pokemonprideflags · 10 months
the pansexual (pan) flag color picked from the lake trio (uxie, mesprit and azelf)
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adobe-outdesign · 9 months
A lot of people think that Cyrus has normal emotional capacities and would be significantly happier if he let himself live, but I find the alternative interesting (not realistic, interesting). I read a story once where he, as a youth on a Pokémon journey, tried drowning himself in lake Verity. Mesprit dragged him out and, sensing that he’d just try again without further intervention, took his capacity for sadness and fear. Mesprit visited him again a month later to undo the partial curse. Cyrus fought Mesprit off because while there is no joy without sadness or comfort without fear, no longer being in pain was the best thing to ever happen to him. To date, he’s completely unable to connect with others, pretty much his only emotions are anger and hate, his empathy is nonexistent and he’s forgotten what joy feels like. But he’s dead-convinced that he’s better off and we’d all be better off cursed, too.
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I swear to God, they look this fucked in the game
I swear
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beezonia · 4 months
adrien and mespirit
he meets mespirit when he’s slowly breaking free, allowing himself to feel anger and happiness (he never really got mad at his father until he did something extremely drastic to keep him under his thumb)
mespirit the being of emotion comes to protect him from harm
being around mespirit allows adrien to heal, allows him to feel things he had to keep repressed
his team love mespirit and so does he
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dailyanypokemon · 1 year
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#481 - Mespirit
Requested by @synthetic-star
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cinimuffin · 8 months
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devileaterjaek · 4 months
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alazyparallelworld · 1 year
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blaise-recolors · 4 months
Pokemon Recolors || Public
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One of these was from a BDSP mod and the other was an internet recolor someone made and I gifted them an animated version of the sprite but they deleted the thread it was on :death:
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regitrios · 1 year
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quick lake trio humanizations i made on the fly
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lyricalchrysanthemum · 9 months
if ur guy/blorbo was in a bad apple MV which character would they replace .
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Do you think that a Mespirit would take away a person’s emotions if it wanted that? In like a “I don’t want to make my loved ones sad by dying but I also don’t want to be in pain anymore,” type of way? I’m sure Mespirit wouldn’t like it, as it surely values our capacity to be feeling, experiencing beings, but would it understand the desire to just be a tool for others instead, even though it’s a little sad?
Considering it's the one that gave emotions to humanity in the first place I think it would actually be Really Pissed if someone tried to walk up to it and say they didn't want them anymore
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gundamcalibarney · 2 years
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did these drawings because i watched giratina and the sky warrior
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shinyhuntingtwins · 6 months
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Kel and Mespi are fighting. I literally have no idea why. They've never had problems before.
Stoppp :(
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kousagi7hikari · 7 months
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coramatus · 2 years
Under the City Streets (part 7)
Emmet and Volo meet a trio of witches and learn firsthand that smoke inhalation is no laughing matter.
For an explanation of how they got here, read part 6
When Emmet wakes up, it’s to an unfamiliar ceiling and an unfamiliar futon, stripped down to his underclothes. He feels awful, like something is weighing down his chest and squeezing his skull. He starts to get up but is racked by a terrible coughing fit. Someone hurries to his side and thumps his back with surprising force for such a small hand. An elderly voice encourages him to keep it up, he has to cough it out or he won’t heal right. He’s almost ready to cry but with a final hacking cough, he spits out a wad of bitter phlegm. He is repulsed to find he just hacked up a glob of dark gray mucus. A cloth wipes his mouth for him and he looks up to see a little granny fussing over him. She hands him a cup of hot herbal tea, encouraging him to drink. He quietly does so, all while getting a better look at the person at his side.
A little old woman in a bright blue knit earflap hat smiles back at him. She is verrry small, her aged face lined with wrinkles. A small red dot sits on the center of her forehead. She asks how he’s feeling and introduces herself as Yu Lake.
Emmet tries to speak but it comes out as a wet, wheezy crackle before he breaks down coughing again. It leaves him light-headed and he barely realizes he’s falling until Yu catches him.
As she lays him back down, Emmet is surprised to find his necktie bound around his burnt arm as a makeshift bandage. He remembers the blistering, scorched wounds from where the burning Edelwood oil clung to him.
Catching him staring at his arm, Yu tells Emmet that they were out of bandages and that his neck cloth seemed like a good temporary solution. He quietly rubs at the burn, wincing at the stinging pain, but also feeling some sort of soothing poultice dressing underneath.
Yu advises him to keep a careful eye on it. Her voice grows serious as she tells him he’s been burnt badly in more ways than one, leaving him in delicate condition.
Emmet’s not sure what she means, but he does feel a lot more tired than before…
The last thing Emmet remembers was fire… a lot of fire… and… and…
Where’s Volo?
Emmet starts to look but is pointed to a basket where a sooty, shivering Starly is sleeping, his beak tucked under the back of a wing. A weird glass dome hangs over the basket as some sort of steam treatment is administered, like a rudimentary nebulizer.
Relieved, he sags in exhaustion, laying back in the futon. Emmet’s voice is weak and small, but he manages to ask, “How did… we get here?”
The old woman shrugs, simply telling him that a concerned hunter found them and brought them here. Did them a huge favor really, they could easily have died without their medical care. Care that they are not finished administering.
This sets off a knee jerk reaction from Emmet. Wait, he can’t stay-! His brother! Ingo—!
Emmet tries to get up to leave, but collapses onto all fours, coughing violently. He feels faint as the room spins around him. His lungs aren’t pulling in enough air and he’s shaking like a leaf. Tears of frustration form in his eyes as he curses how weak he’s become. He can’t let his brother get far, he has to catch up to him, to convince him to come back with him. He’s so close…
As he struggles to stay on his wobbling hands and knees, the blue-hatted old woman suddenly rushes back in with two more women at her side. Together, they usher him back into the futon, insisting that he rest, he needs time to heal.
Wheezing weakly, Emmet reluctantly does as he is told, quietly accepting another cup of herbal tea as the old women fuss over him. He notes that they look similar, like triplets. One of the new women introduces herself as Wei Lake. She wears a yellow knit beanie hat and her eyes seem to be closed all the time. The third woman wears a knitted magenta hat with odd decorative dangly things hanging off it and introduces herself as Mi Lake. Together the three of them refer to themselves as the Lake Witches, which seems to amuse them. They then insist that Emmet needs rest and start arguing with each other about his treatment. In spite of the noise, Emmet finds himself dozing off.
Emmet spends his time sleeping off the effects of the fire. He’s given anti-inflammatory herbs and a lot of water as his lungs slowly clear themselves. Healing is painfully slow but there’s little else he can do.
Volo fares less well from the fire, his feathers singed and lungs full of smoke. He’s not much more than a sad shivering ball of feathers that can barely keep upright. Even his speech fails him as he’s so out of it that he can only make Starly noises. Emmet is always gentle with him, making sure to give him extra care and attention. To Emmet’s amusement, this slightly brain-damaged version of Volo seems to love this and enjoys cuddling against Emmet, often flopping belly first against him and cooing like a happy Pidove.
Sometimes Emmet wakes up crying because of nightmares of the fire and his brother. A few dreams even feature losing Volo to the fire, a fear that is quickly eased when he sees his friend still in his basket upon waking.
As Emmet rests and recovers, he finds himself having other strange and extremely vivid dreams…
Part 7.1 - 7.5
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