#meteora x rasticore
lil-oreo-crumbles · 3 months
Aw, man, any thoughts about Rasticore?
Ah yes, another example of a the whole running themes with Septarians being this “certain way.” Though, interestingly, unlike Seth and Toffee, he’s not as villainized as they are. Instead he’s literally just turned into the butt of a joke… which still isn’t great.
But I already kind of went into the show stereotyping Septarians as X and X in my Seth post, this is solely about Rasticore my boy and my thoughts on this dude!!
TL;DR: I love him a lot he is way too underrated.
Here’s some headcanons with thoughts mixed in there. (Though admittedly this is basically just Septarsis-Dragonfly AU Lore… but as long as it doesn’t impact the progression of the story it’s fine💀)
Rasticore is Seth’s (only and biological) son. He’s a result of a little fling that was mainly orchestrated to hatch a potential heir. Seth is a (very deeply closeted who’ll scoff if you even mention the notion despite his history of “flings” and “relationships” with men) 100% gay man, and even Rasticore is surprised by his own very existence.
Rasticore is older than Toffee by two decades (it’s not that long for Septarians they’re relatively close in age).
Seth and Rasticore have good standing and a good relationship, but they’re not particularly close
Rasticore IS however, extremely close with his Aunt, Princess Zarina, and handmade her robotic arm when Eclipsa permanently severed it with her darkest spell
The only reason he doesn’t outrank Toffee is because he not only doesn’t have the leadership skills, but also cares a lot less about the war effort than Toffee does. Seth is not the type to give Rasticore a higher rank for the pure sake of being his son, he has to earn it like everyone else. He just particularly didn’t put the work in. The war didn’t spark his interest until the Comet situation
While he didn’t like Toffee for a while as a child/preteen, they became incredibly close in their teenager days and formed a trio with Toffee’s then girlfriend, Ericka. They distanced again after the trio split and didn’t become “close” again until around Comet’s reign. This is all despite the fact that they literally live with each other in the castle.
While Toffee was studying as a historian and planning his destroy magic plot, Toffee’s (now ex) nerdy engineer boyfriend, Favian, designed and crafted Rasticore’s famous dimensional chainsaw (using stolen dimensional scissors). He also made several tracking devices that Rasticore ends up using.
It was around this time that he met Heinous (aka Meteora). Yes, they absolutely 100% dated on and off for a while, keeping it on the down low as a casual thing.
When Toffee volunteered to go to Comet’s banquet, Seth insisted that Toffee take Rasticore with him. This is really where the two men bonded again after all those years.
After Comet’s death and Moon’s spell, he retreated back to Septarsis. It was there that he finally admitted to his father that he was tired of being a “prince” and wanted to instead forge his own path.
He left Septarsis shortly after Toffee, renouncing his title and changing his last name from Kardona to “Chaosus-Disastervaine”
He has both of his eyes and both of his arms, he just uses the gem and robotic arm to better conceal his identity. He doesn’t actually think anyone would recognize him as the “Prince of Septarsis,” but he has to make sure. He also alters his voice sometimes for this exact reason.
He was pretty shocked about Meteora’s true heritage (go figure), but what disturbed him the most was the fact that she not only was Eclipsa’s daughter (he was WELL AWARE of Toffee’s friendship and falling out with her) but also the fact she kind of bore a resemblance to the baby who ambushed their meeting and blasted Toffee in the fact that one time. THAT’S why he skedaddled so quick and broke up with her (only to be blasted into an arm again)
A small part of Rasticore being with the other assassins trying to take out Eclipsa was deeply personal. He knows firsthand that Eclipsa not only took off his Aunt’s arm and killed many other Septarians, but deeply deeply hurt one of his longest and closest friends. Out of everyone there he had the most reason to actually want her dead.
He’s still working at there to this day, but with the arrival of the Echo Creek humans they’re not very popular and business is very slow. Part of him wants to go find a new job, but he’s made friends there who he doesn’t want to leave behind.
Yeah honestly most of these is just his backstory from my AU 💀 whoopsies. It’s hard to separate the two sometimes I just kind of lump canon in with my AU. But yeah that’s the gist of it! I think Rasticore is real cool and he’s one of my absolute favorites.
But then again I stan every single Septarian in this show so I am a heavily biased party
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(My favorite Rasticore scene by far)
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holdingontodust · 1 year
Man, your Toffee analysis was what I needed to read and listen to. And honestly, I feel bad for how Toffee was treated. And while I'm not a fan of Moon/Toffee (or Heinous aka Meteora/Rasticore either), your analysis on Toffee is quite impressive as much as @sageoftheuniverse had done. But I digress...since you analyzed Toffee's character well, what are your thoughts on the likes of Rasticore? Me and my friend, @wildtige429 are both fans of the character and we're somewhat more of the "fans of the underrated characters" kind of thing, so we were wondering what your thoughts on Rasticore were. Please let us know when you
I've had this ask sitting in my drafts for a while trying to think of something interesting to say, but after so many weeks I'm afraid I have to say I don't have much to say on Rasticore, which sucks because I enjoy him, but he really doesn't have enough to work with in canon to write a full analysis on.
Also most of his episodes take place in a part of the series I don’t really care to watch again but, I’ll write up some quick thoughts based on what I have watched recently and remember from my original watch.
First of all, I’m sorry you don’t care for Rasticore x Heinous/Meteroa, because I think that’s one of the most interesting and fun parts of his character. The show really did itself dirty by not exploring the other characters more in favor of trying to stay the Star and Marco show (while also ruining even that with all the teenage romance drama), but in particular they really missed out on what could have been some really hilarious scenes of Gemni being the third wheel to an almost perfect Villains in Love dynamic. I am doing a (slow) rewatch of svtfoe at the moment, and don’t intend to fully rewatch after Battle of Mewni but might rewatch a few episodes just for Rasticore and Meteora while I lament what should could have been.
I just fucking love shipping the Lizards with the Butterflies don’t judge me
Looking specifically at Rasticore, though, like I said, there really isn't much to go on with him in canon. He somehow went from a scared teen to fighting in the war to a bounty hunter/assassin with no explanation of how he went from point A to point C and no exploration of his motives which makes it feel like there wasn't any actual plan for him, and he was only featured in some of his scenes just to fill up space so they wouldn't have to design a whole other background character.
The scene from Meteora's Lesson (I actually despise as anyone following me on twitter may have figured out), Rasticore could have been swapped with any other Septarian youth in the gathering and it wouldn't have made a difference, since we don't see how Rasticore actually develops from this absolute wreck to the confident soldier seen in Moon the Undaunted.
The only take away we really get from this is that Toffee and Rasticore have known each other since they were teens, and it's popular to assume that they were friends since he is the only Septarian from this scene that sticks around into the series proper- but this is not actually confirmed anywhere I don't think?
They knew each other in their teens and served in the monster army together but they might not have been friends after all or they had a big falling out after Rasticore abandoned Toffee when Moon blew off his finger, because they aren't working together anymore during svtfoe's run.
Or are they?
Unfortunately, since we don't know what the entirety of Toffee's plan was or where he was going when he walked away after returning from the Realm of Magic, there's no way to confirm this...But I find it really convenient that one of Toffee's old war buddies just happened to be in close with the True Heir to the Butterfly Kingdom, implied to be dating/have dated her (and presumably had sex with her) to notice she was half monster.
So...What if the real reason Rasticore broke up with her so awkwardly and tried to leave was because he was planning on reporting to Toffee and receive his new orders, unaware of Toffee's demise?
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julayla · 2 years
JusSonic's Good Idea Bad Idea #3 by JusSonic
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violets-silence · 3 years
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Day 26 of the fankid prompt challenge - Rasticorea!
Nadia's mother passed away when she was still young, so she was raised by her rough-n-tough dad. He taught her to suppress her emotions and to turn them into anger to propel her in battle.
She does this very well.
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full-moon-phoenix · 5 years
Did we all just collectively forget about that moment where Heinous referred to Rasticore as "part lizard"? Implying that he's a Mewman/Monster hybrid just like her? Which is probably why they got together in the first place, being kindred spirits?
Or did the show just conveniently gloss over that like so many other things they shouldn't have glossed over?
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thedarkangelpuppet · 5 years
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and the remaining shipkids
I do have two more Svtfoe Ocs that I have designed but they are not ship children.
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isaackuo · 5 years
Toffee: *gets beat up by a baby* “Ok you know what, I wasn’t sure before but now it’s DEFINITELY time for regicide.”
Okay but … Rasticore was probably right there when Toffee broke Glossaryck’s arm. And given that Toffee has apparently gotten Rasticore to have his arm bitten off at least twice, he’s probably done this a LOT. We can deduce that Rasticore lost his arm because of Toffee.
And Rasticore was there when Moon sliced off Toffee’s finger. It freaked him out.
When does Rasticore break up with Heinous Meteora? Just after Meteora snaps off Ponyhead’s horn in a rage.
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pigeons-svtfoe-au · 5 years
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i brought neeewww children
Ixchel Butterfly Díaz!
facts about her
loves to read, that’s why she uses glasses
her wand is a book
chubby girl
likes witch-related stuff
likes to write stories sometimes
Sol Butterfly!
facts about her:
very jealous
strong girl
mom issues
doesn’t have a dad
“i’m telling!”
Sol belongs to Adhara’s Au and Ixchel has her own universe!
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naty-js · 6 years
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Rasticore x Meteora = Rasteora (?) ~
Someone can save Rasticore? xD
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cadenreigns · 5 years
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Possessed Shell - Page 20
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loudlyhappycupcake · 3 years
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Meteora x rasticore
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jess-the-vampire · 4 years
whats your thoughs on meteora x Gemini(geminora) and meteora x rasticore(rastiteora). i think if meteora had a better upbringing & wasn't regressed they'd make good ship(its fandoms is small and tolerable)
they’re cute
would’ve been nice if we saw more on those relationships in general tbh
they’d be more functional if meteora wasn’t well...in the state she was at the time.
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julayla · 6 years
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Meme: Panda Hates Rasticorea by Julayla64
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awesomesaurous · 5 years
SVTFOE - Easy Street Animatic (Rasticore x Heinous/Meteora)
I started this last year before Season 3 ended. At that point Heinous was still an intact adult, and I had this idea to do “Little Girls” from Annie, except set at St. Olga’s featuring Heinous at the end of her rope. Then, by extension, we had “Easy Street,” which features her conspiring with her partner in crime about all the things they’ll do one day when they’re rich and famous. Who to partner her with? I don’t know why, but Rasticore came to mind right away. My focus shifted, I dropped “Little Girls,” and was on my way with “Easy Street,” but then the Season 3 finale happened. It kind of obliterated the whole project, for obvious reasons. Recently though I revisited it, liked what I’d done, and thought I’d at least finish the first verse where Rasticore sings. (I picked up at about 0:38, you’ll see the lines get smoother) You can call this an AU, or if you prefer they can just be a random frilled lizard man and human? woman who have nothing to do with SVTFOE.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 5 years
Is there any other Meteoras aus that u like??
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Well there is this very great AU where Eclipsa and Meteora are swapped and so are Rasticore and Globgor made by @kallaw and I honestly love it
They only made like one post about it but the concept is great. I might draw more fanart of it!!
Besides y'all know I'm a sucker for Rasticore x Meteora
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thedarkangelpuppet · 5 years
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More Cardverse Oc´s. I also made Oc Profiles for them like I did with the rest of my Svtfoe Oc´s.
Like everyone currently alive in the Cardverse AU their cheek marks are Card suites. 
I might do a Mariposa/Meteora kid for another Au...we will see
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