#me feeling like an oracle of delphi
likeadevils · 7 months
Claire! Did you make a post about Taylor dethroned herself again for #1?
i did!! i felt so big brained ngl
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twomystdunstans · 2 years
you've heard of the "dont fall asleep listening to WTNV" well get ready for "for the love of god do not fall asleep listening to k&f: daytrippers", brought to you by yours truly, who just had one of the most deranged experiences of his life 👍
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slythereen · 8 months
cracking open a cold one (desktop dashboard) with the boys (anons trying to join in my shared delusion)
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phantomwitch16 · 2 months
Recently I've been thinking about Hypnos and his position in Hades Hades 2. I've been seeing a lot of posts about him lately so I really want to talk about him cause to be honest, other than Zagreus, Hypnos is my favourite character in both games.
From what I've seen from Nyx's family, Hypnos seems to be the odd one out and too be fair, he quite literally is. Most if not all of his siblings are reclusive, quiet and don't keep in contact, similar to how it was with Nyx and Chaos. But Hypnos is the opposite, being quite sociable, talkative and wants to be around his mother and brothers as much as possible. In fact, that's possibly why he works at the house, likely to be closer to Nyx and his brothers. Which really makes sense, since out of all of his family, he never sees any of his other siblings save for their Nyx, Than and Charon and that was largely due to their obligations to the house. But despite his easy going demeanor, Hypnos is probably one of the most powerful gods in the house, save for Nyx given that he was able to put everyone in the house to fall asleep.
Which I imagine it was quite isolating to be doing his duties, especially since most of his siblings, notably Than, were off doing something else. At least with Than, he had the opportunity to see Nyx and Charon whenever he had the time. Which makes sense since other than sleep and death being two sides of the same coin, there isn't much else that keeps Hypnos connected with his family and its likely what made him want to take a job as a receptionist, despite how bored he generally is at it.
It's sad looking back on first game when he's being talked down to by Than and Nyx for having a difficult time to get the hang of doing essentially two full time jobs. Thankfully by the end of the game, he's managed to become much more capable in managing both jobs and having a better relationship with his family.
But this has made me wonder if working as the receptionist had a drastic affect on him in the second game. He's practically in a comatose state and has been like that since before Chronos attacked, since Mel was a baby and it's one of the biggest questions of the community.
I have a few ideas what could've happened to him and the possibly larger role he many have within Hades.
I haven't watch the technical test and frankly i don't want to know too much until the game comes out on the switch, but i think Hecate was down at the house was partly due to Hypnos' condition and maybe to see Mel as well. Because frankly it would be a large part of concern for everyone to come across Hypnos and being unable to wake him up. So she comes to examine him and while there, Chronos escaped, leading her to escape with Hypnos, Melinoe and the portrait.
As for what could've put Hypnos into that sleep, it could've been possible that he was doing so well before the events of the Hades 2. There could've been a large influx of souls and some additional preparation for Melinoe's birth that caused a lot of tension in the house. Or else, he received a terrible vision. In Greek Mythology, Hypnos had a great connection with handling the visions and prophecies. Mainly delivering them from Apollo or other Gods to prophets such as the Oracle of Delphi, alongside his sons. It could be possible that Hypnos received a vision from someone that influenced him to go into a deep sleep.
With him being asleep since then, it's likely that he's only been sleeping. However, it could be possible that Hypnos could be aiding those who were left behind or helping Mel and the others in the Crossroads? Such preventing other enemies to spawn alongside Chronos or putting those left behind in a deep sleep so that they won't feel pain or be controlled by the Titan.
What i find most interesting is his connection with Melinoe. From the get-go, we're already well aware that Mel looks up to Hypnos and finds him fascinating which makes sense. In mythology, Melinoe was not only had a connection to Hecate and ghosts, but one with sleep, specifically bringing about nightmares and madness.
With this connection to him, Mel could possibly interact with Hypnos in her dreams or wake him from his slumber. Or if those who were in the house were under his control, Hypnos could lull them into a sleep and Mel could wake them up by inducing a terrible nightmare that could shake off whatever control Chronos has over them.
I don't know if Hypnos might still have his old job by the end of the second game but considering with Mel could intercept dreams, I think that he would get a promotion by overseeing her duties or training her in those aspects of her abilities, probably punishing those worthy of those nightmares or aiding him in handing out prophecies.
I highly doubt that all of this would be used in the game but its a nice idea.
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ironboyxs · 8 months
Sea Blood
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Pairing: Percy Jackson x Male!Brother Reader
Word count: 1491
Summary: Percy Jackson, now a young adult, lived a relatively quiet life after his many adventures as a demigod. He was in an interval of missions and taking advantage of the time in Camp Half-Blood. Then, one day, a series of events, or he would discover a secret that would change his life forever.
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As incredible as it may seem, it was a calm day at Camp Half-Blood. The world wasn't about to be destroyed or anything like that. There were only young campers enjoying the summer and training as usual. Percy was happy to have some calm and peace, he was sitting with Annabeth by the sea and the two had planned a romantic picnic. Percy didn't remember the last time he was able to spend a calm moment with his girlfriend.
But well, he was Percy Jackson, peace and tranquility didn't suit him very much.
- Percy! Annabeth! Thank the gods I found you. – Will Solace came running out of breath, with a look on his face that something clearly wasn't quite right.
- What is it? Something happened? Monster? Anyone injured? – Annabeth already got up worried.
- Not exactly, it's Rachel, she... has a prophecy.
- Man, if I have to hear one more “great prophecy” I’m going to retire and live at the bottom of the sea. – Percy said, already indignant at the disapproving look that Annabeth gave him.
- It is not a “great prophecy”. – Will explained – Actually we don't know what prophecy it is, the Oracle demands to speak to you Percy.
Percy froze. That obviously couldn't be a good thing. Soon he and Annabeth were accompanying Will to the Big House where Rachel was sitting in a chair, surrounded by the flickering spirit of the Oracle of Delphi. Percy thought he would never get used to seeing his friend like this.
- Percy Jackson. – The Oracle's voice echoed throughout the room. - At high tide, the secret will be revealed, two sons of Poseidon, united by destiny. The sea will test their bond, and the fate of the demigods will depend on their union.
Rachel's head fell to the side, making her red hair cover her face, she used to get tired after prophecies but surprisingly she began to rise with difficulty from the chair.
- Rachel, be careful, you're still weak. – Said Chiron, who was watching everything from the corner of the room.
- Percy, are you okay? – Rachel asked.
- I'm the one asking you, it's not me who has a green spirit coming out of my mouth out of nowhere.
- Idiot, I'm fine. I'm referring to the prophecy.
- Another confused one... couldn't you have a chat with this spirit and see if it can be clearer?
- You know it doesn't work like that. – Rachel said, lightly punching Percy on the shoulder.
- So the prophecy is about me and Tyson, right? I will meet him at high tide, will we discover a secret that will save the demigods? Something like that?
- I don't think the prophecy is talking about Tyson... – Annabeth said.
- Annabeth, if another son of Poseidon existed, we would have noticed. – Chiron said.
- Yes, just as we perceive a son of Hades. – Annabeth wasn't sarcastic but it was obvious to her.
- You and Tyson have already been united by destiny before Percy, it has to be someone different. – Annabeth explained.
- I feel the same thing. – Rachel agreed.
And then first thing in the morning Percy was going into the sea, he knew it wouldn't be so easy to get help from his father. But he knew he could count on the ocean's help. He focused on the water, on the magical powers that could act on it. Maybe if this new demigod was manipulating the ocean in some way he would be able to feel it.
And he was right, he felt a slight tug, as if the current was telling him where to look, and soon he was letting himself be carried away by the current.
Percy follows the clues left by the water and arrives at a remote location, close to a vast and mysterious ocean. He feels an aura of aquatic power in the air and is determined to unlock the secret of the prophecy. As he walks along the beach, he notices a lone figure at the water's edge. The figure appears to be controlling the sea waves with ease.
As Percy approaches, he realizes that the figure is a young demigod, with dark hair and blue eyes, much like his own. The young man seems to be at peace with the ocean, as if it were a natural extension of it. Percy feels an immediate connection to this strange demigod, but he also realizes something is wrong. The aura of power around the boy is undeniable, but he looks tired and lost.
- Who are you? – Said the boy before Percy got closer.
He stood up and easily created a water trident in his hand.
- I'm extremely tired so if you're a monster I advise you not to irritate me now. – He seemed ready to attack if necessary.
- My name is Percy Jackson. I am a demigod, a son of Poseidon. And I don't think I need to explain the concept of this to you, apparently.
The boy looks into Percy's eyes, his own blue eyes reflecting recognition and shock.
- You are the famous Percy Jackson. I'm Y/N. I am also the son of Poseidon, the eldest son.
- Eldest? How is this possible?
- I was born before you, it's not very difficult to understand. – Y/N replied sarcastically.
- But we should have known about your existence, with everything that happened, with the danger of a son of the big three. How come we didn't know anything about you?
- When I was born, my mother didn't want me, she threw me into the sea and Poseidon dragged me to the bottom. I grew up underwater, raised by sea spirits. I was kept hidden during the Titan War.
- Couldn’t you never leave the sea? – Percy asked, imagining how difficult that must have been for the boy.
- No... but now something happened, they attacked my house in the ocean. I tried to ask Poseidon for help but he was of no use, I had no choice but to run away.
- Well then, big bro, it's time to find out together why fate brought us here.
At that moment, Percy notices that Y/N is slightly injured, although the sea water has already healed most of the injuries. Percy also notices the sadness in the boy's eyes, a loneliness he carries with him. He tries to get closer but Y/N shrinks back.
- Hey, is everything okay? – Percy asked.
- Yes... it's just that I'm not used to people. I lived basically alone. Poseidon visited me sometimes and the water spirits told me things. I always wanted to meet my famous brother. But I always thought I would be alone forever.
Percy realizes the depth of loneliness that Y/N has felt throughout  his life. He extends his hand again, but this time with more kindness and patience.
- You're not alone now, Y/N. We have a lot to learn from each other. Together, we can face whatever fate has in store for us and discover more about our heritage as children of Poseidon.
Y/N still feels a little hesitant, but manages a small smile.
- Thank you, Percy. I never imagined this was possible. I look forward to this journey alongside you.
Days later...
Percy and Y/N are in Cabin 3 at Camp Half-Blood, they spent the whole night talking about the mission they would have together, about the prophecy received. Percy could tell that Y/N was still surprised by everything that was happening, but he was getting used to the new reality, he had even made some friends in the Athena cabin.
He knew that Y/N's life had been extremely lonely and he couldn't imagine how difficult it must have been to spend so many years hiding at sea. Percy wanted to make sure that even though a mission had brought them together, now Y/N had a family.
- Y/N, I want you to know that you are not alone anymore. You have a family now, and I'm here for you. Forever. We are brothers, and that means we take care of each other no matter what.
- This means a lot to me, Percy. I don't know how to thank you for all this. – Y/N said, feeling moved by Percy's words.
- No need to thank, big bro. We are on this journey together, and we will face everything head on. No matter what fate has in store for us, our brotherhood is unbreakable.
- Thanks, Percy. I look forward to facing what lies ahead with you by my side. – Y/N says with a smile.
Percy and Y/N share a moment of understanding and unity, strengthening their bond as brothers. Percy wants to make it clear that Y/N no longer needs to carry the loneliness that haunted him, because now he has a family that will support and care for him at all times.
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How does it feel to have predicted Buck being jealous about Eddie and Tommy being together, in your Porn Star AU?
(Hen snorts. “Put your eyes back into your skull, Buck.”
“What are you talking about?” Bobby asks, his tone completely deadpan and innocent. “I was going to pair him with Tommy.”
“Tommy?” Buck shakes his head. “No, no, no, you pair him with me, Tommy’s not gonna know what to do with him, let me have him.”
“Nothing says ‘sexy’ like a guy talking about you like you’re an object,” Hen notes.)
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powderblueblood · 2 months
In light of the buzzcut, how would lacy react to eddie turning up with the same cut? Personally, I'd take a nice long seat on that face even if there's not much left to grab on to. I think he really pulls it off
this is fun to think about because the original munson buzzcut actually has an place in their story. i wrote about in chapter seven but the tl;dr of it is that lacy and eddie ended up in the wheeler's linen closet together after eddie drew lacy for a game of seven minutes in heaven. this was right after he'd accidentally lit all his hair on fire after seeing johnny storm and thinking (boosted off whippets) i could do that...
(author's note hello, i wrote this before the f4 announcement came out just call me the oracle of delphi lmfao marvel execs i'm in your walls)
so anyway he's got this buzzcut and this bandage on his head. and they almost kiss. but then they don't.
but then eddie shows up like, ten years later, same buzzcut. his whole skull and ears and everything out, for god and everybody to see. lacy doesn't recognize him at first-- and wonders whether she should acknowledge him, yelling up from the street. they are in brooklyn, at ronnie ecker's apartment, and he expects ronnie to throw down the keys.
lacy's not meant to be here, really, but ronnie's gone and ronnie always gives her the spare key and forgets. and lacy forgot something the last time she was here, a book or a coat or an excuse to be anywhere but where she's supposed to be and--
"ecker, i'm trying really hard not to get arrested down here!"
eddie munson is twenty three years old and bald and in for the shock of his life when lacy appears at the window, tossing the keys and praying he doesn't let them fall in the gutter.
"shit," she can hear him murmur, but he catches them anyway.
power forward. cheerleader.
it's been a really, really, really long time since they've seen each other. the space between them is tangible and full of junk, and he can barely ease around it to get in the apartment door.
"i didn't know y-- i'm just gonna--" he drops his bag on the floor and moves to head back out again.
but lacy can't stop herself.
"so what is it?" eddie pivots, fidgeting with the keys in his hand. "witness protection?" she watches his eyes shift, the most prominent feature about him now. "you lose a bet?" eddie's mouth attempts to steel a smile away. "oh, i know. it was lice."
"why don't we do all of the above for two hundred, alex?"
"jesus. indy's a rough town."
slowly, eddie slides the keys into his pocket. his eyes narrow, and his palm rubs across the top of his skull. she gets a sense he's been doing that a lot lately, to remind himself that it's really all gone. no twist of curly tendrils to hide himself behind. her chest pangs. "you don't like it?"
"you look different."
"you don't like it."
"it looks like an emergency."
"you look like an emergency."
"at least i'm not bald."
the real emergency is how either of them are going to look themselves in the eye after eddie ends up with his face between lacy's legs, lacy's fingers finding no purchase against the stubble on his skull as she keens her cunt against his mouth. ronnie's couch. houselights out. to be discovered any second.
but eddie feels just like she remembers, eager and hungry, only this time with an edge of clarity. something to prove. the spikes of his buzzcut give a mean sting as her thighs close around his head and he can barely struggle out, "you sure you don't like it?"
his hips rut against the cushions, squeaking the ancient sofa against the hardwood. she resists the temptation to grab at them, pull him further into her and believes with utmost sincerity that she should be canonized for it.
it'd be easier to pretend he was anyone else was it not for the fact that eddie feels just like she remembers. and she remembers him frequently. it'd be so much easier if he, and his glittering supernova'd pupils and his wet, rosy mouth didn't turn up to her and breathlessly beg, "tell me, lace."
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 days
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'll take a break to focus on the actual book I'm writing, but don't worry, I promise the final book will be the best one of all. See you in August! -Danny Words: 2,203 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Book Listen to: 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' -by U2
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LXIII: Which Boss Do I Have to Fight to Get Some Validation Around Here?
She knows all the people in this room, but the way she thinks about them, and how they interact with her now that she's physically different, is kind of off.
"We talked to Apollo," Ara starts explaining. "He said Gaia reawakened the Python, keeping the Oracle of Delphi prisoner—that's why Rachel can't see anything now."
Ella the harpy, Tyson, and Rachel will leave with the Romans, they'll try to rewrite the Sibylline books, which is why Ara called for a meeting.
"But Gaia is permanently asleep now," Will reasons. "That means Dad can kill the Python now!"
Ara grimaces. "But your father angered Zeus. We might not see him a while, or worse—"
"Wait, if we stop getting prophecies, that's completely alright," Nyssa replies. She's the counselor for Cabin Nine because Jake refused to step back in. "We lost two great inventors already, and it's not like Hephaestus goes out of his way to have tons of kids, our numbers are thinning—"
"I'm perfectly aware of it, Nyssa, thank you." Ara silences the girl. "But we should be worried about Apollo."
"Why? No more prophecies means peace!" Percy argues.
Ara gives him a look. "No more prophecies means we'll face our future problems blindly, and trust me, there will be problems. We've been stripped of our advantage, and that's not all that worries me."
"What is?" Piper asks reluctantly.
"Zeus will punish Apollo for his delulus of greatness, and he has a special way of humiliating Apollo... I'm pretty sure he'll use it again."
Will's face loses color. "That's terrible news! We could be left powerless! Our whole cabin!"
"I'm aware of that too," Ara sighs. "If this doesn't end well, you might lose them forever..."
"Hold on, time out," Percy intervenes. "I'm lost."
Annabeth explains. "Zeus once punished Apollo by stripping him of his godly status. He turned into a mortal, and was forced to do a series of trials until Zeus considered he'd humbled him enough."
Jason looks concerned. "What could've happened if he'd failed those trials?"
"He would've died, most likely," Ara says. "None of his descendants would've kept their powers, maybe. Some traits at best, whatever they could've learned in training, but stuff like—"
"Magic healing, music powers, perfect aim, the light..." Will shudders. "All gone."
"Your job is important," Ara turns to Rachel and Ella. "The books have information concerning what's next, maybe it'll tell us if we need to prepare in case Apollo's absence causes another conflict in Olympus. We mustn't get too comfortable in our peace."
She scans the room and sees the campers' good mood dying before her eyes. Ara's expression turns guilty, but she keeps going.
"Keep your eyes open. Apollo might reach out to any of us, he could show up at camp and have no memory of who he is—Gods, he might not even look like himself at all! But balance is needed whether we like it or not, if you find him, bring him to me."
No one is happy with her lecture, but Ara ends the meeting and sends the group of Romans away. Nico approaches her and nudges her arm. "You didn't need us after all. You kept them under control the whole time."
She smiles a little. "I thought they would fight me more on it."
"You're too scary now, but don't worry," Jason grins. "You'll get used to being almighty."
Almighty raises her myth. 
What if that line was about her as much as it was about the sword? She's powerful nowadays, but hardly a myth. She would need to become history for that, and her death doesn't feel any closer.
"Hmm?" She gives a start.
"I said, can you do me a favor now?" Nico asks, his eyes fixed on the Big House's entrance. "Stay near."
Ara is intrigued, she follows him out and sees what he'd been staring at from inside. "Hey, guys," Percy smiles at them. "Annabeth just told me some good news!"
"We're going to spend our senior year together," Annabeth beams, "here in New York. And after graduation—"
"College in New Rome!" Percy punches the air. "Four years with no monsters to fight, no battles, no stupid prophecies. Just me and Annabeth, getting our degrees, hanging out at cafés, enjoying California—"
"And after that..." Annabeth smiles sweetly at the boy. "Well, Reyna and Frank said we could live in New Rome as long as we like."
"That's great," Nico says, sounding genuine. "I'm staying too, here at Camp Half-Blood."
"What?" Ara looks at him with shock.
"Awesome!" Percy exclaims.
"So," Nico clears his throat, "since we're going to be spending at least a year seeing each other at camp, I think I should clear the air."
Percy hesitates. "What do you mean?"
"For a long time, I had a crush on you." Nico shrugs. "I just wanted you to know."
Percy looks at the boy blankly. "You—"
"Yeah. You're a great person. But I'm over that," he smiles a bit. "I'm happy for you guys."
"You... so you mean—"
"Wait," Percy frowns. "So you mean—"
"Right. But it's cool. We're cool. I mean, I see now... you're cute, but you're not my type."
Ara snorts, not believing her ears.
"I'm not your type..." Percy blinks. "Wait. So—"
"This is gonna take a while," Ara guides Nico away with amusement.
The boy snickers. "See you around, Percy. Annabeth."
If that isn't surreal enough, Annabeth and Nico high-five, and then the boy openly smiles at Ara and pats her shoulder. Even if it's a closed smile, it's enough to bewild her. Nico makes his way down the porch steps and shouts at someone to wait for him. Will Solace, out of all people. Almost immediately, both boys glow in the same bright yellow light.
"Holy shit," Ara breathes.
"Huh," Lily says, coming out of nowhere. "Yeah, I can see it."
Ara jumps. "Gods, Lily, stop doing that!" She lowers her voice with confusion. "Did you see that, though?"
"What?" Annabeth grins at the girls. "Don't tell me you couldn't tell! I'm sure you were the first to find out!"
Ara looks at her smiling. "Yeah, what an idiot, right? But no, I meant..." She hesitates, it's still not her place to tell others what she just saw. "Nevermind. You know where Reyna is?"
"Talking to Piper by the lake," Lily responds. "Need me to come along?"
"Nah, it's fine, I gotta feed Pollo anyway," Ara shows her a lighthearted smile before walking away. "Go waste time with your elf."
"Don't call him that!"
"Don't forget Mom picks us up in an hour!" Percy shouts, coming out of his dazzled state.
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"There you are!" Ara finds Reyna and Piper. "Ready to go?"
"Yes. Again, thank you for letting us stretch our stay."
"You're always welcome here," Piper says. "If you need to take a break, get away... you've got Frank now—he could assume more responsibility for a while. It might do you good to make some time for yourself, when nobody is going to be looking at you as praetor."
"Would I be expected to sing that odd song about how Grandma puts on her armor?"
"Not unless you really want to," Piper grins. "But we might have to ban you from capture the flag. I have a feeling you could go against the entire camp solo and still beat us."
"I'll consider the offer. Thank you." Reyna pauses. "I wonder... You two are children of Venus. I mean Aphrodite. Perhaps—perhaps you could explain something your mother said."
Piper and Ara share a look, and the younger girl crosses her arms. "Go ahead."
"Once in Charleston, Venus told me something. She said: You will not find love where you wish or where you hope. No demigod shall heal your heart. I—I have struggled with that for..."
The answer comes easily to Ara. "Don't have to be scared. Love is a vast concept and its fulfillment comes in many forms, rarely is it ever another human. Before Leo, love would come to me by helping people and not dating. It really is in the most random places."
"You are an incredible person," Piper adds. "And you have friends, sometimes that's even better than a partner."
"I can attest to that," Ara nods, then adds playfully. "But if you ever feel like giving dating a try, I'm available until my boyfriend comes back from the dead."
Reyna stares at her. "I can't tell if you're being serious."
"This is a special offer with a deadline," Ara retorts half-joking. "I find you frustratingly attractive."
Reyna laughs and Ara feels like she just accomplished a great deed. She perks up at the sound but then something hits her across the face. The girl groans and looks around in confusion. "What the..."
Ara looks down and it takes her a moment to understand what she's seeing. She picks up the item and Piper gasps. "Is that—?"
"Oh my gods," Ara's hands are shaking. "Oh, gods! What do I do?"
"What is that?" Reyna asks.
"That's Leo's!" Piper says. "It fell from the sky!"
Ara feels like maybe she should sit down before she opens it, but her impatience gets the best of her and she opens the scroll with trembling, clumsy fingers.
"Hey, guys!" Leo's tiny projection comes out of the scroll. Ara makes a bizarre noise with her throat and holds tighter onto it, unable to look away. Reyna and Piper get closer."Sorry to leave you like that. Bad news: I died. Good news: I got better! I had to help my bud Cal. We're taking Festus to—" 
The image glitches and Ara shakes the scroll impatiently. 
"Back as soon as—" 
More glitching and static.
"Cook tacos when—" 
More static. 
"¡Vaya con queso! Love ya!"
The scroll turns off and Ara gets angry. "That's it?!"
"Leo's alive!" Piper hugs her. "It worked!"
"Smart," Reyna hums approvingly. "Seems like our date will never come to be, Strategus."
Ara twists the scroll in her hands. "An entire freaking week where we both almost died and all he has to say is Vaya con queso?" She's fuming. "Well, good for his bud Cal! I hope they bring me a shirt from whatever stupid countries they visit on their super fun holiday away from everyone else!"
Piper steps back. "I should get Lily."
"I should leave," Reyna says promptly.
The girls hurry away while also spreading the news about Leo. Soon enough, Ara is surrounded by an eager crowd that wants to hear the message. Ara plays it back, glaring at the projection. 
Lily sees her expression and nudges Nico, both taking her away from the congratulating crowd that calls her boyfriend cool and intelligent before she can kill them.
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Steam is practically coming out of Ara's ears. She's forgotten all about her duties, her hurt ego stops her from thinking clearly while she paces around her room.
"Look at the bright side, Queen B, he'll be back soon and you won't mope for months like with Percy!"
"Hey! It wasn't my fault!"
"No one's saying that," Annabeth replies, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Ara keeps throwing her tantrum. "This is the same boy that used to send me weekly scrolls to my apartment to tell me I looked pretty in a dream he had—and now I get nothing!"
"For all we know that 'Love ya!' in the end might've been just for you," Nico pokes fun at her.
"I'm gonna strangle you," Ara warns him.
"Dude, why are you angry? He broke the curse!" Lily insists. She had to catch up quickly with Annabeth's help to understand the full context of what was happening.
"I'm happy but I'm angry that he kicked me out of the ship like I was getting on the way, and now he's taking his sweet time to talk to me!" Ara glares at the pinboard in front of her, packed with pictures of the boy. "Ugh, look at this! Oh, you should've seen the way I cried for him—Ugh, I hate him!"
The group shares a roguish look. They know Ara can't handle big emotions, especially when it comes to Leo, so right now she's fighting to regulate herself. But if Leo doesn't get there fast, Ara's high will suffocate her until it knocks her down and leaves her unable to get out of bed.
"Birdy," Percy approaches and places a hand on her shoulder. "Leo's probably saving his romantic speech for when he sees you in person. He knows you love it when he makes a show out of it."
"The scroll was a perfect opportunity to show off," Ara argues with a pout, but she's calming down.
"Yeah, but he had no way of knowing you would be the one to get it and have it slap you across the face," Nico replies. "Besides, you know he worships the ground you walk on—What's the big deal?"
Ara takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "The big deal is that the curse is broken," Her fingers skim the picture of him in the bunker's platform, smiling big while showing a thumbs up to the camera. "And he's traveling with a goddess whose sole purpose is to tempt men so they stay with her..."
"Hey, Calypso isn't like that," Percy tries to defend the girl's honor, but Annabeth pulls him back and shakes her head, now is not the time to try and reason with a frightened Ara.
"You're saying you don't trust Leo?" Lily questions with disbelief.
"I'm saying I have no way to contact him, and if something happens mid-journey, or Apollo shows up and I'm not here..." Ara scowls at the drawing of the Argo II in the middle of her pinboard. "Without the oracles here to guide us, anything can happen."
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Next Book –>
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effable-as-f · 1 month
This is the first one where I don't feel like I've been able to accurately guess who it's supposed to represent. A blind seer makes me think of Tiresias, but that's not a woman. A female seer makes me think of Cassandra, but I don't think she was blind. Maybe it's talking about the Oracle of Delphi? The one character I can think of right now who DOES fit the bill is Sandra lmao, idk how likely they are to add in easter eggs to their other games but if it was that would be fun
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elain-has-a-knife · 1 month
Ranking my top 10 ttpd moments:
10. Fuck me UPPPP!!
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9. This one is VENOMOUS and filled with pure loathing i absolutely love it
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8. She sings this with both mischief and sadness in her voice, i feel like im in the beginning of a bittersweet indie 2004 romcom. This song has so many interesting emotional landscapes.
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7. Another perfect opening overflowing with longing/mystery/promise
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6. She has collected secrets we can’t even fathom
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5. Where she put the narcotics specifically
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4. This one is the tortured poet herself. She is the oracle of delphi, sappho, basically aristotle if you think about it
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3. 😫
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2. this is ttpd’s “and you call me up again just to break me like a promise” but with all the pretention and aspiration of youth burned away. Perfect. You will never get away from the sound of the woman who loves you.
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lexiklecksi · 1 month
My top 3 picks for ESC 2024
Dear non-watchers of ESC scroll past, I gotta take a moment to celebrate the ESC on main, so here are my 3 top picks after watching some music videos. I added my unfiltered unhinged thoughts below the music videos.
They blended traditional choir singing with modern hip-hop and folk vocals. The song unfolds in layers, at times it feels like it should be sung in a church. But then the rap vocals bring it into our time. There's a deep sense of longing and cultural history reverberating through the sounds and deep vocals. It is astounding how the brought this song to life, the musical genre mix shouldn't work as well as it does. Ah, I really wish for peace in Ukraine.
I love everything about this! The dance moves, the positive vibes, the catchy tunes and of course the singing and the lyrics! Seems like Vesna started a trend with extra-long braids for ESC performances, and Italy, Luxembourg and Ukraine continue that trend. Tali and Angelina look so similar with the braids, at first I thought they were the same person XD Italian is a beautiful language, and I'm tempted to learn it. But it's only spoken in Italy, and I can already order food in Italian, so that's sufficient.
What a phenomenal, energetic song! I will try to learn the Greek lyrics by heart. I love Athens, such a beautiful city! I visited my godmother there three times and we took trips to see the Akropolis, some temples, the Oracle of Delphi etc. Also I love the irony of the music video making fun of tourists that only see one side of Greece. The stereotypical side is Ancient Greece's history, traditional music and food. Truly, Athens is a vibrant city with an enticing urban culture. I took so many photos of street art and graffiti in Athens. I think it's supposed to be a German tourist, which made me laugh as a German tourist. Then again, my mum is from Cyprus so I grew up bilingual with Greek culture.
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delphi-dreamin · 2 months
Hi, does anyone wanna chat? I'm feeling very down and isolated and worthless rn...
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
i know that the trogs are going to be in tsats and- there's a specific African tribe scholars generally agree they're based on but it reminds me of how riordan used the hyperboreans, another mythological race that was based off of real people. wouldn't the "giants" have just been scandinavians. like looking back the troglodytes are not the first time this has happened, i'm sure that there are more i'm just not remembering. but it also looks like he might be conflating the troglodytes with the definitely fictional pygmies, which some ancient sources did? i'd love to see the list of sources he uses... i remember thinking there was bigger significance behind Mithras being in ToN since he's usually considered a major sun god- and the Greco-Roman interpretation of him definitely associated him with Helios, at least a little- but then it was just the leontocephaline thing and i was bummed it didn't come up
Oh absolutely - the trogs, the pandai, I also usually include the whole "Gauls" and "Germani" thing (in quotations because I hate how they're written in TOA so much) especially with how they're characterized. Like, that's not even mythology, those are historical groups and Rick writes them so bizarrely. Just everything about that is. bleck. And yeah, this isn't necessarily anything new. Some definitely don't stick out as horribly as others because the way they're written in the series doesn't touch as much upon the historical aspects of the myths, but these ones in particular are very bad contextually in like every conceivable way. And he's done other similar things before as early as The Lightning Thief where it's less the base myth being incorporated without consideration that's the problem and more how it's being incorporated (Examples: Medusa being disguised as a Middle Eastern woman wearing a burqa, Tyson being coded as having down syndrome but the analogy used is that he's a cyclops, etc etc).
As for Rick's sources for the troglodytes, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was just like, the list of sources that are on the wikipedia page for troglodytes. If you just go down that list in a row you can check off basically every box of details Rick included about them in ToN. Which is slightly mortifying cause those sources also do very directly note how the ancient Greeks were most likely talking about people in Africa. It's incredibly easy to find this stuff in a very base search of the troglodytes. Like, I honestly don't know how he could have possibly missed any of that.
And I feel ya - my big theory for basically all of TOA was that the whole Albania thing was gonna come back for the finale and it was gonna turn out that Python was holding the oracle of Delphi in Apollonia, because it's in Albania (which kept getting brought up in HoO and TOA), it's named for Apollo, it has mythology relating to the oracle of Delphi, and it has a history of both Greek and Roman rule and had like a whole thing about which Roman emperors they liked that would have tied in perfectly with the Triumvirate being the other major antagonists for the entire series. But no. I guess not. Cause that would make too much sense or whatever.
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I happened to think of that one Read Riordan article where they said that Hermes really did "love and care for Luke" and now I'm upset, so let's talk about that.
How did that ever get greenlit to be posted on a website that people look to for additional canon content? When through out all of the main series there are so many examples that show that Hermes didn't really genuinely love and care for him.
The first example is at the very beginning of Luke's life. Luke was about a year old when May tried to become the new Oracle and was instead driven insane by the curse of Delphi. It was when May had the first vision of what would happen to Luke, what his fate was. Now up until that moment, it's said that May, Hermes and, Luke lived together as a family for the most part. This could've been because Hermes loved May much like Poseidon loved Sally and Hades loved Maria. However, given what he does later, I doubt that. I have the feeling that Hermes could sense something different about Luke. He could've been able to tell that Luke would grow to be a strong demigod, a perfect Hero to fight for him.
Then he found out about Luke's fate and just... Left. Stopped coming around as often and then not coming back at all. After he learned that there was no way to cure May of her madness, he just gave up to wallow in self pity. Leaving Luke with someone who was mentally unstable.
That's not what you do when you genuinely love and care about someone.
He left Luke alone to take care of his mother until it was too dangerous for him. Until he had to run away out of fear of his mother's episodes.
Even after everything Luke still prayed to Hermes, pleading for help or guidance. Anything. But he got nothing in return. Then after years and only meeting his son once, Hermes sends Luke on a quest. A quest that was just a fools errand and that had already been done before. A quest that really wasn't necessary in the slightest.
And that's supposed to be Hermes genuinely caring for him? He sent Luke on a dangerous quest with no significance, just to show that Luke is his "pride and joy?" He would've showed that he cared more if he would've just left Luke alone and let him grow up peacefully. There was no need to unnecessarily risk his "beloved" son's life over a stupid apple.
Unless, Hermes sent Luke on that quest to try and keep him under his thumb, or to maybe get Luke killed. He knew the prophecy. He knew Luke's fate. It really wouldn't be too far fetched to believe Hermes wanted to stop it by any means necessary, even if it meant letting his son die.
That's not what someone does to their "pride and joy".
Then there is later in the books, mainly when Hermes would talk to Percy and manipulate talk Percy into helping and trusting him.
One conversation that strikes me is the first one that Hermes has with Percy in SoM. You know, the one where Hermes literally says, " My dear young cousin, if there's one thing I've learned over the eons, it's that you can't give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it."
Now that's really funny coming from the guy who literally abandoned and gave up on May and Luke. His family. It's obvious upon reading the rest of the books, that Hermes didn't mean what he said. It was just a tactic to appeal to Percy's loyalty and sense of family. And it works. He tricks Percy into believing that Hermes still really cares about Luke because he loves him. When in reality, he only wants Percy to stop him because Luke has become inconvenient for him. For his reputation that he cares so much about. I mean hell, they even make it a point to drive home the fact that Hermes is very vain and cares an annoyingly large amount about his image. It might be used as a comedic tactic, but it really is showing of Hermes' true disposition and what he cares about most.
Then we come to the very end, the last book of the series. There is a part in there where Percy goes off on Hermes, accusing him of never caring about Luke. Asking why, if Hermes cared about Luke so much, then why did he abandon him instead of being there for him?
And Hermes' response is to get mad at Percy. This is also all because Hermes gets mad at Annabeth for not running away with Luke and taking him away from this fate. Hermes is so obviously trying to blame others for what he did, for his mistakes, instead of possibly ruining his image. Trying to make others feel guilty, when the only one that should have any true guilt about all of this, is Hermes. This is a manipulation tactic if I've ever seen one.
And back to Percy's point, if Hermes really cared and didn't abandon Luke? They wouldn't have been in this situation. And it's absolutely true.
Nothing that Hermes does throughout the series shows or even hints that Hermes may genuinely love and care for Luke. It shows that he only cared about what Luke could've accomplished, and the things Luke could've done to serve Hermes and better his image. And that is not genuine and unconditional love. Not in the slightest.
But even with all of that evidence? Yeah, "Hermes really genuinely loved and cared for Luke".
Give me a break 🙄
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fanaticastrid · 9 months
Alright I apologize for lack of actual content minus reposts as of late, creative block sucks cuck. But I guess that gives me an excuse to share more of what I've cooked up for the Double Lester AU/The Son of the Priest!
-The books have their own titles in this to seperate them from the OG. A Fallen God's Plea, The Wrath of Neos Helios, Blood Moon Rising, and The Last Trial all correspond to, respectively, The Hidden Oracle, The Burning Maze, The Tyrant's Tomb, and The Tower of Nero. You may notice The Dark Prophecy isn't here, that's because I can't think of a good alternative title for the story told in the AU version, it might just stay the same idk yet.
-I'm aging up Meg just a little, to 14 from the start. I confess I do this because it's hard for me to keep Meg in character, so I'm going the cheap route to make her a bit more flexible to me. Don't fire me pls I'll try to keep her close to canon
-Nifty idea I had while doing my notes for Blood Moon Rising: Lester progressively becomes more ghostlike as Apollo's infection worsens (since the Body-Soul Link connects them.) At first, it just makes Lester's veins more purple and it more difficult not to break into his true aoroi self, but over time he simply can't go back into his human state and has to keep a tight handle on himself so as to not attack people. His aoroi appearance has a distinct violet tinge instead of pale blue, and the poison in him (well, more Apollo) shows as glowing lavender veins, much like if you injected glowstick fluid in your bloodstream. By the time we reach the end with Tarquin, Lester is struggling so badly not to give in to the violent urges, Tarquin's beckoning to join him, and the amount of pain he's in, but he pushes through everything knowing there's still that smallest chance of help... of hope.
-I AM SOOOO excited to get to Nero and Python. Netos death won't be so anticlimatic- if fact he goes out with a bang- and Python... well for one it's serious Lester abuse ouch, but it's the peak of Apollo and Lester's character arcs. Neither of them are afraid to face Python because they have each other and aren't alone. They aren't afraid to die, hell Lester just goes into Badass Mode the whole fight, a stark contrast to the wimpy coward we met at the very beginning of everything. He does everything he can to assist Apollo knowing damn well there is no chance of him surviving the battle. The lil fucker just refuses to die.
And that's before I get to Apollo. He feels horrible knowing Lester is almost guaranteed to die in Delphi, and he will not let him. He will do whatever it takes to save Lester from the fate Python bestowed on him, consequences be damned. He's willing to die for Lester, and Lester's willing to die for Apollo. That's what love does bby
-A snippet of the many abilities of the Body-Soul Link is that Lester, on a few occasions, can actually SORT OF see Apollo's true appearance. In reality he looks like a fuzzy, glowing gold 3D lineart and his face is really hard to make out, but Lester's Mist-piercing vision helps him a bit... and he gets flustered every time. "A-am I gay now?"
-also Lester, despite his temper, is such a sweetheart to everyone hnngh too precious. For one, he's such a big brother to Meg, he cried when Meg said she sees him and Apollo as siblings. He gives back to the poor. He cares about nature. Fuck I can't wait to this precious little bean to yall aaaaaa
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sungbeam · 11 months
Need to know what Rocket Punch and Divine House are expeditiously!! ❤️
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OMG UR NOT EMBARRASSING 😭😭 PLS NO WORRIES BRITT!!! thanks sm for sending in asks <3
ask me abt my wips!
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AHHH OKAY SO. i had this idea awhile back to assign each of the boyz to a greek god demigod house thing TT and i will include a little snippet of the beginning below, but it's like basically reader has been marked as the next vessel of the oracle of delphi, which means that the gods r soon to commence the next round of this super awful contest where demigods can compete to become a god (like the twelve labors of Hercules). and so, the boyz r basically trying to protect reader from all the bloodthirsty, power-hungry demigods who are trying to take reader and yada yada, they get pulled into the contest drama, etc.
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this one actually used to be a really REALLY old idea of mine from when i used to write non-ff 😭💀 so so long ago skfnkenfkd but sunwoo and reader r exes w a VERY deep and dark past, but reader wanted to leave the life she was born into, but that meant also leaving sunwoo behind. but once she feels kinda settled into her new life, she's suddenly brought back against her will into her "past life", and she and sunwoo have to basically figure out who is stirring up trouble and why
i don't have a proper snippet, just dialogue and plot samples 💀 but it's,,,,, , coming along 🤡
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