#medium support
vixivulpixel · 1 year
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Memedium support
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lanirawhoney · 1 year
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Powie and Power
I couldn’t resist lol
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danscarf · 1 year
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Medium Support for Cooper
Penelope wasn't informed that Carmelita went to this gym. Alternative of Carmelita because her chest fur is inconsistent.
This was posted on my Patreon and Ko-fi weeks ago. If you'd like early access and exclusive art you can support me there!
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egoroamer · 1 year
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sketch of new trend Medium support
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wwwjam · 1 year
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Referencing >this<
Seemed apt for a Mary and Beth pic, even if Kate would've been a fairer comparison for Mary.
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primed-burrito · 1 year
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Medium Support
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goodoldfisticuffs · 1 year
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Medium support demons
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maddoggoart · 1 year
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Medium Support
Jessica and Catherine finished cooling off after a workout.
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psycho-static · 1 year
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i did the twitter bra meme thingy teehee
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ryry-4444 · 1 year
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Талант Макото/Makoto's talent
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indragonsaur · 1 year
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decided to join the trend bc why not
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danscarf · 1 year
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More Medium Support
Early Access to a batch of medium support on Ko-fi and Patreon btw.
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egoroamer · 1 year
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i finished it , yeah. i love this sitama backstory
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2003-playground · 16 days
Can we stop using "still lives with their parents" or "unemployed" or "doesn't have a drivers license" or "didn't graduate high school" as an insult or evidence that someone is a bad person? Struggling with independence or meeting milestones is not a moral failing.
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disabledavocado · 2 months
maybe harsh take. but. shitting on people who can't care about selves. who live with parents. who rely on partners in 'basic' tasks. (yes even body care tasks). who got chores done for them. who don't work. is ableist. even if clarify 'this specific person isn't disabled.' it still perpetuates stigma. it still ableist.
say exactly what wrong. have they overstepped someone's boundaries? have they pressured someone into care? have they manipulated abused etc.? something else? point wrong behavior. n critique this behavior.
'they're 30 n live with parents' not bad behavior. 'their parent cut their nails' not bad behavior. 'they don't work' not bad behavior.
'but they're abled!' 1) you don't know for sure. can't know for sure. undiagnosed n invisible disabilities exist. not every undiagnosed individual able to take care of self. recognize undiagnosed n invisible disabilities existence not only when they look 'nice' for you. 2) it still contributes to stigma around needing care. disabled people often not seen as disabled. even if visibly disabled. every individual presumed abled because ableism. so disabled individuals will be shitted on because need care. because presumed abled.
to destigmatize needing care. have to destigmatize getting care. even if not see as 'reasonable' n 'justified.' can't destigmatize needing care if say 'getting care depending on others living with parents etc. is bad but disabled is exception.' because still stigmatize process of getting cared.
people don't need allowance n approval of society to get care.
(not say not call out bad behavior. ask call out bad behavior specifically. not stigmatized neutral things).
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lightning-system · 8 months
As a medium/lower support needs autistic who works with young higher support needs autistic:
We all matter. We all have the same diagnosis. We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
But we are not the same.
I can mask and might be seen as 'odd' or 'weird' in public. The students I work with are seen as 'dangerous' and 'practically little kids'.
I can go to university and work with accommodations. The students I work with likely will never live independently and a few might find jobs that support them but still pay them less than an abled worker.
I have full control of my finances. The students I work with aren't allowed to make independent financial decisions, even if capable.
If I say 'no,' I'm making a choice. The students I work with can't say 'no' without being labeled as defiant and difficult.
I can feed myself, bathe myself, and take care of myself with extreme challenges. The students I work with are unable to take care of themselves without high levels of support/one on one support.
I had an IEP in high school but was mainstreamed in classes. The students I work with take separate classes and some rarely get to interact with their abled peers.
Our experiences are fundamentally different. Higher support needs autistics will experience a specific type of ableism I never will, and can never fully understand.
Lower support needs autistics need to stop saying we understand what higher support needs autistics are going through and then present autism as only being disabling because of society/lack of acceptance because that is dangerous. We need to stop saying every autistic person is capable of everything if given the right support because that leaves out huge parts of our community who will never be able to do certain things, regardless of support.
We are worthy of existence regardless of our abilities.
Autism is a spectrum. It is not the same for every autistic person. Autism acceptance and advocacy has to come with accepting, acknowledging, and listening to our higher support needs peers.
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