/N] tells her.
Daisy scurries off, as Clark and [Y/N] go set the table.
“I have a lawyer friend that can meet with us tomorrow,” he tells her, “does that work for you?”
“Yeah, it does. Thank you again,” she smiles.
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“Why aren’t you taking me to ballet?” Daisy asks [Y/N] through the mirror, while [Y/N] does her hair in a bun.
“I have a very important meeting,” she tells him, “But Grandma and Grandpa are going to take you. Isn’t that going to be fun?”
“I guess,” Daisy sighed.
“I promise when I get home, we can go get ice cream, okay?” [Y/N] tells her, hoping it would cheer her up.
She really hates that she’s going to miss Daisy’s ballet class, especially since it’s her weekend. After last night she’s been stuck with this gut feeling that she is neglecting Daisy a bit too much the last couple of months. But Clark was able to get this last minute meeting with a lawyer, so she feels obligated to go. Especially if Bucky might be threatening to get full custody of Daisy.
“Okay,” Daisy forced a smile.
Before [Y/N] could say anything else the doorbell rang.
“Grandma and Grandpa are here,” Clark called out.
“Yeah,” Daisy nodded her head, and hopped down from her stool and walked out of the restroom with [Y/N] following her.
[Y/N] and Clark walk Daisy and [Y/N]’s parents out, before they all go their separate ways.
Clark and [Y/N] make their way into the heart of Manhattan. They stopped at a nice big building, and made their way up to the Prince Law offices. 
The elevator doors open and they’re greeted by a slick modern looking law office.
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“Hi, we’re here to see Miss Diana Prince,” Clark tells the receptionist.
She points them in the direction of Prince’s office.
As they walk in the direction, they’re immediately greeted by a young redhead outside of Diana Prince’s office.
“Clark Kent, do my eyes deceive me?” The young gorgeous redhead greeted him.
“Hello Barbara,” he smiled and greeted her with a hug, “It’s been awhile.”
“You don’t say,” she says, subtly trying to check him out.
[Y/N] notices the way Barbara checks out an oblivious Clark. She couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward. Almost like she shouldn’t be there.
[Y/N] hasn’t really met too many of Clark’s friends. Whenever she would ask about his friends, he would simply say how they’re always out of town, most of them being journalists like himself. She didn’t think too much of it, until this very moment.
“Barbara, this is my fiancé [Y/F/N]. [Y/N] this is Barbara Gordon, she’s Diana’s assistant,” Clark introduces the women.
“So you’re the lucky lady that gets to call Clark your’s,” she teases.
“I guess so,” [Y/N] says, forcing a smile, and trying not to show her discomfort.
“Let me tell Diana you guys are here,” Barbara steps away from the couple to go check on Diana.
“Isn’t she nice?” Clark asks [Y/N], his hand on around her waist. He looks down at her and smiles brightly, completely oblivious to her discomfort.
“Yeah, she seems very nice,” she forced.
“Clark Kent,” they heard a voice announce from in front of them.
[Y/N] looked to be greeted by the most gorgeous woman she’s ever seen. If Barbara made her feel some sort of way, Diana had her replaying every ounce of insecurity she’s ever felt about herself.
How the hell does Clark know all these gorgeous women, she thought.
“Diana,” Clark’s voice boomed, letting go of [Y/N] to hug the Amazonian woman.
“Thank-you so much for seeing us on such short notice,” he says as they pull apart. 
“Anything for an old friend,” she smiled, and turned her head towards [Y/N], “and you must be the future Mrs. Clark Kent.”
“Hi Miss Prince, I’m [Y/F/N],” [Y/N] awkwardly holds out her hand.
“Please call me Diana,” she smiles, shaking [Y/N]’s hand, “Come on in you two.”
They walk into the sleek, all white office, with windows lining up the wall behind Diana’s office.
Clark pulls out the chair for [Y/N] to sit across from Diana’s desk.
“I see you’re still ever just the gentleman,” Diana comments, which causes Clark to blush.
[Y/N] catches the way Diana causes Clark to blush.
Diana sits at her desk, with her laptop open. Barbara grabs a seat next to Diana, with a notepad and pen.
“Do you guys need anything? Water? Coffee? Tea?” Barbara asks them.
“No, we’re good,” [Y/N] says, just wanting to jump into everything.
“Okay, perfect. Let’s begin,” Diana smiled at [Y/N].
[Y/N] could tell Diana was trying her best to be comforting, but she couldn’t help but feel slightly uncomfortable.
“So Clark mentioned that your ex is planning on suing for custody?” Diana says.
“He’s not my ex,” [Y/N] clarifies.
“Oh, okay,” Diana says, Barbara jots something down.
“He’s one of my best friends,” [Y/N] explains, “we have known each other since high school. We slept together once, and Daisy was the result of that.”
“Okay. How old is your daughter?”
“She just turned four on January 1st.”
“Ah a New Year’s baby. How cute,” Diana smiles.
“So, you and,” Diana pauses for a name.
“James Barnes,” [Y/N] tells her.
Barbara and Diana pause at the mention of Bucky’s name.
“James Barnes?” Barbara asks.
“Yes,” [Y/N] nods her head.
“As in James Buchanan Barnes? From Stark and Rhodes?” Diana asks.
“Yeah,” [Y/N] says, not getting the hesitation between the women.
“Is there a problem?” Clark asks.
“No, of course not,” Diana shakes her head, “This just probably won’t be as simple as we thought.”
“Why is that?”
“Well not only is James Barnes one of the best lawyers in the state. Stark and Rhodes’ family law attorneys are some of the best,” Barbara says, “assuming that’s who’s going to represent him.”
“No worries though,” Diana reassures them, “We are just as good as they are. And we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you don’t lose custody.”
“Now do you know who Bucky got to represent him?” Diana asks.
“No, I’m just assuming it’s one of his co-workers,”  [Y/N] says.
“Okay. Perfect. So just ase on our experience and what we know about Stark and Rhodes, their top family law attorneys are Pepper Potts, Loki Odinson-Maximoff,”
“You can probably scratch Loki off that list,” [Y/N] says, cutting Diana off.
“Why is that?” Diana asks.
“Loki is part of our friend group. He’s one of our best friends, practically family. We’ve all known each other since college,” [Y/N] informs her.
“You don’t think Loki would help James out?” Diana asks, not convinced.
“I don’t see our friends really getting in the middle of it,” [Y/N] says, “Well maybe one of our friends. She also works at Stark and Rhodes. Natasha Romanoff.”
“Natasha Romanoff?” Diana asks.
“Yeah, she’s been very vocal about her dislike of our engagement,” [Y/N] says, pointing to herself and Clark, “we haven’t spoken since New Year’s day.”
“Okay,” Diana nods, making a note of that on her laptop, “Natasha is more of a criminal defense lawyer, but do you think she’d be willing to help Bucky?”
“I wouldn’t put it past her.”
“Okay then,” Diana nods, “we’ll make some calls and figure out who is representing him.”
“So [Y/N], what exactly do you want from this custody arrangement?” Diana asks.
“Honestly, I like the way things are between us. One week on, one week off. Every other year for holidays,” she tells Diana.
“Well don’t you guys typically spend the holidays together?” Clark carefully intervenes.
“What do you mean?” [Y/N] asks him.
“I mean you told me that in the past you and James normally spend Christmas Eve and morning together with each other’s families,” he says.
“Oh well, yeah,” she turns back to Diana, “Daisy is the only grandchild on both sides, so neither group of grandparents want to miss out. Plus Daisy loves having both James and I together during Christmas. So yeah James and I spend Christmas Eve and day together, swapping between our families.”
“And you want to keep it like that?” Diana asks. 
“It is nice that we both don’t have to miss out on the holidays,” she says, then turns to Clark, “Is that a problem?”
“No, of course not,” Clark shakes his head, “but what about when we go visit my mom for the holidays? Is James going to come around for that as well?”
“Oh, I didn’t really think of that,” she says, “I always forget that not everyone grew up here. But, um no, I suppose James won’t but we can just visit your mom on the years I don’t have Daisy.”
“Okay,” he nods his head, wanting to say more but he stops himself. Figuring this isn’t a conversation to have in front of Diana and Barbara.
[Y/N] could tell Clark wanted to say more, but decided not to push him on it. At least not until they were in private.
“Okay,” Diana clears her throat, sensing the tension, “so we can do the normal 50/50 child custody agreement. One week on, one week off. Holidays and birthdays every other year. You both have joint custody in regards to her education and medical needs. I can draft up a custody agreement proposal for you and you can tell me what you like slash don’t like. What you want added, etcetera. How does that sound?”
“Perfect,” [Y/N] nods her head, giving Diana a tight lip smile.
“Perfect,” Diana repeats, “I can have this emailed to you ASAP, so we can get this sent over to Bucky’s lawyer, once we find out who it is.”
“Thank-you so much Diana,” [Y/N] thanks her.
“No worries,” Diana says, getting up from her chair, the rest of the room follows suit, “I’m just glad to help.”
Diana and Barbara walk Clark and [Y/N] to the elevator doors, bidding them a goodbye.
“Do you think she knows that Clark,” Barbara begins.
“Used to be a massive playboy?” Diana finishes for her, “And that he’s had relations with the both of us? Doubt it.”
They begin to walk back to their office. Diana pauses.
“But Barbara, it isn't our place to tell her. That was over a year ago,” Diana tells her, “so let’s please keep this professional. She seems like a lovely lady, and Clark clearly adores her. It’s very reminiscent of how he was with Lois.”
“Before she walked out and left him with just a note,” Barbara says.
“Again, it isn’t our business,” Diana tells her, opening up her office door, “let’s just help her not lose custody of her daughter.”
“You know this isn’t going to be easy right? Especially if he has Natasha Romanoff helping him,” Barbara states.
“Oh I know,” Diana sighs, “but this can be our moment to prove that we can beat Natasha Romanoff.”
Subject: Regarding [Y/F/N]’s potential custody battle with James Buchanan Barnes
Good Afternoon Mrs. Romanoff,
Hopefully I’m not catching you at a bad time. I am writing you this afternoon to inquire about a possible custody case you might be a part of.
Today I had a meeting with [Y/F/N] and her fiancé Clark Kent, regarding some concerns with her custody agreement with a James Buchanan Barnes. It seems that James contacted [Y/N] yesterday in regards to their custody agreement, and wanting to potentially take full custody of their daughter Daisy Barnes. [Y/N] mentioned that he might already have a lawyer, and I’m just trying to figure out who that lawyer might be. Your name was brought up as a contender for that. You and I both know that you’re not a family law attorney, but seeing as there is a lot of history between you three, I thought I might email you and ask, if you are representing James Barnes in this custody battle.
If you can please respond as soon as you can, it will be a great help with us so we can get this custody agreement going in the right direction. Would hate for their child to suffer a horrible custody battle.
Best Regards,
Diana Prince.
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siriouslytired · 4 months
Feedback fest 2024 🌻
Well RIP to my bookmarks because I just noticed that so many of my favourite fics have been deleted or made anonymous/put in a collection. Thought it would be fun to do this anyway.
Also apparently I managed to post this when it wasn't done (can you tell technology doesn't like me?) And for some reason I couldn't edit the original post (and what's up with that??). So uh, if anyone had liked the first post I deleted it because I got annoyed.
All fics on the list can be found on AO3
A Year In Toussaint by astolat
The Witcher; Rated E; Geralt of Rivia/Emhyr var Emreis
"[...] - and found himself spilling the whole sob story of his success to Emhyr, who actually broke and laughed out loud when Geralt got to the racehorses."
One of my comfort fics, will read it for a multitude of reasons but mostly just because it's so well-written and engaging (which is just all of astolat's fics really)
Hunger and Appetite by thegoodbutter
Shadow & Bone; Rated E; Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov; Modern AU
I couldn't actually tell you how many times I've read this, it's just SO GOOD. And the food descriptions are just fantastic, makes me want to cook up a storm/start baking something even though I hate doing the dishes afterwards.
The Stars Don’t Shine, They Burn by Sarcasmismydefaultmode
Shadow & Bone/The Witcher; Rated E; Alina Starkov/Emhyr var Emreis; Second Best AU
Read it. Do it. It's so fucking good. I usually don't read crossovers anymore but I couldn’t resist this one and it was so worth it. It blends the two worlds so well while making sure that the edges are obvious enough that you can still tell which parts came from what canon.
Amazing Grace (series) by Druid Moon
Marvel Cinematic Universe; Darcy Lewis/Clint Barton; Many references to different forms of crafts
A relic from when I mostly read MCU fics that I return to again and again and again. Super cosy, slightly sad, incredibly well-written, one of those fics that just draws you in once you start reading it.
coronas of wolf-teeth and rivers by Dialux
A Song of Ice and Fire; Not Rated; Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark; AU; Robert dies at the Trident, Ned dies at the Tower of Joy, Catelyn becomes Queen of Westeros
I remember reading the summary and basically attacking my phone screen to open the fic. It ties itself together so neatly from the premise and the way Catelyn is written is just fantastic.
Diplomatic Relations by KrazzeeAJ1701
Star Trek; Rated M; James T Kirk/Sybok; AU, Female James T. Kirk
Listen, I had a phase where I mostly read gender swap and I found some real gems - this being one of them. I don't re-read it as often as I should but every time I do I remember how much I like it and how fantastic the writing is. The set-up just makes sense and the progression of the story makes you want to keep reading forever.
the ghosts won't matter because we'll hide in sin by soapboxblues
A Song of Ice and Fire; Jaime Lannister/Lyanna Stark; AU
A cute little AU where Lyanna survives the Tower of Joy and is subsequently turned into a political pawn etc etc. Incredibly well-written and the pieces just fit together so well.
The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie
Harry Potter; Rated E; Sirius Black/Hermione Granger; AU, Time Travel, Soul Bond
I must have read this at least 15 times by now. It just works so well, you know?
For One Last Day by fideliant
The Hobbit; General Audience; Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield; AU
"The things we don't do for love." It's so bittersweet and lovely and all those wonderful things that make me want to smile and cry at the same time. Sort of chances-not-taken and now we're old wrapped up in this little moment that fits so well into the canon of LOTR.
Eurybia by Annerb
Pirates of the Caribbean; Rated T; Elizabeth Swan/Will Turner; Jack Sparrow/Elizabeth Swan; AU
"A love story. Elizabeth Swan and the sea." Read it. Just do it. It's so so so good. And it's barely 1200 words so you can read it and then spend an hour contemplating what you just read and still have time to do other things.
16 notes · View notes
ashandkatiewrite · 11 months
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FIC SYNOPSIS: Maggie Hastings meets her dream man after a flight into New York City— Bucky Barnes, a pilot who seems to be everything she’s looking for. Except that she already has a boyfriend who never has time for her. After a near-tryst with her dream pilot, Maggie runs, only to find out he later meets her best friend and they’re now crazy about each other. Among their group of best friends, between Chicago and New York, and four weddings and a funeral, Maggie and Bucky struggle to keep their fiery chemistry a secret so they don’t hurt the ones they love.
WRITTEN BY: @if-you-onlyknew & @scherbatskybish
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OFC
Rating: M (Mature) & E (Explicit)
chapter preview…
This is exactly what she needed. He was all she needed. Her eyes opened again to look up at Bucky, her chin lifting, seeking the comfort of his kiss.
He leaned over Pal to kiss Maggie when a low whine sounded between them and Bucky sighed. Maggie’s needs outweighed Pal’s right now so Bucky moved the dog so he was curled up against Maggie’s back instead. Bucky pulled the comforter up over their shoulders and filled the space between, wrapping his arm around Maggie. Their feet became tangled together.
Despite Maggie being upset, he realized she had come to him for comfort. A certain possessiveness spread through him, content with her in this warm cocoon of blankets and warm bodies. And when she was ready to talk, he would mentally take notes on how to defend her from this ever happening again. 
TAGLIST: @ocappreciationtag • @julieelliewrites • @arrthurpendragon • @darkwolf76 • @cas-verse • @victoriapedrcttis • @cjand10 • @acabecca • @seb-soph • @eddysocs  • @darylandbethfanforever9 • @scarletwidoww • @sassysophiabush
14 notes · View notes
katiekinswrites · 1 year
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FIC SYNOPSIS: Maggie Hastings meets her dream man after a flight into New York City— Bucky Barnes, a pilot who seems to be everything she’s looking for. Except that she already has a boyfriend who never has time for her. After a near-tryst with her dream pilot, Maggie runs, only to find out he later meets her best friend and they’re now crazy about each other. Among their group of best friends, between Chicago and New York, and four weddings and a funeral, Maggie and Bucky struggle to keep their fiery chemistry a secret so they don’t hurt the ones they love.
WRITTEN BY: @if-you-onlyknew & @katiekinswrites
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OFC
Rating: M (Mature) & E (Explicit)
“So… it’s been about ten minutes. Are you gonna be okay?” Bucky asked her while he watched her with genuine interest shining in his eyes that showed Maggie that he truly did care to know if she would be okay.
“I am definitely okay.” Maggie assured him, touching her finger to her nose to prove she wasn’t too drunk. Slightly tipsy, yes — but not drunk. Though, it would have been a hell of a lot easier to blame her flirtatious behavior and the attraction she felt for Bucky on being too inebriated to know any better — that just was not the case. 
Sure, Maggie had noticed and been attracted to other men over the last few years of dating Billy — especially after he had relocated from Chicago to Manhattan a few months ago — but she had never even bothered to give them a second glance. 
But Bucky?
There was a spark between them that she couldn’t deny — a magnetic pull that would not allow her to look away or come to her senses and tell him that she was in a serious relationship. 
“Do you have a flight you need to go...fly?” She asked with a slight chuckle. The question had come out a bit too awkwardly. “Do you have somewhere you need to be?” She found herself asking, realizing that she didn’t want him to leave. 
Maggie wanted him to stay and if he had to leave — she wanted to go with him — and that, again, was not the alcohol talking. 
His brows rose slightly at her question and the smile on his face was ever constant as he shook his head. “I’m completely free until tomorrow. So… I guess I’m right where I needed to be.” He didn’t hide the blatant interest in his eyes as he checked her out. 
Maggie’s heart was racing, his words affecting her more than they should. 
She had been so frustrated earlier because of her delayed flight and the fact that she had to sit and wait at the airport for Billy to get back into the city so he could bring her back to his place — but now? 
Maybe she was exactly where she needed to be.
“Good,” she said while grinning at him. “I’m glad,” Maggie admitted, not bothering to try and hide the fact that she was happy to hear he wouldn’t be leaving.
TAGLIST: @ocappreciationtag • @marvelocsdaily  • @marveloccommunity • @fyeahsuperverseocs • @sendmylcve • @arrthurpendragon • @darkwolf76 • @cas-verse • @victoriapedrcttis • @cjand10 • @roosterbradshaws • @seb-soph • @scarletwidoww
13 notes · View notes
buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Title: Talk Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: Pleasure Dom!Bucky x Female!Reader Word Count: 2k
Summary: He's ready to give you everything you want and things you don't even know you need yet.
Content/Concept Warnings: BDSM AU, discussion of BDSM themes, oral female receiving, praise kink, dirty talk, overstimulation, forced orgasm
Notes: TRIPLE THREAT SUBMISSION for @buckybarnesevents WEEK TWO of Hot Bucky Summer: "What Should I Call You?", my fourth square of @buckybarnesbingo K4 "Kink: Forced Orgasm, and my second square for Connect4 Alternate June-iverse: C2 "BDSM." Also, @biteofcherry, you totally called the BDSM vibes from that little last line tag game sentence I posted the other day - it was this, mwahaha!
Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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You sat sideways on the couch, your arm draped over the back, legs tucked up comfortably beneath you. He mirrored your position, though with just one leg brought lazily up onto the couch, leaving his impressively thick thighs spread wide, teasing your fantasies.
Indulging fantasy was why you were there in the first place.
And you almost felt like this was any normal kind of Saturday afternoon with the new boyfriend you were eager to crawl into the lap of and be devoured by for the first time.
The setting fit – cozy living room of a sophisticated man’s apartment with leather furniture, modern art on the walls, small but sufficient kitchen, floor to ceiling windows along one side of the room that led to a private balcony, and a door that you knew would lead to the bedroom.
But it was just a little too tasteful to be real.
And he didn’t live here.
It was all designed to make you feel comfortable, an indulgent illusion of reality.
“You’re sure you’re not thirsty?” he asked.
He hadn’t offered anything alcoholic – strictly against policy so you were both sober – but you declined again with a shake of your head.
“Okay,” he said, “but remember it’s my role to make sure you always feel safe and taken care of, and that includes the small things like getting you a drink, and you can change your mind at any point. You’re not a burden. We are here for you and what you want.”
Warmth bloomed through your core – tinged with desire, but mostly just heat that was part comfort and part reticence. You had never taken such a bold measure of self-indulgence or self-care or self-discovery or whatever this could be called. It had taken almost two months for you to get from scoffing at the suggestion to sitting in the room on this couch across from the brunette Adonis who had said to call him Bucky (a nickname – you were asked to give a nickname as well when you registered and had gone with Rio).
“The last thing we should discuss, if you’re ready to move forward, is your safe word.”
“Brazil,” you responded without hesitation.
He smirked, but it was in no way unkind. “Rio and Brazil – I’m sensing a theme.”
“Another thing on the list of dreams to finally indulge,” the words tumbled out of your mouth.
“I hope that’s another thing you’ll choose to pursue.”
You laughed. “God, it’s so weird just how normal all this conversation feels. We just spoke at length about my kinks and limits and now I’m telling you my hopes and dreams. I’ve rarely shared this much of myself to anyone, and certainly not after only knowing them for less than an hour.”
“Well, part of that is that we all feel a little safer exposing ourselves to strangers because they’re not part of our routine,” Bucky said, “but there’s some trust that’s established by the mere act of us talking about your boundaries. It’s certainly a foundational part of the process. This only works when you feel comfortable with me, if you trust me – otherwise you cannot truly submit to me as your dominant in this arrangement.”
You nodded.
“Trust, strong communication – without them, there’s no way I can expect you to reasonably let go of your inhibitions either,” he soothed, moving his hand forward to brush his fingers over yours.
“The world of BDSM and kink is vast, but it shouldn’t be overwhelming. I never want you to feel like you’re an Alice who’s fallen down a rabbit hole and exposed to and expected to navigate the wonderland on your own.”
“I appreciate that. There’s…” you hesitated, but his rapt attention helped you feel like you could continue the thought on the tip of your tongue. “There’s a lot on the internet – a lot that I thought I knew about this stuff, but even just the registration and profile of preferences I had to fill out was pretty illuminating.”
After the basic registration you had been directed to complete an Experience and Curiosity Checklist that walked you through over 250 different activities and indicate whether you had tried it before or not, your pleasure during that activity if you had, and then a ranking of if you would like to try or do it in this setting – from never to need, if each activity was something you would entertain in a consensually forced situation, and if you would give, receive, or were up for both.
“Illuminating, huh?” Bucky grinned.
You felt just a touch of heat rise in your cheeks.
“You’re incredibly smart, and I like that,” he said, his grin turning to a softer smile. “That long and thorough profile? It’s the key to all of this – it’s not only for you, but also for me. I was matched to you ahead of anyone else on our staff. I’ve been preparing for you.”
“Like studying up?” you interjected.
“Of course, and the time we’ve spent up until now talking is for both of us, as well. You have a question you want to ask, something that wasn’t fully clear to you through your own research and filling out the profile. Ask it.” He tapped gently on your fingers, another motion of reassurance, connection.
“Forced orgasms.”
“I’m not surprised you would want to know more about that particular aspect.”
“I get the general concept, but I guess I don’t understand how that translates into practice,” you admitted.
Bucky nodded. “Sex should be engaged in for intimacy and pleasure – sometimes only pleasure, but not all the partners we are involved with are people we would trust to push us beyond our limits – either because a relationship is new, it’s a one-time thing, or because we don’t know how to communicate the limits and boundaries. Just like anything else, sex is a part of our experience as humans that we learn and grow and change with. A forced orgasm is a way to explore pleasure and power dynamics, but there must be that established trust. They can be both physically and emotionally intense because it could be exploring something new or pushing you past limits – you would give up power and be subjected to my whims.”
You took a deep breath and nodded.
“You give up power, but not safety – that’s important for you to remember. You always have your safe word or tap me three times if you can’t speak, I’ll always stop immediately. Forced can also be a specific part of roleplay scenarios. We can discuss it more, but I think you ought to experience it. Do you think we’ve built enough trust for us to begin?”
“Oh, now?”
“Yes, now, or we could talk more before we begin, we could talk and do nothing more tonight, or you could leave now and go think before your next appointment.”
You bit your lip, but only out of concentration for deciding, not out of nerves.
“What do you want?” he asked patiently.
“I want to begin the physical experience.”
“That kind of specificity will be rewarded, Rio.”
You grinned.
“You didn’t mark this very high on your profile, but I think you’re going to find out you have quite the praise kink.”
You half-gasped and half-giggled, surprised that he would say something so bold and yet also not.
“Strong independent woman like you? High achiever, determined. You’re not vain, and you don’t chase it, but you like recognition outside the bedroom, right?”
“Well, yes.”
“You’ll love it here, too, doll.”
You pressed your thighs closer together. A slow undercurrent of desire had been present since the night began, but as things began to transition, your core was beginning to thrum with anticipation.
“Before we get started, I – well – just – thank you for not asking me why I decided to come here.”
“You didn’t ask me why I chose this profession. It might be oversimplification to say we’re both here because we want to be, but that’s the bottom line, isn’t it?”
“Know there will never be an ounce of judgment here – not for your desires, your kinks, your fears, your motivations. Don’t worry about doing anything wrong in there – we’ll be learning what your body wants together. You need to stop, we stop. You need to pause, we pause. You want to go slow or try something again or from a different angle, you tell me. Deal?”
“Deal.” God, he made you feel like the world was at your feet even though you were surrendering to him.
He stood up and pulled you with him. “One more thing.”
“In there, you call me ‘sir,’” he said. He brought your hand up and placed a whisper of a kiss on the inside of your wrist.
Everything in you melted instantly and you had to remind yourself to breathe.
“You got that?”
“Yes, sir.”
He smirked.
You knew he was going to ruin you.
You knew this, you knew you were ready and eager, and yet you also could tell nothing in your life had quite set you up for what you were about to experience if he had you pliant and nearly pleading for him after that mere gentle touch.
“Why don’t you head to the bedroom, I’ll give you a few minutes to get comfortable, and then I’ll come in.”
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Two hours later, you were a writhing mess on the mattress, completely naked and splayed out for him while he was still fully clothed. His head was buried between your thighs, your hips firmly in place by his left arm pressing down on your pelvis. The fingers of his other hand were buried in your cunt, stroking the sensitive spot on your inner wall slowly and torturously – because every sensation down there was too much now.
He had traced his fingers over every inch of your limbs, teased your nipples, stroked your neck, ghosted his hands over your hips, teasing until you were pleading for him to touch your pussy.
He had told you once he started, he wouldn’t stop.
You knew he wasn’t lying, but you had never known an experience like this.
He had edged and denied your first orgasm until you were desperate and crying. The ultimate bliss had been blinding. He had praised you, told you your first orgasm with him had been truly beautiful, and your back had actually arched at his words, an inner keening. He’d been right about that kink.
And then he’d been nothing but relentless, bringing you to the edge and back again, then hurtling you over numerous times, with only brief moments of reprieve before torturing you with his lips, teeth, and tongue, with his hands, and with his words. Filthy promises of things he would do, dangled your fantasies in front of you, teased out admissions from you of even darker desires he as he presented new options you’d never considered, all the while pushing you into orgasm after orgasm. You keened and cried.
It was too much, and you told him so.
He disagreed, coaxing that you could give him another, and another.
“Sir,” you sobbed, “sir, stop, I can’t.”
Now the crying was continuous, and those were the only four words you seemed to be able to utter. When it devolved to only hitched breaths and sirs, Bucky slowed and stopped.
“Do you remember your safe word?” he asked.
“Yes,” you rasped.
“I didn’t say it.”
He chuckled. “Just checking, Rio.”
“I know it’s Brazil! Break over, keep going.”
“It’s the endorphins – even though the overstimulation is there and it’s uncomfortable, the high with the endorphin release through the pain is its own trip, isn’t it?”
“Yes, yes, now keep your word and don’t stop until I’m utterly broken,” you whined, wiggling your hips as much as you could manage.
His low laugh made you shiver. “You’re going to be one of my favorites, I can tell.”
And then he pressed firmly on that spot inside of you and sucked hard on your clit in one sudden moment and ripped another orgasm and scream from you as you twisted one hand in the sheets and tugged his hair with the other, not ready to stop yet. He was as addictive as he was relentless, and you were not going to leave an ounce of this unexplored, and this was only the beginning.
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Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
End Notes: I feel like I knew some of the basics when it comes to BDSM and some of my fics have had BDSM elements, but I did a fair amount of research because I didn't want to do any disservice to the what a healthy relationship exploring BDSM might look like. This is one take. I found some very helpful insight at theduchy.com (specifically their BDSM Experience and Curiosity Checklist) and an article Bustle published by two sex educators that took a very straight-forward approach in discussing some of the basics. I'd go so far as to say there things that I learned or had reaffirmed or got better language/theory about by studying about BDSM that I think should just be base safe sexual practices (around consent, boundaries, exploration, trusting your partner, etc).
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