#merchant shipping au
saiiboat · 11 months
Izuru and Gin, Merchant Shipping AU
Content warnings: Descriptions of blood, murder, mention of throat wounds
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Izuru is faithful like a good hound, undying loyalty so long as affection is returned.
He trusts Gin, his fellow sailor, the thirdmate of Kyouka Maru. By way of being allowed to stand at Gin's back, he knows he is trusted in turn.
For months, Izuru takes orders from Gin who takes orders from Momo who takes orders from Aizen, and he sleeps when Gin says and he wakes up when Gin fetches him. He eats next to him and he sleeps in the hammock beside him. They've grown so attuned to each other in their time on the same crew that Izuru thinks he could recognize Gin anywhere, in any life. He'd be able to do much of the same with any of the people on his crew -his family- of course.
It wouldn't be fair to say that he trusts Gin over, say, Momo, but he takes pride in the kinship that Gin shares with him and which he shows no one else. Everyone on this ship, bar Momo and the captain, listens to Gin. It's Izuru, though, that he eats his meals with and shares his time with outside of their shifts. It's nice to know that only he gets these moments with Gin. That Gin trusts him in the same way that Izuru does him.
One night, after a calm day at sea, he hears Gin's feet creak on the floorboards as he slips out of his hammock.
In cases like these it isn't unusual for Izuru to follow Gin up onto deck and stand with him while the thirdmate catches fresh air and looks out to sea, and he watches through lidded eyes as Gin heads for the ladder that leads up onto the deck. He wakes up fairly quickly, as any sailor does, and slips out of his own hammock with a small stretch and follows through the rows of cargo. Gin isn't where Izuru can see him when he meets fresh air and looks around for his companion.
The captain's quarters are separated from the rest of the crew, sitting on top of the deck behind the mast, with sliding wooden doors that keep out the cool Autumn air. The lanterns swing with the gentle sea, casting deep shadows and flickering golden light onto the finely carved wood of the captain's door, slightly ajar.
Izuru checks over his shoulder one last time, a sense of eerie wariness creeping over him. Hisagi should be on watch tonight. He doesn't see him, either.
He needs to call out, to yell for Hisagi, for Gin, but the instinctual fear of being alone in the dead of night locks his tongue, and he's weak to do anything but approach the open door.
From inside comes a sickening squelch and Izuru jumps forward, sliding the rest of the door open with a shove and stumbling into the room.
The flickering light of the lantern dimly illuminates the captain's quarters, framed by the shadows casted by the walls and Izuru's own shadow. His shadow is casted into the center of the room, where he notices Gin; he's bent over the captain's futon, his silver hair gilded in the night.
Gin looks up, "Oh, Izuru, I was really hopin' ya wouldn't come."
There's something dark and oil-slick on Gin's face, and it's with a sharp shock to his system that Izuru realizes that it must be blood.
"What- Gin… what did you do?"
Gin unfolds his long body from the side of Aizen-senchou's futon, looking down at the dark, unmoving form. "Does it matter?"
Izuru grabs the doorframe to stay steady. "Gin. Tell me." Something curls in Izuru's throat, akin to a whine. "Please."
"What will ya do?"
"What're ya gonna do with me, Izuru? Will ya call the rest of the crew?"
Izuru looks down at the futon, any blood or body undistinguishable in the dark. He looks back onto the deck of the ship and back to Gin. "Where's Hisagi? Is Momo okay?""
"Momo is still asleep, but won't be for long if ya stay here chattin'. Hisagi's on the other side of the rowboat. I only knocked him out, he'll be fine."
Izuru leans against the door frame and rubs his face in his palms. He has friends on this ship. Momo admired the captain. The captain- "We need to go."
Gin just looks at him. "Izuru?"
"We can't stay here. We need to go." Izuru grabs Gin's hand (sticky, slick, wet) and pulls him out onto the deck. Gin is a perfect picture of horror in the flickering light, dark splotches stain his samue and splatter across his face. He still doesn't look away from Izuru, watching him like a wary animal.
"Ya realize what yer doin', Izuru? Ya can't come back from this."
"Shut up. You did this." He lets go of Gin, and their hands peel apart. Izuru's hand is stained red.
He circles around the rowboat until he finds Hisagi's body crumpled on the ground. "Help me get him more comfortable." They lift up Hisagi together, Izuru carrying his torso and Gin his feet. They lower him down onto the floor of the captain's quarters, Izuru staunchly not thinking about what sight his crewmate will wake up to.
They untie the rowboat in silence, and lower it down into the water with barely a splash. Gin disappears from his sight for a moment before reappearing out of the captain's quarters, swinging a canteen from its strap. "Fresh water."
Izuru nods, and they both climb down into the smaller boat, careful to help each other balance.
They row parallel to the shore until Kyouka Maru disappears into the night. It will still be long before anyone wakes up and notices Hisagi missing, longer yet before they raise anchor, and likely into midday before they make it to shore and report the murder. It's still far from the light of morning. They have time.
Izuru pulls his oars into the boat, settling them on either side of his legs. Gin looks over his shoulder quizzically and Izuru beckons him to turn around.
Izuru leans over the side of the rowboat and wets his hands with cool water, grateful for Gin leaning in the other direction to balance the small boat. Sitting back up, he leans carefully forward into Gin's space, reaching out to gently smudge the flaking blood from his face. Gin lets him, taking Izuru's attention stoically, not looking away from him as sea-wet hands cleanse him with familial care. When Izuru decides his task is finished, there's only a few stubborn flakes that stick to Gin's skin.
They stay like that, facing each other.
"Why did you do it?"
Gin watches him. "It's not enough that he was a prick?"
Izuru scoffs, "You've suffered plenty of those in port, none of them ever ended up dead."
Gin hums, but remains silent.
Izuru hands Gin the canteen, who drinks from it before handing it back to Izuru to do the same. Gin turns back around and they keep rowing. They continue on in silence for a good time like that, the only sound in the night the splashing of the oars and the lapping of gentle waves against the hull as they slowly make their way to the right of the lanternlight of a portside town.
"He hurt someone I care about."
There's not many other places for Izuru to look other than the back of Gin's head and the open sea, so Izuru doesn't look away from him as Gin slowly starts speaking.
"She was hurtin' for a long time. He left our ship not long after; I think Hirako-senchou thought somethin' was up. And then this year I heard he was gonna buy up our ship. I couldn't let him near her again."
How funny it is, to be angry for someone you have never met. This girl was hurt, Gin wanted to protect her, and just like that Izuru understands how patient Gin must have been to wait to stick his rigging knife into Aizen's throat.
"Would you do it again?"
Gin is silent for a moment. "For her? As many times as it would take."
Izuru turns this over in his head until he understands. If Gin would do that for her, then Izuru would too. They've hashed this out before. What is Izuru's belongs to Gin and what is Gin's belongs to Izuru.
"Then I'd help you. Every time, I would help you."
"Ya wouldn't have to."
"But you appreciate it anyways."
Gin's head ducks briefly forward. When he speaks, his voice, solemn as it's been this night, is tinged with warmth. "Ya know I do, Izuru. Never doubt it."
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esprei · 11 months
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emmet is a very hard worker - after all, there are a lot of logistics and things you have to manage when you own your own railway business good thing he has someone around to remind him to take a break every once in a while
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fizzyghosts · 1 month
Hywel is inspired by a mix of my issues with stories with nonhuman protagonist/about nonhumans becoming human AND vet posts ive seen warning people about the dangers of anthropomorphisizing animals. Its fine to joke about your pets doing things out of spite or other human emotions, it does put you at risk of not being able to read their body language correctly. Cats dont cry out of sadness, a cat crying, with actual tears streaming down its face, is a sign of a medical issue. A dog smiling isn't doing it bc its happy, it means its nervous. Not being able to spot these is bad, and sometimes even dangerous, for you and the animal.
If you never get past Hywel's human appearance and treat him like one its like getting a reactive dog, doing zero research or training, and then taking it to a dog park. If Hywel mauls someone in town then its on you.
#hywel struggles a lot with good vs bad things specifically#he makes decisions based on what makes him feel good or bad (like most people) but#if you explain something being bad to him using emotional reasons (it makes you a bad person‚ its an awful thing to do‚ its gross)#he genuinely will not get it#he'll try to stop! just bc he was told to stop! but he doesn't know how to apply it to other situations#murder for example#he's immortal death doesnt have the same meaning to him#and he doesn't particularly care about people outside of arisen#they're entertaining he finds them fun. they're critters to him#but he's not bothered by them dying#arisen dying is bad bc it means he failed his charge. he cant die. regular people dying? eh whatever#so he doesn't really get why murder is bad#if ur in vernsworth and tell him no then he'll be like i dont understand but ok!!#its only bad in vernsworth bc thats where you said no at!! everywhere else is fine !#he's not trying to find loopholes!!! he genuinely doesn't get it and is doing his best to work with what he's given!!!#his way of thinking is p straightforward and logical though#so you have to explain stuff by how it effects him and how the cons of doing it outweigh the benefits#hywel u cant murder people you dont like bc if we allowed that people would kill merchants and then you couldn't buy stuff#anyway bonus scifi au stuff while im here#hywel would remember the time loops and would do whatever it takes to keep the crew safe#but the thing is. cosmic horror hywel doesn't really understand time or how the loops are fucking people up#he knows the false dawn losing its crew was bad. he doesn't understand WHY its bad‚ but he knows it is#and he loves this crew! theyre funny and some of them are fun to chew on. enrichment.#he's gonna do whateve it takes to keep this crew safe and together. on the ship. y'know‚‚‚ bc the other ship losing its crew was bad#restarting a loop means nothing to him. yeah he's gotta start over with his friendships but thats fun! enrichment!#hes a creature time means nothing to him#beginning of the loop all his friends are here :^) he's completely unaware of how its negatively effecting people#anyway i cannot stress enough he isn't doing this to be malicious he's just doing his best#someone would absolutely realize he was doing this early on and if you tell him to stop he will#but yeah better hope you can explain why he cant do that well enough or hywels gonna unintentionally find every loophole
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lilprincegoo · 1 year
the brush with which I paint my love in by monojoooon
Strangers to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Artists, Alternate Universe - Historical, merchant jung hoseok, Fluff, Artist Jungkook, definitely not a slow burn, Love at First Sight, Alternate Universe - Royalty
6.2k words
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Jeongguk, a famous artist in the kingdom, does not paint portraits of royals or other nobles. Does not even have the urge to...not until he meets Hoseok. "I will show you the eyes with which I look at you with."
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froggi-mushroom · 2 years
I’m on a roll for really self-indulgent fics at the moment
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Modern AU versions of Tintin and his friends! Notes about their designs under the Read More:
Tintin - A grey and yellow baseball tshirt references his grey sweatervest and yellow shirt look from the earlier comics. Cargo joggers replace his plus fours - plus fours were popular with golfers in the 20s and 30s as athletic wear, so I opted for cargo joggers for that preppy but sporty vibe. He also wears leather trainers and keeps his handy phone in an industrial case. Snowy wears a collar now!
Haddock - when not working on a ship as a merchant captain he opts for a hoodie and sweatpants. He might look sloppy but it's pretty practical for the wild adventures he's dragged into! He's Tintin's exhausted foster father in this AU.
Calculus - I gave him 2000s style rectangular frames to make him feel modern but still kind of dated, like how he wears fashion a few decades behind in the canon comics. I dressed him like my high school physics teachers - he has a necktie, a pocket protector, a zip through fleece and orthopedic shoes. I had frames like these for some time until I broke them at work lol
Chang - as soon as I read the Blue Lotus and saw Chang for the first time I immediately thought he was wearing crocs. I don't know why crocs are so popular. I don't think they're particularly comfortable. They feel sweaty and weird and don't stay on your feet when you run. I don't get crocs. But they're popular in Asia lol (I kept Chang's design super simple, he's an orphan with no money)
Abdullah - I had way too much fun with him! I know Supreme is kinda dated now (it's definitely a 2016 thing) but I still find it funny and the colour scheme fits. A lot of local Muslim teenagers in my area mix sportswear with traditional clothing so I did the same here, but made it obnoxiously bougie lol
Zorrino - I didn't change much for him as his original design is pretty timeless. I gave him socks and slides, a beanie and joggers. His button up shirt is replaced with a polo shirt but the difference isn't big.
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sizzleissues · 5 months
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Its May.
Okay so this is in the same AU I had last year its just changed and evolved while also being the exact same. Except now I have 15,000 words of it written, like 7,000 words of planning and lore and hours upon hours of research that I will be pointedly ignoring. Will be posting more stuff this month about the AU and my hopes and dreams for it
Also slight art improvement check? I’ll put their original mermaid designs below the cut.
It’s Marinette as a mermaid and … its not Adrien or Chat Noir but a third worse thing (Catwalker but in the purest manifestation of it being a curse and not who he wants to be) I will be making designs for mer!Ladybug, and mer!Adrien as its own thing later on.
Okay if you want to indulge me look below the cut
Old mermaid designs first. I am going to be talking about my design thoughts, thoughts and ramblings about this AU and what I’ve been up to. You have been warned
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As you can see, some things have changed but neither design I hated, I just wanted to go further with it.
My brain is quite specific about mermaids and how I want them to generally look. I wanted to distinguish biological merfolk from transformed humans by having them being anatomically different. So Adrien has a vertical tail instead which is also way faster underwater. His transformation is quite distressing for him and very chaotic. Of course when he accepts it he’s not so raggedy.
Marinette similarly avoids her life as a mermaid by becoming human and I wanted her mermaid design to hint toward her fascination with humans. She wears a top she fashioned from human fabric she found in a sunken merchant vessel. In general all other merfolk either forgo clothes or wear things fashioned from materials available to them. There’s deep fear of humans and human things so even though human clothes are available to them (off dead bodies but…. Whatever) they choose to difference themselves as much as possible. The same taboos don’t exist for them and their bodies are already adapted from the temperature of their environment. Adrien has stray bits of netting and seaweed on him because he’s not exactly the best at controlling his speed and often crash’s through fishing nets and patches of seaweed resulting in stuff being caught on him.
A lot of their designs are still being worked but I’ve definitely pushed them the right direction!
On to the AU. You might have seem me cryptically talk about something I’m writing the past few weeks. This is because it’s been in my brain since last May and been on and off writing it since then. I decided I’d talk about it once May came back around but and then when I finished writing it, start posting sneak peaks and more spoilery art until it was fully edited and I felt confident in it to post with an aim for it to finish posting once May rolled around again. Oh god.
It’s set in the late 1700s in a fictional version of France that’s actually fragmented over a bunch of islands. I have done more fashion research than I ever thought I’d do and in the end we will still be taking creative license but know I do know what they actually wore! I ALSO did a butt tonne of research about sailing ships and turns out they are super complicated and now I know too much and yet too little still about them. It should be super fun and action packed if I can manage. Have some really good scenes already in my head I know you’ll love. We’re already three ships battle deep and I’ve only written four chapters. (It chills out for a bit after that)
This is entirely self-indulgent by the way. I’m writing this for me, you guys are just a bonus. I literally don’t care as long as it satiates my rabid need for the fic that only lives in my brain at the moment. Saying that, I do want to put my best foot forward.
The next thing I will be posting for this is their human forms and more blabblerings about that. For I am insane and all.
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nightmaremonarch · 1 month
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jojo’s bizarre fantasy au BECAUSE I LOVE PART 5 AUGHHHHHHHHH
i rewatched the entirety of part five in the span it took to make this. Details about the lore and characters below the cut ^_^
Ok. I will be separating this based on character… in an attempt to be more organized. Included will also be my friend’s description that she gave for each character upon seeing the drawing.
Giorno Giovanna — Race, half vampire. Stand name, Gaia. Unfortunately lost his silly victory rolls, which have been replaced with donut shaped curls. Has a dream of usurping the Crimson King and ending his oppressive reign.
Friend’s Description: “‘pink is still manly for this era guys trust’”
Trish Una — Race, human(?). Stand name, Spice. I like to think she tries to maintain an air of elegance and superiority, but she’s just a kid who doesn’t particularly want to be in the situation she’s in. The princess of an underground kingdom? No way. She just wants to be Trish.
Friend’s Description: “Noblelady”
Guido Mista — Race, human. Stand name, Coitus Cluster (good god the creative juices are NOT flowing). Best archer, like, ever. Probably enjoys animal furs but is too broke to get any. Stinky loser.
Friend’s Description: “Robin hood.”
Pannacotta Fugo — Race, elf. Stand name, Purple Death. Former nobleman and still dresses like it. Had to limit the holes in his clothes because he is, unfortunately, not immune to being sunburn.
Friend’s Description: “totally not a vampire”
Bruno Bucciarati — Race, human. Stand name, Strings of Fate. I love him. He’s the love of my life. I may or may not have put the most effort into his outfit. He’s so beautiful. No notes. Also, since zippers weren’t invented till like… mid 1800’s, rather than zippers, he uses strings!!! Tugs on ‘em the way you would a loose hem…
Friend’s Description: “Italian nobleman”
Leone Abbacchio — Race, drow. Stand name, Rewind. It takes the form of a snake!! Because Moody Blues had them.. neck thangs. I don’t know. Anyways. Abbacchio coulda been drippier, but at the time of drawing I was running low on brain power.
Friend’s Description: “TOTALLY NOT A VAMPIRE”
Narancia Ghirga — Race, human. Stand name, Pheonix. Due to the fact that airplanes did NOT exist prior to some point in the 1900’s, Narancia’s stand is a bird. Probably breathes fire and can detect carbon dioxide… cannot come back from the dead though. Sorry buddy. Also, his left eye is blind from his eye infection. Sorry again buddy.
Friend’s Description: “peasant working on a merchant ship”
Diavolo — Race, Demon. The Crimson King. He took FOREVER to draw. Especially those tattoos. I tried to make his color scheme salvageable, but seeing as I was working with Diavolo’s actual color scheme… it is not the best. Diavolo used to have wings as well, but after an incident that prompted him to go underground, they’re gone. He hides in the body of a halfling named Vinegar Doppio… though they are two completely separate entities.
Friend’s Description: “Dante’s homosexual Inferno”
idk if ill elaborate more on this au. depends on the reception of this…!! this is all just for fun… goofs and gaffs… love u sorry for only posting wips for months before this
also in this au i think stands would be called spirits/be spirits ok that’s all fr now bye love u
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alxtiny · 1 month
Ad Astra per Aspera
Series Masterlist
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Synopsis: Nothing could be worse than getting tricked onto a slave trader’s ship right? Wrong. You are a young talented navigator and unsurprisingly, while trying to find another job you end up on a ‘merchant’ ship, from where you are abducted by pirates, well all hope seems lost now. The pirates happen to be kind enough to let you live as long as you act as their navigator, after their last one met an unfortunate fate. Oh, and these pirates seem to have some weird abilities. It all seems a little too convenient, you are given food, clothes, shelter and are treated very nicely. As the journey progresses you learn more about them and their tragic pasts, but your suspicions grow too. Is this real or is there something deeper at play here.
Pairing: Pirate!Ateez x Navigator!reader
Genre: pirate!au, fluff, angst, maybe smut
Warnings: death, blood, trauma, detailed descriptions of wounds, vivid nightmares, weapons, occasional smut, other warnings will be chapter specific
Notes: onto my first series, updates might be slow but I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥹 thank you for all the support!!!!
TWC: 16,813
Updates: slow
Status: ongoing
Started: 15.08.2024
Comment to be added to the taglist for this series!!!
Character profiles
Main masterlist
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Episode 1
Episode 2
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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saiiboat · 11 months
What are your ginran aus?
ohhhhhh boy. ok. lets start with the silly and go from there.
its basically the cast of bleach if they all raced sailboats. its everything to me. Haven't decided yet if they race dinghies out of a club or if they race bigger sailboats and each division is a team. either way its silly and fun. ginran is important to this one (homoeroticism of sailing) but most of what ive written down is me just putting aizen into a situation
little blurb: "Aizen is the kind of guy who got into sailing to seem more sophisticated and then realized that he made it too much of his personality and so he's locked himself into self-inflicted psychic warfare with himself about how he would want nothing in the world more than to be anywhere but waxing a boat but if he backs out now everyone will know that he's just been doing it to look cool and thats actually so much worse. Everyone else sails because they either love it or theyve grown up around it enough that its like. what else would they do. Aizen though is playing 5d mental chess about whether or not people will think he's a poser if he stops showing up for practice"
SCI-FI AU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fem!gin and robot!rangiku. Gin is a mechanic who found rangiku after she was tossed out for scrap by aizen. this one makes me insane. so fucking insane. the yuri of it all. the inherent eroticism of being a mechanic and working on the robot you're falling in love with. important to note that rangiku isnt an android like from dbh. she's very clearly a robot. think more along the lines of Pathfinder from apex legends
little blurb: "Mechanic Gin who ties her long hair back in a bun or perhaps a braid while working and who takes her gloves off with her teeth and takes a job directly under a ship's captain after she finds out that he's the captain that threw Rangiku out for scrap and she wears her hair long and it flows over her shoulders even while she works. Aizen comments that she reminds him a lot of another ship's captain that he knew years ago and she says "I'm not sure what yer talkin' about, Aizen-senchou" as she slowly takes apart his ship's interface from the inside"
this is another one that ive been going insane about, mostly because im using it as an excuse to research tokugawa period japan and its shipping practices. thank you so much to Jakobina Arch from Whitman College for writing an absurd amount on this subject and also The Indian Ocean World Podcast for having her on their podcast. She's been my main source of both information and inspiration for starting this au LOL.
As young kids, Gin and Rangiku are taken in by Hirako Shinji, a strange but respectable captain of a merchant vessel. Aizen is a seemingly kind sailor on the ship, stuck doing gruntwork that he thinks he's above doing. In a fit of annoyance and ego, when he thinks no one is watching, he hurts Rangiku and threatens her not to tell anyone it was him. Eventually, Aizen leaves Hirako's crew, but Gin remembers him
Aizen kills and manipulates and slithers his way to the top of a trading company, and when Hirako's bezaisen faces being bought up by Aizen, Gin abandons the crew to join Aizen's. It's then a race against time to kill Aizen before he decides to go through with the purchase.
Hirako Shinji is their original captain. While Hirako-senchou works his crew hard and is a bit of a strange man, he is trusted by his crew to not cheat them of money, and to ultimately be a fair captain.
Izuru, Momo, and Renji are three young sailors on Aizen's crew. Momo works directly for Aizen and does his paperwork and navigation. She handles all of the important work that he simply signs off on. Despite her doing the brunt of the work, she respects the captain greatly.
When Gin joins the crew he works hard enough and freaks out enough of the other sailors that he earns his place as secondmate. Izuru takes a shining to him, and Gin enjoys having someone who respects him on the ship who he can also boss around.
Renji, Izuru and Momo's old friend who used to be on the same crew with them, had left work as a merchant sailor to instead serve a daimyou who had adopted his best friend.
Rangiku earns her salt as a master navigator and sailor after Gin leaves, becoming a trusted advisor to Hirako. She doesn't understand the reasoning of why Gin would abandon their crew, and she respects Hirako-senchou and the rest of the crew too much to abandon ship as well.
Hitsugaya is a 12 year old boy who has a strong mind for trade as well as sailing and navigation, and even the paperwork it involves. He comes onto the ship after Gin leaves, looking for information on the whereabouts of his older sister. Rangiku finds good company with him, even if she does like to tease him.
ffa isnt an au so much as it is a fic im currently writing LOL it takes place after hueco mundo arc, and is based around Gin actually managing to kill Aizen and coming out unscathed. It's a lot about interpersonal relationships and Gin reconciling with not only Rangiku, but Izuru and Shinji (Who is temporary captain of the 5th while Momo is recovering) as well. Gin is whisked away to interrogation by 2nd company, so he isn't exactly given time with Rangiku directly after Aizen's death.
i put more of my writing in here than i thought i was going to, but i hope you enjoy either way LOLL
"I fucked Hisagi after you left."
She's sitting on the couch in her and Hitsugaya's office as Gin looks through the books in the bookcase behind her. Rangiku had chased her captain out of the office, promising to get paperwork done while he visited Hinamori. Of course, that had been the plan until Gin had quietly knocked and ducked into the office in the way he was so oft to do now.
She hears him stop flipping through one of the books. She swirls the sake in her cup and doesn't look behind her.
"Really? Hisagi? There's gotta be better choices than that."
"Bah! Like who?"
Gin makes a noise in his throat like a shrug. "Was he good?"
She tosses back the sake and rolls her shoulders. It pains her that she can't look more away from the conversation than Gin already being behind her. "I don't really remember; Kira and I were pretty wasted at that point."
Gin's silent for a minute, and it leaves Rangiku to stew in her thoughts.
"How is Izuru these days?"
Rangiku clenches her jaw. Her hands feel empty without sake in the cup, but moving to pour more feels like admitting defeat. She settles back into the couch and tilts her head towards him just enough to give him her ear. She still won't look at him. "Have you talked to him? Shouldn't a captain know how his lieutenant is?"
"Ah, for a lieutenant, he's pretty good at avoidin' his captain."
"And why do you think that is, Gin?" When she spins around to look at him, he's holding a poetry collection Hitsugaya had gifted her for New Years maybe 8 years ago. "Why in the name of the Soul King would Kira want to avoid you? Is it because you left? Is it because you played with his feelings? Because you used him and tossed him away? Is it because you didn't tell him what you were planning?" She should stop, she really should. She doesn't want to lose him again. "Why didn't you tell him, Gin? Why didn't you tell me?" She's staring at him, pleading him to say something, to say anything instead of just leaving again with no answer.
"He could've hurt one of ya."
Something in her heart breaks, and she doesn't even recognize what's happening before she breaks out into heavy, ugly sobs.
Gin hurries around to her side of the couch, past the wall she had put up between them. He catches the sake cup as it drops from her hands and hesitates for only a moment before gently (oh, so gently) relaxing her hands from where she had been digging her nails into her palms in its absence.
"Aw, c'mon, Ran. Ya don't need to cry."
He's standing in front of her with her hands held in his, and it feels like something in her chest is clawing to get out.
He kneels on the ground in front of her and she follows him, folding herself into the length of his body like she hadn't done in a hundred years, and his hands leave hers to wrap around her. His breath is on the top of her head and his fingers card softly through her hair. She grasps onto his haori and swears that she'll never let go.
It takes what seems like hours to find her voice, but eventually the words fall out of her mouth, "I only ever wanted you to stay."
"Then I won't ever leave again." He says it as easy as breathing, and she can't help but duck her head into him, giggling wetly.
"Stupid, stupid Gin. Is that all I had to say?" She unclasps her hands from the front of his haori and moves to wrap her arms around him, pulling herself closer. "If you aren't going anywhere, then I won't either." She moves her head back to look at him, and goes a bit crosseyed when she realizes how close their faces are. When her eyes are able to focus, she smiles. He looks soft. Happy. She pokes him in the cheek. "You still need to talk to Kira, Gin. Don't forget."
His eyes crinkle in a smile she knows is genuine. Only she gets to see this side of him. She wishes he would show it to other people. "I won't forget."
The finger poking into his cheek softens into what a more well-adjusted person may be brave enough to call a caress. Either way, she would have to be blind to miss the way he melts into the touch. "Promise?"
this one doesn't actually belong to just me!!! its owned equally by @babygirlifier with some input on Rukia from @toomanydoors !! this one is specifically a rock musical bleach au, and the loop starts with momo and aizen in the office together, and ends with either momo dying or aizen escaping. its a whole lot of momo death, momo getting stronger, and momo coming into her own as a person separate from what aizen created her to be. of course, there is a lot of gin in this fic. he kills her a lot. but he's also a very strong ally once she figures out what she needs to say to him to get him to listen. there is a LOT about this fic that makes me insane, and a lot of ways that characters experience the wide array of horrors that the 3 of us are able to cook up. ill give you a fun little ginran moment though. of course.
blurb: "Just just imagining momo and rukia sitting off to the side and giving gin and rangiku space while the two of them have their heads ducked together and are talking quietly. in all of momo's time in these loops, she's never seen gin look so... tender. rukia keeps looking over momo's shoulder, unable to take her eyes off the two of them for too long. its understandable, momo reasons. it's a strange experience to see gin duck his head into rangiku's space, to see him hold her hands with such gentle care.
Gin agrees to help momo. this is the final loop."
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
Just finished your two Minotaur!Konig fics and I just want to say you wrote those brilliantly, that has to be one of my favorite Konig AUs now! I loved seeing Ariadne!reader try to put up her walls around this monster she's been taught to fear, only for him to break down those walls not because of how powerful he is (although he clearly has strength and animal-like senses in spades) but because of how genuine he is and the tenderness of his heart ❤️. I hope he's able to take her far away the way she dreamed Theseus would be able to (although idk if the whole kingslaying/kinslaying curse thing would hinder that). Also she should definitely give him a little shave cuz I feel like he'd be gorgeous under all that uncombed/unwashed/uncut hair 🔥🔥🔥
Thanks for all of the amazing stories! Sending a virtual hug your way 🤗
Aww thank you!!! You know, I meant to write a tragic romance for these two but couldn't 🥺 (+ I guess I would now be in jail if I had done that lol)
So in my mind, they actually bathe & cuddlefuck for three days before boarding a ship that takes them to some distant Southern shores ❤️ Reader becomes an excellent weaver and local healer over the years whereas König starts to work in the docks. Seafaring gives him the opportunity to see the world and enjoy the sun & use his muscles for something else than just killing (although he does that too if someone threatens the merchants or their cargo)
The only downside is that he's very reluctant to part with his lover and wife, who is frankly quite relieved that this giant goes out to explore the world for a few months per year... That way she can have at least some respite from the constant, heated attentions of this man 🙄 She can't get any weaving done when he's around, demanding love and affection like a child! He knows she can't refuse him and still, he uses that adoring stare to make her lift her hem when she should be working...
& yes he looks absolutely gorgeous when trimmed, combed and shaved, she makes sure he doesn't squirm when getting treated by promising him she shows him a new mating position if he stays still (he barely breathes until it's done). Also imagine this Bull getting a nice bronze tint on those muscles when he gets to stay in the sun all day... He becomes annoyingly proud when he notices the effect he has on his little lady :)
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thealtoduck · 1 year
My Jolly Sailor Bold
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Sam Winchester x Male Reader
Content: Old Timey Sailor AU? (Idk what to call it)
Warnings: Smut, Bottom!Reader, Top!Sam, age gap reader is 18 and Sam is 25, loss of virginity, anal sex, unprotected sex, fingering, spit as lube, missionary position…
Summary: During a walk you meet eyes with a handsome sailor and there is an instant connection…
(A/n: Honestly i’ve only seen like 6 episodes of Supernatural… like 2 years ago, so Sam might be very out of character… just so you know)
Your father was a merchant, a merchant who traveled and transported all sorts of goods across the sea to sell and bring home the money to his family. He had taken three of his sons to act as part of the crew of his ship only leaving the 2nd oldest and the youngest sons behind in their hometown.
He left Remus, the second oldest, in charge to take care of business and to care for his wife/Remus mother and the youngest son. And the youngest son is you Y/n L/n…
One summers morning you were walking through the shipping port, you had just seen off your father and your older brothers, they were going on another voyage on the dangerous ocean. Your mother had been crying seeing them leave again, as soon as they boarded she had gotten down on her knees praying for their safe return.
Your older brother Remus decided to escort her home, so he could comfort her over a cup of tea and some biscuits. But you wanted to see the ship leave port and decided to stay a bit longer.
As you walked you watched the different people, some were saying goodbye to loved ones as they were about board the ships, others were unloading the wares from far off places and even some kids just looking for a good spot to fish.
Then your eyes fell on a man, presumably a sailor, he had a very handsome face, he was looking out to the sea. The sailor’s attention had drifted from the sea… and on to you. Your eyes met his as you walked past and it felt as if your heart was pierced by cupid himself when he looked at you. You felt you would get odd glances by the crowds if you continued looking at each other for too long, so you broke eye contact and kept walking.
Once you reached the edge of the pier you sat down on the edge, legs hanging over the water. A while later you saw your father’s ship drift out of port slowly. But you noticed something, the sailor you had seen before was standing portside gazing longingly back at the dock.
Back at you…
You smiled at him, he smiled back.
You waved at him, he waved back.
Then another crew member seemed to call him over, he gave you one last smile and wave and then he turned around and left. And you watched as the ship traveled in to the distance before you left and went home.
A month later…
Your father’s ship should be returning today, so you, Remus and your mother once again traveled down to the port to greet your father and three brothers.
Though you weren’t only there for your father and brothers, their return would mean the unknown sailor would be returning along with them. Which meant you could finally meet him. The smile of the sailor had lingered in your head through the month there was something special about him.
Once you were at the pier you could see the merchant’s ship was approaching. As soon it had docked the gangway was lowered and the crew rushed off the ship to reunite with their loved ones.
Your father and three brothers stepped over the gangway together and greeted you, Remus and your mother lovingly. Your brothers immediately started telling you stories about the journey. But it was hard to keep up because all 3 of them were telling different stories at the same time.
Your father interrupted them saying ”Boys, boys, calm down there’s plenty of time for stories later”. He then turned to you, your mother and Remus and said ”First things first, we’ll have a guest for a couple of days, one of the sailors, he has no family or wife to go home to and i felt bad for the man, so i thought he could stay with us for a couple of days for some company”.
”See now where is he?” your father questioned looking around. ”Oh, there he is. Sam! Over here!” he called over the man. When you saw the sailor coming over it felt as if your breath was knocked out of your body.
It was the handsome sailor you had waved to when they left. He stopped in front of your family with a shy smile. ”This is Sam Winchester”. Your father introduced him first to your mother, then to Remus and lastly you.
”And this Sam, is my youngest son, Y/n” he introduced. You and Sam shook hands and you said ”It’s nice to meet you Mr Winchester”. ”Please, just Sam” he said with a nice smile. The eight of you then traveled back to your family home.
You spent the whole day listening to the never ending stories of your brothers adventures on the voyage. And it became a blessing when it was finally bedtime and you could finally escape them.
Though you couldn’t fall asleep that evening, it was just impossible. Your bed was either too warm or too cold, too soft or too hard, there was just no way to feel comfortable. You decided to get up and get a cup of tea and maybe read a bit.
Though when you walked down stairs in to the sitting room you were suprised to see Sam was up reading a book in candlelight. Sam looked towards you and said ”Oh sorry Y/n, did i wake you?”.
”No, don’t worry about it, i just couldn’t sleep” you explained and then questioned ”How about you?”. ”Couldn’t sleep either” he answered simply with a small smile. ”Would you like some tea?” you asked. ”I’d love some” Sam said.
You went in to the kitchen and lit some more candles for light and then started making some tea. You went back in the sitting room with a tea tray and sat down on the couch beside him.
You tried to think of conversation topics but Sam spoke up first saying ”You know, i remember you from the day the ship left, you were the only one who really saw me off and i wanted to thank you, it meant a lot, it kept me going on the raging sea as if i had someone to come back too”.
You smiled brightly at him. ”That means a lot to hear, i actually thought a lot about you, you seemed so mysterious… so i wondered who you were, what your name was and if i’d ever see you again” you told him, a warm look forming on his face.
”What were you reading?” you then asked looking at the book Sam had been reading. Sam looked at the book and said ”It’s an old tale about a sailor and what he sees during his travels, and at one point he believes he sees people of the sea, mermaids and mermen, he describes them as beautiful and graceful, pure of the sins of man and who’s echoing voices sounds like touching the softest silk”.
”In fact everytime i pictured them all i saw was you waving from that dock, from the way they’re described all i could see was your face” Sam revealed looking deeply in to your eyes. You were at a loss of words. Sam then caught himself saying ”Sorry, got a little-” he tried but you cut him off saying curiously ”Read me a passage, about the sea people”.
Sam smiled picking up the book, flipping a couple pages and read to you ”While passing the foreign lands, sitting on a rock close to the shore sat a young man of otherworldly beauty, the man was bare, his wet skin glistening in the sun. There was an ethereal esscense to him as he waved politely towards me”.
Sam moved closer to you as he countinued reading ”The man looked carefree and untouched by the sins of men, he was glowing as if he was untainted, sent from heaven. It made me want to get closer and touch him, to feel if his skin felt the same as mine, to feel his body pressed to mine to see if he remains as immaculate as when i first saw him”.
Sam finished and looked up from the book at you, meeting your gaze. He had put the book aside and put his hand on the side of your face, stroking it softly. ”That was beautiful” you said in an amazed whisper. ”I know, I was the one who wrote it… I wrote it about you” Sam said and pushed his lips to yours.
You had never been kissed before but Sam’s soft lips guided you. He took your hand in his squeezing it lightly. He then pulled away from the kiss saying ”Come with me” and he started leading you towards the guest room. He lead you inside and closed the door behind the two of you.
He then pulled you back in to a kiss, his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him, your clothed bodies pressed together. Sam led you to the bed making you sit down on it. ”Have you ever done something like this?” he asked in a kind tone.
You shook your head shyly. ”Do you want me to show you?” he asked, his hand lifting you chin ever so slightly. ”Yes” you told him. He then made you stand up again and started slowly undressing you.
You felt aroused as Sam lastly pulled off your night shirt leaving you naked in front of him. He looked you up and down as he stroked your hip trailing his fingers over your soft skin. ”You’re heavenly” he said feeling your body in his hands.
He then started undressing himself until he was fully unclothed too. ”Touch me” Sam instructed and guided your hand to his chiseled chest. You stroked his chest down to his to his belly button. He then took you hand and led it even lower, putting your hand on his manhood.
He squeezed his hand around yours making you stroke his manhood. ”Feel that, that’s what you do to me” he told you. He then led you back to the bed and made you lay down softly on your back and then layed down next to you and once kissing you.
He pulled back from you’re lips. ”You’re so pure, it makes me want to shelter you from all the evils of the world… but it also makes me want to be the one to stain your innocence and make you mine” he said letting his hands drift down to your crotch. His fingers grazing against your length making you let out soft excited moans.
”Make me yours” you told him as you took his hand and pressed it against your crotch. Sam gave you a light smile and moved from your side to towards the foot of the bed, he grabbed your ankles and parted them, speading your legs.
He then moved himself inbetween them, he leaned towards you and said ”Open your mouth”. You did as told and Sam put his middle and index finger in your mouth making you suck on them.
He then pulled them out and brought them to your untouched enterance trailing over it lightly. He then asked ”Ready?”, you nodded. Then you felt the strange feeling as his wet index finger started pushing in to you.
You gasped at the new feeling as he used his finger to pentrate you. It hurt a bit at first as he pushed in but then you started adjusting to him. Soon enough Sam pushed in his middle finger, streching you out even more, as that pain soon turned to pleasure Sam pulled out his fingers.
He then spit in his hand rubbed it over his manhood. Sam once more held your legs spread as he lined himself up with your enterance. He whispered gently ”Ready sweetheart?”. ”Yes” you answered and Sam slowly started pushing himself in to your tight virgin hole.
You threw your head back as you felt his thick length enter you, Sam covered your mouth as to not wake up your parents and have them find him deflowering their youngest son. ”Fuck” Sam swore as he felt your hole clench around his cock as it slowly sunk in to you.
Sam continued pushing all the way until his manhood was planted in you. ”You’re doing so well” Sam praised as he watched you breath deeply as you slowly adjusted to his size. Soon he noticed your pain was turning in to bliss. ”Sam” you moaned deeply.
Once your pained features had turned to ones pleasure Sam slowly started rolling his hips carefully, pushing his length in and out of you as gently as he could. Your arms were wrapped Sam’s back as the foreign sensation of his cock made you uncontrollably moan.
Sam placed kisses along your collarbone as his cock was kneaded by your warmth. ”You’re so beautiful” Sam told the virgin boy beneath him as he watched him be defiled by his manhood, it was a once in a lifetime sight.
Sweat started forming between the two of you and to Sam you looked just like described in his book, your damp skin really was glistening from the moonlight that entered the room. Sam started rolling his hips faster making you wrap your legs around his body.
The two of you had become a wet tangeled mess as Sam thrusted gently in to your ass giving you a sense of euphoria as he hit your prostate, giving you a feeling you could only ever dream off.
”Sam” you moaned as you felt a sudden new feeling as if you were about to erupt. Then your hard cock started shooting cum all over yours and Sam’s abdomens. This made Sam go feral and he shoved his face in the crook of your neck, planting deep kisses as he moaned.
His thrusts became rougher as he searched for his own release while saying animalistically ”I’m gonna fill you with my cum”. And with a last roll of his hip, his cock pushed deep inside you, he burst, filling you up with his seed. He then slowly pulled out of you, sitting on his kness between your legs.
He looked down on the beautiful young man he had deflowered, leaving him leaking with his load. Sam felt proud of himself. He laid down next to you with a gentle smile and said ”You were amazing” and planted a kiss on your lips.
You were close to falling asleep as you were all tuckered out from the experinence. Sam went and got up and got a rag to clean you up with, once he finished he helped you back in to your sleep wear. Then he carried you to your room putting you in bed saying ”Goodnight, beautiful” kissing your cheek one last time before you fell asleep.
Sam went back down to the sitting room and got his book, taking it back to the guest room placing it on the writing table, the next day he would write another chapter in it.
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amarylliasky · 2 months
And Number 5 is another au! I have too many in my drafts…
Cat Tribe KRS!
- He wakes up as the older brother of On and Hong. He doesn’t have any abilities like they do btw. He was always weak, that’s why he was looked down upon by the tribe. Looks the same as Hong except for his reddish brown eyes and longer hair. He is 4 years older than them so that would make him 14 at the start of TCF, which is canon to him and Cale’s age difference.
- He grows up isolated, and looked down upon, in addition to almost starving due to the mistreatment of the tribe after his father is killed. Their father is killed shortly after On and Hong are born. So it is up to KRS to take care of his younger siblings.
- Idk what his name’s gonna be. Probably Arren or something like that.
- When they escape from the cat tribe, he is 12 while On and Hong are 8 and 5 respectively. They stow away on ships and merchant carriages until they reach the Henituse territory, where they spend the next year or so until they meet ogCale.
- Cale meets KRS after seeing him be surrounded by gangsters in the street while out drinking.
- KRS was trying to buy some food and medicine for his sick siblings when these random hooligans started pestering him. Now they won’t let him go and he’s gotta try to find a way to escape without transforming. He really doesn’t have time for this….
- Insert Trash! A bottle comes flying out of nowhere and hits a gangster straight in the face! Many more bottles follow. Just who carries around so many wine bottles…?
- As KRS stares incredulously at this random kid (he’s 18, but ok..), said kid lets out a barrage of swears and the gangsters hurry off, leaving behind a very confused cat child. Also, said kid is very obviously the notorious Trash of the Count’s family. Great.
- Cale decides bring Krs with him, seeing how malnourished he is, but the child refuses to come along without his siblings. Thus, Cale brings home three cat tribe children. He makes sure to get the younger ones treated properly as well.
- The young master makes a deal with krs. The children would stay at the Henituse estate until they are well, and Krs would do various chores to pay them back (Rok Soo is someone who believes in paying for his meals. He’s no freeloader). He meets the scary butler and chef duo, who quickly find out what they are. After teasing the oldest child, Ron decides to keep an eye on them. He wouldn’t want any harm to come to his employers, after all. Even if his puppy young master was the one to bring home these strays.
- During this time, Krs slowly gathers food for the indestructible shield. While he does that, along with his chores, the younger two are aquatinted with Basen and Lily, quickly becoming friends with the younger.
- Cale keeps up his act of trash, but never around the children. After all, children should not have to see such things. Cale finds out they are cat tribe children after witnessing Krs turning into a cat in order to sneak out of the estate.
- In any case, Cale plans to keep these children safe. They’re his responsibility now, no matter how ridiculously mature the eldest among them is. And the fact that they’re Cat Beast Tribesmen makes no difference.
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ibunyang · 4 days
pirate au go brr. sorry quick lore drop about this au
so it starts with moleswift(DUH...) as pirates they were first mate and his captain (swifts) captain, they were probs looking for something to make them immortal idk fountain of youth pirates of the Caribbean core, they find it they drink from the fountain and mike dies almost instantly compared to norton and he has to get traumatized to see him die in his arms
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Norton realizes he is immortal under the full moon like he's full skelly under the light, so he's just actually a dead man walking. Mike's dead tho but he gets another form of immortality (constant reincarnation)
Anyway, norton and every iteration of Mike throughout 500 years
< soul and sparrow - i think this was his ronald of ness era where he was still trying to hide the fact he was immortal so he kept changing his identity, the first ever time he met another mike that found in a barrel at like 19 years old.. maybe idk, sparrow grew part of his Golden Rose crew, during the whole time… and mike looked up to him as his captain.. until smth more… Ronald projected swifts the most on sparrow, and honestly ended up having to leave him when sparrow was realizing that norton wasnt aging at all since they met, he had to leave him bc he was having an existential crisis about being immortal and not aging at all anymore no matter how he tried to hide or ignore it, so he left sparrow (and the crew, basically fakes his own death.) this is when he just embraces his immortality at this point, after being kind of a recluse for a while
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< cocoa and soul - maybe 100 years after sparrow, and hes given up trying to fake his identity, he has the face paint and everything, hes mostly known as soul now.. cocoa is the owner of an inn and he meets him every time he docks at his towns port, hes nice to him kind.. much softer than sparrow or swifts, but still as cocky and confident in himself (he notes that this mike smokes) cocoa lets him stay over whenever he wants to (hes trying not to get attached to this mike , so hes thankful for the fact that hes not a pirate or a sailor, just someone he can come home to any time, his light house per say.) he didnt have to do a painful goodbye with him, just a letter and the occasional sack of gold and jewels to spoil his favorite chef.
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<pomegranate mike, and soul honestly pomegranate was probably part of a traveling merchant boat that got destroyed at sea, luckily souls crew was around to fish them out of the water, this mike tho wasnt interested in anything that he had to offer preferring the life of being free with his guild at sea or anywhere, he loved to entertain but staying with soul probably felt like a cage. he probably asked soul to take them to the nearest port, hes was a nice equally fun mike, but wasnt interested or too scared to commit to soul. (Wahh da one that got away) soul respects him, of course, but it cant be denied he was hurt over this. and he grew a little bitter because of it.
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<cunning and soul.. - at this point 300 years passed already…pomegranate was the last mike he found and he didn't stay with him long and let him go without fighting because thats mikes choice man WHATEVER anyway, this is nortons sad emo boy era or as i like calling it weezer norton era. he became relentless, ruthless and his name was known through the seas, hes travelled the world at this point and his immortality has never failed him yet. he learned magic from patricia at one point, and now he has a crew of ghosts he necromanced into life to man his ship,- really kicking up the visuals in my head here but he has a literal ghost ship, its a physical ship but everyone on board is probably a ghost or a zombie (WHATEVERR MY AU MY WORLD BUILDING I SAY THEY EXIST.) anyway (onepiece reference i guess) when he saw cunning in one of the meetings for idk pirates or smth, tagging along with hollow (also a pirate bitch on his ass for the past years hes annoying as hell), he ws down right pISSED. (he hasnt seen a single mike reincarnation in 300 years, hes tried sleeping around getting over him, but NOTHING really compares to his soulmate.)
BUT anyway basically, in this au Hollow is looking for Alice (eternity whatever) and Soul knows where she is so he makes a bargain, he'll give Hollow Alice in exchange he gives him of of his most trusted men. (Points at cunning.) IF he gives him Alice in a pretty little bow for him, he can have cunning for himself.
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Cunning is like "pft. Yeah right. You're not gonna find her before we do." And soul is just smiling (horny depressed and has been blue balled for years at this point, u don't know what this guy can do) so he just smiles.
Hollow, surprisingly agrees. "OKAY if u find her before we do I'll give my end of the bargain." Cunning is a little upset at this, but he's determined he'll find Alice before soul. (eermmm)
Soul wasn't lying about knowing where Alice was tho, so he kidnaps her and takes her to hollow. Like a sack of potatoes.
"Gimme gimme." smth like that and mike is so distraught about this he's crying, verbatim; " I don't want to be that bag of bones property- I'm not property " but he's already at souls shoulder and he's kicking and screaming. He's such a bitch in this au I LOVEE BITCH ASS CUNNING WHINEY WHORE. nortons kind of an ass here and hes sort of using him as a way to distress the last 300 years away. Before he spoils him with everything hes gotten (for mike.)
So it's just rough hostage core treatment for the first couple of months until he starts using the money he's been hoarding on mike to spoil him.
But anyway, after cunning dies in idk when, 🤷‍♂️anyway when he dies kay the next one and final one is quinlan, he's an immortal vamp/witch and hes the only mike who remembers every mike reincarnations memories, he knows that soul is out there looking for him but he doesn't care about that rn, in this life he's looking for his mom, and ignoring souls horny whale calling in the back of his mind until they inevitably cross paths BEC they are SOULLMATESS AUGRGRHSHAHAGGZ In my head the way they meet went like this "Mole."
soul looking at him in surprise bec ever since someone misheard his name being soul and he grew tired of correcting people its mole, he hasn't heard that name in years. he wasn't even sure if this was his Mike, he doesn't have the blue eyes he used to have they were more green/gold… and each mike he's met always had swifts eyes. So thats why he's like emo. Do u get it anyway, this is their reunion in the middle of an pub that cocoa bean used to run, they standing in front of each other and quin almost looks too relaxed when their EYEESS MEEETTT FUCKKK anyway, "Swift?" and theres just that LOOK thats unmistakably mikes on his face that mole just couldnt help but take him into his arms like a the sad depressed man he is. They kiss and they start sailing together forever until they turn to ashes.
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
what if she’s running because she’s getting married to this shitty aristocracy that her family arranged and she running away from that and ends up meeting ways with a pirate. Hobie probably doesn’t know she’s this princess and falls in love but news breaks out as always she gets found and forced to marry that aristocracy and Hobie’s basically gets betrayed. (Live laugh love)
Btw other anon can use this idea or make their own version
Aahhhhh anon I'm so sorry but this took on a life of its own 😭😭😭 but I ended it open ended just in case someone requests something in this au!! So sorry that this pivoted from the prompt, ly thank you for requesting ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Pirate! Hobie Brown x Princess! reader
Word count: 2.3k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), CW blood, CW violence.
A/N: If you want more princess! Reader x Pirate! Hobie, @pinksugarscrub has a few fics with them!
Marriage, it's supposed to be a happy occasion. One where it's supposed to be filled with laughter and dancing with your family and your new family. Looking forward to your new life with the love of your life. Not whatever the hell your father arranged for you.
As you hide from your handmaiden below deck together with your dowry which is basically a barn full of chickens and cows, their noises hide your frustrated groans from trying to rip your gown from your body. You've had enough of the silky fabric and its luscious lace, you've hatched a plan, a plan to escape from the loveless marriage that will fall on you once you step out of your father's ship. You were not dubbed ‘the realm's problem princess’ for nothing.
Whilst your sisters were called ‘the realm's delight’ or ‘the realm's most beautiful’, but, as the seventh daughter out of twelve siblings, you were not granted a title befitting of you. Even though you're not the heir or even the spare, you were given something much more priceless than a piece of land or castle, no, you were given freedom. Freedom to whisk away every night to mingle with the common folk, freedom to run around the castle without getting reprimanded by your royal parents. Why would they even blink an eye at your so-called debauchery when you're the seventh and not the eldest or even the youngest?
But that sense of freedom that they have given you has now backfired on them. You absolutely refused to marry a stranger from another country, and for political gain nonetheless. You fought everyone to not be sent away from your home. You kicked knights in their steel clad groins, you punched footmen right under their chins. The last straw apparently was when you tried to stow away on a merchant ship whilst you were disguised as a common boy, to which your father and his adviser did not appreciate.
“it’s for the good of the realm,” they said, “I secured an advantageous marriage for you” they said. Well they can shove that marriage contract up where the sun doesn't shine. If your father's adviser was so keen on marrying the strange royal then he should just marry him instead.
You grumble obscenities under your breath, a chicken tilts its head at your frustrations. The fabric of the skirt finally rips away from your hips, leaving you in only your petticoat and corset. A locket tumbles off from the sewn pocket inside the skirt. You almost forgot about the damn thing in your haste to get away.
Grabbing the golden locket, you don't even sneak one last peek at the painting inside, a painting that depicts your so-called fiancé. He's not ugly per se, but he seems…boring. Too boring for you at least. All his correspondence to you were lackluster, his poems lacking heart and character. You surmise that it was written by someone else ever since you've heard rumours of his illiteracy.
You huff, throwing it on the pile of fabric. A cow moos next to you, and you spare her a glare.
“This is for the best, Belinda.” You've named her after your handmaiden. Belinda has been your only friend since your journey. “I don't want to get married off to some strange man, to live in a strange land. And to never see my siblings, not even during the holidays!” You put on trousers that you've stolen from one of the sailors accompanying you. “I'd rather risk it out in the sea than be a wife.” Miraculously, the trousers fit perfectly. “Finally, something right goes my way today. Let's hope this luck continues.”
As you say those words, the ship lunges harshly to the side, knocking you off your feet then flinging you against the hardwood. Vision swirling, the poor animals cry out in their cages, you think they're crying out based on their frantics faces since your ears seem to only hear that high pitched ringing sound.
Dust falls on you like snowflakes, looking above, the dust comes from the deck. Before you could stand up, the ship lunges once again. You slide on the floor, together with the crates and cages.
Your vision finally clears moments before Belinda's cage smashes into you. Frantically, you crawl aside, the metal cage missing your foot by only a few inches.
“Are you hurt?!” You ask the cow as if she can talk back. Belinda moos loudly, you now notice your hearing coming back. And you just now notice the warm crimson sliding down your forehead and down to your lashes. Blinking away, you wipe it, blood coating your palms, heart pumping rapidly, you panic. “Oh, shit.”
You need help, but you backtrack as the sounds from above get louder and louder as your hearing finally normalizes. Screams and gunshots can be heard, cannons are going off from your left, and you're absolutely petrified.
You just want to go home. This isn't exactly what you pictured when your brothers tell you of their feats while at sea.
The animals in their cages cry out in the same panic that swells in your chest. If you want to run away, they must want the same thing. In your fear-addled brain, you grab the set of keys that are set on the wall to open each of their cages. The chickens cluck and scamper away the second you open their cage, while the bigger animals are much more apprehensive. You coach them out of their enclosure, Belinda is the first one out, and the rest follows.
Something hits the hull of the ship, the sheer force knocking you to your knees. A split second later, you feel water under your trousers. Looking over your shoulders, you see water seeping through the gaping hole. And you notice that you're now alone below deck.
Trudging the rising water towards the stairs, someone familiar calls after you, her voice is hoarse yet you can recognize it even in your sleep.
“Princess!” Belinda calls, the real Belinda.
“I'm here!” You yell back, the water now reaching to your hips.
She quickly comes down the stairs, she gasps, eyes wide with panic. “My girl! Come hurry!” Hand reaching towards you, you thank your older brother for teaching you how to swim.
You finally reach her before the water could drown you. Belinda sighs in relief as she yanks you away from the freezing water.
“What were you thinking!” She roams her eyes towards your clothes, or the lack of it. Half hugging you, shielding you away from wandering eyes, she guides you towards the deck.
“I didn't cause this!” You defend yourself, shivering from the cold, regretting ripping off your warm gown.
“I know you didn't, stupid girl! We're getting sacked by pirates!” Belinda practically screams in your ears, and your blood runs cold. She groans when she sees the blood coating half of your face. She murmurs something about getting sacked once she gets home. Or was it axed?
“Pirates?!” You remember all the stories your older brothers told you. ‘Be wary of the sea, for they hold sinister beings’ they said, and you thought they were talking about sea monsters. You grew up, and now you know they weren't exactly talking about mythical beings. “Oh sh–” Belinda side eyes you. “Shucks!” In your peripheral, you spot cow belinda eating cabbage inside the galley.
Your handmaiden leads you down the hallway, “we need to hide you!” Her body shakes from fear at what they would do to a princess like you.
“What about you?” And you fear for her safety.
“I'll be alright, princess, I'll live but you might not.”
“What the fuck!” You let out not because of what she said but because of the large man waiting at the end of the corridor.
“We're dead.” Belinda says nonchalantly, as if this was a regular occurrence for her.
“You the princess?” He asks gruffly, his cutlass shines from the sun beaming through the window. The scars on his bare chest and the tattoo on his neck scares the living out of you.
“...no?” You say meekly. “You're on the wrong ship, mister. No princess here!” Your voice squeaks.
“This is ‘the raven's beak’, right?” He raises a thick eyebrow.
“...no” a big fat lie on your end that you hope he did not see through you.
He looks down at you, you can practically see the cogs in his head turn.
“We'll be going now, sir.” Belinda chuckles nervously. Just as you're about to escape the pirate, he grabs your bare shoulders. Your handmaiden immediately takes your hand.
“Hold on, you're not going anywhere. That corset is too pretty and intricate for some wench.” He drags you away whilst Belinda tries her best to yank you away, and in turn she gets dragged too. Her heels scrape against the wood, her face turning red from frustration.
“A wench!” You scoff, fruitlessly elbowing him. “Ow!” Your elbow hurts, it's like you punched a wall.
The stranger chuckles, “Time to meet the captain.”
“Wait, are you going to kidnap me?!”
“Of course we will.” He says matter of factly. Belinda continues to hold your hand but she has given up from trying to take you away from the large man. “For ransom.”
You burst into laughter, the man raises a brow at the sudden outburst. Belinda cocks her head at your strange behavior.
“Oh that's funny!” You continue to giggle even when you finally reach the deck. The sun hits your skin, warming your wet clothes. The smell of gunpowder makes your nose itch.
Both pirates and captured sailors look at you having a laughing fit. Your eyes water, and your chest is hurting from all the laughing. The man sets you down right next to the bound sailors. Head in your hands, giggling subsiding, fear encapsulates you again, and now you refuse to look up.
“Havin' a giggle, eh?” A voice asks.
“Yep.” You pop the p in your mouth, face still hidden from your captors.
“Is this fun to you, princess?” A feminine voice pipes up from your right.
“Not one bit!”
“She doesn't look like a princess, you sure it's her?” Another unknown voice asks.
“Not sure, Pav.” You feel someone crouch in front of you. The leather from his clothes squeaks, metals clinking together as he moves. “Maybe if the princess graces us with her beautiful face we can identify her?”
“Nope, not doing that.”
“C’mon, love, we're not going to hurt you. Your father wouldn't pay us if we did.”
“It's funny that you think my father will actually pay the ransom.” Your voice is still muffled by your hands.
“Why's that?” He asks softer.
“He doesn't like me, if you got one of my brothers then he will surely pay you.” You take your hands away, eyes going wide for a second once your vision is blessed by the handsome pirate. Clearing your throat, fixing your composure, you ignore the smirk on his pierced lips. “Y-you’re shit out of luck because you got me instead.”
“Nah,” he tilts his head with a smile. “I think I got lucky.”
Your cheeks are suddenly warm, you don't think it's from the sun. Hands clammy, you nervously laugh.
Surprisingly, he laughs with you. “Captain Hobie Brown,” he introduces himself. Your instincts kick in, but before you could introduce yourself, he smiles genuinely at you. A smile that has his eyes crinkling in the corners, a smile that weirdly fills you with comfort. “I know who you are, princess. And I know your father will pay the ransom.”
You knit your eyebrows. “How would you know?”
“Easy, you're his favourite.”
“Bullshit, now that's funny.”
“A princess' face but with the mouth of a sailor. I think you'd fit right in with us, hm?” Hobie takes his coat off to drape it on your bare shoulders. “Your sailors were frothing at the mouth.”
“W-what?” Sure enough, when you turn your head to the side, you see your father's men quickly avert their eyes.
“Why don't we strike a deal?” His grey eyes twinkles in the sun. It reminds you of when the light hits the water just right whenever you look out your bedroom window.
“Do not, princess! He's a liar! All pirates are.” Belinda scoffs at the pirate right before a blond woman stuffs her mouth with a piece of cloth.
Despite the warning, you're curious. “What deal?”
“Come with us,” he whispers lowly, just for your ears to hear. “Let's deceive your father and your fiancé, we get their money and you get out of your marriage. Easy.”
“That doesn't sound easy.”
“Nothing in life is.”
“How would you do it?” You roam your eyes around his face for any clue if he's lying. You don't find any.
“Come aboard, and you'll find out.” Hobie stands up, hand stretched out for you.
“Sounds like a trap.” You look up with a growing smile. “But it's better than getting married.” To Belinda's disapproval, you take his hand.
“Good choice—” You pull at his hand hard, eyes threatening, grip getting stronger, stronger than a princess should.
“Don’t fuck with me, Hobie. Trust me, whatever you're planning, let’s hope my fiancé doesn't actually care about me.” Something passes by your eyes. “If he does, if what you tell me is true, then my father's army will be the least of your worries.”
A grin spreads across his face, the silver he wears is glinting just like his grey eyes. “I know of your fiancé, and your warmongering brothers.” He leans closer to your bewildered face, “do you think I need the money? When I have them?” Leaning away, he takes a step back to show you his fleet, a fleet that could even rival your father's and your fiancé’s combined. Their flags wave in the wind, red sails dancing in the breeze. “What do you say, love? Would you rather get married, or stay and listen to my plan?”
You grin back, “I've heard of you,” the infamous pirate captain smugly smiles. “Let's hear your plans then, captain.”
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ambiguousfan · 5 months
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I love the ship. Well one of them >///< i have more!!!!!
Better Place AU or What If....(I havent come up with a name, if you have any idea commend down below)
Mention of Grief, Ruins, Recklessness, Family, John Dory centric, Loss
Au Idea (Warning Messy)
Yodeler went to Lonesome Flat for a Better Life.
Hickory move with his brother who become the sherif of the town, taking care of few things and there
Dickory usually do more work than what needed like checklisting merchant traders; Bounty Hunter Like issue; Missing Pets; so one and so forth.
He then met a particular Jazz newbie Bounty Hunter (he failes his first hunt) save him, all in the days work. Eventually they warm up with one another.
Hickory on the other hand become the town bartender and hat maker.
Delta Dawn known Delta as long as he move to Lonesome Flat.
John went off after went to the mountain only to return months to the troll tree. Seeing it condition and no sight of his family. He wanted to take his mind off by coping finding more adventure elsewhere.
He take a reckless route venture of somewhere unknown when he found Delta and Hickory; more like they found him
wanting to explore more found tribe of troll hut stumble upon them
They did everyday life shenanigan; kind of slice of life adventure. John more than the rest, Having Hickory and Delta getting him out of a sticky situation. He try not to be too reckless of his wellbeing
I imagine chapter of Delta slowly become a mayor-to-be of the country troll town; Hickory continues his business; John taking job here and there around the small town. Eventuallly at break they would go on tour outside, 'way to make out brain exploded for how huge he world it' John like to say.
They go to every tribe learning exchanging culture and making few trade when John heard about the possible rumors of his brother being alive.
I wanted them fall in love with one another, their dynamic be intersting. Hickory more calm and collect, Delta more bossy and confident (way of leadership), John Dory more resourceful and bit emotionally unstable.
He went off better, less reckless after processing his grief of the loss of his family.
Movie 2
(I have not thought of it yet)
Maybe somehow John start to hear about pop troll saving the world and find branch
he wanted to find him but got kidnapped
or they met, branch angry while John just relieve of his safety eventually they grow on mending ties as Delta and Hickory there to support him .
Take place in movie 3
I wanted to imagine that John was one diamond instead of Floyd after singing in Mount Rageous resturant. Or maybe other way around
If Floyd kidnapped, the change event would be having Hickory and Delta onboard. More emotional support and trying become mediator. Delta more blunt and defensive on John behalf. Hickory try to stop any argument become it become too far.
Depend on the role Hickory and Branch got along more for survivalist tips
If John was kidnapped, also Hickory and Delta come, more determine and a bit tense and more defensive. Hickory would leave few snark here and there but trying understand situation. Delta a bit more hurry more.
I wanted to think Delta and Brandy would get along, talk about being in a family. And consideration of kids (i can think of an OC on this hehe, thy be so cute!!!).
Anyway I can't think any more idea that all i have.
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