#memorable settings
lnk-and-lnspiration · 5 months
Tips for Writing Memorable Settings: Creating Vivid and Immersive Worlds
In storytelling, settings play a vital role in transporting readers to new worlds, evoking emotions, and enhancing the overall reading experience. Well-crafted settings can immerse readers in your story, make it memorable, and bring your narrative to life. In this article, we will explore effective tips for writing memorable settings that captivate readers and create vivid, immersive…
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saintarmand · 3 months
iwtv is insanity inducing bc every time you google some reference in it you find out theyre doing some 4d chess with the symbolism… like okay playing roosevelt's speech about the us joining ww2 in the background as claudia tells louis shes gonna kill lestat is pretty straightforward, and of course the chess game theyre playing foreshadows how she beats him in the next episode but doesn't "finish the game" ie burn him. and bc claudia later compares lestat to the nazis/hitler, that obviously makes lestat germany and thus claudia is poland and louis is the us/roosevelt in the speech we hear: "I had hoped against hope that some miracle would prevent a devastating war in Europe and bring to an end the invasion of Poland by Germany" etc. BUT THEN you get nerdy and google some of the chess terms lestat uses like the dutch defense and stonewalling which is pretty interesting and then you vaguely remember one of the writers said the scene was based on some famous chess game, and you realize it must be glücksberg vs miguel najdorf which turns out to be literally called the POLISH IMMORTAL. najdorf was polish and glücksberg is some unknown but based on the name likely german. this was najdorf's first famous game, at the beginning of his career when he was only like 19 or something although we dont know the exact details of the game (and ofc you watch a few videos on the polish immortal and they all heavily criticize glücksberg's moves which makes lestat's arrogance even funnier) and ALSO, in 1939 (literally at the same time as the chess scene takes place) najdorf was participating in a chess tournament in buenos aires and since he was not only polish but also jewish, he stayed there rather than return home. his whole family was killed in the holocaust but he lived a long life in argentina. why is this relevant? because BUENOS AIRES which btw lestat also calls "la reina del plata" so you google that and find the 1930 song by carlos gardel and the lyrics are literally— anyway so buenos aires is where lestat planned for them to move to in ep7. perhaps if they had indeed gone to argentina instead of europe… well… perhaps… perhaps…
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gummi-ships · 9 months
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Kingdom Hearts - Hollow Bastion
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hamletthedane · 2 years
The fact that Shakespeare implied an entire fraught backstory to Beatrice and Benedick’s relationship with only five words - I know you of old - is so genius. This play is so genius. I don’t think I’ll ever get over the cleverness and subtly of writing in Much Ado.
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musicalchaos07 · 20 days
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No you don't UNDERSTAND the only difference in the flannel is a white strip.
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camelspit · 3 months
the current debates on sokeefe/sophitz and alden rn are so funny i feel like i was forcefully put in a time machine and blasted to a few years ago
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eclipseshotel · 3 months
Me busting into Elder Predator’s chambers to chew his ass out after he ignored my gauntlet call six times in a row (he was taking a much needed old man nap)
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acekindaneat · 1 year
sketch dump!
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got a new tablet so these are all just me testing brushes and settings 👍
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regscupid · 2 months
something something stalker james who thinks he’s just a hopeless romantic
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be-an-echo · 8 months
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watch the world burn
@seethesunny this is for you
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saturn-sends-hugs · 2 months
hhhhghghghgghggg guess who has a massive presentation tomorrow that they’re stressing out overrrrrr
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vaniliens · 5 months
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Wish they did more with this guy instead of making Gray almost instantly one shot him and then treat him like a joke in the sequel 😔 Invel Yura the pure ice wizard whatever that is and Zeref's homophobic homosexual 2nd in command you will always be famous (Your character concept at least,,,,)
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daisyssousa · 1 year
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brie’s agents of shield rewatch · ver. Daisy  ⤾ s01e02 - 0-8-4 “usually, one person doesn’t have the solution. but a hundred people? with one percent of the solution? that’ll get it done.”     
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
sorry if u already answered this question, but how do you scan your art? like via phone or a printer or smth else? It looks so good!🙏
I usually scan with a flatbed scanner in 400dpi, as I found it gave me the nicest quality without being too large, but 300dpi is also fine.
The secret to getting good scan quality is Know Thy Printer. Every scanner has its unique traits you want to compensate for, be it low contrast, over saturating, or washing out colours. My great art hack is adjusting for this post scan! I found duplicating and multiplying the layer (fading opacity based on need) helped fix a *lot* of issues with the ink scanning ‘washed out’.
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ectonurites · 6 months
teaching myself how to do a rubiks cube purely because a character i like had a sticker of a rubiks cube in his room
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redrobin-detective · 1 month
Its so amazing the little moments that impact your life. My high school did Poetry Out Loud when I was a junior - a very painfully shy, weird, quiet student who read books and didn't really have friends. I was always good at memorization and, as a student who thrived on perfection, I searched for hours on the website for the perfect poem.
In the end, I chose one that now isn't one I've kept up with but sometimes bits of the dialogue come to me even though its been over a decade since then. I won my class's competition but refused to go in front of the school (due to aforementioned shyness). So it didn't help my public speaking skills but it did give me a life long love of poetry. I've now memorized dozens of poems. I have stacks of poetry books on my shelf. I have poems hanging on my walls and tattooed on my skin.
Just, idk, there's something so special about how certain things come your way out of the blue and turn into something that becomes a part of you. Ordinary events stitching together parts of your soul.
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