headspace-hotel · 1 year
My fingers have callouses now because of all the grass I've been pulling out of my meadow
Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is a scourge. I don't like ripping things out because that gets rid of valuable soil and encourages erosion, but this stuff is so aggressive it kills and chokes everything else!
Anti-lawn content often focuses on areas where lawn grasses are NOT well adapted, but there is not enough regarding what happens when (non-native) lawn grasses ARE well adapted!
You're not going to get a monoculture without constantly fighting, because even a small area has tiny variations in sunlight, temperature, soil chemistry etc. that make different species more suited to one patch than another. But letting the lawn grass grow out along with your plantings can result in the grass choking them out!
Many lawn grasses also severely restrict the process of ecological succession because as they grow, they build up a layer of dead thatch that just completely locks the soil away from any sunlight and chokes out seeds trying to sprout.
THIS is the very fundamental way mowing is different from grazing—grazing beasts (E.G. bison) rip up grass and turn it into nutrient rich manure. They have hooves that crush and chop up soil and roots and stems, and they are selective in which plants they eat, chopping some clean to the ground but ignoring others.
A lawn mower just whacks off everything at a uniform length. It doesn't create the patchwork of conditions created by a beast ambling around and munching.
And a lawn mower just sprays the chopped off grass everywhere, where it forms a dry crust on the ground that takes forever to break down. Lawn mowers don't poop. They don't give anything back.
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virvasiipi · 1 year
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Littel post for u... Meadowposting...
Meadow, simply short for "Meadowdweller" (she/it) is a dandelion bunny fairy thing who lives in a burrow in the woods next to a large clearing. It prefers to do its own thing most of the time, existing in solitary peace, befriending and protecting small creatures who live in the grass. It has a very caring demeanor, however, and will often come out to help strangers if they need it.
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Pihka first met Meadow after having moved to the forest when she was young. She didn't really know what she was doing at that point at all, but Meadow was always there for her to help her settle and taught her how to take care of herself on her own. They haven't met in a while, but Pihka reminisces over her quite often.
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piraytoro · 3 years
Wait a Tanya au, Elle, you and Jess can’t just drop that and not talk about it. Super secret Cas runs away with Tanya au that lives only in my head does exist and my two beloved mutuals and me apparently share a hive mind
Hiiii Sarah!!! Hey @lobotomycastiel we have a co-conspirator! A lot of the following text comes directly or is paraphrased from a conversation in our discord, and @deanwithsmudgedlipstick actually came up with some of this too. Okay so in this au Nora has a tragic accident and Cas takes the baby so she doesn’t go into the system. It’s technically kidnapping but the foster system in the US is shit and she has no other living relatives, so it’s justified. Dean at first is like “wtf is that a baby” but he is VERY quickly swayed by way of: he watches Cas interact with Tanya for more than five seconds and folds like a house of cards.
Cut to three years later when baby Jack comes into the picture. (Of course this is a baby Jack au, it’s me and Jess.) Cas dies like in canon (aka temporarily) and Dean is left alone with not one but TWO children under the age of five, one of which the angels are trying to kidnap (unlike his and Cas’ own kidnapping, this one is NOT in the best interests of the child). They want him just like Hell wanted Sam all those years ago, to use him. The angels try to burn down the bunker so they can steal Jack. Dean has been having nightmares about Cas burning on the ceiling the way his mom did, and he wakes up from his dream where Cas is burning on the ceiling to find the bunker ACTUALLY on fire. At first he thinks he’s still dreaming, and then he considers that maybe he should just let this happen (he wants to be with Cas and doesn’t know about the empty yet), but then Sam is there dragging him out just like Dean dragged Sam out when it was Jess. He shakes Sam off and runs to the bassinet, shoved Jack into Tanya’s little arms and tells her to run as fast as she can. Meanwhile he runs to Cas’ room and scrambles to find the mixtape and the trench coat, the only things he has to remember him by.
Sam scoops up Tanya, who’s holding Jack, to shelter them from the smoke and the heat and Dean’s breakdown, the way no one was there to shelter him and Dean. This gives Dean a chance to grieve and a moment to just break down. Afterward, Dean realizes he forgot something. He sifts through the burned down house trying to find Cas’ ashes. He clutches the cracked, scorched urn, making sure the ashes are still safe inside, and from Sam’s arms Tanya watches Dean on his hands and knees, weeping for all that he’s lost. Two minutes later, Dean gets up and turns to them with an easy smile on his face and says it’s time to get going, and he hopes they like clown motels. All his Cas Emotions have been shoved into a box and shut away tight. Sam asks why they can’t go to a *nice* hotel, and Dean makes fun of him for being afraid of clowns. But Sam has to drive the Impala because Dean’s hands are still shaking, and the only way to still them is to hold onto both the kids as he cradles them close in the backseat.
At the funeral, Dean passes Jack to Tanya when he goes to light the pyre. When he steps away, he takes Jack back and holds Tanya’s hand so they won’t feel alone. Later, Tanya tries to heat up a bottle for Jack but he takes over and tells her “go watch tv kiddo, I got this.” The next night he gets up to quiet a fussy Jack and finds Tanya already there, singing to him. He scoops her up and sings to both of them. After that he sits her down and explains that it’s not her job to take care of Jack, it’s his job to take care of them both. He plays them the mixtape and tells them he made of for their dad. He also lets them pick the music in the car. He watches Tanya singing along in the rear view mirror, the windows down, doing that thing kids do where she tries to catch the wind in her tiny hand while Jack laughs in his car seat. She’s a kid and doesn’t know about driver pick the music yet, so he lets Tonya listen to every Hannah Montana album and five hundred consecutive plays of Baby Shark because they’re her favorites. When Sam complains about how he can’t play his indie music, Dean pulls the classic, “how old are you?” “I’m 35, what does that have to do—“ “and how old is Tanya,” Dean interrupts. “Like, four?” Tanya interrupts, offended, to say “I’m four and a HALF.” Dean gives Sam a *you see?* look and says “so who’s gotta be the mature one here?” He’s the older sibling now, and Jack and Tanya are babies who deserve to listen to shitty kids’ music because Dean loves them and they’re his kids. Claire rolls her eyes from the backseat, squished between two carseats, but she doesn’t argue with the choice of music. Baby Shark makes her want to gouge her eyes out, but she secretly kind of likes Hannah Montana.
Dean takes them to the meadow to help scatter Cas’ ashes. Claire supervises while Tanya and Jack play in the brook, and over by the windmill Dean opens the urn. He makes sure the ashes cover as much ground as possible, wanting to feel Cas everywhere in that field. He takes the kids there often, and he knows it’s silly, but he thinks Cas would appreciate watching his kids grow up. Claire comes sometimes, but she’s not there this time. Dean puts Tanya on his shoulders, with Jack in a wrap in his chest, and Tanya reaches down to pat Jack on the head when he starts to get fussy. Tanya tries to reach up high enough to tough the windmill, and Dean fixes Jack’s hat to protect him from the sun, and Dean looks up at the sky and prays that Cas can see them somehow.
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slaygentford · 3 years
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meadow and Tony seeing directly through each other over carmela's head is one of the most critically unhinged choices ever made
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