mishkakagehishka · 1 year
We should all break our phones! Let's all deactivate our photography(selfie)-based social media accounts and break our electronics!
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queenlegacyproductions · 11 months
18+ Yakuza/Judgement drabble or something
It was dark in the room. Despite the blindfold, she could still tell the room was dimly lit. It was also sweltering. Sweat seemed to pour profusely from every part of her body which was handcuffed to the bed; hands above her head, legs to a spreader bar. She could squirm all she wanted to but the bar just spread her legs wider, showcasing the vibe that was totally drenched inside her gusting wet pussy, her whimpers and moans echoing across the room.
“Look at you…such a mess already.” She heard a voice tease in the distance before she felt the vibe be turned up once again, making her cry out and arch her back. “Oh, my sweet, you look so pretty…” 
“Pretty pathetic, actually…” Another said from the other side of the room. “Look at the little whore, squirming for more as if we haven’t been spoiling her for the past few minutes.” She whimpered as she tried to hide her face. It wasn’t her fault that they kept toying until she was on the verge of breaking before holding her hostage at the brink then letting her fall into the pit of pleasure. 
“Now, now, let’s be nice…” A third made himself known. He sounded closer to the bed than the other two. She could hear footsteps draw closer to where she laid before she felt a dip in the bed. “After all, darlin’ being so nice enough to give us a show. You can at least be grateful.” She then feels the vibe to move from inside her to her clit, making her scream louder and her legs shake. “Ain’t that right, my dear?” The pleasure was too much for her to handle, feeling her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Her toes curled and her hands were balled up into fist, pulling hard at the cuffs. This didn’t fly with the others in the room as she heard another set of footsteps before she felt a hand wrap around her throat. 
“I believe he asked you a question, toots.” A fourth finally spoke after all this time.”You gonna be a good girl and answer? I know your voice isn’t giving out because you can still scream so beautifully so…answer him.” He squeezed a bit tighter. She whimpers at the pressure.
“Y-yes..” She keens as she feels the vibe move faster up and down her clit. “Fuck..ohm’god, plea..se…”
“Please what, baby? Tell us what you want., sweet girl.” The first voice asked so sweetly, the praise making her whine. 
“Fu..ck m-mee…please…” She whined as she finally came for the umpteenth time in what felt like hours on end. “Fuck me, ruin me…I wanna-.”
“Lose your mind in pleasure? Be fucked until your brain feels like mush and the only thing you can think about is taking load after load of cum into every last one of your pretty little fuckholes, huh?” The second voice taunted her again. He chuckles as he hears her moan as his words. “Is that what you want, my little whore?” She nods her head. 
“Words, my dear or else we leave you lying in your own juices, unsatisfied.” The fourth demanded. She nodded her head rapidly. 
“Yes! Yes! I wanna be your little cumdump, please! I want all of it!” She pleaded, desperation coating her words. A moment of silence goes by before she feels movement on the bed and the handcuffs loosen around her hands and ankles, freeing her. As she rubs her wrists, she feels the blindfold being removed from her eyes. Her eyes take a few seconds to focus before she can make out the four faces that surround her. 
“Would you look at that? Her body may be trying to give up but the fire in those eyes…” The second voice who she can now see was the leader of the Yokohama Liumang, Zhao Tianyou as he toyed with the remote to the vibe. “Something tells me that there’s still some defiance in this one.” 
“Are you surprised? This is the same woman who put some of Japan’s most dangerous yakuza on their ass.” The fourth voice whom she could now pinpoint it to Kaito Masaharu, detective at Yagami Detective Agency as he sits her up with a bottle of water for her to drink.
“Don’t forget, Kaito-san; She’s also the leader of Armageddon, the most infamous gang in America.” The third was Kaito’s friend and partner, Yagami Takayuki. “Given their reputation, you don’t become leader by being a pushover.” He pushed some of her hair out of her face, examining her face for problems.
“And yet, despite her reputation, she still let us have our way with her. So it’s clear that she trusts us a lot in order to go through with this.” The first voice was revealed to be the second in command of the Geomijul, Joon-gi Han as he cleared the bed of toys and restraints to be cleaned later. 
“Indeed. So, Tabo, how is she?” Kaito asked him. 
“I think we should ask her.” Yagami said after he was done checking her over. “So what do you think? Think you can go a few rounds with us…Mor-chan?”
Morrigan raised her eyebrow at Yagami as she finished her bottle of water. “The real question is can you?” She then uses a little bit of her limited energy to crush the bottle. “Because the Morrigan Metro’s in the station. All aboard!” 
I think I'm do more of the short form content as opposed to the occasional long story every blue moon. Let me know what you guys think. 😁
46 notes · View notes
emerystellar · 9 months
The Letter, Vocalized
(the ‘why’ of every song in my simon petrikov playlist- the poor dear i love him so much) heres the playlist -> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2bFlf5AD54EyszuCKqGRVV?si=0bdff473d752467a
then all the actual writing is below the cut because this shit is 4700 words long. im obsessed. anyway BEEP BEEP
—- 1. Everything in its Right Place ~ Radiohead
*Simon doesn’t exactly have a right place at the moment per se- so this song leads more like a plea for this place, and the build of the instruments really matches a sort of spiral- it’s also got that nice eerie Radiohead feeling that’s inexplicably chilly, which is something you’ll be seeing A Lot of throughout the playlist cuz even tho a lot of these lyrics are spot on it’s also about the sound of the songs too. and this one just happens to be both and it’s lovely. i also fucking love the repetition of the lyrics "there are two colors in my head / what was it you were trying to say?" that could be the black/dark brown of simon himself and the drilling blue of the ice king \:) and then. forgetting immediately what he was talking about/what was happening- what was it you were trying to say? anyway i love this song very much*
—- 2. Grammar King ~ Flocks
*okay you know how i just mentioned the sound of the songs being important? well boom. here we go! a strange instrumental introspection to break the drone :3 it sounds like being in a blizzard (or fittingly a mental spiral) but it’s still so crisp and refined!! i love it cuz it’s got such a wonderfully off kilter feeling to it. when the fionna and cake title sequence played i was surprised at how __frantic__ it was?? and this song captures that same breathless feeling and franticness in a really nice and crisp way (plus the drums are really cool) and it holds the same, like, hallmarks of aivi and surasshu’s stuff they did for the steven universe battle scenes (which the music of fionna and cake in general feels like a sweet cousin to SU music (Looking At You Mx. Sugar Hi I See You) but either way it’s a very solid vibe and it go crazy i like it \:)!!*
—- 3. In Two ~ Will Paquin
*i think this fits very well as him singing to the idea of crown itself! "half of me is half of you now/.../you sit so high, like a cranium that rests on the spine /.../ can you feel me buckling beneath you" he sounds so soft (will paquin's voice is gorgeous) so it's almost as a love or reverence for his idolization of the crown :3 at the moment his quest is literally To Find and Have and Be it again, so i don't think he fully resents it- but it's definitely still an odd relationship with it, something so incredibly fascinating and i think there is a LOT to say about it! "in the end i won't escape from the sight of you.../is it even a game if in the end i let you kill me?"*
—- 4. The Place Where He Inserted the Blade ~ Black Country, New Road
*this song is so tender! it paints a picture of the past, immersive in memory. one bit i especially love is that with each new "Good morning" it could be interpreted as simon forgetting that part of himself again, benig wiped clean, falling into becoming the ice king again. \:) it's lovely! it also feels as if he's begging betty, the motif of "show me the place where he inserted the blade / where is your light / am i home?" is him calling out to her, asking where she is, where Golb is. show me the place where you are, betty, please. they're both clinging to these ideas of each other, and it's so hopeful and strained, and this song does a wonderful job of depicting it!!*
—- 5. The Mind Electric ~ Miracle Musical
*you really think that for one second i couldn't include the Token Song About A Guy Named Simon Going Insane? i feel like, moreso than other people i've seen, i really really really want to explore the idea of the repeated memory/identity loss really fucking with his head- it obviously has, and even though we may have seen more of this loss when he'd first gotten the crown, i'd love to dip my toes into the angst that it still continually hurts him to try and remember. citing my sources here, it's similar to jim in good omens- looking where the furniture isn't. anyway i went a bit on a tangent but point being this song represents this insanity! the sound of the song itself and the glitches/bits of samples like memories flitting in and out of his head, trying to remember himself against all odds, trying to fight the manic or strange urges that come with being the ice king, "my brain has claimed its glory over me/i've a good heart albeit insane" and he really is. the more time he spends trapped inside of himself, the more he questions his existence and reality, yea? that wretched goddamn crown, "spiraling down thy majesty". even though it's angsty i really really really want to see them delve way into this when he does reunite with the crown, more viciously than they ever could have back in AT.
doctor, i can't tell if i'm not me.*
—- 6. In Between ~ WILLIS
*some could argue this is a little too light bedroom-poppy of a sound for the purposes of this playlist, but the lyrics are wonderful! the whole introduction definitely gives the same meandering, aimless feeling he had when he was the ice king, reinforced with the line "this place still feels the same/i am bound in hindsight from now". you could also see "take me back to summertime" as a sort of take me away from the cold and ice, take me back to who i used to be, happy and unbroken- maybe thats a little of a stretch tho ;P and "meet me at a point in life when I feel more in control" framed as a last plea to betty, a perfect hopless little cherry on top to these poor dears scattered across spacetime \:)*
—- 7. The Bug Collector ~ Hayley Heynderickx
*this is a song betty sings to simon. with the different situations presented as small trivial things to the singer, and the subject of the song being scared over seemingly nothing, but they take care of it anyway. it's still worth it to them. this matches how betty treats ice king- he has his own set of motives and problems and thought processes completely seperate from simon, which yes is infuriating, but it's part of helping him, yes? this song sounds both defeated and resolute at the same time, which is a fantastic balance that is hard to strike. it reeks of the unwavering love between the two of them and it's very special to me*
—- 8. Evil ~ Interpol
*i feel like this is could be viewed in the context of simon ritualistically trying to get back to betty. "heaven restores you in life", as was done, "you're weightless, you are exotic/you need something for which to care" both things very true of betty. i also just really enjoy the sound of the song- it communicates a very certain desperacy and i love it \:) also the story of the animatronic Norman and the music video being of someone/something that distinctly doesn't belong in the place that they are, with simon not really belonging anywhere anymore- overall it's a really nice ensemble for this purpose, i may be a little biased tho thanks to norm my boy my baby haha*
—- 9. Bathed In Sound ~ Cosmo Sheldrake
*Fantastically, this song sounds like being underwater, melting into something. This, to me, is a bit more interpretive than the other songs on the playlist- of course we're not actually talking about whales, but i think "the wonder of that wild wet world beneath" could refer more to the sense of drowinging in the madness, the magic. The song presents it so slowly, so calmly, as if it is this warm and wonderful thing to sink into- and I'm sure for Simon, the idea of sinking back into that comfortable emptiness is extremely appealing at this point. He wants it. He needs it. Tense and cold and swallowing him whole, He Needs It.*
—- 10. Daydream / Wetdream / Nightmare ~ Saint Motel
*SO much of this song rings true with him!! "Well, I can die a happy man if I could be with you/behind these eyes I believe fantasies can come true" This is self-explanatory, he wants to be home with Betty. Find the time to be the man that you like to talk to/in dreams, it seems that I can be anyone you want me to, oh" The nature of dreams being of the subconscious mind, and the implications that Simon can in fact remember at least some of the things he percieves as Ice King (with lapses in those memories, of course, just like real dream remembering) is extremely curious. This whols song reads very idyllic and hopeful with the way the vocals are sang, and I love the fact that yes- against all idiot odds- the poor guy just wants to be himself, wants things to be concrete, just wants his wife back. The song itself seems to be split up in three pieces, same as the veritable phases of Simon/IK's lifetime- it matches very well, and represents the same sort of wistful nature he's got goin' on.*
—- 11. The Fool On The Hill ~ The Beatles
*If I haaaad to choose a song here that fits the most perfectly out of anything here- it might be this one. That could be the hyperfixation on the song talking, but, man. Man!! He really is just a fool on the hill!! The strange silly man with patches in his memory, sitting atop his icy mountain. A"And nobody wants to know him, they can see that he's just a fool." which is very true of the wayward motive of the princesses that he displays as IK. It's fantastic, I love this as an examination of his IK behavior. "And the eyes in his head see the world spinning round"- aptly implying those eyes don't belong to the Ice King, per se, because they're __Simon's__ eyes. Genius!! Unintentional connected genius!!!! Love it!!!!!*
—- 12. In an Ice Palace ~ The Music Tapes
*the title is a dead giveaway, and even though it doesn’t have lyrics, i still think it fits that like… somber whimsicality might be the term? of a magical world gone wrong \:) and the melody is gorgeous and chilling in all the ways it should be. whether you see it as a reuniting with the crown and his return to ice king, or as a wistful and awful recollection of it, up to listener’s interpretation because i can and will think of it as both. it is crystalline and strange and i love it very, very much \:) I also really love the almost Rankin/Bass or Charlie Brown feelings of it? The vocalizations and harmonies feel so fantastic in that sense, and it really drives home the quaint nostalgic winter feeling like not much else could in this specific sense, while still being unrefined enough to represent the strangeness of IK.*
—- 13. Waves ~ Bahamas
*"There's a part of it, that I'll miss/at the heart of it, your cold kiss"- god, he misses Betty, and even now when he's meandering through worlds he misses who he used to be. this song is an extremely tender and wistful apology to her, and to marcy, and to himself perhaps. he knows it was too much, and the motif of the waves is excellent for this- waves in the ocean are scary and unforgiving, always ready to sweep you under. "And when I knew I'd become the ocean's slave/I just stayed" (when he'd gotten taken over by the crown he just. kept it. he tried to use it to keep marceline safe until he knew it was too late. and he became far, far too attached, the easy comfort of forgetting. it's horrid!!!! i love it*
—- 14. Room with a View ~ Russ Morgan and his Orchestra
*I picked up Russ Morgan from Everywhere at the End of Time, but out of all his songs (even the more uncanny ones,) i felt this one fit the best. this is the moment betty sacrificed herself- the "room" with the view being the closing of golb's stomach, him being the last thing she say- it feels romantic, even aside from the lyrics, the instruments themselves do- much of 40's-50's connotates to be. also take a minute to imagine if they'd listened to this song together back when they were both human. danced to it, even. i'm a sucker for motifs and goddamn.*
—- 15. Video Killed the Radio Star ~ The Buggles
*i’ve always loved how sad this song presents itself!! another big sense of defeat covered in whimsy, i feel like it’s either ice king killed the man who metaphorically was once simon, or vice versa, and the Guilt that he might feel over either one of these situations..! it also kind of plays into the fact that a remote is their interdimensional tool when he goes on the journey with f&c hehe, we can’t rewind we’ve gone too faaar~ it’s such a general well-rounded song for stuff like this it’s so tonally interesting and that’s the kind of thing i am loving for this playlist If Ya Couldn’t Fuckinf Tell Hahahahhehehehe :3*
—- 16. No Surprises ~ Radiohead
*this song has always connotated to me a sense of “please for fucks sake just let the guy REST!!” which is extremely true here. I feel like it can also be read in a sense of memory loss- he starts losing his functions again, things that *should* tip his mind off or remind him of things but don’t, alarm bells that should be ringing in the face of danger are silent, instinct and memory gone. the instrumental is also extremely cold and somber and you know that’s a recurring theme at this point-*
—- 17. The Funeral ~ Band of Horses
*Help, my inner criminal minds nostalgia is showing … anyway, all things considered. Spencer Reid has some similar things going on of odd emotional capacities, schizophrenia (connected to the idea of insanity,) and just. the general idea of someone insanely intelligent being shadowed by this looming reputation, but still having that lost deer sort of empathy.. and in general, the song as a stand-alone I’ve always seen it as someone waiting for death (their __own__ funeral in a sense) and he definitely seemed ready to embrace that as a way to not be so empty and lonely, and maybe see Betty once more. It’s very interesting to read him like this, and again, it’s the same sort of hopelessness he feels in the beginning and Prismo’s episode. Poor honeybun.*
—- 18. Cold Island ~ My Singing Monsters
*This one definitely seemed like a necessary edition, it’s always read as isolation and the mental shift and resulting backwards appreciation that causes? “Look at the stars in the big black ink,/tell me what you feel and tell me what you think./Is it cold outside? Is it cold out?” holds such a deliciously dark weight to it [that tiktok found and stomped into the ground, but it still applies nonetheless]. It’s just.. so gorgeous, and solemn, and for an MSM song it’s pretty damn good- it’s complexity and layers are quite similar to Another Certain Unidentified Man’s mental complexity, yeah?*
—- 19. Forevertime Journeys ~ naran ratan
*Another simple instrumental of Vibes, this is windy and soft, holding an uncanny sense in its detuned twinkles. i also love the sort of windchime essence of it, it's so very gentle and soft just as he really is down inside. i have a massive love for these sorts of soft things, little breaks from the madness, a bit of peace. light glinting through the ice, perhaps. it's wonderful, concise, and thoughtful.*
—- 20. Bitter Sweet Symphony ~ The Verve
*ohh? is that a timeless anthem against the dreary drone of normalcy i hear????? something that simon might resonate with considering his strange relationship with normalcy and being exploited for just how perfectly mundane he is???? hrmm, yes it is! and in fact his entire existence up until now has been extre,ely bittersweet- to be sentenced to this, after a life of wonder and magic, SURROUNDED by wonder and magic? i thonk this really represents te catalyst of him missing being part of the madness... everything is far too quiet now. he had gotten used to the loud static of memory and silly brashness of being under the crown that now, all seems lonelier than ever.*
—- 21. Bluebird of Misfortune ~ Toby Fox (Deltarune)
*Someone completely taken over by ice-related magic… though in a different fashion, it definitely makes me think of Snowgrave. Slowly succumbing to a power quiet and strange. The song itself is also eerie but still light in that way- asking a question of what used to be there and what it has become now. Perhaps I’m reading into it too much and not articulating it well enough, it’s hard for such a double entendre like this is, but in a sense he’s both Noelle __and__ Berdly as it relates to snowgrave. the destruction of his old self. the idea of trying to fight back against this thing, uncanny and unwavering, coercing you into forgetting the relationships with those you held dear and simply becoming as magically powerful as possible? Yeah, i think we can all see it..*
—- 22. Philadelphia ~ Alt-J
"Am I cold, I cannot tell." (True!! I don't think he's able to feel cold in any sense anymore.) The beginning sets up an extremely melancholy tone, extremely fit with the rest of the playlist's purpose. The guitar itself echoing as it does, and the high chilling strings- i love it. It's also fairly raw and a little more... darkly intimate might be the word? Not in an odd way of course, but I definitely think Simon's mind is darker than we'll get to see on screen, especially with his longing for Betty. Y'all already know I'm obsessed with the loss of identity, the being stuck between two poles, two bastions of existence on different ends of the same coin- "And I'm losing my ability to fathom/'Awake' and 'not awake'" like damn true pop off*
—- 23. The Nowhere King ~ Centaurworld
*A media song that I feel kind of goes hand-in-hand with how AT handles Simon’s story in general, and the sense of eerieness that surrounds it. I think we can agree that him becoming Ice King again is endgame one way or another (my implications of this i am not sure i’m just Scared of it) and the sense that it will not be all he’s been wishing, and he will fall to it again. even though the concept of the nowhere king is different, i do think it’s that he’ll essentially be a nothing king instead. I don’t think this is going to solve the emptiness, the sense of loss, and potentially losing his memory again will Absolutely take a toll on him.*
—- 24. Potatus Et Molassus ~ Over the Garden Wall
*Another related media song, this sort of somber tone is very very special to me, and the whole idea of succumbing to the Beast after a long time of trying to fight it (becoming the Ice King after a long time of trying to build himself back up from it) and the idea of it being ever-present, waiting for you. ~~Also i used to be a huge Bad End Friends fan so. it has a soft spot there :3~~ The choir resonanting with that kind of antiquated sense of death or eerieness does mirror the fact that simon has been going this for years. and years. but he still holds all of those now completely historical values and I feel like in the "endgame" of the crown he will return to that kind of solemn funeral-like nature. it's giving up, after all.*
—- 25. Kiss Me, Son of God ~ They Might Be Giants
*I aaaaalmost wasn’t gonna add this one, but. then i thought about the contrast of simon prime to the other Simons (namely the Winter King) and by god, it shows the Possibility of what he could be. and kind of describes their weird kinship/relationship/whatever it was?? The song really talks about a sense of defeat to me almost, and it also touches on the sense of how he would react to so many people loving him at the moment.. the world really is screaming “kiss me son of god” to him, yeah? and being Ice King in general could be considered a godlike pedestal in some senses, even if he’s not taken seriously. i have so many thoughts about this song*
—- 26. The Sea of Tranquility ~ The Music Tapes (ft. Orbiting Human Circus)
*Ggghhh another song i tried so hard not to add cuz i’m OBSESSED with it and i put it on like every playlist.. but there’s definitely begging for solace in “oh, we’ll be old and weary friends.. god bless that all this never ends” and it’s such a soft and raw song i love it. ifsmgkfnejkf it sounds like him pleading for his old life back, a life where he is important and seen, or maybe begging to stay in this limbo where he doesn’t have to forget? there’s so many ways you could read this but it just reads like someone so, so weak begging the universe for comfort \:-) plus there’s my bias towards the song bc i just really love it.. another elephant 6 represent moment*
—- 27. goodnight nebula ~ EMI//NOVA
*okay yeah, maaaybe this is a shameless self plug. and it's again an instrumental focused on describing the magic and element of ice itself with crystalline tones, because at that point it's a hugely important part of his character, yeah? even as simon, it's inescapable. i wonder if IK ever went out and looked over the mountaintops to see the sunrise. and simon, back there, faintly watching, remembering. it's a nice breath of fresh air, tender and contemplative, methinks.*
—- 28. Heartaches ~ Al Bowlly
*Internally I fought with myself over this one because this song is starting to become extremely overused in fandom spaces as Everywhere at the End of Time became more mainstream, but really, it fits the energy of Simon so much better than any other cases I've seen it being used in, what with the deas of depersonalization and memory loss. And of course, obviously, the endless Sisyphus love story of him and Betty. It's just a burning memory, after all. There's not a ton I can say about the song that hasn't already been said somewhere, in some capacity, but it stiiiil does indeed do very well to describe the solemn tradgedy of Simon Petrilov with the very sounds of the past he held dear.*
—- (Bonus- not on spotify yet!) 29. flurry fugue - EMI//NOVA
*i'm not sure if anyone realizes yet that i literally wrote this song to describe how i see simon??? magical, eerie, yet sweet.... and of course it's called fugue because that was exactly what he was as ice king- and the song decays a little over the course of the runtime, just as he did. i have a tendency to write these soft instrumental songs and i do think it relfects the style of the shows' music very well too! i've had a lot of good feedback that displays it's doing what I want it to, but i don't know if anyone knows this is LIterally dedicated to him?? if anyone has picked up that on the cover.. \:) i love him so much guys you have no idea*
Honorable Mentions that I couldn't/wouldn't add
—- No Children ~ The Mountain Goats
*It’s a huge trigger song and I can’t physically listen to this without spiraling, so I don’t want it on the playlist, but. I still think it fits his story. The kind of last-hurrah flippant hopelessness he has, especially showcased in Prismo’s episode, god I’m glad Fionna and Cake are helping fix that even in some sense because THE POOR DEAR NO. it’s such a ridiculously tragic song for a tragic man. i do think he could be singing it to betty as a sort of finality.. not that there’s gonna BE ANY cuz i don’t WANT THERE TO BE FINALITY unless it is HAPPY…. :)! it also really goes to show that he's been in his own sort of living hell for so long- it begs the question of whether or not betty was selfish to try and guarantee his future to be long and meandering by sacrificing herself, instead of. well. "i hope we both die," this song is also just too fuckin tragic so i dont have a lot of Text Evidence here cuz if i look at the lyrics i will cry so !! you get the idea tho.*
—- Mind Electric Demos/Inside the Mind of Simon ~ Miracle Musical
*They’re not on Spotify, but if I had my way, I would add much more of the Mind Electric demos, they all show different facets and I love them all they are my children and like. It’s Simon. He Has a Mind. It’s Broken Up and Insane, Yeah? Yeah. We already went over this in The Mind Electric in detail so i’ll save you all that but point is i want it As Much as possible on here :3 (also can we talk about how in demo 2 the agonizing screams sounded like simon AND THEN SHIFTED TO THE LOWER AND MORE GRAVELLY CADENCE OF ICE KING. WTF. MADE FOR HIM)*
—- Biggering (Demo) ~ The Lorax
*I didn’t end up adding this one simply cuz the lyrics fit Winter King!Simon more than Our!Simon, even though the tone of the song and distress and cadence still really fits our simon.. it could be connected to him trying to get to Betty, but I feel like that’s not exactly Biggering in the same sense as trying to get away from something? It could still apply to him trying to get away from being the Ice King but i feel like it also doesnt quiiiite fit now that his motives have changed towards it anyway.. we’ll see what happens as the season progresses tho…..*
by the way! i likely will add more to this playlist, but this is already a whole fuckton of analysis and connection to write out and it took me Days to actually shove it on paper so for future entires just Ask me why i included it if it doesn't become apparent in and of itself!
anyway yeah is it apparent that i fucking love this guy yet? i’m just. i’m so Fucking bent out of shape over it i LOVE HIM. \:)
for some of these there is an extent of "you've gotta hear it to get what i mean" bc i can only describe so much here without being insanely redundant (and i feel like i have been anyway) so please do listen to the playlist i am very proud of it and insanely obsessed with it If You Can't Tell
hes so much more than just a sopping wet cat istg y'all. smiles so hard at you. anyway thank you for reading it means a lot you stuck with me to the end
0 notes
selfcarecap · 3 years
Love Flower [p.p]
pairing: Peter Parker x reader
summary: You’ve read all about sex pollen online. You didn’t believe in it. But when you experience it first hand, that most definitely changes your mind. You even have to seek help from your best friend Peter to relieve the burn between your legs…
warning: dub!con but only bc sex pollen (and it is both their first time while the reader is under the influence of sex pollen so keep that in mind! (but they do like each other soo- and she can think straight in my version of sex pollen lol (it‘s explained at the end😭)), smutty smut smut
word count: 4k
-repost of an old fic but it‘s quite good if i... may say so myself-
big ass beautiful gif not mine
Tumblr media
“Woah.” Your eyes sparkle as you spot the flower. Peter has to hold you tight by your arm so you don’t go off track.
“Is that what I think it is?” Peter asks.
“I’m certain it is. Let go of me.” His fingers loosen around your arm. You take a few steps forward.
“Why are you going near it then?” Peter freaks out behind you, unsure what to do.
“Do you think this is real?” You ask Peter. You’re in his room at the compound. He moved in after graduating high school. For one, he was honoured that Tony asked him out of all people. Who wouldn’t want to move in with a bunch of Avengers?
But the most important aspect of why he said yes to moving in to the compound was because of you. It meant he would see you multiple times a day. He’d be damned if he had said no to that.
Peter bends over the bed to look at what you’re showing him on your laptop screen. He sits down next to you.
“Se- woah... Sex pollen? What the hell are you looking at?” He asks, wide-eyed.
“It’s a special plant. Basically going near it, directly touching or smelling it, makes you go crazy horny. They’re used for semi-superhuman breeding or something. But in some communities it’s used as a drug or something.” You explain.
“Well, let’s hope we don’t stumble across it then.”
“Why not? I want this.” You idly scroll further down and read more of the article.
“You’re being serious? What’s so desirable about being so horny that you lose control over your body?” Peter gesticulates wildly, trying to understand where the hell you’re coming from.
“To me that sounds like heaven. But I don’t believe that it would work. Humans are animals, okay. But they’re not animals like that, you know?” He shakes his head.
“Other than animals like the ones out in nature, we have rationality. They are animalistic animals, but we’re rational animals. I can’t imagine that anything in the world will make me so horny that I want nothing more than to fuck someone. Not even that plant. So I’d want to put that to the test sometime.”
“Very philosophical.” Peter comments.
“What, wanting to be horny?”
“No, the part about the animalistic and rational animals, kind of, maybe, have to think about it.”
You didn’t really know what the hell you were talking about when you said that but Peter’s really into your theory. He looks like he’s truly racking his brain about it.
“Don’t bother your pretty head about it though. I’m just talking nonsense because I’m horny, so see you later.”
You kiss his cheek and leave the room.
The feeling of your lips lingers on his cheek to this day.
“Come back, we have a mission. We’re supposed to be fight-” An explosion from inside the building interrupts Peter.
A second later Tony flies out in his suit, cheering because the mission was successful.
“Mission’s over now. And it’s just a quick smell. I swear nothing is going to happen, you’ll see. I have a bad sense of smell anyway.” You assure Peter.
“No, wait!” You ignore Peter’s plea.
You take a few steps forward until you’re right in front of the plant. The fragrance is strong. It’s a mixture of all the sweetest things in life. Peter’s smell somewhere in there.
“Mmmh. That smells nice.” You hum.
“You know what it smells like now. Come back.” Peter steps forward, holding his bunched up mask over his mouth and nose. He drags you away from the plant.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” You lift your arms in the air, “That smell was... nice. I seriously need that as a perfume.”
Peter follows you slowly on your walk to the jet.
You’re up in the air. Everyone else is happy because the mission was a success. You feel weird.
“Sorry, can I sit there?” You ask Peter to stand up from his seat by the window.
“Yeah yeah sure. Are you sure you’re good?”
“I’m fine, thanks.” You look up at Peter for a second. Your irises have almost disappeared entirely. That’s how blown your pupils are.
Peter stares at you. You stare out of the window. Your let one of your hands hang between your legs. The other on your belly. Peter’s still staring at you.
“Are you waiting for something? Do you want to sit here after all?” You wonder.
“Uh no. No. You sit.”
Peter stops looking at you and goes to worry about you on the other side of the jet.
You arrive back at the compound and you try to get to your room as quick as possible. You jog through the hallway but once again Peter stops you. He holds you by your wrist and you involuntarily moan out loud. Not just Peter hears. Tony, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Nat and Bruce all look at you.
“Ow, I mean. I have a few scratches that hurt. Don’t touch me. Um, if anyone needs the bathroom on our floor, I’m going to shower and then I’ll have to take care of the uh scratches from… from walking through the woods so I’ll take a while.”
You escape before anyone can question that. You’re lucky that your suit is thick enough to conceal how fucking wet you are.
You’re also lucky that no one notices that there’s no way that a few twigs could scratch you through your suit.
Except for Peter. Because Peter was there with you. He knows there were no twigs or branches. You walked through some grass in a garden, if anything. A hydra garden, but there was nothing except that plant he warned you about…
You‘re not sure if it‘s ten minutes or an hour that you sit in the bathtub with the shower head between your legs. Uncontrollable sobs leave your mouth that sound more erotic than any porn you‘ve watched.
Your hand hurts from holding the shower head and as you share this floor with Peter, you realise he might also want to shower after a sweaty mission.
God, Peter. Under the shower. Naked.
You stop your thoughts from going there. You‘ve fallen victim to the magical attraction of the plant but you don‘t want your innocent angel boy Peter to become a victim of your dirty thoughts.
You tear yourself away from the stream of water to go to your room.
You‘re glad to have a vibrator that‘s small enough to fit inside you, but not hurt you. That‘s what you think at first.
But after the first orgasm you feel empty, despite the pink silicone still being fully inside of you, and before today you never even got it inside. You’ve never been this wet before.
Everything is so slippery and you‘re more than frustrated.
What the fuck do you do now?
The vibration from your phone on your bedside table makes you clench around your toy and you pick it up.
Message from Spiderboy: Hey is everything okay with your scratches and stuff?
You: We‘re friends right?
S: Of course why?
Y: And friends help each other yeah?
S: Yeah, you good?
Y: No
Y: I was wrong
S: Wow never thought I’d hear that
S: What happened? should I come to your room?
Y: Idk
S: ?
Y: Yeah but knock
Less than thirty seconds later, Peter knocks at your door.
You change into sleep shorts and a loose shirt and open the door.
The sight of Peter has never made you quite as happy as now.
“What’s wrong what- woah your heart is beating like crazy.” He uses his heightened senses. He knows something is up as he steps into your room. He knew something was up when you texted him.
“I know.” You say. You lock the door behind Peter.
You sit down on your bed with a wince.
Peter waits a moment before he sits down opposite of you.
“So, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“You know when you’re like super horny all day, but the good type, and then you come home and you finally get to masturbate and come and it’s like the best feeling ever?”
Peter’s cheeks become red as a tomato. “Oh, uh yeah sure, I’ve had that.”
“Yeah well, when I smelled that fucking plant, I thought it was going to be like that. Not for it to hurt so fucking much.” When you say the last three words you whine, and to Peter you sound just like a pornstar. He really has to contain himself here.
“It hurts? What exactly?”
“My nipples are super sore. And there’s this feeling, like really deep down in my belly. Apart from that I’m so fucking wet, you can’t even imagine,” He’s trying not to imagine it, at least, “But nothing is helping. I came in the shower, at least six times, and more in here but it’s not enough.”
Peter groans at the thought of you touching yourself. Right on the bed that he is currently sitting on, that you’ve masturbated on probably countless times, and he’s even slept in before.
“Fuck should we - should we get help, I‘m sure Tony or Bruce will know what to do?” He suggests.
“No! Are you crazy?”
Yeah but only about you, Peter thinks.
You’d rather die than tell Tony or Bruce about how horny you are.
“You will not do that, I need your help, Peter. You agreed, friends help each other.”
“What- what do you want me to do? I don‘t know anything about this.”
“Just…” You straddle Peter’s thighs. He doesn’t stop you. You put your hands on his shoulders and press your forehead against his.
“Just kiss me, Peter.”
He doesn’t wait. Peter places his lips on your open mouth. You kiss him until you no longer know which way up and which way down is.
You start grinding your hips against Peter’s leg, against the basketball shorts he’s wearing.
You weren’t lying when you told him he wouldn’t believe how wet you are.
“Fuck. S-sorry.” You pull away from him and lie back down on your pillows, so you’re half-sitting up.
“Sorry you have to witness this.” You tell him.
Your hand has slipped underneath your own shorts. You’re unashamedly rubbing circles between your legs. You have no idea what’s going through Peter’s head. He just sits there.
“You can go again. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. I don’t think you can help me.” You close your eyes and wait until you hear your door shut again. But you don’t.
Peter’s still there.
“No I can, I’ll help you. Just tell me what to do.”
You sit up so you can talk to him properly.
“Have you ever fingered a woman?”
“No I’ve just, uh I mean I’ve watched, just a few times, watched porn.” He mumbles and you wonder how he can be shy while you’re basically fucking yourself with your fingers in front of him.
“First of all throw your fucking inhibitions out of the window. You don‘t have to be shy about watching porn, not in this fucking situation, and not around me anyway, ever.”
He nods.
“I know you‘re inexperienced but you better be a quick fucking learner.”
He’s definitely eager.
“Okay what should I do first? Can I take these off?” He’s pulling at your shorts.
“Yes, Peter. Everything. Take it all off, please.” Your neediness is coming back, more intense than ever.
First, Peter makes you slip out of your shirt. He gulps when he sees your naked chest. Your fingers start rubbing your nipples. You lift your hips, indicating to Peter to finally take off your shorts.
You’re so wet, it’s running down your thighs and Peter can smell you. He loves this.
He just stares for a moment.
“Fingers. I need your fingers, Peter. Mine aren’t as big as yours and mine aren’t enough.” You really do sound like a desperate porn actress right now, except that you’re not faking it.
“Yeah, okay. What, where-” He starts and you take one of his fingers and place it right where you need it.
“Now go as deep as you can.”
His finger enters you slowly, as not to hurt you but you buck your hips forward.
“And now?” He asks. He licks his lips.
“Now pull your finger out again- No! Not completely.”
“Don’t be. Just do that and I’ll rub my clit.” He pulls his finger out, not completely, and goes back in in a smooth motion. You’re so slippery everywhere. His finger keeps grazing the upper wall of your pussy and Peter keeps looking from your face, back to your body, back to your face.
“I need more, Peter.”
“Like, faster?”
“A second finger, please.”
You look so endlessly beautiful, not just now, and Peter could and would never deny you, so he adds another finger. You can already feel your climax building up.
“Fuck, Peter. I’m gonna cum.” His fingers move faster and you use the same rhythm on your clit.
“Fuck, back off, I think I’m gonna squirt.” You warn him.
“No, just let go.” He says and you do. You bask in the wave of euphoria that consumes you, even if just for a short moment.
You wait a few seconds to open your eyes.
Peter’s shirt is drenched in your warm release. His tongue darts out to lick off some that you squirted on his face.
The way you’re admiring Peter from below him makes him feel so damn invincible.
“You feel better yet?”
You shake your head and Peter’s face falls just a tiny bit.
“It was amazing. But I feel like it will never stop hurting. I need to cum again, please.”
He pulls his wet shirt off his body and lies down, pulling your thighs over his shoulders.
“Should I try with my tongue? Maybe that feels better.”
Peter still doesn’t really know what he’s doing. But with how you’re grinding your pussy in his face, getting yourself off, his lack of skill isn’t obvious.
You have this aura around you that makes Peter fucking dizzy.
You cum on his face once more, it’s not quite as much as before, still. “Oh god sorr-”
“Don’t apologise. I know it’s probably the plant doing it to you, but it’s still an ego boost knowing I’m with you while you do that squirting thing.”
“I only do that with you. I’ve never squirted before.”
His whole upper body has a red tint now.
Despite the two heavenly orgasms Peter just gave you, you feel like you’ll never be satiated. You know there’s just one way to go.
“Peter, have you ever had sex?” You give him your most irresistible pout.
You sit up, your chest against his. He’s about to give in.
“But I just said it. You’re basically on drugs with that plant. I shouldn’t even be here. I can’t have sex with you. Would it be your first time?” He asks.
“Yeah but-”
“I’m sorry, I know you’re in pain right now but I can’t. It wouldn’t be right, you’d just regret it afterwards.” He says, but deep down he wants nothing more than to say yes.
You feel the pressure behind your eyes. Does Peter not want you like you want him?
“I would do the same for you, Peter. You know I would.”
“Fuck.” He mutters. He gets to his knees and pulls the drawstring of his shorts, pulling them off his legs and his hard cock hits his lower abdomen.
“God, you’re big.” You grin, scooting closer to him. His hand wraps around his cock and he gives himself a few strokes.
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t hurt me. I want you inside of me. Actually scrap that, I need you inside of me. It hurts so much, Peter.” You whine.
“I promise I’ll make it better. I’ll take care of you, I’m here for you.” He stops, thinking, “But do you have condoms?”
“In that drawer.” You tell him.
He opens the drawer from your nightstand. Along with a few scary-looking toys, he finds a bunch of condoms.
“Uh why do you have so many, I thought you haven’t had sex.”
“I haven’t, but I use sex toys when I’m by myself and the shop that sells them gives you free condoms with every purchase.”
“Hm, where is the shop-”
“Oh, right.”
He positions himself above you, his hands either side of your head.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
“Please.” You whisper. You bring your head up so your lips touch. Even though Peter’s fingered and eaten you out tonight, nothing was ever as intense as this kiss. The first kiss you gave him earlier was just desperate. But there’s a hint of something more in this one.
Your tongues meet in slow, sensual kisses until you leak onto the bed and you’re reminded of the emptiness inside of you. You moan into Peter’s mouth and he bites your tongue when your fingers graze his cock, then wrapping around him and stroking.
“You ready?” He asks. You hum.
He sinks into you gradually. Peter’s never been as thankful for his Spider-Man stamina as he is now, because otherwise he’d be done for.
He goes slow to make sure he’s not hurting you, but it doesn’t hurt.
Peter worries once sobs start leaving your mouth, but they’re from pleasure.
It feels so goddamn good how Peter’s cock bumps against your g-spot while your finger rubs your clit.
It’s nearly overwhelming how good everything feels. All it takes is a look at Peter’s face and down his body, watching his cock disappear inside of you, and you’re coming.
You flutter around Peter’s cock and squeeze him so good that he orgasms too.
You’re both out of breath and Peter slumps down on you, careful not to squash you as his arms give out under him. He slowly rolls off of you, lying close to you still.
“Fuck, that was exhausting,” He breathes out, “But I mean I can go again, no problem if-”
“No I’m.. I feel good.” You raise your shoulders and use your arms to cover your chest.
“Is everything alright? Do you… regret what we just did? Fuck I shouldn’t have-”
“No no not at all, I don’t regret it, promise.” You reassure him, “Just um a bit embarrassed that you saw me like that.”
“No inhibitions, remember?” His hand strokes along your arm.
You’re both still naked, bodies glistening with sweat and Peter’s still admiring you.
“So you’re good? Satisfied?”
“Very, thank you, Peter.”
“So do you want to go shower?” You’re a sticky mess, so the answer is yes.
“I’ll let you go first.” Peter offers, in front of the bathroom.
“The shower is big enough to share. I mean after what just happened we can shower next to each other, can’t we?” You drag him into the bathroom with you. You let go of the bedsheet you held around you as a cover.
“Oh, okay yeah.”
You step into the shower and turn the water on, washing away the stickiness around your thighs first.
Peter’s watching you, but you’re too busy cleaning up.
“God, I’m sore. Can you get my back?” You only half-turn, to see Peter dropping his sheet and stepping into the shower behind you.
He takes your pink loofah sponge and starts massaging your back while you wash your hair.
This is not what Peter thought about when you said no inhibitions. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you naked. But Peter’s completely hard again and you don’t even acknowledge it. Did you even notice? This is not ideal.
“Thanks. That felt good. Are you finished?” You ask, grabbing a towel and getting out of the shower. Peter doesn’t want you to know he’s hard and he turns his front to the wall. He doesn’t miss how your eyes go to his ass.
“I just need another minute or two to clean up. I’ll be out in a second.” He says and you go to your room to put on fresh pyjamas and change your bedsheets.
It’s been ten minutes and Peter still hasn’t come to your room. You text him,
You: You still showering?
Spiderboy: No
Y: Where are you then?
S: My room
Y: Why
S: Cause it’s my room
Y: Don’t you wanna come to my room?
A minute later there’s a knock on your door.
You have to limp to the door because of your earlier activities.
“If I had still been in the shower I couldn’t have answered your text, by the way.” That’s all he says.
He walks to your bed but doesn’t sit down.
“Thanks again, Peter. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” You sit down on the bed. He smiles at you weakly.
“Sit down.” You order. He stares at the bed. His hand glides across the mattress. He sits down.
“Peter? What-what’s going on in your mind? You’re being awkward and surely after what just happened I should be the one behaving awkwardly. But I‘m not, because I trust you, so what‘s going on?”
“I don’t know. It’s just, we’re friends - we said that, right? Friends help each other and stuff. So we’re friends but we just had sex and I don’t know what that means for us.”
“Do you regret it?”
He shakes his head.
“Peter. Look at me.” He does, “When I first found out about that plant, and I googled, it said there’s two ways to be “cured” by the effect of that plant.
So one is the option of impregnation-” Peter’s eyes go wide.
“No no don’t worry that’s not the one. We used a condom, it’ll be fine. So the second option… is to sleep with someone that you love. It’s weird, I didn’t quite get it, but on Asgard they use it to unite two lovers, I don’t know. But it worked.” You don’t look him in the eye.
“So, like, what does that mean?”
“It means… that I love you. My body was acting up, but I could still think clearly. And I knew that I love you and that meant it would help.” This time you look at him. His eyes are locked on his lap.
“I know that you love me, friends love each other. That’s normal.” He fidgets with the string of his hoodie.
“So.. do you not want to be more than that? More than friends?” You’re back to not looking at him now.
He lets out a deep breath. “No inhibitions, so here we go, I want to be more than that. More than friends. How could I not? But I know that, for years, you’ve only seen me as a friend, of course someone as amazing as you wouldn’t love me like that.”
“But I do. Have for ages. Do you think I’d let a friend see me like that? Soaking my whole fucking bed? Do you think I would ask a friend to have sex with me? Besides, the thing with the plant, it wouldn’t have worked if I only loved you as a friend.” You explain. Now you’re finally locking eyes.
“For real?” Peter asks and you laugh.
“Yes.” You grin.
“For real, for real?” He asks and you grin wider.
“Yes for real, for real. I love you, Peter. As someone I want to be with, like in a relationship. And have awesome sex like we did today. Just not quite that desperate.”
“For real for real for real?” He asks and you want to kiss him silly.
“Peter if you ask that one more time I’ll kiss you until you’ve forgotten every word except my name.”
“For-” He doesn’t get to end his sentence. You straddle him despite the burn in your thighs and pin him to the mattress. You don’t know how much time goes by while you’re just making out with Peter.
“Oh and I love you too, by the way.”
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Sebastian x Demon! reader pt 2 (part one here)
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Empty nest
Cw: slight dubcon, possessive behavior, slight yandere Sebastian, slight breeding kink on readers behalf, Sebby sorta has a breeding kink too, restraints, fear play, abandonment issues (you pretend like you’re going to leave him during se/x and Seb panics, that’s all)
You undressed Sebastian, noticing how he was trying to get out of the handcuffs. “Calm down, Sebastian. There’s no need to be ashamed.” You said with a grin. You honestly were having fun with teasing him like this, he’s out of his element and is submitting to you without a second thought.
You managed to undress him completely, Sebastian was squirming under you. His cock throbbed when you looked down at it. “Do you have lube?” You ask, giving his cock a few strokes.
“U-uncuff me, I’ll get it, it would be easier tha-“ You silence him with a kiss.
“I’m not uncuffing you, I know you Sebastian, you’re gonna try to turn the tables on me, aren’t you?” You see him try to get out of the handcuffs. You notice his face is pink now, you know he won’t break free since he doesn’t want to risk waking anyone up. “So, where is it?”
Sebastian hissed when you gave his cock a light squeeze. “The post, the one closer to your left side, twist the top of it and it’ll open.” He muttered out, you can hear him the embarrassment in his tone.
You give him a grin. “Sebastian, you have a hidden compartment in your bed frame for lube?” He bites his lips and nods. His hips twitch forward as soon as you let go of his cock. You grab the post, twist it and sure enough, the top part comes off and there’s a small bottle of lube. Though, you notice the bottle is half empty. You grab it and turn to him with a grin. “Do you use this often?”
He glared at you, shifting uncomfortably. “I don’t use it often, just when I need it.” He quickly turned away from you. You gave a quiet laugh, noticing his face turning red. You grab ahold of his cock again, pouring some lube onto the tip. Sebastian hissed the second it came in contact with his arousal. He huffed and wiggled under you. “You could have at least warmed it up first.”
You squeezed his cock as a warning. “Watch your tone, if you think I’ll tolerate bratty behavior, you’re wrong.” You moved your hand slowly to spread the lube. Your attention was back on his cock. “How sensitive are you? You’re not gonna cum from just a handjob, right?”
Sebastian gave a light laugh, though it quickly devolved into a moan when your thumb brushed against the tip of his cock. “And if I do? How are you going to punish me?”
You met his eyes, seeing them glazed over. You could see the smirk on his face widen. You adjust so that you’re leaning over Sebastian, your face close to his.“Maybe…I’ll leave you like this.” You say voice completely monotone.
Sebastian whimpered, thrusting into your hand. “You’re not going to-“ He cut himself off with a frustrated sigh when you let go of his cock. He paused, giving you a confused look.
“It wouldn’t be hard,” You continue. “If I just get up right now, I’d be long gone by the time you break out of those cuffs and get dressed.” You leaned back, feeling your heart flutter when he visibly tensed up.
He shook under you, giving a soft whine. “There’s no need to tease, Love. Please, can we continue?” He tries to grind against you, but you move away everytime he gets close to you. A wave of heat spreads through you when you hear his breathing pick up.
He’s genuinely worried you’ll leave.
You drag out the moment, watching him squirm in place, and listening to his pleas, you weren’t actually going to leave him like this, but he didn’t need to know that. You leaned back, close to the edge of the bed and to your surprise he jerks under you and yanks on the cuffs making the bed make a clear creaking sound, you freeze and to your surprise he freezes too.
You look him in the eye, expecting him to be glaring at you for ‘almost leaving’, you just wanted to fuck with him after all, but to your surprise he looked genuinely worried. His eyes were wide, he’s panting slightly and looking down you realize he’s shaking a little bit.
You were surprised to say the least, you feared for a moment he was actually going to break free. You slowly moved closer to him again, being careful as to not make any sudden movements. He eases back down as soon as brush against him, though it’s clear he’s still eyeing you wearily.
You rest a hand on his chest, leaning down to give him a kiss. He quickly presses into it, licking your lips to try and get you to open your mouth. Well at least he was calming down. You pulled back from the kiss only to hear rueful whine escape him. You glanced down and chuckled a bit.
You reached down and stroked his cock, to your surprise he was only half hard, he must have gone a little soft when you were about to ‘leave’ him. With just a few strokes you were able to get him fully erect again. You used your free hand and started to undress yourself.
You threw your clothes to the side, not really caring where they land. Sebastian eyed you, looking over your body and giving a light whine you were naked. “(Y/n),” He murmured out quietly to get your attention. “Can you remove the cuffs? I want to touch you…”
He’s throbbing in your grip, so you let go of his cock. You adjust yourself to give him a good view of your sex. You use some of the leftover lube on your hand to help you stretch yourself. You slipped three fingers into yourself, stretching yourself gently and making sure to give him the best view. Your other hand worked your clit, rubbing small circles over it.
“You look good like this, why would I let you go?” You purr out, noticing his eyes weren’t focused on you, but they were focused on your core. You could hear him squirming in his binds, you grin and lean back, letting out an exaggerated moan.
Sebastian thrusted against nothing, cock flexing against his stomach. “Please, touch me?” You hum and shake your head, earning a pathetic whine from the demon beneath you. “Please, please touch me or at least let me touch myself.”
You laugh quietly and mount Sebastian, slipping your fingers out of yourself and grinding your aching core against his cock, teasing it with your heat. “So needy, you’re close aren’t you? You don’t get touched often, do you?”
Sebastian’s face turned red, he looked away, rolling his hips against yours. “N-no, I don’t. Please, I want to be inside you, I want to fill you up with my seed.” He whined out the last part. You grinned, grinding back against him, making him keen at the sudden pleasure.
You feel him throbbing under you, your heat agonizingly close to where he needs you, but just avoiding it enough to stop him from getting any real pleasure. “You know, maybe I’ll just let you cum and find another demon to mate with.” Sebastian’s eyes widened at that and he growled, yanking on the chains, you felt the room noticeably get colder. “Oh? Did that upset you?” You teased, leaning down to rest your head against his.
You slid a hand down, grabbing his cock and holding it steady as you lowered yourself down on it. You could feel Sebastian calm down, his breathing getting shaky. “Y-you said yourself, you couldn’t find a suitable mate, that’s why you came to me, right? I’ll be your mate, please, I want to be with you….” He groaned, lightly thrusting up into you to sheathe his cock. “Please, let me cum inside you.” He has a soft whine in his voice, making him lose any intimidating factors he had previously in his tone.
He’s not struggling much anymore, willingly letting you set the speed, even though you decided to move at a snails pace (mainly to get a rise out of him,) he didn’t try to speed up. You click your tongue and lift up his chin. Your face was close to his, grinning when he licked your lips as a way to ask if he could kiss you. You laughed a bit before pulling back, leaving him whining. “You’re fun to mess with,” You adjust yourself before slamming down on his cock and bouncing back up. “I’m going to milk your sensitive little cock until I get what I want, understood?”
Sebastian’s face was a light pink, his eyes now dilated and his gaze unfocused. He quickly nodded, panting under you, squirming as your body squeezed his arousal. “Y-yes, use me!” He lets out a fairly loud mewl and he’s rolling his hips to meet your thrust. “C-close, gonna fill you up,” He purred out, crimson eyes focused on where your bodies meet. “May I cum please?”
You laughed, with a quick adjustment you were ridding him quickly and roughly. You give him a nod, feeling him throbbing inside of you before you felt him a warm heat spill inside of you. You slowed down, letting him ride it out before stopping.
It takes him a few minutes to catch his breath, though he gives you a confused look. “W-why did you stop?” He pulled against the restraints. “You didn’t finish, right? K-keep going until you’ve had your fun.”
You gave him an amused look. “You want me to use you like a toy?” Sebastian nodded. You shrugged and started moving again, feeling Sebastian tense up underneath you. “Fine then, sounds like fun!”
Sebastian moans, shaking a bit as you sink down on his length again. “W-wait, first can you remove the cuffs? So I can touch you?” You shrug nod, grabbing the key before sitting back on his stomach.
“If I let you out of your restraints, will promise to be a good boy?” You say with a clear smile on your face. Sebastian blushed but nodded. “Hmm…no, say it.”
Sebastian whined, shaking his head. You didn’t budge, instead waiting patiently for him to speak. With a few more gentle words, he gave in.
“I’ll…be a good boy…I’ll do as you ask.”
(Next part)
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shinkikomori · 3 years
[NSFW] Kazuha x gn!reader
Summary: Reader and Kazuha are members of the Crux, and snuck down to the cellar to have some fun.
CW: possesive dom!kazuha, rough sex, verbal and physical degradation, choking, slapping, manhandling, semi-public sex, master kink, slight physical restraining.
Notes: I really enjoyed writing this one, I started and finished it very quickly, probably because of how down bad I am for Kazuha. Enjoy!
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The Crux had once again departed from the port of Liyue. The shipment had been safely delivered, and the new goods had been boarded on the ship. The sea was calm, and the sun was shining bright that day. All the crew members were up running around the deck, working hard to finish various jobs.
And then there's you, struggling to breathe in the dark cellar, hiding behind some crates and barrels. Back arched, head hanging back, legs weak. His hand around your neck in a tight grip, the other pushing against your waist.
Your legs were trembling from his violent thrusts, making you moan and gasp every time his hips slammed against your ass, his cock hitting that sweet spot every time.
"K~Kazuha~ ...slow~ down~"
"Oh? Why's that? That's not what you were begging for before I sneaked you in here~"
His voice was so calm, it frustrated you how relaxed he was while stretching you and filling your walls with his length, as you were fighting to not pass out on him.
His grip on your neck tightened as he pulled you closer; he whispered to your ear: "What's that? Are you asking for more? At least that's what I can tell by the sounds you make~"
He had full control over your body. He could push you around, bend your back and arch you neck at his will, and your bare, vulnerable body was exposed, all for him to enjoy.
"Kazu~ha~ plea~se... they're gonna hear... us..."
"Then be more quiet, whore. Unless you want everyone to know that you're mine. Look at you, getting all dirty just for me."
Your mind had gone numb and your legs had gone weak, you relied on him to keep you up. The way he shoved his cock up your abused little hole made it impossible to hide your pleasured cries, he made you feel so good. Although, the combination of his bandaged hand choking you and his cock messing up your insides only allowed you to let out some pathetic little squeals and gasps.
Suddenly, you heard footsteps coming from the stairs of the cellar. Kazuha paused for a second. He thrusted his hips up, so his tip touched your sweet spot, and stayed there, with his hands tightly grabbing your body to keep you in place. You tried to squirm but he wouldn't let you move.
"Kazuha? Are you here? Captain Beidou needs your help with some jobs..."
The footsteps approached you two, going deeper into the cellar. The sailor angled his lamp to see around some crates.
Your airway was closing off more and more, his fingers digging in your neck. Your head was light, and you almost let out a weak squeal, but you managed to hold it in the fear of being caught.
"Kazuha?", he said as he looked behind some other barrels, this time dangerously close to you. His lamp's light even reached in-between the crates you were hiding behind.
The sailor paused for a few seconds.
"I guess he's not here... where does he disappear when we need him... what a strange guy..." and he walked away, back to the ship's deck.
When you heard the footsteps on the creaky stairs fade away, Kazuha pulled out, grabbed your jaw and turned your head to him.
"You almost gave us away, slut."
"B-but Kazuha... y-you-"
A sudden slap came across your face, and the shock left you with your head bowed, looking down to the floor.
"I'm sorry..."
His hand grabbed your neck once more.
"Talk to me properly, whore."
"I'm sorry..... m-master..."
"You finally understood basic manners, you dumb fucking toy. Now I'll think of how I'm going to punish you next time, and you better be a good slut for me, or I'll show everyone how pathetic you truly are."
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weaselbrownie · 3 years
Hi bestie!!
I want to request draco fingering y/n cause I feel like he would be so good at that 😻
jealousy, jealousy | d.m
draco malfoy x fem!reader
summary : draco getting jealous of you kissing harry
warning : NSFW! smut, swearing, praising, degrading (not really idk), in public, female recieving
word count : 2.1K
a/n : this doesn't actually have anything to do with liv's song but 🤷🏻‍♀️
"Draco what the fuck!"
Your voice was vibrating through the walls, breath short as you chased Draco down an empty corridor. It was late, students are off to bed but you and Draco had to patrol around the castle as it was your prefect duty. "Merlin, you are being stupid y'know that?" You shouted at him, your hand extending out to reach him but once again missed as he moved to walk faster.
Draco stopped in his track as he heard the words slip past your lips, "Oh, I'm the stupid one?" His words cut sharp into the thick atmosphere as he turned his body to face you, his towering figure looking down at you with piercing bright eyes.
"Yes, you are!" You huffed, walking closer to his figure that repels the moonlight slipping in through the open spaces of the building. "What the fuck is your problem, Draco?" The pitch of your voice gliding higher as you got closer to the boy.
Even in the half-lit hallway, you could make out his face, every feature of his glowing. "You! You are my problem" His jaw tightens at the mention of you, his figure going stiff as you froze in front of him.  "So what do you do when I'm not around, huh? Snog the whole Gryffindor house?" You could feel the anger and disappointment radiating off of him.
"W–What are you talking abou-"
"Oh don't be like that, I saw how you were with Potter" Draco moved as he took small steps towards you, cutting off your sentence before you could get everything out, "I thought you said you were gonna study with him" He folded his arms in front of his chest, huffing out as he waited for your response.
"I was studying with him!" You mimicked his movement, standing straight to fold your arms in front of your chest, looking up to challenge the taller boy.
He lifted his brows at your words as if he didn't believe a single word you just said. "Oh sweetheart, I don't think studying involves shoving your tongue down his throat" His chuckles were dark, teasing you knowing he caught you doing something you weren't supposed to be doing.
You didn't feel bad anymore, the anger in you started to overpower all the other emotions trying to peek out. "Why do you care? It's nothing to you!" You spat out the words from the back of your throat, taking another step until you could smell the peppermint and citrus of his cologne dancing around him.
"I don't" He simply said,
"You know what..." Your voice barely above a whisper, dropping your arms to your sides as your fist form a ball "...'m not gonna stand here and let you be an asshole just because you're jealous" Your light words left your lips as your rushed to move away from him, your shoulder bumping his arm as you marched to leave him.
He didn't follow you at first, your legs kept moving to take steps away from the still boy "Take that back..." You heard him, his footsteps started to echo down the hallway, faster and faster until you felt his balmy palm closing around your bicep, pulling you back onto his chest to turn you in your spot. "Fucking take that back, Y/N!" You kept your gaze on his chest, his voice loud and sharp as it cuts your circulation.
You took a moment to look up, trailing your gaze up his chest to meet his eyes, those piercing grey eyes looking down at you as roaring fire burns behind those cold orbs. "Make me" The words left your lips as you watched him, how the two of you were so close in each other's embrace forgetting that this universe was not just yours and his.
And for a moment the world went silent, everything was still and it was just the two of you in rays of the moonlight, standing in the middle of the half-lit hallways of the castle you call home. But that wasn't exactly true, home isn't just a place, home is a person, and it looks like you might have just found another home, standing in front of you– towering over you as the anger still lay beneath all his calm emotions.
You watched as his eyes traced your face, moving slowly as it went back and forth to your lips. His jaw tightens as his mind scrambles with the thought of you and your lips.
It was wrong per se, you have been friends from before Hogwarts and it seems wrong to think of you in such a filthy way, but his mind was loud, too loud to control until he stopped the tumultuous shouting in his head, crashing his lips on yours– pushing you backward until your back thud against the stone wall in between the pane glass window of the hallway.
"Yeah? s'this what you want?" His lips left yours for a second, coming up for air before latching back down onto your jugular, sucking light purple hues right under your ear. "'m asking, is this what you want?" He asked again, the sensation on your neck loosened as you got your mind straight.
You still couldn't answer his question, groaning against him as your fingers found their way up to his body, scratching the material of his robe to hold on to anything you could. "Tell me to stop and I'll stop Y/N" His muffled groan vibrated through your body and straight into your panties, the tingly feeling in your stomach coming to life when you felt a wet patch attached to your cunt.
You shook your head, pleas slipping past your lips as you were putty in your best friend's arm "N-No please don't stop" The noises coming out of your mouth sound pathetic. Everything from the deepest part of your dream was coming true. How you have been longing for his touch, curious as to how his warm skin would burn into yours, conceiving an addictive effect much like drugs.
For the longest time you have tried so hard to keep all your emotions away, he was your best friend and you were his, you weren't meant to do what lovers do, but here you were. Tangled in each other arms in the middle of the hallway where anyone could pass by, couldn't even make it to a closed space.
Your eyes stayed close, savoring the sensation of how his hands roamed your body, slipping past your shirt to grasp every inch of your skin. You needed more and you were sure he did too, but then he pulled away. His lips leaving your skin felt like a thousand blades dropping on you at once.
"Would you look at that..." His mouth trails your hairline, murmuring words into you "...it's the Gryffindor tower, I wonder if Potter s'still awake" He was quick to turn you around, moving you to stand in front of the window outlooking the great Gryffindor tower not too far from where you stood.
You didn't know what he was planing, the nerves in your stomach exploding as you waited seconds that felt like days for him to continue with his actions. "Let's put on a show shall we..." His lips lingered on the shell of your ear "...a special show for your precious Potter" His hands began to roam you again, slipping past the fabric of your clothes to trace your skin.
You couldn't answer him with your words, rather just nod and grunt as he pushed his crotch into you, making sure you could feel the hard outline of his hard-on pressed up against your butt. Everything was going on at once, you couldn't focus on just one action. The feeling of his lips, his hands, his body, his cock, all rubbing up on you, drenching your panties that lie beneath your skirt.
"Desperate are we?" He chuckled to himself, his hands slithering down your body until he reached your exposed thighs, your skirt riding up as you continued to grind your butt into him.
"Shut up" You mumbled, your hands steadying yourself on the windowpane as Draco continued to roam every inch of your body. You couldn't see it but you felt it, one of his hands circling to move your panties to the side, leaving your cunt bare for him to trace the outer lips of your cunt, gathering all the dripping juices to better slick your pussy.
"No y/n, you're gonna shut up" His fingers slip past your clenching hole, diving deep into your cunt as the sliver rings that sat on his fingers made contact with your clit, jolting you up when the cool sensation hit your heat.
Your mind started to go blank once again as you took all the pleasure he was giving you. His fingers diving deep into you as your juices leaked down your thighs. "S-Shit... feel s'good" Your back arced as the time goes on, slurring your words as you turned to mush under his control.
"I bet you'd let him do this too huh?..." His voice so deep behind you as his free hand went to roam your chest "...play with your pretty little pussy" He slipped the buttons of your shirt through the hole as the lining of your bra peeked through the half-open material.
You cursed and whined, trying to control your moans as he started to scissor his fingers inside you, stretching you out from the inside "Well guess what darling..." His lips lingered, tracing kisses up your neck, sucking the sweet spot under your ear "...you're mine now, got it?"
You could feel your orgasm peeking through the corner, your mind going foggy as you felt your breasts slipping out from under you and into the open air. "Y-Yours... O-Only yours" You chanted the words like a prayer, locking the statement in your mind that you're his and only his.
By now you were half-naked, rocking your hips into him as you chased your orgasm. Your breasts pressing up against the cool pane window as his fingers curled to hit the spongey spot inside you. Anybody in the Gryffindor tower could've seen you and Draco, you were just praying they didn't.
It didn't take long for your breath to become short, you could practically feel your heartbeat vibrating through your body, rocking you to orgasm. "Oh n-no, shit 'm gonna cum..." You whined as you threw your head back, your nails digging into the boy's forearm. "...please can I c-cum" You waited for his answer, the coil in your stomach kicking you in the guts, begging to be let out.
"Y'wanna cum on my fingers?" You couldn't answer him, repeatedly nodding pleading for him to give you permission. "Go on then" His voice tuned out, the world going silent once again as you let go of the burning coil in your abdomen. Coating his fingers in more of your juices as he continued to pump his fingers into you, helping you ride out your high.
You felt your legs going numb, shaking as you struggled to keep yourself up. Your head spinning as you felt his fingers leaving your cunt, trailing it up your body until you were met with his fingers– slick with your orgasm, proding at your mouth "Open up" The tone in his voice completely changed into a more nurturing demeanor.
You obeyed him, leaning back onto him as you parted your lips, accepting his fingers into your mouth before sucking on them. "Good girl... didn't even need to tell you what to do" You heard him, your chest still heaving as he trailed his mouth on the side of your face.
He slowly pulled his fingers out, leaving your mouth with a pop before helping you to dress. Buttoning your shirt as he turned you in your spot, finally getting a view at your flushed face. You watched him with amusement as your breath started to get back to normal, your gaze locking his as his hand moved to caress your cheeks, bringing your lips to his once more.
"Too bad Potter didn't see that"
TAGLIST : @microwavedhampster @whenuwereyoung @o-rion-sta-r @willowmores @youreso-golden @mzmalice3 @desiredmalfoy @hyuckiesgf @yiamalfoy @acciodignity @teenwolfbitches28 @emma67 @venusmalfoyyy @spencerva
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countryclubstarkey · 3 years
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Pairings: Sirius Black x Virgin Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, first time, fingering, making out and more
Word Count: 2k+
*Not my Gif
The marauders were quite famous at Hogwarts, known for their pranking and good looks; the group of boys had everyone looking at them at all times. Some people looked at them with hatred, such as Severus Snape and others worshipped the ground they walked on.
You had neutral feelings about them as long as they didn’t mess with you, you were fine with whatever chaos they were causing, plus their good looks and charm were always a nice thing to be around.
Today, the group of boys decided to turn all the Slytherin uniforms Gryffindor red, causing most of them to be in a foul mood. You found it particularly funny, especially when you saw Lucius Malfoy with his platinum hair in the uniform.
Late afternoon on Friday, you were all sitting in potions listening to Slughorn ramble about random topics that he found interesting when suddenly a student knocked on the door.
“Professor Slughorn, Professor McGonagall needs you for something important,” a random second-year student told him. “I’ll be back soon everyone, please read page 300 in the meantime.”
Nobody truly listened to him; instead, everyone turned to their friends.
Feeling a sudden warmth around your ear and you turned to see Sirius Black closing in and leaning towards you. You and Sirius had a strange relationship; he would flirt with you at any chance he could just to see you blush, and to be honest, you didn’t mind the attention.
“So you coming to my party tonight?” he whispered gently in your ear. Your body covered with chills because of how close he was.
“I don’t think so; I have a lot to study.”
A pouty expression made its way on his face, “cmon it’s my birthday; it would mean a lot to the birthday boy.”
Before you could reply, Professor Slughorn made his way back into the room and began his lesson again with just a few minutes left of class. As you were heading back to your dorm room after, a loud booming sound echoed throughout the hall calling your name, “Y/N, wait up.”
Sirius was rushing across the hall trying to reach you, “you never said yes, you know,” the fit boy told you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders to guide you to your dorm.
“Fine, I’ll come for a little bit, and that’s only because I want to talk to Remus about this new book that came out last month,” you mentioned.
Little chuckles escaped his lips as he found your slight obsession with books adorable, but he would never mention that to you at least not right now. “We both know you’re coming for me, darling, save me dance,” Sirius said while walking away, causing you to let out a deep sigh because of how he was making you feel.
Meanwhile, when you got back to your dorm, you decided to pick what to wear to the party and got ready since you only had a little bit of time before it became dark. Whenever any of the marauders threw a party, they tended to get a little wild and out of control so you had to prepare yourself for that.
When nighttime finally hit, you met up with Lily, Alice, Marlene and Mary to head to the party together. Glowing lights brightly lit the Gryffindor common room, the smell of alcohol and weed flowing through the air and the music was loudly played throughout the room. No doubt the music choice were all Sirius’s favourite muggle songs.
You saw the birthday boy and James singing along to whatever song they could their hands on while dancing on the tables already out of their minds. Remus and Peter were trying to get them down before they injured themselves but they were having trouble standing up themselves.
“Guess we have to catch up,” Marlene grinned and dragged all of you to the table that offered the fire whiskey. After several shots, you were finally relaxed and in a similar mindset as the boys. As time went on, you danced and took even more shots with everyone at the party, including Remus, who decided to let loose tonight. Everyone was having the time of their lives, nobody thought about what was going on outside of Hogwarts, but only the party in the Gryffindor common room.
Around 3 a.m, people started heading back to their rooms, and only you, Lily, Marlene, Mary, Alice, Frank and the marauders were left sitting on the couches.
“Let’s play spin the bottle,” Mary suddenly brought up and pulled everyone in a circle. Mary decided to spin the bottle first, and it landed on Marlene; the two girls didn’t hesitate and shared a sweet but intimate kiss.
“That was too easy for you guys,” Remus blurted out, suddenly feeling the effects of the alcohol. The girls shrugged while giggling as Marlene spun the bottle and it landed on James. James gave her a quick peck out of respect for Lily.
Next, James spun the bottle, and it landed on Sirius Black.
“No, Padfoot, cmon not again,” James groaned out, not interested in kissing his best mate. Curiously, Alice said, “what do you mean not again?”
Sirius winked, “That’s a story for another time; let’s go prongs, pucker up.” James and Sirius leaned in and gave each other a quick kiss before wiping it off as soon as they finished. The whole group erupted into laughter over the discomfort they saw in the two.
As the laugher started to die down, you began to grow nervous as you noticed it was Sirius’s turn to spin the bottle, and just because of your luck, the bottle landed on you.
Sirius moved towards you, “May I?” You nodded your head at him as you both gradually leaned in and connected your lips. Sirius could feel how nervous you were, so he allowed you to make the next move without pushing you any further.
You deepened the kiss when you felt at ease and could taste cigarettes, fire whiskey and a hint of honey lingering on his lips.
Sirius raised his hand to caress the soft skin of your jaw as he slipped his tongue slowly past your lips, trying to savour this moment as much as he could. Both of you didn’t realize the others were still there until you heard someone clear their throat. Sirius sighed against your lips before giving you one last peck and pulling away to look at your friends again.
The awkward moment passed as time went on, and one by one, everyone went to bed until it was only you and Sirius.
“You know this wasn’t a one-time thing; I really wanted to kiss you, love. I’ve actually liked you for a while now,” Sirius broke the silence and grabbed your hand.
You smiled at him, returning his actions, “I wanted to kiss you too Sirius.” A big grin made its way across his face as he grabbed your waist and pulled you into his lap.
This time you closed the distance between the two of you as your hands grasped his precious locks. The kiss got deeper and more intense with time. You pulled away to steady your breathing as Sirius attached his lips to your jaw, nipping at the skin. Sirius loved the way your skin felt on his lips as he left kisses all across your neck and jaw.
“We should stop before we do something you might regret,” Sirius tried pulling away, but you captured his face and brought him back into the kiss.
In a soothing tone, “I’m not going to regret doing anything with you because I have feelings for you too, I’m sure Sirius,” you told him. Suddenly, Sirius stood up with you wrapped around his body as he headed towards the door of the common room.
“Where are we going,” you whispered, trying to keep your voice as quiet as possible. “Somewhere that’s going to give us a little more privacy.”
A door appeared out of nowhere on one of the walls allowing Sirius to step in. It was a replica of the Gryffindor common room except a king-sized bed in the middle. He settled you on the bed as he began kissing down your body, not leaving an inch uncovered.
You helped him unbutton your shirt as he started to kiss your exposed breasts, leaving love bites that you’ll cherish in the morning. “Siri-us,” your moans filled the room as you pulled his hair from the pleasure.
“Fuck, I love your tits,” his words made you blush as you tried to hide your face in your arms, but he didn’t give you the chance to do so. He took off your shirt and bra as he began palming and teasing your nipples, causing chills to gather around your body. You tried to take his shirt off, but his actions stopped you midway. One hand continued to caress your tits, but his other hand started to rub you through your panties, trying to gather your arousal.
“Darling, are you trying to kill me,” he groaned out. Sirius took your panties off but kept your skirt on as he began rubbing your bare cunt.
“We can stop anytime, you know, are you sure you want me to continue,” he asked you one last time. You nodded your head furiously at him trying to get him to continue, “I need words Y/N.”
“Yes, please,” you told him as he entered one finger through your folds and teased your clit with his thumb. Feeling your body clench hard around him as you tried to adjust to the new feeling. Once your body relaxed; he sped up his movements and added another finger.
You felt a foreign feeling on your clit, as something wet started licking at it. Sirius’s head was between your legs as his tongue worked on your clit and his fingers in your pussy. The new action created a different feeling, a good difference. “Plea-se, don’t stop. I’m going to cu-,” you panted as you felt your stomach twist and clench.
“Let go for me,” Sirius groaned out as he felt you release on his tongue and fingers. He helped you calm down after your orgasm by rubbing your thighs whispering praises throughout the entire process. When your eyes opened, Sirius was leaning over and looking at you with lust and love in his eyes. You felt his bulge rubbing against your body as he began peppering kisses on your face.
You both helped him out of his clothes so that he was left bare. His cock stood proudly as the red tip was oozing already with pre-cum and the rest throbbing. He switched your positions so that he was laying underneath you now as you sat in his lap in nothing but your skirt from earlier tonight, quickly; he casted a contraception spell.
His hands rubbed down his cock to get it ready for your next move.
“Ready?” the raven-haired boy asked. His thumbs rubbing circles around your hips, reassuring you if you had any regret you can back out now.
You nodded and braced yourself before slowly lowering yourself on his cock. Your breathing increased as he stretched you out, the pain increased as you went down inch by inch, his face scrunched up in pain and pleasure as he wanted nothing more than to thrust fully into you.
“Love, it’ll feel a lot better if you relaxed,” he told you, trying to make this pleasurable for you both when he saw the tears welling in your eyes.
You controlled your breathing as you felt your muscles loosen and the pain became more bearable. He felt you relax around him as it became more pleasurable rather than painful. Sirius gently thrusted trying to see your reactions at a slow pace; with a nod and brief bounce, his thrusts got quicker.
Pleasurable moans left your lips as his cock hit spots that you weren’t familiar with; you began returning his thrusts and tried to control the movements yourself when you felt more comfortable. Nails started dragging down his chest when Sirius angled his hips differently, causing him to aim at your g-spot.
“Darling, you feel so nice and tight,” he groaned out, trying to last a little longer but your pussy preventing it. He dragged your body towards his own and began rapidly thrusting, causing the room to be filled with your loud moans. His lips connected to your neck, breasts and anything else that he could find. He saw your mouth fall open when his finger made contact with your clit as he rubbed a figure-eight motion helping you reach climax.
“I’-m close,” you groaned in his ear as your body began shaking and the tight feeling made its way back in your stomach. Sirius didn’t stop when he felt you cum all over his cock, he continued working you through your orgasm while trying to reach his at the same time.
“Sh-it” he exclaimed as he released his cum. You felt his cum mix with yours as it dripped out leaking onto your thighs and the bed.
Once both of you came down from your high, you slowly got off Sirius to lay down beside him cuddling into his warm body. The only sounds in the empty room were your heavy breathing and the light rain that was hitting the windows. The air began to feel cooler as you snuggled deeper into Sirius, burying your head in his chest.
“How was that for you,” his beautiful voice genuinely asked you.
In a calm tone, “Something worth remembering” you told him as your eyes started to flutter away.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
me seeing the ask masterlist realizing most of them are mine : 🤡
i’m not saying that i have a crush on ace’s brother , cater’s sisters and sebek’s siblings because of that some fanart but that’s exactly what i’m saying
“hey did you know that ace used to looooove going around butt naked when he was younger ?” “DON’T YOU DARE-“ “here i have pictures , videos , posters and mugs printed of it-“
“oh they’re so cute ~ !” “(new nickname)-chan ! do you wanna see some baby pics of cater ? look at this one he couldn’t quite stand on his legs and he-“ “HAHAHAHAHAA yeah so funny ! but would you like at the time it’s to go-“
sebek’s siblings would probably resemble their parents ? i see his sister being just like his mother and his brother as calm as his father ? ACTUALLY THE WHOLE ZIGVOLT COUPLE GIVE ME BAKUGOU’S PARENTS VIBES-
his brother is in middle school if i’m not wrong so just like all these AnGsTy teenage boys (and his brother-) he would be like “i-it’s not like i needed your help or anything o(`ω´ )o” sure whatever rocks you boat-
HIS LITTLE SISTER WOULD BE LIKE CHEKA . THE MINUTE SHE SAW HER BROTHER SHE WOULD BE LIKE “hey big bro ! look i grew a lot since last time ! i’m a big girl now so i can go with you do luge next time ! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ” PLEASE SHE WOULD BE ADORABLE WITH THE EARS AND ALL DOWOWODKWOMEODMEKWOWKSOWKSDKSOWKEOEOOEE
TREY’S LITTLE SIBLINGS. you’re watching from afar as a flock of children come and proceed to pummel your friend to the ground-
they would be the kind of siblings that’s asks questions about everything and anything at any time i just know-
imagine this
in a dark room somewhere in nrc . multiples children are sat besides a round table with sunglasses on and glass of grape juice adult beverages in their hand .
Okay i don’t know how to write so that it would makes sense BUT BASICALLY ITS JUST A “MY BROTHER/UNCLE BETTER YOU POO BECAUSE HE-“
yes the same would happen with the older siblings i am convinced-
also don’t worry it wasn’t too long i’m happy it gave you inspiration-
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HONESTLY, SAME ANON!! I HAVE A BIG FAT CRUSH in Cater’s Sisters and Ace’s Brother (and Sebek’s, Azul’s & Deuces mamas) 😭😭😭
Sorry, but I'll do a hard pass writing for Kalim's mansion-full of siblings 🙇‍���️ (plus I don't think Crowley would let 30+ kids-teens-toddles-babies come into NRC lol, maybe just the following 3 after Kalim) BUT INSTEAD!!! I hope you like the bonus character~
-- -- -- --
MC attentively watched as skilled hands mix card in different flashy ways, while Ace sat beside them with a bored and irritated look on his face.
“This is your card!” The older redhead took a random card and showed it to MC. Sparkles shone in their eyes as they smiled a big bright smile, amazed at the card trick.
Ace interrupted the moment. “Oh, yeah, duh! The easiest trick there is! You just had to cast a simple spell that allows only your eyes to see which card [Name] picked highlighted in red!”
Big Brother Trappola looked at his sibling with an unamused face, MC mirroring the look at having their momentary joy crumbled like that. “Sure, a simple trick, but it was I who taught it to you. Don’t forget little Ace! You’re always following my steps~”
The heart suit boy sighed exasperatedly, shaking his head and looking some other way.
“Ah, he definitely is following a~ll your advices, Big Bro! Ace is always mentioning how you taught him many useful tricks for life!” MC became a little tattletale to antagonize their friend.
The Hearstlabyul student tensed, blushing as he looked at the other two. His sibling smirked, “Really now~? Oh, I didn’t know you loved me so much, baby bro! Say, [Name], let me tall you all my favorite stories of Ace when he was little! I even brought our old photo album for you to view! You can keep it if you like~” The aforementioned photo record appeared, “Look at this one! Ace used to wear his tighty whities like a superhero mask!”
At that, the 1st year tugged his friend away from his mischievous older brother, dragging them far away from his influences.
~°~  ~°~
“Cay-nii! Look look! We found your cute little friend before we could find you, and they were so kind to bring us here!” The younger of the two Diamond sisters waved at her brother. However, her arm remained linked with MC’s.
Cater looked scared, despair quickly painting his face. All his attempts to hide, ruined But now that his sisters had MC in their arms... He couldn’t run the risk of them embarrassing him in front of his crush.
“A-Ahaha..! Yeah, look at that..!” The orange haired boy awkwardly laughed, approaching the menace that were his sisters (with a cute, clueless MC between them).
MC spoke up with that bright smile on their face, "Your sisters are so lovely, Cater! I wouldn't mind having siblings as nice as these."
"Oh if only you knew, little Prefect." Cater though to himself.
The sisters looked at each other, then at their younger brother. "Is that so, [Name]-chan~?" The older one inquired, words drawled out in a playful yet dark tone. Oh no, Cater tensed at what they were planning.
Acting quickly, the girls dragged MC over to one of Heartslabyul's many couches. "You're always welcomed into the family, [Nickname]-chan!" "To show you you're a Diamond now, let us watch some of Cater's old baby pics! He was the most adorable little brother back then!"
The Heartslabyul student hurried up to his siblings, trying his best to ruin their "bonding" activity.
~°~ ~°~
The evening was nice, warm with a comfortable breeze... The surprising thing was that MC shared many laughs with Sebek and his siblings through the day.
They were nice, very nice! The girl was intense like their friend, while the boy was tamer, on the shy side.
They shared many stories about their family life: the fishing trips to catch salmon, what their parents were up to in the clinic and the new patients they got to work with (quite a colorful array, one must say), life in Valley of Thorns, tales of their magical awakening and how Sebek threw up when his magic woke up, funny stories of childhood games, and thought MC many songs!
With how much they butt heads with Sebek, MC wholeheartedly welcomed this wonderful day filled with happiness, shared with their friend and his siblings!
~°~ ~°~
A Magift practice match supervised by Leona
MC sat on the sidelines, a bouncing wolf pup sitting on their lap. The small child marveled at the highspeed tricks and plays of both teams. "Big Bro Jack!! Go go go, Big Bro Jack!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, cheering her brother on.
At their side, an embarrassed sigh could be heard. Jack's little brother, who held striking resemblance with him (specially with that attitude), tried to hide away from onlookers' eyes after his sister's cheer.
But then...
Jack snatched the disk from the enemy team, sending it flying through the air with a mighty powerful flick from his magical pen and--!
"SCOOOOORE!!!!" Both young wolves screamed in happiness, tails wagging a couple times as their adrenaline kicked.
Leona laughed at the reaction. "Not so indifferent now, huh, squirt?" His hand ruffled the wolf boy's hair. The boy blushed at getting caught cheering like that.
A sudden snicker startled the siblings as they looked at the hyena beastman. "You resemble your brother a lot. I'm sure you could become as good of a player as Jack some day."
The little girl gasped in amazement, siblings looking at each other with excited sparkles in their eyes at the compliment the older of the two just received.
"Ah~, they're just as adorable as Jack!" MC gushed internally.
~°~ ~°~
"Trey-nii!" "Big Bro!" "Trey-Trey!" Many voices came their way, sounding excited about finally getting to see their beloved brother once more.
Trey chuckled nervously, "Here we go..." Suddenly, MC saw three little kids glomp their friend. Two hugged his legs while the other climbed up to cling to his torso.
"How have you been, big bro?" "Have you made friends?! Many friends?!" "Do you have sweets? I smell cake!" "Your house here looks funky!" "Can we go inside the big house, Trey-Trey?!" "Can I pick a pretty rose, Trey-nii? I really want a pretty rose!"
They fired multiple questions at their 3rd year friend. So young, so curious, a perfect embodiment of childhood...
MC giggled, "You never told me your siblings were so inquisitive. It's so cute!"
Their attention immediately turned to MC. In a hurry, they let go of Trey and approached the magicless human.
"You're a friend of Trey-nii, right?! Right?!" "You're pre~tty, no wonder Trey-Trey likes you!" "Hey, hey! Do you also have a big house like big bro?!" "Do you have any siblings? I wanna befriend my brother's friends' siblings!" "A pretty person like you deserves a pretty rose... Trey-nii! Can we pick roses to make a crown? Plea~se?!"
"Now now, let's not overwhelm [Name] in our first meeting, yes?" Trey's call silenced them in a second. "I do believe you must first introduce yourselves before asking so many questions to a stranger, don't you think?"
The trio looked to the ground and fidget with their clothes. "Yes, Big Brother Trey..."
The glasses wearing student shot an apologetic look to MC. "Why don't we go inside and get your introductions done, as well as your questions answered, over a slice of tart and a cup of tea? Sounds good? Maybe you can meet some other friends of mine, too."
The kids perked up, happy smiles brightening their faces as they nodded and took each of Trey's hands. The remaining child looked at MC, who smiled and stretched their hand for them to take before making their way into Heartslabyul dorm.
~°~ ~°~
"My Ruggie really did that?!" The old woman was surprised, wrinkled face showing her emotions.
MC affirmed with their head, "Yes, he's always helping me forage for herbs and tasty plants to use for meals! Really useful for cutting off expenses. He even taught me few recipes with said plants, recipes taught by you, Miss!"
Ruggie's grandmother smiled proudly. "He's such a nice soul, isn't he? Always bringing cans of food when he comes visit us to ensure the little ones back home have something to eat." She held MC's hand in both of hers, using the one on top to give the prefect's a couple taps.
"You treasure those recipes with your life, young one! And please," Her eyes were so gentle as she looked up at them, "Keep an eye out for my Ruggie, yes? He tends to overwork himself. Please, fulfill my role while I'm away from him, make sure he eats and sleeps well, that he stays hydrated and relaxes his mind. That is all I could ever ask from you."
MC's heart contracted with adoration at how kind this old lady was, a beautiful old soul still full of vigor.
They nodded, squeezing those calloused yet warm hands of hers.
Meanwhile, the eavesdropping hyena sniffled at the sweet moment between his grandmother and friend. He was deeply touched.
Two peopled he held dear to his heart were getting along swimmingly! More over, they just showed him they care equally as much about him as he does for them.
-- -- --
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luxaofhesperides · 3 years
stealing clothes
college au ft. domestic joongdok. i am so predictable.
also on ao3.
Kim Dokja is extremely lucky to have Yoo Joonghyuk as his roommate. Not just because Yoo Joonghyuk is the campus heartthrob and Kim Dokja is the one who gets to see him everyday, and not because Yoo Joonghyuk is the perfect house husband, cleaning and cooking because he banned Kim Dokja from doing both. 
While both those things are nice, the best part about having Yoo Joonghyuk as his roommate is stealing his shirts. 
Not to do anything weird! They’re just… comfortable.
He even got permission! For the first few, at least. 
It all starts because Yoo Joonghyuk was going to throw out perfectly good shirts that have been worn and washed enough to become soft, the type of softness that even the most high quality shirts can’t capture. They weren’t dirty, or torn, just old. So Kim Dokja protests this and tries to get Yoo Joonghyuk to keep them, only for him to scowl and throw the shirts at him.
“You keep them then,” he said, then left. And Kim Dokja did. 
He’s well aware that wearing his hot roommate’s shirts might be (is) weird, so he only wears them on long nights when he needs some extra comfort to get him through his last assignments, or when Yoo Joonghyuk isn’t home. He never wears them when Yoo Joonghyuk might see. He’d rather die. 
And because his wonderful roommate is out for the night, no doubt at a party celebrating his latest gaming tournament win, Kim Dokja is settled in for a long night of reading, curled up on the couch in one of Yoo Joonghyuk’s old shirts. It’s long enough to reach down past his thighs, so he doesn’t bother wearing pants, and a blanket over his shoulders helps with the chill his exposed collarbones bring. 
The apartment is quiet, most people out or sleeping, and the latest update of his favorite web novel is a long one. And should he get hungry, there’s dinner in the fridge, courtesy of Yoo Joonghyuk who is very determined to get Kim Dokja eating more regularly. 
It’s been too long since he was able to be so relaxed and comfortable. No urgent deadlines, no projects to stress about, no tests in the near future hanging over his head like a guillotine. 
He’s so comfortable that halfway through the chapter he’s reading, Kim Dokja begins nodding off. The living room is gradually getting darker as the sun begins to set, and he sees no reason why he shouldn’t take a nap; his sleep schedule is fucked anyways, a little rest won’t hurt him at all.
The sound of the door opening rouses him. 
Distantly, Kim Dokja hears a lock click and a heavy sigh, but half-awake, he can’t be sure if it’s real or part of a dream. 
He opens sleep-heavy eyes to a dark living room; he must have been sleeping for a few hours, long enough for the sun to fully set and the moon to shine brightly. His entire body feels heavy and slow. 
Slowly, Kim Dokja sits up, the blanket falling off his shoulders to pool around his hips. He stretches his arms up above his head, arching his spine a bit, drawing out the stretch as he shakes off the last of his nap. 
Behind him, someone chokes. 
Startled, Kim Dokja drops his arms and turns to see Yoo Joonghyuk standing in front of the hallway, staring at him with wide eyes. He’s… shirtless. Kim Dokja quickly looks away. 
“When did you get back?” he asks, trying to break the strange tension that suddenly fills the apartment.
Yoo Joonghyuk is silent for a few moments before Kim Dokja hears him step closer. “Just a few minutes ago. I thought you were asleep.”
“I was. Is it late?”
The light turns on suddenly and Kim Dokja winces, blinking to clear the spots from his vision. 
“It’s only nine.” 
Huh. He wasn’t asleep for too long then. He feels the couch dip and looks up to see Yoo Joonghyuk sitting right next to him instead of anywhere else on their rather large couch. He’s staring at Kim Dokja’s chest, which makes him shift uncomfortably. 
He glances down to see what has Yoo Joonghyuk’s attention. There’s no stains or anything…
Then his heart stops for a solid minute. He’s wearing Yoo Joonghyuk’s shirt. And Yoo Joonghyuk knows it’s his old shirt because it’s way too big for Kim Dokja! 
Please don’t bring it up, Kim Dokja mentally begs, trying to send the plea into Yoo Joonghyuk’s head. 
“Isn’t that one of my old shirts?” he asks. Telepathy has failed. Kim Dokja changes to Plan B which is Fake His Death And Start A New Life. 
“Uh. Yeah. You gave it to me,” Kim Dokja answers, hoping Yoo Joonghyuk won’t think he’s weird and kick him out. He’s not willing to give up the best roommate he’s ever had! He just can’t go back to living with the worst people in existence, who treat him horribly and steal his things. He just can’t. 
“I’ve never seen you wear them,” Yoo Joonghyuk says instead of demanding that Kim Dokja move out. 
“I don’t wear them often.”
Yoo Joonghyuk’s eyes dart farther down. “You’re also not wearing pants.”
Kim Dokja pulls the blanket over his legs and tries to pretend Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t just say that. “Well, you’re not wearing a shirt! You’re only wearing…” he trails off, finally letting himself look at Yoo Joonghyuk. Those sweatpants look familiar. They look just like the ones he thought he lost months ago. “...Isn’t that mine?”
“...Our laundry must have gotten mixed up.”
That’s a lie. Yoo Joonghyuk is not one to mix up their laundry. They’ve never accidentally taken each other’s clothes. 
Kim Dokja smiles and Yoo Joonghyuk looks away, his ears turning red. “Joonghyuk-ah,” he says sweetly in a way that Yoo Joonghyuk knows is a threat.
“I don’t see why I can’t have some of your clothes if you have mine.”
“My clothes don’t fit you! And besides, isn’t it strange for us to be sharing clothes?”
“No. You should wear my clothes more often. You look good in them.”
Kim Dokja has no response to that. He freezes, then ducks his head, trying to hide his quickly warming cheeks. 
Yoo Joonghyuk, the bastard that he is, doesn’t let Kim Dokja hide. He wraps an arm around Kim Dokja’s waist and pulls him closer, hard enough to send him falling against his side. “Stop being so shy and wear my shirts while I’m around.”
“Shut up. Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?”
“I got bored and left early. I prefer being here with you.”
“Don’t think sweet talking is going to make me forget about you stealing my sweatpants.”
“Oh?” Yoo Joonghyuk runs a large hand down Kim Dokja’s spine, making him shiver. “What should I do then?”
“Nothing!” Kim Dokja hits his chest, but makes no moves to put any space between them. He is not going to be thinking about why. “Anyways, aren’t you tired? You should go to sleep since you spent hours at that tournament. Congratulations on another win, by the way.”
Smiling, Yoo Joonghyuk leans closer, forcing Kim Dokja to bend back a bit, putting more of his weight on Yoo Joonghyuk’s arm. “You were watching?”
“I always watch when you compete. What’s the point of having a popular gamer for a roommate if I can’t brag about him?”
Without another word, Yoo Joonghyuk collapses on top of him, crushing him against the couch.
“Hey!” Kim Dokja flails, then smacks Yoo Joonghyuk’s shoulder. “What’s that for!”
“You’re right, I am tired.”
“Then go to bed!” 
Yoo Joonghyuk tightens his grip on Kim Dokja’s waist, then nuzzles into his neck. The feeling of his hair brushing against his neck makes Kim Dokja shiver, not quite tickling him but just enough to have the sensation send sparks down his spine. 
He sighs softly, and feeling it against his skin brings a deep blush to Kim Dokja’s cheeks. “I’d prefer to stay here for the night,” Yoo Joonghyuk says. Kim Dokja grumbles about being squished beneath the heavy weight of his body, but ultimately decides to indulge himself and stay. 
They stay like that, sleeping on the couch, all through the night. They both wake with stiff necks in the morning, but Kim Dokja doesn’t mind at all when it lets him stay in Yoo Joonghyuk’s embrace a little longer.
Things change after that. 
Kim Dokja wouldn’t call them friends, per se. Not before That Night. Roommates, yes. Acquaintances who get along well, yes. Friends? No. 
But now, he’s not too sure what to call their relationship. They live together so they have to spend some time together, but school keeps them both busy and Kim Dokja often spends his time at the library with Han Sooyoung and Yoo Sangah while Yoo Joonghyuk streams and goes to tournaments. 
It’s more accurate to say they exist in the same space, than to say that they spend time together. 
They get along well enough, which is why they’ve renewed their lease together for another year, but somehow, after That Night Yoo Joonghyuk is suddenly… sticky.
He’s constantly making food for them. More so than before. He asks for Kim Dokja’s preferences instead of just silently handing him a plate?
Kim Dokja stares at the box of pasta in his hands. He doesn’t understand why he’s grocery shopping with Yoo Joonghyuk, but he’s gone with it for too long and can’t ask any questions now.
“Did you want pasta?” Yoo Joonghyuk asks, appearing behind him without warning. Kim Dokja jumps a little, then glares at him, annoyed by how amused he looks.
“I don’t know. Maybe. I can just buy instant noodles.”
Scowling, Yoo Joonghyuk grabs the box of pasta from his hands and adds it to the cart. “Absolutely not. I’ll make noodles for you later.”
“You can make noodles from scratch?”
“It’s not hard.”
Kim Dokja would marry Yoo Joonghyuk right that very second if asked. He also doesn’t understand why Yoo Joonghyuk is suddenly spoiling him, but he’s not going to question a good thing. He’s going to get as much as he can out of this, because who knows when it will end?
So he bumps his hip against Yoo Joonghyuk’s with a smile as they walk down the aisle, and asks, “Can we get ice cream?”
Yoo Joonghyuk does not answer for a long minute, then glances at Kim Dokja’s hopeful expression and sighs. “Fine.”
He really is getting spoiled.
Kim Dokja fully intends to use this knowledge for evil.
Another thing that’s changed: clothes. 
Since Kim Dokja didn’t complain enough about his sweatpants being stolen before he fell asleep, Yoo Joonghyuk decided he could just take Kim Dokja’s most comfortable sweatpants and wear them whenever he wants. So what if he looks really good! They’re still Kim Dokja’s and he will hold this grudge for as long as he needs to. 
He intends to steal more of Yoo Joonghyuk’s shirts as revenge, except he doesn’t need to steal anything. Because Yoo Joonghyuk just leaves his shirts in Kim Dokja’s room. So he wears them and tries not to get flustered when Yoo Joonghyuk stares at him each time he walks out of his room wearing something Yoo Joonghyuk left him. 
It’s a losing battle.
On the bright side, he no longer has to hide it. It’s still embarrassing, but he’s getting more and more used to lounging in the living room in Yoo Joonghyuk’s shirts. 
The hungry look Yoo Joonghyuk gives him is also nice to see. 
Kim Dokja may be the king of denial, but even he can’t lie to himself with how obvious Yoo Joonghyuk is being. Nor can he pretend that he isn’t doing this for that exact reason, or spending more time at the apartment to be with him. 
They’re both pushing in little ways, but it’s not enough for him to be willing to push their relationship out of the cloud of ambiguity its currently in. 
Before he knows it, half his closet is Yoo Joonghyuk’s clothes, and he has to go to Yoo Joonghyuk’s room to grab a pair of sweatpants to study in because all of them got stolen. The rude bastard really has no shame. 
“Why don’t we just keep our clothes in the same room?” Yoo Joonghyuk suggests after Kim Dokja complains to him about this. 
“Whose room?”
“Mine. Just take all your things into my room. I’ll make space for you.”
And so Kim Dokja suddenly finds himself sharing a room with Yoo Joonghyuk. And then sharing a bed. And then waking up with him to his absurdly early alarm. 
They’re not dating, and he says as much to Han Sooyoung when talking about this; she just rolls her eyes and calls him and idiot for not realizing what’s going on. 
She has absolutely no room to talk, being in a friends-with-benefits relationship with Yoo Sangah instead of just asking her out on a date like normal people would. 
They’re not dating, but Kim Dokja leans into him when they watch a movie together after rejecting a party invite. They’re not dating, but Yoo Joonghyuk kisses his cheek each morning before he gets up to make breakfast. They’re not dating, but Kim Dokja will settle into Yoo Joonghyuk’s lap while wearing nothing but one of his shirts to finish a reading for one of his classes. 
They’re not dating, but he certainly wants to. 
However, Kim Dokja would sooner pass away then actually talk about his feelings, so he bottles it up, greedily hoards all the affection he gets from Yoo Joonghyuk, and hopes he makes his move soon because Kim Dokja is starting to get impatient.
In the meantime, he’ll steal another shirt and pretend he didn’t do it on purpose just to get Yoo Joonghyuk to look at him. 
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rikisnuggie · 3 years
6th October | MO'S KINKTOBER
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pairing: hard dom!felix × gn reader
genre: smut
cw: unprotected sex, degradation, overstimulation, reader cries, reader is a brat
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Felix had his day off. It had been weeks since the two of you got to spend a little time together, so you wanted to have him all to yourself. And that meant all of him.
"Lixie," you whined, plopping down next to him on the couch. "Give me attention," you spoke, pouting at him. "Come here, baby," he said, spreading his legs and tapping the space between them for you to sit down in front of him. You did as he wanted and relaxed against his body, your back pressed to his chest. Felix placed his chin on your shoulder and resumed the game that was displayed on the screen on the wall aside of you. For about two minutes you stayed like this but boredom soon came over you and you decided to annoy your boyfriend a little.
"Baby," you dragged out, turning around in Felix' lap and hugging him like a koala. "Mhm? What's up, love?" he asked, still looking at the screen. "I want attention," you reminded him, kissing his neck once, earning a little whine from him. And that's what sparked an idea in your head: If you don't get his attention this way, you will get it by turning him on. So you continued placing kisses on his neck and jaw, Felix frowning slightly. "Y/N, I'm in the middle of a game, can't you wait a little?" he asked, trying to concentrate on his game. You, however, didn't bother answering. Instead, you trailed your kisses further down to his collarbones, leaving purple marks where your lips had met his skin.
You got off the couch and kneeled down in front of Felix, lifting his shirt up and continuing the trail if kisses on his toned torso. "Y/N, please, we can continue this once I'm done with this round," Felix complained, trying his best to not lose focus. But again, you didn't even think about stopping here.
"For fuck's sake, Y/N, don't you understand a simple 'stop'?" Felix growled while getting up from the couch and pulling you up by your wrists. "I told you I wanted attention," you smiled, directly looking into his eyes. "You just want your holes filled to the brim like the slut you are. Isn't that right?" he said, grabbing your jaw tightly. "I don't know what you mean, Lixie," you answered provokingly, batting your lashes at him.
Felix tightened the grip on your jaw and threw you onto the couch and started pulling down his sweats and underwear. "God, you're such a horny bitch sometimes," he said in a deep voice that turned you in so much. He pulled down your pants and underwear, pulling them off and throwing them to the ground. "Look at you enjoying this," he chuckled lowly, lining up at your entrance and putting the tip in, making you frown. "Second thoughts, baby?" he cooed, watching you shake your head 'no'. "Pathetic," he chuckled quietly, slamming his dick into you, making you scream out. Felix started thrusting in and out of you at a fast pace immediately, not letting you adjust to the feeling of his dick.
And that's how you ended up in this exact position: your legs shaking and tears streaming down your cheeks while you were trying to process your fourth orgasm of the day. "Li-ix, plea-se," you sobbed, wanting to tell him that you're close again. "Can't. I can-n't". "You wanted attention, didn't you? Now you have it and suddenly you can't?" he chuckled sadistically. "That makes no sense, does it, baby? Are you so stupid that you can't even make sense of your words right now?" he cooed, fake sympathy clearly audible in his voice. "What's your color, pumpkin?" he asked, stopping his thrusts for a bit, this time really meaning it. "G-green," you said quietly after a second, looking up at Felix through your tears, him genuinely smiling at you. "You're doing so good, baby. Just one more, yeah? Can you do that for me?" he asked, wiping your tears with his thumb. You slowly nodded, Felix starting his thrusts right after your 'go'. The knot in your stomach quickly tightened again, the stimulation being to much, your tears starting to flow again.
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Felix could feel you clench around him, so he used one of his hands to take yours, squeezing it for you to feel more safe and comfortable. As your fifth high came crashing down on you, he whispered little "There you go"s and "you're doing so good"s into your ear while slowing down his thrusts and finally pulling out, you whimpering at the empty feeling. "Are you okay, precious?" he asked, looking at your overwhelmed and fucked out state. You nodded, your eyes closed. He quickly got out of the room to get a wet cloth, cleaning you up and getting out a pair of comfortable sweats and one of his hoodies from the closet. "Can you get up for a second, sweetheart?" he asked, helping you out of the bed and dressing you in what he had just gotten out for you.
"You should sleep a little, baby, you look tired," he said as he helped you back into the bed, laying down beside you and covering you both with a blanket. You hummed in agreement and pulled you onto his chest, placing a kiss on your temple. "You did so well today, Y/N. You know I didn't mean the things, yeah? I love you, you know that, right?" Felix whispered. "Mhm, I know. I love you too," you tried to say but it came out as a barely audible whisper. Felix, however, was able to hear it and smiled at you. To him, you we're the most precious thing ever, and he would make sure you knew that all the time.
Kinktober Masterlist
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adamfoolcry · 3 years
i hate you, i love you (k.dy)
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it's valentine's day and you try your hardest not to fall back in the arms of one kim doyoung - your former boss, recluse and closed off, your fuck buddy - whom you are completely in love with.
pairings: CEO!Doyoung x Fem!Reader, Johnny x Fem!Reader rating: 18+   genre: angst and smut  warnings: swearing, explicit sexual situations - hate sex, dirty talk wc: 3k+ prompt: 'i hate you' 
a/n: This is a part of Candy Hearts Collab hosted by @127-mile . Text in blockquote are text messages.Thank you for beta reading simmi(@sly-merlin ) and indi(@ncteaxhoe​). Not proofread excuse the mistakes please contact me if you would like to do so. Enjoy! - xo aria
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I don't know if you'll even read this but if you do, I want you to know that what we have for two years was not a game for me. Maybe we can't start being honest with each other. When you make up your mind you know where to reach me.
Mina really knows how to dress you up to the nines, you'll give her that.
"It's not bad," you nod at your reflection approvingly as you examine the dress you wrestled yourself in, clinging to your body in the right places effectively enhancing your silhouette. The soft silky texture of satin feels exquisite against your skin however you can’t exude the confidence the dress might have channeled you with. You don’t feel grand in fact you feel the opposite;
You want to cancel the date.
"Oh for christ's sake, ______. Maybe try to put some enthusiasm into this," Mina spun you around to face her, your back to the whole body mirror where a while ago you two were examining the outfit she picked up from the back of your closet - where dressier clothing of yours reside not seeing the light of the day unless for special occasions. 
Placing both her hands on your shoulders, "You were so excited when you called me to pick something to wear. What happened?" She further inquired.
You heave a sigh, "I don't know I am just not in a mood to go out on a date with a stranger," you admitted.
Mina pulls your eyes back to hers, gleaming with determination. "You are ______, an economics major who graduated on top of her class, who landed a new job as a senior financial analyst despite being in the industry for only three years. Now repeat it," Mina orders you.
"What does it have to do with -" you rolled your eyes, and whined dramatically.
She clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth in displeasure, "Go on say it"
"I am ______, graduated on the top of my class and landed a new position as a senior financial analyst despite my tenurity," you mumble in a low voice.
"Good," Mina coddled you as if you are an infant who uttered her first word, "now add I am young, smart, and men want me."
You open your mouth to protest but Mina only pinned you with a hard look and you know you will not be getting out of this until you do as she says.
"I am young, smart, and men want me." You did as she told you.
Begrudgingly you did feel a lot better.
This is the third step of banishing Kim Doyoung in your life entirely. 
First is to send a resignation letter - done. 
Second, secure a new employment - done.
Third is to pursue a romantic relationship.
"Now let's get you ready for your date." Mina pulled you to the present, squeezing your bare shoulders to comfort you.
"I know that what you did is really hard. The sudden big change and all but today's Valentine's day you need to have a little fun today."
"I know Mina, now do my makeup." You pulled her to where your vanity table is located as you paste a smile on your face in order to placate her worries.
If people were to know why you are doing this they might have called you silly.
After graduating from university you were offered the position of financial analyst in his company - a small but budding start up in Tech. Never would you have expected to land a job in your chosen field straight out of college. You are doing what you have envisioned yourself doing: analysing the trends and forecasting sales of the company's cloud solutions. You are comfortable with your current living situation, not what you have imagined after your parents cut you off no longer sending you an allowance. You thought you'd be working your ass off to make ends meet. Thankfully, the pay was high enough for you to live in an apartment in the city, pay your bills in time, and afford luxuries you knew that most people your age wouldn't have the money for. 
Everything seems perfect right? A job that you genuinely love, good pay, living in the heart of the city but of course you just have to develop feelings for your boss: Kim Doyoung. And that complicates everything; enough for you to decide to completely start over again.
Kim Doyoung has managed to worm into every nook and cranny of your life.
Kim Doyoung is a magnetic man, of few words, stern straight brows, and wide shoulders swaddled in elegant suits. He runs the company based on data-driven decisions unafraid of taking risks that produces the highest profitable outcome. Working at his company where all ten workers directly reports and closely works with him, you and your colleagues have developed quite a personal relationship with him. It was not conventional per se but you guess this is how all start-ups operate with a slightly different work culture. Unlike big corporations there is no bureaucracy, filling for leaves can just be a phone call or a visit to his office.
As his only financial analyst almost never leaving his side. You'd like to think that Doyoung might have developed a soft spot for you, maybe not in a romantic sense but in a platonic friendly way. He values your opinion enough that he asks for your input in any pivotal decisions either in work or his personal life. Whether to facilitate the migration to cloud as external contractors of big corporations or to oversee the renovation of his penthouse. And in small things too honestly, after all he asked for your help to decide whether the decor should be a Bohemian vibe or modern minimalistic black and grey.
That was until you fucked after the in-office celebration of closing a big contract. One moment he is talking about the vase that serves as a centerpiece of his dining table that you helped him pick, the next he was pulling your arm leading you to a dimly lit room. 
Yes, you did drink but you were sober enough to protest if you didn't want it; who are you kidding? Of course you wanted it to happen. Not one word of objection was uttered as he pinned you to the wall with your legs circling his waist. Instead of protests what left your lips was series of moans and his name in breathless pleas that he had to stuff your mouth with his fingers or else your colleagues will hear the two of you having sex two rooms away from them.
Doyoung slipped out of you stepping back to let you down.Your stilettos made a clicking noise as it came in contact with the tiled floor that echoed in your eardrums; deafening. Coming back down to earth and from your high is also the moment when you realized the mess you put yourself into by fucking Doyoung - your boss - in a storage room.
You righted both your disheveled appearances - to look as normal as possible - in order to go back to the pantry where the celebration was still in full swing. The tense silence that wrapped the atmosphere makes you want to shrivel in shame, both of you were aware of the line that you have crossed. 
The unspoken words were hanging in the air -
It was a mistake. Let's forget this ever happened. - and you refused to acknowledge the elephant in the room, the stillness making you uncomfortable by the second.
"_______ -," Doyoung started.
"We don't have to talk about it Doyoung." 
You moved for the door, not looking back to peek at Doyoung's expression. You just wanted to get out of the dusty storage room, the stuffy air and Doyoung's proximity, suffocating you. 
You thought you were smart enough not to make the same mistake again but you seem to have a penchant for getting hurt because you did it again and again every chance you got. When the effects of orgasm are wearing off and you are left naked and vulnerable you always find yourself swearing that it will be the last time but you already knew you were lying.
You just can't get enough of Doyoung even though it hurts to pretend that each encounter was meaningless.
Sleeping with someone where you never knew where you stand at is excruciatingly painful. 
You can't be jealous when you hear about the new girl he's with because you have no right.
It is painful when Doyoung gives you some false hope. Visiting you almost everyday in your small office bearing lunch for the two of you. He often spends half of his day loitering in your space, perching himself on the corner of your desk pushing around the knick knacks around your desk while you are busy with work.
Only to dash it when he tells you about the latest girl he's seeing which would mean your ears would bear the brunt of his relationship woes until it falls apart only for the vicious cycle to repeat again when he found himself in another one of his flings.
Everyday as he asks for relationship advice you feel yourself getting worn out and the green eyed monster roaring it's head, you try your hardest to tamp it down with your rational thinking. 
What hurts the most is he started his series of flings a week after you hooked up, rubbing on your face that it means nothing to him at all.
So after countless hours, days, and months of anguish you started planning your escape.
There are so many thoughts running through your head it starts with: Did I overdress? Is Johnny having a good time? 
Then drifts into completely unrelated manners.
Did I manage to say goodbye to all of my co-workers? Clear out my desk in my office? Surrender my elevator pass to the friendly security guard? Retrieve my favorite mug in the pantry? 
Will everything be ok? Will I excel at my new company? Will I fit in a big corporation?
Will I miss Doyoung?
Am I doing the right thing?
Johnny cleared his throat which broke your reverie, your eyes settling in his face but Johnny seems to find the table napkin worthy of his attention rather than maintaining eye-contact with you.
"I had fun today but I think -," You see Johnny hesitating to continue his sentence, linking and unlinking his fingers instead.
You get it and you can't blame Johnny for his lack of interest. You were barely with him today after the small talk had died down and the two of you had finished your meals. You didn't make an effort to get to know him, the conversation was one sided as you barely threw the questions back at him; replying in terse short sentences as if you would rather be anywhere but having dinner with him.
"Yeah me too but it's really nice to spend Valentine's with you though and getting all dolled up. Makes me forget I am single," You joked and flashed him a smile; relieved, Johnny finally met your eyes as his actions mirror yours curving his lips into a smile.
You hailed a cab for a ride back to your apartment, settling in the backseat you instructed and gave the address to the driver as his radio blasted cheesy romantic songs in your ear, making you feel more disappointed with how bad your date with Johnny went.
As the cab speeds through the city, the citylights intermingle with each other creating a spectrum of colors that bounce back at the cab’s windows, the scenery of skyscrapers blurring past your eyes and your mind returns back to musing which you know is a dangerous territory because somehow your mind always returns back to him.
What exactly did you want to be with Doyoung?
You want him to like you? No, You want to mean something to him, to be the special person he runs to whenever he's devastated, to be the first person he calls when he's completely utterly bursting with joy. You want him to be completely aware of your presence that even just a mere mention of your name will evoke something in him, make his heart beat a little faster and cause some flush to bleed through his cheeks.
You want him to be endeared with your habitual tics - how you drum your fingers in every surface when you are in deep thought, a line maring your forehead between your brows and make his lips itch to kiss it. You want him to be captivated with your idiosyncrasies and find it charming, you want him to adore everything about you that made you, distinctly you.
You want him to want you.
Your phone vibrated and interrupted your stupor and upon seeing Doyoung’s name attached to the notification. Your fingers quickly unlocked your phone, fingers ringing from an adrenaline rush just from the sight of his name.
Come over?
And just like that you inform your cab driver to make a detour and drive to Doyoung’s instead.
Doyoung opened the gigantic door of his penthouse where he found you on the other side of the door, shifting your weight from foot to foot, nervous to be in the same perimeter as him. When the gap was big enough to see you his eyes roved over to your body and noted that you were dressed up nicely for a date. His eyes then turned into slits as he glared at you.
“Have fun with your date?” He questioned and you can see his jaw set - the muscles clenching tight.
You didn’t answer, you don’t want him to know the pathetic evening you spent with Johnny as your mind drifts to thoughts of him; instead of actively participating with Johnny’s effort of back and forth.
As if knowing that you wouldn’t answer, his arms went to grab your forearms pulling you inside and leading you to the stairs up his loft where his bed is, you followed meekly behind him. Reaching his loft you look around and try to commit to memory the layout of the room; promising yourself that this will be the last time you will set foot in this room.
Doyoung attached his lips to your neck which drew a soft moan from you, spurred by your sounds he continued to ravish your neck oscillating between harshly sucking and peppering soft kisses on the expanse of the skin of your neck. His hands running at your sides smoothly and gradually getting closer to the underside of your breasts with each pass, when he finally cupped your mounds you arch in his palms further pushing yourself closer to him, greedy for his attention from all the teasing that he has done.
When he spoke again it fanned over the nape of your neck making your skin tingle from the warmth, “Why can’t you understand that I am the only one who can make you feel this way.” 
You can smell the residue of whisky on his breath and you wanted to taste it on your tongue even though from all the times you have slept with him you two have never kissed. You have drawn the line there for kissing is much more intimate than slapping bodies againsts each other for satisfaction. Kissing can be done without sexual notions but a simple act between couples and it is a glaring truth that you two were not.
You found yourself naked and sprawled on his queen size bed where you have lain your back many times but never spent a night in. Even the off white color of his ceiling is familiar to you as if mocking you for all the times you said you wouldn’t see it again. As he slips your dress down your body, your eyes water and it pooled in your eyes ready to spill over. ‘This is the last time,’ you tell yourself again, 'this is the last time that I will be Doyoung’s beck and call.' When he was finished trailing his lips down and also discarding his clothes at the other side of the bed you managed to swipe the tears that gathered in your eyes and look at him.
Towering over you he was a sight to behold and you trace the line of his body with your eyes, caressing the dips on his collarbones and the line that leads down to his cock as his face coil into a smirk smug with the knowledge that he can turn you into a whimpering mess.
“What do you want?” He asked while splaying his hands on your stomach, his thumb drawing circles on your clit which made your moans even louder and your pussy clench on nothing. You hate that he was the only one who can make you feel this way, reducing you into a pleading mess as you move your hips to the rhythm that he has set. 
You don’t have to tell him your guttural whines already told him what you wanted and he obliged inserting his length into you slowly, while you gripped his sheets until your knuckles turned white. You loved the way he filled you and the burn that accompanies when he stretched your clamping muscles on him.
So you let all your reasoning go because Doyoung’s cock pumping inside you felt good, too good. 
He knows your body like an instrument, putting the right pressure and hitting the spots that makes you throw your head back repeatedly. You can feel the falter in his quick thrusts and knows that he is near his end. Doyoung makes this one sound at the back of his throat when he orgasms … and you follow suit too as he falls apart.
It took a few seconds for him to untangle his legs and arms from your figure and it took you a couple of minutes of staring at the walls, waiting until you felt your legs can support you before you stood up and searched for your dress and undergarments. You can hear the rustle of the sheets as Doyoung sits on his bed watching your back as you slip on your panties and pull your dress back in its place.
“So tell me why did you leave the company?” Doyoung asked, his voice ringing loudly in your ears.
“I told you already I want to work in a big company,” You try to answer nonchalantly.
“Really? Or does it have something to do with me?
“Oh for fuck’s sake Doyoung. The world doesn’t revolve around you!” You shouted at him as you turned around to face him. Your ire rising as you see the cold stoic look on his face - unaffected by your outburst.
“Then why does it feel like you are running away from me?” He stood up from the bed and warily approached you as if you will lash at him any moment.
“I hate you,” (I love you) you whispered under your breath the words not meant from his ears but he heard it anyway. Disbelief painted his features he cannot grasp the reason why you are suddenly acting like this.
He reached out to touch your arm but you swerved his hand like a hurt animal nursing a wound and Doyoung then noticed your bloodshot eyes and defensive stance.
“Don’t touch me. Whatever destructive thing this is Doyoung, I am done. We’re done,” You stated bluntly your voice devoid of emotions a complete contrast with how you hugged yourself tightly with your arms.
“You don’t mean that,” Doyoung said adamantly as color drained from his face, making his pale complexion - paper white. 
“You can’t just walk away,” He added more to convince himself than you because he can see that hard look in your eyes - already set in the decision of walking away from him.
“Watch me Doyoung,” your lips curved into a cruel bitter smile. 
You leave him with those words as he watches your retreating figure until it completely disappears from his line of vision. 
That night when you received a text from Doyoung, you never bothered to open it, opting to delete it and completely block all communications with him. You need to move on and in order to do it you need to sever all ties that might delude you to come back in his arms again.
You need to escape from Kim Doyoung for it's been due too long.
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a/n: Read more of my works for NCT here:masterlist
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hoodharlow · 3 years
La que se ríe de mis chistes aunque no sea cómico
AN: Remember when last year I told y'all I was planning an El Novio chapter where Cal anf Claudia in a Bad Bunny music video based on Canción con Yandel? Well the wait is now over :) sorry it took more than a year. ALSO THIS IS NOT PART OF THE QUARANTINE AU
Requested? By a few anons who hyped me up over a year ago lmao
Warnings: smut, Cal having an existential crisis about his career choices, nosy fans that see Cal having some down time with Claudia, and Cal finding out he's not Claudia's favorite soccer player
Word Count: 3.7 k words
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Claudia's soft pleas of pleasure filled the suite as Calum attacked her neck. 
He had her against the wall. Her dress bunched up at the waist. His hands disappeared beneath the skirt, holding her up by her thighs. He then nipped and sucked down to her chest. She arched her back, giving him better access. 
Claudia grabbed his face and pulled his lips back to hers. He pushed his waist more into hers, steadying her, so she wouldn't fall. One of his hands held her by the waist while the other slid his hand inside her bra.
Claudia snorted when he honked her breast. She wrapped her arms around him and whispered 'te amo' before kissing him again.
"Cut!" Benito yelled but Calum and Claudia were both lost in their kiss. A few spritz of water hit them. "Que ya," Benito said. 
It wasn't the first time he had to stop them kissing.
They were in Puerto Rico. Before Calum and Claudia left to go see Medelyn and Danny at the hospital, Benito had asked Calum if he and Claudia wanted to appear in his music video. It was for an upcoming project that he was going to drop in a few weeks. Claudia agreed without giving it a second thought.
The video is about a couple that met at a party, but they've seen each other all the time. The character Claudia played is an aspiring dancer and Calum played a soccer player.  When they meet, they instantly hit it off and later become a couple. The video overall shows how both of them are there for each other and support one another at reaching their goals. 
"Calum, now you bring her to bed and lay her there. Then you're going to kneel over her and remove your shirt and her dress." Benito explained. "Good?"
"Yeah," Calum nodded. He looked down to Claudia. "Is that okay?"
"Yeah, just don't honk my boob again." She said.
“No promises.” He smirked. She rolled her eyes at him. 
Calum sat them on the chair while they waited for the camera crew to change from the handheld to a camera in the corner that's gonna capture them going from the wall to the bed.
"Places…" Benito twirled his fingers in the air. Everyone got quiet. Calum picked up Claudia and pushed her back on the wall. "Action!"
Calum and Claudia started to kiss again and without breaking it, he took them to the bed. He knelt in front of her and removed his shirt. He leaned over. His hands were already on her dress. But he wanted to add more pizzazz, so he kissed from the valley between her breasts all the way down to where her panties were. He gently tapped her thigh to remove the dress. Claudia jutted her hips up and in one swift move Calum dropped the dress on the floor. He climbed over her body and slowly kissed her. 
"Cut!" Benito yelled just as Claudia pulled Calum to her neck. "We're gonna take an hour to get the other bed for the last of the bedroom scenes. From there we move onto the kitchen and living room."
The crew members cleared, leaving Calum and Claudia. Calum helped her with the dress. She didn't bother with buttoning the buttons because she had another scene that required her to be in her bra only. Hand in hand they wandered back to their trailer. Claudia went straight to the food table while Calum settled on a couch with a book. There were an assortment of candies, puddings, pastries along with a fruit platter and another platter of fried food. She took the Dulzura Borincana candy bags and stuffed them in her backpack. 
"Did you get the coconut and guava ones?" Calum asked. 
"Obvio, first bag I got." She winked at him.
Later that night, Claudia laid next to Calum, trying to get his attention. He wrapped an arm around her and continued to scroll through Twitter. A few fans were saying how there's a Duke look alike in San Diego. But it really was him. Danny and Medelyn were out hiking in Potato Chip Rock with Duke and Panchito. There was even a video of Danny putting Duke over his shoulders as they went back down. 
"I miss Duke." Calum said. He locked his phone and turned it back on, revealing a picture of Duke and Claudia in his pool. 
She hummed and wiggled closer to Calum. She was in his Sensation shirt and his favorite black panties: the replacement pair he ripped on his birthday the year before. She still replays that night when she's all alone in her bed. The way his tongue worked against her clit as his fingers fucked into her. She shook her head, she needed to think about anything but him going down on her.
Annoyed with his obliviousness, she grabbed his hand and guided it to where she needed him the most. She let out a soft moan once she felt his fingers in her panties.
"Is this what my pretty girl wanted? My fingers playing with her pussy?" He whispered in her ear.
"Yes," She moaned.
She laid on her back and opened up her legs, so he had better access. Calum slowly traced his fingers over her entrance. He was waiting for her to crack to beg for him. He swiped his fingers to collect her arousal. He slipped them in his mouth and moaned at her taste. 
"May I have a proper taste, pretty girl?" He asked. 
"Shirt off please." He said. 
He loved watching her when he went down on her. How she scrambled to reach for something to anchor herself with. She sat up and pulled off her shirt. She jutted her hips up to remove her panties, but Calum moved her hands away. "I said shirt, not shirt and panties."
"I know you want me, but you gotta be patient, Claudia." He joked. 
She rolled her eyes and laid back against the pillows. Calum got on top of her and captured her lips. She wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders and the other was tangled in his hair. 
His fans have to thank Bad Bunny for bringing back Calum's brown curls, even if it’s just a temporary dye. He was Guy Fieri blonde but he had to dye his hair brown for the music video. Claudia preferred his buzzcut, but she does like tangling her fingers in his hair.
Calum pulled away from her lips and kissed down to her chest. He tweaked one of her nipples while he nipped and sucked her other breast. Satisfied with the lovebites on her chest, he kissed down her stomach to the band of her panties. 
He sat back on his knees and pushed her legs open. Her arousal glistened through the lace of her panties. Claudia lifted her hips, so he could remove her panties. Calum slowly pulled them off and tossed them to the side. He licked his lips and placed her legs over his shoulders. 
Shamelessly, he kissed her clit, making her moan. Then he wiggled his tongue at her entrance. He moaned out at her taste. To him it was the most delectable thing ever. He took his time with her. Minutes passed when he finally slid his middle and ring finger in her. She gasped at his touch. Her hands tangled in his hair pulling it for relief.
"Fuck!" She moaned out. He sped up his fingers then he slipped them out of her and rubbed her clit, bringing her to her climax. 
"Calum!" She repeated his name over and over as she came. Calum licked clean her release and laid back next to her. Claudia rolled over and placed her leg over his waist. 
"I love you." She said softly. She stretched to peck his lips. 
Calum pushed her hips so she was directly on top of his crotch. They kissed for what seemed like hours. Teasing touches here and there, only to end up wrapped up in each other's arms. Calum was hugging her back while Claudia placed her hands on his chest. She slowly moved her hips against him. 
"I need you," Claudia said against his lips.
"Me too." He groaned, holding her hips to buck his into hers.
"Want me on top or?"
"Ride me. My arms are too tired from carrying you all day." Calum quickly caught what he said. "Not that I mind. Just want to—"
Claudia cut him off by kissing him. She reached between them and slowly stroked Calum. Then she lifted her hips, lining herself over his cock. She coated him with her arousal and stroked him a few more times.
She slowly slid all the way down his length. She moaned out at how good Calum felt inside her. She slowly rocked her hips against him, getting used to him. She slowly bounced herself up and down while continuing to rock her hips against his. He sat up and brought her closer to him. 
“You feel so good, pretty girl." Calumn praised after a few minutes. "Fuck, you ride me so good."
Claudia's arms tightened around his neck. Calum bucked his hips upwards to meet her thrusts and she let out a soft moan.
"Feel so good, Cal. Only you can make me— Calum!" she whimpered. She felt his fingers in between her thighs, rubbing her clit. 
Her orgasm came out of nowhere. She clung to Calum as she continued to ride him. He still kept thrusting into her through her orgasm. But he slowed down, letting her come back from orgasm only to take her once more. 
She pulled his lips to hers. Their kiss was as messy as Calum's strokes. He was close. 
"Please, Cal, come inside me. Want you to drip out of me." She begged.
He pushed himself deep inside of her and came. 
"Claudia," He moaned. He held her hips in place and bucked his hips into her. 
Still inside her, he laid her back and slowly pulled out of her. Their release dripped out of her.
Claudia dipped her hand and collected their release. She moaned as she cleaned her fingers. "We taste so good Cal."
"Yeah?" He asked. He grabbed her wrist and licked her fingers clean. 
After a few minutes Claudia rolled off Calum and laid her head on his chest and wrapped an arm around his stomach.
"I love you." They both whispered at the same time. They shyly smiled at each other and giggled. 
Claudia climbed off the bed and to the bathroom to clean herself off then he did the same. After he came back to bed, she crawled on top of him and closed her eyes. She felt the bed sheet over her body. 
Minutes later, Calum felt Claudia's body limp. She was fast asleep. He grabbed her wrist, grabbing a hair tie. He twisted her hair as best he could into a braid and tied the end. He gently pushed her off him and laid her next to him.  
He got out of bed to grab one of his flannels from her duffle bag and pulled over her arms. Then he picked  up his boxers and put them on. Once Calum was back in bed, he joined Claudia into the deep slumber.
Claudia quietly entered their trailer after factimeing her dad who called her to yell at her for not letting him know she was Puerto Rico. Luckily for her, she managed to distract him by casually getting Chicharito to talk to him. 
It was finally their last day of filming. The only sscens left to film were the soccer ones. They already got the scenes for when they met and when Claudia danced on various stages and theaters. After a long morning they took a break while the crew set up for the final soccer scene where Calum made it to the MLS. 
Calum took a seat on the couch and she climbed to his lap. She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes as he rubbed her back. She felt him take a deep breath and sigh. 
"You okay?" She pushed herself off his chest. 
"Just thinking." 
"Can I ask what you're thinking about?"
“Not right now,” he leaned against her and whispered. “I need you.”
She knew Calum was in a mood where he just needed her. All day, she felt him tense. While filming, they had a few hiccups where he would miss the goal and kick the ball higher. It reminded her of how tense he got when the band filmed the Old Me video when they were in Australia. He was so out of it those few days. She knew he needed to let off some steam.
Everything happened all at once. Claudia was straddling Calum in only the custom LA Galaxy jersey they made with his last name on the back while he was shirtless and his pants and boxers were pooled around his ankles. Their mouths were everywhere, teasing and claiming each other. 
Calum let out a frustrated grunt. Not because he was about to come with just Claudia sitting on top of him, but because he couldn't get hard. 
"Cal, just relax for me," Claudia said softly. She held his cock on her hand and slowly stroked him. "Just focus on me, think of me riding you, my hands on your chest, as I bounce on your cock."
"Fucks sake." Calum mumbled. He gently pushed Claudia off him and pulled up his pants. He rubbed his temples and sighed. "I'm sorry."
"There's no reason for you to apologize. It happens." Claudia said. She leaned against the seat and watched him. "Did something happen while filming?"
"What if I made a mistake? What if I threw away my future in soccer for something that had no future?" Calum asked, but wasn't to Claudia. Those were questions he asked himself when he was younger. The few questions that kept him up at night when he felt like what he's doing wasn't enough. 
He leaned back and rubbed his eyes. His hands were balled up into fists and he let out a big sigh.
Claudia didn't know how to respond. She knew soccer was a touchy subject for him. When the guys mentioned it during the Old Me video planning, he argued with Ashton on why they needed to bring up that part of his past.
She tugged on her shorts and pulled her knees up. She reached for his hand and smoothed out the fist. She intertwined her fingers with his and gently kissed his knuckles. She let go and cupped his cheeks, squishing his cheeks playfully.
"Cal, look around. Do you know where you are?" She asked him. Not letting him answer, she continued. "You're on the set of a Bad Bunny music video. Just two weeks ago you released your fourth album. Fourth, Cal. Not one, not two, not even three. Four. How many artists can say that they have a fourth album? Not many. It takes so much discipline, talent and ambition to be where you are. Not to mention you got there with three guys you consider brothers. 
I want you to know that I'm proud of you and everything you've accomplished, Cal. I somewhat get where you're coming from when you think that this all a mistake, but obviously not entirely. I just want you to know I'm here. And I love you so much and I will support you in the best way I can."
Calum let out a shaky breath and pulled her to his lap. He buried his face into her hair. He let his tears escape and hugged Claudia tighter. He relaxed, feeling her softly rub his back. 
"As selfish as this sounds, if you went pro you wouldn't have met me. Unless you played for Las Chivas, Manchester United or LA Galaxy and you went by Chicharito Hernandez." Claudia mumbled. 
Calum let out a hearty laugh. "Trust me you're on the top list of why I'm glad to be in the band." he said. He was quiet for a few seconds. "Thank you for listening. I know I rarely talk to you about this stuff, so thank you for being understanding and supportive. Your words are what I needed to hear right now."
"Whether you like it or not, I'll be here loving and supporting you and giving you the best pussy you can get." She said sincerely.
Calum kissed her and mumbled on her lips. "I'm so fucking lucky to have you in my life, Claudia."
They finished filming two days early, allowing Calum and Claudia to go explore San Juan before they flew back to Los Angeles. Finally putting the car they rented to use, they made their way to El Yunque National Forest, a rainforest an hour away from San Juan that had a hiking trail that led to a waterfall.
The hike was peaceful but when they reached the waterfall it was packed with other tourists and visitors. After getting a few pictures of them in the waterfall, they decided to hike back and spend the day at the beach in front of their hotel. The drive back took them longer as traffic slowly built up. 
When they finally arrived at their hotel, they changed into beach going attire. They found a nice shady spot under a palm tree and set up camp. Claudia offered to go get them food since the most spanish Calum knew was how to ask where the library was. Though when she came back with their bacalaitos, empanadas, piononos and other fried delicacies, Calum had a whole line of fans asking to get his picture with him. 
It didn’t surprise her. When they first started filming, Bad Bunny made an instagram story with Calum. A few thought the band and Bad Bunny were going to release a song, but some fans that happened to be in San Juan were able to find the filming location and tell them that they were filming a music video for Bad Bunny. 
Claudia pulled her bucket hat lower and slipped on her sunglasses, hoping to mask her face. Lucky for them, the fans and Calum were taking pictures a few feet from where they have their things. She placed their food on the little ice chest and pushed down her shorts, showing off her new black bikini, to get Calum’s attention.
Calum finished taking pictures and asked if they can hold off posting the pictures until a few days later. He kindly turned one of them down when she gave him her number and went back. He looked behind him, making sure they weren’t lingering by and sat with Claudia. He reached for a papa rellena and happily ate. 
“We need to find a Puertorican place when we get home.” He said with his mouth full.
“When I was still at community college, I went to Mofongos in North Hollywood for an extra credit thing for my Spanish class. It was pretty good.” 
“You took Spanish? Don’t you already know it?”
“I mean yeah, but like they were an easy A. Plus I needed some classes since I took a bunch of math and physics classes when I was in high school.”
“Fucking nerd.” Calum teased.
“Oh shut up, you know you like it when I’m smart.” 
“But not when you’re a smartass.”
One thing Claudia disliked from the beach was how tangled her curls would get after just a few hours playing in the water. She hopped in the shower with Calum and quickly detangled her hair. Once she was done she added leave in conditioner and wrapped her hair in a towel. 
She sat on the bed and picked up her phone to check in with her parents. After sending them a few pictures of the beach she read a few emails. She scrolled through the ones that didn’t seem important. Then she stopped at one.
"Lease ending soon." She whispered to herself. She clicked the email and cursed when she read it. Her landlord sold the house she was renting and needed Dulce, Sara and her out of the house by the first of May, which was two weeks from now.
"Everything alright?" Calum asked, walking around their suite with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. He grabbed a pair of boxers and got in bed.
"No," She sighed. "I have to be out of the house I'm staying at by May first because my landlord sold it. Like this dude couldn't have waited until the end of the semester? It was only seven weeks away. Don't get me started on where I'm going to live when I start grad school. L.A. is so expensive. Even with the money from the music video, my parents won't be able to pay for tuition and rent. The last thing I want to do is pay off student loans for the rest of my life." She pushed back her hair in frustration. She got up and paced around, trying to come up with anything.
"Move in with me." Calum offered. He reached for her and pulled her to his lap. "It's convenient. UCLA is twenty minutes from my place. You know Roy moved out so we have privacy. I have a few spare rooms for you to pick as your room for you to do your school work and study. Not to mention rent is free."
Claudia stayed quiet. Of course his offer is the best thing, but her parents aren't going to like it. Then again this is about her education. Even if she qualified for a fellowship, he was saving her and her parents twenty thousand dollars each year.
"This guy would be our housemate." Calum said, bringing her out of her thoughts. He held up his phone, showing her a picture of Duke in the middle of the kitchen with frosting in his fur. "He's pretty messy and doesn't do shit, but he's great company."
"Are you sure you're okay with me moving in? This is a huge step for us. You’re going to see me everyday.”
“Yes, I'm very certain." He said. "Plus, I like seeing your face everyday.”
Taglist: @in-superbloom @hoodhoran @aquarius-hood1996  @suchalonelysunflower @f-mu @another-lonely-heart @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021   @calumscalm @karajaynetoday @cherryxwildflower @ashtonsunflower  @idontneedanyone @findingliam-o @5-secondsofcolor @mulletcal @polycashton @fckingpernico @2fangirl4u @calpops
Special guests: @nowherebound @wastelandcth
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
Idia Shroud x (Fem?)reader
Warning: NSFW; light!dom/sub; maid outfit; pegging(kinda); Idia is kinda OCC'ish
Note: thank yous go to → @intynidad Check out their blog! It's... interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Note 2: sorry for shitty writing, author is new to smuts :). (My second ever smut tbh)
"…P-please… stop!" Idia desperately trys to hide his legs as much as possible with that stupid skirt. He has nothing against maid outfits. It's more opposite way actually, he loves them! It's not that he's wearing one right now, no. It's you, staring at him. And all of this because of a stupid bet! He could've sworn, you were horrible at this game but no. You just had to be lucky today and win. And loser, who's punishment was to wear a maid outfit, is him. Blushing like a mad man, sitting in a corner of your room, Idia trys to hide from your eyes.
Giggling like a five-year old kid that just got their own toy as present for Christmas, you slowly walk towards your boyfriend. "Hey, you look wonderful, no need to hide!" His hair bursting in bright red flames even more, Idia lets out a groan of frustration. "It's n-not, I'm…You…m-me…" And there he goes mumbling again. You love him to the depths of your heart but sometimes he needs to be a bit louder and clearer with his words and thoughts. Though, you can't blame him. We've all been there, still there at some point actually.
Sitting on a floor, turned away from you, keeping his knees close to his chin, Idia trys so hard not burn your entire room. "Idia~…" Hearing your voice sing-song his name, makes him want to hide himself even more. Your gentle touch on his arms makes him jump in surprise. "You okay?" Asking him gently, making him want to tackle you and hold you for ever. How can you be so brave? He slowly, a bit shackly, turns his head towards you. Red as Riddles hair, he tries to to mutter something out.
He's so cute like that. Not being able to hold yourself together, you bend forward and give his lips a small peck. Small whimper escapes him. "It's n-not fa-funny…" Chuckling to yourself, you lightly shacke your head. "Yes, it's not funny how gorgeous you look." Oh boi! You can practically see steam leaving his ears. Gently placing one hand on his thigh, that are covered by black stockings and another on his shoulder.
Shuddering because of the gesture, Idia sheepishly looks you in the eyes. Staring at you, like you're one of the great seven. He suddenly feels your lips on his. What starts as a small tender kiss, turns into a heated make out session really fast. Your tongues dancing together, pushing one another. Moaning into your mouth, he closes his eyes in a bless.
Pulling away, breathing heavy, you look at him. Such a mess, flushed all over, breath wrecked, he trys to avoid your gaze. Though, his body speaks for him better then his words. Idia now is fully turned to you and is sitting on his knees before you. Looking so delicious, it's almost painful. Scooting closer to him, you now place your hands on his cheeks, making him look at you. Staring into one another's soul, you kiss each other again.
He can feel your hands slowly moving down his body. They gently, like afraid of scaring him, caress his sides, pushing on his sweet spots, that make him hitch his breath. Almost bitting his own tongue, and yours too off, when he feels you go beneath the skirt. Breaking apart, breathing in and out rapidly, Idia looks at you. Thin line of saliva still connecting your mouths.
You slowly, bend forward and start leaving trail of kisses and small bites down his neck. Idia sinks his teath down his bottom lip to keep himself quiet. Soft cry leaving his throat. You move one of your hands up his thigh. Reaching beginning of his underwear, you teas it a little, pulling and tapping it. You can particularly fell his cock twitch.
"P-plea-se! I…Ah! Pl-please…Hn...I c-can't!…" Face flushed, tongue rolled out a bit, your boyfriend trys to say something. "Yes, dear? You want something me to do?" You ask Idia in teasing manner. Your hand reaches his erection. Slowly stroking it through his underwear, you keep smiling at him with that grin of yours. "Use your words dear."
"P-please!!! More ah!" Right when he finished his thought out loud, you put a pressure on a head of his cock. Bucking his hips towards your hands he whimpers and crys in pleasure. Pushing Idia down, you pin his hands over his head. Kissing him heatedly again, you push your knee between his legs. Moaning into your mouth, he arches his back towards your other hand that is playing with his nipple under that stupid outfit.
Pulling away, you rise a bit to look at him. Flushed all over the place, hot rigged breath, eyes slightly open, his neck and collarbones with few of your marks. Maid outfit pushed down his shoulders to expose more skin that was begging for more marks. Realising his hands, you carefully help him to get those short sleeves out of the way. Front falling down a bit reviling his erect nipples, making you bend down and press a few teasing kisses to them.
"Idia, do you trust me?" You asked in husky hushed voice. He looked you on the eyes with a second doubt nodding. Smiling like Cheshire cat, you press a fee kisses to his face and get off him. You can see the confusion on your boyfriends face. "Be a good boy and wait for me here." Coying it sweetly, you quickly leave the room.
Laying down, all alone, Idia's hands without him noticing it, reach to his bulge. Slowly, with shaky hands he removed his underwear from his also shaking legs and slowly started touching himself. Moving fingers up and down his shaft, he exhales with a small whimper. Your loving hands feel so much better then his. Squeezing around himself he began to pump his hand up and down. Precum leaking out already. He closes his eyes and groans with pleasure.
What a beautiful sight you walked on. Him, moaning your name out like this, legs bend a bit, like waiting for someone to rail him in the ass, jearking himself off in that cute outfit. It makes you get even more turned on. Slowly walking closer to him, you sit down near your boyfriend. Apparently he got too consumed by the filing and didn't see you. Not to worry. You know just the way to get his attention. Reaching your hand, you slowly add pressure on his hand over his cock. Choking out a gasp, Idia opens his eyes and looks at you.
"I'm…I-" Before he could say anything, you shut him up with a kiss. He melts immediately. Slowly, you move one of your hands towards his asshole. He crys out in a kiss of the feeling of your fingers massaging hole. Breaking a kiss, you bend even further, whispering into his ear. "Sorry for, keeping you waiting you". You put mote pressure, more moans follow. "I thought we could try something…" Smiling like you're a devil in a flesh, you push your index finger in.
Silent scream left his lips. A few trails of droll roll from his mouth. Idia clings to you shoulders and crys out into your ear. You slowly start to move your finger inside, slowly trying to add another. "It-it! Insi-side!!! Agh!" After having all four fingers inside of him, rhythmetically fucking him, he's already almost sits on your hand. One of his stockings has rolled down, and his whole outfit was steady only on his abbs. Suddenly you stop and pull your hand away. Low whines and crys of disapproval are heard from your Idia. "So the thing I wanted to try…" you turn your back to him and grab something. "Well…what do you think?" Turning back to him, you revel a strap-on. Not too big, not too small. Medium. Glaring at it for a few moments, he realizes what's it for. He almost immediately got on his back and raised one if his legs. Turning his head away from you, he trys to hide behind one of his own arms. Chuckling to yourself, you smile down on him, putting your toy in place, getting the lubricant oil and getting ready. Whole time your boyfriends eyes were glued to you. Getting on top of him and placing one of his legs over your shoulder, you bend down and hover over him once again. "Say what you want~" you say in a husky voice. Idia desperately trys to push himself on your toy but you keep moving away. "Neh-neh! That won't do, dear. You have to tell me what you want." Even though Idia shuted his eyes long time ago he could feel you smile at him.
"I-I want…"
"I w-want you to…to," here he goes again, trying to push himself on a strap-on.
"Shh~. Tell me I'll do it" moving away from him, you kiss pulls on his neck.
"I want y-you! To!…"
"I want you to fuck me!" Almost yelling it out, Idia opened his eyes and looked at you. Holding on to you for dear life.
"Very well then"
A loud cry echoes through your room. Pushing in slowly, you sigh, as if you could feel how it feels to be inside of your boyfriend. Slowly bumping in and out, you thrusts deeper with each push. Head rolled flames a bit purple, not quite red, not quite blue, droll dripping from his mouth, tongue also out, Idia moans and crys like madman. You're truly grateful that your dorm is as far away from any 'crowded places'.
Kissing and sucking on one of his nipples, you slowly start to use your free hand to jerk him off a bit. Almost immediately his head shots up and he's pressed flushed to you. You start to move more aggressively and harsh, making him particularly scream your name and how much 'he fucking loves it'. You can feel his cock twitch when you hit one specific spot inside of him, making him scream from pleasure, literally. You start to hit it over and over again, making him see stars. Burning fire inside of him, grows bigger and bigger every single time, you touch one of his sensitive parts. He's so close he can feel it.
Suddenly he stops you. Looking down at him worriedly you ask "Everything okay?" Before you could mentally prepare yourself Idia half says, half huffs "C-can you…ri-ride me but k-keep t-the stra-pon i-inside?…" You at loose of your words. "I mean...we can try?" Slowly detention strapon from yourself, you get on top of him and line his dick to your entrance. Slowly pushing yourself onto his shaft, you sigh and shiver from the feeling. You can feel Idia buck his hips tawords you.
Slowly you, you start to ride him. Skirt up, revealing his crotch area, where your body's connect, hands holding into a carpet to keep himself from hurting himself or you, he looks at your eyes with his golden once. You smile daring at him, you start to move even harsher. Moaning in unison, bumping and crying out in pleasure.
A great idea comes to your head. Leaning back a bit, with one hand, you try to find with another the tip of a strap-on. Finally finding it, you grab it and push in your boyfriends hole a bit. Hearing a raw crys of pleasure, as you ride him.
Hot bubbling feeling inside of you getting stronger as you get more aggressive. Pushing in harsher, ridding more rigged you make eye contact with him again. And it's your both breaking point. You can feel him twitching inside of you and realising hot semen into you, he almost screams but bite's his lower lip just in time to just moan really loud. He stills and now it's your time to cum. Hot knots inside are vanishing. Your vision is unclear, white noise filing your ears.
After what felt like an hours, you collapsed on top of him. Giggling to yourself, you make a mental note to make more bets like that
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avinaccia · 3 years
A Completely Objective and Logical Ranking of Every Hetalia Character Song
New character songs are dropping,  I have too much time on my hands, let’s go. 
Also here’s a Youtube playlist for the ~✨nostalgia✨~
Bring it on in the tags 
71. Ah Legendary Class⭐The Awesome Me Highway [Prussia]: Absolutely tearing it up on the drums and on the vocal cords alike (I pray for Atsushi Kousaka). Great for the memes. 
70.  Happy Thoughts Museum [???]: This is listed as an official song but I had literally never heard of the title. Then I listened to it and BAM! Smack back to 2013 watching the teasers for the show on Funimation. Not sure I’d count it as a character song though...
69. (Nice)  My Song that is written by me for me [Prussia]: Deafened me but I can appreciate the industrial grind.
68.  My House is...Quiet. ~With the Trolls~ [Norway]: I have never heard this song, nor can I find any version of it online. By default it goes here and I am so sorry Norge.
67.  Make a Wish to Santa♪ [Sealand]: The discordant notes and childish exuberance only serve to make this sound like a demonic plea to Santa to eliminate the singer’s enemies.
66.  Heaven and Hell on Earth [Rome]: Rome sounds like he’s been in the corner of a restroom. Extra points for the metal version, minus points for the fact that the beach scene was replayed like 1764 times.
65. Canada Complete Introduction [Canada]: Quiet af until Kumacheerio shows up and blows out your speakers. they did you dirty my darling 😔
64.  It’s Easy!!! [America]: I don't think any video of this has ever stayed up for more than 20 seconds. Sounds cool, but like I was listening to 20 different genres at once, someone make him calm down.
63.  Bù Zàiyì the Small Stuff ☆ [China]: I cannot for the life of me find the complete song anywhere, clips have a cool beat though
62.  Let's Boil Hot Water♪ [Italy]: Exactly what it says on the tin..though a bit too close to elevator music for my tastes.
61.  The Fragrance of Early Summer [Japan]: Very ‘from the books’ Japan-esque song
60.  Peace Sounds Nice…[Baltic Trio]: All well and good until the radio demon shows up
59.  W●D●C ~World Dancing~ [America]: How a song can sound like it’s from 4 different decades at once is beyond me
58.  Overflowing Passion [BFT]: This is just drunken karaoke and I have 0 clue what’s going on #iconicforallthewrongreasons
57. Ren●Ren●Renaissance♪ [Rome+Chibitalia]: Wholesome Grandpa with Grandson content - barring the fact that Italy sounds on the verge of a nervous breakdown and Rome has had too much wine.
56.  Roma Antiqua [Rome]: Similar energy to any one of China’s songs - there’s a part of the song where it sounds like he’s singing in the shower, and I will never not laugh at [CENSORED]
55.  Country From Where the Sun Rises, Zipangu [Japan]: Very chill, very Japan, but just meh for me.
54.  Moon Over Emei Shan [China]: Good message, okay song.
53.  My Friend [England]: What a mind palace you must have Mr. Kirkland
52.  With Love, from Iceland [Iceland]: Three words: Heavy. Metal. Puffin.
51.  Having Friends is Nice...♫ [Russia]: Russia is the cutest thing ever
50.  Mm. [Sweden]: Smooth transition from WWE Smackdown to shopping at IKEA.
49.  Why don’t you come over? ~Beyond the Northern Lights~ [Iceland]: I don’t want to be mean but...this does sound like the second closing theme to an anime whose first closing was much more popular (à la Soul Eater)
48. Gakuen☆Festa [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Sounds like a 60s song of the summer but oh dear their voices do not go together. Hella cute though.
47.  Wa! Wa!! World Ondo [Main Cast]: One time I travelled 10 hours in a coach bus with a bunch of teenagers to a city of note in my country, and the only souvenir I bought was the fucking PAINT IT WHITE DVD. Perfectly chaotic, UN ĐĕùX~~
46.  In the Bluebell Woods [England]: In the album cover for this song he’s holding a guitar but this is not a rock song. Still has ‘running through the hills’ levels of dramatism though.
45.  Poi Poi Poi♪ [Taiwan]: You’re telling me that Taiwan, someone whose has *ONE LINE* in Beautiful World (which is criminal tbh what kind of representation-) managed to get an eNTIRE CHARACTER SONG???????
44.  White Flame [Russia]: There’s something to be said for a song that is 3x the length of any Hetalia episode
43.  Ich liebe… [Germany]: Baking cakes for your friends has never been so wholesome.
42.  We Wish you a Merry Christmas [America, China, England, France, Russia]: Nice to see they’ve gotten their shit together since United Nations Sta-hmm.
41.  Ah, Worldwide à la mode [France]: Sounds like a Disney Princess song, hard not to picture France frolicking in a field of flowers.
40.  Che Bello! ~My House is the Greatest!⭐~ [Italy]: Would not be out of place in an advertisement for Sea World.
39.  May You Smile Today [Japan]: THE feel good song of the summer
38.  Let’s Look Behind the Rainbow [Italy]: I will protect you.
37.  I'm your HERO☆ [America]: “Anyone who’s sad or sullen will be arrested” did NOT age well.
36.  Mein Gott! [Prussia]: Alternating headphone effect at the beginning is cool, so is the confidence...the actual singing on the other hand...
35. Nihao⭐China [China]: Listen, all of China’s character songs are great, I just can’t vibe with this one like some of the others.
34.  Pechka ~Light My Heart~ [Russia]: I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the fact that this and Winter were released at the same time.
33.  Pukapuka⭐Vacation [Germany, Italy, Japan]: Seems just a bit too much like they’re running on a treadmill that’s picking up speed and trying to sing at the same time. Peppy.
32.  Santa Claus is Coming to Town [Germany, Italy, Japan]: This is unironically the best song sung by this trio; can only vibe with for two months out of the year though.
31.  Excuse Me, I Am Sorry [Japan]: Japan’s character traits speedrun. Gives me barbershop quartet vibes for some reason but is catchy as hell.
30.  The Story of Snow and Dreams [Russia]: A superhero anime opening in the making
29. England’s Evil Demon Summoning Song [England]: Sir that is not how you roast a marshmallow, don’t cut yourself on that edge.
28.  Moi Moi Sauna♪ [Finland]: Exactly the type of song you’d expect and it’s wonderful
27.  United Nations Star⭐ [America, China, England, France, Russia]: This isn’t as much of a song as it is a four minute struggle for everyone to sing without America yelling every 5 seconds...Like a particularly musical episode of Hetalia.
26.  Paris is Indeed Splendid [France]: Paris-pa-pa-pa-paris
25.  Absolutely Invincible British Gentleman [England]: Poppy, rocky, polka-dotty
24.  Vorwärts Marsch! [Germany]: To quote the comment section: “This sounds like a German version of I’ll Make a Man out of you.” There’s some truth to that.
23.  Hamburger Street [America]: The product of America’s rapper phase. 8/10 because he’s trying so hard and because I can unironically sing along to all of this.
22.  Hoi Sam☆Nice Guy [Hong Kong]: A song that would absolutely destroy the ankles of anyone in DDR.
21.  I Am German-Made [Germany]: There was once a version that had Germany and Prussia singing at the same time and it sounded positively demonic and Broadway could never
20.  La pasión no se detiene ~Unstoppable Passion~ [Spain]: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping...
19.  Fall in Love, Mademoiselle [France]: Sounds like it should be in Mozart Opera Rock, I have kiss kiss falled in love.
18. Embrace the Très Bien Moi [France]: This is the definition of SELF LOVE PEOPLE. 
17. Carrot and Stick [Belarus&Ukraine]: Absolutely DRIPPING in 2000s power ballad energy. The type of song that plays on repeat in the mind of the widow whose millionaire husband ‘mysteriously disappeared’ (and the only legit character song ever acknowledged by the anime)
16. C.B.C (Cowboyz Boot Camp) Vol. 1 [America]: AH MAH GAWWDDD
15. Winter [Russia]: Heavy metal fever dream and the perfect song for an angst-ridden teenager
14.  Seychelles Here ⭐ Vacation Island [Seychelles]: UN👏DER👏RA👏TED SONG👏OF 👏THE 👏SUM👏MER👏
13.  Nah, it will settle itself somehow [Romano]: One day I aspire to reach this level of chill
12.  Let’s Enjoy Today [England]: I will never not feel happy when listening to this.
11.  Einsamkeit [Germany]: Ludwig manages to air every single one of his worries about not being good enough compared to his friends and always being perceived as mean or uptight when he’s actually just a softie and now my heart hurts. 💔
10.  Aiyaa Four Thousand Years [China]: A very poignant and beautiful song about the passage of time and the inevitability of its passing; comparable to an ancient ballad complete with explosive crescendos and meaningful lyrics.
9.  Bon Bon Bon❤️C’est Bon C’est Bon! [France]: Peppy, cheerful, adorable, groundbreaking; has been my alarm tone for six years and I’ve yet to tire of it. 9/10 The moaning interspersed throughout has been an interesting wake-up call.
8.  Let’s Enjoy! Let’s Get Excited! Cheers! [Denmark]: This is on par with Everytime we Touch by Cascada in terms of rage potential unlocked (the good kind)
7.  Dream Journey [Japan]: Whoever’s playing the shakuhachi is absolutely KILLING IT. Dramatic, wonderful, great metaphors.
6.  Gourmet’s Heart Beginner Level [China]: Absolute banger, I’m a vegetarian but this would inspire me to eat shumai.
5.  Always with you...Nordic Five! [Nordic FIVVVVVEEEE]: Everyone harmonizes beautifully except for Denmark. Extremely catchy, number placement seemed appropriate. 
4.  Pub and GO! [England]: I love this trash man
3. Maji Kandou⭐Hong Kong Night [Hong Kong]: If you thought Denmark’s song was a banger JUST YOU WAIT. I WILL BLOW OUT MY SPEAKERS LISTENING TO LO-HA-SU.
2. Steady Rhythmus [Germany]: THIS SONG IS METAL AF. Seriously, if it can be classified as ‘hardcore’ by my father and his group of 50-somethings who have decided to single-handedly gatekeep the metal and hardrock genres, it can do anything.
1.  The Delicious Tomato Song 🍅 [Romano]: Beautiful, absolutely awe-inspiring, poignant, catchy lyrics with an extremely deep meaning that only years of meticulous research and analysis can unlock, Romano I love you.
BONUS: Closing Songs
5. Hatafutte Parade (World Series) 
4. Hetalian⭐Jet (The World Twinkle): The song is good, the dancing is cursed 
3. Chikyuu Marugoto Hug Shitainda (World⭐Stars)
2. Marukaite Chikyuu (Hetalia: Axis Powers): nE NE PaPA
1. Mawaru Chikyuu Rondo (The Beautiful World)
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morbidkisses · 3 years
I’m not sure how your requests work or what you would need, but could I get a yandere Hoseok story please?
You Belong With Me. (y! hoseok drabble)
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warning: yandere themes, obsessive themes, yandere behavior, manipulation, abusive relationships, hobi gets kind of aggressive later on in the story, misogyny, choking, hair pulling, reader is chained up to the wall, death, minor character deaths.
summary: you get into an argument with hoseok because he refuses to let you go outside and catch up with your friends over a few drinks.
I do not condone this type of behavior so please don't romanticize this type of sick behavior, and if you're part in an abusive relationship please seek help!
once again this is FICTION, and yandere is counted as horror/mystery type of shit so stay safe bubbies! oh and this might be triggering so please read at your own risk, and if you don't like stuff like this then SCROLL. I talk too much-
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"What? so you love them more than me??"
you rolled your eyes and sighed in exasperation. your boyfriend was being irrational at this point, and it was driving you crazy. You met hoseok a few weeks ago, and you were charmed by his radiant smile, his sweet words, he was the perfect gentleman with good looks and a fat bank account, you couldn't say no when he asked you out on a date, how could you? he was literally so perfect, but you were too blind to see the dark imperfections hidden behind his bright smile.
"For the hundredth time, hobi, they're my friends and I just want to catch up with them! You're being illogical-"
"How am I the one being illogical when you're the one who is choosing your so-called friends over me???" He threw his hands in the air to emphasize his point, his eyes were so wide you thought they would pop out.
"Just because I want to see them and talk to them doesn't mean I love them more than you, for God's sake!!! stop being so childish." you yelled out as you tugged at your hair strands in frustration. Why was he making such a big deal out of this? it wasn't like you were going out to cheat on him with someone else, you just wanted to go out and catch up with your friends at the local bar.
"You're not going, and that's the end of this stupid discussion, love. Now, get your ass back in the bedroom and change into something proper, you look like a slut in that dress."
Okay. that was it. You grabbed the first thing your hands could find, which was a tissue box and threw it at him as hard as you possibly could in rage. How dare he call you that, your dress was completely fine. You were clad in a simple black dress that dropped right above your knees and the only thing that could be considered inappropriate by society was the little cleavage that was showing, but even if you were to go out in the tightest dress he still had no rights to call you that. You had to leave him. And leave him you did.
"You're such a bitch, I tried to make this shit work but honestly I'm fed up with your immature ass. Im leaving." you picked up your purse which had your car keys and phone in it, before walking towards the entrance door and opening it.
"don't bother calling me again." you mumbled before slamming the door shut behind you.
Hoseok was in a state of shock, his soul had left his body, he couldn't process what just happened. It felt like someone had just poured a bucket of ice cold water on him.
"n-no... y/n, sweetie, come back..." his voice cracked as he fell to his knees in devastation. He knew you could no longer hear him, but he hoped you would come back through those doors and hug him. How could you be so cruel? You were the reason he was breathing? He felt like all the light was pulled out of him, his mind going numb as he stared down at his hands.
Soft cries left his lips as his stature stuttered while he sobbed silently, but not before long, he broke into an unhinged laughter as he sat down on the ground and leaned back against the couch, his eyes stuck to the door you had so rudely slammed into his face. All traces of sadness had disappeared from his face, a devilish smirk replacing the heartbreaking frown.
You were going to regret this big time.
He grabbed his phone and quickly dialed a number.
"Tae, my birdie just left me, can you do me a favor and bring her back to me?"
The person on the other line scoffed audibly
"Do I even have a choice?" 'Tae' groaned.
"Not really. Be careful not to hurt her, and bring her two little friends with her as well, I don't care if you hurt them just keep those two alive, my birdie needs to learn a lesson."
A sigh could be heard from the other line before 'tae' mumbled an okay.
"I'll text you the location."
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Everything was a blur, one moment you were laughing and having fun with your friends and the very next second you fell unconscious. Unknown to you, someone might have put a few ingredients in your drinks.
You woke up with a throbbing ache in your head, your mind was fogged up and you couldn't think. A groan left your lips as you brought your hands up to rub your temples. You sat up on what seemed to be a bed, your mind started clearing up, but you were still confused, where were you? what happened? You fully opened your eyes and panic started filling your mind as you realized you were in Hoseok's room. You started hyperventilating and quickly got out of bed, but you felt something heavy around your ankle.
was he fucking serious???
He had cuffed your ankles, you were literally chained to the wall. the chain was long enough for you to roam around the room and the bathroom.
You were hysteric, trying your hardest to pull out the thick chains from the wall, but your efforts were futile. Silent sobs began pouring from your lips as you panicked. After giving up you slumped against the wall and hugged your knees as you cried to yourself.
"Oh you're up!" Hoseok beamed as he entered the room.
Furious yet terrified, you stood up and charged at him full speed before grabbing him by the collar of his white shirt and yanking him closer to your face.
"Listen here, you crazy psychopath, if you don't let me out of here right now I'll-"
"oh please, what are you gonna do?" he grinned sinisterly as he gingerly ran his fingers through your hair, you were such a cute little thing, bluffing around. You couldn't do shit to him at the moment, and both of you were aware of that fact. His gentle strokes didn't last long as he yanked your hair back.
"You must learn your lesson, my love, I didn't want to do this but you misbehaved."
His other hand wrapped around your throat, cutting off the blood flow to the brain. Your face started becoming red as you tugged at his hand.
"p-plea... se... s-sto..."
He scoffed at your expression as he tilted his head. "know your place."
He tightened his grip one last time before letting you fall to the ground on your knees, before you broke into a coughing fit.
"That's where you belong" his tone was enough to make you shudder. "you belong with me... completely at my mercy."
You didn't have it in you to fight more so you just weakly glared up at him, your legs felt numb, rendering you motionless on your knees.
"I hate you..."
"aw, but I've barely started your punishment, love! It's still too early to hate me!"
although your words stung him a bit, he didn't show it. He just feigned an innocent smile before he grabbed his phone and unlocked it.
Bewildered by his actions, you frowned. What was he up to? what did he mean when he said it's still too early to hate him?
"Ah Tae! Hello!" He sounded awfully cheerful and enthusiastic. How could he shift his mood like that. It seemed as if he was face timing someone on his phone.
Hoseok looked down at you and he almost cooed at your adorably confused expression.
a sigh was heard from the other line. "You owe me big time, hoseok."
"yeah yeah, I'll send you the money later. Can you show me our friends for a bit?"
no.. he couldn't mean...
He crouched down next to you and showed you the screen of his phone. Your eyes widened in horror as you quickly began shaking your head.
"Hobi, please no no, please! Leave them out of this please!" you almost choked on your tears as you begged him to let your friends go.
"it's a bit too late for that, baby." he pressed a kiss to your temple which made your skin crawl in disgust.
"YOU BASTARD, LET THEM GO." you screamed at the screen as you watched your best friends tied up and severely bruised.
"I don't get paid enough for this shit..." 'Tae' muttered. You couldn't see his face on the screen, probably because he was using the back camera to show your friends.
"the fuck am I supposed to do now?" the person behind the camera asked.
"oh just finish them off."
Hoseok sat down on the ground and back hugged your body, his head resting on your shoulder as he made sure your eyes didn't leave the screen.
"no please don't! I'm begging you please stop!" you cried out as the camera got closer to your friends. Your friends' cries were left unheard as two bullets were shot right into their skulls.
You let out a blood curling scream as you thrashed around, but hoseok was stronger than you, so he held you down with ease. How could he do that?
"I'll kill you! I'll kill you both, you motherfuckers!" you screamed at them both as tears streamed down your cheeks.
"thank you, tae, I owe you! bye bye!" he ended the call.
"You see love, we could've avoided all of this... if you had just been obedient. This is all your fault, I hope you know that." he sighed as he looked down at your crying form.
He was sick, how could he say that, did he feel no remorse?
"you can't leave me... you belong to me."
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a/n: that was kind of shitty- but I tried- sorry for the late updates! I hope you like it :]]
this is unedited by the way :]
oh and I used a yandere starter prompt by @yandere-daydreams ! :]
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