spacebunnywrites · 4 years
My Jealousy Looks Good On You
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Pairing- DabixGNreader
Contains: quirk play, scarification, mentions of abuse, throat fucking, dub-con photo taking/sending AN: Heyo, this fic contains some content that ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Be safe folks, and don’t read it if you feel uncomfy. Remember: practice your kinks safely, sanely, and consented Tags- @ghoularaki​
A heated hand wrapped easily around your throat. Thumb and forefinger pressing down, causing black spots to appear in the corners of your vision. Bright turquoise eyes glaring down at you, filled with nothing but rage. You knew why he was mad, but like hell would you apologize. Your boyfriend needed to learn that he was the only one you cared for. But in his eyes, you needed to learn not to be an insolent brat who purposely made him jealous.
“Come on, doll. Just admit that you spent the night on his cock. You really wanted that crusty fuck, didn’t you?” Hate fueled words only made more terrifying by the almost too hot heat making it hard to focus. He had already slammed your back against the wall. There was no use arguing him in these moods. Not when whiskey was the only scent on his breath. He wouldn’t even listen to your words when you activated your Quirk, forcing you to tell only the truth. It was these times where you took it like a good boy and let him apologize in the morning.
Sure, you were worth more than being his punching bag. But you didn’t want anything else. His handprints scarred your flesh, and his sweet nothings scarred your memories. Every morning he made sure you knew how much he loved you. He just feared one day you would realize how terrible he was and he would wake up to a cold bed and an empty heart. A fear you assured would never come true, but he never believed you.
Which is how you ended up pushed to your knees slowly. (E/C) orbs locked on his, filled with nothing but love and adoration. Closing your eyes briefly as his weeping cock slapped your cheek when he freed it from the prison of his trousers. The bottom ladder and reverse Prince Albert piercings glistening in the light, reminding you how much of a painslut your boyfriend was. But the way he fisted your hair reminded you that the painslut thing went both ways. Because you couldn’t suppress the moan as he pulled your head back.
“I forgot how much of a slut you are. Must be why you went to him. Filthy whore just needed a good load of cum. Well, fucking open up for Daddy. Swallow it all, doll.” A dark look taking over his face as he forcefully enters your mouth. Using a moan against you, the noise granting him access to your willing mouth. Hard cock quickly pressing into your throat. Gag reflex long gone, thanks to hundreds of face fucking sessions at the hands of your boyfriend.
Drool dripping down your chin, tears welling in your eyes, and your nose running. You were a mess, yet he still took a picture. Sneering as he showed it to you before sending it to the reason behind this round of jealousy. Making sure Shigaraki saw how pretty you looked making a mess because of his cock. The photo also served as fuel for his me time when you weren’t available.
“Come on, doll. Crusty wants to see you wearing my cum. Get on with it.” His words dripping with poison as he fisted your hair harder. Using it as leverage to start an absolutely brutal pace on your throat. The tip rarely leaving the convulsing passage of your throat. You knew that Dabi was getting close, and honestly you couldn’t wait for him to unload on your face. Letting more drool pool for him was an easy decision. As was swallowing harshly around his length. Bringing him to the brink instantly.
He pulled out from your throat just as the first rope hit, letting it sit on your tongue as he continued to paint a masterpiece on your face. Left eye glued shut, a streak crossing over your forehead, a rope dripping down your cheek. The rest falling on your waiting tongue. He cooed a soft word of praise before wiping his softening member on the crown of your head. A photo taken once more and sent to Shigaraki. A cruel unneeded action. But he wanted to remind both you and the blue haired twerp who exactly owned your body. Once he was satisfied he stuffed himself back in his pants and demanded you get clean.
“And don’t fucking play with yourself in the shower.”
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Imitation is death
- the only argument you need for being yourself.
Even if if aquired all of the habits, and clothing, and hardware and software someone you admire, or has the sucess you desire, its not that simple. Because they chose to do, wear and use these things because they fit with their lives- They didn't adapt to it, they found (or created) tools that fulfilled their needs. 
Life isn't about success - however you define it. 
Life is about figuring things out, making mistakes. 
Nobody is perfect the first time around and the pursuit of ever improving ourselves with the habits of "successful" people kills out of sense of self, and makes us wonder if we are somewhat fundamentally flawed when we do not immediately emulate their success or happiness. After all, we do the "ten things all sucessful people do" and practice what all the articles entitled "these eight habits are going to make you happier" (or similar) preach. We forget that so many others are employing the same techniques of mindfullness, and exercise and getting up early, etc etc, only we never hear from the unsucessful ones. Or from the sucessful people who don't have any habits of the sort, at least not until they were sucessful - which is another flaw of the argument. Sucessful people may often cultivate similar habits - but those were not the habits that lead them there, which are usually much unhealthier, and do not encourage you to work 4 hours days, because earning money, learning and building businesses is hard work. 
You only have yourself to lose. (and if that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will) 
Don't make success the goal. make the goal finding what works. Learn to make mistakes and by all means try the "15 things you should do before breakfast", just don't expect them to be a shortcut, or that all of them will work as intended for you.
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trumpfeed · 7 years
via Twitter
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spacebunnywrites · 4 years
Can I have some HC for a S/O Going through some major Dysphoria? Denki/Deku/Baku/Kiri/Todoroki? Any of them that you feel is fitting!
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♥ He notices you seem off right away. Boy is so tuned into your emotions.
♥ First thing he does is ask what he can do to help. 
♥ If there is nothing he can do, he will still hold you tight and assure you how awesome you are. That he loves you no matter what. But if you tell him that there is something, you bet your ass that he will fo above and beyond.
♥ Need a snack? He brings you all your favourites. Need a massage? He doesn’t stop until you are a puddle or asleep, which ever comes first.
♥ At the end of the day, you’re his person. And he won’t let your mind tear you down or beat you up.
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♥ Call him a dumbass, but this boy is perceptive. And prepared.
♥ He knows you don’t always feel like your body is right. That no matter what it feels wrong. and he has stockpiled things from previous bouts that helped you.
♥ His favourite solution is cuddles. The boy will cling to you so hard you can only think about the static charge you’ll get the first time you touch a door handle.
♥ One time he looked at you, with an extremely serious face and just “BEGONE THOUGHTS! GO AWAAYYYY! MY BITCH IS PERFECT. AAAAAH” He had a pillow thrown at him, but you smiled so it was worth it.
♥ Terrible memes get sent to you, even though he is literally beside you. It’s better if you can also save them to your phone. His favourite memes to send are ones with baby animals.
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♥ He doesn’t quite understand. Views it as an off day. 
♥ But like hell is he letting you be alone. No way. Only some dumbass would let their partner suffer alone.
♥ No, you get to train extra hard with him. He decides that forcing you to take your mind off of it is better than wallowing.
♥ If he goes a little easy on you because you are hella distracted, that’s nobody’s fucking business.
♥ COMFORT FOOD. What you need, he’s going to make it. And it’ll be the damn best you’ve ever had. Want Katsudon? Yea, he’ll complain about the fat content the entire time. But you bet your little ass he is making you the best Katsudon you have ever eaten in your life.
♥ You notice that he touches you more on these days too. Little brushes against you… Nothing over the top, but just enough for him to silently say “no need to fear, I am here.”
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spacebunnywrites · 4 years
Pikachu, I Choose You
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Pairing- DenkixGN!reader Contains: pure tooth-rotting fluff, mentions of past smut, its almost entirely fluff yall, some mild angst… but it gets fixed I promise! AN: Y’all This was too fucking cute to not write. We stan BNHA Pikachu in this house. Okay? Happy Endings Only Club Tags: @hisoknen​
Legs tangled together beneath black sheets, his arm draped loosely over your chest. It was always like this after you two finished. He demanded to snuggle you, making sure he hadn’t actually hurt you while you two were going at it. Softly rubbing at your hips to ease the discomfort from being folded literally in half. Kissing your neck tenderly as he tries to release any tension he might have caused. You always gave him a half-hour of this. You said it was for him, that he needed it. But truth was, you wanted it. You couldn’t help but preen under the attention he paid to your blissed-out body. The way he thumbed over any marks he left, leaving butterfly kisses in his wake. Whispering softly how much he liked spending time with you.
You were falling for Kaminari Denki. The man you swore would remain just a fuck buddy. He told you when this started he wasn’t a settle down type. That he had too many hoes to satisfy to just settle down. And in the beginning you were content with that. Happy even. But as the months went on you couldn’t help the feelings that grew. It wasn’t your fault that every time he sent you a dumb meme your heart fluttered. Every time a cringy Tik Tok was sent your way laughter bubbled out. The selfies he sent on Snapchat with animal filters and voice changes melted your resolve. You were royally fucked.
More so when you moved to leave the bed. Ready to gather your hopelessly strewn clothing and preform the walk of heart breaking shame. Only this time, a soft hand reached for your wrist. “Hey, uh… It’s getting pretty late.” It really wasn’t. You’ve walked home later than this. “Crash here tonight? Bed’s plenty big for both of us.” The usually cocky blonde you had fallen for looked sheepish. Almost scared. A look that you hated seeing on his face. Not to mention leaving after he asked you so kindly to stay would break your heart.
Which is how you ended up with the blond using your chest as a pillow. Sleeping nearly on top of you. The softest of snores leaving him, while you ran your fingers over his bare back. Neither of you had gotten dressed last night, a fact you become very aware of when there is a knocking on his bedroom door when the sun starts to filter in through the drawn curtains.
“Denki! You promised we would hang out today. I miss my Pikachu!” A femenine voice. Someone who obviously belonged more than you did, because she clearly had a key to the apartment. Before Denki could rouse entirely, you were pushing him off. Hissing at him to go hang out with his hoe while you got dressed. He didn’t understand why you were mad? It was just Mina. Not that you had ever met the pink haired girl. To you she was just some girl coming to fuck Denki. Hang out was the code word he used with you when he wanted a booty call.
How could he have been so brazen to ask you to spend the night. Especially when he knew he had a booty call lined up for the crack of dawn! The blond hopped into a pair of lounge pants, nearly falling on his face in the struggle to get to Mina. Meanwhile you calmly collected the haphazardly thrown pieces belonging to you, and put them on slowly. As you left the room belonging to Denki, you saw a strange scene. The pink haired girl had his head in her lap, and tears openly fell down his face. Muttering that he fucked up.
“Den- Kaminari… are you okay?” Your head tilted. You fought the urge to go console him. Obviously the booty call had him. But he choked out a broken sob and shook his head no. Motioning you over. You didn’t want to be anywhere near his next lay, but you wanted him. So you relented. Kneeling in front of him, pushing back blond hair.
“Its only you. I cut everyone else off weeks ago. It’s just you. I know you don’t like me at all… that I’m just a good lay for you. But… Fuck, I want you. I want to parade you around and let all my friends meet you. It’s why Mina came over. She wanted to meet my Cubchoo.” You melted at the nickname. Remembering the brutal cold you had that earned the nickname from him. He took care of you then, always handing a tissue when your nose ran. Or asking if your soup needed reheating. But he had to be lying… he had been only seeing you? For weeks.
“You idiot. Pikachu, I choose you. Every damn time I choose you. Denki, I’ve been in love with you for weeks.”
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spacebunnywrites · 4 years
My Rules... I guess
I always write the boys as aged up. If you want a specific AU, let me know. I write mainly Mafia, Fantasy, Pro-Hero, A/B/O, but I can try my hand at other AUs. I will always default to GN reader. Unless you specify a gender, it will be defaulted as Gender Neutral. Boys I can write for: ♡Kaminari Denki ♡Dabi ♡Bakugou Katsuki ♡Kirishima Eijirou ♡Shinsou Hitoshi I will not write: Smut involving minors Smut involving teacher/student (professor/student is acceptable) Vore/Heavy Gore Watersports (Omo is okay) Scat
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