#mean heathers au
raincandyy-u · 4 months
Class of 09 x heathers
Emily as JD,
Kyle and crispin as Kurt and ram
Karen as Martha or Betty finn
Kelly,Megan, and Jecka as the heathers
And then Nicole as Veronica obviously
Mrs Flynn as Ms Fleming
(I lowkey like jeckole by a bit more but I just can’t see Nicole and jecka trying to cover up murders)
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identityquest · 9 months
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girls night teehee
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lomlompurim · 5 months
quickly svsss x mean girls au but I only have Shen Qingqiu as Regina George and Binghe as Cady, who would be the other plastics?
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Harringrove AU where all of them have a study date together but Steve’s eyes are a lil more glued on Billy than the notes in his hands
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
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Total Drama Future AU design number 9!
Heather is 38 in this AU
Just like Alejandro, she took some time after All Stars to get some much-needed therapy and completely separate from her parents.
Luckily, Sierra stuck by her side throughout all of it.
As eccentric as the girl may have been, she was a faithful companion, and Heather could tolerate her. However, that tolerance turned to genuine friendship, and then adoration.
Soon enough, Heather found that she was in love with Sierra, and she couldn't keep that a secret from the other girl.
Little did she know that while she had fallen hard, Sierra had fallen harder.
When Heather decided to ask Sierra out, the other girl agreed before she could even finish her sentence.
The dating was great, but they both knew they wanted more. Getting married seemed like the most logical option in that case.
Thanks to Heather's job as a CEO in a major business and Sierra's journalism work, they were able to have the wedding of their dreams.
On February 4th, 2013, they had their daughter. The name they chose for her was "Mary Kate," or "MK" for short.
Heather and Alejandro are petty besties in the future and would kill for each other.
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crystaljellie · 2 months
I wanna talk about life series heathers AU but I don't know how to say anything that hasn't always been said
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I just need to see mean gills drawn like this, with Martyn as JD and Veronica as Scott, you know the people everyone choose for a heathers AU, which I agree with
I though love the heathers being the bad boys
But I need everyone to consider Ren as heather mac, Cleo as heather c and still Joel as heather duke because like... it's perfect
but heathers AU holds it
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fairypaw · 1 year
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Au where Onewhisker takes in Darkkit!
Heres Heatherpaw and her overgrown guard dog brother Darktail.
Hes still very awkward and stiff around him what with the whole WindClan civil war and deputy dispute shenanigans and Darkkit definitely added some fuel to Mudclaw's fire (How can you expect a traitor be leader etc).
Darkkit mostly grew up an outcast and it definitely felt like being the illegitimate step son of Onewhisker around his new family since he treats him like he doesn't really know what to do with him. Though, Whitetail actually grows fond of him and even mentors him herself, and he eventually becomes heatherpaw's mentor who is his absolute pride and joy Darktail loves his baby sister so much Breeze and Lion should be terrified (they are)
I also kind of imagine him kind of taking in Breezepelt since he, himself was an overlooked kit by his father and idk could be a nice found family moment
Uhh and i can definitely twist this some way so he still stays the villain by the time AVoS rolls up but im tired and gonna leave that for interpretation or whatever you say when you dont want to figure things out yourself 💥💥
OH YEAH designs by @/murdermitties and @/sootslash !!
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alakuhfuckingzam · 4 months
these mf?
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are just these guys be so fr
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evans-gallery · 7 months
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Silly little sketches of the mean girls x heathers au where instead of heathers as plastics it's JD, Kurt and Ram. Here's JD as Grethen in "What's wrong with me". (Btw it's not Kurt's ghost, it's just how JD imagining him. Cold and strong) What do you think?
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Heathers Candy Store AU Pt. 2
So y'all really liked the last one and I said to myself 'I like getting validation from strangers on the internet' so here I am with another one
Things have been going amazingly for Veronica
She's making more money than ever before, enough that she can easily get a better apartment for her Betty and Martha and cover their rent as well
She loves her job, she enjoys learning how to make different kinds of candy and experimenting with new types and different ways to make them
And of course, she loves her three gfs, and they've even started planning on having her move in with them once she finishes her degree, which would allow her to write whatever she pleases and not have to worry about making enough to make ends meet
Things only get better when she gets a call from her cousin, Janis, who lives in Chicago
They were close when they were little, and as they got older they bonded over their attraction to women and struggles at school and became someone they could talk to who would actually understand what they were going through
Janis tells her that her gf, Cady, got a full ride to the same university as Veronica for mathematics, and they're going to be moving to Sherwood
Veronica is super excited, she hasn't seem Janis in person for years and is overjoyed that they're going to be close like when they were little
Janis mentions that she's gonna be doing some commission work for her art but Cady is looking for a job over there
Veronica gets the idea that she can come work for the Candy Store with her and quickly texts Chandler to ask
At first she's a little apprehensive but Veronica sends her a pic of her doing the puppy eyes and Chandler relents and agrees to hire her
After they hang up Veronica realizes that she never gave Janis the name of the store, but she figures that its fine, they'res only one candy store in the mall, Cady will find her way with no problem
Boy was she wrong
A few weeks pass, and its Cady's first day at the store, or its supposed to be
Cady is a no show and Veronica tries calling her but gets no response
Chandler is annoyed about it, Duke is indifferent and Mac is worried
They run the store for the day and when they close Veronica gets a text from Cady
She's super confused bc Veronica wasn't there and when she asked the owners didn't know a Veronica
She relays this to the Heathers and they're all confused to
Cady then asks does she not work at "Regina's Confectionary" (very unoriginal ik, I couldn't think of a pun with plastic that would work)
None of them have ever heard of this store before
Cady tells them where it is so they walk over to figure out just what the hell is going on
When they get over there they see a more modern looking candy store, complete with rows of the tube-shaped candy dispensers and plenty of candy-related merchandise like pillows and shit
They notice that they have more packaged candy then store-made
Regina's is also bigger and flashier, unlike the 50's vibe that the Heathers were going for
(Imagine an It's Sugar vs. a Mom and Pop Candy Store)
Cady is waiting for Veronica outside, just so confused
She explains that when she came to the mall she looked and saw "Regina's Confectionary" and figured that was it
They argue a bit and Cady says that all she was told was that there was a Candy Store in the mall run by a trio of lesbians and she knew of a Regina and her polycule from high school so she figured that was it
(In this AU, just like how the events of Heathers didn't happen, the events of Mean Girls didn't either, Cady just came to Northshore and was taken under the wing of Janis and Damian and eventually her and Janis got together)
Cady didn't really want to work for the Plastics, but since they didn't really do much to her and Veronica had told her all these nice things about them she figured she would give it a shot
It just so happened that on the day Cady went in to start Regina was also looking for another worker, and when Cady went in asking about a job she decided to hire her on the spot
Regina decided not to question it, she just decided that it was her lucky day
Veronica then says how didn't you see the one that has Veronica in the name but she goes to look on the mall directory and she realizes that the name of the store hadn't been changed on there yet
Around this time the Plastics are locking up their store and they see the Heathers and Veronica standing there in their uniforms
Regina quickly realizes that they are her competition for the candy market in the mall and so she decides to flaunt how amazing her store is and how they're going to put their sad little store out of business
It takes every ounce of restraint in Chandler's body not to beat the shit out of Regina then and there
Regina keeps yapping and Chandler snaps, launching herself at her, narrowly missing Regina
Duke, Mac and Veronica all rush to restrain her
Chandler then calls her a copycat and a pathetic little trust fun baby who didn't have to work for anything while she built her store with blood sweat and tears, and at least she could make her own candy and didn't have to buy pre-packaged
That makes Regina snap
Thankfully Gretchen and Karen knew this was coming and were able to grab Regina before she socks Chandler right in her face
Both groups decide to leave, still holding on to Chandler and Regina, who are both still spewing insults at each other, saying how they will run each other out of business
When they get back to the car Chandler swears that she is going to run that bitch outta here if its the last thing she does
Over the next few weeks their rivalry continues
Chandler is constantly pushing the others to come up with new candy to draw more people in
At the same time, Regina is coming up with all these deals to draw people away
Sure they candy might not be as good, but who cares as long as its cheaper, and people generally agree with that philosophy
Being made in-store, the Heathers' candy tastes much better, but as a result it is much more expensive to make and sell, and not everyone has that kind of money to spend on sweets
After learning that Cady was supposed to work for the Heathers, Regina offers her just an insane sum of money for a part time job to stay there, which Cady agrees to
Veronica feels betrayed, but when Cady tells her the amount she is forced to concede that maybe she should stay there, bc its more than the Heathers would be able to offer her considering that business slowed substantially since Regina's opened
A similar situation between what happened with Martha and Betty happens between Cady and Janis, but unlike with the Heathers the seemingly only redeeming quality of Regina is how much she is paying her
Janis is still pissed at Cady for working for someone who essentially ruined her life, but is also begrudgingly forced to admit that the money is nice and helps in the event that her commissions dry up
Anytime they come across each other, Chandler and Regina get into a screaming match, which mall security often has to break up
Eventually the mall owners get tired of the constant arguments and pull them into a meeting, essentially saying that one of them has to go for the mall to have peace
While Heathers' was there longer, Regina's gets more business, so the mall cannot decide which one needs to leave
They then say that they have to decide amongst themselves who leaves, otherwise they both get kicked out
Regina tries giving them a shit load of cash to leave but Chandler's ego is too large for that and she refuses
After a bit of arguing Gretchen comes up with the idea for a competition, where they will have three rounds where they would each make the same kind of candy and have an audience taste test and vote on who is better
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Chandler and Regina both agree and when they bring up the idea of the owners they see this as an opportunity to bring more people to the mall and agree as well
They spend a few weeks promoting it and setting things up when the day finally arrives
A stage was set up with the Heathers and Veronica on one side and Cady and the Plastics on the other, with all the necessary equipment and ingredients
Below them is the audience area, where 9 chairs are set up for the judges
Janis somehow ends up being one of them, being selected randomly
The first candy was chosen by the Heathers, the second by the Plastics, and the third was chosen by the audience
The first candy chosen is chocolate
The Heathers win easily, The Plastics don't make alot of chocolate in their store, preferring to sell pre-packaged, so they were completely outmatched
The second is a sour chew
The Plastics win, Karen really likes sour candy (She doesn't even think its sour, she can eat bag after bag of it and not once complain of the sourness), so they are used to making it
The audience choice is a candy cane
Its around Christmas Time, so it fits
Neither group make these that often, so they are on equal playing level here
Once they finish and hand over their samples, Chandler is sweating bullets
But when the votes are tallied, the Heathers win and get to keep their store at the mall
Regina actually growls at her before storming off
Later, Chandler gets a beach chair and some popcorn while she watches the Plastics and Cady move out of their store, laughing every time they struggle with something
Cady eventually confesses to Veronica that she sabotaged the last batch by putting in too much peppermint, making the cane's taste too strong and allowing the Heathers to keep their store
Veronica worries that she might get fired, but Cady says they'res no way they would notice, since they were too busy doing their jobs to notice her
Once they move out, the Heathers' store gets alot more business from those who heard how they won their competition through sheer skill, so much so that they are able to reduce their prices a bit, which brings in the customers who may have once went to Regina's bc of their cheaper prices
Things are going so well, in fact, that they even begin to discuss moving out of the mall and into a larger space so they can have more candy and more space to make it
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sprinklenoodles · 1 month
I wrote this one-shot (which might become a full fic) yesterday, which is basically a Hope's Peak heathers/mean girls AU. And it hasn't left my head since. So, it's time for me to ramble a bit about it :3
Let's start with the heathers/mean girls of this AU, the ones that 'rule' the school.
These are Byakuya, Junko and Chihiro. Byakuya is very much the leader here. He's an ever bigger asshole than in canon. Here, his father immediately got working on getting Hope's Peak under his control the moment after Byakuya got his letter from HP. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for him.
Once in HP, he met Junko and the 2 of them hit it off. While Junko isn't as despair crazy as in canon, she does like causing others despair. Her and Byakuya are good friends though, there's nothing fake there. They genuinly get along great.
And then there's Chihiro. Byakuya already knew him before HP- their fathers work together at times- but he didn't pay much attention to him. He always saw Chihiro as a smart, but meek boy. However, he did always exclude him from his and Junko's bullying due to the partnership between their fathers.
And then he found out about the cyberbullying Chihiro had been doing. What once seemed like an innocent boy, was someone who was just like Byakuya. It didn't take long for them to become good friends after. Chihiro had only been hiding this part of him since he was still physically weak. He could've easily get beat up, but with Byakuya and Junko protecting him, that won't happen anymore.
But out of the 3, Chihiro is still the kindest. He's the easiest to befriend. However, if Chihiro doesn't like someone... they're done for. Junko and Byakuya will destroy them, and that's without Chihiro himself doing anything.
On the opposite side of these 3, are Kyoko, Leon and Sayaka (the latter 2 are dating).
Kyoko is sorta the leader there. Due to her talent, Byakuya actually tried to 'befriend' her at the beginning of the year, but she turned him down. That lead to her becoming his biggest target.
Sayaka and Leon are mostly targeted because of their friendship with Kyoko. Though, Leon is also targeted quite a bit since Chihiro just... doesn't like him- Chihiro's a bit jealous of his strength. Sayaka is the one who gets the best treatment since she has some form of a respectable talent. Well, that and she had met Junko before HP.
Makoto is very much in the middle of these 2 groups right now...
All o the other THH characters do have a special role in here! I won't talk about them now, but if you want to know more about a specific character- or a few- or just the AU in general, send me an ask and I'll answer it :D
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raincandyy-u · 5 months
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blueikeproductions · 6 months
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A 2023 Xmas card featuring the Heathers AU. The bit is based on Family Guy’s All I Really Want For Christmas song. Red Heather’s outfit is in reference to Mean Girls, and yes, Gold, Green and Veronica were strong armed into dressing like sexy Santas too for the record lol. Ram and Martha are probably off Christmas shopping for their boys lol.
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enabrained · 8 months
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really shitty mizuena as jd and veronica sketches based on a joke I made like 6 months ago
this doesn’t make sense and is the most ooc you can get prolly but I was sorta like jd bad dad … ena bad dad .. jd miserable .. ena miserable .. bombs ..
maybe i’m the only person who finds this funny but i’m posting it here cuz i have no followers so it’s less embarrassing
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gifti3 · 10 months
Kinda scary how asmo switches it up if you upset him or do something he doesnt like
just the general idea of having to deal with a very well liked and popular person latching on to you but ur aware that theyre mean and passive aggressive when u dont go along with their shit
and u dont wanna go along with whatever they say but this person keeps latching on harder every time u you try to go against them
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perpetualexistence · 4 months
Total Drama Leverage AU
Heather as The Mastermind
Alejandro as The Grifter
Noah as The Hacker
Izzy as The Thief
Eva as The Hitter
Just a happy little AU I came up with. Team E-scope just fits too perfectly for Hardison, Eliot, and Parker. Same with Alejandro for Sophie. Heather then seemed like the most natural fit as their leader. Though she's definitely fighting to keep that role against Alejandro.
Part of me wants to make it a crossover rather than just an AU where the original Leverage team saw a bunch of teens that reminded them of themselves when they were younger and lightly strong-armed them into Leverage International to use their criminal talents for good.
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