#mercury in the 11th house
astrosky33 · 11 months
Friendship in Astrology
The 11th house rules over friends so your 11th house planets can give insight on the type of friendships you experience
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✧. ┊Sun in the 11th house: You likely have had good friendships that have brought you lots of happiness in life. Your friends are likely very generous, creative, and help you develop a lot in life and/or as a person. Since the Sun rules over leadership you’re prone to being the “leader” in your friend groups. People with this placement are also more likely have to friends that are celebrities. It’s possible you weirdly attract a lot of friends similar to your father. At worst it could indicate having egotistical friends, friends that are attention-seeking and choose attention over you, or friends that are overly prideful
✧. ┊Moon in the 11th house: You have friends that are very caring of you and your feelings. You likely have more friends that are girls or feminine than friends that are guys or masculine. It’s possible you weirdly attract a lot of friends similar to your mother. Your friends can pick up on your emotions really quickly and know when you’re feeling down. You could have a few childhood friends that you’ve kept your whole life. At worst your friends will constantly hold you back by keeping you in your comfort zone, be overly sensitive, and/or complain a lot about their feelings without listening to yours
✧. ┊Mercury in the 11th house: You may meet lots of friends on social media and/or keep close friends that you met when you were young all the way into adulthood. You likely attract friends that are good at communicating with you. You become friends with people quicker when they share similar interests with you or have similar perceptions about life that you do. You may not really like having friends that are different than you, only ones similar to you. At worst you could attract friends that gossip a lot about you, are constantly forgetting about you, try and change you for the worse, and/or copy everything you do
✧. ┊Venus in the 11th house: You are likely to have a lot of friendships that turn into something more (a friends to lovers type vibe). You attract friends that are very charming, cheerful, feminine, sympathetic, and/or friends that share similar values to you. You likely have mostly female friendships and not so many male ones. Since Venus rules over attraction you also likely attract lots of friends in general. People want to be friends with you all the time, sometimes without knowing why. You may have a lot of friends that are very pretty. At worst you may attract friends that are overly possessive, stubborn, indecisive, and/or they may choose love over their friends
✧. ┊Mars in the 11th house: This is a challenging placement when it comes to friendship since Mars is a malefic planet. You may experience lots of conflict in your friendships that can commonly be caused by your friends viewing you as competition/trying to be competitive with you or go through friends quickly since Mars represents conflict, competition, and speed. Your friends at worst could pick lust over you and have sexual relations with someone you’re romantically involved with or have bad anger issues. On a lighter note it can indicate often being the leader of your friend groups, having a lot of male friends or friends with masculine energy, making lots of friends through sports you play, having friends with benefits, and/or having friends who bring out the more ambitious and determined side of you
✧. ┊Jupiter in the 11th house: You attract friends that are optimistic, successful, wealthy, wise/knowledgeable, honest, devoted, and/or popular. Since Jupiter rules over abundance as well you naturally attract a lot of friends in general with this placement. Not always but often people I see with this placement were really popular in school and were friends with everyone. You may go on lots of adventures or travel a lot with your friends. You attract friends that help you grow a lot as a person and in life in general. At worst you could attract friends that are overly blunt, have a hard time accepting their wrongs, and/or are really impatient
✧. ┊Saturn in the 11th house: This placement is a bit challenging when it comes to friendships since Saturn rules over challenges/struggles. Although you may have minimal friends since Saturn rules over restriction/lack, the friends you do make you will keep for a long time since Saturn also rules over old age/longevity. It’s possible you weirdly attract a lot of friends similar to your father. You also attract friends that are responsible, hard-working, consistent, and/or self-disciplined. At worst you may struggle with forming friendships because this placement can cause people to be weirdly intimated by you, you may attract friends that show a lack of care for your emotions, and/or friends that hold harsh grudges against you
✧. ┊Uranus in the 11th house: You attract very intellectual, friendly, unique, free-spirited, and/or independent people into your circle. You may have a lot of friends that are lgbtq+. You likely have lots of internet friends or friends that you originally met online before meeting in person. A lot of people, maybe even before knowing you, will have a friend-crush on you (a huge desire to befriend you). At worst you may attract friends that are rebellious, chaotic, and/or lots of ups and downs with friendships in general
✧. ┊Neptune in the 11th house: You attract friends that are very kind, compassionate, creative, glamorous, selfless, spiritual, and/or that are good at keeping secrets. You may have a lot of similar dreams/wishes as your friends. With this placement if you are a manifestor it’s important to surround yourself with people who don’t make you doubt your dreams or it could ruin your spirit and in turn ruin your manifestations. At worst you could attract friends who lie and deceive you, mirror everything you do/act addicted to you, and/or you may attract people who act like your friends when they’re secretly your enemy
✧. ┊Pluto in the 11th house: You attract friends that transform you and your life a lot, are powerful people, are infatuated with you, and help you evolve as a person. Pluto in the 11th house indicates having very loyal friends who’d do anything for you. This placement can also indicate having friends with benefits similar to Mars in the 11th house. At worst you may attract friends who manipulate you, are unhealthily obsessed with you, use black magic on you, try to destroy your life, and/or that pass away too soon. This placement, I’ve noticed a lot of the time in my readings, can also indicate having a stalker/stalkers at some point in your life
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Note: If you don’t have 11th house planets just check the ruling planet of your 11th house sign -> ex: 11h leo - sun
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harmoonix · 8 months
Natives with Mercury in the 3rd/7th/11th houses or in Air Signs; Gemini, Aquarius, Libra, what type of communication is the most easier for you? (texting, calling, face to face talking etc..)
I have my Mercury in those houses and I hate texting lol I rather prefer talking face to face with someone, because I get so tired texting and I'm definitely not the type of person who texts 24/7 😭😭
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cosmicconversations · 30 days
Astrology Lesson of the Week: The 11th House
Every Monday, I will be doing my series Astrology Lesson of the Week where I dissect a certain astrological subject. I am going through the houses now and we are going to be discussing the 11th House today. On my Patreon, I will be doing an extended portion where we will go further in-depth.
So, let’s explore the 11th House!
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What is the 11th House really about? Every house has its buzzwords and this one is no different. Friendships, charities, communities, online activities. But, all of that has always seemed a bit vague to me. It is interesting because it feels like few people really dive in-depth into the 11th House and maybe that is fitting. It is associated with Aquarius, which is a sign famous for its detachment and distance. Maybe the best way that we can understand this house is from an objective standpoint. And that means that the things that this house represents needs to be looked at objectively in order for us to enjoy them.
Our friends, for example, have the potential to make or break us. There is that saying that “you are who you associate with”. And that’s a key energy in terms of this house: associate. This isn’t the house that is going to solely represent your closest friends. Your best friends are more so symbolized by the 7th House, which we will get to eventually. However, your bond with your besties is found here. It will just also be lumped in here with friends you have that you’re not close to or just general acquaintances. Your 11th House is how you will approach and experience friendships, in general. And it also shows how this connections can either bring positivity to your life or hold you back. People with 11th House placements feel this more strongly than others. These are people who value their friendships in a very powerful and notable way. They can be more socially active than others, past the age where many people stop going out and partying. Even into their more “mature” stage of life, 11th House people love housewarming parties, dinner parties, networking or business events. Any way they can gather with a large group of people that they are connected to in varying degrees, they’re here for it. Their most special friendships also have a way of surviving all the adult transitions that can make people drift apart, like moving or getting married or having kids.
“Friend groups” is another representation of 11th House energy and having planets here can give you a friend group that is a really colorful, fun, and powerful unit. It’s like the camaraderie you see on Friends or Girlfriends or How I Met Your Mother or Sex and the City. 11th House people can especially enjoy shows like this and identify with them because they, too, have a friend group that is formidable and always there for each other, through the ups and downs of life, with everyone having their own distinct personality. This can be a big group or a solid quartet or just a strong trio. But, friend groups can also get very exclusionary and closed-off. And infighting can also occur. This is when a seemingly ideal group of friends turns into The Plastics. Not only could there be a lot of inner conflict but people who aren’t a part of the group can feel very unaccepted. This often happens when there are difficult planets in the 11th, in particular, like Mars or Saturn or Pluto. It’s a “with friends like these, who needs enemies” vibe.
So, we can also see the downside of the 11th House: fractured or fake friendships, social alienation, being judged or picked on for being different or not following the “social rules”. The contradiction of the 11th House person’s life is while they may be very socially well known, they can also feel like a huge misfit. It often happens that these people become “cool” in adulthood while still haunted by the experience of being an outcast while growing up. So, they may not feel that cool or popular. As someone with Uranus in the 11th, I know the dilemma. It can actually be very hard for 11th House people to let go of the “misfit/weirdo complex” and receive or recognize the love and admiration that others have for them.
The thing is that everyone has a sign on the 11th House cusp. So, even if this house is empty for you, it doesn’t mean you’re immune to feeling misunderstood or made fun of or not accepted. (Empty houses matter, too!) It’s a pretty universal experience and the sign on your 11th House cusp indicates what you felt like your peers could not accept about you. The difference with people with an occupied 11th House, though, is that we are often more capable than most of resisting the urge to conform or of not responding to peer pressure. This is part of what contributes to that “cool factor” as time goes on. When you have the confidence or comfort within yourself to just own who you are or what you like, without a concern of what people will think of it, you earn more admiration than you do ridicule, especially as you enter adulthood. What makes you different while growing up becomes your superpower. If you have a planet or more in the 11th, it represents that superpower, a gift that you can just casually do all while making a big impact as you do.
It should also be said that the 11th House can focus on groups that are more interest-oriented. Any sort of fun organization or online community, centered around a hobby or goal or interest, falls into the 11th House domain. This is the form of socializing and connecting that is more impersonal and that can often suit 11th House people very well. Sometimes, having planets here means preferring these sort of groups to a specific friend group. We can go through periods of being immersed in one or the other. Often, an aversion to just one group of friends is a defense mechanism against having your independence or individuality taken from you. As much as the 11th House is about the crowd, it’s also about the people who go against the crowd. Maybe getting burned by certain friends or acquaintances in the past or feeling too alienated by them has made you more of a lone wolf. In this sense, it is easier to have more casual friendships, for the most part, and direct more energy toward Internet connections that still help you feel a part of something bigger than you. But, maybe this is a temporary phase and you just haven’t truly found “your people” yet. As an 11th House individual, you are meant to. So, hold out hope.
However, for everyone, you can still see through this house how you spend your time online and engage with various platforms or communities. For so long, people have attributed our social media presence to the 10th House, which I think is accurate. With the 11th House, we see more specific online platforms or spaces that are about something bigger than us, whether that is “stan Twitter” or fan message boards or Reddit communities or even communities on Tumblr. Through 11th House online spaces, it is less about us. We can remain anonymous if we choose and we gain validation more so for the individual perspective we are offering our community. But, it’s not just limited to the Internet. It’s also book clubs and casual athletic teams or organizations that help people in some fashion. It is something we all feel compelled to do, consciously or not. For some people, it is more often than others. But, it is healthy to join forces or energies with others and, because of our individual differences, doing so because of what we are mutually interested in or concerned about is highly effective.
Extended Portion of Astrology Lesson for the Week (11th House) (here we will discuss how this house rules the unexpected aspects of life, collaborations, making a difference, and how bullies and fake friends get their comeuppance)
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thedreamgemini · 2 years
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The artwork above is not mine!!! The original creator is “Taysmitten” on Instagram!!!
❤️ Having a cancer rising or Gemini in the 12th house can make someone prone to falling asleep in the car or other types of transportation vehicles. 🚗 🚃 🚂 ✈️ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
❤️ Having your Jupiter in the 3rd house can make you someone who talks a lot.👄
❤️ Having Mercury in the 11th house can make you someone who likes to watch medical or criminal tv shows. Like law & order, the good doctor, criminal minds, ect.
❤️ Having Mercury in the 11th house could’ve made you prefer non fiction over fiction books as a child. Or you prefer them now. Or both. 📚
❤️ Having mars in the 12th house can represent getting emotional when mad.😢
❤️ Having a Leo mars can represent having a father with anger issues who could’ve been egotistical and childish. You also could’ve been his first child. These people also might wanna look or act more stereotypically masculine rather than feminine.🦁👨‍👦
❤️ Having a Scorpio placement in the 3rd house can make you someone who’s siblings don’t know them very well. Or you hide a lot of things from your siblings. If you have any that is.
❤️ Having an Aquarius moon or a Capricorn moon can represent having a rough relationship with women or you have trouble understanding women.
❤️ I’ve noticed that a lot of libra suns don’t like wears tight pants or jeans. And with the women I’ve noticed that they prefer their hair short or out of their face.🕵🏽‍♀️
❤️ Having the ruler or lord of your 5th hosue in the 3rd hosue can make you someone who takes pride in their education or communication and might even base their self worth one it.📚🧠
If you enjoyed my astrology observations and notes then don't don't forget to like, reblog (and if your reblog pls use at least one hashtag), comment, and follow so you can see more of my content and I'll get more support! Bye!✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨💕💕💕 💕
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vivmaek · 2 years
MERCURY IN THE 11th HOUSE; Observations
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People with this placement are natural chameleons. They have an adaptable communication style and know how to strike up a conversation with pretty much anyone. They make favorable first impressions and are fantastic networkers. Like Geminis, Mercury eleventh housers are often labeled as “two faced.” They are nuanced, and sometimes others are going to fail at understanding this. Different aspirations are of interest to them, and it wouldn’t hurt for them to try a hand at all of them. They can find success through many avenues. Thinking outside of the box keeps them ahead of the game. It is common to see them involved within many different types of friend groups. Their originality needs multiple perspectives to be fully appreciated. Curiosity is what leads them into new connections. An open minded nature is one of their greatest strengths and heightens their intellect. An understanding of society and how it functions comes naturally to these types. Group dynamics never go unnoticed with them. They meet many people through the pursuit of hobbies and interests. They will easily make friends throughout school and at work. Their engagement within conversation is charming and intriguing. However, it may be hard to get to a place of depth with these natives. Relationships are based on intellectual connection and mental stimulation. Things tend to stay light and emotional topics only reach the surface. They might have trouble organizing social outings, there are many plans to keep up with. They’re always having to leave events early to make sure they can attend another. Other people are always trying to contact them and it is likely they receive a lot of social media interactions. They would thrive as influencers. Their friends tend to be highly intelligent and they like to surround themselves with humor and wit.  
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justitia269 · 2 years
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Moon in 11th house/Aquarius
11th house stellium
Ascendant lord mercury in 11th house
North Node in Gemini, 11th house
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astro-tag-9 · 2 months
Hey I hope you are doing good and I’m not late!!
What character would I be? (guy character AND girl character)
Gemini sun (10)
Virgo moon (1)
Leo rising
Gemini mercury (11)
Cancer mars (12)
Taurus Venus (9)
Thank you so much !!!!
💙 Peter Parker 1 / Spiderman❤️ &
💛 Mia Dolan💛
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rosewaterlullabies · 2 years
all my psychic visions that are basically like inside jokes for me cuz how do I even explain them to anyone 😹
like I’m here to observe and take it all in but I lowkey wanna be able to share it too 🥲
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pearlprincess02 · 1 month
what you lie about (mercury signs & houses)
aries mercury
mercury in aries often lies about their intentions or feelings. this placement is characterized by a quick, impulsive thought process, which can lead to hasty statements or exaggerated claims. an aries mercury might exaggerate or downplay aspects of their situation to appear more confident or to avoid vulnerability. they might also lie to cover up mistakes or to stay ahead in competitive scenarios, driven by their desire to maintain control and assert their independence. their approach to communication is usually direct and energetic, but the impulsiveness can lead to inconsistencies or half-truths when they feel cornered or pressured.
taurus mercury
mercury in taurus tends to lie about practical matters and personal resources. this placement values stability and security, so taurus mercury might distort the truth to protect their financial situation, possessions, or personal comfort. they could be inclined to exaggerate their wealth or downplay their expenses to maintain an image of financial stability or competence. their lies are often motivated by a desire to avoid conflict, preserve their status, or keep their personal life secure and private. taurus mercury’s approach to communication is typically deliberate and cautious, so when they do lie, it’s usually well thought out and aimed at preserving their sense of security.
gemini mercury
mercury in gemini often lies about details and facts, driven by a desire to navigate social dynamics and maintain a flexible image. this placement values intellectual stimulation and social interaction, so gemini mercury might exaggerate, omit, or twist facts to entertain, impress, or fit in with different groups. they might also lie to avoid confrontation or to adapt quickly to changing situations, ensuring they can keep up with the fast-paced social environment. their lies are usually more about maintaining curiosity or keeping conversations engaging rather than malicious intent, reflecting their ever-shifting interests and adaptability.
cancer mercury
mercury in cancer often lies about their emotions and personal circumstances. this placement is deeply connected to their inner world and can be sensitive about their vulnerabilities. as a result, cancer mercury might distort the truth to protect their emotional well-being or to shield their private life from scrutiny. they may downplay their feelings or fabricate stories to avoid appearing weak or to maintain a sense of control over their personal narrative. their lies are often motivated by a desire to create a safe, comforting environment for themselves and others, reflecting their need to manage how they are perceived emotionally and protect their sensitive nature.
leo mercury
mercury in leo often lies about their achievements and personal importance. this placement values recognition and admiration, so leo mercury might embellish or exaggerate their accomplishments, talents, or status to enhance their image and garner praise. they may fabricate details to appear more impressive or to maintain their dominant presence in social situations. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to shine and be acknowledged, reflecting their need for validation and a strong sense of self-worth. leo mercury's communication style is often grandiose and dramatic, and their fabrications usually aim to reinforce their sense of superiority and influence.
virgo mercury
mercury in virgo often lies about their imperfections and mistakes. this placement values precision and efficiency, and virgo mercury might downplay or obscure errors, shortcomings, or personal flaws to maintain an image of competence and control. they may also be inclined to embellish details or present overly polished versions of reality to avoid criticism or to uphold their high standards. their lies are driven by a need to appear reliable and capable, reflecting their anxiety about making mistakes or falling short of their own rigorous expectations. virgo mercury's communication is typically meticulous and analytical, and their fabrications often serve to preserve their perceived perfectionism and competence.
libra mercury
mercury in libra often lies about their true opinions and feelings to maintain harmony and avoid conflict. this placement values balance and relationships, so libra mercury might obscure their genuine thoughts or preferences to keep the peace or to align with the expectations of others. they may also exaggerate or soften their views to avoid rocking the boat or to present themselves as agreeable and diplomatic. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to sustain social harmony and avoid discord, reflecting their strong emphasis on creating and preserving pleasant interactions and maintaining a fair, balanced atmosphere.
scorpio mercury
mercury in scorpio often lies about their deeper motives and personal vulnerabilities. this placement values privacy and emotional intensity, so scorpio mercury might obscure their true intentions or feelings to protect themselves from being exposed or manipulated. they may also conceal their strategic thinking or hidden agendas, driven by a need to maintain control and leverage in situations. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to safeguard their inner world and maintain power in their interactions, reflecting their tendency to navigate life with a sense of secrecy and psychological depth.
sagittarius mercury
mercury in sagittarius often lies about details and commitments, driven by their desire for freedom and exploration. this placement values honesty and big-picture thinking but can be prone to exaggerating or glossing over specifics to avoid feeling constrained or bogged down by mundane details. sagittarius mercury might fabricate or embellish stories to make their experiences sound more adventurous or to align with their optimistic outlook. their lies are usually motivated by a need to maintain their sense of excitement and spontaneity, reflecting their resistance to being tied down by practical constraints or tedious commitments.
capricorn mercury
mercury in capricorn often lies about their achievements and the extent of their responsibilities. this placement values status, structure, and reliability, so capricorn mercury might downplay challenges or exaggerate their accomplishments to project an image of competence and control. they may also conceal their struggles or mistakes to avoid appearing vulnerable or inadequate. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to maintain their authoritative position and protect their reputation, reflecting their need to uphold their professional and personal image as steadfast and capable.
aquarius mercury
mercury in aquarius often lies about their true thoughts and personal beliefs to fit in with unconventional or progressive ideals. this placement values originality and social ideals, so aquarius mercury might obscure their genuine opinions or downplay their personal views to align with a group’s vision or to maintain their image as a forward-thinking individual. they may also fabricate details to seem more innovative or to keep up with rapidly evolving ideas. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to blend into or influence social trends, reflecting their need to be seen as part of the cutting-edge or socially aware crowd.
pisces mercury
mercury in pisces often lies about their true feelings and personal realities. this placement values empathy and imagination, so pisces mercury might obscure or romanticize the truth to protect others’ feelings or to create a more idealized version of events. they may also fabricate details to avoid confronting uncomfortable realities or to escape from harsh truths. their lies are typically motivated by a desire to maintain emotional harmony, avoid conflict, or preserve their idealistic view of the world, reflecting their sensitivity and tendency to navigate life through a lens of compassion and fantasy.
in houses
mercury in 1st house: their true age, their real height, their actual weight, their genuine feelings, their past mistakes, their hidden insecurities, their secret fears, their financial situation, their academic struggles, their social awkwardness, their lack of confidence, their unpopular opinions, their embarrassing moments, their guilty pleasures, their secret talents, their hidden desires, their biggest regrets, their darkest secrets, their manipulative tactics, their true intentions,
mercury in 2nd house: their financial status, their debt, their spending habits, their savings, their investments, their job security, their salary, their inheritance, their possessions, their material desires, their financial goals, their money management skills, their business failures, their gambling habits, their shopping addiction, their financial dependence, their greed, their materialism, their stinginess, their financial secrets,
mercury in 3rd house: their intelligence, their knowledge, their grades, their communication skills, their writing ability, their reading habits, their language skills, their travel experiences, their social skills, their sense of humor, their gossip, their secrets, their lies, their manipulations, their gaslighting tactics, their ability to persuade, their power of persuasion, their ability to deceive, their knack for storytelling, their ability to adapt,
mercury in 4th house: their family background, their childhood experiences, their home life, their relationship with parents, their siblings' secrets, their family's financial status, their family's history, their family traditions, their home address, their neighborhood, their hometown, their country of origin, their ancestry, their family secrets, their family feuds, their family scandals, their family's dark secrets, their family's mental health issues, their family's criminal history, their family's secrets,
mercury in 5th house: their romantic interests, their dating history, their number of partners, their flirtatious behavior, their cheating habits, their creative talents, their artistic abilities, their gambling addiction, their love for drama, their need for attention, their childish behavior, their lack of commitment, their fear of intimacy, their jealousy issues, their possessiveness, their manipulative tactics, their hidden desires, their secret fantasies, their true intentions, their emotional instability,
mercury in 6th house: their work ethic, their job responsibilities, their salary, their health issues, their daily routine, their diet & exercise habits, their sleep schedule, their stress levels, their time management skills, their organizational abilities, their work-life balance, their job satisfaction, their career aspirations, their performance reviews, their sick days, their work conflicts, their job hunting process, their professional networking, their career failures, their mental health struggles,
mercury in 7th house: their relationship status, their partner's flaws, their own flaws in the relationship, their commitment level, their future plans with their partner, their expectations from the relationship, their compatibility with their partner, their communication issues, their jealousy, their possessiveness, their infidelity, their past relationships, their exes, their love languages, their arguments, their disagreements, their shared values, their long-term goals as a couple, their financial situation as a couple, their plans for the future,
mercury in 8th house: their financial situation, their debts, their inheritances, their shared finances with partners, their investments, their tax returns, their insurance policies, their wills, their fears about death, their obsessions, their addictions, their secrets, their grudges, their dark desires, their hidden agendas, their manipulative tactics, their power plays, their control issues, their vulnerability, their deepest fears,
mercury in 9th house: their educational background, their travel experiences, their foreign language skills, their philosophical beliefs, their religious views, their political opinions, their cultural background, their intellectual abilities, their knowledge of world events, their interest in current affairs, their love of learning, their thirst for knowledge, their open-mindedness, their tolerance, their respect for diversity, their prejudices, their biases, their bigotry, their ignorance, their arrogance,
mercury in 10th house: their job title, their salary, their career aspirations, their work-life balance, their job satisfaction, their relationship with their boss, their performance reviews, their job security, their career failures, their professional networking, their ambition, their work ethic, their time management skills, their leadership abilities, their public image, their professional reputation, their awards & recognitions, their career goals, their career path, their industry knowledge,
mercury in 11th house: their friendships, their social life, their group memberships, their online presence, their social media following, their networking skills, their popularity, their influence, their humanitarian work, their political views, their social activism, their rebellious nature, their desire for freedom, their need for independence, their fear of commitment, their aversion to authority, their ability to make friends easily, their social skills, their networking abilities, their desire for connection,
mercury in 12th house: their fears, their insecurities, their doubts, their weaknesses, their vulnerabilities, their past traumas, their mental health struggles, their addictions, their secrets, their lies, their manipulative tactics, their dark desires, their hidden agendas, their power plays, their control issues, their jealousy, their possessiveness, their resentment, their anger, their loneliness,
all observations belong to @pearlprincess02
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oopbangtan · 4 months
Hello everyone! It has been a while, but don't worry, my research has never stopped. So ofc I am back with:
Astrology Observations- Pt.4
I want to start by asking: Who gave Sagittarius Venus the reputation of being nonchalant when it comes to the one they love?? This rumor must have started from a Sagittarius Venus, 'cause most like to pretend that they don't care, that they are not affected by anything, but LORD how good at pretending they can be. Keep in mind, I am not throwing any shade, though you show your feelings the least out of all the fire signs. But after all, I have also noticed Sagittarius Venus likes to observe, take notes, and learn about the one they truly love. They will observe and adapt to the one they truly want. Of course, that only applies if you're interesting enough for them and always give them something to think of, something new to understand and feel.
Libra/ Cancer/Pisces/ Taurus Moons tend to have this weird habit of romanticizing their past relationships. This also applies to 8H and 4H moons/ stelliums.
CANCER VENUS MEN DO NOT GET OVER THEIR EX EVER. I mean, in general, Cancer Venus individuals prefer to try again for the 14th time with an ex than to give someone new a chance. But I have noticed that in particular, these men have this ultimate fantasy of having their ex reach out to them, IF they're not the one reaching out, of course.
11H stelliums will almost always be those people who are known by everyone for some reason. They could literally do nothing and somehow have people in their business. They also have the biggest chance of becoming well known on the internet.
Cancer placements women like to nurture, Cancer placements men like to be nurtured. No one wants to cry in a woman's arms more than a Cancer sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars man. They like to be big babies.
I know everyone likes to sleep, but no one seems to be prioritizing their sleep as much as Taurus placements do. Especially Taurus Venus. BUT, when it comes to sleeping their problems away, definitely Pisces placements stand out, especially Pisces Mars.
It is 3AM, so I might as well get some sleep. Hope you like and relate to my discoveries <3
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acutexangle · 2 months
random astrology observations (pt. 1)
a significant amount of celebrities and impactful personalities have their vertex situated in the fifth house (ie gisele bundchen, meghan markle, bella hadid, victoria beckham, albert einstein, lionel messi, princess catherine, bill gates—the list goes on and on). more specifically, it seems as if many of these are individuals who are either loved by the public, or seem to have cultivated a cult-like following (ie ted bundy)
i am SO tired of the half-assed observations that continually paint pisces mercuries as unintelligent/inarticulate. this generalization actually needs to be put to rest. in fact, i believe that pisces mercury natives are brilliant writers and intellectuals! at the risk of bringing up the oft-too-referenced einstein (who is a GREAT example of this, might i add) think of maya angelou, a brilliant individual that has been widely recognized for the power and impact of her words. i believe that these natives have the keen ability to intertwine the world of imagination and the written word. this allows for emotionally poignant and widely resonant communication!
venus in aries and sex appeal >>>>> rihanna, marilyn monroe, elizabeth taylor, shakira, sarah jessica parker being the star of a show called “SEX in the city” like you can’t make this stuff up haha
using the equal house system (from the ascendant) has allowed me to obtain a more in-depth understanding of my midheaven. whereas with placidus (where the mc is always in the 10th) and whole sign (where depending on the lateness of the degree of your ascendant the position of planets might widely shift), the equal house system divides the houses by 30 degrees beginning from the exact degree of your ascendant. to use myself as an example, in both placidus and whole signs my mc is in the 10th house. in equal, my mc is in the 9th. this extra layer of depth resonates with me because the legacy that i hope to impart onto the world (aka, the mc) exists in my philosophical works (i’m currently in a top program pursuing academic philosophy!)
having luminaries and benefics in the 10th, 11th and 12th houses has a strong correlation to fame and notoriety
jupiter transiting through the 12th house will often reveal those hidden factors that are actively harming the self. this could either be hidden health issues discovered, antagonistic individuals revealed, or beginning the path of mental and spiritual self-healing
bye :)
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Astrology Observations
Aries Ascendants possess an uncanny ability to exude allure even in moments of anger. It's perplexing how these individuals effortlessly maintain a captivating demeanor, concealing their potential to swiftly retaliate if wronged. 😭
The enigma of those with Venus and Sun alignments lies in their perpetual elegance and charm. The cosmic dance between Venus and the Sun bestows upon them a radiant and inviting energy that transcends mere aesthetics. 💕🫂
Infidelity with individuals boasting a Water/Fire Venus is a perilous venture, especially with Water Venuses known for their profound and merciless reprisals rooted in deep emotional connections. 🫂
Venus in Capricorn personalities exhibit adorable tendencies within relationships, yearning for substantial time spent with partners, creating cherished memories in pursuit of a traditional and harmonious connection. 🥺❤️❤️❤️
Be vigilant of your solar return chart, as Venus positioned in the 1st/2nd/6th/10th houses may herald a substantial transformation this year. Additionally, Saturn - Venus Aspects can amplify this transformative glow-up. 💎
Individuals with the Moon in the 11th house form deep attachments, displaying a profound neediness for friendships, earning them the title of a "true friend." 🫂
The dynamic between Pluto and Mercury leads to articulate speech with an influential cadence, inducing others to adopt a similar hypnotic communication style. Jealousy often ensues due to their expansive vocabulary and eloquence.
Observing Mars and Venus aspects reveals a proclivity for intense jealousy, possessiveness, and a desire for exclusive ownership over partners and friends. 🔥🫂
Virgo Venus/Mars individuals can exhibit possessiveness akin to Scorpio and Taurus Venuses, creating a captivating yet possessive aura when these placements intertwine. ❣️
Saturn's transition through the 6th/12th house or the house occupied by "Pisces" in your chart may precipitate insomnia or sleep disturbances during that period.
A concentration of planets in the 9th house fosters a profound interest in spirituality, magic, and exploration of various religions.
A Mercury in Capricorn engages in conversation with a classic glamour, exuding sophistication and ensuring a lasting impression with every spoken word.
Individuals with an Aries/Taurus combination in their chart might grapple with significant anger issues and heightened nervousness.
Venus residing in the 2nd house signifies a beautiful physique and a refined appearance, inherently possessing elegance.
Neptune in the 12th house has an intoxicating effect, leading people to become inexplicably addicted. This spiritual placement demands attention to subtle signs. 🧘🏻‍♀️
Aspects between Neptune/Uranus and Sun/Ascendant create an electrified, dreamy aura.
Moon in Earth Signs manifests a fervent love and passion for reading books, blogs, and internet curiosities.
Capricorn Suns exhibit a penchant for living, laughing, and indulging in dark humor. 😭
Sagittarius and Aquarius Placements are fervent seekers of freedom, capable of undertaking the impossible to reclaim their liberty if threatened.
Harsh aspects between Saturn 🪐 and Moon 🌕 result in unresolved maternal issues, fostering either possessiveness or emotional detachment from a mother figure. (⁠つ⁠✧⁠ω⁠✧⁠)⁠つ💕
Saturn - Mercury harsh aspects may induce anxiety during conversation, stemming from past restrictions on speech, leading to incessant overthinking. (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ You truly deserve a comforting embrace!
Individuals with Scorpio Placements exhibit a predilection for wearing dark-colored attire such as black, dark blue, dark red, and dark purple.
Mercury - Pluto aspects thrive on discussing taboos and addressing topics people are hesitant to confront face-to-face, showcasing an inherent ability to broach uncomfortable subjects.
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tarotenchantress · 3 months
Astro observations pt.III 🐼LONER EDITION🐼
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All my observations are based on *personal* experiences
By- tarotenchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
I decided to make this post cause i too dont have alot of friends and decided to astro analyse
Here are some placements that indicate not having alot of friends, having a tough time making friends, feeling left out or sticking out in groups, not being able to stay in groups in general.
🐼saturn in 11th house, 10th house, 7th house, 1st house, 5th house, 6th house 3rd house, making aspects with personal planets like sun moon venus or with ascendant or mc, saturn in libra, aquarius, capricorn, cancer, gemini, scorpio, saturn in degree of 7°, 19°, 11°, 23°, saturn retrograde.
[Saturn restricts and creates a lack in the area it occupies. It also tends to create a harsher environment which may mean that you may sometimes feel as jf the peoplw around you dont show much care or concern towards you in comparison to others. You may also constantly feel as if you have to work harder to win them over or to be recognised.]
🐼neptune in 4th house, 3rd house, 1st house, making aspects with ascendant, sun, mc, in the houses 6th house 10th house, 5th house, 11th house, in the signs of libra, aquarius, gemini, capricorn in degrees of 7°, 19°,23°,11° degree
[ neptune tends to create haze in whatever area it occupies which means that even though you may undertsand others on a deeper level, you may feel like others dont, or you may feel as if others tend to forget about you or dont feel recognised enough, on occasions people may not even notice you or know you enough. People may also project on you alot and if you dont live upto their expectations they may reject you or you may try very hard trying to mold yourself into whatever they want. You may also feel a bit hesitant to stand up for youself]
🐼 uranus in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[ uranus is by nature erratic and tends to create a bit of instability in whatever house it occupies. You may have friends one day and the next day they are gone. Like?? Poof.]
🐼 mars in 1st, 7th, 11th, 10th, 3rd, 6th house, making aspects with these houses, in the sign of aries, leo, scorp, cap, aqua, libra, in the degrees of 11°,19°,7°,23°
[Whatever house mars occupies or touches tends to creste a sense of hostility and competition, it may mean that people may be a bit hostile towards you or may view you as hostile or competitive or make you their competition, people with these placements may experience others putting you down in front of others or may experience that friends turned into enemies trope also jealousy is a common theme.]
🐼pluto in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Whatever house pluto touches or occupies creates an intense relation no matter what. You may feel as if people view you in a sexual manner, people may initially avoid you or stare at you as if theyre sensing you energetically, you may also experience people approaching you with manipulative sentiments or intentions, alsoo you may experience it that when you reject someone as friends or partner, the rejected party may start spreading rumours about you or become obsessed with trying to put you down or humble you and this may be a secret intention. People you dont know or notice know you and notice you. I have it in my 3rd house which also governs neighbourhod/neighbours and it squares my venus in 6th house and istg people idk know me and observe me but i keep my guards up. The people you befriend may also be jealous of you or become possessive over you and brooo.... its not a good thing so dont romanticise it like a pillowfucker♡]
🐼lilith in 6th house, 5th house, 11th house, 1st house, 10th house, making aspects to these houses, in the signs of aqua, cap, libra, sag, scorp, in the degrees of 7°,11°,23°,19°,aspects with mc or personal planets.
[Creates a similar theme to pluto but here you'll be shamed even more]
🐼 12th house personal placements
🐼sun and moon, mercury in 4th, 8th house.
🐼 4th, 12th, 8th hluse stellium
🐼mercury in aquarius or capricorn or pisces or scorpio
[May make you more private with your thoughts and you may feel as if others dont understand your ideas or you dont have anyone to talk too. It may also create trust issues.
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ferie-anon · 10 months
🐬 Astro observations🐬
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🧺 fire moons being in a earth house is very balanced, making them responsible yet passionate and understanding
🧺 sag risings or having rising in a sag degree may grow out their hair
🧺 scorpio moon in 12th house may listen to rock and punk music to maximize feeling their deep emotions
🧺 mercury in 11th house are viewed as friendly or chill, often seen as a person who is a social butterfly
🧺 gemini sun with fire or air rising being into pop culture. They know the ins and out with the internet and celebrity tea. They live in a burrow on the internet 🫡
🧺 capricorn mercury will not hesitate to ask questions. They be the type to be direct and ask for stuff if they are confused. I like their honest and direct approach.
🧺 Sag + scorpio or leo + scorpio in birthchart = rockstar/musician vibes 🎸
🧺 My friend and I notice scorpio/8th house placements in a guy’s chart tend to do boxing 🥊
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🧺 In general heavy scorpio energy in the chart or mars scorpio may tend to work out in general, being physically active due to scorpio’s traditional planet ruler being mars.
🧺 I notice mercury in cardinal signs (aries, cancer, libra) tend to use emojis and gifs a lot to emote in their text messages or to put more meaning into their text.
🧺 It seems like virgo mars tend to try out ballet or pick it up as a hobby. I find it interesting that most of my friends with virgo mars have taken ballet classes before as a child.
🧺 Cancer risings could be seen as nurturing, or having a compassionate and understanding nature, ppl may at times open up to them easily or become friends with them and start talking ab themselves to these individuals becuz they feel comfortable with them.
🧺 Aries moon always seems to have so many mini talents stacked away. It can be anything creative such as music, editing, or artistic. They’re very down to explore hobbies that allow them to express themselves and indulge in creatively.
🧺 I notice the ones with very friendly and bright smiles tend to have heavy gemini energy in their chart. Gemini rising, gemini stellium, 3rd house stellium, etc
🧺 Moon conjunct moon synastry in friends is cute and funny, you guys naturally gravitate towards each others presence and notice any emotions or actions. Like sometimes you guys just stare at each other like 👁️-👁️ and observe each other, and stick together most of the time.
🧺 I notice fire suns with leo in their big 3 sorta give off a “hot cheeto girl” vibe or aura. They may prefer a fierce and bold look, via makeup or clothing style.
🧺 Virgo moon in 4th individuals could be very intuitive, or an intuitive gut instinct.
🧺 Pisces mars/cancer mars, cancer stellium/pisces stellium in men could give off momma’s boy vibes, or they have a close relationship with their mom. Just from wut I’ve observed tho. 👁️^👁️
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astrolovecosmos · 3 months
Sun in the 11th House wants to create the future
Moon in the 11th House dreams of the future
Mercury in the 11th House tries to predict the future
Venus in the 11th House can't help but always plan for the future
Mars in the 11th House fights for the future
Jupiter in the 11th House is solarpunk
Saturn in the 11th House is utopia/dystopia
Uranus in the 11th House wishes they lived in the future
Neptune in the 11th House believes they are in the future
Pluto in the 11th House may fear the future or try to control their destiny fiercely
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typologyastro · 7 months
Astro Observations
Based on my own experience 🌂
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☂️ It seems like everyone loves Venus Conjunction Jupiter folks. It's hard to hate them since they radiate a "good person" aura (and they're genuinely good people). Their kind nature melts everyone's heart. They are so fortunate and blessed thanks to their loving nature.
☂️ Moon-Mars aspects are emotionally straightforward people. You know when they get angry. Their anger can translate through actions since Mars rules actions.
☂️ Hard aspects with Saturn make you feel inferior because in your childhood, your authorities made you feel that way. They disregard you as an equally independent human being with your own wishes and desires. To heal the negative effects of Saturn, we should only consider our own judgments like we're the only authorities. Have some self-respect for yourself. What values are important to you? What makes you YOU? Stick with them, and build your own reality despite what people say.
☂️ Saturn only cares for quality (quality lasts a long time). Focus on quality instead of shortcuts to please Saturn.
☂️ Jupiter 2nd house is lucky with money and resources. It doesn't mean they're rich rich but at least money comes their way when they need it. They'd like to look for opportunities to get rich. They also have a high self-worth (the 2nd house is about self-worth).
☂️ Aphrodite Conjunction IC/in the 4th house has a beautiful family/childhood/home that everyone would love to be a part of. You may also be a favorite child/family member.
☂️ Lilith 11th house attracts narcissistic friends, unfortunately. Their friends may manipulate, stab behind their back, insult, and abuse them.
☂️ Mercury in the 4th house's thoughts are influenced by the people they trust, the ones in their circle, family, country, etc. They may have conservative and patriotic thoughts. They may come from an educated background. Their family members may have Mercury ruled jobs (reporters, journalists, teachers, etc.)
☂️ Mercury in the 2nd house may make money by using your mind, languages, and hands. Those jobs can be coding, typing, writing, editing, composing, speaking, singing, etc. They are detailed oriented of their work.
☂️ Mercury in the 1st house sees being knowleageable and intelligent as their personality.
☂️ Moon in Scorpio detects people's true character. What is trash, and what is a real gem among them.
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Thank you for reading ☔️
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