#meme tag: I’ve always wanted to learn tap dancing
rbboulderdozer · 2 years
Tagged by: @copterbotblades
Last song: Alone - Coraline soundtrack
Last book: Shanghai Girls - Lisa See
Last show: Gravity Falls
Currently watching: Samurai Jack
Currently reading: Blue Latitudes - Tony Horwitz
Current obsession: Transformers (of course)
Pretty sure everyone else has done this, but if you haven’t and want to… Tag, you’re it!
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random-mha-thoughts · 5 years
Day After (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x Reader
Genre: Crack/fluff
Summary: Office parties are mostly a bad idea.  You never know if you might say something to someone who really matters to you.
Warnings: A little more cursing than usual
Word count: 2,031
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
For @lovingshoto​‘s 200 follower special!
a/n: This took longer than I thought it would, only because I always fall asleep when I start writing I’m a tired college student
There’s a male Ashido character here based on designer_eyebags on Tik Tok because it’s fabulous and absolute needed for a crack fic like this.  Some other characters may/may not be OOC, depending on your own imagination of things.
I’m off from uni this week and next week because someone probably has Covid-19 at my school and I was gonna be on spring break next week anyway, so after I catch up with all my assignments and stuff, I’ll hopefully be writing more!
Enjoy and follow @lovingshoto​ please and thank you!
Also, spot the TikTok meme
My forehead presses against the cool desk, my stomach rumbling uncomfortably and my temples pounding to the beat of an EDM track.
"You look completely hammered, what the hell happened last night?"
I don't bother lifting my head at Jirou's voice.  "Many mistakes were made," I groan.  "I feel like death."
"It was smart of YaoMomo and I to skip then."  The light ruffle of papers trickles next to my ear.   "You still need to get these reports done by the end of the day.  Sorry, buddy."
God. Damnit.  I lift my heavy head up, regretting all of my life choices until this moment.  The office party last night is a giant blob of flashing lights, alcohol, and questionable decisions.  I never even knew that half the people here would get as smashed or turnt as they did last night.
Me included.
I don't know who was in charge of alcohol, but whatever was in those cups was colored and made all of us act just a little crazier than our mundane lives usually allow.  When Mirio said company parties are crazy, I now see he really meant it.  This morning when I woke up, my throat was drier than the desert in summer and my head felt like someone let a jackhammer loose inside.  I don't even remember how the hell I managed to get home.
Slowly, painfully, I trudge through my work.  Even on three tablets of ibuprofen, my headache barely gets better, and staring at a screen all day doesn't help.  I don't even have time to take my break because I barely made a dent in my work.  Not that I would want to.  This morning, I couldn't keep my breakfast down, so I'm scared to eat.
Around lunchtime, a thermos bowl is placed gently on the space next to my computer.  My eyes meet with my stone-faced coworker settling into the chair, sitting up proper as he is with his hands laced in his lap.
"Oh no."  My heart drops into my stomach as I whine out.  "Did I say something yesterday?  I remember most of what happened last night, but other things are a blur.  Please don't be mad at me."
"If I were mad, I wouldn't be here right now."  He pushes the dish over along with utensils wrapped in a napkin.  "Eat.  It's hangover soup, it should help your stomach."
Reluctantly, I open the dish, the savory-bitter smell wafting out as soon as I lift the lid, immediately causing my stomach to growl.  I'm still wary about his serious expression as I eat.  Todoroki is normally an emotionless person, but he has a different energy today.  I'm waiting for the shoe to drop.
As soon as I'm halfway through the bowl, Todoroki calmly asks, "Did you forget your brain last night?"
I groan.  There it is.  "I thought you weren't angry?"
"I'm not angry, I genuinely want to know what state of empty mind were you in to do all the things you did last night?"  Though his face is devoid of emotion, he's obviously being condescending.
I put the spoon down in the bowl.  "In my defense, I don't know what alcohol that was, it made me crazier than usual."
"Why did you drink at all?  You know people do weird things when they're drunk."
"Because that's what people do at company parties, Todoroki."  I lean my arm on the desk and rub my temples.  "I don't know who was in charge of the alcohol last night-"
"Did you summon me?"  A short pink head of hair with small horns peeking out appears behind the wall of my desk.  "I was the one in charge of drinks last night," he rounds the separator and sits gracefully on the desk, legs crossed, happily drinking pink tea from his clear glass mug.  "Did you enjoy my alcohol selection?"
My eye twitches.  This is the person I need to strangle and throw into a ditch.  But I can't, he's too fabulous and he's one of the best people we have actually.  "Because of you, I went a little too crazy last night," I grit out through my teeth.
"Oh, sweetie," he places a hand on my shoulder endearingly, "Alcohol only brings out the secret inner person you actually want to be."
"Yeah, and that's someone who needs to learn to take their alcohol like me," Bakugou walks past casually, drinking his (probably) third cup of coffee since morning.
"Oh please Bakugou, we all know you and Kirishima left early to fuck, you couldn't keep your hands off each other after one drink," Ashido stirs his tea just as casually.
Bakugou freezes up as the blushing pink man sips his tea like's he's talking about the weather.
"Oops, was that a secret?" the sassy pink man feints shame.
Bakugou, completely red at the ears, just stalks off grumbling to himself in embarrassment.
Ashido sighs, a smile playing on his lips.  "Not everyone can handle Grand Marnier, you know.  Aoyama actually put me onto it.  It's not for the faint of heart, but it definitely makes things more interesting.  Did you see Tokoyami?  Even-  Oh!  Here's the king of darkness himself!"
The man with raven-black hair that's usually spiked back has lazily gathered some of the hairs to pull it away from it face.  He probably felt so terrible this morning that he didn't bother gelling it up like he usually does.  Actually, Tokoyami looks just as hellish as I feel.  His sharp, bird-like eyes are dulled by dark circles as he trudges down the aisle.
Ashido throws an arm around his shoulders as he walks by, startling him enough to pull the earbuds out of his ears that are blasting hard rock.  "This guy right here was having the time of his life last night!  Just one drink and he loosened up, hands around everyone's shoulder telling them how much he appreciates them and mushy shit like that."
Tokoyami's pale face slowly reddens and his eyes widen, suddenly awake but having no energy to fight anything Ashido says.
"He even fit a lap shade on his head and started dancing around, I even have pictures to prove it!" Ashido continues gushing, pulling out his phone excitedly.
"Please don't bring it up," Tokoyami grits out, trying to be menacing, but his tomato-red faces contrasting his all black work outfit doesn't help his case.
"Don't be a spoiled-sport, it's so cute seeing you not dark and dreary for once!" the bright pink man gushes.
"I'm leaving."
Oh shit, if Tokoyami did that after one drink, I don't even wanna know what else I could've done.  I've already come to terms with my mistakes, but if there's more, I don't know what I would do.
Ashido sighs and puts his phone away.  "I guess he never wants to see himself happy.  Oh well, at least I have more blackmail material."  He winks at us and rises will a flourish, making his grand exit.  "I'll see you two around!"
There are some days when I really think Ashido might know more things than we think he does.  And that's a scary thought, because he could very easily have some dirt on everyone, including the boss and the more senior workers.
Todoroki taps his thumbs together in his clasped hands.  "That was...interesting.  But speaking of blackmail, I would also like to show you a picture that really upset me from last night”  He pulls out his phone and starts scrolling.
I cringe.  There's only one massively stupid thing I did that would upset Todoroki enough to really reprimand me Mom-style.  So I blurt out my rationale in hopes of him being less harsh on me.  “Okay, but in my defense, Kaminari bet me three dollars that I couldn't drink all that shampoo.  What was I supposed to do, say no?"
“No that’s not-"  His heterochromatic hair bounces as his head snaps up at me.  "You drank shampoo!? How did- When did you do that, I was supposed to be watching you the entire night!”
Shit, that wasn't it.  "Well, obviously you didn’t do a good job since I drank a whole cup of shampoo and you didn’t stop me," I try to brush it off defensively.
Todoroki's mortified face is as pale as the right side of his hair, covering his mouth with his clenched fist.  "How are you standing right now?"  He looks like he's about to have a heart attack.
"Considering how I threw up as soon as I got home - which I'll be honest, I don't even know how that happened - and I couldn't even eat this morning, I'd say my body did a pretty good job of rejecting it."
My office mate has no idea how he's supposed to react to any of that.  His phone is frozen in his hand as he glares at me like I have three heads.  "Well.  What I was going to show you doesn't compare to that."  He puts his phone away and tries to regain his composure.
I mentally sigh in relief.  At least drinking shampoo was the stupidest thing I did all night.
"If you really would like to know," his face softens, "I was the one who took you home last night, since you were thoroughly intoxicated."
"Oh."  Now I feel guilty.  Not only was I probably being a troublesome brat for him to take care of, I didn't even remember his kindness.  And he even made me soup for my troubles.  "I'm so sorry, and you did all this for me, thank you, Todoroki."
"It's fine.  It's due to the alcohol that you can't recall, I understand.  Though," Todoroki's cheeks flush slightly, "There is something I'm confused about."
Oh fuck, I did the thing didn't I?
"At first, I thought it was also an effect of the alcohol, considering you licked Asui's face while you were dancing with her, and you were generally more touchy with everyone the whole night."  He has trouble looking me in the eyes now.  "But, you were saying things to me that I don't think you would tell anyone else."
My entire mind goes into overdrive, scrambling to piece together the narrative lost in my memory.  There's one major concern I have.  "Was I vulgar?"
"No, it was nothing like that," he shakes his head, allowing me to relax.  "But, it was...charming, I'd say."
I bury my face in my hands.  "Just tell me what I said already."  I'm ready to regret everything.
"You...said you wanted me to stay with you, because you wanted me to be the first thing you see in the morning."  He has trouble getting the words out, but his voice was still delicate and endearing.  "You said seeing me every day at work is something you look forward to.  You told me how handsome I look, especially on the few occasions when I wear glasses."  His blush intensifies as I slowly feel closer and closer to dying.  "There were many other compliments.  And then...you...kissed me."
"Or, at least you tried.  If that was something you really wanted, I couldn't let you do it while you were intoxicated and couldn't remember it later."
An ashamed apology bubbles in my throat, but my extreme embarrassment doesn't let it come out.  How pathetic I am admitting my feelings to the person I like while I was guzzled with alcohol and shampoo.
"Not to say I didn't want to kiss you."
I snap my head up, fully taking in his tomato-red appearance as he averts he bores affectionate eyes into mine.  Oh.
"I don't know if you're up for it, but would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" Todoroki officially requests.
My heart melts at his innocent confession and relief.  "S-Sure," I squeak.
Todoroki gives me a small smile and pats my head.  "Finish that soup and hurry to finish your work for the day," he chides before getting up and heading back to his own desk.
My chest remains clenched and my cheeks hurt from smiling continuously.  The only thing I regret now is not seeing buttoned-up, proper Todoroki drunk.
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Pew Pew-- Joe Mazzello x Reader
Prompt; “Take me laser tagging then push me in a corner and kiss me. Then shoot me and walk away.”
Warnings; none!
Word Count; 1.3k
Read it on AO3
At some point or another, most children dream about being a famous actor. You were one of those kids. You stuck to those dreams until you hit middle school and was given an opportunity to participate in a play. During rehearsals, you were completely fine. You performed your little heart out. It wasn't until opening night that things started to go downhill. You were a bundle of nerves. Everyone assured you that you would be alright. They said you did great in rehearsals so you would be okay during the actual performance. You took a deep breath and marched on stage when you heard your cue. You took one glance at the crowd and froze. All the lines you had learned disappeared. Your brain pressed the self-destruct button, and you vomited on stage. Needless to say, you learned that acting just wasn't for you. Instead, you turned your focus to the ones behind the scenes. You decided that you wanted to be a director.
You had long since graduated from college and had directed a few indie films, but you wanted to move up in the world. You wanted to get more experience working in the big leagues. The moment you heard through the grapevine that the creators of the upcoming movie Bohemian Rhapsody were looking for PA's, you leaped at the opportunity. It would be a dream come true for two reasons. 1. It would provide an awesome working experience, and 2. You grew up listening to Queen, and it was still one of your favorite bands. You were absolutely ecstatic to discover you got the job.
Sure, it was annoying when people would see themselves as superior and bark orders at you all day, but you could easily overlook that. The best part of the job was getting to know the cast. They were all so incredibly humble and just all around amazing people. During your time on set, you found yourself falling for none other than the living meme, Joe Mazzello. You could easily recall the moment you started crushing on him. It was one of the first few days of shooting the Live Aid scene. Joe had gotten himself a perm and was wearing a jacket that practically swallowed him. He danced alongside Liam Lunniss and Gwilym Lee to none other than the classic song, "Boss Ass Bitch." Your cheeks were hurting from smiling so much. They had the whole damn routine memorized.
You found yourself making excuses to talk to him. The most common one was telling the cast that you were going on a coffee run and wanted to know if they would like anything. You thought you were being subtle, but apparently, you were far from it. Ben, Gwil, and Rami could see it. Hell, even Brian and Roger could see it. Everyone knew. Most people just thought, "Oh, that poor PA. They're crushing on an actor. Too bad it won't work out." What they didn't realize, however, was that Joe liked you too. The boys gave him endless torment about taking so long to ask you out.
He ended up printing out a Life Alert meme that said, "I've fallen for you and can't get up" with his contact information scribbled on the back. Joe gave it to Ben to deliver it to you. When Ben handed you the paper, all you could do was laugh. Of course, Joe would ask you out via meme. That evening, the two of you went to a karaoke bar. After Joe had a couple of drinks, he felt confident in his singing skills and stepped up to the mic. Out of all the possible songs he could have chosen, Joe selected Purple Rain by Prince. He was a good singer, or at least that's what you gathered from the few lines he actually sang. Most of the time, he was just screaming the lyrics. If his goal was to make you laugh, then the mission was a success. Your sides were aching by the time he sat back down.
After that, he took you on multiple dates. Whether it was going out to dinner, walking through a museum, or even just playing Mario Kart, you always enjoyed the time spent with him. You'll never be able to forget the first time he kissed you.
He decided to take you out on a top-secret date. No one knew what it was-- not even Ben. Joe refused to give any details but would constantly giggle like a kid who got away with stealing from the cookie jar. He even went as far as to blindfold you so you wouldn't be able to see where he was taking you. Joe ushered you into a building and your senses were immediately bombarded. The strong scent of cleaning supplies made you wrinkle your nose, and cartoonish gun sounds blared over nearby speakers. The sound was only rivaled by kids laughing. You gasped, thinking you had finally put the puzzle together. "Are we at an arcade?"
"No, but you're pretty close," Joe hummed. He gently removed the blindfold, and you blinked a few times to adjust your eyes to your new surroundings. A bright smile graced your features. "Surprise!" Joe held up his jazz-hands. You laughed with delight.
"I love laser tag! You'll have to go easy on me. It's been years since I've played, so I'm probably pretty rusty." Joe snorted, and an employee led you along with a group of others into a back room. You were all assigned gear and given instructions on how to play safely.
"Don't worry, m'lady. I'll protect you," Joe vowed.
"Oh, my knight in shining armor." You placed the back of your hand against your forehead, fluttering your eyelashes. The two of you held the act for about ten seconds before dissolving into laughter.
The employee tapped a few buttons on a nearby computer, and the circular light in the middle of everyone's vest began to glow with the corresponding colors of their teams. Yours lit up blue, while Joe's lit up red. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, realization settling in. You would be competing against each other... as if Mario Kart wasn't stressful enough. "Oh, how the tables have turned." The employee pulled back a curtain, and everyone filed inside the dark room. The teams were separated into different corners of the room. An automated voice came over the speakers and began the countdown. Joe stuck his tongue out at you, and you retaliated by giving him the middle finger.
Then the battle began. Everyone was hiding behind obstacles and firing at whatever moved within their vicinity. You, on the other hand, barrelled headfirst into enemy territory. You had one target-- Joe Mazzello. He was going down, whether he liked it or not. The two of you laughed, trying to dodge the other's attacks. You crouched, creeping around an obstacle. As soon as your eyes landed on Joe, you fired at him. The sensor on his chest vibrated, and you cheered at the sudden victory. While your guard was down, Joe grabbed your wrists, pulling you close to him. "That wasn't very nice."
"You're just bitter than I'm beating you."
"Is that so?" You hummed in response, never breaking eye contact. Without warning, Joe pressed his lips against yours. Your body tensed for a moment before relaxing into his touch. He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. That's when it happened. The ultimate betrayal. He pressed his gun to your chest and pulled the trigger in a rapid-fire procession. Your vest's sensor vibrated violently as you gasped. The lights overhead flickered to life, indicating that the round was over.
"That was a cheap shot, Mazzello!"
"All's fair in love and war, sweetheart," he said with a wink.
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fresh-outta-jams · 6 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Part 11
Namjoon x Reader Author: Admin Mo Summary: You’re in college when your soulmate mark shows up, an address. You figure sending a letter couldn’t hurt. Warnings: Some swears, soulmate fluff. Word Count: 1.8k
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Epilogue
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You thought four months would take forever to trudge through. You thought every day would be hell, burning even worse than the one before, building, building, building until you’d finally get on the plane to go see Namjoon. Instead, it was like a crescendo. You and Namjoon were talking every day like normal, sending letters back and forth every week or so. He’d update you on things that were happening over there, what he and the boys were up to that day. He’d tell you how much he wished you were there with him, but that he knew you had classes and that he believed in you.
You sent him dumb things on Twitter. He sent you dumber things in response. Many memes of his face were sent back and forth. You’d thought months ago that it wasn’t possible to love him any more than you did already, but you found that the more you talked to him, the more you found to love.
Namjoon was very, very excited about the approaching tour. Very excited.
“Jagiya, look at this cute couple outfit.” He sent it to you while you were Skyping. Your phone pinged another time, an additional image coming through. “Or do you want this one instead?”
“Joonie, I told you, you don’t have to buy me any clothes. I can just bring stuff I have and we can figure out stuff that matches.”
“But baby, we can get soulmate shirts…” He had been spending a little too much time online shopping recently. “It’ll be so cute.”
“Okay, but don’t go overboard.”
“Alright. Oh, also, I was trying to figure out some fun things for us to do, so I think we’re going to go to Disneyland when we’re in California and then I got us Wicked tickets for when we’re in New York. The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is really nice…”
“Why are you so perfect?” You grinned at him. He grinned back, his dimples prominent and begging to be poked. You swore as soon as you saw him you were going to pinch those adorable cheeks of his.
“I just want my jagi to have fun.”
“I don’t need all of those things to have fun. All I need is you.”
“Ughhh, jagiiii.” His cheeks reddened and he covered his face. “I thought we had a no-cheesy contract.”
“Excuse me, sir? You are WAY cheesier than I could ever aspire to be, what with your adorable matching couple outfits and the most romantic itinerary I’ve ever heard.”
“Okay, okay…” He chuckled. “That’s fair.” His eyes trailed over your features, stopping at your lips before flicking back up to your eyes. You looked amused, if he wasn’t mistaken. “Sorry, I just...want to kiss you so bad.”
“I know, baby. But we just have a few weeks now, right? It’s so close I can taste it.”
“Yeah…” Namjoon smiled softly. “So close…”
Little did you know, your first meeting with Namjoon would be a little sooner than even you expected. Your boyfriend, bless his heart, had been busy at work cooking up a little scheme that he hoped would make you happy. According to your friends from school, he KNEW it would make you happy.
Originally the plan was that you would fly to Korea and one of the members of the BTS Staff would be there to take you to either BigHit or the dorms, depending on where the boys were at the time. Namjoon, however, had other plans. It just so happened, that your exams fell on the Thursday and Friday of exam week, which meant you would be cooped up in the library for the three days leading up to them.
RM_fan_94: Okay, so she’ll definitely be in the library, right?
GracieGirl: Definitely. For sure.
Lilyyyy: Agreed. There is literally nowhere else she will be for Monday-Wednesday. Except maybe to grab food really quick, but usually during exam week, she just gets food from the tea place at the library.
RM_fan_94: Okay, perfect.
RM_fan_94: I’m so nervous…
Lilyyyy: Awwwwww!!
GracieGirl: Don’t be! She loves you so freaking much, Namjoon!
Lilyyyy: Yeah, we should know lmao we hear about you all the time.
RM_fan_94: awwwww, does she really talk about me all the time??
GracieGirl: Y E S
Lilyyyy: More than she talks about literally anything else ever.
RM_fan_94: Okay, I gotta go, she’s calling in a few
GracieGirl: Byeeeee!
“Dear Namjoon,
I cannot wait to see you. I seriously cannot wait. It’s eating me alive. I check my phone every five minutes, hoping five hours have miraculously passed. I think honestly, the only thing keeping me sane at this point is my homework and my final film project.
I keep thinking about how the minute I finish my last exam, I’ll be on my way to the airport to see you. Well, not the MINUTE after I finish, but a few days later, at least. Ugh, it seems so far away.
I’m working on my final film project now, and I actually like how it’s turning out for once. This is the first project I think I’ve ever felt confident on ever in my life and I can’t wait to send it to you when it’s finished. It’s due soon, though, so I don’t think I’ll have time to send it to you before it’s due. Either way, I think you’ll really like it.
Also, I’m bringing my camera on tour so I can capture all of our cute couple moments and make a montage. I cannot wait for that either. I’ve never even been on a plane before and now I’m flying across the world to see the love of my life. It’s like a fairytale, it really, really is.
I think it would be AMAZING to go to Ilsan and meet your family (and your dog!!). I’ve been wanting to meet them for basically forever. Your sister sounds super cool. And I think it’s adorable that you kiss the Petoskey stone every night but because you think it’s embarrassing, I’m definitely going to tease you about it.
Lily and Grace are helping me re-dye my hair tonight so it’ll be nice and fresh and bright pink for you. I’ll be sure to send you lots of messy selfies of the process because honestly, it’s hilarious, and you’ll be awake anyway.
I love you so, so, so much,
“Hyung, are you sure you want to do this?” Jungkook held the brush over the little bowl, hot pink dye dripping from the bristles. “It’s not too late to go back.”
“I’m sure.” Namjoon nodded. He was seated on the toilet lid, a towel draped around his shoulders, hair newly bleached. “Jin-hyung always does whatever he wants with his hair.”
“And then he gets yelled at.” Jimin laughed.
“I want to match. It’ll probably only last a few days anyway. Pink washes out quick.”
“I should know.” Jungkook shook his head, memories of his brief stint of magenta resurfacing.
“Just do it.” Namjoon sat up a little straighter.
Jungkook looked to Jimin and Taehyung, who each shrugged as if to say ‘hey, it’s his funeral’, and then brushed the dye onto Namjoon’s bleached-blond hair. Well, there really wasn’t any going back now.
Namjoon ruffled through his very, very pink hair, smiling at himself. God, he was an idiot in love. The things he did for you… And yet, staring at his reflection, he had no regrets. In fact, he would do it again just to see the look on your face.
Speaking of which…
His phone was ringing. Shit. Shit. God, he had to answer it, didn’t he? And of course it was a FaceTime from the one person who couldn’t know he had pink hair yet.
Looking around his room, he grabbed the first hat he could find, a black beanie, and slipped it onto his head to cover up the new hair. Then, he plopped down into his chair and hit accept call.
“Hey baby.” He let the words roll out, all casual. As though he hadn’t just dried off his hot pink hair.
“Hey Joon, what’s up?”
I just dyed my hair hot pink, so there’s that… “Not much. Working on some songs and stuff. You?”
“I just woke up and I missed your handsome face.”
“Well aren’t I lucky? God, I missed your voice.”
“What’s up with the hat?” You smirked, looking at the black beanie hastily thrown on top of his hair. “I mean, it’s cute, but…”
“It’s uh...”
“Oh, new hair. Alright, got it.” You dragged your pinched fingers across your lips, zipping them shut. “No leaks here.”
“Thank you, jagi.” He breathed in relief, watching as your adorable features twisted in curiosity.
“It does, however, make me wonder…” You trailed off, tapping your lip with a little pink-painted finger.
“No sneak-peeks, baby. I’m sorry.”
You pouted, pretending to be upset. “Okayyyyyy…” Immediately, you brightened. “Guess what!”
“We learned a dance in my K-Pop club the other day and guess what song it was.”
“I’m stumped.” He grinned, tilting his head, waiting for you to spout whatever BTS song you and your friends had learned.
“We learned Baepsae and I got to learn your part!”
“Awwwwww that’s so cute!”
You nodded excitedly. “It was so fun. I can’t wait to show you.”
“I can’t wait to see.”
“How many days until I get to see you?”
“A week, baby.” A lie. Perhaps the first Namjoon had ever told you. He hoped the pet name he used would cover it up well enough. After all, you shared a soul. Maybe you could tell when he was lying to you, even if it was a little innocent lie like this one.
“Ughhhhhhh that’s seven days too many.”
“I agree.”
“I want to kiss you so bad, Namjoon.” You groaned. “I need to be in your arms. Immediately.”
“I know, baby. Believe me, I know.” Though the four months had gone by, it wasn’t like it hadn’t hurt him to have to wait and wait and wait. The temptation to come see you over your Spring Break was almost crippling, and had he not had to do promotions, he would have been on a plane ages ago. “But it’s soon now. I love you a lot, alright?”
“I love you a lot too.” You nodded, watching the way his dimple poked in when he smiled softly at your words.
Namjoon yawned and stretched. “Alright, jagiya, I have an early morning tomorrow, so I have to get some sleep now. But I love you so much and I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“I love you too.”
And then he hung up, grinning. You had no idea what was coming for you in the next few days...
Tagged: @iie-wakarimasen, @ffantasylandd, @jooniefluff, @chimchimsauce, @mrs-saeyoung-choi, @theprinceoftheundead, @angyexoxo, @copenhagenspirit, @lovelylittlekittn, @lilgaga98, @iminlovewjjk, @feed-my-geek-soul, @loveandwitch, @recoveringflowerchild, @demonic-meatball, @maddieisaacs, @scissorsandtonfas, @carirosesg, @backtonormalthings, @local-mochi, @faliwi, @spoopyela, @nanie5, @ingenu--e, @undiscovered1personality, @andalos, @calspixie, @filtermono, @huhuehuey, @mikey-girl12, @lilliaflurr, @hypophrenium, @sitkafay, @spiicyari, @andeerwilson, @btswerewolfaus, @oyasumi7, @mycurrentusernameisalreadytaken, @gangstavixsta
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frailcompass · 6 years
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———  BASICS! ☼
NAME! ☼     Bri PRONOUNS! ☼     They/them ZODIAC SIGN! ☼    Aries TAKEN OR SINGLE! ☼   Single forever
———  THREE  FACTS! ☼
1! ☼   I first learned about roleplay on Twitter back in like 2010/2011, but I didn’t start actually roleplaying until the first few days of like 2012 on Facebook while managing fan pages (before moving to accounts). During that time is where I also met one of my very good friends that I’ve been close with ever since and my mom considers her to be like another daughter but from a different country. xD 2! ☼    Mystic Messenger was actually my first otome game, and still so far really the only. But I am a massive gamer as I’m especially into Nintendo. My very first game was Mario Kart on the N64 when I was really little and I play to win asdfghjkl I also adore LOZ, currently getting into Fire Emblem, and I even love me some Pokemon! (But one of my favorite games of all time is Super Mario Sunshine.) 3! ☼   Before I really started taking writing seriously I used to dance. I mostly did tap and then secondary was hip-hop. I used to compete with a tap solo before I moved in 2011 so I actually have a few gold trophies/medals and a plaque (though in dance the competitions go as high as platinum). But I had an issue with my right hip the first year of high school so I quit dance, and during gym since I wasn’t allowed to participate I could only walk around the gym. It gave me an excuse to get my head into the clouds though so I could work out scenarios for my writing! So while hurtful to my dance it furthered me into my writing.
PLATFORMS USED! ☼    Tumblr is my current, sometimes I use Discord, and I used to write on Facebook, Twitter, and some knock-off of Facebook just for RPers (but I didn’t really use it).
FEMALE OR MALE! ☼     Males; I just tend to find them easier to write for me personally and I seem to connect with them more. Of course I’ve dabbled a couple of times with some female muses, but my mains always end up being male. LEAST FAVORITE FACE(S)! ☼     I don’t think I really have any? Though I’m slightly uncomfortable when people use YouTubers (just because I remember seeing a girl that was really upset when she saw people were using her as an FC) or just when someone uses someone known to be highly controversial. But really other than that you do you sweetie! MULTI OR SINGLE! ☼    We talking blog wise or ships? For blogs I prefer having a single muse on a blog so I can customize and keep the focus on them, but I’m not that opposed to having a multi if needed. As for ships I used to do single ship a long time ago but I wanted to branch out for the fictional setting, so I prefer multi for that! FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ☼   Fluff and angst are my go-to’s. xD I jump back and forth constantly from wanting one or the other. Smut I’m trying to practice writing, but it certainly isn’t as high up there as fluff and angst. PLOT / MEMES! ☼    I prefer plotting! Even if it doesn’t stick entirely to what we discussed it helps me to have a slight outline of the direction we want to go in at the very least. But I also do love memes! You can have some random and fun interactions come out of those!
TAGGED BY! ☼   No one I stole it. xD TAGGING! ☼  Just take it from me if you’d like! ♥
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winterune · 6 years
Name five (5) bands or musicians that mean a lot to you personally and why then tag whoever else you are curious about.
I was tagged by @iowastubborn. Thanks! This is quite different from other meme I’ve seen and tbh it’s quite hard too since I’m not much of a music person. Some of the bands/musicians I decided to put on this list are not necessarily my top 5 favorite, but they do mean a lot to me. So, here goes. 
1. Nobuo Uematsu
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Final Fantasy was, i think, my first J-RPG, and it’s not until Junior High that I began to really play the game. What I think make Final Fantasy a Final Fantasy are not only the overarching story, deep characters, and immersive worlds, but also the beautiful soundtrack composed by the master of Game Music himself, Nobuo Uematsu. Granted, I may have loved the music because I loved the game, but that didn’t stop me from downloading all the piano collections, OSTs, orchestra version from almost every main entry; playing every one of them back-to-back every time back when I was a kid, be that when I was writing a story or studying for an exam to the point that I cannot study without listening to some music; and I even looked up the music sheet so I could learn to play them on my piano (and I managed to play some^^). Nobuo Uematsu is still one of my muses. No one can ever replace him. His music are all so iconic. Some are so beautiful and soothing while others so gripping and mysterious. But they are always sound majestic to my ears. My mom, who never even saw the game, loved his music when I showed them to her. Heck, I’ve never even played Lost Odyssey and The Last Story but when I listen to their music, I thought to myself, “Wow. You could tell these were composed by Uematsu.” Nobuo Uematsu is still my favorite music composer ever and it hurts me to know that he’s taking a sick leave from the industry. I hope that his illness is not too serious and that he’ll be able to get back on his feet and bring us again one of the best music in gaming history. 
2. L’Arc~en~Ciel
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I first know the band from the customized playlist my brother put in our GTA: Vice City. I think they were New World, Jiyuu e no Shoutai, and Ready Steady Go. I wasn’t into Japanese and anime back then so I never really tried to find out more about this band. It’s not until years later that I found out the name of the band and looked up more of their songs. I still haven’t listened much, but I have to say that those three songs that I first listened to when I was a kid have stayed with me all these years and they were the songs that introduced me to what the Japanese Rock genre is - vastly different from the western Rock genre I was more familiar with. New World, particularly, always helped me out when I was stressed with school that me and my friend practically screamed at the top of our lungs whenever we sang the song in a karaoke. 
3. Queen
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Found out about them from the 4th or 6th season of American Idol. They sang Bohemian Rhapsody and I don’t really know why but the song has stuck with me ever since then. Not to mention that my eldest brother had a playlist of their songs and this one time, he played it in the car when we were waiting for our parents and he began to dance my stuffed cat to Queen’s music. It was soooo funny that I couldn’t stop laughing. Anyway, their songs have always stuck with me since then. 
4. Bump of Chicken
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The second J-Rock band I was exposed to...I think. The first song I listened to was Karma from Tales of the Abyss and I LOVED IT! So much! And then there’s Zero, the theme song for FF Type 0, and though I haven’t played the game, the song always manages to pull at my heartstrings. I was still not too familiar with the genre, nor the band, until they released Hello,world but I have always loved their music. Imo, they don’t seem like most J-Rock bands out there. A lot of their songs are actually quite slow and the music is not very “rock” either. I’ve read some translations of their songs and their lyrics are quite poetic. Plus, I love Fujiwara’s voice! So, all in all, they’re just perfect. 
5. Luck Life
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A newer band compared to the others on the list and I only just discovered them a few years ago from Bungou Stray Dogs. Namae wo Yobu yo is still one of my favorite songs and yes, I think after listening their songs, Luck Life managed to solidify my love for the J-Rock genre (I’m not quite fond of Rock, but J-Rock always sound so different). Some of their songs are upbeat, some are slow and melancholy, and most of my favorite are from their earlier album. Every time I listen to their songs, I often find myself tapping my feet to the rhythm. Some I love so much that I keep listening to them on repeat. I love all the songs they have released and this is the first band that drove me to find out the meaning behind their lyrics. 
Lol sorry this turned out to be quite a long post. And before I end this, can I just add two more names? They are Animenz and Seycara Orchestra, people who make covers of anime songs or create their own original music on youtube. The songs and covers they make are always so beautiful - Animenz with his god-like fingers over the piano keys and Seycara with those beautiful, soothing compositions. In fact, I love some of their covers more than the original songs lol and they have also accompanied me on my day to day life. However, both are on hiatus and have not released new music for a while.
I’m done! I’ll tag @symgen, @pettypingpongpaddle, @peanutsandbitterstep, @youmightwanttorun, @renkocchi and anyone else who wants to do this.
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gloomstudy · 6 years
11 (jk actually 33) questions tag!
rules: answer 11 questions, make 11 of your own, and tag another 11 people.
tagged by @piiess, @narglestudies, @orangeblossomstudies, and many many many others! i can’t find all the other ones that i was tagged in, but i know i was tagged in a bunch of them these past few months and i never got around to doing them ahhh i’m sorry ;; and hoooo boy, it’s been a while since the last time i’ve done a tag on here. hopefully answering these 33 questions will help you all get to know me a little better!
questions from pat:
1. who do you stan and why?
you guys already know that i stan bang chan from stray kids, so i’m gonna talk about someone else. i stan iu (lee jieun)! she’s so pure and gentle, and her vocals are so amazing and heavenly. she’s basically how i imagine what an angel sounds like. it would truly be an honor to meet her someday!
2. how are you today?
i’m alright! i got up kinda late today lol. not much has happened aside from eating breakfast and lunch, watching youtube videos, and setting up my queue for my blogs. now i’m answering these questions!
3. your regular order at the café?
i’ve actually never been to a cafe before, but i’ve been to a few boba places! i either get an ice cream green tea, or a matcha latte. for both, i get 50% sugar, no ice (the drink is usually already cold), boba, and soymilk if it’s available.
4. mint ice cream, yay or nay?
yay, if it’s made well.
5. recommend a place to visit if i were to travel to your state/country?
aside from disneyland, uhhh...come visit my school? ahaha idk. i’d be happy to be your tour guide! afterwards, we can go to daiso since it’s only 2 blocks away from campus, hehe. ^_^
6. favorite prompts/au?
flower shop au will always be my most favorite au and the most wholesome au. i dare you to fight me on this. jk pls don’t actually fight me.
7. top 3 otp’s and brotp’s?
otp’s: scira (teen wolf), finnrey (star wars), gallya (the man from uncle)
brotp’s: changlix (stray kids), woochan (stray kids), iwaoi (haikyuu!!)
8. have you ever visited a dog/cat/animal café? if not, would you like to?
no, i have not. yes, i would love to! there’s this shiba cafe in japan that i really wanna visit someday. :’)
9. opinion about minimalism?
it’s good, and i’m slowly working towards it. you can probably tell in my original content that i usually like to keep things pretty simple and minimal!
10. how is your workspace like?
the other day, i had 5 bottles on my desk with varying levels of water lmao. but now i’ve cleaned them out and put them away, and now my desk is pretty clean and organized! i wanna change up the photos on my wall, though.
11. if you had a superpower/magic, what would it be? and would you become a hero, a villain, or a normal person who use their power in daily life (like… you had magic and you use that to do your housework or sth bc you’re too lazy lol)
i’d like to be able to freeze time! i’m not sure how it would be useful as a hero, so i’d probably stay as a normal person and use it in my daily life. i’d like to have more time to get things done, ahaha.
questions from esther:
1. hogwarts house? (if you haven’t been sorted, describe yourself in 3 words)
2. harry potter, percy jackson, lotr, or asoiaf / game of thrones?
percy jackson.
3. favorite book genre? (e.g. fantasy, mystery, romance, etc.)
dystopian, or sci-fi.
4. top travel destination?
someone pls drag me to japan or south korea.
5. your happiest moment this month?
hanging out with my brother at a museum, followed by dragging him with me to muji and buying new stationery, followed by getting milk tea + boba and walking around in a mall. it was a good day. ^_^
6. favorite summer activity?
7. how do you stay productive during the summer?
this summer, i’m studying for the gre, picking up japanese again, and practicing violin for my upcoming audition in august. and of course, i’m also working on some new living room sessions, which will be posted soon!
8. an interesting fact about yourself?
i used to do ballet, tap dancing, and gymnastics! unfortunately, now i’m no longer as flexible as i used to be ;;
9. tea or coffee?
10. favorite food?
11. crazy fast and loopy rollercoasters - yes or no?
YES ABSOLUTELY, but i haven’t been on one in a while.
questions from micky:
1. what’s your favorite flower?
2. are you currently reading a book? if so, which one?
no :( i haven’t read a book for leisure in a while. i’d like to get into all for the game, though!
3. what’s one goal you have for the coming school year?
stop procrastinating on writing papers lol.
4. what do you do on rainy days?
stay indoors, listen to lo-fi hip-hop, mindlessly scroll through tumblr, watch youtube videos and anime, and drink a hot cup of tea.
5. what’s a habit you can’t stand?
people who chew with their mouths open :/
6. what’s your favorite genre of book or movie?
dystopian and action!
7. what’s the best thing that happened to you last week?
watching the fireworks on the 4th of july!
8. what’s something you are self-conscious about?
my skin :/
9. what are you most looking forward to in the next 10 years?
being done with school, and hopefully achieving some of my goals!!
10. what stereotype do you completely live up to?
a musician who wears black often lol. i own more blue jeans than black jeans, but i wear my black jeans more often since they go with everything! also, my raincoat and the majority of my winter coats are black, ahaha.
11. who inspires you to be better?
family, friends, and you guys!!
my 11 questions for you!
what’s your aesthetic?
which city in the world would you choose to describe yourself and why?
what kind of music do you like to listen to?
what did you have for breakfast today?
what song has been stuck in your head lately?
if you could live in any movie or tv show, which would you choose?
do you play an instrument? which one(s)? if not, which instrument would you like to learn how to play?
quick! name the first meme that comes to mind.
what’s your best piece of life advice?
who are some people you look up to?
are you having a good day today? (if not, i hope it gets better, and tomorrow is another chance to try again!)
tagging: @lavietudier, @ceesdesk, @adelinestudiess, @jynsdesk, @diaryofastemstudent, @ryustudies, @studytune, @moonshinestudies, @hannybstudies, @pltuo, @ahsteria, and anyone else who wants to do this! (sorry if you’ve already done this, and you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!)
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ravenclawravings · 7 years
Tag Game
Hi all! Recently we have been tagged in a bunch of those tag games. So instead of clogging your newsfeed we decided to combine a bunch into one post.
Here are some of you who tagged us! (I tried to find you all but, we get a lot of notifications and Tumblr makes it very hard to sort through them)
Tagged by: @headcanonsandmore 
Gender: Both of us are girls.
Birthday: Zoe: March 28th. Alex: March 11th
Last movie seen: Zoe: Dunkirk Alex: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
What do you post/reblog: Zoe: A bunch of random crap. Alex: On this blog we post #relatable content. On my personal I just shitpost
Last thing you Googled: Zoe: “List of apex predators” Alex: “how do radiators know when to turn on”
Favorite blog: Zoe: No idea. Alex: @myendlessparade has some dank content ;)
Dream job: Zoe: Writer/ youtuber but I’m bad at both Alex: YouTuber or a paid/professional internet content creator
Dream trip: Zoe: I don’t know, I haven’t been to Japan before, I guess Alex: I really want to go to Germany but, I’d love to go anywhere in Europe. Or anywhere outside the US. Or anywhere really.
What would be your first entry in a new diary: Zoe: I don’t diary Alex: Probably something really random, a random thought perhaps. All of my past journals are filled with weird shit like “Tap Dancing Cat Play” with zero context
Top 3 things you love about yourself: Zoe: Why is this so hard? Can I say things I love about Alex instead? 1) She’s smart and funny and a great person to be around. 2) She’s creative and works so hard on the things she’s passionate about. 3) She’s supportive and understanding and all around a great friend. Alex: d’awwwww <3 turning the tables now - here are three reasons I love Zoe: 1. She’s a very accepting, patient and understanding friend. 2. She’s full of good ideas and the reason we started this blog. Also partly convinced me to pursue YouTube seriously (speaking of we need to do something about the gaming channel) 3. She has a very dark and dry humor, we can talk and laugh for hours
3 things you wish you knew how to do: Zoe: 1) Drive stick, 2) speak a different language (I’ve tried, I’m really bad at it), 3) manage my finances Alex: 1. Make gifs, 2. play an instrument, 3. drive??!?
Something you wish you had discovered/invented first: Zoe: I honestly don’t know. Alex: I asked Jake what to say and he said “submarines.” So I guess submarines
3 qualities you like in a person: Zoe: 1) their sense of humor, 2) intelligence, 3) creativity Alex: 1. taste in media, 2. humor, 3. uniqueness
3 qualities you dislike in a person: Zoe: 1) Cockiness, 2) overly defensive, 3) when someone talks over someone else and especially when they don’t stop and listen when the first person tries to keep talking Alex: 1. Selfishness, 2. carelessness, 3. when they walk slowly in front of me
Favorite planet: Zoe: I guess technically Earth because I live here, but viva la Pluto! Alex: Mars! Mars has such a vast history for such a barren planet.
A resolution you make every year: Zoe: I don’t make resolutions. Alex: I don’t really make resolutions but, I try to be less hard on myself each year
Something you’re better at than most people: Zoe: Um... writing? Alex: Video editing
Something you’re worse at than most people: Zoe: Talking to other people. Alex: Making friends
Favorite thing about tumblr: Zoe: Memes? Alex: MEMES and cute animal pictures
Least favourite thing about tumblr: Zoe: The entire way that this site is set up is like someone threw darts at a board and went “so this goes here, and uh, I guess that’s how we do this...” Alex: Dear god, this website is designed poorly for blog runners! There is no clear way to sort notifications, you either get them all or none at all. Also there have been times when a queued post just doesn’t post or tags just delete themselves while you’re typing them.
Weapon of choice: Zoe: Knives or a bow and arrow (I’m actually quite good at archery) Alex: Uh, none...
Something not many people know about you:  Zoe: I was going to be in a production with my dad trying to break the world record of most roller coasters ridden in a day, but the plans everything fell through about midway through, so it never happened. Alex: In middle school I used wear one ankle sock and one knee high because...fashion...?
Favorite means of transport: Zoe: I like driving, but if I’m going into the city, I’m taking the train. Alex: God, I hate all means of transportation. It’s all bad. Let’s just learn how to teleport already
Favorite story: Zoe: Harry Potter Alex: A New Hope
Chicken or egg: Zoe: Dinosaur Alex: I was going to say chicken but, Zoe’s answer is the really the best one
Something that always makes you laugh: Zoe: Cats. Alex: When Zelda yells around the apartment at her toys
What is the strangest thing about you: Zoe: You should see some of the texts I send Alex. Alex: just who I am as a person
You get to switch places with someone for a day, who is it and why: Zoe: Can I switch places with my cat? Alex: I’m stealing Zoe’s answer. Fuck yeah! I’d love to be Zelda for a day!
Name: Zoe Alex
Nicknames: Zoe: None Alex: Weasel
Height: Zoe: 5′7″ Alex: 5′3″
Orientation: Zoe: Hell if I know Alex: straight
Nationality: Zoe: I’m a US and UK citizen. Alex: ‘murican
Favorite Fruit: Zoe: Banana? Alex: Oranges
Favorite Season: Zoe: Fall Alex: Fall
Favorite Flower: Zoe: Roses Alex: Blue Roses! (only people from high school will get this joke and none them follow me....)
Favorite Scents: Zoe: Burning wood Alex: Most any candle
Favorite Color: Zoe: Purple Alex: Purple
Favorite Animals: Zoe: Cheetah, wolves, sea pancake Alex: Zelda!
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Zoe: Depends on my mood Alex: All of the above, please
Average Sleep Hours: Zoe: 6 Alex: 8?
Dog or Cat Person: Zoe: Both Alex: Love both but, I really like cats
Favorite Fictional Characters: Zoe: Oh god, Aragorn, Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Gandalf, don’t make me choose, I could keep going. Alex: Han Solo, The Master, Mac, Michael Scott, Squidward (??), I don’t know man!
Number of Blankets You Sleep with: Zoe: Anywhere between 1 and 4 Alex: Normally one but, if it’s real cold, two or more
Blog Created: Zoe: This blog was created a little over a year ago, my personal blog was created something like nine years ago I think. Alex: Mine was made like 6 years ago?
Number of Followers: 48,100
Random fact: Zoe: When people are hanged, they die from lack of blood flow to the brain. Alex: Most female cats are right pawed
Star sign: Zoe: Aries Alex: Pisces
Hogwarts House: Take a guess
Why I made this account: Zoe: I made the account because I wanted something to do, and then I invited Alex to be a part of it with me. Alex: What she said ^
Reason for url: Alliteration is cool?
My favorite writer: Zoe: It changes all the time. Alex: Dr. Seuss
My favorite book: Zoe: Harry Potter? Alex: I have no clue?
My favorite movie: Zoe: Lord of the Rings Alex: Oh dear, I don’t know... Ed Wood (1994) ?
Time: Zoe: 15:46 Alex: 9:58pm
Favourite bands: Zoe: Queen, The Who, FOB, Muse, a lot. Alex: Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Panic! at the Disco
Favourite solo artists: Zoe: No clue Alex: Uh none? I don’t really listen to music besides the three bands listed and movie soundtracks
Song stuck in my head: Zoe: Right now, it’s “I’m Only Joking” by Kongos Alex: “Champion” by Fall Out Boy
Last show I watched: Zoe: NCIS Alex: I don’t really know. It’s between The Punisher, Black Mirror and Peep Show. I watch so many things I forget when I last watched it
Do I get asks: Zoe: Not really. Alex: We get asks here pretty often. I never get any personally - except spam
Lucky number: Zoe: 13 Alex: 3
Instruments: Zoe: I played the clarinet ages ago, and I sorta learned Violin for a little bit, but if you asked me to play any instrument now, I’d probably suck. Alex: I am not talented enough
What I am wearing: Zoe: Plaid and leggings. Alex: Grey and black sweater, leggings and draped in a blanket 
Favourite food: Zoe: I want pancakes right now, so let’s go with that? Alex: I’m so bad at picking favorite things! I just love food!
Last book I read: Zoe: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (it’s tradition for me to reread all the novels every year, and I was late last year, so I only just finished it in time) Alex: The Disaster Artist
3 favorite fandoms: Zoe: Oh, god... Harry Potter, LotR, and i guess certain youtubers? Alex: uh, that changes depending on how I’m feeling. Right now, probably, Star Wars, YouTube and something else?
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gracetrack-higgins · 6 years
I’m literally the worst so here are some tags that I was tagged in and COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT WHOOPS 
learn more abt moi under the cut!
I was tagged by @elozable ages ago to do this tag so here it isssss:
nicknames: Gracie, Graciebird, Miss Grace (Idk if that counts as a nickname? but it’s def what people call me the most)
gender: female
star sign: Libra
height: 5′4″
time: 12:08am yikes
birthday: October 3rd
favourite bands: I don’t really stan many bands, I just like a lot of different artists and singles! 
favourite solo artist: (ok this one i have a legit answer for) I really like Lauv, Sufjan Stevens, Dessa, Halsey, and like literally any Broadway artist ever tbh (so many of these artists are bc of Claire...you win all the music awards Claire!)
song stuck in your head: Fun Fact About Grace! I get multiple songs stuck in my head at once so right now I have Stupid With Love from Mean Girls Broadway (bc I just binge watched all the Too Grool For School Vlogs), Haydn’s Brahms Variation #8 (from Orchestra rehearsal), and When I Drive from Bonnie and Clyde. My head’s a mess.
last movie: last movie was technically Doubt, which I finished watching in class today. Before that I watched Newsies Live the other night (DUH)
last tv show: Ugh I haven’t watched TV all week. I think the last thing I watched was House Hunters with my dad tbh.
why did you create your blog: I’ve had a tumblr for literally as long as I can remember. It started out as a Star Wars thing but wow hoo boy am I in it for Newsies now lmao
what do you post/reblog: mostly Newsies! Some other Musical Theater things, memes, the occasional Star Wars post so my SW friends don’t think I’m dead.
last thing you googled: Mean Girls Broadway Vlogs, and right before that was “aggravated assault jail time” so do with that what you will??? (it was for writing no worries guys)
other blogs: lmao i used to have a fishblr?? a tumblr for fish??? about fish??? i went through an aquarium phase (I still have 2 spoiled betta fish that live in Too-Big Tanks and i love them)
why url: okay look at it and take a wild guess
i follow: 497 (wow)
followers: 767!!!!!! WOW!!!!!
average hours of sleep: 6 hours?
lucky number: I don’t have one I don’t speak numbers :(
instrument: I’m a violist!! I’ve been playing string instruments since I was 6 years old, first violin and then I switched to viola when I was around 10, and I’ve been playing that ever since. (I literally just got back from orchestra rehearsal as I write this up)
what are you wearing: pajamas! booty shorts and an oversized t-shirt
dream job: ooooooh good question. I really want to work in activism work, mainly with LGBT+ kids and inclusion programs! I’m majoring in human rights so we’ll see what doors open up with that! I also really want to work with the Broadway community somehow. :)
dream trip: highkey want to go to Santa Fe, ngl. I also really want to do a European tour!
favourite food: asdfasdaf I don’t know. Extra Butter Popcorn and Mozzarella cheese (not together, separately, but still). I have very bad eating habits.
favourite song rn: ummmmmmm okay Faking Bright by Saski, I Like Me Better by Lauv, and Brooklyn’s Here from Newsies (of course)
last book i read: I haven’t read for fun in ages. I read my theater textbook the other day, but I don’t think that really counts.
top 3 universes: Star Wars, Newsies (does this count?), Elena of Avalor/Disney Princess-verse!
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!! :)
OKAY AND TAG #2!! tagged by my dear @wordshakerofgallifrey
What hogwarts house do you belong to ? — i’m a proud hufflepuff baby!
What is your favourite Disney movie? — this is literally an impossible question. my top 5 always change too but as of right now: The Lion King, Aladdin, Meet The Robinsons, Brother Bear, Fantasia 2000
Where are you from? — Sunny South Florida
What is you favourite ice cream flavour? — I have 2 and it depends on my mood: Black Raspberry Chip and Moose Tracks.
Summer or winter? — I guess summer??? I’m a FL baby so I’ve never had a real winter so I don’t know! I’m very used to the heat.
what is the song that makes you want to sing at the top of your lungs? — !!!!! let’s reference my belting playlist. My Petersburg from Anastasia, Watch What Happens from Newsies, Everlasting from Tuck Everlasting, Defying Gravity from Wicked, Monster from Frozen on Broadway, Someday from Memphis, LITERALLY MY ENTIRE BROADWAY PLAYLIST ITS FULL OF JAMS
Cat person or dog person? — both! I love animals!
What is your favorite hobby? — obviously writing, but I also love dancing (tap dancing!) and playing viola!
Which is your favourite book? — Okay I have many but my favorite book growing up was Johnny Tremain. I own like 7 copies of it. other than that I’ve got a List of Star Wars Books that are my favorites.
What is your favorite musical (if you like musicals, obviously)? — Idk if you knew this from the Everything About Me but it’s Newsies.
What is the best gift you have been given? — hmmm I’m not sure. My sister made me a King of New York gag gift for my birthday last year and that was pretty great. Also Claire wins all the gift giving awards too because she’s knocked it out of the park with my Where’s Spot book ;) and the necklace that I wear every day now! (thank you claire!)
okay I’m lazy and i”m not doing the Make 11 Of Your Own Questions thing so if anyone wants to answer those questions feel free!!! enjoy!
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onewhodiedyoung · 4 years
I was tagged by @rhymaes for a 2020 creator meme :)) thank you!!! this was a nice thing to reflect on! <3
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
1) o come, let us adore him (42k, hp) huh... linking this because although scorpius/albus are not really my ship in the sense that i don’t much care for the new generation and haven’t read the cursed child nor intend to (this is SO NOT cursed child compliant) and although I feel weird about hp in general lately (just shut up already, jk!), it was one of the most spontaneous things I wrote in 2020 (a christmas fic in april...? that’s how bad covid hit me, i guess) and it just, makes me laugh. Like, I open it now, read a few lines, and laugh. Which is maybe an arrogant thing to say but Diana Wynne Jones (the QUEEN) said she would make herself laugh when writing Howl’s Moving Castle (which, this story is NOT anywhere near that level, obviously) and it didn’t seem arrogant, it just sounded like fun. So, this was fun <3 I write comedy rarely and my sense of humor is basically ‘well now i’ll mention something random like a tap-dancing penguin’ but I needed this in 2020 and so it happened. Also it’s epistolary and all i care about in life are romances through letters, actually
2) posthumous -- the biography of a bone (6.5k, original fiction f/f story) this was never meant to be posted online, it was just a story i wrote for myself, but i thought, why not? I’m happy i wrote it because I needed to write it to process........... it’s about the radium girls, my biggest historical obsession of 2020. I read the books, i read the poems, i listened to that song about them, watched a million videos. There is not a person I talked to in 2020 that hasn’t heard about the radium girls. I don’t know why of all the instances of injustice it’s this one that hits me the most but it does and i will never be over it so here’s a romance about two girls which i hope is not in bad taste (i cried writing it :’‘‘))
3) what i’m made for has always been you (3.5k, IT) I’m not sure if this is actually my favorite IT fanfic I’ve written but it has too many small moments that I was dying to write and I think that the way I wrote Richie in love in this most reflects how I myself think when I’m in love so *shrugs*
4) all the useless things (part one: 79k, the whole: 170k and going, m/m original fiction) this monster. this stupid monster that’s, like, 1/3 done? this stupid pseudo-dark-academia monster about art thieves that only exists because the Polish boarding school i almost went to and my brother later wanted to go to sucks which led to the discovery of just how much other boarding schools suck and so to another of my 2020 obsessions: research on how the education system in the uk is -- dare i say, royally? -- messed-up (I did know this before, but there’s knowing, and then there’s Knowing). But mostly, this story is just me waxing poetic about paintings since the climax is still a long ways away.... anyway, I love posting this because it’s not a fanfic but it’s not a novel either: it just doesn’t have that structure and without internet, there’d be no point in writing it, so god bless the internet i guess
5) the boy who listened to bones (3k, pjo) the thing is, Nico di Angelo will always be my adopted son, ok. me and hades are co-parenting him, actually.
6) love is the stranger who sojourns (21k, m/m original fiction) the not-really-halloween story about a hermit asshole who’s maybe in love with a ghost i wrote in two weeks, crazy times. Mainly, I wrote this to process the idea of being deserving of love even when you’re not deserving of love. It is.... not yet processed </3. Anyway, if Black Sails taught me one thing (that’s a lie: Black Sails taught me many things) it’s that one has the moral obligation to use and twist bible quotes to further gay agenda when possible, so what can you do
I’m so sorry for always writing freaking dissertations about all my stories :’) I@M A RAMBLER, what else is new! So, 2020 was my year of original fiction (I finished a novel! I finished a novel! I FINISHED A NOVEL! which I’m not linking here since it’s not posted anywhere but but but, i finished a novel *squeals*). The most surprising thing is that I didn’t write a single Les Mis fanfic since it was definitely my 2020 fandom, huh.
I’m tagging @dullahan168 and @lorilanda if (and only if!) you feel like it <3 and whoever else would like to do it, I’m not 100% sure who posts their work online but I’d sure love to learn!
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jozstankovich · 7 years
Five Things
I was tagged for this by @ladyinthebluebox xD  (I woke up this afternoon to so many tags omg lol)
5 things you can find on my blog
Mostly video game content.  I’m usually obsessing over Mass Effect, Fallout, Dragon Age, and recently the Arcana.
My art/writing
Memes/posts that make me laugh/relatable shit.
Photos of my face... like more than people probably want to see lol.
Random thoughts or mini-rants (which I usually delete a day or a few hours later).
5 things you can find in my room
Most of my video games (some of my older systems are hooked up in my office... which I haven’t used for several months).
My desktop/drawing tablet which I moved from my office because I wanted to draw in bed and be able to watch tv easier.
Stuffed animals.  I love them.  ^^
My collection of fallout prints by cynicalbounce on the wall.
Random scraps of paper with doodles and drabbles that I’ve been meaning to type up/finish.
5 things I always wanted to do
Learn how to skateboard/longboard
Go skydiving
Pick studying Japanese back up... I loved learning it in college, but I’ve forgotten so much since then.
Visit Ireland/Scotland/Japan
See Tom Waits live... if he ever tours again.  D:
5 things that make me happy
My Kasey cat
5 things on my to-do list
Finish my xmass gift for Alec D:
Finish chapter 8 of Mediodía -___-;;;
Update my commission info/post for the new year
Finish wips/prompts/sketch & flesh out some of my other ocs
Clean my house & finish my divorce papers
5 things you may not know about me
I studied dance (ballet/point/tap/jazz/modern) since I was five all the way through college and I miss it so much.  Probably the only reason I made it through college (and one of my worse depressive episodes ever) was because I was dancing every day.
I have a younger brother but most people think we’re twins, so we just roll with it.
I wish I lived in a more urban area, but big cities give me hella anxiety (I lowkey have several agoraphobic tendencies).
Sometimes I think I’m on the aro spectrum, along with being ace (which is weird bc I love reading and writing romance stories), but in real life I get tired of being in relationships real quick.
I have a lot of control issues.  I’m one of those people that can not delegate bc I want everything done a certain way.
I will tag (w/o obligation): @havvk-e, @vixilancia, @himluv, @ma-sulevin, @sionainn-tabris & anyone else who wants to.
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Tag Meme
ok i was tagged by @glowiebabe (who i think might actually be the coolest person alive??) and the objective is just to fill out the categories and tag some pals you want to get to know better!
heck this is long, sorry !!
Appearance: I’m pretty average, idk. I have medium length brunette hair with blonde balayage, really big green eyes, and my smile makes my whole face crinkle up. I’m about 5′7″ and most of my height is in my legs, and I’m really thin and athletic looking. 
Personality:I always tell people I’m the dumbest smart person you’ll ever meet - I love making people laugh and am basically the biggest goof you’ll ever meet, but I’m very school smart and love talking for hours with people about the things I love. I’m really empathetic and cry at everything, and I love listening to people tell me about things that make them happy. I have a small degree of anxiety and need a lot of reassurance that people don’t hate me (like I feel weird writing this cause i feel like no one cares) , but I also try really hard to make sure people around me know they matter to me. I hold grudges for a long time but am really loyal, I love to create things, I’m pretty level-headed in a crisis, I love trying new things and I’m almost always smiling or laughing. my friends tell me i’m the female embodiment of zack from the try guys.
Ability: I’m very school smart! I also am a very good artist - I love to paint and draw portraits, mostly. I’m on the dance team at my school. I taught myself to play guitar and ukulele as well.
Hobbies: Like I said, art and dance are my main ones. I also am obsessed with music and listen to it basically 24/7. I like to pretend I can write stories, so I have like 12 4-page long stories that I’ve started and forgotten. I live in a really beautiful state and I love hiking, kayaking, and skiing. I watch a lot of movies and read a lot of books, but right now school is taking up most of my free time.
Experiences: I haven’t had a whole lot of momentous experiences and have lived in the same city since I was born, but I’m adventurous and always trying new things. I’ve traveled around north america quite a bit, broke and dislocated a toe at the same time while dancing. I’ve tap danced since I was 3, competed in archery, robotics, dance, pole vault, cross country, and soccer, I’ve dated guys and girls, had anxiety, and am a senior in high school. I’m religious and gay, and I’m currently applying to colleges - like, I took a break from my stanford app to write this. I don’t expect to get in, but ya never know if you don’t try, right? I’ve had the same friends all through high school and don’t know where i would be without them.
My life: I’m doing pretty good right now! school has been tougher than expected and I’m really busy with yearbook and dance and work, but I am happy with where my mental state has been recently. also this summer i came out to my friends as bi and am really proud of that.
Relationship: I am quite single :) My last relationship ended a few months ago and I am very ready to move on!
ok for the tags thing i’d love to learn to hear from of course @stephanieleigh243 and also i’d love to learn more about u guys: @listailustre @apoca--lips @wildflowerparadox @twobeforejune 
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shark-wifey · 7 years
5 Things Meme
Tagged by @ma-setheneran​ for another challenge, and I need some cheering up this evening, so let’s do it!
5 things you can find on my blog
Mass Effect
Game of Thrones
Star Wars
Cute animals (mainly cats)
Nursing posts
5 things you can find in my room
Snacks... a lot of snacks
Star Wars memorabilia
Clothes everywhere (they don’t always make it to the laundry basket)
A patchouli and eucalyptus-scented diffuser
At least two glasses and one bowl on my desk
5 things I always wanted to do
Go on a road trip across North America and visit every state at least once
Learn a third language
Learn to function without crippling anxiety. That would be wonderful
Go to Comic-Con at least once
Learn to play the guitar. I wanted to learn when I was younger, but I couldn’t get my fingers in the right places and I gave up on it too quickly
5 things that make me happy
I did this recently too, so I’ll put some different things
Going for long walks
Playing SWTOR
Coffee with my nan (she’s lived in the same city for nearly 70 years and she can tell you everything about it)
That feeling when tears turn to laughter and things aren’t as terrible as they were a minute ago
5 things on my to-do list
Pass my driving test
Pass this placement
Write at least one story that I’m really proud of (I’ve got a good one going at the moment, so fingers crossed)
Lose 2 stone (12 kg) in weight by March
Buy a sewing machine so I can actually finish my quilt
5 things you may not know about me
I have a fiery temper. Being 5′1″, people assume I’m really sweet and nice, and it surprises them when I tell them I can get angry really easily
I like to sing most of the time (even though I’m not particularly good)
I used to do a lot of dancing when I was younger. Ballet, Tap and Modern Jazz for about 12 years. I stopped in Year 13 because my exams had to take priority. (If I could a group/class where I live, I’d start doing it again)
I am half-Irish on my mother’s side. My grandfather was a well-known musician about 40/50 years ago, particularly in County Leitrim and in some clubs in London. Despite the fact that he is a cantankerous (and often unpleasant) man, he was -- and still is -- an excellent musician.
I have never broken a bone before
I tag @bosshepard, @sofu-tofu and @sarcasticnursejess for this, if you want to do it!
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yuukimuras · 8 years
Five Things Meme
Tagged by @cassiopeium. Thank you! :)
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
Bose noise-cancelling headphones
Sunglasses to block out the haters the sun
Hand sanitizer, because germs be real nasty
Five things in my bedroom:
A stuffed Baymax
Bullet journal
A bunch of awards that I won from my high school orchestra, lol
Five things I’ve wanted to do in life:
Write and produce an original song
Start a YouTube channel (I probably wouldn’t be very good at it, tbh)
Visit the motherland and get to know my relatives who live on the other side of the world
Take my parents on vacation as a way of thanking them for everything that they’ve done for me
Try not to be so stressed out all the time
Five things that make me happy:
Nice stationery
A hot cup of tea
When one of my OTPs finally unites (and sealing it with a kiss is even better!)
Five things I’m currently into:
Lo-fi hip-hop music
Learning how to make better edits on Photoshop
Bullet journaling
Looking at things that are aesthetically pleasing
Five things on my to-do list:
Work on research paper for my World Music class
Practice piano accompaniment
Reading for my Music in American Cultures class
Roleplay replies
Catch up on Free!
Five things people may not know about me:
I used to do ballet, tap dancing, and gymnastics when I was a kid. I actually kinda miss it, and now I’m not as flexible as I used to be, sadly.
I can play 8 musical instruments: piano, violin, viola, cello, erhu, acoustic guitar, recorder, and harmonica. No, I’m not kidding.
Even though I don’t always have time for it, I really enjoy playing video games.
I also like riding on roller-coasters, and I tend to scream like I’m going crazy, but I swear I’m having fun and enjoying myself. 
In my 19 years of existence, I have never physically gone inside a Starbucks and ordered something from there.
Tagging: @holladnroden, @cammiemorgan, @lun-aria, and @theeverydayprincess. Also gonna tag some of my new mutuals who I haven’t talked to yet but would love to get to know! @ohmartin, @cherrycakejuice, and @rubiustilinski. 
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