#melinda m snodgrass
tuttle-did-it · 1 year
'The Measure of a Man' is one of the more famous Star Trek: TNG episodes. It's written by Melinda M Snodgrass. She talks about this episode and how it came about in the recent episode of 7th Rule.
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wildardsfansite · 1 year
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sharpestasp · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: TOS - The Tears of the Singers - Melinda M. Snodgrass Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Nyota Uhura Additional Tags: Drabble, Past Relationships Summary:
Uhura never forgets Maslin
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victormilanbooks · 2 years
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Three Kings (Wild Cards, #28)
Published May 14th 2020 by Harper Voyager Original Title Three Kings
by George R.R. Martin, Peter Newman, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Peadar O. Guillin, Caroline Spector, Mary Anne Mohanraj, John Jos. Miller, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Carrie Vaughn, Marko Kloos, Emma Newman, an amazing mosaic novel of great adventure and captured super-heroic powers. As a mosaic novel with various authors its the characters I will remark on, not only their unique powers but the precedence they bring to the world of wild cards. Roger (green man ) Barnes, is a remarkable new creation by author Peter Newman, is as wonderful in his character arch as his phenomenal power. I bow to the well known Wild card Noel, with so much of his real story detailed in this story. Ever remarkable Anya (Badb) McNulty is the spider of orchestration of the events of the book, not only bringing the desperate constitutes together but allowing heroic sacrifice, and retribution to happen with in the story. Constance (seamstress) Russell by Caroline Spector is the heart of the story, her tender advice, protection and providence. With out Alan (enimga) Turning Mary anne Mohanraj would not have had the history to give depth to the story. I love the pull of three kings, showing the various nature of humans. The selfish, and the diabolical, to the miss construed Chads of the world. George R R Martin knows how to make the well known dream of kings in Arthur (Bobbin) Hugesson and his story of his rise to the throne of England.
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jaysterg5 · 2 years
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Wild Cards V: Down and Dirty
Editor: George R. R. Martin
Authors: John J. Miller, Roger Zelazny, Leanne C. Harper, Arthur Byron Cover, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Edward Bryant, Stephen Leigh, Pat Cadigan, and Walter Jon Williams
Cover: Michael Komarck
As a gang war breaks out across the Jokertown ghetto, a new mutated version of the wild card virus strikes New York causing more deaths and transformations. Now the local Aces and Jokers find themselves fighting on two fronts just to stay alive. After the globe-trotting escapades of the previous volume, Martin and friends return us to New York and some fan favorite characters. It's great to see the Sleeper, Turtle, Bagabond, and others take the stage again. Like that earlier installment, this is a series of inter-related short stories, this time detailing the events around the gang war. We actually pick up with some characters during the events of the last book before everything moves forward in the timeline. Continuity is becoming a big part of this series now and each story builds on the previous like a literary house of cards. There are a number of stories that are serialized throughout this book, meaning they're kind of broken up in chapters between other stories. We've seen a little of that previously in the series, but this time Martin intertwines three different stories throughout the book. Disappointingly, the gang war story is really more of a background to this overall mosaic. Only a few stories really spotlight that storyline. The good news is the wild card virus outbreak and the escalating political intrigue more than make up for any lack in the gang war story. I found myself more interested in those plotlines as the book went on. There are also some very personal journeys for the Turtle and Dr. Tachyon in this book that really had me looking for the next chapter relating their stories. Most of the stories were very engaging and kept me actively turning pages. I felt Edward Bryant's "The Second Coming of Buddy Holley" was a bit of a weak point for me. Not only did the story not really fit into any of the storylines, but Cordelia Chaisson doesn't seem to make for a great protagonist. This is two books in a row where I hit a bump on stories focusing on her. I didn't think I was going to enjoy "Jesus was an Ace" by Arthur Byron Cover, but it really did give me a great insight into Reverend Leo Barnett. I'm sure there are bigger things in store for that character in future books. Overall, this was a better and more interesting read than the last one. While there was a bit of jumping around between stories, it still kept me interested and wanting to read more. My head was spinning at possibilities and I can't wait to see what the gang has in store for the future! 
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theresabookreviews · 2 years
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Three Kings (Wild Cards, #28)
Published May 14th 2020 by Harper Voyager Original Title Three Kings
by George R.R. Martin, Peter Newman, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Peadar O. Guillin, Caroline Spector, Mary Anne Mohanraj, John Jos. Miller, Kevin Andrew Murphy, Carrie Vaughn, Marko Kloos, Emma Newman, an amazing mosaic novel of great adventure and captured super-heroic powers. As a mosaic novel with various authors its the characters I will remark on, not only their unique powers but the precedence they bring to the world of wild cards. Roger (green man ) Barnes, is a remarkable new creation by author Peter Newman, is as wonderful in his character arch as his phenomenal power. I bow to the well known Wild card Noel, with so much of his real story detailed in this story. Ever remarkable Anya (Badb) McNulty is the spider of orchestration of the events of the book, not only bringing the desperate constitutes together but allowing heroic sacrifice, and retribution to happen with in the story. Constance (seamstress) Russell by Caroline Spector is the heart of the story, her tender advice, protection and providence. With out Alan (enimga) Turning Mary anne Mohanraj would not have had the history to give depth to the story. I love the pull of three kings, showing the various nature of humans. The selfish, and the diabolical, to the miss construed Chads of the world. George R R Martin knows how to make the well known dream of kings in Arthur (Bobbin) Hugesson and his story of his rise to the throne of England.
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tvsotherworlds · 7 months
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mklopez · 7 months
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luninosity · 4 years
Going through some older paperbacks, found my 1989 copy of Queen’s Gambit Declined by Melinda M. Snodgrass, decided to reread.
It inarguably reads like a slightly older fantasy - there’s that certain Epic Fantasy Style of the 1980s, definitely not contemporary - and I don’t know if I’d say it’s good exactly (entertaining, yes! OH GOD YES) but I would highly suggest you all find a copy, just because:
I had forgotten 1) how absolutely bonkers crazy this book and the entire plot is (like...what even. WHAT EVEN. Have you ever wanted a historical fantasy (or “anti-fantasy,” as the intro calls it) in which a young William of Orange (yes, the historical one) has magical powers and fights Cardinal Mazarin to save the world while flirting with basically everyone? also there’s sex-activated magic? and like...horse shapeshifter magic?? and a Sexy Northern Swordsman? and guest appearances from the King of France, the Duke of Buckingham, and Baruch Spinoza, to name only a few? all set to a backdrop of mysticism drawn straight from Robert Graves’ The White Goddess, which also provides all the chapter opening quotes? have you ever wanted all that? WELL HERE IT IS, PLUS MORE.)
2) how incredibly thirstily bisexual this book is. Like...every. single. main character. is the epitome of Disaster Bi. On pretty much every page. I’ll try to take a couple of pictures of some of the best moments, but just know that this book includes:
-a meet-cute in which Haakon (the previously mentioned Sexy Northern Swordsman) tries to cheat William (the Prince) at cards, William catches him in the act, and then they are so mutually impressed by each other that they save each other from a shipwreck while doing Cute Banter over who owes who more
-ONLY ONE BED AT THE INN. WHEN THEY’VE JUST ESCAPED THE SHIPWRECK. (bonus points for, in the words of the novel: “the prince was not having a restful night.”) (extra bonus points for: the innkeeper doesn’t know who they are, but clearly, CLEARLY assumes the pretty young man and the swordsman are here to hook up.)
-everyone constantly, repeatedly, notices a) how pretty William’s eyes are, and b) how attractive his personal pages/attendants are, especially “sweet Hans”
-”You’re not a prince, you’re a brat.” (paired with, “You are an uncouth northern barbarian!”) (also: “I’ve never taken orders well.”) (and also: “...perhaps it is of benefit to me that I’ve fallen in with a man of your experience.”)
-the whole chair thing! (paraphrasing: ”They didn‘t get you a nice chair befitting your prince’s rank at the fancy banquet table. That’s an insult.” “Don’t worry about it--” “I’m getting you a chair.” *Haakon walks off, comes back with the actual king’s chair* “You deserve this one.”)
-”You interrupted me for THAT?!” “You didn’t have to listen!”
-Father Armand: “so...William...was raised in a very...male household...and His Highness...enjoys a good deal of private time in the company of handsome soldiers...”
-to emphasize the bi, not just gay: William’s totally having sex with Sagitta (the woman who’s his magical tutor), but he’s SUPER-CONFLICTED about it, and so is she, because she’s not supposed to fall for him, and also she has Secret Motivations as far as serving the cause of magic (bonus points: he was a virgin before that) (extra bonus points: the moment when she’s all, “Haakon doesn’t need to be here for this one thing we’re doing, he can’t do magic!” and William straight-up says, “I think this has more to do with jealousy than sound magical advice.”)
-that time all THREE of them share a bed! ...at first just like...super-casually, like, sure, we’re all just going to flop into a cuddle-pile in William’s giant bed and talk strategy...and then Haakon gets up to go, because he’s perfectly aware that William and Sagitta have a weird sex-magic thing going on, and William says, “No, stay, I feel safer with you here,” and Haakon, with no hesitation, dives right back into bed and, to quote, “drew the prince into his arms”
-”I worked hard for this rain. Don’t be ungrateful.”
-the approximately five hundred times William does something reckless and magical and gets hurt and/or captured, and Haakon’s thought process goes something like, “dammit not AGAIN, why am I still taking care of you, OH HELL I CAN’T EVER ABANDON YOU, I SHALL RESCUE YOU AND CARRY YOU TO SAFETY”
-they RESCUE A BABY. William wants to be a father someday.
-William, to Haakon: ”Sagitta’s finding a bedroom for us. Meet us there.”
-at various points they ALL do the “Go, save yourself, leave me!” and “I’m not leaving you!” moment
-”Do you also, perhaps, like me just a little for my own sake?” (William’s answer to this is, “Oh, Haakon, can you doubt it? I love thee well.” to which Haakon says, “Just wanted to hear it.”)
-(I should point out that it doesn’t quite get to a happy polyamory ending because there’s a specific thing that happens to Sagitta that’s...let’s see, trying to avoid spoilers...a kind of punishment for some of her choices...but it’s fairly ambiguous, and William still has magic, so like...there’s totally room to come up with a new head-canon that brings her back to William and Haakon, who ARE both very much alive and together at the end and still doing Cute Banter)
-(some possibly problematic bits: William and Sagitta sleeping together could come across as a bit uncomfortable because she’s the one teaching him, er, magic that includes sex magic and he’s a virgin when they start, but they’re roughly the same age (as far as one can guess her age, since she’s magical, but she’s physically a young woman) and he does totally consent, like, he’s definitely up for it! and he’s twenty years old, so he can consent as far as being of age and all, but just fyi about weird power dynamics; also, some general period-typical Church-related homophobia - like, even someone raising the possibility that William likes handsome soldiers makes some Church Fathers etc shiver - and also that one super-weird moment when it feels a lot like...William deliberately sort of...flirts with his uncle??? to get his uncle to send a letter on their behalf? like, the text literally mentions his fluttering eyelashes over soft eyes and a gaze of admiration, and then his uncle Charles caresses William’s cheek, and says, “Flatterer, you look like your mother, and I loved her, you know,” and then agrees to send the letter? and then the plot moves on, but that’s...yep, that’s a thing that happens in this book.)
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fuckyeahlegionm · 4 years
Legion M is proud to partner with George R. R. Martin and The Stagecoach Foundation in support of their online auction during Wondercon 2021. In doing so we are bringing the exciting world of Wild Cards to life with an RPG experience nearly more than 40 years in the making. Please join us for a special broadcast featuring a new campaign and AMA with the esteemed authors of the Wild Cards series on Twitch!
MARCH 26TH & 27TH ON LEGIONM.TV Full details here: legionm.com/shareholder-updates/wild-cards-wondercon-weekend
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khelinski · 3 years
He was frozen, held in an awful stasis that had nothing to do with pain. That would come later; all he felt now was a great emptiness.
Melinda M. Snodgrass
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myevilmouse · 2 years
I approached your Imitation with admittedly more than a little trepidation. The description said that a clone — Thrawn’s clone — was to be babysat. I skipped the fic several time. What I almost did was bypass the chef-d'oeuvre of you catalogue!
Partially, we have an elaborate what-if had Thrawn not experienced life as he did, but this evaluation would be selling the story far short of the masterpiece that it is. It is also a parallel story of sentience, and the realization that the clone — the “it”, the object owned — is indeed an independent, thinking, breathing individual quite apart from its Prime, Thrawn. Echoes of my all-time favourite episode of Star Trek TNG, The Measure of a Man written by the incomparable Melinda M Snodgrass, are tickling my memory…
We know that Thrawn did indeed have a clone in the EU, and when Mara Jade & Luke encountered that clone (still developing) there was a moral/ethical dilemma regarding his right to live, as independent of Thrawn’s crimes (not visiting the sins of the father, etc) When the same dilemma comes to pass in your fic, we are all delighted in the outcome (I know; I read all 60+ comments) Let’s discuss your point of departure in writing this fic:
We’re you inspired by the initial story of Thrawn’s clone (as mentioned above)?
We learn as much about Thrawn as we do about the clone, which I found pleasantly satisfying. Did you intend to make these revelations from the start?
There is altogether a sensual, bittersweet, and incredibly tender mix in this fic. It is powerful & it leaves an imprint. Do you feel these emotions, yourself, as you are writing?
Please feel free to depart entirely from my queries & discuss the genesis of this story as you will.
I am sure that it is patently obvious that I really liked this fic — as intense & cerebral as it often was (with a bit of kink thrown in to keep us warm) I do appreciate the time and effort it took to write, the pleasure it brought me, and most importantly the time you are giving me as you read this overwrought “Ask”
Thank you for this marvellous ask @beebee-76 that is (as is your wont) full of wonderful questions and generous with beautiful praise! Come follow me below the cut as I get to provide background and detail on this clone-centric story!
I first have to comment on your reveal that the summary of this fic—that the clone was to be babysat—put you off it! I am so glad you read it anyway, and I hope that future readers won’t skip it due to that info. I admit I don’t angst too much about summaries but I clearly didn’t do justice to this fic with that one! 😊 But wow, so happy you've dubbed it my chef-d'oeuvre and I can only wonder if it will remain in that #1 position when you’ve finished exploring my fic mansion 😊 What a glorious compliment. I’m just blushing with this “masterpiece” characterization and absolutely thrilled it inspired such interest and these fabulous comparisons (TNG has so many classic episodes and it’s an honor to be an echo of one!)!
So as to your questions and my “point of departure” when writing Imitation…
I usually start writing with just the idea of one thing I wish to accomplish. More often than not, it’s smut related to a specific pairing (since you read all the comments on this fic, you can see how shocked some of my regular readers were at the ‘no smut’ tag!). In this particular case, it was merely to contribute to the Attack of the Clones collection (hopefully with smut).
I am blessed with two online communities of enablers, one for each of my men, and we all decided to write clone-centric fic for a fun challenge. Thus I intended to write a clone Luke fic and a clone Thrawn fic to satisfy both camps 😊 For years I had been threatening a clone gangbang for Mara, and that one came easy (hahah pun assuredly intended). So my pervy general idea going into this one was to give Pryce a little double team action with Thrawn’s clone joining my evil OTP. You can see it didn’t work out quite like I had hoped hahaha!
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I also try to (with all my stories) snug them into canon/Legends as close as possible, so I definitely wanted to use the actual existence of Thrawn’s clone in the Hand of Thrawn duology here. Naturally, I decided to set the fic on Nirauan, where we knew our blue stud had a clone in Vision of the Future, and I pulled all the details about the actual room and building/planet where the clone was “grown” from Zahn's book. The difference of course was I had to get Pryce there! But the inspiration from that book pretty much was limited to location and the fact of the clone being a thing in the EU, as well as the Chiss being its intended guardians at the tower. It made sense to me, that Thrawn’s ego would want a clone, so easy enough as a setup right?
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You know Mara’s thinking Thrawn must’ve had a nice ass...
You also ask if I intended to make revelations about Thrawn from the start, and the answer is (almost always) to any “did you intend to” “did you plan to” a big loud “NO”.
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I wish I could take credit for being smart enough to strategize how to use Thrawn’s clone to teach us about Thrawn himself, but it was accidental! I am the very definition of a pantser and I never outline or plot, I truly let my hands do the typing and follow and discover the story as it comes from fingers to screen, more often than not entirely bypassing my brain. It’s one of my favorite things about writing and of course one of the most frustrating. I can have a very clear idea about what I’m going to achieve with a fic--here it was “Sexy Threesome with Thrawn Clone” and obviously this fic is Not That. The characters always do whatever they want and I just witness and channel. It’s a kind of magic, really, and I know not all writers work the same way as I do, but if I had to put any actual planning or work into writing, I don’t think it would be the same kind of fun it is for me.
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As for your beautiful question about feeling the emotions of the fic when I write, that answer is most definitely a big loud ‘YES’, but it’s even louder and bigger when I reread. It’s the ultimate test for me to review and read my story after the fact and if I have those butterflies in the stomach, the chest tightness where it’s warranted, the disgust or dismay or whatever the words are trying to convey, then I know it’s working and I’m pleased. In fact, I have a “butterfly” test when writing smut…there has to be at least one (hopefully more) parts where I have a physical reaction (squees are valid! Covering eyes with “omg did I really write that” mortification is also valid!) or I have to go back and work on more details to capture some sort of visceral, deep feeling with words.  I give myself bonus points if the flutter happens even after repeated rereads 🥂
It’s probably another reason I tend to only write fic with happy endings. I don’t want to finish a story and feel disappointed or sad, I want everyone to be sated, pleased, content, or at least have hope. The few fics I have written that have more ambiguous ends sort of haunt me as a result…
I’m so thrilled that you took a chance on a fic you had doubts about and wound up really liking it! As a fanfic writer, it’s the most rewarding thing in the world to not just have people read my stories, but know that they inspire thought after the fact, that you want to know more about it, the characters, the process, any of that is just warm-fuzzy inspiring and wonderful.  I also love knowing that my story didn’t disappoint, despite your misgivings, and I hope that my “Works” page never does!  Thank you for being such a fabulous, engaged reader.  Please have a Thrawn gif in thanks for this opportunity to gush at you this evening!
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wildardsfansite · 1 year
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Lucifer's War (The Carolingian) ; Opens a new tab Paperback – July 25, 2022 by Melinda M. Snodgrass (Author) Publisher ‏ : ‎ Bowker (July 25, 2022) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 492 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1952825105 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1952825101
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nunopds · 7 years
Mulheres Perigosas
Mulheres Perigosas #georgerrmartin #bandasdesenhadas
Atenção: o perigo está à espreita perto destas mulheres! Aprecio imenso compilações de contos. Penso que neste país não se aprecia tanto a narrativa curta quanto nos Estados Unidos. Vejo uma compilação de contos como um menu de degustação, vários autores, alguns conhecidos, outros nem tanto, de áreas diversas da literatura a escreverem sobre um tema, desta feita Mulheres Perigosas. Não se tratam…
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victormilanbooks · 2 years
Book list for Victor Milan
Victor Milan http://www.victormilan.com/
          Blog: http://victormilan.com/blog/2012/08/15/free-stuff-more-dinosaurs-more-lords/
          facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicmilan
WILD CARDS appearances:
Dinosaur Princess By Victor Milan Aug 15, 2017
ISBN-10: 0765332981
ISBN-13: 978-0765332981
N:  ISBN-13:9781429966160
Dinosaur Knights By Victor Milan (July 5, 2016)
ISBN-10: 0765332973
ISBN-13: 978-0765332974
The Dinosaur Lords (7/28/2015) by Victor Milan
ISBN-10: 0765332965
ISBN-13: 978-0765332967
k: ASIN: B00S52BU5Y
n: ISBN-13: 9780765332967
The Dinosaur Lords: A Novel Paperback – May 31, 2016
by Victor Milán
Publisher: Tor Fantasy (May 31, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0765382113
ISBN-13: 978-0765382115
The Jurassic Chronicles (The Future Chronicles)January 27th 2017
by Samuel Peralta, Victor Milán, Seanan McGuire, Piers Beckley ,Ed Gosney , Emily Mah , M.J. Kelley , Laxmi Hariharan, Stant Litore , Philip Harris 
The Change: Tales of Downfall and Rebirth   S. M. Stirling, Victor Milan, Walter Jon Williams 6/2/2015
n: ISBN-13: 9780698141698
ISBN-10: 0451467566
ISBN-13: 978-0451467560
Adah Worlds Delight by Victor Milán August 1st 1982
ISBN-10: 0441003354 
ISBN-13: 978-0441003358
Battletech 15: Close Quarters (Bk. 15) by Victor Milan September 1st 1994
ISBN-10: 0451453786
 ISBN-13: 978-0451453785
Battletech 26: Hearts of Chaos (Vol 26) by Victor Milan June 1st 1996 
 ISBN-10: 0451455231 
ISBN-13: 978-0451455239
Battletech 29: Black Dragon by Victor Milan November 1st 1996
  ISBN-10: 0451455282
 ISBN-13: 978-045145528
First Strike: BattleCorps Compilation Vol. 2 by Victor Milán, Phaedra Weldon, Loren L. Coleman and Dan C. Duval
Cld: Collective Landing Detachment by Victor Milan September 28th 1995
 ISBN-10: 0380777347
 ISBN-13: 978-0380777341
Cybernetic Samurai by Victor Milán December 1st 1986
ISBN-10: 0441132340
 ISBN-13: 978-0441132348
The Cybernetic Shogun by Victor Milán March 1st 1990
ISBN-10: 1557100039 
ISBN-13: 978-1557100030
Dark age
Flight of the Falcon (Mechwarrior: Dark Age #10:A BattleTech Novel) by Victor Milán June 1st 2004 
ISBN-10: 0451459830 
ISBN-13: 978-0451459831
A Rending of Falcons (Mechwarrior: Dark Age #26) by Victor Milan  June 5th 2007
ISBN-10: 0451461592 
ISBN-13: 978-0451461599
Forgotten Realms
Sword Play (Forgotten Realms: Arcane Age series, Book 1) Victor Milan
       ISBN-10: 0786904925
 ISBN-13: 978-0786904921
War in Tethyr (Forgotten Realms: The Nobles #2) by Victor Milan  October 24th 1995
  ISBN-10: 0786901845
 ISBN-13: 978-0786901845
Red Sands by Victor Milan January 1st 1993
ISBN-10: 0446358401 
ISBN-13: 978-0446358408
Runespear (Firecrest Books) by Victor Milan and Melinda Snodgrass April 1st 1987
ISBN-10: 0862206812 
ISBN-13: 978-0862206819
Star Trek
Aus Okeanos' Tiefen. Star Trek. by Victor Milan February 25th 2014
ISBN-10: 3453126521 
ISBN-13: 978-3453126527
From the Depths (Star Trek, Book 66) by Victor Milán August 1st 1993
    ISBN-10: 0671869116
 ISBN-13: 978-0671869113
Tales of Misery and Imagination by Scott S. Phillips and Victor Milan
   ISBN-10: 0976943441 
ISBN-13: 978-0976943440
The war of powers 
The Sundered Realm (The War of Powers: Book One) by Robert E. Vardeman and Victor Milan August 1st 1980
ISBN-10: 0872167321 
ISBN-13: 978-0872167322
City in the Glacier (War of Powers, Book 2) by Robert E. Vardeman and Victor Milan October 1st 1985
  ISBN-10: 0867211644 
ISBN-13: 978-0867211641
The Destiny Stone - The War of Powers: Book Three by Robert E. and Milan, Victor Vardeman December 1st 1985 
 ISBN 0441143083 
ISBN13: 9780441143085
The Fallen Ones - The War of Powers: Book Four by Robert E. and Milan, Victor Vardeman January 28th 1986
ISBN 0872169863 
ISBN13: 9780872169869
In the Shadow of Omizantrim (the war of powers book 5) by Robert E. Vardeman and Victor Milan March 1986
ISBN-10: 0872169995
ISBN-13: 978-0872169999
 The Demon of the Dark Ones ( the war of powers book six) by Robert e Vardeman, and Victor Milan
 ISBN-10: 087221012X
 ISBN-13: 978-0872210127
The War of Powers by Robert E. Vardeman and Victor Milan March 1st 1984
ISBN-10: 0450056619 
ISBN-13: 978-0450056611
War of Powers, Part 2: Istu Awakened (The War of Powers) by Robert Vardeman, Robert E. Vardeman and Victor Milan February 4th 1993
 ISBN-10: 0450057887
 ISBN-13: 978-0450057885
The War Party by Victor Milan and Victor Milan December 1st 1984
ISBN-10: 0440197163 
ISBN-13: 978-0440197164
as Keith Jarrod
The Night Riders
    ISBN-10: 0440163684 
ISBN-13: 978-0440163688
 as annonymous
 Western  ????? 
As Jake Logan:
Slocum's Drive
 ISBN-10: 0425059987
 ISBN-13: 978-0425059982
 As J. D. Hardin:
Saskatchewan Rising June 1st 1983
   ISBN-10: 0425061515
 ISBN-13: 978-0425061510  
The Firebrands October 1st 1983
 ISBN-10: 0425063801
 ISBN-13: 978-0425063804
The Wyoming Special October 15th 1984
ISBN-10: 0425080137
 ISBN-13: 978-0425080139
As Richard Austin:
The Guardians series                                                    
The Guardians February 1st 1985
 ISBN-10: 0515079804 
ISBN-13: 978-0515079807
Trial By Fire May 1st 1985
 ISBN-10: 0515081841
 ISBN-13: 978-0515081848 
Thunder of Hell August 1st 1985
ISBN-10: 0515083275
 ISBN-13: 978-0515083279
 Night of the Phoenix November 1st 1985
 ISBN-10: 0515090352
 ISBN-13: 978-0515090352
Armageddon Run August 15th 1986
    ISBN-10: 0515090360
 ISBN-13: 978-0515090369
War Zone August 1st 1986
ISBN-10: 0515087238
 ISBN-13: 978-0515087239
Brute Force January 1st 1987
ISBN-10: 0515088366 
ISBN-13: 978-0515088366
Desolation Road June 1st 1987
ISBN-10: 0515090042 
ISBN-13: 978-0515090048
Vengeance Day
ISBN-10: 0515093211
 ISBN-13: 978-0515093216
Freedom Fight  March 1st 1988
ISBN-10: 0515094846
 ISBN-13: 978-0515094848
Valley of the Gods  August 1st 1988
   ISBN-10: 0515096423
 ISBN-13: 978-0515096422
 Plague Years December 1st 1988
ISBN-10: 0515098418
 ISBN-13: 978-0515098419
 Devil's Deal December 1st 1989
ISBN-10: 0515101923
 ISBN-13: 978-0515101928
 Death from above March 1st 1990
 ISBN-10: 0515102679
 ISBN-13: 978-0515102673
 Snake Eyes December 1st 1990
ISBN-10: 0515104078 
ISBN-13: 978-0515104073
Death Charge August 1st 1991
ISBN-10: 0515104094 
ISBN-13: 978-0515104097 
As S. L. Hunter:
Steele VII:   Fugitive Steele   May 1st 1991
ISBN-10: 0425127672
 ISBN-13: 978-0425127674                               
Steele VIII:  Molten Steele October 1st 1991
ISBN-10: 0425129659
 ISBN-13: 978-0425129654
As Wesley Ellis:
Lone Star & the Temperance Army September 15th 1984
ISBN-10: 0515082570
 ISBN-13: 978-0515082579
-As Robert Baron:
The StormRider Trilogy                                                   
Stormrider  June 1st 1992
   ISBN-10: 0515108286
 ISBN-13: 978-0515108286
Stormrider II:  River Of Fire March 1st 1993
   ISBN-10: 0515109762
 ISBN-13: 978-0515109764
Stormrider III:  Lord Of The Plains  May 1993
   ISBN-10: 0515111015
 ISBN-13: 978-0515111019
As James Axler:
Deathlands series                                                            
SHAKING EARTH December 1st 2004
  ISBN-10: 0373625782
 ISBN-13: 978-0373625789
VENGEANCE TRAIL September 21st 2005
   ISBN-10: 0373625804
 ISBN-13: 978-037362580
 PLAYFAIR'S AXIOM March 1st 2011
ISBN-10: 037362607X
 ISBN-13: 978-0373626076 
HAVEN'S BLIGHT January 3rd 2012
ISBN-10: 0373626126
 ISBN-13: 978-0373626120
k: ASIN: B00684C91K
WRETCHED EARTH July 3rd 2012
ISBN-10: 0373626150
 ISBN-13: 978-0373626151 
CRIMSON WATERS September 4th 2012
ISBN-10: 0373626169 
ISBN-13: 978-0373626168 
No Man's Land ( Oct 25 2012)
ISBN-10: 0373626177
ISBN-13: 978-0373626175
k: ASIN: B008X4BJ5U
Nemesis (Jan 1 3013)
ISBN-10: 0373626185
 ISBN-13: 978-0373626182
Storm breakers (July 2013)
ISBN-10: 0373626215
 ISBN-13: 978-0373626212
 k: ASIN: B00BK0XLO6
Motherlode (nov 5 2013)
ISBN-10: 0373626231 
ISBN-13: 978-0373626236 
Desolation Angels (Deathlands)  July 1, 2014 by James Axler 
ISBN-10: 0373626274
ISBN-13: 978-0373626274
k: ASIN: B00I66GBZ8
Outlanders series  
 as James Axler                                                           
AWAKENING November 1st 2003
ISBN-10: 037363840X
 ISBN-13: 978-0373638406
SUN LORD May 1st 2004 
ISBN-10: 0373638426 
ISBN-13: 978-0373638420
 ULURU DESTINY November 1st 2004
ISBN-10: 0373638442 
ISBN-13: 978-0373638444
SUCCESSORS August 9th 2005
ISBN-10: 0373638477
 ISBN-13: 978-0373638475
REFUGE  February 14th 2006
ISBN-10: 1599501325
 ISBN-13: 978-1599501321
  ISBN-10: 1599501929
 ISBN-13: 978-1599501925
   ISBN-10: 1599503220
 ISBN-13: 978-1599503226
As Alex Archer:
Rogue Angel series                                                         
SOLOMON’S JAR (Rogue Angel #2)September 12th 2006
 ISBN-10: 0373621205
 ISBN-13: 978-0373621200     
THE CHOSEN (Rogue Angel #4)January 9th 2007
ISBN-10: 0373621221 
ISBN-13: 978-0373621224                                                            
THE LOST SCROLLS  (Rogue Angel #6)May 8th 2007
ISBN-10: 0373621248
 ISBN-13: 978-0373621248                                                    
SECRET OF THE SLAVES (Rogue Angel #8) September 11th 2007
ISBN-10: 0373621264 
ISBN-13: 978-0373621262   
PROVENANCE(Rogue Angel #11)  March 4th 2008
    ISBN-10: 0373621299
 ISBN-13: 978-0373621293 
  THE GOLDEN ELEPHANT(Rogue Angel #19) September 2nd 2008
 ISBN-10: 0373621329 
ISBN-13: 978-0373621323
Seeker's Curse (Rogue Angel #19)July 7th 2009
ISBN 037362137X 
ISBN13: 9780373621378
Paradox (Rogue Angel #21) November 10th 2009
ISBN 0373621396 
ISBN13: 9780373621392
Tribal Ways (Rogue Angel #25) July 6th 2010
ISBN 0373621442 
ISBN13: 9780373621446
Kindel books
First Strike: BattleCorps Compilation Vol. 2 by Victor Milán, Phaedra Weldon, Loren L. Coleman and Dan C. Duval (Kindle Edition - Dec 15, 2010) - Kindle eBook December 15th 2010
Mechwarrior: Dark Age #26: A Rending of Falcons (A Battletech Novel) by Victor Milan (Kindle Edition - Jun 5, 2007) - Kindle eBook
Mechwarior: Dark Age #10: Flight of the Falcon (A BattleTech Novel) (Mechwarrior) by Victor Milan (Kindle Edition - Jun 1, 2004) - Kindle eBook 
 Tales of Misery and Imagination by Scott S. Phillips and Victor Milan (Kindle Edition - May 21, 2009) - Kindle eBook
ASIN: B0043M4NC2 
War in Tethyr: Forgotten Realms by Victor Milan (Kindle Edition - Oct 23, 2012) - Kindle eBook
From the Depths (Star Trek (Numbered Paperback)) by Victor Milan (Kindle Edition - Sep 22, 2000) - Kindle eBook 
Nook books 
A Rending of Falcons: A Battletech Novel (Mechwarrior: Dark Age Series #26) [NOOK Book]
ISBN-13: 9781440633379
Mechwarior: Dark Age #10: Flight of the Falcon(A BattleTech Novel) [NOOK Book]
ISBN-13: 9781101219676
Star Trek #66: From the Depths [NOOK Book]
ISBN-13: 9780743420174
War in Tethyr: Forgotten Realms [NOOK Book]
ISBN-13: 9780786964130
Tales of Misery and Imagination [NOOK Book]
BN ID: 2940011889264
PENname listings for nook
Solomon's Jar (Rogue Angel Series #2) [NOOK Book] byAlex Archer
ISBN-13: 9781552546055
The Chosen (Rogue Angel Series #4) [NOOK Book] byAlex Archer 
ISBN-13: 9781552548271
The Golden Elephant (Rogue Angel Series #14)(1/1/2008)byAlex Archer
ISBN-13: 9781426822162
 Provenance (Rogue Angel Series #11)(3/11/2008)byAlex Archer
ISBN-13: 9781426814259
Secrets of the Slaves (Rogue Angel Series #8)(9/1/2009)byAlex Archer
ISBN-13: 9781426805905
for the curious at heart 
Serge Broom  reminded us fans that "Victor Milan is a character in someone's story? Well, we already knew that he is a character."
 Victor admited it 
" HORNY BIKER SLUTS. By Scott Phillips and John T Howard. Art by the late, great Randy "Skids" Clark. Published, if memory serves, by Last Gasp Eco Comix."
 here are the titles and the stories he was in...
Horny Biker Slut Comics #1 - ISBN 0-86719-225-9 (story title: Bros & Shmoes)
Horny Biker Slut Comics #2 - ISBN 0-86719-237-2 (story title: Bury Me A Weasel)
Horny Biker Slut Comics #3 - no ISBN on this one, but you can see the cover here:http://www.comics.org/issue/276100/cover/4/ (story title: Shmoes Get Stiff)
thank you Mary Brantley for giving us the titles and isbns
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jaysterg5 · 4 years
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Wild Cards 1
Edited by George R. R. Martin, with the assistance of Melinda M. Snodgrass
Authors - George R. R. Martin, Howard Waldrop, Roger Zelazny, Walter Jon Williams, Melinda M. Snodgrass, Michael Cassut, David D. Levine, Lewis Shiner, Victor Milan, Edward Bryant & Leanne C. Harper, Stephen Leigh, Carrie Vaughn, and John J. Miller
Cover - Michael Komarck
Shortly after World War II, an alien virus is released over New York City.  The virus immediately kills 90% of those infected, and the remaining people develop strange mutations, some that resemble superpowers, and others that are disfiguring and possibly dangerous. This begins an alternate history which these "Wild Cards" affect the world as we know it - for better or worse.
This book is a collection of interrelated short stories that build on each other and create an alternate history.  Its referred to as a "mosaic novel" because each story and each author fit another piece into the world to build an overall picture of the universe.  It's actually a really cool concept.  Some characters appear in several stories as time goes by in the book.  Many references are made to earlier material and it really feels like individual pieces of a greater story - very much like a Marvel Comics series might contribute to the overall Marvel Universe.  Clever idea!
If you're looking for something totally complete in this volume, this book may not be for you - this is the beginning of a universe.  Many of these characters will appear again and again and their stories will build across multiple volumes of this series and they will develop further.  Also, many of the stories in this volume have a background that's very political in nature (McCarthyism, New York politics, drug culture, and more).  If you don't want to explore how those events might have influenced or been influenced by the actions of these characters, maybe this book isn't for you.
With all of that said, there are several fascinating characters in this book and I look forward to seeing where they go and meeting more of them in subsequent books.  Roger Zelazny's character "the Sleeper" is a man who wakes up with a new appearance and set of powers after each time he sleeps.  His story is focused on dealing with these powers and helping his family survive the challenges in the wake of Wild Card Day. He also appears a few more times in the book in small roles, but I was always happy to see what he was up to.  Fortunato (Lewis Shiner)is really a New York pimp who discovers "Sorcerer Supreme" type powers through Tantric sex.  Believe it or not, he's actually a sympathetic character and I'm curious to see where his story goes.  Other characters are the Puppetman (written by Stephen Leigh) who can push people to commit actions that are their dark desires; Sewer Jack (Victor Milan) who can shapechange into an alligator in the New York sewers; and the Great and Powerful Turtle (Martin, himself) who is a powerful telekinetic who conceals himself inside a "shell" of steel hovering over the city.
I recently read the Expanded Edition of this book that includes three new stories added in 2010.  I hadn't read any of these authors (David D. Levine, Micheal Cassutt, and Carrie Vaughn) previously and I enjoyed the new additions for the most part.  Cassut's story felt a little flat to me and dealt with Hollywood in the 1950s (think of the movie <I>Hollywoodland</I>).  Vaughn's story was fun with a lot of the feel of the movie <I>Adventures in Babysitting</I> as a young girl takes a one-night journey through the seedier parts of New York and finally puts her powers to use.  Not sure if any of these characters will appear again since they were late additions, but it might be fun to see Ghost Girl again at least.
I feel this book, if not the series as a whole, is one of the most successful at using this interlaced format to tell stories.  It truly is a shared universe with each author adding to the mythos, and able to "borrow" other characters occasionally to keep things unified. It provides for a lot of variety in storytelling from very dark and violent stories to those that are lighter and have a humorous tone. I can see where some readers might feel this is inconsistent, but I feel it gives variety and a relief from the darker tales. There are also a lot of homages to comic books, classic and more modern in this collection as well that will delight some readers with a "wink wink nod nod" sensability.
In addition to the stories themselves, there are several "interludes" included that mirror articles in popular publications like <I>Rolling Stone</I> magazine or the <I>New York Times</I>.  There's even an appendix excerpting scientific journals discussing the nature of the Wild Card virus itself.  These serve to cement the stories in history and give a framework to the changes in the world.  Some are more successful than others, but it was a fun concept that I felt added to the feel of the book.
I felt this was a wonderful start to the universe and can be enjoyed by fans of comics or even straight science fiction.
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