its-raining-here · 4 months
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Drawing I did for an etsy order
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keniambro · 1 year
Jump! Slide! Battle! Chase! It's Mega Man Party World!
Uh, very much a work in progress...
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I’m selling stickers (and a limited amount of charms) at my Ko-Fi Shop!
For the month of November, everything is 25% off! Use the code FRIDAY at checkout if the link above does not automatically apply the discount. Please consider taking a look! :)
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hardboiled-w · 2 years
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Fun fact!
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silvercartridge · 5 months
I finally finished Hard Hat Rebuild! I've been working on this 20 year anniversary remake for the last 1.5 years and I'm quite pleased to finally release it.
If you're interested, here is the only devlog I wrote about it. It basically sums up my thought process on it. I really can't believe that it's been 20 years and that I've made 5 of these games now lol.
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louiseazy · 2 years
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WIP of like half (6 out of a current 11, not counting X) of the cast of the...unexpectedly long fic I did not intend to be writing but totally am. My head is extremely full of reploids recently and it is everyone's problem. Cannot wait to draw the entire crew, except i can, because god that's three more humanoids, two anthro types, and that's assuming the story doesn't sprout ANY more characters (not possible, this is guaranteed to happen, I will Just Suffer™).
Every single one of these poor bastards has been declared Maverick for some reason or another, because life be like that sometimes.
And yes, the fuckin' Mettaur C-15 is a complete fleshed-out character too, that's a whole-ass reploid down there. Just because it doesn't have opposable thumbs doesn't mean anything.
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ferretcomic · 1 year
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#0394: Not Just Yet - More Bad Acting
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megaman-r · 8 months
Hello! Welcome to my rather extended effort to make a classic-style-ish Mega Man game. My name's Nevi, my main is @afniel, and I'm here to be everyone's problem. I used to be tracking progress for this on Twitter, but we all know how that went, so now I'm here instead.
First, the top 3 questions I tend to get:
What is this?
A fan game, created in the NES style. Well. Eventually it will be. Making a game is not a quick or easy task.
What's it about?
When I was young, I always thought it was boring of Capcom to not give Roll her own game. I got older and I still think that, but I've also thought other things along the way, like, why do these games always raise such alarming existential questions and then completely forget they happened? How long would it take to learn a functional amount of music theory? Is it Metool, Mettaur, or Metall? Whatever they're called, why aren't there a lot more of these little guys in the games?
Basically, I'm giving Roll the game I always thought she deserved.
Can I play it?
Currently, there's really nothing to play. I've got the basic engine functioning quite well and a good chunk of the visual assets finished to a working degree, but refining everything, getting the gameplay as tight as it needs to be, and making sure nobody's AI breaks or sucks is a pretty big job. That all said, my first real roadmap goal is to have a single-stage playable demo. While I don't have any notion of a release date for that, I am working steadily towards it, so please stay tuned!
The rest of the FAQ is long and maybe less interesting, so I'll stash it under a cut to save you a little scrolling.
The Game Itself
Is it going to be girly?
Probably not as girly as you're imagining, if you're asking that. After all, there's still explosions, boss fights, insta-death spikes, a ton of weapons to choose from, and quite a lot of shooting. Just because the main character is in a dress won't change the core feel of the game, nor will it be easier than other MM games.
Also, a thing being girly isn't bad anyway. It's just a style.
What makes this different from any other MM game/fangame?
Fair question! I'm going to be a little secretive about it though and just say 'choice.' It's a thing that the MM series isn't known for giving players, outside of what order you want to explode the robot masters. I think it could be more interesting than that.
That said, the mainline classic MM games don't have a whole lot to distinguish them from each other, and they're still fun and each one of them is someone's all-time fav game, so even if it just ends up being Another MM Game, that's still not a bad crowd to be in.
Are we fighting Dr. Wily? What's the plot?
Some of that will come with the eventual demo release. The rest will be on full release. I don't want to spoil it up front, you know?
You will get to see some familiar faces for sure, I'll say that much.
Will this game be accessible?
I want it to be! I think games in general have a lot of work to do to become more accessible to disabled gamers, and as a disabled gamer, I want to try and do my due diligence in that.
It is playable on both keyboard (not comfortable) and controller (a lot more comfortable), and while the controls are fairly simple, there is already a fully-functional option to switch between classic MM style down+jump to slide, and MMX style dedicated single button slide.
Remapping buttons is somewhat beyond the scope of the engine I'm using, which is unfortunate, and all the more reason for me to learn something more flexible like Godot.
I'm trying to choose palettes for things that should be eyestrain-friendly. Flashing will be kept to a minimum in the default game mode, and I plan on having a sensory-friendly mode with no flashing whatsoever and certain other effects lessened/changed/removed. Of course, I can't guarantee that certain patterns won't affect sensitive people regardless, but I'm going to give it a good try.
Depending on how easy the game engine makes sensory-friendly mode, it may end up being a separate download version, but I hope not, that's just not as good.
Alternate difficulty modes are also something I want to do! I just haven't looked at implementation yet, but it should be pretty easy.
Game Development Stuff
What are you using to make MMR?
The engine itself is in Pixel Game Maker, which is kind of an underdog DIY game engine and if I'd really been thinking I'd probably have started it in Godot or something, but I'm already here and honestly, I like how it works, so I'm keeping it. The assets are entirely made in Aseprite, and the music is entirely Famitracker, with a little use of Audacity to make sure tracks loop properly and to get things into the right format.
Very few visual assets are taken from the games directly, mostly some enemies and all of the sound effects (because those are not something I want to try to recreate using only Famitracker—I only have so many hours in a day).
How NES-like are we talking, here?
I'm aiming for NES-like in the way that Sonic Mania aimed for Genesis/Master System-like: the style matches, the limitations are mostly observed, but certain limitations are disregarded when it would be extremely awesome to do so.
Some examples: I'm very fastidious about color palettes per tile and per minor enemy sprite; I'm less fastidious about color palettes onscreen at a time and color palettes per boss sprite. I'm not trying to replicate the sprites-per-scanline flicker. Number of frames per animation isn't something I'm really considering as long as it looks visually appropriate. I'm sticking with 2A03 music, except for where I mean business, and then I may whip out the VRC6 channels instead.
So no, this wouldn't run verbatim on an actual NES, even if you recoded it in 6503 Assembly, but you would be able to get quite close.
How did you learn to make pixel art?
Well, when I was a wee little neurodivergent child, one of my favorite hobbies was making tiles and characters in MS Paint and building big collages out of them. I made a lot of beehives, for some reason...
Then I became a medium-sized neurodivergent teenager, got really into RPG Maker 2000, and the sprites and tiles were not to my liking, so I started editing them and eventually making my own from scratch.
I'm now a fairly normal-sized neurodivergent adult, and making pictures out of little dots is still a lot of fun, especially with a harshly constrained palette. Doing NES-like graphics just kind of comes naturally after all that.
How did you learn to make music?
Honestly? I just began throwing myself at it. My first attempts were unabashedly bad. When things didn't make sense and I couldn't get them to sound right, which was all the time, I looked them up. Starting with general chord theory was what really made it begin to click. The first thing I composed and kept was the Lagoon Stage music, and not coincidentally it's been through the most refactors as well. Coming from an art background where I'm very used to the Ugly Painting Stage of any given piece has definitely helped with patience, too. The important thing is to just keep beating your head against it. It's frustrating, but you only learn to make music by making music.
Every track on the OST represents about two days of feverishly slamming notes together for four-six hours a day, preceded by one-four whole months of tapping and humming random things until one of them ignites something in my brain that goes, "Oh, I know how the rest of this should go!"
How did you learn to code?
Well, honestly, I didn't; PGM is a visual scripting engine, so everything pretty much looks like flowcharts, and the number of functions is kind of constrained. Every object in the game is a state machine, so that's pretty much the paradigm I understand. I could not code my way out of a paper sack in any actual language.
That being said, I do understand the core concepts of what programming is, and most of that I learned by watching Retro Game Mechanics Explained on YouTube until I suddenly understood what 6502 Assembly was all about and everything else just kind of made sense. I don't know either! It's a little weird. But it did work, so I can't complain.
Is this related to [Other Fan Project]?
Nope, it's not part of or related to any other fanworks. I'm a solo dev working on just this one project right now. (However, if you're making a classic or MMX-style game and need pixel art assets, I'm open to talk about that!)
Your robot master has the same name/concept as [Other Fan Character].
Sorry if that's the case! There are so many really stellar MM fan characters out there that a little name/concept-sharing is basically unavoidable. No infringement is intended, no profit will be made from this game, and I'm uninvolved enough with the general fandom that I can pretty confidently say I didn't even know about your character. Take it as a case of Great Minds Think Alike, if it happens.
Do you have anywhere else I can keep up with this?
I sure do! I've got a Discord specifically for it where I toss a lot of WIP sprites and such, and that's where eventual playtesting will happen too if you're into that sort of thing, and a Trello that I don't always remember to update, but it exists at least!
Mega Man R Secret Gamedev Clubhouse Discord
Trello Roadmap
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raisha-gs · 5 months
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A gift for Metool Bard as a part of a Secret Santa event on a server I'm on! Featured is one of his OC's, Virginia "Ginny" O'Donnel. You can read about her in this fanfic written by him!
And yes, that is Luba in the image as well.
Also check out the gift I received from my Secret Santa over here!
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jeffgerstmann · 2 years
what do you call the little hard hat guys from Mega Man
I usually call them “metools?” Complete with the question mark because I can never quite remember if that’s right or not.
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its-raining-here · 1 day
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some drawings for some etsy orders
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harawata44 · 2 months
今どきの十得ツールはスマホ/タブレットスタンド機能も入ってます | ギズモード・ジャパン
刃がないから日本でも携帯できそう。 備えあればうれしいな。そんなマルチツールがデジタル全盛の現代に対応しました。MeToolがKickstarterでクラファン中の「AceStand」は11の機能を持つのですが、そのうちのひとつがスマホ/タブレットのスタンドフックなんです。
2枚のプレートを重ねたときの厚みはたったの10mm。 そのなかに
・センチ/インチの物差し ・缶オープナー ・ダンボールカッター ・栓抜�� ・釘抜き ・複数サイズの六角レンチ ・自転車のホイールを修理できるスポークレンチ ・事故車両に閉じ込められた人を救えるレスキューハンマー ・火起こし ・ドライバー(六角ビットの収納スペースつき)
の機能が入っています。 ナイフありのビクトリノックスとは違った方向で、アウトドアで欲しくなる機能をレイアウトした感じ。
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スマホ/タブレットホルダーはプレートを開いて使います。奥行きを考えると、タブレット縦置きはできなさそう。電子のマンガを読むときではなく、動画を見る時に使ってくださいということなのでしょう。 なおプレートの素材はカッチカチのチタニウムです。傷がつくのが怖いときは、支えとなる箇所に液体ゴムを塗るといいかもしれませんね。
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whotaughtyougrammar · 2 years
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I'm selling a few stickers at my Ko-Fi Shop! For the month of July, everything is 10% off! Use the code BDAY at checkout if the link above does not automatically apply the discount. Please consider taking a look! :)
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proseuxitario · 7 months
Η προσευχή του Κυρίου στα Αραμαϊκά
Aboon Dbashmayo (Πάτερ ημών, ο εν τοις ουρανοίς) Nethcadash shmokh (αγιασθήτω το όνομά Σου) teethe malkoothokh, (ελθέτω η βασιλεία Σου), nehwe sebyonokh, (γεννηθήτω το θέλημά Σου), aykano Dbashmayo off bar\'o. ( ως εν ουρανώ και επί της γης.)
Hab lan lahmo dsoonconan yawmono, (Τον άρτον ημών τον επιούσιον δος ημίν σήμερον και) washbook lan howbain wahtohain (άφες ημίν τα οφειλήματα ημών) aykano doff hnan shbakn il hayobain (ως και ημείς αφίεμεν τοις οφειλέταις ημών) lo thaalan il nessyoono (και μη εισενέγκεις ημάς εις πειρασμόν) elo fasson men beesho (αλλά ρύσαι ημάς από του πονηρού) metool ddeelokhee malkootho, (ότι Σου εστί η Βασιλεία) ou haylo ou Teshbohto, (και η δύναμις, και η δόξα) loalam olmen Amin. (νυν και αεί και εις τους αιώνας των αιώνων. Αμήν.)
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shalomelohim · 1 year
Syrie : Maaloula, le village où l'on parle encore l'araméen, la langue de Jésus - vu du ciel - 2019 (Syria : Maaloula, the village where Aramaic, the language of Jesus, is still spoken - seen from heaven)
Légende de la vidéo Maaloula, Syrie, septembre 2019. L’histoire de ce petit village, on a dû vous la raconter plusieurs fois. En 2013, une armée de jihadistes a envahi entièrement le village, tuant hommes, femmes et enfants. Aujourd’hui, qu’importe, l’avenir se tourne vers la reconstruction. J’ai souhaité me rendre une seconde fois dans ce village afin de filmer la fête de la croix. 
Maaloula est à l’image de tout ce pays, un coin du monde que certains ont voulu détruire mais qui, aujourd’hui, est plus vivant que jamais… 
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Maaloula, Syria, September 2019. The story of this small village must have been told to you several times. In 2013, an army of jihadists invaded the entire village, killing men, women and children. Today, no matter what, the future turns to reconstruction. I wanted to go a second time to this village to film the feast of the cross.
Maaloula is the image of this whole country, a part of the world that some people wanted to destroy but which, today, is more alive than ever...
Lord's Prayer (Aramaic)
♥ ♥ ♥
Aboon Dbashmayo (Our Father who art in Heaven) Nethcadash shmokh (Hallowed be thy name) Teethe malkoothokh (Thy Kingdom come) Nehwe sebyonokh (Thy will be done) Aykano Dbashmayo off bar’o (On earth as it is in heaven) (x 2)
Hab lan lahmo dsoonconan yawmono (Give us this day our daily bread) Washbook lan howbain wahtohain (And forgive us our trespasses) Aykano doff hnan shbakn il hayobain (As we forgive those who trespass against us) lo thaalan il nessyoono (And lead us not into temptation) Elo fasson men beesho (But deliver us from evil) Metool ddeelokhee malkootho (For thine is the kingdom) Ou haylo ou Teshbohto (And the power, and the glory) loalam olmen. Amin (For ever and ever. Amen)
Amin (Amen) x4
Et une autre version tout aussi sublime
The Aramaic Lord's Prayer · Ashana
♥ ♥ ♥
Awoun douèshméïa (Notre Père qui es aux cieux) Nèth (q)radash(e) shmarh (Que soit sanctifié votre nom) Tété merkouzarh (Vienne votre règne) Névé sévianarh (Soit faite votre volonté) Eikén en douèshméya abb’hara (Comme aux cieux sur terre) (x2)
Haoul’ann lar’man-sourane èn’yomana (Donnez-nous notre pain quotidien  aujourd’hui) Ouérsh’ourl’ann houbènn ou arbarènn (Pardonnez-nous nos offenses) Eikén ann-ap nann shouaria faïawénn (Comme nous, nous pardonnons nos offenseurs) Oulla tal’ann in tçiona (Ne nous soumettez pas à la tentation) Ella-pass’ ann èn bicha (Délivrez nous du mal) Motorrl-dilar’y merkouzarh (Car vous appartient le règne) Ourhail’o tèchporta all’almine (La puissance et la gloire, Amen)
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