#im not in any of this art hobby to study shit
xamaxenta · 1 year
Thinking about someone i blocked that bothered me for about two monthsish last year bc they kept messsging me underhanded or backhanded comments abt literally anything i did on this site, specifically they liked to attack my lack of understanding of the basics of art and that i clearly didnt study the classics enough (??? What are those? This is subjective?) and i wonder if they’re happier this year i gotta commend them for not doing this behind anon, ballsy tbh but unwarranted
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junk-culture · 2 months
"do i want to do art as a career or a hobby" life's most difficult question that plagues me every second of every day to be Honest
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nanthegirl · 2 months
⭐︎Hi Hello⭐︎
I love reading everyone’s intro posts because they’re so cute and I’m nosy. So here’s mine🧍🏾‍♀️. Although I’m a bit concerned about redundancy because of my bio, but whatever.
• Nanu
• Medical Technology Student
• Germany
• Languages- English, mother tongue and German, B2 C1, who knows?
• Interests & Hobbies- Beginner violinist, trying to get into art, The Sims, crochet, reading, writing only for my Sims though and Disco Elysium.
I was so stressed about writing one of these and it ended up being very anticlimactic. Which is good.
More Semester specific info under the cut🧍🏾‍♀️. (03/04/2024)
I’m in my 6th Semester which, all things being equal, should’ve been my last. But I haven’t particularly been the best student due to a…. bunch of stuff. So I may end up taking an extra semester or two. I’m done most of my classes though so I just have exams to write. A lot. Im also doing the Lab for Physics 2 now cause I wasn’t able to do it in my 2nd Semester because my apartment didn’t have electricity or WiFi lmao.
Main Goals for The Semester
Get 1’s on every exam. Ridiculously ambitious considering the highest grade I’ve ever gotten is a 1,3 and that was just once but if I don’t see the point in not aiming for a perfect grade. Like, I might as well.
Up my gpa as much as I can, hence the 1’s. I want to make sure I get into a good masters program and I’m sort of glad I delayed a bunch of my exams cause I would’ve probably gotten shit grades if I wrote them then so. Silver lining.
Study consistently and try to be more interested in the material. I always feel like a fraud when I pass any exam cause I feel like I didn’t really learn anything and I won’t be able to get a job. My degree has some interesting parts and I want to learn to enjoy the entirety of it. Basically up my curiosity for knowledge.
Work on my German. I’ve not set down a solid plan for this yet but I definitely need improvement. I avoided all the electives that required presentations last semester and I heavily regret it now. The only way to dissolve the anxiety over speaking German is to give myself nothing to worry about in the first place. I’m also looking forward to being more comfortable with it so I can focus on learning my native language and many others.
Practice the violin consistently. I’m super shy about practicing in my apartment cause I assume everybody thinks it sounds terrible and it’s too loud but my goal is overcome that fear and make significant progress.
Practice drawing consistently. I really do want to improve my art and I’m like a beginner beginner beginner. It can feel super discouraging sometimes but also fun and I really hope I can stick with it.
Clean my room every Saturday.
I pqlanned to write a whole lot more here but I’m not in the mood anymore so the whole cut thing feels like a waste. But it’s been done. So. Thank you for bothering to read this and I hope you get to achieve all your goals🤍.
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thenumber-e · 13 days
Wifeyyyyy! Tell me about Craig's sports Hobbies? Or Hobbies in general:3
ok feeling shitty rn so this’ll (hopefully) get my mind off of stuff
anyways oh boy there are SO many of these that i have this is gonna get long i think
starting off with sports, i feel like he’d be an active guy. not like gym bro buff craig kinda stuff you see, he’s definitely a lanky beanpole. but i feel like he does a few sports so has a bit of muscle
first off, basketball. i’m a truther for this one, i don’t see it a lot tho. like, i hc him as being pretty tall, and i don’t have much like canon advice to back this up but that and the fact that there’s a basketball in his garage in tsot- but i think it jus fits him tbh. and also because it’s funny, he’s a total fucking loser nerd, but since yk i’ve gotta stick to canon sometimes, he’s technically popular and attractive, he definitely has like a jock alter-ego or smth stupid like that LMAO
he definitely seems like a hockey guy. like- the enforcer is so him. he’d totally wanna beat people up just cus he can. also i think he’d be a really good skater- i think he’s a pretty well balanced person physically. also, i see kyle as doing hockey, and they’re definitely close. i just see them being friends making sense, so now theyll have a sport together. also- because im insane, ike does hockey too and kyle and craig help him practice
i believe i’ve seen this once, but yk. i always see boxer tweek and don’t get me wrong i love that, but i feel like craig would continue doing martial arts afterwards too. like he’s canonically a violent and angry guy, but he’s kinda mellowed out, and i feel like that’s him just holding it back or smth cus he gets in trouble alllll the time. tweek also probably scolds him for it. but i feel like it would be a good way for him to get out any extra emotions, because he is NOT good at expressing those. also, back onto lanky criag, he’s got long limbs, and i feel like that’s good for someone to do martial arts (trust me im projecting) also, that’s also why he has good balance i feel.
alright, done with sports, just normal hobbies.
starting off, he’s 100% a music guy. i see stuff about him preferring podcasts over music, but i see him as a total music guy. in @panicatthecourtx more recent posts, she kinda went over that stuff, but because yk, im the craig ceo i’ll go over it too. i call it dad rock cus thats what my dad listens to, but he definitely listens to nirvana, ac/dc, weezer, that kinda stuff. he’s just a nerd. but i feel like he’d also have music as a way to vent in some sort of way? idk if it makes sense this is just how my brain works, but when he’s stressed, overstimulated, or just down in the dumps he zones out and just listens to music. he’s also just a nerd
space, duh. he could go on and on about that shit for hours. he can make every constellation, am every galaxy, all the nebulas, and basically anything. especially black holes. they fascinate him, he finds them so interesting and yk. is a nerd about em. ik it doesn’t really tie in with space stuff but i’ll put it here, he definitely loves conspiracy theories, especially ones about aliens and stuff. he thinks of his own all the time. especially about other space related things. also, back to conspiracy, death absolutely fascinates him. he just want to know what happens after that.
this is a basic one, but sleeping. he’s the heaviest sleeper ever, literally sleeps 24 fuckin 7
he’ll never admit it, but he kinda likes school. not because he likes sitting around all day or listening to teachers drone on and on, it’s because usually he can talk about things. in classes he enjoys, it’s his favorite thing ever. i also see him as that one kid who literally never studies or pays attention and yet has all A’s in every class.
he’s 100% a reader. he can zone out and not lay attention to anything. he gets lost in books all the time and it’s so nerdy but he loves it. it’s almost like an escape from reality which he likes. he’d never admit it, but he frets stressed pretty easily so he enjoys the way to just be alone in his own world. this also ties in with the music hc- he probably listens to music while reading. he also just zones out a lot in general
this also kinda feeds into music headcanons but he skateboards. he just gives me 90s grunge/kurt cobain vibes and youll never change my mind on this. he thinks he’s so fuckin cool but he’s just some random ass lame kid but he gets away with it cus he’s mildly popular or whatever. but he definitely has a little mini skateboard for stripe
why do these headcanons keep feeding off of each other? i dont know but yk its ok. craig fucking loves mini things. it’s definitely iconic, cus my craig is really tall and has big ass hands. but small things remind him of tweek (my tweek is like 5’8 so compared to him yeah kinda short) but he’s just gay and loves anything and everything that reminds him of tweek
i’ve also realized i don’t need a really detailed description for everything so yeah uhh (don’t mind this it’s my train of thought)
he collects shit he has the most random stuff in his room. random lego pieces he found that he thought were cool, a shit tom of rocks, different leaves, little trinkets, anything space related, stickers, just stupid stuff. those are just the basics, but he has soooo much stuff
he loves making detailed lists and ordering them and stuff
going on hikes he loves hiking he just loves the outdoors tho
stargazing is a must. he loves it and has specific times and places for them
from like a singular scene in like on episode, he plays the fuckin violin cus he’s cool like that yk. because friends, he and wendy practice together- a friend headcanons that she plays the flute, so yk it works.
hanging out with friends is a must. especially clyde they have the bromance ever they’re so lovey dovey best friends
it’s like 2am and i’m getting lazy so here ya go this isn’t even half but alas it’s ok so have fun with my stupid ass spews ty for ur time
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sugar-omi · 15 days
honestly all that was sooo what i needed to hear rn bc a girls been STRESSED so thank you <3 😭
i'm gonna major in biotechnology! i went to a votech and that was my trade there and i loved it so i wanna continue studying it. not totally sure what job i want yet so i don't know how much schooling i'll do but yeah! :D
BIOTECH??? THAT SOUNDS SO COOL N SO COMPLICATED please i literally had to google that shit bc idk what it entails but this is some big brain shit, n all i gotta say is good luck n i am cheering you ON!!🎉🫶🫶
although i think you got this in the bag already. anyone with the balls to do something so advanced. is a very smart n strong person. from what im reading on google this is some really cool shit, no matter what direction you go with it. n you have your work cut out for you, but i know you got this!!
so don't doubt yourself!! you got this!!! your brain is huge n you are powerful!!!!
n of course!!! i figured saying something like that would help with anyones anxiety, because really, its the pressure (even if they're not actually pressuring you) and the overwhelm of questions and expectations that make the future so stressfullll
*ramble utc because i... cannot help yapping i guess LOL and while i'd usually be embarrassed and delete my ramble n word vomit, but i figure someone else readding this may appreciate the relatability of what i have to say about my fams reaction to my plan after hs, and find some comfort in my word, if thats not to presumptuous
because i decided to take a gap year (it's been a year since i graduated, for reference), and everyone freaked out. my mom n uncles first reaction was "yeah well, you won't go if you do..." before they came around n agreed with my reasoning. and my dad was all "if i had it my way, you'd go full time--" (mind u, he likes to brag that he worked n went to school full time AND partied.... he did not finish college LMAO) and when i graduated, said to me a MONTH. AFTER MY GRADUATION. "if you're not going to college any time soon, go into the air force."
and when my extended family would ask my plans, and i only had a short "i'm just gonna take a break right now, figure some things out, work... and by then i'll have come to a decision." because i was tossing around the thought of art school, and then i thought abt getting an english degree to be either a teacher or go into writing/editing, journaling or whatever... but was also tossing around the thought of psychology and even real estate. my ideas for my future were absolutely jumbled, and i was torn between what would make money, what i loved, and what i was interested in that i thought could be a career.
it's tough. especially depending on your financial situation yknow, so your thought process always leads towards something profitable but also wanting to do something you enjoy, maybe even love, but not wanting to burn out and tarnish your beloved hobby/hobbies.
like while i did have people who supported me upfront, and never doubted my plan, it's the small things too yknow. because for months my dad's words haunted me, i felt like i wasn't doing enough. or when i met family, and they asked how it was going, or what i was doing now, i felt disappointed that my answer was always "i haven't been doing anything. just been sleeping, drawing, writing..." or eventually that and "practiced driving.. n that's about it."
or when i'd talk to close family members, and i admitted i was going through a hard time, my mental state finally falling on me now that i didn't have to be strong n power through school. i even got sick a couple times, because my body was finally feeling the stress. even now, i feel a mental lag, a fog. but i feel clearer, a bit.
but yknow, the looks and the "you said that last time" or "i think you're lying" is tough.
but at the end of the day, if not working for the summer, or not going to college for a semester, or 2, or 3, or a whole year. or if going part time, or whatever you're doing... and it benefits you, and it benefits your mental health. then do it, don't listen too much, don't feel too guilty.
because if you need it, just like i needed the time to rejuvenate, then don't listen to anyone else. don't force yourself to do anything. because if you have the ability to take a break now, do it. you're not doing this because you're lazy, or selfish, or unambitious. or anything like that. you're taking that break, you're taking this break right now, for future you.
because if you don't take it now, when will you take it? and when you do take a break... will it be at the cost of your health? will it be at the cost of something greater? when the break comes, will it come when you're being handed the gold medal you've been fighting for.. and then it slips out of your hand just like that.
anyway.. do whats best for you. what you need. don't worry about figuring things out too fast either, because in fact, i've been plotting this moment of my life for about 10 years, genuinely, and i still had to revise it. still had to come to a conclusion because even with all that plotting, it doesn't plan for the hard times. or the 'you' you are right now. you will be someone else next week. and you will be someone entirely different 2 months from now.
take your time. because if you jump into something, and are unsatisfied, or "waste" time doing something other than what you "should be doing", the time still passes.
if you "waste time" anyway, waste it on yourself. not others expectations. or wishes. or their dreams.
and once enough time passes as well, no matter what you do by then. the questions do stop coming. the weight of the future, once you get there, is suddenly not so... big. intimidating.
you do not need a grandiose plan. if you are content with the future in your mind, that is enough. because at the end of your life, who will sit in that chair and ponder the life you lived, and weight it's satisfaction, if not you?
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gudakko · 2 months
hanging some thoughts out in the void to dry
one thing ive been thinking more and more as I get older is the kind of people 10 years ago i would've called "normies" didn't deserve half the shit I'd think about them
i was a real chuuni back then and in hindsight i really don't get where id get that sense of superiority
you know people like that now have a lot of stability in their lives
they're done with their studies, they have pretty healthy social lives and already well on their way to start their lifelong careers
such an alien word to me that last one
i think the problem for me is more or a root issue
aside from the fact i didn't go on with my "academic life" i just struggle with the base concept of making something my own
that's kind of the whole thing really, both with jobs, degrees and even just hobbies
i have not seen another person ever talk about this kind of feeling before
people will get into things, spend time acquainting themselves with them and then they'll have that thing
It'll be something they know about with some confidence to the point they can speak about it to other people and even educate them to a degree if they were unfamiliar with it
This applies to any sort of hobby and game
I can't really say i feel that way about anything I'm "into"
if someone was to ask me things about any of those things I'd always have a looming sense of guilt for not being the right person for that question and could immediately think of someone better for it
so how do people confidently get into things? i know it takes time and effort but even things I've been into a long while and enjoy still don't feel *mine*
"someone is consuming this content better than i am" is what ill think
it's weird
i do like learning, memorizing things, learning a bit of this and that and storing that information as something I will know from that point onwards, but it's not enough
there's always the pervading feeling that anything i engage with i do so in an extremely superficial way and i don't know how to do better
i feel it might have to do with me often struggling to process information if it's presented a certain way
it's weird, it just makes me feel like im really stupid and obtuse but I know I like to learn things it's just so hard to look at them and not short circuit sometimes
It really does make me feel like I'm some kind of picky eater unable to process some things for no reason, it's really frustrating and i wish i knew how to get better at it
it makes me wish i wasn't so lazy and easily distracted at school too and that id just find "the right way" to learn things
but some days it'll really feel like that's just some part or setting of me that's always been there and is just supposed to work like that unfortunately
I also think i really exude this "superficiality" of mine to people
maybe they don't know what it is and can't quite put their finger on it but they can tell something is off and it makes communicating with me harder
maybe they can tell i won't be able to understand things the way they do and it just feels disheartening
people that have known me for long enough have come to know this and will sometimes talk down to me like im just some dumb kind and honestly while it was pretty annoying at first i realized i don't really have a comeback for it and they're not entirely wrong
did i just miss an important developmental step in information assimilation? i really think i might have
sometimes ill see people that make art or music, entirely new things that weren't there before
from nothing they made something that hadn't existed before up until now, and they just did that by themselves
i look at these people and i can tell they have a soul, it's undeniable proof to me that they do
I couldn't even begin to imagine the process behind something like that, both conceptually and practically
i wonder what that says about me
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tommy-thomas · 4 months
I also made a separated post cuz was getting too big--
1. Are you named after anyone?
Uhh... I dont think so? I think my parents just choose a random name.
Tho, Thomas i choose based simply on nice sound XD. I could be tecnically related to the train???
2. When was the last time you cried
Hmmmmmm. 2 days ago? Something around that
3. Do you have kids
Too young too early, but me snd my life partner are still thinking if we even should on the future. Kids are a great responsability
4. What sports do you play/have played
I used to play "run after the boys with a stick to beat them" and volleyball. Both were fun!!
5. Do you use sarcasm
Rarely, i usually avoid cuz i think its rude ._.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people
Shirt. Cuz i avoid eye contat lmao
7. What's your eye color
Very very dark brown. Black on the shadow, beautiful on sun
8. Scary movie or happy endings?
Well, i like scary things not scary movies (im a pussy yes) so uhh... happy ending?
9. Any talents?
Im good at art.... but dunno if its a talent cuz i worked hard to get where i am today. So..... maybe i dont have a talent?
I do know how to play piano tho, but i studied 5 years for that lol
10. Where were you born?
BRASIL 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 the shit hole
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to draw and talk to my husbando.
Also watching scary and depressing stuff cuz i love felling bad i guess LMAO
12. Do you have any pets
I had 3 cats but they all ran away/died :(. Now i have none...
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Im 1.75cm.... in feet i think its around..... 5'74?
That what Google told me at least, dunno how feet work lol
I woukd say art cuz duh, but i also like history. I love hesring histories of any type
15. Dream job?
Well i dont have much people to tag, most already did this so uh...
@akabendyfan and anyone whod like!!
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v14-sewers · 11 months
15 questions
thanks for the tag @elmaxlys 💕
Were you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried? 
Hmm maybe like a month ago...? Been a while!
Do you have kids?
Bitch do i look like-
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yea ig
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes and smile. I even forget people's faces, but still remember details in their eyes or the shape of their incisors or some shit. When I think of my friends, I picture the way their faces scrunch up when they smile. I love life
What’s your eye color?
Brown eyes gang raise up 💪 (from @elmaxlys)
The brown eyes gang has risen up !!! Mine are veeery dark to the point my friends were having a laugh at how they couldn't see my pupils when we were studying neurology lol
Scary movies or happy endings?
1- why can't a scary movie have a happy ending? 2- why do tragic endings have to only be in scary movies? 3- depends on my mood and rn it's scary with happy end (from @elmaxlys)
Exactlyyyy i completely agree. Though fundamentally I would have to choose scary movies over happy endings ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ love my blood and guts too much to pass the opportunity ><
Any special talents?
Not really lol. Managing to make friends whilst being socially awkward something something adhd chick magnet
Where were you born?
At a hospital
What are your hobbies?
WRITING (PLEASE GOD LET ME WRITE FOR ONCE HOLY FUCK), reading, making bracelets, sewing (with my mom<3), consuming and creating art in general <3
Have any pets?
My one and only darling 10yo babyboy cat Hórus u are the love of my life. he gave a bath yesterday (he licked me for 15 minutes straight and i ended up smelling like garbage). he's also my fat little boy yes u are yes u are im crying just thinking about him hes the love of my life and he loves me soooooo much all the scratches are worth it when he curls up beside me<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
What sports do you play/have you played?
sigh... handball, volleyball, swimming, martial arts (a few)... i fucking hate sports </3 swimming is fun as an activity, not as a sport. and martial arts are fun from like a choreography standpoint. i cant stand touching people. or things. especially balls. or people with balls. and people's balls.
How tall are you?
about 164cm, maybe more idk idc
Favorite subject in school?
Math. and now... pathology ig????
Dream job?
Something that allows me enough free time and funds to concretize my daydream with @tsukun-e. But like fr i would love to open up corpses for a living that would be cool as FUCK. i've been discussing my work-related needs with friends and tbh i just want something that's mentally stimulating enough (difficult puzzles to solve !!!!) while giving me some breathing room (whether by work hours or by physical labor, but i cant have it be too strenuous ykno? i got disabilities and shit). fyi the daydream also consists of me writing to my heart's content – def doing that on the side
im tagging @tsukun-e and @fawntastic !!
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ccpreeda · 2 years
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tell me 𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀𝐒;  what  is  heavier?   the 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 or its people’s HEARTS ??
𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒔𝒉 !!   i’m bri  ( 25, est tz, she/her )  + i’m writing for miss PREEDA MAES.   under the cut,  you will find more info about preeda like her stats,  personality,  & background as well as wanted connections i’m interested in!   if you have any questions or are interested in plotting,  shoot me an im on tumblr or on disco @ mothman fan account#3531 🥰  [ ... ]  psd by gunshzt + coloring by cavalierfou. 
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name,   preeda elise maes
nicknames,   pree
age,   30
birthday,   may 12th
gender,   cis woman
pronouns,   she/her
sexuality,   bisexual biromantic 
occupation,   costume designer for the queen elizabeth theatre
current residence,   apartment in gastown she shares with her cousin,  jordan mitchell
faceclaim,   davika hoorne
positive traits,   creative,  dedicated,  passionate,  playful,  kindhearted,  generous,  accommodating,  loyal,  levelheaded,  considerate
negative traits,   obsessive,  self-sacrificing,  jealous,  overprotective,  doesn’t trust easily,  scatterbrained + forgetful outside of work,  anxious, non-confrontational      
zodiac,   taurus sun + rest of chart TBD
moral alignment,  neutral good
preeda is a FIXER,  always has been and working on not always being.  she grew up fixing her family and trying to keep the peace.  and so she really hates confrontation and chooses instead to channel her frustrations and anger into hobbies like knitting and crocheting.  she’s also an anxious baker but do NOT accept any of her baked goods. 
she was born in thailand and is a dual citizen of thailand and canada.  when she was small,  her parents raised her as they traveled internationally doing research and writing.  upon the birth of her younger brother,  kasem,  and her mother getting a job offer,  the family moved back to her father’s hometown  ...  where they came face to face with all of the unresolved tension and conflict between her father and his family :)  enter fix it preeda. 
preeda’s very much a “” creative “”,  and was always interested in performing arts that explored fantasy and historical genres.  in college she studied costume design and history as a dual major and eventually went on to pursue a career in costume design.  she first began as an assistant designer and in the past couple years earned a lead costume designer position at the queen elizabeth theatre. 
she’s a huge workaholic because she’s obsessed with her job,  but when she finally gives herself a break she takes her time off seriously,  soaking up all of her free time as much as she possibly can.  when she’s not feeling the pressure from work,  she’s a very playful and spirited person.  a really good friend too but in the way where she never talks about herself and wants to make sure that her friends are okay all the time.  hides a lot of her personal anxiety and other things she’s grappling with. 
i luv her even if she’s a bit of an odd duck and slightly inspired by edna mode DFKLSJF
wanted connections
since day one,   preeda’s first friend in vancouver!!  they’re really close so it’s the kind of friendship where they’re not afraid to call each other out on their shit or to be one another’s confidants.  or maybe they used to be really close and recently they’ve begun to drift apart?  this is probably the first person who recognized preeda’s habits of focusing on everyone around her so she doesn’t have to worry about her own shit,  one of the few people who checks up on her even if they’re drifting apart.
you again,   preeda is a creature of habit and for that reason she’s been living on the same street in gastown for the past seven years she’s been in vancouver.  she’s switched apartments of course,  especially after her pay raise with the queen elizabeth theatre gig but she likes her neighborhood.   she especially likes her regular haunts.  this connection would be either employees at places in gastown or other regulars.  very much a we only talk because ur literally here every day what do u even do for a living.  possible haunts:  roxy burger, red cat records, holy chow asian eatery, + cobblestones,  or maybe our muses go to the same coffee place each day and gossip after bonding and becoming friends?  also this is permission for anyone who works in gastown to know preeda by name. 
hangover club,   i imagine a small group of friends who go out together and then no matter how bad the hangover is, they always meet up for a late breakfast the next day to recap and chow down on some greasy breakfast food.  they have seen preeda probably at her lowest points like making bad choices at 2 am fighting with a bouncer lowest points.  maybe they don’t see each other as super close friends but just going out pals and then all the sudden they have to work together or see each other more regularly and it’s kinda awkward? 
annoyance to friends to lovers,   kinda similar to enemies to lovers but i rlly like the idea of preeda finally finding someone who pisses her off so much that she actually confronts them but it’s more of a u are so goddamn annoying will u shut up kinda deal with a playful undertone.  they get her to open up,  she takes care of them,  there’s always a sort of tension underlying their interactions.   give me sunshine x grump plS  
whoopsie,   a drunken hookup that turns into a regular occurrence?  like if preeda or this muse doesn’t find anyone else to hookup with when they go out,  they show up at the other’s apartment door.  i love the idea of this connection being like they hookup and then talk about their fucked up dating lives and why they haven’t found anyone and are like what is wrONG WITH US?? 
muse,   preeda can’t stop sketching your muse,  all the sudden she met this person and they’re her inspiration for everything  ...  she’s kinda embarrassed.  she designs a couple costumes because they inspired her and she awkwardly shows them and then immediately wants to Die.    
creative support group,   a group of artists, writers, actors, whoever who get together and basically help one another work through blocks and bounce ideas off of one another? 
out mom the mom friend,   this is my favorite trope give it to me.  the person who,  even if the two of them aren’t too close,  always figures out a way to get preeda to actually answer how are you truthfully.  reminds preeda to take care of herself and gets annoyed when she refuses to talk about herself.  
general ideas,   friends through work / similar projects,  they just can’t get along no matter what,  exes that ended on good terms,  exes that ended on bad terms,  neighbors,  they’re always bumping into each other for some reason,  old friends,  rivals,  if you have any ideas pls throw them my way !!        
full biography
[  tw:  mentions of cheating and mental illness  ( mainly anxiety ).  ] 
          for preeda,  she never had both feet firmly grounded in reality.  her childhood was spent pouring over books and films,  all tales of magical adventures and fantasy escapes,  while her family traveled internationally.  her parents,  both professors  ( her mother in history and her father in literature ),  only encouraged their daughter’s exploration of the fantasy genre.  her mother specifically guided preeda through thai folklore,  in hopes of anchoring her to her culture and home country.  preeda herself is a dual citizen of thailand and canada,  though she was more of a world traveler as just a baby,  her family traveling around asia and europe up until her younger sibling was born.  that and a job offer her mother couldn’t refuse prompted the maes to permanently relocate to preeda’s father’s hometown. 
          unbeknownst to her at her young age,  it was a shock that her father even stepped foot into his hometown with his family,  let alone relocate.  neil maes had up and left his family as soon as he had his college degree under his belt;  traded in a life of prestige and wealth for that of a backpacking grad.  in his travels he met kamala,  the woman he would marry and start a family with.  both had a keen interest in folklore and mythology with their aims ultimately set on teaching and writing.  together,  they made quite a formidable team.  neil returned to bangkok with kamala where the two lived for the majority of their dating period and then early marriage.  aside from the few relatives who made the trip to bangkok for neil and kamala’s wedding,  none of the maes thought they would see neil again.   it was his hometown’s worst kept secret that he clashed with his parents and siblings,  even as a child;  he didn’t agree with their principles,  their values,  not even the way they spent their weekends.  neil couldn’t find a single thing he had in common with his family.  and for those reasons,  he found it hard to imagine wanting to return there when he had been so welcomed into kamala’s family.  when preeda and her younger sibling came along,  it made it that much more difficult to imagine leaving bangkok,  but kamala was offered a position with a university near his hometown that they couldn’t turn down. 
          so back home he returned,  not the prodigal son but willing to try to mend things.  it seemed like the wounds he and his family had inflicted on one another went too deep though,  fights beginning almost as soon as he and his family arrived.  and preeda,  though still young,  noticed these growing tensions.  she took it upon herself to try to keep the peace between the family,  first just as a naive child with distracting conversation and childish antics.  but as she grew older,  her attempts became more sophisticated;  preeda worked to accommodate everyone in her family,  sacrificing her own comforts just to avoid a yelling match between her father and uncle. 
          and so that continued for much of preeda’s life.  what was worse is that it became expected of her to adjust for the sake of someone else’s comfort.  things grew tougher when her father became aware of her uncle’s transgressions with a woman who was not his wife,  resulting in a pregnancy.  where her uncle would try to sweep it under the rug,  her father hated the idea of leaving the mother completely on her own.  it was her father’s own wish to at least extend a friendly hand to the mother and child,  ultimately leading preeda to meeting her cousin,  jordan.
          preeda spent her teen years playing family peacekeeper,  leaving her to crave a life that was just her own,  not a byproduct of the maes legacy and spite.  her involvement in her family’s conflicts was a large source of her anxiety and guilt,  those feelings playing up when she wasn’t quick enough to resolve things and family gatherings ended on a sour note.  and so when the time came,  college became just the getaway preeda needed,  much like her father when he left his home behind.  in history and art classes,  preeda forged her own passion,  something of her own that was separate from her family and the person she had become to keep them intact.  she never thought she would land on costume designing as a possible career,  but it seemed right,  a marriage of her interest in fantasy and historical media with creative arts.  she had been part of the costume and props department for her high school’s theater,  but it never seemed like it could be steady until she met the right people and had the path laid out before her.  suddenly,  she had remembered what it was like to immerse herself in the fantasy of fiction,  like when she was young and engrossed in fairytales and folklore.  nostalgia mixed with passion created a formidable drive in preeda.  she fully committed,  joining both her university’s performing arts and history departments in hopes of pursuing historical costume design.  but when she graduated, passion wasn’t enough to sustain her at first.   in vancouver,  preeda worked odd jobs as she continued to perfect her craft and work with young and independent artists like herself in small film and theater productions.  she ultimately landed an assistant costume designer position with a smaller theater in the city.  and to her,  it was enough. 
          her dedication and creativity didn’t go overlooked,  especially when preeda spent most of her evenings attached to the sewing machine so she could truly perfect pieces.  it came as no surprise to her friends and family that she was a bit of a workaholic.  no matter what it was, preeda needed a project to devote her time and energy to.  with the goal of becoming a recognized costume designer,  she could barely look past her work to remember to be a human being.  but when she did come up for air,  preeda remained a protective,  compassionate person who often put others in front of her own needs.  though that’s not to say it was very obvious to others,  with preeda disguising her sabotaging and self sacrificing habits behind her mask of eccentricity and vibrance.  she had years to perfect her guise so that no one worried about her.  for preeda it was all about the distraction and redirection;  turning how are you’s on their head so suddenly the asker was talking about themselves.  it was easier for preeda to focus on others,  old habits die hard it would seem. 
          but in her defense,  preeda learned to keep her distance from the majority of her extended family to preserve her own sanity  ——  except for jordan.  after losing touch with her cousin,  preeda opened her doors to jordan in hopes of helping her out and reconnecting.  as for the maes,  preeda keeps them far away from herself with the help her parents and sibling.  they know all too well the mental toll family drama took on preeda,  her father especially after realizing and apologizing for his role in it all.  but still preeda finds herself jumping back into the fray to keep her family from burning themselves to the ground whenever the holiday season rolls around.  she hasn’t learned how to brush off the all too familiar feelings of anxiety and guilt when those old fights flare up again,  having come to see herself as the glue that keeps the maes together.  if she’s not there to stop them,  then who’s to say the maes would stay together at all?
          it’s better that she’s not at home and has struck out on her own.  her passion and talent even earned her a job offer from the queen elizabeth theatre as a costume designer a couple years back.  it seems like preeda has everything she ever wished to have,  though she can’t help but worry it will all be taken away because of one wrong move. 
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cherryjasper · 2 months
i don't post my art much here more mainly cause i really don't draw much anymore, not nearly as much as i used to.
it's honestly kind of upsetting but i don't really know how nor do i really have the motivation to change it. i feel like i can trace it back to me absolutely burning myself out from drawing like, 80 pieces in a month during artfight 2021 but it's been almost 3 years now and i feel like i keep drawing less and less! when i could be drawing i play video games instead or browse social media. i feel even less drive now i am no longer friends with someone (i will not disclose why) who i realize now was a muse to me. now that i no longer have that, what little motivation i do have to draw has been washed down the drain. i want to keep making art! i want to draw more! but when push comes to shove i just can't. i have no inspiration, no drive, no clue. i've heard some people do studies when they have art block but i have always found those painfully boring with a few exceptions and i feel like making myself draw something i do not want to draw will only make the problem worse.
i know it's normal to grow out of hobbies and interests as you get older, but i don't want to give up art as a hobby. i do love it, even if i don't interact with it nearly as much as i used to. and maybe it is fine that i only draw once every few days, with my progress only being a few sketches using a symmetry tool, but compared to my previous output, it just makes me feel disappointed in myself and as a result makes me want to draw even less. i wondered if getting better mentally through therapy was making me have less motivation to do art and i have less to express now, and what i do need to express can be talked to with my therapist, but i've been off antidepressants and out of therapy for almost a year now after leaving it very suddenly due to my new therapist quitting a month after my old therapist set me up with her, and as a result the pills i was already forgetting to take for weeks on end falling completely to the wayside (so much that when I tried to take them again I had completely lost the tolerance i had built up to them and felt horrible, and was scared off from taking them again), my mental health has been slipping downwards again very rapidly and yet i still have no motivation to do art. i will admit, when i began to round up the art i had done for last year i did a lot more than i thought i did, and that made me feel really good, but i am falling right back into the pithole of also worrying about not making enough finished pieces this year and that making me so anxious that i end up getting a sort of paralysis that makes it hard to even pick up my tablet. that, and i also got a girlfriend, and while i do love her a LOT, she's in a pretty bad situation physically and mentally and i feel obligated to spend most of my free time with her, even when i know she wouldn't mind me taking time to myself to draw. i feel like my skills are decaying which makes the anxiety even worse, as i feel like whatever i will attempt to draw will look like complete shit. i really feel like i need to see like, an art therapist, or talk to someone who has had the exact same problem as me to the exact same extent, because asking people before hasn't really yielded me any answers that have helped me.
tldr: my relationship to art has been very bad the past couple of years and has been causing me to get severe anxiety over not doing art enough art and as a result feeling like im regressing in skill, causing me to avoid art more despite not wanting to let it go as a hobby and i have yet to find a solution or way to relieve my problem
normally i would keep super windy vents like this private but honestly i would love to talk to people who are facing the same problem as me. i love following other artists but i feel terrible seeing them output so much and meanwhile all i can do is a scuffed sketch of a head every 5 days
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honorarypines · 5 months
for the ask game: 7, 10, 20, 22
Hi Vry! Thanks for the ask!
7 - what color brings you peace
This is such a beautiful question holy shit! Ive never been a fan of "what's ur fave color?" questions on quizzes bc of course it changes all the time, also I have different colors for different moods, duh. Lately the two colors that bring me peace are soft warm orange and my fave, forest green, sort of like, muted. I hope you guys know what im talking about here. I need to make more art with this color
10 - what's something you're excited for?
This one is harder than I thought bc lot of things I was excited for got cancelled or postponed. No D&D for upcoming few months, 20th birthday will be spent at home studying all day,... yeah pretty depressing.
All I can think of right now is the arrival of D&D miniature I ordered bc I can't wait to paint her (love all the diy stuff), also Final Space Final Chapter graphic novel as always, and maybe galentines day that im going to spend with my friend watching movies in pjs and whining about being single. Oh and 2024 halloween bc Im never not excited for halloween
20 - what do you want the most in your life rn?
Free time. I have a lot of exams incoming and I'm so tired and dont have time for hobbies which is killing me. I just want to wake up and realize I dont have any plans for the day so I can do everything in my own pace and yeah, be productive, but like, in a drawing comics and art type of way
22- what would you say to your future self?
Don't fuck this up babes, I'm in a very good place right now and I intend to keep it that way
Also I'd probably sneak in a movie reference only I'd understand, probably a scooby doo quote or maybe party on, dude or something lol
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pssycontrol · 6 months
Okay im making an introduction post ermm
Hi my name is Marcel or Marcy.
18 | he/she | nb lesbian | Mexican
I speak english spanish and portuguese though i might make spelling mistakes my bad!
I study law and do art and photography as a hobby
Stuff i like
- film
- evangelion
- Mcr
- chainsaw man
- The white stripes / The Raconteurs / any jack white project tbh
- The growlers
- Cage the Elephant
- Analog horror
- Args
- Catholic literature
- Arcades
- Antiquities
Umm! Im a hater, im weird and offputting. I am neurodivergent (adhd n psychotic episodes).
I tend to have radical opinions, im kind of sarcastic and i enjoy dry humor but im super cool i swear.
I believe that if god knows it then everyone should (loooove oversharing)
Ah yes i have some ocs that i will talk about but give no context, tmi for an introductory post maybe buuut im an addict so sometimes im just saying shit.
Well here’s some of my art! Lets be friends teheh
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hyenagirlbulge · 7 months
hey! sorry this might be weird but you seem cool but im scared of talking to ppl lol so im hoping its okay that im doing it like this akldgkj 👉🏼👈🏼 can u tell me a bit abt urself? like are u in uni, do u have any cool friends? how did you get ur name!! i've not ever seen CH40S as a name before and thats really neat! same with ur blog name actually! anyways yeah haha just anything really would be cool u seem neat 👉🏼👈🏼
hi! ty i choose my name myself, i kinda named myself after chaos from hades, thats not the sole reason but thats what put the idea for the name in my head! but yeah im an art student studying game art in college rn! outside of the weeb shit i post about ive been really into skateboarding recently so thats my one cool person hobby! thats a little bit abt me!
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stomachimage4u · 11 months
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So idk what in doing. Im gonna explain why i need to die. First of all nobody can convince me that i deserve to live because im a waste of space and oxygen. Everyday i wake up and play games or draw. I dont do anything productive such as studying or reading or exercising. Im too lazy to do stuff like that. Im too lazy to even write rn 😭 i wish my mind could write it for me and i wouldnt need my fingers to type. Im so lazy i dont clean my room, but its not like its too messy i just have to fold my clothes and vacuum and organise. Ok nvm my room is messy. I disappoint my mon. Sometimes i just cant bring myself to do the chores i do them from time to time but i sometimes scoff and throw myself in my bed. I dont see myself in the future. Yeah sure i have drawing skillz but can i really turn them into a job?? Nuh uh artists dont get paid a lot and its going to be even more horrible. Jobs for artist could be: commissions but you have to be very popular on social media, i mean its kinda optional but you need a lot of commissions to pay the bills. Another job as an artist could be clout but its almost same as the commissions. There are a lot of jobs, but its not like i can do any of them. They require skillz that i dont have. You could improve but it takes a lot of time. Art is just another hobby and i dont think i would take it to next level. Another reason that i should die?? For i should die?? Fuck english, is that im fucking ugly. I hate my hair because for at least 2 or 3 years i always kept it in a low ponytail because i look uglier with my hair down. I hate myself i wish I wasn’t so self conscious about my hair . I wish i could get a cool haircut without my mom saying something about it. I would still look cringe with a cool haircut cuz people dont really see me with my hair down not even my mom, and if i let my hair down they gonna b like :”omg she finnally let go of the ponytail” or sum like respectfully stfu, youre making me more insecure. I hate my face. I have a lot of pimples on my forehead. I mean its normal to have pimples but it isnt for me. Like what the fuck???? I havent eaten shit like chips and coke in since summer vacation started and my skin still looks horrible. Its true i sometimes forget to do the skin care routine because im lazy. I hate my eyebrowz. They are so fucking thick😭. I wish i should just give them a slimmer shape but my mom says that my eyebrowz are ok. Yeah, no. They arent. I hate my teeth. They are so yellowish because i sometimes forget to brush my teeth and even if i remember to brush them and actually do it, i give out no effort and i just move the brush in my mouth for 30 seconds and then leave. I dont have the BEST hygiene, i do shower two times a week but i dont really brush my hair or my teeth. I hate being a girl. I dont wanna shave but i still have to because i dont look “feminine” or some shit like stfu i dont wanna shave im lazy. In the end i still shave cuz my mom tells me its for the better. So i hate myself so much, i wanna rip my hair off my head and scream loud AAAAA. And if im so ugly, nobody would want me. I need to be pretty to feel loved. I crave some much attention and love nobody understands. I mean, my parents love me right?? Idk they both are at they jobs and come home late and idk if they forget about me or nah. So now, i have the MOST important reason why i should die. Im egoist and narcissist. I only care for myself, i do things for myself, not for others. I imagine or daydream how i would get a lot of attention and that narcissism because uhhhh i read on the internet and ur prolly gonna be like “dont believe whats on the internet” well fuck it i mean it makes sense to be narcissist and imagine getting a lot of attention. Im a bad person, i make people around me disappointed or sad. So yeah, these were all the reasons why i should die. There's one more reason. I'm stupid but I'm not gonna explain everything you get the point.
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doubledualwielder · 1 year
hey can someone tell me how do you enjoy drawing (or any hobby in general, something creative i think)
under this is just stupid shit, dont read it if you dont care (tldr is i fucking hate to draw and insulting my own trash drawing lmao 😅)
i fucking hate drawing and whats so fun about putting down lines on a damn page
another thing i used to like but i lost interest, many of my hobbies faded like that
my stupid fucking drawing look like shit and is stiff as shit, dont like it, but i need to study
and i hate to study. perspective, anatomy, foreshortening, architecture, animals. i just want my art to be better and i will like it more. it looks like shit and i fucking hate it but if i dont work for it i will be surpassed fuck
so easy to be surpassed. i aim for the top but i know i cant make it because my fucking interest is lost and i fucking hate to draw. i watch all my friends surpass me and i want to get better to match them. but im fucking trash at drawing. how do i improve. fast i want to be better at it without the painful annoying as shit study and practice but i know it wont fucking happen.
some girls in my school enjoy it. but i dont understand how. i want to draw well and see a good final product but every time i try it gets worse than the last. i fucking hate drawing. i look back and my drawing used to look better. i dont want to see my regression. but its happening. i dont want to see it. fuck
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lacontroller1991 · 1 year
Hiii, could i get a match up for Wednesday and harry Potter please?(if you do those ofc!)
My name is Layla/leyla and im 5'4
Appearance: my height is pretty average, hourglass figure sort of. Im quite pale and i have brown curly hair to a little lower then my collarbone. I have brown eyes, i have chubby cheeks which i love, my cheeka are usually slightly blushed necause i get cold alot. I wear mostly neutral colors such as black, grey, white and brown/beigh. I'm half swedish and half algerian. I have long eyelashes :)
Hobbies: my biggest interested/hobby is definetly art. I absolutely love drawing and creating stuff. I usually draw stuff that ive seen irl or in my dreams because i have quite vivid dreams. I love music aswell, I've been singing my whole life and writing songs is something i love, the art is my main hobby though. I also like going for walks, i live in a small village so going out and sitting somewhere quiet whole drawing is amazing. I listen alot to arctic monkeys, David bowie, david kushner, The Neighbourhood, the cramps, the Smiths, one direction. I also love reading, i read about 2-3 books a month, after ive finished a book i write about it to remember it later, i often reread boos multiple times
Personality: i am an INTP-T, i like being alone. I have very few friends, i only ever hang out with one of them, ahes my best friend and i love her more then life. Im verg, very protective over my family. I dont let anyone say shit about them. I have anxiety and daddy issue(not trying to be quirky or sum shit i just have a shitty relationship w my dad) I'm usually very quiet. I'm a leo.
Other informationsss:
My favorite colors are pink, beigh, grey and black. I've been told that im hard to approach? My love language is quality time and physical touch. I like holding hands, it's rhe best form of physicall contact for me because i have sensroy issues so too much touching makes me feel cramped up, i do love getting hugged if its from someone im comfortble with, i love sitting in silence while drawing with my friend ani(my bsf). I love analyzing different things, everything from art pieces to human behavior. I have an intrest for psychology.
Soo, this is me, oh also im bi but with a strong male lean!
So yea, thank you byee!
Hey love!!! thanks for sending in a matchup!!!! I don't really know much about Harry Potter and I am only half way through Wednesday, so I can probably do Wednesday!!!
I can personally see you with either Xavier or Enid
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Based on what I know and have seen about Xavier, I think the two of you would get along in the sense that both of you are really into art. I can honestly see you and him sitting alone together in silence and just drawing random things (he also probably loves making little doodles for you). I can also see the two of you going for walks and doing little study sessions (whether that be for psychology or another class) he would definitely be down to help you out or just keep you company!! Personally, I definitely think his love language is quality time and gifts. I honestly can't see him being super into touch like Enid would be (I will get into her in a second), but I think he would be super supportive.
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As for Enid, she would definitely be the more outgoing of the two of you. I can honestly see her relationship with you being exactly like her relationship with Wednesday (from what I've seen of course). She would definitely drag you around town to different outings, she would definitely be into physical touch (that girl's hands would always be on you in some way or another), but I also think she would be down to just listen to you play your music and will be super supportive from the sidelines.
In either case, you could just form a polyamorous relationship with them because I think both would work really well with you!!! I'm sorry if I got any characterizations wrong but I hope you enjoyed!!!
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