#me with Filling Companions frfr-
thecomfywriter · 30 days
First Line(s) Tag :)
Thank you credits for the tag go to...
@drchenquill @the-golden-comet and @an-indecisive-nerd
Y'all are gems :)
OKAY WAIT I'M EXCITED FOR THIS ONE. I lowkey want to do this a bit differently than I have been seeing, where I do the first line for all my wips instead of choosing just one. Some of them are rougher than the others, only because I haven't written those one since the dark ages (poor writing quality days, i'm talking "Blasphemous 4th Draft"™️ era), but WHO CARES WOMP WOMP
Also, I might do a couple of lines instead of just one, but without a doubt, it's the opening to each book.
Without further ado...!
Throne of Vengeance-- Volume 1:
"I felt my youth cripple away the moment I set foot within the borders of Soilaila. A fraction of time I had claim to, lost with every step I took forward."
Throne of Vengeance-- Volume 2 (SaI):
"Screams shredded the air."
Court of Sins [Light of the Flame series, Book One]:
"If nature were a singer, how many voices do you suppose she would have? Would it be two— one for life, another for death, singing in a constant harmony to one another? Or would that voice be the same, switching as the years of their song ticked by from majors to minors? Or perhaps, would those two voices instead be for light and darkness, who flipped the world upside down at every switch of the melody? Would she sing in six voices, perhaps— one for every direction the head turns; or possibly millions of unique voices, called mortals instead of songs? I only know of four voices. Four and one. Not five, as you may presume. Four and one. The masks and the face. And all of them were tainted."
GoTN [Light of the Flame series, Book Two]:
N/A nothing for this one yet
EoJ [Light of the Flame series, Book Three]:
"The beating of ceremony drums echo off the twinkling, frescoed walls of Evan’s chambers, rejuvenating the entire palace with the heartbeat of the Elements.
MotT and SoC [Light of the Flame, Book Four and Five]:
pack it up, bois. she's not here.
BoD [Light of the Flame series, Book Six]:
"Eyes like arrows / Moonlight in that lustrous flesh / With vigor in your walk / Your stride casts minty breaths. // Sinewy is your frame, / with hale in boisterous smiles / Broad shoulders that hold / a frame of thunderous guiles // Skin of gold / Lips so sweet. / Mellifluous in those white teeth / Oh, is that a mortal or a god? / Look at the way he speaks his songs."
LotF [Light of the Flame series, Book Seven]:
nada. zilch. sorry folks. she never made it that far.
E1 [The Inkarnyus Series, Book One]:
"The city lights were always something she admired in the dead of night. Especially from her view on the third floor balcony. Under faint crystallized stars and the crescent moon that tucked behind silver clouds, golden specks of light from empty households and narrowly lit streets filled Naliya with nostalgia of a memory she had never experienced."
(A/N: also from the blasphemous days. spare grace like it's change, friends)
TSS [CoE, Book One]:
"The salty tasty of lingering ale pleasured his lips, dusting away with the swipe of his greedy tongue. F’dryx banged his goblet down on the peeling wooden tables of the hidden tavern, robust with his drunken spirit. Yern looked at him with a lost flicker in his eye, as if he had only now realized what a disappointment his companion truly was."
(A/N: guess when I wrote this... lol)
ItW [AoNaS Book One]:
"The evening sky was a rosy pink, the colour of rooh-aftza on a hot summer day."
"The grey clouds of spring's sky rolled over the evening dusk. Blankets of leaves covered the ground below her feet, crunching beneath her every footstep. Sakineh took delicate steps forward, through the narrow streets of the city's neighbourhood."
(A/N: I'm noticing a pattern where the blasphemous draft era™️ me would literally start every book, every scene by describing the sky. she was my muse frfr)
"The rustic smell of blood and ash filled the air, even in the frigid stillness of autumn. There was a memory in the rust of the dark iron-- a time they did not have access to. It was pristine. Artistic. Hauntingly gothic, and perfectly preserved."
"There was a frigidity to the air that night. Whispers in the rustling wind as it shattered leaves against leaves. The entire forest fell into the eerie silence, descending into an unnatural stillness.  'Shh... It's not going to hurt if you don't struggle,' I said, lying between my teeth as I did. It's a common theme, you'll find in this story. Me. Strangling someone with a silver wire in the dead of night. Lying, as I always did. Well... There goes first impressions."
(A/N: just based on the object of my descriptions in the first line, when do you think i wrote this.... LOL)
Alrighty! That's it folks. Tagging the TCW Crew after the mandatory links lol
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