#medical imaging system
800db-cloud · 25 days
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i’m literally shaking buy them brown contacts pls
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er-cryptid · 1 year
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Circulatory system of the lower arm and hand
Human Body Museum Panama City Beach, Florida
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thedrotter · 2 months
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a once in a lifetime miracle: oc art!! this is Shiva.
doodles from a month or so, but i cant really draw properly right now. but i wanted to do something meanwhile so i colored these :33
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bonefall · 2 years
Tribe of Rushing Water Redux
It’s probably impossible to completely "fix” the Tribe, but here’s my attempt at making it a fully realized culture from which the clans broke off from, instead of a primitive imitation.
Notably, the Tribe is actually the root of cat civilization in this geographical area. The Sisters, the Guardians, and the Clans could all trace their histories to the Tribe, many, many generations ago.
First of all, there are now three different ‘colonies‘ on the mountain, all of them touching the river that flows from the cave spring. There’s the Cave Wards which is the one seen in the books, the Stone Wards down the waterfall, and the Valley Wards at the foot of the mountain facing the lake territory.
A colony is to a Ward what a camp is to a Clan, only with much higher populations. There are no boundaries and cats move freely between colonies. Only the Cave is closely guarded; reserved for Tribe members, grand celebrations, and honored guests.
Combined, the three Wards make up the collective known as the Tribe of Rushing Water, because of their shared connection to the waterfall.
The Cave Guard and Prey Hunter roles have been eliminated completely. The path of a To-Be is not decided in childhood. Instead, there are many types of specialized hunter, and a To-Be spends their adolescence learning from many different cats.
The mountain has a bounty of species, so cats typically live in the camp closest to their chosen prey’s habitats. In its rivers are crayfish, char, ducks. In the caves are bats and insects. Eagles roost in the peaks, and twolegs leave their sheep out to graze. The terrain makes hunting hard and risky, but provides enough to support many skillful hunters, if they work together.
Eagle and sheep hunters take on the most difficult, dangerous, and rewarding prey the highlands have to offer, and are highly respected as a result. Such cats are usually trained after they’re already accomplished hunters of more common prey.
As a result of this extreme cultural emphasis on hunting, they do not have ‘fighters.‘ Attacking other cats is a massive taboo, akin to making prey out of them. Most insults involve telling another cat to starve or be hungry, and implying that no one will hunt for them when they’re old.
Healing and Spirituality
There is still one Stoneteller; but the Tribe is democratic. Stoneteller is technically a religious figure, not a political one.
There is a fleet of medics, and the Stoneteller has a constant stream of cats visiting them to learn or seek advice. For this purpose, the Teller of the Pointed Stones relinquishes their mortal name, and accepts a special power from the Tribe of Endless Hunting; they’re completely invulnerable to illness, heat, hunger, and cold, and their ancestors can speak through their body.
The new Stoneteller does not need to be trained for their role. As soon as the old Stoneteller passes away, the oldest medic accepts the role and is trained by the old Stoneteller’s spirit.
Death comes for this nearly invulnerable cat only after their body completely stops working. Being killed is the only way to end a Stoneteller’s tenure early; and it’s an ‘early‘ death if these cats die in their 20s; average age of death is mid-30s.
This is the hardest part for me. Up until this point I’ve just been building the culture out, but one of the worst problems of the books was the fact the Tribe was unable to sustain itself and the Clans had to rush in and save them from nearly everything, particularly physical threats like invaders and Sharptooth. I’m not sure how to tackle that from within the Tribe without also making the Tribe a battle culture...
And, well, I don’t want to do that. I’d like for the Tribe to remain a largely peaceful entity that’s been kept safe for surviving in such a harsh environment that simply doesn’t get invaded often... They have an emphasis on cooperation and hunting, not combat. I do NOT want to ‘fix‘ them by making them into a 6th clan.
That said, I don’t want to completely remove TNP’s Sharptooth or PO3′s Tribe Invasion plotlines either. The Tribe and Clan should be equal, and that does mean that Clan cats have a skill the Tribe cats don’t, just as the Tribe has skills the Clan cats don’t.
So... below are my working ideas.
The Tribe is more connected to the Clans for a while, sending a few of their numerous medics to help teach the medicine cats about their new environment, even lending a hunter or two. For Flick’s invaders, they request combat aid on purpose, not because they’ll be destroyed without the Clans, but because they’ll be a big help. And for Sharptooth? He was a supernatural force, not a random cougar in England the Tribe inexplicably couldn’t deal with.
KEEP IN MIND these are working ideas. If these ideas still invoke discomfort in a way I can still fix without just straight up deleting the Tribe, I’m extremely open to changes here.
oh fugg a gougar
Sharptooth is a curse, and the newest mortal form of the creation deity who previously appeared as One Eye at the Dawn of the Clans. The Tribe has killed him several times before (possibly in different forms- a hog, a bear, a human), but not before Sharptooth slaughters several hunters. “A Silver Warrior“ is fated to break this cycle.
What they DON’T know is that by ‘breaking the cycle‘ this just means that Sharptooth’s next target is going to become the Clans (either the Tribe didn’t know either, or Stoneteller purposefully didn’t relay that half of the prophecy to anyone). He is a god and doesn’t die like mortals do. The cat who landed the final blow on One Eye was from the mountains; so he haunted the mountains. Since Feathertail was from the clans, he will now haunt the clans.
But anyway, that’s a plot device for me to hold onto. I’m undecided on if this means he’ll haunt the Lake or the Forest from now on; either way it’s moot because he wouldn’t be back for several series’ worth of books and I hopefully won’t still be in this fandom in 30 real, additional human years
Flick’s Rogues
After training the clan’s medicine cats, the medics of the Tribe and their hunters leave for home; but are followed by a group of rogues. The Tribe is open to welcoming outsiders, but the rogues set down borders, stole prey from hunters, and eventually attacked the Valley Colony directly; forcing its cats to retreat up-stream.
The Stone and Cave Wards are able to defend their positions, and given enough time they’d outlast and drive the invaders out, but why risk so many lives to do it alone? The Tribe votes to request the help of the Clans knowing their whole culture revolves around warfare and they’d be good at handling this sort of thing.
After all, what else are allies for? The Clans are taken aback by the boldness of just... asking for help (as their culture obviously has an issue with ‘admitting weakness’) but they won’t say no. In fact, they’re a bit taken aback by the way the Tribe is so relaxed about the whole thing; RiverClan and ThunderClan fought a multi-generational war over some rocks and the Stone Wards are ready to play the long game and wait for winter to freeze their enemies to death.
“Why even ask for help if you have it covered?“
“...why would we not? We could just wait, but we’d have to hunt twice as hard on the rest of our land, and we don’t want them to suffer and die over several months either if you can just help us send them on their way.“
Anyway, that’s what I’m planning thus far. It’s particularly difficult to not just completely nuke the Tribe, but here it is, gutted with its bones completely intact. STILL, if anyone has input or ideas or thinks a particular aspect is still sus, hit me up and I’ll do what I can to fix it.
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schar-aac · 8 months
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a simply drawn pink and white uterine system with red uterine lining and red splotches on other parts of it.
requested by anonymous
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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To the Bone
Our bodies are served by a double supply network – our blood carries important cells and chemicals to distant tissues, while our lymphatic system keeps fluids balanced, siphons off waste and helps immune cells slosh into place. The two systems complement each other, but in some tissues they’re difficult to spot and in bones, the lymphatic system has remained elusive. Here, using gentle pattens of lasers, light-sheet microscopy allows researchers to peek inside this mouse’s knee joint, and pinpoint the lymph vessels (highlighted in blue) in the surrounding bone (purple). The team find that certain types of stress cause lymphangiogenesis –a growth which expands the lymphatic system’s support for healing bones that's often dulled in old age. Researchers hope targeting the genes and proteins involved may help the lymph to continue guiding bone regeneration in older human limbs.
Written by John Ankers
Video still from work by Lincoln Biswas, Junyu Chen and Jessica De Angelis, and colleagues
Tissue and Tumor Microenvironments Group, MRC Human Immunology Unit, MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Cell, January 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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bookwyrmbran · 2 years
The Situation: I've managed to either subluxate or dislocate my wrist, and all three wrist braces on premises contain polyester, which I am allergic to. Accessing treatment is taking more time than it should and I really ought to be wearing a brace in the mean time. I could purchase one, except....
The Complication: Neither duck duck go nor google are being super helpful! I have tried a variety of searches and operators but my screen spoons are small and typing one handed is exhausting. So I'm turning to the Great Crowdsourcing for aid!
The Quest: Find a wrist brace that does NOT contain polyester.
Maybe you already know where to find this thing, which would be awesome. Maybe you know other people who deal with similar issues who could point me in the right direction. Maybe you don't but are willing to boost this in hopes of finding someone who does! Any help is welcome, here, I have faith that by our powers combined we are in fact better at this than Google.
Thanks, and good questing!
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en8y · 2 years
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i hope yall saw this coming. coven-based titled sos terms.
construct system (constr- or -struct): a gender connected to being a [xyz] construct; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, abomination aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the abomination coven. can be Abominable-in-Nature (ABOMiN) and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
musician system (musi- or -cian): a gender connected to being a [xyz] musician; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, bard/music aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the bard coven. can be Music-in-Nature (MUSiN) and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
animal system (ani- or -imal): a gender connected to being a [xyz] animal; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, animal/beastkeeping aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the beastkeeping coven. can be Animalistic-in-Nature (AMLiN), Instinctant-in-Nature (INSiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
artisan system (arti- or -isan): a gender connected to being a [xyz] artisan; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, construction aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the construction coven. can be Solid-in-Nature (SOLIDiN), Geo-in-Nature (GEONiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
scout system (sco- or -out): a gender connected to being a [xyz] scout; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, emperor's coven/scouting aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the emperor's coven. can be Sanguirum-in-Nature (SURiN), Warfaren-in-Nature (WARiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
medic system (med- or -edic): a gender connected to being a [xyz] medic; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, healing/healer aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the healing coven. can be Doctor-in-Nature (DOCTiN), Nurse-in-Nature (NURSiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
deceptor system (decep- or -tor): a gender connected to being a [xyz] deceptor; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, illusionary aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the illusion coven. can be Changing-in-Nature (CHiN), Hypnocerics-in-Nature (HYPNiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
clairvoyant system (clair- or -voyant): a gender connected to being a [xyz] clairvoyant; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, prophecy aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the oracle coven. can be Kenochoric-in-Nature (KEiN), Ocularic-in-Nature (OCULiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
landscaper system (land- or -scaper): a gender connected to being a [xyz] landscaper; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, greenery/plantlife aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the plant coven. can be Kasvionan-in-Nature (KASiN), Wilderic-in-Nature (WILDiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
apothecary system (apothe- or -cary): a gender connected to being a [xyz] apothecary; this gender is connected to [xyz] aesthetics, potion/brewing aesthetics, and being part of, or made by, the potion coven. can be Liquid-in-Nature (LIQUiN), Potion-in-Nature (POTiN), and/or Magical-in-Nature (MAGiN), but doesn't have to be!
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sumitnews · 26 days
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er-cryptid · 1 year
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Lung and bronchial tree
Human Body Museum Panama City Beach, Florida
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simonh · 2 months
Utility of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis for Neurological Disorders
Utility of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis for Neurological Disorders by National Library of Medicine Via Flickr: Contributor(s): National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Medical Arts and Photography Branch. Publication: Bethesda, Md. : [Medical Arts and Photography Branch, National Institutes of Health], 1986 Language(s): English Format: Still image Subject(s): Plasmapheresis, Nervous System Diseases -- therapy, Consensus Development Conferences, NIH as Topic Genre(s): Posters Abstract: White poster with a multi-colored diagram representing neurons. A phone number is also given for further information. Extent: 1 photomechanical print (poster) : 71 x 56 cm. Technique: color NLM Unique ID: 101454392 NLM Image ID: C01016 Permanent Link: resource.nlm.nih.gov/101454392
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techbuji · 3 months
PACS Imaging Software | Avanttec Medical Systems
Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) have emerged as a game-changer in the ever-evolving healthcare technology landscape. This revolutionary software transforms how medical professionals manage, store, and share medical images within a hospital or healthcare facility. With its seamless integration into existing hospital systems, PACS Imaging Software has become an indispensable tool for teaching and research purposes, propelling the medical field to new heights. PACS Imaging Software, developed by companies like Avanttec Medical Systems, allows healthcare providers to store, retrieve, and distribute medical images like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs digitally, eliminating the need for physical films and facilitating seamless access to patient data. The software's ability to integrate with hospital information systems has empowered physicians, radiologists, and other healthcare professionals to access crucial patient information in real time.
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liquidplates · 4 months
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Innovating the Thermal Management System Market
Dive into our comprehensive thermal management system market offerings, meticulously designed to optimize performance across diverse applications. Explore our range of cutting-edge cold plate technology, crafted with precision engineering to deliver unparalleled efficiency in dissipating heat. From electronics to automotive, our solutions are tailored to meet the exacting demands of modern industries. Stay ahead with our innovative thermal management solutions, ensuring your systems operate at peak performance levels, regardless of the operating environment. Trust us to elevate your thermal management strategy to new heights.
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hk-1989 · 5 months
Embracing Innovation: Technology's Role in Modern Healthcare
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In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the concept of Embracing Technology has become more than just a trend—it's a necessity. As healthcare providers strive to deliver optimal care and improve patient outcomes, the integration of cutting-edge technologies has emerged as a pivotal solution. In this blog post, we'll explore how various technological advancements, from Electronic Health Records (EHR) to Telemedicine, are revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered and experienced.
Electronic Health Records (EHR) have transformed the way medical information is stored, accessed, and shared. By digitizing patient records, healthcare providers can streamline administrative processes, enhance communication between care teams, and ultimately improve the quality of patient care. With the click of a button, healthcare professionals can access comprehensive patient histories, medication lists, and diagnostic reports, enabling more informed decision-making and personalized treatment plans.
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Telemedicine represents another groundbreaking innovation in modern healthcare. Through the use of telecommunications technology, patients can now access medical care remotely, breaking down barriers to healthcare access and improving convenience for both patients and providers. Whether it's a virtual consultation with a primary care physician or a remote monitoring session for chronic disease management, telemedicine offers unparalleled flexibility and accessibility in healthcare delivery.
Medical Imaging Systems have also played a crucial role in advancing diagnostic capabilities and improving patient care. From high-resolution X-rays to sophisticated MRI machines, these imaging technologies provide healthcare providers with detailed insights into patients' internal structures and conditions, facilitating accurate diagnoses and treatment planning. With the latest advancements in medical imaging, healthcare professionals can detect abnormalities earlier, leading to better outcomes and improved patient satisfaction.
Automated Patient Management systems have emerged as a game-changer in healthcare administration. By automating routine tasks such as appointment scheduling, medication reminders, and billing processes, these systems help streamline workflows, reduce administrative burdens, and improve overall efficiency. With automated patient management, healthcare providers can focus more time and attention on delivering quality care and building meaningful patient relationships.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is reshaping the healthcare industry by connecting medical devices, wearables, and other equipment to the internet, allowing for real-time data collection, monitoring, and analysis. From wearable fitness trackers that monitor vital signs to smart hospital beds that adjust to patient movements, IoT technologies are revolutionizing patient care and safety. By harnessing the power of IoT, healthcare providers can proactively identify health issues, track treatment progress, and intervene quickly when necessary, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes and satisfaction.
In conclusion, Embracing Technology is essential for modern healthcare providers seeking to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care in today's fast-paced world. By incorporating innovations such as Electronic Health Records (EHR), Telemedicine, Medical Imaging Systems, Automated Patient Management, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into their practice, healthcare organizations can improve efficiency, accessibility, and outcomes, ultimately creating a more seamless and satisfying healthcare experience for patients and providers alike.
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jessicapinedaw · 5 months
Hyperspectral Imaging System Market Identifying Roles and Objectives In Coming Years till 2031
The most recent research study by The Insight Partners, “Hyperspectral Imaging System Market – Trends, Size, Share, and Growth to 2031,” offers a detailed market analysis covering market dynamics, growth opportunities, trends, and segmentation. Hyperspectral Imaging System Market predictions are presented in this report based on revenue size, CAGR, consumption, technologies, trends, and other…
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research-89 · 7 months
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