#mental unloading
cakesofwhimsy · 4 months
One of the reasons why I want to I have my own things, car or house or whatever it is because I want to. Because I recognize that eventually if the owner wants to sell this house I’m at their mercy. They can decide that you know what I don’t want to on this how many more until we sell it to somebody Figure out where to go. Like the same thing with the cards like if they decide that they don’t want any more than want to sell it. I’m trapped. But it does cause some inconvenience at my son inconsistency. I guess I don’t know him so I have consistency in my own Authority and Autonomy
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recitedemise · 2 months
Before I get on to some replies, I am sat here trying to digest all my thoughts again nearly 1 year after leaving my abusive ex.
And what struck me is how absolutely racist they were and are.
It doesn't escape me that their last two exes (including me) were Asian. It doesn't escape me that they consume a lot of Asian media. It doesn't escape me that, one time, they came to me to vent about their ex before me, upset people said they had an asian fetish when their ex 'was tan and aggressive' when, if they really had an asian fetish, they'd go for a pale and more meek person.
It doesn't escape me that after they would corner both me and their ex before me to absolute mental breaks where we would retaliate with anger that they would call us aggressive abusers. It doesn't escape me that I tried breaking up with them countless times, was begged to stay because 'I was the only thing that made them happy' and that 'they wouldn't know what to do without me'. It doesn't escape me that when we did FINALLY break up because THEY allowed it, they told me that we should break up because 'they can't be with someone with such inordinate anger' when, in my last attempt to break up with them, I tried breaking up for 4 hours. Straight.
The last break up attempt came after they blew up at me and my friends. I was so stressed out with this constant abuse, and them freaking out so royally was too much. They then asked me to go on a trip to see them because it would be good for our relationship. They said I didn't have to, though, and because I wasn't ready to see them after everything, all the crying, all the breaking down in parking lots, all the driving lost and in tears and sitting on the side of a highway for hours just wailing, I said no. I'm not ready.
They then got so upset and kept going 'well, you went to see your other friends. I don't come down there that often. I came to see you when I was upset. I was really looking forward to this. If you don't want to go, then you don't. I don't need you there to bring down the mood.' They said they weren't guilt tripping me, by the way.
Fed up, I finally had enough. I said we're breaking up. It isn't my first time wanting to break up either because I would constantly capitulate when they crossed my boundaries and ignored my discomfort and desires. But I would capitulate because they NEVER took no for an answer, and I was too weak to stand my ground, and I would always just want the talking to end. I was consistently overstimulated and gave up.
So. I tried breaking up one last time, and again: distress.
4 hours of me saying 'I want to break up. That's final.'
4 hours of them going 'no, please. Why? I'm so confused. I wasn't guilt tripping you. I don't know where you see that?'
4 hours of them going 'please stay with me. Please water the seeds of our love.'
4 hours of calls and constant texts.
4 hours of them going 'I know you love me still somewhere. You used to love me. You can learn to love me again.'
4 hours where they wrote me letters and sent them to me during their therapy session.
4 hours of never listening to me when I said 'I think I feel better/healthier away from you.'
4 hours of them telling me they thought I was in therapy and that I have to keep going to love them again. Ignoring the fact that I was in therapy primarily because of my distress being in this relationship. Them denying the possibility that my health, I realized, was better without them, and them refusing to allow me that space.
4 hours of repeatedly disrespecting my desires and boundaries for their own comfort.
4 hours where I finally blew up and called them stupid and annoying, something they threw back at me as proof of my 'inordinate anger' when they finally agreed to the break up 3 DAYS LATER.
Yeah. I guess Asians are all docile and sweet. They just happened to end up with the two that weren't. I say this all very sarcastically, but how unfortunate.
And after all that, they told their friend, who later came to me saying they were trying to do a nice and good thing for us with which I blew up at and that I was exceptionally cruel.
Okay. I guess good people just suck it up always, huh, and have no boundaries ever? I shoulda been super sweet and did whatever they wanted for the millionth time at the cost of my own sanity. Why not! I'm disposable in comparison, after all! Sucks I missed the memo!
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slimslamflimflam · 1 year
Pride hc: Jotaro is on the ace/aro spectrums. Idk just makes sense to me.
Also agender FF
And Josuyasu real
I know Not who you are, anon. Only that you are extremely and incredibly based.
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tjerra14 · 6 hours
sometimes I really wish there was a mandatory emotional support and grief counselling training course at uni the way that "pour distilled coffee over some sugary pills and prescibe those to a fictional cow" galenics session was mandatory
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babisawyer · 5 months
I got home yesterday and cut most of my hair off within like ten minutes of being home.
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haleths · 1 year
(another post about my mum i'm sorry) it's veryyyy very weird having to recommend therapy to your own mother. the role reversal of having to support your parents in any way is always strange but this is one area i thought she'd never need help with
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angesaurus · 2 years
Dan and I started ted lasso last night it was so funny. So we went to bed way later than normal but I slept awesome? I think my new mouth guard is helping (this is 35). My mom is coming today and we’re going to shopping and out to early dinner. Can’t wait for some retail therapy 🙂
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micamone · 5 months
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i think Iago should have gotten the chance to use one of his blades at some point in the series. as a treat.
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lycianlynx · 1 year
[ wipe ] + [ argue ]
✦ angst prompts.
They are standing in the smoldering remains of a home set aflame in a row of charcoal houses. They are standing in the middle of piles of ash in lieu of broken bodies. They could not save this. They could not save any of them. Chad hears her speak, perhaps not an outside party to the devastation, but surely one to the sheer scale of it. She doesn’t understand. Her voice can only stay so steady and gentle because she doesn’t fucking understand.
Lilina’s words he can take — Inflated noble ego, like all the rest, speaking from a better, higher place, her kindness either a veneer or melting like twisted wax when she really faces the heat. Her words, self-comforting, immature, blindingly naive, do not burn him. How could they burn him when this already burnt him away once, never mind twice?
Her hands, however, feel branding on their skin when she stops, eyes wide, and reaches out to touch his face. Chad flinches, suddenly aware of the croak in their voice, arms raising up to keep her away — Her thumb comes away wet with a salty tear when they push away her hands with a grunt, head turning the other way with a scalding breath. Their tongue laces with sulfur, fit to set both of them aflame. Anything to stop her from looking at them like that. Anything to stop her from pretending to be kind to someone like him.
So they return kindness with arson and bridges aflame.
“You don’t understand,” they spit. Daggers and acid. “How could you understand?! With nannies and butlers at your every heel, never wanting for food or shelter or chances —” A breath, choking and acidic. “These kids had nothing, never had anything, we were their one chance, and now they’re fucking dead!”
“And for what? Because we had to regroup and stop and appeal for some Grand High Lord Motherfucker’s approval and — Saints, look at you, do you even have real tears in your body?” A hitching breath as they realise they can barely even see her — But they can hear the rhythm of her own breath, the irregular crackle. “You — You only crying ‘cause I’m yelling at you?!”
 They take a step forward, ashen remains crunching underfoot. Then another, threatening, bristling (and mourning, because this how he’s always mourned, as a blaze, as an arsonist, as nothing better than those Bernese scum) —“What is it, my Lady? Only able to cry when your Father’s dead?! Cry for your Father when you ain’t even able to call for him for help again—”
(And some part of them knows that this isn’t right, that they have known Lilina for years and that she knows and understands and can bridge that gap, that the virtue she's shown is real and far sturdier than any wax, that it is not wax but tempered steel.
But they’ve killed mercy for anger, white-hot and fresh like a scarred limb torn open and thrown into the pyre.)
“Don’t touch me.” He snarls. “You make me fucking sick!”
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the-casbah-way · 7 months
very impossible to find the balance between "i want my friends to be able to talk to me about their problems and tell me when they're struggling" and "i am extremely emotionally fragile at the moment because i'm doing very badly and talking about very heavy topics especially with no warning is not something i feel capable of dealing with right now because i'm on the verge of a violent mental breakdown"
#i guess i need to find a way of telling people that i'm in that headspace in the first place#because i probably seem completely fine#but i can't tell people those things unless they explicitly invite me to do so first#so i'm assuming everyone just looks at me and goes yeah you seem fine so i can unload all this heavy stuff on you and you'll be able to cop#but unfortunately. i cannot and i feel guilty about it#but i already have way more bad days than good and when i have to hear people talking about like#very intense personal trauma and suicide and shit#it throws me off for the rest of the day and i go nonverbal until i can go straight home and sob until i fall asleep#and that is not an exaggeration it keeps happening to me with multiple different people#i don't want anyone to feel like they have to pretend around me in any way#but i also don't know how to cope with hearing intense things like this when i'm on a knife's edge mentally all the time#and i cannot afford to keep cutting my days so much shorter when i should be working#and also like when people DO talk to me about these things it's like#it's good they can get it off their chest#but now i'm holding onto all of the stuff they've just told me as well as the stuff i was already secretly holding onto about my own life#and now i have to go home alone with nowhere to put any of it because i don't have anyone to talk to#i've had people tell me this is therapeutic to talk about this stuff#but it's not for me because i'm not talking i'm just listening and then being overwhelmed and triggered and upset about it all#and most of it probably boils down to the fact that i cannot express my own feelings or tell people my boundaries#in situations this sensitive because it's so like. precarious and awkward#but i'm like i can't deal with it all the time it's too much
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xamaxenta · 1 year
Thinking about someone i blocked that bothered me for about two monthsish last year bc they kept messsging me underhanded or backhanded comments abt literally anything i did on this site, specifically they liked to attack my lack of understanding of the basics of art and that i clearly didnt study the classics enough (??? What are those? This is subjective?) and i wonder if they’re happier this year i gotta commend them for not doing this behind anon, ballsy tbh but unwarranted
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I'm not meant to be the driver for a road trip.
I'm a passenger prince.
I make sure everyone has snacks, everyone's comfy, keep an eye on the map, ramble fun facts about the scenery, and play my specifically curated playlist for this specific occasion.
Please don't make me drive. It makes my bones hurt.
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
Today was the worst day in a very long time. (Reason in tags for Trigger Warnings). If anyone would like to send headcanons, asks, fic recs, reblogs, or anything that will distract me and bring me out of my head for a sec, I would appreciate it.
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iychodon · 1 year
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gentlethorns · 1 year
fuck dude i have got to find a job where i can be self-employed and creative. i cannot be in fucking retail hell anymore
#she bork#tbd#like now i don't deal w customers which is cool but now that i work at like a big retail store and not a little mall outlet the pressure is#insane. and i have bosses who never say good job or thank you and who have set me up to fail by throwing a department on me that i was not#hired to run or trained for and frankly don't have time to run properly either. so every week just starts w me in our weekly meeting being a#fucking piñata like 'why didn't you get this done 🤨 you need to manage your time better 🤨 you're losing sales 🤨' and i'm like i'm trying!!!!#what more can i do!!!!!! and then the side of it i actually kind of enjoy (which is what i was originally hired to do) is very very hard on#my body bc it's a very physical job (i run the team that unloads the trucks every day and like i'm usually helping unload bc i'm not just#gonna stand there and watch while my team busts their asses lol) and now i'm finding out that it's actually not normal to wake up every day#w your joints screaming and stiff and that i might have a chronic condition (doctor is thinking some sort of chronic inflammatory arthritis#but i won't know if my imaging and blood tests showed anything until like mid-june) and i'm like. so even the part of my job that i don't#mind as much is not good bc it's like actively destroying my body. okay sick 🤠 and i don't wanna quit bc i've only been there for like#eight months and this job would be really valuable on a resume but i don't want it to look like i'm a job hopper or like i'm fickle or#unreliable. so i'm stuck here for a while i think. but the pressure is destroying me mentally and i know i need to find a position somewhere#else that is 1. not fucking goddamn retail bc retail will always be hell and 2. not management bc i don't see myself ever really getting#into upper management but lower/middle management gets shit on the most so if i go somewhere else and end up in middle management i'll be#right back to wanting to kill myself in a matter of months. basically i'm tired of expectations and pressure and stress and i'm tired of#waking up at fucking 2:30 every morning just to go in and get shit on and destroy my body all over something that in the end i do not fuckin#care about. i need to make art and be held accountable by only myself. idk i've been toying w the idea of learning how to tattoo and trying#to start establishing some artistic skill so maybe eventually i can do that? not now bc the economy sucks and that's scary lol and anyway i#have to give myself some time to actually learn the skill and perfect a style. but it makes decent money (at least before the expense of#supplies and taxes) and allows you to travel and still work and also it would be fun. and i could tattoo myself so it would cut some#expenses for me since i cannot stay away from the damn needle. idk lol i need to save some money before i buy a tattoo gun or anything but#i'm considering it bc i am going fucking crazy rn and ik this feeling will leave me eventually but i also know it will come back bc it#always does. and i'm tired of just surviving and just making it through every day and every week like i want to be happy and this is just#not doing it for me anymore#ugh fuck why couldn't i have been born w a brain that likes numbers and code and technology. i love being an artist but it makes finding a#sustainable career really difficult bc i feel so restless and miserable when i'm stuck in a passionless job but my passions are not#particularly profitable. hate it here why wasn't i born a capybara no job no responsibility just squint and squeak and sun
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tenrose · 2 years
When I go home after work and immediately do one chore I feel unstoppable. Yes I do lie in bed for hours after that one single task, but it's not the same. It's better.
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