#me and dad = callie and jeff
hauntsthenarrative · 5 months
im so sorry but i acc love jeff sadecki sm. and not in the 'hes overhated way' i mean in the 'jeff sadecki my favorite pookie way'. him as a teenager? asshole. as an ADULT THO? HIMBO KING. i feel so bad for him he shouldn't have done anything he did the first season ofc but he was j trying to get money for his daughter to go to college like awwwww. also he helped in covering up a murder for his wife, said murder being against the person who got her to cheat on him. like. WHO is gonna put up w allat. jeff sadecki that's who. jeff if you hear this king ily.
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yellowjackets 205 thoughts
unlike javi, i dont know how to keep my thoughts to myself. spoilers below
HAPPY WIFE HAPPY LIFE. taivan lives for another day!!!!! when they interlocked their fingers together, i whooped so loud my building collapsed
tai forever down bad and fucking whipped for van? just like me fr
tai being concerned over van's health..... tai admitting she's afraid she'll hurt van... van visibly hurting from tai admitting she loves her and moving past the hurt to be unbiasedly present for someone she cares so deeply for
tai in van's clothes !!!! tai sleeping on van's couch!!!! tai watching tv with van!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"maybe you don't have to be dying to have regrets" on god taissa, you have a dead dog, a sleeping problem, a wife in the icu and a child probably in child protection services. like i understand you its van but on god bestie you need help.
van cute as HELL for arguing with POP CULTURE REFERENCES.
fugue tai kissing van and van not backing off - she's down horrendous too i fear
side note jasmin looked so fucking good in this episode. god. like GOD.
and now the rest of the episode
never gonna get the mari hate, she's on a mission to be a Bitch to Everyone and it's funny as fuck TO ME!!!
akilah's determination to live and all the ways she's trying to preserve her humanity (caring for a mouse, studying for the SATs) is going to make her death hurt so much.
randy goofy as hell trying to pass off hand lotion as semen. shauna goofier than him for not checking. MUST MISTY BE THE ONLY INSANE OVERTHINKER AROUND TO COVER UP EVERYONES CRIMES IN NEW JERSEY????
pedo cop broke the weirdo-meter when he breached every law of the land and law of decency when he entered without a warrant and sniffed someone's potentially used condom
once again, i hope the milf avengers (or at least shauna) kill pedo cop. like hands shaking, skin peeling and everything.
jeff showing clear displeasure over the inappropriateness of his teen daughter being manipulated by a Grown Adult in a Position of Power rather than the risk of shauna being caught.... dad of the Fucking Year. this is a jeff sadecki defense household.
also shauna only asking callie about the cop's age after jeff's display of concern is actually very concerning...
callie being so happy she pleased shauna... can everyone with mommy issues please stand up?
fuck travis. nobody treats nat like that
javi only speaking to coach ben because he didnt participate in the jackie fruit festival... the gay ally i didnt expect
personally, i believe that fugue tai is a prominent candidate for antler queen and unless jackie can summon both snowstorms and physical form, fugue tai is javi's friend.
the lottiemistynat love triangle continues. natalie fucking ace for bagging two women who would do anything for her.
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itchose · 4 months
"Dad? Am I like mom?" [ Well, sure, yeah. You're smart. You're good at stuff, and you don't take shit. ] "That's not what I mean."
actually this whole conversation just itches my brain. because jeff immediately goes to the good things about shauna, despite everything, because that's his instinct, especially when it comes to protecting and supporting and comforting callie. because he thinks that's what she wants to hear. but it's not. she does not want to hear about the good qualities she shares with her mother. she wants him to tell her that she's fucked up just like her mother, not because she wants to hear that exactly or because she wants to accept that, but because she's thought it for so long that she is so desperate for some kind of validation because it's better than nothing, even if it hurts. she could never figure her mother out and now it's like, well maybe that's because i'm like her, maybe that's why she won't let me know her.
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more thoughts on jackie,shauna .
oooh now you're asking for trouble anon. this is kinda wide so i'll swing wide (this starts and end with codependency though) and go with no plan. if you want something specific pls send another ask.
so. jackie. shauna. or rather jackieshauna. no space between them right? (that's probably the only thing that makes me accept this as the ship name instead of shaunackie).
(i have to put a read more because this is long as fuck believe me)
we know shauna and jackie have been friends for years, probably since they got into school.
we didn't get to see much about jackie's parents when she was still a kid but jackie doesn't seem to hold her mom or her dad in her heart. and yet when she's gone it seems all they can talk about is her.
they're a mirror of shauna's reaction in that they can't seem to let go. even if they probably didn't tell her they loved her, or said it but didn't show it in a way that jackie could receive it (or maybe jackie's mom was too worried about her valium problems), they have to fill the void. they have to believe she'll come back and everything will be the same. that's why her room is left untouched, that's why they make her gifts that she wouldn't even have liked when they celebrate her birthday every year with a picture from when she was 17.
and shauna can't bear to go see them, she suffers every year at jackie's birthday, first because of the guilt she still has regarding jackie's death, and then because she has to go to the taylor's house. they show her just what she's been doing this whole time.
in 101, shauna masturbates while looking at her daughter's boyfriend's picture because she's stuck in the past. in her world jackie's still alive, and in a way callie is jackie to her. because she's a part of jeff and jeff was a part of jackie (which is why shauna went after him). and in this scene, callie's boyfriend is jeff in shauna's head, even unconsciously (interesting to note that callie ends up dumping him and makes you think about what could have been).
and at the end of the episode, where her control kind of slipped because of the "journalist" looking into her past, she immediately went to read her journals. and not the end of it, when jackie's gone, but the very beginning, right after the crash. and not any part either, but the part where she shares and doubts jackie's hopeful sentiment. they have to find us right? they're gonna go get us? why haven't they found us?
so she's right back in it, really she never left. when nat dies, young nat tells her she never even left the plane, lottie says they brought "it" back with them, but there was no "it", "it" was just us. they brought themselves back, teenage them that was still happy and fine (none of them were fine).
so shauna's back in new jersey, she brought her teenage self back, and with her, teenage jackie. jackie's still here with her all the time, in her journals and her hallucinations and in jackie's parents house. because they're a single being, a unit. they're inseparable, a bit of jackie is part of shauna, she ate her, jackie kept shauna alive and now shauna's keeping jackie alive.
and if she's teenage shauna then she's fine, right? she doesn’t have a single problem. but she also feels guilty all the time. if jackie's alive and shauna's married to jeff then she's just betraying her again and again. and callie is the walking talking manifestation of that. she's both the proof that jackie's alive and dead. that she's still there all the time but gone forever. exhibit: callie in jackie's uniform. (and she falls back in her pattern of lying and hiding things in her affair with adam, that starts because of jeff in shauna's mind, the same way she slept with jeff because of jackie).
and honestly? she can make people believe she's fine as long as jackie stays in her. as long as jackie's hers really. but as soon as she's torn away from her insides, jackie becomes dangerous, she hurts and she tears something away from shauna, she takes her away from herself. when she's dating jeff she alienates shauna from herself. when she's put in front of jackie at her birthday she drops her filter, she says she doesn't even like callie (but she can't help loving her), when callie wears jackie's uniform at the party shauna's forced to open up and in spite of her efforts the façade falls.
if jackie isn't hers and hers only then shauna's falling apart. codependency at its finest and at its worst.
and it's not like jackie exempt of that either, we just get less time to see it. but shauna throws it all in her face when they fight in 110, she made her play soccer so they'd stay together, she tells her what to wear so that shauna will stay hers in a way, she assumes shauna's going to rutgers with her and that they'll be best friends forever and that nothing will ever go wrong because her life is perfect (not touching on heteronormativity here but it sure is present imo). she feels left out as soon as shauna starts hanging out with tai in the wilderness, she doesn't want anything to do with the thing that's taking shauna away from her and into the group's good graces (her butchering skills).
that's, I think, the fundamental difference in the way they deal with their codependency. shauna runs toward what's breaking it because she thinks that looking at it up close will either make it disappear or will spontaneously provide a solution to her problem (exhibit: fucking jeff, going to jackie's room at the taylor's, opening up to callie at the party). she grasps blindly at the last of what she thought was a constant in her life, she tries to keep the control and often ends up making things worse (though if holding on fails, shauna's solution is to kill and destroy so she can keep this control).
whereas jackie runs away from it. she keeps an order about things and the relationship but if it looks like it's about to blow then she's gone (exhibit: leaving the cabin after the fight, going buddy buddy with mari at the lake when she feels shauna pulling away from her, not investing herself in any "useful" activity at the camp). where shauna tries hard as she can to hold on to what is slipping away, jackie just lets it go.
they're like deers that get too close to each other and get their antlers tangled (i think there's a poem about this that i'll try to find) and caught in each other and trying to pull away just ends up killing them. it's not that they got too close for comfort, it's that they got so close, getting away from each other even for an inch or a second would kill them. they couldn't live without each other.
but they also got so close they couldn't see each other as a whole. they have to take each other at face value because it's all they can see at this point. jackie died because she couldn't live without the image she made of shauna in her head, the image of an even younger shauna that followed jackie around without a care in the world because this jackie was hers, and hers only.
and shauna is still alive, only because she carries with her an image of a teenage jackie that both forgave her (which allows her to keep carrying jackie with her) and holds her accountable (being cruel though honest justifies shauna's outburst during the fight, if jackie was mean to her then she kind of deserved it right?) which in turn absolves shauna.
they couldn't keep living together the way they were so they had to tear themselves away from each other.
yet even physically apart, there is no way to think one without feeling the other.
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fortheb0ys · 4 months
I love this family SO BAD.
The way Callie asks if she's like Shauna and Jeff's first thought being yes and how smart they both because he never once thinks his wife is a monster for what happened? Yes she's not a great person, obviously, but nonetheless they love each other and protect each other??
He'd never view his girl as a monster either because that's his daughter.
No matter what any of them could ever do, neither of them could be seen as evil to Jeff because he loves them so much:(
Callie talking about how fucked up Shauna is and scared of becoming someone like her? Because what she sees is a woman who cheated on her dad, and then murdered that man and everything she's read and heard? But even then! She does her best to protect them!
Sorry if this is a mess 😭 I just be talking half the time
Why do I feel like the description is going to be true?!? Like don't put my girl Cassie through the wringer.
Jeff doesn't see Shauna as a monster, yeah sure there's this distrust but he still loves her, willing to do anything for her. Same thing goes for Cassie, he sees Shauna in her but doesn't see a monster. She's his baby and he'll never see her as anything else.
Like I feel so bad for Cassie😭 I know her relationship with her mom was never quite as close and her having to figure out Shauna's secrets, learn she cheated but still trying her best to protect them is too much for her!!!
Shauna has that emotional baggage from the wilderness baby, she doesn't quite have a good connection with Cassie. Like she flat out said I hate my daughter💀
Seriously don't apologize🙏 Sometimes I crave for my asks to be a little less horny.
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disregardcanon · 1 year
yellowjackets full names i made up on my drive today
Shauna Elise Shipman- already had this one. I just like it idk what to tell y'all. elise sounds pretty with shauna
Jacqueline Kennedy Taylor- i'm sorry, but with jackie's parents? she was clearly named for jackie kennedy and i feel like they WOULD go that far.
Laura Lee- she doesn't have a middle name. her parents just gave her a first and last so that when she gets married to a man she can be Laura Lee Husband's-Last-Name.
Natalie Antonia Scatorccio- i don't remember which fic it was that used this one for "something catholic" but i love it. very pretty will keep
Misty Ann Quigley- it just feels like something that would be RIGHT for misty. something very generic that doesn't quite fit but isn't bad.
Vanessa Irene Palmer- I like the sound of it and i do feel like when van was born her mom would have been the type to think "VIP" as initials is really funny.
Taissa Nadine Turner- this one was also chosen for the initials because i feel like taivan both having that is cute. tai's initials are TNT and Nadine both sounds good with with other two and means "hope" which i feel like would fit with both her parents' dreams for her and taissa's personality. the girl just keeps going
Benjamin David Scott- i like the sound of it and it would be fun for his middle name to match a queer icon: david bowie
Akilah Nicole King- nicole means victory, which i think would be tragic with akilah who's trying so hard to keep going but we know won't make it. and king just sounds really good with akilah AND is a common name across the board
Mari Gabriella Flores- middle name is from the angel gabriel that declared to mary that she was gonna have a baby because mari "i hope that shauna doesn't die" being named after gabriel is PEAK comedy to me. also flores is one of my favorite hispanic last names and i want to give her flowers. on account of the pit
Genesis Stevie Kondo- okay look, i know a person named after genesis the band and the idea of gen being named after genesis the band AND stevie nicks is entertaining to me. also marie kondo and getting rid of stuff with care and kindness and poor gen is getting thrown out of the cast by being killed. do you see my Vision TM
Melissa Jean Collins- common middle name and last name that i thought worked well with hers
Kristin Cassandra Megat- i made this name up for god honoring cannibalism and i'm very fond of it for crystal <3
Charlotte Elizabeth Matthews- of course mr. matthews would give lottie both an incredibly bland and aristocratic sounding name. middle name comes from both elizabeth ii and it just sounding fancy
Travis Rosario Martinez- i know that rosario skews female, but it IS gender neutral still. and let me tell you, travis One of the Girls TM, virginity was jealousy guarded and then he was punished for having lost it being named partially after a famous devotion to the VIRGIN mary. i like the themes
Javier Alejandro Martinez- alejandro is very pretty, means warrior which is a sad sort of ironic, and then his initials are jam which makes me giggle
Jeffrey Lee Sadecki- lee is very common, very short, and could facilitate some funny moments with small callie where she mishears jeffrey as jeff lee or jeffrey as jeff free. and thinks her dad's name is either jeff lee sadecki or jeff free sadecki
Jacqueline Elise Sadecki- ha. ha ha. hahAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Simone Jada Abara- jada means wise, which is a trait i would associate with simone, and it also sounds good in there.
Samuel Isaac Abara-Turner- i am worried about sammy tonight in this chili's so i am giving him the worst curse i can on a christian child: naming him isaac after abraham's issac. i make things worse on purpose :)
Walter Ichabod Tattersall- he has no glory because he's just a weird little guy and i like that about him :)
Kevyn Ringo Tan- i am cursing kevyn with not only the y he already has but his parents being this type of beatles fan. idk i feel like someone using a y for kevin in the late seventies would be the kind of person to name their kid after ringo starr
Lisa Marie Hawthorne- giving lisa a very common middle name and a fancy, wasp-y last name complete with nathaniel hawthorne's generations away from puritanism guilt. it feels right with her mom being the way she is
that's it! that's the end of the characters i care enough about to do this for
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gayspock · 1 year
im ACTUALLY extremely conflicted on some of the present day stuff and i think its mostly down to the characters
like im very happy with jeff, and i think he's fine as is - brilliant, even, bc hes a genuinely refreshing take imo as opposed to what they could have easily done (i.e unlikable, distant from it all husband). not that he would be CRAZY or unreasonable to resent shauna, but like... its just fucking so much funnier + more interesting to me to see a character kind of just go with it, rather than to have them stew in angst. like i think its more interesting and allows for them to explore different beats than what you'd assume they would if you'd just known the basics of what shauna was up to. imo
similarly i was happy with adam as a character, too, and i think they developed him well enough for who he was and how he functions in this story. im glad he didnt turn out to be javi (if he was, i guess, bc he still could be technically that kinda suck wway more now tbh booo) and whilst there was nooo way he was gonna survive if he was just some guy which he was
theres also guys like kevyn. my jokes aside abt how scary he is im kinda fine with him, and i do actually makes some kinda sense that hes a cop + that he's now so straight-laced. some loser divorced dad. and it'd be a good comparison to natalie, and the lifestyle she lives now and how their paths diverged. however i kind of wish they'd... just let him go? like i wish he'd been at the reunion, and they'dhad that exchanged and then he'd just walked away to his wife and kids and her back to the yellowjackets no return no return no return huh what was that YEHA. my point is. i feel like there's no true resolution between them two thats organic and it just kinda feels weird to keep him around past that. i know they need a cop character for whats happening with shauna now but it just feels kinda ... bizarre to have him playing that role with that creep dude. bc whilst i do prefer limited characters in a show like this and to keep it tight and clean it just feels weird for it to be him and for it to be THAT insular AND, again, for him to keep sticking around when i dont feel like theres anywhere for him to go.... like its kinda DIFFERENT with the other cop dude, bc he isnt pre-established and he does kinda just function moreso as just. a fucking yuckhead fuckhead but instead its just this weird uhhhh. and kevyn is back! um. he will continue serving this purpose and we will never touch on him and natalie again. bc we shouldnt ofc but it also feels weird to have him there without ever mentioning it LOL
who else. fuck. like i am also very conflicted abt tai's wife and son like.... they do just feel a bit like- theyre just there? and i think that DEFINITELY makes some sort of narrative sense with tai, and with her whole deal- she has it all, she has everything but she has nothinnggg but... IDK KINDA SAD MAN. bc its weird i'll go back to this with jeff and callie, but it does make SENSE that the non-yellowjackets characters are always gonna be secondary with the story theyre telling in more ways than them just being secondary characters but with how fucking impossible it is to reconnect with fucking ANYONE after everything they did/went through BUT ITS LIKE... like i said i kinda like jeff and ironically his absolute lack of personality became a personality, whereas with simone&sammy i feel like theyre just kinda... SUPER functioning and that does kinda make me worry because whilst i know a lot of ppl are yelling for tai/van endgame... i dont know it feels weird to write them off fuckin completely which is what i feel like the show might kinda lean into at some point...😭like i want more for them, and from them. and i also sorry i also hate fucking "scary child who sees the supernatural" trope SORRYYYY its so tired to me and so lazy . give this kid some proper fucking development
and i think its also another issue im having with the present day stuff. theres too many characters rn and its being misspent. like do not get me wrong im not against quirky elijah wood BUT i feel like misty's ENTIRE. FUCKING. ARC. RIGHT. NOW. would be so much more fucking effective if she was alone and tracking down natalie by herself and kinda struggling with that. OR if they kept up her rapport with jessica- like have her tag along, whether it'd be under the guise of a fixer or not, and maybe have her cause some tension bc again if eel like.. ITS SO MUCH WEIRDER just having jessica's entire stint just come to an end in the way it did and it would have been a much more solid throughline into s2 than to bring in elijah wood whos just genderbent misty and its like . ok its just nott.... INTERESTING TO ME... SO WHAT. SHES FOUND A GUY LIKE HER? WHO CARES MAN. IM SAYING THIS AS A LITTLE FREAK WHO CANT CONNECT WITH OTHERS & YEARNS FOR KINSHIP, LIKE... I JUST FEEL LIKE ITS KINDA BACKWARDS AND REGRESSIVE AND NOTHINGGGG. jessica was a much weirder fucking dynamic and i think could have been interesting and i do think theres ways they could have had them both pursue natalie but now its just... ehhhhhh like
and i also feel like elijah wood is kinda bringing up the comedic parts of misty's story and dont get me wrong i LOVED a lot of the dark humour bits from her in s1 but i feel likw now its kinda getting too close to just. that. kinda like just oh funny joke funny dark humour. and losing a lot of the substance it should have, which is kinda necessary to the humour itself....AND he's sort of stealing her limelight like WHO CARES. GO AWAY DUUDE. have confidence in misty to be able to CARRY this shit, cmon, bc no offence elijah but SHE WAS WAY BETTER AT IT! bc thats whats so GOOD ABOUT THE SHOW OTHERWISE- you have the confidence to let all these girlies to carry their plotlines by themselves, so dont slip!!! GET BACK UP. and again im saying with the too many characters thing- its just... ehrhh. who cares to spend so much time on him??? whos just out of nowhere when its like.. again i'd prefer it if you spent that time with taissa or with .....
CALLIE. SHHES PROBABLY THE PERSON IM THE MOST CONFLICTED ON IN THE WORLD. bc in so many ways again i feel like we cant focus on her too much in shauna's little life that shes made for herself but I JUST... I CANT HELP BUT FEEL LIKE WE'RE IN THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE SPOT IMAGINABLE WITH CALLIE, wherein we dont get enough of her and her side to really empathise with her but we get too much of her to find her on the wrong side of irritating-AND THAT. SUCKS. THATS THE WORST. EVER. BECAUSE SHES LITERALLY A TEENAGE GIRL. I FEEL LIKE THERES SO MUCH MORE THEY COULD DO WITH THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SHAUNA/CALLIE IF THEY PUSHED FOR IT MORE, BUT ITS JUST... again its in this such an awkwwaarddd position where they only bring her in to be difficult it feels like. and the thing is? shes being reasonable. MORE than. shes totally justified in all the shit shes doing. but bc of the unfortunate way its framed she comes off as...... sadly.... unlikable which . again AGAIN IT SUCKS. BECAUSE SHES A TEENAGE GIRL AND THIS FEELS LIKE THE FIRST SHOW IN A LONG TIME TO HAVE A CAST FULL OF UNLIKABLE FUCKING TEENAGE GIRLS BE THE BEST EVERRRRRR AND SHE COULD BE SO GOOD MAN SHE COULD BE SUCH A GOOD WAY FOR SHAUNA TO LOOK INTO THE PAST BUTEE..... they kinda just write her off too and bring her up to cause complications obly. thats all it is. and i dont know i do get it i dooo get it bc again it makes SENSE with shauna and who she is and where her life is that the presentation would thereforebe kinda more her perspective but also... i do just feel... ITCHES. LIKE IM CLAWING AT THE WALL
ok last thing maybe idk. idk how i feel about lottie at all. its strange. i felt like she..... was kinda not present enough in s1. does that make sense ever at all. i wish we had more from her and her whole visions thing, and she had as much focus in the past as the others did from the very beginning. bc i feel like in s1... we didnt see enough of her in that regard? like we got her- we got bits of her. but not enough of her-her. bc im fine with her kinda story on paper (ish) and how its playing out but i t does feel weirdly unba;anced across s1 / s2. and its throwing me a bit there
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ahaura · 1 year
yellowjackets s2e9 lb
"the wilderness chose" I DONT THINK IT DID BUT OK!!!!
ok but like. the wilderness"" might have gotten into them but they CHOSE to do it that way like they CHOSE to let javi drown/freeze to death i think thats more them devolving into "survival on the only way know how to justify it to themselves" mode
also how insane is it that they were all willing to eat natalie 10 minutes ago and theyve all been starving and just like that your team turns on you bec "the wilderness chose' thats nuts
"give it a hunt" is this when my girl lisa dies. i will beat up misty for lisa idc
i dont mean to get personal on main but lottie's desperation...for lack of a better word... reminds me of me when i **** ** **** ***** and at that time i was just. so desperate to believe in [redacted] i was DESPERATE i was so far down i was just clawing at the pit walls like. god.
"make sure none of your people are here for this" NOOOOOO LISA
"we got over it" LIIIIIIIIIIIES
"i didnt want this" "you started this" LETSGOOOOOOO
oh this is so fucked
shauna butchered them... alone... it was her duty.... no wonder shes so fucked up
jeff.... the cops.... bleh
"youre not like them" "im worse" OH NAT NO NO NO NO NO
"im glad im alive" van says to travis whose brother just died because the team is starving and it was supposed to be natalie but misty saved her so javi died in his place and theyre going to eat javi and travis will have to eat his brother to survive. insane people.
"let your brother save you, travis. after everything he went through out here. dont you at least owe him that?" INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE FUCKING THING TO SAY VAN HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT FUCKING CRAZY
walter i likeyou so much please stick around 4 life youre so funny
"youre being awfully judgy about mom considering this all started because of your lame attempt at blackmail" CALLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE LETS FUCKING GO
i feel so bad for her. her parents suck so fucking bad her mom is fucked up and withheld love from her and doesnt love her like her dead baby brother and her dad is a pathetic dude who is like, trying his best but hes just sO pathetic and not even in a fun way. he has the spirit tho. shes gonna be sSOOOOO fucked up when shes grown up
walter and misty match made in heaven TBH
is that... buffy sainte marie singing?
jesus christ
they really never left huh
walter fucking over this smarmy little shit cop is SOOOOOOOOOOOO fun
oh my god lottie
the wilderness left lottie...?
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!
what is a god to a nonbeliever etc etc oh my GOD NATALIEEEEEE
"you were always its favorite" OH MY GOD???????????/
"we tried to kill you and it wouldn't let us"
lottie kissing natalie's hand is insane im goi g insane INSANE INSANE INSANE INSANE
the girls allow javi to die in nat's place (or the wilderness kill him in nat's place) > shauna offers travis javi's heart to eat as first dibs in honor/waiting for permission > travis eats his brother's heart > natalie is named lottie's successor as the unwilling apostle the reluctant saint the cursed etc etc > travis places her hand on his heart
aaaaaand radiohead to send us off eh?
nat :(
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motherofmabari · 1 year
Shauna telling Callie 'well you were mad when I ignored your dad cheating and you're mad when I cheat on him, I'm all out of ideas what else can I do at least it's SOMETHING?! What do you want from me?!'
Like come on bffr Shauna, Callie wanted you to confront Jeff not start an affair of your own 😂
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misquigleya · 1 year
thoughts below my dudes spoilers be extra heavy
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getting some big ole "lost" vibes from that whole freezing to death scene with lottie, don't know how i feel about that cause "lost" fucked us over in the end and i'm still not over it all these years later. so. yj writers...don't let me down
akilah was precious with the little mouse / shrew ( not exactly sure what it was but it was cute ) and her being the only one really semi-clinging to "normalcy" with still studying for the STATS? i'm rooting for you bby girl pls do not follow in mari's footsteps
speaking of mari....girl if you find yourself wondering why you were chosen for the next bbq....think back to all the BEEF you were starting and having with everyone in that cabin like a;sdklfj pull your head out of your ass lmao
benny boy, my dude, my home-skillet....pls don't ask the "vicious monsters" what they would have / will do if you're chosen / selected for the next feast cause that just not a good thing to be putting in their heads. also you should have used your crutch against mari cause girly really be squaring up with you like ma'am that is a full grown adult man...sit your ass down
LAURA LEE PLEASE COME BACK CAUSE YOUR GF IS LOSIN IT BABES like...lottie really does need a voice of reason and i think that's what laura lee was to her aside from the og believer and thinking she [lottie] had a direct line to "god" with knowing what's up with the wilderness and shit
....javi being alive was not on my bingo card but i don't think he's completely out of the woods ( ha ) just yet cause it's still possible that he could not have been one of the, i'm assuming, 8 survivors. but we shall see but i know for certain that nat's gonna get an ear full from travis / the others cause of the whole "finding" his [javi] pants in the tree. but i had a feeling that it would come back and bite her in the ass...just not in the form of javi being alive
i love vanessa palmer so much like that's my butch lesbian <3 love that they own a little shop and it looks like it involves their interests, etc. absolutely love it for van
tai you need to talk to someone and i hope you actually talk to van about like....everything leading up to you just randomly showing up to their place of business which....other tai seems to be in more control???? like the whole breaking into jessica robert's place and finding the info to find van then "waking up" on the side of the road with no gas. way pass sleep walking and eating dirt and that don't sound good nor could it mean good is to come of it
shauna and jeff, mom and dad, you need to get it together but i'm with jeff in the way that shauna should not have told callie that she killed adam, that jeff knew, and helped get rid of the evidence. like it just...SHE'S TALKING TO A 30+ YEAR OLD CREEPO COP which i get it, she doesn't know that but still. she's already leaked that shauna did have an affair with adam and that just shines some shit light on shauna and jeff and just....baby what is you doin
something that was on my bingo card and that is having me squinting even harder at walt is the whole story about him having won a settlement and "surviving" an accident. also proclaiming himself to be a millionaire???? oh you mean hottie lottie's bread and jam aka the type of folks that come to cult camp???? nah. walt has def gotta be involved someway cause it makes sense; lottie knows how misty is/was and she could have seen that walt was the same ( if he wasn't fucking coached to be that way ) and pointed him in misty's direction cause it could be the perfect way to get misty to the cult camp though i'm sure misty would have found a way to get HER WOMAN back one way or another
and now to the biggest thing i have screamed with the wifey ( @scatcrccio ) ....if these writers are dicking me around with mistnat/NaSTY being a thing after teasing it so fuckin hard last season oN TOP OF THE ACTORS BOTH SHIPPING IT....i will get violent. it's giving me too much whiplash and flashbacks to killing eve and i just can not go through that kinda shit again. so if tHE WRITERS COULD PLEASE JUST EASE UP ON THE POTENTIAL SHIPS AND REFOCUS ON MISTNAT....that'd be fuckin super duper
....also absolutely no offence to lottie/nat or nat/lisa shippers like you do you boo-boo but i'm delusional and floating down the denial river grasping at mistnat and i need it to be canon okay????
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smalltownoutcasts · 1 year
continued thread with @darkconsumed
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                          The moment he laughed, he knew he was fucked. He knew Callie had him right where she wanted him and he hated it. Hated how devious she could be at times and he really did question if all teenagers were like this. Or if they had just got lucky with their own kid. Regardless, he was now caught and there was no back peddling as that would only cause further problems and they didn't need anymore on their plate. So he stood his ground ( attempted to at least ) as he awaited the teenage fury that she had already demonstrated with him and Shauna more than once.
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However it was the weak comment that had his brows pinching together and lips pressing into a thin line. "You don't know the full story, Callie," he stated firmly, head shaking as he held a hand up, not exactly pointing at her, but the indication of tread lightly was there. He had to remind himself that he was the parent that she was his child first and foremost. "Callie...Cals? Talk to me, okay? 'Cause clearly something has you upset, but yes. I have forgiven your mother. Just like that." There was no sense in arguing about their family being normal because they weren't and he knew it. Callie didn't know the half of it though.
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She knew she had overstepped her boundaries when she saw Jeff throw up his hand and the expression on his face change. But she was hurting. She hated being left in the dark with something so big affecting their family. The relationship she had with Shauna had always been a rocky one leaving the thought that she was never truly wanted lingering somewhere in the back of her mind. Whether or not it was true, she wasn't for sure, "I just don't understand how mom cheating on you could be let go so easily. It's like you guys are hiding something from me. I mean...be honest dad, did you guys even want really want me, or was I just some happy accident?"
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Callie had felt so broken in the moment, but it seemed easier to talk to Jeff about things than it had talking to Shauna, at least when she managed to stop playing the brooding, smartass teenager role.
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yourcomedyminute · 8 days
Your Comedy Minute Special Guest Reel Featuring: Blaine Capatch, Jennica Sadwhani, Mike T Is For Terrific, Jaclyn Passaro, Zahan Khursigara, Steve Goldberg, Dev Maddox, Webb Wilder, Jessica Phillips, Shawn Ruiz, Patrick Golden, Joe Scrocca Jr., Moe Williams, Lindsay Roth, Steven J. Springer, Diane Callis, Cory Albert, Bo Vance, Wendy Gray, Jeffery Baylock, Justin Rademacher, Brian Blanton, Kaitey Hembree, Mook Mane DA Comedian-host, Dalton Ty Packan, Carol Leung, James Slack, Seth Gwaltney, Helaine Witt, Dani De La Cruz, Mike Celona, Anthony Reyes, Collin Christopher, Scott Shanahan, Carolyn Bell L. Lubner, Ethan Feldman, Gini Sikes, Meryl Klemow, Nathan411, Cara Amore, Pirate Stu's Dad Joke of the Day, Maria Rivadeneyra, Dave from Total Blackout Painting, Jeff Jackson AKA Daddy Is Best, Tashen, Wookie, and Trystan. 
 If you would like to be a guest on Your Comedy Minute please contact me. #StandUp #Comedy #Humor #Jokes #Reel #Compilation #Funny
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yellowjackets 204 thoughts
(no moose, just spoilers below)
not once did ANYONE thought it would be a bad idea for two of your most useful teammates to run around in the wilderness alone???
but we got precrash team canon divergent au, laura lee and lottienat so yknow what y'all were right to be unhinged
nat has so, so much love in her. travis is seriously on thin fucking ice if he even raises his voice an octave about javi
oh yeah javi is back. this boy survived on his own for two months and my girlfailure jackie couldnt for two minutes?? my loser (affectionate) fr
WHY did shauna think it was okay to trauma dump on callie!!!!! but callie's seemingly okay and participating in shipman family tradition (being dexterous with a knife) so all's good i guess until pedo cop shows up god i hope shauna peels his skin off
jeff's doing his best to be a good dad. it's cute honestly. i like one man even though he cheated on jackie but fine bygones be bygones or whatever
LOTTIE is just TRYING. still stuck in her grief over laura lee, her trauma from the wilderness and life post-rescue, trying to save the girls and herself. they could never turn me against you, my poor baby girl
nobody is allowed to talk shit about taissa im so serious. she's so confused, scared and lost. all she wants is to be okay.
tai seeing through van's request to scope the area even though she didn't believe the mumbo jumbo??? anyone who calls her self centered and narcissistic has to line up outside my door because i will start firing.
tai loves van so much that she's willing to see van's side of things even though it makes no sense to her. and van loves tai so much that she's adamant on tai having faith in the church of lottie so that tai doesn't have to suffer.
misty and walter are like the overly paranoid version of sherlock and watson. they are made for each other. y'all feed off each other's unmedicated energy
also ben defeating the dying allegations??? man is just on ao3 in his imagination
mari is so fucked though. why tf is she still hearing dripping sounds. girl just tune it out, we still need you here in bitch island!!
lastly, first we had to deal with the shit in the bucket NOW THE MISSING MEAT. mark my words, these are all connected.
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October 1: Yellowjackets 2x01
Impulsively decided to start watching Yellowjackets Season 2, under the assumption that even if it does totally consume me, I can’t be spending my time any WORSE and at least this show only has so many episodes.
A few random thoughts on 2x01:
I’ve seen so many spoilers for S2 that it’s hard to remember what is a memory of S1 and what is a spoiler for S2.
Shauna talking about being turned on by the thought of Jeff with someone else… why don’t people talk about that more aaaaaaaah?!?! Like first of all, clear manipulation tactic to get him to stop thinking about her with someone else in a bad way and start thinking about her with someone else in a turned on way but more importantly, she definitely, definitely is thinking about him with Jackie in particular, since Jackie is the one known and possibly, as far as we know, only ever ‘other one.’ And I’m just always here for more homoerotic girl friendship. Like gskfdf the layers of this match the ear eating imo.
How does Tawny Cyprus walk in those heels?
It’s sad to have to wait 40 minutes for Juliette Lewis to show up but at least she did. I was excited to see Lauren Ambrose’s name in the credits, bummed if not surprised not to see her in the episode.
"Something happens to all of us." / "True. And some of those things can be worse than others, depending on our choices." Choices have consequences.
I thought Misty’s “Don’t cry about this. Babies cry,” moment in Natalie’s motel room was really interesting. Just this idea that she’s someone who’s trained herself, or been trained, not to be emotional, to see emotions as immaturity or weakness. I definitely see that in the character now that it’s been pointed out.
“The only thing you should be saying to the police is I want a lawyer. That’s why I put it on the cookie.”
I’m not going to give Jeff credit for anything and I do not want him encroaching at all as a main character, but I did like “Maybe old-fashioned dad shit is my love language” and that strange little scene of him headbanging to Papa Roach. Similarly, Callie is annoying but she is right that her parents are basically the worst: a toxic combination of murderers AND cringe.
Sophie Thatcher does such a great job of matching that Juliette Lewis energy. I was going to say they match each other really well but honestly Juliette Lewis just has this, like… aura, or mood that is all her and is so compelling to watch and I think her younger self here has to imitate that rather than any kind of meeting in the middle thing.
The decision to show a tiny little bit of the rescue in 1998 was interesting. I’d always assumed/gotten the impression that there was no third timeline at all. I would probably characterize those scenes as a whole as more of a 96-perspective flash forward or like a bridge sequence somewhat more akin to the flashbacks-from-96 but still, even just the flashes of the girls at the airport were really jarring and unexpected.
“This isn’t you. This is just something that’s happening to you.”
I get that we never knew the names etc. of all the Yellowjackets in S1 but it is still SUPER disorienting to me to see new characters being introduced in the 96 timeline, given that it really is, like, a closed box. Like I'm just supposed to accept that they were there in the background the whole time although they definitely weren't. Also, I don't really know how many people are on a soccer team so if you told me that the girls we saw in S1 were the whole team, I'd be like, yeah, sure. The whole concept of the wilderness era is that it's small and claustrophobic (while surrounded by vastness and mystery of course) so it's hard for me to accept these other people in any sort of organic or realistic way.
This episode felt a little slow, a little… disjointed in that most of the characters were off in their own places, doing their own things. Even the team in the cabin, weirdly. The Shauna and Jackie’s ghost scenes obviously stood out. I also really liked Shauna and Misty in the opening.
Also EVERYTHING about Nat and Lottie’s reunion. The animal masks, the ritual, the revelation of an ongoing cult, everything about Nat’s face, Nat randomly hitting that guy with a stick as the chanting suddenly stopped, reminding you how dumb and arbitrary all this, and also did I mention Nat’s face. I watched it twice.
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blogofawimpykid · 1 year
The Ice Cream Fic
Jeff X Megan
Canon: Jeff meets Megan's roommates. Megan meets Jeff's wife.
1500 Words
"Megan, hi!" My head snapped up, first towards the guy behind the counter, than towards the actual source of the voice. Jeff, standing in line for ice cream, with his wife and daughter next to him. Fuck.
"Hi," I said brightly, trying to act natural. I'd never met his family before. Part of me hoped I would never have to.
"Who's that?" Reese, my roommates best friend, asked. She had never met Jeff.
"My boss."
"Her boyfriend."
I glared at Jaclyn as we both spoke at once.
"Shut up," I demanded, quickly looking up in Jeff's direction, terrified he would hear us. His wife was looking at the menu board, his daughter was on her phone, and he was staring right at me. His expression was neutral, and he waved good-naturedly when the small group I was with all seemed to look towards him at once.
"You have a crush on your boss?" Reese asked, talking over her shoulder as we joined the back of the line.
"No," I snapped, a little too angrily. Reese and Jaclyn both turned to raise their eyebrows at me. "Sorry. I think that's his wife with him so I don't want her to think anything."
"Oh," Reese said, dropping the topic immediately.
"Why would his wife-" Jaclyn asked, voice low so Reese wouldn't hear.
"I don't know," I said sincerely. She was the only one who knew the truth about me and Jeff. I tried to busy myself by looking at the wall of candy to the back of the ice cream shop, keeping my whole body angled away from Jeff's family, as the line moved slowly forward.
"Megan," Jeff said, and I tensed up, feeling him practically breathing down my neck. I turned, almost comically slowly, and saw him waiting by the cash register with his wife while his daughter ordered. "This is my wife, Shauna. Shauna, this is Megan." Shauna smiled sincerely at me between bites of her ice cream.
"It's so nice to finally meet you. Jeff has talked so much about you."
"He has?"
"Of course. You're his new favorite employee."
"Oh." I finally made eye contact with Jeff, who's face betrayed no emotions other than those of a man getting ice cream with his family.
"So what are you guys doing here?" Jeff asked, gesturing between me and Jaclyn, who apparently hadn't noticed us talking right behind her.
"Oh, we come here like every day," I explained. I grabbed Jaclyns arm, turning her around to face Jeff. "Jaclyn has a crush on that guy." I pointed to the boy behind the counter.
"Oh, yeah?" Jeff asked, laughing in the way that most dad's do when they hear about a teenage girls crush.
"No," Jaclyn defended immediately. "I think he has a crush on me. So we're testing the theory."
"Oh, right. Jaclyn's a psych major, so this is scientific research."
"Really?" Jeff crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows at us. By this point, Reese realized that there was a conversation happening that she wasn't a part of, and she also turned around to join us.
"Jeff, this is Jaclyn's best friend, Reese," I said, gesturing. I look between her and Jeff, than back at Shauna, who was smiling politely. "Oh, this is my roommate, Jaclyn." Shauna waved at both the girls.
"How do you know Jeff, Jaclyn? It seems like you two have met before." Jaclyn glanced sideways at me, panicked but trying to hide it for my sake.
"We met when I delivered Megan's chair," Jeff explained.
"Oh, I forgot about that." The line started to move up, pushing Jaclyn, Reese, and I further from Jeff and Shauna.
"Do you want to eat these here?" Jeff asked Shauna, gesturing towards the couple of picnic tables just outside the shop.
"Sure. I'll go get us a seat, you wait with Callie." Jeff turned his back on us when Shauna left, and I felt a bit of weight lift off my shoulders. I knew that Jaclyn and I were going to have to tell Reese the truth when we get back to our dorm, but at least Shauna didn't suspect anything, as far as I could tell. As Jeff and Callie started towards the door, I could hear her ask him,
"Who were you and mom talking to?"
"Megan, the new employee at the store." I didn't look in Jeff's direction to see if he was looking back at me. Reese glanced back and forth between Jaclyn and me as we ordered, obviously sensing that there's something we weren't telling her. Leaving the store, we had to pass by Jeff's table to get to Jaclyn's car. I crossed my fingers under my ice cream bowl, hoping he wouldn't stop us. "Hey, Megan, I didn't get to introduce you to Callie."
"Hey," Callie said noncommittally, hardly looking up from her ice cream as the three of us lingered awkwardly around the table.
"And these are Megan's friends, Jaclyn and Reese." Callie finally looked us over, in the squinty-eyed, judgmental way that all high schoolers do, and Jaclyn and Reese, who were both, technically, still teenagers, regarded her in the same way.
"I like your shirt."
"Oh, mine?" Callie nodded. "Thanks. Are you a Def Leppard fan?"
"No. Just like the shirts."
"That's fair. They have really cool merch. I got this shirt from their concert."
"You went to a Def Leppard concert?" Jeff asked.
"Yeah. For, like, my 16th birthday, I think."
"Aren't they from the 70s?" Callie asked, incredulous.
"Pretty much. They still tour, though. I saw them with Journey."
"I love Journey!" Shauna gasped. "Not quite 70s," she corrected Callie, "but they were popular when i was your age. I didn't know they were still touring."
"Well, that was a few years ago."
"Right, Jeff mentioned you're a little older than the other freshmen." I nodded slowly, making eye contact with Jeff for a moment and briefly raising my eyebrows. Why had he mentioned that? "What are you majoring in, again?"
"Theater." Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Callie smirk, in the way people usually did when they heard the phrase 'theater major.'
"You know, Callie, you should get in touch with these girls. Ask them questions about college. You're a senior, you need to start thinking of these things."
"Mom," Callie groaned.
"You should totally come by the store sometime while I'm working," I offered, hoping to take some of the awkward pressure of Callie. "You obviously have good taste."
"That's a good idea too," Shauna said, looking pointedly at Callie.
"Yeah, maybe," Callie mumbled, shrugging.
"Do you guys come here a lot?" I asked, gesturing to the building behind us. I hoped the answer was no, or else Jaclyn would have to find a new crush.
"I don't think I've ever been here," Shauna said. "Jeff wanted to come."
"It's school spirit night,” Jeff explained, pointing to the sign on the door announcing just that. “I wanted to come by and support and support the alma mater.” I almost choked on my cake batter ice cream.
“You went to-“
“Yep.” Jeff nodded proudly. I wanted to die.
“You didn’t know that?” Shauna asked, seemingly surprised.
“Nope. He never told me.” There seemed to be lots of things Jeff had never told me, such as the fact that he and his wife were VERY MUCH NOT SEPARATED.
“Jeff! I can’t believe you never mentioned that,” Shauna scolded.
“I don’t know how I didn’t,” he responded, sounding almost apologetic. He looked up at me… regretfully? This whole situation was confusing me.
“You girls probably have a lot of homework to do,” Shauna said, changing the subject. “Don’t let us keep you here.”
“Oh, we d-,” Reese began, but I quickly cut her off.
“Yeah.” I tried to sound sad, like I wanted to stay and talk all night with the wife of the man I was currently sleeping with. “It was nice to finally meet you.”
“You too. Girls, it was nice meeting you.” Jaclyn and Reese both nodded, mumbling pleasantries.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jeff said, as we started to walk away. I raised an eyebrow, before I realized he was talking about work. Right.
“Yeah. See ya. Bye, Callie.” Callie waved absently, looking at her phone.
Jaclyn, Reese, and I ran across the street, narrowly avoiding being hit by a mustang with half the bumper missing, and practically threw ourselves into Jaclyns car. I exhaled loudly.
“What the fuck was that?” Jaclyn asked, looking at me with wide eyes in the rear view mirror.
“I don’t know!”
“Yeah, actually what was that?” Reese asked, genuinely confused. She turned sideways in her seat to look between me and Jaclyn.
“… I’m sleeping with him,” I said sheepishly. Jaclyn started the car, some 80’s song immediately blasting through the small vehicle, drowning out
Reese’s shocked response.
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entertainment · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Michele Weaver, Council of Dads
Before her current role on Council of Dads, Michele Weaver had roles on Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings, Love Is__, and 2 Lava 2 Lantula!, with film roles including the thrillers Nighthawks and Illicit. Additional television credits include supporting roles on Switched at Birth and Cooper Barrett’s Guide to Surviving Life. Currently, Michele can be seen playing Luly Perry on NBC’s Council of Dads. Luly is original dad Scott’s daughter, whom he raised as a single father before meeting his wife Robin, played by Sarah Wayne Callies. Michele took a few minutes to answer some of our questions. Check it out: 
What’s your go-to preparation for a role, and what did you do to prepare for the part of Luly?
To be transparent, I am still developing my 'go-to' preparations for every role. The only thing I do consistently for each role is read the script first, using it as my guide to know where to begin. I usually find where I can't make connections and then begin to fill in the gaps. With Luly, I initially had multiple conversations with the creators of the show (Tony Phelan & Joan Rater) to get their full vision of Luly. From there, I turned to blogs and articles to get the perspectives of people who have similar experiences to Luly. I relate to her on many levels such as being a writer, a sister, a Daddy's girl, and being biracial.
To gain a perspective I don't have experience with, I researched articles and blogs on topics like grief, loss, terminal illness, and blended family dynamics from a clinical and consumer perspective.
Playing a character who loses their father at young age is more than just crying on cue, it's finding the core of a person's hope and courage to put the pieces of their life back together. Luly is a fighter.
What’s your favorite part about being on Council of Dads?
My favorite part of being on Council of Dads is the family aspect on screen and off. We play a family and after working together we were able to create our own family with the cast and crew. It's a beautiful feeling to not only get to do what you love but share it with everyone around you.
You’re in a room with every character you’ve ever played—what do you do?
What a good question! What I would do is ask them, "If you could be remembered for one thing, what would it be?" I have been blessed to play women of many different ages and backgrounds and yet they all have common themes and threads. It's always the characters you think are the most different that actually are the most alike. I am sure their answers would show that just like in real life.
You work in theatre, film, and television. How does the work differ, and do you prefer one format over the others?
I don't know if I prefer one over the other despite their differences. I love them all for different reasons. I LOVE the theatre. It was my safe place growing up and there is something powerful about sharing space with your audience. Even though there is something special about working on a film, knowing the beginning and the end while having the time to dive deep into the character, there is something exciting with the unpredictability of television. Television reminds me of life. You can plan all you want but you never know how it will end up until you get there.
 If your life could be a musical, which musical would you like it to be, and which do you think it would actually be?
I LOVE MUSICALS! This question also makes me realize that I actually haven't seen that many musicals. I can't think of a musical I would like to be my life but I haven't had a chance to see In the Heights or Hamilton. Thoroughly Modern Millie is one I feel is closest to my experience. A simple yet curious girl finding her way in a big city is relatable to me, especially since I used to weirdly tap dance in a middle of my shift at my old job. Ha.
What do you like most about Luly’s personality?
She knows she wants and she is not afraid to go for it.
What would you say makes a really good scene partner?
A think a good scene partner is someone who is able to be present in the moment.  When we are both present (a skill I am still mastering), we can experience the scene in real time instead of creating what we thought it should be before hand. This way it is organic and not forced.  
You’ve played a few roles in thrillers. What is it that draws you to that genre?
I love watching content that makes you think and question. It's an amazing feeling to finish reading a script and feel surprised or effected by the characters and their actions. A good thriller tends to do that. I love puzzles and thrillers feel like a puzzle on the screen.
Thanks for taking the time, Michele. Catch Council of Dads on Thursdays at 8pm on NBC.
Photo: Jeff Lipsky/NBC
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