savedpeople · 5 years
6. Jealous
Send a number, and I’ll tell you how my muse is when they are: | Not Accepting | @meghatarozva-archive​
Negan isn’t the most graceful when it comes to jealousy. He doesn’t handle it well, especially when it involves a lover. If he’s jealous of someone he’s going to be making snide comments about them (to their face and/or behind their back), butting into conversations between them and his significant other, and generally acting grumpy whenever they’re brought up. He’ll make it clear he doesn’t like them and if he feels threatened or insecure enough, he’ll confront them or his partner about it. He might also go out of his way to give his partner more attention or do things to one up the other person, and it’ll become obvious pretty quick that that’s why he’s doing it.
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szentkiralyszabadja · 6 years
Queen Anne’s lace and sweet pea
Botanical Asks
queen anne’s lace – who do you trust the most?sweet pea – who means the world to you? why?
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[ without hesitation ]
What, you think I’d say Ilse or something? She ain’t the world, she’s Austria, that’s already too much for me.
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damnprussia · 5 years
@meghatarozva cont from here:
They were usually much more careful than they were being right now. Out in the open garden, among the roses where anyone could stumble upon them and certainly inform her husband. Not that she particularly cared what Roderich thought of her little transgression, if he wanted to keep her attention, he should have been more attentive. He should have been a lot more, but that was neither here or there in the present moment. Erzsi and Gilbert had been kept apart far too long for any thoughts to linger on her husband.
“And here I thought you might just call upon Roderich without even a ‘hello’ to me,” Erzsi joked knowing full well being seen together would only cause the rumors to grow. Rumors only swirling around them because of his last visit where they weren’t as inconspicuous as they thought. After all, there were spies everywhere in the Viennese court, but when Gilbert looked at her like he was now, Erzsi found herself not caring of the repercussions.
Because the way Gilbert looked at her sent her heart aflutter. And although she would deny it, Erzsi was pretty sure she was in love.
Then Gilbert asked if he could kiss her and she couldn’t help the loving smile that spread across her lips. Never being one to wait, Erzsi answers his question by leaning up to gently kiss his lips.
“If you think i am here for Roderich, in any way and capacity, then you don’t know me well at all, my dear,” Gilbert said with a charming smile, leaning closer to her and sliding an arm around the back of her seat around her shoulders. What were they possibly planning to do? Would they tell him not to return? That was nonsense. The Austrians needed him, whether they liked it or not. Gilbert, at this point, was simply too powerful to be told no.
He opened his mouth and was possibly about to say something else charming, because he certainly liked the way that she was looking at him and just felt the words tumbled out of his mouth. But she plugged them up with her own lips upon him and he couldn’t help but smile and reach out to pull her even closer and reciprocate. Oh, this felt so lovely, and just so right. It was so awful to him how he could just reach out and get everything he’d ever wanted, and yet he had to somehow hide this from everyone.
He was at least relieved that he could revel in this, and make her happy in the meanwhile, rather than live in misery.
Gilbert pulled away a moment later. “It’s been far too long indeed,” he murmured gently. He glanced over where she sat, to see a few prying eyes further away, and he glanced back at her. “I should get to my work, so I can get it over with,” he said. “Will you wait for me later tonight? Perhaps after dinner we can skip the tea and do some fencing?” He wasn’t just planning on spending illicit time with her - she was still his childhood friend, after all. He missed the things that they used to do, even before this sticky situation.
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kwiecista-archive · 6 years
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As usual on this special day, the small Polish woman makes a great effort to rush up to her dear friend in order to gift them a not really at this point surprise hug before they have the chance to register the blonde force rushing at them.  
“Good morning to my dearest friend in the entire world.  And a Happy Friendship Day in case you forgot!  I just love it that we have our own special day every year to celebrate how strong our friendship is and how long you’ve been by my side!”
@renduletlenul @ezusthiid @meghatarozva @akikerestalcl
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severnayastolitsa · 5 years
Chronos and Nyx
Chronos - Is your character currently running out of time?
Absolutely not, he’s functionally immortal. If anything, he has too much time. His immortality actually is overwhelming for him at times, not that he wishes he were mortal. He knows he isn’t going to die any time soon and that forever is a very long time to live through. Add to that a fixation with the romantic idea of dying young and you get a man who is a little bit fearful of the idea of eternity. Thinking about it too much has sent him spiraling before– but really, it would be more concerning if someone as neurotic and obsessed with philosophy didn’t react that way to being immortal.
Nyx - Where does your character prefer to spend their nights?
At home. Alexei is a night owl, but he’s not a party-goer; he hasn’t been clubbing since the early 2000′s and he doesn’t really miss it. You’d be hard-pressed to find him anywhere louder than a bar after dark. 
primordial gods ask meme / selectively accepting
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vonprasserei · 5 years
Miska / Jules for the meme
who is more excited for halloween? Julia. She gets way into it. It’s another excuse to let loose (this bitch loves to party) and wear whatever the hell she wants (which she does anyway but still). Her last-minute/back-of-the-closet costume would probably be pirate-themed. Yeah. Maybe she’ll go as Gilbert again this year, that’s always fun
who gives the best gifts? It depends on the year! I think they both know each other well enough to give *really great* gifts, especially at Christmas. And the best gag gifts at big parties come from these two dorks
who sings along to the radio the loudest? Probably Julia
who actually finishes a book they’ve started? Idk, does Miska read? Julia’s much more of an internet meme browser and documentary-binger
who falls asleep during a movie? either A) they both stay up during the whole thing because I feel like their movie nights are intense, like they’ve got commentary and one probably holds the other one accountable, or B) they end up spooning or tangled up on the couch
who plans a surprise getaway vacation? Julia’s the embodiment of spontaneity I don’t know how else to answer these questions
who comes home with useless decorative knick knacks for the house every single day? You like thrift shopping, don’t you, Miska?
who takes more pictures? Miska. Julia is often the subject
who likes baths? who likes showers? Miska’s giant legs dangling out of the tub and Julia enjoying a weirdly cold shower
who keeps a weekly planner? Miska?
who actually watches the discovery channel? Julia: BABE? BABE, IT’S SHARK WEEK.
who brings up having kids first? how about no
who fixes things around the house when they break? Whoever broke it lol
who leaves their dirty towels on the floor? Julia, but it’s got its place! Controlled chaos.
who makes the coffee in the morning? Miska
who gets jealous over very petty things? lol Miska
who exercises more? I’d say they work out the same amount. I don’t know Miska’s schedule but Julia’s not 100% gym rat, more like...60%
who starts listening to christmas music in october? NOT IN THIS HOUSE
who actually reads the newspaper? Miska’d look nice with the coffee and paper in the morning, ngl
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landforces-archived · 6 years
Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you...
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute?|| Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning 
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! 
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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velhovinho · 5 years
Dear person I had a crush on
(circa 1700s)
Dear Arthur,
I’ve missed you. You’ve been the only thing on my mind the past few weeks. I’d rather listen to you ramble on for hours about your poets than haggle with another merchant. It’s been a boring month for me, nothing but sailing back and forth making deals. Almost makes me miss the thrill of swordfights. Do you remember all those times fighting side by side against the Spanish? I wouldn’t have anyone else at my side but you. My oldest friend and my dearest ally, write back soon.
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sininensalo-a · 5 years
🍁 - How do you want to explore your muse further? Is there a wishlist?
flowers! flowers!! // accepting!
🍁 - How do you want to explore your muse further? Is there a wishlist?
(( sweats, I do have a wishlist, and Tumblr user @generading only enables me. Bad. It’s a bit shippy-Ber&Jaska relations oriented, but do I feel bad about it? No. It’s full of wholesome content and angst, don’t we all thrive off that stuff?
I really want to branch out and explore past relations Jaska had with other muses! I want to write Jaska in his 18th century bratty setting, I think it’s the only time period I haven’t written much of yet. That and WW2, but I’d prefer to leave this content either to heavily plotted threads or one-sided drabbles from me. You Know Why. ))
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liachtaschta · 6 years
“You’ve got a fever. Of course I’m not going anywhere.”
soft sentence starters
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I don’t wish for you to be spending your weekend taking care of me! 
That -- it would make me a terrible host would it not? I would say we could postpone your visit until another time but...I suppose that doesn’t quite work with your already being here yes? 
My apologies...this isn’t what I intended for this weekend...
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tsariniia · 6 years
Look into my eyes
Absolute Conviction  |  Aggression  |  Ambition  |  Anger  |  Anxiety  |  Apathy  |  Arrogance  |  Bloodthirst  |  Bravery  |  Compassion  |  Confidence  |  Conflict  | Courage  |  Darkness  |  Defeat |  Denial  |  Desire  |  Despair  |  Determination  |  Devotion  |  Disappointment  |  Distrust  |  Dominance  |  Emptiness  |  an Enemy  |  Enlightenment  |  Envy  |  Excitement  |  Exhaustion  |  Elitism  |  Experience  |  Fear  |  a Friend  |  a Future  |  Gentleness  |  Greed  |  Grief  |  Guilt  |  Honesty  |  Honor  |  Hope  |  Hostility  |  Ignorance  |  an Illness  |  Insecurity  |  Integrity  |  Intoxication  |  Kindness  |  Lies  |  Loneliness  |  Longing  |  Loss  |  a Lover  |  Loyalty  |  Malicious Intent  |  Mania  |  Melancholy  |  Misery  |  Negativity  |  Overcompensation  |  Pain  |  Paranoia  |  Passion  |  Perseverance  |  Pettiness  |  Pity  |  Positivity  |  Pressure  |  Pride  |  a Purpose  |  Racism  |  Regret  |  Resentment  |  Resignation  |  Resolve  |  Sadness  |  Self-Hatred  |  Sexism  |  Shattered Remains  |  a Shining Light  |  Something Familiar  |  Spite  |  Stress  |  Stupidity  |  Submission  |  Tranquility  |  Trauma  |  Trust  |  Vengeance  |  Warmth  |  Wisdom  |  Wrath  |  a Cry for Help  |  Something Eating Your Mind  |  the Years have Changed You
Animalistic  |  Approachable  |  Broken  |  Closed-Off  |  Cold  |  Crafty  |  Crazy  |  Defensive  |  Devious  |  Difficult  |  Disheartened  |  Emotionally Detached  |  Frightened  |  Frightening  |  Genuine  |  Guarded  |  Headstrong  |  Heartless  |  Human  |  Immature  |  Impatient  |  Inhuman  |  Insane  |  Intuitive  |  Lost  |  Mature  |  Noble  |  Patient  |  Pitiful  |  Primitive  |  Pure  |  Reliable  |  Remorseless  |  Reserved  |  Resourceful  |  Short-Tempered  |  Simplistic  |  Sly  |  Soft-Hearted  |  Struggling  |  a Threat  |  Trapped  |  a Troublemaker  |  Trusting  |  Understanding  |  Unique |   Unpredictable  |  Unwavering  |  a Victim  |  Wicked  |  Feeling Vindictive  |  Guilty of Something  |  Hiding Something  |  Lost in Thought  |  Planning Something  |  Scared of Me  |  Scaring Me  |  Someone I can Trust  |  Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore  |  Someone to Fear  |  Someone Worthy of Respect  |  Weak to Manipulation  |  Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself  |  Belittle Yourself  |  Don’t Want to Hurt Me  |  Don’t Want to Leave Me  |  Drown Yourself in Something  |  Feel Alone  |  Feel Empowered  |  Have a Plan that Involves Me  |  Have No One Else to Turn to  |  Have Nowhere Else to Go  |  Have Seen Some Things  |  Haven’t Been Sleeping  |  Lie to Yourself  |  Lost Faith/Trust in Me  |  Lost Something/Someone Important  |  Need Me/my Help  |  No Longer Believe Me  |  See Me as a Thing  |  See Me as Someone Else  |  Seek to Hurt/Harm  |  Seek to Manipulate  |  Think Highly of Yourself  |  Think I’m Hiding Something  |  Think Little of Yourself  |  Think You Know Best  |  Want to Hurt Me  |  Want to Protect Me  |  Want to Sleep with Me  |  Want to Use Me
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savedpeople · 6 years
💎 - oh no indeed
Send me a 💎 and my muse will rate your muse’s physical appearance on a scale of 1-10 | Accepting (mutuals) | @meghatarozva
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“Oh, you. I think I could give you a seven and a half… eight on a good day.” He breaks into a grin. “Damn pretty face— not gonna lie to you, pretty fucking hot sometimes. Rest of ya looks promising too but, I’m just goin’ by what I can see.” A slip of tongue peeks between teeth as his gaze shamelessly trails down, just for a second. “The score could change, if you ever earned yourself a… reevaluation.”
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damnprussia · 6 years
💘 do you regret not pursuing Erszi and now she's with Roderich?
I never did this meme
“Do you know what I hate? Love triangles. Do you know what it seems like I’m somehow involved in? A love triangle. So let me break it down for you and be done with it. Erzsi and I have been involved before, in the past. The last time was during the Cold War, ending at about 1989. Before then, it was when her marriage to Roderich was not going well. I have told her in these times, and beyond then, that I loved her. That I always will, and I’ll always be there for her, and I’ll always want her with me. She knows this. So we went our separate ways soon after, because there was a lot of shit for both of us to do. She went to build up her country, and I went to dismantle mine.  Erzsi was doing her thing, and I wasn’t going to disturb that. I also thought I might die soon. So I didn’t want to complicate that with a relationship. Regardless, she has known about my feelings and in that time, if she wanted to initiate something, I’d be there. I have always just wanted to be what she needs me to be. She has never needed me to be a boyfriend. I think she might assume that I fucked up by not inserting myself into her life as a boyfriend candidate earlier, or whatever, but she’s never indicated to me that that’s something that she’s ever wanted of me again. And I’ve been pretty tired over the years of being told ‘no, you’re not what we want’, so maybe you can see my hesitation to put myself out there.”
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“I’ve placed my affections elsewhere in the meanwhile. I still love her, of course, and I am so happy that she has found happiness. I am happy for them both. I suppose we can say that now Roderich is owed a second chance to not so severely fuck things up.”
@meghatarozva | @skiass
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theblackeagle · 6 years
Prussia was silently wondering why he had even bothered to come, since despite the League of Shared Neutrality his feelings on Austria were  less than cordial. Still the thought that Austria had to invite him and see his face at a ball among the other nations of the group and state officials made Prussia feel a sense of vindictive delight. Hopefully he would feel annoyed at his presence.  Prussia thus decided to make it his mission to subtly spite Austria during the ball and also to enjoy himself as much as possible since he did love balls even if this was simply a poor excuse to hold one for the sake of holding one. Hopefully he would avoid Joseph II too who he greatly disliked ever since his craven liking of Fritz had given way to a clear intention to sabotage him. Spotting Joseph Prussia quickly went out of slight and happened to bump into Hungary as soon as he was safe. He smirked and said, “So you’re here too huh? Did Austria actually let you come? Been a while since we talked properly, how about we actually catch up? And oh how’s priss and your king Joseph treating you huh?”
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bacaztatry · 6 years
“I see my sheep have eaten all the vines in your part of the Tokaj region. How unfortunate...and I still haven’t found them either.  I hate to ask and I don’t really need your help, but help me find them so I can go home quicker.”
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nordlige-stjerne · 6 years
@meghatarozva ♥ for a starter!
“God, please-”
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“Tell me those fancy spa of yours is still open. I need to go and soak my bones-”
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