malmagma · 2 years
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Hi yes go read all of @megamanrecut ‘s things that is my command
(Based on Become The Night)
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askprotoroll · 6 months
Felt like drawing more of the recut roll-proto swap AU because this post by @megamanrecut was on my page again, so here you go
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Question is, who put them in the shirt? Light or Roll?
I, for one, think it'd be hilarious if Roll was the one who put them in the shirt somehow
Like, either it happens during the bro bots episode, or she just gets so fed up with them fighting each other instead of her that she resorts to this, idk
I think it's funny regardless, though. Maybe it'd actually help them get along.
- Melody
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rockmangurl · 7 months
Tribute to this scene, albeit WIP for now.
@megamanrecut with https://blackcrowcalling.tumblr.com/ prompt
Going to test doing backgrounds on Ibis vs Clip Studio.
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Flats and lines. Have a bit of an experiment in mind with the background.
Fixed Proto’s hand.
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(Art under the cut)
So reading through Recut and “Become The Night” again and had a thought of, what if Proto did get armour eventually, but he initially had to make it from the dead broken bodies of scrappers. Eventually he’s able to just build new armor himself. The coloration is based on early sprite designs of Protoman/Breakman being a dark pink/magenta due to technical limitations.
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@megamanrecut hope you liked this, love your art and writing
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Got bored and wrote a Recut AU drabble! But tbh it was just an excuse to have season 1 Proto and Elec bounce off each other in a 'frienemy' context haha
Dialogue isn't my strongest suit, but I tried to capture character tones anyway. Hopefully it worked out!
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fusedfandoms · 3 years
I love EDM, Elec Man, and @megamanrecut so here’s my contribution to the playlist posts! I’m on mobile forgive the formatting.
This one is Elec Man inspired. I’m working on a 90s version for the accuracy, but for now here’s some modern house/techno that reminds me of him haha. Most of the songs were chosen based off their names tbh, it’s just really funny to fill a playlist for him with titles like “Release Me” and “I Don’t Like Anyone.”
Some standouts:
Dangerous by Big Data - tell me this doesn’t scream Elec Man you can’t it’s got that perfect ominous touch 👌 (also it’s not really EDM but shut up)
Energy (remix) by Stace Cadet - electric song for an electric man
Bittersweet Emotion by jackLNDN - this one is more for a LOOSE perspective on Elec Man and Proto Man. It reminds me of their dynamic from Elec Man’s side
And since I was torn on what flavor of EDM to go for, I also made a darker version that I feel would be played in a Syndicate-owned club. The songs here were chosen more for ominous gangster vibes than anything else. I think it’s too heavy for Recut canon in general but considering what Ballade did in Cold Steel Part 3 it still works. This playlist would also work better for season 0 Elec Man than the other playlist. Don’t get me wrong he’s still a coldhearted mf, but he seems more empathetic in the later seasons. Anyway back to reading through Recut for Centum reveal foreshadowing looking at you Cossack what are you doing over there
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burnt-pizza-lolz · 3 years
So I finally decided to make more vines, megaman recut edition!
@megamanrecut heeeey
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pyjamaart · 3 years
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I finished season 2 of Mega Man Recut today and that means it’s finally time to post this! I once again wanna thank @megamanrecut for writing such a wonderful fanfiction and filling the last few months I spent reading it with so much joy and entertainment!!! :)
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nieznasztejosoby · 3 years
Soo I was told that there is interest in how my swaps work yay 😁
For all the people who are only interested in sonic since this is a primary sonic related AU
have a bat Shadow that I never posted anywhere besides darkswap discord server (join us )
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the AU belongs to @darkswap
For all the people that are still here megaman is under the cut
I will start with saying that while I won't draw them Dr.Wily and Dr.Light are swapped with eachother (I just don't have any intersing desing changes for them maybe Dr. Light beard is messier I don't know )
After the failure of presenting Blues to the public Dr.Light decides that he will take over the world using them to prove their superiority over mankind .
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Roll aka DLN002 (swapped with Rock)
Created by Dr. Light as a part of the first wave of robot masters , later captured by law enforcment and re programed by Dr.Wily .Guilt ridden over the destruction she caused ,she decides to fight against Dr.Light .
*loves fighting but is very tired of Dr. Lights schemes
*exitable ball of energy
*loves her family very much
* spends most of her free time on helping charity causes
(She and Tails don't get along at the begining but they warm up to eachother over time )
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Rock DLN001 (swapped with Roll )
Not much to say about him beyond what I said about Roll .A chill mechanic and a person that keeps their house standing .(he and sonic get along pretty well )
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Blues DLN/DWN000(swapped with Forte )
The first robot master and Dr.Lights second in command as he's the only one with enough of a free will to challenge his ideas .Retains the core problem but it's significantly less severe than in canon he can live pretty long with proper maintance .(something he has to do himself or ask other robots since Dr.Light isn't going to bother )
*He used to look more similar to a canon equalivent but changed his own apperance many times (is also intersted in fasion )
*while desining him I took inspiration from Ruby spears cartoon Proto(or what I think is RS Proto based of @redrobotdefensequad 's and @megamanrecut 's fics )and Hitoshi Ariga's version of the character
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Forte DWN001(swapped with Blues)
Build by doctor Wily to replace Roll in case she wanted to take a break from constant waves of robot masters .
Stolen before complition by Dr.Light and made to belive in his ideals so that he would destoy Roll ultimately has a change of heart .
Powered out of a mysterious energy that grants him imense power but takes a toll on his mental health .
Generally not interested in fighting but helps Roll out when she's in pinch .Afraid of losing himself to the energy .
He and Blues are frends outside of Dr.Light constant wars against humanity .
Pretty chill most of the time .
I hope my rambling makes sense
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ammomancer · 5 years
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I can probably guess. Or I could torture you until your guidance system fails and you tell me everything like an off-the-shelf drone.
anyways read @megamanrecut theyre out here doing the lords work
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malmagma · 2 years
@megamanrecut Prism would be neat!
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askprotoroll · 7 months
Ayo! Decided to share some drawings I did of the roll-proto swap au version of Proto
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Plus a bonus with Blues and Proto
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The design for proto is mainly based on the design @megamanrecut did here
Kinda tried emulating the style, too?? My style kinda snuck in at the end, I think.
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rockmangurl · 7 months
Final product
Based on a prompt for @megamanrecut by https://blackcrowcalling.tumblr.com/
Backgrounds edited Google images and stock art in Ibis.
Going to toy around with background styles.
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redrobotdefensequad · 4 years
Ruby Spears Mega Man Fanfic for the Ages
S’up, a very long time ago I wrote fanfiction, then fell off the wagon, deleted my stuff from the internet, and didn’t touch fanfic again for a solid ten+ years. Quarantine hit, I got really bored and started reading @megamanrecut, and discovered to my shock that not only did BlackRussian remember my fic, they had copies of them that I lost long ago.
So heck, with some cleaning up, I’ve been reposting the stuff. The following fics have been lightly edited - I don’t agree with some of the characterization anymore - and I’m still working on the rest. There’s some EXE stuff, some Ariga manga stuff, but let’s be honest, my one true love is everyone’s emotional support bastard Ruby Spears Proto Man, and it’s that trashfire I’m going to dwell.
These were written a very long time ago, I may be working on new stuff >_>, but I still hope you enjoy them!
Possessions - AO3 and Fanfiction.net.
After a battle gone bad at the mall, Proto Man loses the one thing he has. He'll stop at nothing to get it back, and if that means taking out his little brother?
Well, so be it.
The Gift - AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Mega Man's on a secret mission in Wily's fortress, but he gets more than he bargains for when he discovers a new secret weapon - and a secret his brother never wanted him to see.
Duo Reasoning - AO3 and Fanfiction.net 
A strange robot from the sky, alien robot seeking to root out all evil, an evil plan that backfires. Can Proto Man save Dr. Wily from Duo's revenge? Can he even save himself?
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Because @go-west-young-meowth asked I’ll post these here.
They’re based on the newest chapter of @megamanrecut ‘s Au fic Become The Night.
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(Without lighting effects)
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Hope you guys like it! More soon once they’re done.
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This one's been kinda in the works since Halloween, but now it's almost Christmas, whoops. Because it was a Halloween project it's a distinctly un-Christmasy Zombie apocalypse AU with a bad ending. Because of the premise I will not be even remotely offended if it's too much for anyone, but it was fun to write (I'll have to do something much nicer next time though... Maybe a fix-it from Top Man's POV)
I'd say happy Halloween but it's way too late for that so... Merry Christmas lol
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