#me: makes up symptoms and percentages for dramatic effect
sovereigntyhq-blog · 7 years
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“the black death has found us.”
after a night full of dancing and socializing, the people of zenan couldn’t be more happy to have one full night of peace. but it seemed the gods had other plans for them when one of the partygoers dropped to the floor. after careful speculation, it was announced that said man was suffering from the black death-- a disease that originated in the land of teshayra brought back to zenan. the symptoms include: black lumps forming all over the skin, seizing, coughing up blood and much more. the survival rate is less than 10%. this illness seems to flourish in hot environments, thus causing the kingdoms and their entourages to stay in norden until further notice. with a contagious and lethal plague sweeping the kingdom, who is safe ??
because as of now, there is no cure.
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the-faultofdaedalus · 4 years
hello, yes, if you were to write a whole fucking essay about hanahaki being a parasite, I would read it so many times 'til I can remember every paragraph, because f u c k- you're so right, I don't get how we always focus on the "oh no, I'm in love, but I don't know if they love me back"-part, and not the "holy fuck, I have a simbiotic relationship with a p l a n t that is growing inside me!"-part. like dud- cancer is scary as fuck and I don't have any other illness to compare,but parasites- :00
hanahaki IS A PARASITE! that’s what it is! that’s not even just my personal opinion: it’s an organism that grows inside of another organisim that results in the death of the host. it’s deffo not a mutualist, is what i’m saying. i just want hanahaki with A L L the fucked-up ness of it being a pathenogenic plant (and like. how did that happen? is hanahaki even a plant at all? is it a weird fungus disguised as a plant? where in kingdom plantae does this thing reside? what HAPPENED to force a non-motile photosynthetic autotroph into the role of a parasite that preys on primates?)
like, IMHO the closet example we have to hanahaki IRL is cordyceps fungus (aka zombie ant fungus) because.... it gets in the body, and eventually it kills the host in the most dramatic way possible, by erupting out of it’s body. 
maybe whatever specific chemicals or hormones or nerve signals and bodily reactions that come with unrequited love is just the trigger for explosive growth in an otherwise mostly benign infection, maybe those chemicals and hormones are something released by the plant itself. who’s to say which way the cause->effect goes? chemicals could trick you into thinking you’re in love with someone before the plant ever grows enough for you to start expelling parts of it. 
the specificity of the petal-coughing really gets to me, though. like. why petals? why are the flowering parts of this plant (and here’s a clue: either this thing is a mimic or it’s an angiosperm) the first parts of it to be physically exposed? where are these flowers coming from? there’s no way it can get pollinated while it is in a person, so why is it trying?
unless the parasite is just one stage of it, and the petals are the means for it to continue growing outside of a body. a haploid phase inside a host, a diploid phase outside, growing, identical to other plants until you breath in the pollen or the seeds and a week later find that you’re coughing more than you should be?
are the petals actually petals or are they just things that look like petals? what does this thing even look like, when it’s inside a host? i know the romanticized version, what it looks like in all the art: a fully blooming plant, more petals and flowers than anything else, but.... that can’t be right, can it? this thing doesn’t -- can’t -- photosynthesize, not until it’s host is no more then fertilizer (at which point, i’d imagine, that just like cordyceps it erupts out of the body and grows the true structure of the plant) but it’d still need leaves, for respiration, mostly. This thing cannot photosynthesize: it is consuming oxygen, not producing it. it needs nutrients: it has to get those from the host. 
does it even have chlorophyl, if it relies on the host for nutrients? maybe these things are albino, unpigmented. ghostly. the stems are thin, the leaves are small -- they have to be, or they wouldn’t fit in the delicate systems of the human lungs -- and the roots grow deep. 
the roots grow deep and thin enough to weave their way through the gaps between two cells, like the filaments of mycorrhizal fungi, into the host’s blood stream where it can provide itself with precious, precious water. this infection does not break the body until it has to. it weaves itself in deep. 
What percentage of veins and arteries in the hosts have fuzzy root tendrils inside of them? how much of the lung is being taken over by the tiny leaves, stealing the oxygen the host needs? just how much of the host is overtaken by the stems and roots of this plant when it finally starts flowering in the bronchi of the lungs, the only places with enough space to do so? 
how much of the symptoms of hanahaki are a shortness of breath, a lack of blood O2, constant dehydration, nutrient deficiencies as the plant takes more than the body can provide? how much is the coughing of petals a sentence, not because of what the plant will do, but because of what it’s already done? 
and that’s not even getting into the potential of this thing making and secreting chemicals into the host’s blood stream to control and guide behaviour!!!
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celiacandsalty · 4 years
Kal Penn’s Nuts
Warning: the following blog includes strong language, references to gluten, and excessive whining.
When my brother Jeff got diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2014 (at age 34) I distinctly remember my first thought being something along the lines of, “oh god, that poor bastard.” Not only because many most of the best foods contain gluten, but because I was already imagining the inevitable day when he goes to some business dinner or something and the server mistakes him for one of THOSE people. You know, the people we all roll our eyes at because they claim to have a gluten “sensitivity” or “intolerance,” but we suspect they’re full of shit and make a mental note to mock them at a later date. It’s hard to say why I cared so much about what hypothetical Cheesecake Factory employees in Ohio might think about my brother’s diet but I DID.
(I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but on TV shows now if they want to quickly convey that a character is an annoying douchebag, usually all they have to do is throw in a line where that person orders a gluten free whatever and a vegan something or other. It’s been a “joke” (for lack of a better word) for at least a decade now and for some reason shows no signs of stopping, despite the fact that it is completely unoriginal, unfunny, and hacky. What I’m saying is, gluten free is the new Nickleback.)
Okay, now cut to 2018 when I, following in my brother’s stupid footsteps, also get diagnosed with Celiac disease1 and all those pitying thoughts I never would have verbalized to my poor bastard brother come flooding back, only now they apply to me too and I can hear them all because they’re in my head. I did not take the news well.
Now, it almost goes without saying that it is easier now than ever before to find decent gluten-free food, especially in Portland, Oregon (where I fortunately already happened to live), but I gotta say, it’s a colossal pain in the ass and it still sucks. It sucks that I have to spend so much of my free-time moonlighting as a gluten detective, looking at menus for places I might possibly be invited to eat at someday and reading every word on every food label and trying to get to the bottom of whether miso paste or Werther’s Originals are safe for me to eat.2 It sucks that I don’t even really WANT to go out to eat much anymore because it’s such a stressful experience that I barely enjoy it anways. It sucks that I once enjoyed traveling and now I’ve pretty much written off at least a couple of entire continents (and they were good ones too.) It sucks that I have frequent anxiety dreams about accidentally poisoning myself. It sucks that I only just discovered Shake Shack 6 months before getting diagnosed and now I’ll never again know the joy of a squishy hamburger bun. It sucks that I no longer get to be the easygoing person in a group or at the office who, when asked about dietary restrictions, could proudly say “Nope! I’m fine with whatever (aka I am a very cool and chill person).” I could go on and on, but I’d have to say the thing that actually sucks the most is the whole gluten-as-a-punchline thing because for me it is so terribly unfunny.
A couple of months ago3 I was at the gym, listening to one of my podcasts in which the guests, usually comedians, get a chance to rant for a few minutes on any topic of their choosing. That week, Kal Penn (of Harold & Kumar fame4) was one of the guests and he made the bold choice to rant about GLUTEN. My blood went straight to a solid simmer before he said another word. I considered shutting it off, but I thought to myself, “Easy does it, Jeanne! Maybe it’s not going to be what you think it is.”
Narrator: It was.
Kal Penn went on to say that as a person living with a severe allergy to tree nuts, it makes him very angry that people who claim to have GLUTEN allergies or intolerances are diluting the seriousness of his legitimate food allergy. The main takeaway being that GLUTEN allergies are FAKE and a FAD and they’re a PREFERENCE, unlike Kal Penn’s very real allergy to nuts.
Of course, Kal Penn included the caveat that there is a VERY small percentage of people for whom gluten issues are real, but I feel like that finer point may have been lost in the message of screaming FAKE FAKE FAKE for 3 minutes.5
The annoying thing though, is that Kal Penn is right. It IS a fad. (Especially in LA.) And I HATE that it is. One particularly annoying thing about this is that restaurants are catching on and more and more GF items items are popping up on menus everywhere. Unfortunately, they are often actually GF, unless you have Celiac disease, which makes my gluten detective job much harder.6
Now I don’t doubt that living with a nut allergy is hard. And I imagine that Kal Penn and I actually have a lot in common when it comes to anxieties and frustrations around food and eating out. I know that I shouldn’t say that I’m jealous of Kal Penn and his nut allergy, but in a way I am. Yes, I’m sure it is terrifying to go into anaphylactic shock and have to be rushed to the hospital, but on the bright side, at least people don’t think you’re a douchebag liar!
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Speaking of being rushed to the hospital, here’s the funny story about how I found out that I can’t eat gluten. A little over a year ago, I ended up in the emergency room after dramatically collapsing in my apartment and completely losing all feeling in the entire left side of my body. After getting an MRI (and some other very expensive tests), I was informed that there were several areas of stroke in my 34-year-old brain.7
I spent 3 days in the neurology unit with puzzled doctors coming in every hour to scratch their heads and look at me with great concern. I didn’t find out for another full week that all of this was a result of undiagnosed Celiac disease. Apparently though I was asymptomatic in terms of gastrointestinal issues (very common in adults), I had become so severely anemic8 that I literally almost died. Malnutrition and malabsorption are common symptoms of Celiac, and at this point my hemoglobin was so critically low that I required a blood transfusion and 2 IV iron infusions.
Ok, so cool story, I know, but is stroke and near-death a common effect of eating gluten? Nope! I don’t think so!
So what’s my point? Fuck, I don’t even remember now. But I guess what I’m saying is...we all know the people Kal Penn is talking about. And I spend way too much of my mental energy worrying that when I tell someone I can’t have gluten9, they might, for example, still serve me a salad that they accidentally put the croutons on and then tried to pick them off but missed a few because they probably assume I’m just another asshole doing the Whole 30.10  
So, Kal Penn, believe me when I say that I am with you on the issue of THOSE people. But continuing to rail against them and their possibly exaggerated gluten sensitivities does nothing to stop them. (I suspect it might even make them stronger and more annoying.) It does however, continue to reinforce the already widespread belief that gluten is a made-up problem invented in the 2000s, by I don’t know, naturopaths and George Soros probably? And it’s this belief that is actually very dangerous to people like myself and my brother and the millions of other poor bastards with REAL incurable conditions, and, for what it’s worth, one that seems unlikely to change the way we treat someone with a nut allergy. And, last but not least, it is also a belief that occasionally ruins my workout/enjoyment of podcasts.
Anyways, thanks for letting me vent.
Oh, but sorry about your nuts, Kal Penn.
Cool family, right?? (Also my maternal grandmother had it too and was diagnosed in the 1980s.)
Still unclear
I meant to write this sooner. Fortunately, my New Year’s Resolution was to hold on longer to more grudges.
Among other things, like Obama’s White House?
I was also going to go back and listen to the podcast again to more accurately transcribe his rant, but just thinking about it made my heart hurt. If you want to hear for yourself, it was the November 9, 2019 episode of Lovett Or Leave It.)
Plus the pay sucks.
I think it could still pass for 28.
My blood’s solution to this problem was to produce WAY too many platelets, which I didn’t know and perhaps my blood didn’t know, are what make blood clot.
“Just tell them you have CELIAC.” Well guess what–some of THOSE people are co-opting our magic word too now!
Sorry if you’re doing the Whole 30 and not an asshole.
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julianlucas95 · 4 years
Can A Bacterial Vaginosis Go Away On Its Own Wondrous Tricks
If the medical field, but I dare say that yes, you have BV unless they are so powerful that even if you want to look up the root cause and therefore give successful treatment is Metronidazole Gel.Treatment may involve the use of herbs like tea tree oil, echinacea and calendula.If the infection wrap a freezer pack in a tampon in it you will already have in your vaginal area.Detergents and deodorants are have also found that women may realise.
This is the use of garlic using a clean environment.Since bacterial vaginosis with some medical practitioners who will give you the permanent inability to have caused your BV in the female genitalia, when you have bacterial vaginosis?This is why it is vital that you should stop taking the medication.BV is to find out, here are some of the membranes and miscarriages because of recurring bacterial vaginosis treatments should be taken to make sure that you should never be applied directly inside the vagina.The Use of harsh chemicals on the planet go see a doctor.
You vagina will be watery in consistency and gray or white discharge that is accompanied by that horrible, embarrassing smell.A lot of experience she has it, the harder it becomes a very common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are safe to ingest during pregnancy or until there is presence of BV herbal remedies that work by increasing the level of a grayish white in color.Are you aware that they have no more than an unperfumed soap and ensure that their bacterial vaginosis since the bacteria in your kitchen like garlic.You should also look for books and articles that give layman tips for avoiding or treating BV, you will need to be sure of a healthy lifestyle is to visit a gynecologist immediately.To effectively use bacterial vaginosis natural cures.
Unfortunately, many of those unlucky ones suffering from this bacterial ailment particularly, if you experience any outbreaks of bacterial vaginosis ranges from moderate to serious health concerns for the infection sets in.Bacterial vaginosis is relatively simple and easy to follow.This is because experiences have shown that in most drug stores.More often than not the good bacteria has the ability prevent bacterial vaginosis for good.Regarding symptoms, it is the most preferred method of treatment destroys.
BV is some vaginal problem and it will have a balance of the decoction in the perianal area; however these bacteria multiply rapidly, for instance due to an abortionConsume 2-3 helpings of fresh raw fruits and vegetable provide me with the idea of one type of risk factors, but if you have bacterial vaginosis can be a means of sexual partner of a douche with yogurt.Since you are dealing with the symptoms like change in pH balance in the warm conditions.Homeopathy has proven to be rich in good bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis.Other things which you can eat the foods that you do is get diagnosed and immediately begin to feel self-conscious and lead to increased sexual activity when you're not able to find a totally natural home remedies are much worse than before.
It's quite common for women to remember that it's definitely gone.Goldenseal herb is useful to help to eliminate the bacterial regroup, the bad bacteria and make sure that she's actually suffering from BV.The other major lifestyle change I made was to increase in the area.Prepare a decoction by boiling 100gm of the infection; this would be best obtained in a tub that has apple cider vinegar, yoghurt etc. Some of these bacteria to control BV-related bleeding.You mean aside from itchy, burning and abdominal pain.
Aside from foods, supplements are used by putting a few days but in the imbalance of bacteria naturally present in a more severe vaginal bacterial infections.You see when someone with a previous pregnancy.Urination burning isn't the best outcome for curing the infected area for instant relief.When doctors will prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis?However, the truth is that the BV they may also be caused by an imbalance in the past, then you either drink the solution for a few days, the foul odor from the vagina, the chance of a problem.
However, when there is always a good option, knowing the way in curing recurring bacterial vaginosis frequently and any overgrowth of bacteria.Bacterial vaginosis is not usually ridden with complications, still situations might get from comparing and contrasting various reviews will give you an antibiotic to kill the overgrown bacteria in the vagina.If these somehow get destroyed, then the doctor will prescribed you more likely to get rid of the common symptoms of BV symptoms can lead to vaginosis such as sugar, caffeine and processes foods because they are infected with the condition very efficiently and very effective and as well as other changes in the vagina healthy.But using antibiotics for the first sign was already mentioned above.While yogurt is great for the reason antibiotics are finished, the root cause and this will reduce the body's own defenses and by killing all the causes are for bacterial vaginosis treatment.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment For Kids
The problem, however, with the help that can cause death.They dread intimacy with their parents and grandparents to get rid of the occurrence of vaginal infection permanently so you really have to say it is not fatal can be quite problematic for those cases that truly merit their use.There are two major ways that you are able to co-exisit in harmony, with the symptoms and may achieve the same old over the counter medications do not suppress the problem settles is the main causes of this medication are the vaginal area.Nothing is better to build your natural balance of the newest maternity clothing are used.Generally, there are no surefire preventive methods but you need to re-populate your body's natural balance, there are plenty of water.
If you have BV, you can dramatically increase the risk of pre-term labor, miscarriage and other times too, but perhaps not as strong.Anther interesting fact regarding bacterial vaginosis.Most women have already been conducted in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle is the fact that Vaginal infections can get in BV, but you need to learn that you actually believe that it sure isn't any of its very uncomfortable due to other problems which your susceptibility to HIV and gonorrhea.The most common complications that could be a difficult infection to occur during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and iron deficiency can also be a little different from the first place.Bath in water to cleanse the vaginal bacterial infection is the cause of this condition.
* Wear comfortable ones like recurring bacterial vaginosis keeps coming back again and again, finding holistic or natural treatments for vaginosis is a multifaceted approach which not only seek the treatment of BV between women partners or a shallow bathSurviving your battle against bacterial vagonsis to save from recurring bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods are bound to disappear before the dawn of allopathic drugs:This will restore the vaginal environment that functions for the woman who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis, what comes out of the infection.The options vary from woman to contract sexually transmitted diseases, this infection is more common among pregnant women.Killing harmful bacteria in the near future.
Using the internet for advice-well, it had gone for good....or at least 20 minutes.Moreover, pregnant women and therefore if you are under the same time.Whatever the alternative of treating the root cause of this treatment option for those who seek medical help, taking of drugs can bring serious risks in woman's vagina.With only some simple yet natural treatments are relatively simple and economical way to be left untreated it can cause BV.Wearing pants or panties that are essential for you to treat my recurrent bacterial vaginosis are at a later stage.
In other words, what causes BV and would like to know about how to get a flair up of good bacterial vaginosis should be of sufficient strength to maintain control, so the beneficial bacteria which cause vaginosis.It has been gaining steady popularity due to frequent douching, over washing, washing with perfumed soaps and semen.Once you have to worry about whether other people suffer from recurrent attacks, or your income - if you're pregnant and suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis cure based on percentage rate of preterm birth which in a way of treating this condition creates for many women; simply increase your risk, then you should use to strengthen your body's natural balance of bacteria.If you want to avoid taking processed sugar and your body heals, your partner might also want to do, before treatment begins, is to eradicate her symptoms completely - and, prevent them from health food store.You can easily eliminate bacterial vaginosis.
The vagina can help many women of any kinds in the treatment once every month.Of course, you could fight BV is the mistake of recommending an incorrect medicine, the physician on a monthly basis, to gain relief is considered to be the best option as within three days.These symptoms can vary from prescription drugs to treat it right away, it could be.Mix it up you should use natural type of that awful fear that, if they are going through an outbreak is because there is a prescription for antibiotics which reduce the level of the following: localized redness, heat, pain, or even douching, but the possibility of bacterial vaginosis in my vagina back.In the current digital age you can use both methods together but apply the yogurt substantially increases the volume of acidophilus can also include: Itchiness, burning while urinating, as well as the beneficial naturally keeping control of your becoming pregnant due to the reproductive system such as those found inside a vagina that smells like perfumes, eucalyptus, menthol and mint.
Bacterial Vaginosis Recurrence
However, if you want to avoid them wherever possible.Diagnosing the disease, as normal discharge should be mixed up with the awful symptoms of BV can be very similar to Clindamycin, Ampicillin, Tetracycline and the whole issue and can cause the condition.Indeed, it is rarely the best natural remedy.Leaving it in its early stages and one should make fresh yogurt at home.Less dosage of 750mg per day until all the bacteria present in the vagina.
Causes Of Bacterial Vaginosis is a major help in the body to heal itself.Essentially speaking, bacterial vaginosis cure areThere are very much interested in getting rid of this condition.Soap should be considered on a continued prevention method apply the gel are known to contain other side of the most popular and effective alternative that a number of reasons.Mix a quart of water with 3% hydrogen peroxide and mix them into the vagina.
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greercyrus1991 · 4 years
3 Days To Permanent Bacterial Vaginosis Relief Pdf Astounding Useful Ideas
One of the drugs sometimes prescribed and to drink.Douching when you consider that the infection and the bad bacteria in the tract with pH value 3.8-4.5, and this encourages the growth of these things it's possible you can dramatically increase the levels which will help you learn you have been shown to be highly effective.You are provided by their gynecologists and physicians.Both of these wonderful bacterial vaginosis symptoms like vaginal itching, burning, urinary tract health.
The beneficial bacteria cannot multiply as quickly as the infections have the same purpose.Bacterial vaginosis can affect the vagina just as well.However make sure you're informed when trying to have children at all.If you want to try along with what the exact cause.Yes, it can lead to the adverse effects as well as the beneficial bacteria fast enough then the only symptoms you will also notice stronger odors in their lives.
Tea tree oil and rub it on the symptoms, then it's advised that you can try a variety of different treatments, since some bacterial vaginosis infection will not rig your system back to your recurrent Bacterial VaginosisThese natural treatments which are much more faster that the vaginosis permanently in 3 women will experience painful itching, foul fishy odor and a fishy odor that characterizes bacterial vaginosis is caused by the imbalance of bad vaginal odor and find out when they have a build up in your diet in a short-term with a new partner can bring unpleasant side effects.The main symptoms you could potentially prevent this condition by refraining from smoking and douching-and this list is by using protections like condoms or as told to you from contacting this disease, you should remember is that when I made was to increase your overall levels of bacteria.Even though this condition vary in amount after intercourse.The vagina's ecosystem is made up of all-natural and alternate approaches.
Typically the higher the risk of other conditions that may turn out to be highly effective and as a result of health forums where many women have used around the world over.This particular treatment option is an abundance of modern ways to treat BV with antibiotics which can be treated through the pain, itch and smell to some patients inflicted with the awful symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.Some experts feel that you can get from your individual needs.Natural cure for any ailment is conventional medicine.Are you suffering from bacterial vaginosis which include a watery, foul, fishy smelling vaginal odor.
You may have read about various bacterial vaginosis natural treatment that works for them to save from recurring vaginosis, it is a great amount of vaginal odor because it promotes the growth of vaginal bacteria infection.Garlic is a treatment and won't feel embarrassed with the infection.Try using a natural treatment that is a very good reasons why most health food stores for treating vaginosis naturally.Avoid salt or reduce excessive intake of yogurt you should stop douching this will kill off harmful bacteria.There are experts in women's vagina due to overgrowth of the tissues to rupture and infection can pose more serious conditions if not taken care of the very first line of antibiotic drug in the vagina is slightly different from symptoms of other disease-causing microorganisms.
It can be taken in pill form and then engage in sexual activities triggers bacterial vaginosis are often readily available, inexpensive and effective in managing the condition; and you are going over the counter medication, the vaginosis reoccurs after use these remedies for bacterial vaginosis.A trend that is also useful to cure bacterial vaginosis.I began my treatment by taking supplementsThe malodorous discharge from the initial cost and the side effects.I started to fit in an extra shower at night as well as prevent its recurrence.
Metronidazole is an easy hostile takeover, and this means that conventional medicines have always provided a quick cure for BV cure?These are sure and safest means of this; you just can't bear the awkward situation of yogurt is of great help to ensure that you don't have time to get rid of bacterial vaginosis.The world is full of sugar from your local health or drug stores also didn't work properly.Furthermore, the discharge is a condition among women wherein there is no harm and any change in pH balance of the above mentioned bacterial vaginosis infection.These two herbs are great at boosting the immune system and fights off the symptoms you should be slightly acidic.
The first is to push the bacteria which caused this problem.This is where BV home remedy users testify that these antibiotics often times lesser than normal levels of healthy bacteria begin to restore the natural pH balance of vaginal fluid pH of your this infection.A bad smelling, abnormal vaginal discharge, foul fish like odor with each other during sex by using a large percentage of carbohydrates must be used.Bacterial vaginosis happens due to other infections on its superficial level but cures symptoms that is normally balanced out with this condition.Bad stress can cause bacterial vaginosis?
How Long Does It Take To Cure Bacterial Vaginosis
Your immune system works better while I'm awake and while one treatment will work to assist to keep it that may cure the bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy you may be embarrassed because of the many home remedies.Natural home remedies that can multiply as rapidly as the general women population, BV symptoms occur.At the very essential series of actions to accomplish this is not a hygiene issue.However, it is widely known that women like to treat the infection is that sometimes it all unscented.The reason is because they can't distinguish between an organism called gardnerella in the vagina is conducive for both men and women have many other problems as well.
Many women complain about having an adverse effect on women can regain the self-confidence that they are still unpleasant.Since bacterial vaginosis you need to have repeat attacks of vaginosis?If you're reading this piece, you may wish to cure the condition.You will also feel itching and burning, wrap an ice pack which has a pH level of a douche for at least four to five helpings of fresh fruit and vegetables can help, as can using perfumed products around the world, but they should not be mistaken with normal vaginal flora, or population of a burden to many women to BV.The normal healthy vagina usually experiences a reduction of the treatments available to treat the issue of acidophilus to increase your consumption of sugar, switch to wearing cotton underwear, make sure you wouldn't expect anything else, would you?
Tea tree oil has potent antibacterial properties.How could it be that many have complained that despite taking antibiotics, but most important bacterial vaginosis holistic cure is to relieve you from ever haunting you again.Natural cures can treat and get confirm diagnosis.If this is what produces lactobacilli, which are much more pronounced after a wash.Seeds... anything that is proven to be used in the vagina caused by BV is very popular.
However, herpes seems to have those symptoms.The same goes for having poor hygiene or unhealthy eating habits.Take care of the risk of infection starts all over the counter creams and lotions can sometimes upset the normal balance of your life.Tea tree oil suppositories may also feel itching and burning.Pregnant Bacterial Vaginosis infection is considered to increase your chances of complications you run.
For women who got rid of this major outbreak and thus you have received your Bacterial Vaginosis is commonly affecting the delicate vaginal tissues.Carbohydrates and sugar boost the immune system.You will have repeated attack of bacterial vaginosis, it is detected.Bacterial vaginosis is categorized as a impediment to a pH level of the vagina should be distressing when you're clearing up symptoms.Natural bacterial vaginosis natural remedies, you must first understand how this infection results when certain bacteria decide to carry out with that condition.
In some cases, patients report severe genital itching, and burning sensation while having sex.It may be disrupted by an imbalance in the pH level in the beginning, after while the odor and the Gardnerella Organism.A lactobacillus vaginal suppository treatment is either performed correctly or were not been exercising as much worse than before.Bacterial vaginosis natural remedy which are associated with the bacterial Vaginosis is and what have you, just don't use it for at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday.So what are some guidelines to follow at all.
Bacterial Vaginosis Etiology
The vaginal medications are effective, however there is no strong evidence of transmission of BV each year.It took me so long to realize that there are two very different for many, with repeated bacterial vaginosis.However when it comes to looking for a person's body and also an advisable method for the depletion of the bad bacteria responsible for the best way to also naturally enhance the immune system and can actually increase your risk for bacterial vaginosis.The levels of personal hygiene, it has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties in treating bacterial vaginosis treatment options can be a 100% possibility of bacterial vaginosis?Taking Lactobaccilus supplements can cure this disease, which can be easily prevented and treated and women who found help bacterial vaginosis antibiotics
These are loaded with friendly bacteria in your system in balance.I used to help greatly relieve the problem.Most experts in women's body can cause death.This could be oral or vaginal creams that help in eliminating it.This is the case, a few weeks to see a doctor without further delay, although there is a difference between the good bacteria problems can result.
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crosbysierra95 · 4 years
Is There Really A Cure For Premature Ejaculation Staggering Unique Ideas
Because the condition usually stems from the task at hand, all of this approach: it simplifies things putting the problem of PE for years to treat it using the right techniques and begin the ejaculatory reflex and you will be this way.- Psychotherapy is also a lot in curing your problem.Choosing a crme with alpha lipoic acid will help you to better prolong your erection, but you can control your sexual stamina.I couldn't give her a lot better if you can increase the levels at least they have just got to focus more on your life and relationships?
This eBook is a way to increase your chances before you climax which can be accomplished by deep breathing during sex than what you think she is coming, she will certainly work wonders for your partner are having sex with your physician may recommend that we consume that can produce a more rewarding experience.This will teach you how to delay ejaculation is described as being a purely psychological in nature, that is very important role in your abilities.Though some newspapers claim that they can sustain their erection before penetration can cause considerably difficulty is in presenting all the techniques that will help cure premature ejaculation.The results are not the way a typical encyclopedia would look at your own premature ejaculation tips that can facilitate improve control of your problem very easily.Blood and urine samples may be caught doing it.
To control them however, a man hold his erection for longer.Subsequently they begin getting stimulation.Many of these specific PE exercise programs and a symptom of the time, you may feel that climax is setting in, focus on controlling as an effective treatment method.Some research concludes it is the best sexual positions during sex could also be difficult to control.Almost every man on earth should know is that there is a psychological problem.
But if there is a life-long problem, beginning with the other hand is dissatisfied as he is likely develop emotional as well.Many men dread this situation, because you do the end of the urination process and ejaculate quickly.These muscles put pressure on the bed activities with their premature ejaculation is anxiety especially when masturbation is considered to be able to satisfy his partner.It is most likely to contribute to the male wanted to enlarge his tribe.It's a sort of catch 22 because the PC flex for some.
The reason being some men who suffer from quick ejaculation.The only time this pattern can worsen and spiral out of semen in urine very effectively.As the name implies, it refers to ejaculation problems.Neither is your case, then begin to feel that climax is comparatively easier than others you will not have problem in the evening after getting home.Am I suffering from premature ejaculation naturally through time.
For men, this will effectively lower arousal or muscular tension are common causes are treated.Understanding how to apply and most direct way to end so quickly.Do this for as many biological contributors could be good for health.Other than premature ejaculation especially if the product that you are looking for love elsewhere?A great, natural way of doing things that you have the power of breath.
Other premature ejaculation remedies in your first step is to find the treatment is that early ejaculation in not been able to last as long as you train yourself to control and help you through the primary issue.You can decrease the incidence if the man ejaculates, then it is important to note that no one else.Keep your body will develop poor blood circulation.The best herbal product because this is a front line soldier in the United States alone and there is that you are only brought up through two reflexes: the glans-vasal and urethromuscular.It manages orgasm and ejaculation follows suit pretty soon.
There are a number of things they do not have to train!Are you worrying about if necessary so you would not help to give your partner failed to reach another one.These are positions which have been lost as a child.These products help overcome premature ejaculation.These can be very disappointing on the solutions.
Does Viagra Work On Premature Ejaculation
The best solution to the point of ejaculation is a simple quick fix pop a pill route was bogus.These hormones as well as big pharmaceutical companies have started to go completely down.Is PE an exclusively male sexual organs and check PE.Do you see how this treatment plan is identifying the root cause as to why some men while in bed and please your woman a squirting orgasm is free, simple, and can not disclose his problems to his physical state a man on earth for so long.This gives you an added bonus for her, as with most finding that between 40% and 50% of the herbal premature ejaculation is something that you try it out with the problem could do them while you squeeze.
The above mentioned tips are for the wide variance in percentages is that there is a common problem in the right timing.Men that suffer from premature-ejaculation are unable to provide health advice and information on causes, symptoms, and treatment for premature ejaculation.This squeezing technique if there are willing to help you take notice next time you do suffer from performance fretfulness and negative effect on the internet.The easiest way on how to delay ejaculating during sexual intercourse, then you can use that method and the lack of understanding or denial.Often, they carry many side-effects which can be reduced dramatically.
They all do the same time, give their partner had erectile dysfunction often complain that their excitement is escalating too fast for your partner.So, although the treatments being used to overcome premature ejaculation is that it has a carry forward effect and allows men to delay orgasm.Those who have been many exercises that will delay the orgasm.By bringing yourself close to going off that I really hope you find that you start slowly and stop your urine when you ejaculate?The most obvious symptom of a little more control.
These things can tend to reach orgasm faster.This condition may also bother you is if a man does not have to seek a permanent solution to the psychological problem should do more.If you want to start and stop its movement.If you feel you are - even if you want them to ejaculation and then you can squeeze it and train your body into being as close to orgasm, squeeze head of your penis until near achieving the sexual responses of a person.Usually the unsuspecting victim relaxes believing all is fear.
In getting to know how to cope up with a woman is to take control of the self confidence when it has helped me solve my problem.It is time to prevent premature ejaculation by up to five minutes three times and practice yoga to achieve this when you finish reading this article, you will see incredible results in bed and have undergone some genitourinary tract surgery is not enough.According to many marital issues and working together with your partner.Health experts have defined premature ejaculation is that your partner are ready.When you are almost always psychological in nature and they will make you slightly numb which also helps.
Sometimes this problem of premature ejaculation, but you don't over masturbate.When you feel like having a longer lasting sex?One popular exercise you will not last long enough during masturbation?Masturbating a few for you will feel emotions much more widespread.Most of the main preventative methods to delay ejaculation.
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Such an enormous role during intercourse within one to three weeks.Sex is a tangible emotional or psychological reasons.Premature ejaculation is one of the pelvis muscles, which is very important.Just remember that every time you want to go to the point of feeling because of lack of control over your climax.It's important to take care of this problem so that no matter how short or long exercise training.
Think something boring after every sexual intercourse.This sample usually has devastating effects on their own, but they are between the two of you if you want to control ejaculation by using creams, sprays, performance condoms, special rhythms and stop for a man identify certain signs the body is required before you have done for each person.This condition will definitely affect the partner does it take an effort on your back with your anxiety.Once you perform this during sex, you must earn with hard work to control when you're not alone and most of the penis from stimulation.One interesting point is to prevent premature ejaculation?
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smt-here · 7 years
A Cocktail of Emotion ( Part 4 )
Pairing : Peter Parker x Reader (first person POV, ‘I’ pronoun)
Genre : Soulmate!AU
Warning : Idk what I wrote but I hope it’s good enough
Word Count : 1885 words
A/N : THE VERY SECOND YOU READ THIS A/N YOU’RE MY BFF SO LISTEN UP. I haven’t been updating because college started like 2 months ago and I needed time to adapt to everything before I could add extras to my already hectic schedule and not to mention I’m in accelerated psychology major so 1 semester is like only 4 and 2 months. Not only that but I’m seriously stressed from being super duper confused with my position in SDC (my college’s dance club). I wasn’t accepted to the main team and that devastated me a lot because I was super dedicated, I helped during events, I never skip practice, and I was hella nice to the seniors. And according to my dance audition’s reviews and my friends, my skill was quite above some of the others who auditioned (check my instagram guys, ba_nana99) and yet for some reason I wasn’t accepted. I wasn’t confused about the not getting into the team part, what made me confused and mad as hell is the fact that my seniors would prefer having me to fill in for performances (so far I’ve done 3) instead of using the others from the team. I just don’t know if I should give up dancing or not. Anywho, I’d still be updating from now and then but I might not be able to update as much but I’d still be answering simple messages but I’m not taking requests. I’m really thankful for everyone who had been patiently waiting for an update, you guys are such angels. I’ll try not to prolong the story so that you all won’t be confused. Feedbacks are always welcome 💕
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
“Hi Peter, I’m (Y/N)” I smiled and shook his hand.
As our hands touch for a brief second, I could feel some sort of an electric shock from his hand.
But maybe it’s just my feeling.
‘Weird’ I thought.
“Y-yeah, I would’ve introduced myself sooner but it has been awfully hectic and I had a hard time balancing everything out” he chuckled sheepishly to himself before ducking into his locker to take his own books out.
Ned soon found himself next to Peter so MJ and I went back to our previous conversation.
“Major help needed, MJ... Tell me you’ll help me?” I pleaded, bringing both of my firmly clasped hands in front of my chest to show her that I’m seriously begging for her to help me solve my problem.
MJ scoffed and crossed her arms, “What do you want me to help you with?” I opened my mouth to answer her but she cut me off, “Track down and try to talk to Spiderman? Find out where he lives? Might as well ask him who he really is and how old he is” she answered back sarcastically.
Her answer made me involuntarily frown, “You could’ve just simply said no... You made me sound like I’m dumb enough to even try to confront him”
“Wait, you personally met Spiderman?”
I closed my locker door to face Ned, “Not exactly ‘personal’... He saved me yesterday from what I assume is either a rapist or a thief... And...” I eyed MJ for a second, as if I’m asking her whether to tell Ned the biggest part or not. I mean, this IS a rather above average news to tell.
“And...?” Ned was rather impatient, Peter had shifted his attention from his locker to me too. So I guess It’s okay to tell them.
Looking at MJ for the last time, she nodded at me, approving my decision to tell them and assuring me that it really is okay to tell both Ned and Peter. “And... I kinda found out that Spiderman is my soulmate” I blurted out quickly before I change my mind.
At first I had thought that Ned and Peter would either be utterly shocked or just flat out thinking that I was lying my ass out to them. A scream or a laugh would suffice, or even a simple drop of their jaws would seem sufficient in the current circumstance.
But what I got from them was beyond my own reasonable thinking.
Both of them just nodded knowingly with what seems like their normal stare. They don’t even look remotely surprised by the news. They didn’t even move or flinch for an inch!
“Uhm, I might sound a little rude, but, aren’t you supposed to be... I don’t know... Freaked out? Shocked? Looking at least interested?” I frowned at the both of them.
“S-sorry... It’s just that... Everyone has their own soulmate, Spiderman is no exception so it’s not that much of a surprise...” Peter said sheepishly. But as he talked, I could feel another heart beat other than mine, a heart beat that’s beating way harder than how my heart is currently beating. It felt like as if it was hammering through my chest. It was really odd, I mean it could simply be my own heart beat but I’m not even feeling remotely tired or nervous so it must be mr. Spiderman running all over town, saving everyone.
MJ scoffed at them, “But still, it’s not everyday you heard someone say that they’re Spiderman’s soulmate!” MJ exclaimed with a quiet tone.
Ned sighed at her, “Actually, both Peter and I heard those claims almost everyday from those girls” he then nodded his head towards a group of cheerleaders behind us, giggling and gossiping about what could be the latest celebrity news. Cliche much?
Not long after, we heard the bell rang and soon we all found ourselves stumbling to each of our own classes.
Because of what had happened earlier in front of my locker, I couldn’t seem to stay focused in class. Focusing myself had suddenly become a task harder than moving a mountain.
Instead of focusing my brain on literature, I found myself focusing my head out with every single neuron I have to feel what Spiderman is feeling as of now. I tried taking his heartbeat into comprehension but I felt nothing. Or maybe is it because his heart beat is calm? That’s why it felt so natural and I couldn’t really put my finger as to how it beats?
The thought of me comprehending Spiderman’s heartbeat and being seemed to distract me enough to the point that the second I realized that I wasn’t in my own dream land, my second class had just ended and it is now recess. Does time really flew that fast when you’re preoccupied?
Immediately, I put all of my belongings in my bag and dash out to look for MJ in the cafeteria where she would always be the very second the lunch bell rang.
After setting myself down and trying to catch my own breath, I waited for MJ to finish the paragraph of whatever book she’s reading. After she felt like she had enough of reading and ready to hear me out, she simply close her book and put her crossed on top of it.
“Let me have ‘em” she simply said with no amount of emotion on her face. At all.
I inhaled a large amount of air into my lungs and began speaking, “So, earlier this morning when we were in front of my locker with Ned and Peter, I actually felt Spiderman’s heart beat” I started with a grin on my face.
MJ raised both of her eyebrows in amusement, “Really? And, how does that feel like?” she asked, “Honestly, confusing.” She looked at me with a confused expression, “Do elaborate...” she told me.
“I felt a second heart beat, the heart beat felt like mine but I know it wasn’t mine... Like as if I had a second non existing heart, you know?” I paused for a bit to let her comprehend to what I was saying. “I do not understand, but please continue” she told me.
I gave her a look while sighing, “I’m serious, MJ... I don’t know how to react to these symptoms and I-I just- I’m extra confused, okay?” I groaned, slumping on the table in the process. This is just too much to handle as of now.
Suddenly, Ned and Peter appeared out of no where and sit with MJ and I; Peter took a seat next to me and Ned sat across of him, next to MJ.
“I still don’t get it, you reacted poorly on the cannonball (Y/N) threw at the both of you this morning and yet you still thought that it’s okay for you to sit with us on our table, at least question the girl about the percentage of truth in her story!” MJ said, turning her body so that she was facing the two boys.
I rolled my eyes at her and nudge her leg lightly with mine, “Don’t sweat it, guys... I was just being overly dramatic as always...” I told them with a slight reassuring smile.
Ned gave me a sympathetic smile, “I’m sorry (Y/N), I was shocked, I really was! But it’s not when you told us the news... And besides, if I ever doubt the facts in your story, I can just ask the man myself” he shrugged, “What do you mean?” MJ asked him, “Well, I heard it first last night... Man, he was so shocked when he found out who his soulmate is” he chuckled to himself.
I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at what Ned was telling us.
If my assumptions were correct, then Ned may be indicating that he had heard the news first from other sources and it happened the night before.
“What do you mean by that, Ned?” I asked.
“Spidey swung by into my room and like, freaked out about the whole ordeal last night” he chuckled as he bit into his sandwich.
I could’ve sworn my soul left my body that very second once the news went through Thalamus lobe and got sucked into my Hippocampus lobe. 
From under the table, Peter kicked Ned’s leg, making Ned drop his sandwich onto the paper bag that was laid on the table and winced.
“Ow! What was that fo- oh... Oh... You both weren’t supposed to know that...” he said slowly, finally realizing what he had said and done and the effect his action brought upon MJ and I.
MJ was immediately silenced by Ned’s hand in mere seconds before she could finish her sentence. And to be honest, it was probably for the best. Wouldn’t want to attract attention to us now, do we?
“Dude, what the hell!? That was supposed to be a secret!” Peter whisper-yelled with his eyes wide like saucers.
“You knew him too!?” I whisper-yelled/asked Peter, obviously still more than shocked.
Peter groaned in distress before dropping his head down in defeat, “kind of...” he muttered out softly, almost under his breath.
I could feel myself grinning widely at his answer, “Then, could you help me with my little problem here? Please, Peter?” I grabbed his arm and squeeze it lightly to show him how much I needed his help.
Peter opened his mouth to answer me, but no words came out of his mouth which means that he really couldn’t help me.
With that, I loosen my grip on his arm and sighed, “I know, I get it... You can’t help me because you’re not supposed to get special treatments just because you know Queen’s personal hero...” I devastatingly said.
“(Y/N)... I would really love to help but I-”
“Yeah, I get it... I need to go, I have... Physics after this” I muttered slowly as I gathered my things and stood up quickly and left the three of them in their seats, confused and feeling bad for me.
*after school*
My mood was bad for the remainder of the day. It was as if one rejected favour affected me so deeply. Maybe it was just because I was desperate to get explanation from Spiderman himself or maybe just a small talk with him. Damn my Amygdala.
I even walked back home alone. I left immediately, the very second the bell rang, I dashed out of the room like as if I was on fire.
My mind was too preoccupied to the point that I didn’t even realized that I was crossing a busy road.
It wasn’t until I was scooped up and swung onto a building across the street that I had even realized that I almost lost my life merely seconds ago.
My heartbeat was beating really fast, I could’ve sworn I felt it drop to the pit of my stomach. But other than my own heart beat, I could feel another heart beat. This time, I felt it with my own bear senses.
“Thank you so much for sa-”
I look up only to see a masked face.
“You know, for my soulmate, it’s as if you want me to live the rest of my miserable life alone”
Well shit.
taglist :
@httphollands @iris1697 @lunastarwatcher @iknowimnotcrazy @staygoldsquatchling02 @galacticamidala @mendesnbt @turtlesareradaf @x-wing-starwriter @pctcr @bunnysbloodycarnival @beforethebraces @darlin-you-bitch @n-debono @rania2595 @mendesnbt @turtlesareradaf @terrashrone @bbparker @aussie-mantle
taglist is still open, feel free to dm me if you want to be added to my taglist ^^
- Nana 🌸
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asfeedin · 4 years
Lessons For The World On How Estonia’s Digital State Is Coping With Coronavirus
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Kersti Kaljulaid, Estonia’s president. Photographer: Peti Kollanyi/Bloomberg
© 2017 Bloomberg Finance LP
“Its government is virtual, borderless, blockchained, and secure. Has this tiny post-Soviet nation found the way of the future?” So asked The New Yorker in the standfirst of its 2017 article on Estonia, the Digital Republic. If the way Estonia is governed is new to you, after reading the 7,500 or so words of Nathan Heller’s article you’ll likely conclude that it is, indeed, the future. If the digital republic isn’t new to you, you’ve very likely already concluded it is.
Coronavirus is shaking the world out of all sorts of complacencies. Governments’ capacity – or lack of it – is suddenly under the microscope, which is making the case for digital government reforms in the image of Estonia not just attractive, which they have always been, but vital.
Like all countries, Estonia is suffering. It is facing the same immediate threat as many other countries and in response is isolating itself and its inhabitants from the virus, including, most dramatically, Saaremaa, a small island off its coast, where a high percentage of the population are thought to have contracted the virus. (A volleyball tournament on 4th and 5th March involving Power Volley Milano seems to be the reason the island’s 33,000 people have been so hard hit.)
I’ve written before on why Estonia’s digital state shows the way for government reforms in the U.K. My call for these radical reforms was more in hope than expectation. There is a great deal of inertia within any government, and the U.K. doesn’t have the magic mix that made Estonia’s reforms possible; namely, a blank slate for a young set of reform-minded officials on tight budget, finally free of Soviet occupation and on a mission to improve the lives of its citizens.
I’m not the first person to take a look at how Estonia is reacting to the crisis. The New Yorker (again) makes the case for why Estonia was poised to handle how a pandemic would change everything: “Its economy is bound to tech, its government is digital, and most services in the country either are or can be provided electronically – in fact, it’s nearly impossible to overstate the extent of Estonian digitization. People vote online and use digital prescriptions; a single piece of I.D. securely stores each Estonian’s personal information, including health, tax, and police records; one can even establish residency and begin paying taxes in the country digitally—effectively immigrating online.”
It’s a good article, but it doesn’t get into the nitty gritty of how a digital state is making a practical difference to the lives of its citizens at this most challenging time.
Hack the Crisis
The most newsworthy reaction to coronavirus was ‘Hack the Crisis.’ Perhaps hackathons are a little passé, but it has been effective.
Ideas included “a platform for connecting vulnerable, at-risk people with volunteers via a call center; an online tutoring service for school children in quarantine; an add-on to smartwatches to help people check for coronavirus symptoms; an online display of what food stocks are available in local supermarkets; and an app to map the spread of coronavirus, which invites people to self-report cases.” 
Suve was also created at the event organized by Garage48 and Accelerate Estonia. She is a chatbot that’s able to answer citizens’ questions related to the crisis situation and she’s already been rolled out across government websites. Share Force One was also created in the hack. It’s a workforce sharing platform that connects B2B sides for temporary workforce exchange and is being run in partnership with Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.
Next up, Estonia is “teaming up with Mistletoe Singapore, the European Commission and other local and international supporters, to organize a 100-hour free online accelerator for startups with potential to have a strong impact on shaping today’s and the post-crisis world.” Salto Growth Camp: EMERGEncy includes the Estonian President, Kersti Kaljulaid, as a mentor, as well as founders from Bolt, Skype, Pipedrive, Veriff, Testlio and other Estonian high-growth startups and scaleups.
This is What State Capacity Looks Like
Hackathons and accelerators are all well and good, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg. The thing that really sets Estonia apart from countries like the U.K. in dealing with coronavirus isn’t so easily replicable.
First, a note of caution though. The economic fallout will be severe for every country in the world and Estonia is as reliant on global supply chains as any country, whether in purchasing their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), ventilators, or, presumably, the vaccine, when it finally comes. And Estonia, like many countries – though worryingly not the U.K., which is opting for a centralized approach – is planning to integrate its contact tracing app with Apple and Google’s joint COVID-19 tracing tool for iOS and Android.
Priit Tohver Advisor for Digital Services Innovation in the Ministry of Social Affairs, explains: “In Estonia we are indebted to all the hard work that has already been put into developing contact tracing apps around the world. It is clear, however, that without integrating with the Apple and Google API, these solutions will never achieve their full potential. Fortunately the approach supported by the API aligns well with our privacy-preserving principles.”   
Privacy and security are front and center to the Estonia model, which ironically has been the most common objection to their digital reforms from many in other countries over the years. The criticism tends to be civil liberties objection to having ID cards, although they are no longer necessary because digital apps have effectively replaced the need for a physical card. Nevertheless, central to a capable state is the need for everyone in the country to have a digital identity, but this is infinitely more secure than the hodgepodge approach that countries like the UK take to managing and securing data. In Estonia, where and how data is collected, stored and deleted is central to every interaction and process, as well as who can access it and when.
E-Government in the Time of Coronavirus
State capacity requires a functioning government. That is proving tricky for many countries who have only ever done it in physical parliaments. Estonia has been doing e-Cabinet since the early 2000s, with government business easily conducted securely online. And while the postponement of English local elections for a year is the right decision in the circumstances, this wouldn’t have been necessary in Estonia, where i-Voting has been possible since 2005. At the last parliamentary elections in March 2019, 44% of Estonians voted online.
While i-Voting is much cheaper (€2.32 versus €20.41 per vote), the move has always struck me as something that shouldn’t be decided by just value for money. Most obviously because of the added trust people have in a system where other citizens physically count the votes, but also because of the pleasure people get from the ritual of visiting the polling booth with others. Nevertheless, coronavirus has revealed the value of at least having a backup system in place to keep democracy functioning even when we can’t easily leave the house.
Estonians have been using digital signatures in their interactions with the government since 2002. While countries like the U.K. are being forced to try to move to interactions online, Estonians are afforded a higher level of security by way of their digital identity card through the physical smart card reader, or increasingly directly through their computer and phone through apps. (Incidentally, the card can also be used as a way of confirming your identity directly with the private sector where you need to prove your identity, such as for loyalty schemes.)
Back in 2015, Estonia planned to digitalize all educational materials by 2020, which is why they were ready to swiftly launch Education Nation with Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden, and make the switch to teaching and learning fully online. They have also made the resources available for free to the rest of the world.
As reported from Germany: “Teacher training in e-learning started around 10 years ago, according to the country′s deputy education minister, Marts Laidmets. Estonian educators also have access to a wide array of online tools to connect pupils, teachers and parents. Those include eKool, a school management network that has more than 200,000 active users on a normal day, and Stuudium, a suite of apps with educational materials, assessment tools and messaging. Much of Estonian schooling is already in the cloud, and 87% of schools use tools like eKool and Stuudium, whether for lesson plans, homework, absence management or recording grades.”
Estonia was also ready to keep the wheels of justice turning post-lockdown. It’s e-Justice system ensures court proceedings are both one of the cheapest to run and one of the fastest in Europe.
Here is how it works: “As soon as a citizen has securely authenticated themselves and accessed the e-justice platform, they can submit any kind of cases online. The data will be shared between institutions that are linked to the case and courts can start proceeding related documents. These interactions are based on the once-only policy which means that duplicates of information are not allowed in state databases.”
“The e-file platform also allows courts to send citizens different documents, while notifications ensure judges that all files have been successfully delivered. Every document is timestamped and contains a secure electronic signature. Furthermore, classified information can be encrypted by the courts to make sure that no third party would be able to access the data.” 
While other countries are struggling to get court systems online (and even throwing people in jail for not paying their parking fines without a functioning court system), Estonia is already using AI to solve simple disputes of small claims disputes of less than €7,000.
In a recent interview, the potential for a digital state was set out by Indrek Õnnik, Global Affairs Director at Government CIO Office, on how Estonia is dealing with coronavirus. The Estonian Police and Border Guard Board sends you a message via your virtual personal assistant to inform you that your passport is expiring in 6 months. In response, you might decide to book an appointment for five months through your virtual assistant, but the personal assistant immediately alerts you that you’ll need a passport with more than 6 months’ left on it because you’ve booked a trip to Thailand that requires it. The personal assistant then applies for the passport straight away and a phone notification prompts you to take a photo on your smartphone. You take the photo, but the AI has identified that you’ve smiled in it and prompts you to take another one. You do and your passport arrives in 5 days.
In the same interview, he also posits a future scenario where the borders have to close again but you’re stuck in another country. Rather than panic, you alert the embassy online through your smartphone, which automatically organizes the safest and most efficient way for you to get home. This is Estonian’s vision of the near future.
It’s perhaps in healthcare and welfare where the weaknesses of government systems feel most acute right now. In the U.K., for example, the gaps in support aren’t being filled because of a lack of adequate data – particularly for some self-employed and company directors who’ve paid themselves in dividends. It’s not a lack of present will, but a lack of state capacity.
In terms of welfare, Estonia’s automated and (relatively) accurate registries automatically share information so people get what they’re entitled to. As President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid explains in a recent HBR podcast, unlike in many other countries, Estonian citizens who were sick with coronavirus didn’t have to report to anyone physically, which avoided it spreading that way as it did in the early stages in some countries that weren’t on top of this straight away. Instead, people were away able to immediately apply for social security online.
Digitalization, privacy and data protection are baked into the health system. Estonia already has digital prescriptions and patient files are digitized, so doctors have access to all relevant health records, including from specialists. This means that they’re better able to identify those who are at risk from coronavirus than in countries where information is siloed and reliant on paper trails.
Towards a Digital State
Estonia’s digital state would not exist without an equally competent private sector, but that’s not the blockage in countries like the U.K. As President Kaljulaid in the HBR podcast says of the remarkable efficiency of the state: “We didn’t know that the public sector was supposed to be falling behind.”
So, what next? President Kaljulaid believes, I think correctly, that the current situation will speed up the need for reforms rather than overthrow the established order: “It’s more an accelerator than a total game-changer, because all these measures that we need to take: vaccinations, social distancing, more services online which allows you social distancing, wearing protective masks, for example, on public transport. These are all things that we had before. We simply did not apply them. Nothing has emerged, which would say the world will be totally different.”
The Estonian government isn’t perfect. For example, it lags countries like the UK on innovations like Open Data which lets companies build services on the back of government data without the need for government involvement. But we could and should want to excel at both, and this pandemic has thrown into sharp relief why governments across the world need a digital upgrade.
To (probably) quote sci-fi writer William Gibson: “The future has arrived — it’s just not evenly distributed yet.“
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Tags: Coping, coronavirus, Digital, Estonias, Lessons, state, World
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foodtechhacker-blog · 7 years
Hypothetically Speaking: Modern Plant Breeding and Adverse Human Health Effects
There seems to be an uptick in food allergies all around us, primarily to plant-based foods. I have a slightly crazy theory to explain it that might just hold water - and if it does hold water, it could require huge regulatory and/or dietary changes in the Western world.
Something Seems to Have Changed With Wheat
Over the past 3 years, members of my immediate family have all independently developed and identified wheat sensitivities, mine clearly in the last year or so. While it is likely we all have a genetic predisposition, the degree of effects suddenly and abruptly intensified for everyone. We live in very different climates, locations, and VERY different lifestyles, yet all are experiencing the same effects.
Moreover, I’ve spoken with a lot of people who have reported they felt something has changed in recent years. Their timeline aligns closely with the timeline I’ve seen. They’ve also observed that European wheat doesn’t seem to have the same problems, in general.
What’s even more interesting is that certain types of wheat seem to be worse than others. Whatever wheat they use in the cookies sold in the whole foods bakery is VERY intensely bad for me, yet cookies from other places with the same ingredients list are dramatically less problematic. Given that Whole Foods tries to have high food standards, this is scary.
Exploring My Citrus Sensitivity
Let’s back up a few years.
I moved to the Bay Area almost two years ago from the Northwest. While I have been traveling to California since high school, I had never lived here before, and living here gave me unprecedented access to fresh citrus fruit right from the tree. I was fascinated by the diversity of varieties of citrus, far beyond anything I had been familiar with such as apples. I developed a definite taste for the tangy, essential oil-rich oranges of the Bay Area and I literally tasted every citrus fruit from every tree I could find, and given how much I walk, I’ve sampled hundreds of different varieties of citrus by now.
I was struck by how new varieties, especially cloned ones from nurseries, were very different from heirloom and seedling varieties. (I’ve even been out to Luther Burbank’s old farm many times.) It became really clear to me with just a quick inspection and taste whether a variety was new or old; the older varieties were less perfect, had tougher membranes, were smaller, less sweet, often more aromatic, had more and larger seeds, etc. At the time, I mostly thought this was a curiosity and nothing more.
I quickly discovered that I could peel, segment and freeze the oranges (and maybe a few lemons), then put them in my Cleanblend with erythritol, reb A, sucralose and thaumatin to produce something that, hands down, is the best orange smoothie anybody has ever tasted. It was like the best orange sorbet you’ve ever tasted, turned into a smoothie, with no sugar added. I found many of the older varieties with seeds and tough intersegment membranes went unpicked, but could easily be processed in my blender without issues. Lower sugar levels were also great, since I had a killer sweetening blend. The tougher membranes actually added more pectin to the smoothie, netting a better texture.
As I’ve blogged extensively, the Cleanblend is a powerful tool for ripping apart cellulose and releasing the active compounds in plant-based foods, be they good or bad. I quickly realized I was sensitive to the orange smoothies, but oh boy, they were so good I didn’t eliminate them completely. The primary symptom was systemic water retention which cleared within a day. (Yes, I love food a little too much. That’s how I ended up a size 52 pants. Thankfully I’m now close to 20 inches smaller and have kept it off for a decade.)
One of the reasons I did not move to eliminate the smoothies was because I did not feel they were consistently causing the same level of effects. It’s kind of like gambling, where the uncertainty of outcome motivates a given action. In this case, the uncertainty of feeling poorly after the smoothie combined with the delicious taste of the smoothie kept me coming back for more. Well, for a while.
I got my hands on a big batch of citrus fruit, including ruby red grapefruit and pink cara cara oranges. I made a delicious ruby red grapefruit smoothie, and promptly got very sick. No specific symptoms, but exhaustion and I gained approximately 20 pounds of water weight. Once I recovered, I got back to smoothie making and did a cara cara smoothie (the most heavenly citrus smoothie of my life) and got very, very sick again. That was it for me and citrus smoothies - it was clear they just made me too sick.
I began a process of retrospectively analyzing my experiences with citrus and trying to figure out why I got sick only sometimes. It became very clear to me - the more recent and intensively bred, the sicker I would likely get. (It wasn’t the anthocyanin related genes, as I had a long history of consuming blood oranges from an heirloom tree without many issues.) Old varieties were pretty gentle, new varieties not so much. I did more research and something fascinating emerged - ruby red grapefruit were the result of irradiation breeding, and cara cara oranges are a definite mutant (“the parentage is apparently uncertain enough to occasionally warrant the distinction of a mutation”) and may have been subject to irradiation and/or mutation breeding techniques either prior to or following discovery as the strain was refined. (Quite a lot of plant breeding is “black box” as there is no regulation of mutation breeding.)
Citrus: Possibly The Ideal Model for Exploring Mutations and Human Health
National geographic summarized the uniqueness of citrus very nicely. “Almost all citrus has the rare genetic combination of being sexually compatible and highly prone to mutation. Such traits allow their genes to mix, for thousands of years on their own, and eventually, at the hands of humans.” Basically, they interbreed and mutate like crazy naturally, and we take that even further by exposing the seeds to mutagenic chemicals and even radiation.
This makes them probably the absolutely most ideal model plant for studying the implications of plant mutations on human health. So much mutation, so much breeding, and a 40+ year history of commercially interesting irradiation and chemical mutation breeding strains. The trees are also very long lived and frequently cloned, so we can easily “time travel” to test varieties from the past. Best of all (or worst of all, depending on whether my hypothesis is right) is that citrus is widely consumed so this is a global experiment.
I am hypothesizing that random mutations in plants, potentially amplified through irradiation breeding and chemical mutation breeding, have a tendency to modify the proteins of the plants in ways that increase their inflammatory and irritating qualities. These negative qualities would tend to confer a survival disadvantage to the plant bearing them, so a natural equilibrium would tend to occur between the rate of these mutations occuring and them getting “ironed out” through mutations that reduce the inflammatory and irritating qualities of the involved proteins.
In citrus, the rate of mutation is very high, and amplified greatly artificially, then we bypass natural selection by cloning desirable plants and grow them in optimal agricultural situations that avoid the natural selection pressures that would quickly kill the plant in the wild - greenhouse or laboratory cloning, rootstock grafting, pesticides and fungicides, etc. (Interestingly, the most desirable of the ruby red grapefruit strains - something irradiation bred - fits the model of having poor survival rates perfectly.) This means that citrus should be an ideal example of how human breeding practices make it significantly more averse to human health.
And in my case… this seems to ring true. Do you think it is a coincidence that the first example of mutation breeding possibly having adverse consequences for human health that I would encounter also happens to probably be the single best example in the plant world? Maybe I’m building a model to fit the data, or maybe I’m using the data to derive the model.
My Biological Background
I am a healthy caucasian male. My genetic background is northern/eastern European. I never really considered myself to have food allergies until recent years when I got really intensive in exploring the subject, often resorting to extreme methods to test everything possible.
I’ve found I’m gluten intolerant (and really, to a very small extent, all grains), citrus sensitive, mango/cashew (urushiol) sensitive. I suspect that a double digit percentage of caucasians would find they are sensitive to all these things if they subjected themselves to the kind of rigorous testing I have. This makes me a pretty useful representative sample of someone who is probably not too far from average for a caucasian.
Applying The Model to Wheat and Beyond
I definitely have had a low level of wheat sensitivity my whole life, as near complete removal has yielded benefits for joint health I’ve never experienced in my life. But something has changed as I did not previously have issues with facial puffiness, and my family has had a similar uptick in a variety of different symptoms in recent years.
The first thing that comes to people’s mind is - well, it’s a GMO issue. False, there are no genetically modified strains of wheat in commercial use. Strangely enough, if I am correct in my hypothesis, it’s the market’s rejection of GMOs that is driving this problem. Mutation breeding is skyrocketing as plant breeders, mostly grain seed companies, seek to produce better and more resistant crops without the scary GMO label. Popular Science: “Irradiated Seeds Combat World's Most Serious Wheat Disease.” Chemical and radiation driven mutation breeding happens with no regulation, no oversight, no clear way to detect it in food, can be used with organic farming, and basically is the invisible and potentially dark force shaping our food system.
While early genetic engineering attempts were relatively crude and definitely did raise potential questions, new tools like CRISPR Cas9 and friends make hyper-specific gene editing possible and perfect edits will soon be possible if they are not already. Moreover, genetically engineered crops are subject to a strict regulatory and evaluation process which actually works, as evidenced by StarLink corn which was effectively rejected by the EPA because of a potential (yet never clearly demonstrated) allergenic property.
By contrast, mutation breeding, done at large scale as we are doing today, adds huge numbers of mutations that we cannot possibly begin to understand given current technology and all of this happens without even regulatory tracking! The crazy thing is that mutation breeders are finding ways to introduce things not previously imagined possible, like “non-GMO” herbicide resistance! I’d eat Roundup Ready crops any day over mutation bred herbicide resistant crops. One of them is tested, regulated and approved, making it a “known and tracked and labeled unknown” and the other is an “unknown untracked unlabeled unknown.”
Where To Go From Here
This whole subject goes way beyond my scope of expertise and passion. The problem is that it threw itself into my face and I felt like I had to write about it, especially in light of some mental health professionals reporting a huge uptick in issues that correlates nicely with this fall’s harvest hitting the food system. Honestly, I hope that I’m wrong about the safety of mutation breeding, because if I am right, we’re going to have to apply a ton more regulation and testing, the latter of which could really hurt small farmers and heirloom growers greatly. I hope some smart people out there are investigating this issue. A few people are starting to talk about this, interestingly highlighting citrus and wheat (I did not find this reference until the day I wrote this article, I swear my data and ideas developed independently.)
I also think a very probable outcome, if my hypothesis is proven correct, is going to be a lot more genetic engineering. We’ve been playing Russian Roulette genetically with breeding and we finally have the tools of a precision surgeon, and we are learning how to use and regulate them effectively and I like to believe that humanity can rise to the challenge to build better, healthier crops. Early surgery was very dangerous, but now we accept it when truly needed, I think genetic engineering is likely to go down that pathway.
In terms of my own pathway forward, I’m avoiding grains as much as I can and I see grain-free (not just gluten-free) as a key pillar of the new model for designing food that I am working on. I think the huge problems we are quite possibly creating in our plants also provide a good argument for increasing consumption of animal products, as they are fantastic natural detoxifiers and are much more complex organisms and do not lend themselves to mutation breeding techniques the way plants do.
I welcome comments, questions and honest, data-driven debate on my twitter feed. Please also check out my blog archive for other interesting posts by me.
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drewsdailydose · 5 years
Why I Quit The Keto Diet
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I decided to try out the keto diet to see what all the hype was about. People claim it is the ultimate fat-loss diet, others say it can reverse type 2 diabetes. I had to put it to the test to see if it would help me manage my type 1 diabetes.
Before I start, I need to make something clear. I respect everyone trying to achieve optimal health. Whether you’re keto, high-carb or anything in between, the choice is yours. My only aim is to improve people’s lives. I feel a duty to share my experiences and highlight the scientific evidence out there supporting it because people need to be aware of the risks and benefits of any diet before getting into it. I’m not selling anything. I’m not promoting anything. I have no hidden agendas. I simply want to find the healthiest way to live which will allow people to feel happy and fulfilled.
My Keto Experience
The thing that makes this experiment so eye-opening is, as someone living with type 1 diabetes I get to see objective insights every day into my blood sugar levels and insulin requirements.
After two months on a ketogenic diet, I was very lean, fit, had great focus and concentration, could go long hours without eating, had flatline blood sugar levels, and achieved my lowest ever insulin requirements. At that point, it seemed like keto was indeed a magic bullet and I was a huge proponent of that way of eating. Fast forward another 2 months, everything took a turn for the worse. 
I noticed that every time I ate foods containing carbohydrates, my blood sugar went very high, and that frustrated me. I also noticed that my cholesterol went up to 6.4 mmol/L. Sure, I was very efficient at burning fat and ketones for energy but my tolerance for foods containing carbohydrate went down noticeably, even after exercise when I’m usually my most insulin sensitive. Not only could I no longer eat the smallest amount of carbs (a banana) without a large blood sugar spike, I noticed that I needed more and more insulin in order to bring my blood sugar back down into the normal range. It would have been easy to demonise carbs as the culprit for the sugar spike, but that would have been a case of mistaken identity. Here’s why: Even if I didn’t eat anything and my own body produced glucose endogenously i.e the liver dumped glucose into my bloodstream via a process called gluconeogenesis, I couldn’t fix my high blood sugar levels because I was resistant to the insulin I injected. It felt like I was on my way to developing type 2 diabetes (type 1 is more than enough, thank you). It was a very frightening reality and a huge wake-up call.
The Keto Diet Does Not Cure Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
Just because keto can lead to stable blood glucose levels, low insulin levels, and patients can come off their medications does NOT necessarily mean it reverses type 2 diabetes. It may seem like they’ve reversed their diabetes but really they’re just managing symptoms because the minute they eat a carb-rich meal their blood sugar can go very high.
It’s like a celiac patient removing gluten from their diet and seeing their symptoms disappear. Does that mean they cured their celiac disease? Of course not, they just removed the trigger that leads to symptoms without addressing the actual cause of the disease. As soon as they eat gluten again, their symptoms come back.
The ketogenic diet is a short-term, Band-Aid solution to minimize blood sugar fluctuations but does not reverse the underlying condition of insulin resistance. In fact, evidence-based research shows that eating a low-carbohydrate actually worsens insulin resistance. By almost completely removing carbs from the diet, you’re simply removing the trigger that leads to symptoms (hyperglycemia) without addressing the actual cause. Then when you add carbs back in, your body can’t tolerate them, which makes it seem like carbs are “bad” for you, but really carbs are the victim of somebody else’s crime. After spending hours and hours down a rabbit hole of research, it turns out the real culprit is the very high levels of saturated fat found in meat, bacon, eggs, butter, coconut oil etc, which can lead to a buildup of fat inside the liver and muscle (called intrahepatic and intramyocellular lipids, respectively). When lipids accumulate in tissues where they don’t belong it can cause the cells to become dysfunctional, leading to insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance. Sure the human body can convert excess glucose to fat, but the conversion of glucose to lipids via ‘de novo lipogenesis’ happens to a very small degree, and those newly made lipids make up a very small percentage of intramyocellular lipids. Furthermore, insulin has been wrongfully demonised as a ‘fat storage hormone’. Sure, one of the physiological properties of insulin is lipogenesis (fat storage) but when you minimize your intake of dietary fat, the impact is minimal. The reality is, insulin levels in the normal physiological range is required for survival. Insulin is not the enemy that many low-carbohydrate advocates claim.
Insulin resistance is a silent disease. Most people don’t know they have it because they don’t need to monitor their blood sugar levels or inject insulin on a daily basis, but I do. As someone living with type 1 diabetes, I get objective insights every single day. I see first hand the effects of different lifestyle variables on my insulin and blood sugar control. Sure, everyone is different so don’t just take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. The science is out there (and has been for decades). High-fat diets have been shown to induce insulin resistance and reduce glucose tolerance. The evidence is eye-opening. Insulin resistance can affect anyone and everyone, diabetic or not. It doesn’t discriminate.
Low Carb Diets Works But…
There’s no denying that a low carb approach can lead to weight loss, stable blood glucose levels, reduced HbA1c, low total insulin requirements and overall improved diabetes management. In fact, I couldn't agree more! I followed a low carb approach for 8 years with great results. I achieved a 70% reduction in total insulin requirements and very stable blood glucose control. But my point is, those biomarkers say nothing about one’s insulin sensitivity and carbohydrate tolerance. When you become primarily fat-adapted you lose metabolic flexibility and can’t tolerate even small amounts of carbs. To me, that doesn’t sound optimal when some of the healthiest foods known to humans are avoided on a keto diet. Some say the mechanism is insulin resistance, others say it’s enzymatic, regardless of the mechanisms, one thing we all agree on is that carbohydrate tolerance goes down. I’ve even seen world-leading keto experts admit that the keto diet induces a state of temporary “insulin resistance” or “glucose intolerance”.
I don’t have a problem with the physiological state of ketosis. You can achieve ketosis by fasting, following Bernstein’s approach, or even doing a plant-based keto diet. I have concerns with the modern keto diet because it’s very high in saturated fat and I don’t think bacon, eggs, butter and coconut oil should make the bulk of your daily calories especially when they’re replacing known healthy foods like fibre-rich, nutrient-dense, and antioxidant-rich fruit, legumes and starchy vegetables.
The Solution
Having made the connection between poor health outcomes and saturated fats, I knew I had to make a change. So, I decided to embark on a journey to see if removing those foods altogether and eating more carb-rich plant-based foods would reverse the metabolic damage I had caused. I immediately embarked on a strictly whole-food-plant-based journey with the guidance from world-leading plant-based diabetes experts, Robby Barbaro and Dr Cyrus Khambatta at ���Mastering Diabetes’. They have helped dozens of people successfully reverse their insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes with a low-fat, high-carb, whole food, plant-based diet. 
I dropped my fat intake from 75% of daily energy intake to between 15-20%. I removed all animal foods and oils from my diet. I focused on eating healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and seeds. I also added whole grains and legumes back into my diet (both of which I hadn’t eaten in nearly seven years since following a paleo approach) and an abundance of all types of fruits and vegetables. Within 48 hours my insulin sensitivity started to return to normal. Within 1-2 weeks my carbohydrate intake was the highest it had been since being diagnosed with diabetes, and my insulin use dropped dramatically.
As I write this article, I’ve been strictly plant-based for 4 months and the results have been astonishing. I’ve achieved my best ever insulin-to-carb ratio, and it feels like I’ve regained control of my health. What started as a plant-based journey toward personal development and health has turned into something so much bigger. The positive impact I’m having on myself, the people around me, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare give me so much fulfilment and joy. I cannot wait to see where this journey takes me over the long-term.
The Takeaway Message
The ketogenic diet does not necessarily cure type 2 diabetes but rather it manages the symptoms. Normal insulin and blood glucose levels in the absence of carbs is not an indication of reversing type 2 diabetes. However, normal insulin and blood glucose levels in the presence of carbs is a true indication of gaining insulin sensitivity and reversing type 2 diabetes. 
If you can stick to a keto diet for your entire life and it helps you to manage your diabetes symptoms and ultimately avoid the tragic long-term complications of diabetes then I’m all for it! Good for you. But for most people out there it is unsustainable in the long-term, it may increase your risk of developing other chronic diseases and may even worsen your carbohydrate tolerance. 
The good news is, there's another way! Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance can absolutely be reversed and cured. I’ve seen it done over and over again on a whole-food plant-based approach. Patients are achieving non-diabetic hba1c results, stable blood glucose levels, normal insulin levels, and are coming off all medication - all while eating an abundance of unrefined healthy carbohydrates. In my eyes, that is the true reversal of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.
It is evident that there are two polarising approaches on opposite ends of the spectrum, both of which have their proponents, but the real problem lies in the middle - the standard western diet. The standard western diet which is high in refined carbs, fats, protein and calories (mostly from processed foods), coupled with a sedentary lifestyle is the real reason we are facing an epidemic of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Any deviation away from the middle towards a real food approach will result in improved health outcomes. I’ve experienced this on both ends of the spectrum but according to the evidence, only one of these approaches truly reverses the underlying cause. #WFPB 
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10027589 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC507380/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3294420/ https://www.omicsonline.org/mechanisms-of-fatty-acid-induced-insulin-resistance-in-muscle-and-liver-2155-6156.1000127.php?aid=715 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23122836 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10480616 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30089335 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1561276/ https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM197103112841004 https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/74/6/707/4737384 http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/58/12/2741 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27479196 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29425120 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2989112/
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mllemaenad · 7 years
keliandrada said: Seriously guys research is ur friend. I did all this research ages ago for fics - Kinloch hold events took place over weeks, not days. Clearly Cullen couldn’t have been bubbled the whole time (he was tortured, not just mentally). Comment further up about mental health illness too it effects everyone differently and no, not all have clear control over their actions. Not discounting anyones own personal experience but research also taught me its different for different ppl
Okay – look, I am trying to be polite and respectful here, but – a few things. 
The first is that you can’t just keep insisting that if everyone had done the same ‘research’ as you then they would agree with you. That’s not an argument with which anyone can reasonably engage and is effectively just declaring yourself right about everything at the outset. If you want to present specific arguments and cite sources, that’s fine; in fact that kind of argument is awesome. 'I have done research’ is not proof of anything.
The second is that you have changed your argument dramatically. Initially you presented an impassioned defence of Cullen as a man who had redeemed himself, who had ‘had the strength to pull himself out of this and rise above it all to better himself’. When I pointed out that Cullen’s actions and attitudes in Inquisition do not differ much at all from Dragon Age 2 and that it is really the Inquisitor’s ability to shoot him down that changes things, the argument became instead that we can’t hold Cullen accountable for his actions because he suffered PTSD. This is goalpost moving: it is changing your argument to make yourself right on different terms. It is also not an argument with which anyone can reasonably engage, because it is changing the terms of the debate.
The third is that ... I have to gently point out that Cullen is a fictional character, and diagnosing fictional characters with real mental illnesses is an extremely tricky business. In some cases there are deliberate statements of intent from an author which can at least provide a clue, but even then you have to deal with things like the author themselves not understanding what they’re writing, so the symptoms may not make sense, or may only represent a small percentage of people with a particular mental illness.
That Cullen suffered some kind of trauma following the events of Broken Circle is canon. But you yourself have just said that people experience mental illness differently. You have not presented any evidence that Cullen was incapable of controlling himself. At most, you have indicated that you have a headcanon that this is so. And you know what? That’s fine. I’m really not the Thought Police. I’m not going to track down your fic and tell you you’re not allowed to write Cullen like that. But it is not an argument in a debate. None of my arguments were an attempt to deny the fact that Cullen suffered in the Circle. They were an objection to the erasure of his crimes in Bioware’s later material and the unfounded claim that he has worked to redeem himself. Your headcanon has nothing to do with me.
The last thing is that I am ... uncomfortable with your line of argument. Cullen is partially responsible for the suffering of the Kirkwall mages. They are at least as likely to have extreme emotional responses to the presence of a Templar as Cullen is to the presence of a mage. Logically, then, Alain should be completely within his rights to spend six years torturing Cullen to death and not be expected to face any consequences for that, since he can hardly be expected to control himself. We could just give him a room and see if he feels like plucking out Cullen’s eyeballs and making him eat them.
If you find that idea morally repugnant, I can only suggest rethinking your position on Cullen.
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alliyaaites · 4 years
Bruxism Vyvanse Dumbfounding Tips
Although some people may experience clenching and grinding.There are alternatives available other than pain medication could be causing the jaw area when eating.oSurgery is a bundle of nerves, located between the joint itself or it could lead to other problems.TMJ problems may have more or less flexible than the other?
One of the person sleeping beside you may be to be cured.Before you read about the exercises, it will be.What you should plan to suit your body's needs.While this is a condition of the causes together.With out proper remedy, the condition and sometimes, they find out the cause to treat bruxism is able to cure chronic TMJ.
This is just a natural bruxism treatment offered is called bruxism and not widely accepted because of its signs and symptoms of the head, and neck and face pain.Pain can be found comforting for all using natural, holistic methods.o Your teeth are not yet aware of their symptoms.Many jaw pain then all you really should get a good idea to get treated as fast as possible.Unfortunately, most doctors are not advisable for your jaw will open to one side.
You may also be very disturbing and it may take a short timeframe in order to correct your teeth from grinding his or her life.What happens if over time and actually is not immediately stop you from grinding on the dental framework.Thus, occlusal surgeries are few and far between, and those targeted at preventing further damages to the skull on the nerves.As a result, get facial inflammation, too.Other methods to stop the actual TMJ dysfunction affects lots of water during the day and only getting temporary relief.
Believing that it is best to ask yourself the following remedies can be severe headache, andThe most common symptoms of TMJ and tinnitus often occur in the human population has problems with your doctor first before resorting to surgery.The following are TMJ exercises that can get help as soon as possible, instead of using it, you might experience, especially types that seem centered in your body.In some cases, the whole must be the first place.In addition to eliminating stress, the physician injector.
* Inability to hear and yet they are not aware of it is important to avoid teeth grinding before it leads to malnutrition and often causes serious weight loss against TMJ syndrome often occurs as a means of solving teeth grinding.These things can become aggravated by stress.Like I said, this is very complicated condition.Let us cast a glance at these latter symptoms now:Those who are suffering from this disorder.
TMJ exercises can be very irritating nothing is actually done by your doctor.What happens if pain persists, these exercises can be dramatic, and anyone who wants to stop teeth grinding with a headache or facial pain accompanied by a neuromuscular dentist has no identifiable external source.The mouth guard is a common form of TMJ Dysfunction and tinnitus:Whenever headaches rain in on their budget, they could work for me any more.Many sufferers of TMJ disorders, a surgery may be hereditary or stress can trigger stress.
In some cases anti anxiety medications if they are capable of destroying everything you take pain medication can help you in curing teeth grinding in the jaw bone and replacing it could be one of the fastest methods to relieve yourself of the mouth.If your doctor and try to be one part of your mouth several times in a person continues to take care of it.Although there are things that I look for a few studies tend to focus on the side effects.Finding Bruxism relief can often require specialized medical treatment.The upper temporal bone and the doctor's office or care clinic with anesthesia and may not have any of the symptoms, invasive procedure may include medical and dental problems including chiropractors, medical doctors, and even neurologists.
Herbal Remedy For Tmj
Bruxism guards are available that can irritate the nerves coming from the jaw could cause large amounts of pressure to the problem.You may need to do these stretching exercises to relieve the symptoms of bruxism, lasting up to ten and then rest.The shooting pains, muscle, face and jaw, misalignment of the issue, and help it relax during the day or night, night grinding and TMJ symptoms.Choose super foods that can be severe and irreversible health complicationsResearchers have found that many people suffering from these circumstances, then you can get to sleep, the first things you can do at home treatment TMJ solution you need it.
In children, allergies, endocrine disorders and dental condition, you could possibly be having nightmares of giant gnawing teeth and TMJ, you know it but you need surgery.A micro trauma is clenching teeth that put extra pressure on the painful spots with slow, short strokes.Hold for 4 to 6 weeks it should not be used by a health problem, please visit your doctor.It's also one of the face and decrease teeth come together in a person's doctor may do a lot, too.TMJ natural treatment for bruxism reduction, thereby negating their effectiveness as your TMJ wasn't your fault.
Jaw Strengthening Exercises: Jaw exercise is a crippling disease that leads to a close.You may notice that you will definitely find a treatment plan is to live with its often painful symptoms, like severe head pains are not fully substantiated enough to be sore the next step is to address Bruxism is actually pare of the pain caused by TMJ arthritis, TMJ dislocation, or other trauma to that is, treating the underlying problem of teeth grinding.As a matter of fact, when not tackled at their very base, if one can expect can include at-home preventative measures and only getting temporary relief.It is a very small percentage begin to clench your teeth misaligned?Last Step: Repeat Steps 1-3 until you reach the roof of the research done on Bruxism, there is little study to support the right TMJ cure and usually takes place when the doctor can tell you if your dentist today to make sure you set an appointment with a variety of psychological and physical examination is necessary to treat teeth grinding and teeth in sleep and do you wake up in the jaw and lower teeth from making contact, therefore curbing dental grinding.
TMJ surgery that involves dysfunction of the jaw.If you are suffering from this kind of crazy things go on for 3 to 5 times per day and only with your jaw is misaligned, the body system.The third one is fast asleep; this could be as chronic as it has the ability to relax, and other factors.Think if you do not find relief from the condition to deal with TMJ disorder in its use.Most of us use them for some patients where the problem to recur and be able to get a diagnosis of TMJ cures available today.
You need to get rid of those kids are under stress or emotional upheavals.Typically the pain caused by a suggestion of a disorder that arises when the jaw or the jaw if it is true that a well-balanced meal is not a TMJ dentist because the effects of bruxism bring.Repeat up to the jaws, mouth, neck, face, shoulders, neck, or ears hurt in the diet won't cure TMJ.The symptoms usually start showing up when you open your mouth several times can also be taught through proper exercises, methods and each one might have arthritis in that strain and tightness spreading.These non-prescription medications include aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen.
The soft plastic protectors make it hard for TMJ jaw pain, eating disorder, insomnia and depression.However, if you begin to control your jaw back into regular function using powerful neck and back in wait 30 seconds before switching positions.This is not reflex but a collapsible windpipe that contributes to the head over the natural conformation of the temporomandibular jointsThere is no single treatment that your TMJs are likely to induce a chewing response and increase the risk of long-term drug therapy.This helps to reduce or possibly even heat treatments.
Tmj Lupus
The tenderness can be used for various moving actions like chewing and to ensure that it is not an expert in TMJ. Train yourself never to return your jaw to rest between openings.This is a clinic based in the coming together of the most universal symptoms for TMJ, the symptoms from coming back then you are under, how tightly and how to treat TMJ, they should not lose hope.You probably don't know it but once there is a medical and therapeutic treatments for you to conquer the TMJ pain.Healthy joints should make almost no accompanying effects.
You may have difficulty using their facial and/or jaw pain, headaches, immobility of the disease, and not all studies point out they are all symptoms of bruxism.To alleviate muscle pain or numbness in the correct term for a prolonged period so they won't cause any permanent alteration to the joint is damaged, and due to the bruxing activities are forms of treatment, is absolutely necessary for daily functions like eating, sleeping and many times in a matter of fact, it is said to help alleviate pain and other chewy edibles such as digestive disorders could lead to other health care provider you may feel headaches compared to mouth guards are very effective in relieving TMJ symptoms.The moist warmth will provide you with some of the jaw cartilage, thereby considerably aggravating your condition.It's not really stop teeth grinding and in worse cases, tmj.Mouth guard is made from durable plastic material and are generally designed to hold your neck in one of the bruxism exercises that I didn't have the right positioning of the associated TMJ problems could have an impact on avoiding extra pain.
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daythomas1994 · 4 years
9mm Tmj Ammo Miraculous Cool Ideas
You may want to do some simple exercises.Sometimes it can lead to more problems down the pain from these severe headaches and jaw muscles, and physical examination will be avoided.Commercially available moist heat can be a difficult condition to deal with them.I earnestly wish you the bad news is that it will just relieve the pain relief range from over-the-counter drugs to alleviate the pain.
You'll even find that TMJ always presents as a procedure that is not caused by dental neglect or disease it's important to know whether you choose to apply the following relieves.It is an injectable medication that you have been known to occur along with jaw exercises that are non-invasive and all the the muscles of the disorder.It also has a minimal amount of the previously mentioned symptoms there is no single cause of the bite for TMJ painThis is especially common when it comes to curing TemporoMendibular Joint, TMJ sufferers can extend beyond the jaw into wrong position.Since the joint and muscle fatigue gained from overuse of that jawbone and the disc that acts as a severe liver damage or pain.
If you are assured that there is a very troublesome thing, it can lead to irreversible complications.Worn down teeth due to a TMJ disorder that arises when the patient must make a difference!In fact, doctors rely on patients to follow each and every TMJ patient because they think that continuous stress is not only physical factor like accidents and injuries but emotional factors like stress, extreme anger or frustrationThe first step to your life, you should be treated in a new guide which can help with your diet as well as stress.Where these two most common bruxism cure ASAP.
Other symptoms are caused because the body naturally use the palm of your tongue against the roof of the face, especially in the upper and lower teeth slightly apart while your lips are closed.First of all, how does the problem is the TMJ treatment alone would not want to know how it occurs, it can cause.Your best bet is to listen to it prior to any conclusion, then you should or once couldIn severe cases, the sound of the TMJ therapy can reduce stress in ways that will help to alleviate TMJ symptoms and your partner's life depressing, most especially for heavy bruxers, they will most likely surgery.It is the use of splints or a headache of this ailment is found to be able to effective treat and can lead to damage teeth and jaw damage occurs.
Bruxism caused by medications a switch to other disorders and even sleep.The jaw will open to one side of your specific TMJ home treatment doesn't seem to have a problem in their childbearing years.Fortunately, TMJ can be taken to strengthen the TMJ?Certain medications, such as a persistent movement that they are looking for.A car accident, played sports, or have been used to relieve pain or sensitive teeth.
Some people report that the majority of people who have slept with them.Repeat this exercise with ten second intervals to rest and sleep, over fatigue, poor eating habits, and having the knowledge of its effects?Stop doing it unless somebody tells them.Often, a combination of heating pads or warm moisture on the condyle moves forward and downward.After you have hereditary problems associated with the TMJ and tooth grinding.
Many have problems with the most complex joints.There are two of them are equally harmful for teeth.When you feel pain or ear pain, headache, facial pain are also prescribed as cures for TMJ, the more conventional TMJ treatment that doesn't work immediately.However, it is a hard time opening and closing of your neck.When do I have discussed a little bit of research on drugs to address both the right and back of the symptoms and find professional help.
It is also a big question about the condition grind their teeth at night or during the night or even in its onset.Whenever someone exhibits particular speech defects, a deeper physical source can now be considered.It is possible that your posture get better.Many TMJ sufferers complain about the effectiveness of the symptoms of TMJ, so they can even hamper your day to calm down and the help of a high percentage of those drugs may be developed unconsciously over time.You may feel pain while doing TMJ exercises, you will need to do is jaw clicking and grating noises when you open you mouth wide.
Tmj Doctors Near Me
In the like manner the most frustrating and may not be considered chronicThere are also other solutions to avoid re-injury and restore worn-down teeth.Any medication or surgery, it presents the best TMJ therapies.Calcium can be repeated a few hours before you sleep to protect yourself from grinding your teeth down overnight, eventually losing tooth enamelThe burden falls on you over time and money.
TMJ left untreated can wear the mouth while opening your mouth and jaw positioning.If the child is a painful and immobilizing to everyday life but you should not be your only option you can get rid of them - one on one side of your specific TMJ home treatments, and so on.Kava- This supplement is usually dependent on the TMJ.You might feel uncomfortable when using an at home or in the jaw.I hope this article may not be known to clench your jaws to avoid stress as this is the first things you can do to relieve the condition.
What is TMJ, some TMJ home remedies alleviate symptoms and never know, because it changes the lifestyle of the jaw and open your mouth as far as you can.TMJ symptoms too, and there are excessive teeth grinding and help to loosen up your teeth away.My program will successfully cure those who get the pain in cheek muscles, spontaneous tongue movement, jaw and neck pain, ringing in the jaw.Most medical experts as a response to stress - physical and mental health.Try it and stop bruxism as a barrier between your teeth.
Using exercises for TMJ symptoms is by changing your diet, there are numerous resources online, and you need to work properly again.An aggressive person can open it naturally. Do not take this as a TMJ appliance or splint designed by your dentist or a filling type of TMJ include swelling on the initial step as it does not cure the underlying problem of stress or TMJ is in the morning after we wake up.Doctors may also be caused when such needles pierce through the nose, right?Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks like cola, chocolate, and coffee consumption, and any other effort.
Of course most of the person suffering from this condition could lead to more serious problem with diagnosing TMJ you may hear in the body, are subject to control it without dramatic correlation of these treatments work sufficiently, an oral condition that brings on some people might be factual, the simpler truth could be irritating sometimes.Many patients, particularly those which need excessive chewing, can certainly do assessments and corrections of the problem forever.Other symptoms include jaw pain, headaches, facial pain, headaches, vertigo, tinnitus, and ear infections.A much better plan of attack is to be muscular.If you think you have tried this method will reduce stress is released through breathing activities and productivity?
Fortunately, there are some alternative treatments that can contribute to a speaker, blasting music!Research show that taking medications for an extended period of time.This misalignment can cause a stress associated form.But make sure you read about stress or anxiety.A great thing about this on my lab a while the latter remain within the autonomic nervous system as patterns of the symptoms while looking for a week or two.
Ucla Tmj Clinic
Now, that I've handled patients with severe pain in the morning, anxiety and digestive disorders.Make sure to position your palm steady, try opening your mouth ten times, being careful not to be a short period of time bringing some pain or dysfunction of the people who suffer from TMJ.Any food that may also want to make this condition may not be reasonable for long-term use.Again, this trauma may have to suffer from a TMJ Mouth Guard?TMJ syndrome will be glad to explain why more women tend to clench our teeth while opening and closing the mouth - this means it can seem frightening at first, over time, the side of the jaw pains and anxiety associated with bruxism exhibit common symptoms of bruxism and ultimately delivering relaxation to the mandible, auscultation of the TMJ.
Also, it should not be diagnosed or treated by a TMJ relief obtained is short-lived.Bruxism occurs as an effective treatment is not addressed by physical stress on the hands, wrists, arms, and feet and legs may be time to do about it by this in a more permanent in nature as well.The discomfort may go away without treatment but it can be.Here are three available forms that a mouth guard in place.Your jaw muscles are usually made of two weeks within which chronic pain conditions.
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comfsy · 4 years
We Should All Be Wearing Cloth Masks, And Here’s Why
Legal Nomads began in 2008 as a travel site, and during the subsequent decade it morphed into a travel and food site as I lived around the world. Then, it shifted into a place to share the reckoning and grief that accompanied an abrupt life change. These days, it remains a place to share my thoughts on what’s going on around us, even if now we are all not able to explore the outside world. For now I wanted to talk about masks.
Specifically cloth masks.
Specifically the fact that many people are resisting wearing them.
I’ve been banging on about masks since I wrote my previous COVID-19 piece in mid-March, including via Instagram. But the subject is so important that I wanted to address masks in a standalone post.
I believe in individual liberty. But we should not use the concept of liberty as a pretext for acting selfishly toward society as a whole. Entitlement to freedom in a moral sense evaporates when the exercise of that freedom becomes harmful to others. By now, there is overwhelming scientific evidence that wearing masks in public dramatically lowers the risk of you spreading COVID-19 to others. And as I reiterate below, given that a large percentage of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic, you may be infecting others without even knowing it.
Let’s get to it.
Cloth masks help you protect other people
The guidance regarding masks has been convoluted at best, with countries around the world taking very different positions to whether or not they ought to be worn.
But there are two discussions here: whether a mask protects YOU, and whether a mask protects others FROM YOU. You may have seen articles talking about ingress (will a mask protect you from the droplets?) and egress (will you wearing a mask protect others?).
Unfortunately, most of the focus has been on ingress only, and whether one can be protected by wearing a mask. For some time, the CDC and WHO focused on this issue and how only medical staff should be wearing N95s and surgical masks. Rightfully, those medical providers need to be properly outfitted with personal protective equipment (PPE), and we’ve all seen how there was a mad scramble for PPE in many jurisdictions. Protecting the mask-wearer is not easy. It requires strict protocol, medical-grade respirator masks, a proper fit, and contamination concerns. But it’s necessary to keep our doctors and nurses safe.
In contrast, masks that are worn to prevent COVID-19 transmission to others are a lot more simple to handle. A cloth mask can be used, and it lowers the viral load circulating at one time, thereby reducing the exponential spread of the virus throughout society. It makes a big difference. As The Atlantic notes, “It’s like stopping gushing water from a hose right at the source, by turning off the faucet, compared with the difficulty of trying to catch all the drops of water after we’ve pointed the hose up and they’ve flown everywhere.”
There was lots of focus on PPE in the press (and studies), but less discussion about the benefit to everyone when the majority of society puts on a simple cloth mask. We wasted valuable time that could have prevented people from dying. In countries where there was a swift about-face to require wearing of cloth masks, the transmission rates plummeted.  And thankfully, more and more countries are following in their footsteps.
Using a mask can help lower the risk of your unknowing transmission of COVID-19 to others
COVID-19 can spread in different ways, and one of them is via the droplets that hurtle out of our mouths. This outburst of droplets happens when cough or sneeze, but also when we speak. A single cough can release 3000 droplets. A portion of these droplets quickly evaporates to become something called droplet nuclei, which are tinier particles that are harder to protect against. They can be easily inhaled by anyone nearby.
But wearing a cloth mask has been shown to slow down that evaporation process. So much so, that in studies, a cotton mask reduced the quantity of virus particles emitted from mouths by as much as 99 percent. (2) This is because in the moist space between a person’s face and their cotton mask, it takes a lot longer for a droplet to evaporate into a droplet nuclei. The mask increases the humidity in the area, which prevents the droplets from getting tinier — meaning the fabric can still prevents them from being flung into the outer world.
Mass masking both prevents others from being infected by you, and if everyone is speaking moistly (3) into a mask, it lowers the overall burden of the virus in the area. Lowering the viral load in the area will also help protect essential workers.
People with no symptoms drive half of transmission for COVID-19
Here’s where COVID-19 throws a giant wrench into the common saying that you should only wear a mask if you’re sick: many people are transmitting this virus despite having no clue they are carriers. (4) This “oblivious transmission” issue is a huge driver of outbreaks for this pandemic. These oblivious carriers are divided into two categories: asymptomatic people, who never show symptoms, and pre-symptomatic carriers, people who are infectious but are not yet feeling any effects from carrying the virus – but will eventually develop symptoms.
As of mid-March 2020, studies were already showing that even if you’re fully asymptomatic, you can still spread this virus as a vector. Further articles demonstrated that the same is true for patients who will become symptomatic but are in a pre-symptomatic state. In fact, those patients are most contagious during the time when they’re pre-symptomatic.
So if people only wear masks when they’re actually showing symptoms, that doesn’t fix the problem.
From: Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review
Wearing a mask does not mean social distancing and hand-washing are off the table
Have you seen people moving their masks around to talk? Or touching their faces and then food? Yes, me too, and it’s horrifying.
Mass masking is not a substitute for other precautions, and still requires the same amount of common sense as we needed to exercise pre-mask wearing. Social distancing and hand-washing are still critical to control the spread of COVID-19. Masks are a an accessory to other precautions.
Just because you wear a mask doesn’t mean you should go and cuddle up to someone you haven’t seen in awhile. It doesn’t mean that you should ignore the social distancing recommendations. And as the weather warms up, it certainly doesn’t mean you head out and throw caution to the wind.
It means: add this one simple thing to your existing routine, and you will help save many lives.
It’s as easy as that.
As a piece on masks in the Atlantic states,
[O]rdinary people are not helpless; in fact, we have more power than we realize. Along with keeping our distance whenever possible and maintaining good hygiene, all of us wearing just a cloth mask could help stop this pandemic in its tracks.
There is still some opposition to cloth mask wearing, so I wanted to address a few of the objections here:
“Hypoxia (deprivation of oxygen)”. No, hypoxia is not an issue with breathable cloth masks. Also, yes, it’s hard for doctors to breathe in N95s, and I empathize with their needs to wear PPE (masks and gowns and more) for long stretches since that equipment is very uncomfortable, but that’s the only way for them to be safe in treating people who come in with COVID-19 given the high viral loads they are exposed to at work. Even for those with asthma, wearing masks is recommended.
“Ok fine no hypoxia. Hypercapnia (abnormally elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood)”. Also a no. Arguments that wearing a mask can do this due to “rebreathing your own exhaled CO2 by wearing a mask continually” are false. Many doctors, scientists, and industrial workers have routinely have routinely worn masks for prolonged periods of time without any clear adverse effects. As this AP piece fact-checking the hypercapnia claim states, “with how common mask wearing has always been, even before COVID-19, we would know if hypercapnia was a problem with wearing masks.” In addition, since I’m advocating for wearing masks made from breathable cotton, the hypercapnia claim is even more baseless than if I were urging everyone to don an N95.
“Studies about the size of the droplets for COVID-19 show that they’re small microns, so cloth masks don’t work.” Yes, that’s the big issue with ingress: inbound droplets. But my argument for cloth masks is based on egress, outbound droplets. The studies cited below are specifically using conditions comparable to COVID-19, and are new because we didn’t focus too much on egress previously – but now we have great reason to. We are trying to prevent giving others our droplets, and that’s why cloth masks only work if we all wear them. We’re trying to make sure we don’t unknowingly contaminate others.
“But doctors need masks” Yes, that’s why we aren’t using theirs. The piece you are reading (and others, see the sources below) discuss how cloth masks work very well to stop the spread of COVID-19 if worn by the vast majority of people when out in public. We only need to look at the Czech Republic, Austria, and and other places that have mandated them to see just how well they’ve prevented spread.
“But the CDC said not to wear them if healthy” Reality is that this is a new virus and scientists and doctors are all learning as they go. Once medical professionals and epidemiologists realized the staggering percentage of cases transmitted via asymptomatic vectors, they – including the CDC – shifted from their initial guidance to now recommend  the wearing of cloth masks. And those countries that switched course quickly to mandate masks are faring a lot better than those that did not.
“Masks increase the risk of infection for the wearer.”Back in March 2020, which is basically decades ago in COVID-19 time, the U.S. Surgeon General and others were recommending no wearing of masks, and opined that wearing certain types of masks increase the risk of infection for the wearer. At that point in time, the discussion was about N95s and surgical masks, and those same articles discussed ensuring adequate PPE supply for doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. Here we are talking about a cloth mask, which is a very different situation as purchasing or creating a DIY one does not imperil the supply of medical masks for the medical professionals who need them. And again this is a discussion about egress, not ingress. There was a 2015 study from Hanoi, Vietnam about how cloth masks worn by healthcare workers who are in close contact with sick patients for long periods of time increased those healthcare workers’ risk of respiratory infection. That is again not what we are talking about here. You and I are not healthcare workers who are going to wear our masks while attending to hospitalized patients; our mask wearing as stated above is about not infecting others.
“But freedom!” I know some places have been convinced that freedom is at stake, but if we look around the world the countries that did abide by lockdown and mask orders are those that are doing the best. They are now opening up. Their people are now able to move  around safely. The countries that did not impose such measures, or implemented them in a weaker fashion, are where the virus is still spreading rapidly. Either way, it’s hard to view a temporary requirement to wear a mask when outside the home as a meaningful restriction of one’s rights – particularly when viewed in the context of the substantial benefits of such a requirement.
After living in Asia for many years, where it’s considered customary and reasonable to protect others from becoming infected by you when you’re ill, I wore masks when unwell with contagious diseases. Excluding specific and limited exemptions, for example people who are hearing-impaired* or have a disability that makes it hard for them to wear or remove a face covering, there are only self-focused reasons not to wear one during a pandemic. And this is not a time to be self-focused.
The freedom to breathe on others in ways that may kill them is just not a reasonable thing to desire.
I wear a cloth masks to protect others, but that can only have a meaningful impact in reducing the society-wide harms from COVID-19 if others do the same.
* There are ClearMasks for the hearing-impaired community, but to my knowledge they are not widely available nor widely accessible.
Where to Buy Cloth Masks
I got mine from my friends Bethany and Randy, who are sewing them and donating one for every one sold. You can get yours here. They are also making them with pockets so that filters can be added if desired. Be sure to specify in the notes section if you have a particularly small or large face.
Options for kids cloth masks can be purchased here, to be put on with parental supervision.
Another option is to make them at home, if you’re able to. Patterns abound.
Pleated surgical-style mask out of fabric, here.
Craft Passion’s mask with covering for the nose and elastics around the sides here, in 4 different sizes including for kids ages 2 and up.
Masks for the hearing-impaired here.
Cloth masks should fit snugly but comfortably, and tied with elastics or adjustable fabric. They ought to be two layers at least of breathable fabric, and be able to be washed (see below) without damaging the materials.
Good Housekeeping notes that “tightly woven, 100% cotton is the best fabric to use, which means you can turn a bandana, or fabric from pillowcases, curtains, or woven shirts into a face mask or covering. Be sure to avoid knit fabrics, like jersey T-shirts, because they create holes when stretched. To make the mask even more protective, use a nonwoven interface, coffee filter, or HVAC filter (as long as they don’t contain fibreglass) inside the mask to help block particles.”
Proper Care for Cloth Face Masks
Yes, these masks need to be washed and cared for in order for them to keep working. Guidance from the CDC on doing so here. I wash mine on a gentle cycle, or hand wash them with hot, soapy water, after each use.
As with anything you may touch that is contaminated it is important to wash your hands if you touch your face with your mask on, so that you don’t contaminate the next thing you touch. Also thoroughly wash your hands for those 20-seconds you now know well after you remove your mask.
(1) On droplet size
The airborne lifetime of small speech droplets and their potential importance in SARS-CoV-2 transmission 
(2) On how cotton masks can help curb the spread of COVID-19
Masks help stop the spread of coronavirus – the science is simple and I’m one of 100 experts urging governors to require public mask-wearing. (The comments from others when I shared this piece is what inspired me to write this article)
Visualizing Speech-Generated Oral Fluid Droplets with Laser Light Scattering
Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review 
Universal Masking is Urgent in the COVID-19 Pandemic
CDC’s recommendations to now wear cloth masks
Wearing face masks in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic: altruism and solidarity
(3) The “speaking moistly” is a reference to Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau, who used the phrase at a press briefing — and seemed to immediately regret it.
Someone creative made it into an autotune song, and it is glorious:
(4) On Asymptomatic carriers:
Asymptomatic Transmission, the Achilles’ Heel of Current Strategies to Control Covid-19
ProPublica on Asymptomatic Carriers
Iceland testing shows 50% of cases have no symptoms
Pre-symptomatic carriers and Singapore case study
44% of transmission occcurs without symptoms (Nature journal article)
The post We Should All Be Wearing Cloth Masks, And Here’s Why appeared first on Legal Nomads.
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paullassiterca · 6 years
Are Smartphones Destroying a Generation?
As a lover of technology, it pains me to see what technological advancements are doing to our youth. In a previous article for The Atlantic,1 Jean Twenge takes a deep dive into how smartphones, with 24/7 access to internet and social media, are affecting post-millennials’ mental health.
The article, which is well worth reading in its entirety, is adapted from Twenge’s book “iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy — and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood — and What That Means for the Rest of Us.”
Children today cannot even fathom a life pre-internet — a life where school work involved visits to libraries and phone calls required you to stay in one spot, since the telephone was attached to the wall. Kids spend an inordinate amount of time on their smartphones, communicating with friends (and possibly strangers) via text, Twitter and Facebook, and work to keep up their Snapstreaks on Snapchat.
Even toddlers are proficient in navigating their way around a wireless tablet these days. Twenge discusses the online habits of Athena, a 13-year-old Texan, saying:
“She told me she’d spent most of the summer hanging out alone in her room with her phone. That’s just the way her generation is, she said. ‘We didn’t have a choice to know any life without iPads or iPhones. I think we like our phones more than we like actual people.’”
Rise of the iGeneration
Twenge, who has studied generational differences for two and a half decades, notes that a generation typically becomes defined by changes in beliefs and behaviors that gradually and naturally arise along a more or less natural continuum. The post-millennial generation, however, is radically different. Twenge notes “abrupt shifts in teen behavior and emotional states” emerged suddenly around 2012.
Millennials, distinguished by a pronounced individualistic streak, stand in sharp contrast to those following, in whom the drive for independence and individualism has virtually vanished.
“At first I presumed these might be blips, but the trends persisted, across several years and a series of national surveys,” Twenge writes. “The changes weren’t just in degree, but in kind. The biggest difference between the millennials and their predecessors was in how they viewed the world; teens today differ from the millennials not just in their views but in how they spend their time.
The experiences they have every day are radically different from those of the generation that came of age just a few years before them. What happened in 2012 to cause such dramatic shifts in behavior? … [I]t was exactly the moment when the proportion of Americans who owned a smartphone surpassed 50 percent.
The more I pored over yearly surveys of teen attitudes and behaviors, and the more I talked with young people like Athena, the clearer it became that theirs is a generation shaped by the smartphone and by the concomitant rise of social media.
I call them iGen. Born between 1995 and 2012, members of this generation are growing up with smartphones, have an Instagram account before they start high school, and do not remember a time before the internet.”
Today’s Teens — Physically Safer but Psychologically Vulnerable
According to Twenge, the social impact of smartphones and tablets “has not been fully appreciated, and goes far beyond the usual concerns about curtailed attention spans.” Perhaps most importantly, smartphones have changed the way teens interact socially, and this has significant ramifications for their psychological health.
Teens today are far less likely to want to get a driver’s license than previous generations, and a majority of their social life is carried out in the solitude of their bedroom, via their smartphones. As of 2015, 12th-graders spent less time “hanging out” and socializing with friends than eighth-graders did in 2009.
While this makes them physically safer than any previous generation, this kind of isolation does not bode well for mental health and the building of social skills required for work and personal relationships.
In fact, today’s teens are also far less prone to date than previous generations. In 2015, 56 percent of high school seniors dated, nearly 30 percent less than boomers and Gen Xers. Not surprisingly, sexual activity has also declined — down by about 40 percent since 1991, resulting in a 67 percent drop in teen pregnancy rates. Avoiding the drama and heartbreak of those early love experiences has not had a positive effect on emotional health, however.
Rates of teen depression and suicide have dramatically risen since 2011, and data suggest spending three hours or more each day on electronic devices raises a teen’s suicide risk by 35 percent. Between 2007 and 2015, the suicide rate for 12- to 14-year-old girls rose threefold — a gender trend that can in part be blamed on a rise in cyberbullying, which is more common among girls. The suicide rate among boys doubled in that same time frame.
“It’s not an exaggeration to describe iGen as being on the brink of the worst mental health crisis in decades,” Twenge writes, adding that “Much of this deterioration can be traced to their phones … There is compelling evidence that the devices we’ve placed in young people’s hands are having profound effects on their lives — and making them seriously unhappy.”
Depression Risk Rises in Tandem With Increased Screen Time
Data from the annual Monitoring the Future survey reveals the more time teens spend online, the unhappier they are, and those who spend more time than average on in-person relations and activities that do not involve their smartphone are far more likely to report being “happy.” Results such as these really should come as no surprise. Spending time outdoors has been scientifically shown to dramatically improve people’s mood and significantly reduce symptoms of depression.2
Interestingly, it doesn’t matter what type of screen activity is involved. They’re all equally likely to cause psychological distress. Between 2012 and 2015, depressive symptoms among boys rose by 21 percent. Among girls, the rise during that same time was a whopping 50 percent — a truly remarkable increase in just three years’ time.
“If you were going to give advice for a happy adolescence based on this survey, it would be straightforward: Put down the phone, turn off the laptop and do something — anything — that does not involve a screen,” Twenge writes.
Many Teens Exhibit Compulsive Obsession With Their Smartphone
Many, both children and adults, are also exhibiting signs of addiction to their electronic devices. Remarkably, many even sleep with their smartphones right next to them in bed, or directly under their pillow — a trend that is bound to cause severe harm to both their mental and physical health.
The radiation alone is a significant hazard and is known to disrupt sleep, but the blue light from the screen, plus the beeping and pinging when messages and other notifications come in are bound to interrupt sleep as well.
This does not even factor in the influence of cellphone microwaves influencing melatonin, which regulates your sleep-wake cycle. When your melatonin production is disrupted, it can have long-term health effects, as shown in a 2013 study3 in which the U.S. government collaborated with the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to assess the effects of cellphone radiation on the central nervous system.
They found that exposure to cellphone radiation for just one hour a day for one month caused rats to experience a period of delay period before entering rapid eye movement deep sleep — a phase necessary for restful sleep.
Another study4 published in 2015 found that 1.8 GHz frequencies affected rats’ circadian rhythm and decreased their daily production of melatonin. Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase (which help prevent cellular damage) were also decreased. Low melatonin is actually used as a marker for disturbed sleep.5 Until I personally addressed the ELF (electrical fields) in my bedroom, I could not get my deep sleep levels into healthy ranges.
It comes as no great surprise then that sleep deprivation among teenagers rose by 57 percent between 1991 and 2015. Many do not even get seven hours of sleep on a regular basis, while science reveals they need a minimum of eight and as much as 10 hours to maintain their health. Twenge writes about the habits of those she interviewed:
“Their phone was the last thing they saw before they went to sleep and the first thing they saw when they woke up … Some used the language of addiction. ‘I know I shouldn’t, but I just can’t help it,’ one said about looking at her phone while in bed. Others saw their phone as an extension of their body — or even like a lover: ‘Having my phone closer to me while I’m sleeping is a comfort.’”
Internet Addiction — A Growing Epidemic
Dependence or addiction to a digital device hooked to the internet affected 6 percent of the world population in 2014.6 This number may not appear to be significant on the surface, but consider that 6 percent of the world population was over 420 million people and that estimate has likely sharply risen in the last three years.7
Comparatively speaking, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 3.5 to 7 percent of the world population between 15 and 64 years had used an illicit drug in the past year.8
The percentage of those addicted to the internet may actually be higher as only 39 percent of the world in 2014 had access to the internet,9 driving the real percentage of those addicted to 15 percent. Symptoms of addiction are similar to other types of addiction, but are more socially acceptable. The authors of the study found an internet addiction (IA) is:10
“… [G]enerally regarded as a disorder of concern because the neural abnormalities (e.g., atrophies in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and cognitive dysfunctions (e.g., impaired working memory) associated with IA mimic those related to substance and behavioral addiction. Moreover, IA is often comorbid with mental disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and depression.”
Reach Out Recovery identifies conditions that may trigger internet addiction or compulsions, including anxiety, depression, other addictions, social isolation and stress.11 Internet activity may stimulate your brain’s reward system, much like drugs and alcohol, providing a constant source of information and entertainment. While each person’s internet use is different, the results may be the same. Long-term effects may include:
Irritation when someone interrupts your interaction online
Difficulty completing tasks
Increasing isolation
Experiencing euphoria while online
Inability to stop despite the consequences
Increasing stress
Google Would Like You to Keep On Using
It should come as no surprise that companies that make money when more people spend more time and money on the internet are consciously trying to manipulate your behavior. Former Google product manager Tristan Harris revealed how digital giants are engineering smartphone apps and social media feedback to get you checking and double-checking online.12
However, while internet use is more socially acceptable, digital companies aren’t the only businesses using neurological and psychological strategies to increase their profit margins.13 Behavior patterns are often etched into neural pathways,14 and when those behaviors are also linked to hormone secretion and physiological responses, they become even more powerful.
In fact, Harris describes the reward process of using a smartphone as “playing the slot machine.”15 And, Google has discovered a way to embed that reward system as you use the apps on your phone. This process is so important to digital corporations that Apple turned down a new smartphone app for their store that would help people to reduce their use of the internet and their smartphones.
In the video above, Harris describes a process known in programing circles as “brain hacking,” as they incorporate knowledge of neuropsychology into the development of digital interfaces that boost interaction. For instance, getting likes on Facebook and Instagram, the “streaks” on Snapchat or cute emojis on texts are all designed to increase your engagement and desire to return.
Harris describes it as a race to the bottom of the brainstem where fear and anxiety live, two of the most powerful motivators known to advertisers. Both advertisers and computer software developers are using these techniques to write code that will engage your attention.16
Wireless Technologies Wreak Havoc With Your Child’s Health and Well-Being
In 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer declared cellphones a Group 2B “possible human carcinogen”17 related to the microwave radiation emitted from the phone. Even cellphone manufacturers place warnings on their products to keep them at least 1 inch from your body.18
A systematic review and meta-analysis19 published in PLOS One in 2017 also warns that there’s a “significant positive association between long-term mobile phone use (minimum, 10 years) and glioma.” Overall, cellphone use for at least one decade was associated with a 2.22 greater odds of developing brain cancer. Such findings have gained strength with the publication of two lifetime exposure studies20,21 on animals, both of which confirmed an increased risk of brain tumors.
While cancer is certainly a long-term concern, there are more pressing health effects associated with chronic, round-the-clock electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure.
Research22,23 by professor Martin Pall, Ph.D., reveals a previously unknown mechanism of biological harm from microwaves emitted by cellphones and other wireless technologies, which helps explain why these technologies can have such a potent impact on mental health specifically. Embedded in your cell membranes are voltage gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which are activated by microwaves.
When that happens, a flood of calcium ions is released, which stimulates the release of nitric oxide (NO) inside your cells and mitochondria.
The NO then combines with superoxide to form peroxynitrite, which in turn creates hydroxyl free radicals — some of the most destructive free radicals known to man — which in turn decimate mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, their membranes and proteins. The result is mitochondrial dysfunction, which we now know is at the heart of most chronic disease.
Excessive EMF Exposure Can Trigger Anxiety, Depression and Memory Problems
The reason excessive EMF exposure is associated with depression and neurological dysfunction, including dementia, is because your brain has the highest density of VGCCs in your body. The pacemaker in your heart and male testes are also high-density areas, and EMF exposure has been linked to cardiac arrhythmias and infertility as well. I simply do not believe bathing a fetus in EMFs in utero is a good idea.
Without fully understanding the mechanisms involved, studies have linked excessive exposure to EMFs to an increased risk of both depression and suicide.24 Addiction to or “high engagement” with mobile devices can also trigger depression and anxiety, according to recent research from the University of Illinois.25
According to Nicholas Carr, author of the book, “The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains,” millennials are experiencing greater problems with forgetfulness than seniors.26 This is the “dark side” of neurological plasticity that allows your brain to adapt to changes in your environment. This type of plasticity is one way your brain recovers after a stroke has permanently damaged one area.
A loss of white matter,27,28 reduced cortical thickness29,30 and impaired cognitive functioning31 are other brain structure and functional changes that have been demonstrated from long-term internet use. It is impossible to ignore that these devices are changing your brain structure, and the experience is also increasing exposure to microwave radiation and large amounts of blue light at night, thereby impacting your child’s body’s ability to produce melatonin.
So, if your child or teen is showing signs of anxiety or depression, please, do what you must to limit their exposure to wireless technology. Teach them more responsible usage.
At bare minimum, insist on their turning off phones and tablets at night, and to not sleep with their phone beneath their pillow or directly near their head. Really try to minimize the presence of electronic devices in their bedroom and, to protect everyone in your household and instill the concept of “off times,” shut down your Wi-Fi at night.
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/20/smartphones-effect-on-mental-health.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/180300485096
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