#mentally i mean
brooklynisher · 5 months
This might actually be the worst thing I have ever made
Video reference is at the bottom
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bluetea-00 · 6 months
Hi Blue! I was wondering how you come up with poses for your drawings? Do you use a reference image for every single one? Act out the poses in front of a mirror?
asking because I think your posing with bodies and especially hands is so lively!! 💕
:,]]] Thank you so much!!!!
And it’s honestly a little of everything! For more complex poses, I’ve been using the 3D models in CSP to help understand the form! And I’ll use ref images if smth really stands out to me. But majority of the time I free hand my poses
I’m very normal when it comes to hands AHSHAHS They are one of my favorite things to draw. I don’t normally use refs for them unless it’s a weird angle or I want smth different. I’ve rambled about hands before so I’ll leave it at that!
Thank you again! :]] 💖
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hhhhh. will i be able to handle the Immiscible Discord event story. time to find out
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lizstiel · 8 months
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edgepunk · 1 month
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betterdonutgalaxy · 1 year
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Hes had some rough battles
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so uh not to be an oblivious queer idiot but if the girl you've been jokingly flirting with for yeeears invites you to dinner at her place, only a couple weeks after telling you she definitely wants to have sex with you but is terrified of it because she's never touched a vagina that wasn't her own, is that a date or just a friendly gesture?
asking for myself please help
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gudakko · 5 months
think im in a good spot rn
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some drawings from stream
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moony-saraneth · 1 year
im tracking what fic im reading this year and so far ive read 5,657,136 words i dont think im doing great
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ridragon · 1 year
I'm either going to be making some unhinged ass posts in a few hours or I'm gonna pass out and be completely quiet
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
Listen I love Olivia but we all know she's a harry x reader fan, I'd bet my life on it
I thought about it ENTIRELY too much yesterday, I gotta say--because yes, very much so, but what if she's out there reading Styles triplets fics, or haylor, or larry, zarry, narry, etc??? WHAT IF
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wearepansies · 1 year
Mental Disorders I think the Seven Have Part 1-Percy;
- He would very obviously have C-PTSD, considering the abuse he received from Gabe, the literal world on his shoulders, etc etc.
-He has super bad paranoia. He’ll have decent days, but then there’ll be those days when he checks if he locked the door 10 times, or if he left the oven on, or check outside before he goes out and if anyone’s out he stays in until they’re gone.
- After the war is over, he gets emotional shock, which is basically a breakdown that happens after a traumatic event. The brain is too busy trying to defend itself to comprehend that you’re hurt, so after the event is over with, all the emotions come flooding out. So he just had a breakdown in Sally’s arms shit-
- He doesn’t take people yelling at him very well, because it reminds him of Gabe.
- He develops Schizophrenia throughout the series, but doesn’t notice because he’s a demigod and they usually have voices in their heads from entities or shit.
- Sometimes he has flashback hallucinations, where he believes he’s back in a memory, but he’s really not.
- He has a specific hallucination that he sees every time he feels guilty about something, or triggers memories of people he felt responsible for.
-The specific hallucination have traits of all the people he thought he could save smushed together. (Luke’s face, Zoe’s eyes, Ethan’s frown, Charlie’s build, etc)
- Has the worst night terrors and insomnia.
- Hates strangers touching him, and has panic attacks whenever someone touches him without warning.
- Whenever he feels responsible for something that goes wrong he goes into a depressive episode.
- Freaks out over mistakes, like spilling a glass, or dropping something, because he feels incompetent like he did when Gabe was around.
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heinous-desiree · 1 year
Hun looks a little taken back before bursting into laughter "well, shit that's a first, it's been a while since I had a first" they noticed his wagging tail before grinning "y'know I'll tell what-" they hold his chin "you are adorable, I think you might be my new favorite person" they coo before kissing his nose "we'll see who has keep up whom" they say booping his nose
Hunter the Allrounder
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"Well, isn't that funny?" Hunter did an exaggerated eyebrow wiggle, snorting himself as they cracked up, "I'm a bit notorious for being first at things!"
He rested his head easily onto their hold when they took his chin, intrigued by the intimate gesture and throughly enjoying the attention. He stuck out his tongue to play a mock excited doggie at the favorite person comment, a picture of a good, obedient dog. Besides his eyes, at least... There was something predatory about his stare.
He blinked at the nose kiss, going crossed-eyed to stare at their finger when they booped his nose.
"Huh... Pretty sure that was a first for me, too," Hunter commented, still staring at the finger, nose twitching at the lingering feeling. While his response was calm, his tail started to beat against his sides audibly. "Hm... Oh, you're gonna be fun."
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Sorry for being negative this morning, I’m better now that I’m hope and not forced to work and be exhausted in public <3
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alexturner · 1 year
seeing am again in a week and i feel so unprepared 😩
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