#meem thinks it's all fun and games
obigem · 11 months
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Despite the lovey glances that Cordie was still giving them, having their mom there was a good buffer.
She's loud, brash, and oblivious. She's like a big kid, but that's exactly why she was the perfect guest. The kids love her, not excluding Cordie who loved her auntie Mel Mel.
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After Melody absolutely demolished them at battleship, Mimi thought it was best to move the fun and games over to their switch where the younger crowd had the upper hand. Mel decided to gracefully bow out after two losing rounds of party frenzy and just watch the kids play.
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Melody watched on in warmth as she saw all of them having fun and the youngest among them starting to get tuckered out.
"Well, I see you all finally have the fun and games figure out, so I think this is my cue to exit left." Mel smiled.
"Exit left? Mom, you're leaving?"
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"Well, yeah, Journee looks like she'll be lights out any minute now, and it's getting late. I miss Lukas. I want some him and me time before the day's over."
"First of all, gross, second of all, it's just one night. I thought you wanted to hang out. Slumber with us."
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"Slumber where and in what? I came in my workout gear. I'm unprepared."
"Mom, I have a double bed. We can share."
"Kid, I love you. Miss you dearly. But we haven't shared a bed in 15 years, and I'd rather be in bed cuddled up tonight with my man. Why do you want me stay, really?"
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She was giving them that look again like she knew they were up to something.
"I keep telling you, I just miss you. But if you have to go—"
"I miss you too, but I have to go, Meems. You sure you're OK?"
"I'm fine." Mimi's heart sunk, "And I won't hold you hostage. Bye, Mom."
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2-wuv · 1 year
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me whwn j use this as an excuse 2 gush abr my so.s thanksJGJDKSAKSKCKCKS OK:
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Belase wheree r the fics . the. the. Where ar etheh WHERE ARE THEY DO I AHVE TO FUCKJGN WRITE THEM MY DAMN SELF BC I FUCKING WILL but they will be extremely ooc bc system bias. </3 qiqkskskddkxk
ANYWAYS!!!!!!! I THINK THE FANDOM INTERPRETATIONS OF US AND WHAT RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE W EACH OTHER ARE ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. LIKE "WE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT" BUT WE LAUGH ABT IT IT'S GENUINELY ENTERTAINING JFJSMDKFFK BECAUSE. *yes* I'm still kinda like "hey self destruct but in a fun way 😀👍!! :D!!!!!" and Vol's still like "No. Stop that." But it's also like. It's not one-sided "Manic dude is trying to hit on the No Fun Super Serious guy" trope or whatever no lmao we Do genuinely. Love each other adn I'm! Gay. Vol is my. Silly rabbit. <3 JDJSKASKDKFK
*Also wlw/mlm solidarity except it's like... nblnb/mlm solidarity. We r both nblnb/mlm... probably? kinda? on some days? I don't think we have genders usually. This goes fr all the Skills but like. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯!! aHdjJFDJDJFJ we're t4t but in *what* way? Good luck figuring that out! JFJDJDKFKF
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me wwehn that's. my OTHER hsuband.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE. ARE. RHE FICS! HELLO!!!!!!!!! H3LLO????!! HEWWO FOR THE LVOE OF GOD HELLO,
idk waht the fuck our relationship is honestly but it's Good And Fun and that's all that matters <3. I jsutuejsjakskdkf. Hehwjaakdd. shehehdhdshhahdeeeeeee. <= me when i think abt encyclo for .5 seconds . <3. im normal!
AND ACTUALLY I've searched through Fayde a lot for both me, Vol, AND encyclo and canonically. I don't think Encyclo has. Any interactions??????? With any of the others??? def not me or Vol though. well. actually no Technically. Ok there's a bit where Vol's like "Ok you know these guys? U can't trust them. They're *compromised.* .... Except this fucjing loser *points 2 Encyclo* he's normal like me :)" but I don't Remember if Encyclo talks during that scene SIDENOTE VOL CANONICALLY CALLS ENCYCLO "PILLAR-BOOKHEAD" HIIII. HIIIIII THAT'S SO FUNNY VOL UR SO BAD WITH NICKNAMES. <3 FJSJAKAKSKDJF
but yeah no 90% of Encyclopedia's dialogue is just Knowledge And Fun Facts. im getting off topic dhejakakakskxjskd but tl;dr. I Lov U Encyclopedia *ggives him a smooch. on hte cheek.*
wait again I forgot abt the Final Dream sequence. Im not lookinf thru fayde for those bits bc 1. It Hurts. Owwie. and 2. That's spoilers we aren't there yet in the game but. what we've seen it's just.... Everyone's having a breakdown abt not being able to do their jobs right and then Encyclo's like. ".... :D I'm trying my best w this pop quiz, dude. Sorry your brain's still a plate of spaghetti LMAOOOO NOT MY FAULT" IT'S *SO* FUNNY AND THAT MIGHT BE THE CLOSEST HE HAS TO ANY INTERACTIONS W ANY OTHER SKILL BUT IDK JFKSKDFJ
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SOOOOOOO. FIRST OFF right off the bat u remember the uh. this:
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that was abt vol lmao [IM HAVE PERMISSION 2 SHARE THIS they dozed off but rhey were gonna write this section initially ajsjdj]
idk what the fuck theu have going on w each other but I'm like Ooo. Oooooooo 👀. 👀👀👀👀👀 JENDKSKFCKDK they're so funny . wheres r the fics dammit [lighthearted]
encyclo & i also lov drama lots but primarily they're w vol and that's chill. good 4 them tbh vol is gr8 JEJSAKSKFJ <= is biased. extremely so
again also wlw/mlm solidarity except it's also nblnb/mlm solidarity but also hOld on the cat just blepped at me oh my god. <3 lov him so much he's floffy. uh. oh right Whatever they r they're trans rights. if ur w Drama ur immediately t4t thank u 4 coming 2 my ted talk
THE BIGGER POLYCULE? just. rhe rest of the skills. except Half Light bc HL is a child.
we r all have smth casually Goig On that's One thing fandom def got right from what we've seen HFHDSKFKFIA and we have collectivelt adopted HL as our child/sibling in some cases. Idk HL just goes around & is like "ur my parent now :)" to others and we can't say no bc then it'll kill us over it. but I digress JFDJDKFKFK tl;dr found family as hell. but the pairings talked abt here r like. The Main Polycule i guess? Idk. HFHDJDJF
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cat-dragron · 3 months
D&D Ask Meem: 2, 5, 24
2. What is your NPC creation like? I have two modes of NPC creation, planned and unplanned. For planned I'll do a simple name, race, maybe class and like a one sentence background that I can work off of. Unplanned NPCs are just like whatever wacky shit the brain comes up with ya know but those are very fun too. For more prominent NPCs I'll try to do a bit more on their personality/motives though it's still only like a sentence or two. I like keeping my NPCs very bare bones at the start so that they can graft onto the story in whatever way I need them to. I think Xaren and Hellari were some of the most planned out NPCs I've ever made purely because they were intended to be big bads and well, one was and the other well, heh, you know what happened to her (knowing smirk).
5. Do you have a favorite NPC? Or type of NPC? GRRR YEAH I REALLY FUCKING LOVED GWYN AND DEE THE MOST TBH. Those two hold a very special place in my heart. Oh man and not to mention Carrion to holy shit. I think my favorite NPCs are the ones that end up getting adopted by the party in some form.
24. If they were the god of anything, what would they be the god of? oh shit I will just list off characters and what they'd be gods of bc I have Thoughts. V -> god of blood and bone, secondarily that of dreams Lyn -> god of the storm but more so the type you see at the edge of the horizon that's dry and full of energy that has yet to burst Nyx (westbound specific) -> god of molten bronze Saturn -> god of the stars or the space inbetween, maybe neither of those? Maybe she's just the god of the concept of nothing. It shifts with her mood. Juliet -> god of the hunt (I think this one would be very TMA inspired) Watcher -> god of emotions and of loyalty I think that's all I can conjure up from the mind palace.
Ask game here!
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Oh? Could we get some general TF2 tiggle headcanons for the support class? owo
HEH EH HE ok hell yeah support MeeM 💉  : Ler-leaning switch. Med is one of those who’s not too ticklish all over, but has sensitive sweet spots! These include the hips, feet, and ribs! Med has this wonderful (and scary) cackling laugh that gets super high pitched and desperate if you spider over the spot rapidly! Fast tickles get him the most ehehe. He’s definitely the type to find himself on the floor if he’s out ler-ed, and he always scoffs at the idea of being overpowered afterwards (cough by heavy cough). But be careful. Med is a dangerous, strategic ler. As the team doctor, he knows everyone’s weak points. He will ABSOLUTELY utilize this information to blackmail or get what he wants, or just to be a bit evil. He’s a strong, intimidating man, so it’s hard to bounce back once he has you pinned. AND he has a unique flavor of teasing. As the lee cackles beneath him, he makes comments about their anatomy, how their nerves is so sensitive, how he may have to examine them later...all with that devilish grin. Even with the evil smile, he does enjoy getting his patients to smile a bit. Pissman 🐊 : Lee-leaning switch. Sneeper is your classic grumpy, “I’m not ticklish”, frowny lee. He will absolutely deny being ticklish (’it’s not professional!”) but he is stupidly ticklish! He’s a lil sensitive all over, but SUPER ticklish on his belly, ears/neck, underarms, and feet! His tum is his worst spot hands down (it’s a lil chubby from all that beer and coffee and hunched snipin’ form). When sneep is tickled, he immediately tries to curl into himself and has this precious, wheezy high pitched giggle that is seldom heard. Only when you get a bit rougher with the tickles does he get into full on belly laughter, in which he kicks his legs and grabs at the ler’s hands weakly. He blushes super fast and wiggles a loooot. He doesn’t like being tickled by those he isn’t close to, but a friend or s.o.? <33333 He secretly loves the physical attention. Sneep becomes a ler in playful situations usually! He doesn’t always take this route since he’s so sensitive himself, but he can be a devilish fellow. He has rough, blunt nails that do wonders on anyone in his grasp. He’s definitely the teasing type, asking the lee if it tickles here? what about here? and he smiles the whole time. He’s not always a grump! Sometimes sneep wants to goof around, and tickling was something he experienced between himself and his parents when he was a boy. He has that fond connection. Spah 🚬 : A mess. The first impression is a ruthless ler. Spee is a trained interrogator, and isn’t above using some tickles to humiliate and weaken a hostage. He has slippery fingers, that go from spiders to knives, and he’s oh so meticulous with it. Spee is an incredibly good ler, and the Most Evil Tease Alive. This man talks the whole time he tickles the other, mocking them for their sensitivity, chuckling when he hits a sweet spot, generally being a dick (What’s that? I can’t seem to hear you~ Guess I’ll keep going then, yes?). Spee is a very dangerous person to be targeted by, and he’ll use all his dirty tricks >:) But, alas, the professional and proper frenchman couldn’t possibly be ticklish right? wrong. Just like his son, Spee is unbearably ticklish. He has tried time and time again to repress this sensitivity, to overcome it (for his line of work obviously), but only so much can be done. He is ticklish everywhere, but is especially sensitive on his sides, feet, and ribs. Spee hates being tickled, because when he does...it is a sight. Spee flails, loses his strength, and IMMEDIATELY plummets into loud, frantic, goofy snorting laughter! He’ll put up a good fight, but loses his composure very quickly and turns into a snorting flustered mess. He hates his laugh, and how silly it is. And to anyone watching, it is the prime entertainment. Alas, most mercs don’t get to tickle s.py, as he is all too skilled at slipping away or taking the offensive first. ANYTHING to avoid the secret getting out.
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crysdrawsthings · 2 years
tell me about you WH 40k poor little meow meow!
Would be my pleasure! I hope you will reblog the meme tho, so I can ask you about blorbos from your shows! Adding pictures for you, so you will have some context, so all goes under the cut.
I am also only few books in, sooooo. This list is subject to changes.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) - most definitely Magnus the Red. Like, there might be competition for other positions, but here this is just, yep, this would be Magnus.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) - Blinky the Void Dragon/Blinky the C'toaster. Admittedly, I am cheating here, because I made a superior, mecha-dragon design for him, but still.
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) - Belisarius Cawl and his, thankfully, augmented back on which he is carrying the whole imperial science by this point, tbh. But genuinely I have very little idea on who is actually appreciated or not.
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) - frankly, I feel like whoever I will name, I will soon be informed, that actually, this character has three books, model and dedicated rules to be played on a tabletop. I always liked Kairos Fateweaver, but he is not obscure. I also really love Khepra from Mechanicus the Vidya Game, which is a popular game. Also Iacton Qruze, a space marine who is constantly described as like, grandpa level old in my books. And Ing Mae Sing too, she was pretty MVP in her few appearances. Picture attached: Khepra! She is very nice and cares about her troops c:
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) - is there even such thing as an unproblematic fave in WH40k? I feel like everyone has done at least a few war crimes. Let's cheat again and say Oona, my own take on [REDACTED] out of existence eleventh primarch. And in the case of Oona - a truly pathetic fave.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) - I was in doubt if I should put Fulgrim here on in poor little meow meow, but the glorious bastard snake (with the admittedly tragic story) goes here. And by torment I mean to make an overabundance of meemes and just dumb pictures, as shown below. Honorable mentions: another primarch, Leman Russ. And also Emperor of Mankind himself, truly a parent and leader of millennia.
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) - I was expecting myself to say Erebus. But then I reminded myself that while he, at least, has a redeeming quality of being a good character, even if a horrible, horrible person, I can't say the same for Kor Phaeron. So Kor Phaeron gets the superhell. Here they are together, Kor Phaeron on the left, Erebus on the right.
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noctisfishing · 4 years
A Night at the Summer Festival
Day 2 - First Date
#noct writes taiora week 2020 [ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 ]
@taioraweek for more Taiora love! @noctisfishing for Taiora/Digimon writings and more. :)
Setting: Digimon Adventure tri. timeframe / AU
Tags: Fluff, Romance
Minor pairings: Takari, Joumi, minor Kenyako
Notes: Their first date is at a summer festival because I was inspired by this beautiful fanart. There will be no goldfish or candy apple, but I promise it’ll be equally as sweet.
This may not show up in the tags because of the links but I’d like to add them for context. Here is more on the yukata (even the drawing in the link could be of Sora, lol!) and info on some of the mini-games and food stalls at a Japanese summer festival. More references at the end of the fic!
Also... Koushiro couldn’t make it to this event... (My deepest apologies to my Koushiro fans. I hope we can still be friends)
"So, you've finally asked her out, huh?"
“Let’s not talk about this, Hikari.”
Hikari grinned upon entering her and Taichi’s bedroom, catching sight of Taichi who was draped in blue. His brows were furrowed as he lifted his arms, looking down at the yukata he had focused on putting on properly.
“I think we should, given the occasion,” Hikari said, stopping in front of Taichi to help wrap the robe and obi around his waist. She had already put on her own lavender-colored yukata with the help of her mother, including the flower clips in her hair to match.
Taichi lowered his arms, entrusting his younger sister to help him look like less of a fool in his yukata. “You’d think that a first date would be small and simple, like catching a movie, or a walk in the park.”
“A summer festival is just as fun, Taichi. An amazing event with an amazing girl like her. Right?”
“R-right…” Taichi stared to the side, feeling the burn on his cheeks from Hikari’s widened grin. He knew that she was highly amused by his reaction. “I guess I’m lucky that Dad had his old yukata for me to borrow.”
“I’m sure Sora appreciates it! Wait until she sees you in this - Taichi, stop fidgeting.”
“Sorry,” he muttered. 
He had only turned his head to try to look down at what the yukata looked like on him, but he lifted his head up and faced forward to let Hikari continue her magic.
“Okay! All done.” Hikari patted either of his shoulders. “It’ll be fine.”
“I hope so. Thanks, Hikari.”
After what seemed like forever while their mom convinced them to pose for pictures, Taichi walked with Hikari to the front of the shrine where they planned to meet Sora and Takeru. The two were already waiting in their own yukatas, with Takeru donned in green and staring in amazement as Sora did a casual turn with the geta on her feet to show off hers.
At the turn of her head, her eyes lit up when she realized that Taichi and Hikari had arrived.
Taichi was suddenly speechless. 
“Hikari! Taichi!” Takeru called with a wave. He joined Sora walking over to them.
Hikari kept walking, but Taichi stopped, at a loss for words. Sora’s red hair was styled in a bun with a lock of her hair coiling down the frame of her face. Her yukata was patterned with florals in different shades of ruby, with a crimson obi tied in a tachiya-style knot at the back . 
“Come on, you slowpoke!” Hikari yelled. 
The other three laughed, but hearing that brought Taichi back down to Earth. As he caught up to them, he remembered that he didn’t want to embarrass himself or mess this up. He had even agreed with Sora beforehand that they didn’t have to treat this like a date to keep the pressure off between them.
“You look amazing, Sora,” Taichi blurted.
“Well, thank you,” Sora said, taking her hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. Her face began to match the color of her yukata. “You look nice, too.”
Taichi wondered if that was too cheesy to say. So much for embarrassing himself.
“Tell me I look amazing, too, Taichi,” added Takeru with a grin. Hikari giggled as she attached herself linking her arm through the hook of his elbow.
Taichi grinned. “You clean up nicely, Takeru,” he said, suddenly recognizing how close Takeru and Hikari were to each other.
“We’ll be heading off,” Hikari said with a wink. “We don’t want to intrude. Maybe we can meet up around here when the night is over?”
“Sounds good,” said Sora. “You two have fun!”
“Don’t worry,” Takeru added as he looked to Taichi. “I’ll keep an eye on Hikari.”
Takeru stole a kiss from Hikari before putting his arm around her waist as they walked away. Taichi couldn’t help but watch, and he wondered if it was actually Takeru that he needed to keep an eye on.
“Taichi.” Sora gently took hold of his forearm. “They’ll be fine. Don’t worry about them. We’re here to enjoy ourselves, right?”
Realizing this, Taichi let out a sigh and relaxed his shoulders. “You’re right.” he said, and his worries seemed to disappear when his eyes met hers and they exchanged a smile.
The two then entered the festival side-by-side observing the rows of stands on either side that sold food and various items, and some that hosted mini-games. 
“Let’s get some takoyaki at the first stand we see,” Sora said as they walked through.
“Heck yeah!” Taichi replied just as his eyes landed on a mini-game stand a few yards in front of them. “...I have an idea.”
Sora stopped and looked at the stand he was looking toward, reading the sign, “Kingyo!” She looked to Taichi with a knowing stare. “Loser pays for the takoyaki?”
Taichi grinned. “Let’s do it.”
However, both of them ended up being the loser. They each made two attempts at scooping for a goldfish, all attempts which ended with broken pois and fish squiggling back into the mini pool. Taichi noticed a few other people playing, however, and noticed how easily the paper poi ripped no matter how delicate they tried to be.
“Hey-!” Taichi began with annoyance, but Sora immediately grabbed him and walked him away from the stand.
“It’s not worth it, Taichi,” she said with her expression just as irritated. “Either way, that was a waste of yen, wasn’t it?” 
Taichi knew he didn’t want this to sour the rest of their night, so he figured he would try to lighten the mood.
“Yeah… and here I was thinking that you were a master of fishing, Sora.”
She smacked his shoulder as he laughed. “Meanie.”
“Anyway, where to next?”
Suddenly, a loud gasp was heard nearby, followed by a familiar voice.
“Hey! It’s Taichi!”
As both Taichi and Sora turned their heads, they saw Daisuke quickly approaching, with Miyako, Iori, and Ken following behind. Miyako gasped as well, and both Daisuke and Miyako walked around them, staring at their yukatas in adoration.
Taichi should’ve expected an interruption like this given the popularity of end-of-summer festivals like this one.
“Wow, Taichi!” Daisuke exclaimed. “You look really cool in that-”
“Sora!” Miyako chimed in. “You look like a goddess! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe-”
“Calm down, you two!” Sora said, laughing nervously and waving her hands in front of her. “There are other people wearing these, too!”
Miyako pouted. “I should’ve worn one! I would’ve looked way nicer on this date with Ken.”
“Speaking of,” Iori added with a tempered reaction. “I think we should leave these two alone. Pardon the intrusion, Sora, Taichi.”
Daisuke was cut off by Ken pushing him in the other direction as his cheeks flushed, most likely from hearing Miyako’s comment. His other hand grabbed hold of Miyako’s elbow, pulling her away with a look on her face that was as confused as Daisuke’s. Iori was the last to follow behind them, but not before bowing politely at Sora and Taichi.
“I’ve always liked Iori,” Taichi said with relief. 
“It was nice to see them, though,” Sora replied. “Come on - let’s find another game I can beat you in.”
“You’re on, Takenouchi.”
They found a stand with a ring toss game which both of them were eager to play. Tossing a ring at the same time, Sora and Taichi watched their own rings land around its own toy, making their game a tie.
“I got you a present,” Sora said with a smile and holding up a mini cartoon-ish dinosaur, orange in color.
“No way. I got this for you!” Taichi raised his palm to show the toy of a bright pink bird sitting on top of it.
The two of them laughed as they swapped their presents to oogle at for a few moments; then, Sora put them in her small bag. Taichi was happy to see Sora smile. He knew that she was having a good time, and he hoped that it would continue as the night went on.
As they continued to walk, Taichi noticed more people walking alongside them. The festival was getting busier, and he sensed that even Sora knew it when he felt her hand touch his forearm once again.
“Don’t worry!” Taichi said with a smile. “I’ll make sure we don’t lose each other!”
“Maybe I’m more worried about you losing me,” she teased.
He laughed to himself, not mentioning his heart beating as she held onto him.
However, he nearly jumped in fright as he felt a hand touch his other forearm.
“Hey there, handsome!” Mimi said with a wink and a grin.
“Ah! Hey Mimi!” Sora said cheerfully. 
“I wanted to see what you guys were up to, and I figured that Jou and I would join you!”
Oh no, Taichi thought.
“Well, Mimi…” Sora began. Taichi could tell that she didn’t have the heart to tell Mimi otherwise.
“It’ll only be for a little bit!” added Jou who peered over from Mimi’s side with a sheepish smile. “Right, Meems?”
Taichi’s eyes darted over to Jou who mouthed a ‘Sorry!’ to him.
“Well, we were thinking about getting takoyaki,” said Sora. “Why don’t we all get some together?”
“Let’s do that!” Jou chimed in “My treat?”
“Oh, isn’t Jou such a sweetheart?” Mimi said cheerfully.
“He’s quite the charmer!” said Taichi, knowing that Jou was doing this out of pity, especially after being on the receiving end of Taichi’s death stare.
But Mimi had already let go of Taichi’s arm and stopped walking, making the rest of them stop with her.
“I see cotton candy! I totally want some!”
“Then, I’ll go buy some for you,” Jou said, gently pulling Mimi towards the stall and away from Taichi and Sora.
Mimi cupped her hand on Jou’s cheek. “You’re such a sweetheart…”
“Wouldn’t you know it,” Sora said just as Jou and Mimi left. “A takoyaki stall.”
“Ah…” Taichi turned to look and saw that there was no line in front of it. He realized at that point that the competition between him and Sora was at a draw, so he decided to change the rule of the game. “How about some takoyaki on me?”
“But, Taichi, neither of us are winning,” Sora said, which Taichi knew that she would point out.
“Then, we’ll just say that you’re the winner here.”
“Aww…” Sora began in a playful tone, mimicking Mimi as she held her palm to Taichi’s cheek. “...you’re such a sweetheart…”
The amusement and laughter only lasted a few moments, as Sora’s face turned into a shade of pink; and she must have removed her hand when she felt Taichi’s face warming up in turn.
“I’ll- be right back!” Taichi said, knowing that him being flustered was obvious. 
There had already been one person ahead of Taichi when he approached the food stall. Taichi stood behind him and noticed he was wearing a green yukata, although it might have fit loosely for someone his size. The guy’s hair was short, spiky and blond under the straw hat that he wore, and Taichi wondered why he looked so familiar. 
“One takoyaki, please,” the guy said in an apparently hushed voice, but Taichi was able to recognize that voice from anywhere.
“Yamato?!” Taichi said, making the guy jump in his spot.
He turned to Taichi, staring daggers and holding a finger to his lips. “Not so loud!” he hissed.
“What’s the-?!” Taichi caught himself nearly yelling, then he lowered his voice. “What’s the deal?!”
“Next, please!” yelled the stall attendant, and Yamato stood to the side with Sora while Taichi put in two orders. When he met with the two of them, Yamato hunched over as though he was hiding himself with Taichi and Sora.
“I just wanted to check out the festival on my own without getting noticed, you know?” Yamato explained. “Some people have already been staring at me longer than they should but I don’t think they recognize me.”
“People are going to stare at you if you’re wearing that hat after the sun goes down, anyway,” Taichi said, feeling the need to point that out.
“Right now, I’d rather be the weird kid with the hat than be Yamato of ‘Knife of Day’.”
The takoyaki orders were called, and Yamato and Taichi got theirs, with Taichi handing one to Sora. But just as that happened, a loud scream nearby reached their ears.
“Aahh!! You were right! That is Yamato! The lead singer of ‘Knife of Day’!”
As more heads turned and the squeals of excitement grew louder, Taichi’s eyes widened and he turned his head to Yamato.
“You probably should not have said that so loud…” Sora added.
“Gotta run,” Yamato said, just as he darted in the direction in which the majority of the crowd was travelling.
It amazed Taichi how many people recognized Yamato. Many of the girls in yukatas began to run in Yamato’s direction, some of them running in their geta and tripping over themselves.
Sora gasped as a few girls ran past. As she turned to dodge out of their way, she had slipped on her own geta and started to tumble backward.
“Sora, look out-!”
Taichi caught Sora just before she toppled to the ground, his back against the crowd while he felt more people whiz by. The moment he felt it was safe, he helped Sora stand.
“You alright?” he asked, searching her face for any sign of trouble.
“Well, our friends didn’t make it…” Sora frowned at the dinosaur and bird toys that she took out of her bag; they were now in pieces of pink and orange. She also looked down at the ground where her takoyaki had fallen. “I really wanted that.”
Taichi held his up and smiled. “Here, we can share mine-”
Startled by the sudden push at his back as one more crazed fan zoomed past, his hand was forced open, letting his takoyaki drop right next to Sora’s.
Turning to the stall, Taichi saw the attendant hold up a pair of takoyaki orders and gestured to him to take them.
“Oh, no, sir- that’s okay! You don’t have to do that-”
The attendant pointed into the crowd, where Taichi and Sora found Mimi happily strolling with her cotton candy, and Jou giving them a thumbs up, quickly followed by the gesture to zip their mouths shut.
“Good ol’ reliable Jou,” said Sora, who grabbed the orders and handed one to Taichi.
He couldn’t help but laugh along with her. 
As the night went on, they continued their walk down the festival rows. But Taichi noticed that Sora declined to do anything else. She didn’t want to get any more food, nor did she want to play any game, or even to try their hand at another fish scooping game. He was wondering if she was no longer having fun, if she even had any from the start.
“Can we get out of this crowd?” she asked.
“Okay.” Taichi looked around, realizing that they were both in the middle of a sea of people going in every direction. Looking ahead, he found a clearing where they could make their escape. “Hold onto me.”
Taichi led the way, holding her hand tightly as they weaved through the crowd together. They passed by people cheering as a young boy caught three goldfish at one stall; a couple winning a ticket for two free bowls of ramen from pulling a string from a senbonhiki stall; and a group of friends decided to pop confetti into the crowd, showering bits of colorful paper all over.
Soon, the lively noises were far away, and Taichi and Sora found themselves on a grassy hillside where the moon slowly rose over a large lake. Right behind them was a bridge where people were already lining up against the guardrails.
“I guess we found a great spot,” Sora said. “Let’s find a place to sit.”
She chose the spot to lay her blanket for the two of them to sit, and she set her geta off to the side. 
“Sorry about that back there. I just couldn’t hear myself think.”
“Oh, was that what it was?” Taichi asked. “I was wondering if you were getting bored.”
Sora giggled. “I’m having a lot of fun with you, Taichi. Despite all the mishaps.”
Taichi turned to her, watching her laugh as her eyes glistened under the glow of the festival lights. There was a pause in her laughter, which confused him, even as she took her hand to his hair.
“Looks like confetti is your consolation prize for the night, Yagami” she said, gently picking out the colorful pieces. “At least you got something.”
Taichi caught sight of a brightly colored piece in a lock of her hair.
“Hey, looks like you win, too,” he said, reaching for it.
Just then, the sky lit up with a flash and a pop. The fireworks show had begun, but neither of them took their eyes from one another.
“What did I win?” she asked.
“If I said it was a kiss from me… would you call that a consolation?”
It was a bold question that even he didn’t think he had the courage to say.
But in response, she brought his palm against her cheek. The flashes of light above them only made her eyes sparkle as she smiled with radiance.
“I’d say that it’s the best prize of all.”
With his heart pounding in his ears, Taichi leaned forward until his lips met hers. His emotions were as bright and colorful as the skies above when she kissed him back. 
Taichi almost felt silly to worry about their first date, but even after things didn’t go as expected, he couldn’t think of anything better than experiencing it all with her.
Terms mentioned:
yukata (summer kimono); obi - sash that wraps around the yukata and can be tied in a knot, including tachiya-style; geta - traditional sandals worn with yukata... Poor Sora’s feet.
takoyaki - appetizer made with octopus. I really want some right now..
Kingyo [sukui] - fish-scooping game, using poi (a tool with thin washi paper) to catch the fish. There are other sukui-type games at festivals, too!
Senbonhiki - a lottery type game where you pull a string that guarantees you a prize (and the prizes vary)
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deadscoutz · 5 years
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REPOST: multishipping extraordinaire.  When I say I ship ALL the mercs I mean it.
a lot of words under the cut:
(I got like a jillion trains of thoughts thinking about pairings.  None of them are canon ingame.  So like, everything is kinda in an AU anyways?  There’s pure “lol buttsex AU’s” where everyone is bunging everyone in the middle of a war cuz that’s what manly men do, then there’s like “~*realistic AU’s~*~” where maybe a few people have relationships and it’s more focus on exxxxtREME PRO GAMER platonic friendships n feelings n shit.  
Just uh.  Something I feel I need to say lolz before we get into Engie/Medic’s wonderful butt machine boyz.  That’s just in the lol buttsex AUs ^_^ DISCLAIMER: I don’t actually think Engie n Medic’s characters are serial anal lubricators!  I know Scout doesn’t have sex with Spy in canon!  Sowwie if u think it’s out of character or that i’m gross and over sexual!!!!!  it’s just fun to draw!!!!!!!)
Engie + Medic + ???
These two work so well together…both Engie and Medic often get relegated to the soft pure nice boyos, which is FINE.  It’s FINE.  But they’re both totally kinda evilly sadistic.  I think this is a pairing that I actually prefer as a threesome with someone else involved, cuz I feel like they like another subject other to test things on  Plus I’m really into the tag team dom aspect, Engie and Medic stay completely clothed while they’re torturing conducting totally ethical experiments on their patient.  Engie helps Medic manufacture tools, rig the ropes n stuff.  And Medic often procures their patient, as well as taking care of physical hands-on stuff n’ aftercare.  Ding ding!
I’m rather fond of Engie/Medic/Spy as well!  I like Engie/Spy, and I like Medic/Spy.  So smash em together and we get one crying, overstimulated French baguette sandwich with extra Texan hot sauce and German johnson tomato slices.  Like, ya prime targets as a Spy are gonna be Medics and Engies, right?  They gonna bap you back, man.  Ubersaw and Wrench 100% crit rate.
Soldier + Heavy x Medic
oooh you expect this to be a pervy one?  NOT THIS TIME this one hits me in my shriveled prune heart.
As I said earlier, I’m totally inspired by
ntg_kiyoyakko‘s doujin “C’mere Sweet Heart” for this dynamic.  It’s so fucking adorable man.  And it’s almost all completely based on in-game interactions, which is quite special cuz you don’t need to know the context of SFMs or comics, just play the game for 5 mins and  you’ll feel left out as a Soldier while the Hoovies get pocketed and ubered ;~;  Plus the Pocket Medic cosmetic, man.  Soldier canon makes his medals, it’s not too far of a stretch he would make his own Medic doll.
As for what Solly could do to compete with Heavy?  Gosh, he tries so hard but it ain’t perfect y’know?  The bond between a Heavy who’s given his Sandvich or banana to a Medic is so strong, Medic always appreciates Heavy’s snacks.  Soldier’s battle cries are only kinda useful to Medic, and the Disciplinary Action doesn’t help Medic that much either ;~;  Of course Meem appreciates Soldier’s gestures, but he doesn’t realize where they come from.  Solly’s just another patient on the battlefield.  And Soldier’s too oblivious to see that Medic and Heavy have a special bond.  Poor puppy Soldier chan~ ;~;
Scout + Spy + Scout
THIS SHIT’S MY FAVORITE THREESOME.  Who could have expected this shit, huh?  One Scout’s annoying enough to Spy, two is absolutely insufferable.  Little Scunts running around yelling for attention and tryna get more of Spy for himself.  Doesn’t really matter the team dynamic, really.  Could be BLU Spy and two RED Scouts, or one RED and one BLU, or both BLU.  It’s all good man, Spy thinks Scouts are rat bastards no matter the team color.  
Any way you cut it, the Scouts reallllly want attention, and/or to put it in Spy’s tired butt.  Prolly during a mission too, they’re so loud they ruin everything Spy’s tryna do.  Maybe they try to sneaky sneak with him, but they end up running ahead and around and fucking everything up.  “C’mon, the guy you’re supposed to kill is dead!  Don’t matter that all the alarms are up!”  “Yeh, we’re done here right?  I got a bucket o fried chicken, let’s DO YOU.”  Mon dieu indeed.
Which reminds me!  I need to draw Scout/Spy/Scout DP or spitroast.  I keep sayin’ it but it never happens, how come???  Alexa, please remind me in 7 days.
Zhanna + Solly
I don’t have any emotional connection to it, but for a canon ship it’s pretty cute!  She’s taller than him, they kill people 2gether naked, Soldier waddles around in a nightgown.  All good with me.  Zhanna tops of course.  I wonder how Hoovy feels about his idiot teammate being engaged with his sister?
Zhanna + Admin + Miss P
I really dunno what Zhanna would do in this threesome LOL.  Miss P/Admin is an very interesting one though!  Miss P’s the only person Admin is close with really, and I guess she asks her “What do friends do?” huh?    Plus Admin with hair down is uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hawt.
But BRUHHH you gotta know if there’s an old grumpy bitchy one, I always make the younger one pursue the older one in a one-sided thing HAHAHAHA.  Angry admin using Miss Pauling purely as a secretary, Miss P. kinda gets attached to taking care of the old gmilf.  
Again, not one that I’m too emotionally invested in, but it’s the kinda pairing that makes you feel heavy_nodding_thumbsup.gif
Scout x Heavy
Oh boy.  A really, really, really good one for me.  Since Meet The Scout came out, I’ve always had an itch for Scout topping Heavy HAHA.  Huge size difference, and something about string bean bitch Scout somehow bullying big Heavy out of his Sandvich is so… sigh.  *medic voice* OOH tingly!  Could Scout even get his teenie weenie through Heavy’s cheeks!?!  It doesn’t matter, I just want more BOOLYING.
Other than sex stuff, I think it’s real cute if Scout’s super annoying and loud, n’ Heavy’s quietly pissed and swats him away.  Ah, and Heavy’s one of the guys who cracks a smile at Scout ruining Spy’s bucket party in Exp. Date!   He doesn’t think Scout’s ALL bad, just awful 80% of the time.  I don’t see them having quite the friendship connection as say, Sniper/Scout.  But Scout being a real pest tryna crack bad jokes, and Heavy just sighing and taking it
(I like deez fics with Hoovy n’ Scout: Muscle Management by Banimals, and Size Isn’t Everything by Teratomarty)
Soldier x Heavy
This is one I haven’t thought of that much!  They look really cute together, so much mass in one place.  And of course the All-American n’ Russian 2gether reminds me of the CLASSIC pairing of Rocky/Ivan Drago… Lot’s of MASHING bodies together n’ CONFLICT of flesh.  I think in this case they can switch hehe.
Same team Solly/Hoovy is kyute, Solly’s so ignorant but he’s friendly to Heavy even though he’s xenophobic to all them European countries LOL.  And opposite team’s got that vague rivalry thing going on too, that’s where the CONFLICT OF FLESH arises lmao.  Plus Solly and Hoovy have to compete for Medic’s attention :3c
Engie x Heavy
Another one I haven’t given much thought!  Shortest class and BEEGEST class.  Is nice.  They’re smart dudes, but I don’t think Heavy’s much for discussion most of the time.  Engie’ll end up just talking at Heavy about some thing he’s building while Hoovy stares sleepily.  Ah, but ENGINEER IS CREDIT TO TEAM, that’s one of my fav lines in the game… will Hoovy show his appreciation?
As for butt stuff, since Medic n’ Engie are science buddies I imagine they have a thing with Heavy going on.  I always think Medic’s part of the equation with most Heavy ships actually, HeavyMedic so stronk it leaks into other pairings.  Medic does more gorey handsy stuff with Hoovy, Engie takes care of the fun toys~  Damn, Heavy’s such a good sub ;~;  Healthy guy, can take everything Medic n Engie dish out.
Scout + Miss Pauling
I really like this one lol cuz MY ASS is weak for one-sided shit.  It’s very cute for a hetero ship cuz Scout has no goddamn chance in hell with her.  I’m torn seeing sexual n’ romantic stuff with Scout/Pauling though, cuz I think it’s way more appealing (Just my personal taste!) if Scout’s just a hopeless puppy dog licking her shoes while she ignores him and sends him to the mf shadow realm of THE FRIEND ZONE.  Ahh and het ships are the only time Scout gets to top really, and u know I like top Scout, but I don’t want her to bang Scout…. I 100% accept pathetic Scout
slapping his meat thinking about Ms. Pauling though.  
I understand the romantic appeal to other people, and I support them all the way!  Plus it’s basically one of the few canon shipz
Spy + Miss Pauling
I just wanna say that Spy’s lines to Scout about porking Ms. Pauling are completely fucked up and I love it.  Spy’s such a bitchass pervert.  It’s one of the things that makes me doubt D*dspy is canon for the games/SFMs.  What kind of fucked up dad threatens to fuck their son’s crush after attempting to help him get a date with her???  Pure uwu indeed.
I’m thinking platonic for Spy/Pauling too.  They’re business-platonic towards each other, and I prefer them to stay that way.  It’s kinda cute how Ms. Pauling can sic Spy on people to actually fufill his role as an assassin, huh?  Cuz she knows he can do the job professionally, and he knows he can do exactly what she tells him to.  Good dog.
Romantic?  Nope.  I don’t see that between them, it’s a strictly business relationship and they’re both aloof personalities.  Sexual?  Only in that aforementioned fucked up way, a really awful perverse Spy doing that to mess up Scout n totally wreck him.  No emotional connection at all.  Otherwise, I don’t see either of them pursuing each other.  Ms. Pauling doesn’t care to have sex with business partners, and Spy can sense it and find someone else to point his ass out to.
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sparatus · 5 years
for the character ask how about uhh Jack and Saren 👀
i am literally over a month late answering this cause im dumb as hell and adhd likes to hold me at gunpoint lmfao
character ask meem
favorite thing about them: honestly i really love her character arc…… being MAD about trauma but slowly realizing she’s tired of being mad and scared all the time and putting her time and effort into helping other people instead of blind destruction really spoke to younger severely traumatized me who really just, kinda needed that “you can be better, you haven’t been down this path too long, there’s still hope” message. i would kill for jack nought
least favorite thing about them: rmmbr when bioware was like “jack wore that leather strap and nothing else in 2 to hold her titties down in prison” and expected us to buy that she wouldn’t be allowed, like, a sports bra or even just a tank top. yeah
favorite line: i can’t remember the exact line but she says smth abt how her students are her kids and if cerberus wants to get to them, they’ll have to go through her first….. Growth
random headcanon: i feel like this one might be supported canon but i feel like when she’s trying to teach herself to calm down more she starts reading a lot of fantasy shit as a form of escapism, because that’s what younger me did and projection is fun
unpopular opinion: the “psychotic biotic” nickname is bad and everyone who either was responsible for it being in the game or perpetuates it in the fandom should feel bad
song i associate with them: “white rabbit” by egypt central [audio] [lyrics]
favorite picture of them: i have this shot from the end of her loyalty mission, as she’s fiddling with the bomb trigger, and i just. really love the emotion in her eyes, the distress and conflict you can see behind them. i have shots of her escape from cryo too and they’re badass but idk man i think the end of her loyalty mission hits a bit harder, she’s struggling with her perception of reality and what the things she learned on pragia mean about her entire life, both so far and yet to come. i have a lot of feelings about jack, man.
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favorite thing about them: there’s a lot of things but the biggest is how like, every “cold unfeeling villain” trope bioware tried to use to make him seem evil was just an autism symptom that i also have lmfao. saren arterius is autistic, you can’t change my mind
least favorite thing about them: he’s supposed to be WHITE-PLATED he’s supposed to be “THE PALE COLOR OF BONE” DIRECT QUOTE FROM REVELATION he’s super pale off-white BONE-COLORED in the comics and his concept art but me1′s engine fucked him up and made him steel-gray and now everyone in fandom thinks he’s steel hdflsfsflslfsd
favorite line: he has one in the novels abt how he hates torture and it’s only okay if it has a purpose cause it’s brutal and messy and too cruel, which is supported when after he has to torture somebody (who was already a shitty asshole person so like) for information he shoots him to put him out of his misery because quote, “after all, he wasn’t a monster” and i feel like that’s vastly overlooked by even a lot of his so-called biggest fans and also bioware themselves in later games, he’s ruthless but he’s not cruel, he has standards
random headcanon: he has an old stuffed varren his mom got him for his 2nd birthday, who is very precious to him (cause mom died when he was 5) and if anybody other than like, himself or his brother or grandmother touches it it’s grounds to be kicked out of the apartment via the balcony at BEST
unpopular opinion: everybody who tells you he has no sense of humor and is just a stoic asshole 110% of the time is stupid and didn’t pay any attention at all. this includes pretty much all of the big names in the kryterius fandom. actually basically every fan of his vastly misunderstands him, especially the ones who think he could be convinced to romance a human.
song i associate with them: “back from the dead” by skillet [audio] [lyrics], ig if you take it literally it probably fits his brother better but like listen it’s just such a good song for an acrobatic berserker which is how i picture his fighting style
favorite picture of them: i’m gonna go ahead and assume my own fanart doesn’t count lmfao so like, his concept art fucking slaps and i’ll always be mad we didn’t get it in-game cause even tho i understand why they chose the armored look (devs said it made more sense for him to be armored as a hyper-competent spec ops agent) the sleek goth look has so much more PERSONALITY. also supports my theory that turian biotics look like lightning, thank you, have a nice day
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look at this man. this man is GAY and NOT A XENOPHILE and there’s NOTHING you can DO ABOUT IT
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ourreferences02 · 7 years
seventy-three questions
I guess this is like if some random person wanted to interview my kids, idk. Ignore how some things capitalized on their own, ik it’s very annoying. not to mention, I didn’t bold or italicize anything. there’s too many words in this post it would take too much time, sorry. have fun reading all of this
q: what’s your favorite movie you’ve seen in the past month?
Richard: Richard peter Johnson. it’s about me. for sure.
bella: to the bone. I forget if they have a trigger warning. I don’t know, I liked it.
calum: john wick. there’s a lot of cool stuff
leia: frozen and moana!!!
q: favorite animal?
Richard: I honestly don’t know. for shits and giggles, maybe cougars
bella: um... when I was little I really liked birds, bunnies, lions, and lambs
calum: dragons are super strong and op
leia: puppiessssssss
q: best friend’s name?
Richard: sam
bella: i’m not very close with anyone. ally, I guess
calum: kirk junior
leia: luke
q: book you plan on reading?
Richard: the catcher in the rye
bella: pride and prejudice
calum: I want to get the guiness book of world records for 2017
leia: the blue fairy book. it’s about fairy tales
q: something that positively shaped you?
Richard: sick as it sounds, my girlfriend set herself on fire and had to go to the hospital. it was because of me, and when she made it out of that experience with no burns it somehow got me to be more appreciative and inspired me to stop being such a dick sometimes
bella: theo.
calum: I heard about LeBron james
leia: life
q: biggest secret?
Richard: don’t have one, really
bella: it wouldn’t be a secret if I told someone, would it?
leia: I found out that my best friend is sleeping beauty! but a boy!
calum: not telling. i’m not retarded.
q: on a scale of one to ten, how excited are you about life right now?
Richard: ten? idk
bella: 6... hehe
calum: five is average. so five.
leia: a bagillion gazillion and one
q: iPhone or android?
Richard: androids have potato cameras
bella: iPhone. I guess if they’re too expensive an android would be okay
calum: aren’t andriods robots
leia: aye aye captain hahahhahhahhahhaha
q: twitter or Instagram?
Richard: twitter
bella: definitely Instagram
calum: I like jetpack joyride
leia: graham crackers?
q: who should everyone be following right now?
Richard: me. just kidding, um... my friends tyrone and Tanisha. they’re living on their own for the most part, with two twin babies, at fifteen. kudos
bella: not kim Kardashian.
calum: stalkers. show them how they make other people feel.... oh sorry, wrong kind of following
q: favorite food?
Richard: I can’t come up with something so i’m just going to say pizza
Bella: i like chicken alfredo pasta. I’m not sure if it’s my favorite though
Calum: hot dogs
Leia: crackers
q: least favorite food?
Richard: cornbread. I’ve seen timmy wolf down a whole loaf. It was huge. There was a lot of blowing chunks after. Scarring, tbh
Bella: never liked green beans
Calum: eggplants, carrots, and bananas
Leia: steak is hard for me to chew sometimes
q: what do you love on your pizza?
Richard: cheese
Bella: cheese. Oh, richard said that too? Ffs
calum: pepperonis
Leia: anchovies! Just kidding, i’m joking!
q: favorite drink?
Richard: i’ve got no clue. water is very underrated
Bella: i used to love lemonade. Haven’t had that in years. Oh, right. I like tea, coffee, root beer, yeah
Calum: i’ve never had vodka, but vodka
Leia: do slushies count?
q: favorite dessert?
Richard: i’m a fabulous dessert -wink- um, no, in all seriousness, chocolate ice cream
Bella: huh. I haven’t had dessert in a while either. Shit.
Calum: chocolate chip cookies
Leia: everything sweet
q: dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Richard: well I know how tyrone would answer this. I guess milk chocolate
Bella: milk?
Calum: both
Leia: ooooooh, one second, i’ll be back! NO IT’S NOT TO GET CHOCOLATE
q: coffee or tea?
Richard: coffee
Bella: they’re both good for photos, coffee tastes better, but tea is better for you
Calum: alcohol
q: hardest decision?
Richard: what to answer for this question. That counts?!
Bella: life or death. I chose life, obviously
Calum: i’m bored
Leia: my mom asked me if i wanted a dog or a cat! I said dog, but she never got either one
q: favorite fruit?
Richard: peach. -eyebrow wiggle- I actually don’t know
Bella: pineapple, mango, peach, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, watermelon...
Calum: pear
Leia: applllllllles!!!
q: favorite singer or songwriter?
Richard: shawn mendes. I’M JOKING
Bella: isabella vail. Sorry, no self-promo? Okay, theo herondale -grin-
Calum: eminem
Leia: idina menzel
q: favorite song?
Richard: can’t say
Bella: that’s a lot of pressure
Calum: i’m hungry
q: if you could sing a duet with anyone, who would it be?
Richard: shawn mendes. I’M STILL JOKING I SWEAR
Bella: theo.
Calum: that’s gay
q: if you had a tattoo, where would it be?
Richard: could i get a tramp stamp
Bella: i can’t choose, whoops
Calum: my arm
Leia: but they’re permanent!!
q: to be or not to be?
Richard: to be
Bella: to be or not to be.. ahh.. Love it
Calum: not to be
Leia: tooooo beeeeeeee... Two bees?
q: bird-watching or whale-watching?
Richard: whale-watching but only if i could ride the whale
Bella: bird-watching, they make such pretty sounds
Calum: a bird shit on my head
Leia: whale-watching because then i could see mermaids too!!!
q: best gift ever received?
Richard: sofia and will, thank you so much for your second creation. Not that the other ones aren’t good i just mean i love wed oh god just shut up richard. Praise you guys, hallelujah. Rest in peace, will. Would’ve been nice to get a “NOW YOU BE CAREFUL WITH MY DAUGHTER!” chat.
Bella: meeting theo was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.. wait is anyone going to see this? Oh god please no UM OKAY best gift other than that, i got a purple flower pin from.. someone.. Although i technically didn’t get it from them..i don’t want to think about this, never mind
Calum: my mom got a basketball hoop for me
Leia: everything!!
q: best gift you’ve ever given?
Richard: i once decorated bella in glitter and shit and then tried to give her to my mom. Yeah, i still don’t know why i did that. Awww, my little sissie, i’m gonna give her a hug after this
Bella: i wouldn’t know
Calum: i gave kirk junior a whole pack of gum once
Leia: i gave luke’s grandma a pretty flower. She’s really nice.
q: last gift you gave a friend?
Richard: the cornbread timmy threw up
Bella: i’ve never had a real friend, um, i gave annabelle a horse necklace and dora a set of nail polish. But they’re just people i talk to sometimes. Plus annabelle.. ugh
Calum: i gave savannah a pencil. Hope she liked it
Leia: i gave my mom a hug today!!
q: favorite video game?
Richard: OH MINECRAFT FOR SUUUUUUUURE!!! sorry i’m not in a serious mood
Bella: i don’t really play video games, the sims, i guess
Calum: call of duty games
Leia: roblox!! I like the pizza delivery game
q: favorite meme?
Richard: oh boy
Bella: are you serious? Right in front of my salad?
Calum: the spongebob music one
Leia: what’s a meem
q: last country visited?
Richard: greece
Bella: greece
Calum: how much longer
Leia: greece
q: favorite body part on a human?
Richard: well this could get some perverted answers
Bella: eyes. But “eyeballs” sounds atrocious.
Calum: pussy
Leia: their hearts!!!!!!
q: favorite color?
Richard: i like reds, blues, greens, idk
Bella: i loved yellow when i was younger. Blues are good too. As for the stuff that’s not on the rainbow, i guess i like black, gray, silver, gold, and white. Oh red is good sometimes
Calum: red, green, orange
Leia: light blue
q: least favorite color?
Richard: that murky brown and green mixture -shudder-
Bella: the colors that we can’t see or imagine. So frustrating.
Calum: yellow
Leia: i like all of the colors, i wouldn’t want any to feel bad about themselves
q: diamonds or pearls?
Richard: i mean there are no pearls in minecraft... OKAY I’LL STOP
Bella: diamonds
Calum: you could sell the diamonds and be rich
Leia: great grandma grace had pearls
q: heels or flats?
Richard: i lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt, but i make these high heels work
Bella: it depends
Calum: heels are sexy.
Leia: no girl can walk in heels, can they? OMG BELLA YOU’RE WALKING IN HEELS
q: pilates or yoga?
Richard: how about just working out
Bella: yoga
Calum: there’s yoga instructor porn
Leia: you mean pirates or yoda? Yoda is in star wars with princess leia, so yoda
q: jogging or swimming?
Richard: swimming for sure
Bella: i mean, i love swimming. But it’s hard to go near a pool when you’ve drowned yourself. I’m sorry i keep being gloomy
Calum: sorry, i fell asleep
Leia: swimming!
q: best way to de-stress?
Richard: hahahhahhahah
Bella: talking to someone, hugging someone, etc.
Calum: sleeping helps
Leia: just breathe! ahhhh...
q: if you had one superpower, what would it be?
Richard:i heard about a superpower that is all the superpowers
Bella: richard told me abo- he said that too?!
q: weirdest person you ever met?
Richard: the howler or the tricycle guy
Bella: theo. -devilish grin- nO I’M KIDDING DON’T TELL HIM I SAID THAT! Awe, i feel bad
Calum: my whole family
Leia: i don’t know, everyone’s weird in their own way
q: favorite flower?
Richard: i don’t know about many besides roses
Bella: i could list my top 50 if you want
Calum: ew
Leia: dandelions grant wishes!
q: last time you cried?
Richard: when my girlfriend was in the hospital
Bella: ...
Calum: crying is for chumps
Leia: i’m too happy to cry
q: do you like your handwriting?
Richard: no?
Bella: im not sure
Calum: oh bitch i fell asleep again
Leia: i forget to dot my i’s sometimes
q: do you bake?
Richard: i live in a house with girls, of course. OH SHOOT WAS THAT SEXIST, I’M SO SORRY I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE TH- oh right. Forgot about calum. LOVE YA CAL
Bella: baking and cooking are both fun
Calum: no. i eat the baked goods though
Leia: i eat the cookie dough heheh
q: least favorite thing about yourself?
Richard: my anger issues
Bella: my luck
Calum: i’m amazing
Leia: i-i love myself!!! haha..
q: favorite thing about yourself?
Richard: idk
Bella: haha
Calum: everything
Leia: i think i’m nice
q: who do you miss most?
Richard: ggg. Great grandma grace
Bella: not ben. I liked you when you were alive, but you are unbearable as a ghost
Calum: i just want to play basketball
Leia: everyone who is in heaven!!!
q: what are you listening to right now?
Richard: the wind, i guess
Bella: arctic monkeys
Calum: leia trying to sing. She sucks
Leia: my favorite tarzan song
q: favorite smell?
Richard: um
Bella: rain, books, fire, theo, dryer sheets, flowers, oh no did i say theo? -blush- please don’t put that in
Calum: no idea
Leia: freshly baked sugar cookies, bella’s are better than my mom’s!
q: last person you talked to on the phone?
Richard: sam. He’s giving me updates on gilly and her baby. I hope she’s doing okay..
Bella: i got some type of hate call from someone. Idk who.
Calum: kirk junior and i were talking about basketball
Leia: luke. He said i’m giving him mixed signals. I have no clue what that means
q: last person you sent a text to?
Richard: tyrone
Bella: charlie
Calum: i don’t have a phone.. one day
Leia: look! The lollipop made my tongue blue!!!
q: sport you wish you could play?
Richard: is archery a sport? Because that’s cool
Bella: i don’t play any sports -sigh-
Calum: i do play basketball, but i really like basketball, so basketball.
Leia: i wish i could ice skate more
q: hair color?
Richard: a medium/dark brown
Bella: i’m a brunetteeeee
Calum: light brown
Leia: blonde!
q: eye color?
Richard: green. Idk about greater detail
Bella: crystal blue? It’s like a blue but if you turned the saturation down a bit and put some shine in there
Calum: i don’t check
Leia: blue, like blue whale
q: scary films or happy endings?
Richard: both
Bella: happy endings
Calum: no real man likes happy endings
Leia: scary movies scare me
q: favorite season?
Richard: tough
Bella: it really depends. Spring is very rainy but i like the rain. Summer is super hot but school’s out and it’s beautiful out. Fall comes with the colorful tree leaves and the clothing, and winter is cold but you have hot chocolate and oversized sweaters
Calum: i bet bella gave a long answer. Loser.
Leia: summer!
q: sexual fantasy?
Richard: where did that come from
Bella: -beet red- w-what?
Calum: huh
Leia: what’s that?
q: hugs or kisses?
Richard: both
Calum: neither
Leia: hug time!
q: rolling stones or the beatles?
Richard: the beatles
Bella: the beatles, for sure
Calum: how many left?
Leia: why are we talking about things in the garden
q: favorite sex position?
Richard: i swear this came out of nowhere
Bella: -blink-
Calum: missions. Missionary? Yeah, that’s what i meant
Leia: i’m so confused
q: farthest you’ve been from home?
Richard: i died twice. Dk where i ended up
Bella: see i killed myself, and then i was in some sort of darkness for a week until i decided to come back
Calum: are we close to finished
Leia: look at this nail polish! Isn’t it so pretty?!
q: left or right?
Richard: the price is right
Bella: right
Calum: left
Leia: right
q: lipstick or lip gloss?
Richard: um
Bella: lipstick
Calum: almost?
Leia: lip gloss
q: scariest dream?
Richard: you’d know if i pissed myself
Bella: ..don’t want to talk about it, sorry
Calum: im not scared of anything
Leia: cookeh im mah mout, un segont
q: favorite type of hair?
Richard: i guess i like head hair over pubic hair
Bella: depends
Calum: hairless cats
Leia: those naked rodents
q: title of your autobiography?
Richard: one second, let me think of something
Bella: i wouldn’t write an autobiography
Calum: Perfection
Leia: my life
q: favorite sound?
Richard: did i really just fall asleep
Bella: sorry, what? I was doodling.
Calum: basketballs bouncing
Leia: water
q: favorite animal?
Richard: wasn’t this already a question
Bella: On the other side of a street I knew, stood a girl that looked like you, i guess thats deja vu
Calum: there has to be only a couple left
Leia: what
q: girl crush?
Richard: there’s this girl named wednesday herondale, she’s honestly my dream girl -grin-
Bella: how’d you know i’m bi? nO NOT BIPOLAR
Calum: i-i don’t h-have one..
Leia: i love my sister!
q: last photograph you took?
Richard: you’d expect it to be a nude because i’m a teenage boy, yeah, yeah, i see you.. well, i’ll have you know, it’s a picture of... my girlfriend. isn’t she beautiful, look at her!
Bella: okay so this one is o- fine. Don’t let me go into detail.
Calum: i took this selfie on my ipad by accident. I have a double chin in it haha WAIT WE’RE DONE?! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Leia: oh this one’s of my finger! whoops!
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hatsunemikuvevo · 7 years
Haha wow this wound up being pretty long. If anyone who reads all this shit finds something they disagree with by all means, tell me. My opinions aren’t facts, I like hearing other viewpoints.
Well, the launch line up sucks complete ass, but that’s to be expected. I mean when the fuck was the last time something had a GOOD launch lineup? The Dreamcast?  I’ll go over what I think of all the games so far, firstly:
the FUCK
is 1, 2, Switch?
Nintendo actually gets everyone’s attention. Positive buzz, for once. And THIS is what they show? And it’s not even a goddamn INCLUDED GAME? It’s not even a GAME! Who the fuck is this for? Even if you look at if from a “I’m a hot young millennial who doesn’t enjoy video games, AKA Nintendo’s current target demographic” perspective, why the FUCK would you spend 350 united states dollarydoos to buy a Switch and this game when you can probably just download all the shit “games” on your phone for free?? What kind of goddamn “selling point” is “you don’t even need to look at the screen :DDD” why WOULD I BUY THAT WHY WOULD ANYONE BUY IT, IT SCREAMS “FREE TECH DEMO WITH THE GAME ALA WII SPORTS” WHY
I keep hearing that Ultra Street Fighter 2 is 40 bucks which is way too much fucking money for Street Fighter 2 with two palette swap characters with a few new moves but hey it’ll almost certainly be better than SFV so there’s that
Fire Emblem Warriors is going to be a goddamn Awakening/Fates fest, including some people from Marth’s game, Roy, Ike, and like, Sigurd or something so they can pretend they give a shit about people who’ve stuck with the franchise. They got fucking weird with some of the Hyrule Warriors picks (I don’t think a single fucking person saw bug girl coming) so maybe I’ll be wrong. Please let me be wrong. Fire Emblem really lends itself to be a musou title please don’t fuck it up PLEASE
Super Mario Odyssey looks good and I’m legitimately excited for it, New Donk City looks fucking WEIRD, seeing “real” humans but I feel like they were going for that? Sandbox Mario games are a safe bet on being great, I ain’t worried. Also Bowser looks fucking great. I like this Bowser.
Splatoon 2 looks like more of what Splatoon was, which is a great thing. The Splat Dualie looks really fun to use even though I’m probably just gonna stick with the roller like the scrub that I am. More customization is great but I might just stick with the twintails, hairwise. I WANNA KNOW WHAT’S UP WITH PUNISHED MARIE THOUGH WHERE IS CALLIE WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE NINTENDO WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY SQUID WIFE IF YOU HURT HER I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I-
Shin Megami Tensei: We Showed a Giant, Uncensored Green Cock on a Nintendo Livestream: I don’t like getting hype over games with no gameplay shown, so I’m trying to keep my expecations in check for this mystery SMT game. ANYONE REMEMBER THE LAST TIME NINTENDO TEASED A MYSTERY SMT GAME :DDDDDD REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED WITH THAT :DDDDDDD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (this new SMT will probably be fine though, I’m totally hype even if I don’t wanna be)
who gives a motherfuck about unmodded skyrim in the year 2017, it’s cool bethesda is supporting nintendo consoles though i guess
Mario Kart 8: Haha You Actually Bought a Wii U Edition has King Boo and that’s literally all I needed but they even added Inklings and a whole fucking Splatoon track so I want it even more now. ALSO IT HAS BATTLE MODE NOW WHICH IS GOOD. (Dry Bones is also cool)
Breath of the Wild: EYEBROWS/10, FISH/10. GERUDO/10, WAIFUS/10, also the game looks like it’s going to be good or something BUT GOING BACK TO ZELDA’S EYEBROWS I REALLY LIKE THEM also it looks like Link is fighting someone from the sheikah tribe at one point the FUCK is up with that WAIFUS ARE GREAT BUT I’M ALSO A LORE SLUT GIVE ME THE DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETS
Super Bomberman R: Konami makes video games? What? Excuse me? Are they finally letting the Bomberman devs out of the Punishment Chamber? Apparently Konami and Nintendo worked together to make it happen. HEY IF YOU GUYS ARE WORKING TOGETHER PUT HIM IN THAT SMASH PORT THAT RUMORED TO HAPPEN BOMBERMAN IS A GOOD BOY HE DESERVES IT
ARMS: Looks like fun, honestly. It seems well thought out, aside from it’s shit logo. Seems like a day one buy to me. Especially since motion controls are optional.
Snipperclips: Looks cute. I doubt it’s a full price game. I’ll pick it up for sure if it’s not, it looks like something Grandmiku might enjoy!
Xenoblade 2: Hello, God? It’s me, Miku. Please tell me that Xenoblade 2 having a PEGI rating and not an ESRB rating means NoE is handling the localization and not the Treehouse, I’d like the game to you know, actually resemble the original a bit and not be full of EPIC OUTDATED MEEMS XDD
Paid online can suck a dick but I’m used to it now I guess. Loaning you a NES/SNES rom a month is a motherfucking joke though, that’s just insulting. Come the fuck on, MICROSOFT gives games out, you can give out a a twenty+ year old game for free each month you greedy assholes
Hurry the fuck up and announce Pokemon Stars so people actually buy a Switch
Whats the Senran Kagura guy gonna do with the new rumble feature in the Joy Cons
No Region Locking THANK FUCKING GOD, now if I want some obscure titty game on the Switch it might get an Asian English localization or some shit
Where’s Smash Switch
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sonadoraempire · 7 years
The Queen is sick
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     It’s the fifth day since I have known Sonadora. I found more than one reason to consider that Sonadora is a inspirational writer, that what I Always notice. For example, When She starts a writing about a topic, many other users tweet and agreed with her. If She tweeted a game, there will be many users having fun with it. I remember one day she tweeted about ( Who is your tweeter crash) I played it with them, I found that my crash was  ( meem  great girl I used to follow, and I found that game put Sonadora as my Daughter!.
     When I was at collage, First time I had essay subject was so fun, the prof liked me and encouraged me, I remember the first topic I wrote about, It was about ( Female education versus Male Education ) I remember that I supported the idea that says ( Girls’ education is more important, ) I wrote some reason supporting my opinion, one of them was that girls raised children, so they educated the children, men do not do that as well as girls.
     I know i am talking about something else, but I think it is related to the main reason Why I love Sonadora so much, I do that loving her  as a great sister, as a great friend and as a inspirational girl. 4 years of collage study, then I have graduated. Writing subject took the highest scores, So I love writing. It has been 6 yeas since I wrote my last essay, 6 years ago, I have finished the school. So, When I tried to write again, after those years, I found my self  is facing some difficulties. But when I have know Sonadora, I found my pen write with out limits. in spit of that, I was writing poem, The most difficult subject i have faced in my collage.  So I notice that Sonadora is a inspirational person. I noticed that artistic persons usually are inspirational. Sonadora was an artistic, She has a great ability in FX designing. FX was so hard to me to learn! Alos, She had a collection of very fantastic pic, videos, and gifs. She made a Hashtag ( #Sonadora_collection, and she put all of her inspirational pictures, videos,and gifs in it. I used to visited it, Also I haved used them in my designs. 
       So, I found my self is adore that clever, talented girl. I found my self in her sayat., but what I should write to express my feeling about her, I really like and used to describe and express any beautiful thing i see. Sometimes I found my self is misunderstanded, for example, one time  I liked my friend’s coat, I expressed  to my friend how beautiful was it!, When I told him that, He thought I say that I liked it and I want it, so he said, it is yours now, I tried and hardly i convinced him that I was just like it, not wanting to own it!
      So when I entered her sayat page, I tried to say anything that express my admiration to that kind girl. So I stated my message by arabic words, then I wrote a poem in English, expressing how inspirational she is!
I wrote:
هي حرة تشدو على غصن الشجر
She is a free dove, singing on a branch of tree. هي درة تلمع على اطراف النهر She is a Pearl shines on the sides of the river 
عندما دخلت اول مرة حساب سونادورا
When I entered Sonadora’s account 
وجدت نفسي للرقي تجرني
I found my self force me to act as a gentleman وجدت فيه ما كان بالحق يقصني I found What really what I need. انت إلهام
You are inspiration 
الهمتني حسن الكلام المرتقي
You inspired me to find the good words when I speak انت عنوان الانقة والرقي
You are the model of the nobility and elegance
Then I tried to write those lines:
     You inspire me to write.. To feel to think You help me when I am about to sink You give the highest romantic rink Sonadora You inspire me... You taught me to translate my feeling to words I am a bird singing by your window wishing to be heard Giving me courage to warble loudly fearing just my Lord. Sonadora.. Sonadora.. you inspire me In your page I find my self That is Your words I conserve in my heart's shelf Where ever you will be I'll be by your gulf Sonadora ... Sonadora... You inspire me Shall I compare you with a raining day In my heart desert where it is not okay Under your inspirational clouds always I stay Sonadora .. Sonadora.. Sonadora .. you inspire me
     I knew it was so bad lines, but i wanted to say anything to tell her how she is really amazing, artistic girl. How she really she inspire others. After 5 hours, she replied, It was very concerning reply, made me to worry about her, she wrote:
والله كلامك جميل اكتبلك في هذه اللحظه وانا تعبانه بس كلامك خفف عني تعبي، اسعدتني كثير بتعبيراتك الجميله الله يسعدك يارب مين ماكنت ،صدقني ماعرفت مين انت بس مبسوطه منك وشاكره من قلبي لك ، انت الملك وملك الكلمه والشعر واللطف ممتنه لك بجد ولذوقك الراقي في انتقاء حروفك ~ I'm sick now 💔so tired (body illness )
Your message is beautiful, I am writing to you in this moment while I am sick, your words made that sick easier to me, made me very happy with your nice expressions, may Allah make you happy, Who is you are , Believe me I really do not know Who are you?, but I thank you from my heart, You are the king, and the king of words, I am grateful for you, and for your elegant taste, and your word choice.
~ I'm sick now 💔so tired (body illness )
     It was  the most beautiful message that encourage me and contained those nice  compliment. How did She thank me and my words helped her with her sickness. I really was so happy.. Again, that inspirational girl, inspired me, but this time, internal inspiration, with words that  made my day. 
      When I read it, and she was sick I was really worried about her, Next post i will write how did I react to this bad news.
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way-to-paradisum · 7 years
 i’ve lost all willpower for any school thing, and there is still 5 weeks left. i can’t bring myself to get out of bed. i’m unhappy how i handled this year, i wanted to break off frommy toxic fake friends but couldn’t bring myself to actually do anything. i fear people i don’t know want to harm me. they pull my hair, how do they know my name. i can’t do much of anything because it’s not that big of a deal. well i thought it haddn’t been, i hope it won’t be. 5 more weeks of hell, people think i don’t feel becuse i make self depricating jokes, they think i’m okay. they think everything is just peachy. they think they can treat me like trash because how can i defend myself if i don’t love myself. i tell myself i’m being unfair. these people have complex lives and reasons and they can’t be awful people deep down, they’re not awful like me. but they are, i don’t like to say this, but their worse than me. why do i let them make me feel this, i don’t want to hate them. they’ve ruined things for me that made me happy, they make fun of me for who i am, they think they know me, they do know me, but they didn’t axxept me. they treated me like trash and then acted as if will always be friends. i always sit with them at lunch because i don’t know where else to go, thats a lie. i’m just afraid. i was just pushing it off, one more day. and i don’t want them to hate me, so i can’t tell them i hate them. i think they hate me anyway. everyone does. well execpt for a few. i hate my school, it’s destroyed me. i just need to make 5 more weeks and i’ll have made it. 5 more weeks that i can’t die. i musn’t, because “there is so much to life.” becuase i have so many dreams i want to acheive. the small and silly dreams that keep me going. i think i want to be alright, but i’m never sure. i’ve wanted to hurt myself, i’ve wanted to hurt others. i’ve wanted to love myself i’ve wanted to love others. i don’t want to hurt anyone but sometimes they push me so far i image sticking a knfe in their stomach. i don’t want to harm others, it’s wrong, i’m unhappy but i don’t want others to be unhappy because of me. but the toughts go through my head. i think i’m a bad person, a good person wouldn’t think of harming others. a good person wouldn’t be me. but i’m not so sure if i’m as bad as i make myself oout to be. sometimes i think i’m alright, i think if i were to live a few more years i’d be okay with that. i want to hold onto those feelings. i want to be around the people who make me hold onto those feelings of hope. school is hell, but i’ll make it. i’ve got a few things keeping me going on, thanks to the real friends i have, thanks to my dad for being there for me when it really mattered, thanks to tumblr for letting me connect closer to people i’ve grown to love, also side note platonic love is sometimes confusing, thanks to my siblings who despite all the shit i give them are still sticking it out with me. thanks cartoons anime books manga some really neat art and meemes and some very good video games for bringing a lot of joy into my life. lets hope to make this next year one we were hapyyto have lived, lets make it a life we had rather lived than not. it’s painful and it seems it’s never going to get better sometimes. but i think we’ll make it. we may never amound to anything in the grand scheeme of things, but it’s our lives, so I’ll live it my way. Becuase fuck socital norms and this is my life.
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What are your favorite headcanons for gay hat simulator? (Also THANK YOU FOR THE NEWEST HEADCANONS I AM STARVED FOR CONTENT)
Omg my favorites??? Shit bro I have so many I have to think now uuuh lesse here's some randos
- Sneep is my favorite, I HC that he's suuuuper ticklish on his tummy and when he gets tickled he tries to curl into himself and wheezes a lot sjsj. Will definitely swear at you but cackles so much he doesn't get many words out. Very sensitive to kisses and mushy tickles like that, blushes like a mf
- Hoovy thinks tickling is Baby game, but is a super good ler (big brother rights) and will use tickles to subdue or punish the mercs if they act like fools (like the holiday punch snsjsjsjs). Just holds you with one hand and squeezes and spiders slowly with the other, will have a little smile as he does.
- Everyone's favorite Embarrass Scoot game is having one person hold him under the arms while the other spiders all over his torso, which gets him screaming
- Engee is a good ler solely for dad reasons, he's definitely tuned his gunslinger to have a gentler less murderous mode so he can tickle with it (which can get to unbearable speeds). He's p ticklish himself though lol, gets hiccups easy
- When meem does check ups, he sometimes gets a bit mischievous and will purposefully prod sweet spots just to get the mercs to hitch their breath or squirm. He'll proceed to order them to "stay still" as if he isn't entirely aware that he's provoking them lol. Evil.
- Solly is a bit ticklish but doesn't fully understand what's happening all the time. He'll laugh and start punching whoever's attacking him, so be careful. But sometimes he knows what's going on and will begin strategizing to be the last standing in a tickle fight ( "you want war son, I'll give you war!" ). He tickles super rough and laughs the whole time along with the lee.
- Py's suit seems too thick to be tickled through, but they giggle and wiggle around anyway. They love being tickled!!!!
- Demo is a huge ler, the biggest ler on the team, an absolute goofy mad lad. He's ticklish too ofc and will laugh a full belly laugh with the brightest smile. Genuinely enjoys the fun
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magentamindset · 7 years
😂 for ze special interest meem
Something funny about your special interest?
I don’t know if I can think of anything funny specifically about card games at all. Um... one time in 1998 (and then again in 2004) Magic the Gathering had published two “joke” expansions called Unglued and Unhinged that had silver-bordered not-legal-in-tournament play that was mostly just the game making fun of itself with strange mechanics including doing the hokey pokey, dealing damage to a creature equal to half the punctuation marks in its text box, and even making creatures unable to block if their controller was wearing denim. Mark Rosewater (Head of Magic R&D) is on occasion requested to design a third joke expansion.
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