dyngrc · 5 years
Choices July Challenge 2019
3) Peace
Whenever I have a long day, I just hope she’s at home to welcome me with one of those “restart hugs” she’s the only one capable of giving.  You know? Becca it’s like this battery bunny who can do it all, you’ll always see her focus and determined to reach her goals, but at nights, the moment I’m in the bathroom, or in our room writing, and she calls my name to have dinner with her, I stop whatever I’m doing and leave the room to meet her and sit with her on the table, the way she smiles while serving the plates, how she surreptitiously pinches me on every chance she has and then looks at me hoping I don’t get mad at her and smile. 
I never thought anything could be like this. Opening my eyes to see this girl who I just dreamt about, right in front of me, half naked, her blonde tresses shining, reflecting back the sunlight peeping through the window. She has her back towards me, but I can see her body slowly rise and fall as she sleeps peacefully. I can’t help but think how beautifully she balances me and our relationship.
[bold paragraph writen by Phoeninxx ]
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phoenixx2709 · 6 years
|The Lake House|Part 9|
It's nearly 11AM when MC wakes up. She looks around for Becca in the room but there's no sign of her. She walks downstairs and finds everyone preparing for the party at night.
Every one of her friends from Heartfeld is going to be at the party tonight. She notices Becca and Zack taking the party cups in to the kitchen. While Zig and Chris are carrying in the beer boxes.
Everyone is busy with the party preparations till the afternoon.
After they're done with all setups,MC goes in to her room to freshen up and dress up for the party. She changes in to a black dress and applies make up.
The throbbing sound of music can be heard from downstairs.
She walks downstairs and spots everyone from Heartfeld. Amara and Darren are in the corner ..talking and MC walks up to them and greets them.
"Where's Rachel and Annisa?" She asks Amara.
Amara points towards the centre of the living room where Rachel and Logan are dancing with each other. She spots Annisa and Kaitlyn dancing close to each other,both smiling widely.
MC takes up being the hostess of the party again, meeting and greeting everyone. She spots Leila and Edgar on the couch,both are debating about a video game reviews and MC chooses to leave them to it. She turns around and sees a familiar face which makes her heart skip a beat. Becca is walking down with her green glittery cocktail dress and her make up is perfect. She shoots a glances at MC first and starts walking slowly towards her with a smirk. MC's feels her heart pounding in ears which is definitely not from the throbbing music.
To her surprise,Becca walks past her, towards Madison and Tripp who are talking to each other near the fireplace. Becca hugs Madison and Tripp indicates a 'hey' at MC with a drink in his hand.
Zack comes from behind and teases MC "Ouch, you've just been turned down by the queen bee." He chuckles.
MC is still in awe of seeing Becca in that dress and feels flustered.
She rolls her eyes at Zack and mutters "I need a drink and some air."
She starts walking towards the main door and easily snatches Zig's drink from his hand ,whose attention shifts from talking to James.
MC walks outside , sipping on her drink.
She feels her breath getting even , she didn't realize that she has been holding her breath since she saw Becca walking towards her. "This girl could kill me" she mutters to herself, leaning on the railing of the porch.
She hears a soft sob , coming from behind the lone tree in the lawn.
She walks up to the tree and hears Chelsea speaking "No Manny please don't come up here,"
She's speaking on the phone with Manny, whose voice is audible as he screams "I'm gonna punch the shit out of that Twig." And he hangs up.
"Hey" MC moves towards Chelsea who holds her hand out. "MC just go away"
"I'm just making sure you're okay. Was that Manny?"
Chelsea looks up at her with her teary eyes "Yeah it was Manny. What do you want? It's none of your business so just back off" she speaks with an attitude.
MC starts to move closer "I'm just trying to hel-" she has been cut off.
"Oh I know you're just trying to 'help' by getting nosy into my personal matters. That's your job isn't it ?Getting involved in everyone's issues even if they don't need your stupid concern? Can't you just take your help and shove it dow-"
"Hey!" A voice cuts her off .
They both turn around to see Becca descending down the porch and walks up to the two.
"You can't talk to MC like that" she speaks , standing close to Chelsea.
"Why? She's not a sorority sister."
"Enough with that bitchy soronity attitude! If you ever talk to her again like that..I'd convince Madison to kick your ass off the soronity." She says with angry stare.
Chelsea's expression turns into a scowl " You can't do that to me . And why the heck you care so much? Isn't she your rival or something?!"
Becca stays silent for a moment before she speaks with an unruffled voice "Well what can I say? I'm possessive about my enemies ...so you talk to her in that way again and see for yourself what happens to your sorry ass." She takes MC's hand and drags her to the party.
Becca goes straight to the bar when they step inside. She released MC's hand and gulps down two shots.
"Easy there." MC stops her third drink by snatching it from her.
Becca does not react until MC breaks the silence "So.. possessive about enemies huh?" She chuckles.
"Shut up." Becca says while running her hand through her hair. "And give me that. I need it." She takes the glass from MC's hand and gulps down the shot.
"Need it for what?" She asks in a hushed tone while looking at her with concerned eyes.
Becca closes her eyes and sighs. MC patiently waits for her to speak again. She knew Becca had something on her mind for which she wanted the alcohol, otherwise Becca does not need anything to speak her mind.
After a few seconds ,she starts to speak "MC,I wanted to talk to you abou-"
"MC! There you are.I've been looking for you ..." Chelsea interrupts Becca.
"I wanted to apologize to you. I'm sorry,I didn't mean to come out that way..it wasn't your fault. I was tensed about Manny picking up a fight because Zig and I.. well..we made out."
"It's okay.. really."MC gives her a reassuring smile.
"And oh Kaitlyn has been looking for you"Chelsea lightly points towards Kaitlyn.
MC looks at Becca and she nods, implying her to go after Kaitlyn.
MC walks up to Kaitlyn who seems to be drunk. Becca watches them from a distance and chuckles lightly when Kaitlyn loses her balance .
The next thing she sees is that Kaitlyn has halfway fallen on MC, who is helping her stand up. She comes close to MC's face speaks something in MC's ear and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Becca face burns up with anger on this and MC spots her walking out of the house in a huffy way.
To be continued....
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sarcasticace · 6 years
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forgottenl0v3r · 7 years
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Cuddles with Bex 😍😘 “She’s... smitten.” (I don’t think it will be too much longer fam. Official status soon? *fingers crossed*)
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awkwardsgames · 7 years
Falling... Part 5
Sorry about the incredible delay! Work and school have been crazy busy. This isn’t very long, but I am trying to figure out how to wrap this all together.
It’s still in the POV of Becca and runs parallel with MC’s POV from the past parts. 
I knew she had to go past me to get out of the lecture hall. It was my moment to be able to talk with her, where she couldn’t avoid me. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I watched her. She kept looking over at me and then looking around the room. What was she doing? That’s when I watched her clamber over the chairs going down to a different row. I watched in shock and felt my stomach drop. It was then that I realized she didn’t want anything to do with me. I watched the back of her, remembering the night I screwed it all up. Just like that night, she never turned around. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and blinked rapidly to keep the tears from spilling over.
I got up and tried to push my way through the remaining throngs of people. Maybe I could catch her. I felt my heartbeat begin to race. I made my way out of the building, scanning all the faces. “Where is she,” I muttered to myself as I walked forward slowly, studying the people around me. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. She wasn’t alone, I watched as a guy put his arm around her shoulders. What was his name? Fig?... Rig?... Zig. That was it, and that was the guy who had liked her her freshman year. I felt my face flush as I thought back to the night of the dance.
Did she change her mind? Was she with him now? 
Did he treat her the way she should be treated?
I watched them walk out onto the grass where the picnic tables were. I didn’t care that I was standing there, forcing people to move around me. Bumping into me every now and then. Normally it’d piss me off, but I could care less right now. Right now, I was watching something unfold and I didn’t know what it was that I was seeing. Even squinting I couldn’t tell what they were saying.
That’s when I saw it. My lungs constricted tightly in my chest.
She was smiling. She’s smiling and she’s smiling at him.
I couldn’t watch this anymore. I quickly grabbed my car keys out of my purse and headed to the parking lot. “Screw this,” I said to no one in particular. I finally got to my car and got in. As I started to put the key in the ignition I realized how bad my hands were shaking. I let out the breath I was holding in and tossed the keys onto the passenger seat. Letting my head fall against the steering wheel, I closed my eyes as hard as I could to try and keep my emotions in check.
“Get it together, Becca. You’re being ridiculous,” I tried to sound as assertive as possible, but the waver in voice couldn’t be hidden. I brought my head back up and grabbed my keys from the seat. As I started the car, I looked up and saw her. MC was walking right past my car. She had that look of being on a mission. She wasn’t smiling anymore, but she didn’t look so downtrodden either. She walked right past me, not even a glance in my direction. With a slight feeling of defeat, I buckled up my seatbelt and decided to move on to the next person that I needed to apologize profusely to. It was time for me to face Madison and hope that she will forgive me.
“Madison will forgive me, right?” Saying it out loud only made me feel worse. I was terrible to her that night. In fact, I was terrible to her most of the time. Yet, there she always was, right by my side. Shaking my head and gripping the steering wheel tightly, I backed out of my parking spot and headed towards the sorority house.
I found a spot on the side of the street, close enough to the house, but hidden enough to where no one would see me. Looking in the rearview mirror, I smoothed down my hair, put on a new layer of lip gloss and pinched my cheeks trying to put color back into my face.
“Alright, Becca, let’s get this over with. You got this, just keep your shit together,” I rolled my eyes at my own reflection at how pitiful I sounded. Grabbing my purse, I opened the car door. I stepped out in the bright sunlight and closed my car door. Just as I was about to turn around to head to the house, I ended up running into someone. I dropped my purse and as I bent down to retrieve it, I heard the person apologizing.
“Oh shoot, I’m sorry, I didn’t even see you…” The voice trailed off all of a sudden.
I knew that voice.
My body shot straight up, forgetting about my purse laying on the sidewalk. Trying to figure out what to say, I just stared into her eyes. Completely stunned, I could barely get any coherent words out.
“MC, I didn’t… what are you…” I let out a huge sigh giving up on trying to come up with a proper sentence.
We just stood there, both wide eyed and unable to speak.
I was fully aware that I could easily reach out and brush the loose strand of hair on the side of her face. I fought the urge though, and stayed stone still, afraid she might run off if I moved too fast.
Instead, a heavy silence fell between us and we just stood there.
To be continued….
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“Come in, the water’s just fine” -- Becca 
(preview to an upcoming fanfic ahah)
New to digital and welcoming any and all feedback/critiques :D
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torifontaine · 7 years
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We basically owe her.
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xphrnzrjh · 7 years
Did anyone else stand their ground with Becca?
I told her I'll be by her side and support her, but when it came to the choice of whether you completely forgave her (the one where you can tell her she has to clean after the next party, etc.) I chose the first option and "stood my ground".
I want to be with Becca, so I hope it won't harm that, but I feel like it's important not to forgive her just yet because she still has some "repairing" to do...
What do you think? Anyone else made that choice? I saw that other people forgave her and got some extra flirting scenes so it made me wonder whether I made the right choice...
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iwastoldimsteph · 7 years
The Aurora Music Festival: Kaitlyn’s Perspective
MCxKaitlyn, MCxBecca, MCxZig
Background: MC and Kaitlyn had broken up in book 3. MC spent the night of the dance with Becca prior to summer break. This story is meant to be about what is going on in Kaitlyn’s mind during the Aurora music festival chapter. The scenes between Becca and MC do happen in the actual chapter and this is what I assume Kaitlyn would be thinking if she had seen it. There is also a little in here referencing towards Zig and MC’s relationship.
I understand that this chapter happened FOREVER ago already; but this idea has been rattling around in my head and I needed to get it out. I hope you enjoy it anyways!
*Loud music playing in the background
MC’s cellphone rings, “Hello? Becca.” she says as she begins making her way to the back of the van. “I’ve missed you” was the last thing I was able to hear MC say into the phone. I let myself fall back into my seat feeling defeated.
“I’m sorry Kaitlyn” a male voice whispers. I look up to see Zig who is now leaning towards me. “I actually miss seeing the two of you together.” he then revealed. This shocked me, I let out a small chuckle and said, “and I honestly thought you were trying to steal her.” Zig chuckled now, “Oh I wouldn’t say ‘trying to steal her’, but I will admit that I was definitely hoping she noticed how charming I can be.” I couldn’t help but to laugh, shaking my head as I did.
MC laughs into the phone at the back of the van. “Does Becca even know how to be funny?” I thought to myself, the smile once more disappearing from my face. Zig shifts uncomfortably and clears his throat to say, “yeah, so I just got to say it; that is a pretty weird friendship.” I slowly nodded and said “Yeah, but MC always has been able to see the best in people, even when they are at their worst.” Zig nodded his head in agreement and I gave him a weak smile.
“But I’m not so sure she’s just a friend” I thought to myself as I watched MC on the phone. It was easy for me to see the difference in MC’s body language now. I knew her, and so therefore I knew that it wasn’t only friendship I was seeing. “God, I miss being the one to make her act like that.”
“WOOO, 100 MILES BABY!!!!” Zack screams out. MC makes her way to the front “okay guys, so that was Becca and it turns out she’s meeting us at the festival” she affirmed.
“Of course she is” I silently alleged. Zig stretched out his leg to bump mine. I looked over and he had his tongue out as he was pantomiming a noose around his neck over MC’s announcement. “Well at least I’m not the only one unhappy about this.” I thought as I answered Zig by putting 2 fingers to my chin before pulling the thumb trigger laying my head back into my seat.
When we arrived at the festival, I noticed MC pacing, her fingers tapping at her legs. I knew that she always did this when she was nervous. Zack enthusiastically approached MC, “WE MADE ITTTT!! ITS ALL SO AMAZING!” he screamed in excitement. MC cracked a smile at him, “It is! And its HUGE, and look at all these people!” Zack eagerly agreed and turned around to take it all in. He didn’t even realize how the level of enthusiasm in MC’s response nowhere near matched his own.
You watch her as the group begins to explore the festival. Her eyes continuously scanning the crowds and her phone. It was beginning to get irritating; watching her obsess over someone while we had an entire festival happening around us. Then I realized I was literally doing the same thing. How many booths had we passed by that went unnoticed by the both of us. I needed to snap myself out of it.
“Hey guys look, corn on the cob! It smells SO good” I blurted out. Tyler sniffs the air “it really, really does.” James stepped forward, “well, we probably should eat something before we head to the stages” he acknowledged. Zack takes off towards the corn line, “And I’m STARVING, so corn it is!” he declared.
After reaching the line, you notice MC is no longer with the group. You turn to make your way back to where we last saw her. Zig catches up to you, “I think Becca is finally here and she went to get her.” I stop, “well she, I mean they, should know where we went, that area was pretty crowded.” I said before continuing. Without a sound, Zig just followed.
MC was no longer where we had last seen her. We scanned the area for anything that may have caught their attention. I notice an elaborate snow cone booth and begin walking towards it; “MC can never turn down a snow cone”. Zig finally spots MC and Becca, “There they are, with the snow cones.”
Zig and I begin making our way to them. Becca and MC are standing close, laughing with each other. I see MC help Becca clean some ice from her mouth. Becca suddenly grabs MC’s hand and leads her behind the booths. I continued to follow. Zig grabbed my arm, “maybe we should wait…” I pulled my arm free and continued after them. A decision I was quick to regret.
There stood MC and Becca, their bodies intertwined in a passionate kiss. It was like I could literally feel my heart drop; It’s as if it landed in my stomach and all I wanted to do was to throw it back up. “I knew it. I Fucking knew it.” I screamed inside my head. My body had begun to shake and I could feel the warmth from my face turning red. “No, no. This wasn’t how the festival was supposed to go; That should be me with MC against that booth.” A frown formed on my face and my eyes started to fill up with tears. “I lost her. MC doesn’t love me anymore.”
The next thing I knew, Zig was pulling me away from the area. We walked silently until we saw the corn booth ahead and Zig stopped. “Well… I never would’ve guessed that” he said.
“I did”
“I’m sorry you had to see that Kaitlyn.”
I remained silent.
“Heck, I’m sorry I had to see that.”
I turn to face Zig.
“I mean, since MC didn’t want me, I was willing to accept losing her to you.” He said as he slightly nudged me with his elbow.
I met his eyes, “Thank you Zig, I really appreciate that.”
“Remember I’m still rooting for you two” declared Zig.
“I was rooting for us too, I had this whole festival plan to try and get MC back and everything…” I answered.
Zig smiled down at me, “Well, who knows what is really happening there, you may still have a chance; I’ve gotten to know MC this summer, and I know she still loves you. I saw it in her eyes whenever you were mentioned.”
I know he was trying to be helpful, but I still felt pain. “Yeah, you SAW it” I thought to myself. “I wonder if that’s still the same case now…”
Zig grabbed a hold of my shoulders, “Seriously Kaitlyn, I think you two are meant to be.” He professed. “Just give her some time to figure that out for herself.” He released my shoulders, “Now come on, we are at a freaking music festival and our friends are about to order some corn on the cobs without us, and I don’t want to miss those.”
I couldn’t help but to laugh with Zig, “You’re right. Sorry for being a bummer. Thank you for the kind words and support” I said. “So, the festival won’t be going exactly as I had planned, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still have fun.”
“That’s the spirit!” cheered Zig. “But honestly though why Becca; What is MC thinking?” he questions out loud as he turns to begin walking.
“She is thinking that there is good in everyone” I assumed to myself. “A thought I may begin to take into consideration; Zig turned out to be pretty cool after all; Even though I would barely give him the time of day out of sheer jealousy; But he saw the love MC and I had (that I still do, and hope she still does) and he respected it” I thought.
“You’re a cool guy Zig, and I’m glad you remained a part of the group.” I match his pace. “And if you are right about all this, you’re definitely going to be in the wedding party” I mentioned while laughing.
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” replied Zig.
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dyngrc · 5 years
Choices July Challenge 2019
2) Regret
Can you remember your first interaction with the person who’s meant to make your life a living hell? Can you remember your first interaction? what started it? also, can you remember your first thought the moment you first saw this person? Huh, I got a better question for you now, can you imagine yourself being kissed by your “enemy”? ooh! spooky stuff, I know. 
When I first saw Rebecca Davenport, I remember thinking: “Oh this is Queen B, tryna “get her man, what a bitch!”. Now I wonder: “was she really trying to get with Chris?” - I don’t think so!
I remember the first time I sat with her and had an honest conversation, our very own heart to heart. I remember feeling so sorry for her, I used to think that “this girl has it all” only to realize at that time, I was the one having it all. That moment I regret everything between us, how I was trying to play her game and making her feel miserable, even when sometimes she kinda deserved it, from that moment on, I proposed myself to be everything to her and fix the cracks on her until she’s whole again.
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mayasbananapuddin · 7 years
Prompt 113: Where did all these puppies come from?
It may be a bit long, and although it was supposed to be for mcxbecca, I added a 3rd. Hope you like it @asocialiguana (Sorry if theyre any typos; I wrote this in a hurry after work) ------------------------------------------------ Zack, no! That's too much! What, how? No it's not. The guy said a baby bottle nipple thingy would wor-- He said a bottle with a nipple for a Premie, that hole is way too big! They'll drown. Oh my god, Em... Look, see? They're fine! You're overreacting. Just loo-- Hey! What the hell, dude, give me back the bottle. Nope, uh uh. No way. Fuck, look what you did; Spotted Dick wont stop coughing. Well yeah NOW he is since you snatched the damn bottle. Ughhh.. What do I do; like pat him on the back?? What if he be breaks! Uh.. um, I don't know, I don't know! Try tapping his back with two fingers. Shit. Look, I'm gonna go get the eye dropper 'cause the rest still need to be fed. Just keep them covered and warm. 'Kay. Oh wait, a sec, throw this in the washer; Morgan pissed all over it. Or maybe it was Freeman. Eh, I dunno. Anyway, here, catch-- Wait, wha-- this Becca's shirt. Why is it wet?? Uhhh Zack... I didn't know it was hers! I just grabbed one off the floor like you told me! Ugh, Fuck... No I said grab something off the floor, dude. Like a towel, a sock... Shit. She's gonna kill me. No. Us. She's going to kill us. That's it, we are so officially dead. And fucked. We are dead-fucked. Is...is that even legal? Damnit, ok. Look, not a word of this to Becca, got it? It's gonna be bad enough trying convince her to be cool with keeping the pupp--"Becca!" "Hey." You reply, casually leaning against the doorframe. "Nice of you to finally notice me." MC drops the shirt dangling from her fingers and quickly strides over to you, arms outstretched to embrace you, but deliberately wide enough to block your view. Meanwhile, Zack, using his jacket, struggles to conceal an object from view. Seeing an opportunity, as she approaches, you step toward her, as though to except her embrace. At the last second, you side step around her to gain a clear view of the room. "Oh no you don't! Zack, move the jacket. NOW." From his position in the corner of the room, he looks nervously between you and MC, who, from your peripheral vision, you can see frantically shaking her head behind you. Annoyed with the pair, you loudly demand, "Zack. Jacket. Now. Move!" He flinches at the suddenness of your command, but his hold on the jack remains steady. You smirk, turning to face MC, and glare at her determinately. She matches your expression, and attempts to stare you down with a stare of her own, hands on her hips in defiance. After a few moments of silence, from behind you, you hear, "Hey, guys? You know I always appreciate a good face-off, but my arms are getting a little tired, here..." Recognizing defeat, MC throws her arms up in exasperation. "Fine. Okay, damn. Zack, move the jacket. But look, babe, let me explai--" You cut her off mid-sentence, "Explain what, exactly? That my shirt is apparently now ruined?" She quickly bends to pick up the fallen clothing, but you've already moved toward the corner to join Zack. He's sitting on the floor, a cardboard box filled with assorted clothing items betwixt his spread legs. You bend over, and cautiously look into the box. "So... either of you wanna tell me where all these puppies came from?"
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sarcasticace · 7 years
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If only it was written that way.
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uhh-the-green-thing · 7 years
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forgottenl0v3r · 7 years
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IMO I think someone may have been a bit jealous or uncomfortable to see her ex get a lap dance... what do y’all think?
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minaswolfcut · 7 years
Choices fan interview
Thanks for the tag @kara-choices 🤙🏻
Favourite Book & Why: Endless Summer. It was honestly everything I was hoping for not solely romance, drama and mystery. probably the most engaging book in terms of plot line like it has me working with out theories all the time, it has that kind of this good definitely be a tv series irl vibe to it. The characters aren’t what you expected everyone has their own depth even the less included characters( we love diversityyyyyyy) it’s just really well thought out, there’s so much behind and every scene. The artwork is beautiful and the characters are incredible I happily give this bitch diamonds every week!
Least Favourite Story & Why: LOVE HACKS, I’ve honestly been on chapter four of book 2 for weeks and it just hasn’t attracted me at all
Your MC’s LI for each story: The Sophomore: MCxBecca Endless Summer: MCxEstela The Royal Romance: Princ Liam. An anomaly for my LIs! Hero: Mysterious Girl you don’t even need to give her a name!!! High School Story: MCxMaria Favourite MC ship: MCxEstela!!! Even though she only pops up at the end of a chapter for 4 lines :))) (Kara can relate!) or MCxBecca I’m a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope
Least favourite MC ship: McxLoveHacksLI
Favorite non-MC ship: ZahraxCraig orrrr MichellexSean
Least favorite non-MC ship: PoppyxDax
Favorite Character & Why: Estela! I would burn the wild down for her she’s honestly an amazingly written character, so much growth and development in the series I won’t go off on one but just know I love that womannnn
Least Favorite Character & Why: Nan in rules of engmament, imagine leaving one grandchild’s inheritance in the hands of her cousins who she felt uncomfortable with because they were forced to dislike each other
Character you like that most people don’t: Becca, listen she’ll grow up soon leave my girl aloneeeee
Character you don’t like but most people do: Mark in Love Hacks, just couldn’t catch his character
Which Character are you most like in real life: fucking party twin probably and I wanna fight myself over that
If you could live in any choices story which one would it be and why: Hero! I’d be the first one crushing them shards to get some powers
How long have you been playing: Since the beginning!
Tag five people: @beccdavenport @justhedeepsea @ravenscryx @jedikenobi21 @asocialiguana
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“If you can’t sleep...we could have sex”
Request 62 
Kaitlyn x MC
As per request :)
Slightly mature, lots of fluff 
You lie awake in bed. It feels like hours since you first laid down. You glance at your phone. 2:06 AM.
Maybe I just don’t want to sleep.
A light flashes from outside, filling your room with what almost feels like daylight for a quarter second. A thunderous boom soon follows.
Or maybe the clouds just won’t let me.
You chuckle
“God’s will..” you muse to yourself.
A knock sounds from the wall, near your headboard. You yank your blanket over your head, willing yourself to be invisible.
“*MC? Is that you?” You exhale loudly.
After you and your friends decided the shower was off-limits for eating (aside from on the most special occasions, of course) Kaitlyn restricted her irregular eating habits to the confines of her ‘second floor abode’. Unfortunately, bedrooms, unlike showers, as Kaitlyn likes to point out, aren’t self-cleaning, and so her accumulating munchies brought on major ‘abode’ infestation.
She has since fled the scene and has been sleeping in what has been dubbed “the cubicle”; a ground floor walk-in closet next to your own room.
“Kaitlyn? I guess you can’t sleep either, huh?” Lightning flashes.
“Ha, what, with all this noise? I’ve slept through horror movies quieter than--”
Thunder booms.
“I wish I had a horror movie to sleep through. Or even to watch at this rate, I’m so bored! I feel like I’ve been awake for years”
“Well..if you can’t sleep..”
“Never mind, forget it”
“No, tell me. Trust me, anything is better than this”
“I was just going to say well if you can’t sleep...we could just have sex”
“What? Kaitlyn, I--”
“It wouldn’t have to be a big deal or anything, I was just throwing an idea out there. Never mind, just forget I said anything”
“No it’s just..well you know I’m kind of seeing someone, right?”
“Who? Becca? I thought you said you guys weren’t serious--or at least not exclusive”
“Well, we’re not..”
“So what’s the problem then?”
“I guess there isn’t one”
“I’ll be there in 5”
You gulp.
After what feels like an eternity, you watch in agony as your doorknob turns not once, twice, but thrice.
The door clicks open, Kaitlyn steps in, invisible in the darkness “All right, all right..don’t get your panties in a twist” she teases.
You chuckle “Oh believe me, I won’t be” you frown in thought “err..they won’t be?”
You hear Kaitlyn snort in the darkness. She steps forward, illuminated by the sliver of silver moonlight breaking through storm clouds. Your jaw drops as you stifle a gasp.
In front of you stands Kaitlyn, her shoulders draped a sheer silver scarf of dancing moonlight. It slips off her shoulders, fluttering gracefully to the floor.
Lightning flashes. Your eyes widen and you stifle a gasp as it illuminates Kaitlyn, dolled up in her lacey black lingerie--your lacey black lingerie, as she called it when she first wore it for you back in freshman year. You close your eyes for a moment, fondly reminiscing to when you first presented your new lingerie to each other together, back when there was a ‘together’. ‘It would look better on my floor’
You chuckle.
“What?” Kaitlyn asks, looking incredulously down at herself. She lifts an arm and sniffs it tentatively “Okay so I didn’t shower today but that’s just because I wanted to eat my spaghetti and you guys said--”
You grip your stomach in laughter, snorting between breaths “No, no, it’s not that, ughh you’re so cute”
She grins down at you, and takes a step closer, allowing you to observe the mischief dancing in her eyes “You think I’m cute?”
You playfully roll your eyes “You know I’ve thought you were cute ever since I first met you--”
She scoffs and pounces on you “I believe your exact words were ‘SO HOT’”
She wraps her arms around your neck, closes her eyes, and slowly leans in towards you..
“--but in a platonic way, like Dopey Cat!” You tease ruthlessly. Her eyes flutter open and she grins diabolically.
“Like Dopey Cat, huh?” She cocks an eyebrow and lowers her lips to your collarbone, kissing and sucking feverishly.
Gasping, you arch your back; your hands finding their way down hers. Her mouth moves from your collarbone to your neck, making your breaths ragged and labored. You slip your fingers into the back of her underwear, pulling her toward you. Your hands move up her back; one palm pressed to the small of her back, pulling her towards you, the other effortlessly unhooking her bra, letting it fall away.
You turn your head and press your lips to her ear “I almost forgot how beautiful you are” and gently nibble on the lobe.
She gasps into your neck, and slowly relaxes, falling into you. She slumps down next to you, placing one last kiss on your (now afflicted) neck, and nuzzles into you, laying her head on your chest.
You hug her to close to you, strands of hair glow silvery white in the moonlight and tickle your nose. You inhale deeply, reveling in her scent which you’re realizing you may have missed most of all.
“Hey, Kaitlyn?”
You’re met only light, buzzing snores. Figures she’d fall asleep anyway.
Unsure of whether or not she’s listening, you whisper it into the darkness:
“I love you”
Then easily drift to sleep.
I hope you liked it! 
 I tried to take it in a different direction idk 
 Let me know what you think, all feedback is good feedback :)
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