#melusine housamo
mirio-k · 8 months
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Housamotober 2023
Day 6 - Tycoons - Melusine
Day 7 - Wisemen - Duo
Day 8 - Outlaws - Suzuka
Day 9 - Agents - Sandayu
Day 10 - Genociders - Arc!
Finally caught up to day 10!!!🎊
Next up for tomorrow is day 11 - 13
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housamosimp · 1 year
"Butlers and masters"
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According to a gun expert (my bro), Melusine has these weapons in her arsenal.
* MG-42. German ww2 machine gun in 7.92mm
* Two guns up top look like the 106mm guns from the Ontonagon m50
* Silhouette just under is an M16 type rifle
* Then you got the 155mm M7 howitzer
* The MG-42 under that
* The second silhouette is an AKM
* And then the bottom rocket launcher is an M202 Flash
* More 106mm recoiled rifles
* Both silhouettes are M4 Carbines
* Another MG42
* Multi barrel gun is (depending on size of rounds fired) the 7.62mm M134 rotating machine gun or the 20mm M61 Vulcan rotating autocannon
* And final rocket launcher is the AT-4 Anti Tank Rocket Launcher.
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luxthestrange · 1 month
HOUSAMO Incorrect quotes#6 Lovers & Fighters-
Snow: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty & Admiration is by saving them from a perilous situation
Melusine: So you're just gonna wait until the MC is in danger and save them?
Snow: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them~
Melusine: ...
Melusine*Looking at him unimpressed* You're insane Codependent Buffoon
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...When they are both tall, sophisticated simps...who love short lil weirdos-
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kairunatic · 28 days
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Despite being stuck in a Game that is heavily dominated by male characters. I am still amazed by how well they are portrayed either by Character or design so Kudos to these Queens!
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summocrap · 2 months
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ladyanet · 11 days
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Fanart of the Christmas event with Melusine
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red-steampunk · 4 months
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bisexual-wanderer · 1 year
Fuck it, let's go all out. Housamo Girlboss Appreciation Post
MC 2
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Hekate (I know I already did her, but she already doesn't get much recognition anyway, so)
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If I forgot someone, feel free to add them in a reblog
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marreddream · 1 year
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Melusine takes a break to vent in the middle of Valentine Jail Based on Magia Report S2E253
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superchaipa · 11 months
I was looking at Masanori's skill (don't ask me why, I don't know) andsomething struck me as different:
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His first skill "Soul Invader" does 1.5x extra damage to enemies with the skill Ruler or Ruler of Munition.
And I'm like, "hmm, never heard of that Ruler of Munition skill before". So I click on the skill to see who has it and
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Except for the fact that this is a lie!
There is a character with that skill!
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Masanori has a skill specifically to kill Mélusine.
And now that I think about it why does Masanori has a skill to do extra damage to Rulers?
Weirdo dog I tell you.
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mirio-k · 9 months
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Melusine chibi !💙
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emichii-the-mc · 2 years
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Once upon a time she was a highly renowned queen, now, Melusine serves as the loyal maid of the Tycoon's Guild Master, something she chose for herself, sworn to ever be by his side.
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varikvamp · 1 year
Oh boy Here we go! Housamo TaS short story. Licht x slightly oblivious MC~ before I start though, I'd like to say that I've only been playing for about 3 weeks now, and am only now taking some time to go through some of the things I've Unlocked and extra stuff, taking a short break from the Main Story. So if I have some information wrong or something I apologize before hand. That being said~ let's go!
It was something you couldn't get out of your head, the art on the walls that you saw on the day of the Roppongi fight. To be honest you enjoyed art class at school, but never really had the time to delve into this interest. Until now that is. But first you wanted to see if the art gallery still had your good friend Lichts paintings still up or if there were new ones. You'd go every so often without him knowing to look at them. The two of you had been keeping in contact every so often, even meeting to talk and just hang out when the guys were busy and there was no guild business to do. And now that there was some free time, coupled with the new calm that had followed, you were sure to take advantage when you could. After all who knew when something could happen again.
Since you had been there before a few Times you found your way easily. Walking in you were greeted by front man. He smiled and walked over saying new exhibits had been put up recently. With a smile you thank him and walk around, easily spotting the new designs scattered here and there. But it all just marked your path to where you were really going. To your surprise there was a new Painting up beside your friends paintings. The style was instantly recognizable. Walking over you eyed it curiously, a smile coming to your face as you looked it over. You wondered what his inspiration was, there was something familiar about it. With a fond grin you stood, admiring the new work Licht had made.
Now Licht did have important things to take care of, but he was also second guessing his choice to put that piece on display. He did have an attraction to you, that much he was certain. He didn't know why he was so worried, it wasn't like you would ever actually see it, right? But there was still the nagging worry, there was the chance you would and he didn't know if he could accept that risk. With his hand on his temple he grumbled and decided to go take it down. Wither it was because of the chance you might see it or his sheer embarrassment he couldn't tell.
He told Melusine he needed some air and was going for a walk, which wasn't a lie per say. On his way he thought back on many things. He never would have expected things to be this way. Even since he met you things never seemed to go the way he planned. No matter what it was. But it wasn't bad, he actually enjoyed it. Walking in the gallery he told the curator he would like to take down his new exhibit.
"How unfortunate, someone just came in a few minutes ago and has been admiring it for a bit now."
It took his mind a few minutes to process the information. Licht was suddenly worried, because it just couldn't be? Could it? He could feel his chest tighten at the idea. Without a word he walked only a short distance before he froze. There you were. Admiring the piece he was there to take down. The one that he used you as a reference for, used you for a muse in it... his mind stopped working as he saw the expression you were making. Fond, smiling, eyeing every line and detail.
"They come in every so often, and they always end up back here." The curator said and the words only made Licht blush. But then you turned and your eyes caught sight of him. You looked like a deer in headlights when your eyes met. But then you gave that cheerful grin and rubbed the back of your head. "You caught me!" You said and walked over. By now the curator had excused himself.
"I came here to take that down..." Licht admitted eyeing you as you stood in front of him. Upon hearing those words you frown and pout a bit, making his heart skip a beat. "But it's my favorite one. I like it, I can tell you put your entire heart into it. Anything that has that much emotion and effort in it deserves to be admired." You beamed happily, stating your opinion just like you always did. He could tell it was genuine, by now Licht had learned that you were a lot of things, but a lier and fake was not one. And the words, said with such conviction, nearly Had him toppled over with embarrassment. He was frozen, his mind trying to just comprehend that it happened again.
You brought all his plans to a hault and changed his course of action. But something was bugging him.. although before he could ask, you posed your own question. It was said innocently, with genuine curiosity. "Who was your muse, or did you use a model?" You asked and with that Licht almost fell over, the embarrassment leaving him.
"You dont-" He saw the look you had, your obliviousness to the fact that it was you. Anyone could tell, Shiro, Ryota, Even Kengo would be able to. And yet... with a small laugh he covered his eyes and shook his head. Your head tilted curiously as he looked back at you.
"I can't tell you all my secrets."
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hoesamo · 2 years
Every day I am thankful Housamo’s interpretation of Melusine wasn’t this
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kairunatic · 2 years
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One of my fave Rival dynamic in this game is Snow and Melusine. I love how they used refined words to insult one another, it's like watching a old British Sit com lmao
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While Kuniyoshi and Benten are the Modern version of it
What about you guys which of the two is your favorite rival dynamic?
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