#mechina year
sandstonesunspear · 2 years
Me: okay this Talmud final only has 6 questions. It won't be that bad. I won't need to take a day off work to deal with this
Me, three hours later with a headache: fuck I'm gonna need to take a whole week off at the rate I'm going
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
[TimesOfIsrael is Private Israeli Media]
“Mechina” pre-army academies and “shnat sherut” service programs have become increasingly popular in recent years. Both are gap year programs after high school and before mandatory IDF service.
Army officials told program leaders that to reach their recruitment goal of 1,400 combat soldiers, they would have to move forward with the enlistment of some 1,200 currently enrolled students from various pre-army tracks, most of whom would have concluded their programs at the end of the academic year in June and enlisted sometime in the summer, Haaretz reported Tuesday.
That's what you do when you're winning & not having any military problems right? [24 Jan 24]
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kierancaz · 1 year
So I just realized, there was this piece of art I saw years ago on Pinterest that was like a screen shorted tumblr post meme of “some people talk to their pets like babies and other talk to them like distinguished gentlemen” and the drawing was of this girl smooshing a bears face and baby talking it and then as she walks away a a guy goes up and starts talking to the bear and I just realized that’s Vox Mechina bc I’m sitting here watching it
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explosionshark · 9 months
Been spoiled by years of new Mechina albums every January 1st and now idk what to do
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enigmaproductions · 11 months
New release from Goddess Fall: More Than a Weapon EP
Goddess Fall had this to say about the new release:
To coincide with the one year anniversary of Goddess of Victory: Nikke's global release, Goddess Fall has released their debut EP, "MORE THAN A WEAPON" for the occasion!
Goddess Fall deploys a small, five track squad of symphonic/industrial melodeath, consisting of three original songs that were inspired by the story, characters, and lore of Nikke; as well as two cover songs that we felt were befitting of the game's themes.
A full length album is also currently in the works, so stay alert for more Nikke-inspired melodeath that will be deploying in the near future!
FFO: In Flames, Soilwork, Blood Stain Child, The Design Abstract, Into Eternity, Children of Bodom, Skyfire, Deadlock, Mercenary, Scar Symmetry, MyGrain, Solution .45, Shade Empire, Neurotech, Fear of Domination, Turmion Kätilöt, Projekt Technophage, Sonic Syndicate, Fear Factory, Celldweller, Mechina, Goddess of Victory: Nikke
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@funeral-fog-mayhem tagged me to create a list of my favorite albums
In no particular order. Also this was fun and made me think of and remember so many albums that I love. Also also, this doesn’t include all of the bands/albums I listen to, just albums that hold a special place in my heart and/or have no tracks I would skip. Not tagging anyone else because holy fuck this took too long
Epica ~ The Holographic Principle
Leaves’ Eyes ~ Njord
Eluveitie ~ Slania
Turisas ~ The Varangian Way
Rammstein ~ Mutter
Rammstein ~ Rosenrot
Rammstein ~ Sehnsucht
Rammstein ~ Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da
The Doors ~ self titled
Amaranthe ~ self titled
Cauldron ~ Tomorrow’s Lost
The Rasmus ~ Dead Letters
Leaves’ Eyes ~ Symphonies of the Night
Turisas ~ Stand Up And Fight
Amaranthe ~ The Nexus
Delain ~ We Are The Others
Dawn of Destiny ~ ...Begins
10 Years ~ The Autumn Effect
Septic Flesh ~ Communion
Cauldron ~ Chained to the Nite
Moonspell ~ Night Eternal
Amaranthe ~ Massive Addictive
Delain ~ Moonbathers
10 Years ~ Division
Chthonic ~ Mirror of Retribution
Within Temptation ~ The Silent Force
Septic Flesh ~ The Great Mass
Visions of Atlantis ~ Ethera
Kelly Clarkson ~ Breakaway
Chthonic ~ Seediq Bale
Nightwish ~ Century Child
Flyleaf ~ self titled
Delain ~ Apocalypse and Chill
Dommin ~ Mend Your Misery
Batushka ~ Litourgiya
Ghost Bath ~ Moonlover
Within Temptation ~ The Heart of Everything
Leaves’ Eyes ~ King of Kings
Apocalyptica ~ Hope
Whyzdom ~ From The Brink Of Infinity
Black Sabbath ~ Paranoid
Chthonic ~ Takasago Army
Carach Angren ~ Where the Corpses Sink Forever
The Rasmus ~ Hide From The Sun
HIM ~ Razorblade Romance
Whyzdom ~ Blind?
Cradle of Filth ~ V Empire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein
Goatwhore ~ Blood For The Master
Hozier ~ self titled
Evanescence ~ Fallen
Josh Groban ~ self titled
Darzamat ~ Transkarpatia
Asagraum ~ Protestes Magicum Diaboli
Cradle of Filth ~ Nymphetamine
Goatwhore ~ A Haunting Curse
Tyr ~ Eric the Red
Epica ~ Design Your Universe
Nightwish ~ Once
Cradle of Filth ~ ...Dusk and Her Embrace
Advent Sorrow ~ Before The Dimming Light
Asagraum ~ Dawn of Infinite Fire
Carach Angren ~ Death Came Through a Phantom Ship
Frost Like Ashes ~ Tophet
Alkaloid ~ The Malkuth Grimoire
Tyr ~ By The Light of the Northern Star
Cradle of Filth ~ Thornography
Wolfheart ~ Constellation of the Black Light
Goatwhore ~ Carving Out The Eyes of God
Mechina ~ Xenon
Ex Deo ~ The Immortal Wars
Xandria ~ Neverworld’s End
Advent Sorrow ~ As All Light Leaves Her
Kamelot ~ The Black Halo
Cradle of Filth ~ Bitter Suites to Succubi
Epica ~ The Divine Conspiracy
Tyr ~ Valkyrja
Wolfheart ~ Tyhjyys
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vegitoswife-archive · 2 years
Slapped together a “proper” ref of Amita in her gi (I might tweak the colors but I feel this is overall concrete). Images and more info about her under the cut -
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As I mentioned in the replies of that doodle, Amita is Triclops/Human-mixed (like Tien Shinhan) hence why she has a third eye. I’m also projecting onto her and making her Black-coded with a natural hair volume n such I wish I had coughcough. Since canon really hasn’t done much with the Triclops race and human characters in the series honestly deserve more attention, I figured it’d be fun to design an OC around it and try to flesh things out more.
Amita itself admittedly isn’t much of a “punny” name to go along with the series’ stable, but it is the name of an IRL fruit juice brand, so...one COULD associate it with fruit. A nice contrast since she’s paired with Vegito, who’s a Saiyan and Saiyan names are all taken from veggies hehe.
The IRL theme revolving around third eyes is enlightenment, which has a lot of influence in Hinduism and Buddism, so I’m taking some inspiration from both for what the Triclops’ religion and standard lifestyle was like. (Tien can literally grow multiple arms and IIRC this was stated somewhere in official media - I think a Daizenshuu book or Toriyama interview? - to be a Triclops-exclusive ability, so my logic at least holds a little water.)
I’ll go into more detail about this another time, but I’ll just summarize here and say that the Triclops’ culture is very spiritual and revolves around belief in Kami alongside the higher deities. They practice that the ultimate fate for someone is to transcend the mortal coil through “dying” and being “reborn”, eventually freeing themselves from the cycle of suffering, so they can stand closer to the gods and reach a “perfect” state of being.
The race is alien in origin but after their homeworld was destroyed (the how and why TBD), they migrated to Earth centuries before the start of DB, so “pureblooded” members don’t exactly exist anymore - though children are considered “full” Triclops regardless if they have a third eye. They weren’t biologically designed for fighting, so Amita doesn’t get much benefits from her alien blood in regards to combat. No Zenkai or deus-ex-mechina things like that.
Since the concept of ki is actively taught in Triclops culture, paired with their traditional style of martial arts, Amita knows what ki is and is able to use it competently (unlike most average humans), so she can fly and shoot ki blasts. She’s also a lot stronger than the average Earthling, but isn’t anywhere near the ridiculous heights the main cast characters have reached.
Age-wise, Amita’s in her early thirties. As for what her height is, I say she’s about 5′6″ / 167cm. Her weight is around 160 lbs / 72 kg, from a combination of developed muscles and fat. In her backstory she went through a depression bad spell for Reasons and stopped regularly training & exercising for a few years, so she’s not as in shape as she was in her early adult/teen years. Vegito ofc has helped her get somewhat back into routine since they do train together often.
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jewishhgirl · 3 years
Lod, central Israel, May 2021.
First- a preface
Lod consists of striving young and older communities. The town is small and has a real family feeling to it. Many of us came to live here in order to live side by side with the local residents, to send our children to school with theirs and to continue building the town with them. In the last 25 years the Garin community has grown and expanded to 4 different neighborhoods, Neve Zayit (our community) being the original Garin community.
We came to live here knowing that Lod is a mixed Arab-Jewish town and as such has many challenges to face. Until this week we felt that the coexistence in Lod was really working. In the past few days, a lot has changed.
As we are sure you have heard, riots have erupted in many places in Israel.
And Lod particularly has suffered a lot.
Most of the city is quiet for most of the time. The riots we hear about occur mainly in the mixed neighborhood of Ramat Eshkol and nearby neighborhoods in the northern part of Lod and on nearby roads.
The events began on Monday and intensified the following nights to include live shooting, rock throwing and stabbings
A lot of the riots are around the mixed Ramat Eshkol neighborhood where there is a strong community of the Garin Torani, numbering about 70 families scattered in the neighborhood. They had never experienced such a nationalist brawl before.
The escalation began when the rioters began smashing windows and burning new public buildings (municipality, museum), the Mechina building and the Talmud Torah (elementary school) at Ramat Eshkol and burning cars. Police were called time and time again, but did not arrive. At that time, there was a community evening for students at a community center in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood. They were besieged and could not get out. It took a few hours until they were finally taken away with police escort.
Riot gangs became bolder and Jews felt the need to protest. At midnight Monday, a community protest was organized from the Neve Nof neighborhood which boarders with Ramat Eshkol. The rioters reached them and started throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at them. The Jewish protesters called the police and begged them to come but no one came. They felt totally abandoned at this time. Meanwhile, vehicles were also damaged as the rioters approached the Jewish neighborhood.
At this point some of the protesters felt they were in a life-threatening situation and fired into the air. The shooting did not drive the rioters until one of them was killed by gunfire. It is not clear at this time how.
Only at this point did police arrive and after a quick investigation the shooters were arrested and have been in custody since then. Today (Thursday) they have finally been released.
The death of the Arab of course stirred the street even more. The next day, 10 cars belonging to Jewish residents were burned .
The funeral on Tuesday afternoon. Everyone foresaw that it would cause riots. Some families felt the need to evacuate their homes and leave town for a while. Everyone who decided to stay in the neighborhood locked themselves in the house.
As expected, during and after the funeral, an Arab riot broke out in the area. Although the police increased their forces and set up checkpoints to prevent friction in the area of the funeral, there was no guard and patrol in the neighborhood itself and throughout the city.
By chance, our community (the Neveh Zayit community -located in the Jewish, southern area of the city) planned a “Hachnasat Sefer Torah” for the synagogue. The event included a procession despite the situation. The organizers were promised police escort for the front and rear of the procession. Of course no escort came, except for a motorcycle supervision. The event was really merry, with music and a crowd as happy as ever, as, ironically, a funeral procession and riots took place on the other side of the city, mainly in front of police officers.
I won't bore you with more elaborated descriptions of the following nights. Sufficient to say that as of now, night time brings terror to many areas of the city.
During the days the town is relatively quiet, but we feel the tension arising as the day goes on as we know that as soon as the sun sets the riots will start again.
Last night (Wednesday) there was a curfew all over town between 8 pm and 4 am. Some of us imagined that people would be forced to stay at home which would, hopefully calm things down. How wrong we were. The riots started again, as did the sirens and the additional forces that were sent did next to nothing to stop them. What did stop rioters and lifted everyone’s spirit were the hundreds of volunteers from all over the country who came to support Lod and patrol it’s streets to keep guard.
As the night falls again and more news of fights all over the city reach a new level, we can only hope that not only will things calm down, but that the Lod we know and love will return.
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patricksilverrose · 4 years
Current Music Obsessions: February 2021
February was a bit of a slow month in terms of obsessions. I did crack down on my watch later list though, so hopefully I'll be more up to speed with new releases lol. But let's see those honorable mentions.
Mechina - Siege feat. Anna Hel (Conflict)
Vola - Head Mounted Sideways
Vangloria Arcannus - The Prayer
Tahne - Like Me Like You
The Advent Equation - Patterns of Spiraling Reality
Cryptosis - Prospect of Immortality
The Nocturnal Affair - Beyond the Wall of Sleep
Blame - War
D - Sleeping Beautiful Beast
Sabbath Assembly - Ascend and Descend
Spectrum X - Dead Burger King
Ad Inferna - Vers d'Autre Cieux
Phantom Elite - Glass Crown
Ruins of Elysium - Atlas
Witchcraft - В твоём море
In the Burial - DoSAvastR
Vintersea - Crack of Light
Alexandra Martin - Astray
Ani Lo Projekt - Fly with Me feat. Michael Thionville
Within the Ruins - Black Heart
Dear Mother - 12 Years in Exile
Enemy Inside - Crystalize
And now for the songs I was truly obsessed with.
Monica Naranjo - Doble Corazon
I got recommended this song on one of my reaction videos to her and holy tits is this song epic. It's slightly chaotic, but that's why I love it. It's dramatic, beautiful, powerful, fun, chaotic. And don't get me started on that video. She looks divine.
Neopera - An Eternal Night
This comeback has been one that I've waited on for YEARS. I remember discovering them through earMusic when the lyric video for Destined Ways came out and was blown away then, and now I'm blown away again with this new single. They have a new soprano, but their baritone Thorsten is still in the band. This song is so gorgeous and shows just what the singers are capable of and the power of their voices.
Rebecca Black - Friday (remix) feat. Dorian Electra, 3OH!3, and Big Freedia
This is some chaotic gay shit that I didn't know that I needed and I absolutely love it.
Epica - Rivers
This is the ballad off of Omega (which I haven't listened to just yet, but I will later today) and it's really pretty. It doesn't top Tides of Time or especially Once Upon a Nightmare as their best ballad, but it's definitely a gorgeous one. It gives me a lot of Eurovision vibes for some reason when the chorus hits, which isn't a read.
Torn Between Two Worlds - The Beauty of Deception
Sarah Jezebel Deva is back to fronting a metal band! This is the spiritual successor to Angtoria and I am absolutely in love with this. God Has a Plan for Us All was a quintessential album for me as a teen and I'm so excited to see Sarah and Chris working together again. This is such a great first single and I cannot wait to hear more.
And that's it for February. I'm excited to see what I'll be obsessed with in March since I'm starting to check out new releases of the year now.
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incorrect-junji-ito · 5 years
Mechina: what’s your new years resolution?
Souichi: to be better than everyone
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spearxwind · 4 years
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OOF... i dont even have a theme for the major extinction characters sjlklfdhk. i dont.. i dont have most minor characters planned out even 
I WILL GIVE YOU HOWEVER, a song that’s been inspiring me for certain worldbuilding things (though i cant say much bc idk if itll end up showing in the story at all but you can have it!) 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XciV8HuNQLw  [it’s realm breaker, by mechina]
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Oh man, im influenced by a bunch of art and comics but i couldnt pin down specific inspirations for those haha
as for the more broad sense, i also have a bunch of things! significantly, physics and space. it might not look like it but i think a lot about the logistics of things and whatever rules would exist in my universes etc. it does suck sometimes bc it prevents me from doing things just for the hell of it, but i love applying knowledge to things. and space has always been something really close to me, my dad’s an astrophysicist so ive been exposed to all sorts of cool knowledge about it since i was a wee bab 
i also really really love metaphors and symbolism, but rather than take inspiration from things i just use my own personal symbolism x) i put a lot of myself in what i do. which.. i guess could be said for many artists too so its not too special haha
and also as with many other artists, i AM fueled by spite significantly. specifically 1. for the people who once thought or who still think id never be good to do art, or that id never get better at what i do. 2. for people who draw wings wrong (especially professional people? what’s wrong with you. im begging you to look at a bird) 3. for people and companies that make terrible designs with terrible decisions (they fuel me to do better than them) 4. for people who believe that the only way to be good at art and design is to make overly complex and visually charged, detailed designs with many colors/hues (all my ocs are fairly simple and have the most limited colors kffhk) 
im sure there’s a lot more but ive spent a lot of time writing this out already and i cant really think of anything else so i hope this is a good enough answer!! 
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god i do NOT have enough knowledge for this but what the fuck was up with the volturi lol. like fuckin, vampire goth club over there did nothing to change over hundreds of years, all of them still stuck in their medieval ways. i remember a plot point that was touched upon was that they had a specific person lure in a bunch of lost tourists through the sewer entrance so that the volturi could drink them and like ?? bro. how is this not investigated at any point, ever. like a shit ton of tourists just disappear ??? all the time?? and no one gives a fuck?? no investigation?? what do they do with the bodies?????
also, they were willing to blast the carlisle family into fucking orbit over Turning A Child (tm) into a vampire, but they had absolutely no qualms about vampire wars/soldiers where a lot of people were irresponsibly turned into neophytes for their strength (like jasper) or people who turned others just for the fuck of it or bc theyd have sickass powers (like benjamin. that was the sole reason for benjamin being turned. bc the dude could feel that benj would have cool powers and he absolutely did... he was a fucking avatar. controller of the elements. and he did absolutely jack shit in the books. im still so mad) 
but yeah anyway the volturi are big hypocrites. got nothing to say about their lifestyle and aesthetic tho bc italians just be like that
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his horns and the spikes on his forearms and tail are rly solid and rly pointy so theyre about as dangerous as a solid, pointy big thing can be
the spikes on his neck and back are a lot softer though. theyre flat scales and are probably bendy, but still sturdy. they don’t have edges or anything so you wont be sliced up if you touch them but touching them is probably not too comfortable
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alex would probably be a crocodile tbh! it’s one of the things i based his dragon form off of for the latest iteration, and i just think it fits him a lot (also its funny that crocodiles are water creatures but alex has a Big Dislike of water)
also i literally cannot see adri as anything other than a snake sklhfsdk. its what he is!! this is like asking someone’s favorite color but not letting them choose their actual favorite. do you want me to lie? do you want me to say something not true??
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Honestly i always loved deer but refused to acknowledge it, especially to myself, and much less thought about having one as a sona bc “prey animals are lame” was rly prevalent in my circles for the longest time. everyone was a dragon or a wolf etc bc they wanted to be cool and so did i but i never vibed with it it took me a rly long time to just accept that i rly liked deer haha and i think what made me decide on it in the end was ‘well i can make a deer more monstery if i wanted to, i have that power’ and so i did  then later i tied the whole ‘wrong deer’ aesthetic to my own personal symbolism of always being picked on by many until i got sick of it and learned to stand up for myself. my sona is something that’s not for people to prey on anymore, and so am i c:
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honestly? ive never thought about it. im not too knowledgeable about dnd still so i dont think id be able to do them justice
ive thought about making dnd encounters based off of my ocs thought (like, how their powers would work turn/mechanic wise) but if i ever did i dont think id use them or talk about them :’) 
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jkdg gosh thats so sweet thank you sm!! im so happy you enjoy my stuff :’DDDD 
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WELL, in no particular order: 
1. several glass bottles 2. bei’s pet golem sierra (they got her back though) 3. a knife or two probably 4. an air conditioning remote 5. do sewer rats count? sewer rats. besides all the other rats i mean 6. homeless man who tried to rob his store at gunpoint 7. the gun  8. drank a bottle of cyanide once 9. a motorcycle (as collateral damage) 10. tbh he will eat any creature he finds while walking around that’s small enough to fit in his mouth and no one can rly stop him
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DISGOSTING!!! not even bc of the flavor i rly dont care abt that but bc like... warm pineapple... that’s the real crime 
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oh my gosh that’d be an honor tbh!! I’m not sure if i’d be a big help since i might be tied with school stuff at the time, but id definitely love to try!! ty!! 
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osleyakomwonkru · 4 years
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Stronger Than Before: The Healing of Octavia Blake A Season 6 Playlist (Spotify link here)
Mechina - “Ode to the Forgotten Few”  “Surrounded by an endless sky Listen to its heartbeat echo Like distant thunder Bound to sleep for countless years Never troubled by our human tears Have we forgotten what it means to be human?"
Jacob Lee - “Demons” “I thought my demons were almost defeated But you took their side And you pulled them to freedom They know my secrets and won't let me go"
Three Days Grace - “Fallen Angel” “How did you stay so strong? How did you hide it all for so long? How can I take the pain away? How can I save a fallen angel?"
Five Finger Death Punch - “Wrong Side of Heaven” “Arms wide open I stand alone I'm no hero and I'm not made of stone Right or wrong I can hardly tell I'm on the wrong side of heaven And the righteous side of hell"
Icon for Hire - “Supposed to Be” “Tell me who I'm supposed to be now Make me better I can't stay halfway dead forever I fear now There's not much left of me When you take the sick away Who am I supposed to be?"
Beth Crowley - “Don't Think Just Run” “So deep breath in You're meant for this Everyone wants to know If you're the answer they've been searching for All eyes on you So much to prove Whoever you were back then You won't ever be again Remember how far you've come Don't think just run" Tonight Alive - “World Away” “This is not my punishment This is my catalyst for growth I know I will survive this I'll be the strongest person I know"
Really Slow Motion - “Unbroken” “Though my memory's haunted My hope remains undaunted Stronger than before Through all your lies spoken I remain unbroken Stronger than before”
Lisa Miskovsky - “Why Start A Fire” “Who's going to save us now if we won't I don't want to hurt tonight There is much good in me and there's much good in you So we got to save tonight 'Cause they won't"
Lunatica - “Heart of a Lion” “Don't you keep waiting You can't hold her tight She's a leaf in the wind She's broken her chains“
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maticide666 · 5 years
20 questions
(“rules”: answer 20 questions and then tag 20 people you want to get to know better
so @disqualified-as-human and @neysluvaraproduct tagged me to do this shit. and @haatari tagged me as i was doing this shit apparently. thanks y’all!
1) Nicknames deth. i’ve also been called “thot” and “thong” on discord because nicknames are a thing. or Mathias if you’re into that real name shit.
2) Zodiac sign Aquarius
3) Height 153cm/5′0
4) Hogwarts house Slytherin
5) Last thing I googled “bang energy drink flavors”
6) Favorite musicians well shite, you mean actual people? does Klemens Hannigan count? also Jari Mäenpää and Teemu Mäntysaari from Wintersun, Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater, Timo Kotipelto from Stratovarius, and Alexander Rybak. (if you mean bands, then Wintersun, Megadeth, Stratovarius, Týr, and uhhhh idk that one award-winning, anti-capitalist, BDSM, techno dystopian performance art group whose name I can’t remember lol)
7) Song stuck in my head Þú munt hata by Hatari. i should find the actual best live version and update my Hatari playlist. also By the Light of the Northern Star by Týr.
8) Following 204
9) Followers 310 (yeah idk how either)
10) Do you get asks not really, asks are open if anyone wants to ask me anything
11) Amount of sleep 6 hours (and a shit ton of caffeine). yes i’m working on trying to sleep more and regularly
12) Lucky number 6, 13, 17, and 571 i guess
13) What are you wearing a tank top and shorts bc i just showered lol
14) Dream job drummer for a death metal band
15) Dream trip northern Finland, Iceland, Moscow once Russia gets their LGBTQ+phobia bullshit taken care of, maybe Antarctica as a researcher during the winter
16) Instruments played clarinet back in middle and high school, attempted guitar and it didn’t work out
17) Languages English and Spanish (both native), four years of Latin, attempted French and Russian (lol can’t hold a conversation in either). i’m also considering picking up Icelandic
18) Favorite songs this is a tough one. let’s go with (in no particular order) Klámstrákur by Hatari, Land of Snow and Sorrow by Wintersun, By the Light of the Northern Star by Týr, Holy Wars... The Punishment Due by Megadeth, and Cryoshock by Mechina
19) Random facts i collect those tabs on soda cans, i want to climb another mountain in the next five years, and i am unemployed at the moment
20) Aesthetic uhhh either soft and blue/purple/pink kinda like Wintersun or edgy black/red. there’s not much in between
I tag uhhhhhhh i can never figure out who to tag and it’s almost 2 am so if you see this consider yourself tagged.
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explosionshark · 4 years
2! 3! 8! 10! 22!
2. One band you always come back to?
hmm, there’s a quite a lot, actually. but the last couple years i’ve been really back into the birthday massacre. they put out a record in 2020 at like the start of the pandemic that really helped me get through some tough times and it pushed me back into their whole discography. they’ve been so consistently good for so many years!
3. What is/are your favorite song(s) atm? 
mechina - shock doctrine
spiritworld - night terrors
night club - gossip
katatonia - behind the blood
sincerely - y2k
8. Favorite quote or song lyrics? 
ugh, okay i’m sorry - amanda palmer - ampsersand resonated with me very hard when i was like 18 and it still does today.
I have wasted years of my life Agonizing about the fires I started when I thought that To be strong, you must be flame retardant
10. Most underrated musician in your opinion 
have no fucking clue why the machinist haven’t blown up when their debut LP was one of the best records i’ve heard in like a decade, easy
22. Songs that describe you/your life? 
16 - me and the dog die together
music asks
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So this week I blocked some guy on deviantart who followed me for a long while. Like ever since I began in 2014. I admit I do regret that I haven’t done it sooner but I think that I learnt a few lessons from the entire experience
1) that blocking people isn’t reserved for porn bots or The True Scum of the Earth(tm). If someone is being rude and doing something tedious and isn’t listening to my complaint than I really don’t own them a thing.
That guy and I didn’t agree on many things but he wasn’t necessarily a bad person. But he was very tactless and dense minded and his habit of writing irrelevant negative comments on my art really made me annoyed and especially the fact that even though I told him twice to not leave those kinds of comments on my art he didn’t litsen
2) the interaction with him reminded me the that not everyone goes into discussions with the same mindset. There are those who come open minded or at least willing to litsen and those who see it as a contest.
I remember I had a lot of disscusions with that guy about anime and nerd stuff and art in general and again he and I had a lot of differing opinions. Which is fine, not every person has to agree on every single thing but whenever I presented my opinion he either ignored it and stopped replying or just shoved his opinion in my face without regarding mine. I still remember that we had a discussion about meaning in anime (with him taking a stance that not everything in art has a meaning) and after a year later he replied to that thread with a godamn essay about how not every show has a deep meaning and he used dragon ball as an example. I never replied to it.
I went to the Mechina (premillitary college) this year and I met people my age who were willing to litsen despite differing opinions . Granted it wasn’t perfect because were still like 18-20 years old but it made me realize how crucial it is to have meaningful dialogue and how shitty his behavior was. And he was like in his like in his mid twenties.
For four years that guy did not change. More specifically his behavior towards me didn’t change. It was a pretty bitter reminder that he is not the first person I met with shitty dialogue making skills and that he will not be the last.
3) its really important for me to sorround myself with people who’ll do me good And I’m not just talking about people with similar tastes or worldviews- I’m talking about about people who have ambitions, who are open to discussions and that are in general good influences. I met a lot of people like that this year and I hope it won’t be the last time and in addition- it’s important to keep those connections tight.
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astyle-alex · 6 years
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Book Review: LIFE L1K3 - Jay Kristoff
RATING: 4 Stars (Out of 5)
Well. A little bit of "I,Robot", a little bit of "Bladerunner", a whole lot of "Mad Max", and just enough "I am Legend" to be both awesome, and to make me want to scream... Full Disclosure, people: THE DOG DIES.
That is the one spoiler I think should be advertised, more like a trigger warning or an age rating than a spoiler (TBH, 'does the dog die [.] com' is the only movie review website that matters in any way). I'm hoping the dog comes back in book two (I don't care if it's deus ex mechina, or what, because DOG... and, seriously, what's the point of having a dog that's only alive because of a little bit of brain matter and six inches of spinal cord if it can't came back from the 'dead'?)... Great female friendship, fabulous non-traditional representations of being female, excellent commentary on what it means to be human. It fell victim to the thriller vibe, just a bit towards the end, but honestly it was handled in a really interesting way - a little bit of a stretch on the believablility aspect, but not too bad and it set up a really intriguing start-point for the sequel. And it gives out a well-reasoned and intriguing excuse for the whole seemingly typical teen-trope of obsessive love-ish-ness and renders it an interesting discussion point from an aspect of legitimate child and AI psychology. Also: SO. MANY. LITERARY. REFERENCES. The more you've read and the wider the variety in the material you're familiar with, the more constant the bombardment with references and it was AWESOME. Subtle and exceptionally well layered. I loved it. Lots of epic. I refuse to give it 5 stars though (Dog. Die. No bueno.), but it's definitely a good one.
Parental Advisories: No on-screen sexual content (2 mild mentions / fade-to-black moments), fair on-screen violence content and mild cyber-punk contingent body-horror.
Potential Triggers: Nothing overtly significant, mild body disphoria.
Appropriate for: Mature 14~15 year olds, and up.
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