#metal masters miami
slashhinginghasher · 3 months
Into the Cricketverse - Audition Tape
Introduction: Marena POV Introduction: Cricket POV* Aftercare* Bread* Boundaries Movie Night Welcome to my Death Talk* Mess*
*asterisk denotes parts written by @thesightstoshowyou
(This is still part of the Spring Break series, I've just switched from part numbers to titles until Sights and I have worked out where everything fits in the timeline.)
Marena's back hit the wall hard enough to rattle the pictures in their frames, the blood in her hair leaving smudges of rust on the white paint. Jesse used the new leverage to thrust even harder, faster, deeper. Every part of his girl was clamped down on him like a vice: bare, blood-spattered legs wrapped around his waist; sharp little nails digging into his scalp and the nape of his neck; pussy gripping his cock like it never wanted him to leave.
About five more minutes, he figured, before the adrenaline rush began to die out and she became cognizant of the fact that he was fucking her out in the open when there were other people in the penthouse. He planned to make full use of that time.
From somewhere in the penthouse, the tinny recorded sounds of screaming and crunching bone looped again and again.
~ One hour earlier ~
Marena was reaching a breaking point much faster than Jesse had anticipated. Only a few days in, and he could already see the strain of Asa's presence taking a toll on her. He'd given Asa a brief overview of her history in the brothel as a way to justify his "hands mostly off" rule, and the clever bastard had quickly deduced that he could circumvent it by using Cricket's pain to torture Marena psychologically instead of physically. If she didn't get a way to work off some of that tension, she'd do something that would push Asa over the edge.
Which was why Jesse slapped down a little plastic baggie of pills in front of her.
Marena glanced at it and went very still. She knew what date rape drugs looked like, and she knew Jesse didn't use them on piggies. When she looked back up at his masked face, it was with the cold, dead eyes of a predator.
"He's in the basement."
Holding his gaze, she slowly rose to her feet, took a few steps backward. Then she took off for the master bedroom at a brisk pace. Jesse smiled behind the mask and fiddled with his camera while he waited for her. It was a digital model, the type he preferred for his personal projects when he didn't have to worry about the cops scraping metadata off a computer file. The sound and picture were crisper, the videos easier to edit after shooting.
And this one had broadcasting capabilities.
Marena emerged in a pair of heavy leather boots with metal plates embedded along the thick soles. With her asymmetric plaid skirt and haphazardly plaited hair, she looked ready to go to some punk show. It was hot. Even hotter was the way she plucked the meat tenderizer Cricket had used the previous night from the drying rack by the kitchen sink, weighing it in her hand and giving it a twirl before nodding at Jesse.
She was silent in the elevator on the way down, absentmindedly tapping the metal mallet against her thigh. Nearly a year ago, she had slaughtered a group of men in a Miami penthouse for drugging and raping girls from the shitty bar she'd worked at. Her subsequent flight from the police had placed her on a path that landed her directly in Jesse's bed - and the rest, as they said, was history.
Jesse mentally sent out a thank you to the four rotting corpses that had inadvertently sent him his Tiny Terror.
The college boy - bermuda shorts, boating shoes, and a button-down shirt that had ripped open in the acquisition scuffle - was tied to a chair, looking a little worse for wear. Various implements of pain were lined up along a metal table behind him and more were locked in a cage off to the side. The setup reminded Jesse of his first encounter with Marena, though she had maintained far more composure than this sniveling wreck. His red eyes and runny nose were shameful in comparison.
Boat Shoes' intended victim had been dosed with a heavier sedative and was snoring away the last peaceful moments of her life in a locked box in the adjoining room. Jesse and Asa would play with the little piggy later; right now her presence would just be a distraction to Marena.
Jesse checked that the camera was linked up to all the TVs in the penthouse, and Asa's phone for good measure. He had a feeling the other man would want to watch this, even if it meant pulling himself away from Cricket's pussy for a time.
Marena looked Boat Shoes up and down dispassionately, like something mildly disgusting viewed from a distance.
"W-what is this?" he whimpered, looking over her shoulder at Jesse. "Hey man! What the fuck is going on?!"
Jesse slowly circled the scene and Boat Shoes tried to follow, straining his neck as Jesse moved out of his line of sight. Marena kicked him in the shin hard enough that the chair scraped several inches across the floor. He yelped.
"OW, fuck!"
She hurled the baggie of pills at his face. He flinched when it smacked his cheek.
"If you're going to rape someone," she said, voice deceptively soft, "at least have the decency to take them down yourself."
"Oh fuck, is that what this is? Some kind of... feminazi intervention?"
Marena frowned slightly.
"I don't know that word."
"You're gonna stand there and act like I'm the bad guy when she's the one who was acting like a tease and giving me mixed signals all night?" His reedy voice rose until he was almost shouting. "If she didn't wanna fuck, then why was she up at my table with her tits out, y'know?"
It was almost comical, the way he tried to square his shoulders when he was still tied to a damn chair.
"It's not like I was gonna hurt her, I just wanted what she owed me without anymore fucking games. But you females gotta make such a huge deal out of everything now with your 'me too' or whatever the fuck."
Boat Shoes craned his head, looking for Jesse.
"How much's she paying you to do this, dude? Or did she just put out like a slut?"
He lost his nerve the second he made eye contact with the mask and quickly looked back to Marena, but his raised voice made it clear he was still trying to address Jesse.
"Fucking typical, females can't even do anything without men to do the dirty work for them, am I right? I wasn't even asking much from her, all she had to do was lie there and take it-"
Whip-quick, Marena backhanded him with the meat tenderizer. The meaty smack was immediately drowned out by his warbling shriek. Melodramatic. She hadn't even hit him hard enough to knock him over. He coughed up a mouthful of bloody spit, and Jesse heard the clink of at least one tooth hitting the ground.
While Boat Shoes whimpered, Marena set the meat tenderizer on the table and picked up a knife. It was a simple thing, less than six inches long with a smooth blade. When she circled back around to face the boy again, he started blubbering and hyperventilating.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck." Blood sprayed off his quivering lips and dribbled down his chin. "Mel? Mel, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean it. I didn't mean- Oh, jesus fuck-"
He shut up the instant Marena touched the tip of the knife to his mouth. She trailed it downward, over his scrawny chest, until it hovered over his pubic bone.
"You don't want to be hurt, do you?" she asked in that same quiet, even tone. He shook his head frantically.
Marena cocked her head, eyes wide, unblinking.
"Then why are you so soft?"
She pushed the knife in, slowly.
Boat Shoes' wail echoed off the walls of the basement. When Marena stepped back, the hilt of the knife jutted up from his pelvis like a macabre erection. Probably bigger than anything he'd ever achieved with his limp little dick, too.
Marena slipped behind him to pick at the knots binding his hands. As soon as the ropes fell away, he slid to his knees. The knife handle bobbed up and down comically with each of his pathetic whimpers.
And, surprisingly, he wrapped his quivering hands around it and pulled the knife out a cry and a gush of blood. A stupid move - everyone knew removing the knife would just make you bleed out faster - but Jesse had to admit the kid had some guts. They were just a bit too perforated to do him any good now.
When Marena returned, meat tenderizer once again in hand, Boat Shoes brandished the knife at her, flicking lines of sticky crimson across her scarred calves. She didn't hesitate to bring the mallet down on his face again. More teeth went flying, and his jaw now sat at a horrific angle. Planting a boot on his solar plexus, she shoved him onto his back before stomping hard on the puncture wound in his gut.
Boat Shoes' scream could have shattered glass.
Marena knelt down and straddled his chest, heedless of the pooling blood soaking into her skirt. Keening miserably, Boat Shoes flailed at her with the knife, but didn't even land a scratch before she ripped it from his hand. Another swing of the mallet, and sobbing turned to gurgling. Gore spattered and threads of blood arced through the air as she brought the meat tenderizer down again.
And again.
And again.
A very small part of Jesse flinched with every wet crunch of metal against bone and flesh; he remembered all too well the sensation of his skull giving way under a baseball bat. But most of him was focused on capturing the rictus of fury on Marena's face as she reduced Boat Shoes' head to paste. An inhuman growl had bubbled up behind her bared teeth, rising in pitch and volume until it was a vicious banshee shriek. Her eyes were at once zeroed in and a million miles away, and Jesse felt certain she was not seeing an American college boy beneath her fists.
The meat tenderizer was clotted with blood and skin and other squishy bits that were never intended to see the outside of a skull by the time Marena brought it down a final time. It bounced off the concrete floor hard enough to ricochet it out of her hand, and she didn't bother to retrieve it. Chest heaving, she pushed her hair out of her face with bloody hands. She stood, located the baggie of drugs, then searched for the broken teeth scattered across the ground.
Instead of a human head, Boat Shoes' neck now terminated in a pile of chunky red pulp. Having retrieved all of his wayward teeth, Marena gathered them and the pills in her palm and poured them onto the gory mess, approximately where the boy's mouth had been. She cocked her head, considering, and drove her heel into his groin hard enough that something crunched. Then she wiped her hands on her skirt and walked back to the elevator.
Jesse, by this point, was practically vibrating with need. He could have fucked through steel with how hard his cock was. He took one last, lingering shot of the body before ending the broadcast and switching off the camera. He placed it carefully on the table, removed his mask, and bore down on Marena like a tsunami.
She was waiting for him in the elevator car, and he immediately swept her into his arms, her toes dangling a full foot off the ground as he sucked in mouthfuls of her salty skin like a starving man in the desert. Her face was speckled with blood and flecks of bone and brain matter, which turned to ruddy streaks under his tongue.
Marena was grabbing at him with equal fervor, grinding down on his bulge and tossing her head back wantonly. As the elevator door slid shut, Jesse hiked up her skirt, tore her underwear completely free from her body, and slammed home.
Hopefully, Asa had enjoyed the show.
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DORO PESCH And ROB HALFORD Have Recorded A Cover Of 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart': 'It Sounds Really, Really Special'
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During an appearance on yesterday's (Tuesday, September 12) episode of SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk", German metal queen Doro Pesch revealed that her upcoming studio album, "Conqueress - Forever Strong And Proud", will include two separate duets with JUDAS PRIEST singer Rob Halford: the recently released cover of the PRIEST classic "Living After Midnight" and a version of the 1983 global smash hit "Total Eclipse Of The Heart", written by Jim Steinman and originally performed by the Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler.
"The record has 20 songs on it, and I think they all sound killer," Doro said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). "And it has three duets on it, and two duets with my favorite, with Rob Halford of JUDAS PRIEST, and I can't believe it. It's so awesome to me. I was a big, big PRIEST fan, and it was my very first big tour in 1986. And [Rob and I] met [again] last year in France at Hellfest, a great festival. And then we were talking, hanging out. And then we said, 'Hey, let's do something together.' So we did two duets. And the first one is 'Living After Midnight'. That was my choice, because I loved singing it. It was always a feel-good song. And then Rob Halford said, 'I have the song I always wanted to do with you. It's 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'.' And that came out so great. When you hear it, you can tell Rob loves the song and I'm so happy. Even two duets, man. That's more than I can ask for. I'm a lucky baby, I tell you."
Asked if "Total Eclipse Of The Heart", will be a bonus track on the album, since it didn't appear in the LP's original track listing, Doro said: "It is on the record, but it just got finished a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I delivered the record and the vinyl is already done. And then I got an e-mail. Rob Halford said, 'Hey, what about the second song?' And I thought, 'Oh, man. That's too good to be true.' And then we did the second song. And it just got done a couple of weeks ago. We will do a video for that song, and it will come out — the video and the single will come out the day the record will be released, so on the 27th of October. But it came out so awesome. And oh, man, that was just the icing on the cake. I thought I was done with record. And [PRIEST producer] Andy Sneap, he worked on it, and my guys worked on it, and it was a great teamwork. And Rob Halford sounds so great on it. It's, like, wow. It's definitely one of my absolute favorite songs of this album, and it sounds really, really special. You have to check it out. But yeah, it's brand new — just got done; mastering just got done. And video we are doing in a few weeks."
Pressed by host Eddie Trunk whether her version of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" is "heavy", Doro said: "Yes, yes, it is heavy, and it's, like, wow. It's very heavy, but it sounds great, I think, yeah. I think it's a killer version. I always get goosebumps when I hear it. And I think other people who heard it, they thought, 'Wow.'
"I think all my dreams came true working with all these great people, all my heroes, all people who inspired me so much," Doro added. "And [PRIEST] was my very first tour in Europe in '86 when metal was so huge. And it was such a great tour. So [Rob and I] finally did something together. And we always stayed friends. So I think that makes this album even more special to me, and I think many fans will love it."
"Conqueress - Forever Strong And Proud" is described in a press release as "the result of intensive hard work that took the incomparable singer and songwriter back to studios in Miami, New York and Hamburg, amongst others. The album presents Doro at the height of her creative powers."
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biggrump · 9 months
Video Games I played in 2023 (and maybe even enjoyed)
A completely unorganized list of games I played this year that I wanted to talk about because they were great.
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1. Ultrakill - My biggest time sink of the year. Found out about this game about a year ago due to FUNKe talking about it a lot. Was hooked from the first level, and after beating it I replayed several levels until I mastered the mechanics, then looked for all the secret levels, then P-ranked all of Act 1 and then the P-1 boss fight several times over (Act 2 is hard to P-rank). However enjoyment did kinda dry up for a bit after I actually got good at the game but then Hakita dropped the first part of act 3 a while ago and it started all over again. Here's hoping the last 2 chapters stick the landing and keep scratching that itch (which they probably will let's be honest)
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2. Metal Gear Solid series - Played all of the games aside from 4 which couldn't run on my PC (had to watch a long play for it) and Peace Walker just cause I got distracted by other stuff. The first game didn't really resonate with me on a deeper level but its storytelling, gameplay mechanics, and 4th wall breaks are amazing, especially for the time. 2 and 3 hit far harder and are some of the best games I've ever played. I could talk for hours about every facet of 2's creativity with its meta narrative and constant questioning of reality but then I wouldn't have time to talk about other games here. Just know that it is now my favorite game ever made. 3, while not quite as crazy and predictive with its plot, is just a really good story about a small group of characters that is incredibly written and told. I also really enjoyed 5's gameplay and a lot of the more subtle storytelling, and while 4 has an utterly incomprehensible plot with tons of holes, the character writing, voice acting, and graphics are phenomenal. I want whatever Kojima smokes when he comes up with these.
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3. Red Dead Online - I played this with my brother and encountered a modder on my first day. Think that really informed my take on this game because he gave me a shit ton of money and I was able to use it to get a bounty license which took up most of my time in that game. We'd just queue up a bounty mission and play some Oingo Boingo and Talking Heads while we ride, do the bounty, then watch random videos while we waited till the last minute to drop off the bounty bc of how Rockstar decided to set up the system. We also met a couple people online and overall just had a great experience bein a rootin tootin shootin cowboy. Also my guy looks doofy as fuck.
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4. The Artful Escape - Impulse bought this game after I watched a vid by Jexonite where he played every game published by Annapurna because the premise seemed fun and I thought it looked cool. Turns out the game does look cool, incredible even. But the art style is kind of all this game has going for it, aside from some solid voice actors (Jason Schwartzman and Lena Headey were cool and Mark Strong was completely unrecognizable). Gameplay is basically just a walking sim that occasionally tells you to press buttons to play notes on your guitar and the story took a pretty generic turn. Has absolutely zero replay value but I did enjoy playing it.
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5. BPM - The first roguelike I've ever gotten into, probably because it has a guns in it. I got all the way up to the last level then died to a low level enemy and have not gotten that far in the game since. The OST goes insanely hard though and is part of the reason why I keep coming back to it. It's also insanely addicting so be warned.
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6. Hotline Miami - Probably holds the record for the game that pissed me off the most this year. An insanely fun and fast paced shooter game where your reaction timing is everything and that every nerd with a YouTube channel has already picked apart. Even though some of the AI is complete jank it is so satisfying clearing rooms in this game. The art style is also quite good and the soundtrack introduced me to a ton of new artists. Also is a strong case for environmental storytelling needing to be more prevalent in games. I can figure out what's going on I'm a smart guy.
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7. Katana Zero - A very Hotline Miami inspired game aka a game with a pixelated art style and a synthwave soundtrack where the goal is to clear rooms and you die in one hit. I feel a bit more mixed about this game compared to Hotline honestly. I really liked the time slowing mechanic, the mobility, and the way you can reflect bullets with your sword. I also like how the enemy AI actually stays consistent through each run of the level, whereas with Hotline there were some enemies who could move erratically and fuck everything up even if you plan a solid route. However, I think because of how the story was told I don't think it had as much of an impact on me. I can't really remember a lot of the important details but I can remember that a lot of plot threads were left unresolved. Also, while I do like the combat a lot, I feel like it's missing the sandbox approach that Hotline had. Honestly not a game I would necessarily come back to, but if the dev made a sequel I would buy it (especially if we get to play as Dragon more he was cool as fuck). I'll also give the game props for actually having an OST unlike Hotline.
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8. Undertale - What could I say about this game that hasn't already been said by the entire population of South Dakota? It is very fun and I am glad I finally took the plunge and played it. Now I just have to finish the other routes at some point lol
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9. Lethal Company - I played this game with multiple friend groups and it was incredibly fun but also terrifying. If you haven't played yet, the best advice I can give is to just go in completely blind and figure shit out on your own. Also, try to actually go into the buildings instead of staying in the ship like a goo goo ga ga dingus.
Other stuff I played worth mentioning (Smaller stuff or games I revisited/haven't finished a full playthrough of):
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1. A Hat in Time DLC - Played the original game late last year and loved it, but didn't get the DLC so I didn't play it for some time. Played it this year and had a blast. The Nyakuza Metro level is so detailed, you can really tell the devs poured their heart and soul into making this game look as great as it does. Made me rediscover my love for the base game.
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2. Titanfall 2 - Not my first time playing it but replayed the single player on PC for the first time (played on Xbox before) and realized the characters and level design were way better than I remembered. I then started pestering everyone I knew to play it and the ones who did seem to like it too. I also popped off multiple times in the multiplayer so it was nice to have a multiplayer game that I'm good at.
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3. The Magic Circle - Played for a few hours and then stopped, but the premise is quite fun and I am eager to revisit at some point in the future.
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4. The Looker - This one was just funny idrk what else to say. (I have not played The Witness)
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shadowaj · 1 year
Heya! Welcome to our creepy studio filled with oddities!
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Hi and good mourning, it’s me Aj! I’m also referred to as ShadowAj, Shady and RealShadyGhost. I’m a spooky yet silly ghost who draws and such. Here, you’ll mainly see me post fan art of my favorite series, commissions, and OC content (scroll down for more info on this!), as well as memes probably. Most of the drawings I post here will be 2D digital art, but occasionally I may post 2D traditional. I hope you enjoy your visit here!
(Small content warning, although I won’t post anything NSFW, I may post drawings with blood and/or light gore, body horror, and disturbing imagery, so beware.)
Things I Enjoy!
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Ok so here I’ll just list off some of my interests so you can get to know me better. Ghosts have interests too!
- General Interests -
Spooky things, which includes horror movies and games, the occult, Halloween, urban legends, things like that.
Mysteries (I love murder mysteries, detective stories, strange and bizarre internet mysteries, and stuff like that)
Coffee (I’m a big fan)
Video Games (I’m bad at them but I still enjoy them…)
Movies (I enjoy going to theaters and watching movies, especially animated films.)
Listening to music (I am a fan of Metal/Rock (Metallica, Pantera, Ghost, etc.) music, as well as Synth. I do also listen to OSTs of my favorite series. A band I recommend checking out is ‘Dance with the Dead’, they are an indie band and mainly do horror synth and synthmetal. (Well, then again, I like any music that sounds nice or is spooky so)
Anime (Which ones? I’ll list them later give me a sec!)
Drawing (This should be obvious I mean I post drawings here but ima include it anyway)
Character Design (this is kinda an extension of drawing but I do enjoy looking at different designs and taking notes on what I can do differently with my own designs.)
Writing (Mainly my OC lore and such)
Collecting Plushies (I have an addiction help)
Theme Parks and Roller Coasters (I love roller coasters)
Cooking (I’m well known for my evil pancakes)
For aesthetics, I am a fan of spooky aesthetics (Wow!), steampunk, gothic (i love gothic architecture…), vaporwave, neon, and others.
-Anime and Games that I really enjoy-
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Soul Eater
Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE
Zero Escape
AI The Somnium Files
Ace Attorney
Mob Psycho 100
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Gurren Lagann
Persona (I’m a fake fan I’ve only played the P5 games and I still haven’t finished P4G)
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Chainsaw Man (Again, fake fan, I haven’t been keeping up)
And others that I didn’t list here whoopsie
Original Content!
As I said before, I’ll be posting drawings of OCs, mainly from the webcomic series I’m working on titled ‘Shadow Realm’. I do have other original series and ideas as well, so here’s a little info…
Shadow Realm
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Shadow Realm is a 4-part action horror urban fantasy series starring Sophia Alvarado, a Cuban teenage girl who lives in Miami who one day ends up in a different and strange world from our own, and ends up encountering ghosts and gaining powers of electricity. With her occult and coffee-obsessed friend Violet Bellerose and a friendly ghost she meets on the other side dubbed Shady, they encounter different ghosts and supernatural occurrences all across Miami. There’s a lot more to it, but that’s the basic gist of it for now. (It gets very complicated from part 2 onward…)
Kendall Convenience
A small game project that has the player take the role of one Katrina Diaz, a convenience store worker in Miami who works the graveyard shift. This takes place in the same universe as Shadow Realm.
Mystères de Lenoir
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Mysteres de Lenoir is a series that follows the protagonist, Stella Auclair, a fresh detective who takes place in steampunk and gothic France during the Belle Époque era. Stella works with André Dupin, at the Dupin Detective Agency, and they solve a series of mysteries, most of which are murder cases.
I have two other series, but those are a secret for now… I will say though that one of them is a western, and the other is a single volume (One-Shot) comic.
Closing thoughts
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If you read through all that wow good job you’re super cool and spooky methinks perchance.
Oh yeah, you can find me on other platforms like Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Pixiv, and Twitch
Even if you don’t have an account there you should still check them out!!!!
ask me anything you have questions about or if you're bored and want to talk!
another thing, i speak English and i can understand Spanish (I'm hispanic and i still can't speak this language it's embarrassing i know )
(also i may reupload this post in the future to add custom graphics, update interests, etc.)
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bestgameostcrownduel · 10 months
Polls for Round 1, Side A:
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (2009) vs Professor Layton and the Curious Village (2007) [winner]
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2001) vs Pokémon B&W (2010) [winner]
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (2021) [winner] vs Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course (2022)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020) vs Stardew Valley (2016) [winner]
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (2012) vs Night in the Woods (2017) [winner]
Super Mario 64 (1996) [winner] vs Tetris (1985)
Super Mario: Odyssey (2017) vs Portal 2 (2011) [winner]
Final Fantasy IX (2000) [winner] vs Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)
Cuphead (2017) [winner] vs Epic Mickey (2010)
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (2019) [winner] vs Kingdom Hearts 3 (2019)
Deltarune (2018) [winner] vs Kingdom Hearts (2002)
Minecraft: Story Mode (2015) vs Pokémon Masters (EX) (2019) [winner]
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006) [winner] vs Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (2003) [winner] vs Scott Pilgrim vs the World: The Game (2010)
Splatoon 3 (2022) [winner] vs Rain World (2017)
Guild Wars 2 (2012) [winner] vs Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone (2015)
Guilty Gear Strive (2021) [winner] vs Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013)
Sally Face (2016) vs Return of the Obra Dinn (2018) [winner]
Toree 2 (2021) vs Pac Man World 2 (2003) [winner]
Calico (2020) vs Ooblets (2022) [winner]
Cassette Beasts (2023) vs My Singing Monsters (2012)
Paradise Killer (2020) vs World Ends With You (2007)
Chicory: A Colorful Tale (2021) vs Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (2012)
Risk of Rain (2016) vs Pyre (2017)
Shogun 2: Total War (2011) vs Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (2014)
Sexy Brutale (2017) vs Outer Wilds (2019)
Mabinogi (2004) vs Spelunky HD (2012)
The Jackbox Party Pack 9 (2022) vs Insaniquarium Deluxe (2004)
Fez (2012) vs Cry of Fear (2012)
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (2011) vs Enderal - Bard Songs (2016)
Hotline Miami (2012) vs Steamworld Heist (2015)
Fear and Hunger: Termina (2022) vs House in Fata Morgana (2012)
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bumblybee-fic · 2 years
@flyingchiclets requested something with supernatural creatures...I may have interpreted this as supernatural Sid, and then didn’t end up including all that much supernatural in it in the end, but I hope you like it anyway!
It’s not really something they talk about when Zhenya moves in.
He’s already made the mistake of trying to boost the temperature past 65 degrees—Sid had been sweating like he was in a sauna, unable to leave the bed. Zhenya had switched the temperature back as soon as he’d realized, but Sid hadn’t given any explanation even then. Sid is an unassuming master of deflection; Zhenya could ask him what his favorite color is and he’d get an answer about hockey instead.
Zhenya starts wearing a hoodie around the house, regardless of the weather. 
Sid’s house isn’t as big as Zhenya’s had been, but there are rooms that Sid has never shown him. Early on, Zhenya discovers what is essentially a walk-in freezer, except instead of food, it’s just filled with comfortable chairs and a selection of alcohol. Zhenya’s always assumed it has something to do with the cryo fad that a lot of the guys have been into recently, because Sid is never one to do something halfway. 
He never does end up asking Sid about the room, and Sid’s never invited Zhenya inside. 
Zhenya’s suggestion to vacation in Miami is turned down swiftly, as is every offer Zhenya makes to go to the banya together. When he brings up going fishing during the summer, Sid goes on a tangent about ice fishing and Quebec and the right time of year for it.
“I change my mind,” Zhenya says quickly, because fishing in the winter sounds like his own personal version of hell. 
Zhenya takes these things in stride, partly because they aren’t that big of a deal in the end, and partly because they’re just part of what makes Sid who he is—the sky is blue, grass is green, and Sidney Crosby has some quirks. The fact that they go beyond hockey rituals doesn’t come as a shock. 
They’re having lunch outside with the team the first time it really clicks for Zhenya. It’s warm for Pittsburgh in October; the forecast had promised overcast skies, but instead the sun is making its presence known, and it feels almost like a mild summer day. They’re mostly through the meal, and some of the paler guys are sporting a little pink on their cheeks already. Zhenya can feel himself start to sweat through his t-shirt, and he can tell the other guys aren’t faring much better. 
He glances over at Sid, who’s been pretty quiet all afternoon. Out of all of them, he looks the worst: his cheeks are a cute shade of pink even though he’s otherwise looking a little gray, and he’s sweating so much that if Zhenya didn’t know better, he’d think Sid has a bad fever. There’s a small stack of paper napkins next to his plate—his meal is only partially eaten, which should have been Zhenya’s first clue—and Sid seems to be constantly wiping his face with a new one. 
Zhenya tilts his head toward Sid, a silent question. He doesn’t really want to bring everyone’s attention to him—Sid would hate that—but he’s not just going to sit there while Sid seems to be suffering, either. 
Sid gives him a watery smile, but he scoots his chair back from the table, the metal legs scraping against the concrete. “I’m gonna grab something from the bar,” he says, and Zhenya is up on his feet as soon as he hears that. 
“Me too,” Zhenya says, and Sid glares daggers at him but doesn’t keep Zhenya from following him into the restaurant. The air conditioning feels like they’ve just jumped into a pool on a summer’s day, and Zhenya almost wants to bask in it for a minute. 
Sid’s at the bar as promised, and Zhenya gets there soon enough after to hear his order: a pitcher of ice—just ice. 
“You hide beer somewhere?” Zhenya chirps, but Sid immediately lets his captain-face fall when he sees Zhenya. “You O.K., Sid?”
“I’m O.K.” He smiles at Zhenya, captain-face back on as per usual. Zhenya hates it. “Just need to cool off, is all.” 
“You sure you O.K.? You look bad.”
“Thanks, G.”
“You know what I mean!” 
Sid grabs a cocktail napkin from the bar, wiping his face again. While the air conditioning feels refreshing to Zhenya, it doesn’t look like it’s doing all that much for Sid. 
“You need go home?” Zhenya asks, his voice low. “I’m make something up, we go.”
“Geno, I’m fine. Please.” 
The bartender brings Sid his pitcher of ice cubes, and it’s almost instantaneous. Sid snatches it with one hand, then immediately shoves his other hand into the ice. He sighs, his eyes closing and his shoulders relaxing as his fingers wiggle a little, like he’s only stuck his hand in a jar of marbles. 
Zhenya is quiet for a moment, mostly because he thinks he’s either hallucinating or dreaming. When Sid looks like he’s got some life back in him again—and when Zhenya can actually figure out the right words to say—he scoots a little closer to Sid. 
“What’s happen, Sid?” Zhenya asks. 
Sid’s eyes flick open, and he’s staring at Zhenya wide-eyed, like he’d forgotten Zhenya was there. “It’s—it’s hard to explain.”
“Try me.”
Looking down, Sid removes his hand from the ice. There’s no sign of frostbite; his hands look the same as they always do, just wet. There’s an inch of water now at the bottom of the pitcher, and it’s starting to condensate. 
“I can’t be away from ice for very long,” he says. “It’s a long story, but if I get too hot or I’m not near it, I get sick.”
Zhenya lets this soak in. It explains a lot, really, but it also doesn’t explain much at all. He wants to ask about why Sid is this way, why he’s always cold when Zhenya touches him, why he’s only just now telling Zhenya about this. 
But Zhenya also realizes they’re in the middle of a bar, they’re with the team, and there’s a group of people in a corner booth that keep staring at them. Since Sid is otherwise preoccupied with, well, his health, it’s Zhenya’s responsibility to make sure this stays under wraps. 
“We talk at home,” Zhenya says. Sid nods quickly, though he stops when he sees Zhenya’s expression. Zhenya’s not happy about it, but he knows Sid would rather die than talk about it here, so he’s fine with waiting.
“I’m get beer for guys,” Zhenya says. “You want stay in here little longer?”
“I’ll help carry.” Sid brings the pitcher a little closer to himself, holding it against his chest. He looks like a little kid with his stuffed animal, and it almost makes Zhenya forgive him. “Don’t want you telling the guys I have diarrhea or something.”
He definitely feels better, then, if he’s willing to joke about it. Zhenya’s jaw relaxes—he hadn’t realized he’d been so tense before. 
“Maybe I’m tell them anyway,” Zhenya says, and Sid rolls his eyes, but it’s fond. “Maybe I’m tell them you so nice, get big pitcher of water for beer, share with everyone.”
“I’d like to see you try that.” Sid’s tone is the same as when Zhenya challenges him to a warmup competition, and Zhenya loves him, he really does. 
They head back outside with their arms full of drink orders, Sid’s pitcher still clutched against his chest.
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jeffhirsch · 6 months
Super Boom Spring Break Easter Sale!
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Few at Dow 10,000 believed me in May 2010 when I forecasted a 500+% market rise that would put DJIA at 38,820 by the year 2025 in my Almanac Investor Newsletter. My 2011 book Super Boom took a deeper dive into the history and analysis of this groundbreaking forecast and the iconic market cycle and pattern that it’s based on. Now that Dow 38,820 has come true, what’s next? AI is clearly the culturally enabling, paradigm-shifting technology I predicted would drive the next phase of this generational Super Boom. Come find out what I expect to happen next. Get my latest outlook on how and why the AI Super Boom will drive the economy full steam ahead and the market higher and higher.
Sign up Today! Save up to 55% Off! Get the 2024 Stock Trader’s Almanac as a FREE Bonus! And find out the update on my 100% accurate bullseye 2010 Super Boom forecast for Dow 38820 and learn what’s next for the market and the AI Super Boom!
1-Year @ $179 – over 48% Off vs. Quarterly - Use promo code 1YRSBSB24
2-Years @ $299 – MY BEST DEAL – 55% Off - Use promo code 2YRSBSB24
MoneyShow Easter Sale
Come down to Miami for spring break and join me in person at MoneyShow’s Investment Masters Symposium – The Big Money Pivot – East. April 10-12, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Miami. They have a special Easter Sale this weekend! Join us for 3 days filled with market education from the nation’s top experts on stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, technology, energy, & more. Use $99 Standard Pass Coupon Code HOP99
Register here to join:
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Rally Respite After Big Best Six Months Gains
Monday is the beginning of the last month of the “Best Six Months (BSM)” (November-April) for the Dow and S&P 500 – and what a banner one it’s been so far. From our Seasonal MACD Buy Signal on October 9, 2023, through the close on March 28, 2024, DJIA is up 18.46% and S&P 500 is up 21.19% – more than double the historical average BSM gains. Our Best Six Months Seasonal MACD Sell Signal can trigger anytime on or after the first trading day of April, which is Monday April 1st this year. NASDAQ’s Best 8 Months end in June, which is up 21.47% since our buy signal, not quite double the average but give it time.
The big rewards we have reaped this Best Six Months and year-to-date so far have not left much on the table until later this year. Risks are more elevated now. Sentiment continues to run high. Valuations are extended. Geopolitical tensions have not eased. And persistent inflation pressures have the Fed in no rush to cut rates. As the election campaign rhetoric heats up and the Best Six Months comes to a close be prepared to shift to a more cautious stance when we issue our Best Six Months Seasonal MACD Sell Signal. We do not expect a bear market or major correction. We do not Sell in May and go away. We sell some things, tighten stops and consider defensive positions if warranted.
So sign up today to receive my Best Six Months Seasonal MACD Sell Signal as soon as it triggers!
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Jeffrey  A. Hirsch CEO:  Hirsch Holdings | Editor: Stock Trader’s Almanac & Almanac  Investor
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-HSA MC Information-
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[Gacha Club Mod Ver. Below]
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Character Bio
Name: Chione Frostine
(Japanese: キオーネ・フロスティネ)
Romaji: Kiōne Furosutine
Quote: "Sis... Can we ever be safe from here...?"
V/A: Yoshino Nanjō (Japanese)
Kate Higgins (English)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: June 20
Star Sign: Gemini
Eye Color: Little Princess Purple
Hair Color: Sandy Blonde (Previous Before Infected)
Salt White (Current After Infected)
Height: 172 cm
Race: Human (Formerly)
Humanoid Bunny???
Homeland: [REDACTED]
Family: Ian Clarkson (Father)-(Deceased)
Miami Frostine (Mother)-(Deceased)
Ember Frostine (Older Sister)
School Status and Fun Facts
Dorm: Tetravania (@hourglassstationacademy)
School Year: Second
Class: 2-D
Student no. 1
Occupation: Student
Former Test Subject (Only in her world)
Laboratory Survivor (Only in her world)
A Wanted Target (Only in her world)
Club: Botany Club
Best Subject: Mathematics, Science, and Botany and Herbals
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Mostly on her left hand)
Favorite Color: Black, White, Light Purple, and Beige
Favorite Food: Spicy Noodles, Scrambled Eggs, Cinnamon Rolls (Drizzled with Honey), Chocolate Dipped Strawberries, Fluffy Pancakes,
Least Favorite Food: Anything Tasteless, Sour Candies, Too much Sweetness (Mostly on Cakes), Too much Bitterness, Spicy Peppers, Popcakes,
Likes: Her older sister, Peace, Eating Good Food, Sleep, Making Math Solutions, Making Self-Designed Hair Ribbons, Eating her older sister's food, Playing Video Games (Mostly if it's Horror), Metal Rock Music, Story-telling (Either from Book or Not, in any genre)
Dislikes: Her older sister in danger, Daniel and his team (Mostly on Daniel a little), Being the center of attention, Slight Provoking, Wearing Make-up, Being Late, A lot of Cuteness, The Prison/Laboratory, The Prototype Cells/Virus Experiment, Seeing the Infected (Mostly in her world), The mass death of her Parents and People in the neighborhood, The head current boss of the lab (Purely to the death of her core), Her uncontrollable virus ability,
Hobbies: Making Self-Hair Ribbons, Napping/Sleeping, Multitasking, Doing Slight Taekwondo, Playing Horror Games, Making Math Solutions, Listening to Metal Rock Music, Story-telling (Any genre),
Talents: Being an Infected being, Immunity (Cannot feel any pain at whatever situation), High IQ, Fast Agility, Fast Hacking, Brute Self-defense (either physical or weapon), Martial Arts, Monstruction Form, Virus/Cell Body Regeneration,
Nicknames: Chione or Ine (From her family and friends)
Chione-senpai or Frostine-senpai (From the freshmen students)
Chion (From her older sister)
Little B (From Daniel)
Little One (From Master Ko)
Chin-Chin (From Kassie)
Little Bunny (From Raelyn and Kuno)
Chino (From Malina @achy-boo)
Other Nicknames:
Subject no. 130 (During her imprisonment in the lab)
'Little Bunny' (As a wanted target)
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Chione has rather an average female body type, but became a bit slender due to her days of not eating much. Before becoming an infected and getting abducted, she originally had sandy blonde colored hair previously as a human being in the past. But after the experiment and with her escape with her older sister her looks changed in the aftermath, she now has salt white colored hair currently. She has little princess purple colored eyes, which she still has it after the experiment. Chione has a silent behavior but tends to stay close with her older sister.
Personality: Before her current state among the surviving infected beings, she used to be normal like the rest... Peaceful yet quite tough at least, she was bullied a bit for her light purple colored eyes though, but thanks to her older sister, she managed to find herself the confidence to stand up for herself. Despite that, she used to be happy and safe...
The day of the abduction had nearly destroyed the lasting of her innocences... The screaming of the people, the blood that was spilled before them while being imprisoned, even her parents had died before her... Her older sister had to keep her safe... But her tears fell from her eyes as if hope will ever come.
Her fate till she became next... The aftermath of the experiment, she can hear her older sister's voice in saving her. The next minute she awoke herself, she escaped from her room to find her last sibling alive, after waking her up... The two infected sisters made a bloody escape to the woods... With the addition of her virus abilities that can turn her truly into a monster.
Thanks to meeting their master who had took them in, Chione had took an amount of training alongside with her older sister in hopes of controlling her infected form... Despite her personality in the past that have might slowed her older sister down a little, but she wanted to be strong in hopes of assistance.
The current Chione we are seeing is now a silent young female teenager but would prefer to keep a safe distance from anyone she meets due to her trauma back in the lab a few years, however she remains her normal composure of being friendly towards one another alongside with her older sister.
Despite her tough past and her current situation in the present, Chione wants to survive with her older sister and the rest of the infected beings as the best as she could. Many can tell that there a strong determination in her despite at worst moments... Aside from her silent behavior and keeping distance from anyone, she still keeps up with her socialism with her somewhat new school mates but she knows how to be mature and respectful. Aside from that, she can be a little childish if she wanted too, but not for long however.
Don't underestimate her of being little girl, she can fight with her older sister too. Despite her being a little sloppy in battle, she can keep her balance on with her skills as an infected being while attacking while her older sister who does the blood-shedding impacts on the high number of opponent, if we can count her uncontrollable virus form for destruction at the end... It be best not to ask her for further details about it.
An innocence of her remains has now died down beneath it... But she still is sane till this very day.
-The name 'Chione' is girl's name meaning "snow". In Greek mythology. While her surname 'Frostine' is girl's name of French origin meaning "freezing".
-She's based on 'Mumu' from the game 'Bloody Bunny, First Blood' and Series 'Don't be my enemy'.
-Stays really close with her older sister Ember, after all they have each other left after what they have been through... Will always back to her after a minute of separation in dangerous situations.
-It appears that she likes to eat her older sister's cooking or baking, which is why the cinnamon roll dessert was in fact her favorite.
-She and her older sister Ember share similar traits with one another.
-Just like her older sister, she is also unfazed when being flirted with.
-Despite of what she looks, she prefer metal rock music than cuteness of pop music.
-Is a huge fan of horror genre of videos games and storytelling. Be surprise that she didn't get scared after that.
-Is actually good with math and science, especially when it comes to solutions during classes.
-Also knows some passcode hacking during her days as a wanted target. Does it fast when it comes to surviving.
-Doesn't seem to like Daniel and his team due to the misunderstanding that was created. But for Chione, she seems to be neutral with his team mates, although she had somewhat disapprove of her older sister and Daniel being a thing together.
-Will become lighty angry if you ever bad-mouthed her, but if it's her older sister however... Watch out, she might be capable with a knife.
-As stated from before, Chion used to be human till the abduction by the main head of the lab itself, after witnessing many people that had died in the experiment including her own parents... She was sadly next but survived. However she had managed to escape with her older sister with by using her uncontrolled virus form. By the current present, she became a wanted target with her older sister in hopes of avenges the mass losses of humanity.
-Is somewhat not capable of controlling her virus form yes, but she swores to do it.
-Knows how to make hair ribbons by hand, but mostly on black or white ribbons though.
-Mostly a tomboy than a cute girl. Chione doesn't like skirts and other pastel colors.
-Holds a necklass from her deceased parents as a remembrance after their passing, will never lose it just like her Ember does with her neckless.
-She's a sucker for chocolate dipped strawberries.
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abswoodus1 · 3 days
Why Ipe Railing is the Best Choice for Your Home
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Railings are primarily installed for safety, but they also have to look good. After all, they can change the way your home looks. What you need is a beautiful and reliable material that can withstand wear and tear and the elements—and when it comes to this, you can’t go wrong with ipe railing.
Also known as Brazilian Black Walnut or Ironwood, ipe is among the hardest types of wood available. Imagine a baseball bat but 3 times harder. Given its strength, it can last for decades and resist wood-destroying organisms, including termites and things that can make ordinary wood rot fast. As an added bonus, it’s a naturally beautiful hardwood with a luxurious brown hue and grain, which you can preserve with a UV finisher. You can also let the sun transform it into an elegant silver-gray if you prefer that look.
A reliable material for railings and handrails
Handrails and railings provide support and safety for elevated surfaces, such as decks, stairs, and balconies. They can also enhance your home’s overall look and feel.
Certain code requirements may apply to railing installations, so be sure to check the building regulations and safety standards in your area. They may specify the dimensions, installation methods, spacing, and materials required to reduce the risk of injuries and accidents. Ipe railing can help you meet these requirements, especially when it’s supplied by a reputable company and assembled by a qualified builder.
Find your style
Ipe railings come in different styles and serve various functions, so you shouldn’t have problems finding the right option to meet your personal preferences and architectural design requirements.
Traditional wooden railings: Made from solid ipe wood, these railings provide a timeless look you can customize with different baluster styles and profiles to match your deck’s overall aesthetic.
Metal and ipe: Combining metal with ipe railing can create a stylish and modern design. Stainless steel, wrought iron, and aluminum add visual interest and durability to the deck.
Cable railings: These involve stainless steel cables tensioned between the frames or ipe wood posts for a minimalist and sleek aesthetic. This railing offers a sense of openness and unobstructed views without compromising stability and safety.
Find the perfect ipe railings for your home
Your choice of ipe railing should ultimately depend on your budget, desired aesthetic, functional requirements, and home’s architectural style. Explore the options at ABS Wood and find the perfect solution for your project. Call 325-508-4990 or 404-549-4840 to get started.
About the Author:
Bruce Master is the general manager at Advanced Building Supplies. Advanced Building Supplies, aka ABS Wood, specializes in a full line of Brazilian Hardwood products, including Ipe, Garapa, Cumaru, and Tigerwood. The pursuit of working with exotic woods aligns naturally with Bruce's heritage, as he hails from a lineage of skilled woodworkers. Both his Grandfather and Father earned esteem as artisans and cabinetmakers. Alongside overseeing ABS, Bruce channels his talents into designing, planning, and executing his own deck projects. Prior to specializing in Brazilian Hardwoods, Bruce gained diverse experience as a generalist at a prominent Ace Hardware store in Miami, serving a discerning clientele of contractors focused on projects in Miami Beach.
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Mastering the Art of Vinyl Car Wrap Installation: A Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of automotive customization, vinyl car wraps stand out as a versatile and innovative solution for those looking to transform their vehicle's appearance. Vinyl car wrap installation offers a plethora of design possibilities, from sleek and simple color changes to intricate and custom graphics. This guide aims to navigate you through the essentials of vinyl car wrap installation, providing insights into the process, tips for achieving optimal results, and the benefits of choosing vinyl wraps over traditional paint jobs.
Understanding Vinyl Car Wraps
Vinyl car wraps are thin, adhesive films applied over the vehicle's paint. These wraps are designed to adhere smoothly to the car's contours, providing a second skin that can dramatically alter its look. They come in various finishes, including matte, gloss, satin, metallic, and even textured options such as carbon fiber.
Pre-Installation Preparation
The success of a vinyl wrap installation significantly depends on the preparation phase. It involves thorough cleaning and possibly decontaminating the vehicle's surface to ensure it's free from dust, grease, and any residues that could hinder the wrap's adhesion. This step might also include removing parts of the vehicle, such as mirrors, trims, and badges, to achieve a seamless finish.
The Installation Process
Measuring and Cutting: Before application, the vinyl is measured and cut according to the vehicle's dimensions. This step requires precision to ensure that the wrap covers the intended areas without excessive waste.
Application: The application process begins by positioning the vinyl wrap over the target area and gradually adhering it to the vehicle's surface. This step requires a heat gun and squeegee. The heat gun softens the vinyl, making it more pliable, while the squeegee helps smooth out bubbles and wrinkles, ensuring a flat and uniform application.
Post-Installation: After the wrap is applied, it undergoes a post-installation heat treatment. This process helps solidify the wrap's adhesion to the car's surface and eliminates any remaining air bubbles. Edges and seams are also sealed during this phase to prevent peeling and ensure durability.
Tips for a Successful Vinyl Wrap Installation
Patience and Precision: Vinyl wrapping is an art that demands patience and attention to detail. Take your time during each phase of the process to ensure the best outcome.
Proper Tools: Invest in high-quality tools, such as a reliable squeegee, precision knives, and a professional-grade heat gun.
Climate Control: Perform the installation in a controlled environment. Extreme temperatures can affect the vinyl's behavior during application.
Surface Inspection: Always inspect the vehicle's surface for imperfections. Minor dents and scratches can be amplified once the wrap is applied.
Benefits of Vinyl Car Wraps
Protection: Vinyl wraps safeguard the original paint from UV rays, minor scratches, and contaminants, preserving the vehicle's resale value.
Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to a full paint job, vinyl wraps are more affordable and less labor-intensive.
Reversibility: Unlike paint, vinyl wraps can be removed, allowing you to revert to the original color or update the vehicle's look without permanent changes.
Customization: Vinyl wrapping offers unmatched customization options, enabling car owners to realize virtually any design or color scheme.
For more info:-
Paint Protection Film Miami
Car Wrap to Protect Paint
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ROB HALFORD Joins DORO For Cover Of 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'; Official Music Video Released
"Conqueress – Forever Strong And Proud", the new album from German metal queen Doro Pesch, includes two separate duets with JUDAS PRIEST singer Rob Halford: the recently released cover of the PRIEST classic "Living After Midnight" and a version of the 1983 global smash hit "Total Eclipse Of The Heart", written by Jim Steinman and originally performed by the Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler.
The official Mirko Witzki-directed music video for Doro's version of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" can be seen below.
During an appearance on the September 12 episode of SiriusXM's "Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk", Doro stated about "Conqueress – Forever Strong And Proud": "The record has 20 songs on it, and I think they all sound killer. And it has three duets on it, and two duets with my favorite, with Rob Halford of JUDAS PRIEST, and I can't believe it. It's so awesome to me. I was a big, big PRIEST fan, and it was my very first big tour in 1986. And [Rob and I] met [again] last year in France at Hellfest, a great festival. And then we were talking, hanging out. And then we said, 'Hey, let's do something together.' So we did two duets. And the first one is 'Living After Midnight'. That was my choice, because I loved singing it. It was always a feel-good song. And then Rob Halford said, 'I have the song I always wanted to do with you. It's 'Total Eclipse Of The Heart'.' And that came out so great. When you hear it, you can tell Rob loves the song and I'm so happy. Even two duets, man. That's more than I can ask for. I'm a lucky baby, I tell you."
Asked if "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" is a bonus track on the album, since it didn't appear in the LP's original track listing, Doro said: "It is on the record, but it just got finished a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I delivered the record and the vinyl is already done. And then I got an e-mail. Rob Halford said, 'Hey, what about the second song?' And I thought, 'Oh, man. That's too good to be true.' And then we did the second song. And it just got done a couple of weeks ago. We will do a video for that song, and it will come out — the video and the single will come out the day the record will be released, so on the 27th of October. But it came out so awesome. And oh, man, that was just the icing on the cake. I thought I was done with record. And [PRIEST producer] Andy Sneap, he worked on it, and my guys worked on it, and it was a great teamwork. And Rob Halford sounds so great on it. It's, like, wow. It's definitely one of my absolute favorite songs of this album, and it sounds really, really special. You have to check it out. But yeah, it's brand new — just got done; mastering just got done. And video we are doing in a few weeks."
Pressed by host Eddie Trunk whether her version of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" is "heavy", Doro said: "Yes, yes, it is heavy, and it's, like, wow. It's very heavy, but it sounds great, I think, yeah. I think it's a killer version. I always get goosebumps when I hear it. And I think other people who heard it, they thought, 'Wow.'
"I think all my dreams came true working with all these great people, all my heroes, all people who inspired me so much," Doro added. "And [PRIEST] was my very first tour in Europe in '86 when metal was so huge. And it was such a great tour. So [Rob and I] finally did something together. And we always stayed friends. So I think that makes this album even more special to me, and I think many fans will love it."
"Conqueress – Forever Strong And Proud" is described in a press release as "the result of intensive hard work that took the incomparable singer and songwriter back to studios in Miami, New York and Hamburg, amongst others. The album presents Doro at the height of her creative powers."
0 notes
lana-starscream · 1 year
Season 2 Premere
omg yippie, the new season starts this weekend! (Sunday for me, David McLane's Bravest Soldier)
Idk why this shit never works for me lol whatever
i have seen this listed (on their youtube i think) as episode 53, as season 9 (when taking all the other WOWs into consideration), and as Season 2 (since the Viacom/CBS deal), but all that shit is for nerds. Here's the real Gospel from WOWE.com:
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WHO ATTACKED THE BEAST?: this shit has been so compelling, but nobody (oddly) has talked about it in a while. hopefully this has been weighing on the guilty parties' mind and keeping them up at night. I would not be shocked if it was traced back to Lana Star. I think she's ultimately the puppet master behind everything, but the Beast was most likely attacked by either Penelope Pink (eager to please Lana as her protege of the season) or Vicky Lynn Mc Coy (typical enforcer stuff)
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even MORE compelling is the return of Adriana Gambino! i am a BIIIIG GambinoHead, so this is very exciting to me. Will we see her reunited with old tag team partner GiGi Gianii? (they both loved fashion, family and being italian!) Gigi is using the music Adriana had originally, and it feels like they have been wanting to use this character since the AXS era, so it will be interesting to see if they actually get into the murder cover up that the website still references. A girl can only dream!!
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come on Dave, i know you have this in you.
Without immediately going off on another tangent, AJ Mendez missing from commentary is going to hurt on this one. She loved BOTH of these women so much.
Anyway, they seem to also be behind Jennifer Florez, and as if they want her in the mold of Stephy Slays. I think the Jen-Z thing is corny, just like Stephy's Millennial Superhero schtick. Following this, she might be one of those generic faces that gets squashed to make the other guy look good. (Adriana does need to come back hot, she did vanish for 30 episodes or so) In fact, I think that might even be the angle. I will toke on my purple doob if theres a video package of her from the previous season working in the murder angle and her not being in WOW)
That all being said, I think this is Adriana Gambino's win here.
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Another bittersweet match- I don't believe the Heavy Metal Sisters are together anymore, so Fury is out on her own. I'm sure she'll do fine, She's beautiful and hi hello Fury if you're reading this i am free anytime baby xoxoxo.
Tormenta has been a fun addition to WOW and any excuse to see Sophia Lopez is always welcome with me.
Having said this, I think Fury is going to win, she has to make a good impression on day 1 too. (That might be an overarching theme here, wild!)
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the now Title-less Carlson twins (in cute new gear tho) vs Crystal Waters & Sandy Shore. Spring Break joined up late in the season (and separately for a minute) and have mostly been fodder for other tag teams so far. Will that trend continue? Maybe Miami has something to prove? Maybe Lana has them in the doghouse? Maybe there will be an extensive video package to belabor every detail of this?
Giving this win to Miami Sweet Heat, but mostly for the sake of keeping Lana Star happy.
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Big WOW welcome to all my fellow ChantillyHeads!!! She rules. She has an absolutely dated gimmick and perfect hair (it looks so good every season), she always makes her opponent look good, and she hits super hard. This is easily going to be a Penelope victory, but fingies crossed Chantilly gets a few good kicks in.
ALRIGHT WOW you know what i want:
More Exile
Exodus singles match
Lana Star mayyyyybe getting another blonde??
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Fort Lauderdale Architects
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There are a number of Fort Lauderdale architects, each of which provides unique architectural services for homeowners in the area. The most common style of architecture in the area is Mid-century Modern, but residents are free to choose from other styles. These homes have open floor plans with flat roofs and large expanses of metal windows.
One of the more innovative architecture firms in the area is Glavovic Studio Inc. This firm offers a wide range of services, from commercial to urban design. They also offer design-build solutions. For instance, they have worked with the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale. Also, they have recently been selected by the City of Miami Beach to develop the 21st Community Center and Cultural Complex.
Another firm, Tuthill Architecture, specializes in high-end residential and multifamily projects. They have received 16 Design Awards from the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Some of their notable work includes a building in downtown Fort Lauderdale. Other than residential projects, they have experience working on commercial and banking buildings.
Not only do they provide a full range of architectural services, they are also experienced in renovations and historical renovations. As a family-owned business, they have a strong commitment to the community. With a focus on sustainability and high-level design, they have won numerous awards from the City of Fort Lauderdale. Several of their buildings are recognized as historic sites. In addition, they have won 24 Community Appearance awards from the city.
A Fort Lauderdale native, Bill Storrs founded Storrs Architect P.A. in 1987. He has been practicing architecture for 40 years, and continues his father's work. His portfolio reflects his ability to combine traditional and classical style designs to create a variety of custom homes. Additionally, he has extensive experience in small scale commercial projects.
Similarly, Ron Trebbi, the principal of TREBBI CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION, has been designing award-winning projects in the Fort Lauderdale area since the late 1980s. He received his Master's Degree in Architecture from the University of Florida in 1988. After a decade working as a contractor in the local industry, he joined the family business. Currently, he serves as a Licensed General Contractor and writes on construction and design for national and local publications.
If you want to learn more about some of the Fort Lauderdale architects that can help you plan your home, you can check out their websites and contact them for more information. You may also find images of their work on Houzz. Whether you need to build a new home or renovate an existing one, a professional architect can guide you through the process and help you achieve the perfect design.
Many Fort Lauderdale architectural styles have changed over the years. But the area is still home to many Mid-century Modern buildings. While they are the most common in the area, you will also find other modern architecture Fort Lauderdale homes such as art moderne and sub-tropical modern. Lastly, you can find a wide array of traditional and classic style homes that reflect several periods of history.
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