#mecha gigantron
destroyer-of-monsters · 4 months
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Trailer GIFs!
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chernobog13 · 3 months
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Ultraman: Rising by Mike Mignola.
Wonder if his buddy (and big Ultraman fan) Art Adams put him up to this.
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hantheheart · 2 months
rewatch i dont know of Ultraman Rising and im noticing things
firstly. Onda calls Kenji's parents. Like. He tells them the Kaiju is coming. Onda KNOWS Kenji's Dad is Ultraman. like. that moment in the climatic fight where Onda fucks up UltraDad's leg was not just personal as "superhero who let down my family". like. that was "You, my FRIEND and colleague, failed my family" personal. The moment his family got wiped being the same moment that Kenji flashbacks to during the climax fight fuckin me up. His daughter was probably the same age as Ken. Do you think they were friends. played together. gone to parks or out to dinner together with their parents during work dinners. Do you think Ken thinks about her. proof Ultraman can fuck up in the loss of someone he grew up with.
secondly. Ken transforms in full view of SEVERAL PEOPLE in SEVERAL SCENES in this movie. like. When Emi got loose and he transforms right before the "Come to Daddy" moment?? There was a person behind him. there was someone in a car behind him while he was on his bike. SOMEONE SAW HIM CHANGE THAT JACKET IS LIEK A WHOLE SIGANTURE THEY DEF KNEW WHO THAT WAS and then????? Later, when Emi's got her wings and takes off after Mecha Gigantron, the KDF shoot missiles at Kenji's house. like. that was not a mistake. They KNEW who's HOUSE THAT WAS. he lives on an ISLAND. in the MIDDLE OF THE BAY. that was wholly INTENTIONALLY, THEY KNEW WHO'S HOUSE THAT WAS.
also. during the interview with Ami. The 1-on-1 interview towards the start. Are they at Ami's house??? I thought it was a resturant because of the food but???? her kid was there???? Why the fuck did he do that shit with the sauce???? why did he have noodles in the first place if it was at her HOME, KEN THAT WAS SO UNNECCESSARILY RUDE AT HER HOUSE.
Chiho is so adorable tho. she has PURPLE EYES and that HAIR? i wanna pinch her lil cheeks
fucking. Captain man of the KDF. Aoshima. He feels like he was supposed to have a character arc. Like. He is such a good opposite to Ken. I love that, I can't wait for him to be an antagonist in the sequel. I kinda.... want him to punch Kenji. Like. I dunno man, I feel like they need to fist fight. Really curious about why he winced during that first moment during Onda's speech. Bet it was his wife who died since he mentioned having kids.
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nanaonmars · 3 months
i know people have been talking about it but i’m going to lose my mind if i don’t say anything. the new ultraman:rising movie is SO SO GOOD. SOOOO GOOD. i’m genuinely losing my shit because i didn’t expect it at all. i was just looking for something to watch with my sisters. imagine my surprise when we played it and it was more emotional than i thought it would be. first of all: the reluctant father trope is gonna get me EVERYTIMEEE. and they did it so well. in fact i think it’s my favorite portrayal of the trope so far. ken had me tense as hell for the first bit bc i wanted to see how they were gonna redeem him, but honestly, the pacing and character development was amazing. watching him progress felt natural, and i absolutely adored seeing how emi made him a better person.
the scene when he met her for the first time and the clouds cleared?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? he loved her from the moment he met her. and i love love loveddddd that he actually treated her like his daughter. he called her baby, he called himself her dad, he played with her, he fed and washed her, etc etc. i feel like it’s very common to see the father figure still keep that distance, especially when they’re not raising a human, but for the most part, he went all in. you couldn’t tell that man he didn’t birth her! i so badly want to see more of them together, even if it’s just a mini series of him raising her on kaiju island. she impacted every area of his life. he needed her just as much as she needed him.
dr. onda did drive me insane, but i did feel for him just a little bit. i understand why he let his vengeance fuel him. also maybe i’m overthinking it, but i like the parallel of him and ken with their sunglasses. they both hide their sadness, grief, and vulnerability with them. i think it’s neat that they know they can’t hide how their eyes express their feelings.
ultradad and mecha gigantron messed me UP. i was so scared his dad would actually die, but i was also very happy to see gigantron was actually alive. she was very valid in attacking the kdf for stealing her baby!! i hope they can fix mina because emi needs her grandmas. every single scene of ken and emi nearly brought me to tears. this movie was made with so much love. i heard it took 25 years for them to get this movie actually approved and going, so congrats to shannon tindle for having a vision and seeing it through!! thank you for sharing it with the world because it’s easily one of my favorite movies of the year. i hope the end credit scene actually leads to more of this universe, because this movie has truly blown me away.
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accioscarheadthings · 2 months
kenji sato x reader
summary: with no time to waste, kenji gears up to face the kdf in a final, decisive battle to rescue you and emi from their grasp
pairings: kenji sato x fem!student!reader
warning: none, violence, use of missiles, combat,
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masterlist !
you slowly regained consciousness, groggily looking around to take in your surroundings. your mind was foggy, and your head pounded with each beat of your heart. as your eyes focused, you noticed the familiar corridor ceilings of the kdf.
a wave of realization washed over you, and you instinctively tried to move your hands.
however, they were tightly restrained to the stretcher you were lying on, effectively preventing you from escaping.
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the mecha gigantron and emi were making their way through the ocean.
the sudden splash of water caused mecha gigantron and emi to pause. they glanced around to determine the source of the disturbance and found Uutraman towering before them, his silhouette etched against the watery horizon.
as the water rippled around him, he planted himself firmly, blocking their path.
emi chittered, beak open in excitement at his arrival as she flew towards him.
"there's my girl!" kenji held his hands out for her.
when emi got closer to him, the mecha gigantron screeched sharply, making her stop.
"emi. we gotta go, girl. that’s not your real mama," kenji explained softly, "she’s just a fake. something the bad men made to trick you. the very same men who took y/n,"
kenji clenched his fists at his sides, "i know you're up there! I know you have her!" he hollered up at the sky, "coward!"
"mecha gigantron, attack!" dr. onda snapped, ordering the gigantron.
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you feigned unconsciousness, waiting for the opportunity to make your escape. as soon as the restraints were removed, you seized the moment and slipped out with a burst of energy.
before the guards guarding you could react, you had already sprung into action. you dodged a punch from the nearest guard, sidestepping to the side in a fluid motion. in a swift counterattack, you struck a blow to the guard's ribcage with a powerful strike of your own.
you continued with a series of swift and skillful movements. you blocked another punch with the leg of the chair and kicked your opponent's knees, causing him to fall hard on his front.
without missing a beat, you somersaulted into the air, landing with a graceful flip on her back atop the dazed man. the chair shattered into pieces under the weight of her impact, adding to the chaos and confusion.
freeing yourself, you rushed out of the room, heading straight towards the combat in the waters below.
just as you reached the hatch of the aircraft, a deep voice stopped you in your tracks.
"stop right there, agent y/n!"
you froze at the voice, raising your hands at your sides, and slowly turning around.
dr. onda stood with a gun aimed at you, your ordering captain beside him.
you narrowed your eyes at him.
"leaving so early?" dr. onda taunted.
"i have no interest in staying here, so by all means, fire away," you raised a fist to the air in front of you.
a rumbling sound was heard and dr. onda and the captain were knocked off their feet by a pile of boxes. a tiny missle shot through the air, zipping right towards your wrist and landing on your skin.
metal plates shifted and crawled up your arm as you sprinted and leapt off the hatch of the aircraft.
firing your thrusters, you plummeted down the air towards where kenji battled the mecha gigantron.
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ultraman moves with incredible agility, smoothly dodging and shifting to avoid attacks. with every strike he delivers, the water below churns and roars, its surface becoming more chaotic by the second.
the gigantron had grabbed hold of kenji's neck, raising him up into the air while he struggled to evade.
a beam of energy shot at the kaiju, throwing it aside a good distance away frm kenji, allowing him to land on his feet.
you had had your arm raised as you shot the energy ray frm the chest piece of your warbird suit.
"there you are," kenji murmured, shoulders sagging in relief that you had made it out alive and well.
"well, i can't have you mourning me too soon, now, can i?" you tilted your head at him in acknowledgment and he knew you were smiling at him behind your mask.
"missile attack now!" dr. onda ordered.
several projectiles rained down on you and kenji, the latter successfully held up a shield dome for protection.
but emi got in the way, taking a direct hit from one of the missiles.
"no!" kenji yelled in horror.
letting down the shield, kenji hurried over to where emi had fallen and cradled her in his arms, "no, no," he breathed heavily, "no, no, no. no, no, no,"
"come on. come on. come on," kenji muttered over and over again, "wake up. wake up, girl!"
"emi," you were hovering in the air beside ultraman, your voice carrying remorse.
kenji held emi to his chest in affection while you placed a palm on the kaiju baby's cheeks.
kenji set her down on a rock gently, turning to the mecha gigantron.
you and kenji charged forward, anger fueling your determination to protect emi at all costs.
in a coordinated effort, you took turns delivering powerful blows to the gigantic mecha, surrounding it in a coordinated attack.
the kaiju was on its back, laid back helpless as it was knocked out for the moment.
kenji pulled back a palm, holding a disc of spinning energy on it. just as he was about to bring it down, you managed to hover in the air in front of him, "kenji, no!"
kenji froze, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths.
"look," you motioned at the exposed skin of the kaiju body under the metal armor of the gigantron, "that kaiju is still alive. project surrogate was about this,"
kenji lowered his hand, "oh my god,"
suddenly, the powerful tail of the mecha giganton struck out, catching you off guard and sending you reeling backward.
before either of you could react, you were plunged deep into the dark and unforgiving depths of the ocean.
as you sank deeper into the water, memories of your past flooded your mind. your father's face, his words, and the times you spent together washed over you like a wave. you recalled him passing down the mantle of warbird to you, the weight of the legacy resting on your shoulders.
"one day, the mantle of Warbird will pass to you," he said firmly, his voice carrying a weight of expectation.
"taking up this legacy won't be easy," he continued, his eyes never leaving your face. "it will require sacrifices, and you may have to carry the burden alone."
you stared up at him, clinging to every word he uttered.
"but I have faith in you," he added, a hint of pride in his voice.
something large blocked the light above you, and you felt a giant palm wrap around you and pull you out of the water.
the grip around you tightened as you were lifted up from the depths of the ocean.
looking up, you saw that the large hand gently wrapped around you, its palm acting as a supporting platform that raised you higher into the air.
you glanced over and saw Kenji nearby, seeming to have gotten knocked into the water like you. he was slowly rising to his feet, staring up at the figure that had come to your saving.
your eyes widened as you were met with the towering figure of mr. sato in his ultraman form. he looked down at both you and Kenji with a calm expression, his gaze filled with both concern and worry. it was mr. sato who had come to your rescue in the nick of time.
"dad? you’re alive," kenji breathed in relief.
"i promised I would always be here," he told his son, sparing you a glance and nodding silently. you nodded back at him in respect.
the mecha gignatron roared loudly, making you three turn towards it. she seemed to be in agony, trying to override the protocols the kdf were feeding into its mind, while trying to decipher who emi was.
it let out a loud screech into the cloudy night sky, sending soundwaves above.
it clawed at its face, scraping out a part of its eye, to reveal its original green ones as it blinked at emi in recognition.
chittering in joy, emi flew towards her mother, snuggling closer to her beak while her mother leaned into her daughter's embrace.
a bright light flashed, showing displaying the way several jets scrambled out of the kdf jet above the clouds.
"is this the part where the villain sends a hidden force we didn’t know about?" kenji pondered
"those are escape pods," professor sato elaborated.
a large laser beam hit the older ultra, right at his chest and he skidded back on the water on his back from the force of it.
but professor sato was careful to cradle you and kenji to his chest. he raised his fist at his side and opened them.
"professor!" your voice raised in panic.
"dad! are you okay?" kenji was nothing but worried.
"it's alright, y/n. I’m fine, kenji," professor sato replied.
the kdj aircraft from above descended through the clouds and landed in front of you all.
a large mechanical suit revealed dr. ondo to be in control of it, staring at you all in defiance.
kenji looked between you and his father, "we gonna do this together?"
"well, i’m not gonna do it alone," professor sato retorted.
kenji transformed back to his ultraman form; your warbird suit covered over your body, the mask closing over your face, and eyes lighting up.
dr. ondo yelled as he charged forward to fight.
the four of you approached at dr. ondo, taking turns to attack him. all of you moved in sync, striking at vulnerabilities and working together to bring down the man in the mechanical suit. the mecha gigantron clawed at him, while the two ultras tried to restrain him by holding him down on both sides. you fired a beam of photon at him, trying to disarm him.
but dr. ondo was able to shake off the ultras and found his arm at you in a punch, tossing you off your balance.
with each blow exchanged, the battle grew fiercer and more desperate. dr. ondo's suit retaliated with powerful strikes, trying its hardest to eliminate the ultra heroes. despite the danger, you and kenji held your ground, determined to take him down.
at one point, dr. ondo had overpowered professor sato and had him on his knees. he pulled out his electric machete, raising it up to swing it down and take his revenge.
kenji swung in between just in time caught his mechanical arm halfway, grunting in effort. in one quick motion, he snapped it in half and tossed it aside, "batter up!"
you swooped in, firing from the chest-piece of your warbird suit and lacerated an arm.
emi had charged from the other side, roaring with all her might as she swung the pipe in her hand at dr. ondo. holding it like a baseball bat, just like kenji had taught her.
dr. ondo was now devoid of both his arms to combat.
emi flew over to you, the metal pipe still in her hand.
"that's my girl," you glanced at her, your tone affectionate. emi cooed at you, bashful at your comment.
mecha gigantron and emi fired at the man, beaks wide open. you fired from your own chest piece while kenji and professor sato held up their hands together perpendicularly, sending a beam of energy his way.
the combined energy forces from all four of you had dr. ondo struggling for his life, feeling the inevitable defeat crawl upon him.
finally, when his suit gave out, he collapsed back on the water, making the four of you withdraw.
all began to walk away from the scene of intense battle, bodies still thrumming with adrenaline. you did a double take when you caught sight of a red blinking light on dr. ondo's suit. it only meant one thing: the suit was about to self-destruct, and danger was imminent.
it seemed that kenji too had realized that and acted quickly. without a single moment of hesitation, he created a protective dome shield around himself and the suit to effectively contain the impending explosion.
"kenji, no!"
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@earth-to-mee @sassy-cat-in-town @breaddippedinorangejuice @nuhteyam @gameboigyu @byunpum @jennypenny-19 @doublebunv @moonjellyfishie @m00nd0v3 @despacito-uwu16 @reivelmin @seyoran @warlike-morning @crimson-mage-02 @b3e-sat0 @miffysoo @t4naiis @lovingyeet  @imsimping4life @mmeerraa @btszn @jusmango-shak @yobriisstuff @goldenpoison @bat-h-tic @fruchtgeschmack @iateurdad16 @bandolls @lovingyee @reivelmin @f-ergj @arrozyfrijoles23 @aise-30 @simp-hub @armycaratlover @taleiak @ellie-x0xo @femmefqtqle @mp-buezo @bakugouswaif @berryjuicyy @f-ergj @aise-30 @marshhbs @star-flecked-soul @bontensbabygirl @vynwan-cbq @scarasw1f3 @bakugouswaif @deimmortales99 @burnthecheshirewitch
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i'm so sorry for this messy chapter, I'm not good at writing fight scenes and i just wanted to get it over with.
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blehh87 · 2 months
So I watched Ultraman: Rising.
Yes, I finally finished watching the new Ultraman movie, and I can confidently say it's very good. The Pros?
Overall, beautiful Animation, amazing Writing, immaculate Story.
Characters are good, the whole movie is just great. Nothing drags on too long, jokes are alright, and the Drama is by far the best part of the movie, besides the Story.
Overall, it's a great movie, and I personally don't have any deep-rooted/personal things I hate and/or don't like.With that said, there are still a few things I feel aren't perfect.
The Cons?
Watch the movie if you haven't!
I- Accidentally- predicted the entire 3rd act.
I predicted that Gigantron wasn't actually dead, as I felt up to that point the movie wouldn't make such a harsh decision so quickly (Although at first I thought she was dead), I predicted She would be “Kiryu’d” as I put it, as in her body would be used to make a Mecha, also that Kenji’s father wouldn’t actually be dead, and strangest of all, I predicted the airship was a transformer.
Jokingly said during a scene, “The ship is a Transformer?” And uh… yeah.
Now for real cons.
Nothing much really.
Kenji-Ultraman is really uncanny to me. That's about it.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 2 months
Villain Kenji is what would have happened if Emi and Hayao had died in the final conflict and he had been forced to kill Mecha Gigantron, He was already contemplating snapping when Emi fell from the tower and his rage got the better of him when his father was shot but in both cases he had his concern for them to ground him. I genuinely believe that if he lost his family nothing would really stop him in getting revenge. The closes he has to a friend is Ami and his team and those are still people he holds at a distance. He'd probably regress to being fully closed off but without the smile. He has nothing and no one left and baseball only held meaning to make his love ones smile. Kenji's gonna make Belial look like a walk in the park.
Holy hell....that could work!
I can see him being much more cocky, egotistical, and just an overall asshole in this version. I love it. Secretly plotting the demise of Dr. Onda (let's say he survives) night and day with no end until he finally gets him.
Much more prone to snap and his anger issues are probably much worse than before. I honestly vision him just brooding in darkness and just plotting.
Tbh I wouldn't see him dating in this version but here are two Ideas I thought of:
Y/n and Kenji WERE dating but he decided to break up to keep y/n safe.
Kenji, needing some sort of emotional comfort, would try to keep y/n in his home. And y/n already knowing what happened, would oblige for a month or two.
I could honestly see him turning into a yandere and just permanently keeping y/n in his house. Something along the lines of-
"I- I can't lose you y/n. I CAN'T! You're going to stay here...that's final"
And he's telling y/n this while their sitting in a containment tube similar to the one Emi was in.
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thekaijudude · 3 months
UMS EX Mecha Gigantron
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Not a DX unfortunately or else I'm definitely interested in this figure
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hrodvitnon · 3 months
Consider this: Ultraman Rising but in the Abraxasverse. Emi gets to meet Ladon, Shin and Leo because her dad, mom and grandpa initially weren't paying attention due to a bunch of new Titans showed up out of the blue.
(oh, in light of the whole "Dagon isn't female but fuck it we're making 'em trans anyway," would they be transmasc or transfem? I'm leaning towards mtf because of that gijinka doodle I did, plus more female Titans is nice.)
Ken: Whew, thanks for looking after Emi! Kiddo's all worn out. So... are you wearing a mecha suit like Gigantron? Wasn't aware that kaiju have a fashion sense.
Dagon: Ha, my wife certainly does, but this is what I actually look like.
Ken: ...so you're like a cyborg, or...?
Dagon: No, you're literally looking at my face right now. Hold on, I have a new projector installed, take a look. Here's the mechanical exterior with all its bells and whistles, here's the biocomponent layer - don't ask, it's a whole thing - and here's my skeleton. Used to call myself a walking sarcophagus, but... heh, life's looking good.
Dagon: ...Ken?
Ken: You're a zombie?!
Dagon: NO!
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destroyer-of-monsters · 2 months
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Peak Cinema right here.
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thekaijudude · 3 months
SHF Mecha Gigantron leaked at LA Anime Expo
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