#me just rambling unprompted because this is my blog
I’ll be talking about the last post I reblogged in the tags of this post for the sake of the person I reblogged it from
#mud rambles#quick lil backstory for why. I follow him but he no longer follows me so I can have my privacy bc his partners are people ive cut off#he and i have how we interact figured out explicitly he's still my friend i care for him deeply what happened between his partners and i#didnt have anything to do with him. i let him know what happened. theyre not horrible ppl just bad friends to me#anyway#SO fucking ironic to see that on my dash from them specifically because his fucking girlfriend (my ex friend who was my roommate) would#CONSTANTLY compare me to her abusive father for! no goddamn reason!#it wasn't necessarily 1 to 1 comparison but she would bring him up OUT OF NOWHERE for example one time i was literally just listening to#metallica (fuck metallica but they were MY dad's fav band so i listen to them bc of nostalgia) and she just! was like#'you listen to dad bands. my dad likes metallica' o...kay???#and that wasnt the worst one. she would just. unprompted compare me to her dad. usually like that over things i liked but she once like.#vagued me to my face about how ~crazy and paranoid~ her dad is#NOT EVEN ONCE she brought up how paranoid he was A LOT and like. at the time i was trying to be a little more open abt my paranoia w her an#my ex best friend (her other partner) so like. idk. whether it was a vague at me or not i did not appreciate it#even MY partner brought up multiple times how it was fucking weird and she was lowkey comparing me to her fucking dad#KEEP IN MIND BTW I PERSONALLY moved her out of her home state and away from her dad to room with me and my partner#i dont remember a lot of the examples bc i want to block that shit out but. what the fuck woman#anyway i needed to talk abt this but like i said i dont wanna be vagueing my friends gf in the tags of a post i reblogged from him lmao#i can talk abt it on my own blog not there#and mandatory disclaimer please do not try to figure out who the people ive cut off are and also please leave them and their bf alone#like i said he's still my friend and i care about him#i just feel the need to say that bc. i trust the people who follow me to not go and do that but. just genuinely need to clear the air#i cut them off for a reason. i dont want any kind of contact with them even indirectly. and i dont want people harassing my friend#i specifically went out of my way when that shit went down to make sure he and i were still cool so dont fuck this up for me thanx!
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hi I’m new to your blog and I saw that your writing for ADC!(amazing digital circus) and I’d like to request a jax x reader(GN or fem) who is REALLY nice and soft(nice, understanding and helpful)but whenever she’s in her ‘days’ she has really bad mood swings(and really bad cramps) and acts the opposite of how she usually acts (mean,sarcastic and a jerk to everyone) basically How jax would be dealing with that
Ty and have an amazing day!<3
Jax x reader who is having a bad day !
unrelated to the request but for the past like, two or three days ive been bouncing between multiple different interests and i dont. like it.. i think its because im not quite done with my metalocalypse brainrot, and my tadc rot is starting to wane since its just the pilot out now but i dont wanna let go of tadc so soon and grrrrrr so now im sitting here bouncing between fran bow, the owl house, metalocalypse, tadc, and creepypasta, its all so weird and it sucks because i love all those things but i can only focus on one thing at once i hate this anyways mini ramble over, admin is just being silly with their interests because theyre bad at dividing themselves in terms of fandoms if that makes sense
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honestly i think the moment you say something snarky to him hes going to do a double take, to make sure it was actually you who said and not someone else; as well as making sure hes not finally going insane
i think how he goes about it would depend on if the relationship is romantic or platonic... but i think regardless he would carry some annoyance... like sure hes an asshole to everyone and puts everyone in a sour mood a lot of the time but he thinks its funny... but when the same energy is there but unprompted it hits different
dudes just an asshole and messing with people is how he keeps himself sane unfortunately
if this were platonic and you guys werent that close he might just go about the day as usual, i think, doesnt carry much incentive to push through a simple "oh whats wrong", he doesnt strike me as the type of guy to go out of his way to ask how youre doing and what he can do to help... at least not unless hes deeply invested in the relationship
if you two were closer or even in a romantic relationship then he would actually be more likely to do something, like taking you off to the side to separate yourself from the commotion of the rest of the circus
its really only here that he grinds his antics to a halt in order to focus on hearing you out
not much of a comforter, though, i can definitely imagine him kind of stiffening up when someone starts crying around him. awkward "there, there," shoulder pats
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aihoshiino · 10 months
hello!!! you have no idea how hard it is (for me at least haha) to find a blog that talks about ai even semi consistently let alone analyze her this closely so i enjoy ur blog very much! thank you for feeding my ai brainrot :D
anyways any thoughts on ai and hikaru’s relationship? or just speculation since theres not much on it rn? its pretty fascinating to me, they were both children who were abused and exploited as a whole (that and their own respective fucked up relationship and idea of sexual intimacy which might be one of the catalysts for them jumping to sex so quickly despite both (i think?) being aware of the consequences with them being relatively active in the entertainment industry and what not) so its not too hard to imagine them potentially bonding even if it never quite reached genuine love romantic or otherwise
HAPPY TO PROVIDE, ANON! <3 I fully admit that my ramblings are mostly for my own benefit because if I don't talk about Hoshino Ai at least twice a day I will turn into the Oshi no Joker but it's always so nice to hear folks are glad to be along for the ride.
Hikaru and Ai's relationship has always been really fascinating to me, though! It's kind of an interesting subversion on some of our and Aqua's ingrained assumptions about the kind of person the twins' father would be – there's this sort of implicit, unspoken understanding based on the way Aqua focuses primarily on men who were already adults when Ai got pregnant that Ai was victimized in some way which resulted in the twins. Finding out who Hikaru is and the fact that he and Ai were peers immediately casts all of Ai's decisions regarding him in a hugely different light and raises a lot of questions about things that we otherwise assumed went without saying.
That said, given that we know so little about both their relationship and Hikari himself as a person, it's kind of hard to make solid guesses! I sort of have a rough shape of what I imagine it was like in my head just based on Hikaru's emotional function in the story VS what we know about him specifically as a person – Hikaru is very clearly intended to be a sort of bad end/dark mirror of Aqua, so I like to think that his and Ai's relationship probably contained echoes of the two main Aqua romances we see play out in the present. I had like a huge and honestly kind of incomprehensible ramble here originally while I tried to define what I meant by that but then I realized the series itself already lays it out...
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In Hikaru, Ai found someone she thought would finally understand and accept her.
In Ai, Hikaru saw light.
Ai is tied to stars and light constantly through the series while also being tied to Kana pretty strongly as well, so I think it makes sense for her to be the Kana/light equivalent in this relationship. Uh, of course, I think I have accidentally implied that this means Akane is paralleling Hikari, so let's move on................................
It's also interesting to take into account 45510 when trying to pick up some info about how this relationship went. The stream at the center of this story is dated just after Ai came back from her hiatus following the birth of the twins, so around when she was 16/17 years old -- closer to the latter and so likely two or three years after her relationship with Hikaru fell apart. With that in mind, Ai's words here feel kind of... I guess, accidentally revealing? In some interesting ways.
When asked to describe her ideal type for a lover, Ai says: ""I guess I'd like to be with someone who doesn't lose their cool with me when I mess things up, ‘cause that happens a lot! Someone who gets all worked up over every little thing would probably get tired of me pretty quick. It’d be unfair for them, so I'd rather be with someone who's not like that.""
And unprompted, she continues from there with this: ""Love is all about trust, isn't it? They call it... 'recipricity', I think? Like, if someone showed me they love me, I'd feel the same way about them. But, I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat. It's tough for me to really believe in words like 'love' and 'like.' I've never actually fallen in love with someone before, so I'm not even sure what it means, you know?""
This is FASCINATING knowing this is Ai on the other side of her relationship with Hikaru. We know that this is Ai's true feelings because even the 45510 narrator, who calls her a liar every time she so much as breathes, admits that she knows Ai is probably telling the truth here. If this is the case, then this basically confirms that however intense the HikaAi relationship was, she didn't feel as though she loved him, which matches with the snippets we've gotten from the DVD and the movie where Ai's parting/break up with Hikaru was centered on Ai admitting that she couldn't love him.
Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that their bond wasn't genuine or that they didn't have real feelings for each other – I totally agree with your take that they probably gravitated towards each other as victims of abuse generally and CSA specifically and found a sort of comfort and solidarity in recognizing and licking each others' wounds. But obviously, things didn't work out and I think we have a lot of clues already what this fundamental misunderstanding was.
When Ai tells Hikaru "I can't love you" this is an apology, an admission of weakness and self-blame. What Ai is saying is I can't love you, because I'm broken and I can't love anyone.
What Hikaru likely hears is I can't love you because you're broken and nobody could.
That sense of rejection, combined with the trauma he already carried from his abuse would have been bad enough but that Ai got pregnant and broke up with him was likely hugely retraumatizing for him, ripping open the scars of his abuse at Airi Himekawa's hands. He may have even misconstrued Ai's actions as an act of abuse similar to Airi's and everything went spiralling from there.
I don't have any really solid shots to call, unfortunately! So much about Hikaru is up in the air right now, but I think he's a super interesting character and his and Ai's relationship is something I really, really want to eventually see more of.
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[tag sorting!]
#myo is rambling. me when I talk. about literally whatever! sometimes it's actually with a larger point in mind, but uhh. don't expect decently smart words from me usually. it's a mixed bag, though we can always count on it being too long and poorly formatted!!
#responding to asks. also stuff I write, but in response format specifically! I am always happy to respond to things asked in good faith :) or things in bad faith, but the response might just be me shitposting at that point. but yeah! talk to me! I love getting anons and try to respond to them (it might not be quickly, but it will be eventually!)
#art insp. aesthetic stuff I like looking at! hopefully it balances out my blog so it's not all unhinged rambling lmao
#personal reminders. posts I want to come back to for good advice or reminders!
hello! you can call me myo, and welcome to me straight up rambling in very overdrawn personal writings filled with far too many prepositions (look, I'm just not a grammar person, I write purely off vibes and stream of consciousness with light editing)
I made this blog mostly because I had a nagging desire to:
1) talk about myself in order to excise lingering young adult narcissism
2) rant about things that annoyed me in life because if I did this to people I knew irl they might stop talking to me
3) explore and contribute to communities of ideas that I haven't directly engaged with but would like to. specifically radical feminist and gender critical spaces that I stumbled upon while dealing with a conundrum over gender identity and found greatly helpful to expanding my own viewpoints on life, humanity, and identity. but honestly I talk (read: complain) about whatever is on my mind, not necessarily beholden on any single ideology.
anyways, speaking of identity, a topic I love so much and definitely don't side eye with the strongest of expressions my face can make, I will list some random aspects of myself that will come up in writing because turns out a lot of my self reflection centers around a few specific topics, keep reading if getting to know an internet stranger slightly better for no reason is up your alley--
myo lore:
I am chinese american, not a fact I usually talk about a lot unprompted (semi-lie it is a pretty easily prompted fact) but it sure is culturally what I am! and it does inform my upbringing and family dynamics which unsurprisingly are very interesting to unpack while blogging. I'm technically first generation (I did immigrate) but it's more like 1.75 generation if we want to be really picky (I did immigrate as a baby/toddler) so functionally I am american, but my upbringing is culturally a weird sort of chinese, my parents are fairly influenced by their own upbringings in china, and I think the way I turned out as a person does reflect that to some extent.
I am technically a desister/reconciled from identifying as transmasc non-binary/ftm/basically words to say I wanted to be a man and transition to be one but I hadn't gotten to that point of medicalization so I was stuck in a weird inbetween of being nonbinary as a result, even when I never reallly bought fully into the "being nonbinary" thing. I did not begin to pursue medical transition (due to overwhelming health anxiety lmao) but basically socially transitioned once I started college with a name change (kind of. it's complicated), effort at passing by binding (I found my actual binder I bought really uncomfortable so I never wore it out, but I bought many compression tops, wore lots of layers, and had some classically terrible posture!), he/him and they/them pronouns (though I never really enforced it and cared very little. I was an "any pronouns" kind of person. to my overwhelmingly queer social circles I AM an "any pronouns" person still. it's weirdly become a good litmus test to see how others think of gender but I digress) and using male bathrooms/staying away from female ones if I could. I very nearly began the process to get on testosterone (up to a research phase and plan on exactly which consultant to call) and I very strongly wanted and planned on getting top surgery, but the aforementioned lurking in radfem spaces did give me some clarity, and the also aforementioned health anxiety made me wary of the downsides. I'm still very much gnc presenting, I like dressing "androgynous/masculine" but I'm getting better at accepting my natural state as a woman. I do occasionally regress (dysphoria is pretty rude sometimes) and still get that "longing" and that lingering desire to get certain surgeries or try and pass again, but I am trying very hard to get out of that mindset (because it has proven to be bad for me :p) and have more connection and neutrality with my body.
I identified as asexual for the better part of half a year after chronic online-ness and some recommendations from a gender affirming therapist. now I realize... I am probably not asexual because shockingly I am attracted to women and only women wow. in deeper reflection I realize that a lot of what I attributed to asexuality was in fact a lack of attraction to men!! a shame I didn't realize this before I had one pretty regrettable relationship in high school and a weird ass short lived situationship which had so many red flags and violated boundaries but uhh. deep sigh, hindsight, huh? anyways, this is relevant because I might gripe about the ace community and ace discourse at times since I got kinda deep into it for a bit. I also (obviously) relate to lesbian sexuality and centering women so sometimes I prioritize that kind of thinking in my writing.
I really hate consumerism like quite a lot and am trying to live my life from an anti-consumerist angle and a more sustainable way which is fun since I have been involved in online spaces and hobbies which are in fact very consumerist, and realizing that now I can see a lot of aspects of those spaces and hobbies which should be taken more critically but alas. consumer culture truly runs strong in the states. extending this I am also pretty anti-makeup/cosmetic things that exist purely from marketing and other consumerist aspects of femininity. I'm not gonna stop anyone personally from buying makeup or heels or whatever, but I'm not exactly going to support or encourage them. I think women look their best naturally because they're beautiful naturally!
obviously, I engage with radblr/radical feminism on tumblr! I don't technically consider myself a radfem because I haven't read enough books about it lmao and I'm not really looking to be an "activist" or "thought leader" of radical feminism, but my beliefs are rad-leaning if anything. If we're really getting detailed, I look for detrans/desisted gender critical and/or radfem blogs, and gnc woman or gender critical leftist blogs. I also like to listen to discussions of lesbian feminism because I do relate to their goals a little more personally.
I'm pretty critical of gender ideology and the community around being transgender, from a place of self-reflection more than anything, as I was in fact part of that community (and still am outwardly in the rest of my life unconnected to this blog). just because I am critical of an ideology doesn't mean I'm trying to debate the existence of people identifying as trans! this is an important distinction that maybe should be obvious but I don't literally believe I'm some kind of authority on human behavior. however, what I can do is point out my own observations and logical analyses of reality and tenets of an ideology. critical thinking, yknow? and yeah maybe I'll also air some personal grievances on how trans ideology has been confusing and unhelpful to my own understanding of the self. that's just a given when I try and do meaningful self critique in hopes of improving as an individual.
I don't have dnis it's a case by case thing. if I don't like someone interacting with my stuff I will simply just express that with blocking or something but I don't believe in generalizing people just by what they label themselves as on tumblr dot com. I also try and follow a variety of people with different opinions to keep my dash fresh and my brain thinking critically, I don't endorse everything everyone I follow or reblog says (because also like. I will never 100% agree with anyone) !! if you're willing to strike up a conversation even if it's based on disagreement, I'm here for it! inbox is always open !!
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I hope you enjoy reading a bunch more words written like this because that is in fact all that this is!
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
Hey! I just wanted to say I appreciate you Reblogging/posting more Christian content. I’m a Protestant, but I’ve never really seen Tumblr as a place where I can/should talk about faith and engage with other Christians. It’s been really nice, though, to see your Christian posts on my dash, and I might start doing some of my own.
Curio, this ask means the absolute world to me, and please know I would love any Christian posts you made! 🥰
As for seeing tumblr as a place where you "can" or “should/should not” talk about your faith, I think you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable and makes you happy.
The whole reason I got a tumblr was because I didn’t have a place in my life where I could talk about my hyper fixations and interests, so I do that here. The neurotypicals in my life found it hard to listen to my ramblings, and even when they did indulge me, they never really appreciated or understood why it made me so happy. It’s nice to have people who understand and appreciate what I'm talking about (and I’m so grateful to all of you for that).
The reason I started talking about Christianity on my blog is kinda similar: I'm not in a place where I can talk about it irl, which leaves a whole aspect of my life I can't discuss (or even mention) with people. I don’t want to get into the details just in case this post somehow reaches anyone who knows me irl (I doubt any of them would have a tumblr, but I could be wrong), but to make a long story short, I’ve had people who are my peers and higher ups in places I work imply (well not imply, they straight up said it in a public talk) that religious people should not be allowed to have certain jobs or wouldn’t be good at certain jobs, including my job (no they don’t know I’m religious and actually think I’m one of the best at my job, ironically) and in other professional situations I have been harassed in… for the sake of avoiding a trigger warning, “very inappropriate” ways specifically due to the fact that I’m religious. The saying I shouldn’t be allowed to have my job thing was completely unprompted since they didn’t know I was religious at the time. The other thing was because I wrote a cross necklace one time and offhandedly mentioned going to Church when asked on a Monday what I did the day before (which I regret telling them and will not be doing irl again). I have other examples, but I think you get the idea.
So yeah, in both cases it’s been a bummer to have something that’s a part of me, but I just have to go through life pretending it doesn’t exist. Not even in a “yeah I go to Church, I might mention it sometimes, but I’m not trying to force it on you or anything.” Or “there’s this show I really like and I write fan fiction about it. I know you probably think it’s cringe, but it makes me happy and a lot of people really love it” way. In the real world, I don’t talk about going to Church ever even when it’s relevant and most people just assume I don’t have hobbies because I know if I told them I wrote a 300k fanfic they’d find it a cringey waste of time. I don’t want to make either of those my whole personality or force anyone to listen to me talk extensively about an aspect of my life that they personally don’t like, but it is also weird when I have to be like “sorry, gotta run, I have a meeting at 5 today” and people are like “oh what meeting?” And I’m like “uhhhhh… not Bible study?” (Because I’m smooth like that) or when people are like “what do you do for fun?” And I’m like “writing” and they’re like “oh what writing?” And I’m like “well whatever I write, it’s certainly not 300k words of fanfic haha…”
All this to say, if I can’t talk about my hobbies and religion on tumblr, then where exactly am I supposed to do it? Like I said in my original post, I want to be sensitive to people’s traumas, I’ve known people (both religious and nonreligious) who have religious trauma, and I understand people don’t always have the positive relationship Christianity that I do, but that’s what tag blocking is for and there is no reason my followers who don’t like religion shouldn’t still be able to enjoy my fandom related content. Plus so far the worst harassment I’ve gotten online for posting Christian content doesn’t even begin to compare to the stuff I’ve dealt with irl (and I hope we never get there. Obviously, this is the internet, but I’m comforted by the fact the bar for harassment I’ve had to deal with is pretty high. I certainly hope no one is foolish or terrible enough to consider that as a challenge). Additionally, as I said in that post, just because some of my fics have religious themes in them or ideas about redemption, forgiveness, and love that have been directly inspired by my faith doesn’t mean my secular and non-Christian followers don’t, haven’t or can’t enjoy them. And so far, the vast majority of my followers (Catholic, Protestants, atheists, agnostic, those of other faiths, etc.) have been extremely nice about it in my asks and DM’s, saying that they either like the Christian content I’m reblogging or appreciate the tag blocking system so they can continue to enjoy my fandom content.
So post what you want and what you feel comfortable with. It’s your blog, your space, and you should be able to do what you want with it. Best of luck my friend! 💒✝️💕
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truly-quirkless · 3 months
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@guidemetothedark asked:
Words of Affirmation!
I LOVE what you have going for your 2 muses, your narration style is on point! I have to read it multiple times because of how amazing it is. You put a lot of LOVE into your blog and I can see it. You're always so fun to talk to, and I am so happy to have our muses interacting. :)
[Unprompted! || Accepting!]
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Who fucking said you could do me like this, Liz?
But in all seriousness---- thank you so much. You don't wanna know just how much I worry about if the relationship between Yagi and Fin makes sense, if it grates on others, so on and so forth...so it means the world. I'm glad you enjoy the way I write, as well- I love writing up pretty much everything that crosses my mind, and I have a tendency to wander- so thank you for enjoying my ramblings. And you're pretty fun, yourself! I look forward to what chaos we cook up~- and rest assured, I enjoy our muses interacting as well. Yagi aboutta freak---
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And don't think I haven't noticed you sending out words of affirmation all night across the RPC! So lemme give you some in return- no. No, you cannot escape, get the fuck back here- there we go. I love both Rima and Izzy, as well as their various crack shenanigans across the dash. The writing you do almost feels like it just seeps with your characters and their thoughts, their intentions- and I enjoy every moment of it. I also just enjoy the hyper insanity you've been bringing around the RPC in general. You're like a fresh ray of sunshine in the MHA RPC- and I'm more than happy to watch, let alone interact. Thank you for being you, mate. It's obvious you've got the brainworms for those two OCs, may you continue to enjoy the madness they inflict!
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clarafell · 3 months
hello! i hope you don't mind the question, but i haven't been around the pmmm roleplay community for years so i was wondering, what's it like these days? i love your homura btw
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unprompted / always accepting!
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Hello there, dear anon!
How are you? I hope your day is going well. I have always stated that I am always willing to answer questions, including questions from lovely anons. As anyone who takes a peek at my blog can tell... I love to answer all sorts of questions about the pmmm franchise. I have a soft spot for answering Homura-related questions since she is my only muse, but I'm always willing to answer questions about the whole franchise. pmmm tackles dark themes, but it is very special to me.
Let me be the first to welcome you back to the pmmm community, by the way! Or at least I hope you are returning. I really hope you do come back, even though I have no clue who you are.
I am always looking for pmmm muses since it is such a small franchise compared to, like, everywhere else. I have seen even smaller fandoms, but... Like Princess Tutu, for example. That franchise deserves one of the biggest revivals of all time. The lack of merchandise is so disheartening to see. Not only that, but seeing a fandom that you really love just quietly die is... really hard. Even if you aren't roleplaying, it is really hard. The benefit of a dying or dead fandom is that it makes seeing a fellow fan shine a lot brighter!!! At least in my opinion, anyway.
I'm beginning to ramble, so...
Allow me to get to the point—
This community still feels tiny.
With the hype of the upcoming movie finally being given to the fans, the non-roleplay community is thriving. All we had for years is the brilliant Concept Movie before the hopes of a sequel went silent. As you may or may not know, the Concept Movie trailer holds a special spot in my heart. I am still analyzing for my own pleasure while also incorporating it into my blog. Promotional stuff in the franchise has always been happening, but we have waited a LONG time for more news on the sequel to Rebellion. A lot of us have lost hope. I have seen some non-roleplay blogs leave the franchise because they couldn't handle waiting for any newer content. It breaks my heart, but I can understand why someone might lose interest in a franchise.
The pmmm rp community should have seen the rise of more blogs with the introduction of Magia Record, the spin-off mobile game. Never in my wildest dreams have I thought that the pmmm franchise would receive a gacha-related game, but I was extremely excited!!! You can bet that I was there when Magia Record finally came to the US servers. The style of the game was easy on my old phone, so I went downright crazy for the game... I did every event, read everything I could get my hands on, and I had even spent money on the game.
For a little bit, the Magia Record game did make some new rp blogs pop up. The doors for more interaction were expanded, thanks to the help of the gacha elements. There are so many characters, so I will just drop the list of all the characters in a link right here for your reading pleasure.
Sadly, Magia Record came to an abrupt end when the English server dropped the End of Service announcement. Honestly, I'm not sure why they decided to cut the app's lifeline. It was a crushing defeat for all the English fans of the game. I know I was heartbroken because I felt so happy and safe and inspired by the game's existence. As someone who hasn't gotten the chance to play any other pmmm game, Magia Record was my dream app.
Fans of the game outside of the rp community, stubborn and refusing to accept defeat, began to migrate to the Japanese server. With the help of the non-rp fans, the Magia Record game was still preserved. Fans went as far as translating the game or making blogs dedicated to preserving everything the game has to offer, even though they had to make Japanese accounts.
The loss of the Magia Record game for the English-speaking side, I fear, eliminated the chance of more pmmm blogs from popping up. I can still point you to the blogs that have muses beyond the Holy Quintet. These blogs are still going strong, which makes me quite happy.
The Japanese server kept going on very strongly, by the way. It was active, growing, and introducing so many new stories and characters. The game, in Japan, has managed to stay alive for YEARS now... It is only recently that the Magia Record game in Japan has announced that it will be ending the app in July of this year. It is sad to see that Magia Record will be closing its doors in Japan, but I am happy that the game has lived a lot longer than the English app.
Fear not, however. The end of service announcement for the Japanese server has revealed that a new game is in the works. It is called Magia Exedra. While it is unknown if this new game will ever reach beyond Japan is up for debate... But if you are interested in hearing more about it, then I will drop this link for you and anyone else who is reading this messy post.
The end of the Magia Record app in its birthplace of Japan may have finally reached its end, but there is always hope for this franchise. With that said, Magia Record was still popular enough to make a big splash in the anime community and the manga community respectively. I highly suggest that you check out the anime and manga as well as anything from the game, by the way. One thing to note is that the anime's ending and the game's ending are very different. The anime did well in plenty of aspects, but it tackled a really big task since it was trying to bring a gacha game to life. As you can imagine, turning a gacha game into a faithful anime is... Well, it is really hard.
Personally, I believe that the game and the anime have their separate advantages. The introduction of Magia Record did make an impact on the rp side. In fact, it makes me adore each and every pmmm rp blog that I see. I adore the original gang, but I always get excited when I see spin-off muses from the rest of the pmmm franchise just magically show up. Heck, the presence of the spin-off pmmm muses is what helps encourage pmmm original characters to show up.
I'm always in search to convert other muses to try to sink themselves into a pmmm verse. It doesn't matter what fandom you are from or if your muse is an original character to me. I feel like everyone should be welcomed into the pmmm fandom. as a matter of fact, the pmmm fandom has to be the most diverse communities to join. Honestly, I believe that the pmmm verse would be unstoppable if they allowed non-females to suffer form contracts. Sure, it will be chaotic... But it will be really fun! Won't that be nice to see? I know a small handful of non-female muses that have pmmm verses... and I will ALWAYS treasure them. They broke the norms of the pmmm franchise, which is so cool to see. (Note: I would most likely try to get them to make all their muses have a pmmm verse. With love and plenty of excitement, of course. If I haven't done so yet, look out!!!)
It might be hard to tackle making a pmmm verse from scratch since there is a lot of details to focus on, but the best part about that challenge is how you can easily incorporate your canon stuff into the pmmm verse. Once you get everything finished? Your pmmm verse will shine!!! (If anyone is need of help for their verse, please send me an a message or an ask. I am always looking forward to helping people, even if it doesn't relate to pmmm at all!)
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Anyway, thank you for sticking with me until now. I apologize for rambling, by the way. Let me get back to your ask, anon. (Honestly, you deserve an award for getting this far. I'm serious. Everyone deserves an award!)
The rp community for the pmmm franchise is tiny, but it feels close and safe. I have not seen any bad stuff happening in this community, so I believe you have nothing to fear when coming to the fandom. There are dead blogs across the franchise, but please don't let that stop you!!!
Looking for pmmm rp blogs will most likely be hard to do. I'll admit that, haha. It feels like a lot of multi-muse blogs are more likely to have a pmmm muse, maybe even a muse with a pmmm verse. The rp blogs that do focus on pmmm in any shape or way are always worthy of checking out. From what I've noticed over the years, the pmmm franchise sticks together through thick and thin.
With the release of the new movie comes the promise that the franchise will experience a revival. Walpurgisnacht Rising is said to be the beginning of a new chapter, both in the trailer. I think the creator also confirmed this fact, but I can't find the source for that at the moment. With this little crumb of information, it is very likely that Walpurgisnacht Rising will not be the end of the pmmm franchise. I believe that the pmmm franchise will be explored past Walpurgisnacht Rising's release. I don't know how, but I have a strong belief that pmmm will not end that easily.
The release of the upcoming movie (and perhaps that new game) will hopefully help the pmmm rp community to grow. Whether it rapidly grows or continues to quietly exist... I will always be here with Homura. She means sooo much to me.
I don't know how long you have following my journey with Homura, but... Anon, thank you for your kind words! I'm hoping that my portrayal will continue to be an enjoyment for you! My inbox is always open for future questions, no matter what!
Please, please let me know if you do come back. Even if you don't come back, I hope that you enjoy your time here on my blog! Stay safe and cozy!
Sending lots of love, Lia. ♥
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yokasaris · 2 years
Just me rambling (a lot), but I want to have it for posterity’s sake. Just in case.   tldr: pet illness/death, overly dramatic ramblings, maybe goodbye finally, doesn’t mean much to nonfriends so feel free to not read on
I mostly just use this blog for myself these days, and even then only half hearted (I did Rae’s yearly little drawing for his nameday! but no one will see it because... what’s the point, i already have it for myself i guess). So, even then a lot of my reblogs have just been related to black cats. Rae only became a fluffy black-furred miqo because of my own cat, and my efforts in RL trying to help people overcome prejudices about these animals (because I live in an area that’s like 50 years behind the rest of the USA most of the time). I love this cat so much. The shelter called him Elvis, but I changed it immediately to Ellis (my own birthname is “related to music” and my social anxiety can’t stand it when people I barely know start serenading me unprompted in public). I’ve never had a pet I’ve bonded with entirely because I’m just... a cold feckin robot that can’t connect with anything. I mostly adopted him because I felt bad for him. He was consistently ganged up on by the other cats at the shelter and no one wanted him because he was one of a handful of fully grown black cats and had the “worst” personality of the bunch. As soon as I brought him home it became apparent that he was sick. He had hyperthyroidism, and it was... a lot considering I was working minimum wage. I don’t even go to the doctor myself anymore because of the expenses unless things progress to the point where I have to go. A few years later, he developed an insulin resistance as well. Both endocrine diseases and one of his medications all had side effects that make him sick off and on, and of course balancing everything means frequent vet visits. There have been many times where I wasn’t sure what to do in regards to his healthcare and I didn’t make the best calls every time, but we’ve pulled through with the help of his awesome vet. And he got so... comfortable. For the first few years he mostly kept to himself, but over time he started getting more confident and affectionate. I was lucky that he takes pills and the shots like a champ because he has to take them twice a day every day. He learned how to play! I can pick him up and give him little smooches between the ears and he’s okay with it! He’ll curl up with me to watch cooking shows or when I play vidya games! He started purring! With so much shit happening over the past half decade, this little dude has been my reason to keep going. He’s the reason I get out of bed a lot of the time (also literally because he wakes me up for his meds now). A while ago (maybe a year or two?) the vet said he believed he had either lymphoma or a non-life threatening bowel issue. It was impossible to tell which it was without an invasive biopsy, which was out of the question due to his other health issues. So, I’ve known for a while that it was possible he didn’t have much longer to live. A few months back he really started having issues stemming from this problem. And yet... I chanced to try giving him a different food about a month ago and! suddenly! he got better! I thought that meant he definitely didn’t have cancer and it was the irritation instead. Besides, he was gaining weight now! It’s always been hard for him to put on weight, but he was looking healthier than he has in a very long time. Yet a couple weeks ago I started keeping a closer eye on him due to a few reasons (I had to leave a few XIV events early because of this, and I apologize).
This past weekend he started deteriorating.
What I thought was healthy weight gain was fluid build up in his abdomen due to, yes, lymphoma. So, at least it’s finally a concrete diagnosis. All the vets present agreed there was nothing they could do, so they removed as much of the fluid as they could and gave him some meds to make him feel better. Thursday his vet will back in, so we’ll be taking him in to be put to sleep. Took a shower as soon as I was home because can’t be sad, no one’s allowed to be sad and at least no one would notice the feckin horrid crying. I don’t know when I’ve actually cried like really cried last. I’d been ready for the possibility he’d die for so long, but I’d discarded that mentality when I naively thought for a moment that I knew better than the vet. But, he’s getting all the cuddles when he doesn’t want to be left alone, and he’s going to get his favorite treat meals these last couple of days (tuna Tuesday and chicken+ rice Wednesday). I’ll bring him one of my blankets when we finally have to go, and I’ll hold him as the sedatives put him under before they actually put him to sleep. Because this lil furball is the only thing tangible that reminds me there’s something good here, and I want to try and make him as happy and comfy as I can. After... I’m not sure. There’s nothing else here for me. The farm’s gone. My last link to anything and anyone tying me here is about to be gone. I want to go, but I don’t know where and there’s no place that I can fathom thriving. There’s no prospects, no ambitions or dreams. It’s something I’ve had on the mind for a long time, ever since I was first told Ellis was possibly terminally ill. I’ve just been... coasting through life ever since knowing I’d have to find some kind of purpose eventually. I can’t make any decisions right now because I don’t think this is the proper state of mind to decide anything, though. But, I don’t know. Maybe this is finally how I can let this blog go. I don’t know if I can handle all these lovely droves of absolutely amazing black cats I am so lucky to see on my dash every time I log in. Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re cute. But, they’re fantastic every time. It pains me that there’s going to be one less of these lil critters around, but at least I can know that Ellis was one of the lucky ones who managed to find a loving home. So, maybe for the final time... black cats are good cats.
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sorry if my take sounds deeply incomprehensible i just kept going back on submitting it and knew if i didn’t ramble it all out in one take i was gonna chicken out again LMAO
don't worry about it at all!
i think an incoherent infodump every once in a while is good for the soul!
look, if we're being totally candid -
i have pretty severe adhd comorbid with bipolar disorder, which i do my best to mask - yeah yeah, i know you're not supposed to, but i doubt i'll ever truly shake the shame, especially given the things i've done as a result of failing to mask, both online and irl (the latter being much, much worse) - so i've resolved to do it for the rest of my life
i did talk a little bit about what i was like on my main blog here, which you might need for context:
(speaking of which, please don't actually follow or even go to my main blog just because you like this one - i'm 100% fucking serious. i'm a very different person over there to the point of being almost unrecognisable, even to myself - and i guarantee that side of myself wouldn't recognise me either; we're like two parts of a very fucked up whole. so for that reason i want to keep these two blogs separate; like i said, i'm bipolar, so that's where i let the venom out, and when i feel joyful again, i come back here. i'm more active here anyway, to the point where i basically consider this my main blog now - i mean, my bio isn't even up to date over there)
the point is although i plan to mask for the rest of my life, even i'm partial to an unprompted infodump or oversharing session every once in a while
that's the reason i want this blog to be a safe place for people to vent/infodump/just share their wildest takes anonymously, while still having a little fun by making it a tournament - it's partly to atone in a cringe kinda way, but also because this dumbass site has actually been a huge source of support in some of the darker points in my life
it's almost ironic in a weird way - i spent so much time targeting other people for their mental health problems, but when i had some of my own i came crawling back to those same people. maybe karma does exist lol
no, i didn't ever interact with any of them; but just lurking on their blogs and reading their posts helped normalise what i was going through when i felt so alone after receiving my diagnosis; though it was always in the back of my mind that maybe a year earlier i would've seen those same posts and done my level best to make them feel like shit for it just for the sake of a little dopamine hit
i'm a proud airhead, but i'm not naive - i'm not going to lie to you and say that tumblr is a safe space, partly because nowhere on the internet is safe, partly because i've read some of your takes and they terrify me, but mostly because i'm living proof of how awful this site can be
but i do want to at least create one semi-safe place on the internet after ruining so many other people's
jesus i'm fucking crying that's new lol
anyway sorry for taking your incoherent infodump and exchanging it with one of my own, that's probably more info about me than you ever wanted to know
but i hope this provides a little context for why i decided to start this blog
the point i was actually trying to make, because i'm pretty sure i never actually responded to what you were saying - never feel embarassed to submit anything! trust me, i totally get it; but i promise, even when i make jokes about some unhinged takes, it's all light-hearted, and if it ever comes across otherwise, please let me know! <3 <3 <3
i'm gonna take a quick break, i'll catch up with you all again later
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kresnikcest · 2 years
k this is the right blog right?? anyway I wanted to send in an ask about gift giving! what are your thoughts on gift giving between Julius and Ludger?? no rush, answer when you've got your thoughts put together.
also how does that work with like ludger cooking for julius and julius coming home to ludger... love languages.... idk I don't have thoughts but this hasn't left my head for the last few hours so I'm telling you about it now <3
omg someone publicly asking me for my thoughts on X2 instead of me rambling unprompted into the void thank you kaira ;-;
I have actually put some thought into Ludger and Julius’ love languages and I remember being stumped about it.
Ludger probably shows affection via his cooking (idk if it counts a gift giving or acts of service though). But I think the way he prefers to be shown love is via quality time together (which, sadly, he doesn't get as much of with either Julius or Elle...)
Despite everything we don’t actually see much of how Julius shows affection to Ludger in a mundane non-life-threatening situation. I guess it could be gift giving too since he spoils their cat :P It's a little hard to say if the way he wants to be shown love is via Ludger's cooking...
Julius just doesn't have enough connections with other people to discern if something is a part of his personality or if it's just because it's Ludger. But it would probably track with how he mostly associated Claudia's (Ludger's mother) love w her cooking.
I'm actually just gonna ping @ofstarsandskies, @zeynatura, @lastthroes and @valoirs for their thoughts, because I was stumped months ago and I'm still stumped now!
(Headcanon wise, completely unattached from any canon basis, I hc much the same as above except Julius wants physical affection. But also I think that's just me being schmoopy eheh)
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straye · 2 years
✨ Self-appreciation time~! List five of your favorite works, be it in the form of pieces of writing, graphics, icons, drawings, code, and so on. Then, if you're feeling up to it, pass this on to five more blogs! ✨
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i am very sorry to you anon if you sent this twice to me because i actually got one of these a little beforehand; I've dragged my feet because I've had to think: hm, what of mine do I like that I've made? ( or maybe this is two people having sent this completely separately and honestly u know what thank you to both of u strangers ). fair warning that i don't do graphics, really, nor code and icons are icons ...... but i do have some writing that ive done that im proud of and like, one piece of art that i adore. Rambling aside, let's get to the meat and jam that I've deliberated for probably a week and some in no particular order of favorites:
this art i did of tenzing and kogami. i haven't finished it and i probably won't, but tenzing and kogami's brief father and daughter relationship
this headcanon I’ve made establishing kogami’s Lao background. sure you can say 'self projection' much, but i don't care. i've never been happier incorporating something that means so much to me ( my own journey of coming to love the kind of asian i am ) into a character that has been part of my journey to self love and happiness. besides, it would just make him assimilating so fast into southeast asia make a teensy bit more sense teehee.
i remain pretty impressed that i was insane enough to calculate the amount of cigarettes kogami had at his desk and just how much it might have cost on average.
the fact i have over 5 playlists for kogami and these are among them.
and honestly? it’s hard but I’d say a good bit of my analyses in my study / meta tag. I think about psycho-pass and Kogami so much it should be embarrassing but when you’re someone like me you feel proud about something making you feel so passionate for once.
I hope this sated your curiosity, nonnie. 💖🫶🏻 I had to think about my answer for a good bit.
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clippedwingsmuses · 2 months
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ooc: new ooc icons are still a wip but!! i thought i'd go ahead and show what i've got cooked up so far! i think i'm going to use these as the basis for all of my icons on this blog, cause i'm kinda attached to the design to be honest, but i'm considering making the main square a little bit smaller so i might have to widen the icon itself (theyre supposed to be 50x50 but tumblr is making them bigger even tho ive got icons with the same dimensions...........)
i've done a lot of rambling for this post, so i'm going to be putting all of the extra info i have typed out under the cut! (extra info includes some fun facts about these icons, new muses i'm bringing to the blog, the status of my icon making, etc.)
first off, yes i'm using song lyrics for these icons; i'm gonna try to make the icons have song lyrics from their theme songs that i picked out (which includes my icons, the lyrics are from nothing by catie turner bc its a song that i resonate with a lot)
and yes im also using pride flags for these icons!! the amount of pride flags may fluctuate based on my character headcanons, so the amount will vary between just 2 and all 4 of them; the flags in my icon in particular, in order (top to bottom), are transmasc, boyflux, uranic, and the 2019 polyamorous flag
anyways, i'm going to work on the rest of my ooc icons tomorrow! i will also get to work on editing all of my character icons...... it's going to be a hellish process (primarily because surge and twilight have well over 150 icons i'll have to re-edit) but that's the joy of running a multimuse is icon making lol, and i kind of miss doing it
my main 4 characters (kieran, kitsunami, wanderer, & kokichi) will have their icons done first since they are priority characters. i will slowly work on everyone else's icons as i go. all of my muses will still be available! they will just be iconless for the time being
i'll be using a mix of my old icons and new icons until all of the new icons are done (old icons will be used if that character's new icons aren't done yet) and all of my new muses will get the new icon style right away!
with that being said, i want to announce the new muses here since i haven't made a proper post about it (or i deleted it lol); the brand new muses i am bringing to this blog include rose quartz (and pink diamond), lapis lazuli, boyfriend, and kinitoPET!
additionally, i have taken a look at my considerations list and i have decided that i will officially be bringing puss in boots, discord, and bonnie to the blog! the newest muse up for me to consider is amethyst, so she has been added to the list in replacement of the others that i'm officially taking on or removing
speaking of removals, i've decided to remove mordecai and mystery from my considerations entirely, as i cannot effectively play them until i fully invest myself in learning their lore in its entirety (i was planning to play them primarily based on just the lackadaisy pilot and the msa episodes, but that's not the best course of action i can take right now)
so yeah, i think i'm finally done rambling now! with all that being said, i am 100% going to be active tomorrow! as always, every meme in my memes tag is open to be sent to the askbox, and i'll work on responding to roleplays or sending out unprompted/meme things inbetween my icon making (based on whoever is active), so i'll see you guys tomorrow! (after i finish my daily artfight attack ofc lol)
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Pinned post time babey
Alr so.
You guys can just call me emerald (I’m too lazy to think of a better fake name)
My pronouns are he/it + some others
I love making headcanons. Dude. Please send me headcanon requests for any dsmp character and about any topic.
Some characters and duos that I am especially normal about (<- lies)
C!Wilbur Soot
C!Emerald duo (Phil and techno)
C!Beeduo (Tubbo and Ranboo)
C!Tnt duo (Wilbur and Quackity)
C!Peer pressure (Techno and Ranboo)
C!Bedrock bros (Tommy and Techno)
C!Clingyduo (Tommy and Tubbo)
C!Bench trio (Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo)
C!Crimeboys (Tommy and Wilbur)
Idk their duo name but puffy and niki
C!Dapduo (Slimecicle and Quackity)
C!Sunshine duo (Techno and Niki)
C!Allium duo (Tommy and Ranboo)
And a LOT more. I have a problem /hj
Tagging system:
Just shitposts that’re unrelated: #emeraldsillyposting
Specifically mutual related posts: #emeralds moots!!
Headcanons: #emeralds headcanons
Dsmp rambles: #emerald rambles
Dsmp analysis: #emerald analysis
Ask box stuff: #emerald asks
I’ll probably add more idk
DNI/DNF/BFYI + other important info under the cut
I ship some of these characters/duos (emerald, tnt, bee, puffy/niki, and dap are really the only ships on here) , I DO NOT SHIP CCS.
I’m a minor (16-18), if you are 18+ you can int but don’t dm me
I’m autistic, and have other neurodivergencies. I will be using tone tags a lot, and I also need tone tags. Please don’t infantilize me because of this
Please please please just don’t send me /neg stuff about anyone unprompted (cc dream is an exception /hj)
This blog is not for discourse or drama at all, it’s just for me to be silly
I do reserve the right to not answer asks
I will just block people without warning.
I’m queer and trans, and will likely talk about it. I also headcanon a lot of characters as queer and trans
Wilbur supporters
If you ship ccs/poppy(blr/twt/whatever)/proshippers
Cc Dream/Dteam fans, stans, and supporters
Under 14 and over 21
Dream smp antis, I don’t want to deal with y’all
People who fake claim ANYONE. I will not tolerate that, you can’t tell if someone’s faking anything from a tumblr post
NSFW blogs, especially about ccs, but also about anything really
Any cc’s who might by chance find this blog /lh, if you do interact idrc but also it feels better if you just Don’t
TERFs. Fuck all the way off. Trans people exist
General dni (homophobia, racism, etc.)
Note: this entire post is subject to change, please keep that in mind! I will post about it if it does change ^^
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Just popping in to say that I saw your post about the struggles of having healthy discussions about feminism on here (and other places) and just wanted to say that I relate!! (especially with the last ask I sent which you replied to with much eloquence as always)
But I think there's still some interesting discussions being had on different sides, and it's honestly amazing when we think about the mere concept of communities online, especially for things like feminism. I mean hell, I owe tumblr so much despite everything! I found your blog, for example :3
Don't despair!! Take breaks whenever you want to, hell you can disappear off the surface of this site if you'd like (tell me first tho >:!). History generally tends to lean towards progress, I believe. We will all be okay!
(sorry this was unprompted and unsolicited but I couldn't help but butt in lol)
Yours truly, 🪼
you are really too kind dear jellyfish anon lolol and the message is absolutely welcome, this is a great message and reminder!
I find myself somewhat oscillating from incredibly hopeful and cherishing the world to incredibly nihilistic about my own life and the progression of my generation, probably because despite my best efforts I still do not touch nearly enough grass to be mentally consistent, but you do make a great point and it's a good way to view the world !! I get pretty cynical about the internet sometimes, that might just be a side effect of being raised on it unfortunately. however, as you say, it is pretty dang incredible that we have this portal to a vast amount of knowledge, thought, and communication at our fingertips. it would be a shame to not explore it and take advantage of the unique kinds of interaction and community that it is possible to maintain online. and I suppose the more people who stay hopeful about this digital future, the more likely it is that it will be possible.
I never thought I'd get any kind of attention on this blog (well, I hoped I would get a little attention, that is what social media is for and it is a very human instinct to be noticed by our peers lmao) but I'm just happy that there's even a handful of people who get something out of my less hinged often-written-in-a-dark-room-at-ungodly-hours rambling. and of course, I'm always happy that there are so many people (anon included, of course!) who share their own thoughts and wonderful, thought provoking writing.
I've been thinking lately about how I often encounter male writers/bloggers/artists with opinions and writings and art that might go against the status quo, or wax philosophical about their own struggles and the state of society, and they get the glory of praise and large platforms and funding, while many of the most personally engrossing female thinkers I've found are hidden in secret blogs, forums, or web archives. it is quite sad too that men are afforded the luxury of being philosophers and great thinkers and are allowed to be flawed, complex, or controversial while still being respected in academia and public discourse, whereas women pushing new ideas or discourse are expected to placate and honor men and the status quo of femininity or else they're shunned and hidden in the public eye completely. but what I value is that with some dedication and the willingness to explore new ideas online, I can still find these women and find the interesting things they write and make, even if they're not pushed by some all-consuming algorithm or if they're forced to make their own spaces in the expansive online world. I'm glad that there's always a possibility to find something valuable amongst a sea of terrible things (because the internet is certainly quite full of terrible things). which, I guess this is also just how life works in general. a lot of terrible stuff, but the beauty of it is that some hope in finding the gold hidden in there is always possible.
aaaand that got weirdly philosophical at the end lmao. I guess I do just like to hear myself talk sometimes :p
to tl;dr though, lovely lovely ask I really appreciate the sentiment and the message, and I'm more than happy to get a little infusion of hope in my inbox! thank you so much for stopping by again as usual (and I look forward to seeing you again soon ヾ(^∇^) ) !!
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kimium · 3 years
A few weeks ago I reblogged a list of questions around Death Note and thought "well if no one asks that's a shame but it's fine". I then remembered (then = now) that this is my blog. I can talk about what I want without prompting.
So, here I go. Rest is under the cut.
1. Do you prefer the anime or manga?
I think both versions of the series are beautiful but I have to give it to the manga. Fun fact, I read the manga in high school, just around the time the anime aired. I then proceed to not watch the anime until... about three months ago.
2. Who is your favourite character?
I'm very basic— my favourite character is L. (Runner up goes to Naomi Misora mostly due to the LABB murder cases.)
(As a side note, now that I'm older I actually really like Near and Mello. I think both are fun and got a lot more flack from the fandom than they deserved.)
3. Who is your least favourite character?
Probably Teru Mikami. I think it's because he's the character trope "I was picked on in school and now that I received one (1) bit of power I'm now acting exactly like the bullies I hated". Hypocrisy is very annoying.
4. Who were you rooting for? (Team Kira or Team L?)
Initially, when I read the manga I was cheering for both parties. I liked how Light had a supernatural edge and I liked that despite the odds, L was figuring everything out. But now? I'm 100% Team L.
5. Who is your favourite shinigami?
While I like both (I'm not including Sidoh), I think I have to give it to Ryuk. I love that he's chaotic and has always been in it for himself.
6. Which is your favourite arc?
Again, I'm basic— I like the Yotsuba arc. Mostly because it's "look at what L and Light could have been if not for the Death Note". It's bitter sweet because we know this won't last. (Also like it because it's a popular spot to divert canon in fanfiction.)
7. What character deserved better?
MISA. She deserved so much more! There was so much wasted potential with her! For example, she could have snapped out of her infatuation with Light and realized he's only using her. She could have been a threat to him! Also, wasted opportunity to have her get together with Rem (or Kiyomi Takada, which is a fascinating ship).
(Shout out to Matt as well. Boy deserved more development.)
8. Which of the openings is your favourite?
Controversial answer: Neither. I dislike both openings.
9. What is your favourite song from the OST?
Any of the ominous choir chanting tracks. Those popped off harder than required. I love it.
10. What is your favourite song from the musical?
There...is a musical?
11. Who is your favourite ship?
I like the most popular (and again basic) ship of the series: LawLight. Some of my other favourite ships:
-Near/Mello/Matt (My eyes have been open to this OT3. Thank you, AO3.)
-Beyond Birthday/Naomi Misora (my girl deserved better than Raye Pember and yes, a serial killer with identity issues is better.)
-I've also seen Beyond/Light/L as an OT3 and that's Fascinating on so many levels.
12. When did you first get into Death Note?
I was in grade 9 or 10. I read the manga.
13. Do you own any merch? If you do, what's your favourite thing you have?
I own a Death Note. I also own the light novels (LABB murder cases and L Change the World). At one point I also owned the live action dramas but I'm not sure where those are. My favourite is the LABB murder cases. I really enjoyed that light novel.
14. What is your favourite piece of trivia?
Originally, Near and Mello's names were supposed to be swapped. There was an error in editing/printing and they mixed up the names.
15. What is your favourite line from the anime?
To this day, even if I hadn't fallen back into the series, the line "L, do you know Shinigami like apples?" has lived rent free in my brain. Upon getting back into the series, I really love the overlapping lines from Light and L when they say "I am... Justice." It's corny, yes, but also shows both of them are strong in their convictions and believes. I love parallels between opposing characters.
16. Have you read LABB?
Yes, I have! I really love it. I think if Death Note ever did an anniversary anime celebration they should animate the light novel. Or animate the one-shot.
17. If you've consumed any of the side media (novels, musical, TV drama, etc.), which is your favourite?
Besides the LABB light novel, I love the drama. I love how it ended with L exposing Light. It's a fun "what if the series went this way" ending.
18. What song reminds you of Death Note? (Either a specific character or the story as a whole.)
Many, many, many years ago a friend showed me an AMV for Death Note to the song "Chop Suey!" by System of a Down. To this day it still makes me think of Death Note.
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fairyblue-alchemist · 3 years
hello hello i was tagged by the ever wonderful @ladislavaa for this tag game!! tysm for the tag i care you so much 💕
-> why did you choose your url?
hoo boy. there’s about... three different references in it, ones i’m not quite willing to explain because i will out myself as a enormous nerd. but it’s subtle enough that most people won’t get it so it’s ok. so i chose it because of the amount of references i could fit in it without it seeming overt.
-> any sideblogs?
i have. a lot. if you look at my bio for my main, there’s a list of sideblogs i have. a dead writing one, some dead ask blogs, an au blog i need to get back to now that school isn’t actively kicking me in the face... and a dimitri one from fire emblem that’s currently thriving now that i’ve revived it. anyways i have a lot of dead ones but i’m fond of them so they’ll stay there.
-> how long have you been on tumblr for?
since july of 2018! the three year mark of my time here on tumblr is coming up and i honestly didn’t expect time to go by so fast. sure i haven’t been here as much as other people, but i’ve enjoyed my time here! for the most part.
-> do you have a queue tag?
nope! not for my main! my ask blogs do, but not this one.
-> why did you start your blog in the first place?
honestly i just wanted to find a place that was fandom-centric so i could meet more people who had similar interests to me. it sounds so cheesy now that i think about it, but i really did just want some friends who had similar interests as me because a lot of the ones i had at the time didn’t.
-> how many followers do you have?
244 as of right now! but i know a good chunk of them are p-rn bots that i’ve reported and blocked over the years, so i’m not sure if that’s an accurate measure of my followers or not. i don’t know why so many people follow me anyways i just spam reblog things lol.
-> how many people do you follow?
336 currently, i kind of have this ‘if i like them, i’ll follow them’ mentality and hope i don’t come off as weird to the people i start following randomly.
-> have you ever made a shitpost?
oh yeah, probably. i’m not very well known for making original posts though, so they kinda just sit in the void that is my blog. i don’t mind, it just means that people won’t see the silly little clown words come directly from my brain.
-> how often do you use tumblr everyday?
probably more than i should. i’ve noticed myself spend a lot less time on it recently, but that’s probably because i’ve been busy. i don’t spend all of my time here though, and that’s good enough for me.
-> did you ever have a fight/argument with a blog before?
ehh, i wouldn’t call it a fight. a little spat here and there, maybe, but that hasn’t happened in some time and at this point i’d prefer not to get involved with people who aren’t worth the effort.
-> how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i don’t really like the idea of them because of how much guilt tripping they do. sure they’re about important topics, but there’s better ways to raise awareness than to guilt trip people into talking about it. they make me anxious if i’ll be honest, and that’s not great.
-> do you like ask/tag games?
oh i LOVE those, please if anyone wants to tag me in stuff or ask me questions please go for it!! i love talking to people here and interacting in general! i won’t judge you for wanting to ask me stuff or anything, honestly i feel like the weird one for being so enthusiastic about it lol.
-> which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
oh for sure i think it’s @/kiiingsnake and @/jamblute. i honestly have no idea why they’re my mutuals and i’m too afraid to tag them in anything (including this). ;-;
-> do you have a crush on a mutual?
eh, no. i love my mutuals, but as friends. also i’m on the aro spectrum so attraction who?? they’re all wonderful people though and i appreciate them.
and that’s it folks! thanks for letting me ramble (somewhat) unprompted. i shall tag @pecha-cake @blackcliff-typewriter @doriduckdoodles @agent--shade and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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