#yj spoilers below
misquigleya · 1 year
thoughts below my dudes spoilers be extra heavy
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getting some big ole "lost" vibes from that whole freezing to death scene with lottie, don't know how i feel about that cause "lost" fucked us over in the end and i'm still not over it all these years later. so. yj writers...don't let me down
akilah was precious with the little mouse / shrew ( not exactly sure what it was but it was cute ) and her being the only one really semi-clinging to "normalcy" with still studying for the STATS? i'm rooting for you bby girl pls do not follow in mari's footsteps
speaking of mari....girl if you find yourself wondering why you were chosen for the next bbq....think back to all the BEEF you were starting and having with everyone in that cabin like a;sdklfj pull your head out of your ass lmao
benny boy, my dude, my home-skillet....pls don't ask the "vicious monsters" what they would have / will do if you're chosen / selected for the next feast cause that just not a good thing to be putting in their heads. also you should have used your crutch against mari cause girly really be squaring up with you like ma'am that is a full grown adult man...sit your ass down
LAURA LEE PLEASE COME BACK CAUSE YOUR GF IS LOSIN IT BABES like...lottie really does need a voice of reason and i think that's what laura lee was to her aside from the og believer and thinking she [lottie] had a direct line to "god" with knowing what's up with the wilderness and shit
....javi being alive was not on my bingo card but i don't think he's completely out of the woods ( ha ) just yet cause it's still possible that he could not have been one of the, i'm assuming, 8 survivors. but we shall see but i know for certain that nat's gonna get an ear full from travis / the others cause of the whole "finding" his [javi] pants in the tree. but i had a feeling that it would come back and bite her in the ass...just not in the form of javi being alive
i love vanessa palmer so much like that's my butch lesbian <3 love that they own a little shop and it looks like it involves their interests, etc. absolutely love it for van
tai you need to talk to someone and i hope you actually talk to van about like....everything leading up to you just randomly showing up to their place of business which....other tai seems to be in more control???? like the whole breaking into jessica robert's place and finding the info to find van then "waking up" on the side of the road with no gas. way pass sleep walking and eating dirt and that don't sound good nor could it mean good is to come of it
shauna and jeff, mom and dad, you need to get it together but i'm with jeff in the way that shauna should not have told callie that she killed adam, that jeff knew, and helped get rid of the evidence. like it just...SHE'S TALKING TO A 30+ YEAR OLD CREEPO COP which i get it, she doesn't know that but still. she's already leaked that shauna did have an affair with adam and that just shines some shit light on shauna and jeff and just....baby what is you doin
something that was on my bingo card and that is having me squinting even harder at walt is the whole story about him having won a settlement and "surviving" an accident. also proclaiming himself to be a millionaire???? oh you mean hottie lottie's bread and jam aka the type of folks that come to cult camp???? nah. walt has def gotta be involved someway cause it makes sense; lottie knows how misty is/was and she could have seen that walt was the same ( if he wasn't fucking coached to be that way ) and pointed him in misty's direction cause it could be the perfect way to get misty to the cult camp though i'm sure misty would have found a way to get HER WOMAN back one way or another
and now to the biggest thing i have screamed with the wifey ( @scatcrccio ) ....if these writers are dicking me around with mistnat/NaSTY being a thing after teasing it so fuckin hard last season oN TOP OF THE ACTORS BOTH SHIPPING IT....i will get violent. it's giving me too much whiplash and flashbacks to killing eve and i just can not go through that kinda shit again. so if tHE WRITERS COULD PLEASE JUST EASE UP ON THE POTENTIAL SHIPS AND REFOCUS ON MISTNAT....that'd be fuckin super duper
....also absolutely no offence to lottie/nat or nat/lisa shippers like you do you boo-boo but i'm delusional and floating down the denial river grasping at mistnat and i need it to be canon okay????
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kindlingkeen · 5 months
Heyo Keen, I have come to pester you once again. Your post about the Jason amnesia thing got me thinking about young justice (I started watching it recently, it’s very good) and the whole red hooded ninja plot (rip)
I have no clue if you’ve seen the clips (if you haven’t then: spoilers below)
Particularly the bit where he’s fighting Nightwing and there’s this whole moment where he says “Gray…son” and he’s told “your memories are returning”.
Anywho. personally I really loved that whole scene/idea even though it was real small. (Also the red hooded ninja design is banger imo) Just the idea of brothers so close yet not even realizing it & the whole amnesia/catatonic thing where seeing Nightwing helps him remember. Also iirc in this he takes care of Damien? (I’m not that far in the show yet so not 100% on that) which is really sweet. Super looking forward to where it goes if anyone picks up the show again.
Do you prefer the whole amnesia/ninja plot or the pit/Red Hood one? I love both and don’t really have a favourite, but I know some people lean pretty strong towards one or the other.
Hey friend! Please pester away! If it takes me a while to answer your asks, it’s only because I’m giving them serious consideration.
I haven’t seen Young Justice, but I’m vaguely familiar with the red hooded ninja story line via art I’ve come across on tumblr and a few fanfics. There’s one in particular that comes to mind where Ra’s contracts Slade to take over the LoA, and Slade interacts with Jay (I can’t remember the title or author, so if anyone knows what I’m talking about, drop a link so I can tag it properly). The first time I read one of these (without noticing the YJ tag listed in the fandoms), I was like ‘what tf is going on here—ohh, Jay with sword, yeah, okay, let’s do this.’
I am deeply and unhealthily attached to the pit/Red Hood story arc for Jason. It’s the storyline I know best in both the comics, dc alt media, and fandom worlds, and it’s the clearest characterization I have of Jay in my head. Part of my process for writing is to set certain ground truths for myself/the story based on comics canon, and then I build outward from there.
That said, the red hooded ninja concept pushes so many of my buttons, namely Jason being under Talia’s wing, Jason and Damian meeting in the League, Jason as a ninja assassin, Jason with a sword (errghhh it’s all sooo good). I also like the younger Dami/older Jay dynamic. Although, technically one of the alt endings to the A Death in the Family movie was Talia giving Jason baby Damian, so I suppose you could wrap that into a Red Hood storyline.
I’m working my way through the 90s Batman: The Animated Series (it’s my fav ‘it’s 10 pm and I’m too tired to do anything productive so I’m just gonna watch comfort TV’ pick right now). Maybe once I get through that, I’ll move on to YJ. 🙂
Thanks so much for the ask! 💙
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they-them-van · 1 year
notes from “it chooses”
so i took notes on the new yj episode (”it chooses”) both because i’m a nerd and because so much shit happens in literally every episode and i can’t keep it all straight - i have so many fucking Thoughts and i figured y’all might also, so here are some of them in roughly chronological order (obviously lots of spoilers below, also it’s fucking long but bear with me):
lottie is extremely fucked up good lord girl
mari being the most devoted but also making fun of lottie - what’s her deal
NUGGET IS DEAD WHAT THE FUCK - him being a hallucination the whole time mirrors both shauna’s baby dream and ben imagining paul/being in a better place
they’re going to the Sharing Shack this is so deeply unserious
shauna having to confess that she killed a man fucking sent me
jeff seeing the pictures of the man his wife killed all cut up sent me in an extremely different way (off the brink)
nat and misty being the ones to follow shauna when she tries to leave, both in purple - they’ve become the most devoted to lottie in the present, whereas van is completely the opposite
young nat saying “they’ve changed because of her” (THE THOUGHTS I AM HAVING... i can’t put them into words quite yet but boy am i fucking having thoughts)
van being the one to unite the group in lottie’s absence - and also lottie “sacrificing” herself being used to motivate/unite the group
mari hallucinating blood dripping from the walls and saying “they’re dead” made me SCREAM because oh my god i thought at the beginning of the season that the dripping would be related to blood and related to mari finding something in or around the cabin having to do with the wilderness/sacrifice and i am simply so correct all the time
misty my serial killer queen <3
misty somehow being both a serial killer and the FBI, what an icon
do we know if van ever got a postcard?
travis is doing something weird (not being an asshole)
i wish literally anyone could see the way i was internally cackling when jeff hallucinated shauna as the wife from sharknado i will be thinking about this for WEEKS
i fucking love the show’s themes of intergenerational trauma that we see showing up in so many different ways - most obviously with shauna/callie and tai/sammy, but also how the girls interacted with their parents, how we see the choices their past and present selves make interact, how lottie is actively shaping other peoples’ lives according to her trauma - there’s so much to say about this and there might be a more in depth analysis coming because again i will not stop thinking about this for weeks
it seems that the group as a whole still holds some animosity towards shauna for what she did to lottie, as seen when they’re all mad at her for telling jeff and tai specifically says that people have repeatedly put themselves in harm’s way for her
lottie very specifically Gazes Meaningfully at the camera during this discussion
once again i find it fascinating how lottie and nat’s arcs are converging, at first i thought their roles within the group had reversed when natalie said they need to talk about everything and lottie replied “this isn’t something therapies can fix” - really they’re moving in the same direction but at different paces, it seems here at least like nat has always just been a couple steps behind lottie but she’s starting to catch up and hoo boy something is gonna happen when she does
the way that in lottie’s absence van takes over the lead role - shuffling and holding the cards, orchestrating the hunt - but misty is her enforcing, the one actually pulling cards for people
this is something we see from misty even into the present - at one point she said something like “i took care of [jessica roberts], like i always do” and that just enforced it for me (no pun intended), while shauna has a similar capacity for violence i think she can only stomach it in the heat of the moment, while misty is always able to detach herself and that’s something the rest of them/the antler queen take advantage of
they all get so obsessed with the hunt that they’re not even chasing anything (that’s what’s called Symbolism)
the parallels between the moose and javi, both times natalie is desperate to pull them out but quite literally her fear/survival instinct overrides her hunger, she let go of javi so much more willingly than the moose
final thought (sorry this is so long dear god): a while back i listened to the episode of You’re Wrong About that was on the Andes plane crash, and something that came up a lot was this idea that we’re drawn to wilderness survival stories because there’s inherently something either comforting or deeply terrifying about the idea of not being in control of our surroundings, of being at the mercy of natural forces with no morals or intentions. and the way yj has been playing with this is incredible, particularly in the group dynamics: for the firm believers in the wilderness as an entity, the control is taken out of their hands. they’re simply surviving, and they may be aware on some level that they’re doing horrible things to each other but they justify it by making it a sacrifice to this outside entity. and on the other side (mostly just natalie at this point, really), there are those who are clinging onto what little control they still have in the wilderness, who can’t accept their actions as anything but their own and are horrified at those who don’t do the same. they’ve created such an interesting dynamic and i’m so excited to see it play out, especially as we see people changing sides and shifting who/what they see as in control (the most interesting case of this might be van, who wholeheartedly embraced the idea of the wilderness in control as a teen but seems to have retroactively taken ownership of what she did as an adult)
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griddlebait · 7 months
i was backreading your page and saw you mention that you were once considering a tlt yellowjackets AU and assigned some characters to different roles. as a TLT and YJs fan i was wondering if you could maybe share what roles you assigned who?
oooh fun! thank you so much for asking this. i’ll put it below the read more because i will definitely get carried away and this is pretty niche lol. also spoilers for yellowjackets!!
i mostly assigned the roles based on necro/cav pairings so that’s how i’ll format this. also i’m basing this on the teen/wilderness versions of the characters.
taissa - necromancer / van - cavalier
i think that their dynamic in the show (especially as of s2) can easily lend itself to the necro/cav dynamic and i think it would be interesting to examine their relationship through that lens. also tangential but van palmer would love gideon nav as a character someone give her a copy of GtN
lottie - necromancer / nat - cavalier
i KNOW most people’s go-to here would be mistynat because of misty’s protectiveness over and devotion to natalie, however i just can’t see nat as a necromancer and i think there’s more room for juicy drama that could also play off their canon dynamic if nat is (begrudgingly) lottie’s cavalier. admittedly i am also a lottienatter so i might be biased here.
shauna - necromancer / jackie - cavalier
this one was a bit difficult for me because it can also be the other way around and still make sense, it really just depends on which parts of YJ canon you want to take into account. on all levels except for how their story canonically concludes, shauna should be the cavalier. i definitely see the merit of switching the roles, especially if you consider jackieshauna’s interpersonal conflict (particularly shauna’s feelings/resentment towards jackie) and the positioning of necromancers vs cavaliers in tlt - there’s plenty to work with there. but their storyline just kinda lends itself to this interpretation, at least in my opinion. and also when coming up with this (spoilers) i was thinking about shauna in the meat shed with jackie’s corpse and just the idea of reanimation/puppeting and the Seventh’s practices/expertise … it made sense to me for her to be the necromancer. (i did in fact think about placing them in the seventh house for that reason specifically lol)
misty - necromancer / crystal - cavalier
my thought process here is that i see misty as being the type of character to attain lyctorhood due to there being a convenient ‘whoopsie’ and being like well what else was i going to do? she was already dead! and with what happened to crystal … i mean. yeah. (although i did contemplate the idea of necro misty / cav nat and i think misty’s potential ascension/reaction to the cost of lyctorhood would change drastically if nat were to be her cavalier)
those are the only pairings i came up with but i definitely see laura lee as a Cristabel type of cavalier - if i moved nat to a different pairing or role i would have laura lee be lottie’s cav (potential for absolute devastation here).
thank you for asking this, it was really fun to think about again! i hope one day someone actually writes this au as i do not have the skill, talent, nor patience for such a thing. any other yellowjackers here please feel free to give me your thoughts
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wildcmbcrsupdates · 1 year
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lizfgarbus: Oops, they did it again! “Qui”- the episode I directed on Yellowjackets- drops today and I couldn’t be more excited for the world to see. Spoilers below!!! @sophie__nelisse had a heavy fucking lift this episode and you will be blown away by the depths she reaches and the multitudes she communicates. And she was so beautifully supported by her cast mates with their bravery and generosity in really going THERE - again! @msmelanielynskey gives a monologue so layered and human making it seem so simple but man is it a masterclass on delivering a gorgeous arc for a complex roller coaster of emotions. Written by the incredible Ameni Rozsa and Karen Joseph Adcock (#wgastrong!) divinely photographed by the badass wonder @shastaspahn with our partner in crime @littletimingwizard, whose spirit and positivity sets the tone for working on the show - the YJ team is just the best. With the support of superstars @ryanpurcell12 @corey.robson @byrdjeff. the most ridiculously talented ensemble cast @riccigrams @tawnycypress #laurenambrose @simonekessell @juliettelewis @jasminsavoy @soapy.t @sammihanratty @courtneyeaton @liv.hewson @stevenakrueger @sarahdesjardins @warrenkole @john_p_reynolds @nia_sondaya and so many more - This show is a goddamn embarrassment of riches thanks to the visionaries @ashlyle33 #bartnickerson #jonathanlisco and #drewcomins and of course nothing would be possible without @showtime @amydisrael @eone_tv and their collective genius in getting behind this show! Thanks to @cbazdekis @cookieshane @hesterthehelpful for being in my corner. Spoilers sure to come@below - but can you spot the Easter eggs in the episode that give you hints about what is “real”? A lucky amulet necklace for whomever spots the signs… 🐝🐝💛 📷 @kaileyschwerman @showtime
Alexa Barajas, Courtney Eaton, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Jenna Burgess, Kevin Alves, Liv Hewson, Mya Lowe, Samantha Hanratty, Steven Krueger and Sophie Thatcher via lizfgarbus Instagram, 05/05/2023.
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antlerqueer · 1 year
Of all the ppl that the YJ character that we lost could have seen before dying shouldn't it have been someone who actually meant something to them? BUT NO it's...LOTTIE?! The first 2 characters I could understand but COME ON we all know who the last person that character would have seen before going off into well whatever happens after we die. (Sorry for being vague trying not to spoil the last episode for others)
I don't mind Lottie being there tbh.
Spoilers below!!!!
Travis would have woken her up. Travis would not have allowed her to die. Travis was the fight she had left, and we know she lost that when she lost him.
Lottie and Natalie have that connection from the wilderness of antler queen to antler queen energy, you know? And we saw that Natalie is comfortable with Lottie when she regressed in her lap, so having teen Lottie (who arguably also died in the woods and became adult Lottie before she should have) comfort her as she was going imo did make sense. She didn't believe in the wilderness or in Lottie's spirituality, but she did believe in Lottie's power as a leader - enough to fear it as a teen.
Natalie accepted her fate long before she died out in the woods, I think.
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drusill-a · 1 year
Yellowjackets finale long outburst below (spoilers obviously):
IMO, this episode was much better than the previous one (which was incredibly disappointing in terms of character development and the lack of important scenes that would have allowed viewers to understand their decisions).
I'm torn when it comes to adult Nat’s fate.
On one hand I'm really sorry that the storyline of a character who was suicidal and started finding meaning in life and overcoming grief ends like this. And what doesn’t help is that it was the second consecutive episode in which adult YJs storyline was poorly, shakily written. I mean the fact that almost all of them finally agreed to make sacrifice was terribly justified… Why did Tai and Nat suddenly change their mind????? Where’s any build-up to this??? I only really buy into Lottie and Van's motivations.
On the other hand - if the writers had to kill off one of the adult characters, I would nominate Nat myself, sorry! I love her in both timelines, but let's face it - they didn't give her any interesting storyline after s1. Adult Nat was also, in a way, the least morally grey and the least messed up of all of them (contrary to appearances) – and it made her the least interesting to me (although it's like choosing between my children).
Her death scene was in character and provided a meaningful conclusion to her arc. As a teenager she let Javi die to save herself, and it haunted her for 25 years. Therefore, as an adult she instinctively chose to shield another innocent young person with her own body, instead of letting another victim burden her conscience once again. This make sense for her character.
So I'm not completely convinced about killing her off (did they really have to kill any of them at this point?), but I'm also not particularly angry at the writers for that decision. It all depends on where they will take the storyline of the adult YJs from here. The only thing I would definitely change is rewriting most of the scenes involving the adult characters to make it clear why they are doing what they're doing, because the explanation of their behavior and motivations in the last two episodes was terribly lacking.
Moving on to smaller, irritating plot points: killing off Kevyn Tan while leaving Mustache Cop alive was incredibly annoying, especially considering that Kevyn wasn't a bad person and had a child, and just the sight of Mustache Cop gives me a rash.
Also until the end I had hope that Walter would turn against the YJs (or be used as a sacrifice) and that his presence in the show would be somehow justified. But no, it seems like they're just forcing heterosexuality on Misty :((( Elijah Wood seems like a fantastic person irl, and I'm almost sorry that I dislike his character so much. I could probably survive the unnecessary introduction of a love interest of the opposite sex just to prove that Misty’s into men. But the fact that his personality is a more irritating and less interesting version of Misty's is just unbearable. I can't stand this kind of lazy writing.
But I was right about Ben surviving the season!!!! I kept saying every week that they wouldn't get rid of him that soon, and I was right, even though the entire fandom was nominating him to kick the bucket every episode. Come on, he’s a character with a great potential and from the beginning there were two options: either they would give him a corruption arc, or he would stick to his principles and eventually become opposition for the rest of the team. In the finale they took a very interesting direction. The last scene with the burning cabin was fantastic, and I can't wait to see how this storyline unfolds. Maybe he’s still in that cave in the adult timeline xd
Long story short, the season wasn't half as good as it could and should have been, but the stronger moments are so impactful that it’s still my fave (currently airing) show.
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misquigley · 1 year
below the cut are possible verses for interactions. i’m sure more crossover will be added a later date for the time being, this is it!
**constantly being updated so check it sometimes!**
canon one ( i’m just a girl );
This verse will be taking place in 1996 to 2000. It will serve as a holder for pre-series, time in the wilderness, and post-rescue threads. Main focus will be Misty’s time in the wilderness but also interested and open to exploring pre-series timeline ( age will very between 15 to 18 ) as well as post-rescue ( age will very between 18 to 20. ) The latter will probably happen more once the show actually shows them being rescued and whether or not we have to wait for season three to get more information about post-rescue life. Regardless, am still up for plotting things out and head-cannoning. Spoilers will be present and will not be tagged.
canon two ( these violent delights have violent ends );
This verse will be taking place during the current timeline which is 2021. It’s twenty-five years later after the Yellowjackets team went missing in the Canadian wilderness for nineteen months. Main focus will be following and exploring canon events that take place throughout season one and two. Will also dig a bit deeper into Misty’s life and what she’s been getting up to for the last twenty-five years aside from stalking checking up on her old teammates. Spoilers will be present and will not be tagged.
crossover one ( grey’s anatomy/station 19 );
This verse will be taking place during several seasons of Grey’s Anatomy and it’s spin-off Station 19. In this verse, Misty has moved out west to Seattle, Washington in an attempt to have a life and start-over. Her canon will remain with the fact that she survived the Yellowjackets team crashing in the wilderness and being stranded for almost two years. The only changes will be the primary location and things that need to be changed in order to fit the canon of both GA and ST19. Misty is a nurse at Grey-Sloan and primarily works in the clinic and will often times volunteer at the fire station with Ben Warren’s walk-in clinic. Plotting will be encouraged.
crossover two ( stranger things );
This verse will be taking place during seasons one to four with a primary focus with the later seasons. In this verse, Misty is a freshman at Hawkins High School when Will Byers goes missing. Her family lives in the same neighborhood as the Wheelers, her father having worked with Nancy Wheelers father, Ted. Obviously her canon will not be included in this verse and as such, will be completely head-canon reliant as well as heavily plotted. But it will follow the events of ST, however, depending on the severity of Misty’s involvement in everything will be based solely on plots.
crossover three ( the last of us );
This verse will be taking place during season one of The Last of Us with some incorporation of the first video game. In this verse, YJ canon will follow up until the team is rescued, after that it diverges. The changes are that when the outbreak of infected starts, 2003, it's five years after the team has been rescued and have been trying to adapt back into the "normalcy." So when all hell breaks loose, they're scattered except for Shauna Shipman and Misty who happen to still live in town; Shauna, her daughter Callie, and Misty hold out for as long as possible at the Quigley house until they're forced to leave. From there, they regroup with the others ( the core five ) and from there they make their way to the woods as they know how to survive out among the wilderness. Will follow show and game canon but plotting is encouraged.
alternate one ( the lucky one );
This verse will be taking place during seasons one and two of Yellowjackets. In this verse, Misty was never on the team therefore never on the plane. When the plane went down with the team, she was at home in Wiskayok like everyone else; hoping and praying that the yellowjackets team was found safe and brought home. By the time they were found, Misty had graduated with the rest of the class and made the choice to leave town for the next twenty-five years until she makes her way back for the reunion. There will be a few tweaks and changes to Misty's canon and involvement with the survivors as well as Misty's appearance; she'll look like THIS. Plotting will be encouraged.
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dorkshadows · 5 years
He showed up and I’ve been planning it for months!!
He was tall, this much the monk could tell, perhaps an inch or two beyond Wujing. Patterned and painted, silver armor covered broad shoulders, all else plated from chest to knee, and looped with crimson knots. A red cape trailed behind, down to the calves and the color of blood so dark it almost rang black. But Xuanzang found his attention caught by what sat beneath that helmet of copper and grey. In the center of the newcomer’s forehead, a third eye stared, straight and lined with scarlet as that pupil shone gold.
His gaze was steady and his jaw tight, noble features sculpted from millennia of storm and wind. In one hand, he relaxed his grip on a three-pronged blade. And as thick brows swept up, Xuanzang knew he was looking up into the face of Erlang Shen, that presence more intimidating than any statue had ever let on.
Me trying to sum up everything leading up to Erlang Shen’s cameo as best as possible without you thinking I’m high lol:
Wukong literally spent 20-something chapters bleeding and dying and bleeding some more until enough was enough and he turned back into a tiny monkey TM. So after all that hurt/hurt, the next few chapters push into the #comfort section wherein other subplots get their time to shine while Wukong enjoys his coma. Ao Lie went out looking for fruits because obvs big bro is going to be OK and he’ll want some fruit when he’s up. He finds a shrine to Erlang Shen with a sweet peach tree in front and tells Erlang “hey, eldest bro is pretty bad off right now. it’d be nice if u let me have take some peaches for him. this is basically ur fault because you stabbed him 500 yrs ago. no i will not take constructive criticism.”
Meanwhile, Wukong wakes up in human form but his yuan shen was so damaged (backtracking 6 chapters, he gave his chi to Tang monk hence the situation) that he now has amnesia. Which may be part of Guanyin’s test because Tang monk said he’d stop going west if they let Wukong die. All Wukong remembers is that he’s a talking monkey and that he maybe knows Puti and that his body feels like shit. Yang Jian chose now to pay everyone a visit, which freaks them all out because it’s Erlang Shen TM and big bro almost died 4x already- can’t allow more stabbings at this rate. But it’s not Yang Jian’s fault that he’s just naturally intimidating lol. 
He came because he learned that Wukong was hurt, and the pilgrims will soon find out that Wukong remembered Yang Jian bc once upon a time, he was something more than Erlang Shen. Before “baldy,” there was “three eyes.” But the “relationship” was very, very different and whether or not there was ever any real feeling there will be the key plot for the next chapter. 
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cakeandpi · 6 years
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If you turned them into silhouettes you literally can't tell them apart. The arrangement of their bangs shouldn't be the 'who's who' difference
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yjwhatif · 2 years
YJ EPISODE 14 NOTES… let’s do this (spoilers below)
Dick shows some serious growth since S3. I love that opening scene - Dick asking Kaldur how he’s doing then pointing out that he might need to take a break before his unprocessed emotions break him. He literally says all the things I said in my Kaldur post and I was very happy to hear him say it. Also I really like how dick acknowledges the dick move he pulled of essentially dropping out after Wally died - pointing out how selfish it was of him to leave Kaldur to deal with everything - despite Kaldur going through the same tragedy and more. Dick shows so much personal growth in this scene - he was still not over losing Wally in S3 and it showed in his behaviour - to avoid his grief he focused on the mission. It took Will, Conner and Artemis talking to him at different occasions to help him realise avoidance and detachment doesn’t make the pain go away — and I think that’s what Dicks trying to do for Kaldur now. I love their bond - it’s not seen enough.
Ok this is definitely gonna end up being really long…
I’m so glad I read the tie in comics set in Atlantis before watching - it made things so much easier to follow and more impactful than if I hadn’t. Again I wanna reiterate, if you haven’t read the s1 tie in comics - especially the two set in Atlantis then you really should - 1, because they’re great, and 2, because all these characters are introduced in them and a lot of the dynamics we see in this episode are established from those comics. (Heads up I will be mentioning things from those comics plot in the points below…)
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Topo and King Sha’ark are unlikely besties and I’m here for it. A bond established established in the comics after topo saves Sha’arks during the purists ambush - and its a well known fact that saving someone life creates a forever bond - whether you like it or not Sha’ark.
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La’gaan playing with Artur is the cutest thing ever and is then immediately out cuteified by the way La’gaan interacts with Coral and later Rodun - seriously how do Grandon do this - I never used to care about romance in media and now - ever since that 7th wheel comment - I can’t get enough of it. They’re throwing all these adorable AquaFamilies in my face and I’m rooting for them all — but that means I’m terrified for everyone because I know something bads gonna end up happening. Just let them all be happy please 🙏
This shot is just so pure 🥺
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GROWTH!! There is so much growth present in all these characters - it shows how times change and so too do people. (This will probably be getting its own post at some point)
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Ronal definitely has some sort of feelings for Lori - he’s a pompous jerk but always a little smitten around her. These two definitely had a dynamic in the comics - he seemed to have a particular distain for her and she certainly wasn’t afraid of fighting back his attacks. Maybe the hate he thought he felt towards her was really unrealised attraction corrupted by learnt prejudices. There’s also a chance she saved his life in the comics when Sha’ark tried to eat one of the hooded purists - though I don’t know if that was actually him since he was still hooded - but maybe he feels a sense of loyalty or indebted to her. Either way, Ronal intrigues me.
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I have already posted something about this but since the general consensus was Delphis is around 20yo I’m gonna add some stuff to it… Garth seems to show the smallest bit of interest in Delphis as he’s leaving the council - it’s blink and you’ll miss it but by the rules of animation it’s there for a reason. Someone pointed out on that post that Garth and Dolphin have been together in dc canon so maybe it will become something in yj. I honestly can’t imagine Kaldur taking it too well if they do - it might be a bit cliché but I would totally buy Kaldur still holding a bit of resentment towards Garth for dating Tula after he became Aqualad - now he wants to date his adopted sister — the nerve of him.
Wyynde, Kaldur & Delphis remind me of Conner, M’gann & Gar. I’m living for all these family dynamics — they’re so pure!
I am very glad to see Conner is in fact still wearing underwear - because that would have been a really awkward conversation when Ghosty wakes up — oh and Phantom Girl will now and forever be referred to as Ghosty - because it’s really hecking cute.
I really love all the Phantom zone content we get - it’s really cool to see Conner doing stuff on his own - he tends to be a character that’s always grouped with others and acts as the voice of reason. Here he’s isolated and stuck in the unknown with nothing but his mind - so we’re seeing him in a who new light as he essentially has an existential crisis.
I am here for Wyynde constantly trying to get Kaldur to relax and not focus on work stuff when he shouldn’t have to. I truly love him with all my heart and am absolutely terrified something very bad is definitely going to happen to him and that’s gonna be Kaldur’s breaking point and I am NOT OKAY WITH THAT!! Please don’t hurt Wyynde!🙏
Is Arion following Kaldur ? he was in the algae bar sat at the table next to them - angled perfectly to watch them… what is he up to
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Wyynde going from flirty winky face at Kaldur to sad guilt ridden face as he notices Lori sat alone at the bar. I’m gonna keep saying this - but I love him! I also love this whole scene at the bar and I’m gonna go into that in a separate post.
Kaldur punching Sha’ark and no one batting an eyelid because that’s the only language Sha’ark listens to — “I respect your strength, schoolmate”
Nice touch having Samad’s new job being on a fishing boat and loving it while the Atlanteans are almost at war with each other because of the effects of human pollution and overfishing — kinda plays into that perspectives thing that’s through the episodes
It’s nice to see Violet helped Gabriel’s family get out of Qurac and is staying connected with them - or at least with Madia anyway. It’s nice to see Violet has found trust in her - after everything that happened with Jace that psychotic witch, it wouldn’t be surprising if Violet had some serious trust issues.
Conner and Ghosty are really adorable - I love that he’s just talking to her even though she’s unresponsive - he’s a good little soul.
HALO CAN HEAL OTHER PEOPLE!!! This is so cool - I can’t wait to see how else their powers have evolved - I knew rainbow powered Violet was gonna be epic.
I’m here for Lori calling Ronal out on his rudeness and him immediately backing down and apologising to her - these Atlantean dynamics are really compelling and I want more.
The only content I’ve been exposed to which depicts a polyamorous relationship is in the Les Mis fandom so it’s pretty cool seeing an official explicit representation on screen. I already posted something about my immediate reaction to the relationship reveal (here) but I wanted to add on that I love that this is a show where polyamory makes more sense than adultery - and I’m here for it. So much romance in media revolves around jealousy and cheating and confrontation and I just can’t be arsed with it — but La’gaan and his growing family are just so wholesome and loving and sweet and I honestly can’t get enough of it. I wish more media depicted relationships like yj - where they’re not just created for passion and conflict but to actually develop and strengthen the characters — it’s way more compelling. Ok I’ll stop ranting about romance now.
I love how respectful the tone of Violet and Madias conversations are as they explore Islam together. The pacing is soft and light, there’s no sense of an overload of information is being thrown at you - it takes the time it needs. They are really calming moments. I also like that Madia is constantly reenforcing the fact that one must follow their heart when it comes to faith - she doesn’t expect anything of Violet because it’s their decision. I really hope she shows the same respectful positivity around Violets gender identity when they finally choose to open up about it.
Ronal definitely has some unspoken feelings for Lori - he goes to help her up after the attack - I want to know more!
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Return of the forehead touch!!! 🧡💙
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I kinda figured the promised LGBTQ+ rep would probably turn up in the second half - that is what happened last season (though it was still very light in S3 and I think the Bart thing caused a lot of problems). I think all of it was written well - nothing felt out of place or there to tick a box - everything felt grounded in the canon and not just written to make someone happy (I don’t know if that makes sense). Nothing stands out in a harsh or cringey way (like the beach scene we don’t talk about). This is honestly shaping up to be my favourite arc so far - the pacing is great, we’re exploring and discussing the things I’ve been wanting to see and personally, I like that we’re continuing the other plots as well as - I never feel like they are taking time away from Kaldur and Atlantis.
Over all this was a phenomenal episode back and the other two are just as good. Stay tuned for my notes on episodes 15 & 16, and also some others I’ve got in mind. If you read all this then thank you - I’d love to hear what everyone else thought of this episode, the arc or anything yj.
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astergrayson · 3 years
a disjointed rant about my young justice season 4 theories
bc i have nowhere else to put them (THIS BECAME A MONSTER RANT, So sorry but i needed a space for this lol and there is a tdlr at the end if you are even interested)!
also this is mostly about artemis and dick and also jade and jason by extension.
spoilers for the trailer and first two eps below! 
i was, of course, if you keep an eye on any of my content, which is probably 2 of you, disappointed to see no sign of dick or tim and maybe that ninja was jason (?) and that was cassandra fighting lady shiva, which fuck yes, i hope the show gives cassandra some screen time this season!
but i actually wanted to talk about artemis and dick specifically. They are my favorite characters consistently in the main team, followed closely by wally and kaldur and zatanna (and okay yes thats most of them, actually i love all of them). i would ofc love to see artemis have some happiness for once in her life, but if they are going to give her mostly angst im glad they are exploring what looks like an anti-hero path and her relationship with her sister Jade. Which again, if you know me, you know fictional complex sibling relationships are my LIFEBLOOD.
which brings me to the second thing that popped out the most to me: i fucking love jason todd and dick grayson and their relationship and i have always been very curious as to how the yj universe changes would change that dynamic. What i mean by that is greg weisman (which if you’ve gotten this far you probably know he is one of the main producers of the show) said in one of the questions on his q&a website way back in s2 that he and the writers didn’t see a reason for bruce and dick to have a major falling out re his transition from robin to nightwing, and that they wanted them to have bruce support dick and continue to have a healthier relationship than is portrayed elsewhere. i am all for this, we love to see it, but that rift is what creates the distance between jason and dick pre jason’s death. dick didn’t live in the manor when jason did, he wasn’t there when jason became robin, so how would this change in yj, especially when it comes to their relationship? A lot of people have discussed and made fanfic regarding this ofc, but this would probably mean dick and jason lived in the manor together while he was alive? that dick would’ve been a part of, or at least present when jason becomes robin (if it was done right)? So how much closer were and are they? We see hints of dick’s grief for jason and dick is definitely a lot more somber and mature so to speak after the s1 time skip, so you could theorize that they were closer, which i hope is the case.
All that to say that because of all this i have been so looking forward to seeing jason’s return and possible reveal beyond what we saw in season 3. since season 4 is more character focused (along the lines of season 1) i know that a lot of the other characters outside of the core 7 from the original team are going to be through the core 7′s storylines rather than so much of stuffing a ton of storylines in at once. I did enjoy seasons 2 and 3 of course, but not as much as season 1, which i love very deeply, so this is exciting. I’m hoping this means we will be seeing a lot of the bat family characters with meaningful screen time through dick’s storyline and that dick’s story is going to have a lot to do with jason and everything surrounding that. I know there are other programs out there and other ways the red hood storyline has been done but i am still anxious to see yj’s take on it. Given the amount people that have discussed jason in yj in the fandom, even since his small appearance and the nods to him in s2, i know the writer’s and creator’s are aware there would be a lot riding on this if they took this path. i also think that’s probably why they didn’t show dick, because they don’t want to give anything away, so even though i was disappointed, it also piques my interest.
SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS AB THIS SPECIFICALLY. but this is all circling back to make a larger point I PROMISE. As someone’s whose favorite episode is Homefront (season 1 episode 12) which, if you don’t know or remember, that is the artemis and dick co-centric episode that really showed how dick thinks and how capable he is and the weight of being a sidekick who has done this for so long and being the first one. it also shows artemis’ vulnerability in this beautiful way and explores her relationship with jade and her past and they both kind of grow through each other and their similarities as non-powered members of the team who were traumatized so young, i think in a different way, than the other team members. I really loved this episode because i love the two characters individually. I love both of their relationships with wally, and i like their relationships with zatanna too, but that is kind of neither here nor there. I also really love their relationship as friends, and the potential i think it has, esp. because i think young justice could go a lot further with it. I have been alluding to this but i think dick and artemis are so similar in ways that are so interesting story wise: they are both very capable, highly trained, non powered individuals who have been using that training one way or another since they were 9 years old, which as far as i know, is younger than the rest of the team. they both started this due to heavy family traumas that while different, manifest similarly as compared to the rest of the team. re; they are both more secretive, hide a lot more of their emotions, etc. they were also both the closest people to wally his age and they both lost him. Like there’s just so much shared stuff there and i want to see that explored more. I know they had a good amount of screentime together last season, but a lot of it was plot frst, and not necessarily focusing on their dynamic, and as a character study whore i want more deep scenes between them. 
Now we are getting even CLOSER to my main point (jesus i need a life). i think one of the last and biggest things they share is the complicated sibling relationships they have and are going to have in the show.  I think it would be so interesting to see artemis struggling and working through her past, particularly when it comes to jade in parallel with a storyline about dick dealing with jason, his resurrection and his kind of murderer to anti hero journey. I think artemis and dick would be great for each other during this as friends who, to some degree, understand what the other is going through. Especially because I think jade and jason are so similar. i think this will also be interesting for Will and Roy, but that is a different, though very related, rant. When I saw artemis in the trailer and saw the emphasis on her struggles and jade i found myself hoping that the show makes enough space to show the complex relationship jade and artemis have, in a way they have done to a degree in the past, and i think they could do even more of. In terms of dick and jason, i think IF they are closer in the yj universe (i might be blowing this out of proportion as huge fans of both these characters so that’s okay) then a redhood esque storyline would pack even more angst and even though that would hurt it is also what i want to seee !!!!! so that an antihero redemption is just that much juicier. I think what other red hood storyline adaptations have lacked a little bit, especially when they heavily involve dick, is not focusing on the character/relationship angst and the love they could have for one another as brothers and dick’s grief for jason and meaningfully exploring jason feeling all his resurrection feelings, but focusing more on the plot of redhood with their relationship as an aside. I’m hoping that given the nature of this season, and the things they’ve done with artemis and jade, that they will shed light and focus on dick and jason’s relationship in the yj universe and that they give us some sort of beautiful emotional reunion or reveal scene (i know this might be a lot to be asking for but hey it is my dream here). Not to mention that if they are going to heavily mention wally or pursue bringing him back, focusing on dick and artemis’ friendship, and letting them at least discuss these things together, would be even more necessary.
I had even more thoughts about this after watching the first two episodes of sesaon 4 that showed both M’Gann and M’Comm’s relationship and M’Gann and Gar’s. Again, we love a good complex platonic relationship! Familial angst that has an undercurrent of immense love and at least previous closeness! Let’s see where this season goes, I’m cautiously optimistic and also just generally very excited to have the show back!
TLDR: I am excited to see artemis’ past and relationship with jade explored, and i hope that yj is paralelling this with dick and jason’s return and that they focus on the sibling love, resulting situational angst, and eventual (though maybe not this season) closure and/or redemption to some degree. i hope that through this, artemis and dick’s friendship has emotional development that is shown more explicitly on screen. i am very excited ab this possibility and have been waiting a long time so we shall see!!
ALSO PS: I have written large portions of what could be one long one shot or a series that served as a character study of sorts that explored dick and artemis, respectively, and as friends. it gives pieces of season 1, explores the 5 year gap, and then season 2 and after (up until s3). it focuses a lot on their shared trauma, their respective relationships and grief over wally and jason, and also heavily features zatanna. I have not finished it and I only work on it for me when i have an idea that needs. to be written, but i would consider posting it. but i dont know if anyone would be interested? esp if the show does it to some degree? anyways if you even started to read this let alone made it here i’m floored. thanks
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lemontongues · 2 years
like. okay sorry, major dark crisis yj spoilers below the cut, but i have to complain about the wild inconsistencies lol
so conner wakes up in his original superboy outfit (kind of, they consistently get details wrong throughout the issue, especially his boots mysteriously changing lengths lol):
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two pages later, is shown changing into a version of his tshirt and jeans outfit (even though this is supposed to take place right at the beginning of yj98, when that outfit… wouldn’t have existed):
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and then LITERALLY ON THE NEXT PAGE is back in the first outfit lmfao:
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like???? what are we doing here, guys, why is no one editing these fucking comics oh my god
also yknow what while i’m at it, they keep drawing tim’s outfit like he’s wearing a vest and separate tiny short shorts which is also killing me
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and yes somehow the mighty endowed is actually LESS tasteful in this version than in the 90s comic which is honestly hysterical
anyway. this comic has major problems and the art is one of them lol
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missgreentelepath · 3 years
Miss Martian Update.
Mun has been watching up on the latest YJ series/season. While she loves the amount of Miss Martian we have gotten and the focus being on her homeworld, I am waiting for more of a balance with the other team members.
I am very pleased with the way they've taken the martians history and racism between the colors. I do enjoy seeing the side of M'gann's story of being raised in a mixed-race house.
I am intrigued by Beast Boy's PTSD regarding his team and the betrayal from Brion. How it is affecting him on Mars while he helps Super-boy.
I AM NOT HAPPY with what currently happened to Super-boy. As he is "dead" and do not enjoy (kinda do) the heart ache my poor martian peach is going through. It was however nice to see how they tied Artemis's past with how M'gann is doing as a parallel.
Currently, I am loving M'gann's latest revamp/makeover/whatever. This appearance seems more natural for her, and seems to tie in both her martian roots with her connection to Earth. This appearance is refreshing, and seems less like Beasts Boy's mom's face and more like her own.
As the show continues I will probably work out a Verse with this, and probably tweak some of my old verses to be more accommodating for this new season.
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mercurywaters · 3 years
YJ season 4 spoilers below btw
Just came from this post and as a response to your tags I'd lay money that they're gonna slowly kill Dick and Kaldur at some point bc they're monsters.
Either that or they're gonna bring both Wally and SB back which they better or I'm throwing hands
pls don’t bring this energy to my inbox 😭 if any more of the original team members die, I will simply pass away too in solidarity 🤪
no but honestly, I’m like 99% positive SB is coming back and 50% sure wally is too 💀
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thatblondeperson · 4 years
So I learnt from that Tim Drake Guy's tumblr that Steph is a bully and abusive with Tim is that true. I ask since I know you seem to agree with a lot of the thoughts expressed on that blog. Can you help me find some examples of Tim/Steph comics. I was going to get YJ but the same tumblr blog says it's bad
So I want to preface with some very solid advice I've learned from being in fandom. It's really hard to learn anything from any blog because so much of it is opinion based, that the line between headcanon and canon gets far too muddied too often, and there's also always going to be biases that come from very personal spaces. It's important to take everything that every blog says ESPECIALLY in the DC fandom, with a very large grain of salt because half the fandom really doesn't actually seem to source their information with anything other than out of context panels, shitposts, or their own perfect ideals of what they want to gleam from the pages of each comic. It's all interpretive, and I'm sure that sounds a little bit petty, but I'm adding myself in here too because I have my own opinions separate from others, despite my firm ideology in staying as close to canon as I possibly can.
As far as that blog, I actually strayed away from them because I no longer agreed with a lot of what was being said. It got to the point where it was getting very unnecessarily negative all the time, and I want no part in this ship war that drives practically every bit of drama in the Tim fandom. I think that there is a lot of merit to some of the opinions on that blog, and they're clearly an expert on Tim in many ways. I knew them personally, so I can attest to that. But I think they also read only what they WANT to read on every page, and I think that makes for a lot of gaps where misinformation can leak in. That got filled with a lot of straight up wrong assessments of Stephanie Brown, and unfortunately that blog was already prime traffic for antis to spew unnecessary hate, so once the blog itself got on board, I tapped out.
No, Stephanie is not an abuser or a bully. I think tumblr throws around the word abuse far too casually. At most, Steph teases Tim, but never to a malicious or purposefully hurtful extent. She pokes at him, just like you would with a best friend. He barely even protests. A simple "Steph..." every now and again, but he even teases her back often and jokes with her. She's not an abuser, in fact, she herself is a victim of severe abuse in her childhood. Her flirting at the beginning of her and Tim's relationship is a bit intense, but she's 15, and doesn't know how to catch his attention. Her boyfriend was clearly way older than her and did not treat her well, her father abused her mother, and she was sexually harassed by her father's friends. She's never seen a healthy relationship to know how to act. Once they get together, she mellows out and is actually very compassionate and kind with Tim, and especially supportive.
A lot of haters throw around all this terrible stuff she did.
They say she stole Robin from Tim. He stepped away from the mantle, and she thought she caught him cheating, and Bruce opened up the opportunity for her.
They highlight a time when she almost blew Tim up. Bruce told her to do something drastic to force Tim to be a better Robin. Should she have thought it through? Yes. But she was young, and still desperate to prove herself.
Steph is a loose canon throughout a lot of her appearances. She doesn't always think before she acts, and that is one of her major flaws. She gets into trouble often, and that causes a lot of tension between her and Tim, often from him becoming overprotective of her.
Steph starts out fairly cynical in the beginning and softens up over time. After the explosion stunt with Tim, she does get her act together and she goes through a fantastic character arc where she really improves upon herself. She becomes a beacon of hope, but she really already was one. She's always been a source of light for Tim. She's a constant tether for him throughout their relationship, and she constantly bringing him back to reality. I think their dynamic is really great, and it does hurt me a lot how often she gets dragged through the mud now. It's tumblr, what can you do?
It's also interesting to me how often Steph is called out for being the unhealthy one, and they never talk about how Tim was the shitty boyfriend way more often:
Kept his identity from her but didn't respect keeping hers private
Kissed her when he was dating someone else at the time (he's actually kinda known for subtle two-timing, but this is hardly brought up by fans)
Essentially stalked her for a while
Often told her she needed to stop being Spoiler (overprotective nature yes...but still)
Interesting how the relationship is only toxic because of Steph. Hell she even gets shit for getting upset that Greta straight up tried to kill her in Young Justice, because they think it was selfish of her that she was desperate to learn Robin's identity. Yeah sorry...murder vs wanting to know your crushes name? Which is worse?
I'm also not going to sit here and demand that everyone love Steph. It's ok that people don't like her, I could give 2 shits, but if they're gonna spew hate, I'd prefer it be rooted in truth. Some of what I see written about her is just so so wrong...there's a trend in anti culture to even write her as Tim's rapist which YIKES. That's so beyond a healthy amount of dislike for a character.
Anyway, comic recs!!!
Detective Comics 647-648. (First appearance of Steph/Spoiler with classic "love at first brick" moment.)
Robin 57-65 (First date issue which is the cutest thing ever. Robin does a little flip at the end because he's so happy. And the chronology of Steph being pregnant which Tim was supportive of the whole time. Super sweet)
Robin 100-104 (Steph gets sick and Tim brings her soup. Lots of cute domestic moments, and you get more into Steph's past)
Robin 111 (more about Steph's past with Tim being super supportive, also the infamous piano issue which is a personal favorite of mine)
Robin 116 (very cute moments after Tim forgets his bday and everyone, Steph included, surprises him)
Robin 119 (supportive bf Tim, strikes again)
Robin 120 (Steph being an amazing supportive gf)
Batgirl 8 (Steph's run, where she and Tim collide again for the first time in a long time. Awkwardness and tension ensues, Tim tries to make a move)
Red Robin 10 (more crossover, very fun. More awkwardness and tension)
Convergence Batgirl (Not the best run, but a nice bit of closure for the pre flashpoint universe. Very sweet and wholesome.)
There's way more that I could list but I'm awful with issue numbers tbh. I know the stories, but I don't have the catalogue memorized. Better people than me have probably made a masterlist of TimSteph comics lol
I don't think you should let any blog turn you away from any particular series. I think if you wanna try out the new YJ, go for it!! I'm very cynical to anything published post 2011, but YJ is the only thing I've consistently read that's NEW, in years. I find it fun. Is it the best? No, not by miles, and it gets stuck with a lot of nonsensical filler often. But it's still a very cute and fun run.
I hope this ask gave you a lot of good info! I also recommend the very long post that should be just below this that goes into a lot of fandom misconceptions about Stephanie brown with more picture examples to highlight everything. Thanks for the ask, anon! I hope you have a lovely time reading these comics and hopefully many more!!
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