#mi niño precioso
goldendaydna · 2 years
Ya know what? I think I will scream into the void about Robbie's character design
Reminder that this is a random person on the internet and what I say below derives from things my silly little brain thinks.
The amount of connections from his human form, his Ghost Rider form and his personality is so dang cool. When you look at his human form and you look at his Ghost Rider form you still know which ghost rider he is even if you take away one of the main components which seems to be his jacket, you can even know which ride is his.
Design wise, I love that his skull isn't your average skull, ya know in a sea of ghost Riders with a lot of them having normal skulls. It makes a viewer just KNOW Robbie isn't you're traditional Ghost Rider. I'd include his car into that but I won't cuz there's been a horse as a ride before and there are so many other vehicles as rides now. (And as it should be cuz it would just be pretty silly if all Spirits restricted their rides to just motorcycles. They need to get things done, lol.). Also I think we can call it a skull cuz like, what else can be done? It's got the shape, and it's not a helmet, there is an organic jaw fused to it, just saying.
The v shaped scar and the single white streak in his hair, boom, the center flame on his skull. Heck it even makes a connection to the blower on the hood of his car.
Adding to that, because the flames on his skull are directed and channeled through holes in the back of his head, the center flame, his eye sockets ,and his mouth; can make for a better gauge on his emotions and what he's feeling due the size, shape, and location of be it flames, sparks, smoke and even the appearance of molten metal.
Just imagine a scenario where Robbie is transformed like
Gabe: Robbie are you ok?
Lisa: Yeah cuz you are sparking and smoking like crazy right now
Ghost Rider Form Robbie who just missed out on a good sale for groceries cuz of Eli's bs: I'm good.
Then there's his car in general. Not only does it have a history with Robbie, it becomes an extension of himself and he would be a liar if he says he doesn't like it. It lets him do things he hasn't been able to do freely before, like race or take his little brother to school or just out the house in general. Heck, it let's him be a mechanic with an actual car XD.
Still going on about the car but I have to say this. The fact that Robbie is a Mexican American and his ride is a car has to be 100% purposeful. Cars have such a rich history for Mexicans and Mexican Americans. Especially in California and Texas, and some of Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. From revolting, to artistic expression, to family connections. It's really too bad that the comic's run was cancelled cuz there could have been so many cool topics to mention stuff about it.
Onto his apparel, when he's Ghost Rider it becomes that of a racer. Something Robbie loves to do and is VERY good at. I don't even need to point out his leather jacket in his human form. The tight shirts mentioned in the comics are more of a reflection of his situation. They are too small for him and it's more than safe to assume he doesn't bother with new clothes until they cannot be used anymore, cuz that costs money that he can't afford to spend. Grey jeans, black jacket combined with a white hoodie, or just a simple t-shirt, it's simple monochrome and it's harsh. Much like the hell charger. Also two jackets in Cali? Either becoming a Ghost Rider did something for him to be unbothered or suns heat be damned the drip is just too important.
Now we move onto his eyes and some of the scars. I just personally love it when powers or superhuman abilities are given to characters and they leave a physical mark cuz they are physical reminders to the character in question that they are no longer the same. It can also gives a chance for side characters to make note of or mention.
(This one is more headcanon-ey) Even with his teeth. With some of the other riders all their teeth look pretty flat, at least from what I've seen but it's a pretty safe bet to say genetically Robbie is one of those people who have a set of sharp little canine teeth. That get longer and sharper in his Ghost Rider form which are visibly the most organic part of his skull when transformed.
I will say, I think his white hair streak being something he dyes is a missed opportunity, but that's just me. Eyebrow slits are always cool so there is that. That undercut and the little beard patch just makes sense. The plug earrings, also cool. Just, I love Robbie's character design. It's more modern than his predecessors, and it very much so says "Yes. It cannot be denied, this kid is Latino." And it's fresh and respectful and gives him his own personality. It's a 10 out of 10 for me.
I'm also not gonna talk about weapons, they just seem pretty inconsistent throughout his appearances so I don't got much to say on that.
Did I miss something? Probably but it is what it is lol.
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fermatsu711 · 1 year
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Alch to me if I liked the Keith very much, is that, is all beautiful, all tender, all loving and affectionate, all SMALL AND PERFECT JJAJAJAJJA 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
The saddest thing is that there is nothing of content of the baby, poor thing, apart ignored :(( SDBJKABHDBDASBJA
Well, and apart from a few sketches in the sai paint tool, the spider was my favorite
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juantinarchive · 2 months
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God only knows, Valencia 2024 🤍✨
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ithilie-n · 2 months
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“eres más divertide cuando he fumado un poco antes, deberías hablarme más seguido cuando estoy así.” liviano cuerpo se permite sonreír mientras una calada más es ingresada a su organismo. el blunt que le acompaña se extiende para que opuestx pueda tomarlo. “¿fumas? acompáñame. " finaliza con la media sonrisa, voz que extiende genuina invitación para evitar soledad. / starter para mi princesa @wolfsmot .
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raanubis11 · 4 months
Cada luna que veo me recuerda a ti, grande y brillante. Cada estrella representa una sonrisa tuya, bella y reluciente..Cada destello es un deseo por querer estar contigo. Y cada estrella fugaz son las ganas que tengo por querer abrazarte de una manera inolvidable, que nunca nadie más lo hará.
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vihilum · 1 year
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me to ren in the most serious voice ever: so he’s basically gollum
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arafolet · 2 years
UniteUp! 7 & 8
Episodio 7~
Esperé tanto este capítulo y me dejó en el suelo... de buena forma(?)
No tengo palabras para describir oo que sentí con este episodio. Superó por mucho lo que esperaba y prácticamente lloré con cada pequeña cosita.
Amo muchísimo a Chihiro. Desde su primera aparición me impactó profundamente que no cayera en el estereotipo de "lobo solitario" (o chico edgy) que mira pr encima del hombro a los demás, aunque sus primeros diálogos y gestos apuntaran a eso. Chihiro es un chico muy franco, por lo que la forma en que dice las cosas puede malinterpretarse. Gracias por destrozar esa primera impresión 💕
Desde el principio nos van dejando migajas sobre el conflicto de Chihiro y su meta de conventirse en Idol, con pequeños guiños donde se le muestra pensativo y preocupado, señalando sutilmente que dicha preocupación está relacionada a su familia.
El conflicto de Chihiro se origina en sí mismo. Nace de la promesa que le hizo a su padre en el pasado y que su actual sueño le impide cumplir. El profundo miedo que siente de decepcionar a su padre y que no seguir sus pasos signifique perder su "valor" como hijo.
Todo esto radica en la falta de comunicación entre Chihiro y su padre. Chihiro ama el baile tradicional japonés, y de pequeño su gran sueño era llegar a ser tan bueno como su padre y heredar la escuela de danza de la familia. Sin embargo, el padre de Chihiro tuvo más un rol de "Maestro" que de "Padre".
Chihiro tiene miedo de ser rechazado por su padre si le expresa que ha decidido seguir un nuevo sueño. Y aunque su padre se entera de por otras fuentes (ya que su esposa e hijo menor se han esmerado en guardar el secreto hasta que Chihiro se sienta preparado para contárselo personalmente), espera pacientemente a que Chihiro decida anuciarselo.
Ese aspecto me encanta, porque rompe el cliché de la familia que se dedica a un arte tradicional y pretende por todos los medios perpetuar su legado. El único problema del padre de Chihiro es la falta de comunicación. Él mismo reconoce que deja mucho que desear como padre.
Por eso, cuando Chihiro finalmente le revela que ha decidido convertirse en Idol y este le responde con un simple "Haz lo que quieras" seguido de un lapidario silencio Chihiro se rompe. Porque él ama el baile tradicional, ama a su padre y ama cada momento que dedicó a enseñarle, por esto Chihiro piensa que al desligarse del baile japonés, que era su único nexo, ya no sería alguien de valor para su padre.
¡No recuerdo haber llorado tanto con una escena así! ywy 💔
Me llegó mucho porque la relación con mis padres es bastante "distante". La palabra familia se convierte algo completamente abstracto, principalmente porque lo tratan como algo conveniente y superficial... Es un sentimiento desagradable.
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Ambos se sinceran, y desde el fondo de su corazón expresan lo mejor que pueden su afecto mutuo. Chihiro recibe la bendición de su padre y la solemne promesa de que siempre lo apoyará sin importar las metas que persiga.
Soy tan feliz de que mi niño sea feliz 💕🤧
Episodio 8~
Antes de comenzar ¿Por qué siempre se van de viaje a Hawaii? :D
Una chica lo comentó como broma hace algún tiempo, pero reauelta que es bastante cierto... Siempre que los japos se ven de viaje, vacaciones o lo que sea, el destino preferido es: Hawaii.
Ahora sí.
Cuando comenzó, incluso con el previo, me parecía el típico capítulo de relleno donde van a la playa. Y me dije "Oh, bueno..." xD
Aunque eso fue solamente la primera mitad. Que de todos modos estuvo divertida, ver a los tres grupos interactuando juntos fue muy bonito. Sobretodo porque ya necesitaba ver a los chicos de JAXX/JAXX en pantalla por más tiempo.
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Pero eso solo fue para dar el trasfondo cómico al verdadero conflicto del episodio.
Contexto rápido: los chicos viajan a Hawaii para una sesión de fotos de último minuto, con el fin de generar material para un próximo artículo que publicaría X revista sobre la agencia y sus tres unidades (PROTOSTAR, LEGIT y JAXX/JAXX).
Terminada la sesión, los chicos tienen algo de tiempo para dispersarse y disfrutar de lo que ofrece la isla, pero solo el suficiente para unas cuantas actividades porque su vuelo de regreso ya está programado y el regreso a Japón les está pisando los talones.
Con eso dicho, entramos a la problemática del capítulo.
Los chicos deciden subir hasta un mirador y apreciar un poco el paisaje, pero apenas pisan la cima deben regresar porque el tiempo de regreso y todo lo ajetreo en el aeropuerto los deja con apenas un par de minutos para respirar. Inesperadamente, ya estando todos abordo del avión notan que alguien no está presente.
Adiós, Banri, fuiste bueno~ (?)
El joven príncipe de Protostar, sin percatarse que el resto de sus compañeros se ha marchado, se queda en el mirador donde es atrapado en un bucle de turistas pidiéndole que les tome fotografías para tener como recuerdo. El chico es un amor, así que sigue la corriente. Pero no tarda mucho darse cuenta que ha sido abandonado por el resto.
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Varado en un territorio desconocido, sin dinero, incomunicado (porque olvidó cargar su teléfono la noche anterior) y sin manejar el idioma, Banri se encuentra en el peor escenario posible para alguien tímido e inseguro como lo es él.
Cuando Banri ve un grupo de músicos callejeros tiene la pasajera idea de imitarlos y conseguir algo de dinero con el fin de aumentar sus posibilidades de comprar un vuelo de regreso o facilite su estadía en lo que encuentra una mejor solución a situación. Pero sus inseguridades le hacen descartar la idea rápidamente. Para su suerte, dos chicas japonesas residentes en la isla lo escuchan cantar en la playa (en un intento de animarse a sí mismo) y le envían a un grupo de músicos para ayudarle con una presentación improvisada.
Por su timidez, Banri lleva siempre gafas oscuras y una mascarilla, de las que es despojado antes de comenzar la presentación, y le señalan que lo más importante es sonreír. Banri recoge algo de valor y en compañía de sus nuevos amigos logra llamar la atención de suficiente público para reunir una buena cantidad de dinero.
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Calculando que lo recaudado es más que suficiente para cubrir el viaje de regreso, Banri invita a comer a comer a sus nuevos amigos como un gesto de agradecimiento por haberle dado el valor suficiente para enfrentarse al público libremente.
Ya en el aeropuerto, se entera que Lin ya había reservado un vuelo para él y que solo debía esperar para regresar a casa.
De paso, la chica que lo atiende le expresa sus buenos deseos, mencionando que está feliz de que EVAN (nombre que usaba Banri como utaite) esté cumpliendo su sueño. Esto conmueve a Banri al punto de derramar un par de lágrimas, ya que para él era muy importante el cómo sus fans, de él siendo EVAN, reaccionarían a su incorporación al mundo de los idols.
Me encanta cuando agregan estos detalles como el uso de redes sociales. Le da un aire más vivo al mundo que nos presentan, que además es algo super común en la actualidad. Las cosas cotidianas le dan calidez a la obra.
Créditos de las capturas a Angryanimebitches~
Y gracias también por sus grandiosas reseñas 💕
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
★ 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 x 𝐅𝐓𝐌 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ★
𝐓𝐖: Porn plot, unprotected sex, SUB!reader, oral sex m!receves and You!receves, over stimulation, afab anatomy, pet names, degradation, SMUT, my writing, my english, Dom!Miguel, sex taped, established relationship, reader is FTM, Husband and Husband, Headcanons.
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Miguel O'Hara is your husband of 2 years and he is a simple Cowboy in the Mexican countryside, you two met in a bullfight and Miguel fell in love with you practically immediately.
Your marriage is great, Miguel is a loving and attentive husband, always trying to pamper you as much as possible even with the little money you had.
You took care of the house and Miguel worked as a cowboy and caretaker on some local farms, but the money was running out very fast making Miguel worried, so you suggested something, create a homemade porn channel of the two of you.
Miguel was reluctant at first, he always recorded your fucks but it was for personal use, O'Hara used your sex tape to masturbate while traveling to some bullfights and missed you but never thought to post such videos online, until you talk and convince him to do it, then he decides to give in.
"-Okay, mi cielo, let's do this together" -Miguel spoke in a husky voice with desire and anticipation as he adjusted his cowboy hat.
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You smiled contentedly, watching your husband pick up his cell phone and open it on the camera, while you two undressed, Miguel seemed a little embarrassed at first but soon forgot the feeling when he saw you completely naked and vulnerable to him.
"-Mmm, that's it, mi precioso, show them what's mine" -Miguel insisted, his voice full of desire and heat, He moved closer to you, his large hands moving to caress your bare skin.
"-I want everyone to see how beautifully you submit to me, how you offer to be fucked by your husband."
He lifted the phone, moving closer to capture every detail of your body, making sure to focus on your wet, inviting pussy.
"-Yes, my sweet boy, I want to record every moment I'm fucking your tight, dripping pussy. Show them how much you love it, how much you love being my devoted whore."
"-You're mine, mi vida, Your body was made to take my cock, I'm going to fuck you until you can't take it anymore... And you want that, don't you? You're my good boy, my devoted whore, and I'm going to use you for my pleasure."
Miguel's fingers entered your pussy, moving skillfully, in and out of your tight pussy, drawing moans of pleasure from your lips.
The sight of your skin and the contrast of his tanned fingers exploring your delicate folds made him mad with desire.
Miguel savored the way your body responded to his touch, feeling your wetness coat his fingers as he pushed them deeper, easily finding his way to your womb.
Miguel moaned hoarsely with the conquest, his voice full of a mixture of possession and longing.
"-You grab my fingers so well, so perfect, (Y/N)." He adjusted the camera to capture the explicit view of his fingers plunging into his wet, needy grip, capturing your moans and expressions of pleasure.
"-This pussy is mine to fuck, stretch and claim as mine." -Miguel couldn't help but let out a low grunt of satisfaction as he felt his walls tighten around his fingers.
"-You're mine, bitch" -Miguel hissed smiling cocky between fleshy lips. "-This pussy belongs to me, and I'm going to fuck you until you're throbbing and dripping with my cum. You're my little pleasure angel, my only."
Miguel's eyes maintained a fierce dominance as he continued to work your pussy with his fingers, pushing you closer and closer to coming in his fingers.
"-You're doing so well, mi niño bonito, keep moaning for me, show them, look at the camera and show the world how much you love being fucked by your cowboy husband."
As you begged for his cock, he couldn't hold back any longer. Growling in need, Miguel pulled his fingers from your throbbing pussy, his gaze dark with primal desire as he positioned himself behind you, the head of his thick and huge cock, pressing against your entrance.
"-Damn, mi cielito, you want my cock so bad, don't you? You want to feel me filling your tight pussy, stretching you like hell."
In one smooth movement, Miguel entered you, burying himself deep in your eager heat. The intensity of the sensation had him letting out a low, throaty moan as he filled you completely.
"-You are mine, my angel" -Miguel spoke dominantly and with a hoarse voice in your ear, his hot and irregular breath tickling your senses, his hips starting to move with a deep and relentless rhythm.
"-I'm going to fuck you until you can't take it anymore. And you want that, don't you? You're my good boy, my devoted whore, and I'm going to use you for my pleasure." -Miguel held the camera in one hand, capturing the on-screen view of his cock thrusting into you, the sound of skin hitting skin permeating the room. He couldn't help but lose himself in the raw pleasure, his thrusts becoming faster and desperate.
"-Sí, mi putito. Eres mío. Your body belongs to me" Miguel gripped your hips firmly, his movements becoming even more intense and possessive.
"-Let them hear how much you want my dick, how you love being fucked by me, you cowboy, you love having my dick inside that naughty pussy of yours don't you? Fuck (Y/N) you're a fucking one prostitute."
His thrusts grew harder and faster, the sound of his moans filling the room. Miguel couldn't contain himself any longer. He could feel his orgasm building, the pleasure in his body peaking.
"-I'm going to fill you up, mi amor and You're going to take every drop of my cum right inside you, you're going to love it mi carinõ."
His thrusts became stronger and more urgent, each one taking him closer to release. The feel of your pussy pulsing around him only heightened his pleasure.
Miguel could feel himself reaching the precipice, his cock throbbing with anticipation. With one final deep thrust, Miguel let out a guttural groan as he released his hot load deep inside you, filling you with his essence. Your body shuddered with pleasure as he emptied himself, his release marking you as his once more.
"-You are mine, mi vida", he whispered, with irregular breathing as he held you and the cell phone tightly "-I marked you, made you completely mine, and now, the whole world will be able to see your submission to me, and how your pussy belongs to me."
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You thought it wouldn't work, even forgetting about such a post in a week, but soon Miguel decides to check it seeing that it got 400 thousand views monetizing quickly, to the joy and shock of your husband and you, but that's where the journey begins of you for this world.
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★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - who wears a black balaclava when he needs to appear to suck your pussy, lifting the black fabric slightly as the camera was positioned a little distance from you, showing your naked body and Miguel's, the muscles of the Mexican and O'Hara's hard cock dripping onto your floor as he ran his tongue over your pussy and clit, making you moan loud and needy.
★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - who positions the best angle to show your pussy being fingered by his two thick fingers, while holding your neck and going to your breasts and squeezing hard, making you moan sweet and submissive as he pulls you praised.
"-Yes my boy, good boy, take my fingers in that tight pussy of yours and cum on my fingers, cum soon..."
★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - Who makes you come over and over again, until you're a shivering, overstimulated mess beneath him, with your aching clit and cunt glistening from your juices, as he smiles cocky and captures your trembling body on camera , recording your beautiful reactions as he made you suck on his fingers, wet with your own fluids.
"-Yes suck like a good boy, such a pretty mouth for me, you're so fucking handsome (Y/N), my handsome and submissive husband."
★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - Who always makes a point of sucking you first, passing his tongue over your clitoris and trying to stick the tip inside your pussy, teasing your sensitive flesh while recording you, exposing his tongue and Miguel's half-covered face between your legs, giving you a quick kiss on your clit with a smirk between his fangs continuing the attack on your sensitive area.
★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - Who after recording the foreplay will make you ride him for some couple videos of you, he will literally write in the title -"Save the horse, ride the Cowboy" with you riding him, with your cowboy husband... dressed as a cowboy, as your pussy was stretched to his thick length on camera, and he spread your ass cheeks even wider to show the camera your beautiful pussy milking his cock while you both moaned on tape and Miguel would slap your ass forcing you to ride faster.
"-Fuck my boy, keep it up, mount me like the good bitch you are and milk every drop of sperm from your husband" -Miguel said smiling giving you a strong slap on the ass while he smiled cocky with your reactions above him.
★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - Who loves shooting porn videos with you Totally cute for him, he thinks it's so cute when you wear his favorite outfit for seconds later he literally rips the fabric while fucking you senseless and your pussy juices fall slightly on the camera that was below you, he doesn't particularly mind re-recording with you, you are his submissive husband and he will love to eat your pussy until you can't even talk anymore from so much pain in your throat, just moaning his name.
★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - Who loves to record your pretty face sucking his dick, while you gasped to hold the 23 centimeters long of his dick in your tight mouth, he moaned and threw his head back, holding the camera with his left hand and with his right guided your head, praising you for looking so beautiful choking on his dick like that.
"-Yes mi angelito, keep rolling your tongue around my cock, you are so beautiful (Y/N), my good boy, my cute husband, my naughty little bitch desperate for cock, smile while you suck me, you look beautiful like this on camera , I want to get your best angle."
★𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 - Who fucks you in every possible position, in every hole you leave too, your husband Miguel got even more libido after you started recording porn videos, so be prepared, if you let him fuck your ass, pussy, mouth, hands, breasts (if you still have them), between your thighs, even if he masturbates and cums on your stomach, he will endure 5 rounds in a row, just pausing to see if the recording was good and if you're fine, giving you kisses and hydrating you with water.
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ledoggi · 8 months
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Mi niño todo precioso
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
part 7 gender reveal of the gaviras doing their morning routine as a family of 4 with gavi and reader getting ready for work and helena and mateo getting ready for school and daycare!!!!!!
Here it is!!
Also known as Gender Reveal (7)!
Family Mornings -P.G
Summary: A little inside look about how a morning with the Páez Y/L/N family looks like
You hummed into the kiss, getting lost on your husband's touches on your thigh, you pushed yourself into him and drapped your leg across his waist making him groan lightly as your bare zone met his.
The alarm long forgotten as it had made it's second call for you both to dress up and go on with another day in your lives.Pablo was slowly making his way on top of you, when the soft cries of your six-months old son, Mateo, interrupted your little sexy session.
"I absolutely adore that kid but he's so cockblocking me" You laughed lightly with Pablo's lips on top of yours as you pecked them twice.
"We can keep on this later, campeón" You yawned and stretched yourself out still on Pablo's hold feeling him kiss your neck and down your chest, you hugged yourself tighter on him. Kissing his cheek "Morning, mi vida"
"Morning, bonita" He said with his deep and raspy morning voice "How did you sleep?"
"Perfectly" You smile "You?"
"With you? I always sleep incredible" He slowly got off letting you sit on the bed. You smile at his charms. "You go or I go?"
"I can go, don't worry amor" You said smiling. He watched as you rubbed the sleep away of your face and grabbed a hair tie, to tame your sleepy hair in a low ponytail
"You're gorgeous" He said suddenly as you blush giggling standing up from your bed.
"You just look at me with love eyes, guapo" You wink at him and send him a kiss
"¡Te amo!"
"¡Y yo a ti!" You headed into Mateo's room, smiling when you see your babyboy wriggling his feet and hands into the hair, he was ready to start another day.
"Buenos días, mi señorito hermoso" You said grabbing him in your arms as he smiled and wriggled his hands even more "Ready to start the day?" He made a few sounds making you smile, you let him on the floor in his little playground as you did his crib, the little bed besides the crib and then headed towards his bathroom turning the lights on and prepared the bath for him.
As you played with him with the mission of undressing the six-months old baby to bathe him, you heard the laughter of Helena and the voice of Pablo and your smiled widened.
You finally finished your task and grabbed a few of his toys, grabbed Mateo in arms, imitating the weird sounds he was making and then getting him into the water.
Belén had told you that, Pablo when little, was a bit fussy about showering until he was one year old and Mateo had been just the same, so, following her advice you played with him with his toys and managed to clean your baby.
"We're done!" You exclaimed bringing Mateo's attention to you and your voice, you laughed seeing his shocked expression. "I so love you, Mat" He smiled and splashed some water all over "Ok, we're doing a little bit of mess, over here and let's appreciate Mommy's cleaning up" You grabbed his towel and dried his upper part softly before pulling him out enterily and finishing drying him in his bed.
You grabbed a diaper, a sailor shirt, a beige jogger and a pair white sneakers for your baby boy, after he was done with his body creams, some baby perfume, his hair, and his clothes you decided to go downstairs, hearing the TV softly playing child songs.
You smiled hearing Helena complain about something and the smell of bacon. "Morning mis amores" You greeted passing behind Helena to give her a kiss on her cheek
"Buenos días mami"
"¡Pero mira que precioso está mi niño!" (Look how precious my boy is!) Pablo exclaimed looking at Mateo "Come with papá, campeón?" Pablo extended his hands but Mateo only looked at him and nestled himself into your neck "Such a momma's boy" He murmured as you smile lightly at him "Can't really blame you, buddy. Dad's also crazy for your Mom's" He winked at you as you blushed, feeling Pablo lean to kiss you.
"I haven't brushed my teeth, yet" You said leaning back
"You see me caring for it? I want a kiss, mujer" You laughed lightly, shifting Mateo's weight to one side of your hips as with your free hand grabbed Pablo's jaw and kissed him softly
"Are you done?" He nods
"Food's halfway on it's way, Lena's done, she wants you to brush and braid her hair tho" You nod
"I can do that"
"Of course you can, amor" "Of course you can, mommy" Both of them said at unison as you laugh
"You, young lady, eat all of your food and then brush your teeth, when you are done we'll go upstairs and braid your hair. Meanwhile that happens, I'm gonna take a shower and get ready" You said passing Mateo to Pablo as he nods.
"Go and get ready, mi reina. This will be done soon, hurry up so we can eat together" Pablo said smiling
"¡Voy!" You said jogging upstairs.
Something you and Pablo had learned while being parents was to shower, eat and do almost everything quickly, 'cus when they're little, they might be quiet one second but in the next they're crying their lungs out and asking for you.
You took a bit of calm with Helena, seeing as you were two and she was only one, but now you're two and they're also two, you split the work in between. Some mornings were hetic, some were really calm, some were just calm, like today. And you loved calm and very calm mornings and days, where the kids were energetic but not too much to cause World War III on your house.
You showered and did your post shower routine, where you took care of your body with creams and oils, look after your hair, dried it a bit with your hair blower and did your light makeup, got dressed in a high waisted blue pants, white top and beige stiletto heels, adding to the outfit a few bracelets and a necklace. You went down to grab a bite.
"Sh, what's up, young man? Feeling a bit down? Angry? Talk to me, hijo mío" You heard Pablo speak before hearing Mateo's cries come to a stop
"Lena, amor" You called for her with her brush and hair tie in hand. She was colouring her princess colour book "Let's get on this" You started working on her wavy hair
"Breakfast is served" Pablo said before whistling "Joder, mi vida, estás preciosa"
"That's a bad word"
"You're going to end up richier than me, ladybug" Lena laughed as you smiled looking at Pablo grab his wallet from the kitchen aisland
"It isn't too much?" You ask "I have this meeting with the CEO and I'm nervous"
"You will get that promotion, mi amor. I'm sure of it, you work so hard and it pays off. The Radio is the best ever since you started working there" You smiled looking at him but your hands still working on Helena's hair.
"Nice and done?" She asks
"Nice and done, señorita" You smile at her, moving over to see the work "Preciosa" She smiled as you moved to grab Mateo from Pablo but he shook his head, mentioning you to help him with the kids bag.
You did both babies bag and moved over to help Pablo with his training bag when Helena called you to eat. You sat down next to Pablo and next to Mateo, spoon feeding him while in between taking bites from yours.
"Thank you, mi amor" You said after finishing "It was delicious" You blow him a kiss as he's still eating You wash the plates while Pablo mentions Helena to brush her teeth telling her we're off.
You leave Mateo in Pablo's watch, brushing your teeth as well and after a few minutes you see both men of your lives, coming into your bathroom. You grab Mateo and your purse as Pablo does his things in the bath and get yourself along with your kids out.
Grabbing the car's keys, you pull the four bags on the back and get the kids inside as well. Just as you were fooling with Mateo, the door of your side opened revealing Pablo. He winked at you and you closed the kids door, smiled getting inside. Pablo jogged and got into the drivers side, his hand instantly going to your clothed thigh carressing it softly.
You looked at him, even with his 29 years old, he was still the same 16 year old crazy, passionate, grumpy, angry but loving and soft boy, you met and fell in love with.
"I know you are obsessed with me but can you try not to be so obvious about it?" He asked as you smile shaking your head
"No. I like you a lot and people should know that"
"Like me?" He shook his head "You love me"
"Don't push yourself too much" He laughs "Kidding, I do love you"
"Well, I know that" You roll your eyes as Pablo smiles and Helena laughs
"You're on his side?" She only laughs "It seems like I only can trust Mateo" As if on cue, Mateo sneezes and you laugh "Or not..."
"Don't worry, momma. We also love you way too much"
"That we do" Pablo affirms smiling "That we do"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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babyangelsky · 3 months
Great Sapol: *is my age and twice my size*
Great Sapol:
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Me: Mi niño chiquito 🥰 Mi cosita linda 🥰🥰Mi bebe precioso 🥰🥰��
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softaikiria · 8 months
Querido Nadie:
Le he rezado a Dios miles de veces, le he pedido por su misericordia y he implorado porque te guíe en buen camino; sin embargo, pareciera no escucharme o pareciera que la voz de todos los males tuviera más peso en tus hombros. Padre, a quien debo yo rezarle para que dejes las malas costumbres y que tu mano de hombre ya no pese en otro cuerpo. Padre, a quien debo yo pedirle para que sanes. Hay días en los que siento que hablo al vacío, imágenes creadas por mis mismos delirios y esperanzas absurdas esperando algún tipo de cambio. Como esperas, padre, que yo crea en otros hombres, si a quien más amo es quien más me ha dañado. Mi corazón de niña hecho añicos y mis esperanzas de mujer desparramadas como gotas de vino. Ahora, soy quien llora en la sala de su casa tan silenciosa que pareciera abandonada. Vino en mano y un cigarro en la otra, supongo que los caminos de mi vida me han llevado a esto. Una mujer con el corazón roto por quien jamás la supo amar. Tu cuerpo delgado y moribundo me apuñala el alma, e imaginarte solo durmiendo en ese piso frío hace que quiera acabar con mi vida ahora mismo. Pero que se supone que haga, no han sido más que tus acciones las que te llevaron a ser juzgado por el todopoderoso, por la ley, por mi madre y mis ojos. De que me sirve entregarte mi corazón si daños sigues haciendo. Como un niño que pinta paredes sucias y nunca para. Una vez me dijiste que no guardara todo lo que llevo dentro porque hoy es precioso y mañana podríamos simplemente ya no existir. Entonces, padre, te quiero decir: le pedí a los ángeles que ya no quería verte en sueños ni imaginarme un abrazo tuyo, que deseaba sentir tu tacto delicado y que rieras junto a mí alguna vez. Que tu voz para mí siempre fue de las melodías más dulces y que en tus ojos algo precioso había muy escondido. Mientras escribo notas sobre lo que alguna vez pudiste ser, quiero romper en llanto y romper mi ser. Pude haberte dicho que te amaba miles de veces y pudiste haberme prometido otros miles más que cambiarías, pero eso no paso. Desgraciado sea el tiempo y maldito sea lo que te llevó a ser esto. Me gusta imaginar que el viento te llevara mi perfume y puedas abrazar mi fantasma de ausencia lejana. No me sirve desgarrar mi voz porque mis líricos de penas nunca llegan a tus oídos.
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juantinarchive · 4 months
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amando-el-cielo · 9 months
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Recuerdo este día, hace ya muchos años, cuando estaba trepado sobre el techo, tratando de conseguir al menos una barra de señal para hablar contigo, mirando a lo lejos aunque no hubiesen grandes vistas, y deseando que estuvieras ahí, contemplando cualquier lugar conmigo. No sé porqué mi corazón era tan impaciente, no entiendo porqué tan insistente. A penas te conocía, no entendía porqué te extrañaba con tanta intriga, pero sentía que quería llegar al fondo de tus misterios, tenerte unos pasos más cerca, adentrarme en tus secretos, aprenderme a la perfección las tonadas en tu voz y preguntarme si sonarían igual de bonitas con el sonido del viento. Amaba el querer descifrar desesperadamente el enigma en tus desastres, y sanar con mi amor tu corazón roto. Anhelaba encontrar el tesoro detrás de de tus ojos, pero solo estaba perdido y atrapado en mis pensamientos de niño tonto. Tú no estabas ahí, yo estaba solo, aislado, tan lejos de ti como siempre estuve, tan cerca de huir como nunca supe. Y años después te vi, creyendo tenerte ahí, en otro mundo en dónde no supe vivir. Hoy te extraño, pero entiendo que tu recuerdo, aunque muy precioso, aunque muy bello, es tan mortal como todos los “te quiero” que en aquellos días te oí decir. Hoy subiré y dejaré que te vayas con aquel viento con el que te recibí, porque voy muy deprisa para esperar a que te cure el tiempo, tu recuerdo me acecha, yo voy muy lento, me quiere destruir.
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raanubis11 · 2 years
Que no daría yo por estar a tu lado, tomar de tu calida y suave mano, poder admirar tu belleza mientas caminamos tomados de la mano, soñando que el mundo nos favoreció y quiso que estuviéramos juntos, no solo esta vez, si no todas las veces que sean posible.
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heartgoldshiper · 3 months
Algo medió feito de estos dos
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Jqjjwjjqjwjsja extrañaba dibujar a las versiones de este manga,los amo (Ginjiro mi niño precioso 😭) Ekisde con Clefairy,no quedo waton sorry
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