#message bot
thornthebombay · 4 months
My first bot account message sense I joined again I truly am back to Tumblr
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aueua · 11 months
Hey how are you ✨ [USERNAME]... my ոame is 💛 [NAME] 🍓 I'm [ADVERB] 💙 [ADJECTIVE] 💜 right now 🥵 and I'm hoping💋 yoս to [VERB OF FUN]😚 [HYPERLINK] 💦 please be 💚fast 🌸 I'm 😳 waitiոg😏 you here 🔥
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metamatronic · 9 months
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memories :) continued here
why is michael in sb!ruin??? i have no clue!!! maybe he’s salvaging animatronic pieces to fix his robot family members and found cassie.
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sugarkillsall · 10 months
truly bonkers that this site will flag vaguely nude drawings at the drop of a hat but I can be presented a random women's entire pussy as a recommended post at any given moment from a bot
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ab--n · 6 months
I have to tell you guys something.
you see these asks?
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They are scams.
They are bots made by scammers to try and make a profit during a GENOCIDE!
If you see these types of asks in your inbox, report the account and delete the ask.
If you really want to make a difference in helping Palestine, do your daily clicks in arab.org! donate esims and use trusted sources when donating.
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chilewithcarnage · 2 months
yeah so going off that maykitz post about sonya massey & it's showing me that white people have this gross almost fetishtic relationship to witnessing violence against brown and black bodies. like why are you encouraging people to watch what is essentially snuff. everytime a black person is murdered on camera by a cop or a group of Palestinian children get killed in another iof bombing y'all will share the uncensored horrific blood and viscera talking about some 'dont you dare look away'. like girl fuck you how do you think it feels for us to see our people get graphically tortured and murdered at the hands of white supremacist colonial forces? I saw the video of Sonya being shared all over twitter and I couldn't even get past the first few seconds of her holding the pot. I'm not even being funny when I say don't nobody wanna see that shit. y'all might see it as a 'oh people are trying to stick their heads in the sand and shield themselves from the truth!' like NO we're really not! we're not sitting up here making crybaby ass posts about how 'tumblr is supposed to be a fun place so if you use it as an escape from all of the bad things happening you're valid 🌈' we are all very much aware of what is going on in the world, and ask yourself why you have to see first hand explicit horrific footage of a black woman being shot in the FACE to have sympathy with us?!
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heavenbarnes · 6 months
Does older bf!simon have social media?
great question!
he has one, older bf!simon has one singular social media account and it’s with instagram.
he only follows you and he only has it so he can like every single photo you post and comment “i like this” on them.
he literally does nothing else with the account (except watch rug cleaning videos on reels) and he has an alert for when you post.
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the-sunlit-earth · 1 month
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Master Neloth woke up at 3am and chose violence
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zu-is-here · 10 months
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some services shouldn't be ordered to home
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rkgknno · 1 year
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im lowkey embarrassed but also not at all
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yesornopolls · 2 months
Did you know this site still has porn even though it's "banned"? You've just got to know where to look for it.
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frosty-tian · 11 months
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“Rescue bots!”
“Just, rescue!”
The magical rescue bots shall save not only Griffin Rock, but also anyone from despair!
(Thank you so much for everyone’s kind comment and support when this illustration was still in the sketch stage, and definitely to those who helped with voting in the poll which helped Afuro to win. It was a very wild but enjoyable ride, and I’m deeply thankful for the experience!)
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
PSA: the bots are getting sneaky
Hey guys just fyi, I haven’t seen anything about this, but I don’t get a follower notification when a bot follows me anymore.
My follower count will magically go up, but my activity doesn’t notify me of being followed by them. But when I click on my list of followers, there they all are.
At first I thought this was an issue with my tumblr specifically, but I still get notified when other people follow me, so I think that the bots just found a work around.
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
Love that cat-coded Rudy doodle you shared! It matches perfectly with an animal shifter au my friend and I muse over for fun, wherein Rudy and Ale are BOTH cat shifters and the Los Vaqueros base becomes Head Bonk Central with them in charge.
omg sorry i just saw this
HELLO THIS IS SO CUTE?? head bonk central ajsjksdkhdsa I would love to read any snippets if you have! :D
had a running joke with a few people back then that Alejandro is Colonel Meow
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please accept this ridiculous alerudy doodle atm (they're old doodles forgive the quality) becuz someone said they looked like bobble head toys
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ghostbny · 11 months
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🥰😍 🤩
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animentality · 2 months
I might have to turn off my asks.
I cannot stand being spammed with, "Help my family is in Gaza" bot posts.
Like seriously.
It's astounding.
Literally hundreds of these fucking things every day. From the most obvious bot ass names imaginable too, and also using the exact same goddamn wording.
It's so fucking scummy to do too, like, I don't have the time to go through these and try to identify the real ones. People who actually need help are getting drowned out by these fake ass hoes. Genuinely infuriating.
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