wasntfaira · 7 months
❛ IMPRESSIVE WIN. it's rare you find a victor that never wields a weapon. ❜ arms cross , gaze cool &* inquiring as he gives her a once over. the now twenty-one year old finnick is still the achilles of the capitol ; but more than his fame , he's gained a brutal understanding of the way the world works here. preserving a victor's innocence was rarely something achievable ---- &* sure , this one was no untouched by the brutality that came with taking lives in that arena , but there was one thing she was safe from , at least for now ; the fate of most beautiful victors. he can tell she's still hurting ------ notes how she fidgets with her clothes that press too close to the wounds left from the toxic plants of the arena. the marks &* cut of her hair are not pretty ; a blessing , really. does she know that ?
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❛ i heard you just had a birthday. hell of a gift ----- coming out of there alive , i mean. ❜ a soft hum escapes him before he reaches into his pocket to retrieve what he brought with that knowledge --- a dried sand-dollar. A SIMPLE KINDNESS -- the least he could offer to someone so new to this life. ❛ it's not much ; it's from four. i always bring a shell with me when i have to leave. figured you had enough jewels &* money fresh off the win. ❜ ▐ @mehrcedita / sc.
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wcven · 14 days
@mehrcedita said : they're not going to pick you.
it had taken hours to get the children to bed. even though lacey was the only one to fully understood the reality of what the announcement the others, jack was hard to settle on a regular night and they could both sense the upset in the room. she'd still be there, at lacey's bedside, had tanner not see the look on her face, insisted she make her way next door.
she hadn't cried yet, but seeing mercy brings her close to the edge. a bitter laugh rips from her throat when the young victor breaks the silence, even if she believed that her deal with snow stands, the guilt of safety might eat her alive when forced to watch or god forbid mentor. "it might not be you either," she finally answers. unlikely. between the fan favourite and the newest the odd's are certainly not in their favour.
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luminarot · 27 days
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@mehrcedita // continued from here.
The air smells of ash and bitter copper when Wesley wakes, his milky eyes blind to all but the smoke rising out of the rubble. He had pushed himself to the limit and beyond, the way he always does, using his last wretched breaths to crawl off and die somewhere on his own — so he was surprised by the grim stranger standing vigil over his almost-corpse, offering her help when she realized there was some life left in him after all. ( If you can call it that, anyway. He's not so sure he's actually alive, himself. )
He didn't have any time to explain before he started shuddering through his reanimation in earnest, stranger forced to watch him endure the harsh reset of each broken bone and the shedding of splintered skin. Even now, he's choking on the rejected decay, twisting harshly to expel black bile and blood the moment she looks away; he doesn't envy her witness, overly aware of the gory sight he's become. He's trying his best to spare her from the worst of it.
Still, he means it when he says he's feeling less awful. He doesn't feel good, too deep in the trenches of transformation to say he's better, but it's not as bad as it could be. At least this time, he managed to stay in one piece when he died.
He wishes he had better answers for the rest of her questions. "Can't go home," he mutters, trying to get his hands underneath himself so he can sit up. It’s hard to tell if his discomfort comes from the bed of rubble he’s strewn across or if the bones of his spine have yet to click themselves back together; if some wound lies still gaping, leaking rot and sluggish gore, he has no time to let it heal, beholden to the urgency in the other's tone.
"You should go if you don't wanna get caught. I might be too slow."
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hopeforged · 8 months
" i didn't realize this place was taken . . . " of fucking course he'd stumble into an already occupied building. that was just his luck. he adjusts his stance slightly; one hand tucked behind his back to keep abby half hidden. he could feel her tiny hands curled tightly into the back of his hoodie; forehead pressed just above them. keeping his eyes glued to the other, mike weighed his options. it was starting to rain heavily outside but . . . it wasn't necessarily cold. they could head back out and find somewhere else. or he could guide abby to a separate part of the building and bunk down for the night. she could rest, he could keep an eye on things. " i won't hurt you. i just . . . my sister needs to sleep. this place can fit three of us for the night, can't it ? " / @mehrcedita
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hexsreality · 1 day
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"Just a two-inch difference between the two of us."
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ghoulyard · 18 days
❛ you're looking at me funny. ❜ FROM, @mehrcedita.
SWEPT AWAY BY THE RAGING RIVER - her endless worries surge & gush without restraint. ( what do they see when they look at me? are my clothes wrinkled - any hairs out of place? will i be stuck in shadyside forever? ) day in & day out these questions plague the mind. she hoped it might improve at camp nightwing. the fresh air & busy schedules. but any crisp breeze threatens to suffocate her, no activities involved enough to keep her thoughts from racing. even worse, it's become noticeable, proven by her companion's accusation. because she was looking at her funny, losing any ability to focus on the present. it wasn't an uncommon problem for her, the gradual loss of attention.
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❝ sorry, it's been a long day. ❞ made longer by her promise to stay behind & help with after - dinner cleanup. the campers had been ruthless the past hour, showing off their ability to make a mess of anything. she can only hope the girls have managed to keep their cabin in order. ❝ these summers are [. . .] rewarding, but they aren't always easy. ❞ any time away from shadyside is something to consider, but some of those harder months have nearly sent her running home.
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70th · 26 days
“ they assigned me to kitchen duty, but i’m not allowed to even look at any of the knives. ” her nose is crinkled, the corner of her mouth twitching with the desire to laugh. it’s either that or claw at the schedule tattooed to her skin out of sheer frustration, and annie knows that would definitely land her back in the hospital. “ so instead i’m stuck sorting potatoes between what can be eaten and what can be replanted to grow more. i didn’t even know they could do that. ”
@mehrcedita LIKED.
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hisvictory · 7 months
↪    𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓  : spotify wrapped.    currently accepting, expect slow to post.
nineteen — from @mehrcedita's : mercy solidad
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THIS WORLD HAS FOSTERED IN THEM FAMILIES STRONGER THAN BLOOD ! it has mothered them, 𝚒𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖, and given them in turn the bonds they have grown ; for this bran has mercy, and mercy has bran. " i've got you, go ahead. " the elder says with a small smile on his face; meaning to reassure her 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 would.
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65ths · 6 months
⎯⎯⎯⎯  @mehrcedita liked for a starter
“you just go to sleep.  i'll watch over you tonight.”
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keepfight1n · 6 months
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ㅤㅤ" in another life, " he begins, a small smirk threatening to break his composure. he isn't one that oozes holiday cheer, though he'd like to think that maybe he might be the type in this other life he speaks of. maybe. " i could have made you a gingerbread house that would've sold for millions on the coast. gum drop siding and everything. "
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@mehrcedita liked for a winter - themed starter !
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ircnwrought · 7 months
@mehrcedita liked for a starter (annie) !!
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__________≋     SEA-GREEN EYES WIDEN TO SEE THE FAMILIAR FACE. the days in the medical facility have begun to blur together; she can finally breathe easy out of the hands of the capitol with finnick by her side. but there is still chaos, a litany of strangers && questions. briefing on thirteen's rules && debriefing on her time as a captive. the world has shifted on its axis && she is searching for solid ground. ❛   mercy ... -- i'm so glad you're alright !! when did you get here ??    ❜
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outguilt · 6 months
" i'm not planning on dying today. " but fuck, there was a lot of them. coming from every damn angle it felt like. it may have been easier to escape on his own but getting two of them out here felt almost impossible. normally, he'd let a stranger die if it meant getting away unscathed. but he was so damn tired of the blood on his hands growing darker and darker each time he did so. " can you fight ? we can get out of here. we can. " / @mehrcedita
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was70th · 5 months
“ they still won’t let me do any sort of job. they won’t tell me anything that’s going on. ” she’s frowning as she plucks idly at the bracelet circling her wrist. mentally disoriented, it reads. something new to add to her list of labels. “ so all i can do is wait and worry. ”
@mehrcedita ˡⁱᵏᵉᵈ.
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fate-accursed · 6 months
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// @mehrcedita said: " are you eager for blood, too? is that why you've come? "
Her words cut to the very soul of him, each tremor of her weakened voice left to fester in the wound of her apprehension; does she truly think him capable of such a cruelty? Many hours they have spent in each others company, her friendship one so dearly cherished in his lonely heart — but then, this shroud of darkness has cast a grim light upon them all. He can still hear the choked sounds of Tabitha's final breaths, her terrible fate a horror from which he and David chose to spare Madge.
But perhaps they have not spared her any suffering, after all. Perhaps Abraham should have warned her, should have done something more to protect her from the evil that lurks in their midst —
It is impossible for a deed to be undone, yet still he feels that he has failed her, that he is still failing her as they speak; that perhaps he will always be letting her down. He can plead for her if he finds the voice to speak, if the courts will listen, but still the fact remains that she is here at all. ( The cold damp of a gaol is no place for an ailing body. )
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"No," he answers, more adamant than he's ever been though his head still bows in shame. His heart aches so much that he can scarcely breathe; there must be something he can do to right this. But what? Nearly anything he says will cast suspicion on him, as well — or even, god forbid, cast even more blame upon Madge's weary shoulders. "I have come because I fear for you. I had hoped that the rumors were only that, but..." The unfathomable has happened. It will happen again, and again, and he feels sick to realize there's no way of knowing where the bloodshed will stop. "It pains me to see you in such a state. Surely, there is something that can be done to spare you; perhaps the trial will show you hold no wickedness in your heart."
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hopeforged · 5 months
❛❛ i can't tell what's real anymore, and what's made up, @mehrcedita. ❜❜
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nursc · 11 months
@mehrcedita asked: dog, sender's dog (cat?🧐) pulls them in receiver's direction.
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new york city is a city full of strange things. monsters, superheroes, the musical stomp, and sometimes angels. by that, she means cats. furry little pests which can rightfully claim the city as their rightful kingdom: from the street cats which terrorize all other species, ready to claw at anyone who disrespects them, to spoiled lap cats that live more luxuriously than any medieval king.
the creature boinking at her leg seems like something in between. half monster, half queen. she can only spare a half-smile in the girl's direction. the kitty demands her entire attention, walking between her legs, scratching at her foot for attention.
❛⠀⠀⠀hi,⠀ ⠀ ❜⠀ ⠀ the cat immediately jumps into her lap when she starts bending down, forcing her to squat and walk to a nearby bench, balancing her book-bag and the cat, chattering at it in a soft tone.⠀⠀⠀❛⠀⠀⠀- you are the prettiest thing in the world, i agree.⠀ ⠀ ❜⠀
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actions speak louder than words
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