#me going off about sam from mamma mia
itneverendshere · 7 months
you were all i wanted but not like this - rafe cameron
pairing: rafe cameron x reader (fem!reader)
WARNINGS: angst <3; just angst.
watched mamma mia and remembered how sam pissed me off when he left donna lmao; self indulgent honestly (haven't written in like a month so decided to get back into it with a smaller piece); hope you enjoy!
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you should’ve known better.
the weight of realization presses upon you like an anvil on your chest, each breath drawn heavy with the gravity of the situation. 
sleeping with a guy on the same day you met him? risky.
proceeding to spend the next three months with him? delusional.
falling for him while simultaneously knowing nothing about his life back home? stupid.
the sting of embarrassment gnaws at you and it feels like you're rotting inside.
you want to scream, to rage against the unfairness of it all, make a fucking scene out of it. of all people roaming the earth…rafe had to be the one your cousin was dating.
rafe, as in your summer romance rafe, your rafe. 
oh my god!
he didn’t even tell you his surname, didn’t tell you shit and yet, just weeks ago, you were ready to move halfway across the world in hope of finding him again. 
you should've seen the warning signs flashing in neon bright before you. the damage is done, the wounds self-inflicted.
rafe's eyes widen imperceptibly as the pieces of the puzzle fall into place, fitting together with a sickening clarity, a flicker of recognition crossing his features before he quickly masks it with a practiced smile. 
but you see it, that moment of realization, and it only fuels the fire of anger burning within you.
"so, rafe cameron," you say, each word laced with a bitter edge that you can’t quite suppress, "so nice to meet you."
his million-dollar smile falters ever so slightly, a faint tremor betraying the cool exterior he tries so desperately to maintain.
“pleasure's all mine.”
yeah sure it fucking is.
you don’t utter another word to him. as you navigate through the party, each step feels heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of your self-recrimination. the pulsating beat of the music throbs in your temples, matching the rhythm of your racing thoughts. you move through the crowd with mechanical precision, engaging in polite conversation. you plaster on a fake smile and pretend like everything is fine.
what the fuck? how did you let yourself get in this situation in the first place? it’s a new kind of low, even for you. and why is the cameron household so confusing to walk around?
you can barely see straight with the headache taking place in your mind, the bright lights only wanting to make you burst into tears now and then. 
“let me explain.”
rafe comes out of nowhere, ambushing you before you can get to the door.
a groan slips past your lips, “go fuck yourself.”
“let me,” rafe pleads, his tone tinged with desperation, eyes roaming your face for so long.
a bitter laugh bubbles up from deep within you, incredulous at the audacity of his request, “you think i wanna hear anything you have to say?”
he sighs, closing his eyes, “'meant every thing i said back in skopelos, okay? i didn’t lie.”
“you didn’t tell me shit,” your voice strains to keep calm, “not about you, not about your family, not about a fucking girlfriend, you said nothing. a summer flling, yeah i get it, i can get past that. but making me the other woman? are you serious?!”
you had allowed yourself to be swept away by his charm, by the promise of something more. 
“there was no girlfriend!” he says, but you don’t believe him, squinting up at him with a frown.
“right,” your voice is monotonous, “you got back, what? three weeks ago and magically got one.”
“we weren't together, broke up with her, i swear— n'then you left, i thought i was never gonna see you again."
are you that easily replaceable?
if he cares so much why didn't he look for you? why didn't he break his stupid rules and ask for you number like a normal human being?
“oh go eat a cock.”
you turn on your heels, ready to put an end the conversation and to never see him again. you can feel your nails starting to break the skin on your palm and the subtle taste of copper on your tongue.
“hey—hey, hey, baby wai—“ 
as soon as his hand touches your arm, you’re pushing him away as hard as you can, tears gathering in the corner of your eyes, “don’t you dare. touching me is a privilege you do not have.”
the pain of betrayal, the humiliation of being used and discarded. you feel so stupid. tears cascade down your cheeks like raindrops on a windowpane, the weight of your emotions threatening to engulf you.
“please don’t cry,” rafe begs, fingers itching to hold you, “baby—“
“stop!” your voice cracks with anguish as you choke back a sob, wrapping your arms around yourself, seeking solace in the warmth of your own embrace, “just stop.”
“i don’t have a choice here,” his voice comes out all rough, as he tries not to cave in and cry, “you think i want to be with her when i could be with you? you—jesus, d-do you not understand how hard is it—“
“don’t finish that sentence,” the anger in your voice cuts through the air like a knife, your words dripping with bitterness and hurt, “it’s hard for you? you?!” 
rafe opens his mouth to answer, but he finds it hard to pass the thick lump in throat, “i didn’t mean it like that.”
“you never do.”
his gaze falls to the ground, unable to meet your accusing eyes. he knows he messed up, knows he's hurt you deeply. can’t even find it in himself to explain, tell you how it’s all his father’s fault, that he only got back with her because ward told him to.
how pathetic would that sound? 
‘'m sorry," he whispers, his voice barely audible over the din of the party, “’m so fucking sorry.”
but his apology feels hollow, empty, like a bandage over a gaping wound. the damage has been done, irreparable and raw. you shake your head, unable to find it in yourself to forgive him, 
“too late."
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starspyder · 2 months
S.O.S. // Sam Winchester x Reader
blame @drowning-in-stardust for this hehehe
notes: this was written in about 20 minutes bc i am on a writing fix, so feel free to send some ideas my way if you'd like more! warnings: drinking, lighthearted blackmail, kissing, hangovers. fluff, drunk!reader, drunk!sam, awful karaoke, Dean loves it and will keep this as leverage for a later date bc he's just Like That word count:
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You weren't that drunk. Okay, maybe you were.
When you woke up this morning, you hadn't expected to be hit with such a massive headache, but here you are, laying your head down on folded arms as Dean cackled from his seat across the table.
"I didn't know you were such a party animal, Y/N!" He teased.
"I didn't know you were so cruel, Dean." You pouted, looking up to see your boyfriend's obnoxious older brother laughing at his phone screen.
You'd had a very successful hunt this week that was practically a milk run; a simple salt n' burn, and only one person had been killed, who was the initial victim. After all the stress of your lives recently, this was a win in the Winchesters' book.
To celebrate, your trio went out to a bar, unknowing of how popular their karaoke stage was. After a few rounds of drinks, and a lost bet between Dean and yourself, you found yourself onstage with Sam singing along to a few songs from the Mamma Mia! soundtrack.
Dean, being the conniving jerk he is, got it all on video (his favorites were the off-key bits, which he reminded you of first thing this morning).
You're sipping a cup of coffee, trying to keep your headache at bay as your loud voice played over his phone's speaker, while the man himself mouthed along to the title number.
"He's still at it?" Sam's voice rings from the bathroom.
"Of course he is." You mutter.
"Oh, lighten up! this is my favorite song you sang!" Dean turns his phone towards you, as the opening melody of Abba's S.O.S. plays in the background.
On the video, you and Sam are on a small wooden stage, bathed in pink and blue lights, microphones in hand and grinning ear to ear.
"Where are those happy days? They seem so hard to find, I tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind!"
Okay, it isn't that bad so far.
"Whatever happened to our love? I wish I understood! It used to be so nice, it used to be so good!" Sam sang back, one hand snapping while his hips swayed to the beat. It brought a smile to your face, how lovestruck he looked on the video. You could hear Dean's voice in the background, cheering you both on.
"So, when you're near me, darling, can't you hear me? S.O.S. The love you gave me, nothing else can save me, S.O.S. When you're gone, how can I even try to go on? When you're gone, though I try, how can I carry on?" You and Sam sang together.
You feel Sam's hand on your shoulder as he leans over you, watching the video, laughing at a particularly rough sounding high note. At least he didn't wake up as crabby as you did today.
You watch on with stifled amusement, rolling your eyes at your own awful dance moves. By the time the song is over, the crowd is cheering at your shared display as Sam pulls you close, leaning down for a particularly risqué kiss in front of the bar patrons.
"Alright, I've seen enough." You shake your head, standing from the rickety motel chair.
"I'll be keeping this for the next time you piss me off, Y/N!" Dean teases, as you grab a fresh towel and make your way to the bathroom for a shower, grabbing your phone as well.
"Yeah, yeah, I know." You shut the door behind you, sending a quick text to Dean.
Send me that video, please :)
Thank you for reading! Likes and reblogs greatly appreciated! <3
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yournowheregirl · 3 months
wip wednesday weekend
i got tagged by the lovely @seths-rogens thank you sm friend! 💖
again, very much in a writing / hyperfixation rut BUT!! i decided to post blurbs from previous wips, in the hopes that it'll light the writing spark yet again.
so please enjoy quite a long blurb from an unfinished steddie fic based on that one scene in mamma mia where sam proposes to donna at sophie's wedding.
Eddie realizes then and there that he might never get an opportunity like this again. Well, he might but not another opportunity that has this level of show-stopping drama and Eddie lives for some drama in his life. 
And so, Eddie does what he does best and steps on top of the nearest chair, drawing the attention of the most chaotic wedding party he’s ever seen.
“Hang on!”
All the eyes in the room are on him in a split second and while he usually basks in all the attention, he also feel strangely nervous. But it’s now or never, everyone is already staring at him like he grew a second head, so he might as well continue. 
“Why waste a good wedding, huh?” Eddie grins as his eyes roam around the room before finally landing on Steve again. “How about it, Harrington?” 
The wedding guests once more erupt into hushed whispers of shock but Eddie can’t even hear them anymore. His sole focus is Steve, who looks at him like he’s certifiably insane. And maybe he is, maybe it is insane to propose to your ex from seven years ago during your friends’ canceled wedding, but Eddie’s just gonna take a chance. He’s not gonna run away, not this time.
Okay, not the answer Eddie was hoping for but he gets it. Maybe Steve needs a little more convincing. 
“Aw, c’mon. You gonna need someone to boss around in that newly empty apartment of yours and it might as well be me.” Eddie hops off the chair, his head cocked to the side and doing his best impression of Bambi to sell Steve on the idea. “What do you say?”
“Are you crazy?” Steve splutters, hands on his hips. His brows are furrowed and his lips are pursed in that famous Harrington scowl that Eddie knows and loves. 
“For you? Yes.” 
“You have a girlfriend!” Steve exclaims - which is quickly followed by grandma Wheeler’s 'oh dear'.
This makes Eddie frown because he very much doesn’t have a girlfriend, hasn’t had one in months not since- “Who? Donna? Nah, we broke up ages ago.”
“But- but- we live in totally different states.”
“I can pack up my things and move to Boston, no problem.” Eddie counters. “What else you got, because as you know, I can go on for hours.”
Steve apparently takes that as a challenge because that panicked look on his face melts away and is replaced by a cocky smirk and raised eyebrows. “What if I’m already dating someone?”
“Last thing I heard from Dustin you were dating that god-awful guy named Brad and considering that he isn’t anywhere to be found-” Eddie dramatically gestures around the room. “I figure that you did the right thing and dumped his ass.”
“You wouldn’t want to get married without Wayne here.” Steve counters, crossing his arms in front of his chest and God, Eddie had forgotten how hot Steve looks when he's up for a challenge.
“We’ll just have a second wedding. Periwinkle isn’t really my color either, but I’ll make an exception for you, sweetheart.” Eddie winks.
tagging (with zero pressure!!) some old friends and some new ones: @cheatghost @sidekick-hero @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @spectrum-spectre @stevebabey @steddieas-shegoes & @steddielations big (consensual) kisses for you all, mwah!! 💖💖
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iinsertblognamee · 1 year
masterlist <3
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•°. *࿐ sam kerr
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» friends or lovers (sam kerr x childhood friends, matildas!reader) on-going sam and y/n started out as neighbours and became friends but what if they wanted more?
» big sister's (sam kerr x matildas arnold!reader) what happens when your overprotective big sister finds out you’re dating and not just that, you’re dating the team captain. well shit.
» bluey and phonecalls (sam kerr x foord!reader) your son misses sam
» body slam (sam kerr x matildas!reader) a guy runs on the field mid-game and does the one thing that set's sam off. he touches you.
» bump (sam kerr x reader) sam talks to your bump
» buzzfeed; the ten times sam kerr and Y/N arnold made us belivee in love (sam kerr x matildas arnold!reader)
» chelsea matches and jerks (sam kerr x reader) you go to support your girlfriend at the FA Women's cup. some guy sitting next to you doesn't get the hint to back off. Sam takes things into her own hands.
» cure to a scary flight (sam kerr x chelsea!reader) sam doesn't like flying, you get seated next to her
» did you see that? (sam kerr x matildas!reader) you show england exactly what you're here for
» don't go to bed angry (sam kerr x reader) sam and y/n have a fight
» hi sam (sam kerr x reader) sam and y/n throughout the years
» i love you (sam kerr x reader) you try out a tiktok trend you watched last night. sam isn’t impressed.
» jumpers, apologies and proposals (sam kerr x reader) the aftermath of losing to england
» kerr and hayes (sam kerr x hayes!reader) y/n hayes catches the eye of her mother's star player, sam kerr.
» mama's little diva (sam kerr x reader) it's finally time to play against Iran in Perth, but a certain someone has other plans
» matildas; the world at our feet ft Y/N (sam kerr x matildas arnold!reader) clips from the docuseries
» motherhood? (sam kerr x reader) sam and you have a fight, this wasn't how this was meant to go.
» my big protector (sam kerr x matildas!reader) you take a fall on the field, Sam teaches the girl not to mess with you again
» my girlfriend (sam kerr x reader) sam is ready for the world to know about her girlfriend
» ring in the pocket (sam kerr x reader) mamma mia and a proposal
» sam kerr and Y/N arnold take a friendship test to see who's the better friend (sam kerr x matildas arnold!reader)
» sam kerr and yn foord (sam kerr x chelsea/matildas foord!reader)
» sam's sick (sam kerr x reader) you go and pick up your sick girlfriend from training
» social media au (sam kerr x singer!reader)
» star player (sam kerr x childhood friend!reader) flowers, star players and soccer
» surprise (sam kerr x reader) you come over to australia to surprise sam
» winning goal (sam kerr x matildas!reader) it all comes down to this. penalty shootouts.
» you have a what? (sam kerr x reader) the matildas find out who the mysterious girl in the lobby is here for
•°. *࿐ alexia putellas
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» the streets of barcelona (alexia putellas x footballer foord!reader) yn foord and alexia putellas meet.
» kiss me, please? (alexia putellas x footballer!reader) alexia doesn't really do PDA, but she might make an exception for you.
•°. *࿐ caitlin foord
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» yn & caitlin foord reveal their world cup kit bag essentials (caitlin foord x sister foord!reader)
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 2 months
Just a little longer? I only want to hold you
Word count: 1,676
Episode s12e02 Mamma Mia (Supernatural), Hurt No Comfort, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Torture, Psychological Torture, Hallucinations, Witchcraft
Sam is shot and captured by the British Men of Letters and tortured for information. He’s not about to give it all up to some assholes with a hot poker and knife, not after facing the devil himself and coming out alive.
But unfortunately for Sam, they quickly work out no amount of ice baths will get him to talk, so they try something else.
Something even the devil himself hadn’t had the balls to try.
“You see, Sam, if you answer my questions, you walk right out that door.” A pen gestured to the wooden staircase. “I promise.”
Sam swallowed, his dry throat practically burning, he pulled at the chains silently considering his options. “Pass.”
“Sam-” The voice tried.
“You can ask me any kind of question you want. The answer is going to be the exact same, screw you.” His voice was rough, his face void of any emotion.
“You want to get mad? You want to get mean?” He leant forward in his chair, well, as much as he could with his arms chained behind his back, his eyes narrowing. “I’ve been tortured by the devil himself. So you, you’re just an accent in a pantsuit.” He tilted his head mockingly, a menacing smile that would cause anyone to turn tail and run. “What can you do to me?”
A pen clicked.
The sound of a faucet.
Running water.
The cold like needles digging into his skin, his muscles seizing up, his bones aching.
“Screw you.”
The sudden burning feeling of heat on his foot, flames eating away at the skin.
“Screw you.”
The voices, loud and imposing, his mind and body screaming at him. The glass cutting through his palm like it had so many times before, his blood pouring down his arm.
“Screw you.”
An electric shock coursing through his body.
“Screw you.”
And then, nothing.
Sam’s eyes lazily flickered open, the sound of covers rustling causing him to roll over, grabbing at the warm body next to him, a reluctant groan filling the dark room as he pulled his angel in close to his chest, tucking him under his chin.
“We have to get up some time, sweetheart.” Gabriel whispered, rubbing his nose against the length of Sam’s neck. “Old Deano will be throwing a fit if he finds out you haven’t briefed me on those names yet.”
“All you have to do is give me the names of the hunters, Sam.”
“Screw you.”
Sam flinched slightly as a sudden burst of pain shot up his leg, he shook it off, his attention going back to Gabriel. “Please don’t bring up my brother when we are literally lying in my bed naked.” Sam’s nose wrinkled slightly. “How would you like it if I brought up Cas right now?”
“Okay, point taken.” The archangel chuckled, craning his head so he could press an apologetic kiss to the space behind Sam’s ear, causing the hunter to shiver slightly, the action making his body tense with pain. Sam couldn’t help but frown with confusion, not that he was given much time to form any thoughts, instantly distracted by the way Gabriel leaned up, lips tracing the shell of his ear as he whispered. “Anyway, do you know how long I’ve been trying to get you like this? Not about to let you put the seven layers of plaid back on after I finally got it off you.”
Sam rolled his eyes fondly, his cheeks pleasantly warm from the gentle hand that was skating up and down his arm in a comforting manner. “It wasn’t seven, you ass.”
“It most certainly was,” Gabriel teased, turning around fully in Sam’s arms so that he could plant his hands on Sam’s warm chest, Sam reluctantly rolling onto his back so that Gabriel could lie down on top of him, the angel’s arms folded on the hunter’s chest as his chin rested on them. “And anyway,” He smirked, “You love my ass.”
Sam made a noncommittal hum, his hand automatically going to Gabriel’s hair, his blunt nails scratching at the base of the angel’s neck, the angel instantly arching into the touch like a love starved cat. Sam couldn’t believe how lucky he was, that he got to have this, to hold Gabriel.
It was so domestic, the pair of them laying in bed, cocooned by the warmth of Sam’s covers, Gabriel snapping up some clothes for them, much to both their dismay. “Wouldn’t have to Samsquatch if you weren’t shaking so much.” He chuckled, thumb brushing against the small pout on Sam’s face.
Sam frowned. “Not sure why, it’s pretty warm in here.”
“What, a cold shower? Is that the best you can do?”
He pressed a light kiss to the pad of Gabriel’s thumb, rolling his eyes again as he tugged at the white t-shirt that Gabriel was wearing. “But if you were really worried about me being cold you would have also given me a shirt as well, not just some extremely hideous plaid pyjama bottoms.”
The angel’s cheeks became a dusted pink, an innocent look on his face, “Well that’s what I’m here for, sweetheart, it’s my job to keep you warm.” He smiled, leaning up to give Sam a peck on the lips that the hunter quickly returned. “And don’t diss the pyjamas,” He whispered against Sam’s lips. “With those on we’re matching.”
Sam looked down, quickly noticing that the angel wasn’t lying, they both wore the same pair of ugly green and pink, with strips of yellow plaid pj bottoms. Like a couple, his mind supplied for him, the thought making his cheeks warm and his heart ache.
“Be glad I stopped there,” Gabriel snickered, clearly not noticing the sudden revelations that Sam was having. “Could have made you wear a shirt now, couldn’t I? Imagine how you would look in a green and pink plaid shirt?”
Sam didn’t say anything, staring silently at the fabric.
“You like them?” Gabriel’s voice dropped to a whisper, his voice suddenly unsure.
The change in Gabriel’s confident nattering snapped Sam out of his thoughts, without hesitation Sam breathed, “I love them.” His hand returned to the angel’s hair so that he could tug him down into a kiss, one that hopefully showed just how much the gesture meant to him.
This must be love, he couldn’t help but think as he felt Gabriel’s relieved laugh vibrate through his throat and chest, the pair so intertwined that Sam could feel every breath that he took, every sound that he made.
The soft smile on his face quickly faltered though, his eyes looking up at the angel that straddled his waist, tracing every inch of Gabriel’s face, checking to see if anything was missing, if anything wasn’t quite right, if it could all just be a dream, or god forbid, a hallucination.
“The names, Sam. How many hunters are in the network?”
“Screw you.”
It was like it wasn’t up to Sam, any time he found himself smiling or a wondrous warmth spread through his chest, he could practically feel it drain from his body, chased away by an all consuming doubt.
Sam couldn't help but fall into the trap, his mind running circles around him as fear consumed him, his smile buried under years of memories, of grief. So distracted that he jumped when Gabriel’s warm fingers closed around his wrist, the motion an attempt at grounding him in the moment, the angel trying to pull him from the depths of his mind.
Gabriel looked at him, head tilted in concern as his thumb brushed the soft skin of Sam’s arm in a calming manner. “What’s going on in that big moose sized head of yours, sweetheart?”
Sam sighed, his voice was small, almost broken as he whispered the question he feared most. “You are here, right? With me?”
The words seemed to shatter the angel, the look of bliss on his face quickly replaced with one of pain. “Sam,” He whispered quietly, the low tone not quite hiding the hurt behind his careful words. “I have done many things, but this isn’t a trick I would pull on you.”
Sam looked away from the former Trickster, the air in the room suddenly thick as he tried to see where he was, nothing was easily identifiable in the dark, no matter how much time he gave his eyes to adjust.
“Hey, no,” Gabriel's voice hardened as he lifted his head, reaching for Sam’s face with his hands, gently pushing the hunter to look back at him. “None of that.” He cupped Sam’s face, his thumb brushing the dark bags under the hunter’s eyes. “I am here, we are here, together.”
“Is it possible that anyone could have been compromised? Bought?”
“Screw you.”
“I- I don’t know if we are,” Sam whispered, leaning into the touch, craving it, fearing it would be ripped away. “If you are.”
Gabriel leaned forward, resting his forehead to Sam’s, their noses brushing against each other. “Sweetheart, there is nowhere else I would rather be. Warm and safe with you.”
Gabriel, where are you?
Please Gabe.
I’ll see you later sweetheart.
“No.” Sam choked, that all familiar wave of grief and defeat washing through him. “No you aren’t Gabriel. You aren’t my Gabriel.” Sam leaned up, pressing his forehead harder against the angel’s, his hand slipping it his hair once more, securing Gabriel in his hold.
“And that’s okay,” He whispered, his voice shaking, his entire body trembling. “Because right now, I just want to hold you, just a little while longer.”
“Please.” Sam begged, forcing his body to stay relaxed, to stay in the moment. “It’s been so long, I forgot Gabe, I’m forgetting you.” A tear slid down his cheek. “I can’t forget you Gabriel, let me stay.”
“Then answer the question, Sam.” A voice echoed around him, the sound distant, just out of reach. “Tell me what I want to know and you can stay there, with him, for as long as you want.”
“You know what to do, sweetheart.” The figment of Gabriel whispered. “You know what’s right.”
“I don’t-”
“Yes you do,” He insisted, the conviction in his voice startling. “I’ll be here Sam, not gonna let you forget me any time soon.”
Fingers brushed Sam’s cheek, wiping the tears that had sprung forth, soft murmurs urging him to do the right thing on his lips.
“Screw you.”
A sigh. “I really thought you would be smarter than that Sam, oh well.”
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vastill · 1 year
Lay All Your Love On Me
Rebecca Welton/fem!reader
warnings: fluff, curse words
words: 1500+
My requests are open!!
English is not my first language!!
A/N: after watching Hannah and Sam's duet the idea of her doing a karaoke duet couldn't leave my mind so here it is. i hope you guys will enjoy it. let me know what you think about this format for fics!💚
and a big thank you to @neuroprincess for motivating me to write this!!💚
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AFC Richmond was on a streak of wins. Everyone couldn't be more happy with how everything was turning out. The team has done a wonderful job throughout all season. And with the upcoming break, they needed to relax. Keeley insisted on a group outing to the newly opened karaoke bar. Despite the team's initial hesitation, nobody could turn down Keeley’s puppy eyes.
And on the weekend everyone from the team met up in the bar. Keeley reserved a private room for all of you. The club was nice, not a lot of people were there so it was a plus. No one from the team wanted the attention on them tonight. They only wanted to get drunk and sing their hearts out.
You stood with them as Rebecca made her way to the bar for drinks. The bartender quickly took her order, she looked in your direction smiling softly when she noticed you laughing with Keeley and Sassy about something. At first, she was afraid that you won’t make friends on the team, but she was quickly proven wrong. You matched perfectly with them, and Rebecca couldn’t be happier. As she was waiting for the drinks she kept admiring you from afar.
“Hey, gorgeous.” Someone next to her said, but Rebecca didn't pay attention, it would never have occurred to her that this person was talking to her. “Hey, beautiful I’m talking to you.” The man said again, now touching Rebecca’s arm.
“Sorry, not interested.” She said looking over her shoulder. The man was in his thirties in a suit and clearly drunk, she noticed some other guys at the table behind him watching the two interact.
“That’s a shame, I could buy you a drink, and then we would see how everything turns out.” He slurred coming closer to her his hand inching to grab her by the waist. He was so close she could smell the alcohol in his breath. She took a quick step back and bumped into someone. She felt the hand of someone behind her sneaking around her waist and tugging her closer to them. She looked down and noticed the rings you always wore on your fingers, relaxing immediately.
“No worries, she has a drink. You can go back where you came from.” You said sternly, gaining his attention.
“Let the lady decide. Maybe she wants to have a good time.” He said winking at Rebecca, completely ignoring your tone.
“Oh, piss off. No one would have wanted any time with you.” You said now standing between Rebecca and the man. “Leave her the fuck alone.” He backed off and cursed you out, going back to his friends.
“I could handle him on my own.” Rebecca said to you when you finally got your drinks.
You sighed, “I know darling, but I couldn’t watch him get close to you, I had to do something. I didn’t want him touching you.” Rebecca let out a chuckle, noticing a hint of jealousy and maybe possessiveness in your voice.
“Well, thank you my knight in shining armor.” She said, giving you a kiss on the cheek, “And for the record, you look hot when you are jealous.” She whispered in your ear.
“I wasn’t-” You wanted to defend yourself but Rebecca was no longer there. You stood dumbfounded at the bar, watching her go to the private room that the rest of the team was in.
When you walked in Ted was finishing singing some country song, that you didn’t really know. But from the team's reaction, it had to be good, all of them cheering loudly and applauding Ted. Or maybe they were just drunk. Next in the line was Beard, he chose a song from ARTPOP. You noticed Rebecca looking over the songs and you couldn't wait to hear her sing.
Beard gave a hell out of a performance, everyone singing with him. As he was stepping from the stage Rebecca came to you, “Come on baby, now is our turn.” She said with a mischievous smile.
“What? But I don’t know what we are singing!” You exclaimed confused as Rebecca was guiding you to the stage.
“Believe me, you know it. I choose this song just for you.” She smiled handing you a microphone. You heard everyone cheer as they saw you both on the stage. “You are starting!” She told you as the music started to play.
And then you heard it. Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA. You turned to glare at Rebecca but you couldn’t stop your smile as you noticed her joyous expression. She was so proud of herself.
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Rebecca sang as she was walking around the stage, swaying her hips. You couldn't take your eyes off of her. She looked perfect in her baby blue dress, she matched ideally with the song.
I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man I see is a potential threat
You started singing looking directly at Rebecca as she smiled sweetly. You couldn’t help but shake your head, she really did pick a perfect song. You came to stand beside her, your hand sneaking around her waist as you sang the verse looking at the team, your finger pointing at all of them.
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
You glued yourself from Rebecca and walked over to Sassy, who handed you a cigarette. You jokingly took it and pretended to smoke with Sass. Rebecca laughed at you from the stage, shaking her head at your theatrics.
But now it isn't true
Now everything is new
And all I've learned has overturned
I beg of you...
You came back to the stage, kneeling before Rebecca as you sang the last verse. Now was Rebecca’s turn to start singing. She bent down to be at your height and looked you straight in the eyes.
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
It was like shooting a sitting duck
As she gracefully stepped down from the stage, she walked towards Keeley. Her eyes never left you, as if she was trying to convey something through her gaze. As the next verses of the song began, she leaned on Keeley, who caught her with open arms. It was as if she was pretending to faint.
A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck
I still don't know what you've done with me
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily - Rebecca and Keeley sang together.
Rebecca walked among the team towards you, her hips swaying more than usual. Everyone was in awe of her, and the way she moved with such fluidity was nothing short of mesmerizing.
I feel a kind of fear
When I don't have you near
You watched her like a hawk, admiring how relaxed and confident she looked. When she was nearing the stage, you pointed your finger at her and motioned for her to come closer.
Unsatisfied, I skip my pride
I beg you, dear
As you both were on stage, you started circling around Rebecca. Singing every verse directly to her. You grabbed her hand and spun her around, she landed in your arms and you both swayed, singing together the chorus.
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
As you waited for the next verse, you couldn't help but glance over at Rebecca. She looked so beautiful up on that stage, completely in her element. You felt so lucky to be here with her that you couldn't resist the urge to show her how much you cared. You grabbed her face and gently pressed your lips against hers, savoring the softness of her mouth and the warmth of her embrace. It was a quick kiss but seeing her blushed cheeks and hearing the team applauding you was enough for you.
I've had a few little love affairs
They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce
You jokingly scoffed as she sang, and turned to walk away from her. But before you could get too far, Rebecca quickly grabbed your hand and tugged you into her embrace. Your back hit her chest and you felt her warmth behind you as she enveloped you in her arms.
I used to think I was sensible
It makes the truth even more incomprehensible
You turned around in her embrace wanting to see her face as you sang this verse together.
'Cause everything is new
And everything is you
And all I've learned has overturned
What can I do?
Rebecca hit the highest note in the last verse, causing a surge of excitement throughout the team. As the last chorus began, you both sang together in perfect harmony. The rest of the team joined in, jumping and screaming the lyrics from the top of their lungs. Their enthusiasm was contagious that you and Rebecca couldn’t stop smiling as you watched them getting lost in the song.
As the song ended, the team erupted into howls and applause, showing their appreciation for your performance. You and Rebecca held each other tightly, your foreheads touching, despite the noise, you only had eyes for Rebecca, admiring the way her eyes shined and the big smile on her face. You couldn't resist any longer and grabbed her face, pulling her in for a deep, passionate kiss. The team's reaction was wild, adding to the excitement of the moment. You felt a rush of adrenaline as you broke the kiss, and smiled at her.
“I think I'm falling in love with you,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Rebecca's eyes widened, and for a moment, you thought you'd made a mistake. But then she leaned in, her lips meeting yours in another kiss. When she pulled away, she was grinning from ear to ear.
“I think I'm falling in love with you too,” she said, her eyes shining with emotion.
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lizzyk137 · 1 year
I'm All Yours - A Chani Fanfic (Chani X Reader)
Description: You and Chani get paired for a school project. When the project material starts to ignite secret feelings between you two, what will happen when your project is finished? Warning: Absolutely none, just pure fluff and love :3 Materials mentioned: Jane Austen's Persuasion, Mamma Mia's 'Lay All Your Love on Me', Dirty Dancing's 'I've Had the Time of My Life' dance scene.
Want to read more, visit my Masterlist!
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"Okay, drama nerds! Please welcome your new classmates for the rest of the semester!" Mrs. Elven announced as she made her way down the aisle to the stage area. "Classes have been meshed this semester with our writing friends so they can get an idea on how to write for those preforming on stage, tv or movies, along with getting better feelers out for how things get imagined in our minds when we read." She pointed to her head for affect.
"Along with the switch for this semester, we will be switching next semester also. You will all be writing together so you can get a feel for what a good script is and how the writer wants the characters to feel so when you act you can better understand what you're portraying." Mr. Alvis stepped in next.
"You'll be partnered up with one person from each class to help each other better understand the other's major. Now each class will still have one class each week away from each other to focus on our own curriculum. Mr. Alvis will call out partners, please stand up, find each other and introduce yourselves."
"Ally and Cole, Sam and David, Mark and John, Tyra and Annebelle." Mr. Alvis started calling off names, and you squirmed in your seat, nervous of who you would be paired up with. You took this class because you loved writing and a good challenge while writing, but acting was something new to you and something that you knew you weren't good at.
"Chani and Y/N." Mr. Alvis called, and you stood up and looked around to find a tall, attractive boy standing up in the front row looking around.
His brown eyes caught yours, and he gave you a small wave and made his way over to you. You sat down, smoothing your skirt, nervous about what you got yourself into. You took a deep breath in and turned to look at one of the most handsomest guys you've ever seen.
He was tall, with kind brown eyes, a bright smile that made you warm inside, and sturdy but thin build. His brown hair was short, but his bangs hung almost into his eyes. He smiled more, showing off a perfect row of teeth that made your stomach go a flutter.
"Hi, I'm Chani. It's nice to meet you!" His head tilted at the end so cutely, making the butterlfies in your stomach freak out even more.
You gave a small wave and a nervous smile. "Hi, I'm Y/N."
Chani dropped his bag and sat down next to you. "So, are you excited to be learning everything there is to know about theater?"
"Kind of," you said while nervously playing with your hands. "I'm a bit nervous. I've never done anything like this before. I'm not one to really put myself out there."
"Ah, well, I'll help you through it. If you have any questions, just ask! I'm more than happy to help, plus the theater teacher is great at helping you get over any nerves you have."
"That's good to know. How about you with the writing assignment next semester?"
He shrugged and gave a grimace. "I know it won't go too well for me. I'm not exactly great at creating words."
"Well, like you said, you can always ask if you have any questions."
You both smiled at each other, and then silence filled in the rest of the convo. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't comfortable either and you sat there clutching your skirt waiting for the end of class to draw near.
"I heard there are three different scenes that we need to preform. They're short, possibly five minutes for each scene which is good but they can range from different topics or different types of things a performer may do, like singing or dancing." Chani whispered, while you both took notes on the course direction and what was required for you to pass.
You looked at him scared. Dancing? Singing? You could barely tell a lie, how were you supposed to do all three things in the course of a few months?
Chani offered you smile as he watched your face turn to panic. "Don't worry, they'll prepare you for it all beforehand but i guess we get our scenes within a few weeks."
You nodded and went back to trying to pay attention to as much as you could from Mrs. Elven's lecture on theater. You needed to be prepared as much as you could for the amount of stress the next few weeks was going to bring.
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"Alright, pair up and we'll be going around and handing out your scenes and explaining them."
"Now theater kids, you will be letting our new friends take the lead on the everything, while you are directing and helping." Mrs. Elven explained.
Mr. Alvis continued where Mrs. Elven left off. "Throughout the course of the next few weeks you will be practicing and perfecting your scenes under the guidance of myself and Mrs. Elven. Schedules will be posted to let you know when we will be reviewing your progress."
You spotted Chani on the steps of the stage talking to a few of the theater girls and your slowly made your way over there. Chani was nice but he didn't go out his way to get to know you the past few weeks of lectures. You noticed he was more interested in his friends or staying by himself than he was with you, and you were just too shy to go over and start up a conversation. You passed each test so far with flying colours and you were hoping you'd be able to do the same physically all while praying that Chani would help you out.
"Oh, hey, Y/N." Chani said as he spotted you lingering near the front row." He got up and leaped down the stairs with ease. "Are you excited to see what we got for our scenes?"
You nodded and gave a smile smile. Words didn't come easily to you when Chani was involved you've noticed and you could tell it was putting him off by the awkward silence that always followed.
"Chani, Y/N, good I found you. I gathered up some great scenes for you." Mrs. Elven said as she rustled through to find a greeen folder with both of your names written on the top. "Now, Chani, I know you're great at what you do when it comes to a happy or serious scene but I have yet to see you do romance."
"Wait, I can do romance." Chani spoke up defensively.
"Not that I've seen, nor have I seen it in person yet from you. And I hear that miss Y/N, enjoys a good romance story and that Jane Austen is a favourite of yours. So open up and see what you got." She gave you the green folder and you opened it up to find a piece of paper detailing your topics and scenes.
Topic One: Musical- Lay All Your Love On Me (Mamma Mia Musical)
Topic Two: Dance- I've Had The Time of My Life (Dirty Dancing Dance Scene)
Topic Three: Acting- Persuasion's Letter Confession Scene (Jane Austen)
"Wait these are all love scenes, Mrs. E." Chani exclaimed as he took the folder from you looking at the rest of the material in it.
"Why, yes it is. It's supposed to be challenging and a learning opportunity for my students. Have fun, my lovelies!"
You watched her walk away while Chani quietly complained to himself as he looked over the material.
"Great, class is basically over. Let me research these scenes and next class we'll start learning, okay?" Chani gathered up his bag and walked away before you couold say anything.
This is awesome, you thought, you're stuck doing love scenes with someone who clearly does not enjoy doing them all while you learn a new skill set so you can pass your class this semester. Welcome to hell.
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The next two weeks where absolute shit, constant studying on your part to get the dance down while trying to protray a confession to someone who stares at you with annoyance as you fumble everything anf that's not even including the singing lessons that he quickly gives. You really needed this class to pass so you could keep your scholarship and with two weeks of barely getting nowhere, you were starting to get pissed off.
Setting your bag down on the dance studio's floor, you connected your phone to the stereo's bluetooth and put on your small heeled shoes. You didn't let it on but Dirty Dancing was one of your favourite movies and you wanted to do it justice. You had gathered from the costume department an outfit that was similar to Baby's and you were hoping it would channel your inner Patrick Swayze.
Turning on the song, you closed your eyes and started dancing by yourself as you remembered each move that was created during the movie all while remembering Chani's notes and tips.
The song slowly ended and your eyes flashed opened to the sound of clapping behind you. You quickly twirled around to find Chani leaning against the door frame smiling. "Chani! You scared me!"
"You did really good. I'm impressed to see you practicing on your own." He said as he walked over to you.
"Well, I need to pass this class in order to graduate and keep my scholarship." You said irriated that he didn't think you'd actually take this class seriosuly, unlike him who was clearly uninterested during class.
"I haven't gotten much help so far, so I've been learning on my own."
"I haven't been a great teacher the past couple of weeks have I?" He sat down next to you as you wiped off some sweat on a small towel.
"Not really."
He sighed and leaned back on his palms. "I just don't get romance. I've never really liked anyone so I don't know how to feel it in order to protray it correctly."
"Really?" He looked at your shock face with some annoyance. "Don't think of me as rude but you're constantly flirting with the girls in class, so I figured you've must have been ina relationship."
"Nope. I just flirt to work on my presentation for auditions or characters, that's all. I have no feelings for any of them. In fact, most of them annoy me."
"I must annoy you a lot then with not knowing what to do." You laughed.
Chani chuckled, "Actually you don't surprisngly. It's nice to have someone focused on their work like I am. I may not have shown it the past couple of weeks, but I've got the best grades in my department."
The next hour was spent talking as you both got to know each other, and you noticed Chani opening up to you as the next few classes went by as you practiced your dance sequence and song.
"I think it's good, but the characters are in love and I don't see it being shown." Mr. Alvis said after Chani and you showed your dance and music scene.
"I agree, the characters are in love and both sets of characters have a sort of sexual attraction during each number. For your song, I want your lips barely brushing while you sing back and forth with each other. PLay around with it. PLus I'd like to see you lay her down during the chorus as your hands play down her arms."
Chani looked at you, his eyes asking for permission to do what the teacher asked and you hesitated for a second before nodding your reply.
"Oh and Y/n, for your singing part can we get the crawl towards Chani then I'd like to see how it looks with your chest to chest before the chorus." Mrs. Elven said as she turned the music back on.
"I don't know what you've you done to me" you sang as your sank onto your knees the on all fours.
Chani fell to his knees a small smirking playing on his lips as he watched, a slight hunger burning in him as he saw you in a barely there swimsuit starting to crawl towards him.
"A grown-up women should never fall so easily."
You reached him and you let your hands slide up his torso to his neck where you looped them around your chest pressed against his as he wrapped one arm around your waist as the other tangled into your hair.
"I feel a kind of fear, when I don't have you near."
He pulled your closer as your hands slide down to his chest and hsi head moved in closer your lips barely brushing as you sand the rest of the bridge.
His head moved away as he looked at you longingly before slowly pushing you down till your back gently touched the floor and he crawled on top of you straddling your legs and he sang out the chorus. Your arms moved above your head as he pushed them up his lips close to yours before getting off of you as he completed the song.
You laid there stunned as the teachers clapped as you replayed what had just happened between you and Chani and the burning fire you had in your gut for him.
"That was perfect!" Mr. Avis said. "Please just repeat that for when you preform it."
Mr. Elven smirked as she watched Chani help you up off the floor. "Keep practicing the dance. Incorporate what you did just now into it."
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A week blew by and you were back in the dance studio covered in sweat as you rewatched the final dance scene in Dirty Dancing on your phone while you had 'I've Had the Time of My Life' play on loop in the background. "Ugh!" You shouted and fell back onto the floor. You were never going to get this down, and without this being completed you weren't sure you both would even start the acting portion of Jane Austen's Persuasion.
"Taking a break?"
You opened your eyes and looked behind you as you laid on the ground to find Chani once again leaning against the doorframe. A playful smile on his lips as he gazed down at you. He gently licked his lips and you quickly turned away as you felt your face burn under his gaze but the mirror on the wall betrayed you showing your face flush a dark pink.
Smirking he walked over and stood over you looking down. "So, Baby," he said teasingly using the name from the main character of the film as he offered you a hand, "Shall we dance?"
You took his hand in yours and he pulled you up as your body slid up against his. Chani's other hand slid to your waist as you danced to the music. The music looped over again and you continued, forgetting the steps and what you were there to do as your gazes were locked onto each other. Each spin and and hip grind sent you over the edge, making you feel like you were floating on cloud nine.
Sweat poured off your bodies as your clothes clung to you as he twirled you into his body, his leg between yours as your body grinded in his, your thigh being lifted up by one of his hands as your skirt shifted down showing your bare thigh, your lips dangerously close. He opened his eyes and looked into yours, his eyes darkening at the sight of you. Drenched looking, your heaving chest, your lips slightly parted as you looked at him with innocence. He pulled you closer to him, your breath hitting his cheek and he dipped you slightly, pulling you up slowly before dipping you again, swinging your body to the other side of his before pulling you up sharply, noses touching.
He almost kissed you right there but the music stopped and the room fell silent besides the sound of your chests rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath.
"Um," his breath shaky, "I think we're good on the dance portion."
You took a deep breath in, "Yeah I think we definietly are."
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It was the day of your performance. The auditorium was filled and your musical and dance number went by without a hitch.
You stood in the side wing as they announced the next group to go on. All that was left of your final assignment was to get over the monologue part, the ending letter in Jane Austen's Persuasion, and you were nervous about it. Spending so much time with Chani and getting to know him for the past months has been nerve-wracking. He was handsome for starters. He could make any girl blush under his gaze, and he certainly knew how to make you turn a dark shade of red.
Your relationship started off as one of annoyance then turned into something else once you got to know each other. Every time you saw Chani, it was like your body was on fire and only he could extinguish the flames he created.
Every time you met up with him to practice, the feelings you had kept growing, and now everything he does sends you over the edge. You didn't know how you got through the musical and dance number without being completely red. You weren't an actor, and the feelings that needed to be portrayed by the characters in those scenes you didn't have to act for - they were your own feelings. Every touch, every smile, every almost lip touch was all you. Even though you were friends, you knew more than likely nothing would grow past that, so if you had to be selfish and take those chances during practice and your performance, then so be it.
You weren't popular like Chani. He made friends wherever he went and had a line of girls to choose from when he wanted to. While you kept your nose in a book or writing one, blocking the world out besides the one that was in print. The only experience you had with relationships and love was just in books. Imagining how it felt to be kissed or your hand held. How it would feel to be kissed in the pouring rain as the main male lead said a love filled confession.
But Chani had been giving you that recently. The looks, the touches, the little flirts. You thought he felt the same as you, just too shy to admit it or ask you out. But every day, those small touches to your back, the slight hand holds, the hair tucking behind the ear made you feel his affection and possible love. But there was one thing you couldn't get your brain wrapped around. Heartbreak.
You could feel longing, happiness, love, a high that you didn't want to come down from when you were with him, but for the past couple of months, he didn't leave your side. You weren't alone. And to portray that emotion of loneliness and breaking apart was difficult.
Chani had given you every tip and trick to getting your body and acting skills to understand it. You couldn't cry on command, and you couldn't use fake tears. It's not like you couldn't cry at the scene. From reading to watching it in countless movies, every time the scene came up, you couldn't stop the overflow of tears, and when Chani performed the whole thing, you were left a crying mess.
The scene started off just reading the letter, and you were supposed to break down as you read it. But you just couldn't cry. You had been trying for weeks, but you were on cloud nine because of Chani. Nothing had brought you down. And now that the time had come, you were nervous to perform it.
You looked across the stage to find Chani standing in the other wing. He saw you and gave you an encouraging smile. You put down your script, which you had for a last-minute refresher, and straighten your dress out. It was a beautiful ocean blue historical dress with gold accents, and you had some white gloves on to match. In the pocket of the dress, you made sure you had the fake letter in which you were supposed to read from.
Looking back up, you saw Chani chatting with one of the other actresses, her back to you. One hand wrapped around her waist and the other on her back. At first, it looked like a hug, but looking closer, you could see it was a romantic touch.
Chani tucked a hair behind the girls ear, something he did so tenderly to you not so long ago, and the smile on his face was of pure affection and fascination as his eyes took in the girl's face.
Your breath caught in your throat as he dipped his head down towards her, his hands holding her face tenderly. Your eyes closed, and you turned away, not wanting to see more. It felt like you couldn't breathe.
You gripped your chest, your other hand finding its way to your mouth so a cry didn't escape from your lips. Over head, you could hear your names being called out and the roar of the crowd clapping, waiting for your entrance.
You quickly wiped your tears, taking a shaky breath in as you pulled out the letter from your pocket and walked on stage, not bothering to look in Chani's direction.
The lights had dimmed till there was just a mellow blue spot light on you. You looked at the envelope in your hands, your breath still shaky, which suddenly hitched in your throat when you saw your name printed on the front with Chani's handwriting. You had thought it was supposed to be the actual letter from the novel inside, but now you weren't so sure, and it scared you a little.
Your hands shook as you undid the envelope and opened up the letter. Your name was written neatly on the top and you tried to read it as the violin started to play, signaling the start of your speech, your eyes having a hard time focusing on the paper.
You looked out in the crowd, your voice somehow strong but quiet as you spoke a loud. "I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach."
You paused for a second as a lump in your throat grew when your eyes caught the first sentence of the handwritten note in front of you. 'I'm surprisingly not good with words, but if there is one word I would use to describe you, it would be perfection.'
"You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope." Your voice started to shake, as you continued reading what was written to you.
'You have struck my every being. Every inch of you is perfection. Every touch. Every glance. Perfection.'
Your voice cracked, tears finally spilling down your cheeks. "Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, eight years and a half ago."
'Oh, god, Y/N. I love you. I think I always have since our first encounter. How you looked so nervous and adorable. My thoughts had started to be consumed of you, ever growing the more I saw you. When you brought me down to earth that day in the dance studio, I knew. I knew it was you.'
Chani's footsteps echoing on the stage brought you back, your head turning to see Chani on the other side of the stage, waiting for you so you could speak the next passage together. "Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death." He turned to face you, small tears forming in his eyes. "I have loved none but you. Unjust I may have been, weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone, I think and plan."
How could he love you and still kiss another girl? Was this a game to him? His sweet words filled you with hope, but you'd rather have none if the aching feeling in your chest was always constant with him. But how could he love you? True, he spent the past few months with you constantly, but how could one night, tonight of all nights, turn his love into nothing. If you consume his thoughts, then how could another women stray him so easily?
You looked out at the crowd before you, each person intently listening as Chani spoke the next part. "Have you not seen this? Can you fail to have understood my wishes?" He walked towards you, his hand motioning to the letter in your hands. You looked down again, a few tears falling onto the paper in front of you. "I had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me."
'Y/N. My dear, sweet Y/N, I can't picture my life without you in it. It's only been a few months, but all I can think of is you. You're the sun, the sky, the darkest and most stormy of days, you're the ray of light breaking through the crowds. You're my dreams, my hopes, and my ambitions. You're my everything. I couldn't face tomorrow if you weren't in it.' You looked up to find him standing in front of you, a tearful smile on his face, his hands finding yours and cupping them in his as he raised the letter closer to you to finish reading. 'Every smile, every almost kiss, every touch. I can't imagine not being able to do all those to anyone else but you. Please, my darling Y/N, be mine and mine alone. I'll cherish and protect every minute we have together and shower you with love. Lovingly yours, Chani'
You looked up to find him finishing the monologue, his face dangerously close to yours, his eyes searching for an answer in your eyes. You stared back for a second before the thought of his letter being a lie struck you again, your heart cracking under his beautiful gaze.
Turning away and towards the wings of the stage, you saw the same girl from earlier dressed up in battle gear with a woman in a dress. Her arm around her waist, and then she carefully cupped her cheeks, giving the girl a passionate kiss.
"It was a fake kiss. Yours is the only lips I want to touch mine with." Chani whispered, his voice barely audible over the loud violin, his one hand which was still holding yours squeezed yours. You turned slowly towards him, the violin cut off, leaving the room in silence. Tears formed in your eyes as his whispered, "I love you, my dearest."
He pulled you close, one hand holding the small of your back and the other gently cupping your cheek. His lips touched yours, sending waves of pleasure and love through your body. You stood in shock for a second before your hands found their way to his chest, his heart beating hard beneath your hands.
The crowd around you exploded with applause, tearing you both away to look at the crowd, a laugh escaping from your lips as you looked back to Chani, who had the biggest smile on his face. He gently pulled you in again for a small kiss, his forehead resting on yours as he looked longingly into your eyes.
The curtain closed, and you stood still standing in each other's embrace, not wanting to let go of one another.
"Be mine?" Chani whispered, his lips brushing your cheek.
"I'm all yours."
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I literally finished this on the train cause I couldn't get this story out of my head :3 Hope you enjoy! -Liz
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writeforfandoms · 2 years
Andante, Andante
Find my masterlist
Here it is, the Mamma Mia au that absolutely nobody asked for!
First off, thank you my darling @green-socks​ for plotting with me and letting me squeak at you. 
A couple quick notes before we begin:
Although as always I try to make my readers as blank as possible, this one does specify that she was here ten years ago. To my younger readers... idk. Sorry. But I needed the ten years. (Be glad I didn’t make it twenty.) 
There are sections in italics, and in case it is not apparent, these are memories/flashbacks. 
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to sex, brief non-descriptive sex scene, Feelings, some hurt/comfort. 
Word count: 7.3k
Dave York x reader, Jack Daniels x reader, Javi Gutierrez x reader, f!reader
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“How did I let you talk me into this?” you groaned as you flopped face-down onto one of the beds in the apartment.
“I talked over all your complaints,” Sam answered blithely, actually setting her things down like a civilized person. And then flopping down next to you on the bed. 
“Evil person,” you groaned, words a little muffled. You pushed yourself up to sit instead with a huff. “Alright. Two weeks. This’ll be fine.”
“It’s a vacation, not a death sentence,” Sam reminded you, rolling her eyes. “Which we both need, might I point out. Two weeks of no work, exploring this beautiful place, good food, and having fun.”
“I know.” You lifted one hand to rub your temples. “I know.”
Sam softened a little, sitting up as well and bumping her shoulder into yours. “It’ll be fun,” she said softly. “And if you hate it here, we can change our reservations and go somewhere else.” 
You mustered up a smile. “I know. I’m just tired and grumpy. It was a long flight.”
“It was.” Sam stood, grabbing her bags again. “We’ve got some time before dinner, so relax a bit. Do not sleep or the jetlag will be worse.”
“I’m not a total newbie!” you protested at her retreating back. Then you pouted and shook yourself, getting to your feet. Well. Might as well get changed and ready for dinner. 
But you stalled next to the window, the gentle breeze wafting in the familiar scent of the ocean and seafood and citrus…
The view from your room was beautiful, straight out to the ocean. You stood and watched the sunlight dance on the gentle waves until you were almost late to dinner, finally throwing the curtains closed over the window in your mad dash to get ready.
Not this time, though. There would be none of that. Not for you. 
Taking a deep breath, you turned away from the window and the scent and the sunlight on the water, and changed your clothes. 
Dinner was a calmer affair tonight. Simple food, in a quiet restaurant away from the waterfront. It really had been a long trip, and you were both tired. 
Tomorrow would be a better day. 
You paused at a corner, about a block away from the apartment you two were renting. A man had just stepped into the villa, probably renting one of the lower apartments. You'd only seen him for a moment, no more than a glimpse of dark hair, but… 
"You okay?" Sam asked you softly. 
You blinked and then smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm gonna shower and get settled for bed, I hope." 
"Sounds good." Sam groaned softly at the number of stairs up to your temporary apartment, and both of you were grumbling by the time you went inside. "See you in the morning."
"Sleep well." You walked to your room to grab sleep clothes for after your shower. 
The water pounding against the tiles of the shower was almost louder than the music coming from the bedroom. You still weren't sure how exactly you'd convinced him to leave Dancing Queen on… but you were pretty sure the pouty look had helped. 
"Waiting for an invitation?" He drawled, stepping past you and into the shower, the spray wetting his hair immediately. 
"Just making sure I didn't wear you out too much," you teased, grinning as you gave him a blatant once-over. 
He didn't give you a chance to do more. One hand grabbed your wrist, pulling you into the shower and straight into his chest, where he kissed the laughter from your lips. 
You sighed and hung your head, turning off the shower and standing there for a few long moments. 
You knew this island was full of ghosts, but you'd hoped you'd have a little time before they came for you. 
Finally, you flopped down into bed, ready to sleep for the night. You had your alarm set so you'd get up on time. And you needed the sleep. 
So naturally you laid there and stared up at the dark ceiling for several long minutes as ghosts danced in your memory, soft voices calling you. Finally, you rolled over, buried your face in your pillow, and cried yourself to sleep. 
The next day you were determined to have fun. You would make new memories here, do new things with Sam. You didn't need anyone else. You certainly didn't need a dark-haired man. Nope. Not a one. 
That plan lasted a full two and a half days, as you and Sam had fun and explored and found delicious food. (So much delicious food, seriously.) 
And then a storm hit. 
Mallorca had storms. Generally they weren't too intense, with little damage done. You remembered two from your last visit here, and both had passed uneventfully, though you did remember passing the time. 
Rain pounded against the windows as you writhed under your companion, gasping out your pleasure to the steamy room. 
"Much better than sightseeing," he groaned softly, appreciatively, damp fingers spreading over your thigh. "So much better." 
But this storm knocked out power to your building, which you discovered when the two of you went back to take a little nap, and none of the lights would turn on. 
"So… what do we do?" You asked, flicking the light switch one more time. Just in case. Once again, nothing happened. 
"I guess we have to call the owner of the villa," Sam mused, hands on her hips. "I still have his number with the booking information, I'll call."
"Cool." You sighed and collapsed onto your bed again to wait. 
Well, this was a first. You'd never had the power get knocked out before, not on vacation. You snorted softly. 
"Guess we're not cooking tonight," you muttered, thinking of the ingredients still in the bags you'd left in the kitchen area. 
"Good news is the owner already knows," Sam called, footsteps approaching your room. "Bad news is we just have to hang out here to wait for him." 
"Oh that's not so bad." You grinned. "We can do some reading, be cats together for a bit."
Sam snickered at your phrasing but nodded. "Reading is always good." 
The two of you settled to read for a while. That was one nice thing about Sam - you could just hang out in quiet and read together, and all was good. 
A knock on the door interrupted you, and Sam hopped to her feet to get it. You stood as well, straightening your top to be somewhat more presentable. 
"...for the inconvenience," a soft male voice was saying. The speaker was still just out of sight, but you paused. That voice was familiar. But why? "But I do have somewhere you can stay until the power here is repaired!" 
"That would be great," Sam answered. "Let me get my–oh good, you're here." She smiled at you, looking excited. "Javi offered us a place to stay while the electricity here is being repaired."
"Javi?" It couldn't be. There wasn't any possible way. But the voice, the name… 
You stepped around Sam, looking out the door, and Javi smiled shyly. His hair was every bit as wild now as it had been ten years ago, his eyes just as warm. But he seemed settled in a way he hadn't back then. 
You, on the other hand, felt a bit like you'd been whacked over the head with a frying pan. "Javi." 
"I know you," he whispered, eyes growing wide. "You–it has been so long! Do you remember me?"
He looked so hopeful, so much like a puppy, that you couldn't contain your smile if you tried. "I could never forget you, Javi." 
Javi positively beamed, bouncing forward to engulf you in a hug. "How are you? You must tell me everything! Over dinner, we can sit and catch up!" 
"Sure," you agreed, a little weakly, one hand patting his back before you stepped back. "Sam will love getting to know you too." 
He blinked, momentarily surprised, and then smiled. "Of course! Any friend of yours is welcome at my table! Oh, I nearly forgot! Please, wait for me downstairs, I have a car and will take you to my home. But first I must tell the others! I will see you downstairs." He left with one last squeeze to your hand, turning and nearly running down the stairs. 
You stood there, blinking after him, completely off balance. 
"Was that the Javi?" Sam asked from behind you. 
"Yeah," you whispered. "The one I met here, ten years ago." And he still looked good. Every bit as good as when you had met him, really. It was unfair. 
"Wow. What are the odds?" Sam stood next to you. "You gonna be okay? To stay with him? We can find another villa, it's not peak season." 
You shook yourself and turned to smile at her. "It'll be fine," you assured her. "Javi and I parted on good terms, there's no issue there. I was just… surprised. That's all." 
"If you say so." Sam turned and started walking to her room. "Let's get packed up, we might be away for a few days." 
It didn't take long to throw everything back in your suitcase and haul it down the stairs, with Sam right behind you. 
"Do you think he'll offer for the other people to stay with him, too?" Sam asked. 
"Probably, he's got the space," you mused with a shrug. "From what I remember, he had rooms he hadn't even used." 
"Wow." Sam grinned at you. "You should have stayed with him, let him take care of you." 
You snorted. But didn't have a chance to reply. Footsteps echoed down the stairwell, and you and Sam both looked in time to see Javi descend the stairs, two dark-haired men behind him. The first wore a signature gray jacket with brown patches at the shoulders, tie loosened around his neck, hat held in one hand and a suitcase in the other. The second man wore a plain gray t-shirt stretched tight across his shoulders and black athletic shorts, hair still mussed as if he'd just been finishing working out. Instead of a suitcase, he carried a duffel bag. 
You felt all the blood drain from your face, the world tilting and swaying under you. There was no way. No possible way. It was just… not possible. They couldn't be here, not all three of them. 
"I apologize for the wait!" Javi said, hurrying over to you and Sam again. "But this is everybody. Would you two care to drive with me? I have another car for the two gentlemen."
Sam agreed for the two of you, as your brain had yet to restart. The man playing with his hat hadn't yet noticed you, but the other one… 
Brown eyes locked onto yours from across the room, and his lips twitched. The game was up, then. Of course he had spotted you first. Dave was very good at spotting you, no matter how you tried to hide or play.
Dave looked almost as shocked as you felt, though it was shallow consolation. He hadn't moved, hadn't looked away from you, barely even seemed to be breathing. 
And then Sam tugged your arm and you turned, blindly following her out the door and to the car. 
You had no idea how you got from the car to Javi's villa, or anything that was said on the drive. Sam, bless her, took over talking. Giving you time to get over your shock, at least enough to be functional. 
You started actually paying attention again when Javi led the two of you into the villa. “Dinner is being prepared,” he told the two of you. “So you won’t have to worry about food. Of course help yourself to anything! My home is your home. I want you to be happy here.” He half-turned, big puppy eyes looking at you with more meaning than you could decipher right at that moment. 
You did manage a smile, at least. “Thank you, Javi. I know we will be comfortable here. You really saved our butts with this, I hope you know how much we appreciate it.” 
His smile turned shy, and he ducked his head, curls flopping over his forehead. “Is nothing,” he dismissed, waving a hand. “Ah! Here! Your rooms!” He opened two doors, right next to each other, and motioned you inside. “I will let you get comfortable and give you the tour later.” 
With one last beaming smile, he turned and left, presumably to go get the other two men.
"Go put your things down," Sam ordered in her best no-nonsense voice. "Then you're going to tell me everything." She picked a room and strode inside. 
A little numbly, you went into your new room and put your things down as well. Then you sat heavily on the bed, putting your face down in your hands, overwhelmed. 
How the hell were you going to manage this? 
Sam dropped down next to you on the bed. "Tell me everything." 
You took a deep breath and looked up finally. "You remember I told you about the three guys from my last trip here?" You asked, a little hoarse. "Javi you met. Jack and Dave are both here. They're the other two men. They're here. In the villa." 
"Oh shit." Sam blinked at you, eyes wide. "You're sure?"
You smiled grimly. "It's been ten years, sure, but I absolutely recognized them. They both look more or less the same. Same hair style, same clothing choices, all of it." 
"Okay." Sam sucked in a breath. "Okay. So. What are you going to do?"
"Avoid them like the plague," was your immediate knee-jerk reaction. 
"What? No!" Sam nudged your shoulder with hers. "You have a golden opportunity here." 
"...I don't follow."
"You told me that Dave was one of the best men you'd ever known and you were thinking of running away with him," Sam reminded you absolutely ruthlessly. "And Jack was the best sex you'd had and he was fun."
You groaned, covering your face again. "I regret ever telling you anything," you mumbled. 
"And now you have a chance with one of them again," she forged on, ignoring your distress. "This is unheard of! You can decide who you wanna pursue!"
"None of them," you grumbled at her, uselessly. You knew it would be no good. 
"Let's go over when you saw them last." Sam patted your leg, trying to get your attention. 
"Let's not." You hopped to your feet, shaking out your hands. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna find the kitchen and see if I can beg a snack from someone."
You ignored Sam when she called your name, striding swiftly from the room. You had a vague memory of this place, but only vague. You honestly wouldn't be surprised if you ended up getting lost here. 
Oh well.
You took a few turns and ended up outside. How, you weren't exactly sure, and you would absolutely need help getting back to your room later. But that was a later problem. 
You turned a corner without looking and ran straight into someone, letting out an oof and stumbling back a step. 
"Careful, sugar." A hand caught your arm, keeping you upright, and close to the person. Man. 
Close to Jack. 
You looked up into still-familiar brown eyes and swallowed hard. "Sorry," you squeaked. 
Jack blinked at you, and his lips parted. (You knew how that mustache felt when you kissed him, when he smiled against your skin, the scratch and tease of it against your thighs–) "Well, I'll be damned," he murmured, his other hand rising to cup your waist. "Is it really you?"
"It is." You swallowed again, licking your lips. 
"How long has it been?" Jack asked, slowly pulling you in closer. "Too long, 'course." 
"Ten years." You took a step back, more or less successfully. His hands were still on you, but you did put a little distance between you again. 
"And you're every bit as gorgeous." Jack grinned, giving you a blatant once-over. "What luck for us, huh? You staying here too?"
"I am, yeah." You shrugged. "You here on vacation?"
"Eh, sorta. Bit of work, bit of fun. You know how I like to do it." He winked at you, shuffling closer to you. "I could always give you a little refresher course, sugar." 
You smiled tightly. "I'm actually here with my friend, we're on vacation. Sightseeing. All of that fun stuff." 
"Oh yeah? You want some company? I can take some time for you." Jack slid his hand from your waist to your back. "And we can go back to my room at the end of the day, have some fun, like last time." 
"We'll see," you hedged. "I was actually just on my way to the kitchen, so–" 
"I just came from there," Jack interrupted you, grinning and turning so he was next to you instead of in front of you, hand still on your lower back to guide you forward. "I'll show you the way."
"Thanks, Jack." You fell into step next to him, letting him guide you. 
Jack made an excellent guide, clearing a path through the crowded waterfront and never letting go of your hand, keeping you close to him. Once the crowd had thinned out some, he tugged you up to walk next to him, his arm around your waist. 
"What do you say, sugar?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. "Still trust me to find us a good spot?"
"You know I do," you said with a smile. "Impress me, Jack."
"Oh I plan on it." Jack squeezed your hip. 
"Here we are," Jack announced, hand squeezing your hip. "The kitchen."
You blinked rapidly to get back out of your own head. "Thanks."
"No problem." Jack didn't release you just yet, still looking down at you, something soft in his eyes. "It really is good to see you again, sugar." 
You warmed, smiling a little. "You too," you murmured. "I'll let you know, about the rest of it." You finally stepped away from him, making your way into the kitchen. 
The cook was a very nice woman who let you have your pick of snacks. You escaped with your snack and found a spot to sit outside, enjoying the late sunshine and the soft sounds of the ocean. 
You had no idea how you were going to survive this, especially if Sam was serious about you going after one of them. 
None of them had ever made you any kind of promise… and perhaps that's where you had problems. Because your traitorous heart hadn't waited for permission to get attached. 
Sighing, you tipped your head back to look up at the sky. You had no idea what you were going to do. 
A soft call of your name made you blink and refocus, and you looked at Sam and Javi. 
"Ready for the tour?" Sam asked, grinning teasingly at you. "We heard you already got lost."
You huffed as you stood. "I only got a little lost," you grumbled. "But yes, tour time. Sounds good." 
Javi beamed at you. "This way," he told the two of you. You were sure the three of you looked like a funny party - Javi in the middle with you on one side and Sam on the other. 
(You absolutely caught Sam eyeing him once or twice and you couldn't blame her. Javi was good looking, with his wild curls and unrestrained smiles.) 
The tour was fun and easy and you were vividly reminded of why you had been so happy to spend the last days of your vacation ten years ago with Javi. He was cute and funny and sweet and a generally good man. 
Which made the fact that you were barely physically attracted to him honestly a shame. 
Dinner was nicer than you'd expected. Mostly because both Jack and Dave had apparently not been invited, something that made you hide a grin behind your drink. 
"What do you have planned still?" Javi asked, looking between you and Sam. 
Sam took over, and you let her. The interest in her eyes was clear to you, though you rather doubted Javi saw it. 
The entire day the two of you were out, women looked at Javi. Mostly they were tourists, but you noticed more than one local with lust in her eyes. And Javi… didn't seem to notice at all. Or if he did, he ignored them all with aplomb. He didn't even look at them. 
He only had eyes for you. 
You took another bite of food, looking away from those two. Javi deserved the best in the world, you knew that. 
"Are you alright?" 
The soft question from the man made you blink and look at him. He looked concerned, big puppy dog eyes only for you. 
"I'm okay," you assured him. "Just thinking how crazy this all is. I had no idea you owned that villa in town." 
"I own two properties in town," Javi said with a nod. "I still have the olive groves, too! We could go see those." 
You smiled at his enthusiasm. "Sure, Javi. Your property is beautiful." 
"The whole place is beautiful," Sam agreed. "That pool is tempting me." 
"You are more than welcome to swim," Javi said, turning his sweet smile to her. "I want you to be happy here. You're welcome to anything." 
"In that case, I will." Sam grinned. 
You smiled watching her. She definitely needed this vacation. Especially since she was now having to put up with your bullshit. 
Not that you'd planned on this either, but still. Sam deserved to have a wonderful time, and you would do whatever you could to make that happen. 
Javi escorted the two of you back to your rooms after dinner. Sam broke off ahead of you two, saying she was going to catch up with some friends and update them on the vacation. 
You and Javi paused in the hallway. You didn't want to just go sit in your room, but you didn't have the energy to actually go explore and find a good place to sit, or find something else to do. 
"Come with me," Javi offered, holding out one hand to you. "I want to show you something."
You hesitated a bare moment before taking his hand. 
Javi held out his hand to you with a smile, a little shy, a little sweet. "Can I show you around? Is not much, I know, but–"
"Not much?" You laughed a little as you took his hand. "This place is beautiful, I love it. Please show me around."
His smile was nearly blinding and he squeezed your hand before he started walking. 
Javi led you outside, to a quiet spot that overlooked the ocean. He sat on a bench, and you sat next to him, looking at the moonlight on the water. It was beautiful. 
Maybe even more beautiful this time around. 
"Something weighs heavy on you," Javi said, soft and genuine. Guileless, as was his way. 
You sighed, leaning back and looking up at the sky instead. "It's just… a lot," you told him softly. It was easier to talk this way, not looking at him, not paying attention to his reactions. "I, um. I know the other two men. And. It's just." You sighed, short and sharp. 
"A lot," Javi offered softly, non judgemental. 
"Exactly." You finally looked at him to gauge his reaction. 
He just looked patient, a little sympathetic. "If you want to talk about it…" He trailed off carefully. 
You mulled over the offer, watching him. But he didn't waver. So you nodded slowly. "It's not the prettiest picture," you warned him. 
Javi snorted, amused, though you hadn't the foggiest idea of why. "Do not worry about that," he said, waving off your concern. "You cannot frighten me off." 
So you took a deep breath. "When I was here the first time, I met Dave. We… had a lot of fun together, and I…" You swallowed hard, blinking. This had not gotten any easier than the last time you'd talked about this. "Well, I really liked him. Then he left without a proper goodbye, just a note. That was… hard. Jack came into my life unexpectedly, and we had a few wonderful nights together. Never promised more than just some fun. And then he was gone, too." You paused there. "I don't really know how I feel about seeing them again now. But the feelings are definitely strong." 
Javi was quiet for a few long moments, and you worried you had gone too far. Then he smiled a little, holding out one hand to you. When you took it, he squeezed your hand. "You need space," he said softly. "And friends."
Relief washed through you, nearly overpowering. "Yes."
"I will give you whatever I can," Javi told you, squeezing your hand again. "Just ask and it is yours."
Unexpected tears spring to your eyes, and you leaned in to hug him instead as tight as you could. There was barely a moment of hesitation before he hugged you back, crooning soft Spanish into your ear as you tried hard not to cry. 
“You will feel better tomorrow,” Javi murmured, patting your back. You leaned back, wiping briefly under your eyes. 
“I will,” you agreed. “I’ll ask Sam, but maybe tomorrow we can go out to the olive grove.”
“An excellent idea!” Javi grinned, standing and offering you a hand up. “I will arrange a, hm, picnic for us!” 
“Sounds good to me.” You smiled. “Thank you, Javi. You’re a good man.”
Javi flushed and waved you off. “Go, rest. I will see you in the morning.”
Feeling better than you had all day, you turned and headed back inside, towards your room. 
Movement caught your eye and you stopped in the hallway outside your room. Turning slowly, you were somehow unsurprised to find Dave standing there. Hair neat and tidy. Eyes dark and intense. Hands loose at his sides. 
Miles seemed to stretch between you and Dave, despite the fact that you were in the same room. You could barely hear past the rushing of your blood in your ears, but Dave wasn’t speaking anyway. He was just… standing. Just standing. Watching you. 
After all, he’d had his chance to say what he wanted, and left the floor open for you. As if you’d be able to talk, be coherent at all, after the bombshell he’d just dropped on you.
The silence stretched, tight and uncomfortable. Dave opened his mouth to say something, and you turned away. No sound came from behind you as you opened the door to your room, stepped inside, and locked it behind you. 
You didn’t move until you heard light footsteps, walking away, growing fainter until they were gone. 
It took you a long time to fall asleep.
Javi was as good as his word, allowing you and Sam both to sleep in and then abducting you after breakfast. It wasn’t a long drive out to the olive grove, but it was a pleasant one. You sat in the backseat with the basket full of food, giving Sam the benefit of the nicer views. 
The picnic, of course, was lovely. The food was delicious. Everyone behaved themselves. 
It was just a really nice day, and you needed that. 
"I've been invited out to a friend's party," Javi told the two of you as you all worked together to pack up the remains of lunch. "Do you want to come with me?" He looked at you hopefully. 
You shrugged. "Sure," you said easily, putting the cap back on your drink. "If Sam wants to go."
"Definitely." Sam grinned, mischief in her eyes, which made you a little nervous. "What time do we need to leave?"
Javi shrugged, picking up the basket. "Any time this evening. I believe the invite said 8, but nobody will mind if we show up late." 
"Perfect." Sam looked at you, still mischievous. "Gives us plenty of time to get ready."
You had a feeling she meant more than just changing clothes.
As soon as the two of you were back at the villa, Sam dragged you back to her room, shutting the door and pushing you towards the bed. 
"Updates. Now." 
You sighed. "What do you want to know?"
"We've been with Javi all day and I saw no flirting!"
You snorted, you couldn't help it. "Sam. Babe. Javi and I are friends. We had a good talk last night and decided we're just friends. Which I am honestly grateful for." 
Sam nodded, looking contemplative. "So that's Javi. What about the other two?"
And there you paused. Because. You really did have a lot of conflicting emotions about them. "Sam… I don't know. I had a brief conversation with Jack, he seemed to want to pick up where we left off last time. And Dave…" You faltered there, throat closing. 
"Did you see him?" At your silent nod, Sam pursed her lips. "Has he apologized to you? For leaving?"
"Not yet." You sucked in a deep breath. "But it's fine." 
"Hm." Sam fortunately relented then. "So, party tonight. You did bring the dress with you, right?"
You rolled your eyes. "I did. I will wear it tonight." 
"Good." Sam looked pleased, going to rummage through her suitcase. "I'm gonna read for a bit before we have to get ready."
"Sounds good," you agreed, standing. "I'll be in my room." 
You did go ahead and get out your dress once you were in your room, examining it to make sure it didn't need to be ironed or anything. And then you sat on the bed to read and relax for a while. 
Sam knocking on your door prompted you to get up and change, putting in pretty earrings as well. A quick once-over to make sure you looked presentable, and you joined Sam in the hallway. 
"I will be the envy of the party," Javi declared on seeing you both. "Arriving with two lovely ladies on my arm." He winked, and you laughed. 
"How far is it?" You asked curiously as Javi led you both to the car again. 
"Not far," Javi answered. "In truth we could walk, but I am lazy and I hate this hill." 
That startled you into giggles again, and you were still grinning as you slid into the backseat. 
The drive was short, as promised, and you followed Javi and Sam into the party. There were lots of people around, but it didn't feel too crowded. At least not yet. 
And for a while things were fun. You danced with Sam, and you two dragged Javi out onto the dance floor with you. 
And then someone slid into your space behind you, hands light on your hips. You tensed, just about ready to turn and tell the person off, when a soft voice spoke right next to your ear. 
"Relax, sweetheart. I've got you." 
Almost against your will, you relaxed. You'd never been able to tell Dave no. 
"Easy, sweetheart," Dave whispered in the dark of the room, both hands on your hips, his chest flush with your back. "I've got you."
"Dave," you whined, biting your lip. 
"I've got you," Dave repeated, hands squeezing you before he started to move, so slowly it was torture. 
"Why are you here?" You tipped your head back, trying to look at him. All you caught was a glimpse of dark hair before he spun the two of you, keeping you upright but off-balance enough that you needed the help. 
"I wanted to see you. To apologize." He spoke right into your ear over the music. 
You grit your teeth, partly at his timing and scheming, and partly at his gall. "Not here," you ground out. 
Dave took your hand, pulling you into a spin before leading you out of the room. You'd lost track of Sam and Javi, and just hoped that they were still having fun. 
He led you outside and away from the party, ending up on a paved walkway between buildings. You stepped away from him, heart racing. 
"I want to apologize," he started, softly, hands out at his sides. Trying to show he was no threat. 
"Now?" You laughed a little, the sound cracking halfway through. "Dave, there's nothing for us to talk about. You dropped all that on me and left, and you couldn't even look me in the eye to say goodbye." 
Dave shook his head, taking a step towards you. "Sweetheart, no–"
"It's fine," you cut him off, stepping back. "I understand. You had things to go back to. I know. I saw you got married, had your own life. I’m glad. If you feel you have to make things right, don't worry about it." 
"Carol is gone."
The quiet words stopped you cold. "I'm sorry for your loss."
Dave shook his head, frustrated. "Sweetheart, she was never you."
"Don't," you whispered, pleading. "Don't do this to me." 
"I swear to you, I thought of you every day." He started towards you slowly, carefully stalking you, eyes intent on your every move. "She was never you. Do you have any idea how many times I almost tracked you down?"
"Dave," you whispered, wide eyed, pulse pounding. "What are you doing?"
His jaw clenched, eyes flashing. "What I should have done ten years ago." He boxed you in against the building behind you, one big hand cupping the back of your head and tipping your head up. But he didn't kiss you, keeping a bare distance between you. "I should have brought you home with me. I wanted to. I won't make that mistake again." 
"It's been ten years," you pointed out, entirely reasonably. "We're not the same people we were then." 
"Then tell me to go." He dipped his head, nudging his nose against yours with aching tenderness. "Tell me to leave you alone."
And you… couldn't say the words. You swallowed, mouth opening. But you couldn't speak. 
With a triumphant noise, Dave closed the space between you, kissing you with all the pent up passion of ten years. You moaned softly into his mouth, hands raising to helplessly grasp his shirt. Somehow, he felt every bit as good as you remembered. 
Someone knocked over something loud behind Dave, and you pulled back with a gasp. Dave's eyes narrowed and he turned to look, giving you a chance to look as well. 
Jack stood there, watching the two of you, lips parted just a little. Silence stretched, tension pulling tight against your skin. 
You broke first, ducking under Dave's arm and away from the wall. You fled. 
You did remember, on the walk back, to pull out your phone and text Sam that you were walking back and to have fun. 
And then you had time and quiet to think over what had just happened. 
Those feelings you still had for Dave were getting a whole lot clearer. 
But the question remained if you could move past the last time you saw him.
"I haven't told you everything." Dave stood a few feet away from you, his twitching fingers giving away his anxiety. 
"What, are you not really here for work?" You asked, half-joking. "Actually have a wife back in the States?" 
"No." Dave made a face. "I am here for work, but my work is… not as harmless as I led you to think." 
You were quiet for a minute, nerves simmering in your gut. "Just tell me. I don't like this guessing game shit."
Dave blew out a slow breath. "I was sent here for a contract," he said slowly. "My team and I eliminated a threat. I asked for extra time here after we completed our mission."
"Eliminated?" You asked faintly. 
Miles seemed to stretch between you and Dave, despite the fact that you were in the same room. You could barely hear past the rushing of your blood in your ears, but Dave wasn’t speaking anyway. He was just… standing. Just standing. Watching you. 
After all, he’d had his chance to say what he wanted, and left the floor open for you. As if you’d be able to talk, be coherent at all, after the bombshell he’d just dropped on you.
You blinked at him, mouth opening and closing a few times uselessly. "Aren't there rules against telling people that kind of shit?" is what you managed to get out. 
Dave shrugged, unconcerned. "Usually, yes. I trust you." 
You gaped at him. "You… What is this, Dave? Why are you telling me?"
"So you have the whole picture." Dave still didn't move towards you. 
"The whole picture," you repeated, a little numbly. "I don't know what to do with this. I really don't. I just…" You trailed off, staring at him. "Why now?"
Finally, his lips twisted in displeasure, eyes dark as he looked away from you. "I have to go soon."
"How soon?" Your heart dropped somewhere in your stomach. 
"I don't know exactly. Soon." 
You let out a slow breath. Okay. So he'd given you some honestly terrifying information about himself… but nothing to actually send you running. "Okay."
"Okay?" He looked back at you, fingers curling and uncurling. 
"Okay. At least for right now, let's shelve that and have dinner like we planned." 
He relaxed, shoulders lowering, and smiled at you. Finally, he stepped in closer, both hands rising to cup your cheeks. 
"You are something else, sweetheart." He kissed you then, too many emotions for you to parse between you. "Let's go to dinner."
You blinked back to yourself at the bottom of the hill. Javi was right, it looked like an absolute bitch to walk. You groaned softly but started up the hill. 
"Hey! Sugar!" 
You sighed and hung your head but you stopped to let Jack catch up with you. "Yeah?"
Jack didn't smile for once, instead searching your expression closely. "If you're in any trouble…"
"What?" You blinked at him, honestly caught off guard. "You mean Dave?"
His lips thinned. "Sugar, he's not a good man." 
Several things occurred to you at once. The first was that Jack knew what Dave did. The second was that Jack had some kind of job that meant he knew what Dave did. The third was… you really didn't care. 
"Maybe," you admitted. "But you know what? He's been good to me. You both have, in your own ways. So thanks for trying to warn me, or whatever, but I'm good." 
Jack blinked, momentarily flabbergasted. "You know?"
You smiled grimly. "He told me right before he left," you said. "Now. I'm going up the hill to go to bed."
Jack was quiet for a moment. "Mind if I walk with you?"
"Sure." You shrugged. Both of you were quiet on the walk back up to the villa.
Javi had definitely been right about the hill. 
"Sugar." Jack turned to face you, putting his hands on his hips, even as you were still recovering from the walk. "Just so you know… you can call me if you need anything. Get into trouble, need a lift, anything." He held your gaze, frowning just a little. 
You smiled, touched by the unexpected offer. "Thank you. I appreciate it." 
Jack nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go check in before bed. Night, darlin'." 
You murmured your own good night and trudged inside and up to your room. You moved slowly through your bedtime routine, too distracted to pay much attention to what you were doing. 
Dave had made his intentions pretty clear earlier. He still wanted you. Had never stopped wanting you, if he had been telling the truth. You were still mad at him for leaving you ten years ago without even a proper goodbye, but… but you had missed him. You'd missed being with him. 
Sam was right. You had a second chance here. All you had to do was take it, reach past the hurt and the questions. 
If that was indeed what you wanted. 
You laid there for a long time, staring at the dark ceiling, the quiet less soothing than you wanted for the background of your churning thoughts. 
You heard Sam and Javi returning from the party, and only smiled. You were glad they'd had fun. 
And that? Well. Guess you had your answer. 
So, naturally, you didn't see Dave the next day at all. But the following day he found you. 
You looked up from your book, somehow unsurprised to find Dave standing in front of you. You shifted to make room and patted the bench next to you in silent invitation. Dave sat quietly, posture rigid. 
He'd come for your final answer, then. 
"Let me ask you one thing." You looked straight at him, setting your book down in your lap. 
"Anything." He swallowed, lifting his chin subtly. 
"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" You didn't succeed at keeping the hurt from your voice. Really, everything else you had already dealt with, but this? This had plagued you for ten years. 
Dave grimaced, like he'd expected the question but it still hurt. "It wasn't my choice," he answered slowly. "I was informed we had to bug out immediately. One of my guys came and got me, or I would have ignored orders." 
You sat quietly, letting that sink in. He would have stayed. He would have waited. For you.  
Taking a deep breath, ignoring the rabbit-quick beating of your heart, you turned to face him fully. Shoulders back, chin up, eyes narrowed just the slightest bit. "If you ever do anything like that again, you will never see me again. Understood?"
Dave blinked, lips parting a little in surprise, before ever so slowly he started to smile. "Yes ma'am." 
You swallowed, licking your lips. "Good." 
He lifted one hand, cupping your cheek, thumb rubbing over your skin. "Does that mean you'll come back with me?" 
"Yes." You didn't even think about it. At this point, there really was only one answer you could give. "I will." 
Dave grinned, sharp and triumphant and a little bit adoring, and kissed you. It was messy and passionate and there was more than a little bit of teeth involved, but it was perfect. When he finally pulled back, you had one hand in his hair, and you were panting. Faintly, you could hear him whispering against your skin as he pressed kisses against your throat. 
"Thank you." Kiss. "Never leave you again." A more or less gentle nip. "Never again." Teeth scraped over your collarbone. 
"Inside," you growled at him, tugging his hair. 
The two of you somehow got to your feet, a tangle of limbs and lips and only one incident where you nearly fell. 
Logically, you knew it wasn't this easy. You'd have to talk logistics and jobs and all that. You'd have to check in with Sam (although she was getting pretty cozy with Javi). 
But you were going to give this a chance. You were going to fight for this. For the two of you. 
And judging by the grasp he had on your hips and the way clothes were falling as soon as your bedroom door closed, Dave was going to do the same. 
That would be enough. You would make it work. You smiled, took a deep breath, and fell one last time, trusting he would catch you. 
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ishalltakeyourknees · 5 months
I'm so sorry about your Dewey
if you'd like to share, I'd love to hear who you think is Sophie's dad and why
Thank you anon I will take you up on that
So the problem with the Mamma Mia movies is that the canons are different. In the first movie, Donna sleeps with Sam on July 17 and he stays with her for a while, we're not exactly sure how long. Then it's Bill on August 4 and Harry on August 11. Now this is pretty easy to figure out because this is all in a 26-day period, and assuming Donna has a pretty regular 28-day cycle we can do the math pretty easily. If we say that Donna's last period ended on July 15, then ovulation day would probably be on July 29 give or take a couple of days. Sam needs to be gone by August 4, but if he was there the week of July 29, it's pretty certain he's the dad.
Now Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is a whole other kettle of fish. They basically throw what we know from the last movie out the window and set it on fire. But if we assume that Donna's escapades start on July 17, we can figure it out. Donna meets Harry in Paris and sleeps with him, and the next day she's off to Greece. I don't know how she got there rhat fast but they do say it's the next day a couple of times so I'm going with it. She then meets Bill who she does not sleep with however the do sing a very fun rendition of Why Did it Have to Be Me which establishes their attraction for each other. The arrive at Kalokairi and Bill says he's going to a racing competition and will not be back for three weeks. He then looks at the sky and says he thinks a storm is coming. Donna brushes this off and breaks into a house. She's looking around and it starts to rain, and she goes into the basement of another building and there's a horse there. The horse gets spooked, presumably by the storm, kicks at a load-bearing column and almost kills Donna. Donna goes for help and find Sam who is riding a motorcycle in the rain. Sam goes to help, and he and Donna start a relationship. I think this is all in the same day. They then carry on this relationship for about a week. Donna finds Sam's engagement photo which apparently he just carries around and kicks him out. Bill comes back August 8ish and they hook up, and presumably a couple weeks later we see Donna forgo an alcoholic drink and then vomit. Morning sickness starts around the 4th week of pregnancy. The fertile window is the 5 days leading up to ovulation, the day of ovulation, and the day after. If we say that Donna's last period ended on July 15, and ovulation is 14 days after, and Donna and Sam were together for a week, then Donna's fertile window opened on July 24. Sam left around July 25 or 26. In this case as well, I believe that Sam is Sophie's father.
This means that Sophie is a Taurus and it is quite possible that she and I share a birthday.
This is probably incoherent but I was excited to talk about mamma mia, I've actually been working on a video essay that dives into it, and you've just got a sneak peek into it. Congrats
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writerkenna · 1 year
hey kenna!! <3 for the ask game: 32, 40, 46, 56 and 71!
Hey! Thank youuuu for these awesome q’s!
32: Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Tbh, my first thought here is YOU!!! I love every single thing you write! It’s so romantic and soft and always a good time (except when you emotionally destroy me of course)
Next, shout out to @problematicturtle , aka cm! I’m lucky to get to beta a bunch of their fics and they are so fascinating and well-written. Honestly, their writing is prob what got me fully hooked in the sambucky fandom.
And finally, eternal love to the goddess herself @hollyhark , from whom I’m basically stole my whole writing style 😂
40: If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Lucky for me and everyone, @anonymous-pandabear HAS made me beautiful fanart for two of my fics!
If I were ever so lucky as to receive more tho, I think my top picks would always be any of the OC children I’ve made for my fics. I’d love to see either of Steve and Tony’s kids from my havin’ my baby series drawn.
I’d also love to see some art of early 90’s, 21-year old versions of Steve, Sam, and Nat from my Mamma Mia verse!
46: How would you describe your style? (Character/ emotion/action-driven, etc)
I’d say my style is heavily character/emotion driven. I tend to get really introspective with my POV character’s thoughts and go through every detail of what they’re going through. It’s always gonna be feelings forward for me.
56: What's something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
My realism. I’m big on researching for fics, but I’m also big on inserting my own loved experiences in there, too. I definitely use my fair share of tropes, but I try not to center my fics on them and rather focus on the raw humanness of the characters I’m writing.
71: When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
I’m a big plotter. I LOVE outlines, love making mood boards and Spotify playlists. I also love a good timeline.
Generally, before a fic, I try to get the outline and the chapter pacing worked out as much as I can prior to writing. I always edit it as I write, but it’s good to have a solid jumping off point.
Here’s an example of how I outlined the mm1 fic:
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Thank you soooo much for these asks!! I loved answering all of them
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jensensitive · 1 year
John in buckleming episodes
(just compiled via ctrl-f-ing transcripts, so probably missing something or other)
1x13 Route 666
Am I speaking a language you're not getting here? Dad and I were working a job in Ohio, she was finishing up college. We went out for a coupla weeks.
(Hesitantly) You know, I'm still really involved. With my dad's work.
7x05 Shut Up Dr Phil
7x13 The Slice Girls
7x19 Of Grave Importance
8x03 Heartache
8x15 man’s Best Friend With Benefits
8x19 Taxi Driver
9x03 I’m No Angel
9x09 Holy Terror
9x16 Blade Runners
9x21 King of the Damned
(gavin and crowley)
CROWLEY (answering phone) Squirrel. I hope you were nice to your father.
DEAN (driving, on phone) What? Shut up. Look, we got the Blade.
10x03 Soul Survivor
DEAN: You notice I tried to get as far away from you as possible? Away from your whining, your complaining. I chose the King of Hell over you! Maybe I was just … tired of babysitting you. Or always having to yank your lame ass out of the fire since …
[Dean laughs.]
DEAN: Forever. Or maybe … Maybe it was the fact that my mother would still be alive if it wasn’t for you. That your very existence sucked the life out of my life!
SAM: This isn’t my brother talking.
DEAN: You never had a brother! Just an excuse for not manning up. But guess what: I quit.
SAM: No. No, you don’t. You don’t get to quit. We don’t get to quit in this family! This family is all we have ever had!
DEAN: Well, then, we got nothin’.
SAM: Would you say that to Dad?
DEAN: Dad? Oh, there’s a prize. There’s a man who brainwashed us into wasting our lives fighting his losing battle!
10x10 The Hunter Games
10x16 Paint It Black
10x21 Dark Dynasty
(eldon and his father)
11x03 The Bad Seed
11x09 O Brother Where Art Thou?
Sam: You’re sitting there with the Book of the Damned and the means to read every word, and you think I’m going to set you free? Do I look crazy?
Rowena: Well, you do have unresolved issues with your domineering older brother and the abandonment by your father.
Sam: You know what? Just get back to work! All right.
11x18 Hell’s Angel
11x21 All In the Family
Dean: Here's the thing, um...Chuck... And I mean no disrespect. Um... I'm guessing you came back to help with the Darkness, and that's great. That's, you know – It's fantastic. Um, but you've been gone a – a... long, long time. And there's so much crap that has gone down on the Earth for thousands of years. I mean, plagues and wars, slaughters. And you were, I don't know, writing books, going to fan conventions. Were you even aware, o-or did you just tune it out?
Chuck: I was aware, Dean.
Dean: But you did nothing. And, again, I-I'm not trying to piss you off. You know, I don't want to turn into a pillar of salt.
Chuck: I actually… didn't do that.
Dean: Okay. People – People pray to you. People build churches for you. They fight wars in your name, and you did nothing.
Chuck: You're frustrated. I get it. Believe me, I was hands-on – Real hands-on for, wow, ages. I was so sure if I kept stepping in, teaching, punishing, that these beautiful creatures that I created... would grow up. But it only stayed the same. And I saw that I needed to step away and let my baby find its way. Being overinvolved is no longer parenting. [Sighs] It's enabling.
Dean: But it didn't get better.
Chuck: Well, I've been mulling it over. And from where I sit, I think it has.
Dean: Well, from where I sit, it feels like you left us and you're trying to justify it.
Chuck: I know you had a complicated upbringing, Dean, but don't confuse me with your dad.
12x02 Mamma Mia 
(with action lines from production draft)
Dean: Sleep okay?
Mary: I had dreams all night. I haven’t had dreams for… thirty years.
Dean: Good dreams?
Mary: Stuff I’d forgotten about. Funny things your dad did. He was a great father.
Dean considers this. Almost takes up the topic. Thinks better of it. Smiles a vague smile.
MARY: Very. The thing is, Hunters... no matter how good they are, they all end up the same way.
DEAN: You know when you died, it changed Dad. I mean, he was Hell-bent on finding out what happened. The Hunter life, it just took him over. I guess I was the same. But Sammy – Sammy, he was different. He wanted out. He went to school. He went to Stanford.
MARY: Sam had a chance to get out? And he came back?
DEAN: When Dad disappeared, Sam and I looked around, and something became very clear. That the only thing we had in this world – the only thing, aside from this car – was each other.
(production draft version)
MARY: Very.
He smiles. But Mary doesn’t– she knows the truth–
Mary: The thing is… Hunters... No matter how good they are? They all end up the same way.
Dean (teasing): Rich and happy?
But Mary’s not in a joking mood–
Mary: I mean, the life… Sometimes it’s exciting… The adrenaline rush. Just wish you and Sam hadn’t signed up.
DEAN (with difficulty): When you… Died… Dad changed. He was Hell-bent on finding out what happened. The Hunter life took him over. I guess I’m a lot like him, if I’m bein’ honest, and I took to it. But Sammy. Different guy. He wanted out. Went to Stanford.
(off her startled look)
I know, right? Dad could never get his head around it.
MARY (incredulous): Sam had a chance to get out? And he… came back?
DEAN: When… Dad disappeared… Sam and I looked around, and things got real clear. The only thing Sam and I had in the world… The only thing. Except for this car… Was… Each other.
She stares, realizing the truth in this, as tears appear.
SAM: Dad's journal. His writing, his words. Helped me fill in some blanks, answer some questions I didn't know I had. And, you know, it – it – it keeps him with us, sort of.
MARY: Thank you.
12x08 LOTUS
12x13 Family Feud
ROWENA Uh, to be honest, I'm not sure. I was forced to leave, you see.
GAVIN Oh. That's too bad. L-Left him with his father, did you?
ROWENA Well...
GAVIN You left him alone?!
ROWENA He was eight, he seemed very enterprising.
12x17 The British Invasion
12x21 There’s Something about Mary
TONI: You're being realigned. Soon, you won't differentiate between your thinking and ours.
All of your thoughts and actions will come from us.
MARY: What are you talking about?
TONI: Well, not about this illusion of you that you hold on to. The perfect life. Loving husband and kids. But it never really was perfect, was it? All those secrets you kept from your beloved John – that you were a Hunter. That you invited Azazel to visit when he spared John's life.
MARY: How do you –
TONI: I have sources, Mary. Everywhere. After you died, your beloved John was a man slowly going mad, searching for revenge. What? Your boys didn't tell you? The drunken rages? The weeks of abandonment? Child abuse, really. It's no wonder they're damaged. So enough with the fairy tale. We are returning you to a more pure version of yourself – Mary Campbell, natural born killer.
(production draft version)
Toni: You're being… realigned. Soon, you won't differentiate between your thinking and ours.
All of your thoughts and actions will come from us.
Mary can only stare, stunned.
Toni: In a way, we’re doing you a favor. Putting you back in touch with who you really are.
Mary: What are you talking about?
Toni: Well, not about this illusion of you that you hold on to….the “perfect life,” the “loving husband and kids…”
 But it never really was perfect, was it? The secrets you kept from your beloved John – that you were a Hunter. That you invited Azazel to visit.
Mary: How do you…
Toni: You left your sons without a mother. Without a father, for that matter. You “beloved John” was a man slowly going mad, searching for revenge.
(off Mary’s stare)
Oh, your boys didn't tell you? The drunken rages? The weeks of abandonment? Child abuse, really. No wonder they're… damaged.
Mary stares, stunned, trying to process.
Toni: So enough with the fairy tale. We’re returning you to a more pure version of yourself – Mary Campbell, natural born killer.
13x02 The Rising Son
BARTENDER I hated my old man. I ran away myself. See, my mom would never stick up for me. But… (sighs) you know kids. No matter what, they still want the old man’s approval. Well, that’s how it was with me, just…
DEAN You know, that’s, uh, that’s how it was with me, too.
13x07 War of the Worlds
13x13 Devil’s Bargain
13x18 Bring Em Back Alive
SAM: Gabriel, you have to dig yourself out of this hole. Look, I know you think it's safer inside. No more torture. No more pain. No more expectations. I've been there. You were nothing like your family. You sure as hell weren't like your dad. Me either. And just like you, I got out. Or I-I thought I got out. But then... then my family needed me. And this is my life. No matter how many times I tried to fight it, this is what I was put here to do. This is where I make the world a better place. And sure, yeah, hookers in Monte Carlo sounds great, but your family needs you.
13x22 Exodus
14x02 Gods and Monsters
14x07 Unhuman Nature
Dean: Well, bait and beer. You are a cheap date. This certainly isn't Tahiti.
Jack: You once told me you and your father did the exact same thing. It was your happiest memory of him.
Dean: I didn't say that.
Jack: It was how you said it. I could tell.
14x12 Prophet and Loss
DEAN I know I wasn’t always the greatest brother to you.
SAM Dean, you were the one who was always there for me. The only one. I mean, you practically raised me.
DEAN I know things got dicey… you know, with dad… the way he was. And I just… I didn’t always look out for you the way that I should’ve. I mean, I had my own stuff, you know. In order to keep the peace, it probably looked like I took his side quite a bit. Sometimes when I was… when I was away, you know it wasn’t ‘cause I just ran out, right? Dad would… he would send me away when I really pissed him off. I think you knew that.
(blue pages)
DEAN It’s just that… I know I wasn’t always the greatest big brother.
Sam stares over at him.
SAM Dean, you were the one who was always there for me. You raised me.
DEAN Yeah, well, things could still get dicey…with dad. The way he was. And I didn’t always look out for you like I should’ve. I mean, I had my own stuff goin’ on with him, so to keep the peace I’d– it must’ve looked like I took his side…
SAM I was just a kid…
DEAN And sometimes I wasn’t around at all. You know I didn’t just run out, right? Well, sometimes I did. But Dad would send me away when I really pissed him off; I think you knew that.
14x19 Jack in the Box
Dean: She could handle a machete. She could handle a vampire. She could handle our old man. She couldn't cook worth a damn. Mom, you weren't here long enough. But we're so glad for the time that we had. Goodbye, Mom.
Sam: We know that Mom's not sitting on a cloud playing a harp. She's in a good place. Or she's in a great place. She's with Dad.
Dean: Hmm.
(writer’s draft)
Sam: And we know Mom’s not sitting on a cloud with a harp. But she’s in a good place. In her personal heaven with her best memories.
Dean: Fair enough.
15x02 Raising Hell
BELPHEGOR: Yeah, yeah, not gonna happen. Souls cast down to Hell? That's the end of it. Heaven can't take 'em.
SAM: That's not true. Our dad made it to Heaven after he was in Hell.
DEAN: And Bobby Singer.
15x08 Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven
SAM: But if Michael helped Chuck overpower Amara, then maybe he also knows how to lock him up.
CASTIEL: Perhaps, but even if we could get to him, he wouldn't tell us.
DEAN: I don't know. But I mean, if my dad kept me locked up in a cage for 10 years, I might be looking to get some payback. It's worth a shot.
ADAM: The point is parents keep secrets, right? Does it hurt to ask the question? 
MICHAEL: Yes! It would. It would mean that I doubt him. The good son, the favorite, doubts his father.
ADAM: You still care about that? After he left you in the Cage?
15x13 Destiny’s Child
ALT!DEAN: We actually don't drink much of this stuff.
ALT!SAM: Dad won't keep it in the house. He only likes his "private-label Scotch." He spoils us.
SAM: Wait, your dad is... still around?
DEAN: And he "spoils" you?
(script: Sam and Dean stare.)
ALT!SAM: Well, he did. We don't know where he is now. Uh, we all went through the rift together, but, uh, guess we got separated.
ALT!DEAN: Mm. To Dad.
(Not in script:) ALT!SAM: Best guy ever.
(script: They clink bottles. Sam and Dean are staring, dumbfounded.)
SAM: HunterCorp?
ALT!DEAN: Yeah. Well, got to hand it to the old man, huh? Pretty much built up an entire empire from scratch.
ALT!SAM: To Dad.
(Not in script:) ALT!DEAN: Smartest guy ever.
(script: They clink bottles again. Sam and Dean look at each other.)
(Alt Dean finding Dean’s porn)
ALT!SAM: Can you imagine if Dad caught us with that kind of stuff? Goodbye, trust funds.
15x19 Inherit the Earth
(script and deleted lines)
Sam: To Jack
They touch bottles and drink.
Dean: And Cas. And Mom.
Sam: And Adam.
Dean: And Kelly. And Bobby. And John.
Sam: Dad?
Dean: Yeah.
Sam shrugs; they take long pulls from the beers. Dean sighs wistfully.
Dean: And everyone… we’ve lost along the way.
Drink and silence.
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pixiemage · 2 years
Why did I turn on anon? Anyways hi!
Warning this was created in my head when I was slightly drunk in like june... it all started after Donna got called a slut by her friends, and for whatever reason I tought off Scar and how the fandom calls him a slut
Scar as Donna (reason kinda mentioned above, also strong headed)
Grian as Rosie (Rosie is small but fiesty and knows what she wants, she also gets called Little Hermit at the start of the movie)
Mumbo as Tanya (how could I not, also both are more wealthy and beter dressed than their friends)
Jimmy as Sophie (I was thinking, 'who would mail 3 potential dads, asking them to come to the wedding?' My answer was Jimmy)
Scott as Sky, Sophie's lover (this was made early June so yeah Flower Hobbits was still in my mind, Tango could also work but I'll stick with Scott)
Martyn as Bill (tell me he doesn't give Bill vibes. The adventures guy with the jokes)
Joel as Harry (Harry is the 'spontaneous' slightly nervous guy, idk Joel kinda reminds me of him)
Ren? (I'm not sure) as Sam (this is the one I'm still not sure about. I have no clue who would fit as Sam, maybe Impulse fits? I have no clue even after almost 6 months)
So that's it. And this all started because I was slightly drunk, fully into Hermicraft, while the fandom was at its scitties hight, watching one of my favorite movies for the millionth time, when I heard a character in a trio getting called a slut... my brain spiraled from there and in a good 15 minutes I wrote the basic roles.
Listen. Listen. First of all oh it's you, hello!!! But SECOND - dude. This is actually so good what. (And yes, holy shit, Martyn has Bill vibes.) Also I may be a Team Rancher lover at heart, but I've always loved Flower Husbands (and let's be honest, Flower Ranchers is also adorable, though unrelated to this particular AU lmao.)
God yeah - Sam's a tough one. Unless you were to shift things around, make one of Scar's besties Cub, flip a Mumbo or Grian into Sam's role - I don't know lol. I don't know Mamma Mia as well as I wish I did so I legitimately had to go find the cast list from the movie to put names to faces for this ADFDSGSDGHFGD. (And it's your AU, so none of it's up to me anyway!)
But yes. Yes. MCYT Mamma Mia AU. Love it.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 258
Mamma Mia/Face the Raven
“Mamma Mia”
Plot Description: a reluctant Dean brings Mary along on a mission to rescue Sam. Crowley receives word that Lucifer has possessed the body of an aging rock star
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: this has to be some kind of mind trickery…there’s no way Sam’s fucking the lady from London…unless. Unless? That’s what he meant by telling her “screw you” over and over last episode. Oh. No one died
Omgggg Dean opening up to Cas about how weird it is to have Mary back, I’m losing my mind ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ohhhh, Dean gets his guilt complex from his mom
I KNEW it! I knew this wasn’t real. I knew Sam was hallucinating that whole thing
Can she STOP seemingly killing Sam FOR FIVE MINUTES??
Love Rowena scamming this guy, making up a backstory about being a prima ballerina. She can do whatever she wants forever. Stop getting in the way of her getting that man’s bread, Crowley!!
I was gonna say I can’t believe Lucifer came all the way to Cleveland but…actually I can. That seems like a thing that would happen here. Of course he showed up as this rock star’s dead girlfriend to get him to say yes to possession
Dammit Crowley, let her have this. At the same time, Rowena, I’m sure you can find another old rich guy with limited time left in earth to scam. You are hot af, girl, let this one go. Don’t get wrapped up in Crowley’s schemes
Ah damn, she got Dean…
Oh, Ro Ro, I can’t believe you let your son drag you into this again
Oooo, just a smidge of body horror on my lunch break? Getting very um…end of chapter 349 vibes, and it’s concerning to me
Not to say spn should kill off another woman, but they’re spending a whole lot of time not shooting London lady
Aw, Mary’s adjusting. She’s figuring out modern life ❤️ and her boys are helping her
Noooooo, dammit, Lucifer’s keeping Rowena prisoner now. She spends so much time fighting for her freedom…I’m so mad this is happening to her
Legitimately crying at this scene between Sam and Mary.
God…as much as Dean tries to be like his father in many ways, he’s also JUST like his mom. I wish they’d just come together to talk it out instead of going through photos and John’s journal separately
“Face the Raven”
Plot Description: The Doctor and Clara find themselves in an alien world, hidden on a street in London
At least today I know if there’s no picture, there’s something wrong (oh good, there’s picture)
Oh shit! Is this one of the kids she’d nanny for before?? He seems too old to be, but what do I know? I’m just sayin I can’t imagine her giving any student but the girl she took to the moon the TARDIS’s phone number
Oh!! Oh wait! This is the guy from when there was an alien turning people 2D!! Ok ok that…it’s been a while since he’s been here
They only have like 6.5 hours to save Rigsy??
When you’ve read enough John Green to immediately get what Clara’s saying when she starts talking about trap streets on maps
Ooooo, is that like a maroon velvet blazer the Doctor is wearing?? Maybe not
Not Arya is back! And she’s the one who sentenced Rigsy to death
Ok, so…the budget for this episode is very weird. First, there’s a whole huge set that is very reminiscent of a certain hidden street from [fandom redacted] where many different alien species have gathered as refugees…HOWEVER, the street lamps cause everyone to be undercover in a facade of the viewer’s own normal experiences. Sometimes there’s a glitch, and you can bypass the illusion (so we briefly see an Ood giving medical-ish attention to a cyberman), but it mostly feels like how spn makes all its monsters look like people
Clara don’t you dare. Don’t you dare try to take the death sentence from him. I mean, it’s…your plan isn’t necessarily the WORST, but it’s hella risky
Is that just subtle bi Clara confirmation? Talking about her relationship to Jane Austen and saying “god, I love her. Take that how you like”
Oof. She has GOT to stop making deals with random aliens. She nearly ripped reality apart last time she did. She opened a portal to a different dimension. Now, she’s making deals to keep this street safe in exchange for the Doctor??
I’m not okay with this goodbye between Clara and the Doctor. I’m very distraught. I’m gonna miss them together.
There’s something extra cruel about making the Doctor watch his best friend die right in front of his eyes
Oh of COURSE it’s a “to be continued…” ending. You know…at least I SORT OF got what I wanted. One self contained episode, and now not a two parter. This seems to be a THREE parter
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sleepymarmot · 2 years
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (2018)
First things first. Who watches a purely positive film with a happy ending and then chooses to make a sequel where as the premise they kill off one of the leads, who is the heart even if not the protagonist of the original?! Thankfully, I knew this beforehand and wasn’t horribly shocked during the movie, but this is an automatic strike against it. Sure, the story they told makes sense, but in my heart this is just an AU to the canon where everyone lives happily ever after into very old age.
The tone feels different from the first one. Partially it’s due to the song selection: the original was a sing-along fest with all the big hits, so the second film had to go for less popular songs (some of which I’d never heard before). This meant, at least for me, that the two were watched in different ways: “jumping in my seat, clapping and singing along” vs “just sitting down and watching like any normal movie”.
If the original was a comedy, defined both by the amount of humor and the overall silliness — this is a musical that takes itself seriously. The choreography is less humorous and more polished. The singing is better, which is a good thing... But what I really liked about the original’s song selection and performance style was how the song lyrics often felt like the characters’ actual dialogue, performed in song form just because of the genre conventions. “Honey Honey” starts as a reenactment of Donna’s journal and ends as Sophie’s own words about meeting her father. The fathers reminisce to Sophie about “how they met her mother” through the lyrics of “Our Last Summer”. Meryl Streep delivers “The Winner Takes It All” like a dramatic monologue.
This approach is still used in the sequel, to be fair. My favorite is Sam’s reprise of “S.O.S.”, tragically recontextualized; the beginning of “Angeleyes” felt just like the first film again as Tanya and Rosie finished each others’ sentences while telling the story to Sophie. But too often the songs’ relevance to the scene was limited to a couple of lines, and they felt like characters deciding to perform a pre-written song mildly reminiscent of the current situation, rather than spontaneously expressing their feelings in rhyme. For example:
When Donna sings “When I Kissed The Teacher”, is she telling an anecdote from her life, is she referring to the kiss on the cheek she gives to the professor during the song, or has she simply chosen the most provocative and inappropriate song from her band’s repertoire? 
“Waterloo” has elaborate, inventive choreography, but it’s missing the heart of the song — its playful sexuality; why did they even give this song to Harry, who is supposed to be deluding himself about being attracted to Donna because he hasn’t realized he’s gay yet? (In retrospect, maybe “This guy doesn’t like the girl, he just likes musical theater” was the message they were going for, that’d be actually pretty clever, but the song choice is still weird even in that case.) 
Bill and Donna do have chemistry, thankfully, and “Why Did It Have To Be Me?” has not only the fun choreography but also just the right energy, but the lyrics aren’t really relevant — any upbeat love song would have worked here. (The lyrics would have actually been a great fit for the part of the story where Donna was “lonely and needed a man, someone to lean on”, maybe that’s where the song was meant to go originally and then was moved for some reason?)
The difference between the approaches to musical numbers in the two films is exemplified in the two performances of “Dancing Queen”. In the first film, it’s a motivation speech that two characters give to a third one, encouraging her to recapture the boldness and exuberance of her youth; the message spreads to the rest of the village, making every woman who hears it temporarily abandon her duties to become a dancing queen. In the second film, “Dancing Queen” is also one of the most joyful, celebratory scenes, but it isn’t really directed at Sophie and the lyrics are not particularly relevant; the point here is people united by dancing to happy and catchy music, the song could have been anything, and “Dancing Queen” was likely chosen as a callback to the first film and because of its iconic status.
I was moved, of course, by Donna’s appearance at the end. And once again, the closing number is a highlight. Great blend between the styles of “Waterloo” from the first film and musical theater, 10/10. As always, I love seeing the different versions of the same character on screen together. And where’s that quote about the catharsis of seeing the dead characters during the curtain call? (Update: found it!)
The casting of the young Donna and the Dynamos was incredible. I was almost seriously wondering if the young Tanya was played by the same actress as the old one! The dads were fine, though I thought they looked more similar to each other than their older selves, not to mention the changes in personality, looks and order of events. I understand why they weren’t given the comically ugly looks from the original film, but now they appear like normal conventionally attractive guys from 2010s; couldn’t there be a compromise? (Though I’m amused by young Harry being a different take on the Most English Guy Possible.)
Most of the retcons and continuity issues don’t bother me, but I don’t like the complete reversal of personality for Donna’s mom. She was supposed to be a conservative Catholic whose prejudices Donna internalized! It’s an important part of Donna’s character, actually!
I wrote about the first movie that the plot element of reading someone elseֹ’s diary without permission bothered me. Well, here’s its spiritual successor that takes the invasion of privacy even farther: everyone leaks the secret of Sophie’s pregnancy to one another until it becomes public knowledge. I chose to forgive the diary because it was the foundation of the plot, but this isn’t even necessary!
I continue to be a hater about Bill/Rosie, and the Bill/Harry scenes only added fuel to the fire. The hard cut from Donna jumping into Bill’s bed to Harry’s tied up hands and Bill making the straps tighter was truly inspired. They should make the third film just so this could be endgame, fight me. Why did they make Bill cheat on Rosie, anyway? (Let alone with a “young girl”, which is another can of worms.) If I wanted “men are trash” content I’d watch something else, or maybe turn off my computer and live in the real world for a bit! This universe is supposed to have well-intentioned miscommunication only!! Yes I know Sam cheated on his fiancee but he came clean and broke up with her as soon as he saw her again, it’s not the same!
The second film feels less subversive than the first somewhat. It tones down Donna’s irreverent approach to sex, presenting her relations in a more traditionally romantic and palatable manner. There’s a recurring joke where young Donna tries to insist she’s “not that kind of girl” — while in the first movie her friends state that being judgemental about these matters was her mother’s trait and uncharacteristic of Donna, and that “what to do with three men” was a challenge familiar from their wild youth. The timing and circumstances of Donna's relationship with Harry were retconned so that she now has sex with him out of pity and not because, god forbid, she actively sought it out (“I said l’d show him the island… He’s so sweet and understanding, I couldn’t help it…”). In the first film, the focus is on the middle-aged characters and their desirability to both each other and the youths: Donna is electrified when she sees her three exes in one room, the exes in turn look at her with adoration despite her age and cheesy singing and dancing, Donna and Sam are passionately in love, Tanya is an object of a young man’s advances. The second film does pair off everyone in the older cast, but the spotlight brought by the novelty and the big romantic duets is on the flashback/prequel Donna and her suitors, and all four are young, conventionally attractive, and dressed like romantic leads in any other movie. There’s even overt bodyshaming: a character’s less cool twin is portrayed by the same actor in a fatsuit. The first film feels like an actors’ party and celebrates the charm of imperfection, the second has all the rough edges sanded off and commercialized; it is only after watching the second one I felt self-conscious about not being as easygoing, hot, and glamourous as the leads.
Last but not least, here’s something I enjoyed and wanted to praise throughout the entire film: the costuming is consistently great. The best, most striking looks I’ve seen on screen for a long time! Do I fell transported to 1979? Absolutely not. Does it bother me? Also no.
I wanted to rate this 6/10, but then rewatched “Super Trouper” and the dance part of “Why Did It Have To Be Me?” so many times and spent enough time listening to the soundtrack that maybe it deserves a raise. I guess that would be fair since the end credits deserve 10/10 all by themselves.
See also: my review of the first film.
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Caretaker!Dean in the Bunker
A Hurt/Comfort-ish Wincest Rec List Featuring Baby Brother Sammy and Domestic Winchesters
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💜 My Only Home by non_tiembo_mala
Rating: Explicit | Words: 12819 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: Dean's been gone a while, running wild with a twisted soul and black eyes. When Sam finally brings him back, Dean realizes his little brother hasn't been doing well in his absence, and he has more important things to worry about than what he did as a demon.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform, first time in a long time, Post-Episode: s10e03 Soul Survivor, Pre-series and Early Series Flashbacks, Eating Disorders, Thoughts of Self-harm, Pining, Angst, Masturbation, Come Eating, Hurt/Comfort, Bottom Sam, Anal Sex, Felching, Snowballing
My Note: flashbacks to Sam pining for Dean as a teen, but no underage sex with a partner
💜 Safe, Sane, and Consentual by TooOldToCare8353
Rating: Explicit | Words: 2808 | Chose Not to Warn
Summary: Fixing the relationship, the Winchester way. Not necessarily the right way to get there, but it works for them.
Additional Tags: BDSM, Breathplay, MOL Dungeon, Dom Dean Winchester, Sub Sam Winchester, Manacles, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dubious Consent
💜 Dean does Not like a sick Sammy... but he loves her all the same. By Magnoliachild
Rating: Mature | Words: 3941 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: They get to town for a hunt, but the day after they get there, Dean notices Sammy napping...face down on a motel table.... in the middle of the afternoon.............. FUCK.
Sammy is sick. Dean doesn't like it when Sammy is sick, but sue him for liking how nice he can be when she is...
Additional Tags: Bathing/Washing, Sick Sam Winchester, Caring Dean Winchester, Fluff, Dean Winchester Takes Care of Sam Winchester, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Always Female Sam Winchester, Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural)
💜 lullabies by chiliscale
Rating: Explicit | Words: 970 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: Sam´s staying up late, Dean doesn´t care for that shit.
Additional Tags: Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Dean taking care of Sam, Domestic Fluff
💜 Steady by non_tiembo_mala
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 1441 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: Sam has an attack. Dean works him through it.Set somewhere in S11 because I can't stop thinking about strong, beautiful Sammy being all fucked up because of friggin' Lucifer.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform, Nightmares, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sleepy Cuddles
💜 Getting Down And Out by verucasalt123
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 2299 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: “Hey, Sam, take a breath, we got all the time in the world”, Dean tells him, which of course isn’t true, is never true, but Sam needs to relax if he’s going to start using complete sentences.
Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Kissing, Cooking, Witches, Episode: s10e12 About A Boy, Childhood Memories, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Child Neglect, Food Issues, Song: Shake It Off (Taylor Swift), Established Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Community: spn_j2_xmas
Podfic by me Here
💜 The Only Thing by non_tiembo_mala
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 1242 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: Sam gets mind-fucked and tortured by a British bitch who somehow manages to walk away from it all in one piece.
But he also gets back the brother he thought was dead, and Dean will always be enough.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform, Episode Tag: S12E02, Post-Episode: s12e02 Mamma Mia, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, bed sharing, Cuddles
💜 A Blind Fool's Luck by hellhoundsprey
Rating: Explicit | Words:3561 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: [summary is a really long prompt, so I'm giving my own here] Sam finds out he's really an omega when Rowena offers to set him back to rights. He doesn't tell Dean, but Dean can tell right away when Sam starts a heat; Dean's held guilt over not stopping John from altering Sam's body as a kid.
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Traumatized Sam Winchester, Omega Sam Winchester, Bottom Sam Winchester, Alpha Dean Winchester, Top Dean Winchester, Soulmates, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Barebacking, Hurt/Comfort, Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural)
💜 Every Night by non_tiembo_mala
Rating: Mature | Words: 1585 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: Sam is struggling with nightmares after Dean rescues him from the Cage. He's trying not to worry Dean about it but nothing slips past his big brother.
Additional Tags: Season/Series 11, Wincest - Freeform, Cuddles, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Brothers, Nightmares, Post-Cage, Sleepy Boys, Episode: s11e10 The Devil in the Details, Coda
💜 One Good Birthday by brokenlittleboy
Rating: Teen+ | Words: 3773 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: This year, nothing bad happens on Sam's birthday. Sam's on edge, waiting for that shoe to drop. Dean tries to give him one good birthday, and they both realize something along the way.
Additional Tags: Birthday Fluff, Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Season/Series 15, First Kiss, Sleepy Cuddles, First Dates, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Sam Has Birthday Trauma, Fix-It
Honorable Mentions 💚
💚 It's A Love Story by non_tiembo_mala
Rating: Teen+ | Words:1569 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: Brother cuddles, confessions, and sweet banter after the boys get back to the bunker.
Additional Tags: Wincest - Freeform, Cuddles, Hurt/Comfort, Spoilers, Episode: s11e17 Red Meat, Coda, Soulmates, Dean and Sam are Romeo and Juliet
💚 only this and nothing more by wincestgoddess
Rating: Not Rated | Words: 1611 | No Warnings Apply
Summary: Dean gifts Sam souvenirs. It's no big deal, except that it is.
Except when they're more than just souvenirs.
Additional Tags: Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Romantic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, lovestruck Sam Winchester, lovestruck Dean Winchester, Soulmates, Brief mention of sexual assault
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eunoia-writes · 2 years
let you go • Mamma mia AU • Chapter three
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Summery: When Eleanor Robinson finds her mums old journal she comes to find the reality about who her dad is.
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol and substance abuse, mentions of death/cancer.
Chapter three - Mamma Mia
Previous Chapter < > next chapter
“Alice, you head off home, I’ll get the last room.” Y/n told the maid before grabbing the sheets off her before opening the door to the last room only to be met by three far to familiar faces “I better be dreaming you better not be here!” She said as the door slammed behind her
“want me to pitch you, y/n?” Jeremiah asked y/n rolled her eyes
“what on earth are you all doing here?” She asked if she didn’t know how to feel it had been far too long since she last saw any of them to even comprehend any of this
“I’m writing a travel piece?” Steven said, making it up on the spot,
“I’m here on a spontaneous holiday?” Jeremiah suggested before she turned to Conrad
“I… I Umm just drop In to say hi?” He said instantly regretting it
“What, what is this?” She asked
“It’s one of those serendipitous moments in life when three best friends share a common thought.” Jeremiah said she looked at them confused trying to wrap her brain around it
“Okay, good, but who ... Why are you here? Who said that you could stay up in my hotel?” She asked
“Didn’t catch the name.” Steven said looking over at the other two before flashing a smile at y/n
“Some Spanish lady.” Jeremiah quipped
“Well, she spoke Greek.” Conrad remarked with a smirk
“Yeah.” They all agreed
“Or maybe she said we couldn’t stay in the hotel.”
“Yeah, maybe that was it, in Spanish.”
“Yeah, that’s it, that’s it. You can’t stay here because I’m closed and I’m full. And I’m busy, I’m really ... I have a birthday , my ... Local girls turning 16…” y/n started stuttering her words out
“y/n. Y/n, don’t worry about us. Steven here is used to roughing it. And – Jeremiah here…” Conrad started before looking Jeremiah up and down
“I’m spontaneous.”
“Spontaneous.” Conrad agreed before she turned to him
“What about you?” She asked. It hurt to see him a little more than the rest of them
“Just wanted to see the town. You know what it meant to me.” He told her she scoffed, shaking her head
“Okay, I’m gonna arrange for a boat to take you all back to the mainland.” She told them before Jeremiah spoke up
“I have a boat, y/n.” he said
“You have a boat? Good, get on it, and anchors away. Away, away!” She said, throwing the sheets on the bed in frustration,
“Hey, y/n.” Conrad said softly before they all said “It’s good to see you.” at the same time. She didn’t know how to react so instead she just ran out of the room, the door slamming behind her
“well that went well?” Steven joked.
Y/n arrived home rushing straight past Sam and Shayla who were sitting on the couch and into her room both of them immediately getting up and following behind her
“Honey, what’s wrong?” Shayla asked, sitting next to her as she cried into her hands.
“It’s her dad.” She sniffled
“Whose dad?” Sam asked, y/n sighed
“Eleanor's dad. Remember how I said it was Conrad? Conrad, who had to go home to get married? I’m not sure that it was him, because there were two others ... two other guys around the same time.” She told her sam gasped slight
“y/n, You shady lady.” She joked as Shayla sat on the other side of her
“Why didn’t you tell us?” He asked, pretending as if he didn’t already know from the incident a few nights ago with Nora.
“Well, I never knew that I would ever, ever have to. I never imagined I’d see all three of them in the hotel the week before my daughter’s 16th birthday !” Y/n rambled, the girls both looked at each other before they both ran in the direction of the hotel.
“No! No! Wait! Shoot! Shayla! Sam! Wait a minute! Don’t let them hear you!” She said running after them luckily she managed to catch up fairly quickly
“There’s no one here?” Shayla said confused as he opened the door without a care in the world “Are you sure?” She asked y/n rolled her eyes
“Of course I’m sure! Do you think I would forget my daughter’s dads? They were all here. Conrad, Jeremiah and. Steven” , she insisted “They must’ve gone back to their boat. I hope they run aground and drown. What are they doing here? It’s like some hideous trick of fate.” Y/n said as they made their way downstairs to where a bunch of staff were overhearing the conversation
“Do they know about Eleanor?” Sam asked as Y/n shook her head “What, are they psychic? No! I’ve never told a soul.” She said softly
“Oh, y/n, keeping it to yourself all these years.” Shayla said softly but y/n shook her head
“It doesn’t matter ... It doesn't matter about me. The only thing that matters is that Nora never finds out!” She said Sam sighed softly
“Well, maybe she would be cool with it?” She suggested
“Cool with it”? You know my daughter. This would be like a bombshell.” She laughed as they walked back to her house and into the kitchen, Sam grabbing a bottle of red wine.
“y/n, they’ve gone!” She said trying to reassure her but y/n shook her head
“I don’t know that. I don’t know where they are. I don’t know why they’re here. And I have brought this all on myself because I was a stupid, reckless little slut!” She said, making herself and everyone else laugh
“Whoa! Don’t you sound like your mother?” Shayla said y/n shook her head
“I do not!” She insisted as Sam oured her a glass of wine
“Yes, you do!” Shayla told her but y/n wasn’t having the
“Oh, my God, I do not.” She rolled her eyes
“You do, it’s Catholic guilt! You’ve been living like a nun.” Sam joked
“Yeah, whatever happened to our y/n? Life and soul of the party?” Shayla asked y/n sighed
“I grew up, I had Nora, I had to stop whoring around and do something in my life for the both of us.” She said softly
“That girl is beyond lucky to have you.” Sam told her before Eleanor called out
“Mum… you home?” She asked y/n sighed softly putting her glass down
“Help yourselves to the rest if you lock the door after you.” She said softly before walking upstairs to Eleanor’s room. She sunk down in the bed next to her “how was your day my sweet girl?” She asked running her hand through Eleanor’s hair
“it was good… how was work?” She hummed y/n smiled softly
“oh you don’t want me to bore you with that.” She said softly as Eleanor sighed
“Mom I have something to tell you… and you have to promise you won’t be mad at me.” She said sitting up.
Y/n sighed, having a feeling she knew what was coming “of course I won’t be mad honey.” She told her Eleanor bit her lip slightly
“So Umm… when I first found out about my dad and you gave me their addresses… I wrote to them all and Umm please don’t be mad… I invited them all here for my birthday I didn’t think they’d come but they Umm did and they’re staying at the hotel I Umm spent to the day with them and I know I shouldn’t have gone behind your back and I should have told you but I was worried you’d say no but I really wanted to do this.” She rambled y/n sighed softly, everything finally making sense.
“Oh Honey, you should have told me.”
“I know but I just kinda got caught up in the moment.” She said
“It's okay.”
“Are you sure?” Y/n patted her lap for her to lay down
“Just because I’m upset from seeing them all again does not mean I’m angry at you, it’s overwhelming yes but like you said you’re almost 16, it’s your right to have them in your life.”
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