#it’s running low on space with is a bummer
malmagma · 2 years
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Hi yes go read all of @megamanrecut ‘s things that is my command
(Based on Become The Night)
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I Travel Alone ! (Hoping this is more from your Pierre fic 👀👀👀)
Hellooooo! I wanted to share a different part of this, but it’s not quite ready yet. Neither is this one, to be fair, it feels a little off to me, but I wanted to give you some introspection from our beloved Pierre 🥰
BEWARE. It’s a bummer— tw for suicidal themes and vague description of a murder.
Mon petit,
There is nothing for me to say but that I am sorry. I am sorry, and I hope that you can forgive me. There is nothing else I can do to make them believe me, and I will not be their scapegoat— not for this. Not when sweet Daisy’s killer walks free.
I was innocent, Pierre. Innocent in all but leaving you.
Please, make me this last promise— do not let this kill you, too. Live a life, mon petit. You’ve lived too long for others.
It wasn’t signed.
He didn’t need her to sign it. Hell, he didn’t even need to open the page and read the words. He could picture them behind his eyelids, hear her voice in his mind. He could feel the way his fingers shook, like it was the first time all over again, reading the last words of a ghost.
Still, Pierre felt close to her again when he could trace the loops of her elegant handwriting, hold the crumpled piece of paper she’d held.
It felt like reaching through the veil, touching her sister’s hand to his own through time and space.
Susanne had died terrified. That little baby had died terrified. That family was destroyed— Pierre’s family was destroyed.
At least that monster had died terrified, too. Pierre had seen it. He had looked into his bleary, drugged face, and he knew that Cassetti felt every second, wanted to run, wanted to fight, and he was trapped. Trapped like Susanne. Like poor little Daisy.
He would never be able to scrub that face from his mind’s eye.
And now he had to see it again. It was his job to find the body.
The entire Istanbul-Calais coach had dropped ten degrees in temperature by the time the plan demanded Pierre’s action. God, but it was cold, so cold. A shudder rippled through his whole body, and once it hit him, he felt as if he couldn’t ever be warm enough again.
Edward— that man’s valet— had approached him not a few moments ago, passing the proverbial baton as he came from his master’s door to request that it be opened. It was nearly the end of petit dejeuner, and if Mr. Ratchett intended to dine, he would have to wake soon.
They were the lowest of the low, The Help; and the morning had already been so overtaken with the drama of the avalanche. No one in particular paid them any mind, but their little scene was necessary. Nothing could be left to chance, not with the… unforeseen circumstances— the snow, the detective, the bystander.
The only pair of eyes that Pierre could feel on him were from one of the only quiet people in the room.
Señor Àngel had given no real protestations to the bad news of the avalanche. He didn’t look overly pleased, and Pierre saw the tension in his shoulders mounting. The way his lip twisted. But, there was no sign of the state of agitation he had been in about sharing a compartment.
He was their only audience. Pale, sharp eyes fixed on him as if he was looking for something, watching from over the lip of his coffee cup. Pierre didn’t dare wonder what he saw— what was there to be seen? He was cleaned and pressed, his uniform as pristine as ever. The red-rimmed tightness around his eyes looked like no more than tiredness by this point in the day, could be ascribed to any number of things.
What was he looking at? It prickled under his skin.
Pierre mentally shook himself, focusing every part of himself on this next task— the valet was passing him the baton, Pierre risked them all if he fumbled it.
Sorry for the bummer— poor Pierre 😩 thanks for playing, friend!
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huntingingoodwill · 2 years
noise complaint
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pairing: hopper x reader
desc: hopper finding you drunk at a party, throwing you over his shoulder, driving you home and helping you sober up by holding your head up and holding the glass to your lips while you drink water and ramble about the ginormous crush you have on him is simply something so special to me
a/n: first hopper fic!! i do hope you enjoy. there’s hints of crybaby reader and an implied age gap. p.s. while searching for a gif for this fic i saw a fic description that had some similar elements to this one. i haven’t read the fic itself but i wanted to just apologise if my fic seems too similar! that was completely not my intention and i hope i don’t come across as offensive as i hadn’t known about the fic before writing this one.
A warm, happy buzz thrummed through your body as you smiled up at the ceiling blissfully. You had been drinking, the edges of the world becoming soft and blurry, a sweet warmth blooming in your chest. The music blaring through the speakers and the chatter of the party around you sent gentle vibrations through the plush couch you were lying on. Your smile grew wider. You felt good.
“Oh, shiiit!” You giggled, watching as a couple of party-goers raced past you, laughing at the way they tripped over themselves as they ran. 
“Oh, shit.” Your voice lost all its tipsy amusement, becoming deadly serious as Hopper’s face appeared above yours.
There was no use in running now. He had caught you red-handed, a little drunk and spacing out on the couch at a house party that was probably a little too loud for the host’s neighbours’ liking. Still, you turned over, sliding off the couch in defeat, shielding yourself from his condescending expression. Maybe if you tried, you’d be able to roll under the couch and hide from him forever. 
You heard him click his tongue above you in annoyance. 
“What’re you doing here, kid?” His gravelly voice held a flat tone, and you could feel his eyes burning into the back of your head. 
“I’d ask you the same question, but I assume you aren’t here to party-arty-arty.” You mumbled into the rug. 
You rolled over onto your back, now looking up at him. Of all the house parties, in all of Hawkins, in all the world, he had to walk into the one you were at. 
It was bad enough that the chief of police caught you less than sober, rolling around on the rug at a house party, but it was even worse that he lived right next door to you. You’d get the mail in shame for the rest of your life.
“I’m not here to party-arty-arty.” He grumbled, words sardonic as he rolled his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile at his distaste for your phrase. “We got a noise complaint.”
“Bummer.” You mumbled. Your hand crept up to his heavy boot, tugging on one of his laces absent-mindedly. He scowled, pulling his foot away. You dissolved into giggles, abruptly stopping as you saw the glare he gave you. “Lighten up, Hop.”
“I’ll lighten up once you get the hell outta here.”
You smiled up at him sheepishly. “I… don’t have a ride home.” 
He blinked at you incredulously before letting out a low groan, digging his palms into his tired eyes. “Shit.”
“That’s one for the swear jar!” You sang, holding out your hand as if expecting him to drop a dollar in it. He lightly smacked it away and you pouted defensively. “Government wage that bad, huh?”
He shushed you irritatedly, prompting you to let out another laugh. He squeezed his eyes shut, as if deep in thought. 
He couldn’t just leave you there. You were his neighbour’s daughter, for God’s sake. 
“You’re cute when you’re thinking.” You whispered.
He opened his eyes, ignoring your comment and the heat creeping up his neck. 
He exhaled sharply, crouching down next to you as he slid his jacket off, wrapping it around your waist. Then, in one movement, he hauled you up onto his shoulder. 
You exploded with laughter, your dizziness worsening as you hung upside down, thrown over his shoulder. 
He paused, taking care to pull his jacket down over your butt as your skirt rode up. He locked his arm around your thighs and made his way out of the house, boots clomping on hardwood and then gravel as he approached his truck. 
He took a second to breathe in the night air. His free hand snaked into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it nonchalantly, as if you weren’t slumped over his shoulder, ribcage shaking as you struggled to stifle your laughter.
You raised your arm behind you, toward his face, index and middle finger extended, asking for a drag. He pushed your arm away. 
“Nice try.” He scoffed, opening the door and helping you into the passenger seat. 
“Worth a shot!” You grinned. He shook his head, letting out a low chuckle. 
He leaned over you, pulling your seatbelt over your chest and buckling you in with a satisfying “click”. His eyes flickered to your face as you smiled dreamily up at him.
He felt his lips turn up in response, unable to control himself. 
“What’s got you smiling, huh?” He asked, curious. 
“You look rather handsome tonight, Chief.” You whispered, your voice lilting, sing-songy in your inebriation. You tugged his hat off his head, twirling it between your fingers. 
He looked at you, your shy gaze avoiding his as you clumsily handled his hat. 
His heart thumped. He turned away, clearing his throat, trying to mask his flustered expression. 
“You look rather drunk.” He replied, giving your reddened cheeks a tap. 
He rounded the truck, sliding into the driver’s seat, watching as you kicked your legs up on the dash with a loud thump, placing his hat over your face as you settled into your seat. 
His eyes travelled over your leg propped up so close to him, bent upward onto the dash. He grabbed your knee and shoved it back down, and he could tell you were giving him that mischievous smile, even through the hat that obscured it. His lips quirked upward. 
As he drove you back to your house, the bump and sway of the truck on the poorly paved roads lulled you to sleep. Slowly, the hat slid off your face as your temple dropped against the window. You held the hat in your arms, keeping it close to your lap as you dozed, the drinks you had earlier sending you to sleep quick enough. 
He turned to look at you, taking a drag of his cigarette as the other hand gripped the steering wheel as he navigated the roads. He slowed down, attempting to steer past the potholes so you could sleep in peace. Still, your head would knock against the glass every once in a while, causing you to frown in your sleep. He chuckled, watching your sleepy pout lit up by the streetlights that flashed by overhead. It was cute. 
He faltered for a moment, hesitating, before reaching over to hold your shoulders, trying to push you back onto your seat. 
Gonna give herself a damn concussion. 
Instead, you slumped toward him, your head, heavy with sleep, falling upon his shoulder. He stiffened for a moment, glancing at you. You nuzzled into his side, lips parted gently. 
He swallowed thickly, trying to stay as still as possible, awkwardly tapping his fingers against the steering wheel though. Slowly, he relaxed, getting used to the weight of your body pressing into his shoulder.
Eventually, he pulled into his driveway. He hated having to wake you up, pausing to gaze at your peaceful, sleeping face before gently shaking you awake. He held back the urge to smile as you rubbed your bleary eyes, glancing around you as you realised where you were. 
“Alright, run on home, now.” He said, nodding toward your door. 
Your eyes widened, and you swivelled back toward your seat, yanking down the passenger side mirror. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” You mumbled, panic tinging your voice.
You smoothed down your dishevelled hair inelegantly, pressing the backs of your hands to your still inflamed cheeks in a futile attempt to cool them down. 
You huffed hopelessly, setting your forehead against the dash, letting out a little whine of despair.
“Okay, cut the dramatics…” His heart softened as you let out another pitiful whine, but he pressed on. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the door-” 
“Hop, please don’t make me go home yet.” You pleaded with him, holding onto his arm. “I’m still buzzed, my parents are gonna be able to tell-” 
He opened his mouth to refuse once more, but began to panic when he spotted the glimmer of tears welling up in your eyes, your lip wobbling. 
“Hey, hey, don’t cr-” 
You gave one last convincing sniffle. 
He sighed, caving in. “Okay, okay-”
You gave him a toothy grin before lunging at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a grateful hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You squealed. 
“Alright, alright.” He sighed, patting your back awkwardly, feeling reluctant when it was time to break away from you. “Just until you sober up.”
He opened the door for you, letting you hold onto his shoulder for balance as you hopped down from his truck, making sure you were walking steady as he led you to his porch. You plopped down ungracefully, and he draped his jacket over your shoulders. 
The wood of the porch was cold and uneven beneath your thighs as you sat on the ledge, fiddling with Hopper’s hat in your hands. He returned from inside with a glass of water, the floorboards creaking under his weight as he sat down next to you. 
You looked at your feet as you sat in silence, the night breeze ghosting your face gently, crickets chirping in the distance. You heard the click of his lighter and turned to watch as Hopper’s face was illuminated by the fire as he lit another cigarette, his features bathed in the golden light.
You put on his hat, adjusting it so you wore it just like he did. He peered over and chuckled, flicking the brim. 
“Cute.” He muttered, before clearing his throat and turning away, awkwardly drumming his fingers on his thighs. 
“You think I’m cute?” You asked, looking up at him through your wide eyes. 
A blush crept up his cheeks. 
“Drink.” He said gruffly, holding out the glass to you. 
You ignored his gesture. You felt your cheeks warm even further, the effects of the liquid courage you’d had earlier taking hold now, stronger than ever. Your lips became loose, and you could tell you were about to be a little too truthful and that you’d regret all the words that were about to leave your mouth. Still, you spoke. 
“Because, I think you're cute.” You blurted out. 
His eyes widened almost imperceptibly before regaining his feigned unfazed expression. 
“You’re drunk. Drink.” He spoke. 
“Like, really cute.” You swayed toward him. “Like, really, really-”
His hand splayed on the back of your head as he held your head up towards him, holding the glass to your lips, making you pause and take a sip. 
“Cute.” You finished. 
“I think I like you.” He made you take another drink of the water, the smooth, refreshing liquid sliding down your throat, a little slipping down your chin as he held the glass to your mouth. He used his thumb to wick the droplets away. “Like, really like you.” Another drink. “Whenever I see you-” Another sip. “I get all these butterflies in my stomach and I-” Sip. “Just can’t describe it. Like, I-” Sip. “I think-” Sip. “I think I like everything about you.” 
You went on like this for ages, Hopper holding the glass to your lips and interrupting you with sips of the water, as you rambled on and on about the huge crush on him that you’d been nursing for ages now, completely oblivious to the smug smile that was now gracing his face as he held you. 
After a good while of pouring your heart out, you seemed to run out of steam, panting a little at the rapid speed you had been talking at. 
“Feeling better?” He asked, you nodding in response. You were sobering up, but the burn in your cheeks still hadn’t subsided. You were blushing for an entirely different reason, now.
He nudged the small of your back, urging you to stand up. 
“Walk in a straight line.” He called out, prompting you to laugh as you did what you were told. 
“You gonna ask me to recite the alphabet backwards now?” You turned to him, smiling cheekily as he approached you. 
He hummed, as if in deep contemplation. “I think that won’t be necessary.” 
He threw his arm around you as he walked you to your door, pulling his jacket tighter around you. 
You stopped in front of the door, taking a deep breath of anticipation as you both stared at it. 
“You’ll wave at me from your window if I end up getting grounded, right?” 
“Of course, kid.”
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qvid-pro-qvo · 2 years
preteen in progress
rating: bradley bradshaw x jake seresin x natasha trace, background pete mitchell/tom kazansky.
word count: 2073
rating: teen, for so much little preteen angst you can barely stand it, cw: father-son arguments/mentioning of hormones and puberty. also food mentions.
poor little nicky is getting older, and that means struggling with his parents being gone all the time. bradley is there to weather the storm, and give some advice about what it means to keep your parents in your heart.
link to ao3.
“Go away!” Nicky shouts as he stomps away. His voice cracks with the force of it, and Bradley’s jaw clenches as he moves to follow him.
“Nicky, it’s almost time for –”
“I don’t care!”
The door slams. 
Bradley sighs. 
He had known something was wrong as soon as he’d pulled up to the school. Nicky’s face had had that signature furrow, the one he’d gotten from his mom, and he hadn’t said a word once he’d slumped in the backseat. 
A chatterbox, usually, the quiet had clued his dad in. Bradley had immediately straightened in his seat, glanced over to the passenger side.
“Hey, bud. How was school?” 
And while it hadn’t cleared up a lot, he’d poked and prodded until he’d gotten the answer. 
He hadn’t made the school football team. 
The fact that they’d even had try-outs for a sixth grade team had made Bradley’s head spin, but Jake had simply nodded and taken it in stride. 
“You know how it is down here. Everything’s about football,” he’d told them. “But it won’t matter anyway. Nicky’s got it.” 
And now, Nicky had not got it. 
Unfortunately that poking and prodding had gotten them to this point. Nicky yelling and running to his room, and Bradley left in the kitchen with empty hands. 
This is the point where he feels the most helpless. Jake and Natasha both away, Maverick on the other side of the country with Ice, and Bradley himself being the only one left standing to get the full wrath of an angry middle schooler. 
He’s the only parent left standing, and if this is how the rest of the week is going to go, well. It’s gonna be a long week. 
He supposes it’s the age. Maverick tried to warn him. Told him all about the highs and lows and hormones, got the talk all over again with the added embarrassment of Maverick reminding him how insufferable he was when he could barely control his emotions. 
(“Every day was the end of the world for one reason or another,” Maverick laughs.
That makes Bradley snort, as he glances toward where Nicky and Ice fold napkins for dinner. Nicky talks on and on and Ice is all too happy to listen while he moves to adjust the way Nicky folds a particular part. “As far as I was concerned, it was. The end of the world?”
“Your mother and I used to joke about Hurricane Bradley. A storm’s coming in.” 
“But what’d you do?” Bradley asks, voice low as Nicky laughs and holds up his creation. A flimsy napkin paper airplane. Before he can think he snaps a picture. To show Nat and Jake when they come home. To capture the love he has for this kid who’s his whole damn heart come to life. “What do I do? When Hurricane Nicky…” 
And Mav looks at him with a long look. One that reminds him of the last storm that came through. “Do what you have to do to weather it,” he murmurs. Voice a little distant. “And have faith it’ll pass.”
Bradley knows he’s not talking about the preteens, all zits and weird hairs and the unshakable feeling in his pants. He nods, swallows right before patting Mav on the back.
Tries not to think about the fact that the storm almost didn’t pass at all.)
Bradley goes about packing Nicky’s lunch for tomorrow. Gives him the space he might need, hopes it’s what his son is asking for. Sends a text to Jake and Nat he knows their phones won’t get until they land stateside, because the updates matter. 
And then, a snack in hand, he makes his way to Nicky’s door. 
When he knocks, it’s gentle. “Bud? Can I come in?” 
It’s so resolute, but that’s where the snack comes into play. 
“Bummer. Well, I grabbed the animal crackers from the top shelf. Getting kinda hungry… I don’t know if they’ll last long, though, so if you want some…” 
It takes a moment. Then another, and then another, and then the door opens a crack, one of Nicky’s eyes peeking out at him. The permission comes begrudgingly – they’ve both always had a soft spot for frosted animal crackers. And with two less people to share it with, the bag is full enough to be tempting. 
“I get the pink ones.” 
“Always, kiddo. Always.” 
Bradley gently pushes the door open. Glances around the room. After a moment Nicky flops on the bed, framed photo held tightly in his hands. 
He’s seen the picture Nicky is holding – a photo of the four of them on their vacation last summer, arm in arm in arm in arm – but hadn’t realized someone had gotten it framed. Bradley had never been a mountain man, but after a week and a half in Colorado with just the four of them, he’d been utterly convinced it was the happiest place on Earth. 
Nicky looks at it now with contempt. The amount of rage the kid can brandish is honestly impressive. And Bradley knows it’s a lot more than anger, it’s a lot of everything all at once, but he can’t help but feel his chest ache as he sees it. 
He doesn’t say anything at first. Just stands, awkwardly in the doorway, hand lifting to rub over his head, through his own curls, over his facial hair. There’s a few more beats of silence, and then Nicky growls out something before tossing the photo aside on his bed and falling back to look at the ceiling. 
He takes that as his cue. Moves closer to the bed, gently sets the photo to the other side of him as he takes a seat. And when there’s no protest, he lays back with Nicky, the two of them staring up at the ceiling, the animal crackers placed snugly between their sides. 
There are no words. Not at first. But Bradley doesn’t mind. No yelling, no arguments. Just the crinkle of the bag as Nicky takes a cracker and munches on it. 
And another. And another. 
Bradley joins him. Eats a few crackers. Watches the ceiling fan turn slow and steady, lets his eyes scan the room and look at the posters. Soon, the bag is empty, and all that’s left is the two of them and the crumbs on their clothes. 
“Why can’t you all just be home?” 
It comes so suddenly. Like it spills out of his mouth. Like he can’t help the way he says it so fiercely, bitterly. 
But the boy doesn’t stop. Sits up so quickly the bag flutters off of the bed as his fist punches the mattress. “I didn’t even wanna do football. I don’t. Football… it’s scary but Pops likes it and I thought maybe it’d keep him and Mom home but now it doesn’t matter. And they wouldn’t even be home for the first game anyway.” 
Bradley sits up, then. “Nick, I know, I know it’s hard without them here. But they come back, and they’re always thinking of you when they’re gone. That’s why we call them, that’s why your grandpas –” 
“Rob’s dads are always home,” Nicky continues. Pushing on. “And Lily doesn’t have to worry about one of her parents not coming home because they have normal jobs. Why can’t you guys have normal jobs? I want you all home, I want them to be here, I want –” It builds, and builds, and builds, and then the dam breaks, and the sniffles overpower the words. “I want all of you here. Why can’t all my parents be here?” 
Bradley’s heart shatters in his chest. He turns his head, watching Nicky, sees his own grief without his partners there beside him as the boy’s bright green eyes shine with tears still left unshed. There’s a sniffle, and then another, and slowly, carefully, Bradley’s arm wraps around Nicky’s shoulders. Tugs him close, against his side, and lets his son cry into his shirt. 
He doesn’t know what to say. But he knows this storm is one that’ll always be raging, just a little. The injustice of having a father be gone, of losing a mom. Always having that little feeling in the back of your head that if things had been different…
Maybe there would’ve been a Nicholas Bradshaw Sr. on the bed next to him. 
“I miss them, too,” he whispers. Kisses Nicky’s head right on his blond streaks, a summer impulse that are quickly fading without the sun helping out. “Every day they’re gone.” 
“It’s not f-fair,” Nicky gasps out, into the wet spot on Bradley’s chest. He’s snotty and sobbing still, and Bradley doubles his grip. 
“It’s not. I know it’s not. But don’t think for one minute that they’re gone because they don’t love you.” 
It takes a while, but Nicky cries himself out a little. The tears come and come until they stop, and then he’s quiet as Bradley holds him tight. 
The ceiling fan slowly spins. 
The world hasn’t quite ended. 
But Bradley knows it feels like it. 
“You don’t need to be on the football team, or on any team, to keep them home. If they – if we – all had a choice, we’d be by your side every damn day. Work gave me your mom and your pops, but. Our jobs suck sometimes, a lot because they have to take us away from you.” 
Nicky grips his shirt so tight Bradley thinks it might be stretched beyond repair. But it doesn’t matter. It can’t matter. 
“You wanna know something, too?” 
“You don’t have to give us a reason. We will always, always, want to come home to you. And do everything in our power to. Because before you’re anything else? You’re our son. And there’s nothing better to come home to.” 
Nicky looks up at him, all wide-eyed and fragile. Bradley lifts a finger to trace the furrow between his brows, chuckles to himself as he pulls his hand back. 
“We love being home. I love being home. And the best part of being home is seeing the pieces of your mom and pops you have. Like that right there?” He taps the furrow again. “That’s all Mom.” 
“Yeah. And when your shoulders go all straight so you stand up to your full height? That’s Pops. He always hated being that little inch shorter.” 
Nicky scowls, but he's fighting a smile right there in Bradley’s arms. “I’m not short.“ 
“Right. Not short. But. My point is. You’ll always have those kind of pieces of us with you. Right there and right there.” Bradley taps Nicky’s forehead and he presses a hand over his heart. “And nothing and no one, not even the Navy, can take those away.” 
The ceiling fan twirls overhead and Bradley watches the storm clouds clear, watches Nicky’s breath even out, rubs his back until his heart stops pounding. And then he watches his son, his incredible, fiery, brilliant son curl a hand around his midsection. 
“Too many animal crackers,” he groans.
Bradley stifles a laugh, nodding quickly before feeling his forehead. “Right, well. Uh. Let’s get you a bucket? And lay down, and we’ll have a real light dinner, huh?” 
“Nice burp, kid. Let it out.”
Later, when Jake and Nat call, two separate places in the world trying their best to match with their home in the states, Bradley and Nicky tell them about football. About not making the team, about trying out a rec league or another sport until he decides whether he wants to try again next year. About school projects and tests and how well he’s doing in English. And at the end, as they always do, Nicky tells them how much he misses them. 
Bradley knows this time it’s hitting harder. Thinks about when the two of them get home, what he’ll say to talk about big scary words. What to say, what to mention. Retirement. Slowing down. But right now, he thinks about his son, and how much he loves his parents, and how no matter what happens, he’d weather any storm if it means seeing Nicky kiss his fingers and press them against the camera, if it means raising a son with the people he loves the most. If it means a son to come home to when he’s gone. 
(He does not mention stomach aches due to animal crackers. That’s their little secret.)
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Love Bite
Pairing: vampire!Dream / Clay x human!gn!reader
Summary: [Vampire!AU] Despite how deadly it may appear at first glance, you love your vampire boyfriend with all your heart, so when Clay goes a bit too long without a drink, you’re more than willing to help him.
Warnings: tw// mentions of blood & general vampire shenanigans
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: requested by a lovely anon who wanted to see vampire dream! this was lots of fun to explore, and i hope you all enjoy! <3
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You scroll mindlessly along your mouse, your laptop screen illuminating your dim room with a pale glow as image after image pops up on your screen. Your assignment lies long forgotten on the side of your desk, the tab still open just a single click away.
“Whatever,” you mumble quietly to yourself as you click on another link. Your gaze briefly flickers to the calendar on your wall before you shake your head. “I still have another week to work on it—it’s fine.”
Letting out a sigh, you slump over onto your desk, pressing your cheek against the cool wood as you sweep your gaze over to your balcony window. Outside, the sky is dark, the vast expanse washed with a deep, navy hue as the stars begin to peek out from the shadows and gaze down at the bustling city below. It’s a little past midnight now, and despite how late it is, the streets are just as busy as ever. You only catch a small glimpse of the crescent moon hanging among them before your gaze drops to your balcony.
Yet again, it’s empty, completely devoid of life.
The sight makes you frown, and you tear your gaze away from the sight and back to your laptop, continuing your scrolling with a sulk.
It had been a little over four days since you had last seen your boyfriend. Not that you’re counting or anything, of course. It’s just that you’ve gotten lonely without him, and you’re starting to miss him more than you’d like to admit.
Having a vampire boyfriend and being a human isn’t always the easiest, but you’re more than willing to put up with it for him. You can still remember the day he had broken the news to you, having been fully prepared to sacrifice his life right then and there for you if you chose to call for a hunter. But you hadn’t—you chose to stay, to love him.
And love him you do.
There may be times where he has to disappear for a little while that leave you cold and wanting, but the time you do spend together more than makes up for it. He’s overwhelmingly kind, honestly stubborn, and always loves to put a smile on your face, no matter how bad of a day you may have had. You can’t possibly count how many times you’ve thrown yourself into his arms with the widest grin on your face, all just to feel him laugh against you with a soft kiss behind your ear. There’s no one else in the world for you, living or undead, and you are willing to wait for him. It’s embarrassing to think about, but you really would walk to the ends of the earth just for him.
Heat creeps up your neck at the thought, and you force it down with a huff, ducking your head back down again and staring at your assignment. You distantly think of your phone sitting next to your bed and the string of messages you had sent him a few hours prior, all of which remain unopened. Kicking your legs, you whine, burying your face into your arms upon your desk.
Tonight is just not your night, it seems.
Just then, you hear it—the unmistakable sound of nails tapping on glass.
Lifting your head, you blink, slowly turning to look over at your window. Squinting for a moment, you can barely make out the shape of a familiar silhouette standing on your balcony and leaning casually against the railing. His golden hair shines beneath the moonlight, and your heart leaps into your throat.
He’s here.
In an instant, you’re scrambling out of your desk chair and across the room. Fumbling with the balcony lock, you slide open the door with a gasp, the cool night breeze brushing against your cheeks with a soft caress. In front of you, the figure shoots you a crooked grin, his eyes flashing with delight.
“Good evening, sweetheart.”
Your heart melts at the sound of his ever-soothing, familiar voice, and you return his smile with one of your own. “Good evening to you too, Clay.” Scanning him up and down once, you gesture for him to come inside as you add jokingly, “You do know you don’t always have to come in through the window, right? I do have a front door.”
His grin only widens at your words, a soft chuckle tumbling from his lips as he ducks his head to step into your room. “I have a reputation to uphold as a vampire, you know?” he hums. The glint in his eye dances with mischief. “Twilight was the one who said that windows are the way to go.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, your lips twitching with amusement. “Are you really sure you want to use Twilight as your vampire role model of all things? Why not use...” You pause for a moment, then lift a finger. “Dracula?”
A grimace skitters across his face as he pulls the balcony door shut behind him. “Dracula may have been scary, but he was also an old man and, like, super creepy. At least modern vampire fiction makes us sound less gross.” His eyes gleam devilishly. “And also hot.”
You gulp, stepping back until your hand is brushing over the soft covers of your bed. “Well,” you ask softly, “do you think they got it right? The way they portray you guys?”
His lips split into a sly grin, his teeth flashing in the starlight. “I dunno, darling,” he murmurs, his voice dropping to a low whisper as he dips his head closer to yours. “You tell me.”
Your breath catches for all but a second before you’re gently pushing him away from you with a giggle. “Nice try,” you say, leaping onto your bed with a teasing grin, “but I’m not feeding your ego any more. You do that enough on your own.”
He feigns a wounded look, climbing into the space next to you with a hurt pout. “Aw, bummer. At least give me a kiss, then.”
For a second, you pretend to think about it, mulling the decision over in your head just to watch something needy spring to life in his eyes. Then, you smile, leaning in close to his face with your mouth hovering over his. “Just one.”
You only manage to see a sliver of his lovestruck smile before he presses his lips to yours, your eyelids falling shut. You can just barely feel his sharp fangs brush against the skin of your lip, and the thought makes you croon into his mouth. A certain fondness blossoms behind your ribcage, and your lungs almost feel as though they’re too tight to breathe. He’s cold against you, and when he lifts his hand to cup your cheek, you shiver at the feeling of his icy skin against yours. Everything he does sends a chill rushing down your spine, but when you part just a moment later, you already feel yourself missing his touch.
Brushing his nose over yours, you feel him inhale sharply against you, and the breath he lets out is positively trembling. “God,” he whispers into the side of your face, his voice rasping ever so slightly, “you smell so good.”
Your heart squeezes in your chest at his words, and you feel warmth blossom across your collarbones. “I’m flattered,” you say gently, reaching a hand up to press against his shoulder. Instantly, he melts into your touch as you subtly shuffle back across your bed away from him. “But you’re the one who told me I’m not allowed to let you drink from me.”
His lips part for a moment, and you catch a gleam of the moonlight flashing across his fangs. Swallowing, he runs a hand through his hair and sighs with longing. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” His eyes dart up to meet yours, his gaze swimming with a deep, drowning sense of sorrow. “You know that I’d never, ever want to hurt you, right?”
A smile tugs on your lips, sincere and true. “Of course I do,” you murmur, “and I promise you that you won’t, even if you did drink from me.”
You pause for a moment, then slowly reach a hand up to your shoulder. You don’t miss the way his eyes widen at the sight, and you almost swear you catch an inkling of crimson swirling within his viridian gaze as you lean your neck to the side. “It’s okay if you want to, alright?” you whisper, swallowing.
His eyes are glued to your neck, and you can almost see the storm that rages just beneath his skin. Your chest aches at the thought, knowing just how conflicted he must feel right now. When he doesn’t move, you drop your hand back down to the bed, your gaze focused intently on his.
“I trust you,” you say, pouring every ounce of honesty you can into your words. “Can you trust yourself?”
For a moment, he simply stares at you, his lips parted as his emerald eyes rake you up and down. They’re wide with hunger, an expression you had seen many times before over the months, but not one you had become fully acquainted with. You fidget a little under his intense gaze, and you’re just about to open your mouth again when suddenly, his hands are reaching for yours on the bed.
You gasp as he intertwines his cool fingers between your warm ones, your heart leaping for joy. You let your eyelids flutter shut as he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours, drinking in your sweet scent as your warm breath tickles his cold skin. You love the quiet moments like this, the enamoured silences that envelop the two of you in your own little bubble as the world seems to slow down. Sucking in a breath, he shudders at your touch, his hand squeezing yours.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he murmurs quietly for you and you alone to hear. “You’re too good to me.”
You smile at his words, your heart fluttering in your chest, but something uneasy sinks into the pit of your stomach at the bittersweet tone of his voice.
He didn’t answer your question, a voice whispers from the back of your head. Why didn’t he answer?
A moment later, you push the feeling away, nudging it back into the dark crevices of your mind. Instead, you choose to focus on the feeling of his skin pressing against yours, soothing and soft as you relish in the moment. The moon’s crescent frown seems to deepen from her perch in the sky, but she remains ever silent, only watching with her patient, pallid gaze.
You’re probably just imagining things.
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After that night, time passes by you at an achingly slow pace. Night after night passes without a single sign of Clay, and before you even know it, a week and a half has flown past you without so much as a call. You text him as often as you can, and more often than not, you do actually get a response. Seeing the notification of his name pop up on your phone screen makes you smile until your cheeks hurt, and you’re always eager to hear back from him, but you can’t help but miss him as the hours drag on.
An empty, hollow feeling sinks into your chest as you curl up in your bed, the blankets strewn around you haphazardly as you blink over at the closed curtains draped over your balcony window. You haven’t bothered to look outside for a few nights, now—you already know that he won’t be there, as much as you want him to be. Even now, you can imagine his grinning face and teasing pokes as clear as day. The loneliness gnaws away at you as you turn onto your side, facing away from the window.
You hope he’s safe no matter what he’s up to, right now. You know better than anyone that sometimes, he can be a little too reckless for his own good.
Letting your eyes close, you sink into your pillow, a galaxy of stars whirling around your head as you slowly feel yourself drift off into a murky dream. Flashes of bright grins and the sound of wheezing laughter trickles through your thoughts, and you sigh at the endearing memories that wrap around your heart. You can almost swear you feel a pair of hands wrap around your own.
All of a sudden, something prods at the back of your ear, restless and sharp. Wincing, you blink a sleepy eye open, your bleary mind sorting through the sounds in your head before landing on one.
Glass—that’s the sound of glass.
Someone is tapping at your window.
Your eyes shoot wide open, and in a whirlwind, you’re ripping the covers off your body and pushing open your bedroom curtains. On the balcony stands a hooded figure, his golden tresses just barely peeking out from beneath the low-hanging cloth. You swallow and grab onto the door lock, slamming it open just a moment later. You shiver at the night breeze nipping at your skin, but in that moment, you couldn’t care less about the cold, your focus entirely devoted to one thing and one thing alone.
“Clay!” you cry, your eyes desperately scanning him up and down. “Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick.”
He doesn’t respond right away, and instead, his hand reaches to the side to desperately grip onto the balcony railing, his knuckles turning white. Your eyebrows furrow with concern, and slowly, you take a step toward him. You haven’t even crossed the doorway separating the inside of your room to your balcony when he suddenly barks, “Stop!”
You freeze in place, your hand halfway reaching for his when he practically crumples against the railing, curling in on himself with a choked plea. “Wait,” he gasps, clutching at his chest with a ragged breath, “please. I’m—”
“Clay?” you breathe again, this time much quieter. You shuffle closer to the window glass, your toe just barely brushing against the doorframe. “Are you okay?”
All of a sudden, a snarl rips out of his throat, guttural and beastly. You flinch at the sound for a split second, the worry in your chest only making your heart shake even more. His grip on your balcony railing grows even tighter, and you don’t doubt that it’s going to leave a mark on the metal.
“Don’t come too close,” he pants, his thighs shaking beneath him. “I—I don’t know what I’ll do.”
You purse your lips at him, frustration and confusion digging at the sides of your stomach. “Then why did you come here?”
All is quiet, and he doesn’t respond. The only sound you can properly hear is his uneven breathing as he claws at the front of his hoodie, the fabric bunching beneath his touch. You flick your gaze over him again, and a cold realization suddenly washes over you.
“Clay,” you whisper, the tiniest hint of fear seeping into your voice, “when was the last time you had a proper drink?”
You are once again met with silence, but the way he suddenly stiffens does not go unnoticed by your watchful gaze. Something curls nervously inside your gut, and your lips curl into a frown as you dig your heel into the ground.
“Clay,” you say again, a little louder this time—a little more firmly. “How long has it been?”
There is a beat of silence. Then, he whispers so softly that it’s almost swept away by the wind, “...too long.”
A pang of sorrow shoots through you, a stone dropping into the pit of your stomach. You were right. He’s thirsty. A sigh escapes your throat as you open up your arms, beckoning him toward you. “Come here,” you murmur with all the softness you can muster. “Look at me.”
He shakes his head, and it’s then that you realize you haven’t seen his face this whole time. “Take off the hood,” you say gently. His shoulders tense at your request, and you quickly add a tender, “Please.”
His throat bobs as he gulps, and ever so slowly, his hands reach up to tug at his hood until suddenly, the moonlight is casting a glowing streak of silver across his face. Your eyes go wide.
His kind, lovely eyes, which are typically viridian green and swimming with adoration for you, are now painted a deep, scarlet red, his pupils dilated beyond belief as they lock onto yours.
In all the time you’ve known he was a vampire, you’ve never seen him like this before.
But strangely enough, you’re not afraid.
Instead, you gently reach for his hand, careful to only just lightly wrap your fingers around his. His gaze drops back to the ground again, and while you know he doesn’t have a pulse, if he did, you imagine that it would be going haywire right about now. “Oh, honey,” you whisper. “It’s okay. Look at me.”
Just as you begin to lead him inside to your room does he raise his chin once more, his jaw clenched tight as he takes in your soft, enamoured expression. As he steps inside, you reach behind him to slide the door shut before tugging him back toward your bed. Settling down on the mattress with a loose breath, you let go of his hand. His arms are still shaking at his side when he sits, and it’s then that you open your mouth again.
“Clay,” you say, your voice as clear as a bell, “you can drink from me.”
His crimson eyes widen, and the look he shoots you is one of pure, unadulterated panic. “I-I can’t,” he stammers.
“Yes,” you shoot back, reaching up for the collar of your shirt, “you can.” His eyes trace down the slope of your jaw before landing on the smooth skin of your neck, exposed and waiting for him. His Adam’s apple bobs, his hands squeezing into fists beside him. “It’ll be alright.”
“H-How do you know that?” he blurts, his nails digging into his palm. “What if—what if I lose control and hurt you?” His face blanches at the sight, and he slumps over onto his lap, hanging his head in his hands. “I can’t let that happen.”
You sigh, and he clams up at the softness of the sound. “And it won’t.”
A moment passes in aching, tense silence. You resist the urge to hug him, knowing that initiating any more contact with him would only make him panic even more. “Last time I was here,” he suddenly whispers, shattering the silence with his head ducked down, “you asked me if I trust myself.”
You blink at him as he slowly raises his head, turning his gaze to look at you head-on. “I don’t, [Y/N],” he whispers. “Not one bit.”
Your eyes flash in the darkness of your room, and before you can stop yourself, your mouth opens. “But I do.”
He goes stock still before you, and suddenly, the words are flowing from your lips in a rush, unstoppable and dripping with honesty. “I know you, Clay, and I know you won’t hurt me, no matter how scared you are that you might. I believe in you, and I believe in us.” You press your hand to your chest, your fingers curling over your beating heart. “I love how much you want to make sure I’m safe, but right now, I want to make sure that you’re safe, too.”
If you were looking a little closer, you would have seen the glossy sheen in Clay’s eyes as you tip your head to the side once more, your shirt collar tugged down your shoulder. You bite on the inside of your cheek, your fingers squeezing the sheets. His crimson eyes almost look soft in the glittering starlight of the night, and you feel your chest flood with heat.
“Please,” you croon, your eyes never leaving his. “Go on.”
He eyes you for a moment longer. Then, he’s crawling across the bed toward you, his shaking hand reaching for your shoulder. Gently, he turns you toward him, his other hand cupping your cheek. Slowly, you feel his nose brush against your jaw, something cold pressing against your skin.
“Thank you, darling,” he whispers.
Then, he sinks his fangs in.
A sting shoots up your neck at the feeling, just barely there and slightly sharp, but it’s most certainly nothing you can’t handle. Heat pools around your collar bones as he drinks and drinks, and you feel your eyelids flutter shut. His lips, which are usually cool and soft when they meet yours, feel oddly warm for once, and you sigh at the sensation of your blood pumping from your skin.
You aren’t quite sure how much time passes with him cradling you against him and his mouth lapping at the side of your neck, but soon enough, you can feel a slight dizziness flit around your skull. A soft whimper escapes your lips and instantly, he breaks away from you, his eyes wide with worry as you lean against him for support. You press your forehead against his shoulder for a brief second before sitting upright once more, blinking away the vignette tinting the edges of your vision. In front of you, Clay’s lips are stained with a faint shade of red, but his eyes have returned to the brilliant shade of green you know and love. He grips onto your shoulders a tad tighter than before, his hands reassuringly rubbing against up and down against your arms.
“Oh, [Y/N],” he breathes, his eyes frantically searching your face for any sign of harm. “I-I’m sorry if I was too rough or anything. I tried to be as gentle as I could, but god, you taste so sweet and I—”
You don’t let him finish his sentence. Before he can even blink, you’re pressing your mouth to his, your tongue swiping at the seam of his lips. The uncanny warmth of his lips against yours makes your head spin more than it was before, and you feel yourself smile against him when you pull back. You can taste the slight metallic tang of your own blood on your mouth as you flash him a grin, his eyes wide with adoration as he drinks in the sight of you sitting before him.
“I’m okay, Clay,” you say with an earnest look. Tilting your head at him, your tongue darts out to swipe at the corners of your mouth. “Are you?”
His eyes never leave yours as he reaches forward to slip your hand into his, his fingers slotting between your own. “Yes,” he murmurs. “Yes, yes, yes.”
His pale skin almost seems to glow in the dim light filtering through your balcony window, and he strokes his thumb over the back of your knuckles. Something inside you suddenly unravels as he tugs you into his chest, holding you close to him as his arms wrap around your backside. You feel him rest his chin atop your shoulder, and you melt into his cool touch. Just as you let yourself let out a loving, hazy sigh against his chest, you feel him whisper into the shell of your ear.
“Would you maybe let me... have another sip?”
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“Incorrect Quotes with Haikyuu Boys„
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9 , Part 10
Synopsis : Different Quotes From Brooklyn-Nine-Nine as Haikyu!! Characters
Genre : Comedy , romance , comfort (??)
Pairing(s) : Goshiki x reader , Shirabu x reader , Aged up!Oikawa x reader
Word Count : 1.26k
Warning(s) : She/her pronouns used , mention of suicide , drowning , pain signs (??)
Masterlist Link : Here
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Goshiki : You’re going to ace this test!
[Name] : You think that because you love me, and love has made you dumb.
Goshiki : I disagree, if anything, love has made me smarter. Remember last week when I boiled that egg?
[Name] : That was big. I was really proud of you.
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Yamamoto : She doesn’t like me.
[Name] : So she doesn’t like you. It happens. I mean, not to me, but not everyone has my combination of elegance and charm and grace and poise, and then just gif-ability. Some would say “jif,” but then again some people would also say “ant” instead of aunt.
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*On the phone with Shirabu*
Shirabu : *Groaning*, This is the last thing I need!
[Name] : Okay, so sorry about all of this, I didn’t mean to cause you trouble!
Shirabu : ...
[Name] : Oh, also one more thing. I love you.
Shirabu : *Unimpressed silence*, ... I love you too, [Name].
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Part 1/2
Kita : We have ta reduce energy usage by 15%. That means no more laminatin’, Aran.
Aran : Oh, that’s fine. It’s not the thing that gives me the most pleasure in life. Interactin’ with others... that’s what gets me going.
Kita : Atsumu, Osamu, lose the chocolate fountain.
Atsumu : What are we supposed ta dip our strawberries in? Our nacho cheese fountain? That’s crazy. Unless...
*Osamu grabs a strawberry and dunks it in the cheese fountain*
Osamu : *Eating the strawberry* ... Kita, ya beautiful bastard.
Kita : Get rid of ‘em. And [Name], ya can’t run that space heater 24/7 anymore.
[Name] : Space heater? Excuse me, this is a Fornax Radiant Comfort System, and her name is Jacinta.
Kita : Okay, well Jacinta has ta go.
[Name], to the space heater : He doesn’t mean that, darling.
Kita : Seriously, turn off the space heater.
[Name] : No.
Kita : Do it, now. It’s an order.
[Name] : Yeah, well, you don’t wanna start a battle of the wills with [Surname] [Name] because you will emerge from that battle a broken man. Not to brag, but I was name-checked in my kindergarten teacher’s suicide note.
Kita : Oh, ma god.
Part 2/2
Kita : Thanks for hand-laminatin’, Aran.
Aran : Of course, if ya ask me, savin’ energy is trendin’.
Kita : [Name], did ya shut off yer space heater yet?
[Name] : Space heater?... Doesn’t ring a bell.
Kita : Jacinta...
[Name] : Oh, no. She’s still going strong.
Kita : A will take that thing away from ya by force, if necessary.
*Manager stands up, revealing 1850’s dress*
[Name] : Well, come and get it!
Kita : Seriously? The heater’s underneath yer skirt?
[Name] : Maybe. You can’t prove that.
Kita : Yeah, a can. There’s a cord runnin’ under it, and I think ya may be on fire.
*Smoke starts coming from underneath the dress*
[Name] : Mhmm... so?
Kita : What do ya mean “so”?!
[Name] : I’m not giving Jacinta up.
Kita : Ya are on fire, [Name]. Ya don’t have the upper hand in this situation.
[Name] : I always have the upper hand.
Kita : Not when there’s flames shootin’ outta yer butt!
[Name] : Especially when there’s flames shootin’ outta ma butt!
*Manager and Kita staring each other down whilst the smoke detector starts going off*
Kita : Damn it! *Grabs fire extinguisher and puts the fire out from the skirt*. How the hell did a lose to that one?
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Part 1/5
*The Inarizaki VBC getting shut down soon*
[Name] : Rin, you seem pretty happy. Did you not like volleyball?
Suna : I do, I just am devoting my energy to a new project, Sunazon. It’s a one-stop online portal for my legions of followers. Speaking of whom, *Starts filming on phone*, what’s up, Rin-Hive? It’s your boy, Rin. I’m bored at practice, so I’m gonna prank all my teammates.
[Name] : ... That sounds like a bad idea for an already crappy day.
Suna : Fine, man. I won’t do it. *Walks away*, I will do it, so you can count this as my first prank I guess, unofficially.
Part 2/5
Suna : Hey, Aran, want a cup of coffee? They made an extra one on accident.
Aran : Oh, sure. Thank you, *Drinks the cup and immediately spits it out*. Oh, ma god. What is that?!
Suna : Cement! You just drank cement! Guys, check back in to see if he dies. Ugh! *Choking and gestures death hand signals, stopping the video afterwards*. You’re not really gonna die, probably, okay? Just a little honey for the Rin-Hive.
Part 3/5
[Name] : Whoo! We can save the club, this is amazing news! *Drinks out of cup and spits it out*.
Suna : *Filming the whole thing*, ah, you just drank cement~ You just drank cement~
Part 4/5
Suna : Oh, Gin, you look so sad. You know what would cheer you up? A nice bowl of miso soup.
Ginjima : No thanks, Suna. I’m not in the mood.
Osamu : So, Suna, is the soup up for grabs?
Suna : ‘Samu, no. My followers are sick of watching you eat cement.
Part 5/5
Coach Kurosu : We’d like ta thank Suna. Apparently, the community came to our aid. There was a swell of online support orchestrated by an organization called “Suna-Zone.”
Suna : *Poping from behind a counter*, I think you mean Sunazon. I was behind the counter the whole time. Another great Suna Rintaro entrance.
Atsumu : That’s amazin’! What did ya do?!
Suna : I was live streaming whilst all of you were talking about the club. I guess people were moved. They were like, “What can we do to help?” And I said, “Call the school principal.”
[Name] : The Rin-Hive is real!
Atsumu : A can’t believe ya did it. Suna, yer a legend! Ta Inarizaki Volleyball Club!
Inarizaki VBC : Ta Inarizaki Volleyball Club! *All drink juice, then they groan*.
Kita : What is in this?
Suna : *Filming*, You all just drank cement!
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[Name] : Guys, guys, guys, check it out. Tendou fell asleep in the supply room, so I put his hand in a bowl of warm water.
Shirabu : Come on. That’s the stupidest prank ever.
[Name] : Uh, no. It’s the smartest; it involves biology. I bet it worked all ready. Let’s go check!
*At the supply room*
[Name] : Tendou, no!
Goshiki : He’s drowning, he’s drowning!
Semi : Save him, man!
*Reon grabs Tendou’s shoulders and forces them to sit up straight*
Tendou : *Gasping air desperately*.
Shirabu : I take it back, [Name]. Great prank.
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Coach Nekomata : Please don’t do anything to jeopardize this. Understood?
Nekoma VBC : *Murmurs of acknowledgment*.
Coach Nekomata : Dismissed, *Leaves the room*.
Lev : That’s a big ‘ole bummer!
[Name] : All right, everybody, just relax. We’re still going to have a great time. If there’s one thing I know, it’s how to sneak out to a party without your parents finding out. I used to do it all the time!
Nekoma VBC : *Unimpressed silence*.
[Name] : Well, I did it a few times.
Yaku : Mhmm...
[Name] : Once to go to a Magic : the Gathering tournament. I got stuck in the window like Winnie the Pooh. There, okay? Now you know everything.
Kuroo : Continue.
[Name] : My mom had to pull me back in by my ponytail... All right, let’s party!
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*Aged up*
Oikawa : Check whatever this is out! It’s called The Wasp. It’s for dispersing crowds of young people. It emits a sound that you can only hear if you are 25 or younger. *Turns the device on*.
Takeru : *High pitched screaming in agony*.
*[Name] and Oikawa looking at each other confused, following in Takeru’s screams*
Oikawa : I also hate the sound— that I definitely hear!
[Name] : Me too! It’s so high pitched or low pitched. Oh, that was bogus to the extreme.
Oikawa : So bogus and not tubular. My ears are ringing from the pain of being young.
[Name] : Ugh, so not gnarly.
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282 notes · View notes
steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 19: Yugi and the Only Neck Accessory He Didn’t Really Want to Wear
Been busy! Hopefully stuff will open up soon as I’m taking a hiatus on a different quarantine project and will be finishing painting the entire roof of my car this week? One can hope. Sanding the rust off the whole top of a car takes a long time it turns out?
Also, fun Yugioh fact, I recently painted a book cover for an author who is older so she’s never seen the show, and she looked at my tumblr, saw my Duke Devlin fanart and was like “That’s him. That’s my main character. OMG. You captured him perfectly!” and I was like “Ma’am that is Duke Devlin, hence the single dice earring on his lobes there, but we can work with this.” and now a spiritual Duke Devlin is on the cover of a Wuxia-style fantasy trilogy on the Vella. Had to give him a top knot and delete the eyeliner for Wuxia reasons but uh, that’s just Duke.
So long story short, fanart can get you work, don’t even worry about posting that stuff online because most people don’t even know it’s fanart anyway and older ladies freakin love it.
Back in Yugioh, the team was doing their best to navigate a map through the woods and they do about as well as they normally do.
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And inside Tristan lifted up the floorboards and was like “I found the only way out, this is it, this is the only way.”
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And they ended up in something that has a color scheme I would actually associate with a jungle. Finally. We have finally left California (in order to go to another Hell.)
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Youknow, when we went to California, we visited Hell, and when we went to India, we also took a stop at the nearest death destination. There’s just so much death on this show and sometimes I forget because there’s been a ghost in our party for so freakin long it’s been normalized.
(read more death imagery under the cut)
Joey freaks out at a flock of crows and reveals in this episode something I never realized about him before.
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Like I’m not always the perfect observer as I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I love that this is canon for probably only this episode, but I will never forget it for the entirety of this series.
You go on hating birds, Joey.
Bro was like “Maybe it’s a deep cut about Mai Valentine because she’s a harpy lady” but eh...pretty sure we spent like an entire season of Joey telling us that Mai was a good experience? Would be incredibly funny if immediately after all of S4, Joey was like “You know what? Screw Mai, guys.”
So my thoughts...it’s probably just a literal bird experience. Like I had a friend who hated deer because once she went to a petting zoo, got some pellets to feed the deer, but her finger was sticking up, so when the deer came over to nibble on some pellets her finger went up it’s nose by accident. She was so disgusted by this event that was entirely her fault, that she brought up how much she hated deer basically whenever we saw one.
So like...maybe Joey fed a bird wrong at a petting zoo. I can see him getting bit by a parrot because he was too Joey Wheeler.
But now that we’re in a graveyard neighborhood, Pharaoh decides to hop out because there’s a lot of ghosts here and he needs to practice socializing with his peers.
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So that’s just a Yugioh monster doing the ostrich dance, right? Like this is a meme from like 2010 but on Yugioh in 2003(4?)
Good to see the Ostrich dance here in the land before Vine.
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So they pull out their Pokemon to do some antics, Tea looked like she was about to do something useful, and Yami does a yump across time and space to get her as far away from playing (not)cards as quickly as possible and y’all...sure was a position these animators animated.
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Holy crap.
And I was going off about that scene last season where they woke up in the same bed like...
...have these two been together this entire time? Like together together?
They’re like...way more comfortable than you’d figure they’d be considering Yugi nearly passes out every time he gets a hug. But Yami just like....How long has this been going on? As long as Joey’s fear of birds?
Like obviously this show would never cover what the hell Yugi may be thinking about this overreaching move here, because we’re gonna gloss right over that, and just run away up a flight of stairs. No one mentions this ever again. Which is mind blowing for an anime to do. I think in most anime I watch, the kids would be like “ahh ahhhh I bumped into a booooob!” like it does for I want to say every other episode of My Hero Academia. But in Yugioh, they saw that low hanging fruit and they were like “we expect a higher level of maturity out of our audience. Now here’s a fleet of ostrich dancing tree monsters with faces for crotches.”
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They decided to sprint up this flight of stairs, and it enough of a slope to deter the monsters who are only unbalanced weird legs.
I want us to take a moment and admire this background painting. I can’t unsee the rocks that are all the same size, just piled on top of eachother. Did Alexander the Great just plop rocks here--or was the mountain made up of tons of similarly shaped boulders?
Like there’s a lot of nice bg’s in this arc, don’t get me wrong, but this one...I’m just trying to wrap my head around the logic of it.
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At the top, they meet a pantheon, that is immediately blocked by this wall, because if this arc had a tagline, it’s “Yugi gets inconvenienced every 4 seconds.”
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Bro was like “Clearly they would have pushed it over if Tea wasn’t slacking off” and like...she is actually. Look at her. Only used one hand? Slacker.
Joey was disappointed he couldn’t push over a massive wall, and the team decided not to analyze how much Joey Wheeler thinks of his own strength and instead fixate on these statues.
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Usually in anthro characters they kinda look birdlike but act human. But what about an anthro that’s just a bird? Like human torso, but can turn his head 180 degrees? Yugioh made me ask this question.
And then Joey was like “wait, there may be a solution that isn’t just to use brute strength!”
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Youknow it is a bummer that Kaiba couldn’t witness Joey own a dragon while he himself only has a robot jet dragon. Although, the jet is probably faster, stronger and overall...better than this baby dragon. It would have been great for Kaiba to witness Joey under-utilize this dragon and forget he has it for like huge swatches of the episode.
And then Grandpa pulled some body horror out of nowhere.
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I mean that is really gross.
I guess Grandpa can’t use Blue eyes, because Kaiba ripped it up, Grandpa can’t use Exodia because Weevil tossed it off a boat, and grandpa can’t use the card that’s just a building because...it’s a building.
So instead Grandpa has a bunch of meat and bones that look like something out of Doom. It’s probably from a more obscure Konami property, but I forget which.
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I’ve seen Tristan hold back Joey in this hold, first time it’s been Tea.
So much shipping in this episode, it’s wild.
It’s also wild how low my standards are for what could possibly be shipping when it comes to Yugioh because of how freakin tepid all of these characters are, which as I’ve brought up before, I really don’t mind.
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So Yugi decides that because Grandpa was folding his arms like one monster and it made a gem light up or something, to just do the video game thing and use the giant ass statues as clues.
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Why was this arc not a video game? Like parts of it really feel like it was meant to be.
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So Yugi falls down a hole, where the walls cave in like it’s that dumpster in Star Wars but like...it barely phases him.
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Also...Yugi might be able to see in the dark. It’s never been brought up but like...the more I think about it...has Yugi ever struggled to see without the lights on?
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After Joey disappoints everyone, he confronts death.
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And Pharaoh and Yugi decide to solve the puzzle of “how do I get out of this trap dungeon room” which, honestly, is probably what they’re doing every time they hang out in the brain pyramid.
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So they summon their mascot monster, and surprisingly the show decided its ability to fly cannot help them out here.
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Kuriboh manages to become enough of a doormat to push Yami up to the stone and they end up in a set of weird cuts that ended in this?
Like seriously it was like flashes of light and then they were just...up here like this.
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Hey like...
Alexander the Great, my man...
Were you planning to put that stone in the middle of a exhaust vent hoping someone would touch it? Because there’s no way anyone would rationally have done that. You would need to fly to do it. This is the world’s worst DM.
Like Yugioh pulls a lot of fantasy nonsense but this arc is a lot more like a “it’s a kid’s show, just go with it.” arc than most of them. It’s not a bad vibe, necessarily, it’s just not the vibe I’m used to.
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So once I witnessed maybe the most boring conversation I’ve ever witnessed about corn (this was on a twitch stream, by the way, a guy was playing an interesting game, and then a guest came on and started talking about corn and plants for 2 hours) and they would not shut up about how all taxonomy is wrong because there are no such thing as trees and how all animals are labelled incorrectly, and then they started comparing it to like all sorts of mushrooms and phytoplankton as you would if you clearly got a little bit high before dumping your corn knowledge on a twitch stream.
Anyway, after that bizarre experience I suffered so I could learn how to play an obscure video game, I think I can safely say, that while I know everyone here thinks a bird can’t be a dog. If you’re a high biologist: a bird is absolutely a dog. Apparently you can just do that if you’re the most boring biologist alive and no one will argue with you because to do that would involve talking to you. We’ll just say a bird is a dog and no one can fight me or I will talk about the corn book that this guest on this twitch chat was thinking about renting from the library about the different types of corn mutations inherent in freakin Indiana. Therefore, Joey’s fear of birds and dogs is same.
So they use Dark Magician to save them from the statues, and Yugi busts into the pantheon again because they got to open this casket before a time limit that I kind of forgot about, tbh.
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And inside the casket, is...this thing!
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(enjoy this line on the bottom of the image I don’t feel like fixing it)
And you may say to yourself...it looks like it’s just floating in mid-air, that’s silly, and so I want to introduce you to the next panel where you can see that it is...quite literally...just floating in the air like a video game.
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and it just slurps itself onto Yugi before he can be like “nonono.”
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Wasn’t there some horror movie where you were stuck in some sort of body brace that slowly tortures you (was that Saw?) This has that vibes. Like man that looks uncomfortable to wear over a jacket and two belts and a collar that is another belt.
That and I...I gotta appreciate that Yugi popped his collar while wearing body armor and chunky necklace. What 00′s fashion appreciation right there.
Bit like...this isn’t breathable, right? Like Yugi’s gonna finally take this thing off and his jacket will just be completely soaked in sweat?
Anyway, that’s it for this post, next week we’ll see if Yugi can walk through a doorway in that thing.
Also, I can’t bring up the ostrich dance without sharing the vines of my generation
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sfb123 · 4 years
Housewarming Heart to Heart
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Drake Walker x Riley Brooks (Friendship)
Summary: Drake and Riley step away from his housewarming party, and end up having a heartfelt conversation about their friendship. 
Word Count: 1,394
A/N: This is my first fic idea, and the first one I ever started to write. I struggled with it for so long, then I had a conversation with @txemrn where I mentioned it, and she gave me the boost I needed to revisit it so I could finish it and post.
FYI, I hate coming up with titles. I think it’s probably the hardest part of writing a fic, so please be kind to my lackluster titles. 
Tags: Below. Good luck actually getting a notification about it! Also, let me know if you want to be added or removed. 
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Riley stepped out the front door and saw Drake sitting alone on the porch step, swirling a glass of whiskey. 
“You know, Bertrand told me once that it’s a faux pas for a host to leave their own party.” She said, leaning on the doorframe. Her voice brought Drake out of his thoughts as he turned to look at her. 
“I just needed a break. It’s exhausting to host a party.”
She moved closer and took a seat next to him on the step. “No shit. At least you know, and like…” she paused, “...tolerate, all of these people. The parties Liam and I host are filled with endless nobles, dignitaries, and other people I’ve met multiple times whose names I can’t remember for the life of me.”
“Yea, and I also remember all of the times I’ve watched the two of you sneaking out of those parties.” He extended his hand, “Nice to meet you pot, I’m kettle.” She rolled her eyes and nudged him with her shoulder.
“Touché. So, the cabin is nice. Very Drake.”
“That’s kind of the look I was going for.” 
“You know, you don’t have to leave the palace. We like having you around.” 
“I know, but you guys just got married, you’re going to be having kids soon. You need space to start your family.”
“Space? It’s literally a palace, we’re not running low on spare rooms. Besides, you’re our family too, Liam and I having a baby would never change that.”
“I know. It’s just that everyone is starting to get their shit together. You and Liam just got married, Maxwell’s doing this whole book thing, Hannah is working on all that charity stuff. It’s time for me to start building my life.”
Riley wipes away a fake tear, pinching Drake’s cheek with her free hand, “Aww, my little Drakey is growing up.”
“Ha-Ha.” He said, swatting her hand away. 
“Drake, honestly, I think that’s great. Obviously it’s going to be a bummer that you’re not around as much, but I’m really happy for you.” She said earnestly. 
“Thanks, Brooks.” Drake starred out into the woods that surrounded his new home. “You know if someone had told me, when Maxwell walked on that plane with our waitress from the night before, that we’d be here right now, I would have thought they were certifiable.”
“I knew we would, even though things got kind of weird there with us for a minute.” She linked her arm in his and rested her head on his shoulder.
Applewood Manor - Social Season:
“If we’d met somewhere else...anywhere else. At a club in New York, or in an airport , or at a party. If you hadn’t been our waitress that night, and I hadn’t been sitting next to Liam. Do you think that all of this...do you think it could’ve been different...between us?”
“Drake, I’m here for Liam.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I...What am I doing? I need to go.”
Drake took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. “Yea, I don’t think I ever really apologized to you for that whole thing.”
“You don’t have to, I don’t ever want you to think you have to apologize for how you feel. I’m just glad we’re able to be friends.”
“We were always friends, that’s the thing.”
“What do you mean?” She looked up at him, puzzled. 
“You know the story, I grew up a commoner among nobility. Nobody really cared to get to know me, so I built up walls and didn’t let people in. Liam was the only one that really cared enough to break through them. Until you. As hard as I tried to push you away and keep you out, you’d come back at me twice as hard. You’re kind of a pain in the ass.”
“One of my many charms.” Riley gave him a cheesy smile and batted her eyelashes. 
Drake let out a chuckle and shook his head, he continued, looking down into the glass of whiskey he had been nursing. “If that’s what you want to call it. Anyway, when we started getting close, I was feeling things that I had never felt about a girl before, I didn’t know what it meant.”
“So what cleared it up for you?”
“When you and Liam told us about your engagement. I was so happy for both of you. And that’s all I felt. There was no jealousy, no sadness, I was just happy for my friends. That’s when I realized that I do love you, but in the same way that I love Liam or Savannah. As a best friend, as family.”
Riley felt the tears build up behind her eyes. She and Drake were close, and yes, he had an undeniably marshmallowy center, but he had never actually used those terms about her. It hit a little different to actually hear him refer to her as a best friend, let alone family. Drake saw her holding back her tears and sarcastically rolled his eyes. He knew she was never going to let him live this moment down.
“You’re my best friend too, you know.” She replied, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. 
“I thought Maxwell was your best friend?”
“Nah, he’s my bestie, it’s different. He’s my party friend. The one I go to karaoke with, the one that watches old cheesy teen dramas with me when I need to unwind. He’s fun, I love him, he’s my brother, but he’s not my best friend.”
“I’m not fun?!” Drake made a shocked expression, and brought his hand to his chest in mock outrage.
She rolled her eyes, looping her arm through his and continued, “You’re a different kind of fun. You’re the kind of fun that reminds me of my previous life. When we hang out, it’s just like when I would hang out with my friends in New York. We give each other shit and complain about stuff. But I know when things get heavy, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I am happy and safe.”  
“...like get shot?” He looked over at Riley and cocked an eyebrow.
“Of course you go for the biggest example first. I was going to say share your whiskey with me.” She grabbed the glass from his hand and took a sip. As she lowered it from her lips, she grinned and held the glass up to Drake in a ‘cheers’ motion. He frowned at her and snatched it back, downing the rest of the liquid in one gulp, and placed the glass behind him on the porch. 
“For real though, Maxwell and Bertrand taught me all the proper etiquette, crap so I could make it at court, but you taught me how to survive court. That’s the reason Liam and I made it. You’re the reason Liam and I made it.”
“Nah, you guys would have made it with or without me. You’re made for eachother.”
“Careful, Walker, your marshmallow is showing.” Riley poked her index finger into Drake’s side with a wide grin.
“There you are, love. I was starting to fear that you had gone home without me.” Riley and Drake turned back to the door as Liam approached them, extending his hand toward Riley to help her up. 
“Never, My King. What’s the point of being home if you’re not there with me?” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as he pulled her closer. 
Drake stood and wiped his hands on the front of his jeans as he faced his friends. 
“Drake, this has been a wonderful party, your new home is lovely. Unfortunately, Riley and I are going to need to take off. I have some early meetings in the morning.” Liam shook Drake’s hand and clapped him on the back.
“Yea, of course. I appreciate you guys taking the time to come.” 
“We’ll always have time for you Marshmallow. Please don’t ever forget that.” Riley pulled him into a tight hug.   
“I’m pretty sure you’d never let me.”
“Damn straight.” Riley smiled at him before taking Liam’s hand and walking down the porch steps to their waiting SUV. 
Drake started to walk back into the cabin, he paused and laughed to himself when he heard Riley raise her voice, annoyed, “He’s my BESTIE it’s different. Ugh, boys are so dumb!”
Tags:  @txemrn​ @texaskitten30​ @kingliam2019​ @anjanettexcordonia​ @twinkleallnight​ @mile9213​ @kittypryde-bipride​ @motorcitymademadame​ @kat-tia801​ @bebepac​ @gkittylove99​ @khoicesbyk​ @jessiembruno​ @queenrileyrose​ @athena-penrose​ @pixie88​ @eadanga​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @annarenee355​ @burnsoslow​ @shewillreadyou​ @imturaxamara​ @gabesmommie1130​ @cordoniaqueensworld​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @hopefulmoonobject
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.7)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4] [CH.5] [CH.6] previous chapters
[CH.8.] next chapter (unavailable, check back or follow for updates!)
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You fell into a distrustful panic that night now that knew the screams of the woods were also where Jungwon and his friends lived. You weren't sure if you should be scared for those group of boys or be scared of them. You'd be lying to yourself if you tried to believe it was only a coincidence the boys had a place in the forest of violent cries.
You questioned your sanity, were they murderers? Was that their dirty secret?
Your conclusions were endlessly dark, repeating themselves countlessly. You had never wanted to sleep away your thoughts more than ever. Eventually, you got exhausted from your thoughts. It was mentally draining to try and tear apart the possibilities of the situation, you didn't have enough evidence to be so sure. You lay in a cold sweat as you drifted off into a deep but horrible sleep.
You dreamt in full awareness. The boys with blood spilling down their hands and onto their swan white clothes. A red mess everywhere on the cream walls of an orphanage that overflowed with rays of a full moon. Although you were scared of what you were witnessing, you could not wake up even if your life depended on it. It seemed as if the dream had sped up your sleep as you woke in what felt like a few seconds. Calmly, you awoke in the misty autumn morning in a crushed up pile of blankets. You sit up to peel your wispy curtains away from the window to get a good look at the dark forest that steamed with a muddy blue fog. All of the memories of Jungwon yelling at you for just being near the woods flooded your brain as you stared. This time you were determined to search deep into that forest and get to the bottom of its mysteries as it called out to you.
"Y/N I think you're going to be late for your first class." Nana knocked before bursting into your room in full uniform, not a wrinkle on her shirt.
"Y-you're already ready? What time is it?!" You glanced back and forth between your pyjamas and uniform that draped over a random stool as you were too lazy to fold nicely the night before.
"We didn't want to wake you... So we went ahead thinking you'd come down eventually." She yanked you out of bed, gripping your forearms tightly before backing out the door, "Don't be late! We promised we'd keep out of detention this year!"
Within a blink of an eye, you slip into your uniform, slinking your arms through the holes of your blouse and adjusting your legs to be cover by your ashy plaid skirt. With your bag and binder in hand, you sprinted across your campus to the gymnasium where you found yourself arriving, everyone already in the proper athletic attire.
"You're late."  Your health teacher grit her teeth in visible disappointment. Your teacher knew how unlike you it was to be late as your classmate's eyes followed your every movement.
"P-pardon me." You clawed your fingers through your bedhead, speeding to the change room, nervous she'd assign you detention.
You let out the deep breath you were holding in as you got into the empty locker room, frustrated at yourself for waking up so late. You can't help but feel upset that you let your thoughts get the best of you and ruin your perfect attendance. Truly you were ashamed but began to see no point in continuing to rush the pace at which your day was running.
The locker room door opens and you see Kyungeun peep herself inside, "Y/N? You alright?"
You pull your boxy shirt flat down, zipping and tying every spot on your tracksuit jacket, "Yeah, sorry rough morning..."
"No worries, I just said that I had to go to the bathroom but I really just wanted to check on you." She had a motherly sound to her voice which comforted your bad start to the day. Perhaps she was in a good enough mood for you to ask her briefly about her relationship with Sunghoon.
"Kyungeun, I think I need to just clear the air... I saw you with Sunghoon in the library." You tilted your head in regret as to whether or not you were starting off the conversation in the right direction.
"Y-you saw us???" Her face drained to an unrealistic hue, "Lord... Sunghoon will kill me if he finds out you know."
"Stop! What do you mean? He'll kill you? Is it because I know that you two are dating?"
"NO! Nevermind then!" She cut you off right after the question mark in your voice. She looked rather relieved at your response which could only mean their relationship was much different than you had presumed. "I just can't tell you about our relationship I'm s-sorry it's between just us two."
"So then it's okay for him to flirt with my roommate?"
"No? Are you serious right now ?!" Kyungeun panicked.
"So you are dating?" You gave a smug smile.
"It's not that..." She was visibly frustrated not being able to describe herself in words, "I'll tell you this, I'm bound to him..." She ran her index finger along the reddened gash on her neck  He's blackmailing me."
"So you're like his pet?" You held in your laughter, you knew you should be more serious but you had no other way of trying to help Kyungeun express the gist of her relationship.
"I'll tell you another day...  Let's just go before the teacher gets mad at you for taking so long to change."
After your class full of advanced leg exercises and mediocrely fun games, you got halted by your gym teacher, "Y/N can we speak about how tardy you were today?"
You got fearful of her sentencing you detention, freezing up from your heel upwards, "I'm so sorry, I just had a lot going on last night..."
"Sweetie, I know this is your first late in my class but unfortunately the school does not tolerate tardiness in the way I believe it should be." She tapped her chin a few times, "I have no other choice but to send you to detention but it'll just be a half-hour at lunch." You felt better that it wasn't for a full hour or two after school but you were still dreading the idea.
"Can't you just let me off the hook? I promise it'll never happen again" You pleaded desperately.
"I'm afraid I cannot... If the other teachers or students knew you didn't get sent to detention I could get into trouble for giving you 'special treatment'. I know you didn't mean to love but I cannot afford to lose my job so I'll see you then." She patted one of your shoulders, giving it a little squeeze to cheer you up.
"I understand..." You nod with your head that already hung low.
"It's in the English room down the hall, there is usually only a few students there. Some familiar faces."
That rest of your morning would only pull through faster as you got some weird anxiety over walking into the detention room. You could not concentrate at all in the class you had before lunch. You felt as if you were too good for the detention group of kids, but here you were about to join those you criticized. Karma.
"Make sure to answer the questions 8-16 on page 300, you have the rest of the class to do so. Any questions?" Your physics teacher stood with his hands balled up behind his back.
Realizing you had no physics book in your bag after triple checking, you shot your arm up in distress, "ME! I forgot my textbook today... I was in a rush this morning." You faked a polite laugh with the expectation your teacher would have a spare.
"I'm afraid I don't have an extra, anyone willing to share?" The teacher lifted his head to scan the class.
"I could share." Jaeyun winked making your face recoil
"Perfect! You'll probably have to move your stuff to his seat then." Your teacher suggested.
With a thick coat of disappointment, you pulled a chair up to Jaeyun's desk to which he kneed you annoyingly.
Within just a few seconds of settling down, you complained "How the hell am I supposed to write? There is no space... Desks are made for ONE person."
"Okay then don't use my textbook and fall behind" He sneered.
"Wait wait, I just had the greatest idea Jaeyun." He gave you puppy eyes when you said his name, "What if you look for half the answers I do the other half then exchange?" You whispered so the teacher could hear.
"I can't trust you make good answers though..." He jokingly sighed.
"HEY! Okay or work together for every question to get it done twice as fast? Oh wait but then I'll be the one carrying the team... Bummer..." You stretched the corners of your mouth until your lips disappeared.
"I honestly don't feel like doing work so lose-lose." He pouted and rolled his eyes.
"Same... I can't even focus, I'm having a rough morning..." You openly admitted, "I got sent to detention for being late in my first class."
"Detention? Didn't think you were the type." Jaeyun had an unexpectedly sweet giggle which contrasted with his lower tone voice, "Heeseung and Sunghoon get sent often, surprised they aren't kicked out of the school."
"They get sent often?!" Your voice rose to which you quickly quieted down to avoid trouble, "Will I see them there?"
"Why? Looking forward to going now?" Jaeyun whispered with a grin, causing you to scoff.
"As if..." A sudden idea coming to mind, "Say Jaeyun... About the party... Heard you guys have a place in the woods...?" You became aware that you could pry some information out of him that would help you when searching the woods that night.
"Yeah, we do... We don't normally tell people about it." He said casually yet still with some sort of caution.
"So why tell us then?"
"Haven't had any visitors in a while..." Jaeyun toyed with his mechanical pencil, using the plastic part to trace around his lips, "Awfully interested aren't you?" He seemed to have caught on to your intentions, shifting the mood of the conversation around in a full 180.
Suddenly the dream you had earlier slipped into mind, causing you to sit in growing discomfort, "What do you want from my friends and I?"
"Nothing sweetheart... We're more interested in you than your dormmates. You look like someone we know." He laughed like a psycho and it creeped you out how the two of you were just poking lighthearted jokes to something much darker and mysterious, "I know you're afraid of us, you know far more than most girls." His voice dropped to a whisper as he watched the teacher behind you to make sure he didn't see the both of you slacking.
"Kyungeun knows your secrets too she said she'll tell me."
"She's acting like we don't know her secrets." Jaeyun closed his textbook, "Y/N just remember this, Kyungeun is half as bad as we are and half as pure as you are."
"Alright class, that's it for today's class. This textbook assignment won't be due until Friday have a good lunch." The teacher interrupted, causing your conversation with Jaeyun to end on a hanging note.
"Good luck with detention."Jaeyun hushed in your ear.
p.s, i changed the cover lol don’t make fun of my photoshop skills!
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
I can’t believe it took me until part 8 to do my favorite boy but
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 Here are the pros and cons of dating
Noah is really non confrontational, so he tends to let issues fester. It’s not that he’s trying to let things build up, it’s just that he doesn’t think they’re important enough to bring up. He won’t start a fight about them when they’ve built up, but if MC is angry about something he’ll mention that there’s a bunch of things he’s let go but not have specifics. It ends up coming out like ‘yeah well what about all the other things?!’ ‘what other things!?’ ‘I don’t remember!!’. He’s not actively keeping track of all her mistakes, he genuinely does forgive and forget, but then when tensions come to a boil he needs to point out that there has been conflict that he just ignored. He’s not trying to guilt or gaslight MC, but sometimes it feels like it. If she thinks especially little of his intentions, it feels like he’s just pulling things out of thin air to be mad instead of focusing on the issue. That’s not what he’s doing- he just doesn’t address little things until they feel like big things. But of course he hasn’t done the introspection to truly understand how doing this is hurtful or articulate that he doesn’t mean it to be. 
When he and MC disagree, he lets things go wayyy too easily. This is fine if MC is a really mature, self-reflective person who can see that she’s crossed a line after the fact. But if MC is a little more selfish/immature, like Lottie, this is a huge con because he doesn’t give her accountability that would help her grow. We saw this with Hope- she wasn’t able to recognize how harmful her temper was when she was dating Noah because he never pointed it out, he just rolled over. If there’s a genuine problem- financial, emotional, logistically, he’ll ‘let it go’ until it’s a way bigger problem (and much harder to solve). 
Sorry that most of these cons are about how he fights with people, but that’s what we saw in-game lol. I’d love to know more about how Lucas or Rahim fight with their partners. But when you’re arguing, Noah tends to focus on really little details of what you said instead of listening to the whole thing and getting a sense of the bigger picture. So let’s say the issue is ‘Noah, I need you to tell me when you’re borrowing my car because you took it to the gym and then it went from having enough gas to get me to work in the morning to being on empty. This morning I had to stop for gas and that made me late.” The issue there is actually ‘please tell me when you’re using my car”, but he fixates on the gas part and says “well fine I can fill up your tank”. So he focuses on little details that he can fix instead of acknowledging the actual problem.
He internalizes things so fucking hard. Yes he intellectually knows that when MC gives him feedback on things she’s talking about his BEHAVIOR and not him as a person, but he definitely feels like shit about himself if he makes a mistake and MC calls him on it. He’ll definitely beat himself up about things for weeks after it happens, and his internal dialogue in general is pretty toxic. 
I can see him being a bit of a workaholic. Not in the same sense that Camilo is in Boat Party, but Noah definitely will go into the library on a day he’s scheduled to be off if he has projects to work on or will stay late because he got engrossed in research. Same thing now that the library’s closed because of COVID- it takes him two times as long to put everyone online and work from home, so he’s spending more time working than ever. He views it through the lens of the ‘greater good’- getting that display set up for the patrons is more important that seeing his wife two hours earlier because many members of the community outnumber one person. Plus he just cares so much about his work that he has a hard time seeing it as an inconvenience to other people.
He loves his family so much. Even when MC and he get married and have kids, he struggles to prioritize them over his siblings and parents. So if his little brother Arlo needs money, Noah won’t hesitate to give him a loan even if he and MC are struggling financially. If his aging mom or dad can’t live alone anymore, Noah will invite them to move in with his family, even if their house isn’t big enough to accommodate more people. I can see this being a huge point of contention, especially in that second scenario where MC would have to take on a caretaker role as well. Noah just wants to help people so bad and has a hard time saying no, so that can sometimes impede his partner.
He’s really used to living on low income, and so he has a lot of frugal habits and concessions that he thinks are normal that someone more middle or upper class might find irritating. These are all coming from my experience and things partners have complained about- but think things like only eating out once a month or refusing to turn the heat on until it’s dangerous or making his own laundry detergent. He grew up doing them out of necessity (and still does, student debt on a public librarian’s budget? I couldn’t do it), so he doesn’t realize how strange or frustrating his habits might be to someone who isn’t used to it. He also has a really hard time justifying spending excessive amounts of money, so if MC has lavish taste there’s going to be some conflict.
He doesn’t like initiating anything. Conversations, activities… you know *smirk emoji*. He will, but the ratio of when Noah suggests something to when MC does is like 1:8
My boy is beautiful, and his clothes look lovely, but he has 7 outfits that he rewears all the time. The closest thing to fashion is him putting a different button up shirt underneath his vest. It’s definitely a joke at work that he wears the same sweater, button up, and quarter length shirt just in different colors. You know that vine where the teacher walks into the room wearing the same shirt in different colors, saying the same ‘hello’ for like a million days. Noah’s coworkers remake that with him, because that’s exactly what he does. 
He’s a bit of a homebody, and loves routine. For me, massive plus, I love that. But for someone who wants to party regularly or be spontaneous, I can see constantly changing plans and going out with people being really draining to Noah. He has a small group of close friends, so he’d struggle to remember MC’s friends' names if she has more than five. Don’t get me wrong, Noah will take MC to galleries and dates at least three times a month, but it has to be discussed and scheduled in advance. 
Honestly, what isn’t a pro about him? Noah is a steadfast, thoughtful, and kind person. His politics are about taking care of people, providing them dignity and respect, and building community. He loves his family and is incredibly patient. He’s incredibly smart but not at all classist or condescending about it. I know this is supposed to be about how the islanders affect the person they’re dating, but oh my god he’s such a good person I love him. Let’s just say the pro for this is his positive aura. 
He’s really good at group dynamics and listening, so he goes out of his way to make everyone feel heard and valued. If someone says something and no one acknowledges it, he’ll specifically engage with them so they’re not left hanging. If someone’s trying to get a word in but can’t, he’ll get everyone’s attention then say ‘so and so had an idea’. He’s not one to boisterously laugh in group settings, but he always makes eye contact and smiles if you make a joke that flops or say something he agrees with. If people are teasing about something, he picks up if it’s gone too far really easily and will gracefully change the subject/tell them to knock it off. 
He’s super conscientious about respecting boundaries and ensuring the people around him are taking care of himself. If MC and him are long distance and texting after 10pm, he’ll be like “I love you, but we’ve both got to sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow”. He’ll always check and make sure people have eaten when meeting up with them, and if they haven’t he’ll insist they get food from somewhere. 100% gives you his jacket, brings you water bottles, in general just wants you to take care of yourself. 
Above all else, Noah just always ensures the people around him feel safe. The last thing he’d want to do is make people uncomfortable, so safe driving, safe spaces, safe sex are all musts. He’s really good in crisis situations because he can calm people down and encourage them to think critically.  
Building off of that, he’s really aware of how much of the housework is being done by who and always tries to ensure he’s doing his part. I bet that was a big thing he ripped on Rahim for- Rahim expects his woman to clean up after him and do the bulk of the domestic work, and Noah knows that’s bullshit. I think Noah likes cleaning, anyways, and will usually take laundry/disinfecting bathrooms/cleaning dishes over cooking or running errands. But the mental load of keeping track of recipes/groceries that need replenishing and keeping up with kids needs, he’s aware of the imbalance and does his part. Obvious plus, because it sounds fucking exhausting to date a man. He fucking hates vaccuming though, and will splurge on a roomba. 
He has a dry sense of humor that’s very based in puns and hyperbole. Sometimes it’s hard to know when he’s joking or not, but he never makes you feel bad for missing a joke or dwells on something for too long. He absolutely subscribes to the Mcelroys’ No Bummers rule, there are some things you don’t joke about and he’s happy to shut down inappropriate comments or ‘jokes’. He definitely prefers physical gaffs and dumb ways of saying things, so his favorite comedians are John Mulaney and Chris Fleming. While humor isn’t an important part of how he relates to other people, Noah enjoys being around funny people and won’t shut down their energy like Rahim, Marisol, or Hope. 
This is just me projecting again but Noah is generoussss. Even though he doesn’t make a lot of money at the library, he still has a ‘mutual aid’ budget each month (and goes over it often). He’s the first one to give money to panhandlers, donate to gofundmes, and give friends/family personal loans. That definitely gets him into sticky situations sometimes, because he has a hard time saying no and can get taken advantage of, but ultimately I think it’s a pro because he’ll never forget where he came from and always prioritize helping other people. 
He has a really pretty, deep singing voice and this is a pro to me because fuck I meltttttt.
The shit he says to his partner or spouse? THE most romantic thing in the world. You think Mr. “you’re made of stardust” doesn’t shower his lover with the most meaningful lines at random times? You think he’s not quoting sappho and jane austen when he’s at a loss for words? You think he’s NOT going to turn over in bed on a lazy Saturday and say ‘this is the most perfect my life will ever be’? It’s not even prompted either, yes he’ll compliment Bobby or MC when they get all dressed up for date night, but more often he’ll profess his adoration in the middle of dinner, then take another forkful of food. 
Fantastic with kids, and this is a huge pro because people who can work with kids and be patient/positive with them make me so fuckim soft. But if/when (hopefully when because if MC didn’t want kids I don’t think it’d last) they had kids, Noah is happy to be on bottle duty, wake up early to the baby, and generally be a really involved parent. He’ll take a big chunk of paternity leave, and generally be there as much as humanly possible. Even when they have multiple little tyrants running around, he always makes time to be alone with MC and make sure she’s not taking on too much.
He’s basically a lesbian, which is definitely a reason I love him so much. Hear me out- loves milfs, loves 80s music, communicates affection through meaningful glances and playing with hair but will die before explicitly saying any of it, crushes on his best friend for the longest time but never makes the first move, puts way too much emotional meaning and personal metaphors into objects and then presents them as gifts, is into fandoms and actively collects pop figures, is attracted to assertive/powerful women, wears beige skinny jeans, wears VESTS….. That’s a lesbian. He’s a bisexual man, but he’s also an honorary lesbian.
A really good confidant. Noah’s an amazing listener and never judges people harshly- his life philosophy is as long as you’re not hurting anymore or yourself, everything else is details. So you can definitely tell him secrets and confess regrets to him and he’ll listen with those soft eyes and gentle nods. Talking to him about mistakes always feels like unburdening yourself. And he’d never tell your secret to anyone. Doesn’t matter if you cheat on him, lie to him, or die, he’s never going to tell anyone your secrets. 
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beanie-beebo-writes · 3 years
Call for Action
Series Summary: You finally get your dream job, but it comes with a cost.
Warnings: Description of panic attack
Chapter 2
It was a nightmare that set you off the next day. Even though you couldn't remember it, you knew there was no way you could go into work that day, which was a nightmare in itself. Your second day on the job and your anxiety already had to butt itself in at the worst possible time, of course. 
You tried anyway, knowing how vital your job was to the process of the series being made. You didn't even bother with breakfast, knowing it would upset your stomach even further. You took a cup of coffee to go just in case, fearing if you drank it, the jitters would only add to your anxieties.
On set, everybody was mostly in their places except for a few PAs as always. You had forgotten to check your phone, so you went to the front office yet again to pick up another schedule. The day was already turning out to be a wreck and it barely started yet. Thankfully, Paul noticed you weren't in much of a talkative mood and let you be in your thoughts this morning. 
The schedule was even busier today, making your heart drop into your stomach. You knew a panic attack wasn't far, but you didn't have much time. You tried to forget about it as you ran to the stage for today. Your heart was pounding, and no amount of breathing exercises could quell the deep settled anxiety. You knew people were starting to notice, but your thoughts were too loud to pay much attention. 
"Alright, is everyone in their places?" You called aloud, still out of breath.
"Just about, give us less than five!" An A.V tech said from somewhere.
"That's fine." You said.
It gave you a minute to try and control your racing thoughts, if that was even possible. You bent over and held your knees as you tried to control everything bubbling inside you. Great, look at you. Someone definitely noticed that you're acting weird, next thing you know you'll be outcasted and fired. Hell, maybe even blacklisted if you decide to keep up this charade of job to job. Maybe-
A hand to your shoulder rescued you from drowning to the depths of darkness, startling you in the process. You stood up a little too quickly, starting to see dark spots. You blinked them away and looked up at your savior. And of course, it was Jensen.
"Hey I just-" He began before taking in your appearance. "What's wrong?"
You inhaled a deep breath, finding calm in his voice. "It's nothing, just a bad day." You said.
"Are you sure? Because it seems like a bit more than that." He said.
Your thoughts faintly began to start up again. "No, it's okay really. Get to your mark, Jensen." You said, half reassuring yourself and him.
"Alright, just remember what we talked about yesterday." He said.
You nodded and waited until he walked away to pull out a compact mirror, something you kept on yourself for situations like these. Yes everyone had already been likely staring at you when you had a moment, but you didn't want more lingering eyes if your panic attack had screwed up your appearance.
You wanted to roll your eyes in sheer embarrassment. You looked like you had run a mile and you had begun to cry. You thanked yourself that you didn't wear makeup like other higher ups, as you were sure it would be more noticeable. Before anyone could take notice, you set the mirror back down and made your way to the director's chair.
"Alright, everyone set?" You asked aloud.
You got a bunch of affirmative replies before making the decision to call "action" for the scene to start. 
Sam and Dean sat in a motel room, arguing about the aspects of a current case.
"There is no way you're going in on this one solo. Absolutely not." Dean said, throwing his arms up.
"Dean, you said it yourself. Going with two people is just asking for trouble. They'll instantly catch on and it'll blow our cover. I understand needing backup but.. I got this." Sam replied.
"For the last time Sam, no." Dean said.
Interrupting their argument was one of Dean's ringing cell phones; it was Bobby Singer.
"Yeah?" Dean asked.
"Well, I found that information you wanted, turns out they are also killed with silver to the heart." Bobby said on the other line.
"Yeah, that's easy." Dean said sarcastically. "So did you hear about this genius plan of Sam's?"
Bobby sighed tiredly. "What now?" 
"He wants to go in under cover, but when guns go blazing, no backup." Dean said animatedly.
"Well, he may have a good point you know." Bobby said.
"Excuse me? Bobby, that's suicide!" Dean argued.
"You watch your tone with me, boy." Bobby said. "You said the place is like an underground bar, right?"
"Yeah but-" Dean began.
"And that means he already is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Two of you would mean you're dead meat. He only needs the alpha and the rest will scatter. Now which plan sounds like suicide again?" Bobby asked.
Dean was silent, knowing there was no use arguing with the aged hunter.
"That's what I thought. You can stand by, just give him a lot of space outside the building. Got it?" Bobby said.
"Yeah Bobby." Dean said defeatedly.
"Good. Let me know how it goes." Bobby said.
"We will, talk to you later." Dean said.
"Bye, and be safe ya idjits." Bobby said, ending the call.
And then everything was quiet, too quiet. You felt a nudge from next to you bring you back to the modern world.
"And scene!" You called out, cheeks tinged slightly pink. "Sorry guys, got swept away there."
"You're good, we can just cut it later in editing." Bob Singer said, standing up from his chair.
"Cool. Alright everyone, settle for a minute and then we'll start scene 26." You called out to the stage.
Before you knew it, lunchtime had rolled around again. This time though, you made the move to sit by Jensen and Jared, who had beat you to the table first. They were in a light conversation before you asked to sit with them.
"Of course (Y/N)." Jared had said.
They were currently talking about some sports team that you didn't follow; you listened in and tried to understand where you could.
"Who's your favorite team?" Jared asked.
"Oh, I don't really follow sports, it isn't really my thing." You admitted.
"Aw really? Bummer, another one." Jared teased.
"Hey, knock it off." Jensen said lightly.
"No, it's okay, I know he's only joking." You said, smiling at Jared.
"Okay, just checking." Jensen said with a wink.
Your heart flipped sideways and missed a beat. If you didn't have anxiety, you would have never distinguished the feelings you were starting to feel towards Jensen. Your feelings with crushes were always different from your anxiety, and yet so similar at the same time. Sometimes you wondered how you could tell the difference.
You still remembered the first time you had a crush. You were a late bloomer, so it didn't happen until 7th grade. You were so confused; anxiety was always something you were used to that when you were hit with all of these feel-good endorphins along with the anxieties, you threw up. Literally, in front of half of the grade and your crush, Nathan Sullivan. You had bumped into him in the middle of your moving-up ceremony in the middle-school hallway. You had wanted to say everything and nothing all at once, and ironically your brain chose to vomit instead. Now that you thought about it, you wondered that's where some of your current anxieties began.
With Jensen, it wasn't that different in a sense. You felt all of the bubbling emotions, the confusing anxieties telling you to either go for it or stay low. But you were past that for the most part. Or maybe it was the fact that Jensen made you feel safe, unlike the other guys. There was just something about him that you couldn't quite understand.
"Hey, have you guys ever dealt with anxiety?" You asked as the conversation headed to a lull.
Jensen swallowed his food before answering. "Actually yeah. About a few years back, maybe even longer, I had this huge fear of what others thought of me."
"Really?" You asked.
"Mhm, anything done on set or stage that was seen as funny to everyone else, was actually a huge anxiety factor for me. I was beyond embarrassed and hated being the one everyone laughed at, even if it was literally for comedy." Jensen explained.
"Oh wow, I never knew it was that bad." Jared said.
"I was too embarrassed to tell you at the time, honestly." Jensen admitted.
"I actually deal with anxiety sometimes too, just not as bad as Jensen." Jared said.
"What helps you guys through it?" You asked.
"Honestly? For me it was therapy, lots of it." He said with a chuckle. "But the main thing I keep with me all the time, is to remember that most people are more likely to be absorbed in their thoughts, than they are paying attention to you or me. At the end of the day, what you do may not even matter to them at the dinner table. And if it does, it does." 
"Wow, that's some good advice." You said.
"Thank my therapist for that one." He said.
"I use a lot of deep breathing techniques, it tends to quell a lot of things for me." Jared said.
"Why you ask? Something on your mind?" Jensen asked.
"No, just curious. My one friend back home deals with this kind of stuff and I figured it would help to know." You stretched a bit. 
"Ah." Jensen said.
"Well, send her some love from us, okay?" Jared asked.
"Of course." You said, finishing up your lunch.
A beat of silence surrounded the three of you.
"Hey, are you busy later?" Jensen asked. "I know you're technically my boss and all.."
You looked up from your food and almost choked. Was Jensen asking you of all people, on a date? This had to be a misunderstanding. Yet again, Jared was practically all over Jensen, just by looking at him with his head in his hands.
"Huh? Uh, no, not really. I usually just pass the time by watching netflix or something I guess." You said.
"You want to grab a bite?"
You felt the tips of your ears burn like a hot stove.
"As a… date? Or…?" You asked.
"Well, do you want it to be?" Jared asked.
"Would it even be appropriate? I mean.. Like you said, I'm practically your boss, Jensen." You said.
"Don't see why it wouldn't be. It's not like you're doing any special favors to get me top role or anything." Jensen said with a knowing smile.
You smiled back and lightly rolled your eyes. Oh, this man is definitely going to be something if I date him. How could you say no?
"Yeah true." You said, probably still with a red face. "Sure, let's make it a date then."
"Yessss!" Jared whispered.
He did a silent victory dance on the way to the trash can and shut the trap closed with his hip. He strode proudly all the way back to the stage as if his son had won a competition. Jensen put his hands over his face a moment and exhaled lightly.
"Just ignore him." He said, muffled behind his hands.
"Couldn't if I wanted to." You said with a giggle.
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HyunJi: Let Me
“Is it good, hmm?” Soo Hyun smiles as he watches Yea Ji eat in front of him, across the coffee table in her living room. He marveled at the sight of her as she eagerly enjoyed her meal, stuffing her cheeks with meaty mandus and the samgyupsal he brought over. He grabs a tissue and reaches for her face, wiping the side of her lips. She smiles, taking it from him, wiping her lips on her own. He only smiles, retracting his hand. 
“Komawo.” She says, which he only nods at, forcing out a small smile as he returns to his own food. She was always so independent, she had shown him that even before they officially got in a relationship. She would order her own drinks and pay for them before he could even fish for his wallet. She carried her own bags, took off and wore her own coats, sometimes she didn’t even give him the chance to pull her seat for her. 
He understood that it was who she was. Her independence was a part of her. But sometimes he wished she wasn’t too capable of taking care of herself. He was her boyfriend, but sometimes he felt like he wasn’t. He wanted to do things for her, but most of the time she beats him to it. It was already a bummer that he couldn’t take her to the streets, to hold her hand and enjoy the first snow together without being bombarded by all the press and the speculations. All he could do was the little things, simple and small, and yet sometimes he felt like he’s also not allowed to. 
At the sound of her coughing, he immediately pushes himself up to get her some water, but she was already on her feet, telling him she’s got it. He watches her run to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it water. He could only release a silent sigh, sitting back down. 
This was the first time in weeks that they actually got to spend more than a few minutes together. They had been booked and busy, filming and shooting individual jobs. It was fun, they couldn’t deny it, but it was exhausting. Long hours of nonstop outfit changes, posing and smiling could suck the life from about anyone. Today’s shoot was especially tiring, also given that he hadn’t had enough sleep from a previous ad shoot. He was a bit stuffy today, even his manager noticed his off mood, but the only thing keeping him light was the fact that he would get to spend dinner with Yea Ji tonight. 
When something falls and breaks on the floor followed by Yea Ji’s loud cry of pain, it doesn’t take him a second to jump on his feet and run towards her. The blood on her foot from the broken glass was the first thing he saw. He drops to the floor, examining her foot, worry immediately washing over him. It wasn’t a huge cut, but it was bleeding profusely. “Kinchana?”
Her face twists in slight pain, nodding her head as she forcefully pries his hand off of her foot. She straightens up and limps away from him, making her way to the bedroom. “I’ll clean that, just let it be.” She says, dragging her injured foot across the floor. 
It was probably the fatigue combined with the lack of sleep that had tipped off his glass. He bites the inside of the cheek and huff out a breath. He stands up, hands on either side of his hips as he turns around to her. “Jebal!” His voice thunders, filling the space. Yea Ji jumps in surprise and fright, unconsciously turning on her injured foot, making her wince in pain but she looks at him in utter shock. Her heart started to thud a tad bit faster. 
“Jebal.” This time his voice was softer, but still laced with intensity. “Why can’t you just let me? Let me do things for you. Let me wipe your damn lips, let me get you a glass of water. Let me help you. You’re independent, I know that. But please. Please let me feel like I’m actually your boyfriend. I want to take care of you, Yea Ji, but I feel like you’re not allowing me to. Please don’t make me feel like I’m useless. I want to take care of you, but I need you to let me. Is it that fucking hard to try?!” 
A huge breath escapes his lips as he stops talking. He looks away, biting his bottom lip. His chest heaves up and down as he tries to stabilize his breathing from the effects of his impulsive outburst. Realizing the extent of his explosion, he runs his hand over his hair, massaging his nape as he lets out a sigh. “Yea Ji-ah.” He gently calls out, guilty of the way he unleashed his words. He knew he could have said it any kinder. He was just tired, and that was his only lousy reason. When he looks up, she was already running inside her room, slamming the door behind her. 
He lets out a sigh, contemplating whether to run to her right here and then. He huffs out another breath, slamming his hand against the kitchen counter, “Damn it.” He mutters under his breath. For the first time, he had done something he never even imagined ever doing. He hurt her feelings. 
He runs his palms over his face, squatting down on the floor to clean the broken glass. “Kim Soo Hyun, you idiot.” He says to himself as he carefully picked the broken shards of glass. 
Yea Ji harshly wipes her tears with her palms, rubbing her cheeks roughly as he dries the tears that continue too flow out of her eyes nonstop. Her heart ached and hammered against her chest, not because she was hurt but because she was guilty. The truth in his words were made her angry at herself. 
It wasn’t like she was refusing to let him do the things he wants to do, it’s just that she was so used to fend for herself on her own that being overly independent comes natural to her. She lived in a foreign country on her own for a few years, and even before that, she always enjoyed her solidarity even when she was just a young kid. She’s used to doing things alone that she comes to a point where she’s not even aware that she’s doing it. In fact, she finds herself on a certain level of happiness in the comfort if the loneliness in her solitary. 
Being taken care of was something so unnatural, something she has to force herself to get used to. She now had someone who was willing to care for her well being even more than his own, and she was sure he wasn’t going away anytime soon. The relationship was fresh, but they had known each other for long, and she’d want him to stay longer. She was happy spending time with herself, but the extent of happiness that floods her being in his presence is incomparable. He made her feel happiness she never imagined was possible for an individual to attain. 
A relationship is like a chemical equation. To gain stability, both ends must meet an equilibrium. One must receive what the other has to offer and provide for which one lacks. Love is nothing but a balancing act. It comes with all the elements to make a reaction, trust, loyalty, faith, compromise. 
Soo Hyun lets out a soft sigh as he stands behind the door. He’d been stuck on the same spot for who knows how long, listening to her silent sobs from the other side. It broke his heart to pieces knowing he had caused her that level of internal suffering. Biting the inside of cheek, he twists the knob, pushing the door open. He immediately sees her on the bed, back towards him, crouched down as she tends her wounded foot. 
A surge of guilt waves over him, a frown making its way on his face as he slowly glides his way around the bed, sitting on the edge, just an arm’s length away from her. She doesn’t look at him, her eyes fixed on her foot as she carefully dabs antiseptic on the small cut. The shift on the bed because of his weight doesn’t come unnoticed, she only glances at him for a split second from the corner of her eye. She didn’t know what to say, so tries to keep silent until she figures out what kind of words to release. 
“Mianhae.” His voice was soft and gentle, contrast to his unintentional impulsive outburst a while ago. He inches closer, but gives respect to the distance between them. He’s careful not to startle her too much. He knew he did wrong, he had never raised his voice at her until a while ago and he promised that it was also going to be the last. He never meant it to happen, he himself was shocked. 
“I didn’t mean to raise my voice. Mianhae, Yea Ji-ah.” He scoots a little closer, finding courage to hold her hand. She could’ve easily snatched her hand away, but she doesn’t. She allows him. He takes her other hand, putting the gauze on the table so he was holding both. Her head was hung low, making him unable to see the face he so loved to gaze at. He crouches down, leaning forward trying to seek her. “Look at me, baby.” He almost pleads. 
When she lifts her head, her eyes meeting his, he almost wanted to jump up in glee. He only releases a small smile, reaching for her face to wipe the faint tear stains on her cheek. He pins a few strands of her hair behind her ears. 
“I know you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, but I hope you let me take care of you too. Because I want to, and I love you and I want to show you that I really do. I just want to take care of you.” He says, rubbing the back of her palms with his thumbs. She bites her lips, cutting eye contact as she lets out a breath. She takes her hand away, reaching for something beside her and hands it to him. A band aid. 
A small chuckle erupts from him as he takes it from her. It was her small act of compromise, a confirmation. He unwraps it, gently putting it over her wound. 
“I can take care of myself.” She says, making him look up at her. “I can take care of myself, but I’ll let you take care of me too. Not because I can’t, but because you want to. And I love you. And I want you to have what you want.” She tries to look away, but she couldn’t take her eyes away from him. She lets out a small smile, making him grin. 
He runs his fingers through her hair, leaning over to press a kiss on her lips. She smiles in the between the kiss, her heart exploding with new levels of happiness. What meant to be just a quick kiss of reconciliation quickly turned warm and passionate. He continues to advance forward, making her lean back, inching further back on the bed. He slowly crawls over her as she surrenders herself against the soft mattress. 
Their tongues duel in a fight for dominance, tasting every corner of each other’s mouths. Her arms cling around his neck, her hands buried in his hair, tugging and pulling. He cups her face, deepening the kiss, his other hand gripping her hip. A low moan escapes from the back of her throat, triggering more of his primal instincts, mounting her on the bed as he ravaged her. 
With a newfound surge of masculinity, he lets his hands travel down her body, grazing the side of her breasts making her arch her back, on her waist, down her hips until he reaches her thighs, trailing up and down. Gripping the back of her knees, he tugs her closer, pulling her body towards him, legs on either side of him. She lets out a whimper as he does that, immediately muffled by his assaulting kisses. 
She always had inhibitions and reservations when it comes to being intimate. She had restrictions, yes, but at this very moment they were basically all thrown out the door. It was remotely impossible to even remember whatever boundaries she had tried to force upon herself when his touches ignited multiple flames that spread like wildfire all over her entire body. His kisses were hypnotizing, making her lose all the hold on whatever wits she had left. 
Her breath falters when his hands sensually glides over the exposed skin of her thigh, a slight whimper escaping when he bites her lip, his predatory instincts kicking in. At one last deep thrust of a tongue that sent both of them to the edge, he forces himself to pull out of the kiss. Their chests heave up and down as they try to catch their breaths, staring at each other, eyes locked and sealed. 
His eyes traveled down to her fairly exposed skin. Her top falling down her shoulder, exposing her neck, revealing the cleavage between her mounds. He swallows an invisible lump at the sight of the inviting temptation she embodied. They had gotten carried away way beyond their boundaries, and he knew if they continue to lose control at this very moment there was no more stopping. They were trying to take things slow, and taking this further did not define slow. 
The sight of her smooth milky skin, soft like silk and fragrant like flowers clouds all rationality. Entranced and bewitched, he leans in again, trailing heated kisses on her jaw, down her neck. She involuntarily arches her back at the foreign sensation, a long breathy moan escaping her lips. It was music to his ears, only aggravating the growing tightness in his pants. With a pained grunt and one last deep kiss on the space between her collarbones, he forces himself to push himself up. 
He pants, chest rising and falling. He grabs her top, pulling it over to cover her exposed skin. They looked at each other, eyes filled with blinded lust and passion. Their breaths warmed each other’s faces, their faces hot and flushed. “Let’s stop.” He says, fixing her top as he slowly gets off of her. He lies beside her, gathering her in his arms, she was pressed against his chest. “For now.” He whispers, pulling her closer, pressing his cheek on the top of her head. 
“Araso.” She whispers, feeling the warmth of the blood run to her cheeks. What just happened was beyond her wild imagination, and though she had shoved all thoughts of it to the back of her head, she was also pooling with curiosity. And tonight marks the beginning of feeding that. 
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
..... 11 and 82? With shawn? Fluff with a little steam? Ily bby
A/N: well, this took a lil while but it reached 1k words tho aha and there’s not really fluff but there’s a whole lotta steam alska hope you like it hun! and ily too 🥺❤️
P.S. this is the last Shawn blurb and idk when I’ll write him again aha but yeah, just a heads up.
"You can share my jacket with me, since you're shivering."
"Bite me."
"You're really getting into my nerves you know that?" you huffed, arms tightly wrapped around your now, soaked self.
"Well, I'm your only ride home so you'll have to deal with it," Shawn retorted with a roll of his eyes, holding the umbrella over the two of you, but more on your shuddering figure to not let you get anymore wet from the rain.
You've just been stood up from a date, again. And when you were waiting for a cab in an otherwise deserted street, the universe clearly doesn't like you when the sky rumbled and then pissed on you not long after. To make matters worse, the moment you looked up to curse at the rain – as if karma was quick to work – a car pulled up in front of you, then appeared the last man you ever wanted to see. That's when you knew that the universe does in fact hate your very being to the core.
He told you to stay where you are as he rolled down his window, drove into this empty back lot — due to the pouring rain — before coming out with an umbrella in hand. And when you two were walking back towards the car, he just decided to ask so many questions that's now worsen your mood.
Shawn opened the car door for you, only earning a small thank you as you slipped inside, one you uttered under your breath, didn't spare him even a second of a glance.
You just can't stand that smug face of his, walking around in those Chelsea boots all tall and buff like he owns the place. Not to mention the way he always acts so sweet, a mere façade because no one is ever always that nice, and don't even start with those eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes and that charming smile to match, a whole package with his handsome face it's just—
"You can share my jacket with me, since you're shivering."
You only scoffed with a roll of your eyes, turning your head away to look outside the window, distracting yourself with the droplets of rain running down it so you don't have to acknowledge the man in the car with you.
Shawn has no idea why you don't like him.
He's always been nice to you, despite when you're giving him attitude. All he knew was that this all started when Brian introduced you two. Well, he may have been a bit of a dick when that happened, but to Shawn's defense, he wasn't in his best mood. Plus, he apologized soon after, but still, that first impression seemed to last on you.
It was quite of a bummer on his part because the curly-headed boy was smitten with you. He sees pass the bitchy-attitude. Because to other people, you were the sweetest and kindest person, he's seen it firsthand. Now, it was just a matter of Shawn getting over this wall you solely built between you two.
While he does find it cute sometimes, one's patience can only last for so long.
"Quit being a brat Y/N."
Your head snapped back at him in surprise since that's the first time he's actually sounded angry. He's been annoyed of course, but never mad whenever you give him a hard time.
The low growl in his voice made you feel tingles in your belly, a small lump now forming in your throat at how undeniably hot that sounded. It only magnified even more once you met his eyes, intensely boring right into yours with a gloss coating over them. His jacket was now off, the hoodie he wore a bit tight on him, making you see more of his toned arms and bit of his torso, but oh do you want to see more.
But you only sat straighter, seeming unfazed, glare matching his as you crossed your arms over your chest. "Bite me." you hissed.
Shawn's jaw visibly clenched at that, nostrils flaring since you are making him very frustrated in more ways than one.
His mind was traveling through places as he slowly took you in, thin blouse now wet and clinging tightly against your body. The short skirt you wore hiking up, exposing even more skin when you decided to cross your legs, and with your lace bra very visible that it left so little to the imagination, Shawn lets out shaky breath.
"Would you rather want me to warm you up in a different way?" he said, tone very suggestive as he cocked an eyebrow at your direction.
You felt your heartbeat quickened at that, but you tried to stay unaffected, voice steady as you tilted your head at him to the side. "What do you suggest then?"
Shawn turned the car off swiftly, parking lot turning dim. The only sources of light were the moon up above and the lamp post in the far corner. The sound of the rain hitting the roof was more prominent than before. Then, Shawn reached down the corner of his seat, pulling the lever and pushing it backwards to give more space, making it easier now to climb over with ease.
You bit your bottom lip at that. You're not naive, you know where this was going, and you couldn't stop the heat and excitement course through the whole of your body at the thought. And when his brown orbs met yours, they were already a few shades darker than seconds ago.
"Come here and let's find out."
Maybe it was the way he sai—commanded it, or maybe it was the pent up frustration you've had on him for the past months, because Shawn annoys you yes, but you're not going to deny that you've thought about many other ways on letting out your frustrations on him.
And without any hesitation, you climb over the console and onto his lap, straddling him as comfortably as you could, a low groan coming out of him when you crashed your lips against his.
Kiss rushed, hot, needy, Shawn's hands gripped your waist under your damp shirt, pads of his fingers feeling your skin leisurely as he pulls you closer to his body. You gave his bottom lip a light nip, a soft moan coming out of him as he parted his lips to let your tongues meet.
Shawn hands made their way down until it rested atop your bum, giving it a firm squeeze that made you lurch forward, both your breaths hitching at the sudden friction below.
Your hands found its way to tugged at his hoodie, Shawn pulling away from you so he can take it off himself, including his shirt with it so now he was left in nothing but his grey sweats. Eyes locking, his fingers played with your own shirt, and when you gave him a quick nod, he removed the sticky fabric off your body swiftly, discarding it in the backseat.
His eyes only took you in briefly as his lips were quick to connect on your now exposed skin, sucking at your neck, trailing up your jaw and leaving marks as he did so.
Shawn captured your lips again not long after, one hand on the nape of your neck while the other took home on the small of your back, running it up and down your spine that's made goosebumps erupt on its wake.
"Guess you don't hate me now don't you," he chuckled lowly against your lips, a guttural growl following suit when you bounced on him just once, clothed heat pressing on his bulge hard and quick.
"Don't test me Mendes," you challenged, pulling away slightly to shoot him a teasing glare. Shawn bit his bottom lip as he looked up at you hungrily, both his hands going to grip your hips firmly before he started pushing it to move, back and forth, encouraging you to grind on him.
And that's exactly what you did, a deep hiss coming out of the both of you at the blissful feeling. Shawn groaned deeply when you moved a little faster, throwing his head back and exposing his neck fully. You took this opportunity to litter it with not-so-gentle kisses, marking up his body as he did with yours.
Shawn gasped when you sucked on his sweet spot, his grip on you tightening as you continued to swirl your hips on him, all teasing, taunting, his length now straining in his sweats.
As you lifted your head back up to meet his eyes, you saw nothing but a smug, cocky smirk plastered on his swollen pink lips, and with his voice deep, he said,
"Looks like your nerves aren't the only thing I'm getting into tonight."
prompt requests are closed. until next time <3
Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega @vinylmendes @fallinfortom
Shawn M. Taglist: @2018shawn @vlogsquadfan101 @turtoix @badreputationlove @sunkisseddreamer @enchantingbrowneyedgirl
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punkpoemprose · 4 years
December 3rd- To Boldly Go
Universe: 1990′s AU/ Star Trek Convention AU Rating: G (General audiences, cleavage as a plot point but otherwise it’s a meetcute) Length: 3107
A/N: Thanks so much to @karis-the-fangirl for the idea to do a Trekkie convention for the 90′s AU. I actually got really into TNG around the same time I got into Frozen, so this was a fun callback for me. Also as a sidenote, this fic involves side Elsamaren, because meddling siblings and their equally as troublemaking significant others are always fun for me to write!
You don’t need to know a lot about Star Trek to get this fic, but you’ll get a kick out of it sooner if you do know at least a bit about Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Anna tugged up on her collar, trying to keep her top from plunging quite as low as it had. She was having some regrets when it came to her choice to dress up for the convention. She’d been so excited by the possibility to be like her favorite character for the day that she’d forgotten that Counselor Troi was clearly much more comfortable showing off her decolletage than she was, and was now paying the price for that as she walked around the convention center with her sister and her girlfriend.
They had made the better choices of dressing in general Star uniforms and were making a particularly cute and comfortable couple of science officers. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched them out of the corner of her eye, Honeymaren was helping re-pin Elsa’s Starfleet pin and Elsa was smiling at her like she’d hung the stars. A part of Anna was a bit jealous. While she was, of course, thrilled for her sister to have found someone who made her happy, she also wished that she’d be so lucky in love.
“Having issues with your uniform Deanna?” Elsa asked when she took note of Anna tugging her top up again.
“No more than you are,” Anna grumped, trying and failing to play it off like it was nothing.
She had been so excited when the convention had been announced. She’d never really considered herself the nerdy type, but as soon as she saw her first episode of Star Wars: The Next Generation she’d been hooked. That her sister had been willing to watch it as well had given them something to bond over after years of not having very much in common. This convention had been the ultimate way for her to enjoy the show and to meet other fans, but she just couldn’t stop thinking about how this wasn’t at all what she had planned.
When the announcement was made, she’d immediately gone to the nearest box office to her that was selling tickets and picked up three. One for her, one for Elsa, and one for her now ex-boyfriend. Honeymaren was just filling in so that the ticket purchase wouldn’t be a waste. She of course liked the show too, but hadn’t been watching it for years like they had, her fascination with it being a much more recent development.
She was glad that it had actually developed though, given that after Elsa had come out to Anna and introduced her to her girlfriend, they had needed something other than Elsa to talk about. Hans, her ex, had only feigned an interest, and like many other parts of their relationship, he’d not paid any attention to it.  
“You do look great though, just so you know.”
Honeymaren offered the compliment without any hint of placation. She wasn’t saying it because she thought Anna needed to hear it, she was saying it because she meant it. It was one of the things that Anna appreciated most about her sister’s girlfriend. She was honest, sometimes to the point of accidental injury to others not so versed in her frankness, but Anna was always glad to know exactly where she stood with her, and she thought that after the many years Elsa had spent second guessing everything, she deserved someone whose love she would never have to doubt.
“Thanks Honey,” she replied, “I’m sorry I’m being such a bummer.”
Elsa shrugged, “You’re usually Ms. Mary Sunshine Anna, you’re allowed a sad day. Just let us know what we can do. I know we both want you to enjoy the convention.”
“You can find me a Riker,” Anna teased, already feeling better knowing that she could enjoy the convention in the company of people who cared about her. And who, she was certain, would keep her from having an accidental nip slip.
Kristoff had been happy enough to take some of his siblings to the Star Trek convention they’d been talking about for weeks. He hadn’t really known what to expect, but when it came to his brothers and sisters he couldn’t really deny them anything. Well, at least he couldn’t deny them anything reasonable. They had asked him to dress up as Spock, and that was, ultimately where he drew the line.
They had begged and pleaded, but as much as he liked Spock, and generally enjoyed watching the Original Star Trek series with them, he didn’t really consider himself the dress-up type beyond his little sisters sticking him in a tutu here and there.
“Krissy!” his sister Crystal called, tugging on his hand, “Come on, there’s going to be a panel in a minute about how to make your own tribble!”
He huffed but smiled down at her. “How about you go grab Ben and Gemma from the merchandise table over there and head on over without me. If you promise to stay together you can go by yourselves and I’ll go figure out something for lunch.”
She grinned and then took off toward her other two older siblings. He could tell she was giddy about the trust he was placing in her and couldn’t help but feel glad that despite their high energy, his siblings were very good kids. Crystal was the youngest at nine, and then Gemma was the eldest excluding him at fourteen. Ben was smack dab in the middle at twelve, and while they still needed a chaperone to go to such a big event, he knew that he could trust them on their own for a little while. Especially because they’d be sitting.
He’d been adopted when he was five because his parents thought that they couldn’t have kids. That had seemed to be true for a little over a year until they discovered that they were expecting Gemma, and from there Kristoff never had a moment of silence to himself. It was a blessing of sorts, to go from no family to a small family, to having three younger siblings who loved him unconditionally.
It was worth all the diaper changes when they were small and now it was worth taking them on trips on his days off. His parents always appreciated the help, but really he enjoyed it more than they needed it.
As he watched them run off, Gemma holding Crystal’s hand and Ben following directly behind, he turned off the path of the convention floor and found a pillar to lean against. He just needed a minute to breathe before he went to find lunch for the kids. As much as he loved spending time with them, he wasn’t fond of the crowded convention space. It was too many people for his taste, and while he did enjoy the show, he didn’t really know much about the newest incarnation and that seemed to be most of what was highlighted at the booths and panels. He didn’t particularly have the urge or interest to investigate, but he did need a break, and he would take it where he could.
“Oh my gosh,” Honeymaren exclaimed, taking Elsa and Anna both my surprise.
Elsa tried to look in the direction that Honeymaren had been, but Anna watched as she quickly turned her to the side with a tug on her hand.
“Don’t look!” She chided.
“Look at what?” Anna asked, feeling just as confused as her sister looked.
She was quickly shushed and then Honeymaren grabbed her hand and dragged both her and Elsa off the show floor’s path and into a lull area by a merchandise table.
“What?” Elsa asked her girlfriend once she seemed to have settled from the whiplash of being dragged away from where they’d just been walking.
“Okay, keep your voice down, and don’t be obvious.”
“Obvious about what?” Anna asked, feeling like she’d fallen into an episode of Star Trek and some alien with an inability to explain its actions had taken over her sister’s girlfriend.
She gestured to the side, nodding her head in the direction of a pillar filled empty space off the show floor. It was near the hallway entrance that lead to the panel rooms, and Anna didn’t notice anything at first except for the fact that many people in and out of costume were resting in the space. She saw a Worf standing off to the side talking to a redshirt, an Uhura checking her lipstick in a hand mirror, three kids heading toward the panel hall together, and a handful of aliens eating snacks or sitting on the floor with their backs to pillars.
“What? Do you see Wil Wheaton or something?”
He was the only actor that was particularly close to their ages that was potentially coming to the convention and Anna knew that Elsa found him particularly charming on the show. There was probably a kinship for her in his character, a young kid who suddenly has to deal with the death of a parent and who is constantly trying to find his place.
“No, against the pillar, don’t be obvious.”
She was giggling now, and after a moment so did Elsa.
“Oh what?” Anna replied still trying to scan the pillars, being quite obvious probably, to figure out what the two other women were looking at and giggling over.
She spotted him after a moment. Tall, broad and handsome, leaning against a post with a short beard and a black turtleneck.
“You told us to find you a Riker,” Honeymaren said gleefully, “Well there you are.”
“I mean, he’s blonde and not in uniform, but she’s got a point Anna.”
She did, in fact, have a point. If one took a moment to slap a Starfleet uniform on him he’d make a pretty convincing Commander Will Riker. Except of course his blondness, but given that she was a red-haired Deanna Troi, she supposed that could be excused.
“You have to go talk with him,” Honeymaren said, seeming very convinced that it would be a good idea despite Anna, who normally considered herself an optimist, already forming doubts to how that would work out.
Anna looked to Elsa for assistance, but she was just smiling at her sister sheepishly, as if silently wishing her good luck. Honeymaren had a firm belief that things happened for a reason, one that had only been reinforced when she and Elsa had accidentally got trapped in an elevator together for three hours which was certainly the strangest meeting she’d ever heard of for a couple.
“I couldn’t. I mean, he looks like he wants to be left alone, and…”
“And nothing,” Honeymaren said, pushing her towards the pathway again, intending fully to make her cross it and walk over to the not-costume-wearing-Riker-like-gentleman leaning against the post.
Anna tried to turn back, but if there was one thing that her sister’s girlfriend and the Borg had in common it was that once they had a plan for you, resistance was futile.
“Uh… hi!”
Kristoff opened his eyes. He’d been taking a moment to decompress while his siblings were in their panel and had all but forgotten for a second, other than the loud noises of chatter and phaser sound effects, that he was in the middle of a room full of people.
He wasn’t sure who he expected to see when his eyes opened, but it was not a beautiful redhead with her cleavage on display right in his sightline. He flushed and averted his eyes, trying to burn away the mental image of freckled breasts that within a half a second were already lodged deep into his memories.
“Can I, uh…” he met her eyes and forced himself to maintain contact, “Can I help you?”
She flushed in return and he thought for a moment that she might have thought that he was someone else and had approached him by accident or something. It had never happened to him, but there was, of course, a first time for everything.
“I’m sorry to bother you,” she said, sounding sheepish, “But uh, do you see those two girls across the way? The blonde and the brunette? That’s my sister and my friend.”
Not really sure where any of this was going, Kristoff awkwardly raised a hand to wave to the two women who were watching their exchange with interest. The brunette waved back, but the blonde, realizing they’d been caught, or more accurately ratted out, flushed and covered her face with her hand.
“They well… they think they’re funny and because you look kind of like Will Riker they told me to come over and talk to you. Stupid, I know.”
She had him until Will Riker. He thought that maybe he was an actor he didn’t know about or something. His Trek knowledge really was limited to just what his siblings had him watch, so he didn’t know much about anything else.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is, but you’ve got the wrong guy.”
“Oh,” the girl said looking nervous and turning redder by the minute, “I didn’t mean I thought you were him I mean obviously… wait.”
She gave him a serious look for a moment, then continued.
“You’re at a Star Trek convention and you don’t know who Commander William Riker is?”
The accusatory tone to her voice almost made him nervous, like she was going to call the convention police on him or something.
“Uh, is he from The Next Generation?”
She nodded then, looking a bit confused still, but also a bit satisfied.
“I’m sorry, I’ve never watched it. I’ve only seen parts of the Original. Mostly I’m here watching my younger siblings. They’re in a panel.”
He didn’t know why he was telling her that. It didn’t really matter after all, there were no Star Trek convention police who were coming to kick him out for not knowing enough about the show. Yet he told he anyway, maybe because she was clearly in this situation under duress, or maybe because he’d stared at her cleavage and felt that he owed her for it, even if it was unintentional.
“Oh,” she said, “Well, um… that’s nice of you. I’m so sorry I bothered you. I’m sure you can understand siblings trying to talk you into things…”
He nodded. He did get it.
“You know, they tried to get me to dress up as Spock. Not Kirk, Spock. I had to tell them no, but it was a battle anyway, so I get it. And, uh, also… you weren’t really bothering me.”
“Oh, that’s nice of you to say. But I just interrupted your sibling break. I wish I could catch one of those, but if I walk away on my own I know those two are going to follow me anyway. Also, if your younger siblings watch Next Generation they’ll want you to be Riker next time.”
“Would they follow you if we walked to the café together?”
He didn’t know why he asked. He didn’t even know this girl’s name, but she seemed nice and he was starting to get a bit of a sense that she might be a kindred spirit. Clearly, he thought, she was a much more social kindred spirit, but someone he thought he might like to talk to nevertheless.
She flushed again and he was trying to think of how to backpedal when she answered, “Probably, but they might leave after a little bit. I’m their ride so they’d need to find me eventually, but it might be nice to spend a second alone… or alone together I guess. Until your little siblings get out of their panel that is.”
He nodded, and let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He wondered if she would let him buy her lunch. Because of the cleavage staring thing of course, to fix his karma, nothing at all to do with the fact that his treacherous brain was already filing away the details of her smile and ascribing labels to them like “cute” and “beautiful” which he rarely if ever did. He was the sort of person that fell in love with a personality before he did with looks, but he had to admit he wanted the opportunity to get to know her a little better.
“Oh!” she said, “And I’m Anna by the way… or Counselor Deanna Troi if you don’t want my real name. You don’t watch the show so you probably wouldn’t have known that anyway.”
She let out an awkward little laugh, and he couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m Kristoff,” he replied, “Just, uh Kristoff. I could’ve been Spock though, or I guess this Riker guy. Why did they think you should come talk to me anyway? I mean I get it’s because I look like the character, but is he important or something?”
He saw her blush brighten before she shook her head and took off towards the hallway that would lead them to the café. He followed behind and realized suddenly that he really needed to watch The Next Generation.
“What do you think?” Honeymaren asked, flapping a polaroid in her hand.
“You’re not supposed to shake them you know,” Elsa teasingly chided, “It says so on the package and everything.”
“Well I just wanted to make sure quickly that it was a good photo,” she explained, “I mean it’s their first date after all, I want to make sure we have pictures to show your future nieces and nephews.”
Elsa chuckled, “You’re always so sure of these things, aren’t you?”
She took the photo from her girlfriend’s hands and couldn’t help but grin when she saw that despite the distance, you could clearly tell that Anna-Deanna and her mystery not-Riker were smiling at each other and blushing in a way that very much indicated that Honeymaren was right to send Anna over to him.
“Of course, I mean this one was just too easy. I mean I know he wasn’t in costume, but he does look like Riker, and Anna makes a good Troi even if she’s a redhead and since those two are getting married in the show, we might as well assume our real life analogs will get there too.”
Elsa shoved the photo into her canvas bag, tucking it between a zine and a headshot of Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher. Anna would, no matter the outcome, probably want it later for the memory. She only had to hope, grabbing Honeymaren’s hand, that her girlfriend’s romantic sense was as good for others as it had been for them.
“Come on,” she said with a sigh, “Lets stalk them to the foodcourt.”
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loptrcoptr · 3 years
The Basic Bitch’s Guide to Doing Laundry in Shared Spaces
I’ve had some weird times at laundromats over the years. I haven’t had to pay for laundry in a year and I had this kind of visceral, gut-clenching reaction while cleaning the filter today when I realized that, if I get my way and my life is back to normal in a year, I’ll be back to pulling pube-hairballs out of laundromat dryers soon. Too many times random male strangers have approached me and asked me to tell them how to do their laundry. Too many times I have returned to take my load out of the dryer only to find that someone else removed my stuff, still wet, before the cycle was done and put their load in instead.
So, since clearly most people’s families don’t teach them the basics of laundry etiquette, here are the general Do’s and Don’ts of laundromat/apartment complex basement/residence hall laundry behavior.
1. ALWAYS check the lint filter in the dryer before running it. (It’s usually located in the front or top of the machine, accessible after you open the door). Lint buildup is a serious fire hazard, it’s just a giant pile of fuzzy tinder waiting to go up in flames if it overheats, there’s a spark, etc. Ew, you say, I don’t want to touch other people’s hair and clothing fluff and pet fur, disgusting! Yeah, it is, which is why you should always remove your own lint after you are finished using the dryer. so:
2. ALWAYS remove your lint from the filter after you dry a load of laundry. If it skeeves you out to touch your lint, or someone else’s leftover lint, use a paper towel/dryer sheet/the eraser end of a pencil/a stick you found outside to scrape the lint out of the filter and into the trash. Ta da, now the building is less likely to catch fire with you in it, and you have saved the person after you the trouble of lint cleaning.
3. this should go without saying but: throw the lint in the trash/bin. Don’t shove it down a drain, don’t leave it on the nearest counter. Don’t be a nasty gremlin.
4. If the machine says “don’t use x” then don’t use x, man. Most machines can handle detergent in powder, liquid, or little cubey-dealy forms, but some old things can’t so just read the instructions and don’t break the damn thing, because your landlord will probably make you pay for it. If you’re at a laundromat or in a residence hall and you find out your detergent doesn’t work with your machine, check with your front desk to see if they have some extra you can use. If you’re in your apartment building and it has no front desk, ask a neighbor or anyone who is also doing laundry if they can spare a little detergent.
5. If you forgot your detergent/can’t get the right kind from somebody, run a cycle without it. There is usually enough leftover soap in communal washing machines to get your clothes decently clean in a pinch without you having to add any more of your own.
6. A little goes a long way. Basically, again, just read the instructions on your detergent and on the machine. Once, an elderly man asked me how much soap he should put in. He was using powder detergent, which I don’t use, so I told him to just use however much the box advised. He said “I’m going to use half the box” and I said “that’s gonna be way too much”, but he insisted he knew what he was doing. Folks, twenty minutes later there were so many suds in his machine that it broke down from the pressure. Just a wall of white, you couldn’t even see bubbles or clothes anymore. If you don’t want to pay for repairs, remember that less is more.
7. Don’t touch other people’s stuff. If you were in a library, and someone got up and went to use the bathroom and left their stuff on a desk, would you go and move all their shit to another desk and then claim the desk for yourself? Of course you wouldn’t. So don’t move people’s laundry. If someone’s cart is in your way or something, say, “hey, would you mind scooting this back?”
8. Maybe the most important rule: NEVER remove people’s clothes from a machine. Doesn’t matter if they’re wet or dry, wait your turn. So someone’s cycle is over but they haven’t appeared to get their stuff yet and it’s been ten minutes, and you’re in a hurry. Bummer (don’t do laundry in a hurry, give yourself a solid three hours’ buffer). Doesn’t give you the right to touch their belongings. But I even know whose stuff it is, I can put it back in their laundry basket, you say. No, dude. Don’t touch strangers underpants. Duh. Would you like it if you come back a few minutes late from running to grab a coffee around the corner and you find a pile of your soaking wet clothes sitting on a counter? no, you wouldn’t, so don’t be a shady fuck, ok?
Did your parents not teach you how to do laundry? Has your wife been doing it for years? Here’s the basic rundown:
1. take a look at the machine, see where the slot is for the kind of detergent you will be using. Check the detergent for advice on how much to use for how big a load/what kind of materials. Also fabric softener and detergent are not interchangeable, fabric softener isn’t soap. Think of detergent like shampoo and fabric softener like conditioner.
2. Wash darks/colors with darks/colors, and whites with whites. Your favorite red buffalo check flannel might bleed onto your white underwear if you wash them together. Your jeans will absolutely bleed all the fuck over white shit, sometimes even after years of washing.
3. make sure each item can, in fact, be machine washed and check what kind of cycle the garment recommends. Some clothes can only be hand washed or dry cleaned. Some clothes benefit form being washed cold, no heat. Bras and underwear, and anything else you’re worried about should be washed on a ‘delicate’ setting.
4. don’t fuck with bleach, it’s not worth it. Bleach is not to be messed with until you’re super comfortable with doing your laundry. Bleach is only for white stuff, and you can still ruin white things with bleach. If you are determined to try and bleach a white garment, please wash it by itself so you don’t hurt any other clothes and, crucially, make sure the washer your using can actually use bleach, otherwise you could break it.
5. once your load is in and you know what temperature/cycle to use, hit the corresponding button/turn the knob to the setting you know you want. The machine will generally flash a time at you (30-50 min, usually, depending on what you’re getting done). Wait until your time is up, and voila, washing done.
1. if you do not have access to a dryer or a clothesline, there are nifty clothes hangers that look kind of like a baby’s mobile that you can hang outside your window or on a balcony. Barring that, hang your clothes on coat hangers and hang them around your tub or shower, or even your sink, to drip dry. Once they are barely damp I like to lay them out on towels or hang them on door handles in a room with a fan or radiator inside.
2. make sure you use the right setting on the dryer. the dryer is a fickle little bitch and she will ruin your stuff without a moment’s hesitation. After you clean the filter (you can do it, it’s not as gross as it seems [if lint affects some manner of phobia of yours, or if sensory stimulation of that variety is difficult for you, ask someone else to do it or use one of the aforementioned long objects to scrape it out]) check the labels on your clothes to make sure they can all go in one cycle together. Colors don’t matter in the dryer, but fabric type does. High heat for items high in polyester or spandex– like leggings, sports bras, some shirts, and most jeans– is bad. Heat will shrink lots of things, so make sure your clothes don’t say “low heat”, or “ no heat”, or anything about not putting them in a dryer at all. Absolutely never put a sweater or other knit wear in the dryer, that shit will come out looking like a doll’s sweater afterwards. I have lost many items to shrinkage over the years and as such am a coward and dry my stuff on low or no heat, which usually takes twice as long, but then I’m less likely to find a hole burnt into a shirt or a pair of pants that I can’t pull up past my thighs anymore. Fragile items like blouses, mesh stuff, lacey stuff, should generally be allowed to drip dry to avoid any issues, and I know a lot of folks who put their “unmentionables” in dryer-safe bags to keep them from getting tangled up or otherwise ruined, but I am lazy and don’t have any nice lingerie so I chuck that shit in on low heat with everything else.
3. Wait until the cycle is done (beep or flash, usually) and let the barrel slow its roll to a manageable speed before opening the door, or you will get clothes flung in your face. Old machines might be a little hot on the inside, be warned, and remember to take your lint out of the filter before you leave (!!).
That’s it! Nothing to it. :) Go out into the world and do your laundry without fear and with good manners, friends.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 39 (Adorney/Adore x Tatianna) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters or here if you’d rather read on AO3. Thank you so much once again to @saiphl for being a fabulous beta! xoxo!
Chapter Summary: Just when Courtney thinks her year can’t get better, a new girl arrives who immediately captures Adore’s attention.
TW: Underage sexual activity (implied)
Chapter 39: Poker Face
Courtney loved being a senior; so far, it had been everything she’d always dreamed of. To begin with, she was fitting in better than she ever thought possible with Adore’s friends. As much as she loved the neighborhood kids, they tended to stress so much about school that it made her stress also--no such problem with Adore. It was already October and they’d yet to have one conversation about their grades, or discuss school in anything but the most casual terms.
Violet was still not her number one fan, but for the most part, she’d calmed down a lot, and the others were all great. Courtney had always loved Willam, his snarky sense of humor cracking her up constantly, and Trinity was just as funny, her deadpan delivery and calm presence immediately making Courtney feel at ease. Fame was pure sweetness, and Pearl was enough of a flirt to make Courtney feel cute but not so much to be awkward. She was having a blast with all of them, to the point where sometimes she felt guilty for not missing Roy more.
Today, she was sitting beside Adore on the bleachers, waiting for the homecoming pep rally to start, sipping an extra large boba tea that they’d picked up before school, and she just felt so...adult. She’d had to do a lot of convincing to get Adore to come to the rally, her friend generally opting to skip this kind of activity to smoke behind the portables with Pearl, Trinity and Willam, but it was worth it.
“Aren’t you glad you came?” Courtney asked, gesturing to her former cheer squad friends warming up. “You get to watch cute girls jump around in short skirts.”
“Bitch,” Adore cut her eyes at Courtney, shaking her head, “Those are not the girls I would choose to see jumping around.”
“Yeah...sorry I quit,” Courtney said coyly, and Adore shoved her, laughing.
“By the way, this drink is weird.”
“I know, but I kind of like it. We had so much of it this summer, Katya was obsessed.”
“You mean Mommy?” Adore teased.
“Omgod, stop it.” Courtney giggled, leaning a head on Adore’s shoulder, linking an arm through hers.
“Guys!” Fame waved from the bottom of the bleachers, where she was dragging Violet along by the arm.
Courtney waved back excitedly, beckoning them over, gesturing to the space on the bench she’d saved.
“I know this is a pep rally, but can you like, dial down the pep?” Adore groaned. “It’s too early for that shit.”
“Sorry,” Courtney said with a grin. “But look, Violet’s coming, you can be miserable together.”
Adore’s eyes suddenly went wide.
“Who is that?” Adore asked, mouth hanging open.
“With Fame and Vies…”
“Oh, uh…” Courtney squinted, then shook her head. She didn’t recognize the brunette with them, hadn’t even noticed her until Adore pointed her out: a tall girl in low-slung jeans and dramatic eye makeup. “I don’t know. Maybe she’s new.”
Courtney couldn’t help the slightly irritated feeling that filled her chest, seeing that Adore was once again going gaga over a new girl. Sure, she was pretty, with a glossy black pixie cut and rich, dark skin, and what Courtney supposed she had to admit was a killer body...still, it was annoying.
As difficult as it was for Courtney to swallow down her bitterness, she did, making room for the new girl, whose name was Tatianna. She’d just moved with her family from Virginia, and she didn’t seem too pleased about having to do her senior year in a new school, but she was grateful to get the good fortune to sit next to Fame in yesterday’s advanced drawing class.
She seemed nice, too. Ugh.
Adore noticed her tattoo, just barely peeking out from her top (of course she’d noticed that), and immediately complimented her on it.
“Oh yeah, it was the first thing I did when I turned 18,” Tatianna said, “just a little reminder of my band back home. Another thing I had to leave.”
“Wait, you had a band? What do you play?” Adore asked excitedly.
“Oh my god, I play guitar! We should totally jam sometime!” Adore exclaimed, cheeks flushing when Tati nodded slowly, her full lips curling into a smile.
“Yeah, sounds great…”  
Courtney jabbed her straw into her drink. Suddenly Adore didn’t seem to have a problem with pep in the morning, did she? Fortunately, the rally started, so she had something to focus on besides Adore’s embarrassingly obvious flirting. And something to distract her from her increasingly intrusive fantasies of pouring the rest of her boba right down Tati’s smooth, tan back.
Courtney wrapped her arms around herself, a slight shiver going through her.
“You cold, babe?” Fame asked sweetly.
“Oh, yeah, a little.”
“She’s always cold,” Adore said, punching Courtney on the arm and then turning back to Tatianna.
“Here, Courtney,” said a smooth, silky voice, and Courtney looked up with surprise to see that it was Violet offering her a sweater.
“Vies, that’s so sweet!” Fame squealed, thrilled that she was finally making a gesture of kindness towards Courtney after hating her for so long.
“Thanks,” Courtney said.
“You look like you need it,” Violet added with a wink, and Courtney sighed. Of course Violet would find a way to make a sweater feel like bullying.
“So..have you guys decided what you’re wearing to the dance tomorrow?” Fame asked.
“Do we really have to go to that?” Adore moaned, cutting her eyes at Tati. “School dances are so lame!”
“Yes, Dory, you promised!” Courtney said. “We said we’d all go together!”
“I know it’s really cheesy, but I actually love school dances,” Tati said, running a hand through her hair.
“Oh yeah, I mean they can be totally stupid fun,” Adore backtracked, and Courtney did her best to hide her eyeroll.
“Too bad I don’t have a ticket.”
“Oh yeah, bummer,” Courtney said, trying to hide her delight with extra sympathy.
“No, they're still selling tickets!” Fame exclaimed. “We’ll get you one at lunch!”
“Party,” Adore added, grinning.
Tatianna was totally right about the dance, Adore realized. If you just leaned into how dumb it all was, you could have an amazing time. At one point, when she was taking a break to get some punch, Tati caught up with her, touching her on the wrist in a way that made her a bit tingly inside.
“Hi! You, uh, having a good time?” Adore asked.
“Yeah,” Tati smiled, her brown eyes warm, a lock of dark hair falling into her eyes that Adore almost reached out to brush away--but thought better of it. “Your friends are really great.”
“Yeah, they’re a riot…” Adore glanced over at the dance floor, where Willam was currently wearing Trinity’s shoes and bolero and putting on a show for everyone.
“And I was wondering,” Tati continued, stepping closer, “if maybe you would want to do something together, sometime.”
Adore looked back at her, slightly surprised. She didn’t want to be presumptuous, but it seemed like Tati was asking her out. Was she?
“You mean...just us?”
Adore held her gaze for a few moments, pulse racing as she nodded slowly.
“Yeah, I think I’d like that a lot. Maybe...um...well we talked about playing a little. You could come over tomorrow, bring your bass...if you want.”
“Okay, great.” Tati grinned again. There was a heated moment, and then she leaned forward slowly, pressing a kiss to Adore’s cheek, close to her ear, that made her whole stomach flip around like crazy, goosebumps breaking out on her arms. It had been such a long time since Adore had felt this way about anyone. Well, anyone available.
Adore swallowed, clearing her throat before saying, “Um, wanna go back and join the group?”
“Sure.” Tati held out her hand and Adore took it carefully, still buzzing with excitement.
They ended up back at Adore’s house after the dance--all of them crashed out on her living room floor. In the morning, Adore stumbled out of bed into the kitchen and Courtney was already up, sitting on the deck with a cup of tea. Adore opened the sliding glass door and padded outside in her bare feet to join her.
“Up early for some morning yoga?” Adore joked.
“No, just needed some air.” Courtney turned her head to take Adore in, hair a wild, tangled mess, her loose pajama shorts practically falling off her hips. She patted a spot on the lounge chair beside her and Adore trotted over.
“So, did you have fun last night?” Courtney asked as Adore flopped down beside her with a yawn.
“Sure...well, about as much fun as I could’ve hoped,” Adore laughed. “What about you? Did you miss Roy?”
“Yeah, of course.” Courtney’s cheeks reddened, realizing that she hadn’t really thought about him. It was strange, how normal it felt for him to be gone. She should probably text him, make sure that his first semester was going okay.
“Sorry. I hope you had a good time anyway,” Adore said.
“Totally!” It took a few moments for Courtney to work up the courage to ask the next question on her mind. “Um...are you and Tatianna like, a thing now?”
“I dunno,” Adore said, scratching her head, little butterflies in her abdomen waking up. “Well...I mean no, but...maybe eventually. God, I’m so bad at this.”
The slight blush on cheeks told Courtney everything she needed to know. She pasted on a bright smile and linked their arms together.
“Nah, you’re doing just fine. I think she really likes you,” Courtney said. As much as she didn’t like it, this thing between Adore and the new girl, she knew that she needed to be supportive. That’s what friends did, right?
“You do?”
“Yeah, she barely looked away from you all night.”
This news somehow felt most shocking of all. Not only that Tati had been paying her so much attention, or that she’d somehow not realized it, but that Courtney had noticed. It was just a lot of information for Adore to process.
“Really?” Adore felt her cheeks burning.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” Courtney asked.
“Well...just...she’s so cool. And hot.”
“So are you!” Courtney insisted.
Adore opened her mouth to toss out something sarcastic, but found herself at a loss for words, finally offering a quiet, “...shut up.”
Courtney giggled, snuggling closer to her and resting a head on her shoulder.
Adore could not possibly have been more awkward with Tatianna if she tried--she was just so out of practice. It had been over a year since she broke up with Raja, and she hadn’t gone out with anyone since then. She’d basically forgotten how to flirt; it was absolutely hopeless.
She tried to cover up her awful nerves by focusing on the music (and perhaps taking a few more bong hits than she normally would’ve). Once she discovered that Tati’s band back home had done a lot of classic rock--80s hair bands and 90s grunge, cool shit like that--she tried even harder to impress her, playing some of the music she’d been working on all summer. It was rough, and a little embarrassing, but it also felt good to finally be sharing them, especially with someone who knew music.
At one point, she got super into one of the newer songs, forgetting to be self conscious and just rocking out. When she ran out of lyrics, she stopped abruptly, looking over at Tati, who was sitting on her bed with an amused expression, and shrugging.
“That’s...all, I guess. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, it was good.” Tati plucked out a soft bass line, eyes still on her. After a few moments, she chuckled to herself, shaking her head.
“What?” Adore’s cheeks grew hot, a flush creeping up from her neck.
“No, it’s just...when you said to come over and jam, I kind of thought that was code.”
“Code for what?” Adore asked, a smile tugging at her lips.  
“Nevermind,” Tati said, biting her lip.
God, she was so cute, so irresistibly sexy. Adore could not fuck this one up, she just couldn’t. She placed her guitar in the stand and got up from her desk chair, walking quickly over to Tati and standing over her.
Tati looked up, dark eyes smoldering, and Adore realized that this was it, her shot at finally moving on for real. She cupped Tatianna’s face in her hands and bent down, planting a kiss right on her mouth.
It wasn’t until it was happening that Adore realized how much she’d missed this: human touch, the press of a body against hers. She was already trembling with need as she grappled with buckles and zippers and perfect, biting kisses that left her reeling.
Tati’s hands were perfect: soft and sure, and her plush mouth was absolutely transcendent. Adore closed her eyes, surrendering completely to the moment, the heat, the delightful helplessness of someone else taking full control.
Afterwards, she lay flat on her back, trying desperately to catch her breath, hands in her hair. Tati sat beside her, packing the bong, her gorgeous tits on full display as Adore watched her through heavy-lidded eyes.
“Fuck...that was so...fuck…” Adore breathed, and Tati giggled girlishly.
“Oh yeah. Shit.” Adore rolled over, burying her face into Tati’s lap, her thigh still slick with sweat, pressing her lips against smooth brown skin.
“My next ink is going there,” Tati announced.
“Here?” Adore laid another kiss on her thigh.
“Yeah. I want to get a cherry bomb.”
“Oh my god, that’s so fucking cool!”
“Right?” Tati coughed, passing the bong to her. “But I need to find a good artist, I don’t want it to be cheesy.”
“I might know someone,” Adore said.
“Yeah, there’s this chick my cousin goes to all the time, she’s fucking rad. I can show you her MySpace page...later...when I have the strength to get up.”
Tati laughed, patting her bare ass and dropping a kiss to the top of her head. “Sounds perfect.”
The shriek of Adore’s phone ripped through the moment, startling her for a second. She reached for the receiver on her nightstand, answering groggily. “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me,” Courtney said, immediately asking, “So...how’d it go?”
“Uh...great,” Adore said, fiddling with the edge of her blanket.
“Yeah? Did anything happen?”
“Uh huh,” was Adore’s cryptic reply, but Courtney seemed to have caught on.
“Is she still there?”
“Uh huh.”
“Well...I was about to go pick up some Chinese food, do you want anything?” Courtney then asked.  
“Hell yeah!” Adore sat up, only then realizing how starving she was. “Beef with broccoli! And lo mein, you can choose what kind.”
“Okay, what about your guest?”
“Oh, right.” Adore covered the receiver, telling Tati, “Courtney’s getting Chinese food, what do you like?”
“Oh, that’s so nice of her. Um...I’ll eat whatever.”
“She’s down to share whatever. Maybe some kind of fried rice? And egg rolls. And orange chicken. Or, mmmm, Kung pao shrimp! Or what’s that creamy one? Cashew shrimp!”
“You’re high, huh?” Courtney asked, laughing.
“Little bit.”
“I’ll bring it over ASAP.”
“I...love you...so much.”
“Duh, same. See you soon.”
Moving across the country a month into her senior year had absolutely sucked. Tati went into the situation knowing that the entire year could very well be miserable and lonely. It was a brilliant stroke of dumb luck that on her first day, she happened to sit next to one of the friendliest, chattiest girl she’d ever met. Fame was truly a gift from the universe, not only immediately taking Tati under her wing, but introducing her to all of her friends, making her feel like she belonged.
It was possible, of course, that it was a mistake to jump into things so quickly with Adore. She didn’t know her very well, she didn’t know any of them very well. But Adore seemed so into her, and Tati couldn’t resist that smitten expression on her face, how absolutely cute and fun she was. And besides, she deserved to have something good in her life after leaving all of her friends back home.
Not that she was without reservations. When she reported the hookup to Nina, her oldest friend seemed extremely dubious about the whole thing.
“How long have you known this girl?” Nina asked.
“A...couple of days?”
“I dunno girl, that seems...you could be getting into some deep shit, especially if you’re trying to be friends with herfriends? Do you even know the dynamics of their group? You should really have waited a bit.”
“I see your point but like...it’s not like I’d be losing deep friendships, you know?”
“Yeah, but...well, just be careful. Don’t get too invested. Don’t be a mess.”
“I know, I know.”
In spite of the very sound advice from Nina, and Tatianna’s own misgivings, she couldn’t help catching onto Adore’s enthusiasm. Especially when that enthusiasm led to an intro to an absolutely fantastic artist to do her next tattoo. It took almost 5 hours, and by the end, she was really feeling the burn, eyes watering.
Adore was incredible the whole time--fetching her cold sodas, holding her hand, distracting her with cute stories. She really was working overtime to be the perfect girlfriend, and Tati appreciated it, putting all of her negativity aside and just enjoying herself.  
After all, Nina didn’t know everything.
As much as Adore hated to admit it, senior year was pretty fucking great so far. She had awesome friends, a sexy new girlfriend, and she’d planned an easy, low-stress course schedule for the year with barely any homework. She was living the dream.
It was Halloween night, and the gang all decided to meet at Courtney’s before heading to Laganja’s for her annual ‘why-do-her-parents-agree-to-this’ blowout.
Adore had been hanging out with Tati all afternoon, smoking and fooling around and eating Cheez-Its and peanut butter straight from the jar until the last possible second before they had to get dressed, dragging themselves out of bed to change into their costumes. As they walked next door, the chilly Autumn air hit Adore smack in the face, having quite a sobering effect. She shivered and slipped her arm around Tati’s waist, using the cold as an excuse to get close to her--which Tati gladly didn’t object to whatsoever.
“Happy Halloween!” Courtney flung open the door, squealing with joy when she saw Adore and Tatianna’s ‘Bacon and Eggs’ costumes. “You guys. Look. So cuuuute!”
She pulled them both in for a hug, jumping up and down. Adore eyed the big, nearly empty bowl of candy by the door, as well as Courtney’s mouth stained blue, Tootsie Roll pop in her hand, and shook her head.
“I warned you that she’d be hopped up on sugar, didn’t I?” Adore said, giving Tati a slight eye roll. Courtney didn’t eat refined sugar that often, so Halloween was one of those days when she was even more extra than usual.
“You did,” Tati laughed.
“Shut up, it’s my favorite day!” Courtney exclaimed. She stuck it back into her mouth and then thought better of it, holding out the glistening lollipop to Adore. “You want some?”
“Can I have the ones without your fucking drool all over it?” she asked, gesturing to the bowl.
“Take it all!” Courtney said, laughing. “Fuck the trick-or-treaters, right?”
“Exactly.” Adore swiped the bowl off the ledge, fishing out a bag of Sour Patch Kids.
“I love the Rosie costume, Court!” Tati said.
“Thank you very much.” Courtney twirled, displaying her Rosie the Riveter costume, complete with pin curls and a red bandana headband. “Come on in, guys! Fame, Violet and Pearl are here already.”
She led them down the hall, clinging to Adore’s arm, chattering a mile a minute about how Fame had been helping with her hair, and how everyone’s costumes were amazing, and how they were gonna be the coolest group.
“So, be honest. Do you think my costume is too abstract?” Adore asked. “Because we had a long debate about it.”
Adore’s interpretation of a fried egg was a little abstract--she wore a white unitard with a bright yellow felt circle pinned to her shoulder, and a yellow, chin-length wig, with matching face paint. Tati’s bacon dress was a little more straightforward, long, fat strips of painted fabric covering her corseted bodice and then hanging down to form a skirt.
“No! It’s perfect! You look adorable. Both of you.” Courtney wrapped an arm around them both, giving Tati a side hug.
It was nice for Adore to see Courtney being so welcoming and sweet to her new girlfriend. It certainly hadn’t been like that with Raja, or even when Pearl moved in. Adore wondered if maybe, for all her best intentions, it had just taken her this long to be truly comfortable with the whole gay thing. But whatever the reason, Adore was happy that she was being her warm, friendly self, treating Tati like an old friend without any coaxing.
They opened the door to Courtney’s bedroom, which was a bit of a madhouse, Pearl putting the finishing touches on her Beetlejuice costume, and Violet, dressed in what looked like real 1920s vintage flapper glam, helping Fame smear blood and brains all over to complete her zombie cheerleader look.
“Whoa, cool costumes!! But I can’t believe you guys all beat us here when I’m right next door,” Adore laughed.
“What the fuck are you supposed to be?” came a voice from behind her. She spun around to see Willam, dressed as a Bratz doll, and Trinity, in a cute Cheer Bear costume.
“I’m fried eggs!” Adore said, turning to Tati and whining. “I told you it was too abstract.”
“I think it’s cool,” Trinity said, checking out her reflection in Courtney’s mirrored closet doors and tucking some stray hair into her pink hood. “Will’s just being an asshole.”
“Being? Willam is always an asshole,” Violet piped up, laughing as Willam shoved her, pushing him right back.
“Guys? Guys?” Courtney jumped on her bed, eyes bright. “Are we almost ready? When can we go?”
“You need to calm down,” Adore said, a hand on her hip.
“I’m just excited, it’s Halloweeeeeeen!” she said, then shrieked as Adore tackled her, bringing her to her knees.
“No more sugar for you!”
Pearl couldn’t help notice the mildly perturbed expression on Tati’s face as she watched them wrestling on Courtney’s bed. She sidled up to her, slinging an arm across her shoulders and saying, “They just...get like that sometimes.”
“Uh huh.”
“Honestly, it’s no big deal,” Pearl assured her.
“Yeah, no, it’s cool,” Tati said, adjusting her bacon headband.
Pearl’s gaze traveled back to the bed, where Courtney had successfully gotten Adore face down, arm twisted behind her back. She sat down firmly on her as Adore squealed out, “Truce! Truce!”
“Guys?!” Courtney kept Adore in the hold a few moments longer before releasing her with a victorious smirk and a sharp smack on the ass. “Can we go? Can we go?”
“Why are you so anxious to get to this dumb party?” Willam asked. “Everyone we know who’s remotely cool is already in this room.”
“Awww, Bill, does that mean you think I’m cool?” Courtney asked, fluttering her lashes at him.
“I didn’t say that, cheerleader.”
“She’s the cheerleader tonight,” Courtney said, gesturing to Fame.  
“I think we should go, but first…”
Pearl pulled a bottle of Captain Morgan from her bag.
“Heyyyy! Look at you, good for something for once,” Violet said, bumping Pearl with her hip.
“Should I go get some glasses?” Courtney asked.
“Glasses?” Pearl took a big swig of rum and passed the bottle to Violet. “What are you, the queen of England?”
“Oh my god, this is so unhygienic!” Fame said, wringing her hands.
“Does that mean you don’t want any?” Violet asked, holding the bottle out teasingly.
“No, I still want some.” Fame snatched the bottle from her hands and took a swig. “I guess alcohol kinda kills germs, huh?”
“Totally,” said Trinity, accepting the bottle and taking her swig, pushing Willam away with her other hand. “Wait your turn!”
Courtney was last to drink, and Adore watched her swallow down several shots worth before pulling the bottle away.
“Take it easy, bitch! We don’t want you passing out on us.”
Giggling, Courtney handed the bottle back to Pearl, then wrapped her arms around Adore’s neck and gave her a big smack on the cheek. Tati watched them, but before she had the chance to get uncomfortable again, Courtney pulled her in, kissing her as well. Maybe this really was just how she acted when she was all hopped up. Tati grinned and slung her arm around Courtney’s waist.
“So, are we doing another round?” she asked.
“Whoaaa...Virginia knows how to party!” Willam said, raising his fist up in celebration, chanting, “Round two! Round two! Round two!”
Adore’s eyes were superglued shut. That was the only reasonable explanation. She slowly, painfully pried them open, the hazy morning light hitting her like a freight train, making her squeeze them shut again.
“What the fuck?” she asked. Well, tried to ask. Her throat was parched and it came out sounding something like a hoarsely whispered, ‘Watafuh?’
What had happened last night? She remembered arriving at Courtney’s, already a bit buzzed, doing a few rounds of shots and heading with the whole group to Ganja’s. There’d been oppressively loud music thumping, a toxically strong bowl of murky orange punch, a crowded dance floor in her den, more punch...way too much punch.
The ground was hard and awful, and something was holding her down, making it impossible to move. She turned her head, peeled her eyes open a second time to see Courtney’s blonde head buried in her shoulder, red bandana now over her eyes, covered by a familiar crocheted blanket. Adore recognized the blanket, figuring out for the first time where they were.
Violet’s basement. When the fuck had they even come here? Violet lived far enough away from Laganja’s that they would have needed a ride. Unless...did they walk 30 fucking minutes in the middle of the night? She had vague, hazy memories of making her way with the whole gang through a green belt “shortcut,” and the pair of muddy shoes lying by her head seemed to support this. She squirmed on the hard concrete floor, trying to get whatever was holding her down off. Probably Courtney’s leg, although she couldn’t really tell…
A groan sounded from behind her and she turned to see Tati. It was her leg, apparently, and she was not too keen on being moved. Or being woken up. Or being alive, presently.
“Good morning,” Adore whispered. “I guess.”
Another groan came from Tati’s lips.
“Yeah, me too.”
Adore forced herself to raise her head and look around, realizing that they were halfway on the shag rug. Her friends all seemed to be in equal states of comatose, their costumes in shreds or half off or, in the case of Trinity’s bear hoodie, being used as pillows. Fame was curled up with Trinity in the armchair, Violet and Pearl sprawled on the sofa. Willam seemed to have gotten the worst of it, face down on the rug a few feet from them.
“Hey,” Adore nudged Courtney with her shoulder, jostling her awake. “Court...wake up.”
Courtney yawned, arms tightening around Adore’s waist before her eyes finally blinking open.
“Ohhh, where are we?” she croaked.
“I have no idea,” Tati said.
“Violet’s,” Adore informed them.
“How did we get here?”
“I dunno exactly but...can you make sure Willam’s alive? He looks like a corpse.”
Courtney forced herself into a sitting position to lean forward and give Willam a good shake. As she did, the blanket fell away and revealed her bare chest. Adore let out a little yelp, hand flying to cover her eyes.
“Jeez, Courtney, cover up! Why aren’t you wearing a bra?!”
Courtney laughed, pulling the blanket back up.
“I didn’t need one with this costume. Would you calm down, you’re such a prude,” she giggled.  
Adore looked over at Tati, doing her best put-upon eye roll. But instead of commiserating, Tati shrugged, searching the ground for her purse.
“I better call my mom,” she said, brow furrowed. “Shit. Did I leave my bag at your house?”
“Oh, shit. There’s a landline in the kitchen. Come on, I’ll show you.” Adore took her hand, helping her up. There was a strange, faraway look in her eyes, and Adore squeezed her fingers, hoping to bring her back into the present moment.
She was rewarded, finally with a smile, making her shoulders drop in relief before guiding Tati towards the stairs.
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