#mfu fic
rose-of-pollux · 6 months
Title: Misery Loves Company Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Rating: K Summary: In which Illya is ill and Napoleon utterly fails in social distancing (in his defense, it's the '60s).
For @whumpril Day 4, Alt Prompt 3: Contagious
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binniebeams · 9 months
The Sweetest Drink
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Pairing: Jongho x AFAB Reader
Genre/Rating: Vampire AU, Smut, 18+. MDNI
Summary: Seeing the boost your friend gets after her late night adventures at a certain club, you decided to join her and see what all the fuss is about…
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings: Club settings, alcohol consumption, sexual conversations, blood, descriptions of feeding (Vampire). NSFW warnings under the cut.
A/N: This is so delayed but hopefully it lives up to any expectations!! Also my app crashed mid editing and formatting so there may be mistakes I missed! I’m so sorry!
Tags: @twisted-tales-of-all @yoonguurt @kwanisms @kpop-stories-21 @stardragongalaxy
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NSFW Warnings: Vampire biting/feeding leading to sexual desire, fingering, bloody make-out session, fwb-ish relationship.
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It had only been a few years since the government released the information regarding their acknowledgment of vampires living among humans, following it with new laws and regulations to make living beside each other a safe and harmonious experience. Restaurants had to expand their menus, and grocery stores did not have to partner with blood banks or donation centers to ensure everyone was accommodated appropriately. Those are all wonderful options but once the sun sets and hunger arises, people resort to…less organized or regulated options… Underground clubs started to pop up left and right, causing a quiet stir among the more curious humans. One of them happened to be the very reason you found yourself sitting in front of your mirror and getting ready for a night out.
“I don’t know why you’re so nervous to go, I’ve been going for months” Kelly was on a whining spree again as you finished up your eyeliner. She was a regular at the club, forming a feeding pact with some guy she said was named Yeosang if you remember correctly-. A change was definitely noticed in her ever since she started seeing him, from her hair looking better, her skin being clearer, and this air of confidence coming from her every time she walked into a room as if she was commanding attention. You wanted that life so badly, you wanted even an ounce of the power she was oozing… “Oh I don’t know, maybe the idea of someone biting into me and sucking my literal blood out is just a bit nerve-wracking?” Your retort had her rolling her eyes in a playful demeanor as you both slipped your shoes on to head out. Clubs weren't really your thing, you were a homebody, and the idea of a bunch of hot and sweaty strangers grinding on each other just didn’t seem like your cup of tea…But here you were, standing at the door waiting for Kelly to pay your cover and get your hand stamped.
An intoxicating smell of alcohol and sweat filled your senses as you made it through the threshold of the building you questioned the structural safety of-. There was no time for trying to distract your mind with small worries like that, you felt yourself getting tugged to the bar where Kelly let out a sort of squeal from seeing her feeding mate “Yeosang!!” Oh boy, here we go, It's time for her to cling to this dude and have heart eyes while leaving you to the wind. “This is Y/N~ That friend I told you I was bringing for Jongho~” Jongho? Who the hell was that? Did she only bring you along to keep some guy company while she escaped off with Yeosang-. “Her? Yeah, I guess she fits his…type” What an ass, what did he mean by that? you were a catch so why did that feel so condescending? He was eyeing you up and down as if he was analyzing you, all the while he had your friend strung up on his arm.
Yeosang pulled out his phone and typed a few things, you could tell it was short and brief from the fact that his volume was on so the sound of his keyboard echoed in your ears when it should have been the blaring music attacking your drums. He didn’t seem to respond to what he had read on the screen, moving his phone to his pocket and whispering something to Kelly as you stood there like a child waiting to hear whatever mom and dad were talking about. You would never get the answer to the questions in your mind, since Kelly had pretty much begged Yeosang to escape away behind the curtain to what you could only assume were private rooms for whatever use seemed to be needed at the time. A roll of your eyes was paired with the sound of her happily being led away and leaving you there at the bar with your almost empty glass and an urge to order some shots.
“Y/N I’m assuming?” The voice that you heard beside you could only be described as blunt but buttery like he almost commanded you to look at him and that's exactly what you did. His eyes pierced into yours as he approached the bar and leaned against it in a way that indicated to you that he had definitely been here before. “And who is asking?” Your voice was laced with a tone of your guard being up, leaving you only to assume this is the ‘friend’ everyone had been mentioning… “Yeosang told me someone was coming and asked me to show you around.” Oh, he’s lying right through his teeth but your judgment was becoming slightly hazy, due to the mix of alcohol and being around him. Jongho could tell you were on edge so he went ahead and ordered a shot for you and waited for you to down it before gesturing for you to follow him. ‘Do you know what this place is for? I’m assuming you do since people don’t just stumble into a place like this”
Did he think you were dumb? Or just blissfully ignorant? If you wern’t so dead set on getting some action tonight, you’d yank your hand away and head to the dance floor. “I sort of have an idea, I just had no idea it was like…this?” There was a pause as you spoke, watching the curtains go past you as he lead you down the hall and your ears were immediately assaulted with sounds of pleasure mixed with pain and subtle cries coming from behind rows of doors. One of which was the threshold you would be stepping through and it was like the world was suddenly so quiet that you could hear your own heartbeat. “I’m not going to kill you, you don’t have to act like your ready to slap me” Jongho released your hand and moved to sit on the plush looking couch in the room, grabbing the drink menu off the small coffee table and starting to browse through as he left you to make yourself comfortable.
“I just uh, haven’t really done this before…” you slowly warmed up to your environment, deciding to make your way over and sit beside him but still at a reasonable distance to where he couldn’t immediately pounce on you. “I can tell, I’m guessing your friend convinced you, enticed you with what kind of place this was and how you would feel?” How did he know? He hit the nail right in the head-. Kelly would go on non stop about Yeosang and how the interactions felt and how it revitalized her in a way, is this just how it makes everyone feel? “She used to be more like me, I guess that’s why we became so close, but lately she’s seemed like a whole new person, like the better version of herself”. As you spoke, he kept his eyes on the menu and just offered subtle nods or small sounds of acknowledgment to your words.
“Did she explain to you how this happens exactly?” This is when he finally turns to you, eye starting to have a hint of red to them and an obvious darkness filling his gaze. “You just have to lay there and be good for me, give yourself to me and everything will go smoothly. Can you do that for me baby?” The distance between you two started to close and you had no idea what was taking over your body. Was it your growing neediness or was there something more to that tint in his iris?…either way, all you could do was nod obediently as he moved you to lay down, his body leaning over yours as he gazed over you to take a look at his…meal for the evening. “I need you to tell me this is okay, that you give consent my dear…” for someone who seemed like a predator looking at fresh prey, we was considerably cautious in the beginning. That is, until you uttered a quiet “I want this” then it was all self control out the window and his lips attached to yours for what felt like eternity but in reality was only a few moment before those plush lips of his were moving their way down to your jaw, then your neck, giving him the chance to get a hint of your sweet smell.
“Do you even realize how delicious you smell…god this is going to be fun” Jongho didn’t frequent the club much, so he made sure to take full advantage of the time he had here, fingers trailing down until the reach the bottom hem of your dress, expertly slipping it up as his attack on your neck continues and all you can do is let out the sweet song that he wanted to hear. Jongho shifted his body to where he was further down and his face was now near your thighs and burning core, exactly where you needed him as he laid kisses to your inner thigh and his fingers worked to slip your undergarments down and tossing them aside to be collected later. be collected later. They were not the primary focus, what was however, was the breath tickling your core and the fingers dancing dangerously close to your clit that was practically begging to be touched.
“Can you hurry up, it will be daytime by the time you get started..” the request, or demand rather, came out as just a whine and the flushed tone on your skin gave away at the fact that you didn’t actually want him to hurry and end this soon. In fact, this prompted him to take even longer, his thumb drawing slow antagonizing circles on your bundle on nerves as he spoke “For someone so quiet. You sure have your own way of being loud”. You could hear his smug attitude without even seeing his face with those words, his hands working expertly before one of his digits teased at your entrance, testing the waters in how you would react. Once he found a reaction from you that let him know you were ready, he slipped one finger in and let you get used to the feeling before continuing.
The cold touch of his skin felt like ice melting on you when your walls squeezed his fingers so deliciously, it brought a whole new sensation to your core and made you clench so sweetly as his lips did their job to explore your inner thighs. Was all of this necessary for Jongho to feed on you? No, but it sure as hell made it more fun. The next touch made you shift slightly, almost like your fight or flight was kicking in and your brain was in prey mode. Newer textbooks and scientific journals can do their best to try and describe the feeling of having your skin punctured by a vampire's fangs but they fall short in telling the full story. It starts with a burning sensation and what feels like a fourteen gauge needle breaking your skin but not deep enough to reach muscle quite like a vaccination or implant. Once the initial puncture was complete, his teeth receding to standard k-9s and the blood starting to flow past his slightly puffy lips and coating his tongue, inducing a groan from him that seemed so animalistic yet erotic at the same time…
The work he was doing with his fingers increased in pace as he sensed you tensing up from the likely pain you were starting to feel, adding an extra finger in and curling his digits pressing against that delicate pressure point inside of you that he knew would drive you crazy. Bloody lips pulled themselves away from your thigh. His gaze stabbed daggers into your expressions, watching the mixture of pain and pleasure overtake you as he spoke “That’s it, focus on me, not on your pain…you’re so good for me…” ironic coming from the guy that’s gripping your thigh as if you could float away and your blood painting his chin. Jongho was growing increasingly hungry but this time in a way that blood wouldn’t be able to satiate, he needed another essence of yours…that however, would take time, he didn’t want to have the whole meal right away.
A knot was quickly forming in your lower half, there was no denying that his hands were like a sculptor making his next piece of art. Pleasure washed over you as you unraveled, causing a smug smirk to decorate his mouth and make his features look all that more proud. The bit of your blood staining his lips was just a cherry on top of the overall look he had as you started to sit back up but your body felt so weak from the feeding and the end of your dry spell. “See, wasn’t so bad was it?” He prided himself in the fact that you wernt crying in pain and still managed to look fucked out from his fingers alone, wiping his mouth and helping you sit up and collect yourself. This rush of dizziness but satisfaction was all you could feel as you reached to grab your panties and slip back into them as he settled himself into the couch, watching your every move but also going back to that damn drink menu. Is this how all the interactions always went or was this only for the first one?
“Do I need to sign anything or is there anything else involved?” This was your way of trying to hint to him that you satisfied but also this lingering sense to be around him, almost like you two have bonded… “No but next time don’t wear lotion, it messes with the taste when I need to bite”. That damn smirk was going to be the end of you but you couldn’t help but smile to yourself mentally at the idea there was going to be a next time. Was it already having an affect on you? Only time will tell but one thing was for sure, this wasn’t going to be the last time you stepped behind that curtain. Now to find Kelly and actually get a club experience in before you needed food to replenish-. Hopefully she was done already, but if she wasn’t, you knew where you could turn…
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staytinyville · 11 months
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↣ Summary: While on a retreat of self-discovery you meet a very human like cat who enjoys a good boob or two.
↣ Characters/Pairing: Choi San x fem!Reader
↣ Genre: fluff
↣ AU/Trope info: cat god!San, lonely!reader, 
↣ Word Count: 1.7k
↣ Warnings: San is a pervert, he’s been alone for too long with the other boys he’s tired
↣ A/N: Imma be honest, this was gonna be smut, but then I changed it to where I had two smuts in each group and I already liked Hongjoong’s and Wooyoung’s smut too much to take one of theirs. It was also easier to just not write smut for San. 
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Soul-Searching, Introspect, Being Alone, Inner Guidance
While The Hermit card can be seen as a lonely card, it is meant to tell you that you are finding out things you need to learn on your own. Outside forces are not meant to interfere to change your mind. It’s just you and your own head, gathering together in order to regain the energy you might have lost. 
This card tells you that it’s best to find the guidance you need within yourself. It’s meant to show that you have a new direction to go in.
You have to find where you stand with life. Find the place that calls to you without the hustle and bustle of other things. This card tells you that it’s time to recollect yourself before moving forward. Clear your head and continue on.
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There was a time when you enjoyed life in the city. The life you had working at your job that seemed to bring in money you need to live. But at some point it got repetitive. It became hard to wake up and get in your car to reach the place you needed to get to. You were experiencing burn out, and it was leaving you in a funk. You needed to go out alone and away from the life that had you in a constant loop. 
So you found yourself booking a week-long trip out in the mountains–alone–in a cabin that overlooked a cliff. It was calming to be able to enjoy your tea and listen to nature sing in your ears. One would probably go crazy from seeing nothing for a week, but for you, it was what brought you out of your depression. 
You needed the time alone and away from technology. Away from the hectic life you grew to hate. You knew it would all be the same the moment you went back, but for now you wanted to be alone with your thoughts without hearing about the printer shutting down. 
The first two days were tranquil. Waking up to the sounds of birds chirping at the window and going to sleep with crickets playing a symphony on the balcony. You had brought some tea and groceries along that would help to boost your mental health. 
In fact, you were currently enjoying some flavored tea with honey covered fruits that taste great on your tongue. The air was fresh enough to enjoy fuzzy socks and a cardigan out on the terrace that overlooked a cliff. The drop-down was steep and more than likely would injure someone if they were pushed over the railing. But lucky for you, you were the only one in the cabin. At least until a fuzzy black ball of fur peaked its head over the porch. 
Your eyebrows rose at the sight of a cat jumping over the ledge and onto the porch, cautiously making its way towards you. You looked around for a moment before smiling down at the cat. 
“Hello, Kitty Cat.” You smiled, holding your hand out. You looked at the bowl of fruits, picking up a strawberry before holding it out. “Here you go.” 
The cat sniffed at your hand before softly taking the food between its sharp teeth. You smiled, keeping your hand out for it to rub against. As it sniffed your hand once more, it shoved its head into your hand, purring loudly from the pats. 
It grew closer to you, jumping into your lap, causing you to gasp. But you smiled as it rubbed against your chin. “Oh, aren't you affectionate?” You laughed, rubbing a hand along its body and down his fluffy tail.
He sat on his back legs, looking up at you as his front paws were suddenly placed on your chest. He laid down against your body, moving his hands as he made biscuits on the mounds of your chest. You giggled stiffly, moving to take a hold of his paws.
“A bit of a pervert, though.” You laughed.
The cat stared you down, making you tilt your head. You squint your eyes, watching as he too seemed to do the same. “You seem a bit too human.” You told him. 
Sighing, you looked up to the sky. “Universe I know I came out here to find myself because I needed time off, but if you sent me this cat—it totally defeats the purpose.” You looked back down at him, watching as he blinked owlishly at you. “But they do say cats take away the negative! I'll keep you, pervy.”
The rest of the day was spent occupying your time with the hobbies you enjoyed before burning out, the cat purring at your side as it tried to keep all your attention on him. He was persistent and you tend to follow along with his every whim. 
When you had your dinner, he sat directly in front of you, blinking slowly each time you would take a bite of your food. He wouldn’t stop glaring until you gave him some of your chicken. He followed you into the bathroom when you were getting ready for bed. However, when all you did was brush your teeth, the cat seemed to have gotten tired and retreated to the bed. 
By the time you realized it, he was already waiting for you on one of the pillows. Pouting at his resting figure, you still made your way into bed and began to dream of 8 gods that danced together in harmony.  
As the birds chirped outside the window, you groaned softly from how comfortable the bed seemed to be that night. You buried your head deeper into the body that was hugging you close. Your lips brushed against something warm and soft, which seemed to gather a grown from whomever it belonged to. 
This caused you to immediately snap your eyes open.
“Ah!” Your throat was sure to hurt from how much power you had put in that scream. 
The man who had been laying with you seemed to have flinched and grunted as he pushed himself off the bed and down to the floor. You seemed to have pushed back from him as well, falling on the other side. You grabbed a slipper that was on the floor before jumping up to try and ready to start pounding away at him.
However, when he didn’t seem to get up from the floor, you slowly made your way over the bed and to the edge. All you got was the fluffy black cat staring at you patiently. You quickly pulled yourself closer, pulling up the bed skirt to check under the bed just in case. 
“Where—Where did that man go?” You asked, wide-eyed. 
As you looked back at the cat, you began to feel something build in your chest. The dream you had last night about the gods seemed to be brought to the forefront of your mind. Without so much as another thought, you picked up the cat and walked back towards the patio. 
“Stay.” You glared, dropping the cat off on the porch. “No, no!” You rushed back inside, but he seemed to be stuck between your legs. 
“I'll be right back.” You pushed him back out the door with your foot. “Ah! Will you stop!?” You yelled as it seemed to find a way through the door.  
As you paused, he too stopped in his tracks and waited for you to say something else. So you picked him up from his sides, shuffling towards the living room and placing him down on the carpet in the middle
“If you can hear me–and I know you can–you better give me answers or I will leave you in the woods.” You told him. He only blinked up at you. “No, then, go on. Magic shift—do your witchcraft.” 
You waited a good 5 minutes, before smacking your lips together. “If I let you see my   will you do it?” You got another blink of his eyes. “If I let you touch them?” 
You quickly gasped and fell backwards as mist quickly surrounded the cat. Slamming your hands down, you sat back up and stared at the handsomest man you had ever seen. 
He had cat-like eyes that reminded you exactly of the cat he was. However, his broad shoulders made him look nothing like the small feline. You gulped as you took in his build. “Woah.” You muttered. 
After a moment of silence, you yelled as you took a pillow from the couch and started to smoother the sexy man. He sputtered, falling backwards and trying to avoid suffocation. 
“What are you doing!?” He yelled, shoving you off him as he turned the both of you over. 
You laid under him, avoiding his fingers that tickled your sides. “You only shifted after I said you can see my boobs, you pervert!”
“I've spent too many millennia with 8 other men, excuse me if I act like a virgin over boobs.” He sassed, sitting on his calves as he looked at you. 
“Millennia?” You questioned, sitting up to look at him. 
“My name is San.” He gave you a dazzling smile. “These mountains have been my home for hundreds of years. No one interesting ever comes out here.” He sighed, dropping his shoulders. 
“The cabin is an Airbnb though?” You stated. 
“Yes, but it's usually families, couples, or rugged men hiking.” San rolled his eyes. “I've never come across a woman like you, just here alone.”
His eyes sparkled as they looked at you–his lips pulled into a smile. 
You sighed to yourself as you thought over his words about being someone alone. You needed this time to find yourself once again after losing it for so long. You were a hard worker who hardly took time off. But there were just times in your life where you needed to be redirected towards the right path–alone. 
“I'm trying to find myself.” You told him. 
“You're lost?” San frowned. 
You knew exactly what it was that was holding you back. You just required time to rethink about your life and how to go about it. It wasn’t much to think about, but to you, you knew that you needed time alone. 
This week would do you some good–enough to get you through a good amount of time further. You weren’t lost anymore, not in the sense that you had no idea what you were doing with your life. Rather, it was because you had done too much with your life and now it was getting back to you. 
“Not really.” You told him. 
“I understand.” San told you. “I am a god, I'm meant to know those kinds of things. So you think you'll find it alone?”
“Found you, didn't I?” You grinned, lips pulling over your teeth. “If you're a god kind of changes everything I have ever known doesn't it.”
You would have never guessed that coming down to your own personal retreat, you would find another world that was beyond the one you knew. The universe had so much in store for you that you had no clue how to continue on without changing your view on things. 
As you stared at San, though, you couldn’t help but to smile at the thought of spending the rest of your trip with him. He was a magical beast that was able to turn into a cat. Who wouldn’t want to spend time with someone like that. 
“So, can I touch your boobs now?” He asked after the silence. 
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Tags : @cultofdionysusnet , @wonderlandnet , @pirateeznet , @k-vanity , @monsterfvckersunited
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hesgomorrah · 1 month
I've blocked every tag remotely related to the man from uncle movie but unfortunately a lot of people don't tag it in any way to distinguish it from the show and i am forced to continue seeing henry cavill's face
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hederigerenthag · 2 days
Down the Chimney Affair 2024 Open!
Hi all,
Sign-ups for the Down the Chimney Affair (DtCA), the Man from UNCLE (tv) fandom's annual fanfic gift exchange are now open and will remain so until October 14!
It's a great time, and has historically produced some wonderful fic. And, in an unexpected turn of events, I, a lifelong enlistee in the #waronChristmas, am helping run the exchange this year, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
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raisin-rye · 1 year
I made a fluffy little thing
Title: The Puzzle Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (TV) Paring: Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo Rating: T Tropes: High School AU, Established Relationship, Fluff Summary:
Illya leaves a note with a mysterious clue in Napoleon’s locker, promptly sending him on a little venture to finds out what it means.
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spacecat-rageghost · 6 months
Fandom: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV)
General Audiences / No Archive Warnings Apply / Gen
Words: 2,088
Chapters: 1/1
Relationship: Illya Kuryakin & Napoleon Solo
Tags: Early Partnership, Pre-Friendship (it’s on the horizon), Optional Pre-Slash, aka Gen but they're not fully normal abt each other, Napoleon is a valuable asset (at slumber parties), Illya makes assumptions and contemplates an olive branch, secret skill reveal, long live the UNCLE office ladies
Illya's freshly partnered with an American menace.
Napoleon's invited to the NYHQ Girls' Night.
Illya's ready to assume the worst.
Brought to you by Napoleon's hair flower in the Very Important Zombie Affair and my pervasive impressions that Napoleon a) does not feel threatened in the masculinity dept and b) actually likes?? spending time?? with women?? (ft. special guest appearance by Illya's counterpart attitude towards the ladies, i.e complete disinterest 90% of the time)
Guess What??
this fic is:
my 25th fic posted to AO3*!
my 10th finished MUNCLE fic!
the first fic I've written since covid completely rotted my brain** in fall of '22***!
the first thing i've posted on tumblr in literal years!!
yaaaaaaaay :)
I am eternally fascinated with Napoleon's pro-girl-power slutting esp paired against Illya's (TPTB-mandated) Heterosexual Disinterest?? even in completely gen or straight situations the vibes can run a lil queer and idk I wanted to play w that a bit~~
(plus obviously I am Tired of all that masculinity cult shit going around these days, can u tell >__>) (lol Napoleon Wouldn't and yet do u See how much pussy that man gets?? I Rest My Case)
((real) Illya would also never bc he's way too secure in his shit lolol)
the most period-accurate detail of this entire fic is the fact it's called Girls' Night and not Ladies' Night hahahaha welp
fyi this [⬅️SPOILER AT LINK] is the kind of bullshit Napoleon was doing lol
unlike Napoleon's lady respect, Illya is an equal opportunity disrespector (it's the communism) which is honestly chill of him (he looks very polite)
* why yes i am [whatever the opposite of prolific is], thx for noticing
** it's ok! it grew back (slowly)
*** I wrote 'At Waterloo…' in Sept in a shitty hotel in Alaska right before the symptoms hit, it was (checks when I posted it) sometime in Jan before I could focus enough to edit it, lol welp #plague, I swear if I hadn't been up on my shots I would've been in the hospital (this is a PSA abt modern medicine, pay me CDC)
In conclusion,
[i made this in 20 min in mspaint ⬇️]
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kleenexwoman · 1 year
It strikes me that:
I've discussed robot gender with David Bowie's son on Twitter
@shiraglassman gave my dragon cunnilingus story five stars on Goodreads
@seananmcguire spread the heck out of my Cat Life Tips notes
@dduane reblogged a fox poem I wrote to make @librarydrone (who gave @neil-gaiman animal facts) smile
I gossipped about MFU fandom and accidentally did a heteronormativity with @matociquala and Scott Lynch at a convention (not the same one where I argued with Gail Carriger).
And fuck, a (mostly) gen fic I wrote inspired @irisbleufic to revitalize an entire pairing?!
Plus everything I've prodded @mischief-and-tea-by-the-sea to create. 💓💓💓 And @iwilltrytobereasonable and our co-creations.
And the time everyone liked Crowley being summoned by teenaged girls.
I dunno, I'm feeling down about what I've accomplished in life and trying to remind myself that there's not one objective measure of success or influence.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
For a one-off movie to get a fannish following, it seems to require chemistry between people that are sexy to fans, and a really strong or uniquely flavored emotional dynamic with a story that leans on that connection. I'm thinking of Inception, Pacific Rim (yes there was another one but I don't think people knew that at the time), Man From Uncle, The Old Guard. These aren't really buddy cop movies with the exception of maybe MFU - what would you call this type?
Okay... but... I was in MFU fandom, and it had the standard movie fandom shape: It peaked a little while after the movie came out, had activity for maybe a year, and then, in many ways, fell off a cliff.
It's also a more than usually popular reboot of a classic fandom that's still going. Granted, plenty of MFU TV fans hated it, but plenty more (like me) loved it.
If you're not aware, the original MFU was a mega-hit of 60s Spy-Fi. It didn't burst on the zine scene quite how Star Trek did, but when the show reran on cable in the 80s, the fandom really picked up. Its got its own extant fic archives and discord servers, yadda yadda. A one-off movie tied to something like that is a bit different from a completely standalone movie that's not part of a franchise.
Pacific Rim and Inception are probably better examples.
I think it's probably partly chance: there are a lot of people who write fanfic now, and small fandoms are findable on AO3 or even FFN because of how the sites are structured. Even if most movies don't have much of a fandom, sometimes enough people like the same thing at the same time to make a community happen.
And it's probably also partly about some infrastructure builder/organizer type falling for the fandom at the right moment. I know someone who threw a Pacific Rim con. The right BNF writer writing an ongoing epic can attract people to a ship or a fandom.
TOG is getting a bit of a boost from canon gay, but I doubt it will remain that active that long unless further movies have good iddy stuff to reinvigorate the fandom.
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Hmm... Less cliff-like than I remember from other movie fandoms but still not that enduring compared to really big fandoms.
I think the relationships in these movies have some bearing on why fandom latched onto them, but I don't know if I'd really form a unified theory around that. I think I'd point more to them being big, mainstream movies lots of people saw and being in genres fandom often likes (sff-y stuff, though the MFU movie really toned down the spy-fi gadgets). Their settings have unexplored aspects and lots of fun world building. MFU ends with massive sequel bait that we'll probably never get the resolution of.
The Losers is another movie that ends with the story half-told, that has a relationship of interest to fans, and that overlaps, genre-wise, with other things with big fic fandoms. I think it benefited heavily from some organizer fans and from people who like Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, or Idris Elba repeatedly discovering it after the fact.
I think a steady trickle of new fans may be the most important thing, and that can come from actors who go on to be popular or a long-running and widely-recced WIP, among other things.
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educatedinyellow · 10 months
Theme: Rec a fic that starts with the same letter as your username.
I spotted this rec theme on another blog and it sounded charmingly random and fun! I had a good time looking through my bookmarks and sorting out this little collection of mismatched seashells :)
Every Man's Got a Right by MollyC (SPN, Destiel, Endverse!Cas, time travel, 78K, E) In this one, Endverse!Cas is given a second chance to stop the world, and the people he loves, from going irretrievably off the rails -- he finds himself, without explanation, dropped straight into Season 2 and the first outbreak of the Croatoan virus. Watching him rediscover just how much Dean means to him and how far he's willing to go in order to change things for the better is beautiful. (Written in first-person, for those for whom that is a deal-breaker. It really shouldn't be, though!)
Everybody's Got a Hungry Heart by PallasPerilous (SPN, Destiel, musician!AU, 18K, T) Distinguished by Pallas's inimitable comedy-prose, this thing is an unhinged delight from start to finish. Dean is jumpy as shit. Why one possibly Icelandic beep-boop specialist has him on edge while Mick Jagger’s own vocal coach barely got his heart rate over 55bpm is a goddamn mystery. Maybe it’s the harp solos from that sample track; maybe Dean’s nervous that this is his last shot and if this guy can’t save Dean from filling out the back end of his contract with “Best Of” and “Live In Concert” compilations he might as well walk into the fucking sea.
Engineering 101 by Mara (Batman, Dick Grayson, early days, 4K, G) A clever use of extended metaphor to take a look at the process by which Bruce trains the first child he raises to be Robin and begins to realize what he risks breaking. (I'd say it largely embraces comic book logic in that it does not try to critique the whole premise of child crime fighting as an essentially bad thing, but it sprinkles in traces of real-life concerns. It doesn't vilify Bruce, but it does add some shades of gray to the creation of the dynamic duo.) "Engineering is about testing to destruction," Bruce said, settling into lecture mode. "You don't understand how you can do things better until you understand when and why they break apart."
The Eleventh Hour by Azdak (Man From UNCLE (TV), Napoleon-centric, 4K, G). OK, so, in the TV series there was an episode called 'The Gurnius Affair' wherein Illya had to go undercover as a bad guy, and -- long-story short -- things went wrong, Napoleon got caught, and in order to salvage his own cover and thereby the mission, Illya had to straight-up torture Napoleon. And he did so. Both of them were aware that he had to, both of them were horrified by the experience, and being 1960s television, there was never any adequate follow-up or emotional resolution. A lot of fanfic writers have tackled the aftermath of that disaster in different ways, and this is a fun and interesting take. Napoleon's narrative voice is many things here -- it's petty and angry in a way he rarely is, because his self-image and his pride have been so hurt and he's on ego overdrive here. But it's also wry, and self-dramatizing, and stubborn, and optimistic against all odds. Meanwhile, the narrative commentary of the femme fatale is a load of fun, too. A prickly, funny, angry, and ultimately triumphant brush with death is just what Napoleon needed, it turns out, to settle back into himself.
An Evening of Little Luxuries by otherhawk (MFU, Illya-centric, character study, 7K, G) Oh, I love this one, such a good look at Illya and what it means to him to live between cultures. Before the war he'd been more or less bilingual. He'd grown up speaking Ukrainian at home to his family and Russian everywhere else. After the war there had been no home left, and Russian had been the only language he heard, the language he thought and dreamed in. Now Ukrainian was simply another language he spoke, no different in his head from German or Japanese. His heart was a different matter, and he regretted that loss, regretted that when he dreamed of his parents, his sister, they spoke to him in a language that was no longer his own. Now, more and more, he found himself dreaming in English, and yes, that bothered him. He had no wish to lose Russian the way he'd lost Ukrainian. And so he let himself have evenings like this – the simplest things that felt like decadence – amid his fellow countrymen, many of whom, he suspected, were here for similar reasons.
Escape Velocity by Vehemently (Firefly, Simon Tam, character study, 5K, G) Such concise and vivid world-building, and a poignant look at how Simon grapples with how to accept the loss of the sister he once knew as he takes small, reluctant steps toward facing up to his own over-protectiveness toward the very different person River has now become.
Enduring, Quiet, and Calm by thesardine (BBC Sherlock, Johnlock, strange tenderness, 1K, G) A little gem of a sick fic -- so odd, so sweet. Has that hazy feeling of very late-night exhaustion.
Empty Houses by PlaidAdder (BBC Sherlock, Johnlock, case fic, 45K, T) A clever and involving case fic and the first story to feature PlaidAdder's wonderful take on Harry Watson. Written in that golden moment between Series 2 and Series 3 when we all imagined our own post-Reichenbach reunions and the possibilities for tenderness and healing were still wide open. This fic is rich in humor, compassion, and new beginnings, while also offering a darker take on some bits of canon than the show ultimately pursued.
Elevator Down by vikki (Inception, Arthur & Cobb, LJ fic, 10K, T) I really like this meditation on Arthur's backstory with the Cobbs. Psychologically interesting and elegantly written, and to me there's something touching about the thought that Dom's subconscious keeps lashing out at Arthur because, on some level, he knows it's Arthur who's working hardest to keep him alive. Arthur dreams up paradoxes. Cobb dreams up his late wife. One of these things is not like the other. One of these things is not safe.
Early Returns by rageprufrock (Inception, Arthur/Eames, journalist!AU, 15K, M) Rageprufrock is another author whose comedy-prose is always a pleasure. I love this one for the grouchy journalism malaise in which the embers of inextinguishable principle still smolder, lovingly described as only an insider can <3 For reasons that don't bear discussion, Arthur ends up at Safeway at a 6:30 p.m. on his way home for the night still carrying his messenger bag with his headphones around his neck, standing in one of the aisles looking at 200 different brands of plastic tableware and double-ply picnic dishes. He's been a journalist his entire professional career, so of course he's been this depressed before, but there's something profound when you mix the sinking misery of mortification with the heady, dizzying blur of self-directed fury, and it makes him feel numb down to the fingertips and toes.
If anyone else would like to play this meme, I'd be glad to see your recs!
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infiniteeight8 · 4 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by @sweaterkittensahoy
I have two AO3 accounts (infiniteeight and crimsonquills) because I switched pseuds due to a troll in a fandom like, 10 or 15 years ago. So for AO3 stats questions, first number is infiniteeight, second number is crimsonquills, total in parentheses. The crimsonquills number is misleading, though--only about half my works written under that pseud are uploaded.
How many works do you have on AO3? 426 + 235 (661)
What's your total AO3 word count? 584,163 + 721,769 (1,305,932)
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, IronStrange (MCU), Steter (Teen Wolf), and LazyTown. I have a lot of formerly serious fandoms, and I've dabbled in even more. There are 21 listed on infiniteeight and 28 on crimsonquills, to give you an idea, and that's not a complete list.
Top Five Fics by Kudos
For infiniteeight AO3 handle (all of these are Clint/Coulson, which makes sense, since it's the biggest fandom I've been in for the past 12 years):
Trump Card 
Made Omega 
A House is Not a Home 
Five People Who Flinched From Phil and the One Person Who Never Did
For my crimsonquills AO3 handle (this is a little misleading--I have some very popular stories on this handle that aren't on AO3, though I keep meaning to upload them):
Full Body Workout (Steve/Tony, comic Avengers)
A Meeting of Minds (Steve/Tony, comic Avengers)
Beneath the Armor  (Steve/Tony, comic Avengers)
A Light To Guide You (Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon, The Phantom Menace)
Doubts  (Steve/Tony, comic Avengers)
Good grief, only now have I realized that my most popular Man from UNCLE fic (The Mirror, Mirror Affair) is not on AO3! I was certain it was. It looks like *none* of my MFU fics are on AO3. Oops? I really have to fix that...
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I went through a period where I was very sporadic about it, but now I reply to them all. I'm even going through and answering old comments that have been there, unanswered, for years. The responses I've gotten from folks receiving a reply anywhere from a few months to 8 years later have been lovely. :D
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely no heartbeat detected (IronStrange, true Drabble). I don't normally write much angst, and when I do, it's always with a happy ending. But that one was a prompt.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't think I can actually pick one? Almost all of my fics have happy endings!
Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. Which surprises me, honestly, because I've written plenty of tropes that other people get hate for all the time.
Do you write smut?
Yes! In fact, before I started writing the daily ficlets, I was primarily known as a smut writer. Almost everything I wrote was smutty. I find it kid of amusing that the drabbles have changed that.
Craziest Crossover?
Has to be the Band of Brothers/Terminator crossover. It's only posted on my old livejournal, but I'll upload it to AO3 one day and just watch people goggle at it. LOL.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. The closest that I know of is someone who copied the entire first chapter (or couple of chapters?) of one of my more popular fics and then took it in a totally different direction. I contacted them and they were apologetic--the meant to go back and rewrite the beginning once they were done with their version, but they never finished it. They put a note and an inspired by tag on it after I contacted them, and that was fine with me.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Many times! Translations are always welcome.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup! A couple times, although it's not something I do regularly.
All time favorite ship?
Hmmm. Difficult question. Longest lasting active ship is Steter, but all time favorite? I think it might be Marcus Cole/Neroon (Babylon 5).
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
This is a weird question for me, because I don't really work on more than one thing at a time, except for brief pauses on epic fics to knock out something short. And if I start to lose steam on a story I'm writing, there's not really a "doubt" phase. I either believe I will finish it, or it gets trunked and I don't consider it a WIP anymore, because it is no longer "in progress", it's just abandoned.
What are your writing strengths?
Characterization! I've had many compliments in this area.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Visual description, definitely.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Peppering in other language words to remind me of a character's background and for flavour is useful, but writing entire sentences in another language knock me right out of the story. If I have to check a footnote or hover text to know what they're saying, I instantly lose immersion.
Other language text that you can figure out from context is better than footnotes, but in my experience people rarely do it well.
First fandom you wrote in?
Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was on paper (one of those yellow note pads), but I never shared it with anyone. First fandom I actually posted in might have been Star Trek: Voyager? Or possibly Stargate: SG1. I'm not actually sure which came first. I have the stories (I think), but they aren't dated.
Favorite fic you've written?
Oh, gosh, I'm not sure. Maybe Patterns (Marcus/Neroon)? I've written better stories and more popular ones, but I have a soft spot for that one.
Tags (very optional): @airas-story. Um, anyone else? I am bad at remembering people.
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rose-of-pollux · 5 months
Title: Bitter Pill Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Rating: K+ Summary: [Post-Summit Five Affair] Napoleon is almost convincing that he's over what happened. Illya doesn't buy it for a second.
For @whumpril Day 29, Alt Prompt 5: Reassurance
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skyborneveggie · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
(I was not tagged, but I saw @rose-of-pollux post this form a few weeks ago & it looked fun)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 38 works under my username on ao3. I also have 17 anon-ed fics from a fandom I no longer wish to associate with, and a handful of fics on ff.net that I didn't like enough to transfer to ao3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 29,645 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now only feeling inspired to write for The Man from UNCLE TV show. Though I did post a Good Omens fic this year, & I could probably persuade myself to write another oneshot or two for that.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Idyllism (2016) [Rory & 11th Doctor; Gen but pairings if you like]
The Falliable Pillar (2016) [Onesided Kyouya Ootori/Tamaki Suoh]
1991 (2019) [Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo]
Child's Play (2018) [FrostIron; unfinished & probably will remain so]
Me Paenitet (2011) [Onesided Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood, Onesided Astoria Greengras/Draco Malfoy]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do always try to thank the person for reading. I usually only forget if it's a comment on a very old fic.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is extremely hard for me to answer. Out of the 50+ fics I've written, probably only 5 of them are not angst. My Good Omens fic Aeternum has the most gutting descriptions, but I have always felt that the absolute sucker punch at the end of Provocation (X/1999) hurt the most to write, & to reread.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh undoubtedly my MFU contemporary High School AU, The Puzzle.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have never gotten hate, but I have gotten backhanded compliments that I personally find hilarious. I made a post about it before here.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I... have attempted to write smut, but I don't think I necessarily succeeded. I have written several sex scenes with undetailed descriptions, and the one time I did attempt to be explicit the comments and I both agree that it came out sounding rather clinical. So I dunno if either of those situations really count.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written several crossovers, but I wouldn't consider any of them crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, I don't think any of my fics have ever gotten popular enough for anyone to want to steal haha.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I used to translate my own fics into Spanish wayyy back when I first started writing, but I haven't done that in ages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it sounds like fun! Would love to give it a shot some day.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin. I am like Smeagol; I'm "interested in roots and beginnings." And how much closer to the root of contemporary fandom can you get, than with these two silly beans?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I would love to finish my 2019 Good Omens fic Temporalia because I think there are some good ideas & beautiful passages in there. The problem is that my interpretation of the characters has changed, & is no longer consistent with some of the details I wrote back then. I'd also like to complete my 2018 FrostIron fic someday, just for the sake of finishing it. It was entirely plotted when I quit on it, and I still have all my notes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I am good at writing turmoil, inner confusion, and despair. I try to wring every ounce of angst out of descriptions, letting the character's distress color their perception of their environment, and I think I'm pretty decent at it. I also think I'm pretty good at expressing complex emotions without being too direct, though sometimes I worry that I'm too indirect & that I'll leave readers confused.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOT, I am extremely impatient when writing scenes where things actually happen. Also dialogue, I always feel that my dialogue either just does not sound realistic, or does not sound like the characters.
Another huge writing weakness is that I am incapable of writing anything longer than short story length, & have abandoned every attempt at a longfic after the 2nd chapter.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done this in the past for characters who canonically do this. I know it is standard practice to italicize all foreign language words when writing, but I personally find this VERY jarring. I generally leave foreign dialogue unitalicized & formatted indistinguishably from the primary language dialogue. But I think I may be the only one with this pet peeve, because I have received a few complaints about my lack of italicization from readers.
I could go way more in depth as to why the italics on foreign words annoy me, but I don't think anyone would be interested in hearing that rant 😂
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. It was 2008. That fic has been scrubbed from the internet lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Provocation (X/1999). It was the one and only time I'd ever written something and then thought "Ah. Yes. This is an absolutely perfect execution of my vision."
Tagging @theniftycat, @tenok, & @lunetta-suzie-jewel if you like, or anyone else who wants to do this. (@andorianimpostor I'm not sure if you write fic or not, but I thought I'd tag you in case you do)
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monsterfvckersunited · 11 months
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General Rules
➣ You must be 20+ to join the network
➣ You must join the discord server, joining is mandatory to stay up to date with announcements, events, and notices.
➣ You must have at least one piece of monster or hybrid content that you created on your blog to be eligible to apply.
➣ After joining, you must display the network name on your blog somewhere
➣ Plagiarizing or reposting other writers’ works is strictly forbidden. If it is reported that you have plagiarized or reposted another fic, it will be investigated and if determined to be true, your membership will be terminated immediately and you will be added to a blacklist.
Rules for having your content reblogged
➣ We reblog written works such as drabbles, one-shots, two shots, miniseries, series (every chapter), series masterlists, teasers, SMAU masterlists, and visual content such as GIFs, GFX, edits, moodboards, fanart, wallpapers, icons, headers, and banners
In order to have your work reblogged, all fics should contain the following information at the start:
➮ characters and/or pairings (if applicable)
➮ a summary of your work
➮ all genres/themes/aus/tropes contained in your work
➮ a word count. can be exact or it can be rounded to the nearest hundredth for anything over 1k and to the nearest tenth for anything under 1k (over 1k: 2992 → 2.3k for example. Under 1k: 567 → 570)
➮ all warnings within
➮ an author’s note (these are optional)
Other written content criteria:
➣ Anything over 500 in word count should have a ‘read more’ link.
➣ All smut, or generally inappropriate content, regardless of length MUST be under the 'read more’ cut. ➣ (Smut warnings may also be under the cut, but preferably before the cut for queueing convenience.)
➣ SMAUs with more than 3 pictures, or includes a written part must also have a 'read more’ link.
➣ To have your content reblogged, please use the tag #mfu-net in the first 5 tags, or tag the blog @/monsterfvckers-united
Topics we will NOT reblog: romantic written works about minors, incest, pedophilia, graphic sexual assault, graphic abuse, animal abuse, glamorization of saesang behavior, glamorized eating disorders, glamorized self harm & suicide, and non/dub con. Yandere is considered on a case-by-case basis.
Admins reserve the right to not reblog any fics that they are uncomfortable with. If your work was not reblogged ask an admin and we will reach out to let you know why. Make sure to remember me: Bells of Ireland.
Please credit all beta readers, gif creators, and banner makers. If a fansite or creator does not allow their photos/videos to be reposted, please do not use them. Just like college or high school, make sure to credit your sources. If it is discovered that you are not crediting your sources properly, a warning will be issued and after the third warning, your membership will be terminated.
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For Affiliate Applicants
➣ We only ask that your rules and guidelines align with ours and that you do not have any conflicting rules.
➣ All affiliated networks must follow our general rules.
➣ We will only be affiliated with other networks that are only open to legal adults without an age cap. We do not condone ageism here.
➣ We reblog and support all official posts. Please contact either Rie or Booki directly and we will prioritize reblogging them as soon as possible.
➣ Failure to abide by these rules of affiliation gives monsterfvckers-united the right to terminate our affiliation with your network.
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bornforastorm · 1 year
WIP Game Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag beloved friend @majorbaby!!  you make me feel better about the insane number of WIPs I have.
list below, with a little what's-what because I name things really minimally:
tagging: @boasamishipper @ireallyamabear @ anybody else who would like to!!
1. 1917 (to love and be loved is to be changed) 2. aliens (hudson makes it, alien 3 doesn’t happen, ripley/hicks/hudson and their daughter newt) 3. andor 4 (everybody lives au, love as rebellion, nemik/skeen) 4. goldfinch (boris comes to ny with theo at the end) 5. JB (james bond/felix leiter, oh no my friend is too important to me) 6. JB 2 (bond/leiter, my friend has low self esteem over his disability and i love him so much) 7. llewyn (inside llewyn davis, my bf was great but then he jumped off a bridge) 8. mash 3 (hawktrap trapper goes to maine/hawkeye loves his hometown) 9. mfu (man from uncle tv napoleon/illya duh) 10. MI1a (making ethan’s sad apartment less sad thru friendship) 11. mum (the mummy 2017 nick is sick af and it’s getting worse) 12. mum 2 (nick gets totally subsumed by the monster) 13. mummer 3 (the mummy 2017 nick-vail back story) 14. nice guys (there are no second acts in american lives) 15. perry 3 (strickson new years 1930) 16. perry 4 (ham and perry hook up and perry immediately regrets it) 17. perry 4.5 (ham clocks pete as in love with perry, post s2) 18. perry 7 (post swim back to shore, perry brings pete back to his place) 19. perry 8 (perry finds pete in the blackmail pictures) 20. perry 9 (that fuckin bridge) 21. pm 3 (terry + fireworks = a bad new years) 22. pm 4B (sequel to my retirement fic) 23. pm 5 (marlowe gets the shit kicked out of him) 24. pm 6 (marlowe runs after terry after the end of TLG) 25. pm 7 (marlowe and terry are dating but neither of them know it) 26. pm 8 (marlowe goes to find terry in acapulco) 27. pm 9 (terry goes to marlowe right away after finding sylvia) 28. pm 10 (marlowe bumps into terry in NYC) 29. pm 11 howard (terry lacks an inherent self) 30. pm 12 (terry calls marlowe after being shot) 31. pm 14 (modern au) 32. pm 15 (marlowe gets the shit kicked out of him 2) 33. pm 16 sylvia (marlowe attends a dinner party at the lennox’s) 34. pm BEB (the Black-Eyed Blonde but with a more acceptable ending to me) 35. pMsG (a marlowe-steve grayce encounter + terry of course) 36. PRU (pacrim uprising, nate and hermann are the same type of guy) 37. R-A (reanimator) 38. SH (doyle holmes, watson and moran become weird friends during the hiatus) 39. stare wares (kylo does force crimes against poe post-TFA) 40. stare wares 2 (poe’s x-wing crashes very bad) 41. terror (miracles on the ice) 42. TL (some terry lennox perspective) 43. TLB 2 (david survives and is a feral weirdo for a while) 44. TLB 3 (the lost boys, david/michael + david and his dad, sortof a sequel my david-as-ace merrill fic) 45. WSS 2 (riff and tony go to coney island)
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hederigerenthag · 1 year
Down the Chimney Affair 2023 is Open
Signal-boosting that sign ups for the Man from Uncle (original flavor) winter fic exchange, the Down the Chimney Affair, are open through October 14th.
Please join us, a good time will likely be had by all :)
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