#me :handshake: phel
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Shadow Puppets au - Naming the Collector
He wanted to be fair and give both books a chance, but already the Collector liked the look of the other book better. The title alone sounded more interesting. Astrophel and Stella. If he could, the Collector would have picked the book up to browse the pages himself.
"Can you read to me?" "Lot's of names." Philip replied vaguely, and set the Bible aside for now, he had noticed the Collector's interest in the other book and nodded, "Father Josiah just gave me this one, I don't know anything about it yet."
He picked it up and carefully read the title, "As…tro..Phel and Stell-a, by Philip Sidney." He was still learning how to read so he paused a few times when it came to the more exotic names, but he knew his own name. Father Josiah said he was learning very quickly, and he was far better at it than Caleb, which he supposed he could be proud of.
Philip opened up the first page and began to read.
"Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show, That she, dear she, might take some pleasure of my pain,— Pleasure might cause her read, reading might make her know, Knowledge might pity win, and pity grace obtain,— I sought fit words to paint the blackest face of woe; Studying inventions fine her wits to entertain, Oft turning others' leaves, to see if thence would flow Some fresh and fruitful showers upon my sunburn'd brain. But words came halting forth, wanting invention's stay; Invention, Nature's child, fled step-dame Study's blows; And others' feet still seem'd but strangers in my way. Thus great with child to speak and helpless in my throes, Biting my truant pen, beating myself for spite, "Fool," said my Muse to me, "look in thy heart, and write."
The Collector giggled listening to Philip read, stumbling over a few words. "Wow. You're terrible." He joked playfully, "Keep going. I love rhymes!"
He started reading along with Philip, helping with a few of the words that he knew the human was messing up, but occasionally they ran into a word that even the Collector did not know how to pronounce.
"I like this book!" He declared, "I wanna be named after this one!"
He floated back to be in front of Philip and held his hand up in the best effort he could make for a handshake.
"Please to meet you Philip! I'm Astrophel and Stella by Philip Sydney!" Reading together was fun. Certainly more fun than reading under Father Josiah's scrutiny, the Collector corrected his words now and again but it didn't feel like a mistake he would be punished for. It was more like reading with Caleb.
And Philip was happy to hear the Collector say he liked the book, but it was his turn to giggle when the Collector reintroduced himself.
"No! No! Silly, the whole title can't be a name, that's too long!" The young boy shut the book again to look at the cover, "Let's see, Philip is my name so you can't use it, that would be confusing…" He traced the title, "Astrophel and Stella…Your name could be Astrophel! That's a great name!"
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shurelyasreverie · 4 years
Aphelios x Solari!Reader: Faith in the Traitor
Deemed a traitor for sympathising with the Lunari, you are alone as you aimlessly wander through Targon, only to catch the attention of one of the most dangerous assassins the Lunari has to offer...
Word Count: 2097
Warning: Violence and death
Aphelios found you leaning against a tree in the forests below Mount Targon. Your figure bound in blood red garments with golden armour that reflected only the light of the sun, it was clear as day who you were aligned with. It was all the information he needed to reach his decision to kill you. Calibrum in hand, he aimed down sights with his rifle, straight for the side of your head...
“Aphelios, wait.”
The voice of Alune rung in his head and his eyebrows furrowed in frustration but he lowered the rifle nonetheless, waiting for his sister's explanation.
“A true member of the Solari would never turn their back to Mount Targon.”
That reason seemed enough as Aphelios watched you in curiosity. There he noticed the inconsistencies. As of now, the Solari controlled most of Targon, so why did you look so dishevelled? Why was your armour so dented, the red clothing so frayed? Why did you desperately try to catch your breath like a prey on the run, constantly on the verge of death if they made the wrong decision? As repulsive as the fiery light of the Solari could be, the light you emanated was more tolerable... soothing, almost.
Your (E/C) orbs scanned the area. You noticed nothing except for the footprints on the ground, no doubt footprints from the Solari. Your fingers traced the tracks, sampling some dirt. Your nose scrunched. Fresh tracks. You took off in the opposite direction.
“Curious... I struggle to read their soul... but I sense goodness in their heart. I sense fear but determination. Follow them and we shall find answers.”
Sheathing his weapon, Aphelios nodded obediently and followed Alune's commands. Spying on you proved harder than expected though as you continuously looked over your shoulder, your blade always at the ready to slay anything that moved. You stayed in the shadows, hiding. However after a few hours of observing your moves, Aphelios managed to learn your body language and habits.
You had gotten too exhausted. Sheathing your weapon, you desperately tried to keep yourself awake by talking through your thoughts.
“Where am I even going?” you started to mutter. “Anyone I'm looking for... I don't know where to start, a map still would've felt nice, though. What if I run into the Lunari? I wonder if they'll accept me if I turn myself in...”
“A wanted Solari... but what was their crime? I don't sense any guilt in their soul,” Alune mused but Aphelios' blood boiled. It seemed typical of the Solari, to commit atrocities without guilt, all for their pride and supposed love of the sun. His mind was decided, he would waste no time slaying you when Alune gives the word.
As the sun disappeared over the horizon and the moon started to rise, you settled by a lake. Collapsing to your knees with a hefty exhale, you cupped the water in your hands to quench the insatiable thirst that made it hard to even breathe. You had left Mount Targon in such a hurry, you didn't have the time to bring any rations with you.
And Aphelios noticed your lack of resources. When he left to find sustenance of his own, he cursed himself for feeling pity for a Solari.
Returning to the edge of the clearing, hidden under the shadows of nightfall, Aphelios watched you as you sat by the lake. You idly let your fingertips swirl along the water, creating ripples that made slivers of moonlight dance among the small waves. You mystified him. The Solari never approved of the night or moon, believing the moon only leached off the true light of the sun. Hating the pale blue light, many Solari would create bonfires or torches, the amber light from the flame giving them solace amidst the white light of the moon. But not you. As you tilted your head up, looking to the large, full moon. Closing your eyes, you seemed to bask in the silver light, letting the spirit of the moon embrace you. Whereas the golden light of the Solari typically clashed with the moon, yours seemed to fuse with the moonlight, blending together. A symbol of peace. How was this possible? How was a Solari, so guiltless in their crimes, be so open to the moon?
“It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?”
Alune's voice interrupted Aphelios' thoughts and he looked up at the full moon, nodding in agreement. It was truly a sight to behold, it was not everyday the sky was so clear, with millions of stars – the many children of the moon – dancing as they twinkled in the darkness.
There was then an amused giggle from his sister.
“Remember that I see the world through your eyes, Phel. For you, the beautiful sight wasn't the moon, was it?”
Aphelios merely huffed as he settled himself down, preparing for a light slumber despite Alune continuing to tease.
“The Solari has awaken.”
Aphelios woke up to Alune's notice and the warm hues of sunrise. You were still by the lake, he assumed you slept under the moonlight. He watched as you knelt by the water, drinking from the lake. He unknowingly took a step forward and you halted your drinking. Eyes narrowed, you spoke with a low and commanding voice that reminded Aphelios you were truly a warrior of the sun.
“I know you're there.”
Aphelios froze. Was he really that conspicuous? He had never failed a mission. But you didn't look to the right where Aphelios hid, instead to the left. You stood to your full height, shoulders square and eyes burning with the fire of Solari. Another Solari stepped out of the shadows, attire similar to yours, albeit cleaner and reflecting the harsh, blinding light of the sun.
“(Y/N) (L/N), one of the most promising children of the sun... once a revered Ra'Horak, one of the highest ranking assassins of the Solari...” the Solari announced.
“Do I know you?” you frowned as you sized the Solari up. Even without the armour he has a hulking figure, at least a foot taller than you and with various weapons strapped to him. Whereas you... the days of being on the run had made your muscles almost nonexistent... you wouldn't even stand a chance of outrunning him.
“I am the newest Ra'Horak, sent off on my first mission.”
“And what is that?”
“The elders want your head and I intend to deliver it on a golden platter.”
Your blood ran cold. You unsheathed your weapon and so did he, just because you might lose doesn't mean you weren't going down without a fight.
“I did nothing wrong!” You argued.
“Then why did you flee?”
“Because you are the ones who consider me wrong.”
“Siding with the Lunari is blasphemy. A crime of the highest order, are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?”
“I just want us to live in peace,” you begged. “As equals. Does the night not last equally as long as the day?”
“Silence!” The Solari bellowed as he charged at you and you barely had the strength to move away. “I will not hear you slander the Solari like this! I will cut out your tongue so it will never be able to speak lies. The Lunari must die.”
“They do not!” You shouted as you parried another attack. You desperately tried to move away, take advantage of your smaller figure as you parried and dodged him but he was simply too fast and strong.
His blade collided with your armour, and although it didn't puncture you, it sent you tumbling face first to the ground. When you mustered the strength to flip onto your back, a blade was already pressed against your neck.
“What are your final words, traitor?” The Solari spat at your face.
“This war won’t end unless you change,” you stated.
The Solari growled, pulling his blade back to stab it into your neck. You closed your eyes, waiting for the numbness of death but it never came. Instead, your eyes opened when you heard an audible thud on the ground. The Solari's blade had fallen from their open palm. The warrior lay in a pool of their own blood, a bullet wound in their head.
A rustle in the bushes and you instinctively lifted your blade, despite the near impossible chances of stopping a bullet. Out of the bushes emerged a lanky, pale man, clad in moonstone armour and weapons, particularly a sniper rifle sitting on his back. Why would the Lunari save you? Nonetheless, knowing this Lunari could kill you just as he did the Solari, you knelt deeply in respect.
“Thank you for saving me,” you murmured earnestly, soft enough to show emotion but loud enough for your rescuer to hear.
Aphelios' eyes darted around nervously as he was unsure of what to do. Seeing such a pure (E/C) gaze up close, scrutinising his face made him realise how long it had been since he properly interacted with someone beyond his sister, let alone a Solari. Heat rose to his face as you watched him patiently, expecting a response. He never regretted giving up his voice for Alune but in that moment, he wished to say something – anything – to you.
You stood up and cleared your throat as the Lunari looked at you blankly.
“Uh... I'm (Y/N)...” you introduced as you raised your hand for a handshake. The air was tense. Two trained assassins from opposing sides, knowing nothing but murdering each other's comrades. To think that they'd be greeting each other so pleasantly.
Aphelios took your hand with a firm shake. Your hand held the sun's warmth but it didn't burn as he thought. He figured his own hand probably felt like ice to yours.
“What's your name?” You asked the Lunari and you watched intently as he traced letters in the air. So for whatever reason, he was unable to speak? Interesting... “A...phel...ios. Aphelios? Right. Thank you, Aphelios.”
You bowed in thanks. Despite your belief of peace, your lack of prior interaction with the Lunari meant there was a little voice of doubt in your mind, if you could ever find common ground with them. But now, your life indebted to a Lunari, that little voice was no longer there.
“Well... I'll be on my way,” you quickly bid goodbye, turning your back to him. But just as quickly as you turned you felt a cold grip on your wrist. Turning back to Aphelios, he cocked his head to the side like a curious puppy, as if asking, on your way to where, exactly?
“I... I don't know. I don't have anywhere to go,” you admitted. “I have abandoned the Solari and the Lunari...”
Aphelios sent a look your way, a look you couldn't read but you doubted it was good. Your voice diminished to a murmur.
“I didn't become a Ra'Horak by letting the Lunari run free.”
Aphelios froze for a few moments, searching your face. As much as he loathed the thought of the Solari, how he loathed the loss of his allies, would he not be a hypocrite? You deserved to kill him as much as he could kill you. However the mournful look on your face told him everything he needed.
Aphelios took your hand and tugged you towards him as he started to walk off. You frowned as you demanded where he was taking you. He traced the air yet again.
“I couldn't possibly-”
Aphelios shushed you and you sighed in resignation. His cool skin made you conscious of just how warm you felt, and you were almost certain it wasn't just because you were a Solari.
Feeling your grip in his hand, Aphelios had never felt warmth so comforting before. Now, he understood your clear conscience. The crime that got you banished was the crime of peace, the repentance for your murders. The belief that the Solari and Lunari can stand together warranted your death. You were no traitor. He unconsciously squeezed your hand in reassurance as he thought of your struggles.
Meanwhile, Alune could be heard laughing joyfully in Aphelios' mind.
“Ever the gentleman, Phel. You were so bold to take their hand like that. Don't fret, brother. I approve of them.”
Aphelios prayed to the moon that you didn't notice how his face rivalled the heat of the sun.
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eve6262 · 3 years
battle prince phel, pt. 2
"I don't fight like the other Queens, by the way."
The phrase keeps floating in her head as she decides on what dagger to use. Initially she thought blue, to match the decor, but the green blade is strangely enticing this evening, so she takes it in hand and strides out to the arena.
It's more of a sparring pit than a proper arena, mind, because the actual area for proper exhibition matches is held where the usual training is, so. For now, this will do. Not like she minds much, considering this is nothing but a scouting match or sorts to identify where on the heirarchy she is.
Katarina obviously rules, but she'd be lying if she said she wouldn't be excited to have a second runner-up in this well-mannered girl. She'd make for a good ruler of this place even without a crest; someone to manage and keep the peace of her citizens, assure them there's nothing bad about the new rule.
She doesn't plan on being a bad Queen, in fairness. Just a ruthless killer for the rest of the crests.
What she does not expect is for Alune to be standing off the to the side while the man previously attending her now stands as her opponent.
"What, are you testing me?"
"No, Your Highness. This is simply how I fight." She turns to the boy. "Phel?"
He nods.
Unwilling to keep up this charade, she immediately dashes forward, only to be sidestepped and hit with something in the side. She turns toward him, previously unarmed, and in his hands is a rifle of the same color as her blade- a strange teal-green, and aimed at her still. He fires another shot before rolling to dodge a swipe.
From his back he pulls a different weapon. A curved red thing; he twirls it once and it starts a flurry that Katarina quickly tries to run from, only to find that he's quite fast with the enchantment active. The moment it slows, though, she finds her chance.
She goes in for a jab, and with the close range he can't avoid it; blood seeps from his stomach, but every hit with this strange weapon heals him. Determined, she continues her assault, but eventually the gun he holds phases out from his hand and another apparates in its place.
A strange thing, small, not unlike the red one, but with a dark orb that seems to swirl with power in it. It shoots a similar thing, and as he pulls she realizes its power, rooting her to the ground. He takes this time to dash away, switching back to the rifle.
She was right. A good match; definitely second place, but she's always first.
Her moves are more calculated now, leaving traps in places and keeping stock of ambush corners. The blue dagger is left in the center, strategic, ready to be picked up at a moment's notice and spun; the platinum is now in her hands rather than her others, all discard in various places near him. Yet each one is avoided with enough precision that she ends up needing to pick them up to place them elsewhere.
Meanwhile, his barrage never stops. Once the rifle leaves his hands she thinks she has a chance, but a flamethrower apparates in its place. When he does a more concentrated spray it gives him a chance to quickly take a shot with his other gun, chaining into another pull down on her body and more shots with that one.
Even without the pull, they feel heavy, so much so that she feels distinctly slower. But she has the advantage of her daggers- blinking to one in a mere second, she gets off another good slash, and he rolls away just in time to avoid the second hit. Now that the red gun is gone, he can't heal anymore, either.
She's worse for wear, though. Plenty of hits sustained, and as much as blades are sharp his guns hit hard. The flame especially- thankfully her clothes are sear-proof after one particularly disastrous Coronation where all the spectators had to be sent away for a good hour or so.
It was very funny to see Janna so embarassed, though, so Katarina counts it as worth.
Eventually he runs out of the heavy gun- she assumes, anyway, that there's some strange limit to these things- and another new gun enters his hands. A silver chakram- these she's heard of before, from Diana once more. Yet the moment he gets it he puts it on his hip once more and returns to using the flamethrower.
The heavier guns have to be slung over his shoulder, but the lighter ones can fit on his hip. She can use that as an advantage, maybe- disarm him. Can't shoot if you have no gun.
She goes for the chakarm next time she gets close, the flames scorching her worth it if she can get rid of the thing. But the moment it falls to the ground it disappates like a piece of mist and appears back on his hip, same as before.
Well. More evenly matched than she thought. This is getting irritating.
There's no way he can outdo her in raw strength, she thinks, and he fires one last flamethrower shot before it leaves him. This is her chance, definitely, and she goes in, but again the red gun is in his hand and he's running in circles around her, and only now does she notice the smaller chakarms that orbit him this is creating.
The moment he finishes with the red gun, he pulls out the chakram, and prepares with all of them. At the same time she decides to finish it. In a dazzling clash of steel she spins, throwing her daggers in a signature finisher move, as he deflects them with his weaponry just barely. Neck for neck, as her move finishes his extra chakrams disappate.
The both of them are panting, though there's determination in their eyes. Alune calls out from the sidelines.
"Phel! Are you okay?"
He doesn't respond, but she somehow responds to him anyway. "I really think you should stop."
Katarina, not one to be present for mushy sentiment, straightens herself out. "It's fine. I say we call it there, anyway."
She looks to the man with a slight smirk on her face. "We're a lot more evenly matched than I thought. What's your name?"
He tilts his head to the side, makes some strange motions with his hand. "What?"
"He's mute," explains Alune, coming over to stand beside him. "This is Aphelios, my brother."
"Ah. Didn't mean to offend."
Aphelios makes a motion as if to say it's fine, none taken. He sticks out a hand for a handshake, probably, and she's going to take it so hopefully it isn't more sign language that she should probably learn now.
It isn't, and she leaves after a few more words with Alune. On the way back, she smiles to herself.
This will be interesting.
finally finished it lads
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