#dean winchester is mom-coded
aphica · 11 months
i am sooo dean winchester coded cuzzzz when he got his mom back he thought it would be the best. he had this wonderful idea of how him and his mom would be because he had only known such good things about her. the memories were better than the real thing. the grace period was short-lived; she became somewhat controlling. it was hard to live with her. it wasn’t Right.
yeah. yeah so basically
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doctorbitchcrxft · 5 months
Scarecrow | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore
Word Count: 5402
A/N: SURPRISE!!!! I've decided to start updating twice a week!!! I would not be cranking these out like I am if it weren't for y'all's support. Thank you so so much for everything, my lovebugs. See y'all on Saturday!!! New update schedule:
Wednesdays and Saturdays @ 3 PM CDT
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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You awoke to the sound of your phone ringing, and were shocked by the voice on the other end of the call. “John?!”
“Hi, (Y/N),” he answered. “I know you’re with the boys. I need you to do something for me.”
“John, what the fuck? How did you get my number?” you questioned. “Why didn’t you call Sam or Dean?!”
He sighed. “Because I knew they wouldn’t just let me go. Listen, I need you to take down these names for me.”
You wrapped a jacket around yourself and headed to the boys’ room next door. You banged on it loudly, still talking to John. “Look, sir, I’m sorry, but I have to let them know you called me.”
Sam opened the door. 
“(Y/N), no! It’s too dangerous!” John responded, his voice gravelly. 
“Too late,” you told him. 
Sam had apparently heard his dad’s voice and ripped the phone out of your hands. “Dad? Are you hurt? We’ve been looking for you everywhere. We didn’t know where you were, if you were okay.”
Dean began to wake up with all of the commotion.
“We’re fine. Dad, where are you?” Sam continued.
Dean shot up when Sam said “dad.”
Sam scoffed at something his father said. “What? Why not?”
“Is that Dad?” Dean asked. 
“You’re after it, aren’t you? The thing that killed Mom,” Sam said softly. “A demon? You know for sure?”
“A demon? What’s he saying?” Dean’s voice became almost frantic.
Tears suddenly welled in Sam’s eyes. “You know where it is?... Let us help… Why not?”
Dean extended his hand to his brother. “Give me the phone.”
“Names? What names, Dad— talk to me, tell me what’s going on,” Sam pleaded. “No. Alright? No way.”
Dean grabbed the phone out of Sam’s hands. “Dad, it’s me. Where are you? Why’d you call (Y/N) instead of one of us?...  Yes, sir… Uh, yeah, I got a pen. What are their names?” He began writing on the notepad next to his bed.
Sam shook his head, tears still in his eyes. 
Dean hung up the phone and handed it back to you. “How’d he get your number, (Y/N)?”
“I have no idea; I changed it since I met you guys,” you told him. “That was after your dad disappeared.”
“Why would he call her and not us?” Sam asked his brother.
“He said he knew you wouldn’t just let him go,” you explained. “Said it was too dangerous for me to let you know I spoke to him.”
“Well, thank you for not listening,” Sam told you. 
You gave him a lopsided, sad smile.
Later that day, Sam was driving you toward what you thought was your next hunt. Couples had been going missing through the same part of Indiana every year on the second week of April; which just so happened to be this week.
“So, Dad is sending us to Indiana to go hunting for something before another couple vanishes?” Sam asked.
“Yahtzee. Can you imagine putting together a pattern like this? All the different obits Dad had to go through? The man’s a master.” You could tell Dean really respected his father. You had that same respect for your dad when he was alive; you understood completely. 
Sam seemed annoyed, though, and pulled over to the side of the road. He turned off the car. 
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“We’re not going to Indiana,” he responded.
Your eyebrows shot up. “We’re not?”
“No. We’re going to California. Dad called from a payphone. Sacramento area code,” Sam explained.
Dean shook his head. “Sam—”
“Dean, if this demon killed Mom and Jess, and Dad’s closing in, we’ve gotta be there. We’ve gotta help.”
“Dad doesn’t want our help,” Dean protested.
Sam’s voice rose more. “I don’t care!”
“He’s given us an order!”
Sam’s voice was suddenly quieted. “I don’t care. We don’t always have to do what he says.”
“Sam, Dad is asking us to work jobs, to save lives, it’s important,” the older brother argued, incredulous that this was even a conversation.
“Alright, I understand, believe me, I understand. But I’m talking one week here, man, to get answers. To get revenge.”
“Alright, look, I know how you feel—”
“Do you?”
You were shocked by Sam’s tone.
“How old were you when Mom died? Four? Jess died six months ago. How the hell would you know how I feel?”
“Sam!” you scolded. 
“Dad said it wasn’t safe,” Dean continued. “For any of us. I mean, he obviously knows something that we don’t, so if he says to stay away, we stay away.”
Sam scoffed humorlessly. “I don’t understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, it’s like you don’t even question him.”
“Yeah, it’s called being a good son!”
“Both of you, stop it!” you ordered.
Sam angrily got out of the car. You looked to Dean who couldn’t meet your eyes before the two of you got out as well.
“You’re a selfish bastard, you know that?” Dean spat. “You just do whatever you want. Don’t care what anybody thinks.”
Sam bit back, “That’s what you really think?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Well, then this selfish bastard is going to California.” He shouldered his backpack and started walking in the opposite direction. 
“C’mon, Sam, get back in the car,” you called to him.
“No, (Y/N), stay out of this,” Sam responded.
“It’s the middle of the night!” you protested.
“Hey, I’m taking off, I will leave your ass, you hear me?” Dean roared.
Sam stopped walking and turned around. “That’s what I want you to do,” he replied coldly.
You watched with bated breath as the two brothers sized each other up.
“Goodbye, Sam.” Dean slammed the trunk closed. He went to get in the car and drive away, but you stopped him.
“Just wait a second, please?”
He nodded.
You sprinted to Sam, giving him a tight hug. He returned it with his free arm. “Bye, Sam. Be safe, please,” you told him.
“What, you’re really gonna stay with him?” he scoffed.
“I don’t have much of a choice—”
“You do, though. You said you were gonna help us find our dad. I’m going to find our dad.”
You backed away from him. “I believe we will find your dad. I think he’s too smart to stay in Sacramento after calling us.”
Sam shook his head. “This is about more than that, isn’t it? You just wanna stay with Dean.”
“No, Sam, that’s not the point—”
“Then come with me.”
Your voice softened considerably. “No.”
The brunet scoffed again. “Goodbye, (Y/N).”
He walked away from you. You hurried back to the car and slammed the door to the passenger’s seat shut. You slumped against the door, and you nor Dean talked for the remainder of the drive to Burkittsville, Indiana.
When you arrived, you saw Dean take out his phone and scroll to Sam’s contact. You silently prayed he would click it, but he never did. Alternatively, the two of you got out of the car and made your way over to Scotty’s Café.
Burkittsville was a sleepy little town full of mom and pop shops and not a chain restaurant in sight. The people seemed just as quaint and perfect as their town appeared, including the man on the porch of the café.
Dean gestured to the sign above the man’s head. “Let me guess. Scotty.”
Scotty looked up at his sign and nodded curtly. “Yep.” 
“Hi, my name’s John Bonham,” Dean smiled, “And this is—”
Scotty cut him off before he could introduce you. “Isn’t that the drummer for Led Zeppelin?”
The younger man was taken aback. “Wow. Good. Classic rock fan.”
Scotty’s face was unchanging. “What can I do for you, John?”
Dean took out the Missing Person posters of Holly and Vince Parker, the couple that had disappeared last year. 
You stuck the fliers out to Scotty. “We were just wondering if you’d seen these people by chance? They’re friends of ours, and we just really wanna find ‘em. The cops haven’t done much, and we figured we’d take the investigation into our own hands. We already asked around Scottsberg and Salem—”
Scotty cut you off and looked to Dean. “Does she always talk this much?”
You were offended. “Sorry, I just, I really wanna find my friends.”
Scotty sat back in his chair and huffed. “Haven’t seen ‘em. We don’t get many strangers around here.”
Dean nodded. “Scotty, you’ve got a smile that lights up a room, anybody ever tell you that?”
Scotty eyed him strangely.
“Never mind. See you around.”
The two of you walked away from the man and the café.
“That was awkward, you mumbled. “The fuck was his problem?”
“He was right about one thing, sweetheart, you do talk a lot,” Dean gibed in response.
You shoved his shoulder. “Fuck off.”
Your next stop was the Jorgeson General Store; another one of those mom-and-pop shops. You spoke to the woman behind the counter and her husband about the Parkers’ disappearance. 
“You sure they didn’t stop for gas or something?” Dean questioned.
The older man before you shook his head. “Nope, don’t remember ‘em. You said they were friends of yours?”
Dean nodded.
A young girl bounded down the stairs carrying some boxes. “Did the guy have a tattoo?”
You looked at her surprised. “Yeah, he did.”
The blonde put the boxes on the counter and looked down at the missing posters you were holding. “You remember?” she asked the older couple. “They were just married.”
The old man seemed to remember suddenly, “You’re right. They did stop for gas. Weren’t here more than ten minutes.”
“You remember anything else?” Dean asked, You could tell he was suspicious of these people; as we you.
“I told ‘em how to get back to the Interstate. They left town.”
“Could you point us in that same direction?”
“I’m telling you, those people weird me out,” you told Dean as you drove down the old man’s directed route.
“Yeah, no kidding,” he responded. “WASPs.”
“Oh, for sure,” you giggled.
You were cut off by a sound coming from the backseat.
“The fuck?” Dean mumbled at the sound. “(Y/N), care to investigate?”
You nodded, leaning over the backseat and rummaging through Dean’s duffel bag. You pulled out the EMF meter, which buzzed frantically. “Pull over,” you instructed him.
The two of you walked through a pretty apple orchard. It was quite large, as were the trees. You had no doubt it stretched for hundreds of acres. You and Dean crunched leaves under your boots and followed the strengthening beep of the EMF meter to a frightening scarecrow. It wore dark clothing; its eyes were hollow and its mouth was sewn shut. The hair it seemed to have was straggly and wild under the brim of its hat.
“Dude, you fugly,” Dean jested.
You giggled, but something caught your eye. The scarecrow held a sickle, and your eyes trailed from it to a design on its arm. “Dean, look.”
He seemed to notice the same thing you did and grabbed a ladder. You held the bottom steady while he climbed up to the scarecrow’s eye level. He adjusted its sleeve to fully reveal the design on its arm. You pulled out Vince’s flier and handed it to Dean. He compared the two, but you already knew the designs would match exactly.
“Nice tat,” Dean told the scarecrow.
“Alright, get out of its face before you piss it off,” you told your friend.
He chuckled. “Yeah, right.” He climbed back down the ladder and you headed back to Burkittsville to investigate further. Dean drove you to the gas station next to a car repair shop where you noticed the young girl from the general store was working.
“You’re back,” the blonde smiled.
Dean replied, “Never left.”
“Still looking for your friends?” she asked.
You nodded.
Dean noticed the nameplate necklace the girl was wearing. “ You mind fillin’ her up there, Emily?”
She grabbed the pump and obliged.
“So, you grew up here?” Dean asked.
“I came here when I was thirteen. I lost my parents. Car accident. My aunt and uncle took me in,” she explained.
“They’re nice people.”
“Everybody’s nice here.”
“So, what, it’s the, uh, perfect little town?”
She nodded and sighed. “Well, you know, it’s the boonies. But I love it. I mean, the towns around us, people are losing their homes, their farms. But here, it’s almost like we’re blessed.”
You nodded. “Hey, you been out to the orchard? You seen that scarecrow?”
Emily shivered. “Yeah, it creeps me out.”
Dean laughed. “Whose is it?”
The girl shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just always been there.”
You nodded toward the red van parked by the garage with its hood up. “That your aunt and uncle’s?”
Emily shook her head. “Customer. Had some car troubles.”
“It’s not a couple, is it? A guy and a girl?” A look of concern crossed Dean’s face, and Emily nodded.
And with that, you thanked Emily, paid her, and headed off to find the town’s next victims: that poor couple. You found them in Scotty’s Café.
“We’re famous for our apples,” Scotty said as you walked in. “So, you gotta try this pie.”
“Oh, no. It— please,” the girl shook her head. The couple’s table was already full of plates.
“It’s on the house.” Scotty’s disposition was much different than the one he’d presented to you and Dean previously.
“Oh, hey, Scotty,” Dean grinned. “Can I get a coffee, black? Oh, and some of that pie, too, while you’re at it.”
You and Dean sat at a table next to the couple. “Mind your manners, please,” you mumbled to him.
“I got it,” he answered. “How ya doin’?” He leaned over to the couple, who waved back and smiled. “Just passing through?”
“Road trip,” the girl replied awkwardly.
“Hm. Yeah, us, too,” Dean said.
Scotty came back over to refill the couple’s drinks. “ I’m sure these people want to eat in peace.”
“He’s just making conversation,” you defended. 
Scotty glared at you and walked away.
Dean was clearly reveling in Scotty’s agitation. “Oh, and that coffee, too, man. Thanks.”
“So, what brings you to town?” you asked the couple. 
“We just stopped for gas,” the girl explained. “And, uh, the guy at the gas station saved our lives.”
“Is that right?”
“Yeah, one of our brake lines was leaking. We had no idea. He was fixing it for us,” the man replied.
Dean seemed concerned. “Nice people.”
You didn’t know the first thing about cars, but from the look on Dean’s face, you could tell he knew something was fishy. “So, how long till you’re up and runnin’?”
“Sundown,” the man answered curtly, taking a bite of his food.
“Really.” Dean pondered for a minute. “To fix a brake line?”
The man nodded.
“I mean, you know, I know a thing or two about cars. I could probably have you up and running in about an hour. I wouldn’t charge you anything,” Dean said, chuckling awkwardly.
“You know, thanks a lot, but I think we’d rather have a mechanic do it.” He turned back to the table.
Dean paused. “You know, it’s just that these roads. They’re not real safe at night.”
The couple exchanged a look. 
“I know it sounds strange, but, uh, you might be in danger,” Dean tried.
“Look, we’re trying to eat. Okay?” the man responded, annoyed.
Dean seemed disappointed. He turned to you. “Sam could just give him that puppy dog look and they’d just buy right into it,” he lamented. 
Your heart was saddened; both because you missed Sam and felt for Dean. The bell above the door jingled, and Scotty came out from the back. 
“Thanks for coming, Sheriff,” Scotty told the man who had just entered.
You were beginning to get incredibly agitated with Scotty.  
“I’d like a word, please,” the sheriff told you and Dean.
“Come on. I’m having a bad day already,” Dean grumbled.
“You know what would make it worse?”
And with that, the sheriff escorted you to the outside of town; making sure you kept driving outside of Burkittsville. 
You and Dean were stubborn, though, and returned to the town later that night. You headed to the orchard where you knew the couple was about to become scarecrow food. 
You always had your pistol on you, of course, but Dean had you carry a shotgun loaded with rock salt, too. He grabbed one for himself, and the two of you trekked into the orchard, quickly trying to find the couple. You had seen their car broken down on the side of the road and knew they couldn’t be far. 
“Who’s there?” you heard the man from the diner call.
You and Dean broke off in the direction of the voice. You jumped in front of the couple just before the scarecrow could reach them. 
“Get back to your car.” Dean ordered, aiming his shotgun at the scarecrow. “Go! Go! (Y/N), follow ‘em!”
The couple took off running and you stayed close behind, occasionally looking over your shoulder to make sure it was far enough away. You watched as Dean shot the scarecrow, which stumbled, but kept walking.
You took out your pistol and aimed at the thing. “Dean, look out!” You took a shot at it, too, but it still persisted.
“What the hell kind of thing is immune to rock salt and real bullets?!” you yelled to Dean.
“Go! Go!” He responded, pushing you and the couple forward and out of the orchard. When you turned around for the last time as you had reached their car, the scarecrow disappeared. Even still, you and Dean kept your guns pointed at the orchard’s entrance. 
“What— what the hell was that?” the man from the diner panted.
“Don’t ask!” you told them.
While you stood guard, Dean fixed up the car for the couple and escorted them out of town. The next morning, you and Dean decided to find a local history professor from the next town over to get some information.
“We should call Sam,” you told him.
“I know,” he mumbled.
“Oh-kay, then what are you waiting for?” you asked.
He said nothing in response, but pulled out his phone and dialed Sam’s number. You weren’t surprised when Dean didn’t address their fight at all.
“Yeah, I’m tellin’ ya,” Dean told Sam on the other line. “Burkittsville, Indiana. Fun Town… No. We can’t cope without you, you know… No, it’s more than a spirit. It’s a god. A Pagan god, anyway… The annual cycle of its killings? And the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman. Like some kind of fertility right. And you should see the locals. The way they treated this couple. Fattenin’ ‘em up like a Christmas turkey… Yeah, (Y/N)’s thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some pagan god... Yeah, yeah. She’s fine. She’s here.”
You smiled at what you knew was Dean responding to Sam asking about you.
“And the scarecrow takes its sacrifice. And for another year, the crops won’t wilt, and disease won’t spread… No, not yet… I know. We’re actually on our way to a local community college. I’ve got an appointment with a professor. You know, since I don’t have my trusty sidekick geek boy to do all the research.” Dean’s tone shifted. “I’m not hinting anything! Actually, uh—I want you to know….I mean, don’t think… Sam. You were right. You gotta do your own thing. You gotta live your own life.”
You eyed Dean curiously as he continued.
“You’ve always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad. And you always have. Hell, I wish I—anyway… I admire that about you. I’m proud of you, Sammy… Say you’ll take care of yourself… Call me when you find Dad.”
You took the phone from Dean. “Hi, Sam. I miss you,” you told him.
“Hey, (Y/N/N), I miss you, too. I’m sorry about what I said,” Sam responded.
“Yeah, me too. Be safe, kiddo.”
Sam laughed at your nickname for him. “I will.”
You and Dean talked with a sweet, old professor about the pagan god you could potentially be dealing with; feigning that it was for a research paper. He flipped through a large book on the different Norse pagan gods and goddesses, until a scarecrow in one of the drawings caught Dean’s attention.
“Wait, wait, wait. What’s that one?” Dean asked.
“Oh, that’s not a woods god, per se,” the professor answer.
“The V-Vanir?” Dean read off hesitantly.
The professor nodded. 
You read the page aloud. “ ‘The Vanir were Norse gods of protection and prosperity, keeping the local settlements safe from harm. Some villages built effigies of the Vanir in their fields. Other villages practiced human sacrifice. One male, and one female.’ “ You pointed to the picture. “Kind of looks like a scarecrow, huh?”
The professor looked at you strangely. “I suppose.”
“This particular Vanir that’s energy sprung from the sacred tree?” Dean questioned.
The professor seemed confused, but answered you none the less.“Well, Pagans believed all sorts of things were infused with magic.”
“So what would happen if the sacred tree was torched? You think it’d kill the god?”
The old man laughed. “Son, these are just legends we’re discussing.”
“Yeah, yeah of course. He knows that,” you said. “Thank you for your time.” You shook the man’s hand.
“Glad I could help,” he responded.
Dean was the first to hit the door, only to be knocked in the head with a rifle when he opened it. 
“Hey!” you yelled, drawing your gun. The sheriff pointed his back at you. 
“Carrying a gun on a college campus,” the sheriff tsked. “That’s not a good look for you. Why don’t you put that down and come with me.”
You hesitated, but knew he was right. You put it back in your jacket and raised your hands. 
The sheriff aimed his gun at you while two other men he’d brought with him dragged Dean’s passed-out body back to Burkittsville. 
The sheriff’s deputies threw Dean’s body down into a cellar beneath one of the houses near the orchard and shoved you down with him.
“You motherfucker,” you told the man. “So what’s the plan? Huh? Keep us here ‘til nightfall, then, what, let us loose in the orchard? You know that thing won’t be able to catch us.”
The sheriff chuckled at you. “Don’t you worry. We’ll take care of you.” And with that, he shut the cellar doors above your head; blocking the majority of the light out. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the bits of sunlight still peeking through the cracks in the boards. You shoved the cellar doors with all your might, groaning as you did. You tried to get it open for hours with the few objects down in the cellar.
“C’mon!” you cried, frustrated. Nothing you tried worked.
Dean’s groan in pain from behind you caught your attention. You rushed back down the stairs and over to him.
You sat down on the floor beside him, gingerly brushing your hand over the wound on his head. “You okay?”
He propped himself up on one elbow and touched the spot on his forehead with his other hand. “Super.”
“Just try to relax,” you told him, “I wanna make sure you don’t have a concussion.”
“What are you, Nurse Ratched?” he grunted, trying to push away from you. “I’m fine, (Y/N), seriously.”
You huffed. “Will you just let me help you? Please?”
Hesitantly, he obliged. You shuffled closer and positioned your knees under his head. He leaned back into you, and you could have sworn some of the tension left his body when he came in contact with you. 
You brushed his short, spiky hair back with one hand and held a finger over his face with the other. “Follow my finger, please. Without moving your head.”
He did. His eyes tracked your motion well. 
“Okay, now, where are we?” you asked, still stroking his hair.
He scoffed. “What does that have to do with me having a concussion?”
“Just answer the question, asshole.”
He scoffed again, but obeyed. “Uh… some kind of cellar. I’m assuming in Burkittsville.”
“Okay, good,” you said. “Why are we here?”
“That bastard knocked me out at the community college. Fuckin’ professor must’ve called him or something,” Dean grumbled.
“Okay, I think you’re fine,” you told him. 
He sat up from your lap, and you missed the feeling of him against you. “Where’d you learn that stuff from?” he asked. 
You laughed nervously. “I, uh… this is gonna sound stupid, but I was planning on going to school for nursing the year my parents died.”
“Really?” he asked.
“Yeah. They, um. They died without ever knowing I was gonna go to school that fall.” You looked down at your lap.
“So why didn’t you just leave this all behind and go to school? You could’ve been normal, (Y/N).”
“Honestly?” you replied. “Screw normal. I knew that even if I left hunting, I’d never truly feel safe ever again. Besides, the white picket fence isn’t really my style.” You gave him a lopsided smile which he returned.
“What would you have done? If you weren’t a hunter, I mean,” you asked.
He sighed. “I don’t know. I haven’t given it much thought.” He paused and looked off. He thought for a minute before turning back to you. “I think I would’ve been a mechanic. Maybe a marine, like my dad. When I was a kid, though, I wanted to be a fireman.”
You smiled. “I can totally see that for you.”
The warmth that had settled between you was dispersed by the cellar doors opening. You and Dean scrambled to your feet.
“It’s time,” the woman from the general store said.
You shot Dean a nervous look. You could tell he was doing his best to be brave.
The sheriff really liked using the butt of his rifle to hit things. He’d been using it to urge you and Dean forward about the last half mile into the orchard.
“Do you feel powerful with that thing? Manly?” you asked the sheriff. “You can probably do more with it than you can with your dick— Ow!” You were cut off by a sharp whack to the back of your head.
The sheriff sat Dean down and tied his wrists to a tree. 
“How many people have you killed, Sheriff? How much blood is on your hands?” Dean spat.
“We don’t kill them,” was all the sheriff responded with.
“No, you just clean up after,” you broke in as the couple from the general store tied you to a tree next to him. “I mean, how many cars have you hidden, clothes have you buried?” 
The sheriff shot you a glare before walking away from you and Dean.
“Try to understand,” the woman told you, somehow still smiling. “It’s our responsibility. And there’s just no other choice. The town needs to be safe. The good of the many outweighs the good of the one.” She turned away from you, and led the other three men away. 
“I hope your apple pie is freakin’ worth it!” Dean called after them.
“So, what’s the plan?” you asked.
“I’m workin’ on it,” Dean responded.
You leaned your head back against the tree stump. “I can’t believe I’m gonna die like this.”
“(Y/N), do not talk like that. You are gonna be fine. We’re both gonna make it,” Dean responded.
“No, dude, be serious. Neither of us have a plan. We’re toast.”
“I told you, I’m working on it,” he assured you.
Hours passed. You tossed ideas back and forth about how to escape, but nothing was working. You couldn’t get through the zip ties around your wrists without scissors or a knife; which neither of you had on you. The sheriff had frisked both of you of all your weapons. Before you knew it, night had fallen. 
“Can you see?” Dean asked. “Is he moving yet?”
You craned your neck, trying to see around the tree stump. “I can’t see.”
Leaves rustled. You and Dean began frantically pulling at your bindings. 
“You hear that?” you squeaked.
“Yeah, I do!” Dean strained against his binds.
And then, Sam emerged from the trees behind you.
“Sam!” you grinned.
“(Y/N)?” he responded, stooping down to you. He immediately set to work untying you.
“Oh! Oh, I take everything back I said.” Dean sounded relieved and overjoyed. “I’m so happy to see you.” 
Sam moved over to Dean next.
You rubbed at your wrists and rolled your neck around as you stood. “How’d you get here?”
“I, uh— I stole a car,” he answered sheepishly.
Dean laughed. “That’s my boy! And keep an eye on that scarecrow. He could come alive any minute.”
“What scarecrow?” Sam questioned. 
You peeked around your tree to see the scarecrow was missing from his post. You and the brothers exchanged nervous looks, and broke off running in the other direction.
“There’s some kind of sacred tree we have to find,” you explained to Sam as you jogged along.
“It’s the source of its power,” Dean added. 
“So let’s find it and burn it,” Sam replied simply.
“Nah, in the morning. Let’s just shag ass before Leather Face catches up,” Dean said. 
The three of you reached the clearing, only to find yourselves surrounded by flashlights and the townspeople.
“This way!” You tried to lead the boys in another direction, but there were more people flanking you from the back. The three of you put yourselves back to back, facing the numerous guns and flashlights that clouded your vision.
“Please. Let us go,” you begged.
The old man from the general store spoke to you. “It’ll be over quickly, I promise.”
“C’mon, man, please!”
The man shook his head. “You have to let him take you. You have to—”
All of a sudden, the scarecrow’s sickle poked out through the man’s stomach. The woman next to him screamed as the scarecrow began dragging the two of them away. The rest of the townspeople began to flee the scene at what they had just witnessed.
“Come on, let’s go!” Dean ordered, and the three of you broke off running again. 
You heard a noise and turned, but the scarecrow and the elderly couple were gone.
“Alright, let’s light this sucker up and get the hell outta dodge,” Dean remarked, picking up a large stick from the ground. The three of you walked a ways before finding a tree marked with Vince’s tattoo design. 
“There!” you pointed at it and took the stick from Dean. Sam poured lighter fluid all over it and you lit the end of Dean’s stick with his zippo lighter. 
Dean threw the stick at the tree, and the three of you watched it go up in flames. “So long, fugly scarecrow.”
You and the boys walked back to the college where the Impala was left. It took hours, and you were exhausted, but the sight of that car had you grinning from ear to ear.
“And the rest of the townspeople, they’ll just get away with it?” Sam asked, seeming unsatisfied.
“Well, what’ll happen to the town will have to be punishment enough.” Dean turned to his brother once you had reached the car. “So, can I drop you off somewhere?”
Sam shook his head. “No, you guys are stuck with me.”
You smiled. “What made you change your mind?” 
“I didn’t. I still wanna find Dad. And you two are still pains in the ass.”
You giggled.
“But, Jess and Mom— they’re both gone. Dad is god knows where. You, me, and (Y/N). We’re all that’s left. So, if we’re gonna see this through, we’re gonna do it together.”
You could sense a witty remark coming from Dean any second. 
“Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful.”
‘There it is.’ You laughed again.
Sam smacked his brother’s shoulder.  “You two should be kissing my ass. You were dead meat.”
“Yeah, right. I had a plan, I’d have gotten out,” Dean responded.
“Oh, sure you did,” you chimed in. “They were just all crap.”
Dean shoved you playfully toward the door of the backseat. You got in and settled down, allowing yourself to be sucked into slumber. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @iloveshawn @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @davina-clairee @chervbs @thepocketverse @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @stephshaww @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @here-for-the-extravaganza @seninjakitey @berarenado
Quite a few tags were broken :(( so sorry!!
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were-wolverine · 8 months
okay lemme just-
dick grayson:
- eldest brother
- watched parents die, swore revenge on murderer
- raised as a child soldier from a young age (9 y/o)
- complicated relationship with (adoptive) father, lots of unresolved anger but still defends him
- believes he has a better understanding of his father than his younger brother does (has spent more time around him)
- copes with humor, bottles up emotions, feels he has to ‘be strong’ for his family, doesn’t talk about his own issues
- extremely loyal to those deemed ‘family’
- bi coded
- spent his childhood moving around constantly (traveling circus)
- seen as a playboy/flirty, uses it to get information
- had to raise his little brother / was basically a parent to him
- self-sacrificing as FUCK, total martyr complex
- constantly wears a fake persona and rarely shows his true self to others
dean winchester:
- eldest brother
- watched his mom die, swore revenge on the demon that killed her
- raised as a child soldier from a young age (4 y/o)
- complicated relationship with father, they have unresolved issues but he still defends him
- believes he understands his father better than his younger brother does (has spent more time around him)
- copes with humor, bottles up emotions, feels he has to ‘be strong’ for his family, doesn’t like talking about his own issues
- extremely loyal, values family above all else
- bi coded
- moved around his whole childhood
- seen as a playboy/flirty, uses it to get information
- had to raise his little brother, was more of a parent to him than their dad ever was
- self-sacrificing to a worrying degree, definite martyr complex
- constantly wears a fake persona and rarely shows his true self to others
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fandomtrashhh · 2 years
Updated for Episode 12
So I did a thing. I went back to every episode of The Winchesters and I wrote down everything that Dean has said so far, and I realized moreso than before how EVERYTHING he says not only is the lesson/theme of the episode, but it all also applies to himself. Also, I'm not sure if other people realize this because not everyone is into classic rock as I am, (many of the songs are rock songs) but all the songs also match what the episodes are about. Let's start with episode 1.
Sorry if I overlooked something or for any mistakes, I did not rewatch every episode to make this.
I also apologize for how long this is. If I knew how to add the "read more" on this post I totally would.
Major spoilers for all episodes of the Winchesters ahead!!!
Episode 1, "Pilot": March 3rd, 1972. The day Dad came home from the war, and the day he met Mom. Now I know this story might sound familiar, but I'm gonna put the pieces together in a way that just might surprise you. And in order to do that, I have to start all the way at the beginning.
Obviously, Dean is just starting the story. He tells us this is when John and Mary are going to meet, and he's also foreshadowing what's to come. This is why I have high hopes for this show, because Dean says so in the beginning that even though you think you might know everything, there's really more to the story.
Dean also narrated at the very end of the episode:
What they didn't know is that the Akrida weren't just a threat to Earth, but to all of existence. Now, like I told you, there's gonna be some surprises. Hell, I'm still trying to find all the puzzle pieces myself. But I'll explain everything. And until then, I'll keep picking the music.
Also something to note is that this is the only episode that has a non music related title. I'm 100% sure that if it did have a song related title, it would be "I'd Love to Change the World" by Ten Years After. The beginning, when Dean is first narrating and while John is holding the letter that Dean gave him and pretty much up to the point where John and Mary run into each other, that song is playing. Then at the very end of the episode, when we see Dean in the flesh, it's playing again. I find this VERY interesting, especially since the music applies to everything in this show. This leads me to believe that Dean really is trying to change something because the song literally says "I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do, so I'll leave it up to you." (The song also mentions bees, which I thought was interesting. That could be nothing, though.)
Episode 2 "Teach Your Children Well": The ties that bind a family together can be complicated. Parents raise you, teach you what's right and wrong, and in some instances, how to kill monsters. But no matter who you are, there comes a time when you have to break from them and make your own way. And if you're not careful, things can get pretty ugly.
“Teach Your Children Well” by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. Let me show you some of the lyrics:
“You, who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so, become yourself
Because the past is just a goodbye
Teach your children well
Their father's hell did slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they pick's the one you'll know by
Don't you ever ask them, "Why?"
If they told you, you would cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you”
A big theme in this episode is parents, the guy who goes missing at the beginning for one, but mostly about John’s parents. John and Millie argue over John hunting and all around the episode is about kids forging their own paths and how it can cause issues which I feel like can definitely apply to Dean and how he discovers his identity away from his father and how the things his father put them through were wrong and how that caused issues.
Episode 3 "You’re Lost Little Girl": There's no map to being a hunter. No playbook. You gotta follow your gut. But that can only take you so far. Truth is, you can't do it all on your own. You need other people to help guide the way-- your friends, your family. Otherwise you just end up lost.
“You’re Lost Little Girl” is by The Doors. Some lyrics:
“You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl
You're lost, tell me who
Are you?
Think that you know what to do
Impossible? Yes, but it's true
I think that you know what to do
Sure that you know what to do”
In this episode, Mary gets taken by a monster and everyone is trying to find her. Mary thinks that she doesn’t need anyone to help her because she’s a good hunter, but she ends up needing them to save her. It’s the same with Dean, Dean is an amazing hunter, but he still needs his friends and his family.
Episode 4, "Masters of War": Fighting the battle between good and evil isn't easy, especially when the first monster you have to face is the one inside yourself.
“Masters of War” is by Bob Dylan.
The lyrics for this song are very meaningful and well done. To put it simply, it’s about war and criticism of war.
“You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
While the young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud”
In this episode, John and Carlos talk about their trauma from the Vietnam War and we really get an insight to how much anger John has in him. John is Dean’s parallel in this episode because Dean has a lot of unresolved trauma and deep rooted anger that is mentioned in Supernatural and it also fits because Dean was used as a weapon in a war against the supernatural from a young age.
Episode 5, "Legacy of a Mind": Spending a lifetime of hunting monsters takes its toll. There comes a time when you gotta let out that pain inside you. If you don't, it'll eat you alive.
The song “Legacy of a Mind” is by The Moody Blues
“He'll fly his astral plane
Takes you trips around the bay
Brings you back the same day”
This can be applied to what happens in this episode where Mary is stuck in her own head and has to face her trauma, and this song pretty much talks about trippy things like the lyrics above.
This applies so well to the episode because this episode deals with the complicated relationship that Mary has with her parents and her dealing with the trauma she has with being trained to be a hunter from a very young age and how it was wrong of them to do that to her, but she still loves her parents. This also applies to Dean, since John taught him about hunting from a young age, the same way Samuel and Deanna did to Mary. Mary is once again the Dean parallel, like she often is in this show.
Episode 6 "Art of Dying": Hunting has a way of changing a person. After a while, right, wrong, good, evil, they all start to look the same. And then it makes you start to wonder, "Who's really the monster here -- them or me?"
This is the only other episode where Dean narrated at the end:
Hunting's not for everyone. You have to be strong, stay sharp, make tough decisions, and it's not easy, but then again, the righteous things never are.
The Art of Dying is by George Harrison:
"There'll come a time when all of us must leave here
Then nothing sister Mary can do
Will keep me here with you
As nothing in this life that I've been trying
Could equal or surpass the art of dying
Do you believe me?"
and then the end of the song goes:
"There'll come a time when most of us return here
Brought back by our desire to be
A perfect entity
Living through a million years of crying
Until you've realized the art of dying
Do you believe me?"
This episode the core four finds a case involving an older hunter buddy of Mary's and it turns out that the monster is the ghost of the hunter's friend who the hunter friend and her group killed because he went too dark in magic. That's how the episode applies to Dean's monologue, along with Lata's fear of turning into someone horrible and letting her anger control her. John also (kinda) confronts his anger in this episode. The monologue also talks about how being a hunter is hard, but doing the right thing never is, which also applies to the characters of this episode, especially Lata. This applies to Dean because he really dealt with feelings like that during SPN, and being angry all the time and feeling like he was a monster, and how he always chooses to do the right thing when it comes down to saving the world, even when it's near impossible to.
Episode 7 "Reflections": There comes a time in every hunt when the fightin' starts. And the difference between winning and losing isn't whether you have the holy water, the wooden stake, or the silver bullet. It's whether you've got the grit to get the job done.
Reflections is by the Supremes:
"Through the mirror of my mind
Through all these tears that I'm crying
Reflects a hurt I can't control
Although you're gone
I keep holding on
To those happy times
Oh, girl when you were mine
As I peer through the windows
Of lost time
Keeping looking over my yesterdays
And all the love I gave all in vain
(All the love) All the love
That I've wasted
(All the tears) All the tears
That I've tasted
All in vain
Through the hollow of my tears
I see a dream that's lost
From the hurt baby
That you have caused"
I think this one represents loss, especially the loss of Henry. Dean's monologue ties into this because in this episode there are multiple instances where the characters show real strength and bravery in order to come out the other side with a win. And this can obviously be applied to Dean and everything he has done and hunted and how brave he had to be to be able to actually get the job done.
Episode 8, "Hang on to Your Life”: Being a hunter, it means living a life of sacrifice-- not a lot of room for dreams. But if you open your heart and get a little lucky, you'll find you gain more than you lose.
Hang On To Your Life is by Guess Who:
“Thinking 'bout it's here and it's real
Wondering how I really should feel
Well you can sell your soul
But don't you sell it too cheap
Hang on to your life, oh life, oh life, oh life, oh life
Hang on to your life
Thinking 'bout betraying a friend
Thinking 'bout delaying the end
Well you can ride the wind
But don't you ride it too high”
This episode is about Carlos’ dream of being a musician and how he had to give that up when he became a hunter. The parts about selling his soul and betraying a friend applies to the band member that Carlos used to play with and how he accidentally made a deal and because he “betrayed” Carlos by selling him out to Loki.
Dean’s monologue applies to the theme of found family in this episode. Even though they’re all a part of this life and had to give up their dreams, there is good that came from it in the form of family and friends, the same way that Dean found himself a family in the midst of it all. This is also the episode where John and Mary decided to get together, again proving that they can find something worthwhile, right before they found the picture of Dean. (Insert Miranda Cosgrove meme)
Episode 9 "Cast Your Fate to the Wind": This isn't how I saw things going when I pushed over that first domino. Thing is, I've had more than a few dances with free will and fate, but as my dad used to say, "Fate is what you make it."
The song here is actually a song that I didn’t know. It’s a jazz song by Vince Guaraldi. Honestly, reading the lyrics to this song make me think SO MUCH of John and who he becomes, and I’m actually going to put in the entire lyrics because I can’t chose one section that I feel is most important:
“A month of nights, a year of days
Octobers drifting into Mays
I set my sail when the tide comes in
And I just cast my fate to the wind
I shift my course along the breeze
Won't sail up wind on memories
The empty sky is my best friend
And I just cast my fate to the wind
That time has a way of changing a man throughout the years
And now I’m rearranging my life through all my tears
Alone, alone, alone
There never was, there couldn't be
A place in time for men like me
Who'd drink the dark and laugh at day
And let their wildest dreams blow away
That time has a way of changing a man throughout the years
And now I’m rearranging my life through all my tears
Alone, alone, alone
So now I’m old, I’m wise, I’m smart
I’m just a man with half a heart
I wonder how it might have been
Had I not cast my fate to the wind
To the wind, to the wind”
Like, come on. This is so John coded in who he becomes and what happens to him. In terms of how this song applies to the episode though, it applies to the theme of fate throughout the episode, which ties in with what Dean says at the beginning. “Fate is what you make it.” This speaks true to John in this episode because he uses the knowledge of his death to his advantage and makes his own fate, which Millie uses the “fate is what you make it” line. I find this episode very interesting because they use the theme of fate in an episode that deals with vampires, and has a whole scene that parallels 15x18 AND Carlos gets to kiss his male love interest. Dean’s monologue at the beginning applies to himself because he’s dealt with fate and free will plenty of times in Supernatural.
I also find it interesting that Dean said that this isn't how he saw things going when he pushed over that first domino, which begs the question of what did he expect? What was his goal in doing all of this? It's also worth noting that immediately after he says that he says "fate is what you make it," saying the two apply to each other, go hand in hand. I don't think it's a stretch to say that whatever his intentions were, whatever he did, had to do with controlling his own fate.
So, just to recap: in an episode where the two main characters are dealing with being in a new relationship and whether or not they want to tell people, one of those main characters dies from a vampire in a direct parallel to the 15x18 confession, and two men have an on screen kiss for the first time, and the entire theme of the episode is fate. That's VERY interesting to me.
Episode 10 "Suspicious Minds": Hunting and happy endings don't usually mix, so when you get your chance, you got to ask yourself, "How far will I go to get it?"
This can be read as a direct tie in to his monologue in the last episode! It's along the same lines!!
Something I've noticed is that each episode I feel like the monologues get deeper and more meaningful, the farther we go the more is revealed.
This Dean monologue ends right as John and Mary get interrupted while they're kissing and Mary says "normal will have to wait another day" while there's a close up of Mary's college application as a mirror to SPN 15x20 with Dean's job application. Something I thought was interesting.
Suspicious Minds is an Elvis Presley song, which I know that the trend here is to include 60's and 70's songs, but knowing the intense meaning of Elvis in the Destiel fandom makes me feel a little unwell knowing Elvis actually gets incorporated into the text.
"Oh, let our love survive
I'll dry the tears from your eyes
Let's don't let a good thing die
When honey, you know I've never lied to you
Mmm, yeah, yeah
We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Because I love you too much, baby
Why can't you see
What you're doing to me
When you don't believe a word I say?"
So this is very much talking about one of the big plot points of this episode, a man who tries to bring his dead wife back to life in such desperation that he's willing to kill innocents to do it. Now the parallels drawn in this episode are very intentional to both John and Mary, even including the dialogue they speak after they kill said man and how John thinks that's love and Mary thinks it's horrible and she essentially makes him promise that that will never be them (clear foreshadowing) when in reality, even though it's showing that John already had the mindset of "doing it out of love" as he does in the future, they're both guilty of that. Mary brings John back to life when Azazel kills him, and as we all know, after Mary's death John goes on a revenge mission, wasting his life and putting his children through hell in the process. It's also just a running theme throughout SPN of toxic codependency and how almost every major character is also guilty of going to great lengths to bring the ones they love back. The song lyrics also apply to John and Mary as a romantic relationship as well and can show how their relationship is now and foreshadow what will happen in the future.
The thing that is different about this episode though, is that even though the parallels in this episode can apply to Dean, the actual Dean monologue doesn't, and this is what I find really weird and what I think is honestly one of the biggest indications that Jensen really is writing a fix it fanfiction:
This is the only episode where his monologue doesn't directly apply to himself. Every other episode ties in to his own experiences, except for this one. Dean doesn't go to great lengths to get himself a happy ending. Happy endings for other characters? Absolutely. But not for himself. Why would this be the only episode that doesn't directly relate to him? Well me and a lot of other people think because it really does apply to himself. But not as something he experienced in the past or has knowledge on, but as something he is doing right now. He is actively changing his future, possibly even a future with Cas (I do really think that there's a solid possibility that Destiel will become 100% canon in this show because of how everything is being set up, all of the parallels, and the fact that some of the cast, the social media team, and an executive producer has acknowledged some of these said parallels.) So in the end, how far will Dean go to get his happy ending?
Episode 11 "You've Got a Friend": Being a hunter means always being on the move. But no matter how hard you plan, no matter how hard you work, at a certain point, we all run out of road. It's what we do with those crossroads that define us.
"You've Got a Friend" is a song by Carole King from 1971:
"When you're down and troubled
And you need some lovin' care
And nothin', nothin' is goin' right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night
You just call out my name
And you know, wherever I am
I'll come runnin'
To see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend"
This represents Betty, and how in this episode she goes from being a potential source of trouble for the gang to becoming an ally, or a "friend" and an inside woman for them. This also can be applied to Carlos and Lata because Carlos was there for Lata and helped support her while Lata told Carlos about her childhood trauma.
In this episode, Dean's monologue is about the choices you make before you die. This can be seen in the choices made throughout this episode by multiple characters (Betty, Mary, John, etc) and this ties in with the song because no matter what choices you make, you'll have your friends by your side, which is true to Dean and just Supernatural as whole with their message of family and found family. Admittedly, I feel like the connection to Dean's voiceover and to the title of this episode aren't as strong as a lot of the previous episodes, but they're still there. (Betty, the "friend," makes a choice to work with the rest of the gang.) At the same time, I believe this can also be another instance of foreshadowing because Dean is dead, he's at that metaphorical cross road, and he's making a choice to go into the past.
As I said above, Lata faced her trauma. This is the 4th or 5th instance of someone on this show confronting their past. At this point, it's become a theme. Why would the show reiterate this point over and over? I think this will tie into Dean's reasons for why he's in the 70's. Not to mention this was yet ANOTHER episode where 2 characters are trapped in a room, and this time because of a shadow monster, and the only way to get out is if one confesses a deep secret. What the fuck.
Something to keep in mind is how much this episode emphasized secrets. This seems to foreshadow the fact that Dean is harboring some huge secrets that will soon be discovered. I think the real question now is how will these secrets be revealed to the audience and to our characters?
Episode 12 "The Tears of a Clown": Hunting is a dishonest business. You lie about who you are, and what you do. But the hardest lies aren't what you tell other people, but what you tell yourself."
The song "The Tears of a Clown" was released in 1967 by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles:
"Now if there's a smile on my face
It's only there trying to fool the public
But when it comes down to fooling you
Now honey that's quite a different subject
But don't let my glad expression
Give you the wrong impression
Really I'm sad, oh I'm sadder than sad
You're gone and I'm hurting so bad
Like a clown I appear to be glad (sad, sad, sad, sad)"
Okay, so this episode gave me a lot of brainrot. What the song is expressing is that even if you seem happy, that doesn't mean you are, and that was the big theme of this episode. Just because you seem okay or even think you're okay, that doesn't mean you are. With John, that applies to his anger issues and his unresolved issues with being charged for a murder he didn't commit. For Mary, it's the issues she already has, plus being unhappy in her relationship with John because she thinks he's using their relationship as an escape, and this also applies to her because even though she got accepted into college, she hadn't really taken any steps towards a normal life since then. In general, this episode was about a clown who lures emotionally vulnerable people into his circus tent so he can force them to be "happy" even though they aren't, like we saw with Roger.
This can very much apply to Dean's voice over, because the characters in this episode, including the clown, are actively lying to themselves.
The thing is, like a lot of Dean's voice overs, it's intentionally vague. He could be referring to literally anything. In the context of this episode, it makes the most sense that this is referring to Dean's anger issues and the fact that throughout the entirety of Supernatural, Dean oftentimes told himself and the people around him that he was okay, even though he wasn't. But at the same time, these voice overs and one like this in particular can be interpreted in different ways. What Dean says about facing the lies you tell yourself can apply to sexuality. Dean could be talking about not only his mental and emotional issues, but he could also be referencing being in love with Cas. At this point, Destiel happening feels like genuine build up. Now all we have to do is wait a couple more days to see if it all pays off.
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thefandomchaos · 8 months
Freeze your brain is so teenchester to like bruh-
I've been through ten high schools
They start to get blurry
(Constantly switching schools)
No point planting roots
'Cause you're gone in a hurry
(They leave after the hunt is over or people start wondering)
My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den
So it's only a matter of when
(Three duffle bags to just throw in the trunk)
I don't learn the names
Don't bother with faces
(Mostly Dean, why bother making friendships if your going to be gone in a few weeks)
When mom was alive
We lived halfway normal
(Need I say more?!)
But now it's just me and my dad
We're less formal
(Now is just the three of them trying to survive)
I learned to cook pasta
I learned to pay rent
Learned the world doesn't owe you a cent
(Both but mostly Dean, since his the one taking care of Sam most of the time, would need to learn all of this)
You're planning your future, Veronica Sawyer
(You’re planning your future, Sam Winchester)
You'll go to some college and marry a lawyer
(Sam goes to Stanford to BECOME a lawyer)
But the sky's gonna hurt when it falls
So you'd better start building some walls
(Season one ^^, Sam realizing he can’t keep other people close)
Fight pain with more pain
(This seems like something John would tell them-)
Forget who you are
Unburden your load
(Unhealthy coping skills who?)
Forget in six weeks
You'll be back on the road
When the voice in your head
Says you're better off dead
Don't open a vein
(Both boys, especially Dean in later seasons have suicidal tendencies)
And like I din’t add the ‘Freeze your brain’ part but they (I feel like especially Sam) would do that as a unhealthy coping mechanism. This song is so Teenchester coded
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rosemariad · 1 year
Supernatural Season 10
so Dean's a demon now. Ugh.
and Cas is dying 😢
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this season isn't off to a good start. the one thing I'll say about demon Dean- he's clinging to a code of sorts. he was sent like a typical goon to kill someone per Crowley’s orders but sticks it to the demon and the bitter bitch husband by killing the husband instead of the wife like they wanted cuz fuck that guy and fuck Crowley!!! I'm on Dean's side there.
But Cole...awkward. wonder where that storyline was headed.
I knew it was only a matter of time before they turned Dean back into a human. I doubt the showrunnere wanted to keep him that way, just play with the darkness a bit since Dean's in a bad spot. he's still got the mark of cain. it's a shame though. Given what they did with soulless Sam they could've kept Dean as a demon a while longer. oh well.
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the fanfiction episode - aka supernatural musical - Oh my Lord that was a hilarious reprieve from the heavy Dean drama.
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I can't believe Dean was getting into it towards the end 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and Sam being a tech nerd 🤣🤣🤣 these Winchesters bruh
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nuff Said.
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so this is when Rowena comes into Supernatural...and she's Crowley’s mom?! 🤯 Wow.
she played him so much for so long...Oh Crowley why are you even bothering with her? I feel like he knew she was playing him but he wanted to believe she could change and that they could be a family. just like Dean, she let him down, then put a hit out on Crowley after fucking with him.
Jody and Donna met!
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Yay! can't wait to see more of them!
part 2 since I can't use more gifs....
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catnipster69 · 7 months
In cahoots with @lovetheirloves
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Everyone Loves A Clown
Previous Chapter / Masterlist / Next Chapter
*(y/n)'s POV*
The three of us stood outside and in front of a funeral pyre. Earlier, we placed John's body on it and Dean lite the fire and we stood there, watching the flames grow. The only light, in the night area, came from the wrapped, burning body. I swallowed the large lump in my throat then looked at the boys. Sam was near tears and fidgeting but Dean was staring into the flames, silently.
"Before he...before, did he say anything to you? About anything?" Sam asked Dean. "No. Nothing." Dean replied, flatly, not looking at his brother. I frown at the boys then I go stand in the space between the boys and, slowly, I take Sam's hand in my left hand then take Dean's with my right hand. And we stand there and watch the flames burn John's body.
One Week Later
I walked out on the junkyard at Bobby's home and walk over to the broken down Impala, Dean's legs sticking out from under it as he had been working on it since we stayed with Bobby. "How's the car coming along?" I asked him. "Slow." He replied, flatly.
"Yeah? Need any help?" I asked and Dean drops something heavy. "What, you under a hood? I'll pass." He grumbles and I rolled my eyes at him. "Need anything else, then?" I asked him, annoyed.
Dean, then, pushes himself out from under the car and stands up to me. "Stop it, (y/n)." He said. "Stop what?" I asked him, confused. "Stop asking if I need anything, stop asking if I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I promise." He said and I let out a scoff.
"All right, Dean, it's just...We've been at Bobby's for over a week now and you haven't brought up John once." I said to him. "You know what? You're right. Come here. I'm gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug, and maybe even slow dance." He said and I glare at him. "Don't patronize me, Dean, John is dead. The Colt is gone, and it seems pretty damn likely that the demon is behind all of this, and you're acting like nothing happened." I shout.
"What do you want me to say?" Dean asked, angrily. "Say something, all right? Hell, say anything! Aren't you angry? Don't you want revenge? But all you do is sit out here all day long buried underneath this damn car." I yelled at him. "Revenge, huh?" He said. "Yeah." I said.
"Sounds good. You and Sam got any leads on where the demon is? Making heads or tails of any of Dad's research? Because I sure ain't. But you know, if we do finally find it - oh. No, wait, like you said. The Colt's gone. But I'm sure you and Sam figured out another way to kill it. We've got nothing, (y/n). Nothing, okay? So you know the only thing I can do? Is I can work on the car." He spat at me then he crouches by the car again, getting back to work.
I let out an exasperated sigh before I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see it was Sam coming towards us. "Well, I've got something." He said as he pulls out a cell phone. "This is one of dad's old phones. Took me a while, but I cracked his voicemail code. Listen to this." Sam said and he hands the cell phone to Dean, who stands and takes it reluctantly. 
"John, it's Ellen. Again. Look, don't be stubborn, you know I can help you. Call me." A female voice said after Dean plays the message. "That message is four months old." Sam said. "Dad saved that chick's message for four months?" Dean asked him. "Yeah." Sam said.
"Well, who's Ellen? Any mention of her in your dad's journal?" I asked Sam. "No. But I ran a trace on her phone number and I got an address." Sam said. "Ask Bobby if we can use one of his cars." Dean said and Sam nods.
In a beat-up, poorly maintained minivan, Dean, Sam and I pull up to an old bar that was called Roadhouse Saloon. "This is humiliating. I feel like a friggin' soccer mom!" Dean grumbles as we get out of the van. "It's the only car Bobby had running." Sam said and we walk up and start to look around.
"Hello? Anybody here?" I called out but nothing. "Hey. You bring the, uh..." Dean said as he looks over at Sam. "Of course." He said and he tosses something to Dean  who catches it. Dean then kneels down and picks at the door and open it then we go inside.
The saloon was quiet except for a fly buzzing then a light bulb blows out. We go to the back and see a person passed out on the bar. "Hey, buddy?" Sam calls out to the person but the person didn't respond.
"I'm guessing that isn't Ellen." Sam said, gesturing to person on the pool table. "Yeah." Dean sad and he and Sam gods into a back room, looking around. I go down the steps, but then I pause once I felt something on my back. "Oh God, please let that be a rifle." I muttered just as I hear the gun being cocked.
"No, I'm just real happy to see you." A female voice said and I start to turn. "Don't move." She ordered and I stopped. "Not moving, copy that." I said then I let out a small chuckle. "You know, you should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back. Because it makes it real easy to do..." I said then I turn, fluidly, grabbing the rifle and cocking it. "That." I finished.
She goes to punch me but I duck down then used the butt of gun to hit her across the face. She falls down and I go to place my foot on her stomach until she grabbed my foot then shoved me back. I drop the gun and fall on my back just as the blonde girl picks up the gun and looms over me and aims the gun at me.
"Dean! Sam! Need some help in here." I shout then I hear the back door open. I turn my head and see Sam and Dean walking out, their hands raised up. "Sorry, (y/n), we can't right now. We're a...little tied up." Sam said and he nods his head and I could just see a woman standing behind them with two handguns.
"Sam and Dean? Winchester? (Y/n) (L/N)?" The woman asked. "Yeah." The boys and I said. "Son of a bitch." The woman mutters. "Mom, you know these guys?" The girl asked her. "Yeah, I think these are John Winchester's boys." The woman said then she nods towards me. "And that's (father's name) daughter." She said as she lowers the gun, laughing.
"Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo."  Ellen greets and Jo lowers her rifle, and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Hey." She said as she holds a hand out to me. I take her hand and she pulls me up to my feet. "Thanks." I said. "No problem. You're pretty good." Jo said and I shrug. "Years of practice, honey." I said, smiling.
"You called our dad, said you could help. Help with what?" Dean said to Ellen some moments later. "Well, the demon, of course. I heard he was closing in on it." Ellen said. "What, was there an article in the Demon Hunters Quarterly that I missed? I mean, who, who are you? How do you know about all this?" Dean asked.
"Hey, I just run a saloon. But hunters have been known to pass through now and again. Including yours and (y/n)'s dad a long time ago. John was like family once and so was (father's name)." Ellen replied then she looks at me. "My condolences to your father by the way." She said and I nod at her.
"How come my dad nor John ever mentioned you before?" I asked her. "You'd have to ask John that." She said and I look over the boys as they give an uncomfortable look towards each other.
"So why exactly do we need your help?" Dean asked her. "Hey, don't do me any favors. Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out. But John wouldn't have sent you if..." Ellen stops then she looks between us. "He didn't send you." She said and the boys look down.
"He's all right, isn't he?" She asked and I shake my head. "No. No, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um, it just got him before he got it, I guess." I said and she gives a worried look at the boys. "I'm so sorry." She said. "It's okay. We're all right." Dean said to her.
"Really? I know how close you and your dad were." Ellen said to him. "Really, lady, I'm fine." Dean said, roughly, and the room goes silent for a few moments.
"So look, if you can help, we could use all the help we can get." Sam said. "Well, we can't. But Ash will." Ellen said. "Who's Ash?" I asked her then she looks over my shoulder and shouts. "Ash!"
The man passed out on the bar jerks awake and sits up, flailing. "What? It closin' time?" He asked and we turn back to her. "That's Ash?" Sam asked. "Mm-hmm. He's a genius." Jo replied.
A brown folder was slapped down on the bar; Sam, Ash and I were sitting while Dean was standing behind us. Jo was on the other side of the bar, pouring glasses of water. "You've gotta be kidding me, this guy's no genius. He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie." Dean said as he looks at Ash, who looked like a hillbilly.
"I like you." Ash said to him. "Thanks." He said and Jo looks over at us. "Just give him a chance." She said as Dean sits and opens the folder. "All right. This stuff's about a year's worth of our dad's work, so uh, let's see what you make of it." Dean said to Ash as he pulls out the papers and starts rifling through them. He shakes his head.
"Come on. This crap ain't real. There ain't nobody can track a demon like this." He said. "Our dad could." Sam said and Sh glances at him. "There are non-parametrics, statistical overviews, prospects and correlations, I mean...damn! They're signs. Omens. Uh, if you can track 'em, you can track this demon. You know, like crop failures, electrical storms...You ever been struck by lightening? It ain't fun." said Ash.
"Can you track it or not?" I asked him. "Yeah, with this, I think so. But it's gonna take time, uh, give me...fifty one hours." Ash said and he gets up to leave.
"Hey, man?" Dean calls out and Ash turns to him. "Yeah." He said. "I, uh, I dig the haircut." Dean said and Ash smirks. "All business up front, party in the back." Ash said as he flips the back of his hair and leaves.
Meanwhile, I look toward the bar and noticed something in the shelves. "Hey, Ellen, what is that?" I asked her and she looks over at the  scanner which was next to the shelf. "It's a police scanner. We keep tabs on things, we..." she starts to explain but I shake my head. "No, no, no, no, the, um, the folder." I said and she looks at the folder. "Uh, I was gonna give this to a friend of mine. But take a look, if you want." She said.
She takes the folder from the wall and places it in front of me and I look through it. It had some newspaper clippings attached to the front, and on the front, in red marker:
Furrowing my brow, I flip through the folder then I look over at Sam. "Sam..." I said and I slide the folder towards him and he looks through it. "If you don't mind, we'll take it." Sam said. "Sure." She said then I look over my shoulder to see Dean talking to Jo, which I started to feel that old familiar burning feeling in my stomach.
I swallow then called out. "Dean, come here, check this out." He nods over at Jo then comes over to me and Sam. "Yeah." He said as he comes up. "A few murders, not far from here, that Ellen caught wind of. Looks to us like there might be a hunt." I said to him. "Yeah. So?" Dean said, shrugging.
"So, I told her we'd check it out." Sam said to him.
Back in the minivan, Dean was driving while Sam sat in the passenger seat and I sit in the back, the rain pounding down the window. Sam has the research open in his lap. "You've gotta be kidding me. A killer clown?" Dean said, confused. "Yeah. He left the daughter unharmed and killed the parents. Ripped them to pieces, actually." Sam said as he looks through the papers.
"And this family was at some carnival that night?" Dean asked. "Right, right. The, uh, Cooper Carnivals." I replied. "So how do you know we're not dealing with some psycho carnie in a clown suit?" Dean asked us. "Well, the cops have no viable leads, and all the employees were tearing down shop. Alibis all around. Plus this girl said she saw a clown vanish into thin air. Cops are saying trauma, of course." Sam replied.
"Well, I know what you're thinking, Sam. Why did it have to be clowns?" Dean said, laughing. "Oh, give me a break." Sam grumbles as Dean laughs. "You didn't think I'd remember, did you? I mean, come on, you still bust out crying whenever you see Ronald McDonald on the television." Dean said.
"Well, at least I'm not afraid of flying." Sam snapped at him. "Planes crash!" Dean yells. "And apparently clowns kill!" Sam shouts. "Yeah, haven't you seen or read It?" I asked Dean. "Scary creepy stuff, man!" I said and Dean shakes his head. "Don't tell me you're scared of clowns, (y/n)." He said. "The ones that kill, yeah." I said.
"So these types of murders, they ever happen before?" Dean asked us. "Uh, according to the file, 1981, the Bunker Brothers Circus, same M.O. It happened three times, three different locales." I said as Sam hands me some of the papers. "It's weird, though, I'm mean if it is a spirit it's usually bound to a specific locale, you know, a house, or a town." Dean said.
"So how's this one moving from city to city, carnival to carnival?" Sam asked us. "Cursed object, maybe. Spirit attaches itself to something and the, uh, carnival carries it around with them." I said, shrugging, and Sam scoffs. "Great. Paranormal scavenger hunt." He said.
"Well, this case was yout idea. By the way, why is that? You were awfully quick to jump on this job." Dean said Sam. "So?" Sam said, shrugging. "It's just... not like you, that's all. I thought you were hell-bent for leather on the demon hunt." Dean said. "I don't know, I just think, this job, it's what Dad would have wanted us to do." Sam replied.
"What Dad would have wanted?" Dean asked. "Yeah. So?" Sam said, defensively. "Nothin'." Dean growls and we continued on through the night.
The squeaky minivan pulls up outside the carnival and we get out. Once we walk out, we see what appears to be detectives talking to some carnies. "Check it out. Five-oh." Dean points out and we split up and look around.
Afterwhile, I meet back up with the boys just as I see Sam staring at a three foot tall woman in a clown outfit then she moves on. "Did you get her number?" Dean asked Sam as we walked up to him and he scowls at his brother.
"More murders?" Sam asked. "Two more last night. Apparently they were ripped to shreds. And they had a little boy with them." Dean replied. "Who fingered a clown." I muttered and Dean pauses as he gives me a weird look.
"What?" I asked. "Yeah, a clown, who apparently vanished into thin air." Dean said. "Dean, you know, looking for a cursed object is like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles. They could be anything." Sam said. "Well, it's bound to give off EMF, so we'll just have to scan everything." said Dean and I scoff.
"Oh, good, that's nice and... inconspicuous." I said and Dean stares at something the points it out to us. Sam and I tur ed to see a Help Wanted sign for the circus. "I guess we'll just have to blend in." Dean said.
We walked into a tent and see man throwing knives at a target; they all land near but not quite on bulls-eye. "Excuse me, we're looking for a Mr. Cooper, have you seen him around?  Dean asked the man. "What is that, some kind of joke?" The man asked, offended, as he turns around and pulls of his sunglasses to reveal he's blind.
"Oh. God, I'm, I'm sorry." Dean said, apologetically, as Sam and I glance at each other then smirk slightly. "You think I wouldn't give my eyeteeth to see Mr. Cooper? Or a sunset, or anything at all?" The man asked, angrily. Dean turns to us and said, quietly. "Wanna give me a little help here?"
"Not really." Sam said. "Nah, you got this." I said to him just as we heard footsteps behind us. "Hey man, is there a problem?" A voice asked and we turn then look down to see an extremely short man in a red cape. 
"Yeah, this guy hates blind people." The blind man said as he gestures towards Dean. "No, I don't, I..." Dean stammers before the midget speaks up. "Hey buddy, what's your problem?" He asked Dean. "Nothing, it's just a little misunderstanding." Dean said and the midget gets an offended look.
"Little?! You son of a bitch!" He exclaims as Sam andni bite back out laugh. "No, no, no, no! I'm just, could somebody tell me where Mr. Cooper is? Please?" Dean pleads.
"You three picked a hell of a time to join up. Take a seat." Mr Cooper said to us after we enter the office. We look at the available chairs; two ares normal, the other is pink, with a giant clownface on it. Dean runs to the normal chair and I shake my head and gesture towards the normal chair to Sam. He nods and goes to sit down on the normal chair while I sit in the clown chair.
"We've got all kinds of local trouble." Mr Cooper said. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "Oh, a couple of folks got themselves murdered. Cops always seem to start here first. So, you three ever worked the circuit before?" Mr Cooper asked. "Yes sir, last year through Texas and Arkansas." Sam replied. "Yeah." Dean and I said.
"Doing what? Ride jockies? Butcher? ANS men?" Mr Cooper asked. "Yeah, it's, uh, little bit of everything, I guess." Sam said. "You three have never worked a show in your lives before, have you?" Mr Cooper asked. "Nope. But we really need the work. Oh, and uh, Sam here's got a thing for the bearded lady." Dean jokes and Sam glares at him.
"You see that picture? That's my daddy." Mr Cooper said as he gestures towards the picture behind him, which was ove a guy that looked exactly like him. "You look just like him." I said and Mr Cooper nodded. "He was in the business. Ran a freakshow. Till they outlawed them, most places. Apparently displaying the deformed isn't dignified. So most of the performers went from honest work to rotting in hospitals and asylums. That's progress. I guess. You see, this place, it's a refuge for outcasts. Always has been. For folks that don't fit in nowhere else. But you three? You should go to school. Find a couple of girls and a boy. Have two point five kids. Live regular." Mr Cooper said.
Dean was about to say something, but Sam leans forward, eyes serious. "Sir? We don't want to go to school. And we don't want regular. We want this." Sam said as Dean and I look at him.
"Huh." Dean and I muttered once we walked out onto the carnival grounds. "What?" Sam asked. "That whole, uh, I don't want to go back to school thing. Were you just saying that to Cooper or were you, you know, saying it? Sam?" Dean asked him. "I don't know." Sam replied, shrugging.
"You don't know? I thought that once the demon was dead and the fat lady sings that you were gonna take off, head back to Wussy State." Dean said. "I'm having second thoughts." Sam said.
"Really?" Dean and I asked. "Yeah. I think. Dad would have wanted me to stick with the job." Sam said. "Since when do you give a damn what Dad wanted? You spent half your life doing exactly what he didn't want, Sam." Dean said, angrily. "Since he died, okay? Do you have a problem with that?" Sam asked him. "Naw, I don't have a problem at all." Dean said and we continued on.
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Round 1 Brackets!
Hello everyone! I am publishing the brackets for the poll, which will start tomorrow at 9:00 AM ECT with the eight first polls.
Here is how this will work: each bracket has two sides, and the winner of each side will compete for first place. Then, the first place of each bracket will compete for first and second place of the overall poll, and the second place for each side will compete for the third place of the overall poll.
Note: The only propaganda I will put in this first round, will be everything that was put under the "tell your story" part on the form. However you are more than welcome to send propaganda via asks or reblogs, I will be answering everything. Also, if you need to tag me, go ahead! And if you need want me to send you what you put under "propaganda" in the form to use for your own propaganda, I will gladly send you as fast as I can, just send me a DM.
With that said, lets show the brackets!
Bracket 1:
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Leo Hölzer and Adam Schürk [Hönk/Adeo], Tator Saarbrückend vs Sydney Losstarot and John Hardin [SydneyHardin], Vagrant Story
Shin Tsukimi and Yoo Joonghyuk [Shinhyuk], Your turn to die and Omniscient reader's viewpoint vs Captain Grime and Hop Pop [GrimeHop], Amphibia
Vee Noceda and Willow Park [Veelow], The owl house vs Jimmy Olsen and Etta Candy, DC Comics [CandyOlsen]
Todoroki Shoto and Toga Himiko [TodoToga], My Hero Academy vs Bluefur and Skywatcher, Warrior Cats [BlueWatcher]
Dr.Facilier and Mad Hatter [HatLovers], Descendants and Wonderland 2011 musical vs Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera and Gandra Dee [Fendra], Duck Tales 2017
Two-gun kid (Matt Hawk) and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) [GunHawk], Marvel Comics vs Lego Batman and The Joker [Batjokes]
Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik and Bowser [Dr. Bownik], Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario Bros vs Hiccup Horrendous and Jack Frost [Frost Cup], How to train your dragon and Rise of Guardians
Ichie Otonashi and Fumi Yumeoji [Ichifumi], Revue Starlight ReLIVE vs July and Igawa [Juligawa], A3! Act Addict Actors
Zelda and Link [Zelink], Legend of Zelda vs Gavin Reed and RK900 [900Reed], Detroit Become Human
Sai and Ino Yamanaka [SaiIno], Naruto vs Sportacus and Robbie Rotten [Sportarobbie], Lazytown
Fiddlefort McGucket and Stanley Pines [FiddleStan], Gravity Falls vs Monoma Neito and Shinso Hitoshi [MonoShin], My Hero Academia
Zuko and Katara [Zutara], Avatar the Last Airbender vs Cyclops (Scott Summers) and Angel (Warren Worthington III) [ScottWarrenl], Marvel Comics
Tsukasa Tenma and Subaru Akehoshi [Subakasa], Project Sekai and Ensemble Stars vs Glorfindel and Celebrimbor [Glorfimbor], The Silmarillion.
Levana Blackburn and Salem [Queens of control] vs Giovanni and Ghetsis [Terribledadshipping], Pokemon
Rarity and Treehugger [RareTree], My little pony vs Polly and Sunny’s mom [BoundedLove], Omori
Takuto Maruki and Masayoshi Shido [MaruShi] Persona 5 vs Bilbo Baggins and Fiona [FionaBilbo], The Hobbit and Shrek
Bracket 2:
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Hollyberry Cookie and Pitaya Dragon Cookie, CookieRun [Pitayaberry Cookie] vs Toga Himiko and Yuri [HimiYuri], My hero Academy and Doki Doki Literature Club
Achilles and Pepper [PepperAchilles], Hello from Halo Head vs Crookedstar and Yellowfang [YellowCrooked], Warrior Cats
Dirk Strider and Gamzee Makara [Gamzirk], Homestuck vs Clarke Griffin and Lexa [Clexa], the 100
Miya Atsumu, Ushijima Wakatoshi and Sakusa Kiyoomi [UshiSakuAtsu], Haikyuu vs JarJar, Queen Julia and Commander Stone [CommanderQueenJar], Star Wars: Clone Wars
Jedediah and Octavius [Jedtavius], Night at the Museum vs Dean Winchester and Castiel [Destiel], Supernatural
Hunter and Willow Park [Huntlow], The Owl house vs Richard Poole and Camille Bordey [Richarmille], Death in Paradise
Suzaku Kururugi and Lelouch vi Britannia [Suzalulu], Code Geass vs Princess Azula and Toph Beifong [AzuToph], Avatar the Last Airbender 
Quirrel and Tiso [Quirreltiso], Hollow Knight vs Kaedehara Kazuha and Wanderer [KazuScara], Genshin Impact
Foxy and Sans [Foxans], Five Nights at Freddy’s and Undertale vs Zukko and Sokka [Zukka], Avatar the Last Airbender
Shang Qinghua and Original Shen Qingqiu [Scumplane], The Scum Villain’s Self-Salving System vs Jonah Magnus (Elias Bouchard) and Peter Lukas [LonelyEyes], The Magnus Archives
Lloyd Garmadon and Brad Tudabone [Garmabone], Lego Ninjago vs Shadow the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat [Shadaze], Sonic the Hedgehog
All Might (Toshinori Yagi) and Midorika Inko [Toshiniko], My Hero Academy vs MetaKnight and King Dede [MetaDedede], Kirby Series
Kitty Bennet and Steve Rogers (Captain America) [Rogernnet]; Pride and Prejudice, and Captain America vs Franziska von Karma and Maya Fey [FranMaya], Ace Attorney
Gus and Mattholumule [Gustholomule], The Owl house vs Berdly and Kris [Berdkris], Deltarune
The guy in Touch Tone Telephone and Cabinet Man [Game Theory], Lemon Demon vs Pioneer Nine and Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (SatelitalLove), 17776/20020
Takumi Tonooka and Itaru Chigasaki [Tonoita], A3! Act Addict Actors vs Dallas and Bain [NaviMind], Payday: The heist and Payday two
PD: Feel free to send and ask if you have questions!
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they-are-so-gender · 2 years
Any funny explanations for characters so far?
There is one for Nahyuta Sahdmadhi from Ace Attorney
"MAN. just fucking LOOK at them. they were originally supposed to be nongendered but fsr this was not canonized 😔 yuta facts! they are such a bitch! they will send you their curt little insults and roll their eyes and fling beads at you. every single butterfly in the country is their friend. their accessories defy gravity by pure swagness alone. my gnc little hater"
There is also 2 responses that just say "Gayboi" (I havent read them so idk who theyre for)
A response for Dean Winchester from Supernatural also goes
"His gender is Man. His gender is Mom. His gender is Cowboy. His gender is Boy Who Is A Girl (With A Gun). He's a twink. He's a DILF. Numerous Tumblr posts exist as to how he is "woman-coded" by the narrative (existing to be cool and hot and teach the other main character things and give him complexes) everyone on the show wants to fuck him. So does the actor who plays him and many of the fangirls and somehow all of the straight male fans. I didn't have any men in my life as a child so I constructed my idea of manhood out of fictional characters, mostly him, and now I'm a trans guy. He canonically enjoys wearing women's underwear, but that's like, a sex thing. He refers to himself as having been a mother. And not in a way like the show was making a joke, but as a serious emotional thing. His idea of being a man is being his father. He idolizes his father. He hates his father. He pushes toxic masculinity on both his brother and his, ahem, 'best friend'. He has very pretty lips."
I know there is more funny one, I just haven't gotten to go through them yet (There is around 200 responses rn)
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spnwin-reader · 7 months
Feeling closer to my father through work
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JO HARVELLE: “I was still in pigtails when my dad died but, I remember him coming home from a hunt. He’d burst through that door like he was Steve McQueen or something. And he’d sweep me up in his arms, and I’d breathe in that old leather jacket of his. And my mom who was sour and pissed from the minute he left she started smiling again…we were a family. You wanna know why I want to do the job? For him. It's my way of being close to him. Now tell me, what's wrong with that? SPN prime 2x06
John is giddy to find out more about his dad's legacy.
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He remembers that Henry was a sweet papa ("Pops") who tucked him in at night, who told him not to be afraid of monsters under the bed, and bought him a music box that played "As Time Goes By" from Casablanca (1942). I would venture that this is probably a Millie-Henry song, too.
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John and Henry are united by music, the way that John and Dean are united by music, and John and Mary are united by music. There's also the fact that Dean communicates his personal feelings to Cas through the John-Mary music selection Led Zeppelin (SPNprime The Future 12x19), and how Dean and Jack are united by "old" music (SPNprime Byzantium 14x08, and Don't Go Into the Woods 14x16).
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In SPN prime, John kept Henry's old journal with his initials, using it as his own journal in order to feel closer to him.
John misses him so.
Look how excited he is at the prospect of hunting and learning more about him:
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JOHN: H.E.W. Henry Eric Winchester. This is my dad's locker. We had a lock just like it on our shed. The combination's my birthday.
Henry's old coat hangs here:
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Symbolically, it feels like a "working class" Millie-and-John-Dean-coded jacket on the right...and a "mid-level work" Henry-Cas-coded coat on the left.
(We also see the WATCH AND READING GLASSES for Henry, because he's a "loremaster/reader" and he's untethered and lost to time.)
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Indeed, the photograph is set up this way, too, with Millie on the left and Henry on the right.
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And the loss is still painful for John, but knowing that Henry loved him helps John see more clearly, feel more firmly rooted in place: the truth was right here.
It's like the first stitches over an open wound.
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diminuel · 2 years
Covid addled brain reaction to 1x03 of The Winchesters under the cut.
Is Latika trying to be John’s wingman? First I thought she was trying to hint towards him taking her to the movies, but then it became clear that it was about giving John a hint to ask Mary out. Mary’s pretty oblivious though (this is giving me Everandanon Dean vibes, I like it!)
Ada not happy to be given a partner by Mary? Did you want to go solo? Suspicious.
Oha, we meet Betty.
Not that I know a lot about truckers; then or now, but I imagine it as being away from home, being on the street for days or weeks. And yet she considers this life normal. (And of course it also made me think of Dean who knows how to use this form of communication. Not to listen for hunter code words but as a source of regular information.)
John’s dream was to be a catcher of what? Is that baseball? Softball? (I only know the sex metaphors so I am having a bit of a giggle *lol*)
A demon who doesn’t care about holy water all that much, but who is still black eyed. Interesting.
I enjoyed the music scene and John’s desperation. :3 (Also, John’s shirt is too short for him. Is he still wearing his old clothes that he grew out of during the war?)
So Lata’s parents (or at least mom) isn’t dead after all? Unless the parents she lost and the mom she mentioned aren’t the same.
Ah okay. John proposed to Betty? That must have been before he left for the war, so I guess they were super young then. Aw, John.
“Omega Man”? Are they just doing this on purpose to amuse me?
No, go away strange guy! You don’t get to join Mary in movies! >:C
Strange choice to become a radio DJ for a otherworldly monster possessing a human but eh, Chuck decided to be a not very successful writer X’D And since the first episode has established “choosing the music” as similar to, or possibly even equivalent to the act of writing. So I guess she’s the “Chuck” figure in this one, trying to manipulate what cases Mary and co go on.
That was a good episode, I like it but I don’t have enough brain power to read into it now. Maybe later!
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septembersghost · 2 years
Lol, one time I saw a twitter post that made me think of your blog- here is another (different) video that brought that moment back (youtu.)be/JyW64K6Qcr0 It was because of the Jess & Dean names referenced- you post Dean pics a bit. I realized upon watching part of twitter clip that it was about Rory Gilmore’s Love triangle. (Coincidentally played by the guy who ends up as the brother of Dean Winchester on Supernatural after GG). Also some mention that the mom looks like an older, brunette TS.
bestie. in our many delightful pop culture conversations, i need you to know that, through no fault of your own, this message cut me to the quick (lightheartedly. mostly). i thought about it all day. i ran to @arthurwilde about it. i paced in circles. i lamented. i threw myself prostrate on the ground (figuratively).
you post Dean pics a bit.
i stared at that sentence for hours. i am haunted by it. it's so casual. so irreverent.
*dramatic miette-inspired voice*
a bit. i post. dean pics. a bit? oh i am wounded. i have failed in my duties if this can be addressed in such a calm manner. i have wholly lost my way, my identity. my blog has no path. who even am i? i am utterly destroyed if you think that the "jared played a character named dean on gilmore girls (a show i have watched all the way through multiple times) before he was on supernatural (a show i watched, without fail, through every horror and slight, through many dangers, toils, and snares, from premiere on my birthday september 13, 2005 to finale november 19, 2020) with a brother named dean" isn't like the most basic arcane lore in the arsenal. as if the last three episodes and the mass devastation and fallout that occurred isn't why this entire page exists (i started blogging on here right before the penultimate episode). i post...a whisper of dean? a small dash? a sprinkling? a smidgen of dean? my heart is torn asunder. i'm lost wandering the moors. dean. my dean? core of my blog? light in the dark, raft in the ocean, fire of my soul? dean, whom i love so tremendously, with such an abject and ardent love, that i have been publicly renounced and executed for it in the past. sent anon hate off and on for months. fought bloody battles. i post him. a bit??? dean who is my best friend love of my life visits my dreams real person to me (normal and sane response). lord have mercy. as if the way i loved you, in and of itself, is not me with dean versus me with any other fictional character i love. as if, in fact, a significant portion of her discography isn't simply dean coded to me. yeah. i've been FAR TOO RESTRAINED LATELY, IT WOULD SEEM. SEND HELP.
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twohundredeightyone · 2 years
A Twitter User Watches Supernatural
Okay, some background first…
I am a Twitter user, a former Twitter user. And have decided in order to fit in here I need to get into the mindset of a Tumblr user. Now I figure the best way to do this is to watch hit CW show Supernatural, and post about it here. I’ll be giving my recap and review as an Ex-Twitter user and hopefully by the end I will understand what Tumblr is all about. My partner is an avid Tumblr user and Supernatural fan, so they will be fielding any questions I have along my pilgrimage. So here we go…
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
Okay so the show starts with baby Sam and baby Dean, living the American Dream with their parents. Their mom (who’s name I have forgotten) is awoken in the middle of the night by Sam’s crying, a theme I have to imagine is persistent throughout the show. She sees a man at Sam’s crib who she thinks is Daddy Winchester. I have been told it was not Castiel and Castiel doesn’t show up until much later. She eventually realizes this guy wasn’t the dad and she gets got.
Tumblr media
We get a nice little time jump and get to see Sam Winchester (played by Jared Padlock, and who is not to be confused with his character in Gilmore Girls, who is named Dean) is living the life. Dean breaks into his house, makes it known he loves Smurfs, and invites Sam on a cross country road trip to find their missing Dad. We cut to the thing that Papa Winchester was chasing and *gasp* it’s a lady. A lady that kills people! Sam and Dean impersonate some Federal Agents which is probably half a dozen different crimes; it was at this point I realized this show was incredibly queer-coded and that Castiel was probably introduced to make a dynamic less like Game of Thrones-like. The Winchester Brothers eventually find out that there was a lady that jumped off a bridge near where all these disappearances are happening and it turns out the ladies children drown in the tub. Dean’s many crimes finally catch up to him and he is arrested but Sam, The Lamer of the Winchester Brothers, is able to go make an old man cry over the death of his wife and children. Dean is able to escape prison and multiple felony charges with his quick wit and charm. The brothers meet up on the bridge where they see the ghost of the dead lady. It seduces Sam, for whatever reason… Dean was right there. Dean tries to shoot this ghost multiple different times, and eventually Sam forces the mom to go back to her home, where her ghost children take her to super mega hell I guess. Sam goes home only for the same thing that happened to his mom to happen to his girlfriend! I can hear Sigmund Freud writing about that one. Thankfully Dean is able to save the day with his charm and smirk and he then convinces Sam to hunt some more bad guys with him.
This was a pretty good first episode, aside from the whole thing being filmed like the trailer for a 2005 horror movie. I’m definitely Team Dean, Sam is like that guy you invite to a party and then he sits in a corner and broods until you ask him what’s wrong and then he tries to read you his poetry. Their dad seems fine, I hope he’s not abusive or something.
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sheep33hallow · 1 year
Showtime (Wincest)
Tags: Outsider’s POV, ABO, Implied Mpreg, Football Player!Sam, Actor!Dean, discrimination
Word count: 1300
Rating: G
Hellhound’s Quarterback, Sam Winchester, was caught away from his fans and team who were celebrating their Superbowl win. The 10- year veteran was photographed kissing a person with a similar outline to his brother, and retired actor, Dean Winchester in a dark hallway with minimum light. 
Dean had started living with Sam after a knee surgery three years ago, and Sam said he was helping with his brother’s rehabilitation. Also, there has been a rumor going around that Dean, who we all know as the Omega who has broken many Hollywood traditions of being the face of multiple action movies, was pregnant. 
So we all have to ask ourselves. 
Have the Winchesters gone…..the old way? 
Ellen: Hello, and welcome to the Roadhouse! (Ellen claps along with her co-stars at a dinner table on a set that looks like a restaurant. The studio audience is clapping along to their prompts from the showrunner next to the multiple cameramen.) 
Jo: (Next to Ellen) We have an amazing show planned for the show today. We will be talking about Ash, who is starring in a new movie about a recovering alcoholic. Bobby and Karen Singer are coming on to cook a meal for all to promote their new baking book. 
Ruby: And we all know how close the Singers are to the Winchesters. (She winks at the audience.) 
(The crowd oohs.) 
Meg: Now, now. (She pats Ruby’s wrist lightly.) The newspapers must be desperate to cook up this story. They’ve been obsessed with dear Sammy when he used to be a wreck in his early NFL days. (Meg lets her hand linger for a moment before removing it.) 
(Ruby smiles at her. Meg is the only one at the table who knows how deep Sam was into drugs with Ruby, but that’s because she’s married to Dean’s manager, Castiel. Everyone chalks it up to being young and dumb. Though Dean still side eyes her when she says hi to Sam at red carpet events.) 
Ellen: We did plan on talking about that later, but I guess we can do that now. Do we think Sam and Dean are together? 
Meg: I don’t. Sammy could do better than Dean. (Meg leans back in his chair. Her signature smirk on her face.) 
Jo: I truly don’t know. But his favorite topic is Sam. He barely likes to talk about himself. 
Ruby: Sam’s favorite topic is Dean. I’ll say it. I don’t think they’re together. 
(The crowd claps.) 
Ellen: I think they might be together. 
Jo: Mom! 
(The crowd laughs.) 
Ellen: (She waves her daughter off.) The Old Way is simply outdated, but not uncommon. All of you around aren’t as old as I am, so you didn’t go to siblings, and cousins mating ceremonies. The only reason it became outdated was because of President Dick in the eighties. I think he used it as a distraction from the Nutrition Gate allegations. 
Jo: (Turns to Meg) Would Dean lose his endorsement deals if he’s with Sam? 
Meg: (She scratches her chin with disinterest.) Castiel wouldn’t let that happen. They also have overseas deals with countries who never let go of the Old Way, and I doubt right now is the time for companies to show how discriminatory they are. (She chuckles in a low tone.) 
Ruby: (Claps, and shows her palms to the audience.) Well let’s ask. How many of you think that was Dean in the photograph? 
(Less than half of the audience raise their hands.) 
Ellen: (Flicks her hair out of her face.) Well let’s stop discussing the Winchesters, and talk about how the Hellhound’s won their five Super Bowl Title! 
Benny walks into the Winchester’s home. Sam, and Dean are in their own little world while Dean cooks, and Sam is behind him at the stove. He doesn’t greet them, they know he’s there by his smell, and his access code to their home. 
He’s there for Castiel. 
Benny runs Dean’s public relations, and he needs to get their story straight since the lovebirds are in their little hormonal embrace. 
Also known as useless. 
If they had waited like Benny told them for Sam’s seasons to be over before mating, they wouldn’t have been craving each other to an impossible point, and makeout in a busy stadium. They should know by now, there is no such thing as an empty hallway when it comes to the celebrity status that the both of them carry. 
Thankfully most people don’t believe that it was Dean in the hallway with Sam. He can’t say the same thing will be true six months from now when a baby is living in their home. They’ll have to get their story straight. 
“Castiel.” His southern drawl tingles with annunciation of the Manager’s name. Castiel is outside on the backyard’s porch at a table. A pitcher of lemonade sits in the middle of the table, along with four glasses. Only two are filled up. “Is this one here, mines?” He sits down across from him. 
Castiel isn’t looking at him. He’s looking out into the sunlight, as if pondering life’s mysteries. “It can be.” 
Benny rolls his eyes. Picking up the glass, he takes a sip. “You can’t even pretend to make me feel special.” He chuckles. 
Castiel looks back at him, then down at his glass. “That one has bourbon in it.” 
Benny smirks. “Finally growing on you. Only took ten years.” 
Castiel smiles. “I am skeptical of most people. You know this. You were a man without a name for himself, but was able to help me build up Dean, along with all of the quirks he comes with.” 
“You mean his brother obsession.” 
Castiel nodded. “Even when Sam was in college, Dean would fly out from shooting his movies to see Sam play. Our old PR guy used to tell Dean to focus on his own job and to let Sam do his.” 
“Then he got depressed.” Benny said. 
“Then he got depressed.” 
“But then we wouldn’t have met at therapy.” Benny smiles wide. He salutes his glass toward Castiel. 
“Yes. True.” He clears his throat. “Let’s begin.” 
Dean Winchester has had his baby! The rumors were true. Congratulations to the Action star! But wait? Who is the other parent you may ask? 
Dean said he used a donor! He hasn’t been able to meet anyone who wants to start a family with him, so he decided to start his own. That's beautiful people! We support going after what you want in life. 
Now you people online can stop harassing the Winchesters for staying silent for so long. If you’ve been pregnant before, you get how much the urge to nest, and disappear is. Let’s give a salute to Sam for supporting his brother. If he was as good at supporting his brother as he was at playing the game, maybe I would be $500 dollars richer. 
I kid. I kid people. :) 
Now, we finally have an answer for the mystery man who was kissing Sam during the Superbowl victory. 
It was Michael! Dean’s known stunt double. We’ve been seeing them out, and about it seems the two are very much in love! I guess if you can’t get the original, then get a copy! 
Now let’s continue to support the Winchesters! They are a legacy family in entertainment. Let’s hope the next generation is as amazing as the current. 
Dean knows he shouldn’t allow his son to sleep in the bed with him, and Sam. They’re both so big, and could easily crush their child. He chooses to ask Sam to buy a bigger bed for all of them to sleep in, making it more comfortable for all involved. 
Donald sleeps in between them. He’s able to kiss his sleeping child, or feed him without much fuss. He’s never loved his life as much as he has at this moment.  
It’s nighttime, and both of his loves are sleeping next to him in the bed. 
He whispers, not expecting a response. “I’ll always love you most, Sammy.”
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 years
Bonding Over Books
Bonding Over Books https://ift.tt/38aFB0f by AmieWritesFic “Dammit, Bradbury! Answer the phone” Dean muttered as his best friend’s line went unanswered. He knew better than to call her instead of texting, but this was an emergency. On the last ring, an irritated voice picks up. “What is it, Winchester? It’s way too early.” Dean glanced at the clock, it was almost noon, but his friend was probably up all night gaming. “Charlie, it’s a code red. I may have accidentally come out to my dad.” _____ In which a closeted Dean has been in love with Cas for years, but can barely talk to him until a series of unfortunate and awkward events and a love of old books brings them together. Words: 1915, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Meg Masters, Gertrude Middleton, Ash (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Lee Webb, Lisa Braeden Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury & Dean Winchester, Castiel & Meg Masters Additional Tags: Bisexual Dean Winchester, Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Alternate Universe - High School, Coming Out, classic literature, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, No beta we die like winchesters, But I did proofread like 10 times, Art to come, Charlie's mom is like top tier Jody level mom, Ace/Aro Spectrum Meg, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Fluff and Angst, Mostly Fluff via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/VOdUk7M February 09, 2023 at 04:38PM
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