#atmospheric writing
jemisard · 9 months
The Five Twenty: A Micro Story
There's a certain forest, deep in Appalachia.
It doesn't seem any different from any other part of the forest at first. The trees are old, heavy things, their canopy dense and heavy. Birds call and small things scurry about in the undergrowth.
But as you go deeper, the bird calls become less frequent, further away. The undergrowth still rustles and twigs still crack but there's no apparent reason for it anymore. The shade of the trees that was cooling and protective starts to droop lower, oppressive, crowding out the sunlight.
Then, the ground begins to feel spongy.
The trees are losing leaves, half eaten by rot and insects. Branches buckle under their own weight, decaying from the inside. Toadstools emerge from the cracks of dying trees and in turn already seem to be in their last moments, gasping their spores to a thick, fetid air. Then, there is light.
It picks weakly through the dying canopy, pale and washed out. It brushes over a log, a fallen giant that should spread life from its corpse, but which seems only to endlessly rot without ever truly falling apart.
And on this fallen giant there is a train set. As if built by an active child, it sprawls over the log, through gaps and the hollows, out and arching along a limb and back inside, a complicated route of switches and crossovers and natural tunnels.
A train runs the track. Smoke softly puffs from it like a tiny, infernal engine, the inside glowing with an impossible heat. It races along the tracks, taking a left, a right, impossibly never the same route. With every circuit it completes, the forest seems to wither just a tiny bit more.
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lnk-and-lnspiration · 5 months
Tips for Writing Memorable Settings: Creating Vivid and Immersive Worlds
In storytelling, settings play a vital role in transporting readers to new worlds, evoking emotions, and enhancing the overall reading experience. Well-crafted settings can immerse readers in your story, make it memorable, and bring your narrative to life. In this article, we will explore effective tips for writing memorable settings that captivate readers and create vivid, immersive…
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How to create an atmosphere: Supermarket
advertisements for products
big signs showing discounts
aisles full of colorful products
fresh produce
employees in matching uniforms
all different kinds of costumers
with shopping carts
with children running around
with a stroller or toddlers sitting in the shopping cart
with a service dog by their side
the sound of shopping carts being pushed and bumping into shelves
parents calling for their children
people talking on the phone
a man asking his wife if they still have enough toilet paper at home
someone asking the employee where they can find something
music interrupted by announcements about promotions the store is doing
the surring and beeping sound of the cash register belt
the sound of the electronic doors opening and shutting again
the stickiness of the floors
the differents textures of each item they think about buying
the coldness and often stickiness of the handle of the shopping cart
the sudden wetness from some products that are either fresh produce or where the package is leaking
the smell of spilled drinks that someone dropped and left for the employees to clean up
the smell of cleaning products from them having to sweep it up
the smell of hand sanitizer
the smell of different products the costumer holds up to their face and smells to decide if they like it
the horrendous smell of deposit machines where you return your not quite empty beer bottles to and the leftover liquid spills everywhere
different samples offered at the supermarket
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koerinz · 4 months
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“Her green eyes pierced through him like a bullet…. No, she can’t be here--” Chapter 1 ; Penitence : Hidden Hands by @north-noire
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Pure madness 
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yea-baiyi · 1 year
i just posted but i feel INSANE hua cheng’s entire appearance in the ghost groom arc is just symbolism.
when xie lian is alone (having sent everyone away, in danger but perfectly capable of fighting his way out), hua cheng steps in front of xie lian, offers his hand, and guides xie lian through the woods to where he needs to be. monsters cower before him, magical barriers don’t stop him, he steps on the skulls of enemies and crushes them so thoroughly that xie lian behind him feels like he is walking on flat ground. he doesn’t just swoop in without asking — he offers his hand, and waits, and xie lian willingly reaches out and lets himself be guided. and his grip is featherlight, even as he steers xie lian through danger and darkness. his blood rain warns away all who would dare harm them, but xie lian doesn’t get hit by a drop. and hua cheng does this all in his true form, not in disguise, because he’s not playing a character or trying to achieve anything, this is just him. despite not being confident enough to face xie lian directly, hua cheng has already shown him exactly who he is.
(now excuse me while i gnaw through an entire wall because how was this not glaringly obvious to me all along)
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canisalbus · 7 months
My absolute favorite thing about your blog, even more favorite that Vachete, is the care and interest you put into each response. Be it an ask or an art piece, you always eloquently break down each individual aspect and comment on them. It always makes me smile.
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dracognition · 4 months
for the tropes mash-ups, 86 and 100?? please?! (or whatever takes your fancy!)
86: i didn't mean to turn you on + 100: accidentally saving the day send me a trope mash-up!
Really, it only happened because he was on edge about Malfoy touching him so much.
"You are going to a ball hosted by--and I'm not sure if you're aware of this--an actual prince," he said, tapping his wand against Harry's waist to adjust the size of his shirt. "And you're embarrassing the Ministry by dressing like this; I've always said so." His free hand was wrapped around Harry's wrist, apparently to make sure he didn't run, but his grip was firm against his pulse point and unexpectedly warm and all Harry could do to not lunge at him was focus on anything other than his long fingers or the soft curve of his mouth.
So he stared unblinkingly at the ceiling and catalogued sounds: the rustling of his suit as it readjusted itself, the pleased hum Malfoy made when he was satisfied, the soft footsteps padding across the room--
--Wait, Harry thought, and aimed his wand toward the noise. "Stupefy," he said, still staring at the ceiling. He heard a grunt and a thud and felt Malfoy backing away, and after a moment spent collecting himself he followed.
"Oh, hey," he said, peering down at the man he'd just knocked out. "This was the guy who was targeting the prince, wasn't it? That's convenient."
Malfoy's eyes were wide. "You didn't even look," he said. "That--was irresponsible."
"I knew where he'd be," replied Harry defensively, and Malfoy swallowed. He glanced down again, wordlessly cast a Full Body-Bind, and glanced back at Malfoy, who was now staring at him with an expression Harry didn't dare parse. "Er," he said. "D'you reckon we should get going?"
"Threat neutralised," said Malfoy, his voice low and rough. "We could probably just call in and skip the event."
Harry frowned. "But you like those stupid parties."
Malfoy stepped forward, his cool fingers reaching up for Harry's jaw. "I can think of better ways to spend my time," he said, and Harry was about to ask what could possibly be better to him than kissing some prince's arse, but then Malfoy leaned in and kissed him so hard he stumbled back and Harry suddenly wasn't too bothered about the ball either.
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fatalforesight · 1 year
something about gothic deaths… sickness that lasts for weeks and ends with blood stained sheets, days and days of being shut away from everyone that loves you. drowning (perhaps even by choice) in the waters you played in as a child. heartbreak so deep, so sudden, so chilling that it stops the blood flowing in your veins long enough to begin cardiac arrest. mysteriously found stabbed in a haystack. impaled on the spiral tower of a mansion you found on a foreign moor. hypothermia in the woods in the middle of winter, starvation in the streets of an English ghosttown, cut to death on the thorns of a hedge maze, struck down by a monster of your own making. idk. i just think they’re neat
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adaginy · 2 years
Coothin burst into Human Sara's quarters, smacking the light tapper with xis upper left arm as soon as xe entered. "Human Sara! I know you enjoy seeing the new aliens and you are missing this arrival! The other humans are very exci--" "nnnhhggg shhh. Shhh." Human Sara remained in her sleeping-bay, arm pulled over her eyes. "No time for one of your 'naps'!" Xe reached out and tugged gently on Human Sara's arm with two of xis. "The other humans say they look like a cross between 'faeries' and 'jellyfish' and you must see them and also show me photos of those creatures!" Human Sara pulled herself to the edge of the sleeping bay and -- Coothin leapt backward as the human's stomach acid erupted onto the floor. Xe slammed the emergency button on xis communicator. It wasn't xis medical emergency button (unless xe had been splashed and it was even now burning through xis coverings), but xe couldn't reach Human Sara to press hers. The emergency system located xim and started blaring nearby alarms. Human Sara was keening now, an angry, pained moan as she curled into a a ball and clutched her pillow around her head.
Medics arrived equipped for the wrong species, and started to call for other supplies, when another human-who-hadn't-gone-to-the-new-species-docking came out of his room, squinting and covering his mouth like he, too, might eject acid. "Turn it off. Turn it OFF!" he demanded. The medics were already here, and disobeying an angry and insistent human seemed unwise. The alarms were turned off. The human slumped sweatily against his door frame. Those with acute hearing, if they hadn't been deafened by the alarms, could hear groans from elsewhere in the warren of human housing. "A bunch of us have migraines. Please fuck off. quietly. quietly fuck off," he mumbled, having apparently spent himself with his brief shouts. "What caused this? Do we need to quarantine the human sector??" It wouldn't be the first time. New rules had to keep being added about things the humans had to be screened for when returning from planetside.
"mi'en dlar kweshen." Coothin's translator could not parse the human's slurring and transmitted it directly, but the medics had more powerful systems for this sort of scenario. "no kwarteen. debrief la'er. Shhh..." He faded, staggering back into his quarters. ... A handful of medics-of-various-species and a handful of humans who had recovered first sat (or equivalent-ed) around a table. The humans did most of the talking among themselves. "Is there something we all ate?" "I didn't eat breakfast, I woke up too late for [religious seasonal meal, details sent to handheld]," said a woman whose garment extended over the top of her head. A strongly built human rolled his eyes. "Well I didn't eat dinner." He sat up straight, smug. "Intermittent fasting, you know." Several of the other humans rolled their eyes. "Okay, not food. Stress? I know me and Sara are doing some high-stress work, is everyone else's stuff going off the rails?" The alien medics looked at each other. What rails?
But the humans shook their heads. "Hormones? ...Ladies, at least?" More head-shaking. "Any changes to the cleaning chemicals?" They turned to the medics, who were not in charge of the cleaning robots but did have access to which chemicals were being used where. The medics answered in the negative.
"Everyone good on water? Though I dunno why we'd all get dehydrated at once. No atmospheric water emergencies, right?"
Again, something the medics kept track of. Or would find out about quickly as sick crewmates turned up. "No, atmospheric humidity constant. Well, up a little, in some sectors, for the Dre'mls, the new ones? They require higher humidity and less pressure so maintenance spent most of the day running reclaimers on null gasses, the ones that no-one breathes, so needs are still met but the percentages are all --"
"Wait, wait wait wait" -- humans were talking over eachother and the one with the garment banged her palm on the table to shush everyone. "There's been a drop in atmospheric pressure? Over some hours?"
None of the medic species liked the way the humans all had their eyes trained on them. "...yes? The Dre'mls are delicate--"
The humans tossed up their hands, some of them shouting. "Next time just vent it, oh my [human deity]. The sudden drop will make us all miserable for a few minutes, but we handle that going on and off planetside all the time. Don't drop it over HOURS; that means a storm is coming and it'll knock a bunch of us on our ass."
"... oh. That is... unique. It's rare for a species to sense it at all, if it's within survival parameters. If we encounter a species that requires higher pressure, should we --" "I think it matters less, but err on the side of caution and do it fast, yes."
"We will report this to maintenance and add it to the human files. Thank you all for your time; you may go." And it was added to the human files, under "health risks", that causing a fast pressure drop would cause widespread brief pain, but a slow pressure drop would cause concentrated, disabling pain for hours or days. It was also put under the secret "Arguments that species is secretly/unwittingly a hive mind despite denials" file.
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strafepanzer · 2 years
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atmospheric | act i: cumulus
masterlist | act i | act ii | act iii
a @mybigbangacademia collab with @54prowl
rating: explicit (for future themes)
word count: 9.4k
tags: katsuki’s sailor tongue, staged (and non-staged) meet cutes, mentions of grief
a/n: oh my lord, i thought this would never come to fruition! i wanna thank @kweenkatsuki @kingkatsuki @karikarasuno and especially @54prowl for keeping me sane throughout this! thank you for reading my stuff and screaming about it and helping me through writers block and just being there for me when i was at my most anxious. i adore you all so so much!
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“Hell fucking no.” Katsuki laughs. Laughs at the gall, at the sheer audacity. “I don’t need this. Why the fuck would I need this?”
His publicist shares a look with the rep from The Hero Commission. “Bakugo,” she takes a breath, clenches her jaw a little. He’s known Kira for a long time, knows she honestly tries to do what’s best for him, what he needs. “You could be number one.” She states confidently. “And I’m gonna be candid here, because we’re not strangers; I’ve been with you for six long years,” she doesn’t break eye contact with him, if anything she leans into him more. “I’m frustrated. It’s goddamn frustrating watching you sit at six. Six? You’re Dynamight.”
“That’s right!” The rep all but throws his hands up in the air. “Dynamight! You always catch the bad guy! Your merch is one of our best selling lines, you always file your work correctly— and on time!” He stresses, blue eyes as big and bright as All Might’s were. “Your issue is popularity, the polls; you don’t take fan pics, you don’t sign merch—“
“That’s not the point of bein’ a fucking hero—“
“We don’t want you to change, Bakugo, that’s the whole point of this. You don’t have to become a whole different person; in fact, we don’t really expect you to do much, especially during the first few months of the project.” The Project. He wants to snort, to cross his arms and lean back in his chair, show his disinterest; but, shit, he’d be a fucking liar if he didn’t admit sitting at six didn’t drive him up the wall.
“It’ll just start with a chance meeting here, another there, just so social media can get wind of it, and rumours can spread.” Kira relaxes a little, frown lines evening out as she takes in Anderson’s excited vibes. Katsuki huffs a little, meets her eyes. “We’ve had a team working on your story for a while.”
“Story…” he tests the word in his mouth as his brows draw together. “So there’s a script?”
“We have a timeline and set meetings,” Anderson smiles, leaning back in his chair. “Some social media stories we’ll need you to post, more she has to post; but as far as a script goes… it’s more of the direction we need you to go in.”
Katsuki sighs, grabs the surprisingly heavy booklet they presented to him earlier in the meeting. GOLDFISH takes up most of the cover page in giant letters, a corny TOP SECRET stamped in red takes up the rest of it; fucking stupid, dramatic, pretentious Hero Commission shit. He flips through the pages, glosses over the words until he gets to a sub heading titled Chance Meeting One.
They’re lucky he doesn’t peg the fucking book at Anderson.
Subject A bumps into Subject B on the red carpet. Subject B stumbles, Subject A steadies them, asks if they are okay. The two share a look, then get back to business. Paparazzi in the vicinity—
“So, if I’m subject A, who’s the mysterious Subject B?” His voice is dripping in sarcasm as he tosses the book back onto the table. He’s mildly surprised— concerned, even?— when neither of them jump to tell him.
“We can’t… tell you… until you sign the contract.” Kira says quietly, the nerves he’s so accustomed to seeing, creeping back onto her face.
His scowl must deepen astronomically, because she turns to Anderson with her bottom lip between her teeth.
“You’re not the only hero suffering in the popularity polls.” Anderson shrugs, gesturing with his hands. “Kira’s just been meticulous about you getting the boost. In reality, this would be a good deal for all of the top 10 heroes.”
Katsuki feels his eye twitch.
“Shouto, for example, isn’t that great with social cues, tends to shy away from media; he’s already at three, we could get him higher.” Anderson is 100% goading him, and Katsuki knows it, but it’s working.
“Is she a hero?”
“No,” his agent says confidently. “She’s not in the business, not a part of the commission either.”
“She’s well-loved, fawned over. Attractive.” Anderson turns to Kira. “Would you say so?”
“Oh yeah, absolutely. We’d never set you up for failure, Bakugo, I can promise you that.”
“I don’t care what she looks like,” he huffs, slightly agitated. “I just don’t wanna drop in the polls.” He grumbles, glare set on Anderson. “Do they know it’s me?”
“Nope, she just knows you’re a hero.” He answers with a toothy smile.
Katsuki presses on. “Does she know I’m in top 10?”
“Her contract states it’ll be a hero in the top 50.” He shoots back, unblinking.
“Just say yes Bakugo, I promise it’ll be worth it.” Kira interjects, eyes hopeful. “And hey, you might actually really like her.”
Katsuki’s snort of laughter is loud. “Doubt it.” He grabs the book and flicks through the pages again, what’s the harm in taking it home and having a read? “Do I have to decide now?”
“Yes.” They answer together, Anderson steadfast and Kira flat.
“No time like the present.” The rep shrugs, the Cheshire grin on his face only growing with Katsuki’s frustration.
“You’re a real fucking ass you know that?” The hero grumbles, throwing his glare over his shoulder, pretending to be interested in the view of the setting sun from their vantage point on the 47th floor of the Hero Commission.
“The sooner you sign, the sooner we get the ball rolling.” Anderson drums the table like a fucking salesman.
And Katsuki signs the contract.
Katsuki still lives in the same apartment he bought when he was a rookie. Granted, back then this place was far too good for him, with its timber floorboards, prime location, and it’s five burner stainless steel natural gas cooktop. The previous owner was selling to move abroad; a retired chef who allowed Katsuki a walkthrough of the place as a ‘favour’ to one of Aizawa’s friends.
She—the chef— must’ve seen something in Katsuki when his eyes roamed the sparkling appliances, the range hood, the dishwasher, the fridge, because she accepted his offer, and he’d moved in the next week. It wasn’t until Eijirou had mentioned a couple months into living there, that his bathroom tiles were pink, that Katsuki had even noticed; that’s just how smitten he was with that fucking kitchen.
Now, years later, he feels shitty looking at his commercial grade kitchen.
When was the last time he cooked? Shit, the only time he even uses his kitchen is when he makes himself an instant coffee before work, or reheats takeout from the night before. He’s so busy at TDA, so busy bagging baddies and fighting crime and filing fucking paperwork that he’s gotta eat and run, with the shitty haired idiot eating into his days off with god damned babysitting duties at his place.
Katsuki sinks into the worn leather of his camel coloured couch, A4 envelope in his hand. He should open it, should find out who exactly this mystery girl is, should prepare. Instead, he sighs, tosses the crisp wad of paper onto the seat next to him, runs a hand down his face.
If even one person finds out he’s doing this, he’s over.
“Fuck,” he mutters, hands drawing down his face, crimson staring into the white of his ceiling, the elaborate cornices joining the muted grey of his walls. Bare walls.
The chef had paintings on the walls, heavy velvet curtains over the windows, colourful rugs, buffets covered in photos, house plants, and so much furniture. But Katsuki— young and pretentious— didn’t get that. He liked how huge the apartment seemed without it all, how high the ceilings felt, how large the rooms were.
Now, as much as he’s loathe to admit it, it feels kinda lonely.
But, he’ll do what he usually does when that nagging emptiness nips at his ankles, when he’s alone and actually feeling it: he’ll head to TDA. He’ll get to work, ignore Deku and that half and half bastard when they tell him they’ve got everything covered, ignore sparky when he teases him about not having a life, ignore pink cheeks when she reminds him for the millionth time he’s not getting paid overtime.
With a heaved sigh, he sits forward, elbows on his knees, head in his hands. That envelope glares at him from the other side of the two seater lounge, sitting there as if it’s some kind of placeholder, as if the girl herself is going to materialise next to him if he dares to open it.
He doesn’t open it.
TDA—The Deku Agency (yeah, stupid fucking name)— is lively in the afternoons. Heroes and rookies mingle with civvies in the foyer, sitting at cozy little tables and ordering overpriced drinks and cakes from the café Deku had installed in the far corner of the lobby in a bid to improve relations between them. The Commission loved it.
Katsuki uses the back door.
He takes the maintenance elevator up to the office floor and wordlessly finds his desk, revels in the pssssssht as he sinks into the bright orange, high-backed ergolux. It’s comfy for an office chair, just the right amount of worn in, without the irritation of squeaky screws his old chair had.
“Don’t you have today off?” Icyhot’s glare is blank, cold soba (probably) noodles suspended between the chopsticks held at lip level.
“None’a your business, half ‘n’ half.” Katsuki glares back heatedly, spinning in his chair to face his monitor. It, too, is… orange. Just like Deku’s is broccoli green, and round cheeks’ is pink, and fucking half ‘n’ half’s is… half red, half icy blue. According to Deku, some computer company brought out a whole range of hero inspired computers in a collab with the Commission and he just had to get one for everyone; with matching chairs.
The colours throw off the serenity the floor could have, with its glossy white floors, floor to ceiling windows, the greenery delicately placed around the space. But, that’s Deku and Pink Cheeks to a tee, and the icyhot asshole just goes along with whatever half-baked plan the two of them conspire.
“Was it expensive?” Todoroki presses, those eyes still staring holes into Katsuki.
“Haah?” He knows he shouldn’t rise to the bait, but he’s tense as it is, so that red glare of his is burning through Shouto in an instant.
“The fine? Property damage, Uraraka thinks, but my money’s on defamation?” He says it with such disinterest, that it almost takes Katsuki off guard.
“It was a meeting, dipshit; about my career. I don’t have any outstanding fines.” He almost snarls, irritation a growling monster in his gut. “Asshole.” He adds, filing away Ochako’s involvement in the back of his mind. He’ll call her out for it later; she’s always the one putting ridiculous ideas in that two-toned space cadet’s head.
“Ah, sorry.” He hears him mumble back, followed by a loud slurp that makes Katsuki’s left eye twitch.
“You should be.” The blonde huffs, irritation mounting at the lack of sincerity in his voice. “Who the hell did you think was suing me?”
“Hm? Didn’t you badmouth Grand on Twitter last week?”
Katsuki actually laughs. “If that asshole wants to go to battle, he’ll need to be ready for fucking war.”
“What was the meeting about, then? Your public image? Are they mad at you?”
Yes and no.
“You’re awfully chatty today.”
“Well, I’m having a meeting next week,” Shouto admits, piquing Katsuki’s interest; he swivels in his chair, watches his friend as he plays with his noodles absentmindedly. “Just… Don’t know what to expect.”
“Oh.” Is all Katsuki can really say. He vaguely remembers Shouto mentioning something about almost slipping in the polls, and although he’s higher than Katsuki, he bets his own agent’s been getting a beat down from the Commission. While they don’t really care who sits at number one, they do care when merch sales drop and social media interaction is low.
“I just hate… all of that extra stuff. All of the unnecessary competition that comes along with this job. Reminds me of… Father.” As if sensing he’s stepped a foot wrong (for once in his life), Shouto mumbles a sorry and turns back towards his computer screen.
Normally, a mention of Shouto’s father leaves a bittersweet taste in Katsuki’s mouth, has him turning cheek to cheer his friend up in his own asshole-y way… but guilt nips at his heels. Guilt that his contract might actually have him surpassing Shouto with a leg-up Katsuki doesn’t technically need. Katsuki isn’t Shouto; he’s a prick on purpose, not out of childhood trauma-induced ignorance. Katsuki knows that the things he says and his shitty actions have god damned consequences.
Todoroki’s just a little weird.
Fuck, another reason to feel shitty about signing that fucking contract.
After a few moments, Shouto’s slurping starts again, giving Katsuki the green light to get his head out of his ass. He turns back to his own computer, taps the space bar a few times to wake it up, and logs into the portal.
Time to catch up on some incident reports.
The Kirishima Household is lovely. Pro Hero Red Riot bought a place out in the ‘burbs when he got married, a semi-renovated two-storey place with a yard. It’s hard to find a place with a yard so close to the city, especially on rookie hero wages. The place has three bedrooms upstairs, with the living and dining, kitchen, and bath and toilet downstairs; Eijirou’s been trying to convince Katsuki to claim the third bedroom as his, even bought him an alarm clock and an All Might sheet set for the bed, but Katsuki chronically takes the couch.
When he comes over the night before the Gala to watch Akari, the father-daughter duo are playing MarioKart. Katsuki shakes his head at them— concealing his grin— and takes his groceries to the kitchen, set on making dinner for the two of them before Ei has to head off to work.
He must be thinking too hard, the anxiety of the Gala etched on his face, because Eijirou is hovering.
The red head’s also giving him the look.
Between serving his little girl dinner— which Katsuki assured him, he could do— getting his shit together for his shift, and making small talk with Katsuki, he keeps staring. It’s the goading look; the one that says: hey man, I know something’s wrong, but you’re just gonna say nothin’ if I ask, so I’m gonna need you to tell me.
Katsuki’s not gonna tell him.
He can’t.
What, just come out with a: yeah, I actually accepted an offer from the Commission to fake date someone in order for my public perception to improve, so I’ll climb the popularity polls. No chance in hell; not even if the place froze over.
Sure, if anyone were to understand, it’d probably be Eijirou. Either him, Deku, or Shouto, but… he just can’t. Especially with Red Riot sitting at number 8.
Katsuki has to usher him out the door at 6pm, has to pretend he’s fine, and that nothing’s bothering him; he even tries to give Ei a reassuring smile as he hops on his motorbike, but thinking back on that moment, it probably only worsens his perception of Katsuki. Since when does he smile and wave him off to work?
He settles onto the sofa next to Ei’s mini me after tidying the kitchen and tossing a load of laundry in the wash. A replay of the morning news should relax him a little, should take his mind off this stupid Gala, the stupid red carpet, the stupid fucking contractual dating.
The news anchors are achingly boring, droning on about the finance sector, the stock market; Deku’s into all that shit, pulled Katsuki into investing almost a decade ago. The idiot even told Katsuki not to waste his first hero pay check on stupid stuff… then went ahead and bought some 160,000Y All Might figure that looked achingly out of place on his coffee table in his tiny loft studio apartment.
Then he’s on the news, a flash of blonde and green and orange flying through the sky. He’d apprehended a villain last night, and the news loves reporting on all of the property damage that usually comes along with Katsuki’s quirk; he’s gotten so good at holding back, but since signing the contract, he knows he’s been acting a little more recklessly. And of course, snakey fucking journalists have to jump on that. Reminds him how much he fucking hates the news.
At least the weather girl’s cute.
“Uncle Kats? You okay?” Akari blinks, looking up from her iPad. She’s the spit out of her father’s mouth with those big red eyes and inky black hair, not to mention how much she loves Katsuki. Must run in the Kirishima genes.
“Why d’ya ask, kiddo?”
“I knew it,” she sighs, pulling her feet underneath her as she locks her iPad. “Dad’s got another girlfriend, doesn’t he? You always get weird like this when he’s seeing someone.”
Katsuki snorts laughter. “Always? Your dad has dated two people since you’ve been alive.”
“You’re acting weird!” She argues, arms gesturing wildly.
“You’re ten, you have no idea what weird even is.” He brushes her off, hoping to relive her of her street, but unable to do it nicely. He doesn’t really do nice.
“Dad was staring at you funny, and you were being weird.” She scrunches her little nose up at him, and Katsuki knows he’s not getting out of this conversation without putting a little bit of work in.
“Your dad stares at me funny all the time, squirt; you should’ve seen him when we were in high school.”
“He looked worried.” Akari frowns, because it is strange when Ei’s not being carefree.
Still, he’s gonna pretend he didn’t notice. “Did he?”
“Yeah and you did too!” She accuses, voice rising, annoyed. “Like, right up until now”
“So, because we both look worried, your dad’s dating again.” Its not a question, it’s her conclusion.
“Yeah, because he’s worried you’ll tell me, and you’re worried you have to keep it a secret. You don’t, by the way, I’m double digits now, so you can trust me with your secrets, I promise, Uncle Kats.” She bats those lashes at him, eyes shining with what he can only call mirth. The one thing she seemed to pick up from Katsuki after all these years babysitting.
He sighs, midway between impressed at her reasoning skills, and bummed that he can’t give her the answers she’s looking for. Still, he lets out a low whistle. “Double digits, huh? Sounds like you’re too old to hang out with Uncle Kats at the parlour.”
Seems like redirection still works for pre-teens, because her ruby reds light up like it’s Christmas. “You said you’re too famous to go out in public!”
“Are you arguing with ice cream, squirt?” He fakes a glower, sends her a little glare that can only be taken as playful.
“No way!” She bounces from the couch and practically runs to the landing. “I’m just gonna put my coat and shoes on!” She calls, talking way too fast. But then her little face pokes back around the corner, brows furrowed. “No take-backs.” She glares, wary.
He sighs, rubs a huge scarred hand over his too tired face. “No take backs.” He shrugs, shaking his head.
Akari seems content to leave his sight after that, her fast footfalls trekking up the stairs, her bedroom door slamming open. Meanwhile, he sinks a little into the sofa, annoyed with himself; mostly for acting so obviously emotional in front of a child, but also for promising her ice cream.
Looks like a beanie, face mask, and sunglasses type of night.
Eijirou rolls up the driveway a long thirteen hours after he left.
Katsuki’s made Eijirou a decaf tea— he’s gotta sleep today, and all that— and he’s stirring his coffee with a teaspoon as he leans against the countertop in the kitchen, eyes on the front door in anticipation. He needs to talk to him, needs to reassure his best friend that he’s okay, that there’s not really anything wrong.
Tell him what’s going on without explicitly telling him what’s going on.
“Daddy’s home!” He calls, bursting into the house with far too much energy for coming off an overnight shift.
“Dude, she’s asleep.”
“What?” His face falls, eyes darting around the kitchen like Katsuki’s telling lies. “It’s seven am, she’s got school this morning.” He grows more panicked by the second. “The bus gets here at seven-fifty—“
“Eiji, c’mon, all she’s gotta do is get up, get dressed, and eat breakfast.” Katsuki grumbles, rolling his eyes.
“How are you letting her sleep in? I knew it, something’s wrong. You were acting so weird last night, but this is… this is worse.” He dumps his work bag at his feet, puts his hands on his hips and gives him those god damn puppy eyes that are generally reserved for begging Katsuki to go somewhere with him. “You’re harder on her schedule than I am, Katsuki.”
Katsuki sighs, steps over to rinse his teaspoon in the sink. “I took her out for ice cream last night, and we stayed out past her bedtime, so I told her I’d let her sleep in until seven-thirty.” He picks up Eijirou’s tea, hold it out for him to take. “I’m fine, really, it’s just a work thing.”
Eijirou accepts the mug, takes a few steps to sit at his four-seater dining table. “A work thing you can’t tell your best bud about.”
“It’s—“ Katsuki hesitates, taking his coffee with him to joint Eijirou at the table. “The Hero Gala is coming up, and Kira is making me go. You know how I hate doing publicity shit.” Not a lie. It’s true, he has to go to the pretentious fucking Hero Gala, and he hates all that stupid shit, and, yeah maybe there’s something else going on at the Gala, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he doesn’t wanna go.
Eiji’s mouth hangs open. “That’s it?”
“Hah?” Katsuki glares.
“You’re freaking out about the Gala?”
“Do you blame me?”
“No, I— geez, Kats, I actually thought there was something eating at your soul. You looked like you made a deal with a crossroads demon or something.” He shakes his head of whatever thoughts he’s been having and lets out a laugh, takes a sip of his tea.
Eijirou has no idea just how on the money he actually is.
“Nah, I just don’t know what to wear, how to act. You know how I can get with camera flashes.” He sighs, remembering the last press release he went to— all of the cameras and loud noises, and… fuck, it’s uncomfortable, and reminds him of being out in battle. Maybe he actually needs to get onto someone about PTSD like shitty Deku keeps suggesting.
Eijirou lets out a breath, the weight falling off his shoulders. “Well, you’ve always looked good in red; brings out your eyes.”
Katsuki chuckles then. “You’re a biased little shit, Ei.”
“I know.”
The Gala is everything Katsuki expects it to be: loud, crowded, and brightly lit. Paparazzi and fans line the streets for blocks leading to the venue, and it makes his nose twitch. He’s not the best with his public image, but tonight he has to at least try. Has to put in some goddamn effort.
Not only for himself, but for TDA, for his… to be girlfriend.
God, it even sounds fucking stupid in his head.
He drove himself, the plan to pull up in the valet cue and open the envelope, prepare then. In hindsight it’s pretty last minute, but knowing a name threatened over overthinking on his part. He’s never really been known for his level head, and in that respect, he’s his worst enemy.
He’d argued with Kira a couple of days ago about a pre-meeting meeting, something to ease his anxiety, somewhere for him to meet this woman and form some kind of fool-proof game plan; but he was shot down.
What if a pap sees them entering the same building before they even meet?
That’ll ruin the meet-cute for the fans, destroy everything the commission worked hard to create. Which is fair, honestly; she’d asked him if he read the plan, reminded him that until they can’t even have phone contact until the third meet just in case anyone catches wind of anything.
Stupid Commission and their goddamn paranoia.
So as Katsuki sits in the cue, venue a beacon of light a couple a blocks away, he opens the centre console of Maserati Gran Turismo and pulls out the envelope, unrolls it and flattens it against his thighs. This is it, no time to mull over the results, because as he idles, the cue slowly rolls forward, bringing him closer to the Gala by the minute.
As calloused fingers carefully pull at the tab, his mind races. He thinks about just how long he’s waited for this moment, how on edge he’s been since he scribbled his signature at the bottom of that contract. As much as he’s loathe to admit it, he needs to do a good job with this, needs to put in the effort, needs to milk it for all its worth.
For some reason, he thinks back to Shouto sitting in his office chair, clearly worried about his own standings in the ranks, looking sorry as hell. He wonders how Shouto’d feel if Anderson were sitting across from him at the table, offering him help he doesn’t quite need, giving him an opportunity he might not be fit to take.
But, shit, that worrying? It’s so unnecessary. Icyhot might not have even wanted to sign the fucking contract. Sometimes Katsuki doesn’t give him the credit he deserves.
He tugs the paper from the envelope and scans the page.
Your name sits there in bold block letters.
But he has no idea who the fuck you are.
Kira’s got his phone and wallet in her bag so he can comfortably walk the carpet, so he can’t even Google who the hell you are. He says your name over and over in his brain, trying to light up electrodes, trying to think of anything that could bring a face to your name.
“Fuck,” he hisses, reading the name again, skimming through the document. There’s nothing there about you, no occupation, no bio, no nothing. “Fuck.” He growls, glancing up to see the venue way closer than he anticipated.
It’s fine. It’s fine because no other person would even think about bumping into Dynamight, not even on accident. This woman is going to knock into him, he’s going to steady her, not glare at her, and then it’ll be over. He can do this.
It’s going to be fine.
By the time he realises he’s shaking his leg, he’s the fourth car in the cue. He remembers the wise words of wisdom Ei shot him as he left his house that morning: you’re gonna look good, bro; just don’t blow anyone up.
He checks his hair in the rear view mirror, makes sure the lapel of his deep, deep red suit jacket is laying nicely against the matte black if his dress shirt, that his black silken tie is sitting centre. He didn’t wanna wear red, but Kira agreed with Ei, insisted it brought out the ruby of his eyes, and would make it easier for the girl to spot him.
For you to spot him.
Fuck, he’s next.
When the limo in front of him drives away, he rolls up until he’s gestured to stop, puts the car in park and presses the handbrake on. At least the anxiety of meeting you and following this script is taking his mind off how much he hates red carpets.
Oh, great, he’s gonna blend into the fucking flooring.
“Dynamight, big fan,” the valet— tall, lanky, cat-like— opens his door, gestures widely for him to exit the car.
“Hey, thanks,” Katsuki nods, points to the button to the left of the steering wheel. “Handbrake’s on; don’t drop the clutch too fast or you’ll stall her.” He explains as he slides out of the seat, stands tall to meet the valet’s eyes. He’s still a couple of inches taller.
“I will be very gentle with her, I promise.” He grins, holding a ticket out for Katsuki as he shoves his hands into his pants pockets, lifts his chin as if assessing the slightly shorter man.
Then— deeming his valet adequate— Katsuki takes the ticket, slides it into his pocket, and nods him a good night.
When Katsuki turns towards the golden— not red, thank god— carpet, it’s as if someone’s just unmuted the television; it’s suddenly way too loud, his name being screamed from all angles, camera flashes blinding him, people crowding him. He’s ushered to the first little black X taped to the carpet by a busy little woman in a black suit, is briefly told to pause and pose for pics, before she hurries off in a blur.
He straightens a little, softens the agitation on his face a bit, but doesn’t smile. Why the hell would he? The paps are all desperately calling a mixture of his last name and his hero name, shouting at him like he’s some kind of prized pony, and he hates it. He hates the showboating, loathes the OTT smiling.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spots Kira, her dress a tight purple bodice with a midi length circle skirt; she’s got a headset on, just like the other PA’s and Gala staff, and a black satchel bag slung across her torso. She beams when their eyes meet, but gestures for him to keep posing, uses her pointer fingers to elongate the smile on her own face, then loudly mouths smile.
The audacity of her has a smirk sliding onto his face, and he glances at the paps for a bit, before heading towards her.
“You look good!” She beams, dusting absolutely nothing from his shoulders and looking up at him like a proud mama. “Are you ready?” She leans up to ask him, voice more muted than before.
“Yeah, I just—“ he glances around, leans down to her ear. “I don’t know who she is.”
“Huh? Really?” Kira’s eyes almost bug our of her head. “What do you mean?”
“Shit, I—“
“Bakugo Katsuki willingly participating in a photo op? I think my depression is cured.” Katsuki would know that low drawl anywhere, his gut instinct affirmed when he’s met with lazy lavender eyes, and a just as lazy smirk.
“Shinsou?” Katsuki’s eyes widen. Last he heard about mindfreak, he was working the underground, so seeing him here is kind of throwing him off.
“Nice threads; when did hell freeze over?” Shinsou’s purple hair is in a messy bun, showing off a faded undercut, his suit pirate-esque with a too-open white shirt, brown suspenders and matching brown slacks.
“Funny. Who are you here with?” Katsuki snips, looking around for a possible date.
“What, am I not famous enough to work the golden carpet?” He snips in return. “You caught me, I’m here with Denks.” Then he nods behind him, at Kaminari who’s looking in his element in fucking sequins.
It brings a grin to Katsuki’s face, and he holds out his hand for Shinsou to shake. “Good to see you either way.”
“Bakugo,” Kira tugs his jacket sleeve, eyes wide as she nods for him to keep moving. “We gotta get inside.”
“Oh, sorry dude; I know how this makes you antsy.” Shinsou watches him exchange a look with Kira, takes his hand and gives it a shake.
“See you in there?” Katsuki nods.
“Bet.” Shinsou grins, dropping his hand, sauntering off towards Denki.
“You don’t know who she is? So what, you’re just gonna look clunky and hyperaware of every woman coming within a foot of you on a busy red carpet?” Kira is hissing at him as she directs him towards where semi-retired Mt Lady is having an interview with a reporter. “Did you not open the envelope?”
“I did, I just don’t know who the fuck she is, sue me.” Katsuki snips at her, just as annoyed with himself as she is.
“Oh, if this gets out, you’ll be getting sued Bakugo, don’t you worry.” She shakes her head, and points to the X’s plastered in a zig-zag all the way up to the entrance of the building. “Make your way up, hit each black X. Don’t worry about the white or the red, just hit the black ones.”
“There’s like eleven of them.”
“I’ll meet you inside,” she smiles without her eyes. “Don’t overthink it, and be fucking nice.”
He rolls his eyes.
He heads towards the first X when Denki moves on, a pretty reporter in white standing there with a crew and a smartphone wave him over.
“Dynamight!” She tucks a lock of pink hair behind her ear, bounces excitedly in place on the tallest pair of stilettos Katsuki has ever seen.
For all intents and purposes, this could be her. His heart absolutely hammers in his chest and he’s not entirely sure if he’s nervous because he hates the media, or if he’s about to meet the woman he’s gotta ‘fall in love’ with.
“Good to see you, number six! How’s things?” She asks into the bottom of her phone, before holding it out to him.
“Evening,” he greets. “It’s… loud here.” He makes a point to soften his scowl, looks at all of the fans and other people on the other side of the barricade. Be fucking nice, she said. Be fucking nice.
They absolutely roar.
“I don’t think your fans are used to seeing you like this. Who dressed you tonight?” She eyes him up and down, looks like she wants to touch him, but thinks better of it.
“I dressed myself, actually.” He says with a bit of bravado, that shit eating grin splitting his face as he tucks his thumbs under the lapels of his jacket and runs them down.
She laughs, a full-bodied thing that catches Katsuki off guard, has him looking awkwardly between her and the cameraman. “No, I mean who designed what you’re wearing?”
He doesn’t know. And he can’t be rude to this girl just in case she’s her; there’s a split second of internal struggle within him before she interrupts his chain of thought.
“You don’t know, do you Dynamight?”
“Am I gonna get in trouble from my agent if I don’t?” He looks behind himself, through the crowd for the purple dress, but it’s nowhere to be seen.
“No! No way! Just tweet it later!” She laughs, patting him lightly on his upper arm.
He laughs, almost bitterly. “Right, twitter, sure.” He suppresses an eye roll, lifts his hand to wave at the crowd, the camera, then her. “Enjoy your night.”
“We love you, Dynamight!” She cheers, setting the fans off again, the noise absolutely deafening him; and he’s used to loud, used to explosive. But not like this. At least when he’s detonating, he’s full of adrenaline, not fucking nerves.
The second, third, and fourth X interviews are all more of the same; more questions about his look, about how he’s unusually chatty, about how he actually showed up. It’s hard to be fucking nice, but it does take his mind off the reason he decided to show up tonight.
Until someone’s knocking into him, and he’s instinctively wrapping an arm around their waist to stop them from falling flat on their ass. There’s a collective gasp in the immediate vicinity, but all Katsuki can see is you. You in your shimmery peach gown, eyes bright and wide, face flushed and lips parted in awe.
And he recognises you immediately; sees you almost every morning when he’s got an office shift, sometimes even nights. Ochako’s a stickler for the news, watches the same channel every day like clockwork to keep an eye on the stock market when Deku can’t; and he’s always liked the addition of you, keeps an ear out for your sing-song voice under the guise of needing to know what kind of sky he’s gonna be flinging his body into if he has to fight that day.
“Weather girl?” He breathes, finally putting a face to the name.
You just kinda gawk at him, a special kind of shock that he can only describe as wonder.
“D-Dynamight? Can you help me up?” You blink, not quite knowing what to do with your hands while he has you suspended mid-fall.
As if breaking his trance, he curses a quick, “oh, shit,” before helping you back to your feet.
“Thanks,” you smile a little awkwardly. “And sorry. For, you know, knocking into you.”
“No, uh, harm done.” He mutters back, all of the bravado he’s built up over the course of the carpet walk going down the drain as he watches you worry your bottom lip between your teeth. “You okay?”
You process his question without breaking eye contact with him, then you nod once, real slow. “Yeah,” you say, smile growing on your face. “Yeah, I think I am. Nice to meet you.”
He can’t help but mirror your smile. “Likewise.”
There’s a photo and an accompanying video going ‘viral’ when Katsuki wakes up in the morning. He knows this because not one, not two, not three, but seven different people send him links to varying posts, with people going a little nutso over his little meeting with you.
Kira’s happy too; she was all smiles for the rest of the night, texting on her phone, disappearing to relay things with Anderson before giving Katsuki his personal items back out of her satchel, and knocking off for the night. He didn’t plan to stay, but he did; had a few bourbons and hung out with Shinsou and Denki and their little gang until daybreak.
Shinsou’s sent him a few messages— he’s a double texter— and Katsuki touches base with him before delving into the world of social media, just to see how successful Meeting One was.
He’s fucking trending.
As much as he’s loathe to search his hashtag, he clicks into it; he scrolls through candid and posed photos of him in his red and black ensemble, people’s text posts commenting on how they would let him “eat them alive” among other—more intense—things, and pictures of you.
He looks at those the longest, studies the lines and curves of your face, compares how you look when you’re at ease versus when you smile brightly. You’re pretty in a… normal way. He’s kinda blown away that they didn’t pick some overly glamorous pop idol, that they found someone that’s practically his type.
Fuck, it makes him a gross type of nervous, though. The way that he’s not going to hate this makes it worse and better, and he’s conflicted because this might not be as bad as he anticipated, and he’s not sure if he likes that or not.
His social media deep dive takes him to your page, and he lays in his bed for what feels like hours scrolling through your content. You’re the weather girl for the nation’s most watched breakfast program, Good Morning Japan, and you’re clearly the show’s sweetheart. There’s photos of you with fluffy animals, on boats, at the beach, with celebrities. Katsuki feels like a dunce for not knowing your name when he read it on the paper.
One of the top posts in your hashtag is a photo of you in a bikini and a sarong, feet ankle deep in the shallow waters of Furuzamami Beach.
Fuck, you’re hot.
He throws his phone towards the end of the bed and begins his morning routine; Deku’s given him the office shift this week, and he intends to make the most out of it.
“Hey,” Katsuki pants, breathless.
“Katsuki, bro, the weather girl from channel 5?” Eijirou’s voice is smug as all as it rings through his AirPods. “She’s cute!”
“Eijirou, I will hang up on you.” He threatens, taking the museum stairs two at a time. He’s on his afternoon run through the city, pushing himself a little further than usual because of… reasons. The best part about being on office shift, is he finishes his shift as soon as paperwork is caught up on. And Katsuki is efficient as fuck.
“Akari keeps asking me when you’re over next, by the way. She said that you promised to take her to the parlour again.”
“Oh.” Yeah he did do that. Had her pretend she was feeling sick so he could slip from the grasp of some fans.
“Yeah, you’re bribing my daughter with ice cream again, aren’t you?”
“When’s your next overnighter?”
“Oh, I’m on days for the month,” he sighs, content on the other end of the line. “Tamaki’s taking my nights so I can spend more time with Aki; I’ve also got tomorrow off for the Maru’s anniversary visit.”
“That’s… nice of him.” Ah, yeah, it's the anniversary tomorrow; Eijirou’s taking it a little easier with each passing year, but the death of his wife is a painful cross to bear.
“Yeah I know, he’s a good guy. Anyways, just wanted to know if you wanted company tonight? I’m making breakfast for dinner.”
“Oh, your favourite.”
“Yeah, can’t go past it, am I right?”
“I’ll come around for a bit, but I’ve got a big day tomorrow, so I can’t sleep over.” By big day, he means he’s meeting you again, and he needs the night to himself to overthink the whole thing.
“You got a whole room there, though.”
“Ei, as much as I love you and Aki, I love my bed more.”
“Okay, that’s fair.” There's some shuffling on his end, paperwork probably, then he perks back up. “How long have you been feeding me decaf tea?”
“I have decaf tea in my cupboard at home.”
“Ei, I give you decaf every time.”
“See you tonight; do you need me to bring anything?”
“Nah, I’m all organised.”
There’s a pause where Katsuki contemplates bringing up the anniversary, but thinks better of it. “Be over around six.”
He’s not all organised.
If Katsuki could pretend to be surprised, he would, but, “You forgot the eggs? For breakfast for dinner? No eggs?”
“Dude, don’t do this, Akari’s already given me shit for it.”
“It’s fine,” Katsuki suppresses a grin. “I’ll run down and get some. Aki, want anything from the corner store?”
“Chocolate milk!” She yells from her room upstairs.
“Hey, get beers, too.” Eijirou says offhandedly.
This makes Katsuki pause. “Ei.”
“Kats.” He says in response, not meeting his gaze.
“Ugh, fine.” He grunts, sliding his shoes back on and toying with the black facemask in his pocket. “You can thank Maru for my leniency.” He says, glare hot on his friend. Eijirou just grins back as he fixes his stupid ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron behind his back, and Katsuki pulls on his beanie and mask, setting out for the walk.
He knows he wants to settle down a little further from the city. Ideally, even further than this. Sure, it’s a quiet neighbourhood, safe, where the houses have yards, and there’s grass, and trees, but… Katsuki needs more space. Privacy.
His relationship with the spotlight is rocky at best, and there’s this nagging in the back of Katsuki’s brain that warns him off all of this social media shit, the trending, the paparazzi, the overzealous fans.
The bell jingles as he enters the corner shop; it’s later than rush hour, but earlier than the typical teenaged late night snack visit, so the place is quiet.
He grabs the eggs from the shelf and heads down the aisle to the fridges, set on pulling the door open and grabbing a six pack of Sapporos.
“Oh!” A woman gasps, about to grab the handle as he reaches for it. “Sorry!” Her apology slips from her lips, and he feels his face flush a little under his mask.
It’s his fault, he’s been in his own head all afternoon. “No, I—”
It’s you.
You seem to make the realisation just as he does, your eyes widening and a gasp leaving your lips. And you both stare, his own eyes glued yours as if he were stuck in some kind of trance, as if you had him under some kind of spell.
You blink first, and he forces himself to look away for a second, so he can catch his bearings.
“I’m sorry Bakugo, I wasn’t paying attention.” You’re wearing a facemask as well, but your smile pushes your cheeks up to crinkle your eyes.
“Nah, neither was I,” he admits. “You live around here?”
“Me? No, I’m cat-sitting for a friend.” You laugh. “Gosh, this is surreal, isn’t it? Imagine running into you here of all places.”
“Yeah, both of us buying beers,” he does his best to joke— which sounds fucking stupid, by the way— but you laugh a little more, glance around the shop before leaning closer to him.
“Feels like we shouldn’t be talking yet, doesn’t it?” Your eyes almost sparkle under the harsh fluorescent lighting, and he can’t help but stare. “I just wanna say thanks, though— for catching me at the Gala. I wasn’t going to trip so hard, but you were standing there like some grumpy Adonis, and I—” you lean up to whisper in his ear. “I got nervous and actually tripped.”
“Lucky I got good reflexes, huh?” He quips back, suddenly feeling super nervous— which is weird as hell.
“The best— Oh, I better let you get back to your night.” You take a step back, open the door and grab a bottle of wine, boots squeaking on the linoleum floor when you crouch down to grab a 6-pack of beers. “These ones?”
He nods, points to the pink knee-length rain boots you’re wearing. “They’re cute,” he can’t help but snicker. “All part of the weather girl uniform, I guess?”
You hand him the beers with a laugh as you stand. “I happen to think they suit me,” you say in defence, pointing and tapping a toe dramatically.
“You’d be right,” he says a little too gently, clearing his throat when you look up at him with surprise through your lashes. “I, uh,” he starts, those damn nerves not going away. “See you around.”
“Y-yeah, sure.” You nod. “I’m gonna check out the ice cream, bye!” Then in a flash of tan coat and pink boots, you’re heading back towards the frozen section, and he’s shaking his head, eggs in one hand and beers in the other.
He tries not to stare too much, tries not to dwell on the lightness of his heart, or how god damn likeable you are. Instead he hastily grabs a chocolate milk, heads to the checkout, pays for the goods, and leaves.
There’s an undercurrent of sorrow that he can feel Eijirou trying to push down all evening. It doesn’t quite seep into Akari— she was only a baby when her mum passed— but Eiji’s frayed edges scratch at Katsuki, and deep into the night they’re both tipsy, sitting on the back porch nursing beers after Akari heads to bed.
They don’t need to talk— far past silence being uncomfortable— but when Eijirou’s shoulders start to shake, Katsuki wraps an arm around him, pulls his head to his chest, and lets him sob.
He stays on the couch, still not ready to christen those All Might bedsheets.
The second “official” meeting is supposed to happen while he’s on duty. He read through the file this time, so he’s prepared; maybe even a little… over prepared.
It’s morning, and you’re supposed to be at a certain famous bakery, sampling the goods in an advertising bid between the cafe and your work; weather on location, or something ridiculous. Then, he’s supposed to enter, and he’s supposed to look at you like ‘oh, you’re from the Gala’, and you’re supposed to look at him the same way.
The Commission didn’t account for Katsuki running into an actual villain.
He wipes his bloodied nose on the back of his glove, watches as Iida drives the crook away in the back of a paddy wagon, then pulls his other glove off with his teeth to look at his watch.
9:15am. The meeting was scheduled for 8:10am.
“All good, Dynamight?” One of the EMT’s waves him over and he inwardly groans.
“It’s just my nose, I’m fine.” He insists, swatting the little green man away.
“Just let me do a couple of observations, dude, it’ll take two minutes.” His pink eyes narrow up at Katsuki, and the grumpy blonde gives in, following him over to a bench and sitting down, letting him work his paramedic magic on him.
His phone vibrates in the pocket of his tac pants, and his watch tells him it’s Kira. He taps a few buttons on his watch, connects it effortlessly to the earpiece in his left ear. “Hey,”
“Bakugo, what happened? Anderson is pissed.” She hisses through the earpiece.
“I am currently with…” He glances down at the short man crouching around his med-pack, reads his name badge. “Midori— Really? Your name is the colour of your skin?”
“Bakugo.” Kira presses.
“That’s my Japanese name, my real name’s Timothy.” Midori sasses back, pink glare venomous.
“Timothy, huh?” Katsuki tests the name on his tongue, gauges Midori’s reaction to the pronunciation; the other man seems to soften a little.
“Just use Timothy—“
“Bakugo, focus!” Kira borderline barks in his ear.
“Right, yeah, sorry, I’m here.” Katsuki sighs, looking up at the puffy white- grey clouds overhead.
“We have to reschedule for tomorrow,” Kira sighs, probably doing that thing where she pushes her glasses up and pinches the bridge of her nose. “She’s heading to the coast, though, so you’re gonna have to—“
Kira wants him to what?
His semi-sunny disposition sours. “I can’t do that.”
“Kira,” he starts, feeling his blood pressure rise along with the octave of his voice. He glances down at Mido—Timothy, tries to control his volume. “I’m on patrol shifts this week, I can’t do that.”
He can’t let Izuku or Shouto or Ochako down. That, and he can’t think of a good excuse to be heading to the coast.
“No, you’re right. It’d be better if she could meet you halfway or something.” Kira sighs, conceding a little.
He drops his chin, focuses that glare of his at the pavement next to Timothy. “Not half way—”
“Oh, ouch, are you okay?” Pink rain boots step into his vision, and when he looks up, you’re smiling down at him. He just… stares stupidly up at you, feels something warm and wet drip over his lip as your eyes widen. “You’re bleeding, Bakugo.”
“Shit,” he turns away from you, swipes at the wetness of his upper lip, knowing he’s probably just spreading it.
“Here,” you gently bully his hand away from his face, dab at him with something damp and smelling of coconut. It takes a moment for him to register that you’re sitting next to him, wiping at him like a nurse while the god damn EMT is kneeling at his feet, and Kira is screaming for his attention in his ear.
Without even thinking, he ends that call, silences his earphones on his smartwatch.
“You’ve got your work boots on,” he starts, wary. “You on the clock?”
“Oh, I had a thing a few blocks away, and heard my new favourite hero apprehended some bad guy in the same district.” Your focus isn’t on him, you’re in your handbag, fussing around with wet wipes and a little plastic bag and a handkerchief.
“So, you came for a walk?” He asks, staring. Staring because seeing you on social media is vastly different to seeing you in person, and so close. He could count your lashes, could reach out and test the softness of your skin, your glossy lips—
“Yep.” You grin, looking up and meeting his eyes.
It’s a spark— the same one from the corner store— and it pulls deep in his chest, your beauty and charm and the peace you bring almost overwhelming, yet entirely endearing—
“Hey— sorry, I know this is a wrong place, wrong time type thing,” Timothy stands up, fishes his phone out of his pocket, your spell broken as you both look up at him. “But I’m a huge fan,”
“Of me?” You chirp, surprised. And it takes Katsuki a moment, because usually it’s him being approached with nervous apprehension.
“Yeah, who else?”
You send a sideways glance to Katsuki, “uh, the actual top ten hero in our midst?”
“The top ten hero doesn’t look good in a swimsuit.” Katsuki says under his breath, and you giggle while Timothy pales.
“I’m sure you do,” you whisper back to him, before standing up. “Alright, sure, a selfie?” You ask, all of your attention on Timothy, who smiles at you, his pink irises akin to sparkling hearts; and much to his horror, Katsuki feels like he wants to steal you away from him.
“S-sounds good to me,” Timothy stammers, just as enamoured as Katsuki feels.
“‘Kay,” you agree, smile big and bright and Katsuki has to look away or he might get giddy by proxy. Timothy’s cheeks flush when you stand close—too close, probably— and you direct him into taking a few pics, before making him show you each of them, your nose scrunching as you scrutinise each one.
“Why does my nose look like that?” You frown at the EMT, a little wounded kitty.
“You look great though! You don’t mind if I post it to social media?” He asks, and Katsuki resists an eye roll.
“Of course not! Make sure to tag me so I can follow you back.”
Katsuki stands, hands on his hips. “Perfect, are you done? We’re busy.” He means to say that he’s busy, and he also means to glare at both of you, but it just doesn’t pan out that way. So, he runs with it, throws caution to the wind, and offers his hand to you.
All to quickly, he’s got anxiety nibbling at his heels— the fear of rejection, of ‘am i doing too much too quickly?’ of ‘should I be going off script just because you are?’. It sets in, and almost sends him spiralling. Almost, is the key, though, because before that little beast can sink its teeth into him, you’re taking his hand, practically skipping to his side, and beaming that too-brilliant smile up at him.
“I know a cafe,” you say, waving that pesky EMT off and almost pulling him away from the little crowd Katsuki’s pretending not to notice.
“I bet you do,” he can’t help but look at you— and it feels so schoolboy, and too soon, and off script— and he can’t help but get swept away in the ease at which you flow.
“We can share a parfait,” you lean into him with a little smile, whisper it like a secret. Your arm links around his then, and you lean against his bicep, look up at him through your lashes like a Disney branded cherub.
“Bet you’ll eat the cherry,” he snickers, trying to gain the upper hand, trying to gauge whether or not you’re getting swept up in him, too, because this… this thing isn’t natural, isn’t created from a want, but a need, a contract—
“Silly,” you pull away a bit and pout, “we’ll get two cherries.” And, fuck, you’re pretty. Pretty in all of the ways he loves, like the Commission have his tastes on file. You’re kind where he’s mean, and fun where he’s serious, edges soft where his are hard.
The seed of doubt’s been planted, though, because he can feel himself closing up, shutting down. Even though he’d love to stay in this flirtatious little moment with you, soak up all that attention you’re showering him with, he needs to be realistic— is wired to do so.
You’re acting.
He’s acting.
At least, he’s supposed to be
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How to create an atmosphere: Coffee Shop
small tables with chairs
a cozy couch
the counter with the baristas
a big menu on the wall
people standing around, sitting down and going in and out
a dog lying under a table
small children running around
a person waiting for their friend or date
people drinking and eating while typing on their laptops
the sound of the coffee machines
clinking of glasses/mugs
the moving of chairs
colleagues talking about their job and tattling about the boss
students frantically searching for this one paper they need right now
friends telling each other about their days
a young parent trying to calm down their crying baby
the barista yelling out names for whoever's coffees are ready
people in line trying to decide what they want to order
an awkward first date at one of the tables and both parties just ask each other weird questions
the sound of typing from the students and some business folks
the continued opening and closing of the front door
the cars and noise from outside when the door opens
the stickiness of the tables
the warmth of the mugs
the delicious treat eaten by hand
the gush of wind when someone opens the door
the smell of the coffee beans
the smell of different teas
the smell of fresh pastry
the smell of hand sanitizer
the smell of cleaning products after the tables were wiped down
other drinks
fresh pastry
cookies and cakes
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
Last sickfic! Can you believe that September's over?
Mood music that helped inspire the writing :)
Voted Sicktember prompt - Time cares for a delirious Warriors
The room was bathed in a warm, orange glow, but it couldn’t be colder. The light of candles danced merrily, but he couldn’t feel more somber.
Hands trembled as they reached out. Illness, the stench of it, ripped through the air.
The golden locks, usually fluffy and perfectly tamed, lay in tangled clumps, plastered to too hot skin. Lungs that usually bellowed with laughter or barked sharp orders were wheezing, pitifully letting air try to move through restricted passageways.
Since when had such battle-hardened warriors been bested by such an invisible enemy? Since when could a war go to a standstill as his army fell apart from the inside? He couldn’t let this happen, but he couldn’t do anything to stop it.
The once proud, tall warrior looked so small in the bed. The dependable captain had fallen, succumbing to something he couldn’t combat with a sword. A small part of Time squirmed in painful, righteous anger – of all the ways to die—
Pale, blue lips, sunken eyes, wheezing and vomiting. His troops were dying. His troops were dying and he couldn’t do a damn thing.
Warriors shuddered, eyes staring off into the void, his mind lost far, far away. He hadn’t slept in nearly four days due to his illness, and it was finally taking his mind as a result. Time did everything he could to soothe the captain’s anxiety as he tried once again to prop himself up in the bed. He’d already fallen twice getting out of bed – that was when the eldest Link had decided to stay in the room with Warriors. He couldn’t be left unsupervised, even in the safety of his own ranch.
The men looked to him for help, for answers. He couldn’t provide any. General Impa wasn’t here, the princess wasn’t here. It was just him and Lana, and she was doing all she could but—but it—
It wasn’t enough. And she was beginning to grow ill as well. And they couldn’t lose her.
“Help,” Warriors whimpered, confused eyes glistening with tears.
“I’m here,” Time immediately whispered, taking the younger man’s hands in his own. “I’m here, Link.”
They were all going to die. He couldn’t do anything to stop it. Would he die too? Was this how the Hero of Hyrule was destined to fall? He hadn’t even defeated the enemy. Would an illness take him? Would he disgrace his destiny in such a manner? How many lives would be lost because of it?
“I’m sorry.” The captain’s voice broke, actively crying. He stared at the ceiling. Time could only imagine who he was apologizing to.
“It’s okay,” he soothed, brushing hair out of the man’s face. “You’re okay. Don’t apologize.”
Warriors’ gaze remained distant. Wherever he was, Time couldn’t reach him. But he would try, blast it. He would try.
What if they all die because of me? What if… what if I don’t want to die?
I… I don’t want to die.
A sob choked with a cough, and Warriors’ face turned red as he gagged on phlegm and spit alike. Time stood, quickly turning the captain to the side so he could cough up whatever was stuck in his throat. The door to the bedroom creaked as the others peeked in worriedly. When Twilight caught Time’s eye, the elder shook his head, and the younger retreated, herding the others away.
The flame on the nearest candle flickered from Time’s movements and nearly went out. Time held his breath as he watched it a moment, hand on Warriors’ back. The flame pulled left and right, nearly extinguishing. Warriors’ breaths rattled as if death itself were stealing air from his lungs.
The wick slowly burned, flame settling in a stubborn pattern of gently rocking to and fro. Warriors took a deeper breath. Time released the one he’d been holding.
A hand brushed Time’s knee, and he looked down to see Warriors trying to crawl out of bed again, halfway off the mattress. Time bent down, hands wrapping around his arms just under his shoulders, and gently pulled the young man back to the center of the bed.
“Link,” Time said gently, kneeling to be at eye level with him. “We’re at the ranch. You’re safe. You’re very sick. You need to stay in bed.”
Soulless eyes stared into his own. The face was far too pale, the chest far too still. Would they all look like this? There wasn’t even blood. He was used to seeing blood.
Eventually the wick would burn to its end. Eventually the gentle light in the room would vanish. Would it last the night? Would it hold on to whatever it could grasp, burning away at what little remained? Would it stubbornly cling to life until the sun could rise?
“Captain,” Time said, louder. “Captain, come back to us.”
Warriors’ hand snaked around Time’s wrist, making the elder jump slightly.
Everything was so far away. So quiet, muffled, like he was buried alive. Goddess above, he didn’t want to die, please, he didn’t want to die. Not like this. Let him die on his feet, in battle, like it was meant to be.
It was meant to be like that, right?
“Help,” Warriors pleaded, eyes almost seeming to look at Time for the first time all night.
Time’s heart and stomach clenched. “I’m trying, Link.”
The candle abruptly went out.
Time’s head whirled to the nightstand, an irrational fear gripping his soul, and he immediately felt out for Warriors, who was trembling.
“Captain,” Time said warily, holding the man tighter. “Come on now, Link. Talk to me.”
Warriors grew still.
“Link,” Time pleaded, shaking him.
A warm glow filled the room alongside a cool breeze. Time blinked tears away, his distress hidden in the darkness that was quickly receding, and he saw the others in the doorway once more, a candle in each hero’s hand.
Twilight entered first, eyes flicking between Time and Warriors, face stony. The others filed in behind him, expressions far too eerily familiar to the night Time thought he would lose his descendant.
No one dared say a word. Time’s death grip on Warriors slackened only a hair, land he looked at the ground, unable to offer the others any comfort. The flames flickered brightly in the quiet night, holding the darkness at bay, encasing Warriors in light.
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missmungoe · 10 months
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“You’re such a pretty man,” Makino sighed, touching her fingertips to his cheek, before rubbing his beard with her thumb. “Your wife is very lucky. Oh—hey.” Her whole expression brightened, her smile entirely cheeky. “That’s me.”
Shanks grinned, delighted. “You are absolutely hammered, aren’t you?”
“Hmm, I think I’m about to be.” She frowned. “Wait—was that not a euphemism?”
My masked Zorro, the unbelievably generous and tantalisingly mysterious Cover Anon, sweeps in once more with another gorgeous cover from Shanties, this time for Penelope (aka, the wedding fic, my beloved), by the incredible @sacred_pirate on twitter.
I...don't know how it's possible to capture the way a fic exists in my mind so perfectly it's like the artist reached into my soul, and yet that's what this feels like. This is one of the most beautiful artworks I've ever seen, and I can't believe it's from my fic, and this fic.
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alasse-earfalas · 1 year
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aroaessidhe · 5 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
gothic fairytale
set in an imaginary German town where every generation, the monstrous witch in the woods steals someone away to be her companion, never seen again
follows the daughter of the duke, lonely and grieving her mother, who offers herself up as the witch’s newest companion
she assumes she’s destined for something horrible, but is mostly left alone in the old castle, and tries to find out more about the mysterious witch & what happened to the previous companions
eerie and atmospheric
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