#me too buddy im also childish and hate losing
coloredcompulsion · 8 months
Murderbot-Posting again because my rooms reorganization is being fueled by the audiobooks
Loving ART going "You're not As stupid as I thought you were" and Murderbot essentially passing out from frustration?? It Willingly K.O.'d itself to 'win' an argument and that didn't even work
Murderbot 'I hate being vulnerable' Mensah for real would rather be Vulnerable than Lose and I love that for it
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biderboy · 3 years
complete molly weasley hate cause she could have done better
anyways now imagine the marauders absolutely adoring the weasley kids
now imagine them all raising them
bill and charlie took a keen liking to remus and hug around him 24/7, wherever remus was, there were two redheads following him
percy liked to hang out with lily and read with her, but other than that he kept to himself, unless he got lonely, which he then would join his older brothers
the twins LOVED james, they hung off his arms and crawled on his back. the stole his glasses and ran around the house with them on, shouting “look im prongs !!”
ron was the same age as harry so the two of them really just slid on the ground and giggles at the antics of the older boys, but ron had taken a liking to peter, and constantly crawled to the older boy
ginny was just a newborn but she absolutely loved sirius, nobody else could calm her down, she often times only slept if she was in sirius’ arms
bill grew his hair out cause sirius had long hair and he wanted to be just like him
imagine the huge family dinners and the marauders just kind of sitting back and smiling at all the little red heads and listening to their squeals of laughter and thinking “yea, this is our family”
imagine having massive dance parties and ron being on sirius’ shoulders and harry being on james’, imagine peter jumping around with charlie and the things forcing remus to get up and dance
imagine james comforting bill when he’s scared to go to hogwarts, telling him things would be fine and they’ll visit him all the time
imagine them going out in public somewhere and sirius insists on the buddy system, and so witches and wizards all stop and stare because walking down the street is james potter, holding a small ginger girl, lily potter, who has both her hands full with redheaded twins, remus lupin, who has a small boy with glasses and a taller boy excitedly talking about dragons at his side, and sirius black, who has a boy too interested in his book to look where he’s going, and a taller boy with long bright red hair following behind him . what a sight indeed
lily 100% does the boys’ hair as they all grow it out longer, and each of them sit nicely for haircuts and styles and absolutely adore the times they have with her
remus gladly explains his scars to the older boys and and let’s them ask questions, in which he makes up ridiculous stories of fighting knights and riding dragons
james makes the have family baking nights and george always ends up with frosting in his hair and harry likes to throw his cupcakes at ron
sirius gives them ALL miniature leather jackets and charlie takes his with a giant grin on his face and proceeds to never take it off
fred sometimes had giant fire and peter is the only one able to calm him down, they often go on walks during the mornings and peter tells him about the pranks they pulled in hogwarts
james wants them to get a family pet and nobody can agree on anything, bill wants a cat, charlie wants a dragon (“or a lizard!!”), percy doesn’t want anything, fred and george want a giraffe (yes, they went to a muggle zoo and would not shut up about them), ron and harry want a dog, and sirius wants a lion (bad influence he is)
they let the boys, as they all get older and join hogwarts, add their own magic to the marauders map, and it’s the cutest thing ever really
ginny’s first word is definitely “fuck” after hearing sirius say it as much as he does
ginny, as she grew, loved messing with james and remus, she had them wrapped around her finger
bill brings home his first girlfriend and sirius and james go full on protective dad mode and well, bill cant say he didn’t expect it
lily is the one with the least repulsive fashion sense and so for family pictures she makes sure everyone matches and looks decent, the pictures come out lovely
during the holidays their house is a complete MESS, 13 stockings line the house, there are dozens of presents, too many kids to look after to know who stole the hot chocolate and who replaced the candy canes with stale ones
one day remus thinks it’s a good idea to take a family trip to the beach and the day proceeds as james has to run around to our sunscreen on 7 pale redheads who will definitely burn very easily, and sirius also has a heart attack when the twins run face first into the ocean
and i can go on forever dont test me
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goldentsum · 4 years
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━ the bitterness of falling in love
PAIRING: bokuto x reader
GENRE: angst, smut
SUMMARY: 𝙗𝙤𝙠𝙪𝙩𝙤 𝙠𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙪 is someone who wears his heart on his sleeves and someone who loves too much even if the other person doesn’t deserves it. when he falls in love with the infamous l/n y/n who’s known to leave people crying, he took his chance and put his heart on the line.
ALTERNATIVE SUMMARY: “hearts are made to be broken, kou.”  “if it is then i wouldn’t mind, (y/n). it’s okay if you break my heart.”
TAGS: toxic behavior, smut, angst, fuck buddies, obsessive themes, manipulative tendencies, praising, sub-ish! bokuto, asshole! reader, riding, unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving with a little of male receiving too), bokuto loves you too much...
WARNING: do not proceed if you are easily triggered. do not romanticize this behavior. this type of relationship is toxic and should not be viewed as normal. also, WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT!
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this turned long tf? okay... sinful and messy with angst just how we like it huee~ i hope you liked this fuck-girl spin off~ <3 
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Bokuto knows that he shouldn’t love too much, he knows but he can’t really help it. He just pours so much emotion to everything he does and it’s both his strength and weakness. People can take advantage of that, he knows. Bokuto may wear his heart on his sleeves but he’s not an idiot as much as people like to think and just he doesn’t mind. He doesn’t mind that people can take advantage of him, he just wants to share his love and emotions with others.
“Bokuto- san, are you getting the hang of the new quick?” Hinata asked, drinking his water as they finished their practice. Bokuto looked at the shorter male, a wide toothy grin on his face, and huffed his chest in confidence. 
“Of course, Hinata! I’m Bokuto Koutarou, your senpai, after all!” He boasted while Atsumu and Sakusa watched the scene in the corner. 
“Geez, talk about ego.” Atsumu commented, wiping his sweat off. Sakusa scoffed at Atsumu’s words and walked away but not without saying, “You’re one to talk, Miya.” 
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean, Omi!” 
Bokuto and Hinata watched Atsumu chase after Sakusa with his sweaty small face towel while the latter cringed in disgust. Bokuto then ignored them, turning to Hinata with a grin. 
“Neh, Hinata~ Tell coach I’ll go on first, okay~ I have to meet up with someone,” Bokuto said, a small tint of blush on his face. Hinata looked at him for a moment with confusion but nodded. Once the shorter male responded, Bokuto thanked him and raced to his things, packing up and went straight for the door with a loud goodbye. 
“What’s wrong with ‘im?” Atsumu asked, stopping next to Hinata and draped an arm on the shorter male’s head. 
“I don’t know but Bokuto-san looks happy” 
Bokuto hurried his way to his girlfriend’s apartment, oh he meant his friend with benefits... He doesn’t like this arrangement, not one bit. but if this is the only way he can be close to you then he’ll take it. He’ll take any chances just to be close to you even if it means that he’ll end up hurting. 
The tall sweaty male was breathing heavily when he arrived at your apartment but his smile was unwavering, happy that after these past few days he could be with you again. 
Bokuto raised his hand to ring your doorbell but the door suddenly opened, surprising him. His smile slowly dropped when he saw that it wasn’t you but an unknown male exiting your apartment. 
“Oh, sorry dude.” The unknown male muttered then walked on his way out, letting Bokuto hold the door open. Wide golden eyes trained on the unknown male, observing him. He had curly brown hair, pale-ish skin, tall and lanky with a black outfit on. He was the complete opposite of Bokuto.
Bokuto ignored the voices in his head, trying to shake off the negative thoughts that started to corrupt his mind. His whole cheerful mood slowly diminished, he lowered his head while his thoughts ran like crazy. But he ignored it, he cleared his throat and widened his wobbly smile, picking his head back.
He walked in your apartment, calling out to you. “(Y/n)? I’m here! Are you still up for some food or did you change your mind?” 
You yawned and went to your kitchen where you saw Bokuto in your hallway, removing his shoes with his usual smile. Your mind started working again and your brows furrowed in thought, rubbing your nape
“Oh shit... That was today?” You muttered, your fingers pinching your nose bridge in slight annoyance. Bokuto’s smile faltered, his once shining eyes began to dim, but once again he covered it up. 
“It’s okay, (Y/n)-chan! We can reschedule if you want!” He suggested, stopping his movements to remove his other shoe. Bokuto straightened up when you looked over to him and he showed you his grin as if telling you it is alright. 
You sighed and shook your head, “Nah, it’s okay. I’ll change.” You answered after a while. Your tone was cold and it was as if you were gonna do something you didn’t want to do but was roped into. Your disinterested figure disappeared into your bedroom, leaving Bokuto alone. 
Bokuto finished removing his other shoe in silence, his teeth biting his lower lip. He left like shit. Like some trash  to make someone act like hanging out with him was a chore and like he was wasting their time. If it was anyone else, they can shove their opinion about him up their ass but yours was something far more valuable than anything in the world.  
He finished removing his shoes and walked in your kitchen, grabbing a glass to fill it up with water. He even forgot to change his clothes and fill his water bottle because of how fast he raced to you. 
“(Y/n), can I change my clothes in your bathroom?” Bokuto asked, going through his bag after he drank water and put the glass in your sink. 
“Yeah whatever” He heard your quiet response in your bedroom. He pursed his lips and went to the bathroom to change. The bathroom smelt like you. Your shampoo and body-wash filled the small room. Bokuto smiled at the familiar scent and started changing his clothes. 
When he finished, he looked in the mirror. Bokuto observed himself. Now, he wasn’t one to be cocky but people always said that he was handsome and the ‘perfect’ man or whatever that meant but why? Why don’t you think that-? 
He tried everything just to catch your attention but nothing got you. He tried to mold himself into your ideal type from what he heard about you. He changed his wardrobe, his hair (once), and even his personality a bit. When you told him that you hate childish people who whine about things, he suppressed everything in him to not be whiny and annoy you. Bokuto wanted to be mature for you. Just for you.
“Oy, Koutarou. Why are you taking so long? You died in there or something?” Your voice was a bit muffled on the other side of the door. Bokuto snapped out of his train of thoughts and smiled at the door. 
“’Course not! You wouldn’t get rid of me that easily, (Y/n)!” He said, going out of the bathroom and stood face to face with you. You looked at Bokuto from head to toe and nodded in approval with a small smile. 
“You clean up nice, Kou” 
Bokuto beamed at the compliment also noticing that your mood had gotten better than before. He giggled softly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and nuzzled his face on top of your head.
“I’m glad... It’s all for you...” He whispered lovingly. Bokuto felt you tense a bit and you started to move away from him. He pouted at that but released you, knowing that it might dampen your mood again if he became clingy right now.
“Yeah yeah. Let’s go then, lover boy.” You said, clearing your throat as you dismissed his words. Bokuto smiled sadly at you and you felt his eyes on you but you didn’t look at him, going to the door to wear your shoes with Bokuto following you like a lost puppy. 
He sighed a bit, his small disheartened smile on his lips while he followed your actions. 
This is okay... I’m happy just to be with her...
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Bokuto’s and your ‘relationship’ continued with the former reminding himself that the situation can’t get better and that is his only shot with you. It was okay that he was hurting, at least he can be with the one he loves, right? 
Though his mood was noticeable, the Black Jackals saw that there was something wrong going on. His fake smile was getting too easy to read, his shaky smile present in his face as  he tried to put on his usual dazzling smile. Eyebags surround his exhausted golden eyes. Bokuto was slowly losing sleep with all his thoughts these past few days.
“Bokuto-san? A-Are you okay?” Hinata quietly asked the dazed male who looked at empty space. Bokuto looked at him with a tight weary smile and nodded, “Y-Yeah... I’m just tired, Hinata” 
“I think you should get some sleep, Bokuto-san...” Bokuto chuckled a bit at the younger’s words and nodded once again, “I will after practice don’t worry” 
he lied
Bokuto slept for about 30 minutes but woke up after a dreamless sleep. He groaned when he looked at the clock, the ticking was getting on his nerves. 
3 am 
And then a small ding came, his tired eyes widened in eagerness and a grin crept up on his face as he opened the text.
𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦: 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 (𝐲/𝐧) 🥺
If it was 3 am then maybe you would text him again for him to come over. This was your usual time where you ring his cell up, even though he was dead tired, the thought of you hitting him up and telling him that you need him was making his heart flutter. A smile started to fill up his lips unconsciously.
Bokuto got his phone and scrolled through his inbox, checking if you texted him already. He refreshed continuously as if it would make your awaited text come faster.
[₃:₂₁ ₐₘ]: 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘬𝘰𝘶. 𝘪’𝘮 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘥
Your text message was fucking dry as ever but did Bokuto cared? no. He only cared that you texted him after another week without any trace of you. He was just happy that you finally texted him after a while, emotions clouding his judgement once again.
Bokuto sat up and texted you back quickly, confirming that he will go to you asap. After that, he threw his phone on the bed and freshened up. Going to his closet, he picked a black tee and jeans and sprayed a bit of cologne that he knows you liked. He got his phone, keys, and wallet and he was off to you. A lovesick smile on his face.
He arrived at your apartment in a jiffy, excited to see you, and rang your doorbell. Bouncing a bit on his feet while he waited for you. When the door opened, he saw wearing a short bodycon black sweater exposing your legs and neck with a bit of your collarbones. 
“Well, that was fast. A new record, Kou” You teased with a small smirk. Bokuto became putty at the sound of your voice and seeing you in front of him after loathing in self-pity and depreciating, it was like an elephant removed one of its feet on his chest.
Bokuto missed you so much and you’re so gorgeous, it hurts him. He just couldn’t control himself as he gulped, waking closer to you and hugged you tight in his chest, snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. your sweet scent made his head dizzy, letting you and your scent engulf his whole being. 
“I missed you so much, (Y/n)... You don’t know how much I miss you” He muttered on top of your head as he walked you two in the apartment while his one hand closed the door. Bokuto hurriedly removed his shoes with his feet and pressed you against the wall. He started to kiss up and down your throat, teeth grazing the soft skin on your neck. Your cold hands went up to his messy hair, nails scratching his scalp sending shivers down his spine while you disregard his words.
“You drive me crazy, (Y/n)...” Bokuto continued, now against your neck, body pressed against yours. The feeling of the cold wall on your back and Bokuto’s warm body was slowly getting to you. You raised your leg up to his hip and pulled him closer to you. You felt his semi hard-on through his jeans as Bokuto pressed himself in your heat, slowly grinding up to you. 
“Shit, Kou... You feel so good” You let your lips touch his ear, your hot breath against the sensitive skin. Bokuto whined a bit at your teasing, your hands descending to feel his muscular chest, nails trailing on his clothed chest. 
He leaned away from your bruised neck to look at you, wild dilated eyes staring straight into you. You smirked up at him, fluttering your lashes so prettily and hooked your finger in his belt hoops, pulling him again to you. The action made your pressed groins to have some friction. 
Bokuto's eyes fluttered shut and lips parted slightly at the small pleasure, you smirked at his reaction. His reaction will always be your favorite. He was just too easy to play with, just a wag of your finger, he's gonna be looking at you with utmost admiration like a loyal mutt and that’s why you kept him longer than most of your other arrangements.
You captured his lips in a hot kiss, your tongue going inside his mouth without permission though the small thrust of his hips indicated that he’s not really complaining. His warm hands went to your thighs, gripping you in a tight hold and carried you with ease, letting you wrap your thighs around his hips. Your arms wrapping around his neck, tongue working in a frenzy motion, wet, sloppy, and messy. so messy. 
Bokuto carried you to the bedroom, careful of his movement to not bump into any furniture. He laid you down in the plush bed, muscular body covering yours. His hands wandered and went in your sweater, caressing your upper thighs. 
You released his lips, looking at him. Lips, red and swollen and so wet. Half-lidded dark golden eyes staring at you, switching from your eyes to your red lips. Despite the tense sexual atmosphere around you two, he placed a soft kiss on your cheek which surprised you.
You looked at him with confusion but Bokuto only smiled at you and then proceeded to kiss down your throat, to your collarbones and then knelt on the floor. 
Bokuto kissed your plush thighs lovingly, hands moving to let your legs so he can rest it on his shoulders. Your eyes met when he looked up at you, he once again smiled at you. 
“I’ll take care of you, (y/n)” He said tenderly, a sweet smile on his lips. Rough hands pushed your sweater up, bunching it up on your upper stomach. Golden eyes admired the sight in front of him. Soft skin presented to him, cute and soft thighs loosely wrapped around his head and your pussy covered by a pair of dainty red panties.
Bokuto reached up, caressing your covered pussy with the back of his fingers and felt the wet cloth on his skin. A small curse escaped him when he saw you sighed and your eyes fluttered close. He moved closer to your cunt, feeling your heat. His tongue peaked out and licked a long stripe on your covered cunt, dampening your panties with his saliva and your essence. He continued to lick you through the thin cloth. With his tongue pointy, he circled your clit gently. Your hand went straight to his hair, pulling him closer to you. 
The two-toned haired male sucked you through your panties, tasting you a bit. Releasing your clothed cunt, he looked at the darkened patch on your underwear, courtesy of his spit and your wetness. 
Impatiently, he removed your panties and quickly settled back in his position after helping you remove it. He looked at your pussy, admiring it, licking his lips, wanting to eat you more than ever. You sighed impatiently when nothing happened for a moment.
“Koutarou just fucking eat me out already” You groaned, grumpy, and jerked your hips to get him to start. Bokuto smiled at your actions and flattened his tongue, tasting you fully. He moaned at your taste and like a starved man, he ate you out like you’re his last meal. 
Tongue flicked your clit so expertly making your thighs slightly closed instinctively around his head but that only encouraged Bokuto, who now started to eat you out more aggressively. Your breath quickened at his actions, grinding on his tongue as it rubbed your bundle of nerves. He then inserted his tongue in you, thrusting and licking your velvety walls.
He released his grip from your thighs as one hand went to fondle puffy your clit while his tongue fucked into you. His tongue slick in your warmth and you pressed your pussy on his tongue to get him deeper. Pushing his face closer, you could feel him nudging you faster to your climax. With steady thrusting of his tongue and the rough rubs he gave your clit, your orgasm washed over you. 
You started to jerk into his hold, moaning loudly and grinding your heat in his mouth. Bokuto lets you ride your high, licking you up happily and slurping up your juice. The wet noises so lewd and erotic in the the quiet room.
His other hand went south to palm his hard cock. Noticing this, you stopped his movements which confused Bokuto. He leaned away from your pussy, mouth dripping with your juice and his spit and his breath heavy from all the excitement. 
“W-What’s wrong, baby?” 
You ignored his words and pulled him up, laying him in the bed, sitting on top of his groin. Bokuto gasped in surprise at your action while you hissed at the sensitivity that coursed through your body but that didn’t stop you. The male also makes no movements to stop you, ready to satisfy you and wanting nothing more than to gain your praises. Whatever you want, he would deliver with no error. 
Lust filled eyes followed your figure as you copied his movements earlier, settling between his thick thighs. You unbuttoned his jeans, sliding it off roughly while Bokuto watched you, biting his lip, his body jerking at your rough actions. 
Once you got the pesky pants off his body, you admired the thick outline of his hard cock in his boxers. You let your hand drift and started rubbing him through the cloth. Bokuto closed his eyes at the pleasure, his dick was so hard that it really hurts and your soft touch was making him light-headed. 
Pulling his boxers off, his dick was fully exposed and was standing tall against his stomach, a large vein running down his length and his head flushed red and was leaking so much precum. You leaned closer and put small kitty licks on the engorged head of his cock, tasting him. Bokuto gulped at the sight of you, red hot blush on his cheeks. You looked so beautiful like this. 
“Baby.. Please fuck me..” He panted out, breathing heavily. You smirked up at him, eyes locking. “Since you asked so nicely, how can I deny you, Kou~” You purred, crawling up to take a seat on top of him once again, your pussy rubbing against his hard cock. 
“Shit, you feel so good-” Bokuto muttered, warm hands going to your hips, holding you tight. Your own hands hastily took off his tee, wanting to see his muscular chest. 
“You look so sexy like this, Kou” You praised, kissing on one of his pecs while you caressed the other, admiring the gorgeous muscles. Bokuto’s lips parted at your praises, hips grinding up at your wet cunt.
You could feel his dick twitching against you making you smile, “You’re really big on praises huh, baby boy?” 
“F-Fuck, yes--” 
Bokuto’s brows furrowed when you matched his grinding, doubling the pleasure he felt. His grip on your hips tightened, looking at your pussy that was moving against his dick. 
“You remembered to bring a condom this time, right Kou?” He freezes at that, looking up with alarmed eyes. You sighed at that, knowing that he forgot again but you were too horny right now and he looks so good under you. 
“Fuck it, just fuck me raw baby. I’m on my pill anyway” You muttered, kissing his ear, your tongue traced the shell slowly. Bokuto groaned at your words, feeling really impatient now. He lifted you up a bit to line this dick on your entrance, feeling your wet folds on his sensitive head. Bokuto hid his face on your neck, kissing the bruised skin. He didn’t move after that though, knowing that you were in control right now, not him. You smirked when Bokuto made no other move, mumbling a small praise because he remembered your ‘rules’.
You steadied yourself and slowly sunk down on his thick length, you two moaning in unison at the feeling. You forgot just how big Bokuto was, the sting was always there but god you loved it so much. 
Bokuto groans when your wet tight cunt wrapped around him so deliciously. Your soft walls encasing his cock, clenching around him. When he was fully inside you, you winced a bit at the pain and pleasure as his tip nudged your cervix slightly.
Your movements were slow at the beginning, trying to ease the sting but Bokuto didn’t mind and just enjoyed your slow build up, mouth open slightly with his eyes closed and brows furrowed in concentration. 
Watching his face, you quickened your pace when the sudden pleasure hit you, shivers running down your spine. The change of pace made Bokuto open his eyes in shock, mouth open into a silent gasp. He let his eyes travel your body, watching you, and one of his hands went up to your breast and thumbed the pebbled nipple. 
Your hand covered Bokuto’s and you squeezed your breast, your bouncing never faltering with the male’s other hand supporting you. His fat cock hitting your g-spot perfectly with every bounce you did, your release coming closer than you expected. You chased your pleasure, ignoring Bokuto’s but fuck with the way you were riding him like he was a toy for your own pleasure was getting him closer to his high as well. Your wet pussy sliding on his cock, feeling your tight walls sucking his cock again and again as you ride him.
You let your other hand rest on his chest for leverage, swirling your hips on Bokuto’s dick. Bokuto’s fingers went to your neglected swollen clit, rubbing fast circles making you gasp in surprise and pleasure, looking at him with wide lustful eyes. 
“S-Shit, just like that baby... You make me feel so good, Kou--” You whispered, riding him faster and the added clit stimulation Bokuto gave you pushed you off the edge, the coil in your stomach snapped and your orgasm washed over your entire being for the second time. You moaned his name, praising him again and again which encouraged Bokuto’s actions to speed up even more.
Bokuto groaned when you clenched around his cock tightly and taking your hips in on his hold, thrusting up into you vigorously, chasing his own orgasm and letting you ride your own. 
With a few sharp pumps, he spilled his load in you, his cum coated your velvety walls with white ropes. “S-Shit, (Y/n)!” You grabbed his face and placed a hard sloppy kiss on his lips, Bokuto groaning on your lips while his hips still moved frantically to ride his high. Tongue swirling with each other, caressing in a frenzy motion.
When his high slowly died down and his thrust came to a stop, you released him from the kiss and slumped on his chest, tired. Bokuto wrapped his arm around your waist, pressing you in his sweaty body. You groaned in discomfort of the heat and sweat but decided to just let Bokuto be. 
Silence surrounded you when your harsh uneven breaths died down, the cold air nipping against your skin. Bokuto runs his hand on your back, drawing circles on your skin. 
This only really happened with Bokuto, your other friend with benefits never stayed long in your apartment. You always kicked them out right after sex but you guess, Bokuto was a bit special... but it doesn’t mean that you like him or anything. He was just fun to play with, yeah that’s it. 
“(Y/n)? You awake?” Bokuto’s unusual soft voice called out. You hummed against his chest but didn’t pick your head up, feeling lazy and tired. 
“Can... Can I ask a question?” 
“You already did though.” 
Bokuto chuckled nervously at your response making you leaned away a bit to look up at him. His golden eyes shone under your soft fluorescent lamp.
“Why do you-- do you like this type of arrangement?” He finally asked after a while of contemplating. You raised a brow at his question, “Why? Do you have a problem with it? If you have, you can always get-” 
Bokuto shook his head frantically, not letting you finish your words, “N-No, that’s not what I meant! Just why in general, of course!” 
You hummed once again, scanning his expression before continuing, “Love is shit, that’s why. It’s fake and make people believe in it and when they’re in too deep, it shows it’s real colors and hurt you”
Bokuto’s eyes softened at your words, he never thought about that. Who hurt you this bad that they made you lose faith in love? 
“Love is beautiful though. Yes, it might not be perfect but it’s beautiful” Bokuto answered back more softly, tucking a loose strand of your hair on your ear with a loving smile on his face while he admired you. 
Your heart slowly beat at his actions, looking at Bokuto with uncertainty but you shook your head, getting rid of your thoughts and scoffed. 
“Hearts are made to be broken, Kou” 
Bokuto’s eyebrows curled in sadness, eyes soft and the fingers that traced your skin stopped for a moment,  “if it is then i wouldn’t mind, (y/n). it’s okay if you break my heart.”
Your heart crumpled in guilt at his selfless words for once and you shook your head in disbelief, chuckling fakely, “You’re an idiot, Kou. Don’t do that to yourself”
The two-tone haired male continued to trace your features with sad eyes, a small bittersweet smile on his face as if he accepted it already, “if it means that I can be with you, I’ll do anything, (y/n).”
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whiterbone-a · 3 years
i wanna know what your take on the nanami / gojo relationship is ?? cause a big part of me is like nanami isn't someone who really talks , like you won't get inside of him and he'll make jokes here and there with the whole work is shit thing . but i think he lost his heart and happiness alongside yuu and i think he even said this wasn't a mission first years should be on and the fact that yuu looked up to getou and gojo so much and still got killed was like a fucking blade to the stomach.
i mean do you think there is a romantic possability , i do play around with it but at the same time do you think it would be comforting ?? like i know the big ship is gojo and getou because of how close they were but what is nanami to gojo , a tool and a function or a friend and possible lover ??? and how will his death effect him ???
also were gojo actively smiles , nanami only smiles when death is around the corner and i am like red flags here and there . but sorry this got so long and please feel free to ignore it .
hello and welcome.  take a seat and thank you for joining me.  if this doesnt make sense just pretend u know what im talking about, its the adhd for making my thoughts so scattered everywhere
so in concept the nanami and gojou ship in a romantic concept is rly cute in concept like u have an ex - salary man whos serious doesnt allow himself the luxury of acting his age but on the other end u have someone who still acts like hes a child and never takes anything serious even when hes fighting.  they both endured the trauma being a jujutsu sorcerer entails yet they have nothing in common -- gojou dresses like hes a reflection with the moon and nanami, the sun.  also the fact that gojou thinks that he, himself, is ascended above all he works with while nanami is just a human living his day to day, and lot of ppl use this as nanami to bring down gojou to his morality just like a nudge or a friendly reminder.  he even tolerates and puts up with him a lot more than he should.  hes very patient but very honest.  a lot of the fanart of them is SO CUTE esp when theyre married and living happily with one another.  i even ship them, its actually one of my top ships next to satosugu but like in reality its not so great unfortunately
honestly?  theres a small slim of a possibility but due to the nature of the clash of personalities and what their job its like ... not rly possible
nanami, even out of being a salary man, fully treats being a jujutsu sorcerer as a 9 - 5 job and refuses to work overtime. he has small luxuries like he enjoys reading and eating left overs after a day of working hard like who wouldnt and not to mention hes the type to keep his relationships strictly professional. gojou has probably asked him several times to take him out for drinks after work (altho work never ends with gojou which is ironic) and has said no.  it’s funny now that i think about it,  shouko probably asks him for an occasional drink after hours and he accepts because at least he likes shouko and he knows theres no ulterior motive from her just a couple of coworkers doing some heavy drinking but nothing ever more than that -- hes even said that he wants to get married but when hes no longer a sorcerer
sucks tho, because like everyone else, nanami sees gojou as someone who is extremely powerful and only sees him for his techniques except more like hes a nuisance and extremely annoying, even to the point of having absolutely no respect for him.  he realizes, yeah hes strong but as for the full package that is satoru gojou?  there’s absolutely nothing to respect about that man
and while we’re talking about gojou, i’ll say it, he’s mentally unstable.  i mean, we all knew that -- hes got a couple of “screws loose” as he puts it inside that rattling brain of his.  on the opposite side of the spectrum, hes not capable of handling a romantic relationship.  hes always always busy, its rare that that he gets a breather for himself.  hes always being sent out on missions out of country and ive always portrayed gojou as the type of partner thats not even gentle on his partners in terms of being playful, childish, and being a nuisance.  his mental health is absolutely terrible (i’m not saying nanamis is any better but) hes always acted much younger than what he is altho i do blame his upbringing for that.
and gojou treats everyone as good friends but does like to particularly pick on ppl who take themselves too seriously (nanami and utahime), mei mei and yuki are exempt from this.  he also doesnt rly care for ichiji but like, that doesnt matter LOL.
i do see nanami eventually giving in for one (1) after dinner ‘date’ after work but when gojou is actually less himself, hes tolerable to be around which isnt saying much tbh.  you should def listen to the nanami and gojou drama audio if u can!  they’re so fucking funny as a pair, which solidifies them as being cute but were not talking about that rn.
in terms of being ‘what are they’ to each other, its hard to tell.  i talked about it briefly as nanami reminding him of his morality and being his humility tho gojou doesnt act like it, he fully believes hes above all and everyone, lovers and close friends are included in this.  i read a lot of nana/go fanfics and they portray nanami as someone to push down his ego;  to remind him hes actually Not all that great, a child in an adults body, etc.  he’s a brutality honest man and gojou can take critic and criticisms to his person but that doesnt mean hes going to listen (and he doesnt, hes even self aware that his personality sucks ass but does he bother to change?  absolutely not and he wont start now nor for anyone else).
yuu did definitely help nanami change and shift his ideas about the world, esp hating the jujutsu society afterwards.  like, i dont blame u king, it sucks ass.  tho, i dont think nanami looked up or cared for gojou and getou that much.  getou he looked up to more so because at least hes as a respectable guy, strong, good looking, and stimulates intellectual conversations.  gojou?  not so much.  nanami probably thought that it doesnt matter if u have techniques that is extremely rare to acquire and even more so to master but u suck ass and u dont stimulate joy to be around.
nanami is a good friend and high school buddy to gojou and nanami would definitely call him ‘coworker’ or something along those lines when hes annoyed him too much or doesnt want gojou to benefit too much from simple acknowledgement.  gojou thinks hes an ascended being but he definitely respects and finds nanami to be a strong sorcerer and was rather surprised when he took the 9 - 5 job but it was definitely safer.
death ... ah, i think about this all the time.  it’s like losing suguru all again except he didnt go rogue and kill a whole village.  hes absolutely confident in nanamis abilities to fend off curses and hes too stubborn to let himself die as well, so the idea of him dying doesnt ever cross his mind.  thats a true stab to the gut to hear that nanami has died, maybe a moment of truly being unhinged and a darker nature but we wont rly know until it happens in the manga, which i cant wait.  i mean, at least mei mei, utahime, and shouko are around but this is nanami were talking about.  if this was in terms of a romantic relationship rather than a simple seemingly one - sided friendship of enjoying of being around that person but that person just tolerating him and hoping he goes away eventually.  i can’t say, i can’t say!  just take these thoughts with like a grain of salt.
also that last statement in the ask, gojous smiles are fake and a mask while the rare times nanami does smile, its genuine.
regardless of what i said, i think it can be a comfy ship!  this ship isnt toxic but any means (unless u make it toxic then well, thats a you thing) so just enjoy it!  i know i do i think as long as u recognize that maybe neither of them being a relationship would benefit the other then go stupid go crazy, i know i will.
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kinkymagnus · 4 years
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normally i like block anon hate and i might do a quick generic response but i don’t necessarily show the ask but this is too fucking funny not to. this is genuinely the best anon hate i’ve ever gotten. i’m almost wondering if it’s a joke surely someone isn’t this goddamn stupid???
ok ok ok so.
first of all. i actually was joking, mostly because while magnus’s actor, harry,  is very attractive he’s like late 30s and it would be kind of weird for someone that much older than me to have sex with me. and while magnus is, again, super hot, i also ship him with alec more than i actually want to have real sex with him or something, particularly again given the age thing and my own unrelated issues, so like, if somehow magnus bane became real, i would not want to have sex with him. although that’s irrelevant, as he isn’t real, and fantasies are harmless even if i was fantasizing about that, but whatever.
second. even if i wasn’t. what the fuck. i literally wouldn’t even be doing anything wrong.
anon please tell me what’s disgusting about being attracted to a FICTIONAL CHARACTER. it’s not like i’m out here thirsting over a 12 year old anime girl with huge tits or something, so i honestly don’t see the issue. he’s a fictional adult, and also he’s hot. people have fantasies about fictional characters all the time?? this is normal?????
like 1. on a more serious note some people only feel comfortable with sexual fantasies about a fictional character because it’s more coherent than vague “and then im having sex with...someone” but also its unattainable and like, can’t hurt you, and also, you don’t feel weird being attracted to someone (although you never should anyway unless they’re way younger than you or something??) and also again 2. WHY IS THIS A PROBLEM? DO YOU THINK THIS IS LIKE BESTIALITY AND THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CAN’T CONSENT TO [checks notes] YOU FINDING THEM SEXY??? WHAT THE FUCK they’re not REAL, karen 
and even so no one needs consent to find someone attractive lmao what the fuck it’s attraction not action
i genuinely can’t get over this it’s so fucking funny “ERRRM just learned that you think a fictional character is hot. [vine voice] blocked and reported” i????????
or is this about the specific use of the word “topping” which is referring to the fact that i personally prefer being on the receiving end of things, but would be willing to be the “giver” so to speak for him? it’s a joke, i’m not even necessarily classifying him as A Bottom and me as a A Top in that post (although even if i did mlm joking and/or seriously headcanoning this shit is not the same as like Cishet Women clowning about it)  like..... ok??????? 
also “writing porn of characters is one thing but WANTING TO FUCK THEM YOURSELF? TOO FAR. IF YOU WRITE SELF INSERT YOU’RE GOING TO HELL.” i??????????????????????? I????????????????
I ACTUALLY WANT TO KNOW THE LOGIC BEHIND THIS I WON’T EVEN BLOCK YOU YET. because despite the whole “blocked and unfollowed” someone only sends anon hate like this when they want attention, and i have no doubt you are going to be checking my blog to see me crying or angry about this. of course, now that i’ve said that you might not respond out of spite or some childish willingness to be like “NUH UH” but like, we both know the truth. and i mean, congrats, you got my attention, look at how fuckin long this response is
anyway despite how hilarious i find this....  like i just... “oh...i......its wrong to joke about wanting to top a fictional character who literally couldn’t care less....it’s WRONG TO BE ATTRACTED TO FICTIONAL CHARACTER....WRONG TO GET OFF ON FICTIONAL CHARACTER (why do you think people read my porn, buddy, for the intellectual stimulation?) WRONG TO WANT FICTIONAL SEX WHEREIN YOU COMPLETELY SET THE BOUNDARIES AND WHAT GOES RIGHT AND WRONG AND IT IS SAFE AND THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CANNOT HURT YOU IT’S THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER WE AREN’T EVEN MAKING WEIRD COMMENTS ABOUT THE ACTOR--”
[ahem] despite how funny this is, anon hate isn’t cool, and also, dude. if you really were upset by me.... [im about to start giggling again] being. being attracted. to a fictional character. like................ just......... unfollow. hell, you can block me if you want to, god knows i understand blocking people who make content that doesn’t feel comfortable to you. 
but like, sending a petty anon ask (anon! coward! if you’re gonna send hate show me your face!) being like “WELL I HOPE YOU’RE HURT, BECAUSE I HATE YOU NOW, YOU DIRTY SLUT, HOW DARE YOU DO THIS CONTENT I DON’T LIKE” is wrong! even if i was actually doing something that really was gross! even if i’m following someone and i find out they’re into j*lec incest or something, i don’t go into their inbox and go “DISGUSTING. THAT’S WRONG AND RACIST AND GROSS. BLOCKED AND UNFOLLOWED.” even though it is, and they are, because i have class. i unfollow, block, and move on! 
but like, this is even worse because it’s something so mind blowingly trivial it’d be like if i went into some poor person’s inbox like “YOU MADE A POST SAYING YOU THOUGHT AN ACTOR WAS CUTE. FUCK YOU. THAT’S DISGUSTING. BLOCKED AND UNFOLLOWED.” like??? ok??? bye. good riddance
anyway you’re really hurting yourself more than me. i mean, i’ve got [checks notes] holy shit my follower number has gone up one. 
oh my god this is so fucking funny i’ve got one new follower and as far as i can tell it doesn’t look like anyone’s unfollowed unless there’s another new follower buried in the notifications and/or you unfollowed ages ago. did you even unfollow or are you just trying to shame me for thinking magnus is hot, which he is???
that is so fucking funny oh my god i’m just laughing harder the longer i look into this
anyway i was going to make a joke about 601 going down to 600, a nice round number, and like, i wasn’t going to miss you, i block book stans that follow me all the time and people unfollow me for various anti reasons all the time, i’m used to losing followers, you’re the one who is apparently missing out on my porn--speaking of which, why do you like my porn? you can’t be attracted to the characters, right, because that’s a sin? or is it ok if you’re only watching but not involved. like the “it’s not gay if you’re watching and not touching” kind of rule. 
i just.......
“but then wanting to have sex with a FICTIONAL character???wtf??” LKGJFLGKHJFH I CAN’T GET OVER THIS THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNY “i expected better of you” FROM ME? THE PORN BLOG? DID YOU THINK I DIDN’T FIND THEM FUCKABLE IN ANY WAY???????? I?????????????????????? 
also did you send a similarly childish ask to all the other people on that post? not that i’m encouraging you do but tothetrashwhereibelong sadly had their inbox closed and has personally expressed interest in a dumbass rant from you when we were laughing about this, so you can send that to me and i’ll carry the message! they’d be delighted to hear it.
anyway i’m actually not going to block you just yet because i honestly want another response but i’ll give it a few days, maybe longer. i’m so curious and also this is so funny lmaooo 
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kandadiff · 4 years
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Below are the live comments for the ‘Live’ Video. It wasn't live but they don’t know that.
- Kay and Bommie’s relationship is honestly adorable. 
- oh here we go CL starting stuff, I’m almost sure she likes Gd.
- same im starting to think that wasn’t an accident.
- I ship Minho and afi…. so if they messed... it is what is is
-nah sis, Bunny Dragon all the way. 
- Okay yeah, Cl is being a shitty person here. what did she expect Kya to do? Not stick up for Adi, even though she left funhouse they still love each other.
-wait wait wait. Suga and Kay hooked up!! SUGA AND KAY HOOKED UP!!!
- #Kuga shippers its our time!!!
- Ive been waiting!!!!!! #KUGA
- Nah #KamKam forever!
- ^delusional
- Wonho is honestly so fucking hot. Like look at my healthy daddy running.
- Namjoon needs to stop avoiding Jackson. I need my #Namson moments.
- I find it so freaking funny hes avoiding Jackson.
- They got drunk during the blackout. Look at Taehuns face you can see that's his hangover face, 
- Of course the power goes out and they get drunk. 
- mood ^
- Did Kay really just try to act like it wasn’t her apparently screaming yoongis name. 
- A sex tape I need to see
- 100% would buy
- What song is this?
- La despidida by daddy yankee
- ^ thank you 
- oop Gd looks mad
- Look at poor daesung so cute!!! 
-Jackson is to much sometimes. So I get it. One time I had a friend like that and she was just constantly talking and talking and wouldn’t levae me alone and i’m an introvert so it was hard to always be there for her. 
- ^The cassie of her group.
- #KAYTOP evidence
- There it goes bobby talking shit
-Kay is so dramatic I swear. I’m over her bratty attitude.
- You can tell shes an only child
- Shes not being dramatic though but …. go off Ig
-oop Gd letting his true feelings slip. I clocked it.
- No I agree with what kay said. He was projecting his feelings for Adi on her. I wonder if she really did sleep with Minho and that's why hes so mad. 
-yo someone needs to punch bobby out.
- Yo im no yoongi stan but that is bold af
- I also find it weird that daesung went out in the rain
- Seungri knew what was happening and just wanted to see
- #GdBeingPetty
- Gd is so fucking hot when hes angry 
- ikr Take me daddy
- ooooo Gd vs Kay!
- Money is on gd Kay is chilish
- sure shes being childish
- Yo she just called out Jennie
-I knew kay and bobby used to date. I saw how she was when she was in ornage caramel. I fucking knew it.
- I thought it was obvious!
- OOOO that's why Kay don’t fuck with Jisoo anymore.. I bet it was her 
-Oh yeah ! I am living for this drama!!
- King Bobby and King Jiyong lol
- I love it when she does that 
- lol she still made bommie breakfast
- is it weird I still ship her and bobby
- no
- yes
- Adi is so cute when she wakes up. Like a bbay 100% adi stan
-Yes sleeping not sexing
- Hes not wearing a shirt
- they are in fucking spain when its summer there soooo I bet its hot
-Theres a difference
- I don’t see the problem at all. Shes single so whats the issue
- Adi is a whole mood right now. 
- oh daddy Minho the voice of reason
- ikr I seriously love him.
- who came to the door? I didn’t see
- Jiwoo
- I bet they actually closed the door and CL opened it
- Shes not that petty
- girl she is
- yaaasss queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- oh fuck! she just really came and screamed in this bitches face.
- shes a shit starter
- you better be talking about CL ^ adi is just sticking up for herself
- Look at how big wonho is. he towers over adi. 
- I want a ‘Adi’s Biggest Dick Rider’ shirt
- oh CL doesn’t even look bothered 
- ^ true queen keeping it classy not trashy
- ^ oh fuck off CL was wrong 
- I support #SkyDragon
- I believe Minho. why would he lie? #HonestDaddy
- my thirst is real for Minho right now. Looking like a whole snack
-HAHAHA V confirming Kuga !
- I love V
- this is why hes my bias
- Yo did she just smack wonho out of the way? hes like at least 70 pounds heavier then her.
- ooo shit adi laying it down
- I am living for this ! fuck cl and gd
- they were friends first. Adi is just jealous!
- IK id be upset too! CL loves Gd and adi just came in and ruined it
- No No No
- Cl LoVes gD aNd AdI JuSt WaNtS To RuIN iT. 
- That's bullshit. Gd chose adi they are a good couple. CL should be supportive instead of being upset
- no I completely understand CL’s perspective, Adi should have backed off
- ^ no youre wrong so shut up 
- finally gd comes in!
- everyone is coming in right now 
- OOOO if adi went after mino knowing CL liked him that's fucked up
-Ik obviously CL knows Adi’ s feelings towards gd she should have been womn enough to back off. I would be petty like adi too
- no I don't think she should have gone after mino but I do agree CL should have backed off.
- WTF is Gd doing right now? like its the time to speak tf up
-aww Minho being the peacemaker
- I feel so bad he doesn’t want anyone to fight
- yooo my Russian princess! Katya spitting truth
- Katya is right! Honestly Cl should mind her business
- Gd is her best friend it is her business
- ^no its Gd’s and Adi’s that's it
-You know you fucked up if Makayla is yelling at you
- My hippie queen is so beautiful
- Shes right bobby is fucking ugly
-No hes not! hes hot and hes right FunHouse is known for the sluttiest songs in Kpop
- so?
- it doesn't make them sluts
- Poor Minho still trying to keep the peace. 
- honestly its so far past trying to stop it at this point.
- But he didn’t say anything though
- yeha all he said was he belives adi
- hes not trying to take sides
- okay right now he has to because it directly involves him.
- I lOvE bObBy - shut up jisoo
- Jisoo ‘let me make it about myself’ Kim
- shes just sticking up for herself, what is with all this hate?
-Rose is the only real one in BlackPink, I’ll say it 
- Lisa too
- ^ I said what I said
- Even rose knew CL fucked up look at her face
- someone make that a gif
- CL is wrong she did not have to bring up Shawn and Edward
- she did it because she was losing
- no she did it because Arianna needed to hear it. 
- ^ this
- No that's fucked up because it has nothing to do with the argument!
- exactly! #QueenKatya
- Shes right! Its not the person who had the cheating partner’s fault they cheated. 
- katya don’t give no fucks she just exposed the shit out of them
- shes lying 
- ^exactly shes just starting shirt like adi. Jisoo never cheated on bobby. come on
- !!!
- OMFG!!!
-lisa is stupid did sje really try it?
- V and katya are couple goals honestly
- I bet you if he could v would be swinging too
- Taehyung would never hit a girl
- ^ she wasn’t saying that she was saying that if he could he would hit Lisa for coming at Katya. 
- Look bobbys going to try and protect his butt buddy CL
- they are friends and Adi is assaulting her
- King Jb stopping the fight
- OMG!
- where do you see it?
- mama bear draven has such big dick energy my big gay ass cant handle it
- Look at how she looked at CL . shes going to swing
- CL should swing at her! Ugly bitch 
- Katya is terrifying speaking like that
- wheres the Russian fans what is she saying
- shes calling the girls inside dirty whores who fuck there fathers
- V & Katya are what iwant in a marriage
- Did Makayla just say that Haerin slept with Mino?
- I clocked that too^
- Angry draven is so hot
- Katya is seriously terrifying right now
- Adi is ready for round too
- she looks like Muhammad Ali
- ugly ?
- ^ no like shes going to kick your bias in the asshole
- what did she say in german?
- I love you ? I think
- She said CL has STD’s and that she loves Katya
-poor Makayla look at her she looks like shes going to cry
- #BTSStansFunhouse
- the power team right here ^
- If you don’t side with funhouse your wrong
- I know if your bias does and you don't your not a fan
- Army sides with funhouse
- no they are wrong! look at CL’s face! she didn't have to do all that
- honestly if kay didn’t open her mouth then this wouldn’t be a problem
- no no no CL said it there fore it was going to come out
- yeah whatever she said she said. that's how she was feeling
- she didn’t have to beat the fuck out of CL though. No one should ever put there hands on someone else
- ^ I side with Adi but she didn’t have to hit CL
- Yeah she could have just pushed her off like Katya did with Jisoo
- Katya only did that because Jisoo came at her first. 
- Funhouse is NOT the new 2ne1!
- ^ No FH is better
- proud mama bear draven!
- did she just call them twat snatchers
- honestly I thought the first fight in the house would have her throwing the first punch but im really glad its adi
- ooh herecomes the shit starter
- ^ don’t be like bobby now
- Kay didn't start anything! CL DID
-CL started everything! 
- I live for angry suga
- he looks like a kitten I cant take him seriously
- neither can bobby ^
- Can we mention how whipped monsta x is for Kay like doesn this bitch got a spell on them or something? and can I have it?
- Oh here we go with CL
- Oh your a fake friend then because you wouldn’t see anything wrong with this if you had a real friend
-^ periodt!
- aww hobi 
- #Kobi
- I like how they are all ganging up on her now when her group is outside.. pussies
- good fuck her
- SHIT!!!!
- Boy gained my respect! STICK UP FOR YOUR GIRL!
-IDK why everyone is shocked. everytime bobby is mentioned Suga calls him a  loser
- Is it wrong I want to see Bi vs Jungkook?
- hell no I want to see it too!
- BlackPink is getting real bold! Now that they got a little fame they getting real brave
- they can! They are bigger then funhouse 
- since when? Funhouse has more awards and titles then them.
- maybe bigger in korea
- not really ^
- oh look the dram aqueen cant handle being yelled at
- shes not being yelled at ^ shes being ganged up on
- I knew matthew be slinging dick
- oh hell yes 
- you know hes packing too
- Kay is right though if she was a man her antics wouldn't be a problem 
- but shes not a  man so she has to deal with the whore label
- ^ you are an asshole 
- No shes pulling the feminist card. shes a slut and she has to deal with it. shes been a slut since liam and she still hasn’t grown out of it
- ^ it must be so sad to be you
- my baby is crying! 
- Aww hobi loves her look at how hurt he is to see her cry
- she should be crying! She fucked up! Adi should be crying too! I hope that bitch gets charged with assault! 
- people need to stop crowding her though, she looks like she cant breathe
- Monsta X is Kay’s posse for real
- yo someone needs to pop jennie in her fucking mouth
- I know shes pissing me off
- why is veryone coming for Jennie all shes doing is talking
- talking shit!
- #KamKam strikes again
- ^ ikr I love them so much
- ^ tiffany ships it too I guess
- ^ why does she have to bring Jackson into it though?
- Oh now gd wants to step in to help? good im glas Jin and Jimin stop him
- he could have pushed past them if he truly wanted to help though
- look at yoongi when namjoon said that though! he looked so worried
- then bobby popped him
- Hero Jackson getting his future wife out of crisis
- future wife? not anymore I bet
- I wouldn’t marry her
- ^ speak for yourself anyone in funhouse id get down on my knees for
- she needs to get Jennie
- ^ the fight was supposed to be over and this ratchet bitch just started it again
- again with pocket pussy 
-^ I need that shirt now
-You know damn well Jungkook did that push on purpose
- I know hes really ready to fucking fight someone
-what happned lisa? not so big and bold?
-^ lisa was classy she knew the fight was over
- yooo wtf did yuri say yesterday? 
- ^idk but katya fucked that bitch up
- what did she say? Russian fans!
- she called her a piece of shit
- ^ a talentless piece of shit
- damn Jungkook and wonho really snatched up there girls huh? I ship it
- Katya is with V
- doesn't matter I ship it anyway
- Maybe it will work like squidward and make him prettier
- bobby is hot af soo
- suga was wearing rings that not fucking fair. Let bobby put on some rings 
- ^ and he’ll still get his fucking ass beat
- he tried to choke bobby like this is no joke
- he sucker punched him Suga is a pussy 
- Yugyeom angry is so hot
- Taeyangs face makes me want to cry he was just trying to help
- jb wasn't going to let him outside
- lol adi’s petty fucking dance has me dying
- I am living for the drama this season
- this si the best day of my life #teamFunhouse
- Way better then the drama last season # Team2ne1
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vadre · 7 years
uhhHHh anyway ykno whats fucked up? when i had to break it to ex that “my patience isnt endless, u gotta get ur shit together” her fuckin,, response a while later was “i thought about what you said and youre right” and probably some sob story paired with a “ill never take u for granted again ilu” but i just remembered that recently bc like. my one roommate can be fuckin insufferable and childish and generally Very Punchable when she wants to be and im quickly losing patience for her and do not feel guilt over being short with her but. yeah ig i just forgot that its so easy for people to take you giving them chance after chance for granted? like. she was clearly brought up in a world where mommy was always there to cater to whatever needed doing so if she whined enough she got her way, and ex was fucking terrible but unfortunately charismatic and persistent to the point that she wasnt used to people telling her “no” and actually sticking with it
but like. those are two extreme examples but it also makes me think about how lenient ive been with others at my own expense and how like. if they even realize whats happening at all its so easy to fuckin. take everything for granted 
its also like. i hate hate hate that if someone uses A Tone with me or makes a fucking. “triggered” joke or literally uses “trigger” in anyway that isnt an Actual Fucking Trigger its like. -1 trust for u buddy. but because i have to be ridiculously comfortable with someone to be able to confidently say “hey dont do that, that really hurts/bothers me” half the time the person doesnt even fuckin,, realize whats happening in which case like. the whole “patience�� thing doesnt hold at ALL bc they cant be taking patience for granted if they dont know whats even fuckin happening and on my end if im being honest its not patience its just fear and like. “ive let this go on for too long to say anything about it now, even if i have the words now”
its nice to think about how far ive come in terms of mental health but at the same time i am unable to comprehend the progress ive yet to make, even if i do the whole “takin it a day at a time” thing
im bumming myself out bye
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THE 27/10/16 UPDATE
ABOUT DAMN TIME I GOT TO HERE AINT IT! Geez, I need to hurry up and get caught up to that new update so I have a good excuse for being lazy. ANyways, this should be the Calliope and Jane interaction. Also, am I the only one who thinks most people pronounce calliope weird? its always like, Call-e-ope-e or cal-i-ope, but I think it’s just Call-e-ope. I dunno, whatta you folks think?
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CALLIOPE: (oh!) CALLIOPE: (Um, hello again jane. ^u^)
Dammit she’s adorable.
JANE: (I’m sorry, am I interrupting anything?) JANE: (You seemed to be taking a pretty engrossed gander at that house door thing.) CALLIOPE: (oh no i was jUst admiring it. nothing important.) CALLIOPE: (although... i was doing a little thinking as well.) JANE: (Really? What about?) JANE: (If you don’t mind sharing, that is.) CALLIOPE: (not at all!) CALLIOPE: (well, the main sUbject of my thoUghts has jUst been shock for how i am even here for this moment.) CALLIOPE: (after it became clear that i was never meant to even play the game session i was a part of, despite my foolish hopes...) CALLIOPE: (i was certain that the Ultimate reward was forever oUtside my grasp.) CALLIOPE: (and yet, here i am!) CALLIOPE: (it almost feels like i’m cheating.) CALLIOPE: (i have hardly done anything deserving of any reward, let alone the Ultimate one. u-u;)
Aw, don’t be like that Calliope! You may not have played much of an active role in the story, but  that doesn’t mean you weren’t 100% necessary! Honestly, where would the Alpha Kids be without you? I think you’ve earned this by enduring the bullshit you’re brother has put you through, and doing what was best for the completion of the game, and survival of your friends.
JANE: (That name really is a bit misleading, isn’t it?) JANE: (It seems so... grandiose.) JANE: (I’m not sure if I’m all that fond of it.) CALLIOPE: (really?) JANE: (Mhm.) JANE: (Especially considering, well...) JANE: (My behavior today hasn’t exactly been worthy of accolades either.) JANE: (In fact I think I may have done more harm than good for the majority of my session!) JANE: (Or maybe even further back than that!!) JANE: (I don’t mean to be insensitive when I say this, Callie, but...) JANE: (Throughout this entire mess, at least you have been innocent of any real wrongdoing.) JANE: (Which is more than can be said for me.)
AWGH, dont be like that JANE..... ALl these sad girls need to stop worrying about WORTH n shit. You all played your role dammit. 
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CALLIOPE: (oh...) CALLIOPE: (yoU’re referring to the things yoU mentioned in yoUr story?) JANE: (I killed my best friend.) JANE: (And out of such petty jealousy!) JANE: (I might be able to foist blame upon the Batterwitch, for manipulating me into hurting my friends.) JANE: (But she was only able to do that because they were already inclinations I had, deep down!) JANE: (Couldn’t I have resisted more?) JANE: (What does that say about me?)
iT says youre a human with human emotions. 
CALLIOPE: (but roxy is here! she’s fine!)
DAYum  RIGHT roxy is fiiiiiine
CALLIOPE: (she may be a slightly different version of roxy than the one yoU knew, bUt certainly that is better than losing her forever, isn’t it?) CALLIOPE: (living in a world withoUt roxy in it...) CALLIOPE: (that woUld sUrely be a terrible fate!)
JANE: (Oh certainly!) JANE: (You have no idea how relieved I am that despite my horrific deeds, I still have the people that matter most to me in my life.) JANE: (Including my dad!!) JANE: (I’ve missed him so much.) JANE: (I’m almost afraid to ask if he knows about what I did...) JANE: (And if not, would I ever be able to tell him?) JANE: (He’d be so ashamed of me.)
Pretty sure his only emotion is proud. BUT COME ON JANE, youre worrying about the wrong shit. these people, im tellin ya. they never wanna let go of the paST.
CALLIOPE: (jane, i am not very familiar with the concepts of fathers and families.) CALLIOPE: (these are very hUman things which, despite my preoccUpations, are still qUite foreign. u-u;) CALLIOPE: (bUt i think i may be learning slowly by seeing how all of yoU are immediately drawn to each other.) CALLIOPE: (and from what i have learned, i don’t think yoU need to worry, jane.) CALLIOPE: (we are all just glad that yoU are here, i am certain of it!) JANE: (... Thank you, Callie.) JANE: (The same goes for you, you know!) CALLIOPE: (oh yes! I really am qUite happy to be here and not dead!) CALLIOPE: (i jUst wish that i coUld have been a little more UsefUl...) CALLIOPE: (perhaps if i had managed to contribUte at least a little more, i woUld not feel qUite so oUt of place.) JANE: (It’s alright to feel a tad ill at ease.) JANE: (Nobody expects you to be immediately hunky dory with all of this buddy chummy hullabaloo.)
Hah. No comment, other than that I love this line. This interaction  is sweet.
JANE: (In fact I’m certain not even all us humans are on the same page.) JANE: (So your discomfort, in a way, is a very good indication that you fit right in.)
no kidding. Is there anybody here who feels comfortable? Maybe Rose and Jade. 
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CALLIOPE: (thank yoU jane. that sentiment really means a lot. ^u^) CALLIOPE: (bUt i mUst admit that it is a little odd to think of myself in sUch a way.) CALLIOPE: (i have always been an oUtsider looking in. never trUly part of anything larger than myself.) CALLIOPE: (thinking aboUt parents and siblings, well.) CALLIOPE: (my only experience with anything of the sort was my brother.)
OH, that actually reminds me of the lil fucker. Where IS caliborn? he defeated his denizen and did a thing with the clock. SOoo, what’s his gameplan now?
JANE: (Oh, yeah. THAT jerk.) JANE: (Do you really need to think about him any more, Callie?) JANE: (I know I will be perfectly happy to never deal with him and his sordid affairs ever again!!) CALLIOPE: (it’s not a particUlarly happy thing to ponder, no.) CALLIOPE: (bUt nonetheless it’s what i have.) CALLIOPE: (and despite how awfUl it may have been, i think it warrants reflection.) CALLIOPE: (there is something aboUt oUr shared experience growing Up that makes me feel... connected to him, still.) CALLIOPE: (i wonder if maybe that connection is at all what family is like.)
I think that connection is what sharing a body for most of your life is like. Thouuugh... They hated each other, sure. But they probably relied on each other for everything as well. So perhaps that could build up a sort of familial attachment.
JANE: (I don’t really know, Calliope. I’m hardly an expert on the subject.) JANE: (But from what I understand, family is really quite a multifaceted thing.) JANE: (And the sort of connection you’re describing could certainly be part of it, I think.) JANE: (Some might say you cannot choose your family, and that they are an important part of who you are no matter what.) JANE: (For better or for worse.)
I mean, I agree with that to some extent. But really it depends on what kinda “family” you’re talking about. Blood, or bonds.
CALLIOPE: (hmmm...)
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Ooh, that’s a pretty good panel. Also, his godtier makes me think....... It’s kinda funny how sburb identified calliope and caliborn as two seperate entities, giving them two different godtiers. would it have been like that even if neither have them had taken control?? Bluh, im sure it wont matter.
CALLIOPE: (that may be trUe.) CALLIOPE: (however...) CALLIOPE: (i do feel like whatever relationship we had was not trUly any sort of familial bond.) CALLIOPE: (at least not like anything i have seen thUs far in hUmans.) CALLIOPE: (we called each other siblings oUt of convenience, bUt in reality, we were competitors in a game larger than even that which spawns Universes.) CALLIOPE: (technically, i was the loser in the race to predominate and participate in oUr session.) CALLIOPE: (but in that yet larger game...) CALLIOPE: (which i think one might call the game of life.)
You mean... 
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obvious joke im sorry.
CALLIOPE: (it seems like i might be the winner.) CALLIOPE: (i think maybe, given that, i am beginning to Understand what my alternate self meant when she told me to "live"...) CALLIOPE: (becaUse we both know my brother well. and it seems there is no version of him that will ever be able to finish his childish games.) CALLIOPE: (he will stay the way he is forever, never able to move on and jUst live. never knowing that sUch a path, which he views with sUch disdain, is likely far more rewarding!)
Yeah, he doesn’t seem like one to settle down and have a good ol’ time relaxing with friends and family. 
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JANE: (Callie, that’s it!!)
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JANE: (That’s why it’s called the ultimate reward!) JANE: (We don’t have to play this drab old game anymore.) JANE: (This is our ticket to move on to the much bigger adventure awaiting us.) JANE: (Letting go of the past and learning from it...) JANE: (Puzzling out what it means to have a family.) JANE: (All of that. Living life to the fullest.) JANE: (That’s the ultimate reward!)
You know, that does seem likely. THAT’S probably definitely it. I mean, it’s fitting. the whole GOAL is to get out of this fucking game and live a new life mature in your new universe.
CALLIOPE: (i think yoU’re right, jane!) CALLIOPE: (we jUst stUmbled Upon that realization qUite accidentally, didn’t we?) JANE: (Actually, Callie. I think it might be because you are just that clever and insightful.) CALLIOPE: (oh, shUcks... u^u;) JANE: (You are definitely a winner in my book. And I’m glad you might be a winner in yours, too.) CALLIOPE: (i am certainly getting there.) CALLIOPE: (maybe someday soon i will be able to more fUlly come to terms with all this.) CALLIOPE: (bUt... there’s no rUsh, right?) CALLIOPE: (so long as we are looking forward, instead of back.) JANE: (That’s the ticket!) JANE: (Cheers, to winning!) CALLIOPE: (to winning! ^u^)
Daw, you two. Well, it seems like they had a positive resolution! They’ve discovered what the ultimate reward is! And Callies gona get all good at accepting herself as a big WINNER. HOOray! Im guessing they’ll be moving onto the next pair now, which should be Karkat and Dave.
Yup, character select screen. TO THE DAVEKAT GAYS!
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Karkat’s anxious, Dave’s like come on man we fuckin won dont be anxious. 
DAVE: (dude) DAVE: (relax)
KNew it.
DAVE: (i can practically hear you thinking yourself into another shitfit) DAVE: (john looks about ready to twist the shit out of that magic doorknob) DAVE: (i thought youd be relieved or something) KARKAT: (I CAN’T HELP IT.) KARKAT: (I’M NERVOUS, OK?) KARKAT: (LAST TIME I WAS IN THIS POSITION, IT DIDN’T TURN OUT SO WELL.)
OH what could you mean by that? it wasnt so bad. A devil dog appeared slaughtered the fuck out of a door, traveled across your world and destroyed your planets, then murdered all of your dream selves.
NOpe, he’s still very much trapped in the fridge. 
DAVE: (yeah that is uh) DAVE: (actually kind of concerning) KARKAT: (YOU THINK?!) KARKAT: (AND WHAT ABOUT THE MAYOR? AND THE SPRITES, WHERE DID THEY FUCK OFF TO?) DAVE: (look man well figure it out alright) DAVE: (were not just gonna up and leave without everyone accounted for) DAVE: (like seriously how could we ever abandon the mayor) DAVE: (were going back for him thats not even up for debate) KARKAT: (THANK GOD AT LEAST SOMEONE AROUND HERE HAS THEIR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT.)
FInally, some people who are worrying about the RIGHT things. I mean, jeeez. all these people worrying about their pasts and worth, when they need to be prepared to face a more dangerous threat if one comes. ANYWAys
Thats all for this update. Hope my content was enough to satisfy you... 8 followers?? Jeez. Boy am i POPUlAR. 
Seriously though, I dont know if its just because im starting out, but every follower is feeling like a big deal. Sooo... thanks to you who are following me.
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