bgsartcavern · 11 months
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Wow I've been falling behind on posting here. Here's an Art Fight friendly fire I did on @mechanomorphic of their character Mantis! She can have little a malpractice as a treat. :)
(Reblog don't repost!)
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mothfinite · 2 months
which sonic character do you think has ur fav Design? like ignoring personality/charm/story Just based on aesthetics?
THIS IS SO DIFFICULT... probably blaze, shadow and ariem? even before i got into sonic i loved the first two aesthetically and when ariem was first revealed i loved her design sm
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raylex · 11 months
10 and 11 for the gush game?
(⌒▽⌒)☆ thank you so much for the ask!! hope you're having a good day today!
10: Gush about the source your f/o is from!
oh, boy. RAYMAN. the franchise, that is, heh. these games mean a LOT to me. I'd always known about them, but SOMEHOW never got into them until last year - despite them being right up my alley! I'm SO happy I did, though. platformers my BELOVED. and it's such a unique take on the platformer genre, too! they're my go-to comfort games, especially rayman 3. that's one of my favourite games of ALL TIME... I adore the early 2000's vibe, it's so edgy and everyone is so snarky and rude to eachother and I'm a sucker for that lol. don't know what was up with that back then, but it's (chef's kiss). the first two games are also super fun, even if they're not my favourites! the first game, though... never finished it. listen r1 is the dark souls of platforming LOL. still, though, I love the bright, colorful vibes of that game!
and the ubiart games!!! I like playing those alot when I just need something I can turn my brain off for. speed through a couple of levels. I love how FAST those games are, if that makes sense? you just BLAST through 'em and it's so fun. I ADORE THIS FRANCHISE! 😭
11: Gush about your favorite chapter/book/episode/scene etc. your F/O is in!
MAN, MY FAVOURITE SCENE... THIS IS SO HARD FOR ME TO CHOOSE. I literally love any and every moment with him even if he's just staring at the screen without saying anything LMAO. though I have a very special place in my heart for the r3 advertisements, he's adorable in them ❤
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sketchy-galaxy · 10 months
wake me up and ain’t it fun for the ask game?
I'll do this with Starheart!!
WAKE ME UP :: If someone had to befriend your s/i, what’s the one thing they could do and/or say to immediately get on their good side?
Be silly x3.
No seriously! Starheart puts on such an edgy persona but if someone starts acting silly around her she will start acting the same way and will actually open up more! The Terrans befriend her like that because they're kids and naturally very fun!
AIN’T IT FUN :: When in canon does your s/i come in? Do they play a certain role in the plot?
Starheart's 'episode' would probably take place in-between Episode 13 Missed Connections and Episode 14 Security Protocol! This is after Hashtag gets her alt mode and before Bumblebee leaves, as he is important to the Terrans understanding who Starheart is
I think Starheart would be hinted at before this episode though! Like Mandroid would be having issues with one particularly strange Arachnimech who she was controlling, GHOST would have her Wanted poster on a screen with a few others, maybe Megatron even mentions how he was hoping it was Starheart instead of Soundwave in Decoy!
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dudefrommywesterns · 10 months
bring me to life and or mr brightside?
BRING ME TO LIFE :: What’s the one thing that your s/i deeply regrets more than anything else? Was it something they did? Or was it something they didn’t do?
i would say rio bravo mike regrets not doing more to stop dude from leaving with the stage girl. they also regret kicking him out after he came back (even if he was doing things to deserve it).
MR. BRIGHTSIDE :: If your s/i had to describe themselves, what would that description be? Would they be honest with how they describe themselves?
pretty much how i'd describe me. a bit awkward, trying their best to be nice, academically inclined (though this s/i less so than me or my other s/is. they didn't go to college). they'd also say they were alright with a gun (this is exclusive to them).
they'd be pretty honest, yeah. they have no reason to fake who they are. everybody who's worth liking in rio bravo likes them.
amv song asks
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 2 years
✒️ !
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iluvyoutxt-moved · 2 years
i think i already kno the answer but 💫
i would absolute fight starline and id win. yes he might poison me or electrocute me with his spurs or use his tricore but im getting his ass
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jocelynships · 8 days
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 months
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jils-things · 3 months
11 for jaide ?
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
WAHHH i love this question omg!! yess!! I'm going with jaide stone here ^^
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she's a big fan of off-shoulder blouses, she can wear pants, skirts and shorts as long as the off-shoulder blouse stays! during the summers, she would ditch the black corset dress she wears and just wear comfy jeans :3
also bonus! i think stevaide would look nice here!
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a young jaide (like early 20s) would dress like this! lots of slits and cuts in the outfits and she wore more black and little green~
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mothfinite · 3 months
omggg your new header is so cute 💜💜💜 love the rebrand ! (the genuine Jumpscare i got from Eggman Ass oh my godd good one)
awww thank you so much! its such a good gif of my hubby 😍
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Lady Ignis Solon (@containmentbreach, art by @mechanomorphic) vs. Alice Luoja (@cantdanceflynn & @pyxehastoomanyinterests)
Lady Ignis Solon info:
Description: ignis is a member of a noble family from her home dimension, where shadowy, demonic creatures make their home and occasionally emerge to hunt, kill and eat lesser beings (who are pretty much anyone, by their standards). ignis takes a lot of pride in her position, despite not seeming particularly…happy. but "happy" is a relative word. she has mothered thirteen children (demon noble families are expected to be large and can include up to 20-25 children. twins, triplets, etc. are also more common) with the king of the realm, despite not being attracted to men in the slightest. she views this as her duty granted to her through her position. commoners from her realm are allowed to marry freely without regard to gender, but ignis isn't jealous of them.
not even a little bit. seriously like not at all.
ignis' preferred hunting grounds is the planet known as "earth," and she has personally trained each of her thirteen children to be the toothy shadows that hide in your house when you think you're alone. well, she's trained twelve of them. she's run into a slight hiccup with the thirteenth, who seems to be getting a little attached to her human target. but that's all right. she'll come around.
ignis enjoys black tea, playing the piano, and horror novels. she views them as some of the few things humans have gotten right.
-well the cannibalism. she did like tons of that. i guess it's not really considered cannibalism if she herself is not a human? but she ate humans is the point i'm trying to make
-she has also committed some regular murders. of humans and of other members of her species.
-does not understand her kids. she loves them but she does not Get them. it tends to frustrate her.
-she basically has very little regard for human laws in general and breaks them as often as she can get away with. if she does get in trouble she lies low for a little while in her dimension, then sets up a new place to live. this means of course that she does commit tax evasion often and well.
Other notes from the submitter: ignis is in a lot of ways a love letter to moms who get shit on by fandom for not understanding their kids. 90% of the time the amount of hate they get is just misogyny tbh! ignis is bad in a lot of ways but she's not a bad mom, even if she comes off as that at first because the story she's in is from the perspective of her daughter and the human she got attached to. people would probably still make discourse about her and shit on her but i do not care because i adore her and i adore fucked up moms in general. and if you don't that's a you issue.
Alice Luoja info:
Description: A Phineas and Ferb background character design turned oc, an old woman basically obsessed with finding or creating godlike perfection. How she does it doesn't matter to her, even if she has to go to lengths beyond what any respectable evil scientist would. She practically adopted Professor Mystery, taking him in as a son when his parents disappeared, although she tends to use him for her own purposes rather then taking good care of him. Greatly manipulative and ruthless, she attempts to run things from behind the scenes all while constantly, zealously, searching for that perfection. Depending on her role in any given au or story with the cast, what she's searching for in that perfection is different, but in her major ones, godlike perfection is more literal. She's also a disaster lesbian cannibal.
Crimes: Well, murder, dismantling of bodies, eating the bodies, child abuse, child murder, platonic (and only platonic I promise she's literally a mom) grooming, basically being a mini cult leader, generally being a mad scientist as part of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.s inner circle with no respect for Doof's morals, blood letting in this day and age for both trans and non-trans reasons, dismemberment, eye gouging of both dead and alive people(including an approx 9 year old), not fucking staying dead like she's William Afton, several curses on items, hoarding, desecration, religious zealotry, being a piss-poor mother even tho she'd actually be a rly good parent if she wasn't scared of being emotionally attached to her own fucking son, lots of murder if you hadn't got the drift she's basically a slasher horror villain in disguise, giving multiple people eating disorders, letting a sentient robot escape tower back onto earth in Knife Roomba form, doesn't know how stores work and just steals everything, poisoning so many people alive, general war crimes, mass murder, attempting to destroy the universe, breaking several peoples limbs, creating a time loop to trap Candace in a state of never being able to avoid killing her loved ones, using her son to specifically torture the cast consistently regardless of how he feels about it into seeing visions of their loved ones being destroyed horrible and usually killed at their hands, encouraging self harm and suicide, she breaks peoples bones a few times, I can't stress the manipulative cult leader thing enough this bitch does blood sacrifices whenever, she's just kinda a loser also.
Other notes from the submitter: SHES CALLED "THE BITCH" BY US FOR A REASON
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hopetheprincess · 2 months
Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈🌈
AWWW WELL THANK YOU !!! I will tag some of my followers actually, and no presure to do them but I'd highly encourage it because yeah positivity IS cool!
I take a lot of pride in how easily I can make people laugh! My friends tell me I'm hilarious and I love being the funny friend
I love my naturally curly hair, it's honestly my finest physical feature, my curls are so pretty 💖
I love so fiercely. I love my people and my interests SO MUCH and SO INTENSELY and I know sometimes it can get overwhelming but I'm proud of the fact that I have so much love in my heart!
My creative mind is so wild, when I set it free. I love how excited I get about my ideas and concepts, my creativity is unending and I'm slowly learning how to let it run wild again like it used to when I was younger!!!
I'm proud of the mental health journey I'm on and the progress I've made, like goddamn I've come a long ass way from where I was before, even just months ago, and not to mention years ago. LIKE DAMN GIRL YOU ARE SO GOOD AT TAKIN' CARE OF YOURSELF AND YOU ARE SO MUCH BETTER FOR IT NOW!!!!!!!!!
Like I said I'll tag some friends but nobody has to feel pressured to do this! I don't like the non-negotiable language personally, but I do think this is a really cute lil game so~ @augmentedampharos @sky-yote @literally-just-there @magicalmousey @mapplestrudel @marshmalleaux-queen @mechanomorphic @selfshipping-baby and whoever else wants to do this~! Love yourself! 💖
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iluvyoutxt-moved · 2 years
song: bubblegum - vocacircus ft miku
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edgywesterndemon · 1 year
Ever just have an OC that you create for shipping with your favourite character and enjoy putting them into a blender, giving them HUGE amounts of trauma
But then you realise, "Huh, I am far too attatched to this OC and now I don't want to shut up about them"
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No, just me?
Fabulous first 3 art pieces credited to @mechanomorphic
Fabulous last art piece credited to @kuramoriz
As much as I love all my OCs equally, Jenny Crowley is my most precious and most trauma blended OC and I love them
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cantdanceflynn · 1 year
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