#merle dixon blurb
marvelandimagine · 3 months
Coming back to my hyperfixation on Daryl Dixon after literally like 8 years for whatever reason lol, and also the new season of The Bear drops this week … so naturally all I can imagine is the Richie/Sydney/Carmie stabbing scene but with Merle/Reader/Daryl bc it’s so on brand:
Merle: Yo, why are you being such a fuckin’ bitch right now?”
Y/N: *brandishing knife* I don’t know, Merle, why am I?
Merle: Oh, you gonna fuckin’ stab me?!
Y/N: Yeah, maybe I fuckin’ will!
*both turn to see Daryl approaching, Merle backs into knife*
Merle: AH, FUCK! I got stabbed! Lil bro, I got stabbed!
Daryl: Probably fuckin’ deserved it!
Merle: …. Maybe.
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dixons-sunshine · 4 months
Thinkin’ about a lil fluffy blurb of the young!daryl au about the morning after their first time. I just think he’d be so nervous but inside so happy, like he just feels so loved🥺
I wanna give him a hug and a smooch
The Morning After | Young!Daryl Dixon x Young!Fem!Reader
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Summary: The morning after you had your first time with Daryl, you could clearly see the apprehension and fear in his eyes, the self deprecating thoughts that you would regret it. Not about to have the perfect man think that you regretted him, you took it upon yourself to reassure him how much you loved him, even if those words weren't spoken yet.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Pre apocalypse.
Part of the Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of Daryl's scars, suggestive themes.
Word count: 1.3k.
A/n: Don't know how to feel about this, to be totally honest with you. I feel like my writing has really been lacking lately, but maybe working on that series idea will help me out a little. Anyways, I hope you like this!
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The morning sun was shining brightly through the curtains in your small room. The birds were chirping merrily outside your window and the sound of the children's bright laughter could be heard clearly, the weekend brightening every school goer's moods. The sound of people conversing with each other could also distinctly be heard, and for once, it seemed as if the world's troubles melted away, and everyone was at peace, even if only for a little while.
Daryl Dixon would describe peace as the feeling of having you pressed tightly against his side, your head resting on his bare chest as you slept peacefully. Daryl listened to the steady rhythm of your breathing, the rise and fall of your chest bringing a sense of calm to the young man. He felt a sense of pride knowing that you trusted him enough to sleep so peacefully, completely unaware of your surroundings. You trusted him to keep you safe while you were in your most vulnerable state, and that made a small smile spread across his face.
Although your relationship was relatively new, just recently surpassing the six month mark, Daryl felt more at peace than he ever had when the two of you were merely best friends. And after the night prior, when the two of you had finally crossed the threshold and given your most sacred parts of yourselves to one another, your relationship had taken a turn—for the better or for the worse, Daryl couldn't be sure of until you woke up.
Daryl sighed as he caressed your bare arm softly, his fingers following an invisible path that only his eyes could see. Although Daryl had no regrets for what happened the night before, he had no idea whether or not you'd share that same sentiment. He knew that he was inexperienced and that he hadn't performed as well as someone knowledgeable about it, but he hoped he did okay.
You seemed to have enjoyed it, but Merle had told him before that women could fake it enough to convince the man that they had finished, so he couldn't be sure. And if you did fake it, what would he do about it? He couldn't be mad, but he would be a little hurt. Would he confront you about it? Would he just go home and try to play it cool? He didn't know.
Daryl was startled when he felt the press of something warm against his chest. Gazing down, he locked eyes with you, and he was relatively surprised to be met with that warm, beautiful smile of yours.
You laughed quietly and continued to press soft, gentle kisses all along his chest, being extra gentle whenever you came across one of his scars. Your kisses soon trailed all the way up to his neck, up to his jaw, his cheek, before you stopped right when you got to his mouth. You let your mouth hover slightly above his, your lips barely grazing against each other, giving him the chance to back away if he didn't want to share a kiss with you.
Daryl slowly leaned forward until his lips pressed against yours fully, his hand trailing up your arm and to the back of your neck. The kiss ended too soon for his liking, with you pulling away first to lean your forehead against his.
You smiled fondly at him. “Good morning, handsome.”
Daryl chuckled. “G'mornin', beautiful,” Daryl greeted you, his morning voice raspy and hotter than he knew, making your breath hitch at the seductive sound. “Ya sleep okay?”
Pulling yourself together, you shook the intrusive thoughts from your mind and nodded. “Better than I have in a long time,” you confirmed, letting your fingers gently trail down his chest. “I didn't know that having sex could tire someone out that much.”
Daryl hummed in agreement. “Yeah,” he mumbled, his mind wandering back to his previous thoughts before you woke up. Did you regret it? Would you kick him to the curb after that one night?
Perceptive as ever, you instantly noticed the shift in his mood. Why didn't he look as relaxed as you felt? Then, as if being struck by lightning, you remembered what had happened once before. You were transported back to the day when the two of you had originally almost slept together, and you remembered what Daryl had told you. You remembered his insecurities, and it all made sense.
Not wanting to scare him off by addressing his insecurities head on, knowing that he'd feel uncomfortable if you did that, you instead took his face into your hands and pressed your lips against his for a firm kiss. Your thumbs gently caressed his cheeks, and you smiled against his lips when you felt Daryl's arms wrap around your waist, subconsciously helping you straddle his lap while he moved into a seated position.
You pulled away from the kiss, gazing deeply into his ocean coloured eyes. “Last night was incredible,” you began, smiling at him fondly. “You were incredible.”
Daryl blushed and tried to duck his head in embarrassment, but your hands on his face stopped him. He looked at you, a shy smile spreading across his face. “Yeah?” he whispered.
“Yeah,” you confirmed, nodding for emphasis. “It was amazing. I've never felt that good in my life. You were like a Greek god last night. I don't think you've ever looked hotter, and that's saying a lot, because your sleeveless shirts make you look hot as fuck.”
“Stop,” Daryl mumbled, but he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips at your words.
“I'm serious!” you laughed lightly. “Seriously, Dar, you were amazing last night. I have absolutely no complaints.”
“Yer sure?” Daryl questioned, looking at you unsurely. “Ya dun' have any regrets or anythin'?”
You shook your head. “No. If anything, I regret not doing this sooner.”
Daryl chuckled, leaning forward to press a tender kiss against your forehead. “Yer too nice to me. If ya have any regrets—”
“I don't,” you cut him off, cupping his face in your hands again. “Daryl Dixon, we've been over this once before. When it comes to you, I regret nothing. I don't regret becoming your friend all those years ago, I don't regret agreeing to be your girlfriend, and I certainly don't regret last night. It was amazing, you were amazing, and I'll definitely be doing this again. That is, if you want to, of course. I'd never force you to do anything you don't want to.”
“Are ya kiddin'?” Daryl asked rhetorically. “'Course I wanna do this again. Las' nigh' was amazin' to me.”
“Then it's settled,” you told him with a sense of finality in your voice. “You never have to worry when it comes to me. If you do anything that makes me uncomfortable, you know I'd tell you. Now tell those voices in your head to fuck off.”
Daryl chuckled and nodded. “Yes, ma'am.”
“Good.” You leaned forward and pressed another kiss to his lips before getting off his lap, sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching down to grab your shirt. “I'm gonna make us some breakfast. Get dressed and join me, handsome.”
“Ya gon' make bacon?” Daryl questioned, silently mourning the loss of the sight of your bare body as it disappeared beneath your shirt.
“Of course,” you confirmed.
“Then I'll be righ' there, sunshine.”
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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star-wrote · 4 months
Could you possibly do a moodboard or fic of young!daryl x reader and its their senior prom plss
Prom w/ Daryl Dixon - moodboard and blurb
a/n - absolutely. living through this since i didn’t get a prom </3 (went for a late 90’s vibe since that’s when prom was most aesthetic)
warnings- slightly angsty, mentions of daryl’s father and merle, fluffy, intentional lowercase
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it would be hard to convince daryl to go to prom, but after thrifting an old black suit and some chunky metal rings, he would reluctantly agree to go.
you’d bring him over to your place since you knew his dad and merle would be at his home; fresh bruises wouldn’t match his suit and being mocked by merle would convince daryl that prom wasn’t made for guys like him.
he would be standing in your mirror, pulling at the slightly itchy neckline of the old suit, when you walk into frame wearing a dress that he could only describe as ethereal.
“i picked it ‘cause it matches your eyes,” you say while blushing and looking at the floor, “do you like it?”
he turns from the mirror and smiles one of his rare, genuine smiles, “ya look beautiful.”
the rest of the night is spent dancing to songs that neither of you liked, and stealing kisses any chance you could get.
neither of you won prom king or queen, but you expected that.
after prom, eating at a cheap 24 hour diner that had only 2 employees, you pull a plastic crown out of your bag. “saw this at the thrift store and had to get it for you,” you say while plopping it on his head, “had to let you know that you’re my prom king.”
he blushes and chuckles at you. “stop.”
you both fall asleep together that night with smiles on your faces.
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holdmytesseract · 4 months
Horror movie night with daryl, pre-apocalypse ?
Movie Night
Warnings: pre-apocalypse. fluff? swear words, Merle?
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Pre-apocalypse Daryl is just something else... I love to write him! I really hope you like what I came up with! 🤗
P.S. I just finished two new Daryl stories. So... There's a lot to come your way! 😁
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You were just on the way to work; having set foot in the bus five minutes ago, when you felt your phone vibrating inside the pocket of your jeans. Quickly removing your headphones, you fished for the little device. A smile darted across your face at the name on the display.
"Hey, sweetie, what's up?"
"Hey, uh, I didn't wake ya, did I?" The familiar voice of your boyfriend urged to your ears; making you smile. "No, ya didn't. I'm on my way to work." "Now?" He asked kinda confused; presumably checking the time - again. "I thought ya have ta take on the night-shift over the weekend?"
"Uh, yeah, originally that was the plan, but they changed it up again. 'M staying in the early shift the rest of the week. Plus..." Your smile even widened. "... Saturday is my day off now." "Not Tuesday next week?" "Nope - and that means, you could come over Friday evening and we could, I don't know... Watch a movie together and order some pizza?" "Sounds great, sunshine, I-" Suddenly Daryl got interrupted by a voice in the background. A voice you only knew too well... "Stop talkin' to yer girl and get yer lazy ass over here!" Merle.
"I gotta go..." Daryl announced seconds later. "Yeah, sure... You're coming over then?" "I'll try." It was all he said, before he hung up, causing you to roll your eyes. Daryl behaved so different when he was with his brother. The older Dixon was definitely a bad influence - and nobody could convince you otherwise.
You sighed and plucked your headphones back in; switching on your music once more.
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You had already made up your mind that Daryl wasn't going to show up. You had learned in the past months not to expect too much of Daryl, when he was with Merle. So, you already decided to change into your pyjama t-shirt and shorts, made yourself a huge bowl of popcorn and flopped on the small sofa in your little apartment to watch a movie alone.
You had just decided on something, when the rather shrill doorbell ripped you out of your thoughts; causing you to flinch.
"Goddammit," you cursed while unwrapping yourself from the cocoon of blankets and jogging to the door.
Slightly out of breath, you pushed down the handle of the door.
"Daryl?" Your jaw dropped; eyes widening as you looked at the redneck across from you. He was wearing his signature orange checkered shirt with the sleeves ripped off and a baggy black jeans; leaning against the door frame with his hands stuffed in his pockets. "I-I thought you couldn't make it?"
He just casually shrugged his shoulders, "I told ya, I'd try..." and gave you a small boyish smile. "'Sides, I wanted to see ya..."
You raised an eyebrow; a smile creeping up your face. You stepped closer to your boyfriend; wrapping your arms around his neck. "Oh, really? Did ya?" Daryl nodded; placing his hands on your hips. "Sure. Merle wasn't happy 'bout me leavin', but I don' care. I ain't letting him forbid me seeing my girl." Your heart fluttered at his words. You smiled even wider and simply pressed a kiss on his lips.
"C'mon then. I almost started without ya." You took his hand and pulled him after you inside your small apartment. Daryl just managed to kick the door shut with his foot. "What were ya goin' to watch?" "Just some kind of trash horror movie." "A trash horror movie, huh?"
You sat down on the sofa with Daryl immediately pulling you onto his lap. "Yep. With zombies, tons of fake blood and very bad acting." "Perfect."
You really enjoyed the time you had with Daryl. It were moments like this, which reminded you that Daryl was not remotely as bad as people told you he would be. No, he was yours and he was the most wonderful thing that happened to you.
"Fuckin' hell, that was the worst movie I've ever seen," the brown haired man stated and shook his head; smiling. You giggled and shifted; removed your legs from his lap and cuddled against his shoulder. "But it was funny and at least a bit scary." He nodded. "Yeah, I give ya that." Daryl wrapped an arm around you; pulling you closer.
"Thank you for being here. With me." Your boyfriend smiled another genuinely happy smile. "I'll always be, sunshine."
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Tags: @suniloli @stitchintimefan @in-this-minute @wolfsmom1 @loz-3 @fictive-sl0th @fuseburner @mandywholock1980 @celtic-crossbow @lou12346789 @mischief-dream @km-ffluv @buttercupcookies-blog @crimson25 @salvinaa @javagirl328 @sweetz1919
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Can you write a Daryl Dixon blurb with the prompts 7 and 18?
7. 'Just cuz I’m the bad guy doesn’t mean I’m a bad guy.’
18. 'You’re warm.’
I did a random number generator and got these two and thought it would be fun to see what you come up with :D
Love this! Thank you so much for this request and the thought you put into it, the random number generator thing is genius!
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"Does my brother know you're out here?" My head whips around at the sound of Daryl's voice, a smile spreading across my lips at the sight of him standing in the tree line, squatting behind a bush.
"No and the governor wouldn't appreciate it either." I grin, folding my arms across my chest as he takes a few hefty steps towards me, a bashful, familiar smile on his lips.
It's been years since Daryl and I have seen each other, though we saw each other in passing the other week when the governor ordered a raid on the prison. Merle and I reconnected at Woodbury but neither of us knew if Daryl was still alive since the last Merle had seen of him was when they left him to rot on the roof in Atlanta.
And the last time I saw him was when we were in his living room, drinking a beer and making out on a cheap couch before the world went to shit.
"It's good to see you again." He nods towards me, careful not to step to close almost as if I'll flee before he can touch me. He looks nervous, timid almost, as his eyes flicker back and forth from me to the ground.
"You too Daryl." I take the initiative to move towards him instead, the leaves and sticks crunching under my books as I take a tentative look around, making sure we're not being watched by either of our people.
"You can come back with me, you don't gotta go back there." Daryl offers kindly, his voice heavy but I just smile sadly at him with a simple shake of my head, knowing the potential consequences.
"I can't. They'd kill me if they found me."
"They won't find you." He reaches out to me, fingers wrapping carefully around my wrist, keeping me close. "Typically I'm the bad guy. Since when are you in with the wrong crowd." He chuckles and I remember the days where he and Merle would go out and buy beer, get pulled over by the cops for reckless driving and then I'd have to go bail them out.
But this is different.
"Just cuz I'm the bad guy doesn't mean I'm a bad guy." I quote him, the words forcing a smile to spread across Daryl's lips as his fingers move to entangle with mine. "They found me when I was half dead."
"It coulda been different if I found you." He mutters, lips pulling down into a deep frown but I just sigh, reaching out to pull him into my arms, knowing it's been too long of a time for the both of us. We used to spend days and nights together, then to have to go such a long time without answers, without seeing each other- it was torture.
"C'mere before I gotta go back." He hugs me tightly and desperately, letting out a strangled sigh.
"You're warm." He whispers and a fond smile spreads across my lips and I slip away from him, gripping his shoulders in my hands with a teasing grin.
"You're tense."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres @bungunz
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baseballbitch116 · 4 years
Stay At Camp(1.2)
Your Walking Dead - Daryl Dixon Interactive Love Story
Introduction: Follow along on your journey with Daryl and the others throughout the series... You choose your actions... Will you end up with Daryl? YOU have the power to decide that!
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x reader
Setting: Atlanta camp - before Rick has joined (S1E2-3)
Word Count:��3263
Series Warnings: Gore, violence, strong language, potentially triggering content, sexual themes, death, mentions of drug/alcohol consumption and abuse...
Chapter Warnings: Violence, gore, death, strong language, angst,
A/N: I’d just like to note that I used a lot of true dialogue from the show, which does not belong to me; however, Y/N and the rest of the writing does.
Send Me A Request! | Series Masterlist
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“What’s going on?” You ask Glenn as he passes you. “Going on a run. Wanna come?” He asks, stopping and turning to look at you.
You had never gone with them on a run before, what exactly do you do? Would you just get in the way? But then again, you’ve been wanting to find a way to pull your weight… What should you do?
“Uhh, nah... I’ll stay back.” You respond with uncertainty. You feel slightly guilty, but you just don’t think that you’re ready to go out there just yet. Glenn nods and shoots you a reassuring smile before turning and heading toward the others. With a sigh, you head the opposite way to help out with some cleaning.
Your mind is preoccupied for most of the remainder of the day, wandering between your insecurities or fears, sometimes to different terrible scenarios that could be taking place on that run. Trying to keep yourself busy was the only was that you managed to stay sane - so that was what you did. You helped Amy clean and gut the fish her and her sister caught earlier in the day, tidied up the RV, helped Shane gather firewood, asked Carol to try to teach you how to sew, and even assisted the kids with homework - seeing as you were recently graduated from college with a degree in education.
The day drug by slowly, but eventually the sun set and everyone gathered around the fire Shane set up in to eat. It was a simple meal of canned beans and canned soup, each of you getting small portions in order to feed everyone. You sat beside Amy as you spooned at your food, listening to Dale explain his reasoning behind adjusting his watch every morning. You lent against the log that the others sat on, not overly concerned with dirtying your shorts, as you and the women wash clothes every morning.
This certainly wasn’t a meal that you would have eaten a few weeks ago - not only did beans and soup not go together, but you really steered clear of the weird mushy food. You wished you had a nice cheeseburger or bowl of Fettuccine right now - but that was a luxury that no longer existed. It was not easy to cook meals in a pot over a fire, with minimal ingredients and two dozen people to feed.
You chuckle as Dale finishes his story, taking one more spoonful of the beans into your mouth as you listen to the others speak. Your eyes wandered to Carol and her family gathered around their own smaller fire off to the side - grimacing at the sight. You liked Carol and Sophia a lot - but Ed was another story. The man wanted nothing to do with the rest of the group, contributed less than nothing, and was very obviously abusive toward his wife. You also took notice of the fact that once again, Daryl was not here.
Typically, Daryl would bring back whatever he killed, cook it up and take his plate off to his tent to eat alone. You had not seen him eat alongside the rest of the group before, it made you curious. Why did he insist on being alone? Today, he was still out hunting, having only returned for an hour or so earlier before heading back into the woods. You couldn’t help but worry - he was alone in the woods in the night. Still, it wasn’t your place to worry. The man had probably spoken a total of two words to you since meeting him - if that - you were by no means friends.
You are drawn out of your thoughts when you spot Shane standing up, approaching Ed and Carol over at their fire. Some of the group watch as the others try to mind their business as Shane asks Ed to keep the fire low, so they can’t be seen from far away. You clench your spoon as you see the man tell Carol to remove the log that he just tossed into the fire - watching as Shane stomps it out and thanks Carol, bidding her and Sophia a good night. You liked Shane - he was a pretty good guy to lead this group.
The next day goes by relatively the same as the one before, with the exception that the others never returned from the run. Typically, they would be gone from morning until close to sun down, which worried everyone immensely. Amy was panicking and demanding that they go out to try to find her sister, but Shane refused. You could see both sides, feeling bad for Amy but understanding Shane’s reasoning. You tried to reassure her that they were probably fine, but the younger girl wouldn’t hear any of it.
Not long before sundown, you heard the sound of an alarm blaring through the hills. Shane jumped up from where he sat cleaning his shotgun, Lori pausing in trimming Carl’s hair as she followed after him. You tried to spot where the sound was coming from, but you could not see anything. “Talk to me Dale!” Shane shouts at the older man on watch atop the RV. He is looking out with binoculars, trying to pin point what was approaching. “Can’t tell yet.”
“Is it them? Are they back?” Amy asks anxiously. You place a hand on her back to try to comfort her, your heart pounding as you anticipate what is coming.
“I’ll be damned.” Dale mutters.
“What is it?” She demands.
“Stolen car is my guess.” He replies, dropping the binoculars as the red car comes into view.
Everyone gathered around camp when the car pulled up. Shane was furious that Glenn pulled up to camp in a red sports car, laughing excitedly as its alarm shrilled.
“Holy crap, turn that damn thing off!” Dale shouts at Glenn as he grins.
“I don’t know how!” He hollers with his arms open. Shane taps the hood impatiently, asking him to pop the hood as Amy bombards Glenn with questions over the loudness of the car.
“Pop the damn hood please!”
“Is she alright?! Is she okay? Where is she?!”
“Yes! They’re all okay! Well... Merle not so much.”
“Are you crazy driving this wailing bastard up here - you trynna draw every walker for miles?!” Shane exclaims, leaning on the open hood after he shuts the alarm off.
“I think we’re okay.” Dale mutters. You run a hand through your greasy hair as you wrap your head around everything. Everyone’s okay except Merle? Why was Glenn driving this in the first place?
“You call being stupid okay?” Shane asks, shooting a look over his shoulder at Dale.
“That alarm was echoing all over these hills - hard to pin point the source. Shane stands and places his hands on his hips, giving Dale a look. You can’t help but admire how he looks for a moment - his blue button down shirt with the top buttons undone, exposing his chest. His cargo pants were snug on his long legs and his black hair was disheveled from running his large hands through it so frequently. If it weren’t for Lori...
“I’m not arguing, I’m just saying.” Dale remarks. “But it wouldn’t hurt you to think things through a little more carefully.” He points a finger at Glenn, the smile long gone from his face. You shake your head and shift your weight as a white truck pulls up behind the other car. You feel your heart swell in happiness for your friend when Andrea steps out, running for her sister with teary eyes. You watch as Morales and everyone else reunite with their loved ones, both you and Shane exchanging a look as Lori comforts a saddened Carl.
When a new man steps out of the car, dressed in a cop outfit, you are confused when you see Shane’s face fall. He looks like he’s seen a ghost - does he know this man? “Dad!” Carl screams, running into the arms of the unknown man. You watch in awe as Carl and Lori reunite with who must be his father... You and all the other smile at the scene, a single tear strolling down your cheek as you rejoice for them.
Until it hits you.
You look at Shane, his face rising and falling, his expression changing every second. He’s been sleeping with Lori... From what you knew, her husband was shot and died in the hospital right as this all happened... Was this really that man? You had so many questions but instead went over to give Andrea a hug, happy to see your friend has returned safely.
After the others settled in, the fire was once again set up and everyone feasted, listening to stories and the man - Rick - explained what happened when he woke from the coma he was in. You kept glancing back at Shane, wondering whether he was happy his friend was alive or not. He explained that he thought he died, that he didn’t hear a heartbeat and was attached to machines, which sounded like enough reason to believe he had passed to you. Still, you noticed how he looked at Lori throughout the night and you knew that there was going to be tension after tonight.
Once again, Daryl had only appeared once in the morning, asking about the whereabouts of his brother and eating before heading back into the woods. You had met his eye when he strode off, ducking your head from the intensity of his stare.
The next morning, you awoke shortly after sunrise in order to get a head-start on the day. You were going down to the quarry to wash clothes with the women while Shane and Carl tried catching frogs. You dressed into denim capris that hugged your legs and a black tank top, your hair pulled up into a pony tail as you spooned leftovers from last night into your mouth alongside Amy and Andrea. You are sitting beside them on the RV stairs when you spot Daryl approaching the camp from the woods, a string of something swung over his shoulder as he heads your way.
Swallowing the lump that formed in your throat, you exchange a knowing look with the sisters - Merle was left behind. Daryl stops a few feet away from the RV, hollering for his brother as he sets down his crossbow. “Merle!” He hollers again, making you cringe as you note a string of squirrels thrown over his shoulder. You meet his eye for a moment when he glances over his shoulder toward the RV. “Get yer ugly ass out here! Got us some squirrel!” He shuffles the weight of the dead animals over his shoulder. You grimace at the sight - knowing that it was a good thing and you should be thankful, but it was gross and sad. “Let’s stew em up!”
“Daryl?” Shane calls out, stopping Daryl in his tracks. Everyone is gathered around by this point and you exchange a worried look with the girls when you spot T-Dog heading over with an armful of firewood. “Why don’t you slow up a bit? I gotta talk to you.”
“About wha?” Daryl asks, his southern accent prominent. You try not to seem too nosey but at this point a lot of the group was gathered around, anticipating his bad reaction. You set the bowl of food aside and stand, crossing your arms and leaning against the vehicle beside your friends. “This isn’t gonna be good.” Amy mutters to the two of you, keeping her voice low. Shane makes his way over to Daryl, Rick following behind.
“About Merle... There was a uh... There was a problem in Atlanta.” You watch anxiously as Daryl takes in the information, looking around the camp at the people gathered, chewing on his thumb.
“He dead?” He asks, glancing up at Shane sideways.
“I’m not sure.”
“He either is or he ain’t!” Daryl shouts, approaching Shane. Your body is tense now and you worry that he is going to do something stupid.
“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it.” Rick steps up, approaching Daryl. He glares at him angrily. You notice how Rick looks a lot different in his large white shirt and jeans than he did yesterday in his uniform.
“Who are you?”
“Rick Grimes.”
“Rick Grimes...” Daryl sneers, sarcasm dripping off his tongue. You feel the tension growing in the air. “You got somethin you wanna tell me?” He growls.
“Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked onto a piece of metal. He’s still there.”
Daryl begins stalking back and forth, glaring between Shane and Rick, clearly bewildered. If you were in his shoes you would be too - it sounds pretty bad. “Hold on,” He starts, wiping his face and gesturing to his head. You notice that Daryl speaks with his hands quite a lot, mentally adding it to the things that you know about him. “Lemme process this. You’re saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof?! And you left him there!” He hollers at Rick, his tone raising with each word, making you jump at his loudness.
Before anyone can react, Daryl tosses the squirrels at Rick - who dodges them - and goes to lunge at him. Shane is quick to roughly shove him to the ground - making you cringe when he hits the ground on his back. You want to intervene but it’s not your place - and what would you do to stop the older, larger man?
Daryl whips out his large dagger, making you and Amy gasp when he swipes at Rick. Between Shane and Rick, they work together to disarm and get Daryl to the ground, Shane holding him in a choke-hold as Rick tries to reason with him. “You best let me go!” Daryl shouts, his face turning red as he struggles against Shane.
After a moment, Shane releases Daryl. He shuffles to his feet and resumes stalking and glaring at the men. “The hell with all y’all!” Daryl shouts, waving his arm in no real direction. You spot the tears he roughly wipes away and your heart drops for him. If that were your brother abandoned on a roof you would be pretty furious too. You can’t imagine how he must be feeling.
“Just tell me where he is.. So I can go get him.” Daryl grumbles.
“He’ll show you. Isn’t that right?” Lori speaks up, looking over at her husband. When he nods, she stomps past you into the RV and you exchange a confused look with Amy.
You, Andrea, Amy Jacqui and Carol decided to head down to start on the laundry after the scene. Ed tags along, irritating you, but you bite your tongue. Eventually Shane follows with Carl and you watch them mess around in the water, trying to catch frogs. The sight warms your heart - until Lori shows up and tells Carl to leave. You try not to watch too much, but everyone can hear and see her hollering at Shane, telling him to stay away from Carl.
You feel that is a little harsh, given all that Shane has done for her and that he says he thought Rick was dead. You keep your opinions to yourself as you scrub clothes in the water, droning out Carol as she talks. The girls start listing things that they miss and you all laugh when Andrea brings up her vibrator, Carol agreeing with her. The moment is cut short when Ed interrupts, saying that you guys are laughing too much.
You and Andrea turn and shoot him a look as he looms over you guys, lighting a cigarette. This man had nothing better to do than to supervise? You watch as Andrea stands up, approaching him and you dread the worst. You will not hesitate to stand up for her if he acts out of line - unfair to butt in in this situation.
“Ed, tell you what. You don’t like how your laundry’s done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself.” She suggests with a calm tone. You slowly stand from where you sat and turn to face them, ready for him to pull a dick move. “Here,” She suddenly tosses a wet pair of pants at Ed’s chest, which he immediately tosses back into her face, making her gasp. “Ain’t my job missy.” He drawls, taking a drag of his cigarette. The situation very quickly escalates as Amy tries to get her sister to back down but you take her side.
“No, what exactly is your job Ed? You think you can stand around and watch us all day? Got news for ya - we sure as hell aren’t your bitches.” You growl, daring the man to try you. You’ve had it up to here with this asshole, you’re dying for an excuse to fuck him up or go down trying.
He demands Carol follow him when he pussies out of the confrontation and ends up slapping her - sending all of you over the edge. Everyone is screaming as you and Andrea quickly start pounding on Ed’s chest, you digging your nails into his arms as you try to pull him off of Carol. You manage to get a punch in before he is literally drug off by Shane. You hold your throbbing fist as you watch Shane begin pummeling Ed, climbing on top of him and relentlessly beating him.
You almost want to cheer as he does so, grimacing as Carol cries and begs Shane to stop. Eventually he takes it too far and you all start hollering for him to stop. Carol runs over to the asshole’s side and sobs over him, making you sick as she apologizes to him. You and Shane meet eyes for a moment, your gaze landing on his bloody fists. “Shane-” You start, but he shrugs and shifts his weight, walking backward from the scene.
While some of the men got ready to go back to Atlanta to get Merle, you iced your throbbing hand on the steps of the RV. “You okay?” Glenn asks, shooting you a worried look. You nod and give him a halfhearted smile.
“I wish I could’ve beat his ass like Shane did.” You remark, shifting your weight slightly. Glenn lets out a chuckle and removes his cap, brushing his hair away.
“He deserved it.”
“Damn right he did.” You respond, wincing as you readjust the ice. You look up to spot Daryl getting ready a few yards away. He glances up, squinting at you in the bright sun as you sit there. Word quickly got around camp about what happened and it didn’t take a genius to figure out how you hurt yourself. You watch Daryl chew on his bottom lip, looking at you sideways before dropping his gaze back to his crossbow in hand.
“What’s that all about?” Glenn mutters. You glance up at him and cock a brow.
“Whaddya mean?”
“That. Daryl.” He clarifies, a smirk tugging at his lips. You drop your head as you feel your cheeks heat up, checking out your hand.
“Nothin. We don’t even talk.”
“You want to?” He asks, leaning his body against the RV, shooting a look back at the others that he is waiting for.
“I dunno, he doesn’t seem so bad.” You mumble, glancing up one more time when you see Daryl approaching the other men at the jeep, not looking at you this time. Glenn doesn’t respond, replacing his hat on his head and patting your shoulder. “Be careful.” You tell your friend, shooting him a weak smile that he returns as he walks off.
You watch as Glenn stands a few feet apart from Daryl, Shane giving Rick some bullets. “Let’s go! Wastin sunlight.” Daryl rushes them, making you chuckle slightly. You stand up and after one last look at your friends, you head back into the RV.
And that’s the end of the second option! This next chapter will end with more choices that you will need to make to continue through the story. You are heading down a spiral of choices and consequences. A simple decision like choosing to stay at camp is going to set the foundation of this story and all of the choices you are going to need to make following it! If you read the first option, you would see just how different the story has become, and it will only go more into depth as you continue down more paths.
Please leave me some feedback in the comments!! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s reactions to this series!!! ♥
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shimmershae · 6 years
These days I can't fill out a Mad Libs sheet to my satisfaction, so I thought "Why not put some blurbs out into the universe for some Caryl AUs that I wouldn't mind reading?"  *hint, hint*  Yes, they're oddly specific, lol.  But I'll have to pass on writing them for now.  Maybe someday, though.
Here's the first one now: 
  ·      Carol, quite by accident and with great reluctance, has somehow stumbled into a career as an up-and-coming almost-professional matchmaker. 
    Well.   Sort of. 
    The whole thing was actually Andrea’s idea.
     She’s tired of being a legal eagle.  Tired of dealing with the slimy likes of Phillip Blake.  Looking for a distraction and brand-new start, she ropes Carol into going into business with her. 
    She’s seen a few episodes of the Bachelor.  Mocked them.  Figures it can’t be that hard and anyway.  Carol has always seemed to have a knack for steering their friends toward Mr. or Ms. Right.  She totally set up Michonne and Rick after Lori died and those two are going strong.  They’re happy and well adjusted and if Andrea can’t have that for herself, she’ll take the next best thing:  helping orchestrate others’ happily ever afters with Carol doing her thing.  Behind the scenes, though. 
    Andrea’s the face of the company because Carol?  She prefers the shadows.  Doesn’t want the acclaim or recognition.  Kind of like the wizard in the Wizard of Oz only not. 
    Anyway.  The whole thing goes better than either of them ever expected.  Business really takes off and life is good.  The scales are starting to tip in Carol’s favor where her preteen daughter Sophia is concerned and she might even be well on her way to finally scraping that piece of dog shit Ed off the heel of her shoe for good.
     And then Merle Dixon walks through their door and he annoys the shit out of Andrea instantly.  Just re ally gets under her skin. 
    He’s looking for a love match for his baby brother Daryl. 
    It turns out money doesn’t buy you everything and winning the lottery a couple of years back has only driven the younger Dixon further back into his shell and truly.  Merle’s afraid he’s going to up and disappear one of these days.  He’s certainly got the means to do so now and oh it’s a mess. 
    It’s a mighty big mess because Andrea has this inexplicable urge to punch the man in the throat, but it’s obvious he’s sincere and something, some gut feeling, tells her to take the job.  She can’t wait to have Carol work her magic with this one. 
    Oh, if she only knew. 
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weapon13whitefang · 3 years
Do you have any fanfics you’re working on??
Yes! I have a few I'm working on. But I'm trying to work mostly on what I have already posted. But as for new work, yes I have a few new pieces I hope to post in the near future. I'll give you a little blurb on them. Some of these have been in my WIP folder for years and I on and off work them. But some of these are far more recent. But all are ones I want to get done.
Swimming Away
A very young Daryl almost drowns one night at sea, but is rescued by what he swears was a mermaid. No one believes him, but Daryl knows what he saw and what he believes and he keeps that belief years later.
A.I. Love You
In a world made of technology and metal and artificial intelligence, Daryl keeps himself tucked away from it all as much as he can in his self sustaining cabin in the woods... Until his jackass brother reveals he used Daryl's information to enter him into some wacky contest and now he's got a very human looking female android in his house.
I kissed your lips and I tasted blood
Daryl would find he’d rather be watching some stupid, cheesy ass vampire movie on the couch with Merle… Than find himself staring into the silvery-blue eyes of a pale skinned woman with a mouth of sharp fangs stained in blood.
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
Judith has a bad habit of running off and disappearing past the gates... and then coming back with strays
The Bar Stool Hop
Beth has known Daryl and Merle Dixon since they’ve been coming over to the farm to ride dirt bikes and wim in the pond with Shawn. They’re practically family... But Beth is kind of wanting more. Which should be bad, but it’s more annoying since they both still treat her like the little girl that threw Maggie’s birth control pills in the pond!
Way Down We Go
Becoming a dancer in the sketchy “Paradise Alley” of Atlanta, Georgia was never on the cards for Beth Greene. She’d left her cozy farm life to move to the city to get into a music career... But here she is, dancing at The Blue Angel and about to entertain a bunch of thugs.
Petals and Bones
The Gods and Goddess have been reborn and once again, the Lord of the Dead has found himself drawing the short end of the stick. He’s alone, bitter, broken, and angry... The fates and their cruel jokes. Meanwhile, In a flower shop on the corner of a busy street, the Goddess of Spring watches the people walk by and wonders “is there life out there, away from her overprotective family and lilac scented walls?”.
Into The Jungle
After almost having to call it quits and move back to her little home town in Georgia, Beth lands a paying job as a singer for the popular- if not a bit sketchy - bar, The Garage. Her boss Carol is a sweetheart and all the bartenders are great… But she’s not so sure how to feel about the bar owners.
The Traveler
When Beth Greene is dared to get her fortune told at the Antique Show and Swap Meet from a fifty cents machine, she didn’t know what to make of its strange warning... Until she somehow ended up in the Wild West of 1875 with a gun held to her head.
Cirque d’amour
At thirteen, Beth Greene lost her whole life in a house fire. Too young to live alone, the state makes to take her in... But Beth isn’t having it. Gathering what little possessions survived the fire, Beth makes a run for the train tracks and boards the first one she sees... Which happens to be the train owned by Will Dixon and Jess Collin-Dixon; The Dixon Brothers Circus Spectacular.
Guy Code
Men have a secret code of ethics they adhere to that supersedes the usual realm of social conventions. Such as always have a urinal between you and another guy, never dis another guys mother, always have your buddies back in a fight, and your best friends little sister is off limits… Bummer, right?
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
♥️ Daryl Dixon Masterlist♥️
This is a masterlist dedicated to things I've written about Daryl Dixon.
Check out my Prompt List and my Character List in my Masterpost which is pinned for more info on who I write for and some inspiration for requests.
This is a mix of headcannons, oneshots and blurbs :)
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Summary/Request: "a daryl dixon request! can be anything:) maybe him confessing his feelings for the reader during a run and you could take it anyway you’d like from there"
A Bit Beat:
Summary/Request: "How about something upbeat for Daryl? Like Alexandria time with none of the sad shit?"
Summary/Request: "Can you do something where the reader gets taken by the Governors people and like conflict between Daryl and Merle cuz Daryl likes the reader."
Summary/Request: "Can you do something with Daryl when they get to Alexandria and they all stay in the same house that first night?"
I Got You:
Summary/Request: "From the prompt list: 2. 'Whose blood is that?' 9.Mutual Pining with daryl dixon if possible!!"
Summary/Request: "OH EHM GEE, OH EHM GEE! #5 (slow-burn/build up) with Daryl Dixon, cause why not? 🤷‍♀️🤭"
Summary/Request: "daryl dixon x fem!reader, morning fluff ! literally anything that has to do with them waking up and stuff!"
 First and Foremost:
Summary/Request: "doing daryls hair?"
Summary/Request: "'I’m not afraid of you.’ Daryl"
A Dumb Choice:
Summary/Request: "Okay but I will beg for an awkward, cute Daryl one bed trope confession fic. 👀 I feel like I haven’t seen nearly enough of them for him."
Pillow Talk:
Summary/Request: "request for daryl for the “stop pouting” line and maybe reader sneaking into his bed after nightmares:) please"
Slip Away:
Summary/Request: "Daryl and Unresolved Sexual Tension please"
Tight Leash:
Summary/Request: "Prison Era!Daryl and a reader who both like each other but are too scared to say it. She contracts the illness at the prison and both are worried that they won't be able to confess before it's too late."
Close Call:
Summary/Request: "may i pretty please request some sort of daryl hurt/comfort (making up after a fight, close call after an argument, etc) <3"
Summary/Request: "Can you write having a father daughter relationship with daryl like hopper and El from stranger things headcanons"
Count To Ten:
Summary/Request: "daryl dixon fic request! plz do whatever you feel like doing and whatever you’re comfortable with<3 so like a prison era daryl right and he’s in the mood but the readers got some news?"
Summary/Request: "can we have a fluffy daryl Dixon, in which he has a daughter like a little bit younger than carl? and it is set on the first seasons?"
Summary/Request: "can you do daryl with the friends with benefits prompt? u can take it in any direction and any era!"
Drama Queen:
Summary/Request: "daryl dixon x fem!reader, enemies to lovers (you dont need to do that) with the prompts "What do you want from me?" and "Whose blood is that?""
Happy Accident:
Summary/Request: "Daryl Partner in Crime (Rick or someone's sister?) + Pregnancy trope"
Mundane Life:
Summary/Request: "Some Daryl-Reader-Leah drama, please?"
Summary/Request: "Hey hey! Would you be willing to write a oneshot about Daryl and his female love interest reuniting after his time in The Sanctuary? You can decide if they're already together or not but I am an absolute sucker for second chance romance!! Thank you so much 🥰"
Pretty Pansy:
Summary/Request: "if you’re still taking daryl Dixon requests could you do something where Daryl’s dating someone rlly sweet and kindhearted. For some reason I see him dating someone who’s rlly sweet and maybe they like to bake or garden maybe even crochet idk😭"
Summary/Request: "A clingy Daryl during the farm era? Maybe he really loved holding hands and kissing your shoulder randomly. :) Thank you"
Summary/Request: "daryl reassuring an insecure reader?? maybe they think there's smt between him and carol or he's still hung up on leah, it's up to you!"
Summary/Request: "okay, but what about daryl and reader cooking and spending a day relaxing (it could be any era) with a bit of spice and cuddles 😌"
Death Wish:
Summary/Request: "I love your stuff! Could you do one where Daryl was captured but reader saves him but reader has never killed anyone before so they're really out of it and in shock kind of?"
Summary/Request: "can i pls request daryl x reader in the middle of sexy time and judith ruins it bc there’s a storm outside and she’s scared and goes to auntie y/n’s and uncle daryl’s room but daryl tells her dog will keep her safe in her own room so daryl x y/n can continue sexy time 😏"
Play Nice:
Summary/Request: "Helping Daryl escape and tending to him at the prison after him and Merle escape Woodbury?"
Old Man:
Summary/Request: "Daryl feeling insecure about how he looks because he thinks he’s too old for the reader"
Summary/Request: "I'd love to read Daryl x Female Reader - prompt no. 16, mutual pining, smut nsfw!!❣️ Love your works❣️❣️❣️❣️"
Dixon's Girl:
Summary/Request: "Give us a jealous Daryl, pleaseee? 🥹"
Summary/Request: "Chubby/plus size reader x Daryl’s where she is worried daryl won’t like her because of her size? Smut or no smut up to you :)"
Summary/Request: "*12. Interrupted/Almost Kiss* with daryl please?"
Summary/Request: "Daryl/ Forbidden Romance/ Lori or Rick's sister"
Summary/Request: "OOOO okay bet, maybe a lil shane and his sister w a lil hint of daryl x reader? fluff?? or even angst of after he died? all up to you"
Summary/Request: "Can I get negans daughter x daryl? When/if you have a chance to get to it of course <3"
A Reason:
Summary/Request: "it can be any era you want!! use that creative freedom with some hubby daryl<3 hopefully it’ll help out with some of the funk:("
Out Like A Light:
Summary/Request: "How about Daryl and the morning after first time w Reader"
Summary/Request: "daryl helping reader with a panic attack that comes out of nowhere? thank you!"
I'm Gentle:
Summary/Request: "Daryl request that he and reader like eachother a lot but is scared of touch due to his past abuse. She goes slow with him showing him that touch is meant to feel nice. Fluffy smut pleeeease."
Waiting For You:
Summary/Request: "It’s Monday (again) so I’m up for an angst! 🌝 Reader to Daryl - 11. 'You left me and you didn’t even think twice about it.' 🫣💔 Uh I love u and your works! 💕"
Summary/Request: "I was wondering if you could do a Daryl X fem!reader who's as tall or taller than him? Doesn't have to be romantic, just reader is feeling a little insecure about how she's a lot bigger than other girls. Maybe they're out on a run or hunting with Dog and it kinda comes up?"
Bad Guy:
Summary/Request: "Hi, could you please write something with DarylxReader using prompt no. 7 “ Just cuz I’m the bad guy doesn’t mean I’m a bad guy.”"
Worst For Him:
Summary/Request: "Can you do the pregnancy trope prompt for daryl? Please and ty"
Summary/Request: "Can I get a Daryl and reader? The reader has ADHD and talks very fast that never stays on one topic but Daryl is used to it?"
Summary/Request: "Daryl will reunite with my oc or reader in the apocalypse after not seeing each other for years the last time was before she ran away from home from her abusive parents. They were the best of friends they save each other form their abusive parents."
Rick's Ex:
Summary/Request: "Hiii , how about something like this — Reader is Rick Grime’s ex, after they broke up she found comfort in Daryl .. they eventually fell in love and he feels guilty about it knowing that his brother Rick is still in love with the Reader. 🎈"
You Said It:
Summary/Request: "OMG what about 'I just thought you would like to know that I’m not wearing any underwear right now. Do what you must with this information.’ with Daryl??? like imagine how flustered and frustrated he would be???? ... i am asking for a friend"
Summary/Request: "hey could you make a daryl smut with daryl!sub and the reader the dom? but still more in a caring way, nothing to dominant like spanking, yk something that suits daryl. in alexandria and daryl in the later seasons"
New Girl:
Summary/Request: "Could we get some s1 daryl meeting a girl he shot by mistake whos just like him? She hunts and keeps furs and pelts from the animals shes caught. He cares for injuries and brings her to camp. Fluff, possibly smut because theyre both wild?"
Summary/Request: "Can I request that praise kink Daryl’s smut? Established relationship super soft and fluffy?"
Signed, Daryl:
Summary/Request: "Would you be able to do a Daryl one-shot where It’s prison era (before the governor is a thing cuz I hate him lol) and the reader is (male or female) and deaf? I know recently learned ASL for work and family and I would love more deaf representation!! (Putting like “he signed”)."
Staying Put:
Summary/Request: "hey babes! i hope you’re doing well🤍 im rewatching twd from season one and im on episode 6 where the group is at the cdc, and i was wonder if you could write something where dr jenner tells the group that the building is gonna explode and y/n wants to stay since all of her family is gone but daryl refuses to leave without her (kinda like dale and andrea)? sorry this was so long 🤧"
Summary/Request: "hello!! could you do a daryl x reader story with a reader who has scars from physical abuse from their family, but it confident about them, not afraid to show them and not covering up? and daryl feels comforted around them bc of it?"
Daddy Daryl:
Summary/Request: "Hi! Maybe some story of Daryl Dixon being a dad? Just because everyone want to see that 🧡"
Summary/Request: "could you do something with daryl and reader in subspace? maybe with the prompts 19 and 22 but honestly whatever you feel is best! 🤍🤍"
Back Now:
Summary/Request: "Hello friend! I love your writing. Can I get 13 and 18 prompt for Daryl with number 5 trope? Smut, fluffy, spicy, whatever 😘"
Keep It That Way:
Summary/Request: "How about a jealous Reader and Daryl?? 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼"
Start talkin’:
Summary/Request: "Hi, could you please do a Daryl Dixon request around the time of the prison, something fluffy of Daryl helping the reader deal with the stress of the herds or something like that please and thank you?"
You Made Your Bed:
Summary/Request: "hii, can we have a daryl x reader where reader finds out/listens in on carol’s and daryl’s conversation on leaving on their own without telling anyone? and the reader feels betrayed because she thought she was close to him?"
Jeweled up:
Summary/Request: "Daryl & readers first time having sex and daryl sees that she has her nipples pierced! 😻"
Grown Woman:
Summary/Request: "more daryl x walsh!reader? maybe shane “confronting” daryl abt the reader if its not to much"
Summary/Request: "Like Reader finding Daryl’s note for Leah in the cabin? Huge fight, silent treatment and probably sleep on the couch with Dog for week!"
Don't Push It:
Summary/Request: "I was just wondering if you could do one where either the reader or Daryl have a very close call with getting hurt and realize their feelings for each other?"
Summary/Request: "could you possibly write something with daryl dixon and a reader thats a really good singer and he hears her singing and its fluffy? i love your writing!!!"
Up Close and Personal:
Summary/Request: "How about Reader getting jealous of Daryl and Connie so she flirts with a cool guy in the Commonwealth? 🤭"
Summary/Request: "what about the first time the reader makes daryl laugh?"
Any Means Necessary:
Summary/Request: "Can I get a Daryl x Reader where the reader was with Daryl when they went to go find Merle? Like she's there with him when they find Merle's hand and how she comforts him after his big blow up?"
Not Until Now:
Summary/Request: "Hey! Can I request Daryl and Reader, prison era, when Daryl left the group because he found Merle in Woodbury? Maybe something angst but with a heart-warming ending?"
Summary/Request: "How about something like this: Reader is having a “friends with benefits” relationship with Daryl, all good until they arrive in Alexandria and Spencer started flirting with her! It’s up to you how to end the story, I mean what do you think Daryl would do??"
Summary/Request: "A non English speaking reader instead of Korean is totally okay! Yeah I just meant rick is aggressive with reader but daryl calms him down when he sees reader is scared and not trying to hurt anyone, and then daryl is soft with reader. I love everything you write so however you wanna write this is cool, I'll love it either way <3"
Right Person/Wrong Time:
Summary/Request: "How about a Right Person/Wrong Time situation? Where Daryl and Reader were together before the apocalypse happen."
Mafia: Part 1; Part 2
Summary/Request: "Can you do Daryl Dixon with the AU Angel/demon with the prompts “you didn’t just break promises, you broke me” and “I hate the way that I don’t hate you and I so desperately want to.”
Stay Away:
Summary/Request: "Scenario: Ex partner "
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