#medici giraffe
nickysfacts · 5 months
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Florence is another happy costumer of giraffe diplomacy!
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
req from @wolfxplush for either vance or lovette hcs and go that i say….. why not both?!?!
vance doesn’t really sweat being openly bi. not even in front of his peers. it’s part of who he is and in all honesty, a lot of queerness can be seen in (HIGHLY) stereotypical italian american dress wear. a silk shirt??? in public???? during the day?????yeah. no sweat for vance.
vance talks with his hands…. a lot. this proves to be difficult in shop class because it means he cannot also *work* with his hands when he’s gesticulating. more then once he has done a little hand motion with a tool and broken wherever project he’s currently fixing up.
doesn’t really mind his height. the ladies dig him because he’s pint sized and the fellas feel more masculine because he’s a short dude
HATES dogs. terrified of dogs. he’s very anti dog…. doesn’t mind cats though he’s just not big on pooches.
dances like no one’s watching which is good because no one should have to watch him dance. he can give you a twist, he can give you the mashed potatoes. anything more complex than that he looks like a newborn giraffe who is trying to avoid a sniper.
i wanna take just a small moment to FANGIRL over lovette. i love her so so SO much…. anyway
i feel like she’s got a good head on her shoulders.. at least compared to the other prefects. although that’s not exactly hard when they’re consistently taking advantage of their power
based upon your own hcs, i think what makes her unique as a prefect is her strong sense of justice, that comes from her autism even if her moral compass is a little flexible, she still maintains her duty to protect vulnerable students, especially the little kids.
she’s pretty well liked amongst her peer group because she’s not a massive stickler like the other prefects. the non cliques don’t mind her because she leaves them well enough alone. the greasers are pretty tight with her because of the services she provides. the nerds… don’t want to get bullied so they see her as a big ally. the jocks…. eh, it’s a pretty even split. the usual aggressors (COUGH damon, juri COUGH) don’t like her so much because she gets them in trouble. the smaller, less outwardly aggressive jocks like dan are pretty neutral toward her.
the nerds actually have an NPC inspired by lovette in their G&G campaign, “Mistress Lancelot” she’s basically like an iron golem, protecting their party from harm on their adventure. it’s really sweet…. the minifigure is less sweet. melvin didn’t have a base for a giant so she’s technically an orc.
i feel like the preps miss lovette a lot. especially parker and tad, i feel like those two make bonds super quickly and then get absolutely CURB-STOMPED when things get murky and friendships tail off. tad already wants to overthrow derby… maybe he could get lovette to come back when he does
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Arrival of the Medici Giraffe, 1487
I first heard a rumor that the great Lorenzo de’ Medici was gifted a giraffe by the sultan of Egypt and that there was to be a giraffe in Florence, a rarity in all the neighboring lands. I have never seen a giraffe before, and neither had my parents or my grandparents. The last giraffe to be seen was long before my time, and I had only heard tales of their magnificence. Cosimo desired a real giraffe but only ever had a wooden one. I wanted to see a real giraffe because this opportunity might never come again. I, along with my husband, had the honor of attending the presentation of the great giraffe and other exotic animals from the east. 
We stood in the back of the crowd while everyone from cardinals to merchants, noblemen and noblewomen, stood waiting to get a peek of this great beast, Lorenzo de’ Medici was sitting, looking proud, just waiting receive what he had been wanting for so long. One could smell perfume in the room. After a few moments, they then brought her in. Everyone became hushed, and a few people gasped. She had to have been the height of second story window. Lorenzo was very pleased. The rest of the crowd, myself included, were infatuated with her. Lorenzo the Magnificent now had his symbol of power and would be cemented as a great and powerful man. He kept her in a menagerie with other exotic animals.
The poor thing did not live for not much more than another year. I guess giraffes were not made to be kept, but to be left wild. I will always remember how she loved to nibble on treats given to her by the other noble people. My husband told me of her death while I was eating the breakfast that had just been prepared by our servant, a meal of porridge and bread. She had been kept in a barn and the tall thing got her head stuck in the rafters, and she subsequently snapped her neck and died in a panic. There would never be another giraffe in Florence in my lifetime. 
Belozerskaya, Marina. The Medici Giraffe : And Other Tales of Exotic Animals and Power. 1st ed. New York: Little, Brown and, 2006. (accessed November 20, 2022)
Field, Arthur. The Intellectual Struggle for Florence: Humanists and the Beginnings of the Medici Regime, 1420-1440. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017). (accessed November 3, 2022)
Machiavelli, Niccolò. History of Florence: Lorenzo de' Medici. Letter. Boston: 1882. From `The History of Florence', Vol. 1, Book 8, 36. https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/source/machiavelli-histflo-lorenzo.asp. (accessed November 3, 2022)
Padgett, John F., and Christopher K. Ansell, Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434, (American Journal of Sociology: The University of Chicago Press, May 1993). (accessed November 3, 2022)
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Vasari, Giorgio and da Faenza, Marco. Ambassadors pay homage to Lorenzo the Magnificent. 1556-1558, Pallazo Vecchio. JPG, http://www.freyasflorence.com/the-exotic-in-florence-the-medici-giraffe/. (accessed November 24, 2022)
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thingsidrawgohere · 7 years
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New Learnt: Medici Giraffe
Check out the rest of Learnt on my website, Cheap Paper Art, and consider supporting my Patreon in the source link.
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I oughta draw Lorenzo de Medici...
I've drawn enough cute/attractive historical guys, it might actually be more fun, to draw a caricatured chibi of an unattractive one! 😆
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thearcadiumarg · 3 years
Hopefully the Playhouse is the right place to be. Only one way to find out! Good luck!
"...It's the right...right spot to be." He murmurs. It takes him a moment, but he gets up and approaches the back wall first. He runs his fingers along the photos and can't help but tear up. "Hey...guys?" he whispers. "These...uh..." Jay chokes on the words. He laughs a little, staring at each photo. He wants to remember every detail of them. "Do any of you remember photo booths? Polaroid cameras? When...Chase was doing his journalist stuff, all he...all he ever used was a polaroid camera." With shaking hands, he turns the camera to face the wall, holding it to every picture individually. There's one of Chase, Jackie, and a man that appears to be Medici in an embrace. Another of Chase in a tree. One of Chase and Jackie...tenderly holding one another. To the left of that one, Henrik has Chase on his shoulders. They're both laughing. Mixed in with the photos of the past are images of Sunny with animatronics. A chameleon, a cat. Another with a kangaroo and a large, saber-tooth tigre. More of a giraffe, and a snake, and a wolf. So many animatronics that Jackie had yet to see. Jackie's heart drops when he catches sight of a polaroid dated 2016. He knows the photo well: New Years Eve, a kiss between he and Chase. However, Jackie's own face is etched out of the photo. The edges are water damaged...frayed. He smiles sadly and takes a step back. "He was still here...somewhere." J murmurs and falls to his knees.
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13 for the History ask :)
13. Fun fact?
For some reason I’m just thinking about the Medici giraffe so ... the sultan of Constantinople sent Lorenzo de’ Medici a giraffe in the mid 1480s? and it died because it hit its head on a doorframe :(
{ history asks }
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alwaysalreadyangry · 4 years
by Lucie Brock-Broido (hear her read it here)
In another life, he was Caesar’s pet, perhaps a gift from Cleopatra When she returned to Rome   Her hair salty and sapphired From bathing, the winged kohl around her eyes smudged     From heat.   In another life, he was from Somalia     Where he spent hours watching clouds In shapes of feral acrobats tipping along their tightropes Spun of camels’ hair and jute.     His eyes were liquid, kind.     His lashes each as long as a hummingbird’s tongue. His fetlocks puffed from galloping, his tail curled upward From the joy of feeling fleet across the tinted grasslands     And the gold savannahs there.              Do you find me colorful as well? Once, in another life in the Serengeti, he stretched his neck To feed on the acacia twigs, mimosa, wild apricot.     He was gentle and his heart was as long     As a human’s arm. At night, the others of his species hummed to each other across The woodlands there; no one knows how, exactly, to this day, But you can hear their fluted sounds.                Pliny the Elder wrote that, In the circus of the hunting-theatres of ancient Greece,     He would be safe.     He was considered among the curiosities. The House of the Medici found him novel, And he pleased them mightily.             Do you find my story pleasing, too? Even on the ship to France,             The sailors cut an oblong hole Through the deck above the cargo hold to allow his head     To poke safely through.     When he arrived they dressed him in royal livery To walk the seven hundred leggy kilometres     From Marseilles to Paris to be presented To the Queen     Who fed him rose petals from her hand. At Thebes, in the tomb of the Valley of the Kings, He was depicted in a hieroglyph, his forelegs gently tethered By two slaves with a green monkey clinging to his neck like a child Just along for the ride.             Do you think I have imagined this? In a woodblock, once     In an early-Netherlandish world, He is shown with a crocodile, a unicorn, and a wobbly man With a tail and prehensile feet.               Once, in Khartoum, He bent his neck low enough to take milk from a pewter bowl Held by a Sudanese farmer’s son.    Centuries later, In Piccadilly Circus, he was excluded from the Carrousel; Everyone favored him, but no one could climb that high.        If you come back from the other world, to this— The sky in Denmark, in its reticulated weathers, is inky               On most days in February now. In the Copenhagen Zoo they only name the animals who grow Old there, and, in this life, they called him            Marius but he was just a two-year-old.     In that moment was he looking at a gray, cobbled Steeple in the middle distance of a dome Or thinking of a time when his life was circled by a mane Of warmth in a bright Numidian sun? His belly was full And his eyes closed slightly   His lashes casting long     Pink shadows on his face.               Do you think I made this up? The attending veterinarian, Mads Bertelsen, shot him only once. He needed badly to be culled—his genetic type and character Replicated quite tidily enough already there, said Bengt Holst,     Director of the Zoo.   On that same day,     After mid-noon tea and biscuits at their schools, The Danish children were ushered to the habitat in the Gardens,     So they could learn firsthand   About anatomy. The keepers cut him open to reveal his neck, his tongue, his heart        (Which weighed just shy of twenty pounds). The children, wound in down, bound in bright wool scarves Which covered their open mouths with horizontal stripes, Were mittened, wide-eyed, curious.               Do you find me curious as well? When the Nordic dark settled in, so early, The children, blanketed in white, began to fuss at sleep, and cry. It would not snow that night. What is it in me       Makes me tell you of these sights.
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reading list - 600: technology
☐  601: PETROSKI, Henry – An Engineer's Alphabet ☐  608: de VRIES, Leonard – Victorian Inventions ☐  609: GREEN, Mike – The Nearly Men ☐  610: REILLY, Brendan – One Doctor ☐  611: ROACH, Mary – Stiff ☐  612: GODFREY-SMITH, Peter – Other Minds ☐  613: BOURBEAU, Andre-Francois – Wilderness Secrets Revealed ☐  614: JOHNSON, Steven – The Ghost Map ☐  615: BROCK, Pope – Charlatan ☐  616: STYRON, William – Darkness Visibile ☐  616: VAN der KOLK, Bessel A. – The Body Keeps the Score ☐  617: GAWANDE, Atul – Complications ☐  617: MOORE, Wendy – The Knife Man ☐  618: MICHAELS, Paula – Lamaze ☐  622: REECE, Erik – Lost Mountain ☐  623: RHODES, Richard – The Making of the Atomic Bomb ☐  623: SWINFIELD, John – Airship ☐  624: McCULLOUGH, David – The Great Bridge ☐  624: PETROSKI, Henry – Engineers of Dreams ☐  629: DUFTY, David – How to Build an Android ☐  629: WOLFE, Tom – The Right Stuff ☐  636: BELOZERSKAYA, Marina – The Medici Giraffe ☐  637: TUNICK, Michael – The Science of Cheese ☐  638: BISHOP, Holley – Robbing the Bees ☐  641: STEINGARTEN, Jeffrey – The Man Who Ate Everything ☐  643: BRYSON, Bill – At Home ☐  646: KAPLAN, Michael – The Best Time to Do Everything ☐  647: SARLOT, Raymond & BASTEN, Fred – Life at the Marmont ☐  653: GREGG, John Robert – Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified ☐  657: KING, Thomas A. – More Than a Numbers Game ☐  658: UNDERHILL, Paco – Why We Buy ☐  659: TUNGATE, Mark – Adland ☐  660: HUBBELL, Sue – Shrinking the Cat ☐  663: DONOVAN, Tristan – Fizz ☐  664: LÓPEZ-ALT, J. Kenji – The Food Lab ☐  666: McFARLANE, Alan & MARTIN, Gerry – Glass ☐  667: GARFIELD, Simon – Mauve ☐  669: WHORTON, James – The Arsenic Century ☐  674: PETROSKI, Henry – The Pencil ☐  676: HUNTER, Dard – Papermaking ☐  677: HART-DAVIS, Adam – String ☐  679: JEFFERS, H. Paul & GORDON, Kevin – The Good Cigar ☐  684: ABRAM, Norm – Measure Twice, Cut Once ☐  687: SULLIVAN, James – Jeans ☐  688: BENDER, Jonathan – LEGO ☐  690: WEARNE, Phillip – Collapse ☐  696: CARTER, W. Hodding – Flushed
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divinamscientiam · 5 years
For those who worried about Florence's standing in the world, Lorenzo's personal prestige only added to the credit of the city as a whole. He was a friend of kings, and now of popes, correspondent with all the mighty of Europe, who sought his advice on a wide range of subjects. Even the Ottoman sultan thought so highly of Lorenzo that he sent lions and giraffes to populate his private menagerie. In time he was called simply il Magnifico, the term of respect used to denote any person of wealth and rank, now clinging to him almost as a title and testifying to his unique claim on the loyalty of his people. His authority had been built over years of careful manoeuvring, but in the end, it rested on his countrymen's recognition that, in the phrase of one of his critics, Lorenzo was the greatest Florentine in history.
Magnifico: The brilliant life and violent times of Lorenzo de’ Medici, by Miles J. Unger
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markantonys · 5 years
my full and comprehensive medici s3 wishlist
francesco flashback
lorenzo’s giraffe
that’s literally it those are the only two things i want, if they’re both there the season will be an automatic 5 stars from me no matter what else happens, and if they’re not, 0 stars
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BTS WORLD TOUR: Love Yourself In Seoul (Film)
Abruzzo (1 - 2)
Lanciano (Cinema Ciak City) Montesilvano (The Space)
Matera (UCI Red Carpet)
Reggio Calabria (Multisala Lumiere)
Casoria (UCI Casoria) Castellammare di Stabia (Stabia Hall) Cava de’ Tirreni (Cinema Alambra) Marcianise (UCI Cinepolis Marcianise) Napoli (The Space) Pagani (Multisala La Fenice) Salerno (Cinema Apollo) Salerno (The Space)
Bologna (UCI Meridiana) Faenza (Cinedream Multiplex) Modena (Victoria Multiplex) Parma (The Space) Piacenza (UCI Piacenza) Reggio Emilia (UCI Reggio Emilia) Savignano Sul Rubicone (UCI Romagna)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Pradamano (The Space)
Guidonia (The Space) Roma (Multisala Barberini) Roma (The Space Parco de' Medici) Roma (UCI Parco Leonardo) Roma (UCI Porta di Roma) Roma (UCI RomaEst)
Genova (The Space) Genova (UCI Fiumara) La Spezia (Cinema Nuovo)
Assago (UCI Milanofiori) Bellinzago Lombardo (Arcadia Bellinzago) Brescia (Multisala OZ) Cerro Maggiore (The Space) Como (UCI Como) Milano (The Space Odeon) Milano (UCI Bicocca) Orio (UCI Orio) Paderno Dugnano (Cinema Le Giraffe) Pioltello (UCI Pioltello) Rozzano (The Space) Varese (Multisala Impero) Vimercate (The Space)
Ancona (UCI Ancona) Porto Sant’Elpidio (UCI Porto Sant’Elpidio) San Benedetto Del Tronto (UCI Palariviera)
Bra (Cinema Impero) Moncalieri (UCI Moncalieri) Torino (Massaua Cityplex) Torino (UCI Torino Lingotto)
Bari (UCI Showville) Molfetta (UCI Molfetta) Polignano (Multisala Vignola) Surbo (The Space)
Cagliari (UCI Cagliari) Quartucciu (The Space) Sestu (The Space)
Belpasso (The Space) Catania (UCI Catania) Messina (UCI Messina) Palermo (UCI Palermo)
Campi Bisenzio (UCI Luxe Campi Bisenzio) Firenze (UCI Firenze) Grosseto (Multisala Aurelia Antica) Lucca (Cinema Astra) Viareggio (Cinema Centrale)
Trentino Alto Adige
Bolzano (UCI Bolzano)
Corciano (The Space) Perugia (UCI Perugia)
Conegliano (Cinema Melies) - CINEMA CHIUSO Limena (The Space) Marcon (UCI Luxe Marcon) Mestre (UCI Mestre) Silea (The Space) Verona (UCI Verona)
(Questa lista potrà essere soggetta a modifiche quindi tenetela d'occhio!)
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themadscene · 3 years
In another life, he was Caesar’s pet, perhaps a gift from Cleopatra When she returned to Rome   Her hair salty and sapphired From bathing, the winged kohl around her eyes smudged     From heat.   In another life, he was from Somalia     Where he spent hours watching clouds In shapes of feral acrobats tipping along their tightropes Spun of camels’ hair and jute.     His eyes were liquid, kind.     His lashes each as long as a hummingbird’s tongue. His fetlocks puffed from galloping, his tail curled upward From the joy of feeling fleet across the tinted grasslands     And the gold savannahs there.              Do you find me colorful as well? Once, in another life in the Serengeti, he stretched his neck To feed on the acacia twigs, mimosa, wild apricot.     He was gentle and his heart was as long     As a human’s arm. At night, the others of his species hummed to each other across The woodlands there; no one knows how, exactly, to this day, But you can hear their fluted sounds.                Pliny the Elder wrote that, In the circus of the hunting-theatres of ancient Greece,     He would be safe.     He was considered among the curiosities. The House of the Medici found him novel, And he pleased them mightily.             Do you find my story pleasing, too? Even on the ship to France,             The sailors cut an oblong hole Through the deck above the cargo hold to allow his head     To poke safely through.     When he arrived they dressed him in royal livery To walk the seven hundred leggy kilometres     From Marseilles to Paris to be presented To the Queen     Who fed him rose petals from her hand. At Thebes, in the tomb of the Valley of the Kings, He was depicted in a hieroglyph, his forelegs gently tethered By two slaves with a green monkey clinging to his neck like a child Just along for the ride.             Do you think I have imagined this? In a woodblock, once     In an early-Netherlandish world, He is shown with a crocodile, a unicorn, and a wobbly man With a tail and prehensile feet.               Once, in Khartoum, He bent his neck low enough to take milk from a pewter bowl Held by a Sudanese farmer’s son.    Centuries later, In Piccadilly Circus, he was excluded from the Carrousel; Everyone favored him, but no one could climb that high.        If you come back from the other world, to this— The sky in Denmark, in its reticulated weathers, is inky               On most days in February now. In the Copenhagen Zoo they only name the animals who grow Old there, and, in this life, they called him            Marius but he was just a two-year-old.     In that moment was he looking at a gray, cobbled Steeple in the middle distance of a dome Or thinking of a time when his life was circled by a mane Of warmth in a bright Numidian sun? His belly was full And his eyes closed slightly   His lashes casting long     Pink shadows on his face.               Do you think I made this up? The attending veterinarian, Mads Bertelsen, shot him only once. He needed badly to be culled—his genetic type and character Replicated quite tidily enough already there, said Bengt Holst,     Director of the Zoo.   On that same day,     After mid-noon tea and biscuits at their schools, The Danish children were ushered to the habitat in the Gardens,     So they could learn firsthand   About anatomy. The keepers cut him open to reveal his neck, his tongue, his heart        (Which weighed just shy of twenty pounds). The children, wound in down, bound in bright wool scarves Which covered their open mouths with horizontal stripes, Were mittened, wide-eyed, curious.               Do you find me curious as well? When the Nordic dark settled in, so early, The children, blanketed in white, began to fuss at sleep, and cry. It would not snow that night. What is it in me       Makes me tell you of these sights.
—Lucie Brock-Broido (1956-2018)
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Horrible Histories should have done a Lorenzo de Medici skit! Mat Baynton would have been perfect, because he does those weird 'squinty' facial expressions (he's a pretty boy who can look 'ugly' when he wants to!) plus Lorenzo apparently, had a pet giraffe!!! 😆
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reignthedress · 4 years
Episode 102: Snakes In The Garden
Hello and welcome to Reign The Dress where we power rank the women of Reign based on the power in their dresses. This episode, dresses were very much central to the plot as one dress in particular staged a fake attempted murder. It still doesn’t take the prize for “Best Evildoing Dress” though.
8. Poison Dress (unranked last time, hopefully unranked next time)
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This dress doesn’t fit great and this plot point is silly
7. Blonde Two (+1)
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Is this even a speaking role?
6. Lola (-1)
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Didn’t see much of her this episode, she didn’t seem happy to be there. That white dress is pretty though.
5. Grier (+2)
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She found some cute dresses in the Bridesmaid section of Anthropologie this week. Though her style has slightly improved, the birds that braid her hair every morning went a bit wild this episode. Perhaps they give her these insane braids so we can tell her apart from the other blonde one. Bird Hairdresser: 2 Grier: 0
4. Kenna (+2)
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Top of the ladies in wait pack this week is Kenna. I like her seductive mermaid dress but she loses points for that orange flower thing. I think we are supposed to glean from her erratic style of dress that she is not afraid to make daring life choices.
3. Queen of Sass (unranked last time)
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Or Princess of Giraffes or whatever. This girl gives great side eye and has a fiery ensemble to match.
2. Catherine de Medici (+1)
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If I were scheming villainous schemes I too would want to do it in with satin batwings. Catherine wins “Best Evildoing Dress” this week by default since The Mistress didn’t make an appearance and the poison dress is too silly to count. 
1. Mary (-)
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I like Mary in a black power gown. Long may she reign.
Unranked this week:
Evil Mistress
Bag Head Ghost
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15 and 17 for the fic questions please
15.  A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be? Either “Io non ci credo, alle giraffe” (Skam Italia - Fairy Tale AU) or “Just Overwhelm Me” (I Medici - The Magnificent, Modern!AU) 17.   What fic are you most proud of? I’m proud of several: 1) Io non ci credo, alle giraffe (for not giving up and finish it, even if it took me more than a year) 2) Battiti (for writing more than 5,500 words in one day, which never happened to me again) 3) Fuck this shit (for the  ‘totally UNBIASED and truthful report about Niccolò Fares’ written by Martino <3 )
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