sca3a · 2 years
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- Medjine. No last name, no address. Runs a clinic somewhere in Pacifica. She's hard to pin down, but heard she used to run with the Voodoo Boys. Netrunner of some kind.
- ... of some kind? She was the best. At least until the accident. Then she stopped, completely. Left the VDBs and became a ripper.
- Why'd they let her stay in Pacifica?
- Maman Brigitte has her back. Dunno why. Probably to keep her on a leash.
from archives of Beck Bednar, private investigator
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vanishingreyes · 3 months
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TIMING: Various. LOCATION: Various. SUMMARY: Just some snapshots of Xóchitl's life! CONTENT WARNINGS: Child death, implication of alcoholism. Also if you haven't read The Lottery by Shirley Jackson there's like, vague spoilers for that!
September, 1999.
She’d begged her moms to just let her stay home. School couldn’t be that important, and she wasn’t going to know anybody, and she’d never spoken English except for when they went out places and the people there didn’t speak Spanish or Haitian Creole. 
Those languages made her feel safe, feel wanted, feel steady.
Her parents had said she had to go, though. Education was important or whatever, and she supposed she should’ve expected that from a neurosurgeon and art curator.
Xóchitl still thought it was a dumb idea, and the frown in her ‘first day’ photo was enough to prove that. 
She’d gotten on her shirt and skirt, and her new PowerPuff Girl lunchbox (the lady at the store had said it was super cute, and so Xóchitl couldn’t resist getting one – or rather, begging her parents to get her one), and her fancy buckle shoes, and bright blue socks with lace around the cuff.
She’d been coaxed into smiling for one photo with the promise of being able to take Duvalin and watermelon Salsagheti. Which, of course, she’d taken, because she wasn’t stupid, and it made her moms happy to see her smiling, so it was an all-the-way-around win.
Soon enough though, it became clearly worth it. The little girl with bright blonde hair and an even brighter smile asked her to be friends and Xóchitl agreed right away.
July, 2001.
Mackenzie had declared popsicles the best part of summertime, and so Xóchitl agreed. She also liked swimming in the ocean and then devouring burgers and fries on the beach. The two of them were going to start second grade this fall, and Xóchitl knew it was going to be the best year ever, even without her friend saying so.
Which was like, totally forward-thinking and self-aware, right?
They were going to wear matching Billabong shirts three sizes too big for them and do their hair matching in braids. They were going to be twins all summer and also in the fall, and they’d for sure sit next to each other in class and Mrs. Walden would let them because she was nice, even if she was sort of old.
Xóchitl felt herself jerked out of her thoughts by Mackenzie’s words, melted popsicle covering her hands. 
“You can’t catch me!”
“I’m so gonna get you, just watch!” 
Running off barefoot. Happy.
Because being seven and turning eight next year was good. It was the best, and one day they’d go to college together and be roommates and then they could eat all the ice cream and popsicles that they wanted.
February, 2009.
“For a minute, no one moved, and then all the slips of paper were opened.” Mr. Vincent read the story out loud. It was a cold day, though it hadn’t snowed in weeks.
Xóchitl skimmed ahead, just barely, and felt her stomach drop.
Rocks. Used for killing.
“I – uh,” she felt her whole mouth go dry.
“I need to – uh. Go.” She shot up out of her seat and rushed toward the classroom door, ignoring Mr. Vincent’s calls of her name, ignoring the confused murmurs of her classmates.
She navigated her way through the school’s hallways before pushing the front door open and collapsing into herself on the front steps.
If Mackenzie had been here, they would have laughed about all of this. If she was here, it wouldn’t have been scary and stomach churning. But she wasn’t, and so it was.
She pulled out her phone and typed a quick text to her mothers:
Can you pick me up? Not feeling good.
Thankfully, Elena Reyes and Medjine Augustin-Reyes didn’t ask many questions.
She went through a whole box of popsicles that afternoon.
May, 2014.
The laurel branch tattoo was only semi visible under her sandal. Which was good. It meant Mackenzie was still mostly hers, but also a little bit everyone else’s.
Her first-year roommate in college had been a curly-haired red-head who smoked too much weed and listened to music at 2am. Her name had been Angela and she hadn’t been bad, but Xóchitl hadn’t realized just how disappointed she’d be that Mackenzie wasn’t her roommate, even eight-odd years on.
Still, they bought a world map together and Xóchtil did her best to sound interested when Angela talked about wanting to study abroad in China.
At graduation, Angela Simmons got an award for her senior thesis on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. Xóchitl congratulated her, and the two of them went out for drinks afterwards and wound up in Angela’s downtown apartment and Xóchitl left later that night smelling like oranges and whiskey.
May, 2021.
She’d never intended to get a doctorate, but it was something to do, something that kept her distracted.
She’d written her thesis on trauma and memory. Her advisor had called it ingenious.
Xóchitl thought it was ironic, given how many of her memories she pushed down as far as she could and how much of an expert she’d become at denying her own trauma.
The dedication page of the thesis read:
For Mackenzie.
I-ay ove-lay ou-yay..
– X
June 18th, 2024.
“We’re shutting down for the night.” It was Mackenzie’s birthday.
“I – okay.” Xóchitl wasn’t sure what time it was, she only knew that it was the worst day of the year.
She pushed herself up, grabbed her phone, and put money on the bartop. 
“You really should make a popsicle-themed cocktail. It’d sell well.” 
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presslakay · 28 days
Deux individus arrêtés dans l’assassinat de la policière Nathanielle Michel
Suite à l’assassinat de la policière Nathanielle Medjine Michel, le mercredi 28 août 2024, les forces de l’ordre ont procédé à l’arrestation de deux individus identifiés comme les auteurs présumés du crime. Il s’agit de la sœur de la victime et le mari de celle-ci. Au lendemain du meutre de la policière, Nathanielle Medjine Michel, à Delmas, plus d’un demeurent encore sous le choc en constatant…
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medjin · 3 years
Xe lăn giá bao nhiêu?
Tùy theo từng thương hiệu, mẫu mã, xuất xứ và chất lượng của xe lăn mà giá sản phẩm cũng có sự thay đổi khác nhau. Xe lăn có giá dao động từ 1 triệu đến 40 triệu.
Nếu bạn muốn mua những mẫu xe lăn vận hành bằng tay thì chỉ cần hơn 1 triệu đồng nhưng đối xe lăn điện bạn sẽ cần phải có ít nhất 10 triệu đồng.
Yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến giá của xe lăn1. Nguồn gốc xuất xứ
Trên thị trường hiện nay chủ yếu là sử dụng 2 nguồn gốc xe lăn đó là xe lăn nội địa sản xuất và xe lăn nhập khẩu. Xe lăn nhập khẩu vì phải chịu thuế và chất lượng cao cấp hơn nên thường có giá thành cao hơn xe lăn nội địa.
2. Thương hiệu
Xe lăn có rất nhiều các thương hiệu khác nhau như Akiko, Lucass, Eurocare,...mà mỗi thương hiệu lại có những tính năng khác nhau.
Xe lăn thuộc những thương hiệu nổi tiếng thì sẽ có giá thành cao hơn.
3. Loại xe
Thông thường thì xe lăn sẽ có 2 loại đó là xe lăn tay và xe lăn điện. Mỗi loại xe sẽ mang đặc điểm, hình thức cấu tạo, chất liệu, sự đa dạng và sự tiện lợi khác nhau, hướng tới các đối tượng khác nhau cho nên giá thành của xe lăn cũng có sự khác nhau.
Những chiếc xe lăn tay - di chuyển xe bằng cách dùng hai tay guồng vào vành của bánh xe, cho nên giá thành của xe lăn bằng tay sẽ rẻ hơn. Dòng xe lăn điện vận hành bằng nguồn điện ắc quy có giá thành cao hơn.
4. Đơn vị cung cấp xe
Những nhà cung cấp xe lăn chính hãng, uy tín sẽ có giá thành cao hơn bởi sản phẩm của họ chất lượng cao, có chế độ bảo hành, hậu mãi phía sau.
Vì xe lăn là sản phẩm ảnh hưởng đến sức khoẻ nên bạn hãy chọn những đơn vị cung cấp xe lăn chính hãng để đảm bảo chất lượng sản phẩm cho mình.
Nguồn bài viết: Thiết bị y tế Medjin
Link tham khảo: https://medjin.vn/tin-tuc/xe-lan-gia-bao-nhieu.html
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jasdiary · 2 years
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Revamped bio
“Oh man! My wind blew most of my flowers away!!”
Name : Zelda Marine Blakesley
Nicknames : Zel, Mari, The flowery bitch(Omari @twsted-princess ), Mini Mari(Ace), Mademoiselle Jardin Fleuri(Rook), Dolphin(Floyd), Petal(April @fumikomiyasaki )
Jp Va : Risa Taneda
En Va : Hayley Armstrong
Age : 15
Height : 158 cm
Homeland : Queendom of Roses
Birthday : August 17th 8/17
Zodiac sign : Leo
Species : Wolf Beast-woman
Hair Color : Hickory Brown
Eye Color : Moss Green
Gender : Female (She/Her)
Sexuality : Unlabled
Family : Unnamed Mother, Unnamed Father, Medjine Ricci(Older Sister), 3 Unnamed nieces, Ace Trappola(Cousin-In-Law)
Occupation : Student at NRC, Un-official flower keeper
Twisted From : The Big Bad Wolf
School Information
Dorm : Savanaclaw
School Year : First (Freshman)
Class : 1-D
Best Subject : Art
Worst Class : Enigmics
Club : Science Club
Dominant Hand : Right
Favorite Food : Jeyuk Bokkeum
Least Favorite Food : Scallops
Likes : Flowers(pink and purple specifically), Gardening, Fashion, Self care, Boxing,
Dislikes : Disobedience, Fire, Being caught off guard, Not being taken seriously, Leona/hj, Manipulation
Hobbies : Ikebana, Botany, Outsmarting others, Impersonations, Hairstyling
Personality : Zelda’s one of the nicest people in NRC and in Savanaclaw! She’s fashionable, sweet, and encouraging. She’s the type to say hello or good morning to her peers everyday. Zelda has a lot of love in her heart but…she’s surprisingly good at manipulating. This makes people lose trust in her but she would NEVER use any kind tactics on people she’s close with or don’t deserve it. It’s just something she’s sadly good at, which upsets her. Despite all that, Zelda’s a loyal person who’ll always strive for the bright side of things.
Unique Magic : Huff n’ Puff
“Don’t breath in or you’ll regret it, Huff n’ Puff!”
You may breathe in, but you mustn't breathe out. One whiff of the ever growing Oleander plants is bound to be a bad time. The longer you hold your breath, the longer Huff n' Puff will charge up and lead to a more effective outcome. Once you let go of your breath, the toxins will release from not only your lungs, but the Oleander plants. This causes those around to feel immense sickness and blindness for however long you held your breath.
She usually uses her UM because it helps plants and flowers grow more lively! As long as no one else is around.
Backstory :
Zelda had a normal childhood and upbringing, nothing was out of the ordinary or exciting. To Zelda, it was..boring. She needed something to do. Everything was just so static.
That’s how she became so sociable. Talking to people gave her fulfillment and simply changing up her hair or outfit reminded her that everyday was unique. Eventually, people got bored of her and set her aside like they do with everyone.
And once again, everything became static and boring. There was nothing she could do. Zelda would always be stuck in the same day over and over again.
The day she received her letter from NRC changed her life. Maybe the sun decided to shine on her path in this life. That letter changed Zelda’s outlook on life, and she couldn’t be happier.
Random Trivia!
Zelda’s ears and tail are very very soft!! Her hair is high maintenance and that’s no different from her ears and tail.
So many people who get to know her are like “how the fuck are you in Savanaclaw??” until they learn about her,,,,secret talents.
Zelda doesn’t give a fuck if you’re the schools biggest jerk, she’s gonna kill you with kindness and you’re gonna like it.
As a beast-woman ,Zelda’s specific bloodline is known for being extremely feral and having little to no control. She’s one of the few family members who can control her genes.
Zelda used to flex how long she could hold her breath, now it’s just dangerous since she associated with her UM…
She can fight, specifically BOX. Zelda does it just to hone her abilities but if you’re sparring with her and you break one of her nails…she’s gonna show you just how much she’s trained.
Zelda joined the science club to do more research on floriography!
She’s one of the youngest first years!
Zelda’s sister Medjine married Ace’s older cousin, making them cousin-in-laws! Family reunions are interesting
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auroral-melody · 5 years
i finished lucifer 2016 (and yes i did read it all in one day lmao) and tbh i was expecting it to be so much worse bc ive heard that it was really bad but even though there were some plot holes which were pretty annoying and it definitely wasnt as good as the original but it was still enjoyable and it had some good characters (i liked gabriel and raphael quite a lot dkfk) but yeah, now im gonna read the 2018 one, have you read that one too? what do you think of it and the 2016 ones? :^) ily fkd
tbh i think both 2000 and 2016 have their good points; i think 2016 does a much better job w characterization and actually letting maze have a voice whereas 2000 has more coherent plot ^^
ig in general i like 2016 a little better and i Love its artstyle, but 2000 is so long running and it’s so well written and so many interesting things happen so i have a lot of fondness for it!!
2016 makes me really happy bc it chugs respect maze juice and i love how luci and maze treat each other after they resolve their Issues. like theyre so Married TM
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THEYRE SO CUTE???OKAY???????? the stupid flirting. the “i’ll order us 6 so we don’t have to pretend.” “speaking of diabolical...” the Cutest Kiss..........”see you soon”. THERE”S SO MANY GOOD MAZE AND LUCI SCENES. AND HE ACTUALLY RESPECTS HER AS HIS EQUAL 
maze bought him the star for the secret santa and i CANNOT be convinced otherwise!
also that gabriel totally told him maze was alive and that’s why he didn’t have a breakdown the second he saw her (although he def cried about it later)
also maze doms him and he keeps his wings out. good content holly black knows whats up
i Love gabriel and raphael tbh?? i wish they’d done more w michael but. gabriel being called out by medjine that he still cares about luci? ??? EXCELLENT CONTENT. raphael being gay af??? FANTASTIC. lorin and reggie as new characters? THE BEST.
2018 isn’t finished yet ofc! there’s only a few issues out so far. personally i don’t like the characterization nor the art as much -- luci kinda looks and acts like a more typical Villain TM after he shaves the beard etc. more stereotypical devil and all. but i’m LOVING the lipstick/eyeshadow/acrylic nails or nail polish look. It’s Very Good
also, the whole love interest thing is kinda eh to me as a plot thing BUT i do like sycorax? Surprisingly A Lot? She’s Kinda Badass Too. and afai can tell Caliban Doesn’t Deserve This
i’m interested to see how this series is gonna go!!!
ily2 nonny!!! have a great day/night!!!!!
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fracturedfantasies · 8 years
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Lucifer #5
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netalkolemedia · 2 years
Michael Benjamin s'adresse à Anie Alerte après la sortie de “Kite yo” 
Michael Benjamin s’adresse à Anie Alerte après la sortie de “Kite yo” 
Sur son compte Instagram, Michael Benjamin s’est adressé ce jeudi 25 août 2022 à la chanteuse Anie Alerte pour lui prodiguer des compliments, près de trois semaines après la sortie de sa dernière chanson “Kite yo”.  Konpliman a @aniealerteht pou dènye mizik li a “Kite Yo”. Se te yon plezi poum te travay sou pwojè sa a nan @Baolirecords ansanm ak Jael ak Medjine. Nou swete Anie anpil siksè ak…
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iamgabrisan · 6 years
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HAVE A BLESSED SUNDAY! BON DIMANCH A TOUT MOUN!, BON DIMANCHE A TOUTES ET A TOUS ! FELIZ DOMINGO TODO EL MUNDO! 🇭🇹 HAITI⭐LEGENDS ---------------------------------- JEZI DLO KI BAY LAVI A - FINETTE PIERRE - HAITIAN GOSPEL MUSIC - https://youtu.be/IiCFgnfGnlQ Watch "Glwa ou de Stanley Georges" https://youtu.be/clFNrSQjj6M Watch "Vini - Rodberry Jacques - Lyrics - Koze Kretyen" https://youtu.be/qojndKAO5nU Watch "Gregory Toussaint Posternes, Adorons, Yahweh! We Bow Down & Worship French Version https://youtu.be/ijuCA9OXHbc Watch "Adore'w by TAMI —Official Video https://youtu.be/J0Kb9iVb9PU CLAUDIA PIERRE - ISTWA SA A - OFFICIAL VIDEO https://youtu.be/FJZC_LMFalY Rodlin Pierre Watch "A La Gnou Zamni ( https://youtu.be/tinZtjJEcFI Watch "Ak Konfyans (Medjine Alexis Pandol)" https://youtu.be/QsZogzqF3XU Watch "Maten an Avan Ou Sòti https://youtu.be/Pd2MwU01puw Li kapab - Wiliadel Denervil - Lyrics - Koze Kretyen" https://youtu.be/XTxnEE-ySR0 Watch "Ou Devan Lotèl La (O Come To The Altar-Elevation Worship) Acoustic Cover. THE ARK BAND" https://youtu.be/nhccQU_xyQ8 Watch Jackson Chery "Epè (feat. Chris Vinstino)" https://youtu.be/jmIPTQ3lVYU Watch "Perfume a tus pies Nueva Versíon" https://youtu.be/KeohNDZvdI4 ------------------- 25 Top Bible Verses About HOPE - Encouraging Scripture Quotes https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/hope-bible-verses/ -------------------- HELP HAITI NOW ! 🇭🇹💖 Fleur De Vie http://www.fleurdevieonline.org PDI Website Info: http://www.paradisdesindiens.org Rescue One Child http://www.484web.com/rescueonechild The Clermont Center for Homeless Children - Jacmel, Haiti http://www.clermontfoundation.org PRODEV Haiti - EDUCATION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION/ EDIKASYON SE SÉL SOLISYON http://www.prodevhaiti.org For The Kids www.forthekidsofhaiti.com Project St. Anne - http://projectstanne.org ----------------------------------------- *ARCHIVES (A collection of our Sunday Post) *ZAMAR HAITI GOSPEL INTERNATIONAL /An Addition to H☆L #Haitilegends https://zamarhaitichristianmusic.tumblr.com HAÏTI⭐#LEGENDS #SundayPost #espoir #praiseAndWorship #GodisLove #Hope #ThankYouJesus #Hebrews #GodBlessYou #louanges #chantsdesperan https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq5T0oQFZTO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=134ivod1tu35d
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yelemagazineme · 4 years
Haïti-Kidnapping: Libération contre rançon du Dr Laure Daniel et Grégory Maignan
Haïti-Kidnapping: Libération contre rançon du Dr Laure Daniel et Grégory Maignan
Libération ce mercredi soir, du Dr Laure Marie Medjine Daniel et son ami Grégory Maignan. Selon les informations parvenues à la rédaction de Vant Bef Info, ces otages ont été libérés contre rançon. Port-au-Prince, le 13 janvier 2021.- Le docteur Laure Marie Medjine Daniel et son ami Grégory Maignan ont recouvré, ce mercredi soir, leur liberté suite à leur enlèvement le dimanche 10 janvier dernier…
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medjin · 3 years
Tính năng của xe lăn điện nhập khẩu Akiko A95 có lăn tay và 2 bộ đệm
Xe lăn điện nhập khẩu Akiko A95 sử dụng động cơ kép được nhập khẩu từ Đức và bộ điều khiển nhập khẩu từ Anh. Bộ điều khiển thông minh bằng cần gạt: gạt sang trái, sang phải, phía trước, phía sau giúp người sử dụng dễ dàng di chuyển sang bên trái/bên phải/tiến/lùi. Đặc biệt, xe có thể di chuyển bằng cách lăn tay như các loại xe lăn tay tiêu chuẩn thông thường, dự phòng khi xe hết điện.
Khung xe lăn được làm bằng hợp kim nhôm chắc chắn, có sơn màu chống gỉ và bền đẹp. Ghế ngồi làm bằng vải da cao cấp thoáng khí, chống thấm nước và êm ái, ghế rộng rãi đem lại sự thoải mái cho người ngồi.
Xe lăn điện Akiko A95 có thể di chuyển với nhiều loại địa hình như lên được dốc thấp hoặc quãng đường gồ ghề vừa phải. Bằng việc điều chỉnh nút (+) hoặc (-) bạn có thể tăng hoặc giảm tốc độ tùy ý.
Xe có vận tốc lên đến 6km/giờ với quãng đường chạy tối đa 20km khi được sạc đầy ắc quy. Xe còn có còi giúp người sử dụng thuận tiện khi lưu thông trên đường, đảm bảo an toàn cho người sử dụng.
Xe có tay đẩy như các loại xe lăn thông thường, giúp người thân dễ dàng hỗ trợ bệnh nhân và xe có thể ngả ra, tiện lợi cho người dùng thoải mái nghỉ ngơi
Thêm vào đó, xe lăn điện Akiko A95 đặc biệt có 2 bộ đệm: 1 bộ màu xanh và 1 bộ màu đỏ phù hợp với sở thích về màu sắc của từng người, giúp thuận tiện thay thế khi cần vệ sinh, thay giặt.
Nguồn bài viết: Thiết bị y tế Medjin
Link tham khảo: https://medjin.vn/xe-lan/akiko-a95.html
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jesusagrario · 4 years
El camino que conduce a Aztlán, la Tierra Solar donde moran dichosos los Mexi Tin o Medjins, Djins, Jinas o Genios extraordinarios de los pueblos árabes, aztecas y mexicanos, está cortado desde luengos años ha, y su parte de este lado ciega ya con grandes jarales y breñales poblados con monstruos invencibles, médanos y lagunas sin fondo y espesísimos carrizales y cañaverales donde perderá la vida cualquiera que semejante empresa intente temerario.
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auroral-melody · 5 years
hey skfk so i just finished the 2000s lucifer comics and it was so good!! im gonna start the 2016 soon! but first i wanted to say that i love mona so much skfk shes so cute gkkf and also that i feel kinda bad for elaine, i mean she had a nice family and a normal life (apart from seeing dead people,,) but then she found out she was adopted and her dad became abusive (and im pretty sure he wasnt before she found out right?) and then he got replaced with the thing that was trying to kill her (1/4)
(tbh i dont know what actually happened to him but he’s gone right? did he die or something? or did his body just get taken over so is he still in there? sorry i dont really remember and im getting off track anyway fdkd) and then she found someone who thought he was her dad who died, and then she found her actually dad who ended up dying, and then she died to save lucifer and then when she came back she became the god of his world and then she went blind trying to help lucifer (2/4)
and then she had to make her own creation while she was blind with lucifer there not really doing anything to help, while people in her creation were dying and killing each other in her name and then she had to become the god of all the worlds which she had to do alone which is so much responsibility for someone who’s pretty young (3/4)
anyway sorry there’s probably more that i missed but i feel like it got kinda long so i’ll stop now tkdkd and sorry that was just me talking abohr what happened to her fkskf its just a lot of bad things happened to her and shes got so much pressure on her and she has to be the god of the world alone which sounds hard, but yeah i hope you didnt mind me rambling about it like that fkgkdk sorry it was so long hhhh and i hope youre having a good day/night!!! (4/4)
and yeah poor elaine ykno?? she just. never got a real chance at human family. and the jin en mok and stuff and. ye a h. honestly i can’t remember what happens to her dad either. cestis the jin en mok sort of??? kills elaine in paradiso part 2 (when gaudium drives a truck into the house to save elaine) ??? but i can’t really figure anything out past that other than her mom ending up w her son being cal
the whole yggdrasil thing is so DDD: to me like!!!! michael quotes hamlet to lucifer!1!!!!!! god i’m so emo about it. but YEAH poor elaine she just. tries so hard to be good and everyone keeps trying to kill her
the yahweh dance thing where elaine makes her universe is a super interesting issue to me bc like. lucifer is actually shown to be super weak??? he basically collapses on a rock. his wings are torn to shreds and it takes him half the issue before he finally fixes them. someone points out when he reunites w maze that w/o yahweh his power is draining, which is a part of that too. and a part of why i think lucifer would feel guilty for not being able to fight fenris’s possession, because it was really michael who threw off the wolf. so that’s my excuse for him being grumpy lol and in fairness he actually got the point across. he’s an asshole as always
she’s just this??? child??? and it’s true that lucifer pushes this huge responsibility on her bc he’s like Morally Opposed to doing it himself.
i think it’s really interesting how sandman universes call on kids quite a few times to save everything. i mean, hope in overture inspires morpheus to do whatever he does i don’t even remember. elaine is ultimately god. noema and medjine. it’s interesting that sometimes the younger characters can see things more clearly.
elaine is such a fascinating character. she’s brave as hell, kinda naively cocky. it’s also really interesting to me how she honestly latches on more to lucifer as kinda a father figure than michael. fair, lucifer met her first + saved her life first, and stopped her father from abusing her (although lucifer in that scene...Does let it happen once.) but it is interesting ykno? how at yggdrasil she calls out to lucifer, says he has to help her, when michael was there too. she calls him uncle and like. actually cares about him. asks for his advice. i think lucifer was genuinely startled by how fast she trusted him, and he def used that to manipulate her. but it’s also interesting how he literally does tell her his plan is going to get her hurt. she agrees anyway.
idk. it’s Complicated and really interesting how much good she sees in him, even when he directly contradicts it. she’s a very forgiving person. i’d say...that’s how i would want a god to be.
2016 luci does make a good point that like. god has to be someone trustworthy who Doesn’t want the job. *lucifer voice* [points at self] and i’m not trustworthy so BYEEEEEEE
i hope you have a lovely day/night too!!!!!!!! :D feel free to ramble any time!!!
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j2bestblog · 7 years
Podium-Quartiers: Shelda Massillon, Abellard Jenny Sarah et Medjine Carriès rejoignent les finalistes du groupe A pour le second tour
Podium-Quartiers: Shelda Massillon, Abellard Jenny Sarah et Medjine Carriès rejoignent les finalistes du groupe A pour le second tour
Les Jeunes talents groupe B, les participants à la première édition du concours de chant « Podium Quartiers », ont, le dimanche 20 août 2017, performé sur les planchers de l’auditorium de RTVC. Trois des cinq postulants sont sortis en tête de liste et attendent, à leur tour, le second tour. Shelda Massillon,  14 ans,  Abellard Jenny Sarah, 18 ans  et  Medjine  Carriès, 18 ans,…
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killammcba · 8 years
Sophia’s War
Gustafson: Ava, Medjine, Katherine, and Kate
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iamgabrisan · 6 years
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HAVE A BLESSED SUNDAY! BON DIMANCH A TOUT MOUN!, BON DIMANCHE A TOUTES ET A TOUS ! FELIZ DOMINGO TODO EL MUNDO! 🇭🇹 HAITI⭐LEGENDS ---------------------------------- Watch "Gregory Toussaint Posternes, Adorons, Yahweh! We Bow Down & Worship French Version https://youtu.be/ijuCA9OXHbc CLAUDIA PIERRE - ISTWA SA A - OFFICIAL VIDEO https://youtu.be/FJZC_LMFalY Rodlin Pierre Watch "A La Gnou Zamni ( https://youtu.be/tinZtjJEcFI Watch "Ak Konfyans (Medjine Alexis Pandol)" https://youtu.be/QsZogzqF3XU Watch "Maten an Avan Ou Sòti https://youtu.be/Pd2MwU01puw Li kapab - Wiliadel Denervil - Lyrics - Koze Kretyen" https://youtu.be/XTxnEE-ySR0 "Papa Bondye men pitit ou yo - Frederson Joseph https://youtu.be/d_jQGkrZiLc 2018 - TANDE VWA M - GUERSCHON CHARIOT - HAITIAN GOSPEL MUSIC 2018 https://youtu.be/wRgmZFXGMEE "Ou Devan Lotèl La (O Come To The Altar-Elevation Worship) Acoustic Cover. THE ARK BAND" https://youtu.be/nhccQU_xyQ8 Jackson Chery "Epè (feat. Chris Vinstino)" https://youtu.be/jmIPTQ3lVYU Watch "Psalm 23 (I Am Not Alone) People & Songs ft Josh Sherman" https://youtu.be/8OlMGnPUAdw "Lauren Daigle - Love Like This (Audio https://youtu.be/Br1q_i1RHPU "Perfume a tus pies Nueva Versíon" https://youtu.be/KeohNDZvdI4 "JOY" by for KING & COUNTRY – (Official Music https://youtu.be/lA7n7TwPDmw ------------------- 45 Bible Verses about Joy - DailyVerses.net https://dailyverses.net/joy -------------------- HELP HAITI NOW ! 🇭🇹💖 Fleur De Vie http://www.fleurdevieonline.org PDI Website Info: http://www.paradisdesindiens.org Rescue One Child http://www.484web.com/rescueonechild The Clermont Center for Homeless Children - Jacmel, Haiti http://www.clermontfoundation.org PRODEV Haiti - EDUCATION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION/ EDIKASYON SE SÉL SOLISYON http://www.prodevhaiti.org For The Kids www.forthekidsofhaiti.com Project St. Anne - http://projectstanne.org ----------------------------------------- *ARCHIVES (A collection of our Sunday Post) *ZAMAR HAITI GOSPEL INTERNATIONAL /An Addition to H☆L #Haitilegends https://zamarhaitichristianmusic.tumblr.com HAÏTI⭐#LEGENDS #SundayPost #praiseAndWorship #GodisLove #ThankYouJesus #GodBlessYou #Haitilegends https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxEKsNFyiF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19u8bcedg7icc
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