#metaverse enterprise solutions
frisky-bitz · 6 months
Took me this long to realize Paula is sapphic bc she thanks Ive in one of the files for helping her break up with someone named Daphne (a feminine name </3)
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anothermonikan · 8 months
Why is Paula Miner DDLC+ Miss Pauling TF2 coded
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like Paula doesn't have a canon design but. yeah. same character
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Corporate pride MES
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cheechdog1 · 2 years
(After enduring the blood-soaked, abandoned office building, you finally found what you were looking for.)
(A room containing nothing but an active computer and an office chair. Surprisingly, this room was the least bloody out of all the rooms you’d in beforehand.)
(You sit down on the chair and read the text on the computer screen. It says:)
Welcome to Meta-Chat. Here, you can chat with the being that allows VM1 to work as well as it does. Type something into the chat bar to get started!
(What will you type?)
( @strawberry-cream-official )
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assetfinx · 1 year
Elevate Your Metaverse Platform: Hire the Best Developers in the Industry
We've seen several developments as more companies look to enter this digital realm. Importantly, consumers are becoming more familiar with the term. As our agency continuously keeps a pulse on new technologies and is becoming more involved with the metaverse, we've done our fair share of research on how brands can ease into this new frontier practically.
So, how are people's opinions on the metaverse shaping up, and what do brands need to know as they begin their journey?
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Metaverse - A Quick Glimpse
First, let's take a refresher on what the metaverse is. Author Neal Stephenson first coined the term in his 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash. There, he envisioned people taking on lifelike avatars and interacting with a realistic digital world. The reality today isn't far from Stephenson's vision, largely thanks to online games like Roblox, Fortnight and Minecraft.
However, online gaming is only the tip of the iceberg for what the metaverse can do. While the growing popularity of gaming helps companies develop the technology needed for a full metaverse and raises consumer awareness of the idea, companies investing in the technology want it to be about more than just leisure.
What Do Consumers Think About The Metaverse So Far?
Recently, HubSpot released its 2022 Consumer Trends Report. While understanding and adoption of the metaverse are still small, it is growing. Importantly, a majority of the 1,000-plus U.S. respondents have positive outlooks about the metaverse:
34% said that the metaverse is the "future of technology."
30% feel brands should open virtual stores.
28% believe the metaverse is an extension of reality.
Importantly, those who opt into the metaverse continue to use it. For them, the metaverse has become an important part of leisure and social activities, with 54% of users engaging in the metaverse for gaming and 46% for meeting with friends. For half of the metaverse users, the connection is about authenticity. They feel more themselves when they're in this virtual space.
While the metaverse has been plagued with controversies in the past year, primarily through its adjacent technologies of cryptocurrencies and NFTs, that hasn't harmed the overall face of the metaverse. When it comes to data security, something consumers feel strongly about, 53% of metaverse users felt confident their information has been stored safely on the metaverse.
Source: Forbes
Why Hire A Metaverse Developer?
Hiring a metaverse developer is essential for businesses and organizations looking to venture into the metaverse space. Metaverse developers bring specialized expertise in the technologies, frameworks, and platforms required for metaverse development. They have a deep understanding of virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain, NFTs, and other key components of the metaverse ecosystem. By hiring a metaverse developer, businesses can leverage their skills and experience to create immersive and interactive virtual experiences, design and develop metaverse applications, integrate blockchain and NFT functionalities, and ensure seamless user experiences. With a Metaverse Development Company, one can navigate the complexities of metaverse development, optimize performance, and bring innovative and engaging metaverse solutions to life.
Contact Us Via! Whatsapp: +91 9843555651 Phone: +91 72001 65728 Telegram: @Sales_Assetfinx Mail: [email protected]
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veative · 1 year
How Metaverse Enterprise Solutions Are Revolutionizing Industries
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Metaverse enterprise solutions are reshaping industries by introducing immersive and interconnected virtual environments. This revolutionary technology allows businesses to create digital replicas of the physical world, enabling employees, customers, and stakeholders to interact and collaborate in a virtual space. By harnessing the power of the metaverse, industries such as education, healthcare, retail, and entertainment are experiencing significant transformations.
In the education sector, metaverse solutions are revolutionizing remote learning by providing virtual classrooms, interactive simulations, and immersive educational experiences. Students can explore historical events, conduct science experiments, and engage in collaborative projects within a virtual environment. In healthcare, the metaverse is enhancing telemedicine capabilities by enabling doctors to consult with patients in virtual clinics. Medical professionals can simulate surgeries, train in realistic environments, and collaborate with colleagues worldwide, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes. Retailers are leveraging the metaverse to create virtual storefronts, enabling customers to browse and shop from the comfort of their homes. Immersive shopping experiences, virtual try-ons, and personalized product recommendations enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.
The entertainment industry is embracing the metaverse to deliver immersive gaming experiences, virtual concerts, and interactive storytelling. Users can explore vast digital worlds, interact with characters, and participate in engaging narratives, blurring the lines between reality and virtuality. Overall, metaverse enterprise solutions are revolutionizing industries by expanding the boundaries of human experience, promoting collaboration, and unlocking new opportunities for innovation.
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ddlcaskblog · 2 months
boutta permanently delete my sayori persona i cant catch a break 💀 script??? blink blink???
// well first off, happy easter, hope you have a good day! //
Development Log 2. December 8th, 2020.
Metaverse has been checking in on me. Rather sweet people.
The virus, of which I will name Project Mirus, is half-way complete.
So far, the virus has been made to track the location of Monitor. The next step is making it cause a glitch in the files of Monitor, which would make its abilities nullified and distract it enough for somebody out there to find.
Wherever Monitor is, it could already be creating danger. Even if it is not, it could still do such, which is something we here at the Scientist's Collective do not want to happen.
If these logs somehow get uploaded somewhere? Please. To whoever is listening. Tell Doctor L if you somehow find Monitor. Anybody found interacting with Monitor or associates will be punished with the necessary consequence if these files are not reported.
In other non monitor or Mirus related information, Metaverse Enterprise Solutions has for some reason asked us to private our Partners page. We are unaware of why, but we will not ask questions that we may not want the answers to, and so, I put a small amount of time into hiding it, however it can still be accessed if the word "company" is clicked on the Finished Projects page.
Other files, like-
(30 seconds of a beeping noise)
Have no action towards finding them yet. However rest assured I will be on the bottom of this.
I am Doctor K, end of log. //
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innovateit23 · 6 months
“Innovators and Leaders: Unveiling the Top IT Companies in the US” 
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Title: “Innovators and Leaders: Unveiling the Top IT Companies in the US” 
In the fast-paced world of technology, a select group of companies stands at the forefront, steering the direction of innovation and reshaping the digital landscape. The United States, a hotbed of technological advancement, hosts an elite cadre of IT companies whose impact transcends boundaries. Let’s delve into the realms of these trailblazers, the vanguards of the industry, who continue to redefine possibilities and set new benchmarks in the realm of technology. 
1. Apple Inc.: Pioneering the Perfect Union of Innovation and Elegance At the epicenter of consumer electronics and software, Apple Inc. reigns supreme. Recognized for its sleek hardware – iPhones, Macs, iPads – and a sophisticated software ecosystem encompassing iOS and macOS, Apple’s commitment to seamless integration and groundbreaking design remains unparalleled. 
2. Microsoft Corporation: Empowering Every Individual and Organization on the Planet Microsoft, a tech behemoth, extends a diverse portfolio ranging from software products and cloud services to cutting-edge hardware. Windows OS, Office Suite, Azure Cloud – each element a testament to its commitment to innovation, enterprise solutions, and empowering global connectivity. 
3. Vee Technologies: Vee Technologies is one of the Top IT companies in USA which stands as a leading provider of comprehensive IT services, offering a wide array of solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses across various industries. Vee Technologies as one Top IT companies in USA specializes in crafting tailored software solutions that cater to specific business requirements. Their expertise in software development spans applications, platforms, and systems, ensuring alignment with clients’ unique operational needs. 
4. Amazon: Beyond Borders, Beyond Commerce Amidst its colossal e-commerce empire, Amazon’s crown jewel, Amazon Web Services (AWS), stands as a commanding force in cloud computing. It spearheads the provision of scalable computing power, storage solutions, and an array of cloud-based services. 
5. Alphabet Inc. (Google): Redefining Information Access and Technological Innovation Google, the epitome of innovation, ventures beyond its hallmark search engine. Google Cloud, Android OS, and an extensive suite of software applications illustrate its commitment to shaping information accessibility and fostering technological advancement. 
6. Meta Platforms (formerly Facebook): Building Connections in a Digital Sphere Meta Platforms, once Facebook, focuses on social networking and leaps into the realms of virtual reality (Oculus), augmented reality, and the pioneering developments within the metaverse. 
7. IBM: Where Innovation Meets Enterprise Solutions IBM’s arsenal encompasses a gamut of IT services, consulting, and enterprise solutions, including cognitive computing technologies like Watson, geared towards reshaping industries and bolstering technological capabilities. 
8. Oracle Corporation: Fortifying Businesses with Comprehensive Solutions A stalwart in database software and enterprise solutions, Oracle offers a suite of cloud applications and business software, catering to diverse business needs. 
9. Intel Corporation: Empowering Computing with Semiconductors Intel’s prowess in semiconductor manufacturing crafts the beating heart of countless computing devices through its microprocessors and hardware components. 
10. Cisco Systems: Forging Networks and Security in the Digital Age Cisco, a pioneer in networking solutions, fortifies businesses with networking hardware, software, cybersecurity measures, and innovations in IoT technologies.
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timefospookies · 2 years
Bruh when Ellie comes back she better be prepared cuz Im gonna tell it ALL about Project Libitina and Metaverse Enterprise Solutions
*banging fists on table* one of us One of us One Of Us ONE Of Us ONE OF Us ONE OF US ONE OF US
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Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! (2017)
The Metaverse Enterprise Solutions corporation are the unseen, overarching antagonists of Doki Doki Literature Club! and its side stories. They are the ones responsible for the creation of the original game's universe as well as for Monika's suffering.
Their existence is revealed in emails and files when players earn achievements during the gameplay.
They are an enigmatic corporation whose chief initiative is to learn whether or not the world they live in was a simulation. As such, they were responsible for creating the original universe of Doki Doki Literature Club!, dubbed VM1, and the control simulation, the universe where the side stories exist. They are completely aware that Monika is actually sapient and trapped in the visual novel, but they do not care. Within the control simulation, Monika does not have access to the elevated permissions of that universe and is unable to escape it.
At most, they view their experimentation on the universes in a way similar to Monika with how, much like her, ethics is not applicable to plants and bacteria, so they otherwise see no error in subjecting Monika to endless torture for their continued amusement. They also have awareness that Monika had her own Twitter account to which they poke fun at. However, there was one member of the task force that did express their concerns over an email conversation with Paula, thus showing that they were not completely devoid of human decency.
The project team in this corporation is led by project manager Paula Miner along with a few named employees such as Ro Teether, Ravi Raso, Lib Musi, among others. They are also currently underway with a breakthrough on a mysterious study known as "Project Libitina." This is also known as VM2.
Source: Villains Wiki
Metaverse Enterprise Solutions (MES) is a mysterious organization referenced in Doki Doki Literature Club Plus!. They are a company that doesn't have a clear specialization.
A task force within MES specialize in making simulated universes in order to figure out if our current universe is a simulation, as well as trying to make a profitable product that they can present to the upper management of MES.
The task force, called Team Salvato, is currently working with two of these simulated universes, called virtual machines. There's VM1, which is the small-scale universe of Doki Doki Literature Club!, and a medium-scale universe in the making labeled VM2, currently only known as "TEST VM", though whatever access the task force have reveals an unknown experiment called "Project Libitina" conducted by VM2's entities. In addition, they have duplicated VM1 to create a control simulation, one in which Monika's access to her elevated permissions is hidden from her. This is the universe of the side stories, a sort of "prologue" to the main story where Monika never becomes self-aware.
The task force is led by Paula Miner, and houses a few named employees, namely Ro Teether, Ravi Raso, Lib Musi, Rea Vorte, and Ive Laster, although very little is known about them.
The only known MES employee not within the task force is Barry.
Source: Doki Doki Literature Club Wiki
There is a company called Metaverse Enterprise Solutions (MES) working on discovering whether or not their universe is a simulation. To do so, they created a virtual machine (VM) with simulated entities living inside it to learn more about simulated universes. For some unspecified reason, in order to collect data from the VM, at least one of those entities need to be given elevated access permissions, i.e. be able to notice and alter the VM.
As you can probably see coming, that VM simulation IS DDLC's base game, which one rogue team member decided to turn into a video game as some kind of side project. Of course, Monika was the one given elevated permissions (specifically "monitor kernel access"). At the same time, they decide to run a control simulation to see what happens when no one has elevated permissions, but that would disallow them from collecting data, so in VM2 (the side stories), they compromise so that Monika still has permissions, she just doesn't know about it. More documents reveal that the MC in VM1 (base game) may have been created by Monika to allow interaction between the simulation and the "real world" (where MES exists).
Yet more documents show that a Monika Twitter account has been created and sending out tweets, meaning either an employee set it up as a joke, or the Monika from one of the VMs (implied to be VM2 because she isn't screaming for help in her tweets) found a way to access Twitter. Then, once you've unlocked just about everything, another email says they've gathered enough info on the VMs and are looking into a way to study a VM where no one has elevated permissions, and that there is an existing, unrelated, project on "their VM" that might achieve this (I am unsure if this means the characters living in the VM are making this project, or employees working on one of MES' VMs). This project, dubbed "Libitina" as a placeholder, involves the VM entities pooling together their limited access permissions to possibly result in an aggregated, more powerful, permission.
Source: Reddit
(image via YouTube)
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marksanndspencer · 2 days
SOURCE PROTOCOL: The future of Web3 and institutional blockchain adoption
Source Protocol INTRODUCTION
SOURCE is a standalone, layer 1, proof-of-stake blockchain, based in the Cosmos Hub IBC ecosystem (the Interchain). SOURCE has been built with Ignite CLI (formerly Starport), which utilizes the Tendermint BFT consensus mechanism (Ignite) and the Cosmos SDK. This enables interoperable transactions with other layer 1 Cosmos Hub blockchains and creates a developer-friendly platform to build on top of. With SOURCE, everyone has access to a highly efficient, scalable and interoperable blockchain network to create apps, smart contracts and tools for the Web 3.0 Economy. Developers, enterprises and individuals can build, integrate and use everything from DeFi apps, NFTs, play-to-earn, metaverse, privacy networks, DeSci, and much more.
Unlock the Potential of Your Business With web3 Integration
Source Protocol is not just a technology provider; it's a strategic partner for enterprises seeking to integrate the future of finance into their offerings. Here's what you stand to gain:
1. Seamless White-label Integration: Integrate top-tier DeFi products like Source One Market, Source Swap, Source Launch Pad, and Source One Card into your existing platforms. Offer a robust decentralized banking experience without the need for rebranding.
2. Full Stack Support: Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, benefit from a scalable DeFi infrastructure that's backed by round-the-clock support.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the complex landscape of global regulations with ease. Source's global SAFT licenses and compliant partner network ensure you're always on the right side of the law.
4. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Decentralization means fewer intermediaries. This not only speeds up processes but also reduces costs associated with traditional financial systems.
5. Unmatched Security: Rest easy knowing that Source Protocol's offerings are secured with fully audited third-party code and smart contract technology.
6. Non-Custodial Operations: Source's DeFi solutions are designed with user trust in mind. There's no need to custody customers' assets, offering users peace of mind knowing their assets are in their control.
7. Global Accessibility: The future of finance is borderless. With Source Protocol, businesses can tap into a global ecosystem that's open, fair, and accessible to everyone, everywhere.
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Source Swap
Source Swap is a DEX and AMM currently in beta testing that will allow for trading and liquidity mining of SOURCE-based tokens, native Cosmos SDK assets and cw-20's. Wrapped tokens from SOURCE Protocol’s Binance Smart Chain-based “Source One" Market will also be integrated. It will allow users to use IBC transfers from various chains for a secure and interoperable user experience. Liquidity pool incentives will be provided from the SOURCE liquidity mining reward allocation from the genesis distribution.
Fees: Transaction, Swap, and Exit
Transaction fees are paid by users when signing and posting transactions to SOURCE Chain. These fees are distributed to SOURCE stakers. Swap fees are paid by users when trading with the SOURCE Swap AMM decentralized exchange. They are calculated based on trade size and vary by liquidity pool. These fees are added to their respective pool and then distributed to users based on the proportion of their liquidity pool token share.
Exit fees are paid by users when exiting a liquidity pool. They are calculated as a percentage of LP token shares being redeemed. Upon exit, the user’s LP shares are burned and the value is distributed to the remaining LP shares. Exit fees are set by the pool creator. SOURCE governance can also deploy additional fees to improve the network if needed.
What makes Source Protocol special?
Unlike the vast majority of existing industry players, Source is an all-encompassing ecosystem. You can think of it as a one-stop-shop. It is not just one chain, token, coin, feature or product, but several that work collectively to form a technology infrastructure that provides value for anyone, from the retail user to the developer to the enterprise. We have a huge incentive infrastructure for users and developers to come, and stay.
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SOURCE competitive advantages over other blockchain projects
For builders & developers — Source Chain’s extremely high speeds (2500–10000+ tx / per second), low cost / gas fees ($0.01 average per tx), and scalability (developers can deploy apps in multiple coding languages using CosmWasm smart contract framework), set it apart as a blockchain built to handle mass adopted applications and tools. Not to mention, it’s interoperable with the entire Cosmos ecosystem.
For users — Source Protocol’s DeFi suite is Solvent and Sustainable (Automated liquidity mechanisms create a continuously self-funded, solvent and liquid network), Reduces Complexity (we’re making Web 3.0 easy to use with tools like Source Token which automate DeFi market rewards), and we’ve implemented Enhanced Security and Governance systems (like Guardian Nodes), which help us track malicious attacks and proposals to create a safer user environment.
For Enterprises — Source Protocol is one of the first to introduce DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS) in order for existing online banking and fintech solutions to adopt blockchain technology with ease, and source also provides Enterprise Programs which are complete with a partner network of OTC brokerages, crypto exchanges, and neobanks that create a seamless corporate DeFi experience (fiat onboarding, offboarding, and mutli-sig managed wallets)
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Launch Moochkin's Metarun, Q2 / Q3
A fun play to earn $SOURCE game launching on the SOURCE mainnet with a sustainable play to earn reward mechanism
Deploy SOURCEswap, Q2 / Q3
SourceSwap is a necessary native swap infastructure.
65M Source Liquidity Mining Rewards initiated.
BUX dollar pegged token launch
GIVBUX App Integration Q3 / Q4
SOURCE will be live on the GivBux app allowing users to spend crypto and donate to charity with no added cost at over 100,000 retailers nationwide.
BASE Finance Integration 2025
Banking app for the non-banked in the world.
The app allows Account Opening, Payments, Deposits, and Card Issuing, Lending and Buy now, Pay Later
Coupled with SOURCE’s Defi-as-a-Service
US and LatAm Q2, Q3 2024, India Q4 - Q1 2025
Deploy Source NFT Market, Q4
SOURCE NFT market will allow for tokenization of real world assets and more.
Deploy Source Defi Market, 2025
peer to peer borrowing and lending, personal loans, and more
Raising Capital
25M to 50M Round A raise (in progress)
Exchange Listing Campaign
MEXC (live)
LBANK (live)
XT.com (live)
Deepcoin (live)
KoinBX (live)
Osmosis dex (live)
BigONE (live)
OrangeX (live)
Trading / Marketing Campaign
X and social media KOL's and exchange promotion strategy, trading competitions, and social media bounty program(in-progress)
We will continue to bring partners into the SOURCE ecosystem and launch partner applications. (in progress)
Partner App Development
Exchange and Metrics Site Listings
List to CoinGecko (completed)
List on Osmosis (completed)
List to Coin Market Cap (completed)
Additional Metrics Listings
Website Updates
The website will continue to be improved
Add SOURCE t-shirts, hats, and schwag for purchase (completed)
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Source Protocol is a multi-chain and interoperable DeFi ecosystem with automated protocols designed for users to easily borrow against their crypto assets and generate passive earnings from lending, staking, liquidity pooling, and more. The protocol is composed of a “DeFi Toolbox” where users can conveniently access the best that DeFi has to offer in one seamless hub committed to interoperability, security, solvency and sustainability.
Source Protocol Social media link:
Website: https://www.sourceprotocol.io Documents: https://docs.sourceprotocol.io Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sourceprotocol_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sourceprotocol Telegram: https://t.me/sourceprotocol Discord: https://discord.gg/zj8xxUCeZQ
Forum Username: Aldehyde Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2813893 Wallet Address: source1h4lm26795k2m0sz6yum4cygylp32mykw3m5kc8
0 notes
anothermonikan · 1 year
Too many people in the DDLC fandom took that email about the character discrepancy at face value to mean that Monika 100% created MC when Meeting notes 3.txt exists and yknow, the MC is litro named Ive in the gameplay trailer
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raxonrally · 2 days
SOURCE PROTOCOL: Is creating a continuously evolving and all-encompassing Web 3.0
Source Protocol INTRODUCTION
SOURCE is a standalone, layer 1, proof-of-stake blockchain, based in the Cosmos Hub IBC ecosystem (the Interchain). SOURCE has been built with Ignite CLI (formerly Starport), which utilizes the Tendermint BFT consensus mechanism (Ignite) and the Cosmos SDK. This enables interoperable transactions with other layer 1 Cosmos Hub blockchains and creates a developer-friendly platform to build on top of. With SOURCE, everyone has access to a highly efficient, scalable and interoperable blockchain network to create apps, smart contracts and tools for the Web 3.0 Economy. Developers, enterprises and individuals can build, integrate and use everything from DeFi apps, NFTs, play-to-earn, metaverse, privacy networks, DeSci, and much more.
Unlock the Potential of Your Business With web3 Integration
Source Protocol is not just a technology provider; it's a strategic partner for enterprises seeking to integrate the future of finance into their offerings. Here's what you stand to gain:
1. Seamless White-label Integration: Integrate top-tier DeFi products like Source One Market, Source Swap, Source Launch Pad, and Source One Card into your existing platforms. Offer a robust decentralized banking experience without the need for rebranding.
2. Full Stack Support: Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, benefit from a scalable DeFi infrastructure that's backed by round-the-clock support.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the complex landscape of global regulations with ease. Source's global SAFT licenses and compliant partner network ensure you're always on the right side of the law.
4. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Decentralization means fewer intermediaries. This not only speeds up processes but also reduces costs associated with traditional financial systems.
5. Unmatched Security: Rest easy knowing that Source Protocol's offerings are secured with fully audited third-party code and smart contract technology.
6. Non-Custodial Operations: Source's DeFi solutions are designed with user trust in mind. There's no need to custody customers' assets, offering users peace of mind knowing their assets are in their control.
7. Global Accessibility: The future of finance is borderless. With Source Protocol, businesses can tap into a global ecosystem that's open, fair, and accessible to everyone, everywhere.
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Source Swap
Source Swap is a DEX and AMM currently in beta testing that will allow for trading and liquidity mining of SOURCE-based tokens, native Cosmos SDK assets and cw-20's. Wrapped tokens from SOURCE Protocol’s Binance Smart Chain-based “Source One" Market will also be integrated. It will allow users to use IBC transfers from various chains for a secure and interoperable user experience. Liquidity pool incentives will be provided from the SOURCE liquidity mining reward allocation from the genesis distribution.
Fees: Transaction, Swap, and Exit
Transaction fees are paid by users when signing and posting transactions to SOURCE Chain. These fees are distributed to SOURCE stakers. Swap fees are paid by users when trading with the SOURCE Swap AMM decentralized exchange. They are calculated based on trade size and vary by liquidity pool. These fees are added to their respective pool and then distributed to users based on the proportion of their liquidity pool token share.
Exit fees are paid by users when exiting a liquidity pool. They are calculated as a percentage of LP token shares being redeemed. Upon exit, the user’s LP shares are burned and the value is distributed to the remaining LP shares. Exit fees are set by the pool creator. SOURCE governance can also deploy additional fees to improve the network if needed.
What makes Source Protocol special?
Unlike the vast majority of existing industry players, Source is an all-encompassing ecosystem. You can think of it as a one-stop-shop. It is not just one chain, token, coin, feature or product, but several that work collectively to form a technology infrastructure that provides value for anyone, from the retail user to the developer to the enterprise. We have a huge incentive infrastructure for users and developers to come, and stay.
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SOURCE competitive advantages over other blockchain projects
For builders & developers — Source Chain’s extremely high speeds (2500–10000+ tx / per second), low cost / gas fees ($0.01 average per tx), and scalability (developers can deploy apps in multiple coding languages using CosmWasm smart contract framework), set it apart as a blockchain built to handle mass adopted applications and tools. Not to mention, it’s interoperable with the entire Cosmos ecosystem.
For users — Source Protocol’s DeFi suite is Solvent and Sustainable (Automated liquidity mechanisms create a continuously self-funded, solvent and liquid network), Reduces Complexity (we’re making Web 3.0 easy to use with tools like Source Token which automate DeFi market rewards), and we’ve implemented Enhanced Security and Governance systems (like Guardian Nodes), which help us track malicious attacks and proposals to create a safer user environment.
For Enterprises — Source Protocol is one of the first to introduce DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS) in order for existing online banking and fintech solutions to adopt blockchain technology with ease, and source also provides Enterprise Programs which are complete with a partner network of OTC brokerages, crypto exchanges, and neobanks that create a seamless corporate DeFi experience (fiat onboarding, offboarding, and mutli-sig managed wallets)
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Launch Moochkin's Metarun, Q2 / Q3
A fun play to earn $SOURCE game launching on the SOURCE mainnet with a sustainable play to earn reward mechanism
Deploy SOURCEswap, Q2 / Q3
SourceSwap is a necessary native swap infastructure.
65M Source Liquidity Mining Rewards initiated.
BUX dollar pegged token launch
GIVBUX App Integration Q3 / Q4
SOURCE will be live on the GivBux app allowing users to spend crypto and donate to charity with no added cost at over 100,000 retailers nationwide.
BASE Finance Integration 2025
Banking app for the non-banked in the world.
The app allows Account Opening, Payments, Deposits, and Card Issuing, Lending and Buy now, Pay Later
Coupled with SOURCE’s Defi-as-a-Service
US and LatAm Q2, Q3 2024, India Q4 - Q1 2025
Deploy Source NFT Market, Q4
SOURCE NFT market will allow for tokenization of real world assets and more.
Deploy Source Defi Market, 2025
peer to peer borrowing and lending, personal loans, and more
Raising Capital
25M to 50M Round A raise (in progress)
Exchange Listing Campaign
MEXC (live)
LBANK (live)
XT.com (live)
Deepcoin (live)
KoinBX (live)
Osmosis dex (live)
BigONE (live)
OrangeX (live)
Trading / Marketing Campaign
X and social media KOL's and exchange promotion strategy, trading competitions, and social media bounty program(in-progress)
We will continue to bring partners into the SOURCE ecosystem and launch partner applications. (in progress)
Partner App Development
Exchange and Metrics Site Listings
List to CoinGecko (completed)
List on Osmosis (completed)
List to Coin Market Cap (completed)
Additional Metrics Listings
Website Updates
The website will continue to be improved
Add SOURCE t-shirts, hats, and schwag for purchase (completed)
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Source Protocol is a multi-chain and interoperable DeFi ecosystem with automated protocols designed for users to easily borrow against their crypto assets and generate passive earnings from lending, staking, liquidity pooling, and more. The protocol is composed of a “DeFi Toolbox” where users can conveniently access the best that DeFi has to offer in one seamless hub committed to interoperability, security, solvency and sustainability.
Source Protocol Social media link:
Website: https://www.sourceprotocol.io Documents: https://docs.sourceprotocol.io Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sourceprotocol_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sourceprotocol Telegram: https://t.me/sourceprotocol Discord: https://discord.gg/zj8xxUCeZQ
Bitcointalk name: Raxon Rally Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3474913 Telegram username: @RaxonRally Wallet address: source1jur3cvmgqp9dygzr0eu9tz2xxx4qz0xskf24ax
0 notes
cheechdog1 · 2 years
2019. The last year of Metaverse Enterprise Solutions. It truly is a shame what happened to them.
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bentonkole6 · 2 days
SOURCE PROTOCOL: Is creating a continuously evolving and all-encompassing Web 3.0
Source Protocol INTRODUCTION
SOURCE is a standalone, layer 1, proof-of-stake blockchain, based in the Cosmos Hub IBC ecosystem (the Interchain). SOURCE has been built with Ignite CLI (formerly Starport), which utilizes the Tendermint BFT consensus mechanism (Ignite) and the Cosmos SDK. This enables interoperable transactions with other layer 1 Cosmos Hub blockchains and creates a developer-friendly platform to build on top of. With SOURCE, everyone has access to a highly efficient, scalable and interoperable blockchain network to create apps, smart contracts and tools for the Web 3.0 Economy. Developers, enterprises and individuals can build, integrate and use everything from DeFi apps, NFTs, play-to-earn, metaverse, privacy networks, DeSci, and much more.
Unlock the Potential of Your Business With web3 Integration
Source Protocol is not just a technology provider; it's a strategic partner for enterprises seeking to integrate the future of finance into their offerings. Here's what you stand to gain:
1. Seamless White-label Integration: Integrate top-tier DeFi products like Source One Market, Source Swap, Source Launch Pad, and Source One Card into your existing platforms. Offer a robust decentralized banking experience without the need for rebranding.
2. Full Stack Support: Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, benefit from a scalable DeFi infrastructure that's backed by round-the-clock support.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the complex landscape of global regulations with ease. Source's global SAFT licenses and compliant partner network ensure you're always on the right side of the law.
4. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Decentralization means fewer intermediaries. This not only speeds up processes but also reduces costs associated with traditional financial systems.
5. Unmatched Security: Rest easy knowing that Source Protocol's offerings are secured with fully audited third-party code and smart contract technology.
6. Non-Custodial Operations: Source's DeFi solutions are designed with user trust in mind. There's no need to custody customers' assets, offering users peace of mind knowing their assets are in their control.
7. Global Accessibility: The future of finance is borderless. With Source Protocol, businesses can tap into a global ecosystem that's open, fair, and accessible to everyone, everywhere.
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Source Swap
Source Swap is a DEX and AMM currently in beta testing that will allow for trading and liquidity mining of SOURCE-based tokens, native Cosmos SDK assets and cw-20's. Wrapped tokens from SOURCE Protocol’s Binance Smart Chain-based “Source One" Market will also be integrated. It will allow users to use IBC transfers from various chains for a secure and interoperable user experience. Liquidity pool incentives will be provided from the SOURCE liquidity mining reward allocation from the genesis distribution.
Fees: Transaction, Swap, and Exit
Transaction fees are paid by users when signing and posting transactions to SOURCE Chain. These fees are distributed to SOURCE stakers. Swap fees are paid by users when trading with the SOURCE Swap AMM decentralized exchange. They are calculated based on trade size and vary by liquidity pool. These fees are added to their respective pool and then distributed to users based on the proportion of their liquidity pool token share.
Exit fees are paid by users when exiting a liquidity pool. They are calculated as a percentage of LP token shares being redeemed. Upon exit, the user’s LP shares are burned and the value is distributed to the remaining LP shares. Exit fees are set by the pool creator. SOURCE governance can also deploy additional fees to improve the network if needed.
What makes Source Protocol special?
Unlike the vast majority of existing industry players, Source is an all-encompassing ecosystem. You can think of it as a one-stop-shop. It is not just one chain, token, coin, feature or product, but several that work collectively to form a technology infrastructure that provides value for anyone, from the retail user to the developer to the enterprise. We have a huge incentive infrastructure for users and developers to come, and stay.
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SOURCE competitive advantages over other blockchain projects
For builders & developers — Source Chain’s extremely high speeds (2500–10000+ tx / per second), low cost / gas fees ($0.01 average per tx), and scalability (developers can deploy apps in multiple coding languages using CosmWasm smart contract framework), set it apart as a blockchain built to handle mass adopted applications and tools. Not to mention, it’s interoperable with the entire Cosmos ecosystem.
For users — Source Protocol’s DeFi suite is Solvent and Sustainable (Automated liquidity mechanisms create a continuously self-funded, solvent and liquid network), Reduces Complexity (we’re making Web 3.0 easy to use with tools like Source Token which automate DeFi market rewards), and we’ve implemented Enhanced Security and Governance systems (like Guardian Nodes), which help us track malicious attacks and proposals to create a safer user environment.
For Enterprises — Source Protocol is one of the first to introduce DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS) in order for existing online banking and fintech solutions to adopt blockchain technology with ease, and source also provides Enterprise Programs which are complete with a partner network of OTC brokerages, crypto exchanges, and neobanks that create a seamless corporate DeFi experience (fiat onboarding, offboarding, and mutli-sig managed wallets)
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Launch Moochkin's Metarun, Q2 / Q3
A fun play to earn $SOURCE game launching on the SOURCE mainnet with a sustainable play to earn reward mechanism
Deploy SOURCEswap, Q2 / Q3
SourceSwap is a necessary native swap infastructure.
65M Source Liquidity Mining Rewards initiated.
BUX dollar pegged token launch
GIVBUX App Integration Q3 / Q4
SOURCE will be live on the GivBux app allowing users to spend crypto and donate to charity with no added cost at over 100,000 retailers nationwide.
BASE Finance Integration 2025
Banking app for the non-banked in the world.
The app allows Account Opening, Payments, Deposits, and Card Issuing, Lending and Buy now, Pay Later
Coupled with SOURCE’s Defi-as-a-Service
US and LatAm Q2, Q3 2024, India Q4 - Q1 2025
Deploy Source NFT Market, Q4
SOURCE NFT market will allow for tokenization of real world assets and more.
Deploy Source Defi Market, 2025
peer to peer borrowing and lending, personal loans, and more
Raising Capital
25M to 50M Round A raise (in progress)
Exchange Listing Campaign
MEXC (live)
LBANK (live)
XT.com (live)
Deepcoin (live)
KoinBX (live)
Osmosis dex (live)
BigONE (live)
OrangeX (live)
Trading / Marketing Campaign
X and social media KOL's and exchange promotion strategy, trading competitions, and social media bounty program(in-progress)
We will continue to bring partners into the SOURCE ecosystem and launch partner applications. (in progress)
Partner App Development
Exchange and Metrics Site Listings
List to CoinGecko (completed)
List on Osmosis (completed)
List to Coin Market Cap (completed)
Additional Metrics Listings
Website Updates
The website will continue to be improved
Add SOURCE t-shirts, hats, and schwag for purchase (completed)
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Source Protocol is a multi-chain and interoperable DeFi ecosystem with automated protocols designed for users to easily borrow against their crypto assets and generate passive earnings from lending, staking, liquidity pooling, and more. The protocol is composed of a “DeFi Toolbox” where users can conveniently access the best that DeFi has to offer in one seamless hub committed to interoperability, security, solvency and sustainability.
Source Protocol Social media link:
Website: https://www.sourceprotocol.io Documents: https://docs.sourceprotocol.io Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sourceprotocol_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sourceprotocol Telegram: https://t.me/sourceprotocol Discord: https://discord.gg/zj8xxUCeZQ
Bitcointalk name: Benton Kole Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3475499 Telegram username: @BentonKole Wallet address: source1t470rf9yddnhq9e3d8tsavpafnk5r97rcyv5ct
0 notes
silas2kai · 3 days
SOURCE PROTOCOL: Is creating a continuously evolving and all-encompassing Web 3.0
Source Protocol INTRODUCTION
SOURCE is a standalone, layer 1, proof-of-stake blockchain, based in the Cosmos Hub IBC ecosystem (the Interchain). SOURCE has been built with Ignite CLI (formerly Starport), which utilizes the Tendermint BFT consensus mechanism (Ignite) and the Cosmos SDK. This enables interoperable transactions with other layer 1 Cosmos Hub blockchains and creates a developer-friendly platform to build on top of. With SOURCE, everyone has access to a highly efficient, scalable and interoperable blockchain network to create apps, smart contracts and tools for the Web 3.0 Economy. Developers, enterprises and individuals can build, integrate and use everything from DeFi apps, NFTs, play-to-earn, metaverse, privacy networks, DeSci, and much more.
Unlock the Potential of Your Business With web3 Integration
Source Protocol is not just a technology provider; it's a strategic partner for enterprises seeking to integrate the future of finance into their offerings. Here's what you stand to gain:
1. Seamless White-label Integration: Integrate top-tier DeFi products like Source One Market, Source Swap, Source Launch Pad, and Source One Card into your existing platforms. Offer a robust decentralized banking experience without the need for rebranding.
2. Full Stack Support: Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, benefit from a scalable DeFi infrastructure that's backed by round-the-clock support.
3. Regulatory Compliance: Navigate the complex landscape of global regulations with ease. Source's global SAFT licenses and compliant partner network ensure you're always on the right side of the law.
4. Efficiency and Cost Savings: Decentralization means fewer intermediaries. This not only speeds up processes but also reduces costs associated with traditional financial systems.
5. Unmatched Security: Rest easy knowing that Source Protocol's offerings are secured with fully audited third-party code and smart contract technology.
6. Non-Custodial Operations: Source's DeFi solutions are designed with user trust in mind. There's no need to custody customers' assets, offering users peace of mind knowing their assets are in their control.
7. Global Accessibility: The future of finance is borderless. With Source Protocol, businesses can tap into a global ecosystem that's open, fair, and accessible to everyone, everywhere.
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Source Swap
Source Swap is a DEX and AMM currently in beta testing that will allow for trading and liquidity mining of SOURCE-based tokens, native Cosmos SDK assets and cw-20's. Wrapped tokens from SOURCE Protocol’s Binance Smart Chain-based “Source One" Market will also be integrated. It will allow users to use IBC transfers from various chains for a secure and interoperable user experience. Liquidity pool incentives will be provided from the SOURCE liquidity mining reward allocation from the genesis distribution.
Fees: Transaction, Swap, and Exit
Transaction fees are paid by users when signing and posting transactions to SOURCE Chain. These fees are distributed to SOURCE stakers. Swap fees are paid by users when trading with the SOURCE Swap AMM decentralized exchange. They are calculated based on trade size and vary by liquidity pool. These fees are added to their respective pool and then distributed to users based on the proportion of their liquidity pool token share.
Exit fees are paid by users when exiting a liquidity pool. They are calculated as a percentage of LP token shares being redeemed. Upon exit, the user’s LP shares are burned and the value is distributed to the remaining LP shares. Exit fees are set by the pool creator. SOURCE governance can also deploy additional fees to improve the network if needed.
What makes Source Protocol special?
Unlike the vast majority of existing industry players, Source is an all-encompassing ecosystem. You can think of it as a one-stop-shop. It is not just one chain, token, coin, feature or product, but several that work collectively to form a technology infrastructure that provides value for anyone, from the retail user to the developer to the enterprise. We have a huge incentive infrastructure for users and developers to come, and stay.
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SOURCE competitive advantages over other blockchain projects
For builders & developers — Source Chain’s extremely high speeds (2500–10000+ tx / per second), low cost / gas fees ($0.01 average per tx), and scalability (developers can deploy apps in multiple coding languages using CosmWasm smart contract framework), set it apart as a blockchain built to handle mass adopted applications and tools. Not to mention, it’s interoperable with the entire Cosmos ecosystem.
For users — Source Protocol’s DeFi suite is Solvent and Sustainable (Automated liquidity mechanisms create a continuously self-funded, solvent and liquid network), Reduces Complexity (we’re making Web 3.0 easy to use with tools like Source Token which automate DeFi market rewards), and we’ve implemented Enhanced Security and Governance systems (like Guardian Nodes), which help us track malicious attacks and proposals to create a safer user environment.
For Enterprises — Source Protocol is one of the first to introduce DeFi-as-a-Service (DaaS) in order for existing online banking and fintech solutions to adopt blockchain technology with ease, and source also provides Enterprise Programs which are complete with a partner network of OTC brokerages, crypto exchanges, and neobanks that create a seamless corporate DeFi experience (fiat onboarding, offboarding, and mutli-sig managed wallets)
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Launch Moochkin's Metarun, Q2 / Q3
A fun play to earn $SOURCE game launching on the SOURCE mainnet with a sustainable play to earn reward mechanism
Deploy SOURCEswap, Q2 / Q3
SourceSwap is a necessary native swap infastructure.
65M Source Liquidity Mining Rewards initiated.
BUX dollar pegged token launch
GIVBUX App Integration Q3 / Q4
SOURCE will be live on the GivBux app allowing users to spend crypto and donate to charity with no added cost at over 100,000 retailers nationwide.
BASE Finance Integration 2025
Banking app for the non-banked in the world.
The app allows Account Opening, Payments, Deposits, and Card Issuing, Lending and Buy now, Pay Later
Coupled with SOURCE’s Defi-as-a-Service
US and LatAm Q2, Q3 2024, India Q4 - Q1 2025
Deploy Source NFT Market, Q4
SOURCE NFT market will allow for tokenization of real world assets and more.
Deploy Source Defi Market, 2025
peer to peer borrowing and lending, personal loans, and more
Raising Capital
25M to 50M Round A raise (in progress)
Exchange Listing Campaign
MEXC (live)
LBANK (live)
XT.com (live)
Deepcoin (live)
KoinBX (live)
Osmosis dex (live)
BigONE (live)
OrangeX (live)
Trading / Marketing Campaign
X and social media KOL's and exchange promotion strategy, trading competitions, and social media bounty program(in-progress)
We will continue to bring partners into the SOURCE ecosystem and launch partner applications. (in progress)
Partner App Development
Exchange and Metrics Site Listings
List to CoinGecko (completed)
List on Osmosis (completed)
List to Coin Market Cap (completed)
Additional Metrics Listings
Website Updates
The website will continue to be improved
Add SOURCE t-shirts, hats, and schwag for purchase (completed)
Tumblr media
Source Protocol is a multi-chain and interoperable DeFi ecosystem with automated protocols designed for users to easily borrow against their crypto assets and generate passive earnings from lending, staking, liquidity pooling, and more. The protocol is composed of a “DeFi Toolbox” where users can conveniently access the best that DeFi has to offer in one seamless hub committed to interoperability, security, solvency and sustainability.
Source Protocol Social media link:
Website: https://www.sourceprotocol.io Documents: https://docs.sourceprotocol.io Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/sourceprotocol_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sourceprotocol Telegram: https://t.me/sourceprotocol Discord: https://discord.gg/zj8xxUCeZQ
Author Details
Bitcointalk name : Silas Kai Bitcointalk Profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3382086 Telegram username : @SilasKai Wallet: source156kvhwyu2emqy9hsw2h0uxzcrghc48adqzmzvx
0 notes