#men and women skin care
bibakartbeautycare · 10 months
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clueless1995 · 8 months
self care has been so twisted into serving capitalism and the patriarchy it makes me sick actually
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
We should all break our phones! Let's all deactivate our photography(selfie)-based social media accounts and break our electronics!
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scarefox · 1 year
some cis men out there really looking at kdramas and kpop and be like: no real life man would look like that (points at a real fucking human being), this is all plastic surgery ALL and EVERYONE of them (shows artists who didn’t have surgery), and no man is that nice and friendly to the ladies (bruh...). I know, because I am a random asian dude speaking for ALL asian nations and all my friends are ugly bastard heteronormative toxic masc men. I am here to protect you ladies from this illusion and them evil pretty men who just want to lure you in with their fake beauty, they will just use you. Also don’t rise your expectations for men ever not even a tiny bit :) 
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it's so weird how men can be more accepting of female gender non-conformity and child-free lifestyle than other women... like i mean obviously there are tons of men who hate seeing that in women, but...
every woman in my family has told me that if i don't shave men will comment on it and i'll never get a man to be with me. i've had three long-term boyfriends. none of them ever even mentioned my body hair and none of the men in my family have ever mentioned it either. my mother could literally never stfu about my body hair, but my dad, my grandads, and my brother have never commented on it once.
i walk around in sleep shorts and a tank top with no bra in front of the men in my family and they never say a word; meanwhile my mother would always, without fail, tell me i needed to go put on a bra, call me sasquatch, and insinuate that men looking at my boobs was somehow my fault and not a behavior that needed to be corrected in men.
like i am honestly, as i write this, thinking hard back into my life to see if i could find a single time that a single one of my male family members ever told me to shave or put on a bra and i cannot come up with one. i remember being in the kitchen with my dad and his mom once, wearing shorts and no bra, sporting leg hair. my bubbe could. not. shut. up. about my body hair and leaned in repeatedly to tell me "i can see your nipples." then stop fucking looking, lady? the men clearly don't have a problem with me just existing because they are normal god damn people that don't feel inclined to scrutinize every inch of their own blood relatives body for sex appeal...
oh and speaking of boobs and sex appeal, i actually thought my mother was going to have an aneurysm when i got a breast reduction. i got it purely because i didn't like having boobs bigger than an a-cup and apparently, to my mother, that was the equivalent of shooting a man directly in the balls with a shotgun.
and holy fuck i have been going over so many memories of my mother now that she's gone, just accepting that i had a really fucked up relationship with her, and i'm starting to remember all the repressed things that i just kind of blurred out. like how my mom could not go a single fucking conversation without bringing up "motherhood" and "babies." my dad recently started using the word "if" and not "when" to describe kids (low bar, i know) but you could've never caught my mother dead insinuating that it was okay for women to be child-free.
my dad was so ecstatic whenever i picked up a masculine hobby because it meant we could hang out more. meanwhile my mother would always try and talk me out of it or just make it really difficult to pursue anything. i'm honestly shocked she didn't die a decade sooner when i bought a motorcycle. my dad taught my how to gear shift.
the reason i'm even thinking of this right now is just that we are debating a funeral/memorial and i am getting into a full blown fucking fight with my mom's cousin-i-didn't-know-existed-until-yesterday on me wearing a suit instead of a dress or skirt. apparently it's "disrespectful." like first off, she's dead so it's not like she's here to give a shit. second, if the only reason you showed up after like two decades of radio silence is to hear the will reading maybe don't comment about "respect." my dad bought me a suit.
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bgniusnews · 2 years
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theghostofashton · 2 years
#white feminists exhaust me#like i genuinely do not know what is disconnected for them#if you can't talk about being treated badly as a result of misogyny without being fucking racist........#the amount of them who make jokes about castrating men or wishing they could oppress men like hello ????#men of color would like a word lmfao#they continue to speak over woc while acting like woc are taken soooo seriously#like: we're not. if you think you're not being heard woc are doubly not lmfao#the world has not suddenly switched to listening to woc over white women#and it IS important to discuss intersectionality and how misogyny intersects w racism#to oppress woc in a different way than white women#a white woman's experience is not the same as mine and i am just so tired of hearing them act like it is#my race will always factor into how i'm treated that's not something i get to turn off#and i think this is what makes them worse than white men to me ??#bc w white men who are racist and misogynistic they're not quiet about it they will tell you that upfront#but these white feminists pretend they're fighting for all women make you think they care about all women act like you're supported#and then yank the rug out from under you bc woc are not we never have been and we never will be :)#and that just makes me feel so fucking shitty lmfao#like to be made to feel like you're part of a movement that your rights are being fought for#and then to realize that you don't actually matter bc of your skin color and no one cares what would actually help you#is just.......it's devastating in a way i don't know how to express lol#anyway ignore me i am just angry#white women say the stupidest fucking shit on here and it genuinely makes me see red sometimes lol
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marjanbaby01 · 2 years
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Majestic Pure Dead Sea Mud Mask for Face and Body - Natural Skin Care for Women and Men - Best Facial Cleansing Clay for Blackhead, Whitehead, Acne, and Pores - 8.8 fl. Oz.....Under $20
To get more info. CLICK the below link:
READY TO GET<<Majestic Pure Dead Sea Mud Mask for Face and Body> Natural Skin Care for Women and Men>>
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kheoni2024 · 7 days
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How Eye Pillows Reduce Stress & Improve Sleep – KHEONI
Eye pillows are small, portable pillows that are designed to be placed over the eyes to promote relaxation and improve sleep. They are often filled with a combination of materials such as dried lavender or flaxseed, which release a soothing aroma when used. In this blog post, we will discuss how eye pillows can help.
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miniwini1 · 24 days
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Best and India’s First Zero Water Formula Bodywash | MINIWINI
Do you look for the Zero water formula Bodywash for Travel-friendly? MINIWINI offers lightweight, spill-proof concentrate paste for effortless packing and usage, ensuring convenience on the go.
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gowomenbeauty · 3 months
Why Is It Bad to Go to Bed with Makeup On? Note:100% Satisfaction, 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. 🌙 Let's dive into the science behind this beauty faux pas! Leaving makeup on overnight can clog pores, leading to breakouts, and hinder your skin's natural rejuvenation process. Give your skin the love it deserves and always cleanse before hitting the sheets! 💆‍♀️ For more queries, visit the page mentioned in the profile bio section. 🌐🔍
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pure-hill · 4 months
Skin Care Tips: Strategies for Achieving Glowing Skin
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Glowing skin is a reflection of good health and proper skincare practices. By incorporating the right skin care tips and utilizing the best skin care products, you can attain radiant and luminous skin effortlessly.
Cleanse Daily
Start your skincare routine with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and impurities that accumulate throughout the day. Cleansing your skin twice daily helps maintain a clean canvas and prevents breakouts and dullness.
Hydrate Your Skin
Hydration is essential for healthy-looking skin. Incorporate a hydrating moisturizer into your daily regimen to replenish lost moisture and keep your skin supple and radiant. Choose products with nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin.
Protect with SPF
Sun protection is non-negotiable for glowing skin. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every morning to shield your skin from harmful UV rays. Reapply sunscreen throughout the day, especially if you're outdoors or sweating.
Exfoliate Weekly
Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover, revealing fresh and glowing skin underneath. Use a gentle exfoliator 2-3 times a week to unclog pores, refine texture, and enhance radiance.
Nourish from Within
A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is crucial for glowing skin. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your meals to support skin health from the inside out.
Choose Quality Products
Invest in the best skin care products tailored to your skin type and concerns. Look for formulas free of harsh chemicals and fragrances, and opt for products containing beneficial ingredients like vitamin C, retinol, and botanical extracts.
Stay Consistent
Consistency is key to seeing results with your skincare routine. Stick to your regimen religiously and give your skin time to adapt to new products. With patience and dedication, you'll achieve the glowing complexion you desire.
By following these skin care tips and incorporating the best skin care products into your routine, you can achieve radiant and glowing skin that reflects your inner vitality and beauty.
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stevenkunoth · 4 months
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minaminproducts · 6 months
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theinspiration12 · 7 months
Indian Women's Laser Hair Removal: A Smooth Evolution
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Women in India have been using hair removal with lasers as an ongoing remedy for unsightly body hair for a very long time. To many women in Pune and around the nation, this ground-breaking technique has changed the game. Although women's laser hair removal in India is a growing industry, women in Pune need to know what they can anticipate from the operation as well as its advantages.
India's Growth in Laser Hair Removal: A non-invasive cosmetic technique called laser hair removal, or LHR, is used to remove or minimize unsightly body hair. To stop new hair development in the treated region, it targets and destroys hair follicles with concentrated laser light. In India, this process has become quite popular because of several important factors:
Outcomes that last: Hair removal with lasers provides a long-lasting solution, in contrast to conventional techniques like waxing or shaving. Following a few sessions, a lot of women discover that their hair has either completely stopped developing or drastically diminished.
Minor discomfort: Laser hair removal is often a painless operation, with many patients reporting just minimal discomfort. This is a very different ache from what epilation or waxing causes.
Time-saving: Laser hair removal ladies in Pune and other Indian cities value the time they save. The effects are more long-lasting, and there is no need for repeated salon appointments for threading or waxing.
Description of the Process: As a simple treatment, laser hair removal is rather simple. A dermatologist or skilled specialist will focus on the intended area's hair follicles using laser equipment. The pigment melanin in the hair strands absorbs the regulated light pulses that the laser delivers. The follicles are destroyed by this hot energy, which stops new hair development. To guarantee that hair in all development phases is successfully addressed, treatment sessions are often spaced several weeks apart. The number of visits needed might differ from individual to individual based on things including skin tone, hair colour, and the size of the desired region.
Advantages of Hair Removal with Laser
Accuracy: Hair removal using lasers can remove undesirable hair with accuracy while protecting the surrounding skin.
Decreased skin discomfort: Laser hair removal results in fewer ingrowing hairs and reduced skin irritation in comparison to more conventional techniques like shaving and waxing.
Time and money savings: Compared to ongoing waxing or threading appointments, laser hair removal turns out to be more affordable over time.
The ease of use:  Women can benefit from long-lasting hair reduction once the first round of treatments is over, which will save them time for everyday activities.
The way Indian women in Pune and other cities handle their undesirable body hair has been completely transformed by laser hair removal. Long-lasting outcomes, little unease, and major effort and time savings over standard removal of hair treatments are all provided by this procedure. The increasing number of cosmetic clinics and salons in Pune that provide laser hair removal procedures has made this game-changing technology easily accessible to women. When it comes to the best weight loss for women & men, it is crucial to prioritize sustainable practices that promote overall health and well-being. For the greatest outcomes and safety, it is imperative to pick a respectable clinic or salon and make sure the treatment is carried out by licensed experts.
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